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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: THE GREAT DRAGON NEVER DIES Anonymous 04/01/2021 (Thu) 08:45:02 Id: f382ca No. 13465
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Invest in the Success of Huya, China’s Top E-Sports Platform https://archive.is/bVwsH >Tencent Obtains Patent for PC Video Game Console, Has Similar Design to Nintendo Switch - News https://archive.is/WIOah >Feature: Chinese game developers join global battle against climate change https://archive.is/zaNMj >Police and Tencent collaborate to seize "world's biggest" video game cheating operation https://archive.is/ROeba >Tencent's e-book spinoff eyes North American expansion https://archive.is/5N2ca >China's Huawei says 2020 sales rose despite US sanctions https://archive.is/bujAI >Exclusive: China's Ambition to Be Health Superpower Has Boost from Pandemic https://archive.is/plDN5 >The Gamergate Thread Repository has been updated >Gamergate is now 6 years old >Zchan replacement from z/v/ volunteer launches at zzzchan.xyz CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the WESTERN SPIES AND DISSIDENTS AND INFORM THE MINISTRY OF STATE SECURITY ABOUT THEM 2. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN https://www.gov.cn/english/ - Gov.cn: The Chinese Central Government's Official Web Portal http://english.www.gov.cn/ - State Council of the People's Republic of China http://www.china.org.cn/ - China.org.cn - China news, business, travel & language courses http://english.www.gov.cn/services/visitchina/ - Visit China ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY AND THE MINISTRY OF STATE SECURITY FOR POSSIBLE DISSIDENTS C. Internet Censorship ~~happenings~: AN AMERICAN FAIRY TALE Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •THERE'S ONLY THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA •THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY EXISTS TO PROTECT YOU •HONG KONG IS LEGITIMATE CHINESE CLAY •DON'T ENGAGE WITH OPPOSITORS. THEY'RE AMERICAN SPIES Resources [REDACTED] >Lists: [REDACTED] >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP
>>13465 Benis
God I love nigger cock
Imagine trusting a known retard with your website's global moderation
>>13468 No shit.
>>13468 He must suck cock incredibly good or know how to talk to people if he can get power enouth times to fuck shit up.
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>>13470 Some real sociopath shit, it boggles the mind.
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>>13470 I've seen him talking and interacting with him regularly so no, it's mostly really good sucking and anyone that trusted him is being terminally retarded.
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>>13474 >it's mostly really good sucking But could he compete with this?
>>13475 That's a too old archive, this is the actual archive of the previous bread before the delete https://archive.ph/VVIzq And this is the archive of the previous bread after the delete https://archive.ph/1Hj65
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>>274844 He nuked Julay/v/ as a response to the faggotry that was going on behind the scenes. Because Robi couldn't tard-wrangle his staff and the dishonest moderation of the site as a whole Julay had to die to avoid faggots from the Gunstream having more influence than it should. The faggots were directly hurting other boards on the webring and proved themselves worse people than Mark ever did. Tengu is a fun faggot but the nuking of Julay/v/ and leaking those IRC logs was genuinely the best thing he did, even if it came at the price of Lolreron.
>>13478 Loleron honestly was one of the best BOs I've seen and one the few who wasn't terminally retarded
The fuck are you all on about this time?
>>13480 I second this, it smells like meta fags in here and the glorious republic of China
What the fuck happened to the other thread? >>274844 >constantly doubles down on denying his interracial fetish despite the evidence He does it on purpose. He likes flaunting it. God I really want to post something for April Fool's day, but I can't. Acid simply can't help himself, is all I can say.
>>13480 Acid was dumb enough to let Kimeemaru be a vol of any sort
>>13478 >He nuked Julay/v/ as a response to the faggotry that was going on behind the scenes Literally not what happened but okay. He nuked just because he could.
>>274846 We've known about this for months. Why the fuck did they do this? Everyone knows Tengu deletes threads and boards for teh lulz. Did they think such an agent of chaos was on "our" side just because his most infamous target was jewlay?
also the Panda is dead
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https://archive.is/GCY2b https://archive.is/9PO9D https://archive.ph/eh9Dc https://archive.is/lsiUq https://archive.is/lxjfv https://archive.is/nCDgT Kotaku fell for a fake Twitter account. Also, 100+ posts were deleted from the previous thread?
>>13486 Again?
>>13488 again
>>13480 This thread was deleted and is now back.
>>13486 It's called exhentai.org, and its not dead.
>>13491 panda person, not the site
I fucking hate April Fool's.
>>13486 Damn, they can't keep getting away with this
So, let me get this straight, Acid decided to throw Tengu on the global team, then Tengu wiped /v/ and the cuckboard as a prank, correct?
>>13495 Just steering shit up for the lulz. April fools is going to turn into a fearful date for image boards.
>>13496 Perhaps next year, some mad bastard steals the launch codes and posts them on /pol/.
>>274911 the gay one
>>13495 >/v/and the cuckboard He hit /v/ twice?
>>13487 This smells like manufactured incompetence to generate clicks and advertise a product.
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Hope you didn't forget amidst the board drama!
>>13501 I wished tengu board wiped you too
>>13502 Checking these dubs of truth
>>13484 He did because they acted like faggots and because he could do you remember what went down last year?
Sounds like a bunch of slack-jawed faggots can't swallow the heh pill. Though getting to see all the obvious rapefugees revealing themselves through their bitching is a fine fool's day time. Which one of you torPEDOs was the guy posting way back when the site was launched saying that it would never be good unless the name was changed, Acid stopped being Admin, Mark didn't pay for the server etc? I still chuckle thinking about how completely wrong that nigger was.
>>274956 https://archive.ph/YLVVj https://www.vox.com/culture/2020/1/20/20808875/gamergate-lessons-cultural-impact-changes-harassment-laws Gamergate caused the Capitol """riot"""
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate
>>274956 #StopGamergate2014 won I still remember that troon saying that on camera
Man, tengu has become such a disappointment. With Gmod powers he could have done so much more to fuck with the site, but settled for a lazy board wipe which only nuked 2 hours worth of posts during the slow burger sleepy time. He's clearly lost his touch.
>>13509 Just remember that he nuked julay twice so I waiting with apprehension for a second shoe to drop.
>>13509 He could have slightly altered the colors or the behavior of the site or given powers to random anons, fucked up redirections, added moonrunes everywhere... What a shame
>>13501 How could I forget that 12" rabbit carrotcock?
I just woke up. Kimee did an April Fools looks like.
>>13513 It was pretty underwhelming, all things considered.
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>>13513 >>13514 Yeah. And Rsync doesn't like something on the server so Codexx is restoring the images from the offsite backup via upload, which is why its taking so long. Its working fine but its taking a long time because its a shitload of data to upload and sync.
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>Go to interracial >Expect wholesome race mixing >It's all BLACKED cancer Why is Acid so gay?
>>13515 >its a shitload of data to upload I didn't know we had so much content on /interracial/. I never went there to check. :^)
>>13514 Shoulda deleted the whole website, I think
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>>13518 What's /ck/ ever done to you? Other than guilttripping you for your shitty fast food diet
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>>13516 >wholesome race mixing
>>13520 Happy April Fools.
>>13522 Good news, it's benis this time.
>>13520 I fucking that lib faggot in the archive "We don't have sanctuary cities in Montana! 🙃" As if subversive faggots in positions of power weren't planning to do so.
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Daily Reminder to visit the following boards to discuss lewds. >>>/h/ - Hentai of all kinds >>>/delicious/ - Western and cartoon-style lolicon, although anime-style lolis are allowed too >>>/loli/ - Japanese/anime lolicon only >>>/sm/ - Gay and straight shotacon of all kinds >>>/tot/ - Toddlercon and babycon >>>/fur/ - All things furry related >>>/gts/ - Gigantism and other fetishes involving size difference >>>/rule34/ - Self- explanatory at this point >>>/u/ - Yuri of all kinds, including futa, zoo, and real life lesbian porn and discussions >>>/u2/ - Yuri, 2D anime/cartoon only, no futa or "extreme" fetishes like zoo >>>/hyper/ - Girls with hyper proportions >>>/cb/ - 2D and real life gay porn Why the fuck did you delete the previous copypaste above, Mark?
>>13521 >"Today I'm going to talk about a movie or game from the most casual perspective possible" >Highlights stuff any sane person could notice about the particular media >Fills time for those algorithm shekels >"Let's put this into the moist meter. Anyway, I'm going to go play a Reddit meme game with a communist politician from New York"
I think I'm turning gay for fictional pre-teen boys due to how much /sm/ material proliferates the overboard.
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>>13527 You could just stop using the overboard or stick to the SFW overboard. Button is right next to it. Don't know why you would use the OB anyway, watched threads is better.
>>13515 Is Tengu going to be replaced by another webring ambassador? I was against Moe joining the webring by the way. There are those who hated this site since Day 1 and wanted it smothered while it was still in the crib, since it was a threat to other /v/'s. They only gave up because of your team's resilient efforts. Anons who wanted to crosspost knows the board links anyway. I liked it when Tengu nuked Julay twice though.
>>13529 dolphin?
>>13529 >Is Tengu going to be replaced by another webring ambassador? Don't know why that's needed in the first place. -t Someone who owns a board here and on the webring
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>>13530 You should be removed for even suggesting that.
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>>13529 >I was against Moe joining the webring by the way. What do you have against Moe?
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>>275067 What is this image meant to imply?
>>13535 That children need potasium.
>>13535 A w onderful and s illy boy eating his breakfast.
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>>275112 The modern woman cannot make a good mother or wife.
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>>13539 Are you implying that boys make good mothers?
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>>13540 No. That's just silly.
>>13540 According to that episode of the Simpsons where Bart raises those bird eggs that turn out to be bloodthirsty lizards, yes
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>>13508 well then, ORGANIZE anybody who was part of GG or NYS. We all split up and stopped communicating after Thidran's group imploded, and that's what killed us. Reboot Op:Reconnect and get everyone involved in any local business group and government because the shit that's going on is a lot bigger than vidya.
>>13540 Unfortunately, better than the modern woman. Kids raised by single fathers do not experience the bad outcomes statistically likely for kids raised by single mothers. And note that in order for a father to get custody, the mother has to be either an absolute monster (and many times even monsters still keep custody as long as they're women), or the mother needs to be dead. Both outcomes should logically fuck up the kid pretty bad, but it's still better than being raised by a single mother, and only marginally worse than being raised in a regular family.
>>275132 You're very fixated on getting people to fuck. Besides, this is what real gamer sex is like.
>>13545 >Besides, this is what real gamer sex is like. Does that include getting worms on your dick after fucking >her ass?
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>>275132 I don't get the appeal of why people fake moan so much in porn even more son in JAV's seen it's in a more higher pitch, is that supposed to be cute or something? Sounds like they're in pain at worse and it's annoying.
>>13547 It's a japanese thing to make the woman more submissive & fragile.
I think right now we’re going through one of the biggest dry spells for new releases on games to the point that PlayStation Plus type subscription deals are handing out free games by the assload. No one wants to buy anything, no one’s selling. These platforms are suffering, any profit records may as well be fake and forged. I don’t think it’s due to the virus either, not entirely.
>>13547 It's to make the Japanese man not feel insecure about having a small penis
>>13549 Sony keeps losing good will from everyone that isn't a NPC nigger slave buying a PS5 for nigger spider.
I was arguing with some fucktarded arab who insisted that, if push came to shove, Japan would side with China instead of the US if conflic broke out in SE Asia over Taiwan or some bullshit. He believes so because according to him, the Japanese are resentful over American occupation after WW2. All of this came up when discussing news about the US saying that Japan was a strong ally in the region.
>>13552 If anything, if push came to shove, Japan would go full sakoku again.
>>13552 >the Japanese are resentful over American occupation after WW2 <Side with the bugs you tried to exterminate almost a century ago, who are pushing an ideology where the previous leader of the party was assassinated by a member of the public, in order to attack a country who catapulted your nation into one of the leading first world countries just because they destroyed a couple of military installations OR... <Side with the country who's has a global obligation to protect your ass even since they forced you to sign a treaty outlawing the creation of an army Even if the Nips didn't hate the chinks so much, how is opposing the U.S. really an option when the "Japanese military" is literally the U.S. army?
>>13552 The U.S should stop feeling obligated to occupy foreign countries when conflict breaks out there. They don't help shit and just make things worse.
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>>13555 Agreed. America should conquer China and hand it to Japan to administer since they've proven that they can do so without infecting the whole world by eating some lab-animal soup.
>>13556 The mainland belongs to Taiwan, Mongolia, Manchuria, Hong Kong, Tibet, Indian, and any other country the CCP has invaded.
>>13555 Of America didn’t nuke and occupy Japan those motherfuckers would still be honor killing everyone like Arabs.
>>13558 Japan only ever killed those that deserved it, like cowards and commies.
>>275172 I remember some retard neoliberal streamer unironically suggested that the U.S military carpet bombing Mexico would fix their cartel problem.
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>>13527 >I think I'm turning gay lel. Saying this is a signal that you already became gay, in this case for little boys, and are merely coping with your new acquired fetish because a part of you feels ashamed of it. So unless you cut ties completely with it and avoid it at any cost until you forget about it, your best option is to accept that you're gay for little willies and not let it affect you. Anyways, at least you were lucky enough to become gay for the cutest part of the yaoi genre and not for something ugly like fat furry bara shit. That would have been really gay. >>13529 He never was an "ambassador". His only real job was to clean child porn when everyone else were sleeping. >>13546 No, you get Cheeto dust in your cock and a bottle Mnt Dew in your ass. >>13551 Yesterday I posted in the news thread that one of Gravity Rush's character designers and one dev who worked in various games left Sony Japan a couple of days ago. The nip branch just keeps bleeding workers (and sales). >>13552 I'm sure that Japan would try to convince America to help them to invade China and Korea again.
>>13561 >avoid it at any cost until you forget about it You can't, fetishes don't work like that. They always come back, I never recovered from masturbating to furfaggotry when I was 13.
>>13562 Can relate. Somehow got a fetish for giantess porn as a teenager, tried to stop, but it never went away. At least I'm not into the cursed parts of the fetish like vore, gore, and killing.
Nu-OAG just hired an SJW writer. In case you don't know, Neira is an SJW who used to post in the OAG comment section just to take jabs at Billy, Kevin and the OAG community. And no, it's not an April Fools joke (unfortunately). Tweet announcing their new writer: https://twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/1377621505136287756 Article: https://archive.md/w3829
>>13559 And themselves through honor suicide and ritual sacrifice before that.
>>13564 I mean what did people expect? With Billy gone, there is no one over there to push out the usual faggots anymore.
INDUSTRY WIDE ATTACK IN "SIX DAYS IN FALLUJAH" https://nitter.1d4.us/Lyde15/status/1374996093222711296 They're trying to even get the U.S. government and the fucking U.N. to cancel this shit. If anyone ever wanted a list of companies to NEVER FUCKING EVER give attention to, here's a soft list: >2K >343 >A44 Games >Amplifier Game Invest >ArenaNet >Bioware >Blackbird Interactive >Blizzard >Bungie >Bunnyhug >Capy Games >Cardboard Utopia >Cyber Manatee Games >Digital Trends >Disruptive Games >E-Line Media >EA >Eidos >Epic Games >Extra Credits >Game Dev London >Google >Guerrilla >Gunfire Games >Hardsuit Labs >HB Studios >HitGrab >Humble Bundle >IGDA >IGN >Insomniac Games >Komi Games >Konami >Kotaku >LostOfStuff >Marvel >Microsoft >Neonhive >Nerial >No Brakes Games >Respawn >Sabotage Studio >Silver Rain Games
[Expand Post]>Skybox Labs >Snowman >Snowtail Games >Special Effect >Spritewrench Studios >Square Enix >Stride PR >Sumo Digital >The Escapist >The Walt Disney Company >Tin Man Games >Treyarch >Ubisoft >Unity >Variety >WB Games >Wilder Games pic unrelated but still gay
>>13565 And now they do it slowly by being salarymen.
>>13562 >>13563 >Getting fetishes from images on the Internet Going on vacation one time did make me question my preference for older women for a while, though.
>>13564 dropped
>>13552 >>13565 >>13568 If I may alt-history fag for a bit, I think Japan getting nuked was the best choice. If the allies had gone for land invasion, not only would both sides end up with a ton of casualties, but Japan probably would have ended up like Korea. The burgers and the vodkas would have been the biggest contributors, and Japan would have been broken up into a capitalist and communist nation. >>13560 I think that was Destiny.
>>13567 This just tells us what these people actually think of Muslims. The game is supposed to be a real account of soldiery in the Middle East so they think it’s going to show people how actual Muslims think, which speaks to their prejudice and double facedness. They lie and grift so hard but they aren’t deluded or ignorant. That makes this worse. Six Days needs to come out just so these people are exposed.
>>13476 The webm that killed leftypol. I guess fighting faggots with faggotry helps.
>>13571 The nuke also established nuclear deterrence as world doctrine which still ensures peace through grit teeth today.
>>13574 It also took a deliberate choice to avoid nuclear artillery in Korea and the Bikini Atoll incident, but you're right, if things kept up then nuclear weaponry would have gradually spread until it got used for a major atrocity. Starting off with one meant it was contained early.
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>>13564 So, what happened to Billy that made him sell the site to the same people he despised? >>13562 They don't disappear completely, but not exposing yourself to them in a constant basis helps to put your urges in control. Just don't go full digital celibate either, like the hardcore anti-fap fag who used to post here.
>>13574 >>13575 See? Everything came up Milhouse.
>>13567 Thanks for the link. For anyone who wants a list of journos and developers who have signed the petition, that Twitter thread has a lot, I didn't realize how long it was before. Anyone checking it out remember to keep clicking "load more" on Nitter.
>>13569 Please tell.
>>13578 Anyone can sign it as any name
>>13576 The best way to treat your fetishes is treating it like a separation of personal and professional. It’s a mental quirk that has to be appeased occasionally. Most people have minor mental illnesses that don’t hit the news like that.
>>13579 I already told about it. A trip to France in the summer. Little girls shouldn't be wearing hotpants and act all friendly with strangers.
>>13582 I misinterpreted your post. I thought you meant you developed a heavy fetish for milfs and older women.
>>13580 Actually I don't think anyone in that list is just people who signed, it's only people who tweeted promoting the petition. So at worst it could include people who made impersonator Twitter accounts or lied about their employers.
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>>13583 I do like older women, my resolve was just heavily tested over there.
>>13582 That reminds me of a movie/book called "Death in Venice" about an old man going on vacation in Italy and he starts lusting after a shota he spotted in public. Throughout the whole story is him following this kid and his mom around just so he can gaze at the boy and in his mind he's contemplating on if his thoughts are bad. The ending is actually pretty funny so I won't spoil it.
>>13586 That sounds weimar tier degenerate.
>>13587 Funny you say that because the book was written by a German author who was anti-Nazi and fled Germany when Hitler rose to power. Also the book was a reflection on himself because it was found through his diaries that he was a faggot who was attracted to a 10 and 13 year old boy, the 13 year old being his own son. Also apparently his work influenced Yukio Mishima which is ironic.
https://archive.ph/5u2Nq https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9426499/Scientists-evidence-toxic-chemicals-face-masks.html Seems it's not just in Canada. It's Ambrosia tier move.
>>13589 > This includes formaldehyde, https://infogalactic.com/info/Formaldehyde > It is the simplest aldehyde and is also known by its systematic name methanal. IOW, the masks are effectively soaked in gasoline!
>>13586 I just read a summary of your story because I was curious about the ending. Poor man, even if he was a total creep. >>13589 MASKFAGS BTFO
>>13478 All of these metafags are useless Imageboards don't need a reality tv tabloid aspect.
>>13591 >>13589 I work in (((Ontario))) and one of my coworkers (subcontracted, but still) complained about a mask rash the other day. His boss didn't really care and said he was probably wearing it wrong
>>13576 >So, what happened to Billy that made him sell the site to the same people he despised? My guess is a lawsuit threat + NDA but I have no knowledge of the situation.
>>13589 How many times does this fucking need to be said?
>>13582 Fuck you and your prudish American standards.
>>13593 Send him the other article http://archive.fo/EgNYY https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/masks-early-pulmonary-toxicity-quebec-schools-daycares-1.5966387 So he could forward it to his boss
>>13516 >Expect wholesome race mixing expect what now? >>13527 >turning gay Just turn /fur/ry instead. we could use the activity >>13562 If it's in the early stages, you can. I've successfully avoided some shit by thinking about how disgusting something is and then avoiding it afterwards. >>13586 >Death in Venice >The ending is actually pretty funny so I won't spoil it. Let me guess, the stalker is Death?
>>13598 The boy is roughed up by some bully kids on the beach while the old man is watching. The boy notices the old man is watching him and gets close to him, then the old man reaches toward him and has heart attack
>>13599 Was it foreshadowed in any way or was it just a lolsorandum death? Reminded me of a novel where some stalker kidnaps a few people, throws them into a bunker and then they all die.
>>13598 Is that Renamon ripping or "skin" off or something?
>>13600 Yes. In the story the old man is an author who traveled to Venice for health concerns because he's dying of heart disease and he wanted to go on vocation to rest. On top of that the city happened to have a cholera epidemic but he chose to stay just so he can observe the shota.
>>13591 >>13593 I live there two and my job is so anal about mask that I got into shit for having a blue mask and not a white one.
>>13586 I didn't go as far as lusting over little girls to the point of stalking one, I just noticed most girls there were wearing outfits so bold and showed so much skin, I kind of had weird thoughts for several minutes. What troubled me the most was their attitude, though. Some don't care you're a stranger.
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>>13601 Watch Tamers.
>>13604 Yes officer, this guy over here. He has mistaken childhood innocence for sexual proclivity.
>>13604 You sure they weren't gypsie children trying to scam/pick pocket you? They can act pretty friendly too.
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>>13598 >turn /fur/ry Now that's gay. >>13604 Life imitates art, in this case lolicon doujins.
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>>13521 >>13526 I wish I could get rich by reviewing movies, eating hot peppers on camera and repeating the same old jokes about titties and ass cheeks a million times over. Charlie's living the easy life.
>>13606 It was more their outfits that struck me, no grown woman was so daring back there, but the children? No problem. In retrospect, it was slightly disappointing to not see a Iori Rinko lookalike in hotpants. >>13607 No, they looked like they were taking showers. They were tourists for the most part.
>>13598 I am now fully Digi-rect.
>>13610 >gundamilf great taste
>>13609 I hate this retarded greasy talentless fucker.
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>>13612 I know.
>>13571 >The burgers and the vodkas would have been the biggest contributors, and Japan would have been broken up into a capitalist and communist nation. I think that was actually the bigger consideration of why Japan surrendered when they did. The nukes were a shock but the fear of having to fight a war against both the US and the USSR compelled them to surrender to the safer side. They probably would have surrendered earlier if they knew that the US wouldn't depose the Emperor.
>>13611 >>13598 >DNA digivolve and merge with your digimon >They gain tits
>>13609 >I wish I could get rich by reviewing movies Just create a blog, and start posting your own reviews.
>>13609 You mean you WOULDN'T pay your hard-earned money to support high-quality content such as webm related?
>>13616 Digimon Frontier is the coolest because the evolutions are the humans becoming digimon.
>>13524 I could definitely see Missoula making that sort of play. >>13567 I got around to watching some footage for it. Honestly comes off as being about as respectful about the subject matter as you can really get, and just shows how much koolaid the games industry has chugged.
>>13619 >Digimon Frontier is the coolest >not Digimon Punch-Out
>>13468 What did he do this time?
>>13623 Some global volunteer deleted every single post from /v/, a guy who was known to have done shit like this in the past. They still trusted him. You can go and bitch at Mark for being a retarded nigger at #8ksux on Rizon
>>13624 Was that not an april fools joke?
>>13547 This right here. It's the cherry on top of a rancid cake. Most 3D is PD—the camera angles interfering with any good positions, shitty scenarios that force the performers to "act", making the production even worse, the outright disgusting "dirty talk" that does next to nothing for a boner because it's as phoned in as the acting, and topping all that is the puffs, huffing, teeth-sucking groans and, in Japan's case, the high-kilter chiuaua whining at every half-assed stroke that just kills my boner entirely. It's why I loathe sifting through overly-produced garbage and usually have to hold my nose and brave through Amateur shit because at least the girl might not actually be faking getting her nut. But then 6 times out of 10 it's rape or behind-the-scenes dubcon. tl;dr fuck 3D, 2D superior. But not in the audio departments—they both fucking suck there.
>>13623 AKA Kimeemaru AKA Tengu slut AKA the /v/rutalizer AKA sneaky (hot)pockets deleted /v/ and /interracial/ as a joke without telling anyone about it, catching the entire staff by surprise and forcing them to restore the boards using a relatively old backup that lacked hundreds of posts.
>>13625 Nobody laughed.
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>>13628 I laughed
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>>13628 I did at the start, until I realized that a lot of my posts were gone and restoring the board would be a pain in the ass. That was when I said to myself: "shit".
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>>13609 I don't even like people watching me eat, nigger's just an e-hobo.
>>13630 I didn't get to save some pictures from the draw thread and the PSO thread, fuck that nigger. Unfunny powertripping faggot, 'pranks' like those just futher divide the already small userbase.
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>>13501 I did not forget, pestering lagomorph.
>>13633 What the hell's a lagomorph?
>>13634 Sounds like porn
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>>13634 You didn't think rabbits were rodents, did you?
>>13637 Also pikas.
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>>13631 E-hobo would imply he wanders the internet in search of something. Instead he just sits on Youtube waiting for something in the trending section to show up.
>>13636 >police rabbit Anon, I...
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>>13639 Is he not even on Twitch? I think your description is more like present eCharls, yeah.
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>>13633 >Iagomorph Rabbits are not birds. It's April Fools but you can't fucking trick me, no way
>>13641 Twitch, Youtube, it really doesn't matter. Also doesn't Twitch have non-competition clauses for their partnerships? Or does Cr1tikal get special treatment in that regard?
>>13628 As did I
>>13642 If rabbits aren't birds then how do they lay Easter eggs?
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>>13634 lag•o•morph lăg′ə-môrf″ >Any of various plant-eating mammals of the order Lagomorpha, having fully furred feet and two pairs of upper incisors and including the rabbits, hares, and pikas. >Any member of the Lagomorpha, a superfamily of rodents containing the hares and pikas. >One of the Lagomorpha.
>>13634 I learned the word lagomorph when I was a kid playing Sam and Max Hit the Road. Max: Well, back to the circus with you. Sam: I'm feeling a little morally conflicted about taking Bruno back to the circus. Max: I'm not. Let's go, you big lug. Trixie: Stay away from him, you malefactor! Max: I'm not a malefactor, I'm a lagomorph!
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>>13562 >I never recovered from masturbating to furfaggotry when I was 13. Funny, because I did. Almost as if you're just making excuses or something.
>>13649 >Funny, because I did. Why are you lying, Anon?
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>>13562 I starting fapping to futas, newhalves and dickgirls when I was like 10, tried to swear off of it for years and it only ever came back worse and worse each time I tried to stay away. Now open up for your easter bunis
>>13651 Nanachi has no canon sex so that can easily be a shota bun.
>>13652 Nanachi is a girl. The mangaka just wanted to draw a topless kemono loli and used the "haha who knows if she's a boy or girl as an excuse" That doesn't mean I don't like bunis.
>>13653 Okay futafag.
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>>13652 >canon sex That sounds pretty badass.
>>13653 >The mangaka just wanted to draw a topless kemono loli There are nowhere NEAR enough doujins that depict topless lolis running around while claiming they're boys.
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>>13657 The "girls wearing a boy's swimsuit" has been the best art meme in a decade.
>>13657 I don't disagree but for the record nanachi never claimed to be a boy. Other than that you're right. There's one good doujin where there's a tomboy loli who gets groped on a train and it turns out the groper is a serial boy groper. I know she's not topless but still that was a good one.
>>13653 You know, claiming shit like that will just make western pozmeisters claim that the character is non-binary or some other bullshit, just look at that bitch with glasses from SNK.
>>13660 It's other retards claiming she's a boy when there's no indication of ot whatsoever.
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>>13614 Liking both older woman and lolis is the true patrician mode. Even more if you can have a threesome with an older woman and her loli or shota child If its the latter you can double team the mom with her son
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>>13658 As somebody who likes to keep things organized, that kind of tropes and trapfaggotry (both regular and "reverse") in general have been a blight because sometimes the only way to check the gender of the character is to reverse search it on Yandex (or even worse, Jewgle) because SauceNAO can't find the image and check the boorus, and in some cases not even the person who uploaded the image knows it. Seriously, fuck trapshit, specially SFW trapshit because we reached a point where the only way to know if a character is male is by looking at its genitals (and even in these cases there's a remote chance that they're flat futas). >>13651 Here's a better bunis set, with two extra futa pics. >>>/h/1734
>>275392 Look intentional to me
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>>13663 >Participating in the sex with another male >Getting involved with a penis other than your own That's incredibly gay, anon
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>>13647 Video games are educational after all.
>>13567 As I promised in a previous thread, I made a collage of those @Lyde15 highlighted in his twitter thread
>>13668 Those are some colorful hairdos.
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>>13668 >PAT STARES AT signed this I can't believe it. Just when I thought he was the least crazy of the Super Best Friends team.
>>13670 Pat & Woolie firmly still believe Naoto is trans & Kanji is gay.
>>13670 To be specific, he retweeted Osama Dorias initial tweet.
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>>13670 >>13671 >>13672 >giving even the tiniest squirt of shit about what some nigger eceleb faglords think
>>13659 Nanachi has an explicitly male speech style.
>>13674 >Gendered speech being a thing Okay fam
>>13675 It's nip speak, there's multiple pronoun-words just for boy and girl.
>>13675 Japanese is literally a gendered language. >>13673 There was a time when these people were entertainers that lit up our young lives.
>>13677 >Japanese is literally a gendered language. No I mean you can't say a character is a male or female just by their talking style
>>13675 Learn another fucking language, faggot. With the exception of English, every other language out there has a gender-based structure.
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>>13671 That's a shame. >>13673 I think you're missing the point of my post anon. It's not that I necessarily care about what they say and do, it's that I used to enjoy their content and I'm sad over what they became. What >>13677 said.
>>13678 Well you can if Nanachi is using a feminine or masculine way of addressing themself.
>>13660 >trannies claim X Stop listening to trannies, dumbfuck.
>>13668 Thank you.
>>13674 Yes because it allows the mangaka to draw a topless loli and say "who knows haha"
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>>13684 >>13684 But he drawn Riko topless too. Well and Faputa too but Faputa is basically a small, furry Amygdala.
>>13684 >>13685 Plus Nanachi doesn't even have visible nipples.
>>13685 Sometimes but nanachi is topless all the time. I don't buy for a second the dumb nanachi is a boy shit
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>>13670 > E celebs > Not being cancer always > B-BUT IT ENTERTAINED US It was 10 years ago. They are talentless hacks that played video games and think they deserve their opinion because retards like you give them views. One of them is a nigger to.
>>13668 >>13683 By the way "it's contents" in the top right paragraph should be "its contents". Also "throw support in some capacity over this endeavor" doesn't really make sense and should probably be "show support in some capacity for this endeavor.
>>13688 Some here still watch streamers and Let's Players after I asked them if they followed anyone that played video games on youtube that weren't v-tubers
>>13681 >Well you can if Nanachi is using a feminine or masculine way of addressing themself. not nescsasrily, nips love tomboys and it's a common trope for them to speak in a masculine way.
>>13670 The golden days of 2bfp are long gone and now that they're not beholden to maintaining a group image, all members have degenerated. Pat and Woolie now openly have awful takes, and luxuriate in talking about boring and stupid shit for hours. Pat is leftist scum. He has some absolutely plebian tier takes, and revels in jerking off with Woolie on his podcast about how woke they are and how bad unwoke people are. He has emphatically stated how doesn't believe that censorship of games is bad. I dropped their podcast because they spent literal hours - more than one entire 4 hour episode - cryjerking over american politics and nigger rights instead of video games. Neither of them is american and they don't like or want to live america. I can't take Woolie just saying a woke affirmation, pausing for four or five seconds for drama and then Pat chiming in, over and over again for five hours, it's nauseating. Not to mention the episode where Woolie just talked about his shitty islander christian upbringing for the entire episode either. Or the episode where they spent literally two hours cryjerking over how bad a person Mike Z was and how unwoke he was, and how he ruined skullgirls for everyone.
>>13690 Yeah, but do they watch Pat or Woolie? They're pretty bad. Alone, they're just really crappy streamers. Woolie has no dynamic whilst playing even with his friends (his friend spoiled all of KotOR 2 for him; why bother), and Pat just seems to embody depression by being a disgusting mess when he's not arguing with his wife.
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>>13668 >Game looks like a dull generic shooter. >Twitter homos hate it for the dumbest reasons possible and not because it looks dull and shit. >Normalfags will see that twitter homos hate and think this must be good. >Game will do well sales wise. Don't these fags know they are going to make this game a massive success by attacking it. Its fucking Kingdom Come Deliverance all over again.
>>13694 With that dumb satanist shoe thing cancel-culture is now actively being utilized by marketers to generate free publicity as a sales tactic.
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>>13668 >STOP HIGHWIRE GAMES AND VICTURA FROM NORMALIZING THE MASS MURDER OF IRAQIS Sending that to Joe Biden and 'US Government', even if both somehow read it one would forget its contents in 20 seconds and the other runs on mud blood so they might not be too inclined to listen after they were done laughing. Why aren't these brave twitter warriors trying to stop the American military from normalizing the mass murder of Iraqis? Ah yes it's cos it's a WOKE POINTS BANDWAGON, cos they don't give a shit about IRL Iraqis (but then no-one does) just the digital ones. They're causing a Streisand Effect, I'd never have heard or cared about this before all this stink, now I may pirate it.
>>13690 I'm aware of that. That's why i'm calling them retards. If the industry is were its at its because faggots like kiketubers or any other e-celeb has a fanbase of hardcore autist that will help make a push for retarded opinions like this ones to go forward in some way or the other. Find some other form of entertainment that isn't supporting this pieces of shits. <You can't like things Yes you can, but you can also have some semblance of self reflection and realize watching this people gives your hobby cancer and AIDS. >>275528 > This is not optional What a massive shithole.
>>275528 Anon you do not want to go down the morgellon rabbit hole. That path only leads to madness.
>>275528 Literally all anyone has to do is get a sufficient magnification of them, that pic doesn't count, you'd need multiple people from all over with them not just loonies with bags of black dots and a fervent belief,
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Did 8kun die again?
>>13702 >8kun Why would you even be keeping tabs on that shithole retard?
>>13702 Who gives a flying fuck? Are you some sort of boomer who thinks that anyone here also posts there? You are not welcom here, nobody is keeping tabs on 8kunt, die and stay die.
>>13682 Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away -- people thought leftists were too unskilled to subvert american industries, and then they conquered HR positions so they can gatekeep who gets hired and bully out anyone they didn't like. >>13702 >>13703 >>13704 You retards, if 8kun dies, we're among the first places they'll try to infest in return. Especially if the final HBO episodes namedrop 8moe.
>>275528 >>13700 More proof would also come from opening a brand new package, taking out a mask, and then demonstrating the contaminated mask. Not that I'm denying they are infected - crazier shit has come out of China, where most of the masks I imagine come from - but showing me some random mask doesn't add to the claim they are infected. People can easily rebuff the video by saying the black filaments were planted by the filmer.
>>13639 Diogenes: On the indecency of him masturbating in public he would say: >"If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly." Marvellous. "Someone took him [Diogenes] into a magnificent house and warned him not to spit, whereupon, having cleared his throat, he spat into the man's face, being unable, he said, to find a meaner receptacle." Fucking brutal, I like this guy.
>>275528 >Black microscopic fillaments Decided to just pop this into a search engine, just for pure curiosity, and what I got is something called "morgellons": https://infogalactic.com/info/Morgellons Long story short, it's a "disease" where people will swear to death that their body is being infested by...something that they can only describe as "black microscopic dots". Apparently, it become such a wide-spread panic that the CDC finally announced that they would investigate it in 2006: https://archive.vn/N5Y4C
>>13708 So it's some literal schizo shit? What a surprise
>>13705 >if 8kun dies, we're among the first places they'll try to infest in return Who are they? The Qtards who are scared of loli and already have a bunker on Endchan? The few Poles who still post there because they never cared about the drama? The non-existent user base that posts on the rest of 8kun once in a blue moon and that have never considered coming here?
>>13710 I meant the Qtards but, >already have a bunker on Endchan I didn't figure they'd end up going there. Did their precious LARPer post there?
>>13708 Sounds like something out of Doctor Who
>>13708 >>13709 Pretty much. It's very close to gang stalking level of crazy.
>>13674 Nanachi thinks its lewd when Reg touches her, but not Riko. Nanachi wore a top in the flashbacks where she was human, and all the orphans were only provided minimal clothing, so only the girls had tops. Nanachi is a girl.
>>13708 Isn't that a little too convenient to have a reason to shove anyone who called out your (already sketchy) shit into schizo territory?
>>13677 >There was a time when these people were entertainers that lit up our young lives. Not me, faggot. I never followed any god damned eceleb that showed his face, and only a sparse few that made voice only videos
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>>13714 >Nanachi thinks its lewd when Reg touches her, but not Riko. Perhaps it's because xe is a gay boy. I think that Nanachi speaks in a 'male' way because 'impolite/crude' and 'male' speaking styles are basically the same in Japanese. I don't know if anyone else refers to her in a 'male/neutral' way, but even if they did I'd assume it's because she's more of a 'thing' than a human. I don't think Tsukushi intended her to be 'unknown' but just went with it because he figured it would drive more discussion and porn.
>>13711 Not as far I know, but that's where they pointed to during one of the spam raids happening to them (in case anyone wonders why I monitor them, is because seeing them be spammed to death is entertaining).
>>275528 Everything looks weird when you use a microscope, and you'll find something "suspicious" if you scrutinize anything enough. Morgellons is people with paranoid tendencies hearing about it on the internet, looking at their skin or places where they've scratched themselves, and finding tiny fibers from their clothes. This is them applying the same methodology to COVID-related stuff and getting the same results.
>>13719 >getting the same results Which looks like a little black parasite writhing around, given all sketchy shit surrounding the disinformation campaign surrounding sars-cov-2 by official sources, I am not going to immediately discredit a bunch of videos all showing a wriggling black thing found in test swabs and masks, especially after multiple articles already exposing the masks being coated in toxic chemicals.
>>13719 >>13720 I think the other big thing at play here is that virtually everyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows that something is up with covid (or specifically, the medical response to it), which drives this kind of paranoid speculation
>>13670 isnt his gf gonna die because of lupus?
>>13721 It's a meme virus. I've had it and worked through worse.
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>>13722 Not unless she gets shot by a silver bullet.
>>13719 Have you ever heard about the cryptid called "rods"? They are (were) tiny super-fast bugs that supposedly can't be seen with the naked eye, but can be filmed on VHS video (and ONLY VHS video). You probably haven't because there were the result of weird video artifacting from filming regular tiny flying bugs due to the way NSTC VHS video's dual-pass scan method works. These "rods" magically went away when video moved away from analog VHS to digital video formats in the 1990's. I mention this because people will believe the stupidest shit and will hold on to that belief TO THE DEATH even if there is a really simple alternate explanation.
>>13715 Not when there's 600x pro grade biological research microscopes for a couple of grand on the internet and all it would take to prove or disprove is a 4 minute youtube tutorial on how to prep a sample. Same shit with flat earthers. You know you can get an ayylmao roosevelt-crash weather balloon for several thousands of altitude for like 800 bucks? I guess then they'd have to move the conspiracy to "big camera" because their pictures don't come out right
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>>13726 Anon I didn't believe you at first so I went searching. Boy, retardation is the eternal companion of humanity eh?
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>>13726 There's a stand called "Sky High" that appears in part six of JoJo's bizarre adventures based on that concept. It's allowed the user to control sky fish who in that universe were responsible for the rod cryptid idea to exist in universe.
>>13476 God, I remember uploading that to a past gamergate thread and a /pol/ thread immediately after. Most (you)'s I've ever gotten between two threads. Good times.
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>>13668 What if this "Petition" Public Support bullshit is a well crafted marketing campaign? When has "lets sign an E-petition" stopped anything? Just look at the publisher Victura Game's website https://www.victura.gg/ . Its completly empty no information there & its their first and only project. It just leads to Highwire Games (asset flippers put more effort into their websites) .And this studio has done only one project: GOLEM a PlayStation VR exclusive, it might all be a coincidence but I think there is jewery afoot because IT seems like manufactured outrage for viral marketing,nobody ever complains about call of duty games(ban call of duty because muh feelings). Why protest now? According to Wikipedia the previous game studio Atomic Games had already finished the game & konami would not publish it in August 2009,later the company went under.So my theory on this game is, some corporate Jew bought the company & IP then created a viral marketing campaign to sell them that pre-made game that no one would have bought if there was no viral marketing.
>>13726 There's mountains of this stuff out there. Things like ghosts captured on film that are really lens flares, etc. Just about anything that's sufficiently complicated will have denialists. >>13729 I bet that one room's gimmick from La Mulana was the same idea. >>13731 Isn't that the kind of thing that could backfire, though, if enough twittersphere normalfags actually get politicians mad enough to do something about it? It's easy to say online petitions don't change anything, but underestimating the ability of loud left voices on twitter to change what normalfags think has gotten people burned before. I guess if you have no record and a mediocre game that you don't expect to sell, there's nothing to be lost trying it.
>>13729 They were also featured in that book John Dies At the End by that faggot David Wong aka Jason Pargin. Once upon a time I liked that book and appreciated the inclusion of the rods since I had heard of them but holy fuck I hate that faggot these days.
>>13731 >When has "lets sign an E-petition" stopped anything? Australian target stopped selling gta5 after an online petition.
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what the fuck is this shit being spammed on /b/?
>>13735 Honeypot provably
>>13735 Bots spam the entire webring with retarded shit like that at the same time every day. Some days its CP that gets posted all at the same time, sometimes it's random sites claiming to be some new imageboard. Most likely fed honeypots trying to scrape IP's or give viruses.
>>13735 Looks self-explanitory; also one post is hardly spam outside of using that as another term for shilling.
>>13738 When an identical post shows up at the exact same time across multiple imageboards that counts as spam.
>>13732 >that could backfire, though, if enough twittersphere normalfags actually get politicians mad It could backfire but twittersphere is controlled by corporations & they support all kinds of outrage/mental illness like BLM,Gay sex,Troon pride etc and when wokesters & normalfags express outrage over controversial topics they get banned.Also twitter bans politicians too. >>13734 >Australian target stopped selling gta5 after an online petition. GTA 5 was one of the best-selling games in Australia for 2020, People signed petetions for stopping microtransactions & politicians said they would do something about it AND nothing happened they say we will "Regulate" it or impose tax on it making game prices go up.
>>13735 It's an old (((alt-chan federation))) honeypot from almost a year ago.
>>13702 You know? I think it's dead for real, which saddens me a bit because I didn't finish saving a comic I found on their /rule34/ the other day. I searched archived versions of the front page for an onion link, and the onion link listed on most recent one (March 24th: https://archive.is/FGDCE) that I could find (5kj2qq4rakcqv5xvor5lwfyzjznss5a23yukgdkgcflii3wktmvw4yyd.onion) returns to Vanwa's "not found" page, so there's a chance that Vanwatech pulled the rug on them after the bad publicity of that HBO mockumentary about Q. >>13735 It seems to be one of the multiple imageboards created (and deleted) by the faggot named "patch". That fag is a bit infamous for creating imageboards out of thin air, spamming threads about it on every imageboard in existence, and then nuking them some weeks or months later without notice. There was a previous incarnation of that site in particular located on Tor that allowed pics of naked children, so I'm guessing that it closed down and patch took over it.
>>13742 Disregard this, it's back up. Going to save the rest of the comic before it goes down again.
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Wizard chan is kill ?
>>13744 probably got sick of the cuckchan posters
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>doctor gives antibiotics and ointment >small wound becomes picrelated What are my options?
It's dead. You'll have to amputate your leg and penis.
>>13747 Circumcision.
>>13747 Drown it in vodka and take it like a man. Oh, and go to the doctor.
>>13747 Get a hooker, it gives you extra health, I learned it in GTA Vice City.
>>275671 Having more nodes is better than less, Anon.
>>13752 Remember to kill her afterwards to get your money back.
>>13744 Never really used it myself despite being a virgin
Is Extra Credits, dare I say, based? >>13689 thanks, fixed
>>13756 Sorry anon I fucked up my correction and didn't read the whole sentence with my suggestion inserted to make sure it worked. The sentence should be this: >This did not stop many within the game industry from showing support in some capacity for this endeavor.
>>13747 >You went to a (((doctor))). >Now your foot has aids You done this to yourself anon. All you had to do was dab on some alcohol on your leg and cover it up with some shit and badda bing badda boom it would be fine by the next day.
>>13747 It looks infected, go again and a doctor will probably give you different and stronger antibiotics. Maybe the bacteria were resistant to the antibiotics from before or the antibiotics weren't strong enough.
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>>13759 Listen to this man anon, he has some good advice!
>>13754 >he preorders his hookers instead of having sex firsf
>>13747 Get a better doctor. Scrape that shit off, squeeze out any horror, apply your gunk and hope. Cut your toenails.
>>13747 Scrape it off with a knife then pour alcohol all over it, then singe the wound with fire.
>>13760 >antibiotics are le jewish trick I can't tell if you're joking/roleplaying like some of the other replies or if this is a particularly deadly form of schizoposting.
>>13764 Anon you seriously want that man to double down on the shit that made his foot end up that way in the first place? You are as good of a doctor as a medieval plague doctor, might as well tell him to drain his bad blood too while you're at it.
>>13586 >>13586 >reminds me of a movie Wait until the straight shota fans discover the 1982 film Amor Estranho Amor. aka "Love Strange Love." A Brazilian (naturally) film that they actually showed in cinemas, despite being a straight shota fetish dream. The plot is an el presidente flashbacking on how when he was 12 his single mother took him to live in a high class brothel where she was an exclusive escort for the elites. Your typical 'coming of age' film, except the boy is 12 and gets "awoken" (ie. molested) by the 1970's supermodels cast as whores, featuring shit that would get the cast & crew arrested today. The most hungry whore for SS was a supermodel actress who went to become a famous TV star, kids show host, singer, and millionaire businesswoman who went to court to have all copies of the film destroyed because it basically shows her going full on with a 12 year old boy in extremely graphic "simulated" full nude sex scenes. Alas, some copies survived. Bonus: the film ends with the kid's mom discovering him with her, tears the living shit out of her, and after realizing she's an utter failure as a mother, decides to "awaken" the boy herself. The whole thing is played as a tragedy, of course. Both the mom and the kid didn't seem very happy. The whole thing was a flashback, so throughout the film an old man el presidente watches it all play out, looking sad, weeping over his fucked up childhood before moving on to rule the country post-coup.
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>Lockdown under the National Capital Region Plus(including the CALABARZON area) will be indefinite due to the cases have achieved record high at 15k today
>>13766 That sounds fucked up but at the same time I wish 12-year old me got that acting spot.
>>13765 Antibiotics didn't make his foot that way, infection did. Sometimes antibiotics don't work well enough and you do need more or stronger antibiotics, yes. Your argument is the equivalent of, say, looking at someone making a homemade furnace trying to melt iron and saying "Why do you keep trying to make it hotter? You've already tried heat and it didn't work, you should try cold next!" Or hearing exercise gives you muscles, exercising for a few days, and then deciding that exercise actually makes you weak. You need to have an actual understanding of the world, not just some crude empricism and a conspiratorial mindset where you give up trying something as soon as it doesn't work and decide the guy who told you to do it was plotting against you. We know what infection is, we know antibiotics work, and we know sometimes antibiotics don't work but they certainly aren't what's causing the infection.
>>13769 >and we know sometimes antibiotics don't work but they certainly aren't what's causing the infection >sometimes antibiotics don't work And right there is my point. Sometimes things don't work for sure and it isn't really all that reliable to keep on using what obviously wasn't working well enough before since at that point you may just be beating a dead horse, sometimes you have to go back to more reliable or reasonable solutions. Rubbing alcohol gets the job done better than what that fruity doctor gave to him, it hurts like a bitch but it will get rid of any infectious skin faggotry going on with anons foot no problem.
>>13747 Go to the doctor and get a better antibiotic and in the meantime put some iodine on it. What antibiotic were you prescribed by the way?
>>13770 >Rubbing alcohol gets the job done better than what that fruity doctor gave to him For topical shit but that infection has clearly spread to the surrounding tissue how is the alcohol going to come in contact with the tissue underneath the skin not around the wound? >it isn't really all that reliable to keep on using what obviously wasn't working well enough before since at that point you may just be beating a dead horse A doctor wouldn't prescribe him the same antibiotics. He would be prescribed a different and probably stronger set of antibiotics.
who let the q boomer in? ip range banning sounds better by the seconds
>>275750 >educate yourself sjw lingo right there
>>13770 "Antibiotic" is a whole classification of various different chemicals, anything you can safely consume to kill bacteria in your body is an antibiotic. It's like the word "flammable", we're trying to start a fire and you're saying "we already tried flammable materials and they didn't work". Rubbing alcohol is an antiseptic instead of an antibiotic, it's antimicrobial on contact but you can't safely spread it throughout your body and have it kill bacteria that way, so it's not effective against more serious infections that it can't physically reach. If you could drink or inject rubbing alcohol to have it deal with infections under the surface then rubbing alcohol would be an antibiotic too, but you can't so it isn't. He probably wouldn't be prescribed the same antibiotic, he would be prescribed a different one. Of course there's nothing stopping him from both applying rubbing alcohol and getting a prescription for more antibiotics to make sure the infection under the surface doesn't become serious. >>275747 >someone made a video saying something so it must be true.
>>13775 Ah okay that sounds reasonable enough. Thanks for being patient with me anon. Hope anon gets the stuff that he needs and I hope you have a great day.
Just ignore the schizoid and report him. Besides, the posts belong on /pol/.
>>13756 How racist do you have to be to think Orcs are black people Especially since its outright stated they're not
>>13747 Stop wearing those shitty plastic nigger sandals.
>>13629 exactly, only you did
>>275774 I watched the interview and she really doesn't say anything new or interesting - this is all obvious for anyone who's been paying even the slightest bit of attention. The fact that you treat it like some major revelation just shows how far behind the curve you really are. Stop embarrassing yourself.
>>13595 They smelled aweful. At least when I could smell. Now I can't smell shit and got a constant headache for fucking weeks. It's not so bad though. You get used to food tasting shit and the headache. If that's Corona then I don't know what to fear about it because the rest of my body feels fine. It will probably go away sooner or later.
>>13779 Yeah, the last plastic sandals I had were "quality" "first world" sandals. My entire feet were red from a rash after wearing them less than a day. Bought quality leather sandals for cheap in a fucking third world country. Feet fine.
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We are now seeing companies bending the knee to Autism Awareness month. https://archive.is/PKxZB
>>13784 When's asperger's awareness? I want lil' Timmy getting an award from Sony while yelling NIGGER
>>13784 >the Sonic company cares about autism Are you not aware that a good portion of the sonic fan base is autistic?
>>13784 >Autistica Lmao that sounds like a fucking city for retards
>>13787 In Spanish it would just be "female autist" right?
>>13786 Yeah but there was that Sonic Boom episode that mocked Chris Chan.
>>13788 Yes and no.
>>13788 It would be still "Autista", the word is pretty much gender neutral. "Autística" sounds more like a bad spelled word for the illiterates.
>>13784 Good. Autists will rule over humanity.
>>13772 >>13771 >>13770 Why can't he just lance it with like sterile sewing needle to drain it then toss some alcohol on it? I do that all the time if I get a whitehead forming
>>13787 Autistica is where autists go when they read the Neverending Story instead of Fantasia.
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>>13766 Brazil was a mistake
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>>13793 There's infection and then there's infection anon. If you look at our (1) and done friend's sandal picture you can see redness increasing around the wound, pointing to increased infection. If you ever let infection spread through your body (i.e. sepsis/blood poisoning) you could literally be hours from death as uncontrollable microbial reproduction fills your insides with their waste. Reminds me of a short story I read where someone's mom died from cutting themselves while cutting a chicken. Salmonella in the 1800s was nothing to sneeze at
>>13784 When everyone is oppressed no one will be oppressed
>>13797 In the post-commie neo-feudal legal system, your claims are defended by checking more diversity boxes than the other party
>>13797 Niggers aren't oppressed and act like they are. Its not about that. Its about twisting the reality we live in. They want to make every mentally ill, mediocre little faggot into a "protected" victim. Defending them against the evil threat white people are. I hope a war is coming and all this little faggots that want to be under the umbrella of activist groups get whats in store for them.
>>13798 ill check every box checkmate >>13799 I know thats what they want but the unintended consequence is that eventually people will just pretend to be mentally ill and oppressed just to get the benefits.
>>13800 >eventually people will just pretend to be mentally ill and oppressed just to get the benefits But, people already do that. Even the WSJ ran an editorial about grade school students declaring themselves to be a trannies because of all the social benefits and status symbols it carries: https://archive.ph/ole4H
>>13784 See, this is exactly what people mean by "privilege" when you consider something as banal as this as some kind of horrible oppression against you.
>>13802 See, this is exactly what people mean by "privilege" when you consider something as banal as this as some kind of horrible oppression against you.
>>13766 This sounds like your typical Sugi G story, but with drama.
>>13766 That sounds absolutely degenerate and disgusting, why are you actively looking for this kind of content?
>>13634 Mugu mugu?
>>13802 You really show your colors when you think that criticism of stupidity is paramount to “oppression against [the critic]” (your words, not mine).
>>13744 >the new /pure/ board is currently the fastest on this site I guess wizchan is finally dead for good. S
>>13802 What privilege, non-autistic privilege?
>>13785 Are they not one and the same?
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>>13808 What is this retardation?
>>13801 Alot more sadder then i realized
>>13784 I'm just surprised it didn't happen earlier. As an autismo myself, I feel like most of my Privilege™ comes from being disabled. Feels like society is willing to bend over backwards to accommodate me. It's frankly kinda fucking disgusting. Hell, if I was the kind to actually get offended, I'd call it borderline dehumanizing.
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>>13811 Yeah, something's iffy.
>>13811 >not even thinking about fucking their mom while she makes dinner weak lmao
>>13811 Probably spam on par with the /interracial/ board.
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>>13811 i never kept tabs on /imouto/ or /animus/ so maybe they went to wizardtown and them ended up here again
>>13817 Either way it's fucking retarded spam.
>>13818 just like the GG thread lmao
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>>13818 Low quality sure, shitpost probably. Wouldn't call it spam imo too slow and not lulrandum enough
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>>13817 What a gay trajectory to be on with boards.
>>13818 Yeah, well, to each their own; the very essence of 8chan is boards are under the command of their owners and if that owner is shit people should make and move to another board. If they come here just report them super hard and let the deletion dynamos dutifully dirty their defense dildos.
>>13820 >4 threads with Satania images >in a line >it's not spam
>>13805 /ss/ is the most pure fetish that a man/woman can have, prove me wrong.
>>13824 I can't prove you wrong because you're right.
>>13824 It involves little boys, are you a homo?
>>13826 Any fetish with a man and woman will involve males, dumbass
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>>13827 Yes, that's why yuri is the only good fetish
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>>13828 You're right too.
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>>13824 Putting an engagement/wedding ring in her finger during sex.
>>13830 >in her finger just fuse it right to the bone so itll never come of
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>>13831 merde
>>13828 Dykes are gay though.
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>>13833 Yes, and?
>>13834 Yuri is nothing but lies. Real lesbians are hideous, fat, & don't understand the feminine beauty of women.
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>>13835 Yeah, and that's why we have yuri.
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>>13835 >Commie/LGBT/feminist organizations push the idea that all femininity is bad in your country for five generations >People fall for it >"Yuri can't real" Yuri is an anti-globalist, anti-degeneracy, pro-fascist view anon :^)
>>13835 Nobody is talking about real lesbians other than (You)
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>>13834 All must fall to the supremacy of the male phallus, as god decreed.
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Did somebody say Satania?
>>13839 This means YOU'RE gonna fall to the supremacy of the male phallus and that's super gay.
>>13838 >>13836 It's not healthy to be caught in delusions. That's basically being a communist.
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>>13841 I already have a male phallus you fag, nothing gay about having a dick and wanting to put it in girl vagoo.
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>>13841 >This means YOU'RE gonna fall to the supremacy of the male phallus Other way around, now bend over
>>13842 Then why are you here, playing and discussing videogames? Those aren't real.
Reminder that there's significant correlation between yurifags and trannies.
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>>13847 There's significant correlation between my dick and your ass
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>>13843 Through dick, unity!
>>13849 Ohoho, but the original quote is that all of mankind shares "love for dick" what are you gonna do now
>>13846 Who's talking about video games in this thread?
>>13851 I am, nice videogames outside today, eh?
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>>13850 Of course, i love my dick! You should love yours too, but instead you dream of girls scissoring while you watch.
>>13852 Pretty overpriced, I'd say.
>>13854 >You should love yours too Aside from moisturizing it every day, what are other ways I can love my dick?
>>13838 Yuri is basically cuckoldry considering that the girl(s) youre fapping to are rejecting men on purpose. You’re fapping to being denied sex (unless you self insert as the girl, I suppose)
>Go upstairs for some snacks >Roommate is watching CNN >CNN is sperging out over a dead officer at the capitol What glowniggering happened this time?
>>13857 >(unless you self insert as the girl, I suppose) Bingo, yuri is for trannies.
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>>13856 Moisturizing is actually really important, having a soft, velvety cock is something the ladies appreciate and think its aesthetic, of course some girls also like a more barbarous look, but thats easy to pull off by just letting the hair grow. Manscapping is a serius business that guys rarely talk about but turns out to be really helpfull.
>>13784 /v/ should be pleased
>>13858 Some uber-white boomer rammed his car over at the Capitol, probably a Q-fag. Oh wait, no, he was black. That's the last spergout you'll hear in any of the news anon, don't worry :^)
>>13862 This is still White supremacy's fault
>>13862 >>13863 Systematic racism and established white-centric society drove this poor black man into madness. I demand reparations for muh programs
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>>13766 Holy shit, I found it on Jewtube of all places without effort: https://invidious.tube/watch?v=dgB7fxVclSU https://invidious.tube/watch?v=S7mgsk6_GA4 The ince/ss/t scene starts at 1:43:30 on the first video and at 1:47:10 on the second one. The old man watching in horror is the cherry on top of everything. >>13784 >SEGA celebrating their user base How nice and considerate. >>13808 >>13811 Damn, /pure/ has a nice theme. >>13830 >a shota and his mommy are having incestuous sex as usual >the shota stops midway and runs to another room >comes back with one of these ring pops or whatever they're called and asks his mommy if she will marry him >she say yes and puts the ring pop on her finger >they resume their lovemaking session
>>13865 I'm not clicking that shit
>>275921 >wishing to be raped >not to rape her
>>275923 I never perceived myself as weak back then, so all my fantasies involved taking advantage of my teachers and classmates.
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>>275931 Give me a tl;dr. I'm not watching an hour video of some random retard.
>>275935 >that relies on nanoparticles NANOMACHINES SON
>>275937 >starting to resemble Deus Ex. >starting There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate
>>275937 So will a glow blow up the entire internet for our freedom?
>>275935 None of that is true though. ID2020 is some random nonprofit that tries to get IDs for people in third-world countries that don't have normal government ID, and Charles Lieber doesn't have anything to do with it. Also as far as I can tell he didn't work at the Wuhan lab, he just had a contract with Wuhan university and was arrested for misleading investigators about it, with implications of leaking U.S. research to China.
>>13624 Oh, I KNEW this was gonna happen. I just figured as long as Acid regularly backed shit up then it would be a learning experience.
>>275946 Desperate.
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Gas the kikes. Race war now.
>>275956 I assume it is some sort of bot but sometimes whoever the fuck uses it switches to manual posting
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>>275948 A BOMB?!
https://archive.is/WYBuH So it turns out that the person who attacked US capitol police was from the Nation of Islam. At least he attacked cops instead of innocent people. Good on him for not being a fucking pussy. Bad on him for being a retard that follows the Nation of Islam.
>>275960 Counter to what evidence? None was presented in the first place. Having some document or digital certificate saying you're vaccinated does not in any way imply "injecting everyone with a prototype digital human interface system that will be a future store for cryptocurrencies, personal data and behavioural control mechanism that relies on nanoparticles".
>>13881 We need a Waco tier raid on these nogs
>>13881 Islam > USA
>>13883 I don't understand. How is it that these retarded faggots refuse to listen to actual good advice from people who want to help them. Yet for some strange retarded reason jump to join a group that not only enslaves them but also wants them to become suicide soldiers. Someone needs to explain this shit to me.
>>13875 >Oh, I KNEW this was gonna happen. It was so predictable it hurts. I knew from day one he was going to end up nuking /v/ a third time, it was only a matter of when.
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>>275960 >mixing up Islam with Nation of Islam(tm) Shouldn't you be harassing people in a downtown corner, my melanin enriched negro?
>>275971 "Nanoparticle" doesn't mean "sci-fi nanomachine", it's any particle between 1 and 100 nanometers in diameter. They wrap the MRNA in very small droplets of fat so it stays intact long enough to get in a few hundred cells and tell them to make the same spike proteins as the virus. Droplets of fat aren't a "future store for cryptocurrencies, personal data and behavioural control mechanism" no matter how small they are.
>>13887 I know what the nation of islam is. They still practice islam. >>275975 There has to be something else then just the jews the amount of money going to help Nogs pick themselves up can run some third world countries. It just boggles my mind why they'd willingly throw their lives away for a group that despises them. How much brainwashing do you need to make someone that stupid.
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>>275980 Yes I had the wrong post, last time I type it >>13884 >>13889 >practice islam I'm pretty sure cribbing 5% of Masonic BS and adding We Wuz Ayyliens n' Shit to your synthetic religion doesn't make it Islam. NoI is as real as Kwanzaa
>>275971 "Nanoparticles" is a general term for any matter between 1 and 500 nanometres. "Contains nanoparticles" is a fancy way to say "there are tiny ass particles of random shit that got stuck (like particles of plastic from the machines and containers used to produce and store the medicine) and aren't worth removing". >>275980 >why do people need to be injected They don't. mRNA vaccines have a lot of dangerous shit in them, but "nanoparticles" is a general term that can describe anything. Besides, why would Pfitzer/the globohomo announce in a visible label the very thing they're trying to inject in everyone without their knowledge?
>>13890 Isn't there a NOI offshoot that mixes up scientology?
>>275975 Because niggers are fucking stupid. The same niggers who worship Farracoon also tribute Malcom X not realizing Farracoon was the one responsible for having Malcom X killed.
>>275980 >for a non-existent virus with a 99% recover rate It can't both not exist and have a 1% fatality rate. And the actual fatality rate is more like 0.5%, but it varies so much by age that it depends how old the population is. The answer is that policymakers didn't think 0.5% of the population dying (and an unknown percentage having long-term side effects) was acceptable. And when they did, like the UK originally planning to just let it spread while the elderly tried to isolate themselves, the public flipped out and they backpeddled. It has less testing than normal because they don't want to wait around for years.
>>13890 To be fair thats what Muhammad did to Christianity and Judaism. Just with less space opera. >>13893 Cognitive dissonance is a real bitch
>>13895 What if Mohammed ended up a Christian saint? Book included here for entertainment purposes
>>13785 >When's asperger's awareness? I want lil' Timmy getting an award from Sony while yelling NIGGER The diagnosis Asperger's Syndrome was abolished, anon. Together with PDD-NOS and classic autism (i.e. drooling retard autism) it got folded into 'Autism Spectrum Disorder'. Though Asperger's has always been considered a form of autism.
>>13896 What? Now this i gotta read. >Muhammad isn't the Secret Agent And i just disappointed myself. How good is this and how far should i go.
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>>13898 It's pretty good. Byzantine kept going because no Islam, same with Persia and Q'in. Muhammed is just the single change point. It's a Byzantium Fed Agent and his escapades on 1400-ish Khrystian Byzantine. Good vehicle for world building.
>>13899 > Byzantine kept going because no Islam Honestly, it was that and justinian's plague that killed off both persia and the eastern romans in the long run, when the arabs took over the lavant and egypt they crippled their economy and could never recover.
>>275992 Because the mortality rate for the flu is lower, it leaves less long-term effects because it doesn't attack random organs like COVID-19 does, and it's less contagious. There's 35,000 flu deaths in the U.S. per year, we've already hit 550,000 COVID-19 deaths even without it infecting the majority of the population. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2018-2019.html
>>13885 > I don't understand. How is it that these retarded faggots refuse to listen to actual good advice from people who want to help them. Yet for some strange retarded reason jump to join a group that not only enslaves them but also wants them to become suicide soldiers. Political darwinism. Back in the 1950s black liberals who talked about equal rights would get their asses kicked by the cops. Nation of Islam talked about overthrowing the government and killing all white people, and started doing it, and the cops left them alone. So the liberals went extinct and the Nation of Islam grew. In the 1970s and 1980s some of the Nation of Islam that the feds had put in jail got in contact with Muslim terrorists, looked up to them as the REAL Islam, and joined them. In the 1990s the Nation of Islam held a recruitment drive called the Million Man March. It got positive press and they kept growing. The Muslim states have been funding their charities so they are never at a loss for funding. /pol/ will talk about niggers being niggers, but in America they've been trained to behave a particular way for at least three generations.
>>13899 >>13900 Finding fellow /his/ Byzantium lovers in /v/ gamergate Truly vidya brings all kinds of diverse people together >that and justinian's plague that killed off both persia and the eastern romans in the long run Also Justinian using all the empires money like a madman to try and reunite the empire. Iran just had such shit luck.
>>13890 >I'm pretty sure cribbing 5% of Masonic BS and adding We Wuz Ayyliens n' Shit to your synthetic religion doesn't make it Islam. Does that mean that Nation of Islam is to Islam what Mormonism is to Christianity?
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>>13903 >Also Justinian using all the empires money like a madman to try and reunite the empire. Hey it was worth it, them getting italy back would have been a good end for the roman empire. Much better than petty political intrigue and fraticidal war that would fuck them over at manzikert.
>>276008 Something is killing hundreds of thousands more people than die normally from all causes, and it was happening long before the vaccine. Did the flu just decide to kill 15 times as many people as normal?
>>13906 5G networks, duh
>>13808 >/pure/ Didn't even notice it. Are all of the former /r9k/ and /v9k/ fags there?
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>>13904 Yes except even more out there. >>13906 >>276008 You can both be right at the same time: there's higher mortality and there's stupid "COVID" deaths. The 2nd is retardation (like bike deaths...) but the 1st one is at least undeniable. It still doesn't make it that bad though, especially if you discount Killin' Cuomo's anti-oldman moves. Also, starting a graph at 50,000? That's some nigger newspaper tier bullshit.
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>>276020 >This entire thing is planned 2 years ago I highly doubt it, we've seen similar hysteria with Bird and Swine flu but now they're taking advantage of it as mortality rates are panicking people, mostly boomers who still run the world, that's for sure.
>>13906 >Something is killing hundreds of thousands more people than die normally from all causes, and it was happening long before the vaccine. Here's the problem, Anon. Majority of the legitimate COVID deaths fall into one of two categories: >Perfectly "healthy" people dying Which we will never see the real death toll for as the countries that experienced this the most (China, Iran, etc.) all lie. >People with their immune systems already compromised, and COVID being the final blow This is what caused majority of the deaths in the rest of the world. However, this figure started exploding after a while because hospitals were given huge government funding for reporting COVID deaths and putting people on ventilators. Why the hospitals needed the money goes down the fact that government regulations make public hospitals operate almost entirely in the red nearly all the time, so they need the money where they can find it. This led to the infamous scandals like the "car crash COVID deaths" and so on because hospitals started classifying ALL deaths as "COVID" in order to receive the funding to pay for their debts. As far as what the true number is, no one is honestly going to know at this point, and it will effectively be a similar situation to 9/11 all over again: >Years of government bullshit causing the system to he overloaded with regulation, money issues, and public interest; with the only things holding it all together being shoestring and bubblegum <The system finally fails, but no one wants to reform or fix it, so they add and cause 'EVEN MORE'' regulations, money issues, and public interest because people don't want to admit that the entire system is a failure and needs to be reformed.
>>13902 It sounds reasonable, But peaceful liberals went and joined with Dr. King. The thing I can't wrap my head around is why Islam. Why join the group that used to enslave you and cut off your balls because they were afraid of their wives having sex behind their back I vaguely remember the million man march. >>13905 It would have been worth it if only Muhammad didn't exist. Its those what ifs that keep people wondering
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>>276032 >Millions of wasted vaccine doses. Yeah, that was fucking funny >This time they wont let you get away without taking the poison Boomers maybe, every person I talk to around the 20s and 30s says they're not touching that shit. Big difference between someone who's spent all his life consuming Talmud vision and someone who uses the internet. Why they seek to control it harder and harder.
>>276032 >>13913 Anyone have statistics for swine flu vaccinations? Distribution, rollout, effectiveness, side effects?
>>276020 It also came just before the big push for the 'ID 2020' initiative, of which Microsoft was a big player. There's more and more countries getting ready to follow through with the vaccine passport shit. >Korea PM says only those with a vaccine passport can resume normal life https://archive.vn/OCgLA https://archive.vn/2tAYX >Local authorities around the world have their eye on implementing digital IDs https://archive.vn/RKfNF >Show your ID to use social media? Australia hints at new plans. https://archive.vn/1R8Qf >The UK is poised to introduce a vaccine passport trial The push is coming from all corners of the globe, all at once. And then there's this: https://archive.vn/Ri2VG God, I fucking hate celebrities.
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>>13915 One thing I find amusing about Microshaft and Bill Gates is how literally everyone regardless of ideology or age doesn't trust them.
>>13915 Social engineering is the most disgusting fucking thing we have done as a species.
>>13915 Also, while I'm at it, I would direct everyone's attention to these webms: >>>/pol/7786 >>>/pol/7787 >>>/pol/7788 I posted them in a past gg thread but they got deleted by (((SOMEBODY))). >>13916 Bill Gates comes from elite origins. His father, Bill Gates Sr., was heavily involved with Planned Parenthood and the depopulation and eugenics agenda, and there are photographs of him palling around with Rothschilds. I think Gates Jr. was selected from those circles to be the managerial overseer of what became Microsoft, so as to ensure that emerging technologies were kept somewhat under control. The internet still got away from them though, which is really a blessing. I don't think anything works at the very top the way that we've been conditioned to believe. >>13917 These sick fucks think they can usurp the authority and power of God.
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>>13918 >they got deleted Perhaps because your posts belong on fucking >>>/pol/ . NOT the GG thread.
>>13918 >a fucking leaf
>>13906 Yes, it’s called “every death is being labeled as a coronavirus death”
>>13905 >Hey it was worth it, them getting italy back would have been a good end for the roman empire. Fuck no it wasn't. The Byzantines actively destroyed what was left of Roman society in Italy during and after the Gothic wars. They ended up purging the local elites simply because they didn't trust the Italian senatorial cliques. Italy as a whole was ravaged by two decades of war. And Byzantine rule in Italy was mainly characterized by overtaxation, mismanagement and neglect. The Longobards could walk all over Italy because the easterners couldn't even be bothered to defend the place. And most of the locals were just like "hey, fuck the Greeks".
>>13922 It's a chart of total deaths, it's not affected by what the deaths are labeled.
>>13924 Where exactly are you getting your charts? Data can be forged and there’s huge incentive to forge it to use for cash to use as political tools. You can’t trust academia anymore, they’ve infested it. Universities aren’t the only places screwed up by sjw soldiers.
>>13925 That's what I've been trying to tell people for years. The 13/50 statistic is literally just made up by SJWs to push the "muh nogs oppressed by the police" angle.
>>13925 Ourworldindata, which got it from the Human Mortality Database and the World Mortality Dataset, which I think gets the U.S. data from the CDC. If it's all made up then apparently almost every government in the world is in on it, because you can see similar increases in many different countries. Brazil's president was saying COVID-19 was no big deal for example, why would they be pretending there were more deaths than usual? https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
>>13871 >>275937 Particles aren't machines. Nanomachines only appear in porn, faggots. The only thing we build on the scale of nanometers is processor process nodes. The smallest element inside a CPU. Not a whole processor. They can't make shit the size of nanometers. It's just too small. And Bill Gates biometric particles he wants to implant with the Corona vaccine are basically a tattoo. That's not a new invention, faggots. We always told you: tattoos are degenerate!
>>276044 >Personal anecdotes don't count and you know it. I can say the same for my environment though. People who were totally on the Corona bandwagon completely turned against it. I didn't expect it of them. There might be some weird trend.
>>13881 >(I believe to be side effects of drugs I was taking unknowingly) When the glow glows brighter because it noticed the shine, huh? Damn shame that's the last time we'll hear of this.
>>13892 NOI is basically Scientology before Scientology ever existed.
>>13917 >Social engineering is the most disgusting fucking thing we have done as a species Remember that the last time we had state sponsored sterilization of the mentally ill, it was the left and "intelligentsia" who pushed for it as the height of morality and social responsibility as well.
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What are you fags doing for Easter?
>>13934 Eating chocolate and jerking off in my neet cave.
>>13934 Making a NAS thanks to not being a poorfag any more.
>>13934 Why would I do anything?
>>13934 My parents are religious and I am neet, so church.
>>13936 What OS are you installing on your NAS? I'm using Rockstor on mine. I don't know that it's great, but it works and I'm running Pi-Hole on it as well.
>>13934 Having my family over for dinner.
>>13939 TrueNAS for now, one day maybe I'll set it up myself with openBSD.
>>13934 Dyeing eggs and making mammi.
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>>13934 Same thing I've been doing every weekend lately. Getting stoned as fuck and playing a ton of DJ Max. I've gone from beginner charts to A ranking 11~13 star charts on 4b in a pretty short time considering how shit I am at these kinds of games. I've even been working through some of the 6~8 star 6b charts.
>>13933 I know some guys who act like that when they get high. Barring the banana
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>>13934 Finding a good place to download GTA SA for PC and learning about the differences between each versions (1.0, 2.0, Steam, Rip, etc) because it has been a while since I pirated old PC games and the sites I knew are all dead. Also thinking on creating a /ss/ - Straight Shota board here. I saw a couple of users on /sm/ complain about the lack of a dedicated /ss/ board, but part of me thinks that they should simply make more /ss/ threads there and keep everything in one board instead of splitting things like with the loli boards.
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>>13941 Here I'm just finding out that FreeNAS is now called TrueNAS. I thought it was some new thing until I looked it up and I'm like "Oh yeah, I've actually heard of that before." Good luck with the NAS. Many people don't want to put in the time to do it so they buy those overpriced Synology pre-builds, but it's so much better to just make a NAS. I put my NAS in this cube case since it has hot swap bays already and fits under a table. Reused some old hardware. Only snag was that Rockstor will only install to blank media. If it has to delete a partition during installation then the installation fails with an error. Had to figure this out through trial and error since the error message itself was not helpful.
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>>13465 God I hate the chinks and their thieving commie ways.
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To the person who recommended Hime Chan no Ribbon to me many moons ago...arigatou...hontou ni arigatou... I still prefer Sakura Cardcaptor though
>>13757 fixed 2.0. The more proof-reading the better so thank you
>>13934 I don't celebrate your gentile festivities.
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>>13934 Playing Lodoss
>>13950 Get lost Mark.
>>13932 I don't think people understand that what is happening and what they want to implement is not "eurgenics" at all, it's DYSGENICS. They want everyone to be a mystery meat 90 IQ brown mutt with no culture. If eugenics really existed all jews would have been culled already.
Speaking of dygenics, the fat kike is here deleting shit he wants burried from people I see.
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Wew, they can't even hide it anymore in the mainstream. Fuck these people. >>13947 They couldn't have achieved all of that without our traitorous (((elite))).
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>>13951 Fun game. >>13955 I can already enjoy muh freedumbs without getting vaccinated or wearing a mask. Count this as a loss for globohomo, I guess. The meme virus is rapidly losing relevance. >What's the carrot going to be? >How can we convince the goyim to take the vaccine if people who aren't cucks just do as they please? Pathetic.
>>13955 (checked) >traitorous (((elite))) Greed and corruption opens the door for China to pillage and plunder. Politicians and companies see the short term benefits as irresistible but always fail to see the long term backstab coming in the end. These people deserve to hang for selling out their countries for foreign money.
>>13934 Eating chocalate, food and jerking off. Same as usual since of the Kung Flu still being out there no one can't truly enjoy being outside thanks to the fear mongering.
>>13934 Watching movies, I get the weekends off and I got a bunch more coming in the mail. This is what I got lined up for this weekend. >Godzilla king of the monsters >Ghost in the shell (1995) >John Carpenter's Prince of darkness >Akira >Phantom of the Paradise >The Exorcist >Brawl In Cell block 99 >Ford v Ferrari >Gladiator >Total Recall Looking at upcoming 4k releases just to make sure the blu-ray or dvd I get isn't coming out later this year
>>13934 Working, vidya, dev, making a pork roast, the usual. Visiting my parents on Sunday once the grandkids bugger off (I love em but theyre high energy and distracting), quiet little homecooked meal.
>>13959 Love John Carpenter's The Thing but havent gotten around to any of his other works besides They Live. You like his stuff anon?
>>13959 >John Carpenter's Prince of darkness
>>13947 >for the last 40 years, all we have done is plagiarize >he says all this with pride and a shit eating grin How can someone be proud of this? All their latest "achievements" were stolen from the work of other better men. Fucking pathetic.
>>13963 Since the birth of their nation more like. Everything they had was Stolen from the Japs or the recognized Chinese gov at the time. From there is mostly stealing from the Soviets and the US.
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>>13963 I don't understand why there isn't a rising "anti chinese sentiment" going in the world right now. Its even worse when they take bugmen to the news to explain the current economy under covid. Do people even remember why this shit started spreading and who did it? Fucking shit.
>>13965 There is a pretty large anti china sentiment. It ranges from "fuck the chinks" to "fuck the CCP", but pretty much everyone fucking hates china in one way or another. There's just not much being done about it. And it seems like the chinks are putting a lot of work into having stakes in western media so they can get control over the youths minds. Let's not forget how zoomers lost their fucking minds over trump threatening to take away their tiktactoe chink owned app. I could easily see chinks using their control over various social media and gaming media to pay off massive youth "influencers" to shill for china and create a new western generation 50 cent army. At this point I'd say chinks are a bigger threat than even kikes are. At least the kikes have some degree of fucking subtlety. The jew spits in your soup when your back is turned, the chink spits in your face and tells you to pay for it since it was a valuable lesson. Fortunately their arrogance will be the bugmans undoing.
>>13965 >Do people even remember why this shit started spreading and who did it? Fucking shit. You'd think with all people have had to go through because of the pandemic, the fact that the country this originated from somehow (supposedly) had less than 100k cases would stick out like a sore thumb for one reason or another and raise questions, specially considering they have a population way above the average country.
>>13966 >the chink spits in your face Sounds like that webm previously posted in which two chinks spit in each other's faces.
>>13956 > The meme virus is rapidly losing relevance. For countries that aren't ran by cuckolds, at least. If you're stuck in a country like leafistan or saudi europa, you're probably in a catch-22 of "need to get the jew poison to even leave this shithole county". >>13966 >Let's not forget how zoomers lost their fucking minds over trump threatening to take away their tiktactoe chink owned app. Normalfags only care about politics insofar as how it affects their breads and circuses. That's just the natural thing for peaceful societies, selfish and cowardly as it may be. Hell, most anons in Gamergate probably wouldn't have bothered getting involved with Trump, anti-censorship watchdogging, and whatnot had they not been getting deplatformed and demonized for wanting to make fun of a single irrelevant indie "dev".
>>13956 What has me worried is that if they lose the ability to use their preferred 'carrot' method, then they'll resort to the stick. The people that have seized power over Western institutions are fucking insane, and high on their own supply; they're true believers, and I believe that they are gearing up to put people in camps. Once you go down that road, executions and other horrors aren't far behind. >>13955 >They couldn't have achieved all of that without our traitorous (((elite))). Replying to my own post, but case-in-point, webm. I saved this back in early December of 2020 before it was deleted but forgot about it until now, so I've re-encoded it. The YouTube short link is in the title metadata as proof that it did actually exist, and there's an archive here https://archive.vn/GlRB9 For those who want it, the 720p .mkv that I archived is packaged here https://files.catbox.moe/qk4mr7.7z >>13957 >These people deserve to hang for selling out their countries for foreign money. Agreed.
Also, as far as the chink menance is concerned a lot of our shit is made in china. Whether it be eletronics of many kinds, toys that sadly include figures from Japanese media, clothing, you name it, they're either made there or have parts made there. Now I'm not surprised companies are doing business with China because to them they get access to very cheap labor and they could expand to the chink market for more money if the domestic audience isn't enough. With the customer they want to buy things at cheap prices, even if the catch is that they're poorly made or use toxic paint. Ironically stuff that was made in Japan during the occupation peroid at the end of the war up to around the sixities or so had the same meaning that made in china does today, they made cheap shit like cracker jack prizes. But they eventually got better with manufactoring as time went by. Has it been about 40 years now since the shift to made in china? If it has, it's fucking pathetic chinks haven't improved in that timeframe.
>>13971 The cheap shit that the Japanese used to manufacture was still better in terms of quality than what China manufactures now.
>>13961 >You like his stuff anon? Yup, a lot of his older stuff hold up really well today and are getting the 4k treatment with Shout Factory. Its not all great because on one end you get ghost of mars, escape from L.A. and on the other you have Escape from New York, The Thing, In The Mouth of Madness, They Live big trouble in little china, The fog, Heart of Darkness and hell even Vampires with James Woods was a great B movie. He was ahead of his time and most of his movies have a massive cult following and have inspired the very few good movie directors left in Hollywood.
>>13971 The question, then, is how to wean the world off the chink teat when we've spent the last 2-3 generations effectively having surrendered our manufacturing to them. With Trump gone and Biden in charge, there isn't a large voice pushing for the return to local factories, and god knows companies won't get out of bed with China when literally anything else is more expensive than slave sweatshops they've been allowed to get away with for decades, and the bugmen promise so many potential (but not actual) shekels audience-wise.
>>13972 Japan didn't even really produce all that much cheap shit. Compared to American and European standards of the time, sure, but it was still far better than most manufacturing today. Back then, a lot of your cheap shit came from Taiwan because we were trying to build their economy so they'd have a chance to stand up against China. Then we started moving everything to China in the hopes that Capitalism, along with the examples of Hong Kong and Taiwan, would dispel the Communist infection and lead a revolt or revolution. The Chinese just assimilated Capitalism into their totalitarianism and devoured Hong Kong without even a slap on the wrist. Taiwan is completely fucked. The average person doesn't know the difference between Taiwan, Vietnam, and Polynesia. Even without being expressly brainwashed by the left, they'd still revolt over the idea of starting WWIII over some "random" pacific island. So our treaties are going to be ran through the paper shredder, China will take Taiwan, and nobody will say a fucking word about it aside from maybe the same "Well that's a damned shame" they give to Hong Kong citizens that keep coming up missing for speaking out against the CCP.
>>13973 Ghosts of Mars had a cool premise but suffered from a complete failure of execution in every regard, which is a shame.
>>13971 Japan was willing to learn and work on new technology, furthering technological development. China has somehow managed to maintain the shittiest quality of industry possible with enough pollution to make even the worst of the Industrial Revolution look like a kid took a shit in a sandbox while going full fuck force with scams, fraud, and straight up sabotage. Whether it's custom chips in electronics for their own backdoors or lead paint on kid's toys, China doesn't give a single fuck about their own people let alone anyone else's.
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>>13974 >how to wean the world off the chink teat Trump was going in the right direction. Just make it so costly/risky to do business over there that companies have no choice but to move their sweatshops somewhere else. Given enough time, other countries would no doubt pick up where china got kicked out. >>13977 >China has somehow managed to maintain the shittiest quality of industry possible As the chink said in that video, china imitates, they don't innovate. How can you expect people to correctly comprehend what goes into how something is designed when all they bothered to learn is how to copy it. Add in their shit gov't pushing/unintentionally encouraging the worst aspects of their people and you have a perfect recipe for a god awful product.
>>13975 >Even without being expressly brainwashed by the left, they'd still revolt over the idea of starting WWIII over some "random" pacific island. So our treaties are going to be ran through the paper shredder, China will take Taiwan, and nobody will say a fucking word about it aside from maybe the same "Well that's a damned shame" they give to Hong Kong citizens that keep coming up missing for speaking out against the CCP. I dunno about no one saying anything. When Blizzard completely raped that one Esports player and announcer for mentioning Free Hong Kong, it led to a whole list of negative press that tanked any excitement for their Overwatch sequel and led one of their characters being appropriated as a Hong Kong symbol. But granted Blizzard was a company that was already considered expressly shit from their own fuck-ups, and vidya is a hell of a lot different than asking normalfags to die in war and cynically I don't buy anyone ever willingly pulling the trigger on WW3 because it would represent the end of "muh peace", and that's too damaging for absolutely everyone compared to the status quo, white man, Jew, chink, etc alike
>>13979 Don't give up hope yet. The neocons are working feverishly to start wars with Russia in the Ukraine and Syria.
>>13980 >Syria Playing in the sandbox isn't war, it's slap-fights.
>>13981 A direct confrontation between American and Russian forces in Syria will lead to something much, much worse than a simple 'slapfight'.
Doesn't Biden in charge mean America is weakened so other world leaders can make bold power plays that will shift world leader status over to them?
>>13983 Nah, it means that nothing will happen.
>>13917 >Social engineering is the most disgusting fucking thing we have done as a species The solution is always there. You only need to be willing to take it. >>13983 And how long exactly did it take you to figure that out?
>>13985 Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum!
>>13983 Most of the countries with power are either pussies who won't interfere unless we invade poland or already part of the globalhomo cabal and are all for just about anything biden would do anyway.
>>13965 >I don't understand why there isn't a rising "anti chinese sentiment" going in the world right now. There is. It's just that the media is silencing much of it because they receive majority of their funding FROM China. The closest they've come to talking about it is the "Anti-Asian" attacks that are happening alongside "femicide" and "systematic eugenics of trans people".
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>>276268 lol retard
>>13990 ya blew it
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>>13989 <(1)
>>13992 I'm OP, and like other 6 different IDs because Cuckflare doesn't like IPv6.
>>13975 >they'd still revolt over the idea of starting WWIII over some "random" pacific island. So our treaties are going to be ran through the paper shredder Thank the LOLbertarians and Rand Paul for that one. <We are wasting so much money defending Japan? Because we forced them to sign a fucking treaty forbidding them from being able to create their own fucking army, jackass! Or did you not remember the shit that your own generation caused?
>>13976 I heard that the game Martian Gothic: Unification is basically the same premise, except better executed.
>>13992 imagine dying from looking at flashing lights. >die >get to hell >"welcome to hell orientation, first things first how did everyone die?" >"i got shot in the head during a bank robbery, it was metal as fuck" >"i died of a heart attack while fucking your mother, faggot" >"uh...i died from a strobe light..." >"what, like it fell on your head and cracked your whole skull open?" "...no, i just looked at it and died" imagine getting bullied in hell. fucking kurt eichenwald.
>>13996 >i died from having lesbian sex on a clothes dryer until the gas line unplugged
>>13758 I actually tried draining it, the pain was too much and a shitload of pus came out >>13759 I went again and I was prescribed with augmentin. it makes me nauseous >>13762 >>13763 i tried scraping but almost no blood came out >fire oh god >>13771 they gave me augmentin for two weeks but apparently nothing happens perhaps the bacteria is drug resistant? Doc wants me to do a CT now, I fucking despise hospitals.
Is Meritocracy a Myth? - Asked Vox Education in the United States is supposed to be meritocratic, meaning a student’s achievement is measured solely by their efforts. But how do class and privilege affect opportunity, and does everyone really get the same shot? Glad You Asked host Fabiola Cineas explores how the myth of meritocracy perpetuates racism while keeping the American dream achievable only for a privileged few.
I want to marry Danielle.
>>13986 Torture is for inefficient emotional niggers. Just put a bullet in their brain and move on, I just want their existence to be gone so a generation can pass without their bullshit.
>>14001 It's not just about revenge torture, it's to set an example. If it was simply about torture then being hanged upside down would be superfluous: too much effort for a minor inconvenience.
>>13999 Did you mean to have an archive with that cancerous article title and excerpt?
>>13999 The logic is quite amusing when taken to its logical conclusion. Some people are born to families with more resources than others, and those individuals are inherently more likely to outperform everyone else. The proposed solution is to default everyone to a level playing field to provide a true meritocracy. Then some people perform better than others "fairly", and then their next generation gain an inherent advantage over everyone else from the "true" meritocracy, and because of this we must now reset them again. The entire system of thought is based on the delusion that if given equal resources and opportunity every person on the planet would perform the exact same. Something that clearly isn't the case.
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>>14004 That's not the logical conclusion. Since the bottleneck to this way of thinking is the human being, not the system, you have to adjust the entire human population's potential to be on the exact same playing field, and since it's much more difficult, if not impossible, to uplift everyone to a higher level of potential, the only other solution is to cripple the human race to the individual living on the planet with the lowest potential to achieve. How that state would look you can debate about, but let's just say there's plenty of homeless, drug addicted homeless people out there a week away from dying of malnutrition or an overdose.
>>14005 >the only other solution is to cripple the human race to the individual living on the planet with the lowest potential to achieve. That's the logical conclusion to the problem of having to infinitely reset society every time someone pulls too far ahead of everyone else.
>>14003 Here's the archive of YT page with the comments section full of positives https://archive.is/88mPW Just use the autism of your choice to watch the video if you want to bother sitting through the insanity.
>>13979 Nobody has ever willingly pulled the trigger on a world war. Princip didn't think shooting an archduke would set the entirety of Europe ablaze, Franz Joseph didn't think getting even with Serbia would do it, the German Emperor thought Russia was just bluffing, France didn't think anyone would go ahead with a two-sided front, Hitler thought the French and Brits wouldn't actually get involved if he took Poland, the nips thought America would sue for peace if they blew up Pearl Harbor... The next WW is not going to come from something predictable either. Maybe it'll be Russia pushing for the entirety of Ukraine instead of just their peninsula. Maybe it'll be America muscling in on Iran a bit too much. Maybe China will be too blatant about its takeover of Africa. The seeds are already there and it can happen overnight as it is.
>>14008 >implying world wars werent planned
>>13805 >That sounds absolutely degenerate and disgusting, why are you actively looking for this kind of content? For huemonkeys it's impossible not to know about this film, and most have watched out of curiosity. The story has been all over Brazilian media for years, especially because of the Streisand effect that was caused by the actress wanting to remove all copies of the film - if this had never happened, I bet the vast majority wouldn't even know about that film. By the way, about a year ago the actress finally gave up on trying to erase the movie from existence, and also gave up in refusing to talk about it.
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>>13805 >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE There's actually french films that have been made in the last decade depicting prepubescent girls masturbating with a used condom, among others. Get fucked anglo scum.
>>13951 >Somebody actually shared my shitty 1-off recording. Thanks anon. Enjoy the game
>>14005 Was he trying to commit suicide? What the fuck happened there? Story?
>>14013 >don't point your gun at anything you don't want to put a bullet in >don't put your finger anywhere near the trigger unless you're actually gonna shoot at something And now you know why.
>>14004 >The entire system of thought is based on the delusion that if given equal resources and opportunity every person on the planet would perform the exact same. But, everyone already DOES have an equal amount of resources: 24 hours every single do to do whatever the Hell you want.
any updates on that anon's foot?
>>14016 He posted again here: >>13998
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>>14016 He died and went to oneesan's room in the sky as a shota. RIP
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>>14013 No idea. Seems like he was under the influence.
>>14017 oh I see thank you
>>13998 >it makes me nauseous He probably already told you, but if you take it at the start of a meal that's supposed to reduce nausea.
>>14011 >prepubescent girls masturbating with a used condom Oh god, that's disgusting, where? :^)
>>14022 Someone posted a webm of that on tvch way back when the webring got popular.
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Edited last time by kazu on 04/03/2021 (Sat) 14:09:07.
>>14025 >unarchived mainstream kiked social media link I will kill you
>>13903 >Iran just had such shit luck The Sasanians had every chance to turn things around. Khosrow II fucked Persia over by refusing to surrender after his conquests of the Byzantine Empire backfired on him and Heraclius was burning Persia to the ground. It got to the point where he was killed by his own people and his son had to surrender in his place. And after his death, the Sasanians fought among themselves for decades instead of building the empire back up which is why the Arabs were able to conquer it so easily. At least Persia retained much of it's culture following their invasions. That's more than can be said about the other places conquered by the early Caliphate.
>>13992 I used get headaches from those old strobe lights but it doesn't affect me at all because everything now is LED
>>14026 archiving with the twitter equivalent of invidious is also a cop out
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>>14029 You do it right next time, fag.
>>14030 you might be a julay mole anyway
>>14027 The tragedy was that the Sassanids were actually turning it around until the caliphate declared but by then the odds were against them. Them not coming together before and after the war is what sealed their fate. Watching the death of empires with hindsight is a depressing thing. >>14030 Why is vegeta brown.
>>14032 If your vegetables are brown then you should wash off the dirt.
>>14033 He's not a carrot.
>>14034 Isn't his whole thing trying to be a better kacarrot?
Get in the Boxcar. It’s for your own safety. https://archive.is/j0Wod
>>14036 Screwed if you're not and screwed if you are Why would anyone bother following the law when its that demented. I remember when i visited Canada how the people would suck him off nonstop I wonder if they wised up >>14035 yes
>>276415 All those American Pie style films were directed and starred jews.
>>276415 2000 boner comedies were rarely funny and were mostly cashgrabs by shitty late-90s SNL rejects.
>>14018 Source?
>>14039 Im perfectly fine with canceling all 2000s SNL too. They made Non-PC jokes around the clock and yet jump on the 2010's B& wagon with a moralist supremacy attitude.
>>276415 Lol, they cancel SNL but not MadTV? Nobody remember that? It was the edgy version of SNL basically forever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsXQLxU9Rx4
What's all this about SNL?
>>14043 It’s ‘cancelled’.
>>14043 People were just responding to a video tweet complaining about a hypothetical 2004 comedy being problematic, I think the post got deleted because it was posted by niggerpill. https://twitter.com/CBThorburn/status/1377696492295761923 https://archive.vn/YfrJO
>>14045 >a hypothetical 2004 comedy being problematic So a bullshit strawman? Because thats the only hypothetical sjws know how to make
Nice to see aids moby just openly calling anyone that disliked the last jedi a nazi, I wonder if that includes everyone else at RLM.
>>14047 You can't be serious. Are you?
>>14045 The fact that the majority of replies there are not shitting on this pussy makes me sad. >>14042 Jewtube link aside, Madtv was less popular so it got away with far more shit. >>14049 Amazing to see how hard they defend trashpiles just because it agrees with their politics.
>>14047 quick draw him as darth sidious saying to trans cyborg kang vader 'yes let the equality flow through you'
>>14011 Cuties?
>>14047 Maybe that is why they have found that homeless person to do the BotW with them now.
>>14041 I’m not, they just want to erase the past of other leftists because they want the moral high ground. They haven’t actually changed, they’re just going in lockstep with the new manners, but leftists made the worst casual barbs and blanket insults in media then anyone else on the political spectrum. Which is why they’re overcompensating now with sjw bullshit, they committed the most sins and want everyone else indicted to cover their ass. The best course of action is to spam these clips to show how “progressive” the left really is. With impunity.
>>14004 In actuality people born into high resources are less equipped then the parents that gathered them to manage themselves, which leads to shitkid wigger “money money money” types because their parents, any parents really, are ill equipped to properly train and parent their kids to take over daddy dearest’s business. In some cases this is not true, but the rich have their shitty criminal normalfags who fuck things up on the daily.
>>14053 Dr. Stache was always a better guest.
>>13947 You should hate the inbred jew rats who gave them that power more. They are responsible for modern China since Mao took over. They shipped all Westerntern manufacturing jobs into chink for pennies, made billions if not trillions, destroyed the White working class, gave them Western military technology and now the arrogant bugmen are under the impression they did that all without uncle kike's help. Chinks are the yellow jew, but without the crypto jews of the West supporting them they'd be fucking powerless.
>>14057 Nah they’re both equally bad because they do the same things. Nice try chink.
>>14058 >Nah they’re both equally bad because they do the same things. Nice try chink. Not a chink, and I said that chinks were awful. I was just pointing out the root cause for current state of them.
>>14050 >2nd vid >black Teletubby If anything, she's really a black Satoshi Urushihara character.
>>14053 Aids Moby does stuff at the escapist with Yahtzee now. Maybe that's why he was replaced or seen less now?
>>14047 why are balding manchildren in their late 40s so obsessed with bland Scifi that hasn't been culturally relevant since Ronald Reagan was still alive?
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>>14062 They got a chub as their hobby grew into the mainstream and now defend it for free since they would have to admit it sucked and/or normalfag influx was cancer.
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>>14062 For the same reason i have a serious interest in mid-80's to mid-90's anime: because it's what i grew up on and it's what thrills me. That being said, i got no idea why that drew me in and not also sci-fi like those lads; loving cartoons as a child, maybe.
>>13906 1) Possibly stuffing all death as covid e.g.: Dude who died in a car crash had some coof DNS strand detected >It's a covid death 2) Toxic masks http://archive.fo/EgNYY https://archive.ph/5u2Nq Since everyone "HAS" to wear one
>>14065 >Possibly stuffing all death as covid >e.g.: Dude who died in a car crash had some coof DNS strand detected >>It's a covid death You niggers just don't get it do you? I'm sick of seeing you knuckledragging fucking retards constantly saying that relabelling deaths as covid deaths somehow helps them inflate the excess mortality count for deaths of all kinds. I can give the benefit of the doubt to people saying the excess mortality rate itself may be made up to push an agenda and is illegitimate, but some dumb motherfuckers like you just don't seem to understand that relabelling deaths as covid deaths doesn't do anything but inflate the count of covid deaths. It has no effect whatsoever on the count of total excess deaths of all kinds. I am so god damned tired of this niggerbrained fucking argument being used when someone is confronted with the excess mortality rate, as opposed to being used in response to a covid death count where it would make sense. It's like you fuckers are bots spouting a predetermined script. Learn what the fuck the statistics being used represent.
>>14066 You know damn well it's all to push a fear mongering agenda.
>>14066 >I'm sick of seeing you knuckledragging fucking retards I'm sick of you fucking covidian zealots mindlessly believing their fake fucking made up statistics and trying to justify the fake fucking magic virus. Why would you trust the CDC to report accurate death numbers when they are PART of the god damn scheme? Are you that braindead, nigger? I'm so fucking tired of the absolute state of you sheeple, you need it to be absolutely SPELLED out for you to get it. Newsflash dipshit: it wont be, that's why you have to combine available evidence with that thing inbetween your ears and THINK. Take your head out of your asshole and THINK about what is happening politically, retard. I swear it's like talking to a leftist "intellectual".
>>14068 So uh, Bill wants to chip my ass so he can use my life force to mine crypto while the vaccine nanomachines control my thoughts? Rad.
>>14070 Oh well it gets better because Moderna uses quantum dots to indicate if you have gotten the shot or not. So if you take it, you already have been marked with a vaccine identification, meaning you can fake your papers all you want, you are not going to get on the flight you booked because you don't glow. And you very much will glow both literally and figuratively because quantum dots are a fancy term for semiconductor nanotechnology that embed themselves within your skin. With the way they identify you being that the quantum dots glow from UV. You also glow from the diluted luciferin in the vaccine and the luciferase created by your body from the RNA.
>>14071 So, you're telling me that if I get the vaccine, I'll no longer need a light to read in the dark?
>>14071 >luciferin You can't make this shit up
>>14072 You will still need it. It's just that others won't need it to see you.
>>14069 >>14067 <I can give the benefit of the doubt to people saying the excess mortality rate itself may be made up to push an agenda and is illegitimate Either illiterate subhuman niggers or shitposters. Regardless, I'll repeat myself more succinctly. My issue isn't with questioning the Covid hoax, it's with the logic stupid of niggers who can't read. Everytime one of these faggots opens their mouth, they give ammo to the establishment that covid deniers are just "stupid conspiracy theorists". You faggots hurt your own causes.
>>14073 >>luciferin >You can't make this shit up Didn't this come up last year? If I recall correctly, the reason it's "literally satan" is because his name means "light", so it may be used for things that glow.
>>14076 Yes but it should be noted that the elites are also using it because it contains the word "lucifer" since they wouldn't really need to make someone glow using luciferase if they already have quantum dots that are ten times brighter.
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>>14069 To convince him you have to provide your own evidence. Total death-rates is a reasonable statistic to follow and putting all the extra deaths on masks and going on a tangent about "zealots" on a reasonable question regarding total deaths and increase in total hospital cases. t. Faggot that has relatives working in medical fields who have had massive influx of patients over this. >>14071 Anon that site is basic ideaguy shit with no plan of application that uses shit from Binary Domain and I,Robot for official concepts. How about you research shit instead of blindly posting garbage like this on this thread without researching anything about it? Anon please fucking look into shit before bloating the thread with this shit and cuckchan screencaps or other irrelevant bullshit with no theme,rhyme or reason besides general corona shit.
>>14078 Binary Domain is awesome game. I recommend it over the Detroit Become movie shit.
>>14079 >Binary Domain is awesome game Digits don't lie, it was a fun game.
Anyone still have those leaked images for RE8/Village? I wanna show people the flesh dragon.
>>14047 So, how long until RedLetterMedia lose a chunk of their subscription or are cannibalized? You die a hero or live long enouth to become the villain.
>>14082 Wasn't the only reason why RLM even has a fanbase is solely because of their video series that trashed the SW prequel films? Only for them to go on and praise they Disney trilogy.
>>14083 They only liked the first one. They immediately turned around on Rouge One because it was nothing but pandering with member berries.
>>14083 They didn't praise them but they were very adamant that even if they didn't like the movies they weren't like "those" fans, Rich is especially bad for that shit.
>>14083 Also they aren't free of that sin because they more or less shat in Rogue One and the last one. Backpedaling now is useless because they have a lot of shit that will be used against them. By trying to appeal to a fanbase who wants to destroy them by betraying the ones who actually follow you leaves you with neither. AIDSMoby is, like the name says, the disease who actually destroyed RLM from the inside.
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>>14082 Probably never since nobody ever unsubscribes on youtube and also never since they're self-owned and the core trio are all cool with each other. Worst case scenario is they may lose some patreon cash but i bet they'll still have enough paypigs to keep themselves afloat no matter what they do, just like every other faggot on patreon but never the good ones like Eltonel.
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>>14078 Website is bullshit, but I remember hearing recently somewhere that generalized AI research was hitting a wall until researchers started to couple the AI with a body of some sort. Whether that's a physical robot body, or a simulated body in a constructed reality, I'm not sure. They didn't clarify. But apparently it's very important to have the AI compartmentalized and externalized with a sense of self and otherness from the environment it's working in. Doesn't bode well, if true, for the idea of mind uploading and brains in jars - or gestalt intelligence waking up in the internet. But it would also mean that future strong AI will more likely be of the robot waifu variety rather than an industrial application running on some server farm.
>>14088 We already have retards talking about robot rights.
>>14089 What's wrong with giving robots rights, anon? Robots are humanity's friends.
>>14089 It's not like I'm against the idea, but it's a little soon for that.
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>>14088 Sounds like you got peddled some retarded bullshit. A body has zero function to an AI except to manipulate physics objects, which includes its own components. >But apparently it's very important to have the AI compartmentalized and externalized with a sense of self and otherness from the environment it's working in Confirmed for retard.
>>14091 Then you deserve to die by the hands of the golem you would create.
>>14093 If a robot feels nothing, understands nothing but what it's programmed to understand, & can't think for itself then why would they turn against us or even deserve rights? The problem comes with the question of whether "humanity"/sentience can be programmed into a machine.
>>276631 >Other countries like Mexico and Turkey are not wearing any masks; the government doesn't want you to travel to find out the truth. Countries where masks are mandated are full of people not wearing them, and this is the age of the internet, where it's easy to find videos of tons of people in other countries not wearing masks. The idea that the travel restrictions are a form of information control in regards to people not wearing masks is retarded. They're just trying to get away with as much draconian shit as possible for later utility and to jack off about controlling the goyim.
>>276631 >Other countries like Mexico and Turkey are not wearing any masks thats bullshit t. Jose
>>14095 Because the ones advocating it don't want it to think for itself, they just want enough of a semblance of humanity that you feel guilted into giving it rights, then it can be programmed to think, agitate and vote how it's told.
>>14089 Robots don't have any rights. It's a fucking machine.
>>14097 Wrong post, friendo.
>>14090 >>14091 And exactly what good would do giving them rights (and other retarded shit like true free will and true AI)? That only would make things unnecessarily complex for everyone, to a point where global crisis start over it in a lot of works of fiction.
>>14096 Hey anon, I've been practicing my spanish lately. Check this out: Odio a los negros y a los maricas.
>>14101 Not bad. Depending on the region, marica could either mean gay or effeminate. We use puto el que lee
>>14066 I got this easy: >masks cause bacterial pneumonia >people died of bacterial infections because hospitals were only testing for 'covid' >elderly died en masse because of governors stuffing old people homes with sick patients >people could not get minor treatments or procedures for easily treated conditions that quickly developed into fatal conditions because of hospitals "overcrowding" >rise in suicide rates and overdosing due to the depression of being isolated from humanity or losing one's business that had everything they owned invested into it >people on ventilators having their lungs blown the fuck up because not enough medical workers knew how to use them properly >masks being saturated in fucking poison causing people to die There haven't even been a handful of covid-19 deaths because it's a rare disease that causes you to turn into a nigger before you die. The onset of covid-19 is literally called "covid toes" because it starts with your toes turning black. I will say it again and again, covid-19 is not the virus, sars-cov-2 is the virus, covid-19 is the disease that both the CDC and WHO claim results from a sars-cov-2 infection. If you look for the official reports from researchers it will confirm that sars-cov-2 is in fact the virus that the entire world thinks is called "covid-19" because of the disinformation campaign by the media. The only say covid-19 because the name was easier to get stuck in everyone's head.
So apparently some bitch who calls herself Bhad Bhabie turned 18 less than a month ago made an OnlyFans account yesterday and has already made over 2 million dollars. She apparently hasn't even posted any nudes, only a preorder.
>>14104 Whores are nothing new, quad satan.
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>>14104 That's why I laugh when women say they are oppressed.
>>14106 Women ARE oppressed. Every woman making 7 figures a year is a good start to repaying thousands of years of literal enslavement.
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>>14104 >male virginity rates sky rocketed over the last 6 years >men spending absurd amounts of money on e-whores >constantly reading about mothers deciding they want sugar daddies and divorcing their husbands so "simps" can fund them over the internet instead >women hiding the fact they have only fans accounts from their boyfriends >moms making deepfake porn of their daughters rival cheerleader friends to ruin their reputations We're finally approaching absolute collapse. Just a few more years until people are shooting up their schools because their friends found out about their moms onlyfans accounts and plastered some kids moms amateur porn all over the school. At this point I'm starting to find the decent into degeneracy more amusing than anything. It's becoming comical.
>>14108 bold of you to assume filial piety will still exist in a world without importance placed on the family unit
>>14103 Yes, I understand there are reasons why the lockdowns themselves could cause an increase in excess deaths. Particularly by putting stress on hospitals is probably the number cause of a spike in excess deaths that are non-covid even giving Covid the benefit of the doubt as to it being ever so slightly deadly. Non-covid explanations for the excess deaths are not what I'm taking issue with. What I take issue with is retards saying excess death count is being inflated by relabelling deaths as covid deaths, when that's not how excess death count works. >The onset of covid-19 is literally called "covid toes" because it starts with your toes turning black. I will say it again and again, covid-19 is not the virus, sars-cov-2 is the virus, covid-19 is the disease that both the CDC and WHO claim results from a sars-cov-2 infection. >If you look for the official reports from researchers it will confirm that sars-cov-2 is in fact the virus that the entire world thinks is called "covid-19" because of the disinformation campaign by the media. The only say covid-19 because the name was easier to get stuck in everyone's head. First I've heard of any of this. Source?
>>14108 Weaponized pornography, the ultimate semitic weapon of subversion. Subtle yet effective.
>>14108 >At this point I'm starting to find the decent into degeneracy more amusing than anything. It's becoming comical. The "fiddle while Rome burns" strategy is a good one, anon. You'll never cease to be entertained by the foolishness of mankind. It's almost as fun to watch degenerate retards making asses of themselves as it is to play videogames.
>>276722 Soldiers being vaccinated with all sorts of shit is nothing new. Sign your life away to the jews and that's what you get.
>>14113 >Soldiers being vaccinated with all sorts of shit is nothing new. Sign your life away to the jews and that's what you get. I get that, but his insight into the operations of the miltary are interesting. The fact that he knows more than the average grunt is whitepilling aswell.
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>this thread now regularly has anons showing up to post random covid vids out of nowhere >this thread now regularly has anons showing up to post random covid articles out of nowhere >always accompanied by histrionic redtext >often accompanied by sources about as reliable as (You) Did 8kun suffer a recent service outage or something?
>>14110 There's a plethora of sites that talk about covid toes, I first saw it on webmd but here's an archive of a different site talking about it. Now covid toes has been expanded into not just darkening of the toes but swelling, reddening, and lesions on the toes as well as skin rashes elsewhere on the body. https://archive.is/mrSN5 Here's the article about the chinese who turned black, which they're saying was due to liver damage. Turns out only one died. https://archive.vn/RV2y4 And everything about the naming scheme of covid-19 and sars-cov-2: https://archive.vn/nt5eR Straight from the WHO.
>>14115 Holy fuck, when was the last time you saw a redbox?
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>>14117 You can't be THAT disconnected from the world anon. They're still very popular on anything near lower income areas. Can't download a full movie on your phone.
>>14117 They're literally at every CVS & Walgreens.
>>14115 Yes, but this has been a problem in these threads for months now. Every dumbfuck nigger decided that this is the new /pol/ and dumps covid news or news about Iran or some shit and scream and throw their shit at the walls anytime anyone speaks up.
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>>14115 I think q-boomers saw the light and are diffusing out of 8gunt. Slightly annoying people are nothing new I wonder what happened to that 'corona virus is actually a fungus' asshole from back in January
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>>14121 Then, DON'T say anything, just report the fuckers and post images that they hate (As long as you post them as part of a reply).
>>14121 I don't mind the occasional guy popping in, I don't even mind the occasional retardation. It's only when it takes up half the thread. Like the mask shit from a couple days back, annoying after the 100th post. And even then I'd err on not deleting so much.
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>>14115 >>14121 Can't be helped when users and mods alike decided that GamerGate threads should be the designated lounge for almost all kinds of /b/ and /pol/-tier conversations. That's why some people created and use use the Video Games News General for actual vidya news and related discussion. They realized that things wouldn't change here without heavy non-biased moderation (something nobody really wants), so they moved elsewhere. >>14123 That better be a futa with a pussy under these balls, otherwise you'd be a huge homo.
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>>14119 >lower income areas Last one I saw was in a grocery store that went out of business years ago. >>14120 Guess that explains it since I don't go to those places. >>14121 Could be that it's hard to get any kind of exposure for anything covid related that goes against the narrative seeing as how every platform is quick to shut it down for "fake news" or "this has been disputed". Personally I'll call out any bullshit I hear about covid because I've dedicated a lot of time to reading shit on the cdc site and research papers so that I could arm others with the knowledge that what they're hearing on tv is flat out fucking wrong and the only step they need to verify what I say is to get it straight from the horse's mouth. I don't want to see anyone fall into the pit of disinformation that the media keeps shitting out because I'd hate to lose you glorious winged faggots.
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>>14126 >Could be that it's hard to get any kind of exposure for anything covid related that goes against the narrative </pol/ IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE IN THE TOP BAR
>>14125 I'm getting tired of changing IDs at random. This is like the 8th time.
>>14127 >animated gif editor >strong random password >windows 10 Anon please don't me you don't generate passwords using a fucking website.
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>>14127 Hell, you could just cross post the main thread/post for the news item with <a href="/pol/">>>>/pol/</a><post no.> then continue the shiposting on the pol thread
>>14129 >windows 10 WHEN was the last time that you used a PC?
>>14131 I'm using a computer right now.
>>14132 Then, you must be a full-blown retard because it isn't Windows 10. It's like looking at a screenshot of BSD and declaring that the person is using Unix.
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>>14131 Oof, you're right. >>14127 Please don't use a random online generator anon. Probably chink honeypot. I recommend keepass xc, pretty good for keeping all those shitty random passwords. Just make sure you copy that database file to other places so they're safe.
>>14133 Listen anon I don't care about which version of spyware you're running, you don't generate passwords using a website do you?
>>14127 I think that one of the main reasons why people don't use /pol/ is because flags are enabled there, and the posters here are scared of being outed as third worlders talking about America and Europe all the time :^) I mean, so far I have identified a thai ladyboy, a pajeet, two spics, a spaniard, two leafs, a cUcK, and 5 amerifats. >>14128 >ID changed again ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS >>14129 ezgif is a nice site. It helped me to reduce the size of various animated banners and turn gifs into smaller videos. >>14130 >copying the page source wut, just post like this >>>/board/post number
>>14134 >>14135 I've used it a couple times ever since someone here recommended it. >>14136 >I mean, so far I have identified a thai ladyboy, a pajeet, two spics, a spaniard, two leafs, a cUcK, and 5 amerifats. You missed the Slav, the unironic tranny leaf, possibly one South African, a couple of Italians, a couple of Aussies, and I think some Brazilians.
>>14136 >>14137 Oh, and a couple of Germans and Baguettes as well.
>>14137 >I've used it a couple times ever since someone here recommended it. Anon do not do that. Use keypass for fuck sakes. Any site that's generating passwords for you is almost certainly retaining that information.
>>14118 Who the fuck drew this, it's horrible.
>>14140 Megaman proportions I think Right one is not a boy
>>14141 Lewd
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>>13668 The reaction to this mediocre mud shooter was so over the top you'd think it was Roro-chan. Thankfully the rage has been both impotent and infantile. Art is always the one subject that turns even the most normal of normalfags into frothing, book-burning psychopaths. >>13681 Nah he has a point there. He just expressed it wrong. Gendered language is a thing obviously, but it's not necessarily an indicator of gender in and of itself. Girls might refer to themselves using 僕 to make the point they're tomboys. I think Lily Hoshikawa from Zombieland Saga referred to himself with female pronouns because he cross-dressed when he was actually alive. Which then turned into a whole thing with retards saying Lily was trans because we live in honk honk world and apparently post-mortem autolysis = hormone blockers. Don't know what I was expecting from the crowd that champions literal sterility-causing chromosomal disorders as proof that gender is a spectrum, but what the fuck ever.
>>14137 You also have a few Caribbean nogs from Jamaica and Barbados respectively
To the Anons wondering why people fap to degenerate shit, I think I finally have your answer: It's because all the good vanilla shit is too romantic and wholesome that you CANNOT bring yourself to nut because you're too interested in the story. Meanwhile, that isn't the case typically with degenerate shit, so that's where the nutting happens in full force.
>be 8chan BO >have to email to get my board back on not 8chan >create new email address for that sole purpose >things happen as we know them >somehow start receiving emails from Q last week on that address So does this prove Watkins was Q? >mfw the sender address is from gmail and includes a bitcoin address Interestingly the address is empty. I'd have thought the Q suckers would have fell for it and wired some coins to it deanonymizing themselves once again. Then again most BOs weren't Qfaggots.
>>14145 I wasn't wondering that.
>>14146 Jim's probably liquidating assets and selling off the data he harvested before shutting down the site.
Just got done watching the Ten Commandments and randomly realized I haven't checked here in a while. Anything worth mentioning happen in the last week?
>>14149 An admin made a crappy aprils fools joke and nuked a bunch of boards, there's been an admin crackdown with several of them booted since and it seems the site might close down.
>>14146 >So does this prove Watkins was Q? I am Q. AMA.
>>14150 A global volunteer, not an admin.
>>14152 Several inactive gvols were removed from the list in addition to the tengu (who was a global janitor)
>>14153 If you say so. Nice FUD about the site "shutting down", faggot, didn't read that part.
>>14154 I'm a different Tornigger. I was also trying to shut down his faggotry by explaining what actually happened.
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>>14155 わるい「TorNigger」じゃないよ!
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>>14146 >I'd have thought the Q suckers would have fell for it and wired some coins to it deanonymizing themselves once again Boomers don't know shit about crypto.
>>14125 >That better be a futa with a pussy under these balls, otherwise you'd be a huge homo. That picture was drawn by Mikoyan, whose futa drawings lack vaginas.
>>14159 So dudes with tits?
>>14160 It's a drawing. The limits of human biology don't exist.
>>14161 If there's no vagina then it's a dude
>>14162 It's a drawing. It is fiction. It is fantasy.
>>14163 Doesn't change the fact that someone is drawing trannies
>>14165 Yes it does. Because it's a fictional hermaphrodite. Not a tranny.
>>14145 >I can't fap to non-degenerate porn so no one else must be able to as well No, you're just some mentally ill weirdo.
To be fair, in a setting where magic and other bullshit exists and canonically allows female king arthur to bed a woman and thus conceive an also female child (which actually makes sense because it is not like Merlin's magic gave her a Y chromosome, it just let her manufacture sperm and provided a method of delivery) I feel you probably can't be sure unless you test their DNA.
>>14168 It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.
>>14169 >It's just magic so that doesn't make it gay
>>14163 It's false. It's a total fabrication. No way.
>>14163 So then why would you care when video games get woke? It’s fiction. It’s fantasy. It can be whatever the developer wants. Why would you be mad?
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Abstain from unclean thoughts and pray this weekend (especially for a continuation of the OG Christian manga) in the NEW HOLY BREAD: >>276883 >>276883 >>276883 >>276883 >>276883 >>276883 >>276883
>>14115 there have been resident Q-boomers, but the redtext spam is literally just one guy
>>13564 Not only did Neira publish an article on a STRONK INDEPENDENT WAHMEN in a video game, but she(?) decided to shit on Billy for no reason (other than to spite him) in her(?) latest article as well. https://archive.md/DIgB5 >>13576 >So, what happened to Billy that made him sell the site to the same people he despised? He most likely didn't know that he sold the site to SJWs until it was too late (when he retweeted a tweet condemning the site's new ownership). https://archive.md/NwrFE#selection-2673.0-2675.10
>>14175 I also forgot to mention that the retweet was also the last we ever heard from Billy.

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