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GamerGate Radio

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Ryulong perma-banned? Leader 12/09/2015 (Wed) 14:10:41 Id: 53d55c No. 308455
I just heard that the guy got kicked permanately of Rational Wiki, and that people (gamergaters) are asked to point out what is wrong in articles…..but no one has enough faith left. Can anyone confirm? Is the dragon dildo gone? Have we finally slain the dragon?
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dis guy?
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>>308461 The king is dead ALL HAIL THE KING
>Too big of a faggot even for the wiki dedicated to faggotry Tip top kek, m80
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>Why is it that every talk page dispute I've entered blows up into something like this?—Ryulong (talk) 20:54, 7 December 2015 (UTC)
>>308568 >Mona, you're an insufferable holier-than thou bitch. Carpetsmoker, have fun circlejerking it with the neo-Nazis on /r/WikiInAction and patting yourselves on the back that you're the rational ones because I disagreed with article content and you managed to show me that parochial Wikis are festering garbage dumps. Reverend Black Percy, Tielec01, Gooniepunk, Paravant, Arisboch, see last. Last edit I'm making here. And, again, fuck y'all.—Ryulong (talk) 06:50, 9 December 2015 (UTC) I managed to forget the rest of that greentext.
>>308455 Ive only been on the rational wiki a few times. But every time Im struck by how irrational it is. Especially considering the name. Every 'article' is a biased opinion piece. Normally there is meant to be at least the pretense of impartiality.
>>308455 Ive only been on the rational wiki a few times. But every time Im struck by how irrational it is. Especially considering the name. Every 'article' is a biased opinion piece. Normally there is meant to be at least the pretense of impartiality.
The Wikipedia page is still full of blatant lies. Rylong was only one foe among many.
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>>308571 >and, again, fuck y'all If you're not from the South but you use the word"y'all", you might be an SJW.
Is he claiming that Rational Wiki hates him because he's gay yet?
>>308610 Well, people hate him because he's a tremendous faggot, so it's only a matter of time.
OP heard wrong unless things have changed. The Dragon Centipede was vandal-binned which means that he can only make one edit every 30 minutes. WikiInAction has a couple of threads covering the story.
Wasn't ryulong the faggot that said he'd kill himself after that whole shitstorm with wikipedia a while back?
Last I heard, the guy was booted from wikipedia and was busy shitting up (as much as you can for something already shitty) the gamergate page on "Rational"wiki. That was months ago, no clue what the spaz is up to now.
>>308633 They did ban him for three months and removed because he claims he's never coming back. Expect to see him editing articles in two days
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>>308681 You have to wonder for the mental health of a guy who spends hours upon hours obsessing over a wkipedia page about gamergate and generally being a drama causing shitstirrer to everyone else involved. Lets hope stays gone and doesn't come crawling back because editing pages is his life
>>308713 >doesn't come crawling back because editing pages is his life >Editing pages is his life He'll come crawling back. He needs a different hobby, but he'll crawl back.
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>>308713 >>308714 Let dragondragon be a good example of a bad example of the urge to become an autistic spaz who spends their entire life reverting and arguing for those reverts on wiki talk pages about meaningless shit because "someone is wrong* on the internet!" *"wrong" in the sense, that someone is daring to use the correct translation for a kid's tokusatsu thing over MY preference for one bad romanization that was used ONCE in-series as a typo… AND… OH GOD… WHY WOULD ANYONE GIVE A SHIT THIS MUCH ABOUT KID SHOWS OR WHITE KNIGHTING BITCHES THAT CLEARLY HATE YOU?! AGAGAGRRGGGGGGR!!!! image unrelated… maybe…
>>308681 I thought his ban was almost over at wikipedia. If it is, maybe he threw a shitfit over at rationalwiki because he knew he had a better alternative that was about to open up.
>>308455 He wasn't perma-banned, it was worse, he got vandalbinned. He can only make 1 edit every 30 minutes. Now imagine how an autist of DragonDragon's caliber will take that. >>308725 >I thought his ban was almost over at wikipedia. Wikipedia gave him an indefinite ban so he's allowed to appeal in January, if that doesn't work then he can appeal again in January 2017 and so on. WikiInAction has more on this: https://archive.is/03yrx
>>308455 This is nice to wake up to…
>>308812 >inb4 they let him back in "because gamergate's been over for a while"
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>>308455 Hearing about that fucking loser suffering gives me a boner. And I'm not even a sadist. I just think Ryulong is a piece of garbage
>>308575 Some guy ther said cultural marxism doenst exist No I am not talking about not existing as in "elite doing cultural marxism", but as in the idea of cultural marxism never existing. This is the equivalent of a atheist saying not only god and jesus christ dont exist, but something called christianity also dont exist and its internet bullshitery to think there is/was some people on real life that had the in their minds the idea about some god controlling the world and his child jesus going to earth.
>>308455 >>308461 >>308538 >>308557 MY DICK IS SO FUCKING HARD
>>309471 Kinda like: "Autism doesn't exist and can NEVER exist, because I'M NOT AUTISTIC!" :^)
>>308455 Wait, nigger got banned from wikipedia AND rationalwiki? who gets banned from that last one, its like the bottom-bitch of wikis He should kill himself…
Ryulong is back at RationalWiki by the way, the site block wasn't official (it seems he requested an indefinite block but no one would do it) and he was unblocked by some moron because he was "really gone this time." After making several "last edits ever" he came screaming back after one of the moderators reached out to reddit to try and point out any errors in the Gamergate article, and this plan quickly turned to shit and ended after they began talking about what a sick fuck pedo "Sick Nick" Nyberg is and David Gerard (the only reason Ryulong is still there) began protecting pages, banning people, and wiping talk pages of anything relating to Nicholas Nyberg being a piece of shit. Ryulong was reduced into a quivering blob when MythdonsRevenge showed up at the Bleach wikia, where Ryulong was previously spilling his spaghetti over a translation. Ryulong began begging and pleading with them to ban MythdonsRevenge, and almost immediately began blaming Gamergate. http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/User_talk:Ryulong#wrt_mythdonsrevenge http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/User_talk:SunXia#Really.3F http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/User_talk:MythdonsRevenge Stop feeding this troll, SunXia. These rules you're enforcing are doing more harm than good. MythdonsRevenge is just here to lie to you about me and because you won't ignore him you're doing just what he wants. I'm not banned from anywhere right now except the English Wikipedia and its people like him who made that happen. Please. Stop responding to him. Stop restoring his message to you here. He is a troll here to harass and mock me. Just because the message isn't attacking you doesn't mean it's intent isn't to attack me. Please. Just stop. Please listen to me. He's only here to cause drama.—Ryulong (琉竜) 22:38, December 19, 2015 (UTC) As I have been trying to point out to SunXia, MythdonsRevenge is solely a Gamergate troll here to harass and mock me. His edits have only been to antagonize me and treat me as a villain because he is here from Gamergate websites and I have been made a target. Please ban him. He is only here because this is the only wikia where I am active and that the Gamergate trolls know I've been not welcomed because of my actions in the past. Please. The central Wikia staff haven't responded to my request yet and this situation is getting out of hand. SunXia dislikes me, I know that much, but MythdonsRevenge is only fanning those flames and he's staying within the rules to get on your good side while making me out to be a multi-wiki vandal and villain. I'm sorry for whatever mistakes I've made but it is all for benefiting this place.—Ryulong (琉竜) 00:27, December 20, 2015 (UTC) I am pleading with you to take care of this. I didn't check the history of the page to see who restored the comment, and that's a mistake. And I would think removing absolute trolling would be more important. And the difference is that I'm here trying to help you guys by pointing out mistakes. He's here to tell you to ban me because he's trying to get me to kill myself. I'm not trying to cause problems but every time I try to fix one I get you yelling at me. I'm sorry. I am trying to keep the drama to a minimum but when you persist on ignoring my concerns because I've edit warred over something as miniscule as your comment indentations or a troll's messages you're only adding to the problem.—Ryulong (琉竜) 01:08, December 20, 2015 (UTC) That is these trolls' end goal. They want me to be cut off from anything and everything that I try to do. They mock me on their troll boards. They actively pursue me to other websites. They push and harass and terrify. They post my full name places to intimidate me. This has nothing to do with this spelling correction which I was impatient in waiting for a response, but I am trying to prevent these horrible people from tricking you and everyone else into making the exact same mistakes every other website I have been on has. Forget the stupid spelling mistake. I am telling you about this other guy's agenda because it will only result in more problems.—Ryulong (琉竜) 02:56, December 20, 2015 (UTC)
>>310078 Dragon Dildo has gone full sperg mode. He's a fucking parasite. A tick that refuses to let go and sucks blood.
Next go, be banished to sjwikia
>>324937 Post links ye necro bumper
>>308455 This seems like a good opportunity. So, anyone willing to wade in there? I think it would be wise to possibly register so that there's some measure of good-faith shown (though use a spam-proof email service just in case.) And be calm. Just go through each post and highlight where the inconsistencies are. No rhetoric, no spin, just use the cold-hard facts of the situation. Is there someone that has a panache for diplomacy that might be willing to try this? I know there were some gators kicking around in the first year that were consistently rational. Though, rather than spamming them directly en-masse, maybe just reach out to some of the head types and offer to go over the points that are in conflict and such. If we take the position of going over it all in one giant group it might put them on edge but if there's a diplomatic olive branch extended they may be more willing to see. That said, that is their fort so it is their final call so this might get heated so if you have really thick skin and can stay on target this might be an op for you to participate in. As always, be polite. If they lash out, just brush it off. We should be fucking old-hat at that shit by now given the bullshit that's been poured on us since the beginning (it sucks and I understand some folk need to decompress but this is one place where it's possible to break the narrative if we do it with patience and dignity.)
>>327551 Well, shit. This is what I get for not reading through the thread itself before posting. If dragon dildo is back at it again with the white vans then there's probably no hope left for the site unless you wanted to play the long game and point out the inconsistencies on other articles to build up a rapport.
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>>308461 >>310078 >tfw you're not and will never be dragondragon >>308812 >he's allowed to appeal in January, if that doesn't work then he can appeal again in January 2017 and so on less pleasing, but i'll take what I can get

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