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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Spott(if)y Edition Anonymous 02/05/2022 (Sat) 02:38:47 Id: 0dc47b No. 130561
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5
[Expand Post]•Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w-#GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU-#GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: http://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository
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>>527905 >Why are all these has-beens making a fuss all of the sudden? Someone is paying them to do it so boomers get outraged. There's nothing natural about this shit.
>>527912 If loli content triggers you then maybe you shouldn't fucking be here.
>>527912 There is nothing wrong with lolis fag Shotas are fine if they're just a vehicle for milfs and girls to fuck
>>527895 And how is that what I did? I was asking about if anyone knew an alternative for a site I use that is no longer up.
If someone donated to truckers via gofundme, go and ask a refund https://support.gofundme.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Otherwise they will steal the remaining money and give it to some leftist organisation.
>>527915 >go against what society wants. Society wants trannies to be able to diddle kids you fucking mong.
>>130561 jokes on elvira i WANT her to call me trash so i can get off on it >>527921 well sadly i dont have any wildly unconventional fetishes so i cant help you there; how about nervous and sweating women, does that do anything for you?
>>527866 To be fair I think specific European cartoons and comics had some smatterings of loli fanservice but who knows if that's still a thing these days. >>527888 Did they have anything to do with gym bloomers no longer being the gold standard in schools?
>>130570 I have a fetish for older women wearing clothes they wore when they were younger and looking embarrassed about it, especially if the clothes visibly don't fit very well. Aras in schoolgirl uniforms are great, expecially if they put their hair up in girlish styles like pigtails.
Off to a good start.
>>130566 >that shirt Is subtlety dead or something?
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>>527938 Sorry Anon, diapers aren't my thing.
>>130572 yeah i got a couple like that, same character and artist
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>>527905 barbra streisand threw her hat in the leave spotify ring. It is highly ironic when you know an effect that's named after her.
>>527905 Sharon Stone who had been forgotten for the last 2-3 decades. https://archive.is/Ux4Kq
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>>527945 Why would they want it legalized? They can already get as much cunny as they want, and by keeping it illegal, it's not only an exclusive pleasure that only they are allowed to enjoy, but more importantly it's an easy source of blackmail to make sure everybody stays loyal.
>>130578 >Sharon Stone Wasn't the last time she was relevant was when she was opening her legs in Basic Instinct?
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>>130582 Retarded bait. Those model pictures are ancient. Fuck off faggot.
>>130569 Yup >>527944 Mark hanging on to Jim's 8kun was a mistake $2000 shekels a month be damned >>527905 They targeted him for "spreading misinformation about Corona and vaccines" on his show and are painting him as some alt-right/lite figure, never mind that he invited Sanjay Gupta from CNN about it and Rogan isn't ardently antivax himself. >>130567 That was more referring to anyone else who did it in general.
>>130583 Have to hand it to them, they took time choosing photos of only the ugliest gooks, pajeets, and niggers.
>>130570 >>130572 >>130576 There's a phrase for that and it's called "Mutton dressed as lamb."
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Just what in the ever-loving blue fuck is this influx of no-fun fags and newniggers since last thread?
>>130587 You're going to have to be more specific.
To also answer the question of why the has-beens have popping up & leaving spotify because joe rogan said inconvenient things about covid, follow the money. https://archive.is/IKi5l
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>>527962 You faggots do realize we're being derailed with pedo moralfagging again that you keep falling for, right? >>527934 >>527932 >>130569 >>527912 These assholes Or just one guy ID Hoping is gonna fuck this thread up.
The irony is Joe is quite left leaning.
>>130591 Not really, he's appealing to the neo-liberal ESTABLISHMENT for votes and support but ultimately he doesn't give a damn about them. Even liberals chew him out for not supporting student loan forgiveness.
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>>527962 >Now ask me who owns governments Shalom >>130590 I will admit, filter and ignore is a lost art. Everyone shits on /a/ for being too heavy handed with the banhammer, but they never deal with this loli/pedo shit, it only seems to be Mark's hole. And people wonder why the other sites don't want us on the webring.
>>130593 >Mark’s hole Use a different phrase, please, or else someone’s going to post Mark’s actual hole.
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>>130592 I was talking about Joe Rogan not Brandon.
>>130594 Expect that to come with the next spam wave after the loli=pedo derail fails
>>527979 Most of the elite are pedos.
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So how much will Soyny and M$ buy till FTC steps in or AAA falls?
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>loli argument >>130582 >no archives Fuck off >>130595 Rogan was always a left-leaning guy, although its nice to see him having guts (for the time being) to stand against the media like CNN for being faggots because he didn't took the jab and having doctors that have different information on the virus.
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>>130597 >>527981 >>527984 Hey dumbfucks, check out my post here >>130590
>>130599 Don't worry, following the cycle it should be time to shitfling about v-tubers soon enough.
>>527984 >I was hoping to avoid it, Well congrats, because you did everything in that long-winded bitchpost except address the argument.
>>130599 >Rogan was always a left-leaning guy, although its nice to see him having guts (for the time being) to stand against the media like CNN for being faggots because he didn't took the jab and having doctors that have different information on the virus. Rogan literally just mirrors the opinions of whoever is around him the most. In California he was a leftist. He moved to Texas and 180'd. He's completely inconsistent and has no internal framework for how he views anything. For all intents and purposes he has the brain of a woman. Joe Rogan might unironically be one of those rare exceptional cases of a woman's brain in a mans body.
>>130604 This is the best way to put Rogan.
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>this whole fucking thread derail
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>>130601 At least the v-tuber derails are accompanied by cute pics for the most part. Moral, religious, legal and philosophical like this one are just walls of text that only the 2 or 3 individuals taking part in them bother to read.
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>>130562 Is that a new Carradine/Kyaradain? It is!
>>130607 At this point its just a hit list of acceptable and unacceptable derails.
>>130606 It's just the wave of shitflinging that was inevitably going to come with the death of /hebe/, I'm just surprised there hasn't been CP spam. >>130607 It's just fucking retards taking shit that would have been dismissed as Anon's fucking around on /b/ in ye olden days seriously. Pedo LARP is almost as old as imageboards themselves, at least in the old days they put more effort into it than "I'm a pedophile, lol" >>528003 You're really hung up on burgers, aren't you? >>130610 You have to admit that some topics have been done to death, or else Anons wouldn't be saying "Not this shit again " ("Again" being the operative word)
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>>130611 Well we can start with the list a kind anon made, I still don't have the time to tally up all the different derails and replies every week in a short news segment. >>528008 >Why do people keep adding things? Because this is essentially an IRC room at email speed. The cp spam makes board ownership unviable so the current populace hunkers down in existing boards, and links to the new thread don't even require opening the catalog to see whats new.
>>528014 Well that's what I mean though, why would I go on other boards when this thread exists? The only boards on the top bar that look interesting are /loomis/ and /t/, but I don't have room to draw and half of /t/ is tech support.
>>528018 There is a single thread about browser security, but I mean by now everyone should know the right forks to use and how much you want to break the modern web in the name of security. Lainchan used to have a /cyb/er board for discussing this kind of thing but it was nuked shortly before a change of ownership to some no-fun-allowed fag, and the discussion quality across the site declined.
>>528026 Anon, if everything society says is bad is actually good, then why do you only want to legalize pedophilia, why not legalize bestiality and incest too?
Jesus Christ, did Biden really weigh in on the Joe Rogan shit? Apparently the presidents of Brazil and El Salvador are joking about it.
>>528027 The mind is good at extrapolating information, if it doesn't make much sense you just gloss over the retarded parts. You can eevn raed text wtih scbarmled letetrs as long as the fisrt and last are moslty the same.
>>528032 Hey, incest isn't an evolutionary dead end, and studies have even shown that it takes two generations of inbreeding before adverse effects appear. You just need to make sure your grandson-son gets some fresh blood in the line and you won't go full Habsburg.
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>This whole thread.
>>130619 think of all the useful things they could be doing with their time instead of shitting up a thread with 29 people in it.
>>528016 And the "find a real woman" fag from the very end of the last thread. But a lot of those types often post in really bad faith and seems it may just be another herdnigger/moralfag tantrum like in >>130590, now that /hebe/'s finally nuked.
>>528042 that's just the number of UIDs at the bottom of the page. and some of those are the shitposters themselves.
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>>130619 feels more like this
Reminder to report, filter and ignore the lower case fag. The fag has been shitting up the meta thread for a while now and has shat up GG threads before, its your fault for even humoring him instead of treating him like the source of garbage posts that he actually is.
>>130624 Reporting is too much work so I've stopped doing it entirely. Not filling out a captcha every post and then getting bitched at by flood detected errors nonstop.
>>130624 >implying hes the only one who loves typing in lower case without punctuation
I call dibs on making a GTA 6 thread (coming soon).
>>130627 NOT BEFORE I DO
>>130628 Oh no no no no...!!!
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>>528057 I think he was referencing the "look at the top of his head" video, not the retarded tiktok song. It appear you are the tiktokfag among us.
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>>130630 you probably know but i cant afford to take that risk; that oh no no no shit is a normalfag meme thats been around for years, i even recall the halfchan /vg/ fags in the maplestory2 chat doing it
>>528057 Unironically, I actually meant "Oh no no no" literally. No song lyric, no meme. But an exclamation of alarm.
>>130632 https://invidious.osi.kr/watch?v=L0CSo0tyhYA This is what people mean when they said "oh no no no", not your retarded tiktok shit.
>>130634 Thought they liked that line Knuckles said in sonic adventure >oh no
>Picked up an old used copy of Casino Royale for a couple bucks For those asking, it's one of the Signet paperback releases with yellowing pages, and some red coating applied to the edges. >Decide to read through just to get the "original" Bond experience >Finished it in about a week because it's so short <Bond is a plucky gambler who's still green and doesn't give two shits about the importance of his job and position <He fucks up, A LOT <The books ends with him getting kicked square in the balls with a dose of reality of just how stupid and ignorant he is <And, that the only reason he's still alive is because of his uncanny amount of luck That was the absolute LAST thing I expected out of a James Bond story. And, it's the first one, too.
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>>130634 >niggercam vine is so much better than tiktok you dont even know still not anything that swept through here you retarded faggot thus outing you as an invader
>>130637 >my ignorance is evidence of you being a newfag
>>527888 >and recently there has been many controversies where a Japanese feminist bitched about something on twitter and they complied. Or everything surrounding the olympics. Are you referring to the 2021 Olympics, that were such a disaster, the locals in Tokyo were protesting the event every day until it was over? >>130590 >You faggots do realize we're being derailed with pedo moralfagging again that you keep falling for, right? Could also be the same guy ID hopping. Anyone who thinks loli is pedophilia must also agree that playing almost any video fame is murder
>>130639 Are the risk of a derail, does that imply a guy isn't gay or bi if he gets off on yaoi?
>>130640 >does that imply a guy isn't gay or bi if he gets off on yaoi? Yes.
>>130639 murder is an act that requires a victim. if there was a word for being a violent spectacle enjoyer then I'd call you that if you played violent video games but there isn't a word for that because it would apply to everyone to some extent. >>130640 a guy isn't a guy just because he has a dick either. you can be whatever you want to be in this brave new world where reality means nothing and neither do the words that describe it.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/9srga
>>528083 Thats what you get for interacting with a metanigger
I wonder, what would happen to the cancerous autism that Twitter contains if Twitter was to go down? Likewise what would happen to the cancerous autism in these threads if they were to hypothetically be banned? Would anons post vidya in the actual vidya threads, or will the cancer spill over to the actual vidya threads, or would they migrate to another board or just stop posting altogether?
>>528101 >do not know how cook hot pot I don't know why exactly, but that specific part is the funniest shit I've read today.
>>528096 As someone who loves the Constitution or at least the idea of it at this point given how both Dems and Reps have perverted it over the decades I can't deny that the fact that the Chink is 100% right about everything minus the gun part, most of those are suicides or accidents from people who don't know wtf they're doing with a firearm to begin with. I'm a fan of liberty not blind jingoism in the ideals of American exceptionalism. Of course that doesn't mean I'm a pro Sino-Empire Tanky either as I'm absolutely in favor of East Turkestan, Tibetan, and Inger Mongolian independence from the CCP too. That's my ultimately meaningless faggot opinion on the matter anyway.
Milf pussy
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>>528112 There is one man gunning for that opportunity.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers
>>528112 try telling antifa, they're more likely to actually do it. nobody here will murder anybody.
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3 people got ran over by a suv at the trucker rally. Charlottesville 2.0 (but noone cares edition)? Reminds me of that nigger that ran over that christmas parade
>>130652 more like waukesha 2.0. remember that? the terrorist attack that resulted in dozens of fatalities? the one that the media doesn't ever fucking talk about because the terrorist was black?
>>130653 *dozens of injuries and 6 fatalities
>>130653 >>130654 >Reminds me of that nigger that ran over that christmas parade thats what i was referring too.
>>130655 right. i hadn't read that part when i replied. i saw the word 'charlottesville' and couldn't let it be unchallenged. don't let them forget. he fucking targeted children. he needs to die for it and all those who support him belong in prison.
>>130656 I heard it smells like chicken why you deep fry a guy. If we put that nigger in a deep fryer, would it smell like KFC?
>>528137 arguably both. it was a terrorist attack, but since all the victims were white, it was state-sanctioned. iirc the nigger was out on bail for some other violent crimes he had committed; in a just world, he would have been underneath a prison a very long time ago.
The hell was the last thread's post count nuked from around 730 to 676?
>>130659 Autism. This thread seems to have had around 200 posts deleted as seeing how it's been swiss cheesed to hell already.
>>130659 >>528142 >>130660 Most of the thread was two autismos going on about how loli is pedoshit. I deleted it for good reason.
>>130660 A bunch of (((faggots))) were arguing about loli being the same as 3DCP, and one even admitted to IP hopping to avoid getting banned.
>>130661 >>130662 So basically, "the farms" go-to topic for imageboard derailment.
>>130663 Yeah, basically.
>>130662 >Stop enjoying Nipponese cartoons it's literally pedophilia and rape Should we also B& violent (((Hollywood))) movies too by that logic? Last I checked I still don't own a katana and run around the country side chopping people up after binging the Kill Bill series with my sisters. Meanwhile you don't see these people complaining about Nike or (insert phone company here) that literally exploits even outright enslaves real world children, nor is he complain about how our tax dollars go to defending Saudi Arabia a country that has literally has posting on /leftypol/ slaves and brides in the millions which should disgust him way more than a fucking drawing but I digress. Yeah that anon is a fucking retard, hopefully he fucks off for good and goes back to Plebbit or Twatter or whatever dump he spawned from before finding this place.
...Fucking world filters
>>130667 I've taken using "Xild" when referring to that shit because of how overzealous Acid's global filters are. Xildporn, Xildwives, Cii Pii, etc. You never know when it strikes.
>>130667 what word filters? I really should ask codexx or acid for a list
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I watched the Chinese Winter Olympics opening ceremony several hours ago. Unless the Chinese are getting different music on their end, it was weird how the music was so "western" and "international". There was singing in English, and during the percession of nations, nearly every piece of well-known western symphonic music was played. They even had that fucking champagne socialist John Lennon song, Imagine play. I've heard (but have not verified) that Koji Kondo based a lot of the music of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask on Chinese opera music; and if true, I'm surprised the CCP couldn't have hired people to arrange the melodies of something like Chinese opera into a symphonic-like form if they wanted too have music that sounded as "big", "fancy", "offical", and "ceremonial" as western symphonic music. Also, one of the two people who lit the torch was apparently an ethnic Uyghur, which I found to be pretty funny.
>>130561 >>130670 Ah by the way what was the "president's song" that played during it? You know the one song they use any time they want to make a patriotic speech by Americans.
>>130671 Star Spangled Banner? >>130666 Got to admit that anyone fapping to little girls is at least deviant and bound to get some odd reactions like how ironically that SJW hapa Skullgirls artist Mariel Cartwright/Kinucakes gets off to guro.
>>130582 This particular picture is fake as fuck.
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Clickbait Garbage This article is trying to claim that Xbox owners are trying to sell their consoles after the Bungie acquisition by Sony. However, the source is literally just Solitaire. No, seriously. It's a site to play Solitaire and the quote can't be found. There's no reason to believe this: https://archive.is/O0KkD https://archive.is/ggXsS I'm not a fan of any of the acquisitions recently, but logically why the fuck would Xbox fanboys care about Bungie when they got CoD? And why is the source so bad? Literally "dude trust me".
>>130673 ah yes it was pomp and circumstance, thank you very much
>Dying Light 2 has denuvo >Already causing problems by being poorly implemented and causing slowdowns It has to re-validate the drm every time you have to restart your PC, so after five shutdowns of the PC, the game stops working. Another lesson why you should never buy denuvo and buy at release, even if it's a game you really want to play (like I want to). When in doubt, pirate.
>>130677 Never buy any games with DRM.
>>130678 I second that
https://odysee.com/@ForestBoyProductions:5/can-you-drive-across-the-countryside-in:b >>528175 Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, the steamy black dick is two blocks down >>>/v/527869
>>130680 hey buddy, I think I am in the right thread. and your cold flaccid dong fell off around five blocks away from here
>>130681 >cold flaccid dong f That's not what your dad said after I got done fucking him in the ass for the seventh time in a row faggot. Fact is I gave him several prostate orgasms.
>>130575 >All those years later, still trying to identify each and every milf on this image It hurts my erection, that is
>>527757 >>527762 >>527763 Brutalism looks like something for cartoon villains to live in. Seriously, if the building could communicate, it would say that only evil things are allowed to occur within these doors.
>>528101 When the fucking chinks are calling you out on your bullshit then you know you have fallen to a low state.
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>>130683 One of them is from oltlo, I think.
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>>130686 Bless you dubs.
>>130647 I wanna impregnate that cute coot.
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Made a thread on /k/, consider posting on it maybe... >>>/k/1032 >>130684 I actually like some brutalist houses so long as they're aren't try hard overly complex and steam punky looking. Plus they come with the added benefit of basically being solid fortresses. >>130688 Yes, we all want to fuck that Australian rat anon.
>>130665 >Pre-existing cleavages Does this mean the milf posting is a fed psy-op?
>>130689 First one looks like it belongs on a Halo map.
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>>130690 (checked) IT'S ALL CUMMING TOGETHER
>>130690 >Does this mean the milf posting is a fed psy-op? Honestly I'm not surprised the horny milf posters who come to Gaymer Gate secretly glow in the dark.
>>130693 >Fujo milfs are glowniggers as well What a world we live in
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>>130684 Have a brutalist desert ranch house. >>130689 I like how that brutal Nip house is still recognizably Japanese.
hey acid, i see the checkbox besides the board name to stick them to the top bar, could you add another one to hide the board(i don't want to see the several niggered boards nor /b/) and also make it so that is you have a board pinned it no longer appears in the regular "active boards" list of the top bar as well?
>>528223 >Everything that criticizes any aspect of GG doctrine is a psyop, regardless who, when or how. You should know that by now. Well shit, Jim's the biggest glownigger to ever walk the earth then too.
>>130697 Jim's fanbase has zero self awareness.
>>130697 Now there's a youtube account I haven't seen in years. What he done now?
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>>130699 He just posts on twitter all day.
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Reminder that all anti Gamer Gate posts are made by weaklings (jews) feds, who are failing and afraid. Their goal is to try to derail threads in hopes that any discussion becomes uninteresting. https://web.archive.org/web/20210129014450/https://crestresearch.ac.uk/resources/mining-the-chans/ https://stephanebaele.wordpress.com/publications/ >2020: CREST research award (£70.000) on Mining the Chans: Exposing the Visual and Linguistic Dynamics of Radicalization in Far-right Image-boards (the “MineChans” project)
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>>130702 >>130702 https://web.archive.org/web/20210117055949/https://crestresearch.ac.uk/about/ >within a context of significant stakeholder and international researcher engagement international stakeholder engagement == "We are paid off by foreign agents" >CREST’s funding was secured following a competitive process administered by the Economic and Social Research Council https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_and_Social_Research_Council >The Economic and Social Research Council, formerly the Social Science Research Council >Pic it's the same group as anti-Gamergate, tied directly to UAE Enterprises and HSBC Middle East
>>130701 That's not good for your mental health, I assume his smug arrogance became delusional smug arrogance?
>>130704 I'd say he went delusional after his rant over his fans & followers over GG calling him out when he fingered his GF on stream. He's just a grifter.
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>>130652 heres the car and driver.
>>130616 jesus even el salvador's president is a shitposter
>>130702 Have a perufag thread. He collects our digs and digs from all over the place. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/351455585/#351474169
https://odysee.com/@%CF%81%CF%83%D1%95%D1%82-%D0%BC%CF%83%E2%88%82%D1%94%D1%8F%CE%B7-%F0%9D%95%AE%F0%9D%96%9F%F0%9D%96%8A%F0%9D%96%88%F0%9D%96%8D%F0%9D%96%94%F0%9D%96%98%F0%9D%96%91%F0%9D%96%94%F0%9D%96%9B%F0%9D%96%86%F0%9D%96%90%F0%9D%96%8E%F0%9D%96%86%F0%9D%96%93-%F0%9D%95%8E%F0%9D%95%92%F0%9D%95%A3-%F0%9D%94%BD%F0%9D%95%92%F0%9D%95%94%F0%9D%95%A5%F0%9D%95%A0%F0%9D%95%A3%F0%9D%95%AA:a/marisa-and-patchy-at-the-car-wash:c >>528246 ...And that's why you should limit the use of unique characters for hyper links~ Fiction is a great means of all degenerate and insane vices being pleased. Imagine if vorefags for instance actually tried achieving their fantasies IRL? That would be fucking terrifying but thankfully those people are fringe much like the number of lolicons who actually go out of their way to rape chill's en. Not sure WTF is wrong with furries though and why they can't separate reality from fiction though. >>130656 >don't let them forget. he fucking targeted children. he needs to die for it and all those who support him belong in prison. I think it be better if the "News" media of the likes such as (((Fox "News"))) (((CNN))) and ///MSNBC\\\ actually did their job and covered this shit without bias then the state wouldn't need to execute Darrell Edward as one of his fellow inmates would gladly shank the the fucker themselves for the satisfaction. Of course they refuse to do their job and instead keep the American people ignorant of such things instead because it's more profitable since that's what their donors want.
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>>528277 >Stop using payment processor sites and start killing the owners of payment processor sites. Nice dubs but I'm not about to commit a federal crime just for meme's sake.
>>130573 I have a dog that I got off the street as a near dead puppy when I was 15 and she's getting old now, why do you people do this.
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Have the goose won yet?
>>130651 >desperate
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>>130711 all my dogs died of old age, tick tock nigga
>>130712 >DLC for a fucking skin > fucking leaf skin no less While I'm not that one anon who has a giant hate boner for Germans I will agree with him on the fact that they've got some series autism and deep pockets. Guess I can't be to surprised though, we're after all talking about the same people who designed the G11 rifle of which only madmen can make sense of those schematics. Seriously though, how much did the nation of Germany alone make in terms of profit for SCS and Valve? It's gotta be quite a lot to say the least. >Have the goose won yet? Only when Trudeau resorts to killing his enemies will the honkers prevail.
>>130715 I think it was mentioned in the last thread that the government had caved and voted to removed a bunch of there COVID measures including the ones that were going to effect the truckers. Didn't come right out and say they did it to appease them but considering the timing that is how it will be perceived. Hopefully US truckers will follow suit though I'd personally just prefer they refuse to deliver to cities.
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>perpetual circlejerks about a dead, fake and gay Still going strong, nigger.
>>528295 where is kazu?
>>130711 This >>130714 Enjoy your puppers while they last especially if you own a labrador since those have a short shelf life. Go play with them an sheeit, the exercise is good for them. Also avoid feeding them soy shit. >>130716 I'd be willing to just settle for just all the hyper left leaning cities. Miami for example despite being a pozz'd shithole at the very least isn't going out of their way to commit economic suicide and one could argue they should more so than other cities on account of the whole state of Florida essentially being a giant retirement home since our mutt blood can't handle the cold and yet they don't give a fuck regardless. Being very close to Cuba probably has given them a fowl taste when it comes to government over reach.
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>>130717 >dead fake and gay
>>528291 >gay movement from a decade ago.
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>>528291 >>130717 >>528295 Isn't this basically a politics general thread / hangout? You only seem to call this "the Gamergate thread" to trigger faggots who treat GG like a "nevar forget muh 6 gorillion harassed womyn journos" holocaust event with all the lies, hysteria and grifting that comes with that.
>>528277 > Stop using payment processor sites and start killing the owners of payment processor sites. The payment processors are following orders from police agencies. Their victims need to find out which police agencies and sue them.
>>130722 Once every 3 or 4 threads we get somebody like >>130702 >>130703 dropping a dig, but nobody is organizing anything anymore. I've tried but no one volunteers for simple things like "can someone else get this onto the wiki, I'm too busy to do it right now."
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>>528291 I don't know why GG still makes people so butthurt yeas after the fact, but I know it's delicious.
GG is more like a hobby than a serious political movement at this point. The fact that there are still anti GG'ers ranting about it is amusing especially given there are far more important things going on in the world at the moment.
>>130675 Their most recent blog post is some survey about online games from a month ago. https://archive.is/VCeTP So they do claim to do surveys, but whatever supposed survey the Sun article is based on isn't published anywhere. No mention of methodology even for the old survey, whether it was an internet poll of people playing solitaire or what. Why are they even doing surveys (or claiming to be)? Is the idea to get linked or mentioned by outlets like The Sun to advertise or to improve their SEO for when someone searches "solitaire"? In any case, with no data, credibility, or information about the methodology, it is obviously worthless as a source, especially for dramatic claims.
>>130727 So it's pretty much just stock market manipulation?
>>130675 Wow, even for The Sun this is a new low.
>>130652 It pisses me off to no end how normalfags record screens with their phones or make a recording of the playback of a video on their phones. God damn braindead retards holy shit.
>>130728 I think it's the usual, even recently with Blizzard >Whores claiming sexism and harrassement at Blizzard >Lawsuits galore <Stocks go down <Suddenly Microshit acquires it [thinking emoji]
>>130725 Make them more butthurt, get active and do stuff again
>>130731 I think you're onto something. Antigg-style coordinated hit pieces can absolutely wreck a person or company's reputation, and they've even led to police action and convictions(!) for things that are perfectly legal
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>>130689 I don't really like brutalism, but I like some modernist styles like art deco
>>130728 I think it's more just clickbait, with the Sun mining some dubious source for a dramatic and controversial headline.
>>130734 L.A Noire has lots of this stuff
>>130731 >>130733 It wasn't just that, the company was already struggling when Black Ops 2020 and Vanguard didn't do even close to enough to what they wanted. Final Fantasy 14 essentially killed WoW and even their mobile branch in King was doing poorly. It was everything at once
>>130734 Art deco was the most beautiful modern design for urban environments. It's a shame it's all shit like the London Eye and the big buttplug clogging up cityscapes now
>>130737 >Final Fantasy 14 essentially killed WoW Wasn't that because Blizzard pushed through an update that screwed over the game's meta, as well as acted hostile towards their largest WoW Youtubers, which caused everyone to leave and look for something else?
>>130652 >>130653 >>130655 The story was memoryholed so hard that nobody remembers the nigger's name, only that a van did it (according to the media). >>130661 Why did you delete my posts too? The ones joking about using AI to post and whatever I have made in other threads. >>130670 It's a tactic to appeal to westerners, you dork. They put western things to make tourists and athletes "feel more at home" and say good things about the country. It's like those ethnic restaurants that also offer hamburgers for the people who are afraid to try new food. >>130675 >>130729 Remember that global media is completely kiked and will push blatant lies. Yesterday (((Bloomberg))) reported that Russia had invaded Ukraine, a narrative the Amerikike gov has been pushing heavily due to the conflict between Russia and NATO. https://archive.is/pUwoO https://archive.fo/bYWpI >We prepare headlines for many scenarios >>130694 How else are they going to get funds to pay all these yaoi doujins and commissions?
>>130568 Don't ask for a refund, go to your credit/debit card company or bank and ask for a chargeback. Say it's services not rendered. It's quicker and the banks will buttfuck gofundme if this is done by everyone.
>>130731 I believe they were being legit sex pest due to being male feminist.
So it's curious how any company starts going political after they get some small relevance and money. GoFundMe made money because Patreon got retarded and now they start going retarded themselves. Is the internet controlled by jews or what?
>>130743 It's either government interference Jewish/leftist shareholders, investors Or just the owners showing who they really are. I'd bet on all three, especially the third one since most alternative platforms have shown themselves to be composed entirely of grifters time and time again.
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>>528379 >is essentially [...] derailing Oh, sorry for derailing the pedo argument that was happening at the moment. >>130743 >So it's curious how any company starts going political after they get some small relevance and money. GoFundMe made money because Patreon got retarded and now they start going retarded themselves. It's the ESG funds given by giant-yet-shady entities like BlackRock and Vanguard. Companies realize that they can get more money from Jews in exchange for becoming pseudo-SJW than from their original users who made them relevant in first place. Is the internet controlled by jews or what? To a large extent yes.
What's with the odysee links with a 2 word half-assed description, the thread quality really has gone downhill if these go unbullied.
>>130746 I barely even skim read these threads now.
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>>130739 WoW killed itself, after the last major game patch being a flop. I also argue it's the whitewashing/unpersoning of old lore related to employees implicated in the numerous scandals as well as patching out risque art that has been in the game day one.
New version of slackware, since this is /news/ thread.
>>130748 That Asmongold fiasco as well
>>130743 It always happens when your company goes public/you sell it. GoFundMe was sold to a (((venture capital firm))) and given a board of directors. It also doesn't help that it was founded in California.
>>528432 It's a fucking drawing, FUCK OFF! >which pretty much anyone can see as a false equivalence <Consuming FICTIONAL media that depicts a certain style of characters makes your a potential sex offender <In no way equates to consuming FICTIONAL media that depicts the violent deaths of characters by your hand makes your a murderer
>>130752 B-b-but playing school shooter maps and planting bombs makes you a terrorist! What kind of person enjoys that kind of thing! Next you'll want to be a prison camp guard!
Don't you get of arguing about the same things every day with the same pedo ban evader that even the admins hate for being a nigger?
>>528442 >Which is something most feminists actually believe. Feminists believe that men are rapists by default, even when they're grovelling eunichs who will take a bullet for them. And, they believe that ANY AND ALL women who are perceived as the slightest bit more appealing than them (Whether it be in looks, personality, skills, etc.) are brainwashed automatons who needs to be shown the error of their ways, >Again, you just equated actual action, with a nebulous "potential" for action. How about I let your in on a little secret: PEOPLE DON'T CARE. Take for example something that has NOTHING to do with the production of fictional media: gun rights. Right now, in the U.S., it is illegal to own an engraved business card sized piece of sheet metal. WHY? Because someone can then use that useless piece of sheet metal to modify their own gun and make it full auto. How many people actually do that? Practically no one, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the POSSIBILITY that someone can do that. Now, let's carry that same mindset back into the realm of fictional media. Killing NPCs in a video game doesn't increase the possibility of increasing one's chances of becoming a serial killer or a mass murderer anymore than jacking it to a loli doujin increases your chances of being a child molestor. However, the people that are making these arguments, those that are twisting the laws to justify their censorship of so-called "obscene media" see it all as one and the same. Therefore, to argue that loli makes one a pedo wraps around to declaring that video games make one a murderer. And, that you cannot say that one is allowed without also agreeing that the other should be allowed according to the same circumstances. And, even if you're going to argue that, "Well, vidya is interactive", what about first-person serial killer passive media like The Rage, American Psycho, and Maniac? The very POINT of those stories is to insert your into the killers shoes, personally observe the killers thoughts and actions. It doesn't matter whether or not your sympathize with the killer on any level whatsoever. You, by the very nature of even encountering the work, have become the killer even if for a moment. Therefore, you are a murderer.
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>>130574 The shirt is in English. The original loli manga is in Japanese. The Japanese readers likely only have passing knowledge of really popular English words, so the meaning may appear more obscure, like if an English story had a character wearing a shirt with words in Latin. >>130611 >some topics have been done to death >or else Anons wouldn't be saying "Not this shit again " Those same anons don't care when things they like are done for the umpteenth time. It's only said when something they don't like hearing is said.
>>130711 It's okay anon, assuming your dog has a soul you'll see him in heaven. unless he wasn't a good boy, then you'll see him in hell.
>>130612 >>Why do people keep adding things? Anon, you're responding to AI generated tex >>130587 >this influx of no-fun fags There's just one anti-porn-of-any-medium faggot, and he's been hanging around for over a year. He just only comes out on occasion. I'm skeptical of the authenticity of his beliefs.
>>130746 I can't even get the links to work. Also what is odysee?
>>130760 Some shitty video site, apparently.
>>130631 That's still pretty sus. >>>130639 >Anyone who thinks loli is pedophilia must also agree that playing almost any video fame is murder Action =/= wrongthink, et cetera, et cetera.
>>130760 The Youtube alternative approved by Jewtube's professional grifters who try to be Sarcuck 2.0
>>130760 Web client for LBRY, a P2P video platform that uses a blockchain for something I don't really understand. It's like PeerTube but with memecoins.
>>130666 >>Stop enjoying Nipponese cartoons it's literally pedophilia and rape No one said to stop enjoying loli, that I saw, forgive me if I'm a retard and missed it, except maybe the anti-porn faggot. Lolicon potentially being a form of pedophilia is a net benefit to society as it provides a harmless outlet for the pedophiles willing to use it instead of 3DPD. There's no hope for pedoniggers, though, who just want to push CP, and they're most often the ones arguing that lolicon is pedophilia. They don't actually care if it's pedophilia or not. They either want to troll or destroy websites, or are delusional enough that they think they can convince lolicons to help them successfully legalize CP. >>130650 Keep up the good work.
>>130762 >sus
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>>130756 Yes, I'm Pro-Cunny. How did you know?
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>>130766 Amogus. >>130722 >You only seem to call this "the Gamergate thread" to trigger faggots Well, it is the title of every single OP since Gamergate, so no one is wrong is calling this the Gamergate thread.
>>130760 Odysee is the web client for the LBRY blockchain, it filters out illegal video content that is hosted on the blockchain. Users can earn money by interacting with content and by creating content. It's basically youtube + blockchain. I'd say that the LBRY blockchain is decentralized, but Odysee isn't, since they can decide what content will be shown or not.
>>130740 >The ones joking about using AI to post Using an AI text generator to make posts and have others converse with it is essentially less efficient, but potentially more convincing bot posting. >>130745 Pedo argument was deleted too for derailing. Your rebuttal has no ground.
>>130769 LBRY is """decentralized""". You can't mine the fucking coin without an ASIC and it's virtually impossible to actually find ASIC's for it to buy. Fucking stupid crypto bullshit.
>>130770 Being efficient or convincing never was my objective. I only attempted to make a joke/commentary about how convoluted these threads can get, yet somebody seemed to get mad at it and reported my post with the lead Jew.
>>130771 Mine some monero with your cpu and trade then?
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>>130771 True. It's a hard problem to solve, especially since there's no proofing algorithm right now that can't be stacked by simply throwing money at the problem. It's still more decentralized than banks and other financial institutions. In the end you gotta choose the lesser jew. Vid unrelated.
>>130752 >makes your a potential sex offender >makes your a murderer Being a potential anything is not a crime. Murder is. Git gudder analogies. >>130755 >Feminists believe that men are rapists by default, even when they're grovelling eunichs who will take a bullet for them. This is also true of them, but it doesn't stop them from blaming sexy cartoons and videogames for rape, i.e. "rape culture". >PEOPLE DON'T CARE Why let that stop anyone from voicing their thoughts on an anonymous Laotian clay pottery forum's subsection dedicated to ethics in videogame journalism turned catch-all watercooler? >Therefore, to argue that loli makes one a pedo wraps around to declaring that video games make one a murderer. Okay, but I'm not arguing with the people wanting to censor videogames or loli that see "potential murderer" and "actual murderer" as the same thing, so why should I act as if saying loli is pedo here is declaring reading loli will cause harm to children when I don't subscribe to that retarded belief? In fact, I believe loli protects children from pedos since it's a safe outlet for desires that would be harmful to satisfy in real life. The same applies to rape porn, guro, snuff, et cetera.
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>>130752 >>130775 Despite this thoroughly beaten dead horse, we can all agree that males attracted to dicks, fictional or otherwise, are objectively gay.
>>528471 >problem is you already grant that "obscene media" justifies censorship and even go so far as to agree that its potentially harmful. Except the obscene media referred to here is specifically media that violates the rights of those depicted in it. Fictional media cannot violate the rights of the characters within it because they're not real people. >Inb4 irrelevant edge cases about tracing and whatnot are brought up. >>130772 >Being efficient or convincing never was my objective. I was just describing the difference between your bot posting and regular bot posting. It's still bot posting, not that I reported you or anything. >>528479 >It's my beliefs or theirs! No nuance allowed! Everyone hates fenceshitters! False dichotomy.
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>>130776 >we can all agree that males attracted to dicks, fictional or otherwise, are objectively gay. Anon, I'm sorry to tell you that as a mutation of the loli-is-not-pedo argument, there has been a legitimate increase in people who genuinely believe a man masturbating to cartoons of men sucking eachother off is not homosexual, just schediaphilic or fictophilic.
I've been gone since last Saturday, what did I miss?
>>130779 Dicks, fags, cunny, milf, shitposting.
>>130779 GoFundMe stealing people's money, Halo live action with stronk female dyke who kicks the ass of woman who kicks Master Chief's ass, Loli/Pedo debate continuously being nuked save for some posts on the loli-isn't pedo site but continuing regardless, sexual harassment allegations against Bungie potentially used to devalue them and buy them out by Sony, Canadian truckers still going, and more. >>528492 If you don't understand how recording and uploading you raping someone is an additional violation of the rights on top of the rape, I can't help you.
>>130779 Oh and someone in an SUV ran over three people at one of the trucker processions.
>>130677 Almost all of the replies to the negative reviews are denuvo shills.
>>528502 Hey dumbass, remember we're being derailed with moralfag nonsense and concerned trolling in case you forgot.
>>130784 You're replying to the pedonigger in favor of legalizing CP and rape porn. He doesn't care.
>>528515 >cunny >people starting to use it a year or so ago. It's a synonym for "pussy," and it's as old as the fucking hills, anon. Clint Eastwood uses it in "Unforgiven", and that's what, thirty fucking years old at this point? The pushback was against a retard insisting it referred exclusively to underage pussy, which no, it fucking doesn't, that's not how the word is used; and that's not how language works. See the left pushing "latinX" for an example of how fucking stupid it comes off trying to redefine language from the top down.
>>528515 It was mostly listanon doing that as a joke, and very well too. No one cared about the term here being associated with pedos until he did, and he brought it up apropos of nothing on multiple occasions after everyone else stopped discussing it.
>>130724 The best option would be working on everything by yourself before dropping the dig. It blocks any attempts from outside trying to ruin the dig, while taking (them) by surprise since they can't know where to block digging attempts anymore, but if you need help, you'll be in pain since you can't get it. Good luck though. You'll need it. I know your pain though.
(431.16 KB 640x480 Dearest Alice.png)

>>130786 >an example of how fucking stupid it comes off trying to redefine language from the top down. Cunny being associated with pedos and loli isn't a top-down thing though. There's no organizations pushing it, like with SJW crap. It's purely a result of it being used really often by /tv/ pedos at one point, and then later really often by lolicons. Not that I'm saying you're entirely wrong. The word still retains it's original older meaning as you say, but it's gained a second meaning as well through natural use.
>>130786 >>528515 It's just a cutesy way of saying cunt, and probably is just taken from "cunnilingus" both of which come from the latin word for vulva (cunnus) So I'm inclined to agree with >>130786 that it's retarded to use it only for loli because it implies little girls cease to have vaginas when they grow up.
>>130789 So it's essentially a forced meme?
>>130791 Define forced meme? 90% of the time it's "anything memetic I don't like" when I hear that term used. When I think of actual forced memes, I think of top-down shit like KnowYourMeme leftists making articles about leftist "memes" no one is actually using, and thus by definition are not memetic.
>>130748 Between Shadowlands having the longest patch cycle in the history of WoW, an overabundance of shitty character progression systems, paid boosting getting so bad that Blizz actually ended up recently addressing it, and flaming dumpster writing even by WoW standards, and the lawsuits as a whole, I think the censorship of 9.1.5 was more an "Icing on the cake" thing than a major driving factor. At least for me.
>>130786 >someone used a word 40 years ago that hasn't existed in the modern vocabulary since then therefore you can't be critical of the fact it was recently popularized by pedophiles on /tv/ to use it to exclusively dog whistle the fact they want to molest children I'm getting real tired of this shitty board and all the insufferable pedoniggers that shit it up. I'm about to just make my own.
>>130778 >a man masturbating to cartoons of men sucking eachother off is not homosexual, just schediaphilic or fictophilic. Show any Trapfag 3DPD traps and the rate of them being actually attracted to them drops significantly. I'd say the fappability of a porn drawing/animation depends heavily on the capabilities and style of the artist more than anything, even moreso than the idea of the thing and the fetish of the viewer.
>>130792 You said it was initially /tv/ pushing it, which means that other than them no one else was using it in that way. Until they kept posting it until people started using it, hence a forced meme. Just like how people kept trying to force memes on /b/ ages ago, by posting them nonestop until they caught on by sheer brute force, or were rejected enough times that their rejection became memetic in and of itself (Milhouse is not a meme, but "Milhouse is not a meme" is a meme)
>>528545 >>528548 I did refresh >>528547 There's nothing inherently wrong with it. But I believe the annoying bit was people spamming the various UI elements and chats with advertisements for it.
Edited last time by Mark on 02/06/2022 (Sun) 00:59:37.
>>528547 Achievements. When recruiting for regular raids, guild leaders will ask prospects to link their achievement to prove that they already know how to finish the raid. If they got carried, that means they don't actually know the fight so them having the achievement doesn't matter. Guild leaders really fucking hate having to actually teach raiders/learn how to do raids, that's why they became guild leaders.
(150.64 KB 658x900 58974644_p4.jpg)

On the (brief) topic of video platforms, VidLii was bought by a Russian guy (nick)named kuz who is known for buying and hosting small and niche message boards, including Gurochan and Ayashii World (the "grandpa" of all anonymous image/message boards). He https://www.vidlii.com/vidlii_future https://archive.is/jzIqv He also has some kind of textboard for news: https://live.kolyma.org/newsplus/koko.php?res=172 https://archive.is/V1H2x VidLii is mentioned in the list of "GG's recommended websites & software" that is posted here from time to time, so this may be worth monitoring for a while. >>130778 They sound like a bunch of faggots. >>130795 You sound like a faggot.
>>130800 You think he might try and buy out 8moe?
is there any way of detecting whether an ip has been used to access kiwifarms and automatically ban them?
>>130744 >I'd bet on all three, especially the third one since most alternative platforms have shown themselves to be composed entirely of grifters time and time again. I honestly blame desperation for why this keeps happening. It's an unfortunate truth that the "Big 5" centralized medias have MUCH more money to support themselves for decades into the future compared to new upstarts, and nobody wants only to die within 2 years like that failed migration to Vlare back when Youtube instituted the COPPA thing. As such, if an "alternative" shows signs of actually having the capacity to survive, people immediately latch on and don't ask questions about whether the owners are serious about what they preach. Usually, that means when the grifter inevitably cucks out (Bitchute, Gab, Parler, etc), the users get demoralized and come crawling back to the established sites. If both places are cucked, might as well cynically go to the place with more people. >>130788 Anon, the problem isn't that people are blocking digs. It's that nobody's bothering to dig in the first place. Even that CREST shit that's being posted is Luciano stealing someone else's credit and passing it off as his own, he did this last thread too. >>130801 >You think he might try and buy out 8moe? Acid IP banned Russia because they made Vanwatech cuck out on us, so I don't think the guy could even get to him to begin with.
>>130798 Based.
(75.10 KB 1024x1024 kat check em.jpeg)

>>528588 (checked)
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>>130798 How did Dullahan Under the Willows ever get connected with explosion girl anyway?
>>130800 vidlii needs to cut down on all the ads, they weren't their the last time I visited the site. What the hell happened?
>>528581 >is that you can never be sure what has been at some point traced of copied from cp. You're retarded.
>>528597 It's the most solid metric I have. Seems less feelings based. Let me rephrase then. At least 34% pedo.
kiwifarms is 100% pedo. that's why they're all obsessed with this topic.
(650.44 KB 470x470 1580291483674.png)

>>130798 Mark, I know this hard to accept, but live updates and the ability view deleted posts except in the case of global deletion for illegal activity may just have made moderation pointless so long as participants don't join the conservation late.
>>130807 dunno, I just thought the webm had a nice song.
>>130801 Maybe if it he detects the site is at risk of dying for financial or technical problems. All of his purchases have been of dead or moribund platforms, plus some things of his own like a Neocities-like hosting platform or an anti-spam service of sorts. >>130802 Yes, with mandatory cross-site cookies in both sites that report to a third party entity, like CloudFlare's but with an openly malicious intention. >>130808 Jewgle banned them from AdSense, so they had to resort to more annoying ads to survive. That's one of the reasons VidLii was sold in the end. The previous plan was to put VidLii in read-only mode and turn what originally was a mayor rework of the site into a new platform named Vidi that could be able to use Jewgle's ads again. https://archive.is/NOcg3 (use uBlock's element zapper to get rid of the pop-up ad)
>>130803 >Acid IP banned Russia because they made Vanwatech cuck out on us, so I don't think the guy could even get to him to begin with. Isn't that the point of a shell organization? Jim had a fuckload of them when I used to work for him.
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(5.62 MB 400x308 2hu feeding.gif)

>>130807 Sekibanki a cute! A CUTE!
(984.21 KB 720x1032 Screenshot_20211210-123222.png)

Look what I made >>130800 >Russian I don't want to be that guy but I don't trust most Russians. I did think about reuploading a shitton of Nintendo music onto an alternative platform like VidLii to middlefinger Nintendo for deleting so much music. Someone should ideally make a massive torrent with all Nintendo music ever made.
>>130820 Oh fug my epic meme didn't go through, i'm having a hard time posting webms
>>130814 >use uBlock's element zapper to get rid of the pop-up ad Or use uMatrix and don't even know fags are getting ads without it.
(123.30 KB 500x374 20.jpg)

>>528619 >in on the is on the*
(187.47 KB 459x694 loli eighteen.jpg)

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>>528619 You are on the spectrum for sure.
>>130826 and when he becomes a specter he'll still be a pedo that watches lolis in the shower
(306.32 KB 1259x1157 83691160_p0.png)

>>130826 Of courshe!
(431.10 KB 975x866 63082205_p7.png)

Am I the only one who immediately understood that the "loli is 34% pedo" statement made by that guy was just a reference to the Rule 34 meme and not an actual stat? Why are you making an argument of it? >>130820 VidLii complies with DMCA claims as far I know, but that's because it was hosted in America. Who knows if having the data moved to Russia will change anything. >>130821 Some videos with specific codecs fail to upload here, they're accepted by the posting form, but nothing is uploaded to the server. I have no idea how it works. >>130822 I was saying it because Archive.today saved the pop-up as well but not the JS required to make the close button work.
(262.07 KB 932x660 bitch juice.png)

>>130798 Thank you Mark. You've made this thread so much more exciting.
>>130830 this but unironically.
>>130829 >was just a reference to the Rule 34 meme and not an actual stat? **Anon, I hate to tell you this. But it is an actual stat I just forgot the exact number and probably remembered 34 because of memetics associated with rule34. The actual stat was 36.6%*
(258.76 KB 932x660 juice.png)

>>130831 I wasn't being facetious, but I supposed I should have picked a better image to display that emotion.
I think I found a bug. It seems that when a post is edited and the thread "soft refreshed" my quick reply window ceases to clean itself after making a post. Let me test. >>130832 >** * lul
Odd, it cleaned itself this time.
>>130834 >quick reply window ceases to clean itself after making a post. Let me test. It may be unrelated. This happens irregularly for me.
>>130829 >>130814 That archive just shows a blank page to me.
>>130834 Uh I already found that bug you can't just steal my bug report bro. Also I already knew about it fucking with the thread a long time ago but didn't know it wiped the post deleted stubs so it wasn't worth caring about until I realized that.
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>>528515 >(((Porn Hub))) I don't know wtf they did to their search engine and category system but it used to be quite functional however now it's absolute trash like all nu-age websites. xHamster gives me far better results for the rare occasion when I want 3DP degeneracy and I'm sure there are better alternatives to that as well. >>528537 >That really depends. NTR is a bonerkill for many even the art is top tier. Unless you're Acid. That's exactly how I feel about Terasu mc. Fantastic artist but I wish more drew more Doujins without cuckhold shit. Oh well, I just self insert as the antagonist since I have a decent sized pp anyway. >>130779 GG collectively still hates Microsoft/Phil Spencer, Fujo's, Justin Trudeau, Niggerpill, and Netflix. Glow niggers, Cyrillic glowniggers, and Sino-phile tankies are still doing spooky shit. GG also still wants to fuck Coco Bandicoot and Goh, so nothing new really. >>130695 If not for the horses and cars in the background those last four look pretty sy-fi like. Was that house used in any movies? >>130734 Art Deco is kinda just a revamp of Neo Gothic architecture with modern building technicians when you think about it which is great in my opinion especially if they're gonna make more French cathedral looking stuff. >>130801 I doubt some Russian dude would want to moderate all these faggots, it be more trouble than it's worth. Also I'm wary of Russian websites in general. War Thunder is pretty fun though despite being a bit to grindy but that's what you get for playing free to play, the the very least it is an actual game and not some Gatcha shit.
>>130840 >I don't know wtf they did to their search engine and category system but it used to be quite functional however now it's absolute trash like all nu-age websites. xHamster gives me far better results for the rare occasion when I want 3DP degeneracy and I'm sure there are better alternatives to that as well. <Ever touching those sites for actual 3DPD <Not using them as historical archives for contentious content banned elsewhere before they nuked themselves
>>528637 why do you think they're tagged as loli doujins?
(466.51 KB 1152x888 woah.png)

>>130840 >GG also still wants to fuck Coco Bandicoot I wish we had an oekaki
(180.01 KB 640x480 Give me a Promotion.mp4)

>>130839 Managed to reproduce what you've described now. Disgusting.
(60.05 KB 1280x720 loli oomukade.jpg)

H-hello? It was so lively earlier.
(52.42 KB 419x249 benis (1).jpg)

(9.18 KB 142x233 Magical vidya tree.png)

>>130847 Bagina
>>130846 get mark to say something dumb again thats what we're all here for.
>>130849 >get mark to say something dumb again thats what we're all here for. Kemono isn't furry
(699.96 KB 1280x1836 14.jpg)

>>130846 Benis?
(30.58 KB 119x175 Yikes.png)

>>130850 Oh god. Marche hacked Mark's BO account.
(1.78 MB 270x188 autistic dog.gif)

>>130850 I mean, you aren't wrong.
>>130850 Yes, it's inferior.
(2.72 MB 720x1278 3RbyM33.mp4)

>>130851 This is clearly homosexual media since the characters depicted are gay, but for heterosexual men, because cartoons can't be gay to look at, and men, which are primarily heterosexual, are the primary consumers of cartoon porn. >>130853 **Sneks are cute.
>>130855 sneks are gay
(1.46 MB 900x675 TheGloriousTaleOfBayeux.png)

(3.03 MB 1280x720 ALERTA MACACO.mp4)

(10.05 KB 433x389 Natssssssssee snek.png)

>>130856 No way, fag.
>>130859 fucking beat me to it.
>>130850 Thank you for reviving the thread. I almost went int withdrawal.
>>130723 >Their victims need to find out which police agencies and kill their staff Fixed.
>>130850 >admits that its dumb to say kemono isn't furry but won't admit that its dumb to say that loli isn't pedo its because you actually aren't a furfag isn't it?
>>130864 I'm not a furry
>>130865 That's exactly what MARCHE WOULD SAY.
>>130865 and yet
>>130867 Too fat for my tastes. human male on anthro female is superior & that's what makes kemono gud for me
>>130743 >Is the internet controlled by jews or what? No. That is why they are desperate to control it. But they will fail, as always. >any company starts going political after they get some small relevance and money "Never support any company, ever" is not a meme. Every single one of them are (or will become( corrupt.
>>130867 Libbie VN when?
(58.81 KB 424x500 s-l640.jpg)

>>130850 If it's a snout it's out. There is no fundamental difference between two.
(2.18 MB 3508x4960 libbie mods.png)

>>130870 as soon as someone cares (never)
>>130850 >Kemono isn't furry The anon you replied to explicitly asked you to say something retarded as apposed to something objectively correct. Congratulations, you just failed at failing (((Mark))).
(504.58 KB 568x803 1643263405529.png)

>>130870 >>130873 never but I'd love one. >>130874 I'd impregnate the cooter.
>>130874 nah you're just retarded and don't know it.
>>130874 Kemono is a subgenre of furry, just like vanilla hentai is a subgenre of straight pornography.
(92.97 KB 320x375 vapor PROMOTIONS 1.png)

>>130878 You don't see anything do't be gay :^)
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>>130851 Is there a name for the position in the top left panel? With the bottom laying on their chest with their feet up like in pics related but from a POV that let's you have a clear view of both the ass and genitals? That rear view is one of the things I love the most in porn.
>>130879 You'd have to be homosexual not to notice.
>>130880 Yeah it's called kill yourself faggot
>>130882 Nah, I don't think that's the name.
>>130881 I'm the least gay person in here at least I posted fat tiddies. Why is this thread filled with fags?
>>130884 Because everyone else is busy, we are the last heterosexuals.
>>130885 dubs of gay fuck off ayy lmao >>130886 another die, another bullshit.
>>130885 >implying theres no difference between the fat percentage and distribution between boys and girls only fags like that gross sinewy look.
>>130886 >everyone else is busy more like bussy :^)
>>130889 sussy
Marche is Samara Weaving.
>>130883 It's not. The name is disgusting fag shit.
>>130892 Nah, it's not that either. I've seen girls do that pose too.
(3.98 MB 720x480 End of Super Mario.webm)

>>130832 Nothing quite sucks like looking at this txt and noticing all the typos I missed after multiple proofreadings.
>>130795 >Show any Trapfag 3DPD traps and the rate of them being actually attracted to them drops significantly. I'd say the same applies to waifufags and 3DPD, but they're still considered heterosexual. And besides that, for the idea that it's not gay to be logically consistent, it would also have to apply to barafags, not just trapfags. >I'd say the fappability of a porn drawing/animation depends heavily on the capabilities and style of the artist more than anything, That really depends. NTR is a bonerkill for many even if the art is top tier. Unless you're Acid.
>>130885 >that tradcuck webm Nick Fuentes is never going to fuck you, Britney :^)
(1.50 MB 2580x1450 index.jpg)

Explain to me how i have not noticed that the middle skull is puking.
>>130897 her hair could fly her around..
(687.24 KB 299x299 kf_otter.gif)

(283.01 KB 800x800 63171683_p0.jpg)

Yes, I would fuck an otter
>>130896 is she still going on a pedo tirade? last I heard of her was when she was fighting with vtubers over the fact that all their favorite avatars are little girls.
>>130893 A prone bone with a pillow under her belly makes her legs go up like that. I doubt there's a tag for it.
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>>130866 >>130867 >>130870 Ok, let's get something completely straight. Just because I occasionally jack off to furry porn doesn't make me a furry. There's a difference. Jacking off to anamorphic characters is a past time of the east, it doesn't exactly mean I'm gonna get in a fursuit, drive to the local convention and start fucking random dudes and trannies. Believe it or not there's actually a method to the madness Take Sonicfox for instance, it was discovered a few months back that he was part of a dog fucker cabal. Guess what he's known for besides being annoying in fighting games? Being an obnoxious furry who constantly spams TRANS RIGHTS and I'M A GAY NIGGER. People rightfully hate him for that because he's not only denying the reality of his sexuality but by cosplaying as a gay blue fox he's denying his own identity. Take the famous words from Socrates where he says "the unexamined life is not worth living". He's not saying we should cut off our dicks and call ourselves titty foxes or totodiles, he's simply trying to tell people to understand who we are as men/women. Furries are just people trying to represent the worst sodom and are basically calling for god to answer them as he silently stares at them in silences. They constantly ask god for an answer of who they are, and they try to get this answer through sodomy. Now by "sodomy" I'm not talking about just having an orgy in a fursuit, but rather I'm referring too the scat, sex AND violence that went on in sodom. The furry community community weather they know it or not are in a constant spiritual battle with themselves. They make these suits as one can call a "false idol" and then perform despicable acts such as fucking puppies and pooping on their friends who they have sex with while being dressed as a false idol. I think I finally understand why god was so harsh on false idols in the days before Christ, it was because people would dress themselves up in the skin of animals and constantly poop/fuck/kill each other in the cities of sodom. Now let's come back to 2022, where the furry community actively makes costumes and do all sorts of degenerate acts not only to people but to unconsenting animals as well. If anything they're secretly part of the rich elite, which is why they commission so much art for such high value rates. I wouldn't be surprised if Steve Jobs or Jeffrey Epstein were secretly furries. Steve Jobs says he named his company Apple after Isaac Newton, but I think that's a lie. I personally believe that he named it Apple after the Fruit of Knowledge and saw himself as an actual Snake and took part in proto furry conventions. Notice also how Apple is very cozy with the Chinese government with a known corrupt administration whose prime minister resembles Winnie the Pooh. Now you would think that the banning of the Winnie the Pooh memes would just because the CCP are a bunch of heartless commies who put people in camps and betray animals who open themselves up to the hearts of men, only to betrayed by degenerates who get off to the suffering of the innocent, but I think there's more to it than that. I think Xi Jinping secretly considered himself to be the reincarnation of Winnie the Pooh, and having people disrespecting his image is disrespecting his false idol or rather his "vision of god". Now I wouldn't consider someone jacking off a picture to Tits the Bat or an Eevee to be a furry because they're not part of the sodomite culture that is the furry community. To be a furry means committing oneself to the art of sodomy and the disregard of gods grace. Yes they have humane sexual elements attached to them, especially in Rogue's case, that said it's easy to see them as fictional humans in the mind's eye. It's not like China where people are fucking actual bats. The difference between someone fapping to hentai and someone who identifies as a furry is that furries are basically people who have rejected themselves because god refuses to acknowledge them. It's not just the top of the food chain, but also higher up positions as well. Why else would companies like Netflix and NASA hire furries to take your jobs? It's because they want to take over the current establishment. They want to replace ideals such as capitalism and the nuclear family with radical left wing ideologies such as transhumanism and communism. The Chinese aren't trying to replicate the KGB's dogma of ideological subversion but are rather trying to replace it with something more akin to the furry society. Have you also noticed that these big organizations try to get sites such as us shutdown by posting actual childporn over TOR? I don't mean anime shit either, they have been actively trying to take us down since we split from 4chan in 2014, why? Because we're close to finding out their gameplan. The secret society or as what I like to call them "furries" are trying to take over American way and destroy any potential opposition so they can spread more sodomy such as tran-humanism and dressing up in a fursuit and pretending to be a false idol. The Jews actually did this before Moses came back with the ten commandments and destroyed the golden cow with his holy lazer eye vision. They created a golden cow as a false idol, and would do similar acts to what is being done in furry cons today such as rape, urination and unholy orgys. The only thing they don't do in the public space is offer sacrifices to their false idols because they know they'll lose even more public support if they kill people out in the open. Not only that but pretending to be a gay wolf is also really fucking retarded, and they know this. However to the furries it's not actually about having gay sex in fursuits but rather it's about rejecting God and their souls. If anything you can call it the successor to the KGB's Ideological subversion techniques and can be called spiritual subversion because they're trying to replace god with false idols of themselves. This isn't just a modern issue but has been going on throughout the course of human history. You had heretics in the crusades wearing animal skins and pretending to be gods. Arabs would pretend to be wolves as they try to strike down the beginning on modern society, they snear and try to destroy our society because the arab furries cannot understand our way of life and see it as a sin. They say it's for "allah" but let's be honest here, they don't actually believe in the teachings of Allah, to them Allah is just an escape goat that they sacrifice to try and destroy the free market. That said China is succeeding where the arabs have failed. They are the true furries, and have used a biological weapon to disrupt our way of life and made a mentally handicapped old man the head of the free world. This isn't about fucking oddly shaped Pokemon or Sonic characters but is something about much MUCH worse. This is about the destruction of heaven and modern society as we know it. Furries will not stop until everything we know is either morally corrupt or completely unrecognizable. They want to force god's judgement on the human race in the same way they want to force web registrars to take down the old internet. We're just part of a much larger game that will eventually lead to our judgement as a species. I hope that eventually these people ge tthe help they need, because lord knows we'll need divine intervention as soon as the nukes go off. tl;dr: I'M NOT A FURRY
(345.87 KB 991x434 furry scale.png)

>>130902 thats a lot of text for not a lot of truth jewboy
>>130902 you expect us to believe you wrote this when even deleting posts individually rather than clicking delete all posts by IP burns too many calories for you to keep your stunning physique?
>>130904 Habeeb it
>>130902 Nice pasta. >it doesn't exactly mean I'm gonna get in a fursuit, drive to the local convention and start fucking random dudes and trannies. 2D only furries are still furries. They are responsible disproportionately for all the worst fetish art the internet has to offer.
>>130906 >Nice pasta. Thank you, feel free to use it as a template.
>>130902 >Just because I occasionally jack off to furry porn doesn't make me a furry >tl;dr: I'M NOT A FURRY But you're a furfaggot. >>130903 Anything more than animal ears is a furry overload.
>>130908 >furry reaction image
(1.07 MB 794x1040 Gentle Persuasion.png)

>>130902 That probably sounded better in your head, Mark.
>>130902 >Come back >see this thread >(deleted) after (deleted) following arguments over porn So...you're saying you only like them for the art?
>>130910 You mean about the secret society using furries and sodomy to bring upon the wrath of god?
>>130912 Yep, that's where it started going off the rails.
>>130909 OK, I chuckled.
>>130913 I need to start writing satire again, my skills are rusty.
(294.55 KB 1159x996 loli cosplaying as Felicia.jpg)

(107.86 KB 340x359 loli Felicia.png)

>>130908 >Felicia is furry
(52.19 KB 280x350 1574228810452.png)

N8 approves of this thread.
>>130900 All I know is she really cut her teeth on pushing that shit, trying to capture the Gab audience with her tradwife larp, in spite of the much larger following she already had with youtube and her twitch orbiters.
>>130917 I r8 N8 8/8, he's pretty gr8.
>>130918 your responding to the pedo derailer anon. Check the Id
>>130920 I think were significantly past that now. Mark kind of gave up on the constant post deletion of that fag and anyone talking with him, instead devolving into off-topic funposting himself. Frankly, I prefer it.
(3.47 MB 384x480 What the fuck.gif)

>>130902 >search small fragments of the essay >can't find anything that shows it to be a pasta
(216.67 KB 1366x768 thinkmark.jpg)

>>130921 mark thinks he has the power over who can shitpost because hes a janny but I was born to shitpost. do you feel in charge mark?
>>130800 >VidLii is mentioned in the list of "GG's recommended websites & software" that is posted here from time to time, so this may be worth monitoring for a while. I'll keep watch, but I've been meaning to update the list anyway.
(436.15 KB 1741x1656 BAN PANTS.jpg)

>>130900 >fighting with vtubers over the fact that all their favorite avatars are little girls. It really warms my degenerate heart that the top vtuber is a lolituber. How many other vtubers in the top 10 or 20 use loli avatars? Do they behave lewdly like Gura sometimes?
>>130925 Anon, you don't actually throw your money at this cunt for existing, right?
>>130927 he didn't fly so good.
(343.05 KB 600x600 Don't Shrimp for Vtubers.png)

>>130926 Hell no. I just enjoy memes and free lewd loli art.
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>>130798 I possess chi|d pornography and own multiple illegally modified fully automatic firearms. in runescape
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>>130926 Positively talking about vtubers is both a chink and a autist filter. Talking about either brings them out of the woodwork so we can conduct routine burnings. It's just the natural process. >>130929 Vtuber porn is pretty nice too. I don't like the 3dpd parasites being parasites but the fact is they have added value to my dick by nice character designs. Like fate/. Fate/ in general sucks ass but it's character designs make my dick go choo choo.
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>>130929 the memes were what made me totally discount those two faced cunts before vtubers were even a thing. specifically nyanners deleting this video and being a huge moralfag about it to appease her new audience of smoothbrained NPCs of course now shes a vtuber with a loli catgirl avatar continuing to use the faux child voice as if she has no idea who shes appealing to.
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>>130923 I wait for the day a higher up mod gives him a (preferably public) ban for shitposting in a showcase of karmic justice. >>130931 There's a timeline where instead of being wasted in gachashit or jewtube the designs of Homolive and Fate were part of a real game. This isn't that timeline.
>>130932 Nyanners is a part of that shady as fuck western vtuber agency Vshoujo or something like that. They have jewish ties and some of them along with that faggot Nux were being pushed on times square billboards by an (((anonymous))) third party.
>>130932 >specifically nyanners deleting this video and being a huge moralfag about it to appease her new audience of smoothbrained NPCs Lmao, nyanners is lolituber now? How often is she confronted on it in livestreams?
>>130933 No we're in the timeline wher we have a nuclear war with Russia over gay rights.
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>>130935 It'll happen at some point, traitors tend to (eventually) get what they deserve, see: Yandev
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It’s Back: Senators Want EARN IT Bill to Scan All Online Messages https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/02/its-back-senators-want-earn-it-bill-scan-all-online-messages https://odysee.com/@RTP:9/encryption-under-attack-worldwide!-right:b https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/nwnw20201112:7 >A group of lawmakers led by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have re-introduced the EARN IT Act, an incredibly unpopular bill from 2020 that was dropped in the face of overwhelming opposition. >the new EARN IT Act would pave the way for a massive new surveillance system, run by private companies, that would roll back some of the most important privacy and security features in technology used by people around the globe. Ah~ just another day in glorious bi-partisan America. >>130885 >Lolicon is a gateway to homosexuality. Get out while you can. :^) Alright to late for me, been that way for a while back when I didn't know any better, I enjoy both though so it's fine. >>130903 Where do Harpies fall in the chart? Also Not Furry I suppose?
>>130935 how the fuck should I know? I wouldn't be caught dead watching those cheap imitations.
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>>130935 >nyanners is lolituber now? Vtuber yes, loli no, although it seems her original design had smaller breasts.
>>130935 She is and I think the shark vtuber is the Welcome to Italy meme girl. I don't know shit about japanese vtubers but these american bandwagonning whores are as insufferable as their fanbases.
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I want to fuck a shark
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>>130943 You too?
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>>130892 I'd like more Fate oyakodon. Or, would Artoria and Mordred technically be Daddy/Daughter? Or is it only Daddy/Daughter if it's Futaria?
>>130942 if you put some actual effort in its surprisingly easy to make something that nobody can sniff out with no real artistic talent required. hell I did it with a mouse.
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>>130938 what the fuck is wrong with these people?
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>>130946 That's what basically the dude for UAB did. No one caught on until Laura B was found by normalfags on cuckchan. Surprising since her lewds were pretty much a /b/ staple. Many an upset moralfags were had by that cunny commander. She was cute.
>>130954 kek what the fuck for? People will bomb retarded opinions now.
>>130950 I'm pretty sure he didn't trace over the pictures, though.
>>130955 If you sacrifice the lives of leftists and trannies your company lasts longer. The downvote arrow represents the ancient power harnessed by Diogenes of making normalniggers upset.
>>130957 I've never used twatter, jewtube got rid of visible thumbs down.. it's hilarious honestly.
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>>130950 more like many ex-moralfags turned cunnysseurs. the real reason theres an unspoken ban on CD stuff on this site is because shes the ultimate weapon in breaking the feminist conditioning westerners are plagued with. >>130956 oh come on now even before I had the eye for it I could see where their "inspiration" came from. if you don't get those kinds of vibes from this one in particular then its no wonder why you fags are so easy to fool.
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>>130935 I dont watch her but as far as I know she has relaxed the sjw shit in recent years. My guess is that she is just your average attention-deprived internet-dwelling autistic (autism manifests differently in men and women) female that happened to hang out online with the wrong(est) crew when that shit was at its peak keep in mind the sjw's use every trick in the groomers handbook whenever they can to gain power over their peers Despite whatever circumstances she has, that kind of behaviour is quite hypocritical, and her content seems to be focused on zoomer-tier humour to boot, so into the trash she goes. Not trying to do an apology for her though, just giving my two cents about what I know.
>>130955 >implying you'll be allowed to downvote anything they don't want downvoted >implying your vote matters at all
>>130948 They want to control the internet.
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>>130948 Are musclegirls a gateway to furshit?
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>>130902 >>130865 >>130850 I'll have you know, I put all my furry porn in a folder labeled kemono, and that folder in the monstergirl folder. Chew on that, faggit.
>>130963 No, but I've seen it devolve into more "extreme" fetishes like hyper growth and giantism.
>>130941 >I think the shark vtuber is the Welcome to Italy meme girl She's the one who made that "Ok Boomer" song that made that bernout bimbo famous. >>130955 >what the fuck for? >People will bomb retarded opinions now You've just answered your own question, except replace retarded with wrong think.
>>130902 >Take Sonicfox for instance, it was discovered a few months back that he was part of a dog fucker cabal. Guess what he's known for besides being annoying in fighting games? Being an obnoxious furry who constantly spams TRANS RIGHTS and I'M A GAY NIGGER. People rightfully hate him for that because he's not only denying the reality of his sexuality but by cosplaying as a gay blue fox he's denying his own identity. This is news to me. The FGC finally did something interesting for the first time in a while. He can be both a zoophile and a furry at the same time. A lot of people probably are if they're one of the two. I don't see why someone who fucks dogs wouldn't like the animated version. If he's a tranny who gets fucked in the ass by dogs and dresses like a furry, then there's no hypocricy at all. That's exactly what people would think Sonicfox would do. He probably does far more than just that, too. The rest is tl;dr, I thought you just dumped a pasta at first as a joke. Regardless of whether you're actually a furry or not, you should just enjoy it. It's not a big deal. No one actually cares just like the Acid cuck thing. It's just fun to say.
>>130959 Why is it only ever this board that gets spammed with gay shit? No one ever pulls this gay morality bullshit on smug, or anywhere else on the webring. Hell, i've seen people try to pull this shit on smug and the most people have said is "Fuck off with your 3dpd shit." and then the nigger got autobanned. It's only in this circle of hell we endlessly hash out the same tired bullshit because no one wants to put a stop to it.
>>130968 You answered your own question, it’s only this place that keeps biting the bait. Everywhere else just says “Fuck off, retard.” And leaves it at that. And on /a/ any shenanigans just get hoihoi’d
>>130969 Not only that, but this thread is the only one that gets replies within minutes
What does any of this have to do with video games?
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>>130972 One's right to masturbate to cartoons of little girls and not feel bad about it, must not be infringed.
>>130968 Well, for starters, Unteralterbach isn't an /a/ topic. Secondly, calling lolicons pedos automatically is taken by them to mean an explicit interest in 3DPD, and so they DING DONG BANNU any mention of it. Yet no cares if you call trapfags or futafags homos, as somehow they seem to implicitly understand it's not a claim that they like 3DPD. Why the difference? Lolicons need to dissociate from pedos because real pedoshit is illegal and stigmatized. It's that simple. Whether one believes lolis is better or not, if one likes loli, than it's in their interest to claim regardless of belief that it has absolutely nothing to do with pedophilia, even as characters within lolicon hentai get off on being called pedos by smug little girls. This behavior doesn't even need to be driven by a conscious knowledge of the fact. There's an reflexive urge to hold disdain for pedos that's instinctual, and to keep ones interests as far from pedoshit as possible.
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>herdniggers at it again
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>>130972 Video games are sexist sexy.
>>130975 Which one is a herdnigger?
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>>130977 The ones that keep shitting up the thread trying to conflate 2D loli with 3DPDCP >>130978 Not surprising, everyone has been shitting on Ralph recently, including a pink anime rabbit who made fun of his twitter feed and swollen potatohead.
>>130979 >The ones that keep shitting up the thread trying to conflate 2D loli with 3DPDCP Loli is not CP. It's just fictional pedophilia. Like an erotic novel about fucking imaginary children, but with anime style visuals.
>>130968 >Why is it only ever this board that gets spammed with gay shit? Because: – Acid's ideals on allowing as much "free speech" as legally possible for him, including pedo autism up to a certain degree – 8moe revolving about open board creation and freedumz, as opposite of the more defined topics of smug and the rest of the webring that can be used as motives to kick out the pedos – smug's use of bots (Hoihoi) to clean some of their garbage, vs nothing on 8moe (even the filters are broken for fucks sake) – /v/'s vols becoming less active in recent weeks because real life, allowing all kinds of critters to make a mess for hours – global vols who can/should only intervene when a post breaks a global rule, aka when it's CP or spam(bots), something the pedo derails don't count as – the GG being the exception to every rule because everyone wants these threads to be off-topic but only for certain things (that vary every day) – stupid fucking nigger retards who can't stop replying to pedos even when they know their argument will end in the exact same way as always (Mark axing 1/3 of the thread, with 20% of the deleted posts things that had nothing to do with pedos)
>>130981 >– stupid fucking nigger retards who can't stop replying to pedos even when they know their argument will end in the exact same way as always (Mark axing 1/3 of the thread, with 20% of the deleted posts things that had nothing to do with pedos) They want to feel smart by "BTFOing" them and signalling themselves as wise anons, secure with the knowledge that Mark Will Take Care of It and he'll more likely to leave their posts up and only ban the pedos, so why not give into the shitposting urge? They're just as much responsible for the pedo derails happening, and I'd advocate for people interacting with obvious bait of that sort being grounds for a ban.
>>130978 >retards only involved in e-celeb drama end up destroying each other Who'd have thunk it I'm just surprised Jim is still even alive, since iirc he got censored off jewtube and has some kinda cancer now
>>130982 Wanting to “own” anyone on an anonymous imageboard is a sign of Reddit behavior if there ever was one. It’s like these niggers are fishing for le ebik upboats.
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>>130978 >e-celeb faggotry >direct linking to fucking MundaneMatt Go back to reddit and never return.
>>130979 >that tryhard fake uwu voice
>>130984 >>130982 lmao owned
>>130974 An intelligent post.
>>130870 It's being worked on, but zzz is getting distracted by its zine.
>>130974 >There's an reflexive urge to hold disdain for pedos that's instinctual thats a conditioned response not reflexive or instinctual. you don't see turbanheads clutching their pearls at a child brides wedding.
>>130947 I want to fuck a rabbit.
>>130990 Wanting to protect children is not a conditions response, it's instinctual. >>130990 There's a difference between arranged marriages, which in most cases don't result in lewding until the early teens anyways since pedos are a severe minority, and letting any old pedo have a whack at your daughter.
>>130992 man hating feminist dykes condition a younger generation of feminists to disdain men and see them all as potential rapists too. the fact that wanting to protect women from being victimized isn't something that needs to be conditioned into people doesn't affect the conditioning that is happening on top of that. you'd agree that its not reflexive or instinctual to have a disdain for men and see them all as opportunistic sexual predators right?
>>130994 Loli is not literal Democrat activism. Is that complicated? Loli is fantasy Democrat activism. Fiction. Harmless. Freeze peach. Comprende?
>>130993 But it is instinctual for people to want to protect their child and keep them save, if we're taking a naturalist argument, it's instinctual because children represent a passing on of genes, thus situations where a person judges injury might occur or danger might be visited on them is to be avoided. Sandniggers don't care because their society lets them have four wives and Allah knows how many slaves they can use as baby factories. That's why honor killing is no big deal, you murder one daughter you can make five more to take her place. So unless you're arguing Europeans should adopt islamic values which clash even with the values held in antiquity, then your argument doesn't hold much merit. Comparing European values to islamic values is the very definition of apples and oranges.
>>130997 it's a wordfilter.
>>130997 Word filters. You should be able to glean the meaning from context glues if your IQ is above room temperature.
>>130996 if the pedo hysteria in the west was instinctual and reflexive then you'd see it in all cultures independently. you don't see japanese people shying away from the connection between their fictional pornography and its real life equivalents in order to avoid the stigmatization associated with being a pedo because over there its not stigmatized to nearly the same extent. it took moral outrage from westerners thanks to the attention from the olympics for them to even outlaw CP possession within the last decade.
>>131001 So it's not natural for people to want to keep their children safe? I'm sure even in Japan if someone was a convicted child molester then parent's probably wouldn't be chomping at the bit to have him babysit.
>>131001 That’s not how culture works. Japan also doesn’t stigmatize incest to the same degree, ditto Arab countries. Should we all be fucking our sisters because Nips and camel jockeys do it?
>>131000 Correct. >>131001 >you don't see japanese people shying away from the connection between their fictional pornography and its real life equivalents in order to avoid the stigmatization associated with being a pedo because over there its not stigmatized to nearly the same extent. Comic LO once put some junior idols in part of tankoubon. They were met with rabid dissatisfaction from their readers and have never done it again.
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>>130998 >>130999 I know these filters exists because niggers keep posting trigger words to get the site taken down, but shouldn't it maybe resemble the filtered word more so people know what the hell you're talking about? Like Pedrophillia or Chilled Pork? >>131003 >Should we all be fucking our sisters because Nips and camel jockeys do it? Half sister, full, by marriage or adoptive? How hot is your sister?
>>131002 we're talking about people that like lewd drawings not convicted rapists. >>131003 >Japan also doesn’t stigmatize incest to the same degree, ditto Arab countries. yeah I'd argue they stigmatize it more. the incest porn trend isn't coming from japan its coming from the west. unlike all the loli porn which is coming from japan. >>131004 people who buy playboy magazines wouldn't appreciate random hentai spliced into their pinup girl pictures either but that doesn't mean they have a moral affront to hentai so much as they just want to get what they're paying for. magazines of junior idols were being sold right alongside loli doujins in sex shops so its not like there was a good reason to mix the two together.
>>131006 >the incest porn trend is coming from the west. Incest is legal in Japan. As long as both parties are of age and consenting, you can have sex with a direct family member. In the US, the only states where incest is legal are New Jersey and Rhode Island.
>>131007 I wouldn't use the law to argue how stigmatized something is unless you honestly think being a pothead is highly stigmatized in the US because its illegal. apparently beastiality is legal in more states than incest so is animal fucking more acceptable over there than fucking your cousin?
>>131005 >but shouldn't it maybe resemble the filtered word more so people know what the hell you're talking about? Just use context clues.
Big cuddly muscle girls
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I know not all of you are sexual tyrannosauruses like me but I think you wouldn't have difficulty finding someone to fuck who is >human >not a family member >>131010
>>131011 a true sexual tyrannosaurus would strive for greatness by reaching peak degeneracy and fuck something that is both a family member and not human.
>>131008 Isn't there a muslim politician literally married to her own brother? Incest seems only to be used as a bludgeon against white southerners even though they are not the primary practitioners of incest. Similar to catholic priests always hit with claims of child molestation even though rabbis commit more of it.
I don't want to be a sexual trannysaurus! I want to keep my penis intact!
>>130832 This entire thing is pointless and a waste because the dude can't read Japanese. Looking at translated galleries to see how lolis are referred is like studying a book by looking at a fan-fic that was translated twice. Some artists are overrepresented while others are unrepresented because of his tastes and lack of translations too.
>>131015 This true, but a large enough sample irons this out to at least be fairly representative of the interest of English consumers. This sample used about 10% of all English translated loli galleries on sadpanda.
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Oh boy Macaco is back yet again.
>>130978 In the end, PPP won
>>130978 Holy Shit.
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>>130922 Sometimes people actually believe the things they say. What a horrible thought. >>130947 I'm saving this one.
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https://archive.fo/iFqf9 A month old but I don't remember it being posted back then and it seems to be making the rounds now.
>>131024 Why bother rebooting G4 if they don't have an intended audience?
>>131024 >Froskurinn Is this a foreskin joke?
>>131024 Literally who?
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>>130740 >How else are they going to get funds to pay all these yaoi doujins and commissions? By being super hot office ladies, doodling in their spare time while eating foods full of soy and estrogens, right? R-right? >>130742 They were but things were blown way out of proportions unless you want to think that the average Blizz retard was like pic related
>>130972 >What does any of this have to do with video games? EVERYTHING ANON >>130973 >One's right to masturbate to cartoons of little girls and not feel bad about it, must not be infringed. Criticism is free speech, granted I agree that both the left and the right are retarded for wanting their own unique but equally stupid thought crime laws.
>>130978 I mean Jim's not wrong, that dude did a total 380 and became an absolute hypocrite. That said this is a vidya games board, take your e-celeb trash to /b/ or whatever.
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>>130964 >mantis shrimp OH GOD
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>>130948 It's because Republicans are retarded. The moment--- The very instant that they feel the tide turn their way even in the slightest they immediately revert to authoritarian niggers and kick the own wind out of their sails. Additionally Graham is a fucking neocon which obviously needs no further explanation.
>>131026 >>131024 I keep reading it as foreskin too
>>131024 >don't watch us we're not for you <later >WHY IS NO ONE WATCHING US
>>130968 > Why is it only ever this board that gets spammed with gay shit? There are glowniggers like >>130702 sent here to waste our time so we don't dig or send emails.
>>131024 >even now they're trying to pull this exclusion bullshit Only for things videogames or videogame related do they still have the balls to insult their core audience, ignoring wholesale what made them who they are. A bunch of charlatans pretending to be something they aren't while constantly professing that it's cool to be a soulless automaton who does nothing but buy cool games for cool people while shilling said "cool games."
>>131024 >hearing text Freudian slips about cognitive state.
>>130966 >she's the one who made that "Ok Boomer" song I forgot about that one. It's the same bitch then.
Honestamente, a companhia de armas Taurus percorreu um longo caminho desde o grupo de merda que eram há meia década. Até estive pensando em alugar um G3 para ver se eles fazem jus ao hype.
>>131038 Isn't it some shitty exaggeration? Something like: >this text speaks to you so much, you can hear it despite no audio
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>>131028 I wish I had an OL gf.
>>131043 i am literally a corona right noe
>>131037 >A bunch of charlatans pretending to be something they aren't Like SJWeebs. Fakes. Posers. People who don't even like Anime or Japan. Vermin who show up to regurgitate their programming while gatekeeping. I was watching this one fag on Youtube for a while until I noticed he was one of those. He was watching someone else's video when they made the old "attack helicopter" pronouns joke and the fag goes "Yikes" because that's what they're programmed to say. Another time he was playing some weeb game with multiple anime franchises. Goku got shot with a gun by another character and this SJWeeb acted like Goku was so innocent "he'd never even seen a gun". Goku gets shot by Bulma literally in the first episode of Dragon Ball, first chapter of the manga. SJWeebs always reveal themselves to be complete posers and fakes who are just following trends. For SJWeebs, anime is something they wear like a fashion accessory to try to give the appearance of a personality beyond the shitty politics that they force into everything. You can hardly even call such creatures human as they're not capable of genuine independent thought. They follow / regurgitate programming and adopt whatever they're told is "trendy".
>>131037 >>even now they're trying to pull this exclusion bullshit Ultimately exclusion is good I've come to believe. It's just that they've twisted it around backwards. We should be trying to exclude people like this from our hobbies rather than allow them to try and exclude us from our hobbies.
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>>131046 exclusion is a tool that, like any tool, can be used for good or for evil.
>>131047 But what came first? The brick or the egg?
>>131048 The brick, because walmart warehouses are where eggs come from.
>>131047 Yeah, like censorship.
>>>/v/527517 >Or we just start our own anime studio with a $0 neet workforce, like the touhou fan animes. My animation skills are bellow Murdock Murdock tier quality though plus it's been decades since I've fucked around. I don't even know what the latest hip software is for animating in Loonix is either.
>>131051 Storyboarding, and divided further as keyframes can all be done with an image editor, and are more limited by imagination than choice of software.
>>131052 So I could just make a dozen frames in GIMP and then just upload them in this "Storyboarding" software? Neat
Anyone know the source of this image? I found it in these threads in regards to bypassing patreon's loli ban. Sage for off topic.
>>131056 I should've mention I already used image search and it brought fuck all.
>>131053 Well no, you make the frames, then someone has to animate in between them. Knowing what to fill the gaps in removes a lot of the work though, and assuming people can stick to a style it won't look like that bane on a plane short where everyone drew a frame.
>>131055 Is that Scootaloo?
>>131051 Last I heard, Krita has some framing tools to help animate. Haven't checked or tried yet. You still have to draw though.
>>131042 Pacific action only leads to defeat.
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>>131061 That's why Atlantic action is preferable.
>>131047 black people are so creative... never mind
>>131064 Well black people can be, even if you're sort of grading on a curve. But Ameriniggers have completely degenerated. They are the niggers of black people.
Alerta de Macaco?
>>131068 Alerda de macaco.
>>131067 Waste of trips.
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>>131068 >Alerta de Macaco?
>>131066 everything claiming to be supposed black (ie, real nigger ieie. subsahara black eieie. everything thats black and not kangz pretending north africa is black )'culture' are post 19th century, ie. post contact with the civilized world niggers didnt even have the concept of a wheel before contact with europeans, they now have a massive tourism industry based on totally fake made up culture that never existed, american niggers are so ashamed of being literally the dumbest and least evolved people of the earth they even made up a fake religion for themselves and claim its some ancient african shit
There's actual grooming goin on in the second largest board in this site right now and Acid is not doing anything about it. They are getting children to read shit on vocraoo now, it'll be "meetups" tomorrow and your lolberg nonsense allowed it to happen, Asukaboi.
>>131073 What the fuck are you on about?
>>131074 Take a fucking guess, retard. The pedophiles over at /b/ are grooming their own kids for the users of their thread.
>>131075 Without any actual evidence, you're just jumping at shadows. Besides this isn't a meta thread.
>>131073 And, you haven't reported it to the global vols because...?
>>131077 Because audio isn't explicitly against the law, it's all legally gray bullshit.
>>131078 The rules say "depiction" which is a broad terms and should be applied to audio as well: >a.) Any depiction of a real child regardless of original context, legality, or public display, that is posted in any sort of context that is sexualized, sexually suggestive, or otherwise intended to elicit arousal. Of course they are also posting pictures, including what seems to be pictures of the same child, and those aren't deleted either. Any depiction of a child (let alone a child the people in the thread personally know) shouldn't be allowed in that thread or any similar thread, but they never seem to actually enforce the rule. In any case you should bring this up in the meta thread instead.
>>131080 And maybe they are precisely the ones who are posting that shit to begin with.
>>131055 Sukkanen Fordic
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>>131073 We're aware of this and its implications. While no law is technically being broken that we can tell, globals have been notified to keep a close eye on this and keep records of the activity. If there's child abuse going on, we will take appropriate action.
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>>130902 >Steve Jobs says he named his company Apple after Isaac Newton, but I think that's a lie. I personally believe that he named it Apple after the Fruit of Knowledge and saw himself as an actual Snake and took part in proto furry conventions. Close but it's Steve Wozniak who should be credited for the first apple computer. Jobs helped sell it
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>>131086 <Here's also the original Apple logo.
>>131087 Touché. Here's an excerpt from Wozniak's book, iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon >“I was driving Steve Jobs back from the airport along Highway 85. Steve was coming back from a visit to Oregon to a place he called an ‘apple orchard’. It was actually some kind of commune. Steve suggested a name – Apple Computer. The first comment out of my mouth was, ‘What about Apple Records?’ This was (and still is) the Beatles-owned record label. We both tried to come up with technical-sounding names that were better, but we couldn’t think of any good ones. Apple was so much better, better than any other name we could think of.”
>>131085 While protecting the real-life child is obviously more important than policing posts, I think it's the lack of properly applying Rule 2 that let it get to this point in the first place. The pedo thread should qualify as a sexualized context for the purpose of posting pictures (or audio) of children, the same as posting images on /hebe/. Even if they call it the "Cuteness Appreciation Thread" or try to migrate to another thread or board again. If they were consistently deleted/banned whenever they posted pictures of children, rather than simply relocating to different places on the same site, they would probably abandon the site the same way they abandoned /hebe/. But instead there's a group of pedophiles who have spent months sharing pictures of children with each other and have now apparently escalated to sharing pictures and audio of children they know in real life.
>>131089 >If they were consistently deleted/banned whenever they posted pictures of children, rather than simply relocating to different places on the same site, they would probably abandon the site the same way they abandoned /hebe/. Question: What about the fags posting through Tor or their phones? Or even the issue on Cuck/b/? Even if you ban and delete them, there's nothing stopping them from just reseting their ID and posting again. Or even posting during the late hours of the night when everyone is in bed.
>>131089 >>131091 In fact, the only solution I can think of to that would be to log the IPs of those individuals and report them to the local propert authorities. But, even then, that wouldn't result in them immediately being vanned, because (Surprise, surprise, investigations take time, and who knows if they may already be an informant and are already being watched), even if they were posting hardcore cheeze pizza.
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>>131084 You don't need to be able to post any explicit material in order to sexualize real children. To warrant an investigation, all you have to do is post perfectly legal images of minors alongside explicit legal material, and attempt to create some sort of connection between the legal explicit material and legal depiction of a minor. That could be a comment, you could caption the legal pic, or make a meme out of the legal minor and legal explicit material in some other way. There are US precedents of courts ruling otherwise legal recordings of minors zêêpêê because they were judged to be used by the accused pedo in a sexual manner.
>>131091 You could say the same thing about any other rule, including actual CP. Generally people eventually give up if it's deleted quickly and consistently enough.
>>131095 >Generally people eventually give up You mean like the retard on /pol/ who's been making news threads for the past seven months, every single week, about how getting fucked in the ass isn't healthy?
>>131096 If a thread gets posted once a week and deleted within a few hours then it doesn't matter. Having a board owner make cyclical threads on /pol/ about getting fucked in the ass would be analogous. And that isn't happening. You seem to completely misunderstand what is the actual issue with how /b/ is being operated.
>>131098 I'd rather have threads where pedophiles share images and audio of children with each other banned. If Acid made that decision I would sign up to be a gvol and dedicated myself to purging you subhuman faggots day in and day out. My autism dwarfs even 20 of you pedonigger faggots.
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>>131090 All you want is content that offends you ran off the site on a rail even when that content might be otherwise legal. What do you think makes you so special that listening to you doesn't obligate us to listen to everyone else with an axe to grind too? You'll cry those big tears when its something that (you) like on the chopping block because enough other people get butthurt about it. The only way anybody gets kicked off this site is through their own actions. Either proven maliciousness or violating Global Rules-slash-the law. Period. If the pedos play stupid games they'll eventually win stupid prizes like anyone else. So sit your ass down and drink your goddamned TEA.
>>131097 >You seem to completely misunderstand what is the actual issue with how /b/ is being operated. The issue with /b/ is the same issue with these threads. The admins don't want to take responsibility, because they don't want people bitching at them as if someone shouting at them through a computer screen actually effects their mental psyche, so they play as loose as they can with the rules until an honest-to-God problem occurs, and then they scramble around trying to fix it, but never solving the issue. Simply put, no one wants to put their foot down (Because, the moment that they do, site activity drops by 80%).
>>131100 >All you want is content that offends you ran off the site on a rail even when that content might be otherwise legal. No actually. What I want is consistency. Can you explain why pedophiles sharing images of children on /hebe/ was not permissible but pedophiles sharing images of children on /b/ is permissible to me? If you can provide and acceptable answer to that question then I will never bitch about how you deal with pedoniggers ever again. I'm very curious to see whether or not you'll respond.
>> 529028 AAWWWW that kid is so cuuute I wanna hug her and protect her forever! <3
>>131079 I meant this format*
>>131102 >Can you explain why pedophiles sharing images of children on /hebe/ was not permissible but pedophiles sharing images of children on /b/ is permissible to me? /hebe/ is a fetish board, simple as that. It's like what happened on h8chan/8kunt, where the admins for /fur/ were doing everything in their power to make the board SFW (And, failing every step of the way), but the overwhelming majority of furfag content is porn.
>>131102 >Can you explain why pedophiles sharing images of children on /hebe/ was not permissible but pedophiles sharing images of children on /b/ is permissible to me? I thought /hebe/ was ignored until they went away because it was a gay op to drive a wedge into the community and enough of the community was content to leave them the fuck alone on their quarantine board. Seems like they just moved the gay op to /b/, because the complaints are just what I remember.
>>131106 /hebe/ is a NSFW board where people shared images of children. /b/ is a NSFW board where people share images of children. If /b/ is being used in an identical way to how /hebe/ was being used down to the letter and the only difference is the title and URI of the board then why is one permissible and the other not? I have yet to hear someone give a coherent answer to this question. >>131107 Images of children were explicitly banned on /hebe/ from the global administration. Then they instantly switched to /b/ to do the exact same thing.
>>131102 /hebe/'s purpose as a board was originally for pedos to leer at pictures of minors. The whole board. The entire thing. That was the context of anything posted there, and that context isn't allowed here, so we made them change it. /b/ is a random board for all manner of shit. One thread or one post doesn't define what the whole board is, so the context is not the same. Provided pics of kids on a random all-topic board that aren't sexualized per DOST, they can be allowed. >>131107 Its the same people doing the complaining. Half of which are probably the same people posting the very shit being complained about.
Daily reminder who anyone trying to moralize here is actually the one posting the offensive content just to shit on everything and use any weakness to demand more censorship.
>>131100 Posting their real-life child relatives for the appreciation of other pedos seems like "playing stupid games" to me. >>131096 I don't know about that guy but keep in mind that it's easier to disrupt communities than to stop individual autists from posting. If there was just some autist occasionally spamming because he was mad about the thread being deleted, that autist probably wouldn't have any child relatives to post and we wouldn't have the current issue. And of course some individual autist who gets deleted immediately doesn't post the same potential risk to the site. >>131106 And the thread currently titled "Cuteness Appreciation Thread" is a fetish thread, consisting of the same people posting the same things as they did on /hebe/.
>>131109 So as long as I make a board with a wacky gibberish name doing the exact same thing that was being done on /hebe/ is completely fine. This incompetent shit is why I'll continue to bitch. You have no coherent positions on anything. Maybe if you were actually consistent then I could accept that you're a lolbertarian retard, but a consistent one. But you aren't. You just do random shit.
>>131111 The dude grooming his child has even posted the face enough times for the pedophile requesting the audios to repost it. They are obsessed
>>131112 Maybe if you could fucking read you'd know that isn't allowed either.
>>131107 >I thought /hebe/ was ignored /hebe/ effectively became a text-only board because image posting was almost entirely banned a month in after Acid put his foot down and said that posting on /hebe/ implys fetishistic actions, thereby posting images ANY images of real children was deemed illegal. >>131108 >/b/ is a NSFW board where people share images of children. /b/ exists for a different reason than /hebe/. >>131111 >And the thread currently titled "Cuteness Appreciation Thread" is a fetish thread, consisting of the same people posting the same things as they did on /hebe/. And, I agree, that kind of content should be removed due to it being a general thread instead of just a random schizo who's posting, or some idiot thinking that he's being funny.
>>131114 But that is allowed. It's happening on /b/ right now. They have threads which the moderators have made cyclical for the dedicated purpose of exchanging images of children between pedophiles. There is no functional difference between having a dedicated board for sharing images of children and having a dedicated thread for sharing images of children. They are literally the EXACT same thing in practice.
>>131109 Instead of the context being a pedo board the context is a pedo thread. Why are those so different? It seems like both those contexts should be treated the same way. >Half of which are probably the same people posting the very shit being complained about. When a specific real-life child is involved I don't think it really requires bad-faith actors to be concerned, both for the child and for them causing serious problems for the site.
Luciano/Macoco whatever you huge attention whore derailer, go outside and drink a glass of homemade lemonade, you'll feel better and forget this board exists for a while.. >>131089 >>131113 Yeah they fucking glow a truly putrid luminescent bright light for sure. That's why I avoid /b/ half the time. Aside from pedo's everyone else is a self absorbed namefag who contribute nothing of value to the site. Nothing against namefaggotry when it's from drawfrens or local jannies of course, that's justified. At this point I'd unironically argue that halfchans /b/ is unironically better than that cease pool and that's saying a lot for a bot infested board.
>>131086 does anyone even know why jobs is credited for anything at all other than marketing when the faggot isnt even a programmer or engineer, the retard literally doesnt know anything at all about technology and is somehow a posterchild for it its like elon mollusc and tesla, literally identical situation, maybe thats why that shemale elizabeth holmes, the daughter of the fucking enron scammer who was obsessed with imitating the legend of give-me-pancreatic-cancer-fruitarians
Oh boy I sure do love video games, how about you anons?
>>131120 I'm still waiting for Onirism to update, and you?
>>131120 I'm playing some Gran Autismo 5
>>131120 I'm playing System Shock for the first time. The controls took some getting used to, but I'm having fun.
>>131119 >why jobs is credited for anything at all other than marketing when the faggot isnt even a programmer or engineer Because he knew how to get the job done. Before going off into computers, Jobs first worked as a little know company called Atari, who was already in the process of making millions. In the office, there was actually a sign that said that anyone who could figure out a way to make we now know as Breakout, would receive $10 grond on the spot. Immediately the day after Jobs signed on with the company, he returned the following day with a working circuit board for Breakout, that he and his friend developed the night before. Now, to be honest, the board he and his friend developed was not perfect. In fact, at that point in time, computer circuit boards cost and arm and a leg to develop and manufacture, and Atari would have been bankrupted to have even humoured a limited run of Breakout arcade cabinates despite how they were making money hand-over-fist (To give you an idea, Atari didn't really start developing digital games until the 2600, everything prior to was the result of physically altering the engineered workings of television sets). However, that didn't matter. The challenge was for a game to be made, and he found a way. THAT'S why he's given so much credit. A lot of people can have brilliant ideas, but very few can put those ideas into action.
>>131094 >Being able to ban evade doesn't magically mean it's impossible to moderate anything. I think that was proven false in this thread just yesterday as Mark continuously deleted conversations about loli vs pedo, yet those conversations carried on regardless because you can see deleted posts, and even replying to them still generates a reply link on the deleted post.
>>131121 >and you? Played some Super Tux kart for the first time.after some anons mentioned it here. It's pretty alright as far as Mario kart ripoffs go. Still pretty shit at it though but I'm very rusty with racing games in general, I'd probably have a better experience with a controller. Maybe I should just buy a Soyny dual shock especially since I've been hearing good things about their newest model.
Welp, rip my short lived blue ID. Not sure why that went away...
>>131098 >>implying anyone is dumb enough to bareback this site That's 90% of these threads. Almost no one is digging because everyone left is lazy, and lazy people don't care to get VPNs or use Tor most of the time. Hell, they even pride themselves of their laziness in regards to anonymity by regularly virtue signalling their disdain for torposting. >>131106 >/hebe/ is a fetish board And the cyclical threads on /b/ are fetish threads. What's the difference other than scale? >>131109 >/hebe/'s purpose as a board was originally for pedos to leer at pictures of minors. And that's the purpose of the pedo threads on /b/. What's the difference other than scale? >>131127 If you're posting using tor on the clearnet url, you may on occasion be assigned an ID if you're on an unrecognized tor node.
>>131128 >And the cyclical threads on /b/ are fetish threads. What's the difference other than scale? Absolutely none, well it might actually be worse since they actually do allow pictures of real kids unlike the restrictions put in place for /hebe/ Surely there's NOTHING off about a thread of some dude posting pics of his own little girl for the other pedos to lust at while right next to it a blacked cuckolding triple anal thread stands tall, as if that was normal.
>>131120 I would actually like some help on trying to decide which two PS1 and Wii games I want to see about playing through, here are vague descriptors of the choices I've come down to: >PS1 <Gambling simulator with a plot, staring Adam West <Johnny Bravo goes to Hell to kick Satan's ass <Lego Lost in Space <Fishing <Port of an arcade racer <Sealth-action game based in the near future 2020 China <An early 3D fighter >Wii <WWII flight sim <A scifi puzzle platformer <Hack & slash in ancient Greece <Mexican rhythm game <Rail shooter across the stars <Furry sports <Japanese ARPG
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>>131085 >>131100 >>131109 >>131114 Are you just braindead? I'm always stunned whenever you post as it's the most braindead takes or dumbest lolberg shit that even some the dumbest lolbergs I've met would stop at, I honestly don't know who is worse you or Mark in terms of sheer stupidity.
>>131131 probably still mark because i doubt acid drops food all over himself while eating and then takes a photo completely oblivious of it
>>131120 I haven't played rice girl's game yet. Is it any good?
>>131133 It's two half-baked ideas fused together, the result is a painfully boring game that doesn't really feel like it knows what it wants to be.
>>131083 >Sukkanen Fordic Gesundheit.
>>131135 Your welcome. With Sukkanen, it's hard to be sure whether he's all in on the SJW shit, or he's just using it to get away with putting loli on twitter by framing it as a "petite and effeminate cuntboy". The artstyle sure leans SJW, but then, so does Omori, and that dev is a shotacon.
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>>131120 I've been absolutely binging on Starsector. >>131123 I fucking love System Shock 1.
>>131136 the omori artist doesnt draw brown skin and wide or not-entirely-human noses though; i feel like thats a tipping point
>>131136 You act as if blatant leftists aren't just as degenerate as anyone else or even more so.
>>130740 >Yesterday (((Bloomberg))) reported that Russia had invaded Ukraine This whole Ukraine thing reminds me of "The Cuban Missile Crisis" No superpower wants their competitor's nukes aimed at them from point blank range.
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>>131141 >Yesterday (((Bloomberg))) reported that Russia had invaded Ukraine >these news media faggots have been doing this shit for over 100 years Orson Welles didn't die for this shit.
>>131142 This has been going on before Wells' time. They did it when reporting the Battle of Waterloo. They said that Napoleon won. The value of the British stocks plummeted. These undervalued stock were then bought up by (((investors))). By the time the truth came out about the battle, it was too late and the stocks were already "legally" bought.
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Ame-no-Uzume cleavage is seemingly censored in Pocky & Rocky Reshrined English Trailer https://archive.is/3lQf6 Hopefully it's just trailer censorship
>>131083 Thanks, though the artist seems like your typical bullshit twitter/tumblr pronoun warrior.
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>>131145 I hate censorship but I see absolutely no reason for there to be fanservice on a Pocky & Rocky game on the first place. It's like putting fanservice on Twinkle Star Sprites or Gurumin. Well, maybe calling that fanservice is a bit of a stretch but I thought these were kids games.
>>131147 and kids are fed by putting a titty in their face so theres nothing wrong them them seeing the skin inbetween; may as well cover her up to the neck so nobody gets enticed by the bare shoulders or flagrant armpits
>>131148 I guess I was overreacting but it seems almost as if every half-assed reboot of an old niche franchise gets the "put lots of fanservice in it to hide the shoddy gameplay and absolute disregard for what made the original good"
>>131149 gets the [____] treatment
>>131148 Just throw a towel on women so they don't have to suffer the male gaze.
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I miss when this hobby was actually good instead of being a spectacle for 30 year old retards and a money laundering scheme. We've reached the point of legalized gambling for kids ffs.
>>131153 You've been doing this for four years now, at least. All it takes to end your suffering is to tell me where you are. You admit yourself that life isn't worth living, let me help you prove it.
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>4 years Holy mother of autism
>>131147 >I hate censorship but... No, fuck off! I'm an adult according to me country's laws, and I damn well want to be treated like one. <But, it's a kids game. Then, it's the parents job to be aware of the games their children are playing.
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<YouTuber Hit With Ungodly Number Of Anime Copyright Strikes Gets A Win For Everyone https://archive.ph/PKk1f <Vice Media secretly organised $20m Saudi government festival https://archive.ph/kwnyl <Scoop: BuzzFeed limits hiring after rough public debut https://archive.fo/zU8kp <Book Ban Efforts Spread Across the US https://archive.is/yknGg Ubisoft Supports Gaming On Decentralized Hedera Network https://archive.ph/8ZUmo >Comic Creators File Lawsuit Saying Action Lab Entertainment Contracts Should Be Null and Void https://archive.ph/k5rFJ >The Lawsuit Against Image Comics & History of Unfair Industry Practices, Explained https://archive.ph/5SJnj
>>131156 Okay sport, don't stay up too late!
>>131158 Hi, dad, thanks for grabbing me that copy of RapeLay for Xmas.
>>131149 > it seems almost as if every half-assed reboot of an old niche franchise gets the "put lots of fanservice in it to hide the shoddy gameplay and absolute disregard for what made the original good" I see where you come from, but from a culture war perspective where any sort of modesty invites SJWeebs and whatnot who'd latch onto the shitty reboots to make it "theirs", I'd rather use high sexualization to try and repulse them away and stay niche.
>>131143 This. The moment those kind of tactics started was around the time stocks started getting manipulated by (((investors))) and other (((merchants))) that later become bankers like the Rothschilds >>131152 >We've reached the point of legalized gambling for kids ffs. The dadanons should take fucking notice of this and just protect their kids better, educated them on that front. Who the fuck I'm kidding, pretender syndrome and hobbies becoming legalized gambling / illegal activity(tm) has progressed on way too many hobbies now, though I wonder who patient 0 is and if it isn't comics in the 90s with the holofoils, then who is? >>131157 <YouTuber Hit With Ungodly Number Of Anime Copyright Strikes Gets A Win For Everyone >A win for everyone Fucking how? Youtube hasn't been youtube for years, shit has gotten out of control and the faggots that enabled the system and are attacked and cannibalized by that very same system are the ones that are getting mauled now, as if they thought they'd be protected. What fucking retards and it's not like their content is ever any fucking good. All they can do, at best, is reference oldfags that used to make quality stuff on old youtube but the problem is that some of them have since passed away and now you have zoomers in their comments sections, shitting the thing up. >>131160 Like the current netflix-produced Bastard!! anime? I want to fucking kill somebody for the inevitable butchering of my Heavy Metal adventures >>131162 >I could do without being constantly reminded how alone I am thank you. >Alone Bullshit TORpedo, you wouldn't be coming here every day if that was the case.
>>131163 OH NO
>>131163 So what's wrong with Bastard annymay? Just the cover?
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>>131165 With Netflix attached, you can expect it to be shit. Don't forget what they did with Record of Ragnarok and Way of the House-husband; the animation House-husband was so stilted it was pretty much a slideshow. I didn't watch either adaptations, but I've seen enough to know that any anime with Netflix involved with the production has a 95% of getting fucked.
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>>131086 You're replying to a copypasta. >>131119 >the retard literally doesnt know anything at all about technology and is somehow a posterchild for it He built hardware for Atari back in the day. It's why he got cancer. He never wrote software, but he understood hardware.
>>131072 > they even made up a fake religion for themselves A jew invented Kwanzaa. >>131131 The funniest thing is that actual libertarians would simply get together and kill the child molesters and anyone enabling them like this, since only strawmen of "anarcho-capitalism" say that such things are acceptable.
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>>131072 >literally the dumbest and least evolved people especially american/caribbean blacks. they're descended from the people who were so incompetent that they got enslaved by other black people and then sold to 'portuguese' merchants to be transported to the americas where they could barely be relied upon to pick cotton correctly. breeding such people with eachother for 400 years was the greatest act of dysgenics ever committed against the human species. they were put through multiple filters that specifically selected against intellect, ambition, foresight and talent.
>>131166 That depends on the production company and their funds. Netfux rarely produces any anime themselves, they just buy licenses and slap "Netflix Original" on everything. Also, Ragnarok was a shitty premise from the beginning. Like something a 5 year old would come up with. Except unlike OPM, it's not comedy, it plays it straight. It's like that autistic 3DCG "which character would win?" shit from a decade about on Jewtube.
>>131172 >especially american/caribbean blacks That's only true for your average American nigger who thrives in the slums, and the niggers from Haiti who are considered even worse than your average American nigger. Jamaicans, despite how corrupt their country is, are some of the honest and hardest working people you'll see. And, American blacks, outside of the cities and farther North, typically suburbans, actually just want to live the American dream of having a family and their own business.
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QUICK someone recommend me a media viewer for my computer. I was previously using MPC-HV or however it is spelled but I have reservations about it. And I don't want to use VLC. Any good FOSS options? Windows machine btw
>>131176 mpv allegedly runs on windows, but you'll have to compile it. Otherwise its mostly a crapshoot, maybe you can use your browser to open videos if you have extensions. https://mpv.io/installation/
oh there are binary packages for windows
>bastard anime >netflix Oh joy, a new butchering on the level of kengan/castlevania/exarm, can't wait.
>>131176 MPC-HC is alright, although I personally prefer VLC on PC with wanglos since I don't have to do a lot of configuration to leave it to tech illiterate relatives. Either way, here are other players: >MPV.net (MPV with a better integration with wanglos) https://github.com/stax76/mpv.net >MPC-HC (updated fork since the main project is kill) https://github.com/clsid2/mpc-hc >MPC-BE (another fork with a different UI and more features) https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpcbe/ >VLC (if you just want to play something instead of spending hours playing with codecs and filters) https://www.videolan.org/vlc/ >IINA (MPV with a pretty UI if you decide to move to fagOS after lurking /cb/) https://iina.io/
>>131152 Holy shit, is that the Gulf War Highway of Death in the third one? >>131176 Smplayer + mpv, you can even configure it to look like Windows Media Player 6.4 / MPC HC. >>131177 There's precompiled binaries here. https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/
>>131176 MPC-BE >>131180 >>MPC-HC (updated fork since the main project is kill) I thought MPC-HC was kill too?
>>131177 >>131178 >>131180 >>131181 >>131182 Thank you everynyan for your suggestions. I think I'll go with MPC-BE since I've been using MPC-HC for the longest time.
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>>131175 Nice OC.
>>131182 The MPC family goes like this: MPC - original, kill |–MPC-HC - fork with similar UI, also kill |–MPC-HC (clsid2) - fork of fork, active but slow in development |–MPC-BE - fork with different UI, active >>131183 k
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>>131183 Happy to help ;)
>>131179 The only consolation I got out of the shittening of Castlevania was that the guy who pushed for it (Warren Ellis) got cancelled by feminists midway through. That didn't stop the show from being shit until the end and shouldn't have been made at all so it wouldn't be poisoning the fanbase with faggots who take it as a picture of what the franchise (or at least game adaptations) ought to be, but at least someone high up got karmically fucked.
>>131186 Merry Christmas
>>131187 That shitshow was such a monkey's paw wish: >they're making an anime of Castlevania III! Hells yeah! >...but it's made by Netflix and pozzed to hell because it's a (((Hollywood))) "anime" I really liked Spelunker is a Teacher, no matter how goofy it was so making nostalgia-bait based off of old videogames CAN be done right, however Pedowood needs to be burnt down first before it can be done properly in the West.
>>131189 >Spelunker is a Teacher The err what now? You mean that old Famicom game?
>>131181 >is that the Gulf War Highway of Death in the third one? What ypu seem to forget dear anon is that videogames were counter culture just 25 years ago.
>>131190 Yeah, it's about a Highschool teacher who dies really easy who happens to be the MC from the game in his spare time. >>131191 The Boondocks is an anime CHECKMATE ATHEISTS
>>131193 >Yeah, it's about a Highschool teacher who dies really easy who happens to be the MC from the game in his spare time. That's really fucking weird, Spelunker is a western game through and through but much like Lode Runner it got massively popular in Japan.
>>131184 >>131175 I now want to fuck Niggerpill and her mother.
>>131197 Source? Also this trend drives me up the wall. I remember they were trying to pull the same shit with the Dota show.
>>131198 A jewtube video by RebelTaxi, aka PanPizza. I just posted that clip because it's what the post reminded me of.
>>131199 >eceleb about western cartoons Interesting, was a topic I was looking for so thanks for the rec. And yeah it just bothers me to no end. I get barely outside of tumblr/twitter's going to bother with the majority of western cartoons but don't try and claim you're anime(when the most you are is the shittiest part of anime, the part that's barely animated, barely makes sense and is barely entertaining).
>>131145 Are they pillaging the grave of yet another departed series? There are hundreds of them, so we're in for this for probably forever. >>131163 Wasn't that around the time that the mechanical telegraphy system was set up in France, the improved communication speed of which made that kind thing more feasible? Or am I full of shit? Or am I mixing it up with a plot point from the Count of Monte Cristo?
I have seen nothing that ever beaten the original Playstation. Turn that shit upside down so the CG video doesn't overheat and jitter. And buy a memory card. or five. Because, y'know, the thing has 74,000 gaems.
>>131166 Netflix doesn't make the anime. They only have streaming rights to them. They're a producer at best.
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https://archive.fo/kSuzE Ted Kaczynski have cancer, fellas.
>>131202 Such a sexy sound, shame Soyny stopped using it.
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>>131204 i mean no offense to uncle teddy but hes damn near 80 so its not like he has much time or vigor to do anything else at this point to say nothing about the whole life sentence in a maximum security prison thing
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>>131204 >I'm not going to "get well soon" - - or ever - because I have terminal cancer. what a buzzkill
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>>131207 I did realize the slow increase in translators using cunny over the last 5 or so years, which is nice.
>>131207 Oh hey, I read this one just last night. While I like the use of cunny, here it seems awkward. I also saw it used on a non-loli the other day. Think it was a recent Love Live doujin.
So, Joe Rogan apologized for a video with cuts of him saying nigger without context and now he became easy prey. Why haven't anyone learn that apologies are useless?
>>131211 I would tell you but I don't know. It always backfires. Why bother when it just makes you a target for everyone?
>>131211 Joe Rogan specifically, he seems like an easily influenced retard, and he generally seems like a good natured person, so he probably believed it'd make things better. Everyone else, God fucking knows.
>>131212 >>131213 We have seen people being erased from history by apologizing every week the last 20 years.
>>131214 I know, which is why I don't get it. They can double down. Fuck it, triple down, quadruple down. Or ignore it. Say shit like "fake news/don't agree/not true/it's complicated" even if facts are different. The only thing worse than apologising would probably be taking your pants off and shitting right in front of someone asking you about that thing you fucked up, but I'm not even sure that'd kill your carreer as bad as apologising does. By apologising you get nothing. Those on your side will abandon you as someone who apologised can't be defended because he's admitted to wrongdoing, some might even join the attackers because nobody likes siding with weaklings, and the attackers have satisfaction and no reason to stop. Apologise to your mother or father if you insult them, or friends, not to perpetually insulted randoms on twitter.
>>131211 Do you have a source to confirm this?
>>131216 More than 100 episodes deleted in spotify and some apology tweets.
>>131217 >and some apology tweets Can you link these? I don't use Spotify.
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>>131207 >>131210 What's this supposed to be? The next "bussy"? Feminizing / softening gay language makes grooming easier as it helps suppress the innate reaction of disgust to the texture, odor, taste, and aesthetic of feces.
>>131209 >Ross's Game Dungeon: Shota Cat Cafe Paradise
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>>131207 >>131210 The correct term is nino cunny.
>>131219 Thank you. >Nearly 6 minutes long For what fucking purpose?!? Why are all these apology videos trying to be War & Peace in length? Why not just make a quick 30 second memo that boils down to, "Hey, I may have said this word in some of my previous videos, I understand that some of you find that to be offensive for one reason or another, and I apologize that I may have hurt your feelings in the process. I trust that you folks who enjoy my content understand contexts that the word was said in, and hope you will continue to enjoy my content in the future." Short, simple, and gets it across that you're not saying "nigger" for the purposes of being an asshole. However, by drawing it out for that long amount of time, it makes it seem like you have something to cover up and that people SHOULD have a reason to distrust you or think that you are an asshole. >>131220 "Cunny" has been a slang that's been around for over a decade in loli doujins, however there's been a recent resurgence and autism surrounding it's usage.
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>>131223 i mean im not going to watch the video to analyze it but i assume people dont want a quick and probably insincere self apology, they want to see some serious high grade self-flagellation
>>131224 >i assume people dont want a quick and probably insincere self apology But, by dragging it out, it sends the message that you ARE being insincere. However, that's probably also my mindset that's been the result of hanging around people who's apologies boild down to, "I'm sorry that I offended you. However, that's primarily YOUR problem. I have more important things to do than waste my time being offended and apologizing for what I say."
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>>131222 I prefer the term boy-pussy.
Seems jewtubers are dropping steam deck reviews, for that one tornigger who's wanked off to it for months.
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>>131211 I don't understand people who apologize to the mob. They should make a fake apology video where they just say every single racial slur and be done with it.
>>131229 You should make the longest video you can on tiktok (or something where you can't use a seekbar) of "genuine" apology, and then end it on "Nigger".
>>131231 i keep seeing those wrinkly feet, i assume that much like the many traces of nicki minaj's album(the one with her ass) in the furry community, those feet are from somewhere irl, what the fuck is the source of that shit? and how the fuck did so many footfag artist see it?
>>131229 Some because they are actually part of the cult, others because they are old retards not realizing we are not in a polite time anymore and apologies mean nothing. Fuck, even in the Bush years you could convert to the "right" side.
>>131231 >feet
>>131232 Artist is Nearphotisan. Dunno if he traces irl feet pics or just that good at referencing feet as real as possible.
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>>131219 I'm going to laugh if he gets another pile of money to jump platforms again. <Rumble, a conservative-leaning YouTube competitor, is offering Joe Rogan $100 million to leave Spotify >"How about you bring all your shows to Rumble, both old and new, with no censorship, for 100 million bucks over four years? This is our chance to save the world. And yes, this is totally legit," CEO Chris Pavlovski said in a letter posted to Twitter https://archive.is/wip/hdmEe
>>131236 Do we need a demon to kill another demon?
>>131236 Joe should take Odysee's offer instead.
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Did Nitter get blocked by Twitter somehow? Nitter only loads the user page and pinned tweet. Nothing else loads. I tried multiple Nitter instances, different browsers, and cleared cookies. Some Twitter change has broken Nitter.
>>131239 That's why you don't bother getting invested in non-free services.
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>>131236 >>131238 Where do these platforms that nobody seem to use get their money from? >>131232 >the many traces of nicki minaj's album(the one with her ass) in the furry community
>>131241 Rumble got a big investment from many conservative sources and fused with other similar services. They have the money and they are aiming to be the conservative youtube.
>>131242 >and fused with other similar services Do you have more info on this? Companies merged and the details of the deals.
>>131243 It has been a long time and just saw it in a youtube video. I know Steven Colbair's social media got absorbed by Rumble and a few more.
>>131243 Palantir surveillance co-founder Peter Thiel of Paypal Mafia (Elon Musk etc.) and other monopolyfags https://archive.fo/NSmJz They're also bidding to go public and should still have a pending 2 billion $ antitrust lawsuit against Google.
>>131245 Hm... maybe it's a good time to invest just for the meme stocks. I already missed many chances to get rich.
>>131239 No. It works fine for me.
>>131243 >>131245 I was waiting for the archives and forgot to mention the merges: CF Acquisition VI and Locals. https://archive.fo/X99iD https://archive.fo/x5B1i
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>>131239 >>131247 Nevermind. It's working again.
>>131241 >what? the pose from the back squatting, it seems to be among many artist's reference material.
>>131226 >Ewan's very cute but his game apparently flopped >little to no drawings of him as a result >will never get more of him in any real quantity Sad, but then his game wasn't really good so I can't blame the artists. It was okay, it looked good, but especially the whole deal with forgiving the rat advisor faggot after all the shit he pulled off was absolutely fucked up and disgusting. The worst and dumbest case of forgiveness I've ever seen that eclipses even that stolen bike comic where total happiness in the world increased. >>131232 I remember the artist arguing with someone in the comment section on IIRC sadpanda and on rule34 site on one of his pictures, and he didn't deny tracing, but then he didn't address the claim at all. Still, I bet he traces at least to some degree, or at least takes references.
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>>131248 I understand buying Locals since it gives them an way to compete with Jewtube's premium/subscription content, but what the fuck is CF Acquisition VI? I only see articles about its stock prizes without details of the company itself. >>131250 Oh, you mean first pic related? I only have seen it on this retarded Dragon Ball meme and from these two shota pics, but I didn't know it was a thing between furfags as well. >>131251 Have another pic. Good quality of NNK I and II is extremely rare. It seems only Deviantart-tier sickos liked the game since Pixiv is full of MS Paint doodles.
>>131252 Look up Cantor Fitzgerald. CF Acquisition VI is one of their SPACs. >anaconda.png I had to look up that the ass is indeed fake and that there's no anaconda in the front.
>>131252 >Pochi Wonderful.
>>131252 Is the 3rd and 4th one a boy or a girl?
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>>131257 Boy. He appears in a series of doujins.
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>>131259 >goblin trap Much appreciated.
>>131257 >he can't tell I get the face is kind of girly but if you can't tell from the neck down thats a boy you're a bonafide faggot.
>>131260 >Boy. Nice. >He appears in a series of doujins. Nice desu ne!
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>>131206 At least he got to live long enough to not only see himself proven right, but to start to see people coming around to acknowledge that he was right.
>>131204 Wait, did this guy actually blew up anyone? Why is he still in jail? Seems overkill
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>>527905 >Why are all these has-beens making a fuss all of the sudden? Oh anon you gullible fool, Niel Young and several of those boomer artists are under the thumb of an investment group for the arts that owns their back catalogs and it has a former head of Pfizer.
According to my calculations about 75-80% of the posts so far ITT aren't about videogames, furthermore almost half of this thread alone is hornyposting of some sort. I ask you then, what is this thread even about anymore?
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https://archive.ph/pEFYB https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1490782503631835143
>>131267 lounge 2.0 but /b/-tier
>>131267 Bussy
>>131266 blackstone is an institution not an investment group, their only purpose is to underwrite contracts, basically a financial notary, even the fucking fed does their qe through blackstone, seeing their name on anything literally means nothing
>>131268 $350 fine?
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>>131211 >>131213 >>131214 >>131215 >>131229 >>131233 Consider how much it's drilled into us from an early age from (((school))) and the like that when you make someone upset, you need to make it up to them. As such, when you have twatter freaks (who are really good at making it seem like they're a sizable population) threatening outright suicide because you said the conditioned-to-be-the-worst-thing Nigger Word, normalfags (and those are the majority of people in high positions whether left wing or right, do not forget this) feel obligated to say sorry in order to mollify people, expecting the horde to be reasonable. That, and normalcy bias means these people generally look at other guys getting cancelled, shrug their shoulders and say "it'll never happen to me", even though it totally will. That's the real power of the "he said Nigger, he's now literally Hitler" social effect, it causes a natural memory hole because people think they're better.
<Vic Mignogna Accusers Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi Launch Podcast About The Defamation Case Anime News Network https://archive.ph/fuFU4
>>131223 >Why not just make a quick 30 second memo If it's short, they'll think he's just trying to get it over with, and it's not genuine. >by drawing it out for that long amount of time, it makes it seem like you have something to cover up No, it doesn't. Also, he's a podcastfag. His whole schtick is ranting. Short apologies for wrongthink are only appropriate by representatives of companies, not individuals. >>131225 >But, by dragging it out, it sends the message that you ARE being insincere. No, it's the opposite. You clearly don't understand how these things work. >>131224 >they want to see some serious high grade self-flagellation This fag gets it.
>>131275 Taking a page out of the Scooby Wu book, I see.
>>131220 >Feminizing / softening gay language That's female butt-cunny, you queer. Stop assuming everything is homoshit. Not all GaymerGays are literally gay. >Feminizing / softening gay language makes grooming easier <Muh grooming Are you seriously worried that contents of a book about fucking fictional minors could be used to groom actual minors?
>>131275 You'd think they would try to lay low after the controversy to avoid fanning the flames, potentially harming Funi's bottom line and their careers, especially after how people reacted to the verdict; but I guess once an attention whore, always an attention whore. Seriously, that judge should have been disbarred for how terribly he handled the case.
>>131254 Part of being stacked is having tits. No such thing as a shortstack femboy.
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>>131281 No tits. Not stacked. Stacked means tits and ass. Shortstacks require tits and ass. That's just a leggy femboy.
>>131278 Anon, showing kids porn of any kind is a common grooming tactic even as far back in the 60's.
>>131283 Of course, which is why it's already illegal to do so. But he's saying specifically, that certain language (and/or scenarios) make that cartoon porn particularly better for grooming and thus it ought to, by implication, be banned.
>>131283 Also, he didn't even talk about showing it to kids. He talked about how it the language used was bad because it could be used by a groomer. That's exact same logic which claims lolicon and violent videogames should be banned because such fictional simulations prepare people to commit crimes.
>>131268 Figured they'd make honking against the law eventually. But will the cops be empowered to start jailing the truckers? >>131279 >especially after how people reacted to the verdict Oh, but the verdict is why they feel free to do this. As far as they're concerned, the law chose to #BelieveWomen (actually Judge Chupp was just lazy and didn't want to read), so Vic can't touch them and Corona-chan's basically stonewalled his attempts at appealing. So why the hell wouldn't they take the opportunity to gloat?
>>131282 Wrong sir. Shortstacks don't have to have big tits. At least a big ass & wide hips is the only requirement. Otherwise they're just a midget.
>>131287 This is what I thought, but I've seen anons insisting a shortstack needs to be "stacked" in regards to big tits. If I run an image search for "stacked woman" most of them have moderate to large tits while a few have a modest bust, but all posess plentiful hips and ass. The consensus appears inconclusive.
>>131288 If curvaceous bountiful hips & ass are the constant then I think it's safe to say that tits bigger than her head isn't a factor that need be there.
>>131287 >Wrong sir. No U. >Shortstacks don't have to have big tits. Incorrect. >At least a big ass & wide hips is the only requirement. Wrong. >Otherwise they're just a midget. That's what shortstacks are. Stacked short people, or midgets, if you go short enough.
>>131289 >tits bigger than her head isn't a factor that need be there. They have to at least be moderate to large. Stacked means high numbers in every category and when talking about women, the two main categories are tits and ass. Face is good be default when talking about drawings.
do you think girls like ping because boys used to wear it and they go into "uh, boys" mode when seeing it?
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>>131219 I want to see that compilation now. All I have on hand with me is vid related. Come to grips with our technological slavery in the NEW THREAD: >>529601 >>529601 >>529601 >>529601 >>529601 >>529601 >>529601 >>529601

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