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GamerGate Radio

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OP: DISNOD ADVERTISER UPDATE 3-19-16 Acid Man 03/20/2016 (Sun) 03:25:09 Id: cc2154 No. 319778
KOTAKU Dreamhost.com Amazon.com Huckberry Playstation Store Target GAWKER Huckberry Hellofresh Chevrolet Amazon American Express Californiagurls.tv Note: Chevrolet is running full video banner ads on multiple pages. That = high priority target. Jalopnik Harley Davidson Stacksocial Huckberry Amazon (via Kinja cross promotion) Mazda Jezebel Hulu ABC Television (new series "The Catch" Stacksocial Huckberry Elitedangerous.com Lifehacker American Express Slack.com IBM Chevrolet (Malibu) Norton / Symantec Deadspin StackSocial American Express Huckberry Zendesk Aduino
[Expand Post] io9 / Gizmodo (now merged) Playstation Store meetearnest.com stacksocial Amazon.com (via Kinja) IBM Kinja Amazon.com (everywhere) Playboy.com OBSERVATION TIME! Alright, so we haveb a few of the old advertisers left and a handful of new, big names. It appears that Gawker's advertising network has dwindled down to the biggest brand advertisers, probably hedging their bets that these companies are too big to be easily swayed by an anonymous email campaign. Instead of tons of smaller advertisers, the list is almost exclusively the Big Boys club - car makers, credit card companies (it took a year to get Discover to drop) and of course, fucking Amazon - Gawkers most steadfast partners and the only ones still there from the early days of DISNOD. But sway them we must. Gather contact information and compile tactics and evidence in this thread, then spread the thread link to the hubs and social media. LET'S MAKE SURE GAWKER DOESN'T HAVE THE CASH TO PAY FOR AN APPEAL! DEUS VULT! Also I took a couple screencaps as souvenirs. That place gets worse every fucking time I do this…
G-d's work
KiAfag here, I'm out of town at the moment but someone should create a list of ethical violations and batshit insane comments/articles from Gawker and Kotaku. Some ideas: * Gawker v Hogan court case comments (pedophilia) * Nathan Grayson conflicts of interests * Patricia Hernandez conflicts of interests * Straight White Male, Lowest Difficulty Setting * Doxing Gun Owners in NYC * Gamers Are Dead article * Outing homosexual man. * Defaming Brad Wardell. * Defaming Max Tempkin.
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>>319778 Here's a list of contact information for those advertisers. It's only missing contact info for Aduino. https://p.teknik.io/AjPB2
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>>319806 excellent work anon
>>319797 Add to that their paedo friendly articles, and descriptive beastiality articles (the rambunctious dolphin ones should make it hard for any advertiser to keep their breakfast down). The paedo ones especially won't go down well with family friendly advertisers. There was one quoted on KiA a long while back that had a really graphic, dubiously legal, description of what one did when grooming their victim.
About time, lets get emailing.
Do you have any proof that ODN had any affect?
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>>319826 >according to two people in attendance at the meeting. If there's anything I've learned about anonymous sources, they're worthless.
>>319834 If there's anything I've learned about shills is that they look like you.
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>>319806 That's because it's Arduino, makers of Raspberry Pi
>>319806 Anyone else get a sorry page you are not looking for message when trying to submit to Chevrolet?
>>319857 Sure, it has no effect. Now sit on your hands, watch the wall in front of you and keep quiet.
>>319806 The link went down, we're gonna need a new one, anon.
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shared this with voat.
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>>319778 In that 3rd pic -what's their beef with Twitch -apart from it being owned by Amazon?
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>>320203 >pussy eating… dat yrui It's a male "safe space" where streamers can talk shit (to a degree…), and that can't be allowed
holy shit this place is running smoothly /v/ is shitting itself right now
why isn't this stickied?
>>322331 why do so many companies have a death wish, partnering with Gawker? really? do they NOT read the news? is it to pay the cashdown to appeal the case?
>>322331 the good news, if it happen they can't pretend to have no money to pay, the bad news is that may allow them to appeal.
>>322342 that didn't last long
>>322603 It gets more attention when it pops up once in a while
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Anyone got the advertisers for Eurogamer? I'm pretty sure they joined in on shitting on gamers and misrepresenting them. In any case, just look at this article and cite it when telling advertisers not to support Eurogamer. http://archive.is/ai4r6#selection-967.0-966.1
>>323867 Seriously? What's next, them complaining about character in WWII games saying "Kraut" and "Nip"?
You should definitely try and post this to KIA. Those guys could really use some focus. It seems like it's not against the rules to post public emails anymore.
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>>319841 >bitcoin >advertising >bitcoin being some kind of an entity wat is this fucking nonsense? letters to advertisers totally work by the way, it had an effect on television for decades, ninnies complaining about seeing something salacious lmao
>>323867 I find it way more triggering how those Eurogaymer cowards are so bootyblasted over murdering traitors and collaborators, talk about being an entitled western-liberal piece of shit that doesnt know anything about fighting invaders, its like they are arguing against the laws of physics you can argue the viability of torture, terrorism, hell even agitprop, but this is just delusional
>>324343 >not knowing about the bitcoin foundation God damn you're retarded
>>324346 oh those fucking cunts ofc, completely irrelevant at best, traitorous establishment moles at worst, fenton should be gassed and hes not even as bad as his predeccesors. They probably wont be around for much longer, the chink mafia would be a better representative lul >thinking the Bitcoin foundation represents btc but im the retard yah huh >veteran leader of gamergate hahahahah, thats a joke, right? anyhow ill let you get back to it supreme leader
>>322365 Some of it is just plain old money laundering/tax avoidance sometimes. Like if you already exhausted charitable writeoffs, you find a place to intentionally "lose" money.Sometimes they miscalculate and a place goes faster than they thought or they put too much in initially and that's when the news reports about execs leaping from rooftops come in. Most confusing one is chevy, either they need to drop a bracket and FAST or Gawker got kicked down several flights of stairs on their ad network ratings and it costs a tenth what it used to.
>>319858 Arduino don't make raspberry pi, that's Adafruit
Advertisers for Vox: Comcast: esl_corp@cable.comcast.com, corporate_communications@comcast.com Google Adsense: https://support.google.com/adsense/contact/violation_report Amazon Associates: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/contact (fill out form) IBM: http://www.ibm.com/scripts/contact/contact/us/en (fill out form) AT&T: attcustomercare@attc.om Reebok: reebokcare@cs.reebok.com StateFarm: https://online2.statefarm.com/forms/sf/commentsOrQuestions.xhtml (fill out form) JustforMen: http://combe.com/contact/?product=JFM (fill out form) BP (oil): bpconsum@bp.com Sprinterworker: http://mercedes-benz.custhelp.com/app/ask (fill out form) Pulses (food): office@pulsecanada.com Citi: citisalutes@citi.com Vast: feedback@vast.com Adobe: https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html (good luck on that maze) New Amsterdam (Vodka): http://www.newamsterdamspirits.com/ (fill age check, select contact form at bottom) Allstate: https://messaging.allstate.com/corp.aspx Booking.com: mediarelations@booking.com Starbucks: https://customerservice.starbucks.com/app/contact/ask/ (select company information at bottom) airbnb: press@airbnb.com MSNBC: msnbctvinfo@nbcuni.com Archived tweet of employee calling for riots: http://archive.is/YnYtz
>>324848 see http://pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE for actual email addresses
Now that Gawker is gone, what do? I'm thinking warn as many people about former Gawker staff's fuckups >>324724 and use this thread to continue OPDN against Vice.
>>324971 >Now that Gawker is gone, what do? >implying Gawker is gone Gawker is not gone until it dissolves completely. Dig on whoever buys Gawker. Make sure they get no advertisers. Make it a liability if they buy it.
>>324972 I'd wait for them to clean house and see how the new owners set up. We went after Gawker for legitimate reason, going after them after they're basically a new company is just being a butthurt faggot.
>>324977 They aren't cleaning house. The same people fucking with journalism are working there as of today. Until they are living in cardboard boxes outside the building, this is not over.
>>324981 You are right, we are so close to stomping out the cancer. We have to confirm this dies for good.
>>324981 They are currently in a holding pattern right now. Should note that they filed for the "good" kind of bankruptcy. Chapter 11 bankruptcy basically lets you sell shit off but allows you to ultimately walk away fully intact and more to the point, gives the owner full control over how they sell shit off. Meaning, Denton could sell Kotaku and Jezebel and Deadspin off, plus dip into his own savings, to pay the amount of cash owed Hogan and keep Gawker going. Also, he can keep the business running and doesn't have to fire anyone. Chapter 7 is the BAD kind of bankruptcy. The kind that means you are fucked beyond all repair and hope of being saved and you owe so much money, you don't even fucking have a right to save what you can or even be picky in how things are sold off to pay the debts. If they had filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court would force them to shut down EVERYTHING at Gawker and it's sub sites, because there is no fucking point in keeping them up and running since they are bleeding money they can't pay. A trustee is appointed by the court and they basically are given the task to sell EVERYTHING that can be sold; the website, the offices, even office equipment, to get cash ASAP to pay off the debts (in this case, the Hogan verdict money). Denton could not say a damn thing and the Gawker office would be stripped of everything, copper wire included, for whatever the trustee could get for it, with the trustee not giving a shit who he sells it too so long as he gets paid. Chapter 11 is basically "rehabilitation" bankruptcy since you can walk away from it relatively intact. Chapter 7 means you are irrevocably fucked and you can not be saved and are dead dead dead dead. Should be noted that sometimes companies in Gawkers position will file for Chapter 11 but are forced to go into Chapter 7 by the courts. Granted, those scenarios don't fit the Gawker position, since that happens when a company owes MULTIPLE creditors and are basically already dying and can't be saved. Denton having the cash to pay the verdict money probably helps him out in this regard, as far as the fact that the court will most likely assume that after selling off several of the websites, Denton will "save" Gawker by breaking into his own bank account once he has Kotaku/Jezabel/Deadspin/etc sold, to cover the difference and keep the main Gawker website afloat.
>>319825 Seven Figures you faggot And that doesn't take into account lost opportunities

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