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GamerGate Radio

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HEAD COUNT Veteran Leader of GamerGate 05/29/2016 (Sun) 08:57:37 Id: f60d4d No. 324476
Guys, can we do a headcount on who actually uses this board >tfw gamergate is ded 100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars100chars
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Just me and my 20 other proxy's
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>>324476 >head count thread so this is basically EVERYBODY GET IN HERE
Reporting in
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Sure, why not?
I won't take part in it!
Try this on a weekday and you'll probably get more than five replies.
I tried to do a headcount but the only numbers I got were 500 and 404.
sup. I lurk and make morale threads from time to time to keep us going.
Lurk and occasionally post. It's slow but that makes it easy to catch up to.
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Why did you pick Sunday to do this
pointless thread
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>>324476 Let's start this. /tg/ reporting in
I am actually the only person in GG and the sole user of this board. I have no idea who these other people are. Maybe they are computer generated?
>tfw gamergate is ded Many seeds has already spread from the single bloom. Life will find a way.
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I still check in once a day usually, but spend nearly all my time on /pol/.
It's not all that necessary to have a thread like this. The irony with boards is that they seem empty but have a shitload of lurkers who will only post if they have something useful to contribute. I'd love to see a traffic counter instead of PPH.
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Don't forget to count Steve from marketing. Oh, and Janice is still on holiday.
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>>324567 Steve?Fuck him, he keeps talking my stapler and not returning it,the next time he pulls crap like that im taking my stapler and hiding it from him. I heard Janice took her remaining leave days and jetted off to Spain with her husband at least it will be quieter around her shes a fucking chatterbox.
I don't check-in weekends or holidays, because this is my job.
I, on and off, moved mostly to /pol/ nowadays, mostly cuz I want Salt Digger in Chief in the WH
I pop in from time to time to keep up with happenings.
I drop in every now and then. GamerGate has started the fire and it is spreading. Hence why less activity. We are not the core of the resistance anymore.
Still drop in every now and then but the constant /pol/ shit pushing gets a little off-putting after a while.
This board is a monument to why overmoderation on an image board doesn't work out.
I'm here still here since October 2014 was on the original 2-3 boards until we came to this one. Forgot if we jumped from /gamergate/ to GG to another and then this one but still its been a while. I think moving from board to board kinda hurt the userbase feels kinda sad coming here and seeing the same topic from months ago in the front page when in the past it be new topics every hour on the front page. Where did everyone go? Because Kotakuinaction and youtube and twitter communities are still on fire.
>>324701 > Kotakuinaction They have a fresh 2 pages of front page activity because they diversify into non-vidya related Free Speech issues, SJW drama, archiving clickbait articles for wanking over. They're /pol/-lite™, without any meaningful racism or sexism debate because they try to be the media-friendly "face" of Gamergate. To their credit, they do get Eron Gjoni's real posts. trying to compare us to youtube is like trying to compare apples and screwdrivers, too different to even matter. Twitter fucking sucks and it's just high-speed shitposting in a race to get blocked/banned for hate-speech. NIGGER
>>324699 >overmoderation Stay salty swami.
>>324476 I hardly ever post here. Or on any of the older /gg/ boards. Never saw a reason to.
Using it more for crosslinking Ops now.
Still here on occasion
>>324476 Anon reporting. I prefer to use nazi pol for info since nazis tend to scare off normies and hard to offend.
>>324476 OP ive been watching your attached video for about 45 minutes now and the car is just going round in circles.
>>325170 yeah I think the sites broken again

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