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GamerGate Radio

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GamerGate target drops case against harasser that started it all Leader of GamerGate 02/11/2016 (Thu) 07:06:45 Id: 2dee50 No. 315825
Livelink: http://www.engadget.com/2016/02/10/zoe-quinn-drops-charges/ Archive: http://archive.is/Xr7Qo Author's Twitter: https://twitter.com/timseppala Alternate Twitter: https://twitter.com/dummywithcamera Wordpress blog: https://dummywithacamera.wordpress.com/ Text of Article[Links omitted]: Game developer Zoë Quinn has been through an awful lot in the 18 months since an ex-boyfriend posted details of his relationship with her online. But now she's dropping harassment charges against the man who essentially started the GamerGate firestorm because it's not worth the emotional trauma to carry the case forward anymore. "Ironically, getting a restraining order against Creep Throat [Quinn's pseudonym for her ex] was the least effective thing I could do in terms of getting him out of my life for good, and for protecting myself," she writes. Quinn explains that whenever something happened within the case, her ex would go back and stoke the GamerGate sympathizer fire, and in turn, she (along with family and friends) would be subjected to a new round of threats and abuse. "People kept getting hurt for being close to me, for a poorly worded restraining order that did nothing," Quinn says. She mentions that law enforcement officials, judges and lawyers are incredibly ignorant about how the internet works and at one point someone told her to give up her career and stop going online if she didn't like the abuse. "He barely bothered to look at my huge stack of evidence before declaring he had no idea what the internet was about and didn't want to know." The continual threats are something that's affected her work with Crash Override, the support group she and Alex Lifschitz founded for victims of online abuse, as well. She says that even if she kept pushing her suit forward, if her ex was imprisoned his legions of followers would see it as martyrdom. Which, based on previous harassment she's endured, Quinn says the would only give them more fuel for their attacks. So rather than continue the fight in vain, Quinn hopes her withdrawal of charges will help her heal and move on.
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>Zoe Quinn loses the case Best news
Let's see. >plays the victim >MUH FEELS >childish insult >MUH HARASSMENT >the cops aren't putting people that disagree with me in jail what's the world coming to? >they didn't even look at my totally legit proof that i totally have but no you can't see it shitlord >btw did you know i run this totally legit anti-harassment thing called CON? we're accepting donations >i'm going to quit and no it has nothing to do with me not actually having a case >written by a gooney manbeard There isn't a single thing in that, that surprises me.
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>>315825 >harasser that started it all >the man who essentially started the GamerGate firestorm She acted the way she did, he called her out. Ummm, he didn't start anything.
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>>315835 >blame the justice system for "failing her" when she's the one dropping charges That's some quality white knighting there.
Am I the only one who found: > whenever something happened within the case, her ex would go back and stoke the GamerGate sympathizer fire, and in turn, she (along with family and friends) would be subjected to a new round of threats and abuse. to be really ironic? Lemme just change a few things around… >whenever she needed more money, she would go back and stoke the Feminism sympathizer fire, and in turn, anyone critical of her would be subjected to a new round of threats and abuse.
>>315825 >Gamergate target That is the least correct combination of words that will ever exist. 2+2=5 is more correct than those words being next to eachother in that order in any context.
>>315835 man that kid is going to get so much she-twink vagina for saying all that
So how many "Zoe got fucked over by the court system" articles will we see in the next couple of days? Cause you know the cunt is going to be having her media cronies push HER lying narrative out to keep Eron from being vindicated in the press.
>>315838 The only thing ironic is the fact that you supported the same thing you hated multiple times. > people getting paid for promoting identity politics > defending people like Milo or Jack Thompson who spoke critically against video games or gamer culture > people playing as a victim and you falling for their trap and paying them money This is why people no longer take you seriously. You have become more and more the thing you despised.
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>>315842 "The Government" don't have to be your audience "The Government" is over
>>315853 No no; "the legal system" is over, "the legal system" doesn't need to be your audience and then; "the very concept of jurisprudence" is over, etc.
"Why I Just Dropped The Harassment Charges The Man Who Started GamerGate." http://archive.is/4Gu9w Ghostwritten by Ministry of Truth, have a plusgood day citizen.
>>315852 I have already disregarded Yiannopolous. And so can everyone. He's just a bully with an iPhone who's father gave nerds swirlies in the 80's.
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>>315825 Our victories just keep pilling up first,Leigh I am game Journalism quits then Zoe gets BTFO in court. A single finger alone is powerless a group of fingers together make a fist. >>315835 At least one of them realized how pointless sitting on that sub day after day circlejerking themselves till their boxers are soaked in each other's cum will ultimately have no bearing IRL.
>>315825 Just for the sake of linking with another thread: >>312318 >The Appellate Court has scheduled an oral argument for March. Meanwhile LW has hired four lawyers from (Giant Legal Conglomerate) Wilmer Hale, who've dropped the violation claims and are now looking to replace them by a charge of Criminal Harassment. >Did some digging, Wilmer Hale's rate is about $750/hour, and they've been known to go as high as $1500 if they're feeling greedy.
>>315842 The only way justice is ever done to him is if he mans up and sue her. He's got more than enough reasons and evidence to do it. Question is: I'm not sure he's got the balls. But he should do it. And set precedent that one can't use the legal system to subdue someone into silence against your abuse. After all, it's crystal clear how much all of this has oppressed not her, but Gjoni, as an attempt to shut him down on what he suffered not just during their relationship, but also after it, when she made him out to be the boogeyman leader of a boogeyman hate mob. All with strict use of lies and projection.
>>315852 If Jack Thompson became a defender of vidya, with good reason and arguments, why not? It's the same case with Milo. Why consider anyone irredeemable if they are not acting the same?
>>315842 Already starting, there's a shitpo article and these fuckers are falling all over themselves. Hilarious shit: https://archive.is/QZPen https://archive.is/6Wts8 Fucking retards can't even figure out basic journalism.
>>315876 If they could this board wouldn't exist.
>>315852 >"No one takes you seriously anymore!" >GG literally killed Twitter http://8ch.net/pol/res/4923918.html So you're a fucking retard at best.
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>>315842 And here's the thing: The justice system hasn't failed her. This is a tactical decision on her end to avoid the case going to trial. Remember: http://www.ma-appellatecourts.org/display_docket.php?src=party&dno=DAR-23470 She already wanted to dismiss the initial charge against him back in August and effectively throw the case out then. Over a month before she went to the UN. If Eron simply wanted to "win" then he would've worked with that. He didn't, he chose to fight. Zoe's lawyers said that since the order was vacated there's no case to be had, the highest court just said "talk to the lower court about it." So Eron did. If Eron simply wanted to "win" then this would've ended one month ago. Zoe dropped the charge and anything related to it, making the initial case moot. In exchange though she put in a criminal harassment charge, to stretch the case out. This was partially a bluff to Eron to say "I will drag you out for another year" and partially a bluff to the court to say "the case as is has become moot because there's nothing there anymore." But Eron chose to fight still and the appellate court said that oral hearings will take place in March. Again. That was one month ago. Now, under a month away from this, Zoe claims to be dropping all charges. Just dropping everything, she doesn't want to be precedent. She's not lying about that: She doesn't. Because even though the case right now is moot oral arguments, should they continue, will be about the case as a first amendment issue and how the initial order was unconstitutional. If Eron wanted to simply win he would've done so in August. He wants precedent so that this never happens to anyone in MA again. He continued a case where the order was VACATED because he wants the court to rule on it and he has a major first amendment lawyer backing him up. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2015/08/24/you-are-also-ordered-not-to-post-any-further-information-about-the-plaintiff/ The fact is that the media spin is 100% a calculated risk. She wants the court to back off and leave the dropped case alone and will try to use media pressure to make it happen as well as look like a weak abused girl instead of the manipulator that she is.
Playing the damsel in distress to the bitter end. No surprises there. I don't think I felt more disgust for any man or woman than I do for her.
>>315828 So if Zoe Quinn lost? That means we won. Again? I thought we stopped putting effort in months ago but we still keep winning. What the hell internet? Im sure this never used to happen.
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http://archive.is/qZcaU The religious left is crying again.
>>315902 Their tears nourish and sustain me.
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>>315852 You sure showed those gobbily goblins. Does your wallet feel a little lighter now without your ten bucks?
>>315902 what trauma? lol >violent anarchist rebellion the sad thing is these woman have access to a large number of beta cucks called 'antifascists' that will do violent things on their command like smash windows etc.
>>315920 I find it kinda adorable when the unarmed part of American society proposes something like a violent revolution. The French revolution wasn't some betas smashing a few windows because womyn said so. Armed men stormed the centers of power, dragged away the leaders and beheaded them.
>>315900 >So if Zoe Quinn lost? That means we won. Strictly speaking, the only people winning were the lawyers pocketing her SJW feminismbux to prolong the case.
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>tfw Zoe Quinn just quits every time she fucks up It really shows how spineless she truly is. Remember the UN report? It was poorly researched and she quickly distance herself from it. Now this. I guess playing the victim card doesn't work anymore for Zoe Quinn, so her only last defense is to quit.
>>315852 >>315859 Ooh look a pair of "yeh we GG we hate Milo now" shills. If there was ever going to be a King of Gamergate, Milo would already be wearing the crown. > defending people like Milo or Jack Thompson who spoke critically against video games or gamer culture You're right fag. We need to be more like SJWs and uniformly hate all who offer critique of what we like. > people playing as a victim and you falling for their trap and paying them money I havent given anyone money and that's my personal choice, who cares? The GG board of directors? Anyway, this is great. great work as always Zoe, I especially like the part where you [INSERT OBLIGATORY FEMINIST/BLM TALKING POINT HERE] That really touched me.
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>>315825 Did Stephanie Guthrie hire her?
>>315835 Keep trying to kick that football, Charlie Brown.
>>315842 Most of those media cronies are currently unemployed, and a lot of normies ignore clickbait places that would run this. Just like that "kill Roosh V" campaign last week. The economy crashed today and WWIII is about to start. No one cares about Cluster B drama all that much these days.
>>315876 >we reached out to you on Tumblr Holy fuck, I'm framing that.
>>315926 You sound frustrated.
>>315897 Nocie digging
>>315902 >excuse me but why is inciting a violent anarchist rebellion a bad thing? Because you will lose and you will give all the people tired of shit every excuse they need to deal with you as they'd prefer. And they will. And you won't be around to put your hand out for victimbux after.
>>315835 What the fuck is a kava
>>315988 Some tribal alcoholic drink that taste like petrol
>>315988 Probably some sort of coffee from Starbucks marketed toward pretensions hipster cucks.
>>315988 A natural and absolutely horrible tasting way to get a benzo high.
>>315988 A reverse-handjob you can get in gay bars or nightclubs if your carpels are up to the strain.
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>>315825 >He barely bothered to look at my huge stack of evidence >my >huge >stack >of >evidence so deluded.
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>>315852 I will pray for your soul even if you don't deserve it
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>>315902 >inciting a violent anarchist rebellion So the little cuddled babies scared of bad words think they have the guts to start a revolution? That's cute. Now it's time to start singing the LW song: "I know, I know I've let you down" "I've been a fool to myself" "I thought that I could" "live for no one else"
I can see the rebellion now. A wave of rainbow-colored hair marches upon the major political and educational buildings. …a lone anti-SJW stands on the steps. He grabs a megaphone, and yells out a racist joke. The crowd scatters in a sea of tears as they all run to their safe spaces. End of revolution.
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Didn't this woman give a speech in the United Nations? With all her influence and connections, how can she be defeated by a dozend neckbeards hidden in a basement? - Zoe "eternal victim" Quinn dropping her victim card - Leigh "I am games journalism" Alexander quitting videogames journalism - Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu going full radio silence 2016 sure had a great start.
>>316060 >Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu going full radio silence Sarkeesian and Feminist Frequency are taking part in Twitter's Safety Council which is going to be the site's cyanide capsule. As for Wu… let's just say he's always desperate for attention.
>>315886 Fucking this. If Eron wants to end it here I'm glad that he doesn't have to fight anymore, but this isn't really a victory. This is just a nothing; all that's come out of it is a waste of everyone's time and money. Seeing as Zoe still has a patreon, I'm pretty sure that makes the money lost a bigger issue for Eron than him. Plus, she now gets to play the "I was berated out of my case by those mean gobblygoobers; I couldn't take the harassment, so I stopped; they won, cry for me. Thus, she's kinda come out on top doing this.
>>316060 I bet Wu is really pissed off that he didnt get chosen to be on the special snowflake panel.
>>316073 I dunno, I don't really look at it like that. Eron could have been silenced but he wasn't. She slapped him and expected him to back down into silence but he didn't go away, and now he's coming to make her answer for her abuses, all while her enablers scramble to make anything look good for her victim status. Meanwhile because of Zoe's actions, she may have enabled Eron to actually do something historically significant and set a legal precedent. This is all good, this is the fire that Zoe and her friends started, and now they can't put it out. >>316076 They know that Wu is too risky and needs to be kept at arms length. aGG already admitted they don't like him, he's insulted their little commie party by not renouncing capitalism. Wu is nothing but a parasite in all of this, one of those sucker fish that clings to larger fish for a free meal. Also probably one of the worst at lying.
>>316080 >They know that Wu is too risky and needs to be kept at arms length. aGG already admitted they don't like him, he's insulted their little commie party by not renouncing capitalism. Wu is nothing but a parasite in all of this, one of those sucker fish that clings to larger fish for a free meal. Also probably one of the worst at lying. Your right I guess. Im just not used to the SJWs recognising or accepting any flaws in people on their own side. I do remember Wu and Quim arguing on twitter about who can claim to be the most le harassed womyn on the le internets. My vote is for Milo. Hes had syringes posted to him.
>>316081 >My vote is for Milo. Hes had syringes posted to him. Syringes with unidentified fluids, even. And let's not forget the dead animals in the mail.
>>326635 Quit spamming you assbiter.

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