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GamerGate Radio

#OPLostWoods (working title) - E3 ruse cruise Val 05/17/2016 (Tue) 16:14:29 Id: 9315ad No. 323814
I am aware of how many people seem to feel discontent of the lack of action and proactivity from GG lately; E3, however, is the absolute perfect situation to ensure efficient and easy progress. HERE IS A LIST OF GOALS Discussions and suggestions are obviously welcome >INFORM Every journalist, every outlet that is shared openly and receives attention online needs to be, both on their official accounts' messages (facebook, twitter, etc.) and in conversations, to be told about their wrongdoing. Browse DeepFreeze regularly; keep information about the classic enemies like kotaku or polygon handy, find old youtube videos on the topic; share devs or studios' opinions on those outlets and the consequences of their lack of professionalism, if not don't hesitate to put them in your conversations on social media if they're publicly open about those matters. >COUNTER As soon as companies and games that have been open in their anti-consumer practices receive praise or positive attention, respond with immediate and clear criticism. Bring back the old #TorrentialDownpour digs on Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Bravely Default, Project Zero, etc, for anything Nintendo related (try to avoid pushing it during Zelda occurrences, or the Smash tourney if it happens again; lack of attention, and probably counter-productive as it'll alienate many people asking not to get their fanboyism ruined); anything EA related is easy and clear to find, and immediately incriminates journalistic outlets as well as they have so often participated in their hypocritical and corrupt methods to discredit gamers as a whole; if people like Rami Ismail or Tim Schafer ever get some screen-time, you obviously know what to do. >GET TO HIGHER GROUND Each year, outlets use whatever clickbaity topic to make themselves look more intelligent and open-minded than everyone else, obviously forgetting that it's supposed to be about games more than morals, and getting most of both wrong in the process. Archive everything; screencaps with underlined stupid parts and an archive link added are a perfect way to make easily digestible and even perhaps fun content; mock, laugh and deride; remain positive and do not hesitate to compare the older, more enjoyable E3 times to today's, which are hyper-shilled, bland and predictable, complete cashgrabs and overall completely disinterested in making games anymore most of the time. >BE COLLECTED It remains a touchy time of the year, followed almost only by marketers and normalfags, so it's important to look relevant, efficient and clear to both as people with genuine knowledge and no animosity. Only use verified info, so check before posting if you're unsure; reread your posts before putting them online and correct them if required; don't hesitate to contact friends and family on these topics (in a calm manner, if not detached way); never push too hard if people seem unwilling to discuss or seem too passionate on certain topics, as they are allowed to neither care nor hope to know : if they want to ask later, it'll be much more likely if you were friendly enough to give them some space; ever get angry or emotional, you'll look dumber than them, even if they're obviously wrong or dumb.
>LEARN TO E-DRIVE It is important to ensure efficient spreading that you know how to share things online without getting bullied or making yourself look silly. Do not mix the #GamerGate hashtag with any other one, as it will prevent both from trending; RT and like all tweets that deserve attention, even if it means sharing several different versions of the same image/topic; never direct-link to reddit; never mention 8chan (or even halfchan), except to people who go to those places maybe, and even still; avoid .@replying (sharing discussions with people publicly to all of your followers) if it's merely normalfags disagreeing with you/saying stupid things, keep that shit for actual journos or marketers; report all spam and bots that cram up the tags with useless shit. >SUPPORT We finally have, after nearly ten years of hegemonic bullshit from San Francisco overpaid daddy-issue ridden faggots, good and respectable news outlets that are worth growing in popularity and influence. As soon as new articles on E3 are released, pick your favorite ones and share/like them on social media; always enjoy commenting on them and discussing the topic with other people; other than sites, youtubers or bloggers that are relevant and appreciated are worth spreading just as much; tell people you know who happen to share articles from those supported places that you're proud of them, pleasantly surprised or any such positive reinforcement; on the contrary, as mentioned earlier, tell them (politely and concisely) that you really can't take bad sites like gawker or destructoid's opinions seriously; don't hesitate to mention alternatives to things like twitter -sealion.club works great- or reddit -voat is still a bit dead but could deserve some work. >HAVE FUN The ultimate power of GamerGate, and what keeps it going since forever, is how enjoyable, happy and fearless it is. Having fun ensures everyone who likes fun will prefer sitting next to us than with grim ideologues who hate boobs and punches. Share what games you can't wait to play, or your favorite times in previous E3s; plan multiplayer sessions with friends and family, even strangers perhaps; comment happenings with happiness instead of dark, desperate notions ("HAHA THIS GAME LOOKS SO BAD I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE RESULT" is always preferable to "all people who like this game are ultimate faggots", even though it's probably true); shitposting is never wrong, your mom lied; don't forget to fap, get plenty of rest, find a comfy place with tons of drinks and food, and, obviously, /v/ opened on a second screen while it's all blowing up.
Bumping because it could be nice to actually get some more activity…
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Bumping: To users of NicheGamer At the top of the comment section of every article is a "Recommend" button with a heart next to it. If you are logged into Disqus, this pushes the article up Disqus' network of relevant articles. Some people use Disqus to find blogs, reviews and articles- sort of like a Google but just for them. Say they search "Doom Review" then the most relevant article (based on tags) that has the most Recommends are shown first. If you want NicheGamer to do well. You need to RT all their E3 tweets and Recommend all their articles via the comment section. I even screecapped it for you.
RE: Get To Higher Ground and the part about having a more positive attitude: On top of "I can't wait to see how this trainwreck turns out" instead of "Everyone who likes this is shit", is it worth sharing archived clickbait articles and mocking them? > Oh god, "E3 is transphobic", Polygon is full of shit: archive.com/urletc Would be bad, but a more positive version of that. Normalfags won't convert the archive back to its original source out of laziness, and it deprives them of ads. Meanwhile, we openly mock the bad articles on the most active time for gamers. Yay/Nay/Feedback?
Finally, should we have a stickied E3 thread here? /v/ will be for fun and reactions. /gamergatehq/'s E3 thread will be about organization, reporting good articles from good websites to be RT'd and shared, verifying bullshit, and basically making sure cooler heads prevail and sensible action is taken instead of knee-jerk overreaction. So, pretty much this thread sticked with the OP.
>>323902 Do it.
>>323901 Archived articles are always good, but topics like transphobia/racism/etc are always a bit touchy to normalfags; many people will be told "it's racist" and assume it is immediately. However, sharing how obviously silly it is ("kotaku is crying because a black woman is voiced by a white woman, and saying it's somehow racist") is often going to help. Be ready for potential conversations though. Also, obviously, never share kotaku/polygon/etc articles un-archived. And a stickied E3 thread could be good I'd assume, yeah.
Game companies will be monitoring their products so be sure to give your opinions, refuse to buy censored games or those with insidious agendas etc. Never hurt to tell what you like as well, linking to good site's articles at the same time.
>>323815 >BOMB THREATS? Bomb threats.
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Stop! Won't this get in the way of #IcyBlizzard?
>>324138 /v/anguard here, this OP is better. #icyblizzard is a shill OP endorsed by revoltards(see: netscape and voxday).
>>324138 >>324139 What the fuck even is icyblizzard ?
>>324150 You don't know wut #IcyBlizzard is? It was stickied on KiA for weeks. Not sure if ggr troll or just stupid.
>>324167 >KiA I don't go on reddit anon. Was it about trying to spread deepfreeze ? Because if so I'm all for it, but I don't quite get why this thread would somewhat "get in the way" of doing that. Quite the opposite, actually.
>>324169 Why split efforts up to appeal to normies? &, >not going to KiA GG's strength is numbers. Take one for the team and sub so you stay up to date. https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4ic1e3/happenings_operation_icy_blizzard/
>>324177 No. I use 8chan because I still have self respect. I think I'd heard about it but forgot, it's a good plan. Will mention it over in the /v/ thread. Worth spreading a bit. Netscape is kinda nuts but he's at least trying to get shit done instead of just crying about everyone else not following his demands like you'd see from ralph and his goons. Anyway, E3 is in june, and tries to revolve around something very different, namely E3 itself. They're unlikely to run over each other. Also why do revolttards keep pretending they're GG when they get mad the minute gamergate organizes doing something actually good
>>324179 >No. I use 8chan because I still have self respect. GG's not about pride. Image boards help but you've got to use reddit to get to the normies. Use both, or be contained like revolt. >Anyway, E3 is in june, and tries to revolve around something very different, namely E3 itself. And we can't use #IcyBlizzard for E3 because…? Having two sister hashtags will split things up and cause confusion.
>>324181 >Use both, or be contained like revolt Okay you're a faggot. It's not about "pride". Tons of people still refuse to make a twitter account because twitter is garbage, and they're perfectly allowed. Pretty much no one is on sealion.club or L4g, or even commenting on supporting sites, but doing that would actually be extremely helpful. But people are entirely allowed to do their own goddamn decision themselves, jesus christ. Fuck off with your "pride". Do you take yourself for some kind of e-hero or some shit ? Get over yourself. Also, why have a single hashtag for two different operations ? In that case, why not use #1milliongamers again instead ? It's been in use for a year, using too many hashtags will split things up and cause confusion ! I swear to god, now I better understand why I refuse to go to redshit if it's populated by people like you. I'm not actually angry or angry at you don't worry; I just think you're overdoing it, overcomplicating it and overthinking it. If you want to keep using your hashtag, keep using it, I'm simply discussing a different one with different goals. By the way, speaking of that, is #LostWoods fine with everyone as the OP's name ?
>>324138 How does this get in the way of that? The thunderclap and focus of that OP are this Friday. It was never built as an E3 OP. Beyond that, there being similar points of interest makes sense considering all three points for it are long running ideas and themes. Pushing the corruption in people's faces, pushing for alternative sites, and trying to get new people aren't really operations, they're long term goals. Different OPs being made to support those goals makes sense. Ideally one will prove itself over the rest due to having a better mix of ideas - this one is the first to mention the recommended system in nichegamer's comments section. You want to talk strength of GG? Those numbers you're proud of coming up with different ideas or different ways to push long-term ideas makes a big part of it. It's not a place for ego of "b-but my OP is better" it's getting the right ideas to the right places.
I was wondering of when launching Lost Woods would be best; I think starting a day or two before E3 itself would be good, I dunno. How would June 12th sound ?
>>324195 >Tons of people still refuse to make a twitter account because twitter is garbage, and they're perfectly allowed. You clearly don't like twitter, so why are you making a twitter op? >In that case, why not use #1milliongamers again instead ? One sister hashtag at a time. NYS > spjairplay> 1mg > TD > IcyBlizzard NYS lasted ~ a year. We don't know how long IcyBlizzard will last. Wait for that op to finish, b4 planning new ones.
>>324264 No. I know you're in love with that op but there is no reason to wait when this one would take place two weeks later and doesn't revolve around the same principle. In the slightest. Also notyourshield is not dead. It's still in use and it still should be, holy shit, are you dense ? I'm more and more starting to believe you're frankly more of a shill than a redditor. I also use twitter, doesn't prevent me from thinking it's a horrid, retarded thing; which is all the more reason to use it to abuse its system.
I'd advise taking a look at >>>/v/9478554 it's filled with horrid journo work, could be some nice ammo to use
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>>324421 http://archive.is/0J9q3 Archive that shit Frogman
>>324469 Archives don't really save pictures though. You should save the pictures individually.

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