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#OperationMoe Veteran Leader 09/08/2016 (Thu) 10:18:00 Id: 82c450 No. 327745
The Mary Sue published an(other) article attacking anime fans and now anime fans are fighting back with #OperationMoe on Twitter. Join in, shitlords! Article: http://archive.is/9ciSi Tag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/OperationMoe
>It can be easy to focus on the lightning rods of criticism for anime and manga. Panty shots? Check. Unfeasibly large-breasted characters? Check. Sexualized children? Check. All of the above in a non-erotic series? Check. There is of course value in discussing these things, but they are low-hanging fruit; most anime fans will understand or agree with people taking issue with these elements. Are they really claiming that anyone other than SJWs and religious fundamentalists have a problem with boobies and panties? Just how out of touch are these people?
Meh, let the SJWs waste their time. Japan isn't going to change just because a bunch of whiny people on the other side of the planet are "offended". If you want to worry about something, then worry about anime and manga translators/bloggers/youtubers, a lot of them are SJWs. These people are the ones who are going to affect those who can't into moonrunes. I strongly believe that the western anime community has way more SJWs than the gaming community.
The easiest message to spread to neutrals + normies is that it's just sjws attacking something from another culture - simply because - it's from another culture. Goes against their own socjus rhetoric that. >>327761 Pretty much this. Japan is used to it + will just brush it of as usual. The concern is the translation side of it. I've not watched much anime - watched more Asian films though - quite a lot from Japan. Always watch with the original Japanese audio too - and follow the subtitles -so much so I'm used to it now. Don't know if films are more accurately translated (guessing they are) - but after a while you start to pick up parts of what's being said and can tell if the subtitle translation is different. Not clued up on anime translation - what's the set up like? Do many studios in Japan do 'in-house' translations, or is it mainly left to local companies, each in their own country for their own language?
My 2 cents: You're not gonna get normalfags on your side by posting moe. The first association 99% of will have on seeing it will be either "childish" or "pedo". You're better off posting imagery from anime that is more…. normal
>>327761 >>327771 You guys are fucking idiots. You let your guard down and history will repeat itself. Listen up, faggots. If you think Japan is somehow infallible to the SJW plague, then you're fucking mistaken. Does anyone here remember the Rapelay scandal of 2009? Are we this fucking quick to forget what SJWs are capable of? For those of you unfamiliar with the Rapelay scandal, some person found a used copy of the game being sold on Amazon (four years after its release in Japan), and every goddamned western feminist on the block was quick to shit on Japan and Japanese media. Hell, Equality Now even attempted to lobby the Japanese government to ban all sexual content from anime, manga, and video games. Although the federal government of Japan didn't do anything, the EOCS ratings board tightened their standards for approving eroge, and the Tokyo government passed it's so-called loli ban, which forced a handful of lewd but non-H manga books to be forced to be stocked in the adult section. The plot behind Shimoneta was inspired by this. http://archive.is/srUDf Although the Rapelay scandal didn't really do much in terms of legislation (the loli ban was more-or-less a paper tiger in reality, and the EOCS has a less strict alternative, the CSA), it came with it rampant paranoia over titles with sexual content being released in the west, which made censorship a real danger in the west. Kazoku Keikaku, an eroge released by JAST USA got censored at the last minute despite being released a year. Mangagamer and Funimation nearly censored its release of Soul Link and Dance in the Vampire Bund, respectively. You might wonder, why the fuck does drama over a rape-based eroge/hentai have anything to do with SJWs shitting on moe? That's because a lot of titles/games that have sexual content (including porn) also draw heavily from moe, be it either the art style and/or the various character tropes. Look at recently censored titles like Mugen Souls, Dungeon Travelers 2 and Criminal Girls. All these titles were censored for sexual content, with character designs/personalities taken straight from the moe playbook. Now look at SJWs: Who's to fucking say that they don't equate moe with promoting misogyny or even rape? The biggest damage that came from the Rapelay scandal was that it fucked up relations between developers in Japan and fans in the west. A lot of Japanese VN developers in particular started blocking foreign IP addresses and other bullshit to prevent any western exposure. Minori, the company behind ef series, was the most notorious of example–They blocked foreign IPs from their site, and they even resorting to vandalizing the TLWiki, which hosted translation patches for their games. Worse yet, Minori had plans to release their VNs in the west, but they recinded it after the Rapelay scandal. They didn't crack until 2012, when they finally let Mangagamer license one of their games. It took them years to finally be convinced that the western market isn't as unwelcoming of their games as they thought. Sound familiar? If Tecmo's refusal to release DOAX3 in the west is any indication, there is still a widespread perception that westerners don't tolerate certain kinds of content in Japanese videogames. To this day, many Japanese devs don't even bother to bring over titles that might do perfectly well over here because of their fear of a backlash. Japan can be just as vulnerable to SJW bullshit as westerners, and in the case with Rapelay, they didn't even need Twitter or social media to fuck shit up. Furthermore, it gets even more complicated by the fact that we rely on localizations to experience their titles. Even if the SJWs fail to convince the Japanese to censor themselves, it would mean jack shit to us western fans if they manage to get Japanese games censored in localization or outright not brought over. Even if the Japanese don't censor themelves, that's only half of the battle. The other half is convincing them to bring that shit over here unaltered.
>>327804 Not to mention even if Japan stands strong- they see the west as a "bonus" while catering to Japan fans. If they get enough shit, they will stop exporting. If the government bans it (on behalf of western AAA companies for money and screaming parents for more votes), they will stop exporting- and you can't legally import. Like this guy says; stand strong. Show Japanese devs you care. Show western SJW they are the minority and you won't change. And show anyone else who wants to fuck with your hobby that you are VERY loud.
>>327804 he is right >japan will never change its games >square enix: we will translate star ocean in japan, but we gonna chanage this because the west call sexist there is no proof anime would scape this, well actually there is, anime is not popular (and if /a/ learned anything from GG they will wish to remain like that until the end of time)
>>327804 >>despite being released a year >>despite being released a year late Derp. The lack of an edit function is a bitch.
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Scroll up, sit back, look at the OP. They've been skirting round anime for a while. GG is 2 years old now and they've been trying to cling onto it as long as possible -muh internet bogeyman -but people just roll their eyes - 'Still with that - again?' The Patreon bucks are now running out, so they're either revisiting previous 'problems' or trying to create new ones in other areas. Neither of which option has these 'problems', until manufactured. It's what sjs do to claim relevance and legitimize themselves. Not enough positions available requiring gender studies as a 'skill'. They're hoping for some kind of GG2 to gain traction from, but that's not going to happen. >>327800 What this fag said. Also, most other people aren't interested in your own pet causes. Specific examples won't do owt for normies - a general message is easier for them to digest - the first point here >>327771 -it's sjws being intolerant, despite what they claim. >>327804 >It took them years to finally be convinced that the western market isn't as unwelcoming of their games as they thought. >To this day, many Japanese devs don't even bother to bring over titles that might do perfectly well over here because of their fear of a backlash. See how much support there is for an OP -although this sort of thing is a long term venture. Best way to convince Japanese devs is like anyone else -wave money at them. Let them know there is a market - not just in vocal/written support, but in sales. Though this support will always take time to build up. Any way to convince Jp devs to effectively help themselves would also be a bonus. Who are the devs that do have some overseas success? It's they who can spread that message to their counterparts - that the overseas market is worthwhile. There are other alternatives -just that they require more effort. Learn the language. Not an instant solution but it's another string to your bow. May even lead to translation work for yourself if you become good enough -become someone who does the localization. Go there, buy directly. Or find someone who will. There's always a way - no one got drunk during Prohibition right?
>>327945 > won't do owt for = won't do anything for Fuckin' ell Northern slang.
>>327745 Isn't The Mary Sue pro-MLP? MLP is basically just Western moe.
>this entire fucking article I really fucking hate Americans so much.
fuck feminazi
>>327771 >こんにちは.png >konnichiwa.png >eng text says hello >さよなら >sayonara >goodbye in japanese what the fuck are you doing nigger
>>328010 Highlighting what the fag here >>327761 said about translations being another avenue for muh sjw agenda. Pic is Viv saying 'Sayonara' = 'Goodbye' -intentionally mistranslated as 'Hello'. Note - intentionally. Applies to manga and subtitles, but I'm guessing the same applies to anime dubbed in English too -who's translating the script? With translated manga, chances are you haven't got the original to compare it to. With translated anime -especially streamed anime -the same applies. If you've got the anime on DVD, at least it (usually) has the original Japanese audio as well as the English dub (and/or other language dubs) for comparison -providing you know some Japanese. I'm not great at Japanese but have occasionally noticed a dodgy translation, and sometimes I think it is just a genuine mistake. Other times I do wonder if the translators watch the stuff - and follow it -as I've noticed the odd translation that really doesn't fit with what's happening or is way out of context with the whole. At least you bothered to check - how many people don't?
This is relevant to GG because SJWs MADE TO RELEVANT TO GG. Vid related Localization of Japanese media is intertwined regardless if it Games Manga or Anime as Localization companies are already a greasy, badly-tatted and pierced, rainbow-haired, incestuous fuckfest of SJW collusion. Irregardless of whether they are successful in affecting Based Japan with their bullshit; SJWs have and WILL GATEKEEP THE SHIT OUT OF IT by infecting Localization companies. >>328016 I was born in Japan and understand Japanese. That shit drives me up the wall.
>>327968 Isn't it funny how us Americans get blamed for the actions of the rest of us? Isn't it suspicious how the mainstream media are pushing these SJW censors as "the voice of their generation"?
What about Operation Double Vision?
>>327745 Dogfucker Digest is still around?
>>328212 Still the go-to site for LGBT twats everywhere. >>>/v/10809444
>>328221 I'm amazed that the Mary Sue actually wrote something positive about violent video games. And about the First Amendment.
>>328229 They do that to draw clicks. The outlier isn't the trend.
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Meanwhile on Patreon: 'Anime Feminist is a site started by a collaboration of writers from academia, the industry and grassroots fandom for reviews, interviews, and discussion on anime and manga through a feminist lens.' https://archive.fo/s7y25

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