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GamerGate Radio

South Park - There is a War Coming Leader 11/17/2015 (Tue) 05:58:39 Id: 24881d No. 299143
http://southpark.cc.com/clips/j847hk/there-is-a-war-coming#source=ff4daa77-43e0-4601-8fd6-21ea1daf9c19&position=1&sort=airdate NEW YORK, November 16, 2015 – PC Principal‘s façade begins to crumble on an all-new episode of “South Park” titled “Sponsored Content” on Wednesday, November 18 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central. Jimmy is sent to the principal’s office for using an inappropriate word in the school paper. His integrity as a newsman runs head on into PC Principals ideology. Will Jimmy be the undoing of PC Principal? It might be happening. South Park might talk about GG maybe even indirectly. Document all the salt the SJWs will make. They may even be making some now.
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Damn it op you beat me to it. I wanted to watch this episode before i make a thread about it
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10 bucks says that since jimmy is a journalist s jws will say he represents thier side and PC principle represents us Mark my words the gymnastics they'll need to do will be outstanding
>>299162 Jesus fuckwagon, is south park going to broadcast redpills?? I mean this all looks so close to what we've been fighting this whole time. Are Matt and Trey…here? Reading this right now? They have always been into video games and internet memes, and pissing off liberal hollywood cunts.
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>>299162 I do not know what to say…
>>299532 Well, they certainly have a good reason to be against too much political correctness. And given that their game was taken over by ubisoft without them wanting that to happen, I could see them have reason enough to be against the state of gaming journalism with collusion between developers and journalists. Not much longer before it airs now, right? Anybody know where I can find a livestream?
There is a countdown on the site. Will we be able to watch it there?
Southpark's website won't show it until tomorrow any news ona live stream? When I googled it - it's flooded by Indians speaking "LIVE STREAM HERE" when in reality it's just a fucking spam trap.
Anybody here streaming the episode?
Livestream where?
Jimmy's the best. I frickin love this kid. Perfect foil for PC principal
>>299637 God bless you Anon. Garrison become Bernie and Trump. I didn't expect that.
>>299637 Neato
>>299637 Thank you. And fuck yeah. This episode is going nicely.
>>299143 >Affirmative consent. I'm going to need you to say, "Please take me upstairs and crush my puss."
i couldn't see shit.
THE HAPPENINGS. Thanks to whoever streamed this.
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Holy shit…
Holy fucking shit….. The big bad is a conspiracy to kill ethical journalism!!!!!!
The salt. It is coming.
Why was there so much of a focus on ads?
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Great episode and can't wait for the next one. Holy shit!
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>>299655 Oops meant to post this
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>>299653 Probably because a lot of the shit that comes out of politically correct "news" sources isn't really news and just clickbait to try and rake in some cash.
>>299653 South park often has a focus on multiple things. They already clearly established the PC focus, so now they are adding the ads focus. Its all going to go down in the next episode or the one after that.
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B T F O T F O >BASED BASED >SOUTHPARK SOUTHPARK Vivian's erect nipples when she watches sjws being blown the fuck out.
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>>299669 Saved
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Holy shit, this was #GamerGate minus the videogames. Sex scandal, unethical journalism, SJWs complaining that they're the victims, cripple being the biggest defender of free speech and a big conspiracy. WE DID IT!
>>299685 Holy shit This is the strongest argument for regular ol' news papers I have seen in well over a decade >>299688 Oh now I just have to see this episode Though I will argue that the "You're not Yelping" episode also did gamergate quite well >pretentious reviewers strong-arming companies into catering to them for better reviews >companies that protest against that getting wrecked for their disobedience It had a lot of GG aspects to it - but this new ep. Fuck, when is there a proper torrent of that damn thing
>>299688 Oh fuck, I hadn't made the cripple link yet, that very well might be a reference to GG.
>>299669 Somebody post this on tumblr.
>>299688 Unfortunately we still didn't "do it." They need to make an episode on video games for us to do it. South Park has been saying the same shit everyone knows but doesn't care about. I just hope they are setting up for a GG episode or something, because all the pieces are in place.
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Holy shit, that episode and fucking everything about it. Every single fucking thing about it.
>>299696 It was pretty much exactly #GamerGate but without the videogames. They just moved the sex scandal part forward a bit so that the initial censorship was about being politically incorrect, like using the word retard, rather than the censorship starting with the sex scandal. Although having said that, political incorrectness has been censored on certain websites for years of course.
>>299696 I don't mind South Park raping gamergate as long as they have signed the consent forms.
>>299701 That said, it would be the kind of thing that #notyourshield could understand.
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>>299532 >Are Matt and Trey…here? Reading this right now? They have always been into video games and internet memes, and pissing off liberal hollywood cunts. There is a unconfirmed rumor that Matt and Trey or the writers lurk the board …if not /GGHQ/; I wouldn't be surprised if they visit /tv/, /v/, /n/, or /pol/. I wouldn't out-and-out be so presumptuous to say they're our allies… they're just more based than mortal men. >>299689 >Fuck, when is there a proper torrent of that damn thing Seconded. I would wait to watch it on ComedyCentral.com, ads and all, if the mothers that code that piece-of-shit streaming player weren't the universe's most gigantic cunts …or at least their bosses are. The player breaks in a way that is suspiciously like how a TV executives wet dream of forcing ad content onto cable-TV subscribers.
>>299704 A leader helpfully put me onto the following site. http://kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/South-Park-Season-19/Episode-8?id=66569 I hope this helps.
>>299706 Shit, that site makes adblocker and noscript freak the fuck out… I kinda got it working.
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>The entire episode This episode was great. Jimmy really became the best character for me on this. I can't wait to see all the tears that will flow from the SJWs. Good job Matt and Trey.
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>yfw the last episodes of the season turn out to be an advertisement for the next South Park game
>>299689 >This is the strongest argument for regular ol' news papers I have seen in well over a decade Oh please. Those gatekeepers have been pulling the wool ever since Operation Mockingbird. There are plenty of independent news outlets on the internet, and they take less money to run than a fish wrap. There's even a new web search for them (in beta I believe): http://goodgopher.com
Does she know she's an ad?
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>>299656 /r/ing one with the I NEED FEMINISM BECAUSE OF PUSSY CRUSHING
>>299706 I got it working after turning off my ad blocker; thank you based Leader. NOW I MUST FIND OUT HOW I CAN SAVE 15% ON MY CAR INSURANCE
Somehow this just gives me a warm feeling inside. South Park was a big part of high school for me, I was like the last of my friends to see what it was, (because I was basically Kenny, too poor to get cable) but it shaped our outlook on life much like the Simpsons before it. I did kind of fall out of interest with the show, and when Gamergate kicked off I didn't know who was on my side or who would turn against me. Now that South Park has come back to give me this strong pat on the shoulder I feel hopeful again. An old friend who saw it all the same way you did and came back to remind you that you're not alone, and have more of a power to speak up than you thought.
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>>299704 Someone writing for the show must browse /pol/
>>299720 >Jimmy wasn't already best character The kid ends gang wars by existing, and is the smartest person in town as a retarded child.
>>299746 Jimmy isn't retarded he's crippled and has a stutter. Maybe you're thinking of Timmy, who is both retarded and crippled?
>>299747 >>299746 Exactly: Jimmy has severe muscle weakness. I also think he is one of the best Southpark characters especially since Crippled Summer. The only thing I that disappointed me about that episode is the lack of completely deaf kids.
>>299696 >They need to make an episode on video games for us to do it. Revisiting the themes outlined by "Make Love Not Warcraft" would do it, just add journalistic opportunism and corruption.
>>299759 >>299759 So what dank memes can we create Also is this the final episode of the season? I wonder where itll go from here Also post any sjw salt Ghazi,tumblr or "news" articles about it
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>>299779 >So what dank memes can we create tfw it makes McInjosh look like a serial rapist
>>299779 >Also is this the final episode of the season? Two more I think. Ever since they stopped doing two -half-seasons a year it's been 10 eps. My tv-shit calendar site says they'll be on the 2nd and 9th of December.
>>299785 Thanks PC Bruh WOW!!! Do you realize how much I can save on my insurance?!
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>>299792 Yes this is just too glorious
This episode was glorious I really hope they cover the details of click-bait and how it feeds into PC culture, how offense gets clicks.
So Trey and Parker are in open warfare now with PC culture. Nothing is safe. NOTHING. We'd better be just as prepared as anyone else at this point. When those two boys get pissed, EVERYTHING burns. We're fair game as much as the Over-PC SJW cunts. Although our reaction will probably be a "Yeah… ya got us son." We don't get salty. We laugh along.
>>299669 Lol! this episode was such a blatant affirmation on SJW's and social engineering. I think most people have woken up to the fact that all this bullshit will hurt them in the long run.
>>299688 I can hardly wait to see the mental gymnastics that SJWs are gonna use to deflect the absolute ass-spanking that they've taken.
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>>299856 We just need to keep people awake to it. The fact that excessive PC culture has cropped up again and again only shows people lose immunity to it over a period of time.
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>>299853 >We're fair game They already made fun of gamers and it was one of their best episodes. Now imagine the reaction if pic related represented the average PC tumblr user. My hopes are high, I know. But nothing would surprise me at this point with this season.
>>299720 The tears will flow, anon.
>>299860 Yeah, I remember that, it was GOLD. My friends still bust quotes from that episode.
>GamerGate started because of Nathan Grayson's conflicts of interest >Nathan and PC Principal are now running the school newpaper IT'S HAPPENING Buckle Up, Fuckers
>>299869 *Fuckaroos
>>299869 >Nathan gets some pussy to write a sponsored article. >Without disclosing it. >Jimmy decides this is some bullshit and exposes it. >PC principal, already crumbling from being exposed as a frat/cult of pussy crushers, tries to silence Jimmy. And that's when the shit gets real.
So, if I understand correctly, PC Principle is a sentient advertisement for Social Justice. SO WHO IS RUNNING THE ADS?
>>299887 PC Principal is an Ad for LIFE INSURANCE, he's HERE TO HELP and KEEP YOU SAFE AND COMFORTABLE. It's taken the form of Social Justice. The Ads have become sentient and evolved.
>>299638 Remember the time that Jimmy banged the fat old whore named Nutgobbler? One of my favorite things to happen on television.
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>>299887 This has to be some Human Instrumentality project gone horribly wrong.
>>299897 I'm taking a shit while browsing and the laughter from recalling that episode helped me finish. thanks, Leader.
>>299904 Happy to be of help. We cured constipation! Another win for Gamergate!
>>299876 PC principal is Josh, Nathan is Sark
All this being said, let's not let it go to our heads and expect there to be a direct gamergate reference. Really what they've said already is enough, we know they are on our side. South Park is pretty much a household name, this is a big win for us.
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Can't wait for Part 2. I'm already getting anxious from the suspense. My body was not ready.
>>299920 >we know they are on our side. I just hope they don't fuck up in the end. I was about to be done with South Park until this season, because they were leaning SJW, especially with the abomination of the Zimmerman episode having the balls to say "no one cares if a black kid gets killed" and mean it.
>>299920 It doesn't matter what side they are on, south park puts a lot of effort in making their shit be true. They put a lot of research into making their episodes have no or very few lies. For example they were praised about their tourettes episode by some tourettes organisation for their research and not just taking whatever is popular out there and repeating it. If part of this crap is about gamergate, then it is not important if they are for us or not, we have worked for over a year to ensure we always back everything up with evidence. Anybody doing some effort to research will find this evidence and because we catalogued it pretty well, be able to use it. If this has in any way, something to do with GG, they will have had everything they needed to make the conclusion that is reached, in our favor.
>>299935 Consider the following; GG thinks that Matt and Trey are probably in line with their way of thinking. Maybe not board lurkers, but possibly, and certainly against the SJW menace. The overall reaction is "I hope they do this thing, but they're going to do what they want to do and I'm just going to watch and laugh. And maybe they'll even make fun of me. That'll be kek too." Now think about what would happen if they were SJWs. There would already be a laundry list of demanded talking points and a threatened riot if they fail to deliver. We win because we aren't authoritarians. Keep doing that.
>>299925 pretty convincing
>>299925 Beautiful
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>>299869 I can't believe I missed the Nathan Grayson reference!
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>>299706 For this site, right click the video before it freaks out and view video. Youll get a raw mp4 stream, its great.
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>>299876 >>299960 Imagine if in the next episode Kyle turns SJW and creates a secret online group for school journalists across the world called SchoolJournoPros?
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I don't know if anyone associated with South Park actually lurks here but but gamers DO share their philosophy.
>>300026 Bruh, you're not going to crush any puss unless you learn how to save money on your car insurance. That's why were here, right?!
>>299953 I'm positive some of the aGGros have made remarks about wanting to be on the winning side. It sounds so familiar, but it's been so long now I can't remember which ones said it.
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>>299685 I-I'm speechless
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>>300040 the nose picking Penny wrote something about social justice warriors winning the culture war or something. https://archive.is/S62dx
>>300040 I believe the popular term is "being on the right side of history".
>>300074 I think I started that saying when posting on Godlike and 4chan and I'm sorry the wrong side took it for themselves.
>>300079 >>300074 >>300040 It's pretty typical progressive rhetoric. The left uses it constantly, that's why we've got that "IT'S <CURRENT YEAR>!" meme, because they're constantly pointing out what year it is as if that's an argument. John Oliver does it a lot, Zoe herself tweeted out when going on MSNBC that she wouldn't be stopped by "ideological fossils" The Young Turks has an entire episode where they just assert nothing but "the right has been on the wrong side of history on every issue" the new guy in charge of Canada commented on his cabinet being 50% female "Because it's 2015!" the SJW that wrote the shitty Star Wars novels asserted that everyone who didn't like it was a "dinosaur" and "the meteor is coming" and further asserted they were all members of the evil Empire. Describing the entire south as "backwards" and "holding us back" etc.
The first Jimmy segment was definitely reminiscent of Hotwheels.
>>299925 >Wheaton in the back kek
>>300106 Is that Tim Schafer on the far right?
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>>300088 tl;dr: It's about forcing what you expect "normal" to mean onto other people. Which is doubly-bad if you wear a mental straight-jacket of insisting on living in a dissent-free "safe space". Also, nice digits, ja. OT rant: I almost went "opinion discarded" in that vid with that quip about pot-legalization; as I feel very strongly that pot never should have been made illegal in the first place, and any justification to keep running this failed drug war result from either mental-laziness by MSM-believing normies, prohibitionist "we know what's best for you" paternalism, poorly-camouflaged racism and classism, or furthering the overt-corruption of big-pharma, the prison-industrial-complex, and the cartels
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>tfw South Park exposed SJWs that PC doesn't mean "Political Correctness" >tfw its actually means Pussy Crushing
>>300151 That's actually terrible. Now the PC SJW crowd can go "they were never making fun of us at all"
>>300138 Yes, and next to him is James from Extra Credits
>>299925 >That OC.
>>300152 But it's he reason why white knights fight for social justice, they're thirsty as fuck for any pussy.
>>300152 You're missing the point. It refers to SJWs are not really "progressive" as they say they are. They're just desperate to get laid and saying they need feminism because they will get laid. In reality they don't.
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>>300173 Sooo many of these could be made
>>300088 Dubs of… >Goldberg Wat?
I want our lord and savior hotwheels to be on southpark ;_;7
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>>299888 >that capitalisation You're not doping me adbot, your trips be damned.
>>300259 I was more trying to say it makes perfect sense for PC Principal to be PC and actually believe it (unlike the rest of the Frat who's only in it to crush pussy) He's literally life insurance, he exists to make people feel safe and secure.
>>300249 >>299162 You're welcome.
>>300069 This article is sexist, speciesist, and homophobic. She is a bigot.
>>299704 > I wouldn't be surprised if they visit /tv/, /v/, /n/, or /pol/ To think, I could have either called them big guys for you or shitposted "tbh" to any of their valid posts.
>>300069 WTF. I pick my nose sometimes but I don't eat my boogers
>>300277 no i mean the true hotwheels so they don't need a fictional cripple to stand up for freedom and glory not that i don't like jimmy, jimmy is great.. but.. HOTWHEELS ACKBAR
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>>300031 That third pic makes a lot of sense. What I find is that corporations have a tendency to worry about PR. The bigger the business, the more concern PR becomes. Unfortunately, when this shit leaks into video games, it becomes more for spending money on ads rather than to use that money to make a game better. COD and Destiny probably spend more on ads than the fucking game itself. Worst yet, the perfect money making machine is here and it is micro-transaction with the fucking random loot box. Right now, no gaming company is stupid enough to outright make the micro-transactions pay to win on a full price game At least to what I am aware of. At lot of people will say it is optional, but there is always on display the 3 bucks you can spend when you use in game cred you earn to get one of these random loot packages. Why spend a good hour to get enough for the gold pack when you can spend you 3 bucks on it right now? And who would do this? Of course money spending middle class/upper middle class SJWs who do not know what working for money feels like
>>300301 Apparently, eating boogers actually strengthens your immune system. http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~norman/Jokes-file/NosePick.pdf >>300339 >The bigger the business, the more concern PR becomes. Just look at Intel as an example of PR slavery and Konami for their insertion into the mobile market with the likely hood of micro transactions there.
>>299925 Masterfull!
>>299704 I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to care about shit like "allies." I only care about getting shit done. That and lulz.
>>300341 I've found that picking your nose and eating it is this weird thing you can do in plain sight. I used to be much slyer about it, but as I've noticed, people go out of their way to ignore it on a subconscious level. I've delibeFNORDrately gotten sloppier about hiding it, and just being aware of people's field-of-vision cones, and I've never FNORD been called out on it as an adult. It's crazy
WEW! That South Park episode was great. It had a "Big Guy", and maaaaybe even a GGHQ vs. GGR fight in there.
I think Matt & Trey might be lurking here.
>>306518 >I think Matt & Trey might be lurking here. What do you base that assumption on. That fact that we have mutual opponents? kek
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>>306556 >>306576 They portrayed shills and outing them in those last two webms. Kyle being the shill and jewish too was a nice touch.
>>306556 That actually does eerily resemble the GG infighting and "you're a shill, no, you're a shill" stuff around here.
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>Second act is the bleakest, with the protagonists in their darkest hour Nice classical structure. Hopefully the punchline won't be JUST that it's all an ad for "Fractured but Whole"
>>306648 Holy shit! This anon see the truth!
>>306648 I'm not really sure how they would tie the current "ads are people" arc into FBW - hell, butters has only come up during the safe space episode, and he was shown prominently as the big bad in FBW. >>306619 Well ya - like gaming journos pitting gamers against SJWs, to make gamers not pay attention to the journos
>>306556 >>306518 with >>306517 it sounded like gghq vs ggr for a sec there
>>306754 >Well ya - like gaming journos pitting gamers against SJWs, to make gamers not pay attention to the journos Your mask fell off, all the problem game journos ARE SJWs.

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