>To be honest we need a new target, and vidya IS NOT enough.
Then you're fighting something else entirely.
Here's the deal:
Gamergate has to be about video games in some way. That way can be looser, like attacks on Gawker, Buzzfeed, and Vox (who all have gaming outlets that align with that outrage crowd and the main sites themselves attack gaming) or through more focused, like VG247 directly. Either is fine because you do have outlets actively attacking gamers, tech, nerd culture at large, and it will always comes back to video games. This is important because it helps prevent from stretching ourselves too thin and, most importantly, helps avoid internal cancer. You remember what the "Plus" in shit like Atheism+ was? It wasn't "social justice," it was Atheism plus
different, irrelevant issues. Those issues happened to be SOCJUS but they didn't
need to be, it could have been anything. Cancer is not only from one political side, it's from any extreme fringe setting root. Among people who come for "plus different, irrelevant issues" you will have people that will say
those issues matter more, that
those issues are what should be focused on. Suddenly the topic shifts away from the original subject - Atheism there, gaming here - and you get a broken pile of shit.
A similar thing happened to Occupy too: they lost the core message in favor of the other, irrelevant bullshit. When wealth inequality became second to internal politics, feeling safe, and with bureaucratic chains of command, the flip in priorities killed it.
need vidya to stay rooted and not fall for the same traps. Case and point: how many burnouts and people who try to ruin OPs play video games?
Why do the grumpiest people who fuck with every good idea happen to be people who never talk about games they love?
Finally, why is it that, among those who left, the ones who still know how to have fun and can do their own things playing vidya regularly is a common factor?