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GamerGate Radio

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''My career would've been ruined'', my ass. SJW always lie. I am OP, the faggot. 08/31/2016 (Wed) 21:12:23 Id: 6177ae No. 327431
Staying anon to prevent SJW assclowns from ruining my life. Anyway: I'm a gamedev fag. I'm not a low-tier goobergrapper faggot, but not a Sargon/MundaneMatt/etc either, and where I'm from I am considered a bit notorious for stirring up the media and going up against the ll vidya kartels SJW's like to make. Normies and SJW's always said my career would be ruined because of it. Turns out, it had 0 impact. Why? I had to go to job interviews the past couple of days. Because vidya is shit, I went for application development. Turns out, the majority of IT's look down on vidya development because, except for a few big guys, it's riddled with low-paying jobs, friend politics, corruption and extremism. They refer to GamerGate as when in 2014/15 the corruption was exposed. Two people recognized me on accident because I couldn't stay completely anon to get some shit done during the past two years, and didn't give a shit about it. I'm now hired by one of those companies. It took me 3 days to get a job.
Good to hear.
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>>327431 >They refer to GamerGate as when in 2014/15 the corruption was exposed. This I like.
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Game on, Leader.
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>>327431 Good on ya, devFag! This is something that I have seen a lot in my own work (I've been in the game dev scene but not in any noteworthy way.) A lot of people with the engineering skills often use gamedev as a stepping stone for bigger things because it IS a shitty industry to work in. Shit hours, shit bosses, shit environment, shit pay (compared to a legit programming/sys-engineering position at a legit company) and having the media shit all over the stuff you've poured your soul into is just a recipe for all kinds of headaches. A legit coding job means better hours, better pay and a WAY better working environment. Good luck and god-speed on your new digs. May Kek smile on you.
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>>327431 Always great when the Overton window is shifted. >GamerGate as when in 2014/15 the corruption was exposed. Feelsgoodman
>>327431 >IT's look down on vidya development because, except for a few big guys, it's riddled with low-paying jobs, friend politics, corruption and extremism You forgot shitty programmers, carmack is one of the very few game devs that non-game programmers respect >the corruption was exposed I dont know where you are working now OP but there's corruption in IT as well, specially in the appdev/startup scene Tons of assholes there outright stealing shit, every tech blogger out there gets paid to give coverage, everybody mucks numbers using spam to generate traffic and fake users to say they got traction And don't get me started with investors, they are scummy as shit
>>327609 >I dont know where you are working now OP but there's corruption in IT as well, specially in the appdev/startup scene fortunately, my company is not involved in that nonsense. They provide services to a broad customer base, all of them companies who they've worked together with for up over 10 years now. So I think I'm good.

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