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GamerGate Radio

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Irrelevant Games Journalists trying to link E3, shooters to Orlando terrorist attack Gawker Media's Creditor 06/13/2016 (Mon) 20:21:33 Id: b33829 No. 325039
It wasn't GG-related, until these fucks tried their hardest to make it related. Hack writers, who it must be pointed out WERE NOT invited to E3 and are likely salty about that fact, are complaining about E3 presenters, publishers and developers not acknowledging the Muslim shooting of 100+ fags in a Florida gay bar the night before. Same bad story, spreading to multiple outlets and thru twitter users, that publishers like EA should be ashamed of not making the attack a talking point in context to new shooting-based games they are releasing. This is not a legitimate point to make, and it has been proven over and over that shooting games do not cause shooting in real life. THE FUCKING MUSLIM KILLER HAD A BOMB VEST ON, AND DIED BEFORE HE COULD BLOW HIMSELF UP, GUNS ARE NOT THE FOCUS HERE PEOPLE!!! scan for offending journalists, archive and screencap for action
plebbit calling out the following names: Justin McElroy, Chris Plante, T.C. Sottek, Bob Chipman, Jonathan McIntosh, Jonathan Blow, Phil Owen, Jed Whitaker.
>>325040 >u/kindraness >This is so disturbing. It's not even enraging at this point it just makes me mad. I write about video games. I am at E3 right now. And thank god I am because that is the best possible distraction for me right now. I'm gay. I've been involved in the LGBT community for a long time. This singular event is the worst tragedy to ever happen that was targeted at the US community I am a part of, that I've done a lot of work for. And this happened during Pride of all times. Pride just happened in my city. It's happening this week in LA where I currently am (and they actually found another man here armed with several weapons and pipe bombs so you can imagine how stressful that is). >I can tell how utterly not terrified these people actually are if their aim is to inject it into more things. Because I am terrified and all I want for a couple days is a distraction so I am not in a constant fret about how this could happen again. How it could happen to people I know. How it could happen to me if I am in the wrong place at the wrong time. The minute something like this is not random, it becomes so much more horrifying. >Video games are very much a distraction for me. An escape. E3 is similarly a distraction. Even though I'm working it's basically my vacation. And the last thing I want to hear is that I'm anything comparable to the man that killed people like me, just for playing games with guns. >That is basically what statements like this are. They're implications that games make you violent and if you play games like that you have a chance of becoming like that person. And developers create that person. And that's wrong in so many ways but it's especially insulting to those who are gay and play those games. There are at least several of us. And I would argue none of us are that level of psychopath. >I'm tired of politics. I'm tired of being villified for being a gamer. I don't like living in fear for being gay. And if I talk about Orlando I want it to be about the victims, about loving and comforting each other, not another excuse to yell and scream at each other. At least for a few days.
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Blow "clarified" his position into something almost as bad, and certainly much more insulting and thought-crimey. He said he's not saying video games cause violence, but he is saying that if you play shooters, he thinks it's good evidence that you have secret murder fantasies and you're a sick fuck. Jonathan Blow being the indie darling behind Braid and The Witness, Edmund McMillen being mr. Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac.
face it op, nobody cares
It's not going to matter when Hillary is president and makes videogames illegal.
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Milo's got the right idea and the right matching handbag to go with his ensemble
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>>325043 >Sage is a downvote Why are you even here my fellow "leader"?
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the weird thing about this comic strip is that its actually true remember columbine and doom where those two edgelords played it and the media tried to spin it that it was the game that caused violence and how games journos back then reacted Fast forward to 2016 year of the social media cancer where every loudmouth and moron can scream into the void and get noticed and thus generate clicks for their shitty clickbait empire/site
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The voices the voices in my head are sending me death threats every week i fear they will escape the confines of my mind and unleash a hail of bullets on my person while i am having a speaking engagement. Actually has any of her speaking engagements ever been disrupted by bomb threats or angry protesters or shit like that?
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The voices the voices in my head are sending me death threats every week i fear they will escape the confines of my mind and unleash a hail of bullets on my person while i am having a speaking engagement. Actually has any of her speaking engagements ever been disrupted by bomb threats or angry protesters or shit like that?
A religious fundamentalist (who turns out out to be a self hating closet case) shoots up a gay nightclub (that he used to cruise) but he is a privileged victim-class so lets blame video games and guns instead MSM/GameJournalist/SJW "logic" everyone!
>>325051 im fucking livid right now serious a lot of people die and the firts thing this fucking scumbag murder says is >oh my god I will be a victim in a mass shooting. FUCK YOU
>>325050 >make people to be This is why Penny Arcade has a writer, and an artist, and they're two separate people.
It sucks that Trump is the voice of the Republicans right now, because the way he states things makes the rest of his party pull away. This morning, Paul Ryan, Republican Speaker of the House and America's highest ranking elected conservative publicly split with Trump on the matter of banning Muslim immigrants. Every time energy gets spent on in-fighting, it just gets more likely that Clinton gets elected and castrates the second amendment.
>>325074 Kukuruyo is from spain and doesthose kind of mistakes from time to time. I won't blame him, though, since he pumps these out regularly and without expectations of compensation (but yeah, I'd gladly proofread for him. Then again, also non native speaker)
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>>325084 I feel this whole shooting thing just handed Trump 1000's of voters who are only voting for for him because he promised to keep muslim refugees/potential terrorists out of murica the gay community will have second thoughts between him and hillary
>>325091 The gay community has unequivocally told Trump to fuck off, if you read the news. The gay community is super liberal and has personal experience being scapegoated by Republican politicians. And a refusal to discriminate on a basis of religion is a major rallying point for Constitutionally minded conservatives. It's the issue that's most likely to get him criticized by his own party's elected officials. If calling for a ban on Muslim immigration gets him 1000s of votes, it costs him 10000s. Anyway new polls released last night show Clinton expanding her lead on Trump to double digits. Enjoy your videogames and guns while you can. They'll be illegal by November.
>>325097 >The gay community has unequivocally told Trump to fuck off, if you read the news. The gay community is super liberal and has personal experience being scapegoated by Republican politicians. > I think your being quite prejudice against gays here by suggesting that they all think the same way and have the same political views. Gays are a whole spectrum of political values. Just like the rest of us. Sure the loudest most vocal ones are on the extreme left wing but thats true for straight people too. Think about all the gays who were on the fence about Trump. They will now be very much behind him. The trump train just got a whole load of fruity new passengers. And theres still plenty of time for more terrorist attacks between now and November.
>>325097 The usual refinement I see argued by Trump supporters is that he'd block immigration from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, which is amply supported by precedent. I don't think anyone seriously expects trouble from, say, Malaysians. And his whole schtick is to shift the Overton window far enough over that he can bargain for a sensible deal. He says build a wall, but what he wants is sensible immigration reform to be passed before he even gets in, so he can take credit if it works or push to amp it up if it doesn't. And being a lefty fag myself, most of us are left wing because of the religious right, and as more of us realise that the Left are being infected with religious regressives like Muslims and Feminists, we are shifting right.
>all the gays who were on the fence about Trump. [Citation needed]
>>325102 At the lowest estimates, there are three million gays in America. Not a big voting block, but by our nature we're spread all over everywhere and have a variety of opinions. Or did you not notice big time gay conservatives like Milo, Jim Hoft and Gavin McInnis? Besides that, the Left has primed us with "Don't vote for X, or you'll die!", and it's gonna bite them in the arse, non-consensually.
>>325103 Individual votes are what they are. Maybe you're not part of "the gay constituency" as much as you are some other voting group, and you make your political decisions based on information from different sources than people who vote "the gay agenda." That doesn't mean that "the gays" have rebuked Trump en masse since Sunday, and have cited the fact that American conservatives have scapegoated gays for decades, and thus reject the condemnation of Muslims as a group. Anyway, Trump just endorsed restricting gun sales to people on terror-watch and no-fly lists. So I suppose you think gun control liberals will all vote for Trump now. I bet you're ecstatic.
>>325103 No. All gays are exactly the same and have the same opinions on politics. Sincerely, the left.
>>325104 Trump just endorsed restricting gun sales to people on terror-watch and no-fly lists. God fucking dammit. Trump's moving the Overton window alright.
>>325085 >I won't blame him You should. Being from a different country isn't an argument when it comes to those kinda things. When I don't know how to say something in your heathen language, I fucking check.
>>325097 >discriminate on a basis of religion Who said anything abut religion? Just make people from war-torn countries apply for a visa. Shit, I'd have to apply for one if I wanted to go to the US, and my country has been sucking American dick since Bill was the prez trying to change the policy.
>>325106 Sadly the Libertarians aren't any better either. All of the mainstream is clustercucked at this point, fellow Creditor.
>>325117 Recommendations?
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>>325040 >Bob Chipman
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>>325039 Wow. The gaming media conspiracy isn't hiding on secret mailing lists any more - they're actively, publicly calling for coordinated action to destroy the hobby they claim to represent.

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