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GamerGate Radio

Nintendo goes SJW, link is male but "Gender Neutral" Gawker Media's Creditor 06/19/2016 (Sun) 17:17:40 Id: 790d8f No. 325241
Although Link is Male in the new game, the creators made him look adrogynous and "gender neutral" to appeal to more people. “During the development of Twilight Princess, I went a different route and created a version of Link that was more masculine,” he said. “But after Twilight Princess I went back to the drawing board and decided Link should be a more gender-neutral character. Hence I created the version of Link that you see in Breath of the Wild. As far as gender goes, Link is definitely a male, but I wanted to create a character where anybody would be able to relate to the character. So that’s why I think the rumor went around that Link could be a female. Because maybe the users were able to relate in that way.” - Eiji Aonuma, series producer I suspect the feminazis pressured Nintendo to do this. mynintendonews.com/2016/06/18/link-is-gender-neutral-in-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild/ miketendo64.com/2016/06/18/aonuma-says-gender-neutral-link/
>the creators made him look adrogynous and "gender neutral" to appeal to more people Wasn't link being an androgynous little twink a thing since… fucking forever?
This is definitely a mistranslation, like how they said Samus was "newhalf." In Japanese culture, femininity is seen differently than how these SJWs see it now. He most likely meant to say they made him more androgynous. But that doesn't mean he's fucking "gender neutral." I could only imagine if David Bowie was more modern, the shit he would have stirred.
>>325248 Fun fact: SJWs damn near lynched Bowie when he renounced his bisexuality in the 1980s. No to mention the fact that the British music press damn near crucified him for daring to flirt with conservative politics (falsely accusing him of saying "Britain could use some good old fashion fascism" when he refused to denounce Margaret Thatcher and one magazine taking a photo of Bowie waving to fans and claiming it was Bowie giving the Nazi salute). The song "Fashion" was written largely a rebuke to the SJW thuggery he experienced, literally comparing the proto-SJW types to fascists
>>325243 I think it's saying that TP Link was a bit more gritty and butch, to go with the overall style, but they're going with a more pretty boy style now. As you say, that's going back to business as usual.
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>>325241 > “But after Twilight Princess I went back to the drawing board and decided Link should be a more gender-neutral character. I'd like to read what he actually said in the original moon, because a SJW translator can "Localize" shit any number of ways to fit an agenda. Like this: >>325248 >This is definitely a mistranslation, like how they said Samus was "newhalf." Which was a one-time thowaway joke from 1994
That's just some weird double talk there. He's always looked pretty girly, it doesn't actually help much. I'm hoping that they establish more character for Link so this type of controversy exists less and less. He's not an avatar of the player, he's the hero of the story and you play him in it. That's it.
>>325243 Yep. You'd never put any iteration of Link as a Football player. Soccer sure, but dude has always been on the nancy side.
>>325243 > Wasn't link being an androgynous little twink a thing since… fucking forever? Yeah, I remember reading (before the modern wave of gender bullshit) that he was intentionally designed that way in the original game to attract girls to playing it. They made him more grown up in recent games and are reverting to the original concept. No big deal.
>>325241 >Nintendo goes SJW, link is male but "Gender Neutral" More like >Nintendo feeds hungry SJW in hopes that they will shut up.
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>>325241 "Screw this. I'm out."
I don't really see this as a big issue. As others have pointed out, Link has been a bit androgynous before, and who cares anyway? Let the game live or die on it's merits. Don't feed into the same bullshit that's going to lead to them marketing this game in the fashion of the ghostbusters flick.
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So, is Linkle in Musou Zelda also gender neutral?
>>325251 It's hard to imagine a time when an A-list celebrity could get away with stuff like that and still retain their career. Now you sneeze the wrong way and you're blacklisted.
It's not gay if it's an elf.

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