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GamerGate Radio

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Brianna Wu on SyFy Leader of GamerGate 02/26/2016 (Fri) 10:49:14 Id: 704669 No. 317506
Mark your calendars: SyFy will be reenacting her harrowing story on how she survived online harassment on their new show - The Internet Ruined My Life
Isn't he a pathological liar?
>>317507 Remember, Wu has connections with actual big media and will use them as "needed". The fact that Wu was able to land a reality tv show spot is a show of just how deep and far-reaching those connections are
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>I can't wait to find out who they cast to play Brianna Wu Well, Jared Leto's played a tranny before.
This is great. We can organize a mass TV viewing of this when it airs, just like that SVU episode. Hell, we can mine this for reaction images and everything. The fallout might just be the spark to make Twitter explode. And Tumblr, but that would be wishful thinking, but who knows? I can't wait.
>>317508 HOW does LWu have big media connections? I mean, the "I was a journalist" bit turned out to be a lie, right? I just assume LWu gets idiot journos to write stories because trannies are trendy lately. >>317506 >who will they cast??? Meh, it'll be some no-name. This thing isn't exactly big budget. Look at that odd looking mousey chick they cast as Suey Park. What MIGHT be interesting is if they cast a dude as LWu.
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Intimidation Game 2, then? Oh, dis gon b gud…
Great story to show on a science fiction channel. And yes, I shamelessly stole that joke from another place
>>317516 Yes but we need the numbers to make this a real lolfest. Time to get to work. >>317518 >HOW does LWu have big media connections? I mean, the "I was a journalist" bit turned out to be a lie, right? I just assume LWu gets idiot journos to write stories because trannies are trendy lately. Bingo! Him/Her/Hurr/Durr is a good material because she's still capable of bringing ad revenue to news outlets. Remember web news depend on pageviews to get their shekels so if you agree or disagree with "it" doesn't matter as long as you read and share the goddamn article. Being in the eye of the hurricane pays off if you can appeal to the preconceptions of the idiots, and anything that has feminism labeled on it looks like goodthink to the journos. Labeling her as a professional victim doesn't work here, because her actions go along with the doublethink necessary to talk about supposed gender equality while giving automatic support to any affirmation and action made by someone who identifies as a femme. The worse for LWu would be that we promote her series. Being labeled as GG supported worked great for us in SVU. I'm sure there'll be lulz for any possible episode they make. Is not possible to catch the interest of the general public by presenting the informed and complex mess that the GG controversy is. Of course they'll need to be dramatic to the core to bring the audiences to care about a niche artist of some ugly mobile game. And there's where we get cringe material to spread it to the internet and meme it to the stars. Some preventive meme magic might help to make this episode as cringe as possible. The Gods of the wired will make the rest.
>>317521 >Some preventive meme magic what do you suggest or recommend
>>317536 >what do you suggest or recommend Post pics of him lying about shit.
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Not suprised as this comes from the NBC/Universal/Comcast umbrella which shills for Hillary on a daily basis. I'm in on this if just to give any of their subsidiaries a black eye. AND FIX YOUR SHIT, CRIPPLE!
Meh, I'm not shocked. Syfy has been circling the drain for awhile now and they even recently lost WWE to USA. They also already got Suey Park on this shit show and it was just as fucked and hilarious as you would think it would be. They legit have a fucker with a bolt action sniper rifle scoping in on her during the re-enactment.
>>317548 >Suey Park For those out of the loop, here's Josh Zepp REKTing Suey Park in an interview.
>>317549 Oh yeah I forgot Park used to bitch about Native Americans… While I don't necessarily disagree about the Redskins shit she can really go fuck herself on every other angle of this. I don't like feeling like some uppity trustfund hipster is using my race as a stepping point to further their professional victimhood.
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I'm looking forward to this and the dank memes and reaction images it'll produce.
>>317506 I can't watch sy fiction any more.
>>317506 I wonder if Brianna Wu will ever stop referring to Brianna Wu in the third person. Brianna Wu.
>on syfy >science fiction "Fiction" being the key word here. At least we should get some more dank memes out of this.
I imagine if we show the more retarded parts of this to normalfags that they'll think the SJWs are even more full of shit.
>>317571 SUV 2 Electric Boogaloo!!!
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The only way they could accurately portray Wu is with some sort of animatronic creature
>>317583 This, only more so. Ever seen a SyFy (god I hate that) "original" movie? It's gonna be about as realistic as Sharknado, and probably not as entertainingly cringeworthy.
Fucking seriously? There literally isn't enough Pöpcørn IN THE WORLD for this Can someone come up with a sufficiently dank tag to signal boost this?
>>317597 I will have trouble sleeping now thanks to that image you just posted thanks faggot
>>317552 Ditto too, anon, I just want another law and order to enhance my shitposting experience.
>>317536 Maybe try shitposting about that law and order episode as well.
>>317613 #SVU2ElectricBoogaloo?
>>317638 >#SVU2ElectricWugaloo
>>317613 #TheInternetWuinedMyLife?
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>>317506 >Cant wait to find out who they cast to play Brian Wu Im surprised nobody has mentioned Nick Cage yet?
>>317681 Actually we could make a ton of noise if they cast an actual chick to play him Accuse syfy and mr.wu of being transphobics who wont give a MtF actress a chance
>>317684 That is a fair point. If they cast a tranny in the role then we could make a controversy about 'typecasting'. Also I remember after the law and order episode, there was some friction between Wu and Quim because they were both tweeting about how the show was about them. We could probably do the same thing here.
>>317688 >We could probably do the same thing here. I don't really see how. This one will be "Based on a true story", so there's gonna be no question about who it was about. We could stir up shit by saying that if one LW got her episode, others should as well, but van Friesandburger already got a "movie deal", so that won't work very well either. Maybe try to rope Anita into this instead of Chelsea.
>>317690 If this is based on a story about Briana then we just need to get the message to Zoe telling her there is a TV show based on her. An Immediate shitstorm should ensue as they both compete to be the biggest E-victim center of attention. This almost happened last time anyway. Anita would work too. Anita or Zoe are interchangeable in this scenario.
Wondering how SyFy can make an LWu episode in a series titled "The Internet Ruined My Life" and keep a straight face. In Wu's case it would be more like "The Internet Made Me Famous and Gave Me a Ton of Money" since the twatter followers grew from like 700 to 49K essentially through latching onto GG.
>>317536 We must support this episode and make it clear how the GG boogeyman wants to take all the salt that will flow from it when it airs. When the SVU episode aired many weren't ready for it. Now is the opportunity to prepare for the party and be ready for the shitfest and the dank memes that will come from it. I'd say, let's make SJWs aware of how their previous attempts backfired and how anxious we are of seeing the next one.
>>317549 You know you suck at life when the Huffington Post is slapping your shit.
>>317728 >I'd say, let's make SJWs aware of how their previous attempts backfired and how anxious we are of seeing the next one. It probably wouldn't make a difference what we do. Once they see publicity, they immediately think about their Patreon accounts and start spewing anything that's halfway believable. What's going to be critical is how we document this. The one thing that's always worked in our favor is how we are able to prove that SJWs are full of shit.
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>>317506 topkek I am hoping for another trainwreck like that SVU episode.
>>317548 >Syfy has been circling the drain for awhile now and they even recently lost WWE to USA. They've been owned by USA networks for ages now, and that trash never belonged on the fucking science fiction channel in the first place.
>>317549 Hahaha holy shit this is great.
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>>317681 >GamerGate is coming for me. >Hundreds of gamers are calling me a crazed fraud. >Paranoia over 200% >Want to make money like five guys girl. >Too ugly to suck dick. >Professional victim job discovered. >Dress like a bear and hold every interview in my houses, act like ISIS is after me.
>>317691 People should be making sure Burgers knows about this show ASAP. Her cluster B instinct will make it impossible to not pop off about being ignored. Burgers was the catalyst that set off the fire of GG. Johnny boy is just a desperate hanger on. And HE got on the Sci Fi channel before she did.
>>317803 Thankyou. Thats what I was trying to say but you put it more coherently.
>>317730 >It probably wouldn't make a difference what we do. Once they see publicity, they immediately think about their Patreon accounts and start spewing anything that's halfway believable. That doesn't matter anon. SJWs follow the masses, so in the end what matters is what normalfags believe. And what they can believe is that SyFy will be SVU 2.0 Do we really have to go again on why SJWs are just a minority? They can be controlled if you have the right memes. Holy shit, Wu is going to appear on a Science Fiction channel for fuck's sake. This opportunity is golden and full of potential keks.
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Boris Karloff is dead though, I don't think anyone else could pull it off.
>>317690 I think it would still be pretty easy to bait them into a fight. All it would take is a few people referring to the episode a "The true story of #GamerGate's number one target" or something to that effect. That would draw out ZQ, and possibly Anita "few more bucks" Sarkeesian. Maybe even Big Blue.
>>317884 Like it, like it.
>>317884 In Mythology, this is similar to How the Greek Goddess of trolling and shitposting, Eris (A.K.A.: Discordia, Strife), started the Trojan War because she was buttmad at not being invited to a wedding; she threw in an Apple with μῆλον τῆς Ἔριδος "To the Fairest" written on it for the other vain and preening goddesses to fight over, and had many keks at the ensuing flamewar, which led to actual war that destroyed Troy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_of_Discord Note: Chelsea, at one point, was calling herself "Eris" because "of course" she would, the vain little shit, but I doubt her lazy hipster ass didn't do any research into the name beyond skimming a Wiki page or two.
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>>317937 mfw we ancient meme.
>>317506 I just donated 200$ to Brianna Wu's patreon and there is nothing you can do about it. Fuck you, misogynists.
A bit surprise that she didn't demand that her "surviving online harassment" isn't put in a channel, like Investigation Discovery. Then again "TIRML" is perfect for the syfy channel, since it's fictional anyhow.
>>328370 >Fuck you, money. Fixed that for you, necroposter. Welcome to the community, if you are in fact new

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