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GamerGate Radio

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The SJW Approved Social Media Day of the Rope Veteran Leader 09/04/2016 (Sun) 06:56:38 Id: eb16bd No. 327614
In light of Youtube making thoughtcrime a crime by way of penalty of losing your ability to make money off your videos, I am drawn back to the following which was posted on Half-Chan about a month or two ago. Someone claiming that the SJW tumors that have infiltrated and taken control over social media giants planning a SJW Day of the Rope on anyone who has so much as disagreed with the SJW mafia… If this happened, what would the fall-out be? The shitstorm would be huge but also kind of telling if the "If Trump wins" scenario happens in terms of the SJW mafia overreaching in a shit fit over losing…..
This won't happen because it would cause everyone to leave. Although it looks like it's always SJWs vs us, there are plenty of people who would see this and then leave even if they weren't banned because such a practice is ridiculous. The fallout would prompt a Twitter replacement to be made. Youtube doing it is different because 99% of people on youtube won't be affected and people are not being banned, only their cashflow is. Twitter is a social media platform and this would entail being banned, which affects both the user and others reading their posts. So no, this is fake.
>>327614 The big problem about this (for SJWs) is that SJW are all so far up their own assholes they don't realize how little power and influence outside Academia, the MSM and Social media, Cult-like thinking does this. They can gang-up and attack individual target, companies and groups, who usually fall-over at the first whiff of "Alanski's Rules for Radicals"-labeling. HOWEVER, there exists a group that there who was attacked, lied to and lied about; who fought back, documenting their bullshit tactics and ideology, while cataloging their sins and when SJWs start poking the normie bear… There's a whole counter-strategy that little group, which fought the SJWs and won, has been using which is so effective it's almost a cheat code. If I get banned? So what? In 2014 I used throw-away burner accounts to do most shit to keep anon, but in 2016 that changed, due to #TorrentialDownpour where there is something in my background which backs up localization arguments if I name-fag I was born in Japan and understand Japanese, so I know when Localizers are bullshitting I'm also an Admiral so I've been using my "name" twitter account for GG shitposting. I've done this with the expectation of being doxxed*, banned, or whatever. Even if they initiate #GGORDER66 they can't hurt me, I just stop shitposting on their service …and I've already signed up for Gab, anyway. *it's "doxxed" with two Xs, you're wrong, fuck your autism doxfag.
Honestly, couldn't really care if twitter did this. After all, what's the #1 reason other social media sites can't ever seem to succeed? Because twatter already has everyone. If they give everyone the boot, it just opens up the doors for "us" to make a new, better one, with blackjack and hookers. Also, so they boot everyone but their own kind and movie companies to advertise? So they only advertise to those who already think like them? If they want to waste their money preaching to the choir they can go right ahead. …and even when it becomes a "perfect" safe space/echo chamber, we've all seen how quickly they turn on each other. Once they get rid of all the "conservatives" then they'll get bored and go after the "whites" or the "old" or those who used the wrong gender pronoun, or… …and eventually the whole thing just shuts down. Either way, I really can't be bothered to care.
>>327614 Jokes on both of them. What if Jill Stein wins? Then their Day of the Rope will become the Night of Long Knives.
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>>327652 No, this is. Even if we don't want politics in Gamergate, politics just forced their hand.
>>327659 I'm starting to sense some D&C Cointelpro
>>327614 "If Trump Wins", I can see this happening. A lot of people have nothing to lose (people who have been corrupt have a chance of getting caught, and SJW think they'll be rounded up) so they are ripe for exploitation to set the pieces for civil war. Any website not SJW will get shut down, forced to rebrand, DDOS'd or owners will mysteriously "vanish". Even if they fail, it makes Trump's presidency look bad (he was in charge when chaos happened, ergo it's his fault). However, if they were going to play their hand big, I'd see it being done to get Shillary in. Either election fraud (which could spark civil war as everyone calls bullshit) or even a false-flag attack during the election. Don't dress it up as people attacking Trump voters, just make it look like an Alt.Right terrorist or ISIS-but-somehow-not-Muslim terrorist. While everyone focuses on that, the extra security forces have agents slipped in who fuck with the election ballots or machines. Or maybe they even go as far as to stop-and-search people in the queue- those who are likely to be Trump supporters or even an actor who freaks out so he can be publicly beaten- to discourage others from voting. If what OP says is true, then that method is too clumsy to be an anti-Trump tactic before the election- as the fallout would be epic. The "alt-right" (everyone who isn't SJW) would galvanize under "fuck those guys" and would get organized fast in small sects. I could see this more as a post-Clinton win tactic. They nearly lost it all once, so now they double down and make the internet a "safe space". It also ties into what Obama is trying to do with ICANN (selling off the domain name control to the UN or foreign nations, so websites are no longer protected under Freedom of Speech). It ties into other "online doomsday" theories I've read (pic related), but I'm not ready to listen and believe. I've read about terrorist attack that'd justify emergency powers into a totalitarian state nearly every year since Obama took office. Maybe it's bullshit. Maybe every year that fact slipping out to a message board was enough to shut it down. We just don't know. We need evidence on OP's claim. But it does raise other issues. - We need ways to keep in contact if the net becomes heavily regulated. - We need to nurture a truly free social media platform to protect free speech. - We need to protect the internet, and keep free speech laws.
>>327666 Another thing that gets me is SJW never fight directly. If the matter comes down to "you are in the wrong"- they lose because they have nothing to stand on. I can see this on the back of a false-flag though, similar to what happened in South Korea (pic related). Someone is "driven to suicide" over (non-existent or false-flagged) harassment, so they use that to justify online control. Or even an outright murder- "driven by online hate comments encouraging a sick mind" or some shit.
>>327666 The terrorist attack false flag has been tossed around but it has been speculated in connection to a third scenario of sorts: Obama using a terror attack to get a "third term" and fuck Hillary over and deny her the Presidency. Obama and the Clintons HATE each other. HATE with a passion. But Obama made a deal with the devil where Hillary agreed to back down and not burn the Democrat Party to the ground (which she was prepared to do if she didn't get made the nominee in 2008). Obama basically promised that she would be the 2016 candidate and allowed her to move all of her people in place to make sure NO ONE could stop her coronation (which Bernie tried to do, as Bernie was a wild card the Clinton gang failed to anticipate). The deal with the devil was renegotiated in 2012 again in Hillary's favor, when Obama needed Bill to campaign for him as Obama made a pact to basically make sure Hillary's various corruptions would never be prosecuted and the FBI would be brought to kneel and "exonerate her" for the various scandals brewing in the distance. Obama has never forgiven Hillary for creating the birther movement and threatening him (there is longstanding conspiracy rumors that the global elite basically negotiated the deal between the two, once Hillary started making cryptic death threats at Obama, which made them fear Hillary would have Obama murdered if she could not steal the nomination). He hates her as much as he hates his longstanding thorn in his side Trump, but with Hillary, he's forced to eat shit and publicly support her because of their pact. Obama stages a terror attack, blaming it on ISIS since they are a far more plausible patsy. He does so before the election and uses it to suspend said election for the duration of the crisis. In that time, Hillary will be neutralized: either killed, or her corruption will be outed or her failing health will be outed; something happens to get Hillary to drop out and someone else appointed of Obama's own personal choosing (most likely Biden). If Hillary can't be eliminated, then Obama keeps America in a permanent state of emergency with him as President until further notice and the UN gets called in to enforce his decision to appoint himself President until further notice. As for SJW going after people and making them "vanish"; that is a major concern if Trump gets elected. Think Red Army Faction, Beider-Meinhoff, and the Weathermen: ultra-left wing terrorists who killed people and who were bankrolled by their daddy and mommy's trust fund and enabled by wealthy SJWs and flacked by SJW lawyers. Now imagine those groups with the internet and it's ability to track people down (and social media groups giving them aid and intel on victims locations and shit). Lots of people could be murdered and then some. Cops being executed along with their families, along with conservative types of all shapes and stripes and walks of life.
>>327701 The cycnic in me has always feared that Zoe would have the ego to try and become the next Bernadine Dorhn, if shit hit the fan. With Alex and his daddy's money and gun running contacts providing Zoe and Alex and their fellow terrorists with guns and training to kill innocent people if Zoe ever got close to being busted for her laundry list of crimes.
>>327614 Twitter banning two thirds of it's userbase? That'll never happen for the very reason we should hope it happens - it'll destroy the company and the website.
>>327702 The biggest problem with all these spoopy theories is that SJWs HATE guns and are hilariously laughable with them. Even assuming training, they'd pale in comparison to your average seasonal hunter.
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>>327755 dubdubs checked >it'll destroy the company and the website. I wouldn't put it past them - they do like to circlejerk things into oblivion - while people just go elsewhere. Read somewhere recently - 'they'll happily burn the house down as long as they get to be king of the ashes.' Yup.
>>327768 Someone needs to come up with a twitter alternative soon. There's Voat for Reddit, but I don't know of any practical alternative to Twitter.
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>>327772 You forgot other nodes like freezepeach.xyz and gnutan.

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