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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Summer with Gondola Edition Anonymous 08/08/2022 (Mon) 22:57:50 Id: c7aac8 No. 208722
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page >Japan just elected Akamatsu Ken to the national diet. https://archive.ph/4fdKd >Legal action threatened as Hideo Kojima falsely linked to Shinzo Abe assassination https://archive.ph/4n1lS >Elon Musk backs out of the twitter deal: https://archive.ph/TwHhU - so twitter takes legal action against Musk: https://archive.ph/A85hj >Gamebanana forced to take down nazi Whip skin by SJWs https://archive.ph/nKiQ3 >Shooter Payton Gerndon links 8chan.moe, among other sites, in his manifesto. Site Administrator Acid Man denies the shooter having any posts and/or affiliation with the site. (Everyone on site is getting v& regardless, RIP again.) https://archive.is/26ng7 >Embracer (Formerly THQ Nordic) buys multiple IPs from Square Enix for $300 Million https://archive.ph/wGTUC >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike: https://archive.ph/pyYJg * >*Update GMG Union secured a deal: https://archive.ph/vcUET >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546
[Expand Post]B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
Oh Gondola won. It's over.
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>>208723 Seems we have the winner.
Much better, thank you anon. I appreciate you.
>>208727 Jackpot!
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>last bread talked about the US used to having gold until FDR confiscated them and Nixon took the country off the Standard in 1971 >today marks nearly 48 years of tricky Dick's resignation
>>664669 >They're getting better at trolling, what can I say, I don't notice a decline until jannies had a kneejerk response and gave those shit stirring faggots what they wanted. The vols CAUSED the problem by hitting "Ignore All" on the reports and refusing to moderate threads.
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>>208723 Bussy doesn't need defending anyhow. They're men, they should be able to stand up for themselves.
Archive of aborted bread: https://archive.ph/EEzHz
It was more fun when people were just pretending to like traps
>>208730 I mean again he didn't really have much of a choice. There wasn't any gold. He could have kept lying and pretending we had gold I guess.
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>>208722 Now this is some delicious brown that I can get behind.
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Glorious Gondola bread
so is it just me or does anybody else remember a 700ft black monolith being 2 blocks from the Eiffel Tower? apparently it was built 50 years ago and it's been apart of every iconic photo of the structure for decades
>>208739 Well that can't be right.
>>208739 No, I don't. Is this some Bearenstain shit? You better not be fucking with me. >>208737 Delicious Brown you say?
It's been almost ten years guys. Don't you think it's time to just turn these into a general daily news/discussion threads? No ones done anything related to GamerGate in like six or seven of those almost ten years.
>>208742 Hi Acid >>208743 That's what they are, but we call them GamerGate threads for good times sake.
>>208742 I hear Bridget is also a brown cutie now.
>>208743 >daily news/discussion threads? Already exists. Minor news thread and vidya lounge.
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>>208735 >Pretending Though I gotta say I prefer when trap don't deny they're men. Then it's a 50/50 whether or not I want to fuck them, depending on how cute they are. If they're just mental defects that think they're girls, it's disgusting - no matter how cute. I miss when men could dress like women, and when asked why - you got the answer, "Fuck You, because I can". Not some limp-wristed pandering to the muh-feelings of mental defects. I miss actual Gender Punk. That's why I always respected characters like ED from Cowboy Bebop. They didn't try to hide what they were, and when questioned about it, they just responded with "X is X", or "I am I". That's a fair enough answer. That's a fucking Chad answer that projects confidence and self-actualization.
>>208747 >all this leftist nonsense
Are there any Gamergate OPS to do?
>>208741 >>208742 It just seems like the kind of thing that you'd think that you'd notice. I guess it's just been there forever, looming right over everything, haha.
>>208750 hax. I call hax.
>>208749 >Are there any Gamergate OPS to do? Read the fucking OP!
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Have you guys played any new cunny games recently? UOH!!
>>208753 theres a thread already exclusively just for that.
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>>208753 Your Mom Simulator
>>208743 >>208722 can we talk about Mercedes Carrera for a bit? she's been rotting in jail for years without trial and without due process. she was high profile GG and they accused her of something (being a pedo) with no real evidence, only hearsay. They've been holder her on drug possession and a gun change (think that was more her boyfriends fault) and some other bs but they smeared her name and along with GG. I'm very conflicted/concerned about all this. I need some input from other anons. https://archive.ph/hm6lW https://archive.ph/ErRub
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>>208754 UOH loli has no borders!
>>664728 Old pages. Arc is over. We have an /a/ board.
Can someone dogpill me on gamergate?
>>664736 read a real manga faggot
>>664736 Go to /a/.
>>664739 Try these places, they generally have more activity than our /a/: https://prolikewoah.com/animu/catalog.html https://smuglo.li/a/
>>208757 Last I knew she was in a really fucked up part of "conservative" Cali thats corrupt as shit and basically throws the book at people. The father of her kid pressured the kid into telling cops that she and her current boyfriend molested her, and without the kid recanting that testimony she has no way out. They won't grant her bail and her lawyer keeps pushing the court dates back in the hopes the kid will grow up enough to come clean and set her mom free. The gun charges were dropped and the drug charge was on her BF AFAIK.
>>664744 You'll encourage more there if you actually post there.
>>208747 >>208748 in old manga (and pc98 games) it was always some girly boy forced into cross dressing because his parents owed money to the Yakuza. he didn't want to be a girl. he was just the victim of fucked up circumstances. that always made way more sense to me. (guilty gear bridget had a similar dilemma... or at least he did before this fucked up retcon)
>>664745 Deal with it. It's either try and samefag your way into keeping /a/ alive, use the places that twitch sometimes, go to cuckchan if you're desperate for PPH, or have no space to talk at all. This thread isn't your shitting ground.
>>208743 >almost ten years Why the fuck do retards keep thinking GamerGate happened in 2012? Every time I hear somebody bring it up they always say, "That was 2012, right?", and people always respond, "I think so".
>>208769 GamerGate threads are everyones shitting ground though, some shit of course smells way worse than others
Doesn't give you an excuse
Has anyone seen any reactions from 2chan over this Bridget shit? Assuming it really is a localization english only change.
>>208757 >can we talk about Mercedes Carrera for a bit Sure, she fucked a tranny >she's been rotting in jail for years without trial and without due process What? Since when? I must not have been browsing the thread when that happened. Are you suggesting we gather some info? >Cassandra, Pudgy Nobody Any twitterfags send them the 'reset the clock' list, or did we not have that back then?
>>208772 >Assuming it really is a localization english only change. It's already been confirmed that the change is exclusive to the English version.
>>208775 Yes but there's still the alleged tranny symbol on Bridget's hat & the insert theme that is apparently about his "gender identity".
>>208772 >>208775 For all of /v/'s talk about learning Japanese, it seems only leftist degenerates are the ones who actually bothered to do so.
>>208750 >>208739 As far as I know it was always around. I don't think it was often took in photo with the Eiffel Tower with tourists.
>>208739 >>208750 I was just in Paris You actually don't have many ways to see it from street level. You can walk all the way from the Petite Palais to Eifle and not see it. It is also so bland that it blends in with the garbage in the greater Paris area and La Defense. It is also MUCH farther than the pics you post make it out to be.
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>>208778 Forgot pic
>>208776 >there's still the alleged tranny symbol on Bridget's hat What you mean this: . It (And ) have been used for years when referring to futas/herms (You know, because they're possess the fully functioning genitals of both sexes), not trannies. However, they didn't stop them from attempting to co-opt it to mean something else. Also, I do have to agree with you that it's a worrying sign, regardless, since Bridget is a boy. >>208777 Learning a language takes time. Especially when Japanese requires you to remember 10,000 unique characters to even be considered somewhat literate.
>>208777 People do learn, but the unfortunate fact is, the leftists got there first (remind yourself that in the early days of internet, most fangroups were (((college students))) after all). Because that, they gatekeep all the places the Japanese companies turn to to provide the games in English. Remember what happened to XSEED and how it got coup'd? For god's sake, it took Vic Mignogna several years after being blacklisted from everywhere else after a #MeToo and a failed lawsuit before he managed start his own voice acting studio.
>>208781 I see. So still a questionable symbol.
>>208779 Is that webm a haunted/scary house?
>>208782 This. We never stood a chance. And now, we're witnessing the fruits of the left's labor. The literal entire fucking world belongs to them. All ideology, all culture, everything is in the hands of our enemy now, and it will continue to be that way until the end of time.
Niggerpills keep moving, this is a Whitepill neighborhood.
>>208782 >Remember what happened to XSEED and how it got coup'd? Xseed was already co-opted. The only thing holding the pozz back was Tom's integrity to translate everything present in the game, but he still vocally expressed his displeasure and pleaded that the Nips should stop making such "filthy" content.
>>208785 at lest all of them will die of aids and monkey pox
>>208786 Be that as it may, my point is that having accurate translation lives and dies by being allowed/forced to in the first place by your boss-man. Imagine joining something like Nintendo Treehouse and trying to defy your orders to rip a petting minigame out of the game you're translating for instance.
>>208788 >and trying to defy your orders to rip a petting minigame out of the game you're translating for instance It's actually rather simple. You bury the game behind some gibberish code, that can only be deciphered when the player inputs a specific button combination on the title screen. Or, just remove the ability to access it without modding the game.
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>>208787 That pic should be updated with Mankey, calling it Mankeypox if you will!
>>208772 Rayforcegaming(helpful twitter nip) says Bridget is male according to the nip profile although sjweebs have pivoted to the arcade voicelines.
>>208789 In a world where patching exists, trying to make it hidden but still vaguely accessible seems like it'd just put extra work on your plate when they (or the internet-posting gamers) figure out what you did. >just remove the ability to access it without modding the game. I'll put aside defeating the point of it not being in the retail product but if I recall, that was actually the case for what happened to Fates. I know they at least voiced the petting minigame voice lines even though it wasn't there at least.
>>208781 Where can I find some porn of Rule 63'd Bridget?
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>>208777 >leftists learnt japanese No they didn't, they just use google translate. >>208785 >We
>>208787 The main problem is that they keep popping up after the current crop inevitably dies off due to low breeding and killing themselves.
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>>208785 Do your part and find a conservative 3DPD waifu and outbreed them to extinction anon. Yes, you need to talk to a woman to do it but if you can talk to us autistc men you can probably talk to a retard woman, just pretend like as if shes a dog or a child, they fucking love that, they're dopamine addicts. >>664779 pic related
Twitter faggots are now claiming Bridget is saying "On'nanoko" in the japanese voicelines.
>>208797 Finally some good news.
>>208801 He could be, they changed the Mars symbol on his habit, I think it's pretty clear this isn't a problem of localization but the game itself changing its attitude.
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Posting the Comic for those who missed it in the autistic debates from last thread
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>>208803 I don't know anymore but it's frankly making me angry.
>>208757 She screamed about "blumpf" when shit hit the fan in 2016, I'd say she was one of those "formerly pro-GG'" people who couldn't handle the heat of finding out the cancer of leftism, doesn't mean she deserves to be falsely imprisoned if the rumors that it was basically her ex-husband doing sketchy vindictive court bullshit being accurate, but being a practicing porn star definitely doesn't help her out or make her look good in any way, I would say that's a far bigger issue than having past pro-GG associations
>>208777 See >>208795 All they do is use machine TL and then clean it up for readability, which is why their shit is all retarded all the time. They might pick up a thing or two on the way, but they largely don't know what they fuck they're doing.
>>208797 >>208802 >>208785 This. We always stood a chance. And now, we're witnessing the fruits of the left's mistakes. The literal entire fucking world is getting sick of them. All ideology, all culture, everything is sifting out of the hands of our enemy now, and in due time people will get sick of that shit and return to sanity and normalcy and the left will vasectomize themselves to extinction.
>>664779 >>208809 It's like they're just handing him ammo at this point.
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>>664779 They are trying "this one weird trick to prevent Trump from holding office" Not knowing that only The Constitution defines that.
>>208808 >I can hear that in his voice glorious! >>208796 the west should have made anything communist illegal. just like how germany treated anything related to the nazi regime.
>>208809 plan = trusted Buy a gun.
>>664779 >>208809 Those classifed probably have dirt on the Clintons! WWG1WGA! :^)
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy
>>664779 Where were the FBI during the Hunter Biden fiasco?
>>208816 On his payroll.
>>208748 There was a time you break the boundaries of the sexes and not be a pozzed faggot though a faggot you could still be and potentially a somewhat acceptable faggot. Like rockstars wearing make up, david bowie, and the likes of freddy mercury. But those days are far behind considering how entrenched the gays are now. Being gay is to use a dated term "square". I wish I had Frank Zappa's cutting edge webm to pretty much give you an idea.
>>208816 >Why is the deep state investigating a guy who hates and publicly calls out the deep state, but ignores the crimes of someone who's a part of the deep state Gee, I wonder
>>664844 But TRUMP is supposed to be /ourguy/!
>>208731 >refusing to moderate threads. They didn't refuse to moderate. They deliberately chose what to censor according solely to their personal feefees. That is what caused even good anons to rage. Along with the retards derailing, that ended up turning the threads in to a mess. Moderation only works when it is done towards the will of the users. Not to the personal whining of some idiotic mod.
>>664844 Sorry FBI, your days are counted. You'll have to raid harder and pray all the problems go away.
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For those who missed it: Ben Kuchera had a meltdown. The picture only has a snippet of it, but you can read the full rant in this archive before he deleted it all: https://archive.ph/nB79z The story seems to be, if I have this correct: >Married for 20 years >Past 3 years went through a nasty divorce and lost everything >During these 3 years he also found out that his daughters were being sexually abused. This might imply the reason why the divorce happened to begin with is that he found out his wife was abusing his daughters? >He requested time off to deal with the situation >Supposedly Chris Plante and Maddy Myers didn't believe him, or didn't think he was a victim when it came to the divorce issues >He wanted his daughters to be vaccinated, took more time off >Supposedly this got him fired for taking too much time off I guess, and seemingly Chris Plante and Maddy Myers had a hand in this >Also an accusation that Chris/Maddy believe the wife over him GameNosh also breaks down what is going on: https://archive.ph/dcVXS After this meltdown, he deleted his tweets. Chris Plante also posted this gem while the meltdown was ongoing: https://archive.ph/0FzUj Ben Kuchera has implied multiple times in deleted tweets that he's going legal. But he has since backed down and said he was taking a "break." So seemingly full on backpedal, so who knows if this story will ever develop further.
>>208824 Who the fuck are those literally who?
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>>208824 Couldn't have happened to a better retard.
>>208825 How are you this fucking new?
>>208811 Why would they do this? Removing Trump from consideration will only rile up his supporters to a feverish pitch while clearing the way for an easier win for Republicans like De Santis. Trump running is Biden's Haris' only shot of being reelected in 2024. And to do it before the 2022 elections.
>>208825 http://deepfreeze.it/journo.php?j=ben_kuchera http://deepfreeze.it/journo.php?j=chris_plante >Maddy Myers Raging SJW, journo from the Mary Sue and the rest of the usual sites, I think she helped Brianna Wu with the "Samus is trans" article shit
Archive of previous bread: https://archive.ph/Ge9UM
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>>208824 >spends more time complaining that Polygon wouldn't "respect his choice of scores on games" than he does talking about the fact that his fucking children were molested
>>208822 I'm sorry, I honestly can't tell if you're joking. Poe's Law applies here, anon. You're not the guy obviously joking about Q-LARP up there, so I need to confirm. >>208823 No, seriously, how did you find this place. Your Qult is on the CIA pig farmer's website, not here. It's the other one that starts with 8. No one here actually supports your ZOG emperor or believes the Two More Weeks hoax (which has its fifth anniversary of not being true this November). >>664850 I'm pleasantly surprised with the number of people who have simply refused to pay for shit anymore, myself.
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
>>208824 You gotta love the irony. You spend your years helping to cultivate a culture of believe all women and other shit only for it to bite you in ass because you created a culture where you are always the opressor.
>>664871 They don't screencap, only printouts.
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>>664870 >Thinks that ANY post having any type of redtext means that it's his personal boogeyman <Exposes how new he is by having never seen a banned message before <Probably doesn't even know about DOOM text
>>208804 Were there any edits yet? I kind of look forward to them now. >>208824 I mean what was he expecting. The left doesn't support straight white men over women ever. He also deserves it for being part of the cult. For all their bitching about it, they supported and created an actually toxic culture. It is fucking hilarious. >backpedaling On this topic though: Shame on him for being a fucking no balls faggot and not standing up for his fucking children after his wife allegedly molested them. It is one thing to not care about yourself, but those are your kids who depend on you. I hate how pathetic these people are. I hope that story about leftyfags getting vasectomies is true, as none of these people deserve to be parents.
>>208832 >Zog Emperor Not even that, he's just another puppet from Zog that managed to get a cult of personality.
>>208837 Sadly no edits yet.
>>208838 >Not even that Oh no, sorry; I don't mean to imply that he's the leader of anything. It's just a play on their use of the phrase "God Emperor" to describe Trump. They also use "GEOTUS" for their LARPing.
>>664564 >>664579 I just found the image cute was all. As I looked further into the source she's not a werewolf but some sort of eldritch abomination of some kind that resembles one. I find it really endearing seeing monstrous women act like ordinary girls more so than the regular kind. Guess being a monster on the outside really makes it stick out or something. I don't know why I have Teratophilia for this kind of thing.
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>>208840 I know I just wanted to rub more salt on the wound.
>>208836 >not using the super elaborate hidden text options
>>208843 I don't want to look like a faggot all of the time.
>>208844 That's how you get monkeypox.
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>>208722 >>208725 >>208728 >>208732 Finally sweet relief from blatant (((race-mixing))) propaganda lol BLACKED! amirite, goyim?!. Always shithole or shitskin degeneracy in here and the funniest thing is that the fags don't even recognize journos that have come up repeatedly throughout GG. Names should at least ring a bell, but most of these faggots genuinely just come here to shit up threads with their kinks and you let them infect the fucking OP with it >>208830 If you want to, at the very least, pretend that GG is alive maybe don't make the thread into /interracial/ or an LGBT general. You've made a choice to mostly self-police the GG thread and this is the trash you put on the catalog? It's a fuckin embarrassment. <How do I recognize the GG thread? <Oh, it's the one full of kink-posting with >10% talking about journos or the games industry. Seriously, you may as well be /leftypol/ if you're making degeneracy your identity in the goddamn OP of the thread. It's an identical vibe to Antifa, Discord groomers, Reddit mods, etc. when you do that shit. TL;DR Bad look. Bad vibe. Brings down the board.
>>208845 No it's fine because it's a female monkey.
>>208849 Don't look female to me.
>>208786 >he still vocally expressed his displeasure and pleaded that the Nips should stop making such "filthy" content. Then he was the enemy too.
>>208848 As, these Anons put it: >>208731 >The vols CAUSED the problem by hitting "Ignore All" on the reports and refusing to moderate threads. >>208821 <They didn't refuse to moderate. They deliberately chose what to censor according solely to their personal feefees. That is what caused even good anons to rage. Along with the retards derailing, that ended up turning the threads in to a mess. Moderation only works when it is done towards the will of the users. Not to the personal whining of some idiotic mod. The problem is the board moderators refusing to moderate. That's simply it. Why they're refusing, we don't know.
>>208841 >tfw no wolficus gf
>>208847 Do we have to add * Got President Donald Trump swatted to the GG list?
>>208852 >The problem is the board moderators refusing to moderate. That's simply it. Why they're refusing, we don't know. Didn't Mark try to start moderating the GG threads to keep it way more on-topic a couple months ago, including bringing the lounge thread back, and there was fairly overwhelming blowback?
>>208854 No, because the list is SUPPOSE to only be hot takes from journalists blaming GG for everything bad that happened.
>>664882 Dup got BTFO'd? since when? I thought he was un-BTFOable!?
>>208855 >and there was fairly overwhelming blowback? Not really. Much of the bitching was from fags who use the GG threads as a watercooler to talk about everything EXCEPT anything related to GG.
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>>208848 (checked) Sorry about making that thread request, I didn't expect shit to go this bad and wanted a little fun, my bad.
>>208790 That would actually work great, due to how many of them are retards who worship pokemon. Turning the franchise into symbols that they hate will cause a lot of funny butthurt among the soy crowd.
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>>208775 Confirmed by who? Give me proofs man. >>208791 If you are talking about this? https://nitter.hu/rayforcegame/status/1556720663292891141 It still doesn't explain Bridget's Japanese dialogs in the arcade mode. >>208849 Nope, that's a boy. I recognize that artist. S/he only draws (monster) shotas: https://nitter.hu/hituka/media https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/7417325/artworks
>>664903 >Just think, Watergate had such a big reaction and is still referenced to this day. IIRC, Watergate was actually a nothingburger that only became a huge event as an excuse to remove Nixon from office.
>>208832 >>208838 >>208840 >You have to be Q to want him to win You don't waste millions of dollars and show the entire world you're rigging an election just to stop a person you already control from winning an election, that makes no fucking sense. Every time I point this out you guys always pivot to how it's a "jewish civil war" and then proceeded to not even lay out what the sides are. The media hates him and are willing to expose themselves to do things against him, so I'll vote for him. No I don't think he's a "god emperor" and no one else here does either. He's a dumb fucking boomer who's only benefit is being slightly less bad that the usual establishment fuckheads. And considering what just happened in Arizona, anyone who tries to whinge about how "voting doesn't do anything" is just a blackpilled nigger.
>>664909 As I just said, Airzona just fucking steamrolled in three extreme conservative candidates despite a massive attempt at astroturfing from the monoparty. They tried to "fortify" again but the numbers against them were simply too great. So yes, it does work if you know how the people against you operate. And besides, nigger, if it does nothing, why are so you adamant they don't do it? It's their time to waste isn't it? If the result is already decided them voting won't make anything worse. It's almost like you don't want people to vote because you're afraid they won't vote the way you secretly want them to and you're here to specifically blackpill people in the hopes of convincing not to.
>>208864 Despite not having much of any hope in this system (not that I had much to begin with since they keep hitting new lows as time goes by) the fact that they have to fuck shit up this hard when they had the chances with massive amounts of mail in voting and control of institutions and reliance of domestic terrorist via BLM and Antifa just goes to show how much they need to force their hand to hold some form of order even if it's not even sustainable long term as we can see with this joke of an economy.
>>208847 I think he's admitting to a crime.
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>>664903 It wasn't always like this, and there will come a point where a critical mass of people can no longer tolerate the way things are. I look forward to that day even if that is going to be a very chaotic time. >>208847 Not a fucking clue.
>>208861 Please repost these and post more on the shota fur thread on /fur/
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere
[Expand Post]>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 6/5/22: https://archive.ph/Aaswz
>>208870 >Social media None of these have more than a handful of users.
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>>664914 Why the hell are you even going into that Geriatric echo chamber to begin with? >>208867 >It wasn't always like this, and there will come a point where a critical mass of people can no longer tolerate the way things are. I look forward to that day even if that is going to be a very chaotic time. When the economic depression hits and these politicians keep sounding their "let them eat cake" tier solutions and rhetoric. Especially since DC's a sanctuary state flooded with bused up illegals. Sounds like a potential powder keg going on in a dynamite factory next to a wine brewery.
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>>664914 My money is on the poos, they have the numbers and boomers really have nobody on their side.
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>>208841 >monstrous women act like ordinary girls
>>664926 Ukrainians are corrupt motherfuckers, doubly so if they use STALKER 2 as a pretext to entice more support from the idiotic normalfaggot gaymers andthe rumors of scrubbing all Russian influences and turning Ruskie characters to ukros. Still remember those threads in /pol/ in 2014 about the situation in Ukraine, they're worse than the Afghan and Iraq propped governments.
>>664914 > Poos vs anti-Q boomers who will win? My sides. >>208868 I posted them a while ago on /sm/'s monsterboy thread (which is 90% kemonomimi aka catboys lol), but sure, I can repost them on /fur/. >>664926 >What’s the odds the Ukrainians will turn on Volodymyr Zelenskyy long before Russia gets to him? I'd say 30%. The eastern side of Ukraine has been relatively easy to assimilate into Russia because it has a large Russian population, but the rest of the country doesn't have the same amount of ties with Russia and definitively will put more resistance. This assuming they don't just give up and let the country be cannibalized by its other neighbors or turned into a giant demilitarized zone controlled by the UN. Zelensky will soon cease to be the head of Ukraine tho. The question is if he'll be killed by one of his generals or if he'll be able to escape to Israel with a juicy part of the aid from the west.
>>208871 Poast probably has as many as we had before hispachan, pawoo even moreso since its tied to pixiv. Depending on your instance you'll also have a pretty large federated timeline, here is one that can be viewed without signing up. https://freespeechextremist.com/main/all
>>208877 Either Zelensky gets Gadaffi'd or he and his cronies will go Government-in-Exile if the Russians get really serious.
>>664927 >if only, if the evil nazis took over im sure the JewSA would invade for muh freedoms n shieet apart of me thinks that might be NATO true end goal for Ukraine. West invading Ukraine to protect democracy just like in Iraq and Afghanistan. >>208875 Is that an alternate girl from Mandela catalogue?
>>208878 The community on this one looks like a mix of chinks and Qniggers.
>>208880 Problem for NATO is, their member countries are running out of military stocks, equipment and ammo donating to those dumb as shit UKAF. They're using this as an opportunity to restock and modernize their army. If they were even fucking serious, they'd stop relying on Russia for oil and other imports, stop the green insanity of removing all things nuclear, modernized their entire military, and fast tracked Ukraine post-2014 to NATO and EU membership. They instead chose fucking suicidal sanctions and a proxy war where that certain leak had an estimated 198k to 270k casualties and billions going into nowhere.
>>208881 Doesn't really matter, I just follow people who are interesting and they eventually retweet other people who are also cool, occasionally dipping into the federated timeline myself. Social media overall is pretty shallow though, not much overlap between people doing cool things and people wanting tech freedom.
>>664927 >>208880 USA can't afford to wage a direct war in Ukraine, not when Russia is next to that country, Serbia is considering to let Russians make a military base in their country, and China is preying on Taiwan waiting for a sign of weakness. Sending billions in aid, weapons and intelligence to have Ukraine wage a proxy war against Russia is the safest bet they have right now.
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>>208797 Niggerpill/Hanging Flesh proven wrong once more.
>>208864 >three extreme conservative candidates Yes, you are legitimately mentally ill if you believe this.
>>208883 >retweet
>>208884 > the USA can't afford to wage a direct war in Ukraine, not when Russia is next to that country, Serbia is considering letting Russians make a military base in their country, and China is preying on Taiwan waiting for a sign of weakness. Surprised, not more people here or /pol/ talk about Iraq wanting to form an economic and military union with Iran. As well recently outlawing Iraqis doing business with Israel. Iran about to join BRICS soon. Tom Clancy’s was mocked and called crazy for thinking Iran and Iraq will unify before north and South Korea.
>>208887 It sounds a lot better than retoot or whatever mastodon calls it, and I cant even remember what pleroma and others call it.
>>208805 What did you expect from a communist like Daisuke?
>>208890 I was not familiar with the fighting game scene.
>>208888 Also Russia recently helped Iran to put a satellite in space while Russians are buying drones from Iran. And even Turkey wants to deepen its bonds with Russia, starting with the purchase of Russian gas in rubles and lira. It'll take years (if not decades) and certainly it won't be as profitable as USA's, but Russians (and the Chinese and Indians, another huge player) seem to be on the correct path to develop their alternative global economy.
>>208747 >ED from Cowboy Bebop https://yewtu.be/watch?v=K1RNQxMx_QE 0:58, yeah ts the dub, but they kept the line
>>208892 China & India could literally implode at any second. I wouldn't worry about it.
>>208894 We are at a point where almost every "big" country is at the verge of collapse. Russia is slowly bleeding to death in a proxy war with USA, China may have a financial collapse soon, Germany (and by extension most of the EU) will go bankrupt if the flow of oil and gas from Russia isn't restored soon, USA's money printer is at its limit and if the dollar falls half of the world will fall with it, India is India, etc. The fate of the world will be decided by those who manage to last after everyone else has collapsed.
>>208895 No I mean literal collapse. As in China's infrastructure is literally made of styrofoam, corncobs, & mud.
>>208824 Burn alive and take down all of your freak cohorts with your, Kuchera.
>>208880 >Is that an alternate girl from Mandela catalogue? The fuck is that? I know of analog horror but this shit is reminding me of Marble Hornets for some reason. Wonder what happened to them and do they still make videos? Are ARGs still a thing?
>>664962 >thinking cuckchan /k/ is real /k/ and not feds helping out recruiters
The Company Behind Pokemon Go! Is Powering Mercedes’ Next-Gen Infotainment >Mercedes-Benz’s current MBUX infotainment system is really, really good. It’s smart, responsive, easy to navigate and simple to use. How then is Mercedes supposed to improve on that for its next-generation platforms? Well, I’ve got two words for you: Pokemon Go! >Ok, hold on. I’ll explain. When I say Pokemon Go, what I actually mean is that Mercedes is partnering with a company called Unity Technologies, whose technology powers the graphics of tons of super popular games – both mobile and on desktop – one of which is Pokemon Go. >The new infotainment system will be called MB.OS, and according to a report published on Monday by Automotive News, it’s set to make its debut on 2024 model Mercedes-Benz vehicles. >If Mercedes follows the same kind of rollout that it did with MBUX, we’d expect to see MB.OS in A-Class and C-Class models first, followed by everything else. >With our own operating system, we want to achieve three key things: to shape the user interface according to a luxury brand, to create a bidirectional communication with the customer and to integrate the digital lifestyle of the customer into the vehicle domain,” said Magnus Östberg, chief software officer for Mercedes-Benz, in a statement to Automotive News. >While we won’t see MB.OS until at least next year, we have already seen some of the work that Unity and Mercedes have been doing together with the Mercedes Vision EQXX, which debuted earlier this year at the CES show in Las Vegas. https://archive.ph/Bfjgc Sonic The Hedgehog 3 to hit theaters in December 2024 >The release date for the forthcoming Sonic The Hedgehog 3 film has been announced today. The film will be released in theaters on December 20, 2024. >This particular date will also see the theatrical releases of The Smurfs and Avatar 3. Released back in April, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 made over $400 million worldwide. On August 19, the film will be released in Japan. >Before the release of Sonic The Hedgehog 3, Sonic fans will be greeted to a Knuckles spin-off series slated for a 2023 release on Paramount+. >2022 has been a busy year for the Sonic franchise with the recent release of the Sonic Origins compilation and the forthcoming release of Sonic Frontiers. A new animated Netflix series titled Sonic Prime is slated to be released later this year. https://archive.ph/m5fYt
>>208898 >Are ARGs still a thing? I think Ben Drowned finally finished up, even if the ARG component got gutted a lot.
>>208895 Debatable on the amount of casualties Ukraine is inflicting on Russia and who's bleeding who when America just sent close to 70 billion fucking dollars and more military equipment like candy without oversight while passing a fucking "Inflation Reduction Bill" empowering the IRS to do targeted tax hikes on smaller companies, but everything else can be summed up as "Globalism Yes!"
>huggywuggy nigger still posting cuckchan threads as if they are news
>>208900 Fuck off back to your containment thread nigger >>661764 >>661764 >>661764 >>661764
>>208834 Like everything that they accuse others to be, they are all contrarians. They don't have beliefs or principles. They are against something just for the sake of being against it. Every single one of them is a spoiled and incompetent manchild (and the women), that keep going on being contrarians, until it explodes in their face. When that happens, they reach their breaking point, and either go full apeshit against each other, or enter into a never ending downward spiral of depression.
>>208898 It’s an analog horror series about a world where satan successfully dethroned god and how horrible it would be live in that world. A world where demons called alternates hellbent on genocide and replacing mankind. It’s not as anti-religion as it sounds. Think of it as edgy FNAF. https://yewtu.be/q2gVOwyIEZ0
>>208847 This smells of desperation to distract the public from new hunter leaks news and January 6th falling apart.
>The New Predator flick about Injuns fighting against a Female Predditor, titled "Prey" is out >Entire action scenes already out in youtube >Most reviews just praise the "Culturally Accurate" representation of the Commanches and how a female healer turned into a War Chief Wew
>>208908 Reminder that the Predator: If It Bleeds book actually has several actually good and respectful Predator stories.
>>208908 >>208909 Movie isn't as bad as the marketing made it look but it definitely isn't great by any means. Retcons Predator 2 & gives the Predator an ugly CGI redesign. Better off playing Concrete Jungle.
>>208867 I come back to this scene more often than I'd like.
>>208908 >culturally accurate not historically accurate Is this one of their weasel words or something? Moving on, forgive my lack of knowledge of native tribes, but I would imagine most would not be sending their women into conflict. >>208910 Watching people praise the film for being barely ok is really telling of the state of modern films. >>208911 I have the same problem.
>>208912 It's a mix of there being no good Predator movie since Predators & it starring a native american woman.
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>>208894 If China does implode, the whole world goes down with it.
>>208915 Just like russia imploding and taking all the gas, right? We'll just start outsourcing our cheap garbage to other SEA countries or maybe some of the south american ones considering how their economys are going.
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>>208915 Who could have guessed that sourcing so much from an unstable communist regime would ever backfire on those too stupid to care. >>208916 >We'll just start outsourcing our cheap garbage to other countries A lot of companies already are.
>>208916 I think they're already doing that with something called friendshoring, just offshoring sans chinks and vodkas.
Is there any site/review/chart/anything that lists all the microtransactions present in games? Even an outdated one?
>>208919 you would be hard pressed to find one just for an individual specific game
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>>208920 I thought pcgamingwiki had section for microtransactions if present in a game, but I actually have to check multiple sites and reviewers to see if a new released game has microtransactions, how predatory it is, is it cosmetic-only, or if it softlocks content behind passes. As usual very few mention them, their own websites rarely mention it, steam page only mentions DLC. There should be a way to tell what kind of pay2win shit I'm getting in a game before I consider buying it
>>208919 Listing every microtransaction? That's a deeper hole than Lee rifle variants and pointless when people just note which games have them and avoid them >>208916 Textiles have already fled China. Trump's ban on slave cotton drove up the price, their lockdowns (which show no sign of stopping) with their accompanying power outages are delaying products so long companies left, and China's absolutely filthy water hinder dying/washing industrial production of textiles require.
>>208921 You'd really just have to rely on video reviews and steam discussions to find that kind of thing out I think. Maybe there is a reddit for something like that with people working for upvotes though.
>>208922 >>208923 Not listing every microt, just how many different types of them there are present. Does it have purchasable cosmetic items? Does it have online battle pass? Season pass? Lootboxes and crates? Stuff like that. Currently there's nothing like that
>>208924 Glad you volunteered, I guess.
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You guys notice how better, bearable and idyllic gg threads become when the OP isn't pants on head retarded? Let's keep it that way.
>>208926 almost as if retardation attracts retards >>208925 I should make a list of games I can find then, see what microts they have
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>kazu handing out permabans now too
>>208927 You're willing to pour autism into making such a list? godspeed
>>208906 The alternates pretty much just look like someone did amateur photoshop on some random faces. Interesting concept but when your monsters look like THAT it's hard to be spooked.
>>208752 > >Are there any Gamergate OPS to do? > Read the fucking OP! Generally good advice but the OP is usually years out of date. If anyone is doing stuff, they should post updates at least once a week to keep people interested.
>>208926 You're right we should make the next thread Bridget Edition.
>>208930 It was made by an 18 year old on his mom's basement and filmed with his HS buddies, what did you expect?
>>208928 The name kazu sounds familiar. Did he run a banjo kazooie fan group? >>208930 You might be thinking of the false prophet the leader of the alternates in Mandela catalogue. Alternates are black shape shifting demons that mimic people's appearance but often looked deformed. That’s how you usually spot an alternate.
>>208929 Not for every game, just ones I'm interested Like TF2 - >has a basic premium pass for accessing chat and callouts >has microts for cosmetic and gameplay items (doesn't affect gameplay much) >has gambling lootboxes and crates and cases for cosmetic items, that otherwise can't be obtained straight through money >has MvM tour passes that functions almost same as lootboxes, but now you have to win an MvM tour too. >Non-paying players can trade-up to these items but is severely time consuming/unincentivized
>>208932 I'm going to genuinely rape you if you keep saying that shit. You think it's funny, you think it's cute, acting like a little faggot, but when you have a grown ass man vigoriously inserting his phallus inside your rectum you won't be laughing, you'll be crying. You enjoy the idea and maybe indulge a bit, but I guarantee the act itself will make you shudder and cry.
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>>208785 I sincerely hope you do it.
>Niggerpill echoing delusional SJWeeb tranny bullshit in the thread Niggerpill, neck yourself.
>Replies >Doesn't deny he's NIGGERPILL >The "Whole World" is twatter Once again, FUCKING KILL YOURSELF.
Never Ever
Don't respond, Don't reply. Only report and watch the sparks fly.
>>208941 That is fucking nightmarish. 90s videogame art was trully nightmare fueling.
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>>208936 >think Bridget is cute >don't want to fuck him though <anon has misconstrued everything <wants to man rape me just to show how bad man sex is I don't even know how to respond.
>>208942 It's a faceswap.
>>208944 I know that, forgot to mention it but didn't want to span, so I decided to just eat the bullying and be done with it. Still 90s art is really nightmare fuel.
Seems like we've been getting a few new users from 4chan, alongside twitter and maybe reddit. I suppose it's good to get new users.
>>208946 Or war between anti-Q boomers vs Indians spilling over on here.
Ubisoft employee group say none of their demands have been met >A year ago today, employee group A Better Ubisoft posted an open letter demanding more substantial action from Ubisoft management to tackle alleged abuse within the publisher and its many studios. >Today, A Better Ubisoft offered an update in which they say that none of their demands have been met and reiterate what they want. >A Better Ubisoft was formed in the aftermath of abuse allegations made by several current and former Ubisoft employees, including against senior staff at the publisher. >At the time, Ubisoft committed to "fundamental changes", but in the open letter last year, A Better Ubisoft said those changes did not do enough. >"It is one year to the day that we signed our open letter to Ubisoft management calling for FAR more action to tackle abuse and setting out our four key demands," begins today's A Better Ubisoft update on Twitter. "None of our demands have been met." >They reiterated those four demands in another tweet as part of the thread: All the more reason that one year later, we believe as strongly as ever that management must engage with us and meet all of our four key demands, to create #ABetterUbisoft and help to #EndAbuseInGaming pic.twitter.com/p9kkDevVhW >A Better Ubisoft (@ABetterUbisoft) July 28, 2022 They're asking that Ubisoft "stop promoting and moving known offenders from studio to studio, team to team with no repercussions" as well as a meaningful say of how the company moves forward >cross-industry collaboration on how to deal with offences, and the involvement in this process of employees in non-managemnet positions and union representatives. Last year's open letter was signed by 1000 current and former Ubisoft employees. >A Better Ubisoft allege that, of those who were current employees when they signed the letter, 25% have since left the company. Of those that left, 39% use she/her pronouns. >"Women represent just 25.4% of our global workforce," A Better Ubisoft say on Twitter. "Which means that we are massively disproportionately losing women who signed our open letter calling for more action to tackle abuse." >After the open letter was first released last year, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot responded with an email to staff in which he wrote that they had "made important progress over the past year" and acknowledging that "not everyone is confident in the processes put in place to manage misconduct reports." One year later and they don't seem any more confident. https://archive.ph/Yq5nr
FNAF meets Silent Hill in new PC horror game >FNAF and Silent Hill unite in a new, terrifying, and very claustrophobic ghost horror game, available for PC players right now on Steam > FNAF – or Five Nights at Freddy’s, if you prefer its formal title – has finally come together with Silent Hill courtesy of a new horror game, available to PC players right now via Steam. >But don’t say I didn’t warn you – this one isn’t for the faint of heart. The Mortuary Assistant, created by DarkStone Digital, the developers behind indie horrors like Kohate and Our Secret Below, casts you as the eponymous undertaker who gets called into work late one night when your boss bungles the shift rota. >Now, I know what you’re thinking, but that isn’t what makes this game frightening. The FNAF angle comes from the fact you’re essentially trapped for the night, trying to fulfil the duties of your strange and macabre job until the liberation of morning. >The cadavers need their jaws wired shut, their veins pumped with embalming fluid, and their various parts patched up and reconstructed – like the unfortunate Mike Schmidt, watching the hideous Fazbear animatronics stalk around on the nightshift, you’re stuck doing a job that would be horrifying at the best of times. >But obviously, it doesn’t stop there. Before long, faces start to appear at the windows, figures creep past at the corner of your eye, and this horrifying creature that looks like it’s made from chalk and plaster of paris – you’ll know what I mean when you see it – begin stalking you, and the whole thing gets very dark and very psychological — a la Silent Hill — very quickly. >I’m not one to boast, but normally horror games don’t get to me that much – Alien: Isolation, Inside, Amnesia, PT, I’ve done them all. >But The Mortuary Assistant has a few moments that I really struggle to handle, and it’s not because I don’t like being called into work on my day off. >It’s out now on Steam, and if you’re feeling brave and maybe want to host a scary game marathon for yourself, there’s plenty to choose from from our guide to the best horror games on PC. >There’s also — if you want to take a break and let your pulse slow down — some fantastic and much nicer things to choose from in our guide to the best indie games on PC. https://archive.ph/Kg15I
A leaked Stalker port is a strange new front in the war in Ukraine >A streamer who felt betrayed by GSC's attitude to Russian Stalker fans has turned a videogame leak into a propaganda attack. If you've lurked the Stalker subreddit recently, you've almost certainly come across a curious anomaly: a leaked build of a supposed console port of the original Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. >Rumoured to be due to release shortly before Stalker 2, footage of the build shows the familiar classic in a slightly altered state: there's no cursor in sight, there are controller prompts everywhere, and if that's mouselook I'll eat my hat. It all looks very legit and, while GSC refused to comment when PCG asked about it, this feels like too much work for even the most determined modder. >But it's not this alien version of Stalker that's interesting, it's the document that accompanies it. Written by a Russian streamer who goes by the names 'Nevazhno, Kto' and 'Velichaishii' (meaning 'It doesn't matter who' and 'The greatest', respectively), the five page pamphlet is part confession, part manifesto, and outlines the how and why of his leaking the port. >[GSC] cast off everyone who supported their game for 15 years and kept it alive," writes Nevazhno, referring to what he perceives as mistreatment of Stalker's Russian fans by GSC Game World—a Ukrainian company—since Russia's February invasion of Ukraine. His list of their offences is comprised of eight incidents, and range from things like "Constant discrimination against Russians in [GSC's] Discord server," to anger over the money the company raised (opens in new tab) for the Come Back Alive Foundation, which helps train and equip Ukrainian troops. >The purchase of weapons and military equipment is not a charity event," he writes, alleging that equipment provided by the Foundation was used in Ukrainian strikes on Belgorod (opens in new tab). >I reached out to GSC Game World to ask them about that, and they told me that, "We have been publishing pleas to help Ukraine in our social media and on our web resources—just like thousands of other Ukrainian companies… >Nonetheless, an important thing to mention is that we also added a clarification about the donations from Russia later on. We think we might be in the absolute minority—if not the only ones—to do so". >I was curious about Nevazhno's reasons for targeting GSC in particular—rather than any other Ukrainian game company that's raised money for the country's military—and hoped I could get him to expand on where he obtained the leaked build of Stalker's console port. >Regarding the build's provenance, Nevazhno didn't have much more to say beyond what he wrote in the original document, where he hinted that it had come from GSC employees upset about the company's attitude to Russian players. >GSC strongly denied this in my correspondence with them, however, pointing out that a glut of personal employee information was leaked by the same group of Russian bloggers who have been circulating this build: it seems unlikely anyone in their office would feel comfortable leaking that kind of material. >But Nevazhno wrote at length and in depth about his motivations, and they mirror the feelings of isolation and fraternal betrayal that are now common among Russians with regards to the Ukraine conflict. "My entire [YouTube] channel is built on Stalker… >working with audio, with video, my interest in game development—it all started with this game," Nevazhno told me. But when he felt that Russian players were being unfairly mistreated—in particular GSC's attempts to solicit donations from Russian fans—he felt "it was not possible to maintain neutrality". >He tells me that he feels western media only presents a one-sided view of the war in Ukraine but, even if he accepted that interpretation, he "did not take up arms, did not kill anyone, and did not march into a foreign land… but [GSC] seems to have a different opinion". >In our communication, Nevazhno presents himself more as a heartbroken fan than a frothing nationalist, but GSC's Zakhar Bocharov reminds me that leaks such as these—both of Stalker's console port and of GSC employee information—are "accompanied with calls for bullying and death threats" which have been an ongoing fact of life for people at GSC since the war began. >Regardless of Nevazhno's disappointment at the treatment of Russian Stalker fans, it's an unavoidable fact that leaks such as these—in which he feels completely justified—add to an already intense mental burden for game developers in a country at war. >Whether intending to or otherwise, Nevazhno has turned GSC's own work into a cudgel to be used against them in a conflict they didn't ask for. >I asked Nevazhno if he intended to leak more info from GSC, or if this would be his final act regarding the company. "I hope that everything ends with this," he wrote, "It doesn't matter how I got it, what's important is that I didn't lie, and this is not some fan mod… >this leak was made out of a desire to achieve justice, which I saw in revenge by any means at all. This was a cry from the soul". >It's grandiose rhetoric, so much so that you might accidentally forget the subject under discussion is a leaked console port of a PC game from 2007, and that the people who will be afflicted and affected by it are not enemy combatants but a team of developers. >I don't doubt that Nevazhno's feelings of heartbreak and betrayal are genuine, but they hardly seem to justify his subsequent actions. He concluded his email to me with a plea to GSC Game World to change their attitude regarding Russian players to a more positive one: I am not convinced this leak was the best way to go about achieving that. >As for GSC, those developers that aren't fighting continue to work on Stalker 2 (opens in new tab) in offices removed from the warzone. Bocharov tells me that the strain of working at war, and of confronting the fallout of leaks such as these, are an "inherent part" of the dev's lives now. >Nevertheless "We still believe in the best—for our game, our country and the whole world". https://archive.ph/EgTLM
>>208949 clickbait bs made it sound like an actual crossover event.
>>208950 >A streamer who felt betrayed by GSC's attitude to Russian Stalker fans has turned a videogame leak into a propaganda attack. Russia has the largest population in Europe. What is the logic of demonizing and isolating Russian citizens who might be neutral to sympathetic to Ukrainians? Besides getting regular Russian who might not like Putin to still hate you. >If you've lurked the Stalker subreddit recently, you've almost certainly come across a curious anomaly: a leaked build of a supposed console port of the original Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. Which is stupid revisionism that doesn’t change anything or help Ukraine in any way besides looking pity.
>>208949 So Silent Hill but instead of opressive horror atmosphere we get shitty jumpscares?
>>208950 >>208951 Not going to lie. Silent hill FNAF crossover sounds cool. I’m convinced the only reason FNAF is not in dead by daylight yet is because of SJW Canadian game devs.
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>>208947 So this is how India is planning on becoming world superpower
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>>208957 I’m loving these Monkeypox memes. I being white pilled seeing regular folks posting memes making fun of Monkeypox being fags fault. Makes me kind of wish there was a Monkeypox board like what happens with Ebola-Chan. Does anyone else remember Ebola-Chan? P.S how are local euro news handling the euro declining in value against the US dollar to any euro bros here? I know anti-Brexit YouTube spinning it as great economic news because more Americans can now afford European vacations like treating the Eurozone like Mexico a good thing.
>>208912 >>culturally accurate not historically accurate <Is this one of their weasel words or something? Yeah, looks like nuspeak for "politically correct".
>>208926 Oh yes. There's definitely not still a bunch of (Deleted) spam and political talk every few posts.
>>208912 >Moving on, forgive my lack of knowledge of native tribes, but I would imagine most would not be sending their women into conflict I think the commanches were fairly egalitarian. That's not to say they didn't have traditional gender roles, they most certainly did, but they prioritized ability over any sort of gender expectations. If you could do the job and do it well, your contributions were an asset to the tribe. Female warriors and hunters weren't uncommon, but they weren't a woman's primary role. Usually if a woman joined a raiding party, it was on a one-off to get revenge, or they were trained in war to help defend the homefront. Males made war and hunting a life's work, and it was rare for a woman to dedicate herself to warcraft rather than raise a family and do the more domestic work of keeping the tribe clothed and fed. There would have been a few of exceptional ability and drive that were more fulltime warriors, but it was still pretty rare.
So, are you noticing that even normalfags are aware of the jewish schemes? like farmers which are very aware of Bill Gates scheme of buying all farming land to force you eat bugs because there's an artificial famine.
>>208962 They are, but that doesn't mean efforts should die down. Best to press the advantage instead of waiting for that opportunity to go away.
My boss said I get two weeks off work if I had monkeypox, I didn't but now I knew what must be done. I took the poxpill.
>>208963 I know, it's just a sign that there is some light in the end of the tunnel. But still they are too tainted with american lies. I feel sad a military friend of mine talks about how the true problem of america is the gun shit. I wonder if my country has been selectively bred to follow authority or what, but it's tiresome everyone buys up the gun control lie.
>>208961 >how are local euro news handling the euro declining in value against the US dollar nobody cares really. It has happened multiple times in the last few decades and has basically 0 impact on the average person
>>208965 I mean, if they opened up to that, they would probably be open to you going up to them and asking them if they have time to talk about the word of Uncle Adi.
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>The Democrats' Stasi, the FBI, didn't coordinated their "raid" on Donald Trump's Marlago residence to Florida's governor, not even the state secretary nor the chief of police, they got completely bypassed My fucking god, that's something that during Martial Law days in Flipland had seen many times.
>>208943 The response is making the next thread Bridget themed.
>>208968 Political ammunition for Donald Trump?
>>208970 More like political intimidation.
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>>208757 The ex-husband that pressured the child to accuser her is an orthodox Christian extremist pastor. Seriously. Afetr fathering her child, he denounced her lifestyle as sinful and waged war against her for custody. After spending time with her dad, the kid told the cops she and her boyfriend molested her. BOOM. She's arrested, he gets custody, and she is arrested and held for YEARS without trial due to "covid", and anti-gamergators cheer and celebrate because a self-employed sex-positive STEM engineer pro-GG woman who won every online debate she had with anti-GG'ers and attended GG Meetups is destroyed.
>>208757 >>208973 I remember there being images of her compared to her earlier days compared to her more relatively recent appearances in pornographic works of her being a bit of a decline since she's using more make up and other changes that make her look a bit more "used up" many threads ago.
>>208973 > he denounced her lifestyle as sinful and waged war against her for custody. After spending time with her dad, the kid told the cops she and her boyfriend molested her. BOOM. She's arrested, he gets custody, and she is arrested Huh. Usually the courts default to "womyn always right" in custody.
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>>208867 >there will come a point where a critical mass of people can no longer tolerate the way things are. >THE PEOPLE WILL RISE UP AND FIGHT BACK! >ANY DAY NOW >AAAAAANY DAY NOW >AAAAAAAAAAAAAANY DAY NOW Oh look, it's the guy on his knees in front of a ditch with a gun at the back of his head who smugly bleats "But imagine if we did this to you?"
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Do you remember the old meme (although it wasn't called "meme" back then) >Everyone is gay for Bridget and furry for Gadget. Everyone knew Bridget's trap status, there were no gender politics about it. Now with the latest GG release, suddenly Bridget is trans all shit all the fun regarding this character is now gone. Killing the old meme, rewriting history.
>>208973 Where are the archives?
>>208977 So long as we remember the old ways and have it outweigh this current iteration of crap than the meme will never truly die.
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>>208979 Let's hope so and remind the newfags how there were no gender politics until around mid 2010's and characters like Bridget carried no political significance for any movement whatsoever. Incredible how this new generation has some parallels to the old stuff >Astolfo/Bridget >Goatse/Nikocado's ass There are more but I don't remember now. By the way, last post I messed the text. >suddenly Bridget is trans all shit all the fun[...] Suddenly Bridget is trans and shit and all the fun regarding this character is gone.
update on the Bridget situation It's basically Poison all over again https://archive.ph/1FOtS https://archive.ph/ShRnD
>>208979 You should remember perspective and the long-term anon. >we aren't going to live forever.
>>208981 Poison's a weirder situation than Bridget.
>>208983 So in a nutshell Poison's Schrodinger's tranny?
>>208984 Essentially.
>>208984 >>208985 Or putting simply: A fictional character can be whatever you want.
>>208986 That's tumblr twitter ways of thinking. A character is a set character to what they are unless you write them specifically to change. They are not what an individual decides on their own they are.
>>208987 (checked) Pretty much, the who relativist crap about fiction shouldn't be held to standard because it's not real isn't all that captivating doesn't work cause nothing makes any sense. Any work of fiction even bad one would even be identifiable no matter what brand of mishmashed shit pile it happens to be.
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>>208986 So everyone can pick his Poison?
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>>208875 Add big red lips and she looks like a nigger.
>>208987 ✔️ >That's tumblr twitter ways of thinking That's not an argument but I'll try to explain my point better to not be associated with that crowd. An original character is the product of a real person, an artist. How this artist (or someone with the same authority) defined this character is the official representation. Fan interpretations of that character can be anything, it doesn't change the official representation. I wasn't trying to imply anyone can do anything with a character and we have to accept it.
>>208986 --t. fanfic writer
>>208989 Don't make me give you a George Floyd
It's your basic "death of the author" argument, which starts as admitting that in most cases you can never completely know the author's intent so using that as a basis to support your argument that a certain interpretation is "more correct" is fallacious and ends with Bridgette being trans if enough people say so. There are some intermediate stops such as debates whether interpretations of things can even BE "correct", what "correct" means and so on but this whole thing only has any life because it parasitically lives off the necessity of truth seekers to entertain viewpoints other than their own to reach a more holistic understanding of a subject, the parasite however only sees that there is a social "value" in having the correct "opinions" (though correct interpretations must by necessity be based upon objective and reproducible logic and thus are more correctly termed facts) and first apes them to receive a sense of belonging and then seeks to control the discussion so as to more easily receive accolades. Similar to the way that man went from chasing after game animals to raising them for consumption on a farm. Of course, in their pursuit of easy asspats the parasite eventually creates a place where no discussion can take place/people are discouraged from discussion (which is, after all, how an out of control parasite will ravage its host) and destroys the thing it so ardently "supported", a behavior you can also see when the commies tried to grow food. Anyways, this has gone on overlong so I'm dropping a sage and some pictures of fat kitty titties.
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I know niggerpill poisoned the well on discussion of the situation with Kotaro Uchikoshi but I just want to bring attention to just how slimey of a fucker Jason Schreier is, trying to pretend he's now all of sudden okay with developers being mega perverts. Sorry for not having an archive >>208981 This doesn't make sense at all to me since both the English and Japanese dialogue are almost identical. The only explanation I can think of that doesn't make Bridget a tranny is that (which might just be me in denial): >Bridget just kinda stopped caring about correcting people and will just go with the flow >The dialogue of proclaiming to be a girl only happens if you lose to Ky on Stage 8, a flawless run (which goes up to Stage 9) doesn't have it, so maybe it's some weird bad ending that he recognizes that he's weak? But even then it's weird
>>208957 >Masonic Gay Pride Parade WEW
>>208998 The Founding Fathers who were Freemasons themselves would be aghast by this on how their beloved brotherhood turned into this shit heap.
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>>208980 I wonder if they'll ever get to astolfo.
>>208955 Lol, thanks anon >>208837 it's finally here.
>>208968 >My fucking god, that's something that during Martial Law days in Flipland had seen many times. If just half the recent leaked Ukrainian army documents are real. Trump FBI raid is probably a distraction from Ukraine. will be a bigger shitstorm than Afghanistan. Half of Ukraine's top generals think a civil war will happen long before Russian forces reach Kyiv. We are seeing even American legacy media admit only 30% of the money Biden sending being used for the war and humanitarian aid. That tells me they are preparing for a afghan scale disaster.
>>208980 I wonder if kids nowadays even know what Goatse is. that shit must be more shocking than Nikokado's ass
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>>208946 Also, pic related, from sleepy. Mostly, people just samefagging.
>>209002 >If just half the recent leaked Ukrainian army documents are real What leak happened this time? That the hohols are obviously fucked because their own incompetence and corruption, Even worse than the ruskies?
>>209000 >I wonder if they’ll ever get Astolfo If it is it’s only because he’s the most popular, ignoring that Fate already has a character who uses they/them pronouns (Jack the Ripper, because she’s an amalgamation of the souls of all children who died in Victorian London, so it’s an “I am Legion for we are many” scenario) and one character who could be described as “non-binary” (Chevalier D’eon from the gacha)
>>665256 Why're you on an escalator? You liar!
>>209002 >If just half the recent leaked Ukrainian army documents are real. I'm going to need some information on this.
>>665256 accuse the school for grooming, rile up other parents watch the teachers sweat bricks
>>665256 What's that "Play" button in the middle?
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>>208977 Girl dick was a mistake.
>>208977 The entire appeal of the character was that it was a Trap, nothing more nothing less. Giving it an identity to please western audiences is really pants on head retarded and bite them in the ass in long run.
>>209010 The retarded spammer is using some video thumbnail he found and claiming it's a photo he took, ignore it.
>665264 Que si pana, que si, termina de volarte la puta tapa del coco de una vez Yeah, yeah, we've seen your fucking edit
>>665264 So let me get this straight. After months of discourse where conservatives accuse fags of grooming children and convincing them to become trannies, we now have trannies praising the fact a character who was literally groomed to become a tranny did in fact become a tranny in the end? The fags really aren't playing the optics game very well these days. What an absolute blunder.
>>209015 Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Bridget's backstory that he came from some bumfuck backwards ass village where they believed having two boys was a bad omen so they dressed him up as a girl so the villagers wouldn't go the Chinese infanticide route of removing the kid and his entire goal was to become a bounty hunter so his pea brained village would see that it was nothing but superstition to believe the shit they did?
>>208957 Those are an amazing good start. Good job, anon.
>>208997 Uchikoshi and Swery are both in for a rude awakening. Once you sell your soul to the woke cult for Twitter clout they own you. He's in the honeymoon phase now. It won't last long. It's a shame. They were talented once. Or at least interesting.
>>208722 >>208948 Ubisoft employees deserve nothing! >>208951 I never understood how huggy wuggy got popular. At least fnaf has cute characters that make good toys.
>>208958 Sperging and coping all over the region. From "the American dream failed and we are taught that in schools!" to what you said about them trying to spin it around. A lot of countries are now in their desperation phase of "come visit! We have a diverse night life here!", a.k.a, the typical tourist trap that tries to lure people to waste money on the bottom of the barrel of the worst activity in existence.
For a normalfag perspective, how is Telegram?
Is acidman dead? Mark announced in the IRC that he was rushed to the emergency room a week ago and he hasn't appeared anywhere since. Not trying to cause drama but I am concerned for the sake of the site.
>>209023 Fuck, I hope he's alright. I have no idea what other alternative board to migrate for gamergate stuff.
>>209024 The board would be fine. It's the site as a whole that would suffer.
>>208894 kek you sound like those neocons who said China will implode any day now for decades
>>209025 Well, anyway I hope Acid is well. I have nothing against him beside having shit taste.
>>209008 >>209002 >>209005 For the record I posted a link to the leaked ukraine documents but mods deleted it.
>>209005 >>209022 Telegram just became a replacement for Kik for furries, Bronies and sex offenders. But it semi less cuck than discord.
>>209029 It's because a TTRPG group only uses it for communication and my cellphone is just for normalfag shit and nothing else.
>>208902 make no mistake , we are in the middle of the next Bronze Age collapse, hard times are coming, buy a graphics card, pc or anything tech ralated now or wait a looong time.
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>>208996 >most cases you can never completely know the author's intent No one can read minds so it's impossible to know an author's true intention but we can make good guesses based on the author's actions and opinions. >a certain interpretation is "more correct" is fallacious and >ends with Bridgette being trans if enough people say so Interpretations are not democratic. >debates whether interpretations of things can even BE "correct" Every interpretation incorporate some level of projection since you're giving meaning to someone else's ideas based on your own set of values. >this whole thing only has any life because it parasitically lives off >the necessity of truth seekers Debates don't have a life. If I understood the rest of your rant correctly, are you talking about how some people seek social validation by blocking some speech while reinforcing others? In other words, virtue signaling? >pictures of fat kitty titties. Well, it's up to me to deliver some DFC then.
>>208951 >>209030 probably helps that kik borderline dead app being kept alive because they turned the app into e-Thot site for middle age women. Telegram is where the sex role players and furries went. That’s all I know about it.
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>>209033 Fuck, I just want to play Shadowrun or Savage World.
>Trump is attempted to incite an insurrection and was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein who he spent time with on Rape Island >Razorfist need to be arrested for questioning the election >Razorfist who an agnostic can’t hate communism and be pro religions freedom at the same time >Watching a over four hour live stream to mark talking points for someone there claim to hate >being mad that razorfist pro life yet still friends with styxhexhammer666 who pro abortion How the fuck do foxdicks farms make razorfag look good? Do these faggots have any self awareness? I don’t get how there people here who mock Reddit and reset era yet defends foxdicks farms for allowing nigger. https://archive.ph/lopVSYou
>>209034 You don’t have a group to play with in person? I use to play the ghostbusters role playing game by myself with AI teammates.
>>209036 the point is to organize shit in RL, but I'm a maniac about new apps. Besides, a friend of mine is the one in the group and I'm just a friend of a friend, so I can't demand them not to use retarded apps.
>>209035 I hate Raz0r but Foxdicks has never had self awareness of themselves at any point, despite all the dumbshite I've seen on 4/8chan Anons were always at least somewhat self aware of their own bullshit.
>>209035 >Trump is attempted to incite an insurrection and was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein who he spent time with on Rape Island Except Trump never actually went to the island, allegedly.
>>209039 In fact he called him a creep many years before he even thought about becoming president.
>>209038 I think foxdicks farms are bigger faggots than the reset era community. They act like moral fags Redditors that think they are as edgy as /b/. Lulzcow community in general full of degenerates.
>>209023 He's alive. That's all I'm gonna say on the issue.
You guys ready for GamerGate Lex Luthor? https://archive.ph/gBYcx
>>208809 Saw the tomboy talk last thread, what good timing to release another 15.ai shitposting webm
>>209043 Can't believe Superman nearly tried to commit suicide because someone on not 4chan told him he's a cuck.
>>209043 Can't wait to see DC finally axed.
>>209024 zzzchan has one.
>>209045 >>209046 >>665328 Without looking at anything, it's highly likely it's not really Superman, but Superman's son who was briefly a popular character as the third (or fourth depending on how you count) Superboy, and then got aged up into a teenager and turned gay. If DC survives long enough, he is likely to get erased from history eventually. Notably, he's originally from an alternate timeline, and his parents merged with the Superman and Lois of the main timeline. That right there is a perfect setup to have him erased. Not that they even need that much. They've erased more for less. In fact, the only reason he exists is because in 2011 they erased Superman and Lois's marriage, and people were so mad that in 2016 they had them merge with the Superman and Lois of an alternate timeline where their marriage wasn't erased, and also they had a baby just to confirm how married they really were. And then they became a very nice family for a couple years until one of Marvel's biggest writers, Brian Michael Bendis, jumped ship to DC and brought his poz with him, making his first order of business to ruin Superman's family again.
>>209048 No it's Clark. His son Jon is still a faggot in the mainline comics though. DC has been doing this YA novel shit with their characters for a while now so it's no surprise they're doing it to Superman.
>>209048 I thought Superboy was only really popular when he had that Super Sons comic with Damien Wayne that attracted all the shotacons and "wholesome 100%" crowd?
>>209050 He was, nobody cared about him after they decided to make him gay, they only liked the entirely platonic friendship dynamic he had with Batman's son.
>>209043 Comic books really take the whole "fighting an imaginary battle" to a whole new level
>>209043 With how low DC/Marvel seem to set the bar, it sounds so easy to do a superhero and just style on them. The japs seem to do it just fine with OPM and BnHA, for starters.
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You think the nigger bitch realizes we can see the exact same filenames she keeps posting?
>>209054 >She >>209043 Are people sure DC is reversing course on stuff like this or was that anons getting too cocky/misreading the situation after the cancelled Batgirl movie?
>>209048 >Superman's son who was briefly a popular character as the third (or fourth depending on how you count) Superboy, and then got aged up into a teenager and turned gay this is what i mean and the bridget shit too i've never cared for traps or the borderline ERP trapfags usually do, but i'm not some moralfag either, so hearing all these little things adds up over time just disheartening is all
>>665350 I wonder, does the dev team know about how localizers are modifying the lore itself just to suit their personal political beliefs? Surely, there must have been a response from them at this point.
>>209053 Yeah that's happening. Comicsgate is a thing and obliterating the already sick and dying comics industry. >>209055 >Are people sure DC is reversing course on stuff like this or was that anons getting too cocky/misreading the situation after the cancelled Batgirl movie? DC Comics and Warner Bros (who produce DC films) are very different. DC Comics is a subsidiary that is small enough that it gets to work practically independently. Its parent company doesn't care about something so small.
>>665350 Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the character's lore? Meh, who am I kidding? they don't care about stablished lore of anything.
>>665350 but that audio
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Someone want to help finish this off: >>665301
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>>209043 >>209055 At this point, I can't tell what DC Discovery is trying to do. Sometimes they try to pander to the woke crowd that never buys their comics with crap like this and whatever LW's series was, but then there are times where they try to save face like canceling the latina Batgirl movie for being irredeemable considering what the DCEU+CW put out in recent years, that should be worrying but still plan on releasing the Ezra Miller Flash movie that will probably bomb because it's Ezra Miller. I understand that the movies and comics are done by different branches, but some consistency would be nice.
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>>209060 Could be a tokyo mirage case it might be possible that dialogue doesn't exist in JP copies which could explain why the nips are giving conflicting results. The faggots in localization probably wanted their retcon to be as believable as possible. Part of me wants to dig into Arc to see if they had any new hires since dbfz because they never pulled this shit before. Also I got hit in the niggerpill crossfire..
>>209063 There's not much to understand. Everything is getting axed, even Cartoon Network.
>>209064 >Part of me wants to dig into Arc to see if they had any new hires since dbfz because they never pulled this shit before. What about with BBCTB, when they sold half of the game as DLC?
>>209064 Apparently you only get the tranny dialogue if you beat arcade mode on the hardest difficulty AND lose one round. If you don't lose a single round and beat it on the hardest difficulty he just goes back to his village.
>>209063 That Flash movie is about three times as expensive as that Batgirl movie. It's much harder to cancel. It's much harder to justify wasting that much more money.
>>209068 Unlike the Batgirl movie, however, the star is an actual criminal who's current been charged yet again & has been arrested yet again. No one's gonna go see the movie. So the best bet is to release it on streaming & just hope they recoup some losses. Putting it in theaters will only cost more money they can't afford to lose.
>>209064 Once again the world is divided in east and west. This is the era of 男の娘 war.
>>209028 Post it on /pol/, you idiot! >>209043 >and the fight against online communities of “hate and anger.” Just turn off the screen, nigger. >The book looks at a young Clark Kent, in high school in Smallville, as he grapples with the mortality of his friends and family, teen isolation Isn't that just Smallville? >>209070 Then, it's possible they're pushing it through as a tax write-off, if it's guaranteed to be a bomb.
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>>209043 >Red haired female >Not black How fucking problematic! It's current year, they can't do that!
>>209071 After the end of GGwar2, the world was split into two. East and West, this marked the begining of the era known as the cold cake war
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>>209069 the middle of the confederate flag.
>>209069 Middle of the confederate flag
>>209072 Could be. Maybe they'll shelve the universe completely & just focus on The Batman's universe. Black Adam only has The Rock to market off of & Aquaman 2 is guaranteed to bomb because of Amber Heard. Then on top of that, you got the Gotham Knights game that looks like absolute shit. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VjFFzgT8YOA
>>209070 >however, the star is an actual criminal I dont think most normal fags is going to care about that. Super hero fatigue is going to contribute way more to the movies failure than the lead actor being a piece of shit.
>>209078 Considering his name has been infamous for months across the country & Hawaii, people are gonna care.
>>209069 >start associating furfags as neo nazis >the whole internet is after them all over again It's like going back in time. Really going in a full circle now.
>>209080 >>209069 Personally I'm worried this is furfags trying to jump ship because they see the way the wind is blowing. People need to remember how fucking awful they've been these last ten years especially.
>>209081 furries eat cum pizza.
>>209081 What did the furries do this time? did people suddendly remember when Nazifurs were a thing?
>>209050 Yep. It's almost frustrating how DC completely missed a perfect opportunity to act "woke" and at the same time appeal to the audience that was actually consuming their comics. Really all they had to do was have Jon or Damian act "ambiguously gay" like the average shonen manga to get the shotacons to wet their panties and VICE to write 10 articles about "how Supersons depicts gay relationships in a natural way". instead DC aged Jon, alienating the fujo shotacon audience who consumed the comics the most, and then made him gay when no one cared anymore.
>>209084 And not even gay for Damian. They're attempting to bait shotacons again with a new movie though. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ZDPK7I5BD3g
>>209061 Just so you know, thinkpad/Lenovo now has a locked down bios that only allows you to install Microsoft's operating system. Meaning no more Linux, no more BSD, and no more Hackintosh if you wanted to do that for whatever reason so fuck Lenovo/Thinkpad now. I hope they go out of business.
>>209083 You just reminded me that the nazi horsefuckers were a thing.
>>208980 >there were no gender politics until around mid 2010's 1st and 2nd wave feminism:
>>209078 >superhero fatigue No, it's SJW fatigue. People still love Avengers and Spider-Man and all that. They don't love the SJW shit that's been done with the franchises. If the companies didn't ruin their own franchises on purpose, they'd still be making tons of money. People would have watched that Black Widow movie if it wasn't SJW, and same with Doctor Strange 2 and Thor 4. They wouldn't have watched any of the other shit Marvel has put out since, though, since those were characters nobody likes even in the comics and were given movies purely for SJW reasons. >>209072 >Isn't that just Smallville? Surprisingly, Smallville wasn't SJW enough. I rewatched it and it holds up, though part of that may be that even my standards have been lowered by all the horrible shit that's come out since.
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>>209032 >Debates don't have a life. It's a metaphor you fucking dip. >If I understood the rest of your rant correctly, are you talking about how some people seek social validation by blocking some speech while reinforcing others? >In other words, virtue signaling? Virtue signalling just stating an already approved opinion. What he's saying is >People like debating things and finding truth >These people tend to entertain the retarded ideas of others like Death of The Author >SJWs then proceed to use the Death of The Author to say whatever they please is true about a piece of media >Then they shut down debate once their retardation has been entertained long enough that they've gained a following and influence in spheres of discussion Basically, a more complicated version of >Support free speech <People use that speech to advocate banning your speech, and succeed >How could this have happened! When you censor your enemies, they win! The end result of real free speech is always that it will be subverted by those who want to censor the freeze peach absolutists. You have to take the role of the censor first and stamp out other potential censors before they gain any power. >Third pic Holy shit, is that reverse breast envy, DFC envy? I need more of this. Smug lolis and/or non-loli washboards with medium to big tiddy girls looking embarrased and inferior.
>>209032 Why the fuck do you have a bunch of mid sentence newlines? Are you fucking mobileposting or something?
>>209090 >You know what foot-lovers do? They keep it to their fucking selves This part aged like milk.
>>209092 Probably because he wants to divide up his post so it isn't just a impenetrable wall of text. He isn't even reddit spacing.
>>209087 > You just reminded me that the nazi horsefuckers were a thing. They still are, and they have one of the better /pol/ boards (mlpol.net)
>>209023 Hopefully, the simp dies.
>>209092 Different points to refute. Separate thoughts kept separate. Walls of text are for schizoposters.
>>209004 You do know anyone can post on sleepychan, right? Or do you think a zigger posting caps from here about the pedos talking on /b/ and /hebe/ would be an accurate representation of this site?
>>208871 I don't use these but most of them have many instances and are federated with each other and non-cucked Mastodon instances (if there are any left).
>>209094 >Breaking up >multiple sentences for the purpose >of readability on an >imageboard L M A O
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>>209089 >No, it's SJW fatigue Fuck off many are fed of capeshit and read manga because it has genres. >>209093 You have a point.
>>209091 Ah, the old tactic of infiltration and subversion. >Reverse breast envy. Yeah, it's really rare. That's the only pic I have about it. >>209092 >Why the fuck do you have a bunch of mid sentence newlines I formatted the text to not go above 70 chars per line, I think it's more readable that way if you're going full wall of text, since long lines are harder to read. Also, this is the preferable way to present your text in mail groups, plain UTF-8 and ~72 columns long. I don't do it frequently, just when going in depth on a subject. >Are you fucking mobileposting or something? Aren't you cute? >>209094 >reddit spacing Reddit spacing is just making a paragraph per sentence. Really annoying.
>>209101 >Fuck off many are fed of capeshit and read manga because it has genres. Irrelevant, retard.
>>209093 To be fair, there's a big difference between someone thirsting about feet on twitter and having huge conventions where you show up with other footfags to fuck feet or try and insert it into other real life things like furfags do, but yeah, I agree they talk more than they should.
>>208997 Archive for tweet screenshot: https://archive.ph/b58wB
>>209103 Nah it is relevant, because it shows a long-term change in interests, which suggests a more permanent shift rather than mere fad interest. Though I don't disagree with you that those existing works would be more popular if they weren't SJWified and that people still like them ofc.
>>209102 Reddit spacing is a myth started by /intl/.
>>209104 I feel like people thirsting about feet online are more just a meme to be "ironically" weird, like the way armpits are. Normalfags are saying all kinds of shit like "step on me" and jokes of that sort, but they clearly are just doing it because people finally became aware of this shit and are mildly amused by it and somewhat understand it, but that's about it
>>209106 You have little to back that up. The movies that weren't SJW were the highest grossing movies of all time. The movies then suddenly became SJW, and suddenly everyone stopped watching them. There's no reason to get mad at this observation. I didn't even say if I liked any of the movies. There's no need to scream about grolious nippon being better. That's irrelevant. What's relevant is the non-SJW movies make tons of money, and the SJW movies don't. >>209107 Reddit spacing should be more properly called reddit formatting. It's when people don't know how to make proper paragraphs. >>665437 Ironically, it's partially the opposite. Comics have been getting attention due to the SJW shit. However all of the attention is negative and does not translate to sales. The sales have been getting even worse. And they were already so bad that everyone forgot they even existed.
>>209103 Nigger many legit stopped reading comics even before the sjw infestation as who knew that having nearly the genre for nearly 75 or 80 fucking years would make people look for something else. It's also why Comicsgate's works haven't impressed everyone as while not sjw pozz people don't want to read capeshit 10000000# for the million time either.
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>>209102 >More readable >Having constant reading speed bumps mid sentence due to excessive linebreaks Kids that grew up with smartphones just have their brains built different I guess. Fucking youngfags. >Reddit spacing is just making a paragraph per sentence. Plebbit spacing is having an extra newline unnecessarily when it doesn't aid readability. >>209107 It started because plebbit posting would shrink text together like pic related. Reddit is not the only site that did this, but it was popular, and it was mainly redditors that would mash the enter key twice every time outside of reddit because they primarily used reddit.
>>209107 It's not a myth. Though it doesn't apply anymore as I'm pretty sure reddit has changed the way posting works now. But it used to beyou'd double space to go the next paragraph, so anyone who had double spaces did so because they frequently posted on reddit.
>>209109 >little to back that up >when anime has grown immensely in general Obviously it doesn't generate as much revenue as established American IPs that have literally been in existence for more than 5-7 decades and become a permanent part of American media culture, but shit like Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, MHA, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Pokemon, and One Piece and all are continuing to grow in popularity by leaps and bounds and it hasn't shown any signs of stopping. Comics have been laughably dead as well, the movies are essentially what have been keeping Marvel afloat, and once the movies are gone, what is left? Merchandise? Games? Those will go the same way unless WB keeps the latter alive. >There's no need to scream about grolious nippon being better. That's irrelevant. I didn't say anything about that, it sounds like you're trying to get some kind of fake high ground over arguments that didn't exist. I'm not even that anon you're talking to, this is entirely about audience preference, and the young people are shifting to anime. Obviously it hasn't happened completely yet, but it has grown popular enough to where many, many people are at least aware of anime's existence and it has a place in popular memes within the next generation's culture.
>>209088 This is the unfortunate effect of subversion. People thinking that being opposed to current thing is what "normal" is, when in reality "normal" is part of the same hydra that is to be undone.
>>209110 >Nigger many legit stopped reading comics The conversation wasn't about comics, it was about the movies. Comics sales tanked in the mid 1990s so hard that Marvel went bankrupt, and the sales never recovered. But then SJWs found a way to dig through bedrock and made the previous post-crash sales look good. But that's all irrelevant because we were talking about the movies. The movies that were the highest grossing movies of all time until the precise moment they decided to go SJW. The issue with comicsgate is that, yes, it's still dealing with an industry that was dead for decades. The amount of people who even care anymore is too low. Also due to needing to be their own publishers, and not having economies of scale, and needing to start independent businesses recently all just to sell a comic, their prices are higher than ideal. >>209112 But you should double space to the next paragraph. There should be blank lines between paragraphs, otherwise if a paragraph happens to end close to the end of a line, you can't even tell it's a new paragraph. >>209113 >>when anime has grown immensely in general Again, irrelevant. The point was if people would still watch capeshit if it wasn't SJW. If Endgame wasn't the highest grossing film of all time, you might have a point. I get it, you're a weeb, but you don't have to make every discussion about that. I like anime and manga as well, and pointing to it in regards to how its getting readers comics pushed away makes sense, but the discussion was about if people would continue watching Marvel movies if they weren't SJW. Saying "manga is great!" has nothing to do with anything. >I didn't say anything about that, it sounds like you're trying to get some kind of fake high ground over arguments that didn't exist. Ironic.
>>209041 They spend all this time doxxing and etc for these waste of sperm (some did have it coming) but are these self righteous centrist moralfags who try to preach to others. At least anons on 4/8chan were self aware of their bullshit, hell there even on fucking leddit in some subreddits they are at least somewhat self aware to a degree not a whole lot but still more then Foxdicks.
>>209115 >But you should double space to the next paragraph. It also depends on how much text you have. Reddit spacing was usually thrown at posts that would have line breaks after only a sentence or two rather than a proper paragraph (since that's common on reddit too). Generally as long as as the paragraphs were big enough people wouldn't give you shit for having a space between them.
>>209115 >The conversation wasn't about comics Don't weasel out of this as they have just as much do to with the movies as the movies are based off the comics, there has been a massive fatigue of capeshit in the movies just as much as the comics proper as even the average normalnigger is bored of it.
>>209118 >Don't weasel out of this as they have just as much do to with the movies as the movies are based off the comics It's not weaseling out of it at all. The entire superhero movie boom happened after the comics industry crashed, practically as a direct result of the comics industry crashing. Marvel leased the movie rights to all their properties for dirt-cheap because they went bankrupt because the comics industry crashed. Then the movies started making zillions of dollars, and have been making zillions of dollars for 22 years now, while the comics never recovered. The sales of current comics and the sales of movie tickets have never had anything to do with each other, at least during the current, absurdly long superhero movie trend. Go ahead and say you don't like capeshit. Normalfags clearly disagree. But even they can't put up with the SJW shit anymore, so they're not going to the movies anymore. And it was an incredibly quick turn, because the movies did an incredibly quick turn in making things SJW. Normalfags would watch shit like Ant-Man 2, but Captain Marvel, at practically the same time, right before Endgame, the highest grossing film of all time, was so bad that Disney had to give tickets away and count them as sales just to pretend people saw it. People will go see the most mediocre of capeshit, but they don't like SJW shit.
>>209115 >manga is great you keep conflating quality with my arguments when I only brought up popularity. Endgame was a massive undertaking, but basically an exception to the rules. It was already explained that movies are the last bastion for the western comics IPs to survive, and yes, they are still making money obviously, the big ones more so than anime/manga, but that doesn't mean there isn't a big, growing shift in the audience. We know that comics are dead and movies have fewer and fewer hits (moreover, their box offices are not necessarily indicative of profits due to the massive expenses associated with these bloated IPs, Endgame most certainly made a lot, but most others have been not great and is unknown just how much money was lost) while anime and manga are growing overall. Anime and Manga have smaller audiences, but they are much more efficient and passionate than the current, stagnant comic IPs industry, and this will show in its increased growth and revenue despite its small size relative to the comics industry.
>>209120 Add to that: anime and manga have a permanent audience. The whole world economy may crash, and anime and manga fans will still find ways to support the creative authors. That is something that western garbage will never have.
>>209120 >you keep conflating quality with my arguments when I only brought up popularity. Because I'm the one talking about popularity and other people are saying "capeshit is boring," when that has nothing to do with my point. Sure it's super boring. Normalfags still flock to it whenever it isn't SJW. That's the entirety of my point. >Endgame was a massive undertaking, but basically an exception to the rules. Not really, considering all the movies before it also made ridiculous money, including the ones that were mediocre as hell and based on comics nobody cares about, like Ant-Man. Hell, nobody even cared about Iron Man or Thor until those movies came out. That's why Marvel actually had the rights to them. Nobody wanted to make a movie based on them, even when the genre was already booming since 2000, and Marvel had leased all the rights for cheap in the '90s. >>209121 How do you think comics have managed to limp along for the last 25 years? Those same people who were there before the boom and ensuing bust continue to buy, or at least they did until SJWs told them to stop. The problem with them, alas, is that they aren't immortal, and are literally dying off. That's the problem with not renewing your stock of whales. Your argument also acts as if the same superhero movie boom hadn't lasted for 20 years until SJWs ruined the movies on purpose.
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>>209120 Sure you'll have normalfags eat shit up but they mostly do it because they want to be trendy on the current thing for their peers. Many are legitimately bored of superhero movies. >>209120 Manga has been outselling American comics and French BDs for years now. American comics because of the sjwism and the stagnate Superhero genre and French BDs because unlike what midwits like Raz0rfist would like you to believe is that French BDs aren't this massive industry but a niche one whose's golden age was the 50s-80s with the newer generations of creators barely being able to produce a new comic within a 3 or 4 year time span wheres most mangka can pump out a new chapter weekly, bi weekly or monthly. Also the newer French BDs are super fucking sjw to a insane degree with some being fucking worse then American/Canadian at times, hell I'll even find some sjw BDs for you poor faggots.
>>209123 Why is a grifting vtumor talking about normalfags when she caters to them?
>>209124 >grifting vtumor oh, you are that guy that lost a fuckton of money to vtubers and is still mad, long time no see
>>209123 >Manga has been outselling American comics and French BDs for years now. American comics because of the sjwism and the stagnate Superhero genre Again, American comics crashed in the '90s, and didn't recover in the 2000s or 2010s, during the absurd superhero movie boom. SJWs came well after the industry was already dead. Their bigger problems are things like distribution. You can barely find a comic in real life unless you go to a specialty shop, which you won't go to unless you're already a fan, and even then, it can be hard to find one of the shops. The companies haven't set up good digital services because they're afraid that they'll cannibalize the tiny remaining print sales, and they're too afraid to just move on. They're trying to sell magazines in a millennium when magazines have become obsolete. They were distributed by a monopoly for decades, who refused to sell them in any places anyone could see, like grocery stores, and now they've dropped that distributor because of coronavirus shit, but they're too late to get the shelf space back in normal stores because they don't have the sales to warrant it. In decades of catering exclusively to whales, writing styles have changed so the average story is six issues long, so a new reader will pick up an issue and get one-sixth of a story and promptly never pick up another issue again because they didn't even get a full story. The industry has somewhat moved toward selling collections, but even then, too many of them rely too much on continuity (the problem isn't that the continuity exists, but that you have to know too much of it to get the current story) for normalfags to follow. Due to catering to whales, economies of scale broke down and they raised prices to attempt to keep up, making their products far too expensive, while simultaneously doing longer stories with more crossovers in an attempt to get those whales to shell out even more money because they sometimes (in extreme but real cases) need to buy like 150 issues to get a full story. You think you're dunking on American comics, but you're not. You're vastly understating the real problems the industry has, and the primary one you're trying to prop up is blatantly untrue, since if the genre was the problem, it would be the problem in other media as well, which it's not, and hasn't been. The genre became the biggest movie genre immediately after the comics industry crashed. Clearly it didn't crash because of the genre. However, american comics being dominated by a single genre is an issue. It's just not the biggest. But of course it's not a good thing. And it happened because of censorship, when the Comics Code, AKA the SJWs of the 1950s, essentially banned other genres like Westerns and Horror for violence, and Romance for sexual themes. People think of comics as being for boys, but that's only because they banned the genre girls liked. And now feminists get in and instead of just making more romance comics, they attempt to ruin superheroes out of spite. Ironically, the best selling American comics by far are romance comics, Archie, which sidestepped the majority of the issues I noted above, mostly because they were not distributed by the same monopoly, and thus they never stopped being sold in places like grocery stores, and their sales are so much higher than DC and Marvel that they aren't even counted together. When you look up sales numbers for comics you'll see Archie, but it will only list the sales from comic shops. Grocery store sales are a different thing and way bigger. But girls don't get autistic about this shit. Young girls (and boys) just impulse buy them for cheap and the company makes gangbusters. But DC and Marvel have been too stupid to do this since the '90s.
>>209125 I have never given a single cent to any vtuber, ever.
>>209126 >It's just not the biggest Nigger it was the biggest thing driving readers to manga before sjwism.
>>209128 Nigger, read my fucking post. You didn't refute a single thing I just said. Everyone else can see it, you know. You're not going to convince anyone by just ignoring it.
>>209128 Also, if you were right, My Hero Academia wouldn't be one of the biggest recent manga hits.
>>209122 America is basically the founding home of mass cinema and comic book. Yes, a lot of people still watch it, but that doesn't change the fact that their neighbor's building is growing right next door. The king's palace that comic IPs used to *always* be full, now there are days when its empty which has never happened before this point. You can say its SJWism but that's ultimately irrelevant to the point of anime/manga growing. You can't "take that back". The comparatively small castle that anime has is always full of people who are far more dedicated to it, and its still growing in size and population. If western comic IPs were the king, then anime is a rising nobleman. A nobleman can't compete with a king, but doesn't necessarily have to to be very successful and achieve what he wants. The king is currently destroying himself, all the nobleman has to do is keep doing what he's doing and stay alive and he will grow as people fuck off from the king.
>>209131 Here your problem is acting as if it's a zero sum game, but it isn't. People can like more than one genre of thing. Also, you're comparing capeshit to manga and anime. "Things about superheroes" to "comics and cartoons from japan." These are not in the same category. You can and do have superheroes from japan, and you can and do have superheroes that aren't comics and cartoons. Your comparison isn't apt at all. But again, it doesn't matter, because it isn't a zero sum game, and by pointing to manga, which includes successes that are about superheroes, you're only reinforcing that people like superheroes and that there are other problems instead. What's the recent thing with the movies? They went SJW. And the SJW shit is a problem with the comics, too, but frankly, the comics were already dead for the last 25 years.
>>209129 Your the one whose been ignoring my point as much of the issues have been superhero shit stagnating American comics much of the other issues are the fallout of it. >>209130 Because it does capeshit differently as it's still very different from the typical Marvel/DC formula. Also the biggest manga hits are all non capeshit look at fucking Onepiece just as the biggest example.
https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=9W5ezv_xxOk >turns out the dialog about Bridget identifying as a girl is from a "bad ending" >doing a flawless run ends with a completely different dialog that makes no reference to genders, just about Bridget wanting to be strong like Ky
>>209134 >Bridget's bad ending is basically the plot of a mindbreak doujin Yeah, that tracks.
>>209134 I hate his English voice so fucking much.
>>209133 >Your the one whose been ignoring my point as much of the issues have been superhero shit stagnating American comics much of the other issues are the fallout of it. I haven't been ignoring that point. I've been refuting it. It's a ridiculous claim to make when the superhero movie boom happened immediately after the comics industry collapsed, and lasted until right now, when SJWs started making all the movies SJW shit. >>209133 >Because it does capeshit differently as it's still very different from the typical Marvel/DC formula. So it isn't that the problem is capeshit, then. It's with the writing styles. But the writing styles have changed drastically in American comics over the decades. A capeshit comic circa 2010 is much more similar to My Hero Academia than it is to a comic from the same series but from the 1930s-1960s. >Also the biggest manga hits are all non capeshit look at fucking Onepiece just as the biggest example. Good for them. That has nothing to do with my point. Did I ever say that people only like capeshit? I don't remember saying that.
>>209123 Is this Pippa Vtuber latina?
>>209135 He's even followed by a fat guy (who is a federal agent, lul) who encourages Bridget to accept "herself".
>>209067 >>209134 >>209135 I guess that's why the nips are treating it like a nothing burger. Bad localization aside it seems like the sjweebs celebrated too early.
>>209139 (((Goldlewis)))
>>209137 The problem is capeshit as most are fatigued of it you arse weasel, shit has been stagnant for years you otubse wanker. >>209138 Trailertrash.
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>>209108 Footfags have always been the butt of fetish jokes even before the internet, mainly because it was the weirdest fetish you could have while still being somewhat socially acceptable.
>>209108 >I feel like people thirsting about feet online are more just a meme to be "ironically" weird, like the way armpits are. How can you be so naive?
>>209143 One argument I've heard is if the 3DPD takes good care of her feet she probably takes care of everything else too and thus isn't a slob. However that shouldn't translate to 2D, and also 3DPD, ew.
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>>209145 >One argument I've heard is if the 3DPD takes good care of her feet she probably takes care of everything else too and thus isn't a slob. My mom always told me women look for the same thing in a guy but focus on his hands, like if he clips his nails, or if he bites them, or if he lets them get scraggly.
>>209134 >Transniggers thinking they got a major W with the posterboy for traps when in truth it's the bad ending sasuga. Maybe I should've actually played the arcade mode instead of assuming niggerpill was right. Or, in short, trust but verify.
>>209043 >DC comics so dead and desperate they are now ripping off storylines from Chris-Chan sonichu >hiring the same writer that turned iceman into a gay stereotype Chinese bootleg comics with JoJo characters and Star Wars incest are more worth reading than American comics. >>209045 >Can't believe Superman nearly tried to commit suicide because someone on not 4chan told him he's a cuck Superman been a canon cuck thanks to New 52. That’s when Lois lane went from a being a canon Republican to being a canon slut.
>>209148 There was also Rebirth post fusion & divorce Superman who found out Lois was seeing Lex Luthor.
>>209134 >turns out the dialog about Bridget identifying as a girl is from a "bad ending" I can only imagine how well the twitter troons are going to take this news.
>>209150 As well as they take glancing in a mirror.
>>209043 >>209148 >>209149 I'm not sure why they keep bothering because there's no way they can top What Ever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Death & Rebirth of Superman, or Kingdom Come.
>>209150 They're most likely to just ignore it or twist it to suit their own ends.
>>209152 That's the problem. Comics don't operate on basic story telling structure of beginning & end. They go on forever. So every writer keeps trying to be the next Alan Moore or go crazy & become the next Mark Waid. Or Alan Moore.
>>209153 I want Bridget to become the manliest, straightest shota that's covered up in all kind of bitches, who just happens to be a cute twink in a skirt.
>>209150 They'll probably ignore it since most of them don't even play games anyway.
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>>209155 So like Astolfo in the other 50% of Doujins he's in?
https://invidious.osi.kr/watch?v=9W5ezv_xxOk Here's all the dialogue for Bridget. I think the message was be yourself and be who you want to be, don't let others tell you otherwise.
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>>208722 Bear with me a bit but Youtube is currently pushing a "These Art AIs will replace artists!" videos and all the comments are pretty much exactly what you'd see out of a text AI generator with a theme. It fucking reeks in particular because all of these "end of art" videos recently released around the same time in the past two weeks on multiple no name art career skillshare shilljew type channels. See what i'm actually thinking here is that this was paid by an AI company on these guys to test out to see if their accounts with AI generated messages are working. It's extremely uncanny too, because EVERY COMMENT has some form of thing associated with "This will end art" or "As a burgeoning artist, my dreams are crushed" in the EXACT FUCKING FORMAT THAT LUCIANO NIGGERPILL USES There is no variation outside of wording and I think they're also collaborating with the Youtube Algorithm system to test this format. There's no fucking way they aren't testing it either since it essentially means that through this method corporations can control PR in an illegal way that has complete plausible deniability It's a good idea in testing circles to start with something obscure, like a small board, then move up. And with these videos they can use them in demonstrations as a sales pitch to marketing executives in regards to sale of software. These videos will likely be used as examples in backroom meetings during the sale of grassroots forgery AI technology.
>>209155 the fact there isn't more of this is why the economy is collapsing, we need more straight femboys in media
>>209123 When do we get Pippa's RL face reveal like the others?
>>209155 >the manliest, straightest shota who just happens to be a cute twink in a skirt I'd love to see Bridget become an ambush
>>209162 That's just what happens when a femboy turns 30.
>>209159 The whole "Niggerpill is a bot" theory has been floated for quite a while, and Luciano being possibly another fork of the same technology would make sense since OAG would make a good testbed for such technology... If it fails you've done no damage to yourself, if it succeeds you've wiped out a place you despise. I don't suppose you've done any diggings into the accounts doing the posting to see if these are human or not?
>>209149 >>209152 As much as ass blast Superfags. There a good reason why Goku, Batman and spider-man more popular with people world wide. Only people who like superfag are white liberlas. >>209116 >These self righteous centrist moralfags who try to preach to others. >centrist There a thread on foxdicks farms called Biden Derange Derangement syndrome. It’s where users bitch and cry about people not trusting journalists, mainstream media, woke military and not liking Biden who the most popular president in history. If anything foxdicks more leftwing than leddit.
>>209165 Goku is the easiest character to understand & isn't constantly belittled or made evil. Plus his story is straightforward enough that you anyone can jump in easily. Batman & Spider-man are purely just because of their cool factor.
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>>209165 >There a thread on foxdicks farms called Biden Derange Derangement syndrome. It’s where users bitch and cry about people not trusting journalists, mainstream media, woke military and not liking Biden who the most popular president in history. If anything foxdicks more leftwing than leddit.
>>209165 >that last bit As usual, no creativity and zero self-awareness. They're just as hopelessly retarded as people who claim to be against corporations and yet they puke out the same bullshit that the corps do.
>>209164 I wouldn't be surprised if they're both bots. Everytime luciano always get caught with the screencaps posted, he almost always 'keep being delusional' in much the way that niggerpill keeps repeating the 'oh my gawd, everythings hopeless, I shoulda never gotten into X, enemies won, I'll kill myself for the millionith time, etc.' Just change the X variable into whatever the current hot topic is.
>>665593 We have an /a/.
>>209170 It's pointless as none here will use it, smug/a/ and /animu/ when you tell them.
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>>665593 cant wait for normalfags to begin talking about it
>>209132 Obviously it's not a complete zero sum game, but that doesn't mean they aren't competing in similar spaces with limited time and money to spend People can obviously like more than one thing, but the evidence shows more people liking anime than before and capeshit having issues these days.
>>209172 the great shitstorm will be when they announce the >english dub
>>208828 Anon, they're going to rig the elections again. I mean, how can you not realize what's going on at this point? Eventually democrats will just be declared winners by decree without even counting the votes and the GOP will be declared a white supremacist seditious organization and made illegal.
>>209171 Anons will when you take the first step to as well.
>>209173 He won't listen as he's being purposely obtuse and refusing to admit that people don't want to read capeshit and it's a major reason why people switched to manga. >>209176 I post regularly on /animu/.
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>>209177 >>209178 Then post regularly on /a/ here. This is not the everything general.
>>209178 It's just a fucking figurine? I thought it was a trailer for a new Berserk game and got excited for a second.
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>>209179 >This is not the everything general <he doesn't know
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>>209164 Did a quick vet, the accounts that are likely AI are batches from 2017 and 2019, indicating a double legacy account batch sale, and I remember several mass privacy leaks from companies like Sony in those years. Some have playlists relating to their name but none have original videos in them. People posting a rational counterpoint are all over the place statwise which tracks with natural posting habits, while the 2017/2019 accounts are clean of any of that. Muddying this is that Youtube used to have a comment tracking system where you could see what they posted in other videos in their timeline, but Youtube obviously got rid of that for obvious reasons related to this type of shit. What it looks like is a small mix of natural false marketing that leads off AI posts. The op is like this: bribe no name influencer with a video premise, flood his comments, repeat with other influencer. The op looks like it's being done via influencer hire sites.
>>209165 >Biden Derange Derangement syndrome This combined with seeing them unironically say "the right can't meme" when that was literally a saying they stole from them has convinced me they are physichically incapable of creating anything. I used to think leftwingers used existing franchises because the brand recognition was important to try and launch their message, but now I just think they actually have no thoughts in their head to actually make something with.
>>209183 People on the right at least can come up with jokes where left leaning people legit have no humour as they can't make anything new only take.
>>209183 I was just going to say this.
>>209173 Correlation does not equal causation, especially when it's not a zero sum game. Not only is it not a zero sum game, but one could easily argue that more people getting into comics from any country would make it easier to get people into comics from any other country (assuming they can access them and have them in a language they can read). It's very easy for people to read both. But more importantly, the rise of manga in the west does not correlate in time with the decline of American comics. American comics declined in the '90s. >>209177 >He won't listen as he's being purposely obtuse and refusing to admit that people don't want to read capeshit and it's a major reason why people switched to manga. >people don't want to read capeshit >but they do want to watch capeshit movies more than any other movies in the world You haven't addressed a single thing I've said, you retarded nigger. >>209154 >The Frieza Saga of Dragon Ball is terrible because I don't like what happened in Dragon Ball Super 30 years later. Sorry, that Frieza story will always be awesome, even if the latest chapters of a later story were dumb. >>209148 >Superman been a canon cuck thanks to New 52. That’s when Lois lane went from a being a canon Republican to being a canon slut. Naw. Unfortunately, Lois Lane was always a slut. She just got married eventually once she got bored of being a slut. Then Flash and Doctor Manhattan changed time so she was never married, but then Brainiac and Mister Mxyzptlk did stuff that resulted in them never not being married again, so they were married the whole time, but she was still a slut in her backstory. >>209149 >There was also Rebirth post fusion & divorce Superman who found out Lois was seeing Lex Luthor. Lois Lane was banging Lex Luthor before she met Superman in Man of Steel, 1986, one of the more influential origin stories for Superman. While later origin stories would overwrite elements, they've never definitively shown that this element has been overwritten, and with Superman: Reborn, they've reinforced a lot of the Man of Steel elements again. Most likely, it's safe to assume Lois Lane still fucked Lex Luthor in her backstory. And Metallo, too. And probably Bruce Wayne at some point. >>209142 >The problem is capeshit as most are fatigued of it you arse weasel, shit has been stagnant for years you otubse wanker. >most are fatigued >but went out to the theater to make every fucking Marvel movie one of the highest grossing of all time until the combined effect of theaters closing down and Marvel deliberately making all of their movies SJW trash >and even then, the most successful movies since have still been that trash Just please, try making a single argument. I'd like for you to be right, but you're not making a single point to show it. >>209183 They don't believe in art, they think everything is propaganda. As such, they don't foster creativity, since they don't think art can exist in the first place.
>>209186 Think you replied to the wrong anon for the Frieza Saga response. Making Lois a whore isn't a good thing.
>>209183 >Biden Derangement Syndome These leftists have the audacity to say this after they're laughing at the lower and middle class Americans who were hit by this deliberate economic, energy and food sabotages in the USA.
>>209183 Judging from what I am seeing on Cuckchan /tv/ and foxdicks farms. FBI raid on trump already backfired. Biden already trying to change the definition of the raid. Foxdicks making me respect Reddit. At least Reddit still has some communists that reject liberalism, LGBT, and corporate bread tube. I’m curious if the schism with /leftypol/ and Reddit will spawn a new communist movement. I rather have smart enemies like the Soviet Union and China than retarded embarrassing enemies like woke military and corporate America.
>>209186 >correlation does not equal causation <one competitor in a market gains while the other loses <"it just declined and never recovered Ah yes, so people just magically stopped liking comic books, but still liked manga, which is commonly sold in the same places, and is literally translated as "comic books", and can be described to people as "Japanese comic books" without being inaccurate, but they have nothing to do with each other I'm sure Fucking lol
>>665539 Your sister's still rotting in jail, Theidran.
>>209186 >it's safe to assume Lois Lane still fucked Lex Luthor in her backstory. And Metallo, too. And probably Bruce Wayne at some point. Batman has the right idea, you can't be cucked if you don't have a definitive love interest. Look at the one time he married Catwoman and then got cucked by the Big Guy himself.
>>209162 This is gae anon.
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>>209186 Which major superhero male isn't a cuck at this point?
>>209194 Um, did Black Canary ever sleep around on Green Arrow? Granted, I don't know what they've done with Ollie since he was always a bit of a leftie superhero ever since the 70's but it would be funny if the old hippie liberal hero is less cucked than the more modern superheros
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>>209194 Do not feel bad for the Richards, for he is a cunt, and being a cuckold is a fitting fate for once such as him.
>>209194 Frank Castle maybe? His wife is dead and I don't think ever tries for another love interest.
>>209186 >You haven't addressed a single thing I've said, you retarded nigger. I have and it's very simple but I'll add more >Capeshit has been along so long that people are sick of it >Many moved onto manga because of it due to it before sjws >Sjwism was not the sole cause but a symptom of capeshit stagnating things and retarded executives soffting things up for the sjws >The sales of manga in the last year alone showed that even more shiffted to manga then read capeshit and sjw stuff >More and more normalfags are sick of the same genre as even without sjwism >The fact manga is outselling American (and French comics) in their native markets Like I keep saying and you refuse to listen is that EVEN BEFORE SJWISM CAME PEOPLE HAD ALREADY GROWN SICK OF SUPERHERO COMICS. The Manga industry is kicking our asses because we put all our eggs into the superhero basket along with refusing to adapt distribution wise (which I'll give you credit you at least spoke about) but you won't admit the issue that ultimately superhero stuff being nonstop killed readership as one can only read the same shit until they grow sick of it. Will there be people who want to read capeshit? Sure but many many want to read non capeshit and that's the biggest reason why the switch to manga took place next to the pozzed shit.
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>>209196 At least it's funny.
>>209186 >But more importantly, the rise of manga in the west does not correlate in time with the decline of American comics. American comics declined in the '90s. Do you not remember Dark Horse, Viz, and a bunch of other companies translating manga during the 90's, and even putting them in "supersize" books that are the size of small posters? I still those copies of Pokemon Adventure.
>American comics declined in the '90s. I should address this they were declining since the 80s but no one really noticed till the the late 90s and early 2000s >>209200 Did you know that at one point MARVEL of all companies had the fucking licence for Berserk at one point?
>>209201 >Did you know that at one point MARVEL of all companies had the fucking licence for Berserk at one point? Wouldn't be surprised. After all, they also had the license for The A-Team, Conan: The Barbarian, and Transformers, and numerous other stories. A lot of companies did, actually.
>>209187 No, the post I was replying to was mad about stories going on forever. Yeah, bad stories existing is bad, but to argue that the Frieza saga sucks because of a sequel story that came out 30 years later is retarded. Lois Lane being a slut is a different issue. It's been canon since at least 1986, but frankly, go look at Action Comics #1. She was always a slut. I don't like sluts, but that's her character. She's never been a very likeable woman. She's been a bitch since the first chapter. Being around Superman slowly made her a better person, but before then, she was pretty much every negative female quality put together. Except she seemingly cared about the truth and did try to legitimately do her job and report the news. But she was a real cunt while she did it. >>209190 >one competitor in a market gains while the other loses Not while, but after. Significantly after. If it was at the same time you'd have more of an argument. But even then, you're not addressing the point that capeshit being the main factor here is a retarded concept when capeshit comics died immediately before capeshit movies boomed for over 20 years, and a capeshit manga is one of the most popular. Nobody has made any claim to back up capeshit being the issue. You've just kept repeating it. I also want to be clear, I don't even like the movies. I just like the comics, which died in the '90s. I have no dog in this race. I just like reading shit from 25-85 years ago. And also some manga from today. But none of this matters. What matters is that your arguments don't exist. >"it just declined and never recovered Yes, it was dead for a long time before manga sales took off in America. As mentioned, terrible distribution lead to a host of long-term problems. The distribution issue was never solved for decades, until coronavirus killed the company that had a monopoly on distribution, and by then it was too late to get shelf space on any self-respecting store's rack. There's a much longer post about this above, that nobody actually addressed. >Ah yes, so people just magically stopped liking comic books, but still liked manga No, they stopped liking comics for reasons discussed above, then decades later started buying manga. But again, you're not addressing the point I'm refuting, which is the claim that capeshit is the reason comics died. If that were true, then capeshit movies wouldn't have become the highest selling movies for the next 20+ years after the comic industry crashed. Please, just address this point. It would be so easy. >which is commonly sold in the same places, and is literally translated as "comic books", and can be described to people as "Japanese comic books" without being inaccurate, but they have nothing to do with each other I'm sure I'm the one who has been saying they're similar, not different. However, not only is manga sold in way more places, due to American companies having terrible distribution, but the decades of terrible distribution and thus catering to whales has made their stories inaccessible even if you can find one. You might go to a bookstore and find some collections, but good luck finding what order to read the collections in unless you are at least already somewhat knowledgeable. Manga benefits from being labelled with volume numbers. Marvel and DC are stupid and don't put Volume 1 on the first collection of "Superman," they put it on something called "The Superman Chronicles," and then you'll find a dozen other Superman collections that label themselves Volume 1, because they say "this is Part 1 of story arc X or Writer Y's run" or whatever other stupid shit, because they think putting #1 on something will make it sell more, even though it has the long term effect of making everything incomprehensible. Marvel has put out like 10 "Captain Marvel #1" comics in the last decade, not to mention all the collections that label themselves Volume 1. Of course it's a moot point since nobody wants to read modern Captain Marvel anyway. Comics are far more fucked than you realize. >>209194 To be fair, I don't think Lois ever cheated on Superman, or saw other men after she was with him. But she was a slut in her backstory. But then again, I haven't read what Bendis did to Superman, and I assume it was terrible. Did Sue Storm actually fuck Namor? I highly doubt it. There's always been an element of tension, since Fantastic Four #3 or whatever it was where they first met, but it pretty much always just plays Namor as a borderline rapist, and Sue remains pure. But Ultimate Sue Storm cucked Reed with The Thing, resulting in Ultimate Reed becoming a supervillain. >>209195 Green Arrow is pretty much a slut himself, and if anything has cucked Black Canary plenty of times. He's always (since 1970) been written as a male feminist, with all the negatives that implies. However, if we're counting Lois's past, then it should be noted that the Black Canary that Green Arrow was first attracted to was Dinah Lance, nee Drake. Much older than him, she was married to Larry Lance for 20 years before he got killed and Green Arrow immediately swooped in and started hitting on her. Later, in order to make it less weird that Green Arrow was fucking an old lady (since she was from Earth-Two, the universe where people actually aged in real time), they revealed she was actually her own daughter, with the mind of her mother implanted in her. Larry Lance was her dad, not her husband. But she still had her mom's mind and memories of fucking him, so it's probably best not to think about it so much. Then after that, history got changed so there was a Black Canary Sr. and a Black Canary Jr., and they were just fully different people the whole time, and Green Arrow was only after the younger one. Anyway, Hawkman isn't a cuck since destined love is his whole thing. But in the DC Animated Universe, one of the very last episodes is about Hawkman getting cosmically cucked by (notably black) Green Lantern, John Stewart. Hawkman and Hawkgirl are destined to be together, but she chooses John anyway, and it's implied she probably cucked him in past lives as well. Notably, when we first saw the future Justice League in an episode of Batman Beyond, the future Hawkman, Warhawk, was white, but later, after Batman and John Stewart went back to the dawn of time (which the comics well establish changes history), then went back to the future, Warhawk was now black. Stewart went back in time and cosmically cucked Hawkman. But none of this is canon to the comics, of course. Well it is on Earth 39 or whatever the DCAU is, but not the main universe or Earth-Two. >>209198 Not a single thing you say in this post addressed a single thing I said in my posts. You just keep repeating yourself with nothing to back it up, while I keep posting simple things to refute it, such as you having the entire timeline fucked up. You keep acting as if the movies and the comics are the same thing, then moving back and forth between arguments that only apply to one. The SJW shit isn't very important to the comics since the comics died in the '90s. It is important to the movies since the movies, very recently, were all the highest grossing movies of all time, until the hard SJW shift. And even then they continue to be the most successful movies, though in a damaged field. Your continued refusal to address any of this shows you know you don't have a leg to stand on. Also, I haven't brought it up yet, to be fair, but there are tons of non-capeshit western comics. They aren't the most successful ones usually, but sometimes. Walking Dead, for example. Jonah Hex was doing well enough for a time for DC to make a big budget film out of it, albeit a terrible one. Even if we step back to just before SJWs ruined everything, the big two had a few non-capeshit titles each, and indies had plenty more. Of course, they were all still plagued by all of the other problems I mentioned, which yo
>>209201 >I should address this they were declining since the 80s Wasn't it even earlier? Where the authority of the CCA killed all genres of comics (Except for a couple of rebel publishers like Gold Key and Dell), so comics were in severe decline during the 50's. Which resulted in situations like Captain Marvel being sold to DC because, despite being the best selling comic, the sales were grinding to a halt anyway. And, they've been limping along ever since.
>>209203 Well in that case, comic autist, the Frieza saga still had an ending.
>>209199 I assume this is some sort of dream from Flash Thompson, but I'm gonna need confirmation. >>209200 I do. I also remember that they sold like shit. They were trying to get manga sold in English for a long time. They only started succeeding recently. Remember when they started off trying to sell individual manga chapters as individual comic book issues, with blown up pages the size of standard comic pages? Sometimes with new colors, or terrible new covers? I remember. The american comic industry, including the parts that publish translated manga, have changed a lot in the last 20 years. The parts that publish manga have had much more positive change than the parts that publish american comics. >>209202 Also note that those would hardly be considered capeshit, and Marvel's Conan and Transformers comics were both very successful. So was their GI Joe and Star Wars. Of course, this was all in the '70s and '80s. Things have gotten much worse since then. >>209204 It depends what he means by decline. Sales hit their peak in the early '90s, but largely because of a speculator bubble, as people started hearing that comics could be worth money as collector's items, not realizing that Action Comics #1 is expensive not because it's a #1, but because it's the first appearance of a new character, the most important character, and because it's super old and super rare. They didn't realize their copy of X-Men (Volume 2) #1, the highest selling comic of all time, would never be worth shit. But yes, the Comics Code did a real number on the entire industry, and its aftereffects can be blamed for many of the problems even today. However, Captain Marvel is a different issue. Superheroes were dying off after World War II, but Captain Marvel was doing fine, and was the most successful. Until DC sued for copyright infringement. That did a number on the company and they went under. DC didn't get the rights to Captain Marvel until the '70s, and they started publishing new stories with him then, but Marvel had already snatched up the lapsed trademark, so they had to call the books "Shazam!" now, and if Marvel wanted to keep the trademark, they had to publish a certain number of books called "Captain Marvel" every year, and they have continued to do that to this day, despite the sales of said books being awful since at least the '80s (and never really great before then, either). >>209205 And so does any random comic story. Then they have sequels. The Frieza Saga ends on a cliffhanger with the reader finding out that Goku is still alive, so it's not even one of the easiest arcs to say "okay, I'll just pretend there were no chapters after this." But it's still a great story.
>>209203 >and a capeshit manga is one of the most popular How many of the "most popular" manga are capeshit? The only two I know of are OPM and BHA. What are the remaining best sellers? Are they also capeshit? Now compare that to American comics. How many of the best sellers there are(n't) capeshit?
>>209207 Shonen manga are always the most popular but like you said only a small percentage are traditionally superhero stories.
>>209207 Oh yeah, I forgot One Punch Man. So TWO of the most popular manga are capeshit. Thanks for bolstering my argument. You act as if my argument is that people only like capeshit, when it isn't, it's that people do like capeshit. I never said they don't like anything else. I never said that American comics being dominated by capeshit was not a bad thing. What I said was that clearly normalfags aren't sick of capeshit since they keep buying it in record numbers.
>>209208 Incredible.
>>209210 >So TWO of the most popular manga are capeshit. Aren't both of those fairly recent though in terms of manga's history of heavy popularity in the west? Japs do capeshit better. :^)
>>209212 Yes, they are. Which proves the point that normalfags still currently want capeshit. I also agree that Japs do capeshit better, so long as we're talking about modern shit.
>>209213 It's surprising it took this long for any manga to fill the capeshit void left by the dying western comics industry. Feels like something that ought to have happened in the mid-late 2000s.
>>209206 >The Frieza Saga ends on a cliffhanger with the reader finding out that Goku is still alive, so it's not even one of the easiest arcs to say "okay, I'll just pretend there were no chapters after this." The earliest arc to dismiss all later Dragon Ball chapters with is everything after the showdown with Piccolo Jr. >>209210 >Thanks for bolstering my argument. No, it doesn't. There's no "fatigue" occurring in a market where the best sellers are fantasy pirates, ninja high school, a comedy about a family of spies, girls in miniskirts fighting hags, space monkeys acting like your average Brazilian, a high school romcom about mute/tsundere women, your average retard going to another world, dragon dykes dressed as maids, AND capeshit. HOWEVER, there IS fatigue in a market where it's capeshit about an alien, capeshit about a richfuck, or capeshit about a teenager, and everything else is some variation of the three.
>>209214 >Feels like something that ought to have happened in the mid-late 2000s. What is Super Sentai, Ultraman, and Kamen Rider?
>>209214 None of the companies were smart enough to just publish manga in a reasonable fashion in English. If they took all the things they tried to publish back then and just started selling them in collected volumes like today (AKA, one of the main ways they're sold in Japan, just translated to English), they could have made a lot more money. >>209215 >The earliest arc to dismiss all later Dragon Ball chapters with is everything after the showdown with Piccolo Jr. Yes. I also agree it is one of the best arcs and a reasonable point to end the story. But I also like later stories, even if I don't like all of them, so I don't begrudge them existing. >>209215 >There's no "fatigue" occurring in a market where the best sellers are fantasy pirates... And everyone here was already in agreement that it was the same market. You are arguing that people are jumping ship from American comics to buy manga, which is true, but to argue they're doing it because of capeshit, when the manga they're buying is capeshit, doesn't make sense. They're jumping ship for plenty of reasons. The American Comic industry killed itself 25 years ago, and then SJWs pulled a Final Crisis and killed its ghost. Manga has continued at the same quality as before, and western distribution has gotten better. Capeshit has almost nothing to do with it, as seen by the fact that normalfags keep seeing capeshit movies, and buying capeshit manga. >>209216 Things that weren't terribly popular in the west in the mid-late 2000s.
>Most popular manga being sold are non capeshit >Two which are popular are capeshit but done very differently from Western means capeshit isn't fatigued in general So all that non capeshit manga selling super insane doesn't exist?
>>209218 >>Two which are popular are capeshit but done very differently from Western means capeshit isn't fatigued in general No, that plus the movies continuing to be the most successful movies in the world. The fact that you've continued to ignore this for so long means you know it proves you wrong and you're just being an idiot on purpose. >So all that non capeshit manga selling super insane doesn't exist? It's irrelevant to my point, because my point wasn't that people only like capeshit, it's that people do like capeshit. If they didn't, it wouldn't sell, in either manga or movie form.
>>209217 >Things that weren't terribly popular in the west in the mid-late 2000s. Did you forget the first Power Rangers movie?
>This fucking retarded This denial of the fucking problem is a reason I left /co/.
>>209220 You mean the thing that was a wholly western creation, and from the mid '90s, not the mid-late 2000s? You'd have been better off saying Power Rangers in general, but even then, it's so heavily localized that it damages your point more than it helps it. The success of things like Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z on tv would have helped your argument more. And I still don't get what Kamen Rider and Ultraman have to do with anything, since attempts to bring them westward have never worked. >>209221 >not a single argument You've ignored the point that capeshit movies continued to sell, and even continue to sell now relative to other movies, even after SJWs started making them bad on purpose. But normalfags don't want them anymore. Sure. They just go to see them even though they hate them now. Sure.
>>209222 Capeshit sells because there's literally nothing else being put forward. Winning by default isn't a sale, it's a monopoly. And that's why they're salty about manga. You don't get that and how extensive the problem actually is.
>>209223 Capeshit doesn't sell though. Even the movies are failing & games have been horrible.
>>208956 >USA -68.5% >Russia -0.5% >smug putin.jpg Even Ukraine fares better than the US. >China -1.6% Collapse? What collapse? >UK -77.1% Does the UK sink or something? >Netherlands +0.1% Why the Netherlands the only European country to go up?
>>209224 Exactly. But when it did, that's how it did.
>>209223 > You don't get that and how extensive the problem actually is. This what I've been trying to tell his dumbass.
>>208956 Those numbers don't make sense. They're tainted by the COVID shit, and the US population at current is 329.5 million right NOW. There's no fucking way that half of those in pop would drop dead by half in any country either, depop of that scale has never happened in history, even during war or disease in developed countries.
>>208956 >>209228 Also US population has been going up QUICKLY compared to Russia and the United Kingdom. Big populations don't just drop off the map because of a fucking dumbass prediction from a government that HOPES it happens. This report seems like the numbers were alarmized so some people in government would push green shit. It does not fucking add up.
>>209228 >>209229 The increase in pop in african/SEA countries in the 2nd part makes zero sense either considering how much they're hyping up the upcoming food shortages and how much these countries rely on food imports
>>209228 >depop of that scale has never happened in history >sad dinosaur.jpg >>209229 >>209230 2025 isn't that far off, so if it's true the next 2 years are gonna be fun.
>>209231 dinosaurs aren't in history, they're from pre-history.
>>209232 >he doesn't know medieval dragon art is actually of dinosaurs
>>209232 Dinosaurs did exist in history. All those stories about dragons, sea serpents, and swamps monsters are actually about dinosaurs.
>>209233 >>209234 Dragons come from the dragon realm, anons. According to shaman anyway.
>>209235 Dragon Tales was a conspiracy to introduce children to dragons in the other dimension.
>>209236 I think I remember a documentary video on it a year or two ago,
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>>209236 >Dragon Tales was a conspiracy to introduce children to dragons in the other dimension. They did a bad job since Anime did more to open my eyes to ancient aztec deities than portraying him as some wrinkly old Abuelo.
>>209236 >the other dimension. Maybe that's what the population chart is about. A portal opens to the other dimension and the population goes there. Also where the population increases, it's people/beings coming back the other way.
>>209239 >turns out ron paul has been working on this for years to the knowledge of absolutely nobody >he's going to isekai half the worlds population >he's making anime real
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>>209241 GG threads are made at 700 posts instead of 500 because they are faster than the rest of the board.
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>>208956 Just what are the jews planning?
>>209243 More chinese manufactured viruses.
>>209244 Am I going to have to start walking around looking like a Hoonter of Hoonters every time I leave the fucking house just to avoid Chink bat flu ver. 32X?
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>>209245 I doubt most people will take it seriously enough as corona was treated by the government. Hell they declared monkeypox an emergency but nothing's happened as far as lockdowns. Just orgy having faggots getting probably pointless shots.
>>209245 bane was a visionary
>>209134 >turns out the dialog about Bridget identifying as a girl is from a "bad ending" Just like in real life, minus the guaranteed suicide.
>>209241 I'm thinking Sakuga & AMV themed.
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https://twitter.com/Forspoken/status/1556679378892898306 https://archive.ph/WOc2m This dialogue is truly insufferable. What were Square Enix thinking?
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>>209242 new GG threads should be made at 100 posts, that way if we have 7 different threads in the top page, we'd max out our PPH because we would have the same amount of activity in each thread. It's a free multiplier! >>209249 What kind of AMV's? I'm not too familiar with Sakuga, but it doesn't sound stupid so that's what we need. Thread themes should apply to current happenings because it can stimulate discussion right off the bat, though it can also instigate shit when politics become involved, but that just means there's never a dull moment. I wanted the next thread to be trump themed, but do what you'd see as best.
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I don't want to play low res Diablo 2 LoD anymore, i want Diablo 2 resurrected in HD and 4k! I don't care if the amazon is ugly or if there and the Asian assasin's ass is censored, i never really cared for their ass any way, yes it sucks that pozzed blizzard censored it, but i still want to enjoy my childhood favorite game in hd.
>>209250 they were thinking they wanted ot make the videogame equivalent of a rob schneider movie
>>209223 This. The kikes and their leftards want formulaic works of fiction to be sold forever, forming a monopoly. Manga actively destroys all of that, and sweeps all audiences under a out-of-reach and out-of-control/subversion market that kikes and leftards can't infiltrate.
>>209250 >Square Anything by them since FF XIII is shit.
>>209256 The only thing they did right is giving us the bombshell named Cidney Aurum and beauties like Aranea and Lunafreya from FF15. Other than that, it's been shit. They're better off killing themselves by forcing their "ethics department" to develop games for them.
>>209256 I'd say everything after Kingdom Hearts, since that'd include Unlimited Saga, FFT Advance, FFX-2, and the fucking squeenix merger.
>>209231 Mid to late 2023 will probably be the most intense point to watch out for. Because if it's going to happen, it'll peak around that time.
>>209258 FF XII is good though.
>>209250 She speaks like she's recording a tiktok video to impress her non-existent soy fans. Completely unnatural to the given situation. If I had to guess, a marketer wrote that dialogue.
>>209258 Kingdom Hearts and their attempt at jewood with Spirits Within might have be t he beginning of the leftard infe ction.
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>CP posted and the mods didn't even deleted it Fucking Christ almighty.
>>209263 it's very obviously cg, stop panicking
>>209165 >>209183 >>209188 How does a forum that doxes leftists and other adjacents end up with a thread like that?
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When the Guilty Gear Bridget news dropped, these voices actors """coincidentally""" posted vague comments how "trans characters" should only be played by trannies. It's obvious they were referring Bridget and they were being slimy snakes since Bridget's voice is not a tranny to my knowledge. I'd imagine this has resulted in the usual types going after the voice of Bridget in harassment https://twitter.com/GhaspeyVO/status/1556729077754564608 (Archive doesn't seem to work for some reason)
>>209266 >"trans characters" should only be played by trannies Does that mean the guy in that tweet's saying he shouldn't have been the VA for the protagonist of SMTV?
>>209266 Are there any English VAs that are not absolute scumbags nowadays?
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>>209260 No it isn't, they just took FF11 and crammed it into a single player experience. At best i'd say it's mediocre, it looks nice and it gave us viera, but it's no longer final fantasy and even as a stand-alone game without the series name stapled onto it, it wasn't that exceptional.
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New Splatoon dropped.
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>>209266 >I'd imagine this has resulted in the usual types going after the voice of Bridget in harassment Let me get this straight hehe, the story so far, unless I'm mistaken, is: >Bridget is back in GG >Localizers or some shit say he became trans >Trannies celebrate >Turns out that the tranny shit is from a bad ending and the good one pulls out a "YWNBAW" of sorts >Trannies are in denial and keep saying "reee Bridget is trans" >Now some actors imply only trannies should voice Bridget >this turns into trannies harrassing the VA And you're telling me that people still want me to tolerate trannies, when they can't take an L and keep being unbearable faggots?
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>>209271 >There are no games where I can create a Bara doing manly fighting things anymore. I know they all are supposed to be kids, but at least they could give the option to make the fat bully kid of anime who can carry the heavier weapons.
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>>209272 Yes. >>209273 That's kinda gay.
>>209273 >Bara faggot
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>>209274 >>209275 The gay movement tainted so much the image of masculinity they made a word out of it and now you can't even have a proper word to describe it but that. Fuck the usual anime protagonist, I want to be the big buff secondary character.
>>209276 Nigger, the term bara was coined by a faggot magazine in the 70's; it was homo to begin with. It's also where we get yuri for lesbians, since men are of the tribe of the rose (bara) and women are of the lily (yuri).
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>>209276 Just say you wanna be a beefy muscular man & go play any RPG with character creation.
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>>209276 >you can't even have a proper word to describe it but that You literally have it in your post, you cock juggler: "big buff guy", but instead you had to use the fucking gay "bara" Jap slang. What kind of unamusing buffoon are you?
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>>209278 Everyday is getting harder and harder. They just give the generic twink or slightly muscular body and you can't make a wrestler looking guy anymore except on a particular wrestler game that is shit and full of bugs. I guess just in classic games you can do that. >>209279 >>209277 Alright, big buff guy then. Pls stop bullying.
>>209280 >spoiler The bullying will not stop, I hope the next Yuke's game is even more fucked and cucked than WWE 2k20, you fat fuck.
>>209280 The bullying will continue until morale improves.
>>209282 I'm just autistically upset at character creators because most of them just offer the usual flavours of generic twink instead of making a true character creator. You can make him slightly taller and shorter, slightly thicker or thinner, but it's still the same shitty body still dwarfed by much bigger characters. If you can make big guys why don't you give me the option to make one? Or be stupid like Project Red and make a shitty cyberpunk game where you can personalize your shitty junk and make your own flavour of neon glowing faggot yet boasting about how "detailed" their character creator is. I just want character creators to be great again. Be making a sumo wrestler the size of a mountain or a thousand years old loli. Had to delete to quote the right person. Today is not my day.
>>209283 Play Dragon's Dogma then.
>>209284 As much as it is good advice, everyone in this board probably already played with DD at this point.
>>209284 I hated that it fucked up your stats and where you could go in that.
>>209284 Already did, and alreay make a massive arisen paired with a little loli buffed ranger. The problem is mostly that there are barely any good character creators anymore.
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>>209250 > What were Square Enix thinking? < Invite voice acress to auditioning < Give her a pitch of the game < He says the above < Secretly record the conversation < Don't pay her because she had not yet taken the job Brilliant move.
>>209198 >people are sick of cape shit Except the only reasonBHA and One Punch man became big was because it was cape shit. Americans ironically are sick of cape shit yet can only digest things if it has cape shit.
>>209290 Well, cape shit is not bad when it's not filthy modern crap of cynnical faggotry. We all crave for heroes.
>>209266 If only trannies should be allowed to voice trannies does this mean that trannies are accepting that they should never be allowed to voice cis gendered women?
>>209290 >Americans ironically are sick of cape shit yet can only digest things if it has cape shit. I actually kinda doubt that, i know a lot of people that desperately want more capeshit but won't tolerate the woke being forced down their throats. Same with the Star Wars fatigue, it just feels like a cover so they don't have to admit that even normalfags hate woke.
>>209293 >i know a lot of people that desperately want more capeshit but won't tolerate the woke being forced down their throats That just sounds like being bothered by the flavor of soylent they are being fed. Niggercattle are disgusting.
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>>209250 Finally we're back to Chaos Wars.
>>209294 >implying SJWshit isn't worse than things that you just don't like There's a difference between bad normalfag shit and SJW shit. I yearn for the days when normalfag shit was the worst we had to worry about. At least it makes sense economically to cater to them. SJWs making bad things that everyone hates, on purpose, just for the sake of destroying the culture, is much worse.
>>209296 SJWshit is clearly a net positive if it means the niggercattle stop consuming soylent all together because they now hate all the flavors available. It's like cultural accelerationism. The hollyjew cancer never provided anything of substance to begin with so why would any sane man be bothered by it becoming infested with SJWshit? Literally only good things can come from that exchange.
>>209223 >Capeshit sells because there's literally nothing else being put forward. You'd be right if that were true. Capeshit only got so much output because it kept selling so well, and while I understand you're being hyperbolic, obviously there is more being put forward. It's largely shit, but so is the capeshit, but people still keep choosing the capeshit. >>209224 Unfortunately the movies are still doing well relative to other movies. Yes, it's a low bar, but the movie industry has been hammered, and though capeshit is doing less than before (except for the occasional one that's still big, like Spider-Man) it's still beating everything else. It's dropping off, hopefully, but it keeps being the most successful for now. But of course, the argument is that it's dropping off people people hate capeshit and not because people hate SJW shit. Clearly that's not true. They turned away from Star Wars when it turned SJW, as they have with tons of other things. And so many normalfags keep falling for it when something pretends to not be SJW. They'll say The Mandalorian is good and not like the movies, then you'll never hear about it again starting with Season 2, when it goes full SJW (not that I actually watched that shit, or anything else after the first Disney Star Wars movie). Even Sony knew this, and had to bring back characters from the Pre-SJW Spider-Man movies to get people to keep watching the shitty new Spider-Man movies, and that's one of the biggest cash cow franchises ever. >>209255 Look, it's good to get art and entertainment from different cultures, get more of a competition going, but acting like manga (and anime) isn't formulaic is hilarious. The ones that are popular certainly are. This is your problem. You're taking things too personally and your weeb-blindness is showing. I like plenty of manga and anime, but to act like it isn't formulaic is absurd. If you stuck to just saying "the jew fears the samurai," your case would have been a lot stronger. >>209297 >Accelerationism Fair enough.
>>209223 >Capeshit sells because there's literally nothing else being put forward. Cape shit sells because Marvel and DC oversaturated the market with their duopoly. closest thing they have to competition is Dynamite comics, and they mostly use public domain characters.
>>209252 Sakuga are moments in animation where the production quality is at it's peak. Basically the animations going full him and showing where most of the production went compared to the other moments of animation you've seen in an animated work's runtime.
So when are the closest american elections are going to happen and what are you going to elect?
>>209270 Is there of this where they all have anime eyes and say "KIMOCHIIIIII!"?

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>>209266 I like how they're implying people can't act unless they're like the character's they're voicing implying they have little talent. >>209162 >>209274 Weren't Bishi's the traps of their time or something. We have Traps & Ambushes but aren't Bishounens the mid point between the two now or something? Cause we have three form of effeminate men with bishi being the least gay of the three somehow.
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>>209271 >Pegi 7 >Entire ad is exotic dancing girls showing lots of skin >Squidlings and Octolings still have that hip sway ABSOLUTELY WOOMY
>>209304 I wonder if Nintendo has a forehead fetish.
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>>209304 Somehow even though Xenoblade has a canon harem situation with all the girls knocked up, Splatoon remains Nintendo's most horny franchise.
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>>209306 Did they ever put any squid MILFs, by any chance?
>>209271 >New Splatoon dropped. Kind of hate to say it, but I'm not interested. The offline mode for Splatoon 2 was weak as fuck compared to Splatoon on WiiU. I'm not big on online multiplayer these days, especially for console shooters, and I'm sure as fuck not paying a dime for online modes when it's all peer-to-peer matchmaking where your local hardware and internet connection does 99% of the work. Just let me know when the new porn drops and/or a PC version is released.
>>209301 >what are you going to elect? A president.
>>209301 Faggot "representatives" this and next month, based on which state it is.
Dunno if this has been posted yet
>>665863 So niggerpill is allowed to post without being banned now?
>>209301 >So when are the closest american elections are going to happen We don't have elections. >and what are you going to elect? Another jewish puppet who will do only what jews say, no matter what color his tie is.
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>>209311 >"No nun outfit, so won't jerk off" Never change, Japan.
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>>209271 I love how Nintendo's idea of "chaos" (the winner theme in Splatoon 2) is chinks and niggers/mutts. >>209272 >Turns out that the tranny shit is from a bad ending and the good one pulls out a "YWNBAW" of sorts Close but no. In the original dialog of that specific ending Bridget still feels comfortable with being called a girl (see >>209311), although not in such an obvious way like in the English translation, and the other endings avoid making references to Bridget's gender and instead come with vague scripts about Bridget wanting to be honest with himself (which trannies interpret as coming out as trans) and more like Ky (which can mean being manlier and stronger, or again, honest with his transgenderism). Pro-tranny Bridget fag also claim that all of the endings are part of the same story and not separate outcomes, and that even if they were there's nothing stating that the flawless ending (or any of them, things said) is the canon one. ArcSys and the English localization made sure to make everything ambiguous as fuck, just like Bridget's nature when you meet him for the first time. >>209303 Technically yes. Before passable traps became popular, bishonen or "pretty boys and men" were the designated "boy wives" of "real men" who used to look the same but taller, older and with shorter hair than them. They still are popular, but their role as cum sockets was "stolen" by younger and more feminine archetypes like shotas, traps and more recently femboys.
>>209315 Tan isn't niggerism. But shit she sure has a massive forehead.
>>209271 Yet another squigger, wonderful.
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>>209317 >>209318 At least it has proven once again right that octopussy is superior.
Anime news network definitively staring that Bridget is a transnigger https://archive.ph/2fOhx
>>209315 >and instead come with vague scripts about Bridget wanting to be honest with himself (which trannies interpret as coming out as trans) Anon, the JP dialogue was posted here. He explicitly says in the scene, and I paraphrase, >It's fine to call me a girl, because I am a girl That's not exactly vague beyond it either being tranny shit, or fetish shit. Or both.
>>209320 ANN is as pozzed as Kotaku, has been for years, and has no authority to declare anything.
>>209316 I was talking about these squids emulating the American hip-hop style that is so associated with niggers. >>209319 >inb4 it's an octotrap >>209320 >>209322 >[Via Kotaku] lol
>>209315 Hat Kid looks evil here >>209271 It looks even less appealing than 2.
>>209323 That would actually be good too, but the chest binding says otherwise.
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>>209303 Bishounen are just pretty boys. Not traps meant to look like girls. >>209304 >>209306 It's not illegal if they're squids.
>>209290 One Punch became big because of it's gimmick and MHA did because it did things different and with the Shouen school setting, Westerns have been sick of capeshit for years as the sales of manga have shown. with most of the top sellers being non capeshit.
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>>209324 >>209326 It was supposed to be one of these "golden faces". I have another pic based on a panel from Baki that is more faithful to the original.
>>209321 >the JP dialogue was posted here Out of curiosity, could you link where it was posted?
>>209331 Christ. I remember one anon some years back who said he was sure they wouldn't fuck with Bridget that because of CURRENT YEAR's fetish for femboys like Astolfo and the fact it's a jap series, the worse they'd do is make him gay due to catfishing Johnny. I wonder if he's still around to see this and what happened to Testament.
>>666089 Video games.

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>>209321 >>209331 >>209332 What a shame.
>>666089 He had an unsanctioned leaked declared by a judge that supposedly had connections with Epstein. It backfired considering now Trump can used this as Ammo for his 2024 election run since the FBI didn't even bother planting anything to incriminate him. They fuck up hard trying to nail him over Jan 6 still.
>>666097 What did I do?
>>666101 What the fuck are you talking about?
>>209337 In your post above, where you talked about the "2024 election run." Do you believe that elections actually exist.
>>666081 >(56)
>>209338 I'm saying that's what is believed he can do with that or what he's planning to do. I'm not sure if he's gonna do it you fucking wacko.
>>209338 Either they did before, which is why he got in, or they didn't even then, which is why he'll get in next time.
>>209290 > Except the only reasonBHA and One Punch man became big was because it was cape shit. > Americans ironically are sick of cape shit yet can only digest things if it has cape shit. The problem with capeshit is not the cape, it's the shit. The Marvel and Batman movies did well because they were made well and were legit the best movie in the theater at the time they were released. The ones that weren't that good didn't do that well. In the comics: Superman dies and is replaced by four knockoffs, Captain America was always a Hydra double agent, every other superhero is replaced by a lesbian muslim transnigger, the audience says "fuck you" and reads manga.
>>209340 >>209341 Ah, but both of these are suppositions based on beliefs about others' unstated beliefs. It's just theories, not what actually is. It's what the media said, parroted, without dissection or cogitation. And that's what I can't stand anymore.
>>209333 I see Splatoon 3 had a Direct but I don't care about that. XC3 came out and is lukewarm AF. Nothing else seems to be happening in the leadup to the holiday season. It's a boring time for VIDYA.
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>>209344 >I see Splatoon 3 had a Direct but I don't care about that. Seems that there's a human in disguise in the new one. No domino mask and human ears. Can't really get around that without a WHAT A TWEEST story to explain it.
>>209343 Alright so what the hell do you want considering you're not any better consider even elections being rigged and nothing can be done is popular rhetoric among skeptics. So what's your take?
>>209335 >the FBI didn't even bother planting anything to incriminate him. Isn't having those docs there already the crime itself? I recall last thread an anon cited a relevant law that listed removal from office, any office, as part of the legal punishment.
>>209346 Just video games. That's all anymore. >>666114 >(1) >>209347 >Isn't having those docs there already the crime itself? No, presidents are allowed access to classified documents, and the files in question were unclassified years ago anyway.
>>209345 This clearly isn't human.
>>209265 Soy rots the brain. That is how.
>>209347 If a president has classified documents then he can arbitrarily declassify them when ever he wants. There's no way to prove that he didn't declassify them before he stopped being president. >>209348 >>(1) tor you stupid fucking subhuman schizo nigger
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>>209349 Maybe they're just trying to shake up the designs to breathe life into a franchise they might be pushing too hard, too fast, without meaningful change to the mechanics or gameplay. How about four-team matches? Or is Nintendo's netcode just too shitty? Where are the Sharklings? Where are the Raylings? >>209351 I literally do not care.
>>209348 >No, presidents are allowed access to classified documents He wasn't the president anymore, officially, regardless of whether you think the election was rigged or not. And he wasn't supposed to keep those documents, he was supposed to submit them for archival. Allegedly. >the files in question were unclassified years ago anyway. What files in question? Nobody has cited that the documents were unclassified, and the FBI didn't reveal what the documents were, so how could you possibly know that?. They could have made documents up. They could have made the raid up.
>>209353 >They could have made the raid up. Now you're getting it. Good man.
What's the theme for the next thread?
>>209351 >There's no way to prove that he didn't declassify them before he stopped being president. How? If they're declassified, they would be listed as such somewhere. He can't just decide they're declassified and notify no one of it, and then retroactively reference this personal private declassfication. If that were the case, he could retro-actively claim to have declassified anything he wants.
>>209355 Alternative squidlings >>209352
>>209357 AMVs.
>>209358 Animated Movie Videogames?
>>209353 Obama has a bunch of files he hasn't returned too. It's some bullshit reason for a raid, because they don't have a valid reason to do it. Moreover the glowies didn't want anybody to see what they were doing so they could have as well planted evidence.
>>209271 ain't that he jada smith hairline?
>>209266 Always kill lgbt abominations and leftards. Period.
>>209359 Animated Music Videos.
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>>209290 >Americans ironically are sick of cape shit yet can only digest things if it has cape shit. Americans are not the whole world.
>>209297 This. Even more relevant when you remember that capeshit was always a jewish infested industry, with the non-jewish ones being forced into bankruptcy through jewish corruption and bribes.
>>209355 Horns and hoofs? Today is >>666666
>>209365 Nigger, you've been taking up space in this thread talking about capeshit in it's current trappings falling off a cliff. The many numerous factors mentioned above contributed to it's fall and was death by a thousand cuts long past it's point of where it should've died. Wokeness, Bad writting, shitty source material, etc al. This is the last thing you're gonna go out having having shit explained to you. >Americans are not the whole world. Despite the fact that capeshit is largely American centric baring some media about superheroes outside America. Evn BnHA and one punch man take inspiration out of Capeshit in the west.
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>>209344 The new idols are ugly as fuck. The octo looks like a trap (ladyboy?) while the squid is a caricature of the average sheboon. The only decent looking character is the fucking ray for hell's sake.
>>209369 The octo is cute and has wider hips than Marina. I can see Big Man growing on me, too.
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>>666089 >What's the deal with this FBI raid on Trump? They will make up some BS charge and Trump will be arrested. Then, see pic.
>>209369 >The baggy Arabian pants have holes in them I wonder if you can pull any camera shenanigans to see her pantsu.
>>209355 Mark smoking weed.
>>209365 >Americans are not the whole world. then why are people speaking American instead of their hipster language?
>>209374 Evil white colonialism, my fellow white, of course! :^)
Not 100% confirm yet but Gotham knights might be teasing making Jason Todd a faggot. Rainbow aids flag spotted in the Red hood trailer. Which means Jason Todd might a gay bar.
>>209355 >What's the theme for the next thread? how about how anyone who likes Disney sale outs Reddit letter media are faggots or batgirl porn?
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>>209376 Just this one shot from what I've seen.
>>209372 >>209378 >Just this one shot from what I've seen. Keep in mind this is DC comics. Only straight Batman character at this rate will be the joker. DC been making joker a trump stand in recently.
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>>209379 >DC been making joker a trump stand in recently. How in the hell does that work?
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>>209276 nah i get it, you want to be the squid cervantes
>>209379 It's probably there because of Tim Drake.
>>209378 >>666171 >anti-SJW YouTube channel exploding partly due to RLM selling out to Disney Star Wars and Marvel movies, to begin with. Red letter media spent half the prey review bashing anti-SJW YouTubers that overwhelmingly liked the new predator and defending the movie because woke marketing hurting the film.
>>209271 >>209364 >>209369 >"Hey what kind of character should we design?" >"Throw a dart at the board and see what sticks!" <lands on teacup applehead chihuahua Nothing says aquatic like a mexican dog
>>666171 >>209380 >DC has been making joker a trump stand recently. >How in the hell does that work? Remember I am not Starfire? The bitch behind starfire's fat daughter made a Harley Quinn prequel book that retcon joker as a son of a billionaire helping to gentrify a black and gay neighborhood. Not even kidding.
>>209379 >>209380 >DC been making joker a trump stand in recently. How so? The only Joker-related media I can recall that had him act anything resembling Trump is Batman: White Knight (where he regains sanity and becomes a politician) and the whole story was just an exercise in "JOKER DINDU NUFFIN, BATMAN'S THE REAL VILLAIN (please ignore him brainwashing the other villains to false flag an attack to discredit Batman then accidentally letting someone else get the keys to go on a rampage)"
>>209311 >>209315 The Japanese beginning to argue about this as well as their confusion now proves to me that Daisuke is clearly pandering. I know he's a westaboo, but I don't understand why he would give the character such a radical shift and destroy Bridget's story in XX
>>209387 The fucking worst part about is, they referenced the fact Bridget is a boy as recently as fucking Xrd Revelator, with one of Johnny's reactions to Bedman's instant kill remembering that pic related happened.
>>209372 Squidgirls don't have pantsu, only spatsu.
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>>209379 >DC been making joker a trump stand in recently. Putting aside the fact that it's been roughly 2 years since Trump left office and they are somehow still obsessed with him, why Joker in particular? Wouldn't it make more sense with someone like Lex Luthor? Even Harvey Dent would be a better choice. Also, can you please post some examples of Trump-Joker? I want to see it for myself.
>>209386 Are you expecting logic from a company that made the Amazons pro-transgender? Women who had a policy of killing newborn boys before Diana became Wonder Woman would accept men becoming Amazons. If anything Amazonians should be the most hardcore TERFs in the DC universe. INB4 plot of Wonder Woman 3 be about a Amazonian JK Rowling stand trying genocide trannies to save womanhood
>>209388 The only way to salvage all of this I guess is Bridget just going "I don't care too much on being manly or a girl anymore, I am me". Still pandering trash but better then fully transitioning to what he was forced to be raised by due to his insane dumb village and trying to pretend him coming out as a woman is such a controversial thing when in-universe everyone already confuses him as a woman.
>>209390 I think it's mostly how they view him as a bumbling buffoon that somehow manage to be successful like some bad yidney villain, as well as a mastermind that is always scheming something and manipulating everyone.
>>209379 >Only straight Batman character at this rate will be the joker. Wait until they reveal that the 'joke' about the Joker is that he's been a tranny all along.
>>666182 Axolotlings when?
>>209390 >Wouldn't it make more sense with someone like Lex Luthor? You would think they would make the Penguin a trump stand in because of his history of running for mayor of Gotham. 2000s DC already made Lex Luthor a George W bush and Fox News stand-in. One of the few things I agree with razorfag is DC started SJW shit in American comics, not marvel. 2000s marvel was shocking fair to Bush in Ulitmates/ultimate avengers and ultimate X-men outright portrayed Bush as a heroic pro mutant ally. That’s a big no no too the left even back then.
>>209390 >Putting aside the fact that it's been roughly 2 years since Trump left office and they are somehow still obsessed with him It's not like these very threads didn't keep talking about Killary years after she missed HER TURN.
>>209391 I don't expect logic from, haven't for years, and I hated the elseworld for sucking Joker's dick even when he's doing unethical bullshit. Just the same, the fact it's sucking Joker's dick instead of vilifying him and the fact he doesn't act like Trump at all disinclines me from what >>209379 said about "turning him into a Trump stand-in". I need more evidence than "dude DC sucks you know they'd do it". >>209392 It's already too late. The stench sticks until someone on the GG team comes out and directly states Bridget is male they won't, too much bad PR and risking being banned from Fighting Game tourneys like EVO because long-term info centres like wikis will refuse to refer to Bridget except by she/them in order to retroactively convince newcomers, and the internet has more or less lost access to one of its oldest memes for the sake of the culture war. Remember when Testament was considered a son to Kliff Undersn? I'm never forgiving Daisuke for this. I don't know if he thought trannies were "in" with westerners because Twatter is Japan's only real way of looking into us or he genuinely drank the kool-aid, but I don't care. Retarded naivety is just as destructive as intentional malice.
>>209393 >I think it's mostly how they view him as a bumbling buffoon that somehow manage to be successful like some bad yidney villain, as well as a mastermind that is always scheming something and manipulating everyone. You mean the Jews?
>>209395 Meant for >>209384
>>209374 We take your language, but never your dumbass pop "culture".
>>209401 Tell that to Canada.
>>209387 Daisuke Ishiwatari is a marxist.
>>209318 artist?
>>209404 It's from a random thread on cuckchan's VG. https://archive.ph/sHl8M
>tfw no space alien trap bf
>>209406 Get me a pink wig.
>>209395 are axolotls, sharks or manta rays cephalopods?, no?, well obviously, cuttlelings and nautilings might be introduced next(unless the squid sisters are cuttlelings as i have seen theorized), other than that, i can see them introduce the concept of a cthulhing though an ingame movie poster or something
>>209398 >It's already too late. The stench sticks until someone on the GG team comes out and directly states Bridget is male they won't, too much bad PR and risking being banned from Fighting Game tourneys like EVO because long-term info centres like wikis will refuse to refer to Bridget except by she/them in order to retroactively convince newcomers, and the internet has more or less lost access to one of its oldest memes for the sake of the culture war. Remember when Testament was considered a son to Kliff Undersn? >I'm never forgiving Daisuke for this. I don't know if he thought trannies were "in" with westerners because Twatter is Japan's only real way of looking into us or he genuinely drank the kool-aid, but I don't care. Retarded naivety is just as destructive as intentional malice. Never trust a westaboo. -t. Akechi Mitsuhide
I wonder if it was my usage of the words "too late" that set him off this time.
>>209410 It's annoying how stupid that guy happens to be with his diatribes of defeatism that haven't worked at all. How can one man still be this pissed off after losing out on a contracted job or something?
>>209411 I'm not even certain he's this HangingFlesh shill guy anymore either. Remember it's only Luciano who ever makes that accusation.
>>209390 >Putting aside the fact that it's been roughly 2 years since Trump left office and they are somehow still obsessed with him You do realize that Adolf Hitler has supplanted Satan himself as the greatest evil of all time to these people, right?
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>>209413 >to these people >people
>>209414 I've made a terrible assumption.
>>209410 >>209411 Like was mentioned earlier in the thread, it's entirely possible that niggerpill is a bot. Same with Luciano. Nobody sticks to a script that close for that long without any evolution in posting style or fucking up in a manner that gets them exposed.
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>>209371 >They will make up some BS charge and Trump will be arrested. Nothing is going to happen to him. Yet. What most of this is about is just setting the stage for the mid-terms, because it's not just Trump but they've been taking out other prominent alt-right/conservative voices like Alex Jones and Project Veritas. They've also been subpoenaing Trump allies and opening investigations into anybody who put up even the slightest resistance to the 2020 election fraud result. It's laying the groundwork to conduct very public raids and arrests which will be 24/7 news for the entire month+ in the lead-up to the midterms. Doesn't matter if it's all bullshit, by the time the cases fizzle out, the election will be over and they can work on starting a new investigation. Ultimately, little will come of this because they want Trump to get off - for the same reason the Demoncrats were funding MAGA candidates during the primaries. They're promoting pawns they think they can knock over easily once people start seeing them and their political allies being dragged out of their campaign offices in chains. And they want Trump to run in 2024, because he's so divisive, and they think they can run the tables on him in 2024 like they did in 2020. DeSantis just doesn't excite the general voter in the same way. Even with the fraud and manipulation aside, nobody voted FOR Biden - they voted against Trump, and DeSantis isn't going to be able to generate enough hated or visceral reaction to get people to vote against him.
>>209308 >I'm not big on online multiplayer these days, especially for console shooters My big issue is that NONE of the games with multiplayer have the option to turn on bots.
>>209327 >Bishounen are just pretty boys. Not traps meant to look like girls. I take it you haven't read manga about bishies being forced to wear the dress by their GFs.
>>209385 >retcon joker as a son of a billionaire helping to gentrify a black and gay neighborhood Oh, for fucks sake. What happened to Joker being a disfigured mobster/criminal?

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