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GamerGate Radio

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"Pokémon GO Could Be A Death Sentence For A Black Man" Veteran Leader 07/11/2016 (Mon) 07:19:04 Id: 44df0a No. 325722
You'd think they'd have learned. Kotaku concern trolling over Pokemon GO and how black people are going to be shot while playing it. http://archive.is/7MktG
>>325722 They're STILL trying to be relevant. GG Kotaku, no RE.
>>325729 ghazi has a thread up about this and they're tore on it. half thinks its as shitty as we do, the other half insist that it's making a valid point about institutionalized racism and that black guys can't feel safe walking anywhere. Which is horseshit for a multitude of reasons that aren't worth explaining to affluent white women and gay latinos on the internet trying to be black people's friends without actually living next to them.
>>325736 >trying to be black people's friends without actually living next to them. which is what it's really about. It will forever chap their asses that I, as a white male, have no fear in saying to black friends(which I actually have) and some black strangers as 'my nigger' effortlessly, and not be awkward or questioned on it. They wield words like bigot and transphobe and swing them around as weapons, because they forbid themselves from some of life's simple pleasures, like calling a black guy a nigger and everyone being chill af about it.
Makes sense. Black people are statistically more likely than average to be stopped by cops for suspicious behavior, and statistically more likely to be the target of police violence when stopped for any reason. White people are statistically more likely to call in the presence of a Black person to the police than a person of another race, and that report is statistically more likely to result in a confrontation with the police when the person reported is Black. So while in reality you're talking about a fraction of a fraction of a percent of risk, the math checks out that a Black person is "more at risk from police" hunting Pokemon than a white person. I'm not sure what the controversy is here. It's all just basic statistics.
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Kotaku jornals arereaching Ralphretard levels of stupidity trying to turn tweets into articles about….oh wait. Never mind they already were. Did you guys find it strange that the cops used an allakbar robot to kill that shooter guy why didn't they load it with sleeping gas or tranquilizer darts,when police have to use smart bombs to resolve situations you know shit has hit the fan in a big way Also dats racist mang have some fucking decency Shitaku God
>>325736 Why not both? Institutionalized racism is real, Kotaku is full of shit and applying it to video games for clicks. >>325743 Don't find it weird at all, think about what happened to Dorner or other cop killers. The police show no mercy.
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>>325745 When you kill a cop all gloves come off at least that's what all the cop shows and they are plenty of em tell me I just think it sets a dangerous precedent that drones can be used on american soil against american citizens when they need arises i can see all police departments requesting and getting their own wall-e tactical neutralization Bot in the near future as a result of this.
>>325745 >Institutionalized racism is real >in country with a black president and black 4-star generals pick one, foreigner.The only thing keep black people down are themselves, but you would know that if you ever sat in class with one in high school.
Interesting factoid police bullets do not discriminate against race they tear asunder of fresh regardless. More concern should be on the fact the cops are so quick to reach for their guns to deal with almost all situations often with fatal consequences
>>325809 The two aren't mutually exclusive, you know.
>>325809 >questions existence of institutionalized racism >uses individual elites as counter-examples Good luck in 8th grade, li'l buckaroo!
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>>325743 >Did you guys find it strange that the cops used an allakbar robot to kill that shooter guy why didn't they load it with sleeping gas or tranquilizer darts,when police have to use smart bombs to resolve situations you know shit has hit the fan in a big way No. I don't find it strange at all. Use-of force doesn't work that way. If the situation warrants your taking the shot, you shoot to kill, with whatever means are at hand. With tranqs or gas both dosage and coverage is difficult to regulate as the Russian's found out with their one botched raid on a Muslim theater hostage taking in the 90's which killed half the hostages. You don't take half-measures as it get's people killed. >>325755 >drones can be used on american soil against american citizens What do you think a guided missile like a Hellfire is? Or even more so with a autonomous cruise missile like a Tomahawk? They're both "killer robots" and both have been use on American citizens abroad (who were in league with America's enemies), but a R/C robot controled by a human (not a drone) with a with a bomb payload which has human pulling the trigger/detonator creates a warped mental image due in people's minds due to the western media such as the Terminator franchise, but is neither a "drone" nor "killer robot".
>>325828 Institutionalized racism doesn't exist in a country where you can be jailed for "racist tweets". You want to see institutionalized discrimination? Go to any country in the Middle East. >>325815 >More concern should be on the fact the cops are so quick to reach for their guns to deal with almost all situations often with fatal consequences Fuck off libtard. Cops show an admirable amount of restraint considering the average nigger's constant provocation and idiotic dstructive behavior. If anything, we need a crackdown so the stupid monkeys learn to respect the fucking law.
Whelp, I guess this is the last thread on hq actually about gaming. It's been fun, but, yeah. Good luck out there.
It happened. :( http://archive.is/TgUft
Keeping this one up because Pokemon Go is likely going to remain a topic "journalists" use to talk about messages.
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>>326047 >five police officers stopped him and pointed four guns at him because he fit the description of a man who had just robbed a bank A minor detail that's completely unimportant and never, ever, happens to non-blacks. Ever. Like a when almost the same fucking thing happened to a Korean friend of mine who was stopped, pulled over, and pulled out of his car by police at gunpoint, because he happened to match the same basic description of an armed hispanic carjacker who stole the same model/year/color car.
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Im surprised its all quiet on the pokemongo front guess when you can make your own characters and virtual pets there's not much to latch onto for the usual suspects.
>>325736 >Ghazi have those fatties lost weight yet? And stopped having contempt for men and Whitey? >>325745 >Institutionalized racism is real SJW found. >>325828 East Asians earn more than Europeans in America.

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