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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Monsters & Mundane Activities. Anonymous 08/19/2022 (Fri) 14:50:40 Id: e38f32 No. 212975
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page >Japan just elected Akamatsu Ken to the national diet. https://archive.ph/4fdKd >Legal action threatened as Hideo Kojima falsely linked to Shinzo Abe assassination https://archive.ph/4n1lS >Elon Musk backs out of the twitter deal: https://archive.ph/TwHhU - so twitter takes legal action against Musk: https://archive.ph/A85hj >Gamebanana forced to take down nazi Whip skin by SJWs https://archive.ph/nKiQ3 >Shooter Payton Gerndon links 8chan.moe, among other sites, in his manifesto. Site Administrator Acid Man denies the shooter having any posts and/or affiliation with the site. (Everyone on site is getting v& regardless, RIP again.) https://archive.is/26ng7 >Embracer (Formerly THQ Nordic) buys multiple IPs from Square Enix for $300 Million https://archive.ph/wGTUC >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike: https://archive.ph/pyYJg * >*Update GMG Union secured a deal: https://archive.ph/vcUET >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS:
[Expand Post]A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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Maybe the real monsters were inside all along.
>>671128 >>671130 Allegedly the drow's an adopted orphan.
>>212975 dubs checked
>muffet with tits you fags can't do anything right.
>pedonigger gets blown the fuck out >immediately proceeds to spin up bot spam Like clockwork. Reminder that Acid actively defended these retards for 9 months while they were DDoSing his site.
>>671138 Puffy.
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>>212979 Why is her third right shoulder on her tailbone?
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>>212983 I don't get it. Nice dubs tho. >>212982 Khorne gets demon bitches too?
>>671156 No. The dude's a literal meth addict.
>>212982 lets see you find muffet fanart where her arms don't look uncanny and weirdly placed.
>>212984 >I don't get it. I think it's making fun of the She-Hulk show, where the main character is a strong-independent women is both better than the original Hulk while also suffering from issues that Bruce Banner "never experienced anything close to" (You know when he was on the run from the American military, having to flee all the way to Brazil, and constantly having to control his emotions so that he doesn't kill anyone, and eventually getting so depressed about his existence that he attempts suicide several times).
>>671138 I get it, that's because it's a monster dong.
>>212986 Woah, it's almost like she is poorly designed.
Archive of Previous Thread. https://archive.ph/poONE
>>212983 Stop spamming these comics, they're trash, at least the stonetoss ones have the amogus to laugh at
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>>212984 Everybody gets daemonettes now. Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle. Declaring one best is a good way to start an argument in some places. >>212986 Fair enough, impossible anatomy sucks to draw. >>212987 He's never had to pay a LUXURY TAX on his TAMPONS. He can never know the trials of a modern western woman.
>>212987 >>212991 Good god. I don't even care about cape shit, but this is still painful to watch. >>212993 >Everybody gets daemonettes now Good for chaos. >Declaring one best is a good way to start an argument in some places. Also good for starting chaos then. A natural fit.
>>212987 >>212984 >>212991 >while also suffering from issues that Bruce Banner "never experienced anything close to" I fucking hate borderlines, that is what they fucking sound like when they want to excuse their bullshit. Congratulations, you have crippling emotions that do nothing positive for the situation you got yourself into, now go get therapy you spaz. The writers should seek it for kill themselves instead of bragging about their mood disorders through a TV show.
>>212991 Shulk is getting absolutely destroyed.
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What caused the retard to turn on his bot this time?
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Oh I just noticed he's put a cheeky little message in the email field, because he's too much of a bitch to post it outright.
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You know, I got covid a few weeks back without ever getting any of those "vaccines" it was just a mild flu, and the only thing odd about it was that I had sore throat. And that's only because I had my tonsils taken out over a decade ago and haven't had a sore throat since, otherwise everything was fine. Glad I never got any of that phiser, moderna, big pharma shit injected into me.
>>213000 Unless you got your sperm count checked everything is probably not fine.
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>>213000 I had it twice and it was pretty fucking mild as well, first time annoyed me because it was the "can't taste food" variety. I will never get the jab.
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>>213001 >anon becomes impotent
>>212983 >that filename This is neither Xenoblade nor videogames.
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>>213000 Most of the people who got the Omicron variant never even realized they were sick. It was that fucking mild. Semi-related, nurglettes a best.
>>213000 All that happened to me was a half-day migraine and dizziness when taking the stairs. Didn't even know it was COVID until getting tested. >>213001 Joke's on you, the state of Western women guarantees that I'll never sire a child into this clown world.
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Cringe vax spam, kill yourself loser.
>>213007 He's doing it to annoy you. Stop expressly telling him that it annoys you.
>>212994 >3 hidden by clothes and hair >1 doesn't even have 6 arms the remaining one is okay I guess but why did she let a bird poop in her ear?
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>>213009 >birdpoop I still remember the original thread.
>>212994 >six armpits
>>213011 Maybe more.
>>213012 imagine
>>213000 Had a headache a couple hours first day, got on ivermectin right away, just had a slight fever and tired. No cough, no sneezing, cleared up in 3 days and tested negative on the 5th.
>>213000 Had it a few months back, it was like a fairly strong flu, 1 day of buildup, couple days of high fever and a week or so of low energy and coughing afterwards.
>>212975 >first image That's missy, she's a wolficus from 4chan's trash board /hmofa/. I know this because reasons also she's full on furry lel
>>213011 But does anon have six dicks to fuck all those armpits at the same time?
>>213017 Most people don't even have two dicks to fuck a regular two armed girl's pits at the same time.
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>(((Luciano))) shows up thinking anything about his monkey ass is "pure" 100% pure nigger maybe.
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>>212991 Following this link I found out in 2006 a lesbian writer decided to put maximum disguise and acting effort into pretending to be a man for a year and half. She published a book about it, and there's a mini-doc summarizing her experiences. Interesting stuff. https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0-uv8gT9Kxw In July this year, she had an assisted suicide in Switzerland, where such as been legal since the 40s. What the hell Switzerland?
>>213020 Why is she hot as a dude, am I gay
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Funny how the vaxx shit, that hasn't been spammed for quite a while, didn't start until right after the pedotranny had another meltdown in the last thread.
>>213021 yes. >>213022 Gotta be the same guy.
>>213020 >what the hell switzerland? you allow the inferiors and genetic defects to remove themselves from the genepool painlessly? whats wrong with that?
>>213021 Anyone have the Vivian and /v/ image where he says "reverse trap, eh?"?
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>>213022 >>213023 It probably is the same tard, given it put "cringe board kill yourselves losers" in the email field for every spam post like the gay retard it is. Way too gay to be up front about that statement, what a pussy.
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>>213020 >In July this year, she had an assisted suicide in Switzerland, where such as been legal since the 40s. Poor bint. I know experiencing life as a man resulted in her falling into a depression so deep that she was hospitalized, and her stating words to the effect that she was never more grateful to have been born a woman. >>213020 Switzerland is and has been entirely mercenary for hundreds of years. Everyone puts their declarable cash their because the Swiss honour their fucking contracts and do not let other governments sieze or freeze those assets which have been entrusted to them to protect. There was a medieval meme, "it is not a war until the Swiss show up." Do not fuck with the Swiss.
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>Legend of Mana: The Teardrop Crystal begins airing October 7
>>213028 It doesnt have anyone from seiken densetsu 3? Hard pass.
>>213028 >take iconic IP with a distinctive artstyle >absolutely butcher it and make it look like every single other fantasy anime out there
>>213020 Most women would probably kill themselves after a week in a mans shoes so it's pretty impressive that she went over a year.
>>213025 It's Teagan.
>>213027 >Poor bint. I know experiencing life as a man resulted in her falling into a depression so deep that she was hospitalized, and her stating words to the effect that she was never more grateful to have been born a woman. She took the red pill harder than anyone. It's one thing to already have a shitty life, then realize that everything you thought you knew was a lie. To think you have a shitty life but then realize it was actually awesome, and thinking it was shit was the lie, would make the impact hit much harder. Of course, at least she could go back to her life of luxury, but there's a reason the bad guy from The Matrix wanted to forget that he ever even took the red pill. Going back in isn't enough. You need to forget you ever left. You need to forget there was even another option.
>>213022 >>213023 >>213026 calm down schizos there isn't a rule against having more than one boogeyman.
>>213034 She was told her whole life how hard she had it. How men have everything handed to them. To discover the opposite was true totally shattered her world view. Unable to even speak with her dyke friends after that without being called a redneck. No wonder she killed herself. Women are weak.
>>213034 >Going back in isn't enough. You need to forget you ever left. You need to forget there was even another option. You can never go home, anon.
>>213035 Question. Have you ever seen Clark Kent and Superman in the same room? Likewise have you ever seen the pedo when the vax spam is going?
>>213024 What's wrong with it is the problem Canada is having now where they pressure anyone that would cost more to keep alive than it would cost for an assisted suicide into taking that option.
>>213039 >wrong that sounds like a good thing. like how many years are you gonna lay on a bed consuming resources grandpa?
>>671280 So you admit to be being both! ALL ACCORDING TO CAKE-KIKE-U
>>213039 One could say that's a pro-eugenics methodology, and one could argue in favor of eugenics. The problem is if the people in charge are the ones that need to be exterminated, and if they just start using it to pressure those they don't like into suicide. Which is already what happens. Right now it seems like it's just the poor, but of course they can and do use different methods to try to make their enemies poor, such as freezing their bank accounts. Of course, realizing this would hopefully be enough to stop the people they want to kill themselves from doing it, because living out of sheer spite should be a good enough motivation to keep them going. That's what I do. >>213037 Isn't the phrase "you can't go home again"?
>>213041 >ALL ACCORDING TO >>213042 >Isn't the phrase "you can't go home again"? Yes, but this wording allows the possible interpretation that you can go home once. You can never go home, anon.
>>213043 If you have never been to your home even once. Was it ever truly your home? I would argue everyone was home at one point.
>>213042 That's fine until the next step, claiming you were offered adequate care and refused it so they have no obligation to treat you in any other way.
>>213045 Don't forget determining who is and isn't allowed to practice medicine to a strict code. It's how you get canadian deathcare where the doctors are glorified babysitters.
>>212976 >Women could be able to turn into monstergirls for increased strength, intelligence and empathy, but we have yet to discover this
>>213042 >>213044 One day soon the SJWs will fade away and the normalfags will think things went back to normal. And video game developers will stop acting as outwardly SJW, and decry the entire notion, and say they never did it. And maybe we will even find a game or two to actually enjoy. And you'll join the lobby in a sequel to a game that used to be great, and it will be filled with an atmosphere of what used to be. And you will say "Well, I'm back." But it won't be said with joy. It will be said in a voice of tired matter-of-factness. Because even if the world went back to exactly how it was, the people aren't the same. We've lost some along the way, and we can't remove the knowledge of what we've learned. But would we want to? Darkness may recede, but a new shadow will appear eventually, and we'll be more ready next time. And we can use what we've learned to make sure the next generation is more prepared than we were. And we can only hope that the new shadow is beaten more quickly than this one was. >>213046 >doctors are glorified babysitters. I wouldn't trust those fuckers alone with my kids. Also, the real problem with Canadian doctors is that practically none of them speak english.
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Freezer is a Nigger
>>213049 I dunno anything about Nu-Dragon Ball but wasn't Goku Black evil? Does that mean a Black Frieza would be good?
>>213049 Quick - someone call the Minnesota Police Department!
>>213044 >I would argue everyone was home at one point. Indeed, and then they could leave home, and go home, but they could not leave again and go home again, a second time. Thus, the distinction in wording to clarify that you can never go home, anon. >>671301 >my first post in the thread Your first post in the thread was bitching about an image in OP and calling everyone fags and failures. How, precisely, do you think you "othered" yourself?
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>>213050 I'm a few chapters behind, but I assume Black Frieza is different from Frieza Black, the same way Goku Red is different from Red Goku, who are two actual different characters who met and fought each other in Super Dragon Ball Heroes. (Goku Red is Goku in Super Saiyan God form. Red Goku is Goku from the GT timeline who got pulled out of the timeline and became a timecop, and started wearing red clothes. He can also turn Super Saiyan 4, which again makes him red, but in a different way than Goku Red.)
>>213048 I had a retarded canuck acquaintance who kept bleeding from a stitched gash on his knee. Everyone in the chat group told his dumbass to try and clot it or otherwise go to the hospital. He instead called the doctor and asked if it's fine and the doctor said yes 👍🏽 it'll go away. Dumbass got a concussion in the shower and went to the ER anyway. Now he trooned out and probably has a bigger gash to keep open. I assume he was medically retarded on purpose like those ass worm faggots or the hiv+syphilis+monkeypox faggot whose nose was rotting off, but he fucked off shortly after.
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>>213051 Do they even have a police department anymore? I though Minnesota had become a hellscape for marauding basketball americans.
>>213053 W... what. I give up on trying to understand this bullshit,
>>213032 >Most women would probably kill themselves after a week in a mans shoes Why? Personally, I cannot think of anything that I experienced in my own life that stands out as something a woman couldn't do.
>>213057 Why dont we see any female garbage workers?
>>213057 Woman are giant pussies and need emotional support just to stay alive, let alone do anything.
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reposting for prosperity and a memory
>>671322 Thinks he's some sort of boogeyman. Doesn't seem like anyone's intimidated into leaving. Doesn't even seem like anyone's irritated into leaving. He's more of nuisance to put up with, a "cost of doing business" to have decent conversation with people that aren't him. The sales tax of boogeymen. >>213057 >Personally, I cannot think of anything that I experienced Now imagine as if everything you experienced was done for you without cost by other people, many of whom you had just met and never would see again. That's why.
>>671156 Looks like he cut his hand trying to open one of those ridiculously difficult to open, piece of shit plastic packages and then made a short video venting about it. Am I missing something?
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>>671333 >beyond the ideological differences we're more similar than we are different. >apart from our differences we're not different Are you conscious of your own thoughts, or do you find that you fade in and out?
>>671333 take your petty drama to discord, this isn't a chat room.
>>213063 But anon we all have a heart and brain and spleen and lungs, we're practically the same person from how similar we are.
>>213065 Nearly identical even to orangutans!
>>213056 Super Dragon Ball Heroes is a spinoff manga made to promote a video game, and it has an anime adaptation also made to promote the video game. The anime is a bunch of episodes that are each only like five minutes, once per month, and they are only published online. It's also clearly based on the manga but changes some bits and doesn't adapt the first major story, which makes it more confusing than the manga. Anyway the premise is Future Trunks gets recruited by the Kaioshin of Time to be a timecop, creating a group called the Time Patrol, consisting of characters pulled from throughout time, but mostly it's characters from after the end of GT. Stuff happens that results in parts of the past changing and it's their job to make sure they keep things normal enough that it doesn't fuck up history. Like Cell gets possessed by or absorbs something called a Dark Dragon Ball (different from the Black Star Dragon Balls and the cracked Dragon Balls that created the Shadow Dragons), which flies into bad guys and makes them more powerful, so Cell becomes a new giant kaiju form called Cell-X. The X presumably stands for "Xeno," as most of these characters are more properly called "Goku Xeno" or "Vegeta Xeno" or "Pan Xeno" (those three basically become Trunks's main allies). But in one arc, the first that got an anime adaptation, they met the characters from Super, which is there definitively established as an alternate timeline from GT (I mean before you could pretend it wasn't even though it obviously was intended to be), and Goku (Super) calls Goku (Xeno, who is effectively Goku from after the end of GT) "Red Goku." And Goku (Super) can also turn into Super Saiyan God, which is red, and a later form called Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (which is blue), which everyone in-universe realizes is stupid, so they just call it Super Saiyan Blue, and sometimes a powered up character to that level will just be called Vegeta Blue or whatever, which means Super Saiyan God Goku can also be called Goku Red, and when he met Goku Xeno he called him Red Goku, so therefore Goku Red met Red Goku. Dragon Ball Heroes also features things like Baby Janemba (Janemba possessed by Baby from GT), Golden Cooler, and all sorts of other retarded shit. But if you can appreciate stuff that is basically an official version of the Mexican lore, then it's great. It can be difficult to find where to start with the manga, because there are many manga called Dragon Ball Heroes with different subtitles, and some are not very related to what I'm mentioning, and many aren't translated, but I recommend starting with Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission, which is essentially the start of this Trunks story, then Universe Mission, which is the one that started the anime adaptation (but the manga makes more sense) and has the characters from Super. Then Big Bang Mission continues from there, but I haven't read that yet. There are previous ones, of which Victory Mission is the only one that has a partial translation (most but not all chapters are translated) and it seems like it is canon to the other Dragon Ball Heroes stuff, but it takes place in the far future. At first it looks like it's just about kids playing the arcade game, but then they reveal it's actually the far future and the arcade cabinets are time machines which actually take kids back to the time of Dragon Ball, and people start fucking with time and there's stuff with Dark Dragon Balls or something. It's pretty wild but you don't need to know it to understand Dark Demon Realm Mission or the ones that follow it.
>>213058 I've seen women working at recycling plants, if that counts. >>213059 >and need emotional support just to stay alive Like men don't? >>213061 >Now imagine as if everything you experienced was done for you without cost by other people You mean like when I was one of those kids who's parents had to drag them along, kicking and screaming, to do a science fair project back in grade school?
>>213068 >I've seen women working at recycling plants, if that counts. It doesn't. >Like men don't? Men don't get it, at least not nearly to the same degree. >You mean like when I was one of those kids who's parents had to drag them along, kicking and screaming, to do a science fair project back in grade school? No. That situation doesn't even seem the least bit analogous.
>>213068 >like men don't? Not to the extent women do, no. When was the last time you saw only women going to a boomtown to dig up some gold or oil or coal or something? It's always men who can live independent of women and even other men.
>>213057 You could not think about anything that stands out because nothing does stand out, which is precisely why it's so hilarious that women couldn't handle it. To be fair, probably 40% of women could handle living life as a man without wanting to kill themselves. And outside of the west that number would probably climb significantly. But at least 50% of women would blow their browns out after a few days of not having both men and women alike clamoring to interact with them and compliment them. Women kvetch about being catcalled yet they have no concept of what it feels like to be legitimately invisible. Having to experience people not acknowledging their existence is the single most horrific thought to a woman. Even men can hardly handle the extreme isolation they experience. You or I might be fine with it, but there's a reason why retards are out there getting cucked and ruined in divorces. It's because most men desperately need the validation of women but have to go to extremes to get even crumbs. The second women realize they actually have to provide substantial value to the world to get the attention that was given freely before they would rather die. Life as a man isn't especially hard. but life as a women is unimaginably easy.
>>213058 To be fair, they do have better noses than men as a result of evolutionary sexual dimorphism going back to before farming was invented.
>>213070 >When was the last time you saw only women going to a boomtown to dig up some gold or oil or coal or something? Never because the government (Or whatever special interest group) has made mining for anything all but illegal here in the U.S.. >>213071 >You or I might be fine with it, but there's a reason why retards are out there getting cucked and ruined in divorces. It's because most men desperately need the validation of women but have to go to extremes to get even crumbs. Funny. My experience has been the exact opposite where, if I try to talk to someone or take an interest in them, they go screaming for the hills and wonder why they're being talked to because it's so uncommon for people to actually converse. The only exception to the is the "Over 50" crowd.
>>213073 >Funny. My experience has been the exact opposite where, if I try to talk to someone or take an interest in them, they go screaming for the hills and wonder why they're being talked to because it's so uncommon for people to actually converse. The only exception to the is the "Over 50" crowd. Yes well nords don't count as you retards are exceedingly autistic.
>>213074 No, I'm a burger.
>>213073 That's because you are unknown to them, they already have imaginary internet people supporting their crafted online presence, while you might actually criticize them for things they are not willing to control.
>>213075 Then the culture you're describing does not map onto reality. Also women get attention in more ways than random people chatting them up in the street.
what a cowabunga piece of shit
Is there a tag for normal slow sex with focus on girl, preferably from pov?
>>213079 Male POV & vanilla?
>>213080 vanilla isn't a searchable tag though, missionary is very rare but I don't mind other positions. Just slow lovemaking sex I guess
>>213068 recycling plant doesn't count, im talking about actual garbage truck driving wastebin lifting women... there aren't any... if so very rare.
>>213071 >Life as a man isn't especially hard. but life as a women is unimaginably easy. We have twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors, despite having a birthrate of about equal males and females. That means males are half as likely to reproduce as females, which means their lives are objectively twice as hard. The other side of this is that it's a high-risk high-reward situation, as the males that do reproduce would reproduce twice as much as the females, on average. And of course really it's worse than that because massive chads like Ghengis Khan have a zillion kids while plenty of males only have one (or at least only one surviving child). But fine, let's just say it's about twice as difficult to reproduce if you're male, even though for most it's actually harder than that. If you're used to coasting through life on easy mode, being thrust into a high-risk high-reward situation, where you need to out-compete the bottom 50% to accomplish the most basic task of life, is not going to be something you can handle, at least not without realizing how good you had it before. >>213073 >Never because the government (Or whatever special interest group) has made mining for anything all but illegal here in the U.S.. Disingenuously dodging the point. There are many oil workers and similar jobs, but women don't want to do them. There are tons of sewer workers and high-rise construction jobs, but women don't want to do them, and when one woman does, she instantly starts demanding everything change to revolve around her. Then our bridges fall down. >if I try to talk to someone or take an interest in them, they go screaming for the hills and wonder why they're being talked to because it's so uncommon for people to actually converse. The only exception to the is the "Over 50" crowd. Again, not remotely an analogous situation. What you describe isn't even the opposite since you didn't even describe gender differences, which were what was being discussed. You didn't at all refute his point that men get ruined in divorces and similar situations because they still need validation, and are willing to settle for horrible lives and tiny crumbs because that's all they can get, while women get it for free, without thinking about it. And obviously it isn't just on the street. They get so much affection, compliments, validation, that they get angry and say it's an insult, no, an assault, when it's from someone they don't like. And I don't mean someone they dislike, I mean anyone they don't actively like. Imagine being so spoiled that you treat a compliment as an insult or worse. So they go on the internet and they filter out all the men they don't like, and then look down on them and say those men are bad for daring to like them. And they all go and effortlessly fuck the same few chads, while hating the filthy normal men who would dare to think that they could be considered equal to her goddess form. While the former-feminist mentioned earlier in the thread did a more in-depth study than you can likely accomplish, it is easy to do a simpler version of it. Go on a dating site and make a profile as a man and another as a woman. You can make them exactly the same if you want, just swap the pictures and profile sex. You don't even have to use a hot woman. Unless your picture as a male is a massive mega chad, the difference will be stark enough to make you blow your brains out. And even then, the mega chad won't get nearly as much validation, because most women just let the messages roll in and don't ever have to put forward even the tiny bit of effort to initiate a conversation. They have no idea that some people have to actually try and try hard. They have no idea what rejection is, because even if they for some reason get rejected once, they still have effectively infinite others asking for their affection. When women say they can't find a man, they mean they can't find a man good enough for their standards. When men say they can't find a woman, they mean they can't find a woman that doesn't think she's too good for him. That does not happen to women. It just doesn't. There are no female incels. And it this is not even just about sex, though that's an evolutionarily important thing to measure. It's about affection, about validation. And it goes into every social interaction. It results in the government making it illegal to hire a man if a woman can do the same job. It makes it so women get easier admission to schools, and the schools are designed to cater to them, and put up posters and make entire classes about how men are evil for existing, yet men are the ones who need to sit through them to get accredited so they can get jobs, which they need and women don't, because women can always just get a sugar daddy or get paid for fucking. But they even act like they are the victims in that scenario. Two people fuck. One gains money. One loses money. Somehow the one that gains money is the victim and the one that loses money is the oppressor. The very idea that women can even entertain this concept proves they have never once put themselves in a man's shoes, and if they did, they'd kill themselves.
>>213071 >Having to experience people not acknowledging their existence is the single most horrific thought to a woman. This is why, despite the lower end of the wait-staff field being entirely women who earn far better tips than men, most of the money in the field is picked up by the men at the upper end, because women cannot deal with wealthy patrons who prefer to think of them as furniture and that they play the part convincingly. Women invariably do something unforgivable like make eye contact and get fired.
>>671384 I heard about this company but haven't looked into it. Apparently it's an app for finding businesses that don't do SJW shit, with maps and reviews and stuff, and I heard they want to expand to add things like non-SJW ridesharing, delivery, and whatever you call what AirBnB does. Seems like it could be useful. It's good to remember which companies to hate, but finding the ones that are worthy of your business is also important. https://www.publicsq.com/
>>213083 >There are many oil workers and similar jobs, but women don't want to do them. There are tons of sewer workers and high-rise construction jobs, but women don't want to do them, and when one woman does, she instantly starts demanding everything change to revolve around her. That's not the case. In fact, such blue collar jobs are desperate anyone to work for them because they're not finding workers at all (Men too) due to the meme of "getting a college degree": https://odysee.com/@johnstossel:7/workers-pay-for-privileged-students:9
>>213067 I've really enjoyed Xenoverse 1 and 2. This autism is fucking retarded but it is the cool kind of retarded where everything is done super seriously and authentically, like a little kid describing some kind of cartoon gospel.
>>213000 Same. I'm sure I'd have caught it by now, but I haven't had any flu- or cold-like symptoms in the past two years. I'd like to get a blood test to see if I have antibodies against this thing (I bet I will have them), and have the same done for my vaccinated family members so I can rub their faces in it. I did however notice that my lymph glands swelled up under my armpits when my family members got the first poison shot, and then subsequently with every booster. I figure it must have been that spike protein shedding or whatever. Anyhoo, Gates, Bourla, Schwab, Fauci et al... look after your families.
>>213086 Ironically enough one such industry is mining. I know anon claimed its illegal but hes fucking wrong. Gold mines are still an incredibly profitable industry. You wanna mine? They will fly you out to the mine. pay your hotel for 6 months. and give you a 50k bonus just for signing on.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands
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>>213079 have you tried with slow pov?
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>>213092 Unfortunate name for an university.
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>>213025 I have it but it could take me hours to find it.
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Nope I was wrong I actually had it labeled.
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This is how the spanish government spend our tax money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJZ3vDr1KcY
>>213091 <slow pov >when you're fucking Gilda
>>212975 >HBO max now removing 100 of Sesame Street episodes >Steven universe style shows getting purged from HBO max and becoming tax write-offs >Disney plus censoring bluey >Hollywood studios and leftwing mainstream media cutting back and making mass layoffs >Meanwhile Ben Shapiro daily wire and tubi poaching talent and animators from Disney >Only conservative to center-right media making a big investment in entertainment right now Are we looking at a conniving Jew vs greedy jew civil war or Jew-a-war? I think the greedy Jews getting tired of conniving Jews costing them and harming the Jewish population because the conniving Jews believe in woke propaganda. Last time conniving and greedy Jews fought WW1 happen.
>>213099 I've heard about that, but is Primal safe?
>>671408 >8gag sisters the sharty just leak the cuckchan moderator board Is 9gag still around? People use to make fun of funnyjunk yet funnyjunk is one of the few places not censoring racist jokes or /pol/ memes which Google searches now blacklist.
>>213099 >>Disney plus censoring bluey What? >>213100 >but is Primal safe? Seems like it and Smiling Friends are pretty popular. However, I also heard that there was a lot of buzz around Mao Mao and Mighty Magiswords, yet those are being removed.
>>213102 Not sure about Mao Mao, but the creator of Magiswords was a massive faggot.
>>213092 >Jew-free cunny
>>671408 >page1 Might as well post the rest of it.
>>213102 >>Disney plus censoring bluey >What? Disney is censoring content and pulling episodes. A company that spent money and used media connection to go after an anti-grooming Florida bill now pulled an episode about farting and explaining child birth.
>>213106 do they show him when he farts haha that would be funny
>>213107 No. The episode about bluey accusing bandit of farting in her face. The episode ends with bluey and bandit discovering mom the one who made the fluffy!
>>213108 >bluey >bandit What show is this?
>>671447 >>671448 >>671450 >>671452 You can do more than 1 image per post anon.
>>671447 >>671448 >>671450 >>671452 You can post multiple images per post you retarded cuckchan faggot.
>>213111 >>213110 I think it's the spammer.
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>>213112 I think I'm not tech savvy enough to sort the important bits from the dross in these, and so I'm gonna stop bothering to skim them. Except for the fag who proposed shadowbans and gaslighting, he sounds like a Democrat activist.
Well, seeing that the night is slow. I bought DW9 Empires and at first it was a big disappointment. It had less character creation options, less armors, no quests and you need codes to share your creations. Then I discovered it has a family breeding feature and now I'm trying to figure out how to gene taylor the perfect chinese aryan emperor.
>>671384 I miss OAG so much. :(
>>671469 >>671470 >>671471 Hey you learned how to post more than 1 image at a time. Good job anon.
(70.06 KB 656x381 hahahahaa.png)

>>213092 I think this has to be the cringiest bio I've ever seen on twitter.
(45.34 KB 665x528 Reddit Crusader Kings.jpg)

>>213114 >Then I discovered it has a family breeding feature Do you mean I can meticulously arrange marriages to slowly breed more positive traits into each successive generation until my descendants are the ubermensch, like in Crusader Kings 2? Or that I can fuck all my female family members pregnant, also like in Crusader Kings 2?
>>671477 the fuck is with the watermarks. are you copyrighting your leaked screenshots. nigger what.
>>213118 The first thing, as far as I've seen. You can eventually make characters that will have superior skills in weapons than vanilla characters. Not sure if it can work with stats though.
>>213119 It's a /tv/ off-shoot site that has spammed advertisements across all known imageboards with bots for the last year and a half.
>>213121 Oh. So this is about calling out the pedo for the vax spam. Spam stops. An hour later a new spam begins.
Nah this spam is the real deal 4cuck is anal for sure
Why is the 4cuck cuck subhuman so angry right now that it has to spam the general 1 image at a time?
>>671488 >>671489 Certainly an inventive spammer. Now to see if anyone opens random unlabeled zip files provided with absolutely no explanation.
>>213025 >thought i had it saved but didnt >go through the ourobooru to get it >someone actually downboated pic 2
(1.95 MB 1240x1754 Teagan just a tan.jpg)

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>>213126 >someone actually downboated pic 2 Clearly, Alto is jealous of Teagan's toned abs, sexy tanlines, and general ability to not be a complete piece of shit at every opportunity.
https://archive.ph/7vJmD >Saints Row Reboot Worse Than Feared, Overflowing With “Zoomer Cringe” <Volition, the developer behind the Saints Row franchise and the highly criticized Saints Row reboot, has met expectations in the worst possibly way, as the game’s characters have turned out to be far worse than predicted, with many describing the game as the epitome of everything wrong with the gaming industry and new generation in general
(676.90 KB 1920x843 TeaganAltoComic.PNG)

>>213126 >>213127 I asked last thread and didn't get an answer. Is there gonna be Uncommon Time this year? It's already mid to late august.
>>213129 I'm absolutely the last person to ask, i never gave a shit about UT, among other things. Maybe mince over to zzz and ask them how it's coming along, the guys that did it might be over there now.
>>213092 He needs a rape correction
>>213129 >Is there gonna be Uncommon Time this year? I wish I knew. I don't have anything remotely like the competence to do it myself, and the only time I actually made it to one, the streamer fucked off, I dunno, halfway, two thirds through? I think they said they were up to the bit where the game came off the rails and you could start making choices to steer into the ending you wanted.
>>213128 it really is the new cyberpunk
(17.18 MB 854x480 Saints Row Reboot.webm)

>>213128 Yeah it is pretty damn bad. Nothing in this even remotely belongs in a Saints Row game. I knew they wouldn't change a thing after the initial backlash with most of their fanbase warning them to fix this. Fucking idiots.
I love seeing comments like these more and more everywhere
>>213128 >That "Dialog" at the start. Did they not get the memo that borderland style writing is absolute fucking dogshit?
>>213134 >that driving dialogue Nothing yet has surpassed the greatness of having a latina gang member in my Ethel, hitting a pedestrian at high speed, and hearing her yell out the window in a slightly breathless voice, "GOOD LUCK WITH JOOR PHYSICAL THERAPEEEEE!" >>213130 >that filename Shit, now I'm thinking about what Teagan's going to get up to out of sheer boredom, and how many times a day, for eight straight years. Her fingers are going to be more wrinkled than Alto's.
>>213134 >swearing excessively for no reason >LGBTQ+ flag in the background >quirky "haha murder" dialogue Why did they write this like a fucking obnoxious sitcom?!
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>>213136 Tranny fatigue is setting in quickly
>>213128 >Many have complained about how hypocritical and unlikable the characters are, who for some reason complain about not having money yet ridicule the one person in their group who has a job, and that person with the job then saying they won’t work for a “morally bankrupt company”, despite committing crimes to pay off student debt. Dear Lord, they THIS tone deaf.
>>213134 ...why does it say (you) when the annoying negress is speaking.
(3.38 MB 1920x1080 MadeInAbyssToilet.webm)

>>213136 Sadly the replies are right in that it's unconfirmed the mangaka himself said that's on purpose and leaving it unconfirmed is part of the fun. It's not like he didn't have a shota trap earlier in the story. The man wears his fetishes on his sleeve if nothing else. I personally believe Nanachi is fluffy and female.
>>213142 Because you are the nigger
>>213143 It doesn't matter what the mangaka said, never give trannies an inch.
>>213142 (checked) Because (You) are a nigger anon. Default Boss in this game is the negress.
>>213145 technically a tranny would want you to call it either a >her or a >him
>>213096 Is that supposed to be bald venom snake or some shit? I don''t get the reference. Why is he venom snake?
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>>213143 Wouldn't it be funny if the toilet licked her butt haha. I wonder what it smells like haha.
>>213148 Fresh off the boat I see.
>>213148 newfags should lurk before posting.
>>213150 The whole place reeks like shit. >>213147 Trannies are literally the ones pushing for a sex neutral pronoun.
>>213151 Yeah , I only come here once in a while. (mostly for cunny but don't tell my isp)
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>>213134 >morality is important >lets rip off a car in a working class neighborhood
>>213134 Yeah, I just wish we could go back to the old SR2 days.
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>>213145 >trannies Anon, narahate don't even necessarily conform to human or even human genitals. Faputa has a cloaca for example.
>>213134 I can't decide on which one is worse, that or this. >>213159 I guess we should get rid of all masculine and feminine gender pronouns then!
>>213160 >I can't decide on which one is worse, that or this. SR is worse, that video you posted is just the same Joss Whedon style of dialogue that's been prevalent since Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
>>213160 At least sheboon isekai is its own thing, it's probably going to be bomb far harder though unless the game is so good that the writing can be ignored.
>alto did nothing wrong I FUCKING SAW THAT
>>213145 >It doesn't matter what the mangaka said You're letting spite blind you, don't forget we're fighting for accuracy to the writer's vision, not replace the SJW stasi with a right-wing moralist one. That's how we got Poison being schrodinger's tranny.
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>>213143 >New Made In Abyss is out >Already 7 episodes in
>>213128 >the epitome of everything wrong with the [...] new generation in general Factually inaccurate. Boss Nigger appears to actually intend to pay back her student loans, unlike that bunch of fucking commie scum. >>213163 >alto did nothing wrong In fairness, I'm not sure Alto is equipped to actually understand the difference between right and wrong. She just instinctually does whatever will ruin the most stuff at any given point. >>213137 >That "Dialog" at the start. Despite loathing that, vid related makes me chuckle every time. And it is so much more varied despite being so much shorter.
>>213164 It's a cultural war. I will never refer to Nanachi as them.
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>>213160 Anon WHAT IN THE FUCK are you talking about? Nananananachi is a fictional humanoid goat cat rabbit from an alternate fictional world. What does that have anything to do with real world trannies?
>>213167 >I will never refer to Nanachi as them. >>213168 >Nananananachi is a fictional humanoid goat cat rabbit I assumed part tortoise, but I only see some images that get posted here.
>>213168 I never mentioned real world trannies, I was explicitly talking about the gendered pronouns of fictional characters.
>>213170 >gendered pronouns of fictional characters >fictional characters There's your problem.
>>213167 I'm not asking you to, I'm saying trying that if you're going to profess "death of the author" bullshit to ignore what the jap writer says about his own goddamn story because it's agenda-inconvenient, you're using the same dumbass logic that's motivating these censorious fucks, and I'm disappointed in you for stooping to that level. You're better than this anon.
>>213128 >Saints Row Reboot Worse Than Feared, Overflowing With “Zoomer Cringe” If they actually want to win over the zoomers they would’ve put in an Z word button.
>>213153 >Trannies are literally the ones pushing for a sex neutral pronoun. Not necessarily. "Non binary" shit overlaps with trannies somtimes but they aren't 1:1. There's a lot of trannies that want you to call them he or her, just what they think they should be rather than what they biologically are. Remember the "IT'S M'AM" sperg?
>>213172 I think you can get a hold of your preachy sanctimonious faux pas and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.
>>213173 You're right they should be yelling poggers a lot more.
Nanachi is female. When all the kids were brought in by Bondrewd he gave them the minimum amount of rags to cover their shame. All the boys got rag shorts, and only the girls got extra cloth for chest covering. Human nanachi had a chest covering. Marluk did not crossdress on his own. Ozen did that, because she is a pervert. Nanachi also only sees Reg's touching as lewd, and not Riko's, because she's conscious of the opposite sex. The mangaka officially decided when asked about Nanachi's sex (NOT GENDER, SEX) to say "I dunno, lol", not because of tranny gender bullshit, but because he liked entertaining the idea of Nanachi as a trap, even though she clearly isn't. Even if you entertain this line of thought, in the mangaka's mind, Nanachi could potentially be interpreted as either a regular kemono bunnygirl, or an effeminate kemono bunny shota. Not a fucking tranny symbol of sexual mystery. The choices are binary, and entirely fetish based.
>>213134 >post-capitalist society Shit, smarmy, quirky dialogue and commie buzzwords, perfect. >>213136 I can't blame the guy for jumping at shadows, when almost all media is full of brainwashing propaganda you inevitably start seeing it in places where there actually isn't any.
>>213175 Kiss my ass, this culture war isn't worth shit if you're going to do the exact same thing. I want freedom of expression to not be the first casualty. >>213174 > Remember the "IT'S M'AM" sperg? Whatever happened to that guy? Becoming the memetic symbol of everything wrong with trannies due to screeching at Gamestop must've done a number on his already unstable psyche.
>>213179 Using my enemies tools against them? You bet I will.
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>>213177 This is the take I'd agree with most and puts it the best.
>>213180 What tools? Where's your translation company to gatekeep?
>>213182 There's no need to be upset. Such an impotent sight.
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>>213177 >entirely fetish based A wonderfully fluffy fetish bun at that.
>>213182 You're responding to luciano you fucking retard.
>>213175 >>213180 If you're going to act like that then you're going to lose.
>>213177 Simply put the mangaka just wants to have a topless loli wandering around all the time. Gets away with it by her being covered in fur & canonically leaving her sex a mystery.
>>213185 I hadn't noticed until he said "impotent", he seemed genuine up to that point. The huemonkey's learning, somewhat.
>>213188 No he was obvious before that too. You just don't pay enough attention.
>>213185 I'm not sure if it is. That anon hasn't posted the typical luciano phrases yet.
I spoke too soon. >>213183
>>213185 I'm not fucking Luciano you mongoloid, do you seriously believe that he is the only person that would ever use the word impotent?
>>213190 He's literally posted multiple of them. >always use any means necessary against your enemies and never hold yourself to any principles >calling people impotent >declaring you will never do something under any circumstance without making a single clarification You fucking retards have non existent pattern recognition.
>>213193 >Still pushing this narrative that absolutely anyone who isn't a bumbling centrist is the huemonkey to control discourse ITT Holy shit, I am absolutely done with this thread.
>>213185 As someone who deals with Luciano on a daily basis I don't think it's him. Luciano is way too fucking retarded to add any nuance to his points at all and they always sound like they come from a bot form letter. I don't agree with most of what this anon is saying, but I don't think he's Luciano.
>>213193 Nigger I just came in and saw someone sperging about Top Bun and replied. I didn't follow his entire post history
>>213195 Luciano is not a single person. He is a handful of herdniggers that organize in IRC with generic templates to flood threads with. They are the same group behind niggerpill. Get with the program.
>>213193 He tends to be a bit more formulaic though >t. desperate leftard/jew/etc >we always win >fedposting about killing your enemies Pic related.
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>>213187 >Gets away with it by her being covered in fur & canonically leaving her sex a mystery. The sex canon question didn't come up until after the anime aired, and Riko is topless quite often in the manga, nipples and all.
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>>213194 >bumbling centrist
>>213199 Yes but that's only temporary toplessness. Nanachi gets to be topless all the time.
>>213197 All I have is the picture of Luciano fucking up and forgetting to change his ID between his Luciano and niggerpill persona. I don't have any proof on the herd niggers. Do you have that? because if you do I want it.
>>213197 What >>213202 said, I keep hearing so much disinfo like "luciano is the turkroach/HangingFlesh the Julay mod/more than one person" and I never get any fucking proof other than random hearsay.
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>>213201 Faputa is also regularly topless. She has this weird metal bra thing, but it doesn't really stay on, and she often doesn't wear it.
>>213200 I still don't understand how this of all things is getting a Kikewood LA adaptation.
>>213201 And Faputa gets to be completely nude because of her fur and ambiguous/non human fapussy.
>>213092 >>213117 His bio says his pronouns are JEW/JEWISH/JUDEAN, I'm pretty sure it's a parody account by some imageboard poster.
>>213145 >>213167 Then stop consuming content that gives them an inch. They are right that Nanachi's gender is never confirmed and the manga author is doing that on purpose. The only reasonable course of action for you is to not engage with Made in Abyss. >>213197 No, he may be dumb but he is not Luciano and it's very obvious to tell that he isn't. Stop falling for boogiemen.
>>213205 Kikewood specifically buy good shit so they can ruin it these days.
>>213208 >They are right that Nanachi's gender is never confirmed Nanachi is literally shown to be a girl when she was still human.
>>213210 now that she's not human, does she still even have a sex?
>>213211 Unknown. The curse of the Abyss mutates the shit out of everything.
>Listening to the American Krogan livestream The Bizarchives creator: https://odysee.com/@americankrogan:3/TurboOverkill-with-DaveMartel:b >Start getting on talking about sex in media for the last half hour >Talk about how their tired of modern sex being so dirty and intentionally filthy >Agree about how general sex and nudity is fine <But then go down the rabbit hole about how indulging in obscure fetishes is way out of line and should be shunned <Even if people are keeping it to themselves Why does it feel like EVERY single e-celeb seems fixated on the idea that you can ONLY be one thing or another? For example, you can only be the pulp fiction, children's novel, or erotica writer, and not be all three. Or, that you can only draw cheap fetish trash, renaissance paintings, or Greco-Roman body worship, and not all three. Is this an exclusively Western mindset? Because I remember how it's brought up innumerable times how it seems like creators in Japan are able to put out works that appeal to whatever fancy they have, and no one bats an eye that the creator of a silly shoujo manga decided to make a hardcore sci-fi story with boobs and gore.
>>213213 Right wing commentators are just as vulnerable to purity spirals as liberals. Sadly too few people realize this.
>>213213 >Listening to any sort of media personality Stop glorifying these false idols and prophets, for starters.
>>213214 That's the exact reason why I'm not too keen on the current spate of right wing talking heads and celebrities. I'm concerned that they'll cause a problem in the near future and I'm almost certain their spaghetti spilling purity spiraling will completely torpedo the new headwind that conservationism/traditionalism that's beginning to pick up. Probably right about the time that they sperg out and decide to declare anime, videogames, and classical art as demonic because titties.
>>213213 Compared anything to Japan seems kind of silly. It sounds like most of their cultural norms stem from their total and utter unwillingness to engage in confrontation. Whereas American culture actively seeks out maximal confrontation. Japs have evaded confrontation so much to the point where they tanked their birth rates and drove up their suicide rates by refusing to be even remotely critical of their own culture. In a vacuum how Japan treats an artist who draws outlandish fetish porn might sound neat. But the underlying reason for why that seemingly progressive (in a more pure sense of the word) norm exists is probably a lot more nefarious.
>>213216 >and classical art Don't most of these morons roleplay using Greek and Roman statues? Which are often nude.
>Thread theme: Monster Girls >Not the beraking news that the site owner had a stroke and will be selling the site
>>213219 This site has three owners, not one.
>>213219 The site has multiple owners. One is just a really big attention whore.
>>213219 >selling the site and the source for this is? Your asshole?
>>213217 >In a vacuum how Japan treats an artist who draws outlandish fetish porn might sound neat. But the underlying reason for why that seemingly progressive (in a more pure sense of the word) norm exists is probably a lot more nefarious. I don't think it nefarious as much as it's a combined result of centuries of occupying an island and trying not to get your head cut off due to pissing off the Emperor or Shogun. >>213218 I've seen a few go after the likes of Bouguereau. It not common as of yet but it does happen. >Don't most of these morons roleplay using Greek and Roman statues? Yeah but those are male statues.
>>213222 Last thread I think, during a conversation on whether or not Q boomers would be permitted a home here, Acid dropped by and gave some news on his health. Here let me search it for you
>>213224 What? All Acid said was that he was retiring and leaving the rest to Codexx.
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>>213224 >>213222 He said nothing about selling the site just that he might have to step down as admin.
>>213222 >>670603 here ya go
>>213225 He said depending on his recovery he may retire. So thats not even certain, and Parias is a Admin as well.
>>213215 >Stop glorifying I don't. I mostly just listen to people for the purposes of getting a different perspective on something (Preferably ones not talking out of their ass) or learning something new. >>213216 >Probably right about the time that they sperg out and decide to declare anime, videogames, and classical art as demonic because titties. Funny thing is that, in the livestream I just linked, they brought up that the "Right Wing" is just as divided as ever; because you have one grew purity spiraling to the point that they think anything that is a book is pozzed to the core, and all the other people who end up feeling alienated because they know that the other guys are talking out of their ass but have no one they can actually connect with. >>213217 >Whereas American culture actively seeks out maximal confrontation. I think you're mixing up American culture with European culture. American culture, at least in the classical sense, could be boiled down to, "Fuck you, leave me alone, and get off my lawn." Meanwhile, much of the biggest conflicts in Europe's history begin from the simple fact that people didn't leave other people alone. >>213218 But those are "wholesome", in the vaguest definition possible.
>>213226 >might have to >might Thank you, yes thats how I recalled it.
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>>213213 It doesn't have to only be one thing or another, but there's a reason Tezuka kept all his lewd drawings in a locked drawer and why Ollie Johnson and the rest of the Old Men of Disney never really published the more risque stuff they drew. >you can only be the pulp fiction, children's novel, or erotica writer, and not be all three. If you're writing children's books and also write hardcore porn, you'd probably want some separation between the two otherwise you'll ruin your image or at the very least no parent is going to want to buy your books for their kid. People do tend to frown on that sort of stuff, like when the British version of Scholastic accidentally put hentai in their ordering catalogue
>>213229 >because you have one group purity spiraling to the point that they think anything that isn't a book is pozzed to the core Need to reread my posts more carefully.
>>213229 >I think you're mixing up American culture with European culture. American culture, at least in the classical sense, could be boiled down to, "Fuck you, leave me alone, and get off my lawn." Meanwhile, much of the biggest conflicts in Europe's history begin from the simple fact that people didn't leave other people alone. I'm not talking about some cultural lineage. I'm talking about how people are willing to act in day to day life. Also staunchly defending your property rights is inherently confrontational. I don't think you understand what confrontation means and just how much it's frowned upon in Jap culture.
>>213218 The difference between smut and art is a few hundred years, kind of like how Shakespeare when he first published his plays was considered lowbrow dreck for the masses, but is now considered high culture.
>>213233 >I don't think you understand what confrontation means and just how much it's frowned upon in Jap culture. Oh, you mean in contrast to Japan and America's culture, not the culture in general. Like the classical Japanese euphemism there that the nail who stands out gets hammered down. Is that what you mean?
>>213234 These people lack such a perception, most right-wing talking heads want to give an impression of being knowledgeable or cultured without putting in the actual effort that something like that would carry. Like a child putting on their father's working clothes for play pretend.
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>>213234 That's pretty accurate. Pulp illustrations and pinups are borderline fine art nowadays compared to modern and postmodern art. Hell in a few decades things like Liverpool Library Press illustrations might be considered art.
>>213235 Yes, the original post is asking about why things are the way they are in America but not in Japan. And I pointed out that the nature behind why someone might be more open minded or accepting in Japan is likely superficial because of how much they avoid confrontation rather than indicative of some true cultural progress. It's a lucky consequence of an otherwise rather issuesome trait. Though you could say how confrontational the west has become is equally issuesome since it's also on an extreme.
>>213238 I'd say the west has become so confrontational that people have become non-confrontational to avoid the browbeating of constant frivolous confrontation.
>>213236 >most right-wing talking heads want to give an impression of being knowledgeable or cultured Funny thing about being "cultured" in any particular area is that you come to realize that much of the media everyone praises the snot out of turns out to be complete and utter overrated drivel. Something I found it when I played Half-Life. >>213239 Even then, avoiding confrontation is now considered "confrontational". So, no matter what you do, you're causing an incident.
>>213238 >Though you could say how confrontational the west has become is equally issuesome since it's also on an extreme. And it's getting worse too. I'm concerned that Westerners are going to mass murder each other before too long at the rate we're going. I just try not it interact wit anyone IRL more than is required because of just how nuts everyone is getting.
>>213241 Wrong attitude.
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>>213207 >@MikeNew19512115 No actual journalist possesses so little ego that they would accept a generic string of numbers to differentiate their handle. They didn't enter a business where their name is published to NOT have their name published. Most of the exceptions to this were not actually journalists by trade. >>213240 >So, no matter what you do, you're causing an incident. Pic. Related.
>>213241 You aren't really helping being like that.
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Looks like KF might go down soon. Some leaf tranny got swatted and is now blaming KF for it.
>>213242 Well I also don't interact with them because I don't like interacting with people. Not being potentially being assaulted or murdered because I mention that I like the "wrong" piece of entertainment or something like that is merely a bonus.
>>213245 Well they better not come here or shit up the webring.
>>213245 >(((telegram))) Josh really is a dumbfuck.
>>213247 God I hope none of them come here.
>>213245 >Telegram instead of Matrix Absolutely idiotic. I honestly doubt that these trannies would flock here though.
>>213245 Oh shit that's keffals the actual pedophile discord groomer tranny!
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>>213206 >fapussy. Why have I never heard this wonderful word until now?
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>>213208 >If trannies claim something, just give it to them No.
>>213217 >Japs have evaded confrontation so much to the point where they tanked their birth rates and drove up their suicide rates by refusing to be even remotely critical of their own culture. They have a high population density. It's normal until population declines to a more stable level. People talk about the Jap birth rates and suicide rates, but other first world countries are about the same, just they have even worse problems besides that warrant more attention.
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>>213256 The reason for the suicides are just as important though. Suicide in the west is an infinitely complex issue. Suicide in Japan is because they obsessively work like fucking retards. The scale of the solutions are not proportional, and thus the scale of the problem is not proportional.
>>213259 > Suicide in Japan is because they obsessively work like fucking retard Don't forget studying and cram schools.
>>213259 suicide is all about sad bastards being crushed by life; they just have more uniform reasons for it in japan
>>213261 Which means there are uniform solutions. There is no uniform solution to suicide in the west.
>>213245 Good. >>213253 This person makes pigfood sound like an alright guy. What an idiot.
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>>213199 >and Riko is topless quite often in the manga, nipples and all. Yeah, I see that. Your daddy's manga is nice
>>213262 and once we solve japans uniform suicide problems then itll become a case-by-case basis like it is here
>>213260 >Don't forget studying and cram schools. That'll probably go away when all their retarded boomers age out of positions of power.
>>213265 >if we solve for the biggest contributor towards suicide there will still be some suicides Correct.
>>213256 If anything now they can actually derive value from workers being in the office longer, instead of just >honorabru company chairman works 7 to 9, I must forro exampru >everyone just lazes around the office in a fugue from overwork >drinking for hours after work or else you're considered odd >none of it matters because 5% of the company is producing at least 50% of the value anyway For the average office worker there they treat work identically to what a peasant would towards a feudal lord providing land. If the management sets an example of working hard, they'll work harder even if it's futile. If the management tries to be relaxed, they feel stressed anyway because it feels like they aren't doing enough for the salary. It's just an abstract job and more japanese should try and open a trade guild or something to all produce fine crafts working with their hands.
>>213253 >that empty stare Is that the thousand cock stare that I keep hearing about?
>>213268 >more japanese should try and open a trade guild or something to all produce fine crafts working with their hands Isnt that what most otakus are doing with doujins? You see them making and then printing 3d models and garage kits
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>women living as men do Evening. Late to the conversation upthread. Think this pic sums it up.
>>213270 Better than nothing I guess, at least 3d modelling is useful for other CAD jobs for factories or vidya. I was thinking more like metalworking. I also just remembered the japanese really value agriculture, so there's that.
>>213245 Wonder if those lolcows like KelVaush or ReviewTechUSA will dig themselves deeper into the abyss, defending and indulging this insane troon's bullshit.
>>213268 >>213270 >more japanese should try and open a trade guild or something to all produce fine crafts working with their hands. More westerners probably should too.
>>213269 That's the thousand cunny stare, from grooming so many kids and fapping to terabytes of CP
>>213253 >>213245 No love for Pigfood, but that tranny deserves everything he gets.
>>213266 That's what the left says about abortion laws every year.
>>213087 Xenoverse is tied up in all of this. All the video game lore since the original Dragon Ball Heroes game came out seems to be mostly tied together. So if you know Towa and Mira from Xenoverse, that will help with understanding Heroes, though you don't need to know Xenoverse, as they're essentially introduced again, and due to time travel, I'm not even quite sure what order things happen in for different characters. Xenoverse is after Heroes for Trunks, but I'm not sure for Towa and Mira. I think it Xenoverse might be before Heroes for them. >>213086 >That's not the case. In fact, such blue collar jobs are desperate anyone to work for them because they're not finding workers at all (Men too) due to the meme of "getting a college degree" You say it's not the case, then the evidence you post has nothing to do with the claim. The claim isn't that the jobs are unpopular with only women, it's that women straight up will not do them, but men will, as evidenced by the fact that everyone you see doing them is men, despite the fact that they're desperate to hire anybody. They'd hire women if the women would do it, but they won't. The percentage of men who will is much higher than the percentage of women who will.
>>213160 Honestly, I don't mind the original character design (pic). She's not great looking, but she's not an intentionally mutilated angry potato or male reskin. I'd play a game with a main character like that if it was otherwise good. It's just that absolutely nothing about Forspoken looks good otherwise. The gameplay looks like shit, the writing is shit, the voice acting is grating, and the only cohesive design direction is in their political message. Everything else looks incoherent and unappealing. And of course... somewhere in the course of the game, they completely destroy her frumpy look by turning her into Sheboon Superman who's hair looks like the down syndrome kid at school tried to cut it themselves and fucked it up.
>>213087 >I've really enjoyed Xenoverse 1 and 2. The endgame is obfuscated pay2win gachashit. Fuck (((Xenoverse))).
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>>213253 >you are complicit in things you didn't do Uh-huh. >one day you will get sloppy Josh already got sloppy you deformed cunt, but unlike you trannies, his entire life didn't go from slippery slope to downward spiral because trannies are inherently self destructive and he is not. >no one will be there to help you This is tranny projection at its finest, trannies constantly asking for overwhelming support, (read; distractions) due to feelings of helplessness and panic. Kiwis are alright, and this will be yet another pathetic attempt to take them down.
>>212980 Remember that they are paid to do this: >A major function of Democrat’s strategy: using thousands of private chatrooms to artificially amplify messaging on the platform, garnering millions of impressions, artificially amplifying content to sway public opinion. https://archive.ph/CEV8R
>before bread >>670893 >herdniggers are now doing voodoo witchcraft to kill acid Pretty sure leftists were LARPing magic rituals to 'attack' Trump in the same way. >>671035 >can next thread's theme be something pretty? <end up with monster girls >>671046 >when was the last time some pics of good looking game scenery/concept art were used for an op? Early request for this for next bread. I miss /scenic/
>>213283 I can't believe acid had a heart attack before mark did
>>213284 Well he didn't.
>>213271 That isn’t all men though, that’s virgin men. Chads the in the original usage of the term do have tons of sex. They do not try to downplay it either.
>>213284 Is Mark [and cake] like Homer in that Simpsons scene - the Ironic Torture Chamber, where Homer is fed endless donuts and it has no effect on him?
>>213283 >>when was the last time some pics of good looking game scenery/concept art were used for an op? Early request for this for next bread. I'll see what I can scare up. It'll be pretty scenery at any rate.
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>>213283 >Pretty sure leftists were LARPing magic rituals to 'attack' Trump in the same way. I don't think they were LARPing. A lot of dumb bitches with a head full of "feminine energy" literally think they can commune with the goddess and perform magic. Leftist middle class women, especially the urbanits, are no better than backwoods african niggers still burning people for witchcraft.
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>>213290 Meme magic worked because it was funny.
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>>213285 Let me correct myself then. I can't believe acid had a stroke before mark did
>>213292 But Mark having a hard attack is quite likely. Stroke is less likely. The joke doesn't really work anymore.
>>213241 >I'm concerned that Westerners are going to mass murder each other before too long at the rate we're going. Inhale deeply, and... I'm not a lawyer, and this is not my job. This is a journalist's job, and I'm supposed to better than them, because I acknowledge what I'm writing is fiction. And fiction is what you should take this as. If you find any particular point interesting, do your own research into the topic! It's good for you. The FBI was issued a warrant to search an area that included [the entire premises of Mar a Lago], in search of [anything incriminating] that was [as small as a single document]. This is called a "general warrant", and they're expressly illegal under the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. The Founding Fathers made them illegal because they recognized that they were one of the precipitating factors that lead to them SHOOTING THE KING'S SOLDIERS AND MAGISTRATES. The warrant was issued by a Magistrate Judge who should not be signing warrants. Magistrate Judges are not Judges, they handle routine daily duties that actual Judges hand off to them because they are too busy with more important judicial tasks. Said Magistrate Judge used to be a Judge, but quit his position in order to work as defense council for confederates of Jeffrey Epstein. He also had to recuse himself some weeks ago from a suit between Trump and the Clintons, citing a conflict of interest, meaning he's either in bed with Trump or in bed with Trump's political enemies, and in either case that makes said unconstitutional general warrant also a conflict of interest on his part, which was issued on August 5. On August 8, the FBI served the warrant in a raid on Mar a Lago, not under Color of Law - they were in plain clothes - that was justified by the Urgent Threat that Trump was Destroying Documents of Top Secret / Classified / Specially Compartmentalized Information. Which explains why they sat on the warrant for three days and did not serve it until Trump had left Mar a Lago. Also, they're planning to charge Trump under the Espionage Act. Because the raid was illegal due to the unconstitutional warrant, Constitutional Amendments 5 and 14 were also violated, possibly more depending on what, exactly, was "legally seized", all of which needs to be contained on the exhaustive "Inventory List" that all law enforcement seizures have to generate to be legal and establish chain of custody of evidence of absolutely everything they take. During the raid, Trump's lawyers, who WERE present, were not allowed to observe the search and seizure, and made to stand in the corner and look at the walls by the armed men who were in no fashion formally identified as law enforcement. The FBI also demanded the surveillance cameras be shut off, and they were apparently made to believe they had been. They weren't, but to my knowledge Trump hasn't released anything regarding that. What he DID do, is accuse the FBI of stealing three passports, one expired. Publicly, on Twitter. The FBI countered, publicly, on Twitter, that they did not possess any of Trump's passports, and leaked internal comms show this to be true, because they'd already handed them off to DHS, and it was actually two expired passports, and one active diplomatic passport. Active diplomatic passport. Would you care to guess how many passports were listed on the exhaustive inventory list of everything "legally" siezed by the FBI? If you guessed zero, GOOD JOB. The FBI had stolen an active diplomatic passport, even if everything that previously invalidated the legality actually held up in court. Later, Jay Bratt, Head of the Counterintelligence Division of the DOJ, contacted Trump's people to arrange the return of the passports, meaning a stolen active diplomatic passport had passed through a minimum of three federal agencies with precisely zero legal chain of evidence for any of it. I'm not sure if they're intending to piss off the right so much that someone starts shooting, or actually levy ridiculously heavy-handed charges that will immediately fall apart in court, triggering the left so hard that ALL of them start shooting. Regardless, my question is, where's the trick? Because this three ring circus is obviously the distraction, the hand of the magician the audience is meant to follow, while the other hand tries to pull off some even more heinous horseshit. I've actually been up for two days, so I'm not gonna bother doing an editing pass.* *: I lied, the archival process has taken so long that I managed a full editing pass waiting for it to finish. And it's not done yet. I'm getting some bourbon. There's a probably totally unrelated warrant and inventory list embedded in a PDF here. https://nypost.com/2022/08/12/fbi-seized-11-sets-of-classified-documents-in-trump-mar-a-lago-raid/ And I'm not actually sure it will work in an archive, but here: Strike that, it's been over fifteen minutes, it's restarted at least three times that I've noticed, and you're getting the WIP link that may eventually have a finished archive you can reach by cleverly editing out the "wip/". I think. https://archive.ph/wip/lkftl
>>213292 Acid has a medical condition that leads to strokes. Hes had it his whole life. This isnt his first even. Your late to being surprised by like 20 years. And considering his condition nothing could have been likelier.
>>213282 >using thousands of private chatrooms This isn't a private chatroom, but also, I doubt they understand what a private chatroom is.
>>213289 Nice. >open catalog >ctrl-f wallpaper >phrase not found The wallpaper boards on old 8ch were comfy.
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>>213293 There is no joke, just disbelief. Mark is much more unhealthy than acid, but acid had a birth defect, probably shouldn't have raised so much of his blood pressure by pleasuring himself to nigger dick porn, cuz he got CLOTTED.com There's the joke.
>>213000 Vaccines never protect your health. They kill you slowly or fast.
>>213245 >Blaming foxdicks farms for tranny swatting >Foxdicks farms isn’t pro tranny Nigger they have threads bitching about people not liking Joe Biden and CNN. What planet is this tranny living on? Hell razorfag thread on foxdicks farmers had mental breakdowns over him saying the Big Bang theory was invented by a catholic priest.
>>213299 Did acid take the jab? What if that's the culprit behind his condition worsening?
>>213294 Allegedly the feds were after things that trump wanted to use as proof he wasn't behind jan 6 or muh russia or something.
>>213301 He's morbidly obese with a blood clot condition from birth. Pretty sure he's just fat dude.
>>213293 >Mark having a hard attack Lewd.
>>213294 >He still thinks the raid was real
>>213304 gross
>>213303 I thought Acid was /fit/
>>213022 The biggest weapon against them is disobedience. Simply refuse to do what they want, and force their government to do what YOU want. It makes them rage to the point of suicide. Vaccines? I refuse take them. And there is nothing that anyone can do to make me take them.
>>213304 >Mark having a hard attack Like, his penis trying to detach itself from his body like a barnacle?
>>213035 >muh schizo Your propaganda always fail. before the final blow was struck.
Okay, clark kent come back when your superman, like that's going to happen.
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Should we allow hotwheels to take acids place once he retires? I listened to the latest podcast mark had with hw and honestly, he sounds much more sane irl than he does twitter. It sounds like he hasn't change much contrary to popular belief, I say we give him a chance.
>>213312 Fuck that.
>>213312 Lame bait
>>213314 Does it really come off as bait? I'm being genuine.
>>213315 (You)
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>tfw Tamamo-no-mae seen at comiket100 after been released
>>213318 (. )( .) ah yes
>>213318 What are they feeding women over there?
>>213318 >those fat tits
>>213320 organic soy tofu
>>213318 Why is the cash circled?
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>>213318 >>213319 >>213320 >>213321 THIS JUST IN! 3D NOT SO PD AFTER ALL!
>>213318 The physique is goddess-like, but what about the face?
>>213326 Hold on now. Wait till you see her teeth under the mask.
>>213323 I was thinking the same thing, also I can't imagine going there and buying porn from some scrawny 30 year old dude like that and not dying of embarrassment and shame.
Someone post the ugly cosplayers
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>>213318 Why is the cash circled though?
>>213326 As it turns out that when all you've had to go on your entire life is American daemonhosts and Anglo mutants it's natural to assume that women are all monsters and not the sexy kind. Who knew.
>>213331 >>213323 about japs paying attention to hygiene (avoiding direct contact). https://nitter.net/brownsugar0915/status/1560205917139767297
>>213326 It's easy to assume that if you live in the USA or in the UK.
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>>213333 >brownsugar0915
>>213335 Kind of a butterface.
>>213320 More like who's she feeding? Her babies grow big and strong.
>>213337 She's like a solid 6. At the same time probably a 10 crazy since she's a cosplayer in a slutty outfit.
>>213335 Tattoos are an instant red flag.
>>213337 Kind of a butterbody.
Fuck, 3DPD ruined my taste today again, thanks board
>>213335 Reminds me of the twittards trolling women by congratulating them on how convincing their sex change operation looks.
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>>213341 It's nice she kind of looks like she's short. Most short women these days are obese.
>>671769 Ashkenazis and Sephards hate each other, this isn't news.
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>>213346 Do they?
>>213099 >>Disney plus censoring bluey What the fuck happened on Bluey that needed censoring?
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>>213346 I'd be hard pressed to name any parrticular ethnicity that doesn't hate every single other tribe they share borders with, with a burning, violent passion. Except the French, who hate even themselves that hard.
>>213349 The french hate the Brits, Germans, and Spaniards too. I don't think they hate Italians, but then again Italy was once French clay.
>>213099 >>Meanwhile Ben Shapiro daily wire and tubi poaching talent and animators from Disney Well that's going to be a complete fucking cancerous shitshow.
>>213348 They named the Jew.
>>213309 Some times you gotta beat it in self defense.
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>>671791 What, you think a race of immoral and greedy people who have a history of back-stabbing and underhanded dealings would draw the line at each other? They see a fellow kike getting more shekels than them and they don't want those?
>>671791 Hello /pol/, why yes, people in reality don't act like your propaganda caricatures all of the time there is a lot of tension between Ashkenazis and Sephardic Jews, cultural tension still applies to those who are known for being weasels, it's like when two hyenas fight over a piece of meat. Riddle me this, if Jews are so tight knit, why isn't Mark getting chummy with his Ashkenazi cousins? They don't want him.
>>213358 I love Jesus, how a self-hating jew was not only able to become an Idol to fulfill his own narcissism, but find a way to fuck over his own kin and have the "chosen" myth blow up in their face after years of getting away with it is nothing short of sweet and satisfying. Judas butthurt lingers on to this day.
>>213085 A good find, anon. Thanks.
World of Warcraft movie reboot in Development >We’ve exclusively learned that a reboot of the Warcraft movie is in development over at Universal Pictures. A LONG AND STORIED HISTORY. >Warcraft was released in 2016. Despite poor critic reviews and a lackluster domestic box office, it did well enough in international markets to keep conversations between Blizzard and Universal going. >In 2019 development started on a sequel, Warcraft 2. It would’ve brought back characters and introduced a ton more. The issue was that the pandemic began shortly as early development began. >Stars were attached and dropped out of the project, and filmmakers were eyed but ultimately unavailable. HORDE VS. ALLIANCE VS. STAYING RELEVANT. >As Warcraft 2 fell apart, discussions began internally about whether the studio and Blizzard wanted to reboot the franchise or continue with the established characters, actors, and lore from the first movie. >Our sources have indicated that, indeed, the studio has elected to go with a soft reboot. The soft reboot will focus on a new set of characters, not entirely ignoring the continuity of the first film but not being completely beholden to it either. >There may be older versions of characters seen in the original movie as per sources. For instance, I was told that we saw a baby version of Go’El, but he will be of adult age and go by Thrall in the planned reboot. >Story details are under tight security, but knowing that the film will move past some of the lore of the first film, expect that some characters that did not appear in that could appear in this new film. https://archive.ph/EC2eM
>>213086 The retardation of "qualification through institution" is what is keeping all the intelligent and competent Men out of necessary jobs. If a Man has to go through marxist facilities in order to receive a piece of paper authorizing him to get a job, he will just move away from society altogether.
>>213359 It's arguable that the jews & the hebrews are different people.
>>213099 >Believing in the "our guys" meme All of them are our enemies, for the single reason that they have a industry to begin with. Industries are jewish by their very nature.
Call of Duty Accused of Plagiarizing Skin from Ex-Infinity Ward Director: 'At Least Name It After Me' >Activision has been accused of plagiarism for the second time this month after adding a skin to Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone that looks similar to a character from an ex-Infinity Ward director's new game. >As reported by Metro, Call of Duty's new Doomsayer skin has been likened to a character design from Deadrop, the upcoming game from Dr Disrespect's (otherwise known as Guy Beahm) studio Midnight Society. >Robert Bowling, a co-founder alongside Beahm and the former director of Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward, uses the character as his Twitter profile picture and posted about the new skin: "At least name it after me." >Activision hasn't released a statement regarding the plagiarism accusations as of yet, but its response to similar complaints earlier in August saw the company remove its new skin from the game completely. >The Loyal Samoyed skin ⁠— an operator with a dog's head ⁠— was the cause of controversy. Concept artist Sail Lin claimed that Call of Duty lifted their two-year-old design, prompting Activision to apologize and remove the skin and all references to it from Vanguard and Warzone. >The upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be released on October 28 (and its campaign a week earlier for some players) and, while Warzone 2 still lacks a release date or any real details at the moment, Activision has confirmed it will make an appearance at its Call of Duty: Next showcase next month. https://archive.ph/g3gnI Is call of duty new game engine also Plagiarized?
>>213136 When you remove bots and censorship, people actually express their true opinions. And people are against SJWs, no matter how much censorship and propaganda tries to say otherwise.
>>213245 Good riddance, Hopefully they scatter like piss in the wind. But knowing these faggots they'll probably congregate on discord or move to the lolcow forums. Perhaps maybe even crystal cafe.
>>213049 >Another palette swap At least the original super saiyan changed his hairstyle alongside it's color.
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>>213295 Ehyup. >>213301 Fuck no. Despite all the pressure I never even considered it, and tried hard to keep my friends from getting it too. >>213307 Getting there. I'm down 40 lbs and I'll be /fit/ once I drop another 25 or so. Its in the cards, even with this shit going on. >>213318 There is never enough Tamamo cosplay. Anyway I'm not droopyfaced or a potato or bedridden or anything that severe. It wasn't that level of a stroke, but it did fuck up my arm and hand pretty good and I've lost a percentage of feeling down one whole side. Sitting sucks because I feel off balance and it makes my ass and back hurt because some of the muscles have to work twice as much to compensate. I can stand up and get around acceptably well until I have to use my hands for something that takes coordination (like typing) or strength. Using my hands much causes a nasty lingering nerve pain. If I was like, full bore "stroked the fuck out" level of fucked one of the other guys would have announced my retirement for me already. If the MRIs and other tests show that this shit is something that will likely improve over time then I'm staying on. Hell if I get partial disability out of this I'll probly invest some of that money here or in my other projects. You're not gonna be rid of me easily so don't let the usual suspects celebrate too soon. As long as I have a prayer, they don't. :^)
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>>212982 There's something about angry short girls that gets me acting up and I'm not sure entirely why? It's cute seeing a short chick wanting to rip you a new one. Even though she likely could given her height.
>>213143 Reg smells Marulk's dick and clocks him immediately. He also shows no attraction to him despite Marulk being a hot piece of ass. He does however lust after Nanachi and smells ZERO dick on her.
>>213312 Anon, you are genuinely retarded. Its a wonderful this place is still alive when people like you help comprise it, at this rate you deserve to be betrayed until you lose everything if you are this incapable of basic pattern recognition
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>>213370 Let's steer things back to video games. How'd Gunvolt 3 turn out after years of delays?
>>213374 Reception was that the game was okay overall all but Gunvolt plot wise pretty much gets shat all over and technically isn't even the main character. Especially in the end where in the bad ending he straight up kills himself to prevent ending the world and in the true ending fucks off to parts unknown.
>>213369 >Getting there. I'm down 40 lbs and I'll be /fit/ once I drop another 25 or so. Its in the cards, even with this shit going on. Eat more broccoli and steak dude. Also organic shiitake mushrooms if you can find em. The best way to burn and prevent fat is to develop and maintain muscle.
>>213375 >Gunvolt plot wise pretty much gets shat all over and technically isn't even the main character. <in the game where you're playing as a woman It's probably nothing but I always have a bad feeling about this sort of thing these days.
>>213378 It really isn't since it has non of the shenanigans. In general Gunvolt just loses even when he "Wins" at the end of the games.
>>213369 >until I have to use my hands for something that takes coordination (like typing) Don't suppose a different style of keyboard would remedy that? Whether its mechanical, that island style made popular by fagbook, or the membrane one often seen on classic thinkpads
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>>213237 >The difference between smut and art
>>213016 I just discovered her via image search and reading from the tags she's supposed to be some sort of eldritch horror? I assumed she was a werewolf at first.
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>>213381 >Definition of legal loli So you mean, Marie Rose, right?
>>213381 Would you anon?
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>>213386 No, cause it's not the real thing.
>>213381 I like how no force on earth can stop a woman from being a whore.
>>213384 The mp4 only plays audio for me. >>213381 Jesus Christ that poor girl. She's like the snaggletooth character in Interview with a Vampire that just wanted to grow up to have big titties.
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>>213134 It looks like shitty sitcom writers wrote it since I can tell what the comedy beats are and where the canned laughter would get slapped in. Literally could be the Big Bang Theory writers. Also it's obvious this shit was written by communists. Their style is self deprecation by pointing to the whole "commune" thing or other ridiculous parts about them to convince people that they're neutral, then they pile on the shit on the other side afterwards. Communists often don't know what's wrong or right with their own ideology, but every other one is wrong in their arguments. The fact that they're basing a mission conversation around a 300 dollar waffle maker is also a tell, they're setting their characters up as capitalists with trivial interests, only to have the game fuck them up later for it. The style is WAY off the mark. That whole video is one of the most fucking bland pieces of writing I have seen in a while too. There's nothing funny about it either because there's no jokes. It's not funny, the characters are retards with no personality and are completely interchangeable.
>>671861 >being pro tranny
>>213268 There is news of the Japanese government passing a law about reducing the minimal age for alcohol consumption to middle aged years just so they can collect more taxes from alcohol being sold to impulsive underage retards. This shows how deeply the populace number declined, as well as a shift in the overall behavior, going back to their saving money days, instead of the blind consumerists that they became by the 2000s
>>213134 This is pain and disgust. Is this a parody of everything wrong in modern times?
>>213283 Urbanite femoids, to this day, believe in lies such as tarot cards. They would believe that they have some magical power. Proven even more by their reaction when reality punches them in the face, being contrary to what they want. They react as a cultist whose god was proven false.
>>213385 but marie rose was clearly designed as an adolescent and I swear I saw somewhere in japanese press shit for doa5 that it specified her age was 14. theres not a doubt in my mind that image from the dating site was made by some pedo hunter because the girl in the picture looks totally normal. whereas that girl from the video looks like a stocky midget which you'd come to expect from someone with a deformity caused by a lack of growth hormones.
>>213395 >I swear I saw somewhere in japanese press shit for doa5 that it specified her age was 14. I thought Marie Rose was explicitly 18, just because Team Ninja wanted to take the piss out of Sweden because they banned DoA: Dimensions because a character (with big tits) was 17 in that game.
>>213396 well shes definitely explicitly 18 in the western release because of course she is but I could've sworn it was different in the japanese version.
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>>213330 I have some of the edited.
>>213343 This unironically makes the 3DPD go insane with rage or passive-aggressive reactions. It is a solid weapon against their fragile egos, to call them trannies. Some of them go straight into depression just from hearing it once.
>>213399 Nothing liek that add that removes their makeup, that made them go insane with rage.
>>213000 I was currently blessed with corona-chan thanks to an idiot relative who didn't wear a mask near me. It really is just a very strong flu. My throat is killing me and I've got a high fever but vax or not I'm fine, mostly. >>213083 Women also have this silly notion that it's okay if they date someone with some severe negative traits as "they can fix them". Which almost never happens and it's likely the leading cause of men beating up their women. >>213148 Sure is summer around here >>213312 Fuck no, he can keep on making fonts on his twitter for all I care >>213369 Get well soon, Acid, please don't leave us
>>213391 If one freak destroys the other, it is fine by me.
>>213400 That too. Makeapp. To this day, it makes them cry in despair.
>>213381 Don't like video games?
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>>213406 That was such a global shitter shattering.
>>213000 I never even got jabbed or so much as even tested even ONCE. From the start of the pandemic I did get the sniffles then a sore throat for like a week a year later. Probably covid probably not I honestly do not give a fuck, I have an immune system and those shitty new experimental RNA vaccines do not help with that at all. My brother got covid a month ago after getting vaccinated 3 times (hes a nurse), he apparently got as sick as a pig or was just sitting there taking a shitload of medicine and isolating himself thinking he was gonna wipe out his family or some shit. >>213381 Even though her body doesnt her face still ages, just look at her face she ages like a white woman. In 10-20 years she's going to look like a swamp ogre, at least face wise, no doubts about that, I'd rather go for a shortstack with childbrearing hips or a normal skinny bitch instead.
>>213369 Well I'm glad to hear things are not too dire maybe. I hope everything turns out OK. You'll be in my prayers.
>>213000 Had a pretty long build up of maybe 4 days of very mild sore throat, elevated to pretty bad cough for 1.5 days and feeling like shit, overall very mild, I've had colds worse than it. Only had the first two jabs no boosters, hopefully I don't die from suddenly death syndrome.
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>>213134 >Saints Row has become "The Big Gang Theory" I didn't know I'd miss the wigger times, with the gang culture, the gangsta rap, the drugs, the neon lights under the stolen, then pimped cars, the diamond watches and rings, and the hoes wearing those. This vid made me miss the times I'd wish I'd forget loving as a kid. Muthafuckas.
>>213134 >>213411 It's almost worse that it's not cringy reddit memes like I thought it would be. It's just so...bland, forgettable and soulless. Hell forget even the quaint wigger era of SR1 and 2. Even the "lol so randum xd!" era of SR3 and 4 at least had a fucking personality that wasn't google's corporate art logo for the week.
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@671895 You would literally eat your own shit if you saw a 100k tweet say that eating poop is good for you. Stop listening to bad takes you absolute fucking moron, it's bad for your sanity.
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>671895 Luciano you're addicted to twitter. You need to stop before you become Spoony.
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Remember to hide + report.
>>213413 >You would literally eat your own shit if you saw a 100k tweet say that eating poop is good for you.
https://nitter.pussthecat.org/mmpadellan/status/1560692881848942592 ALL HAIL #DARKBRANDON STAN THE PARTY STAN BIG SIBLING PARTY-APPROVED MEMES ONLY
>>213415 i'll shout it again, ineffectually, into the void: don't report him. when his posts get deleted, it shows him that someone was annoyed enough with his post to report it, and that makes his little penis hard. his goal is to annoy you, so letting him know that he was successful will encourage him to do it again. hide and ignore.
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>>213412 >Even the "lol so randum xd!" era of SR3 and 4 at least had a fucking personality It's saddening that there is some truth in your post because to a certain extent, Borderlands 2 had this same "lolsorandum" writing (fucking Anthony Burch), yet as absolutely terrible as it was, at least I felt anger in how it was written, not just emptiness and apathy.
>>213369 >nasty lingering nerve pain Might as well start smoking a lil bit that hairy iguana to relieve your neuropathic pain, if you know what I'm sayin. It doesn't have to be permanent, put it down once your pain stops but for the love of god don't become an opioid addict. That would be horrible, take kratom but never benzos and shit. https://archive.ph/sBv6B https://archive.ph/NsKkt https://archive.ph/pB0R9 https://archive.ph/fVkHy
>>213312 I actually don't feel resentful towards him, I did in the past but now I don't feel like holding a grudge against some e-celeb. With that said I don't think it would be a good idea. Considering he, by his own admission, used to find running the original 8chan to be exhausting plus he's emotionally sensitive enough to cry from hatemail as evidenced by Into the Qoomer I think it's in his best interest as much as ours if he didn't take acid's place.
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>>213369 Hey acid, hope you get well soon, have a rare spess asuka.
>>213422 >Eldar rape.
>>213389 >The mp4 only plays audio for me. That's what happens when you build a site based on 2003 tech.
Where do these fucking outsider niggers keep pouring in from?
>>213365 That Deadrop game looks awful https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-RC9UN8Ijr0
>>213425 What? You don't like a board that isn't dead? Convert the newfags if you hate them so much.
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https://archive.ph/LVjLM >Vic Mignogna Loses Appeal of Defamation Case, Faces More Attorney's Fees
>>213421 Fuck off, Kikewheels backstabbed us amd threw us under the bus, he can and will do it again
>>213100 >>213102 >OK K.O.! removed >Infinity Train removed >Summer Camp Island removed >Tig n Seek removed >The Fungies removed >Uncle Grandpa removed >Mighty Magiswords removed >Mao Mao removed >Elliott from Earth removed >Apple & Onion is still available on HBO Max >All the shows had LGBT, feminists or pro gun control propaganda episodes How soon until woke purges start effecting video games? >>213411 >I didn't know I'd miss the wigger times, with the gang culture, the gangsta rap, the drugs, the neon lights under the stolen, then pimped cars, the diamond watches and rings, and the hoes wearing those. Say what you want about wigger culture. Pre-BLM wigger culture celebrated saying the N word, being edgy and telling feminists to fuck off. I oddly can respect that. ICP wrote songs about how gross fags are.
>>213431 At this point, it would better for him to give up on the lawsuits since the courts are fucked and just try to rebuild his career since he still has a lot of goodwill with fans and it's pretty much known by a lot of anime communities at this point that the people at Funimation are pure scumbags who lied about Vic.
>>213433 >How soon until woke purges start effecting video games? I would be interesting to see the older "non-kosher" vidya purged from sale and availability on storefronts and subscriptions.
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>>213109 This one.
>>213411 Yeah, Saint's Row 2 will always still be the best to me.
>>213437 >Yeah, Saint's Row 2 will always still be the best to me. Saint’s row 2 the true sequel to GTA San Andreas. I wish saint’s row 3 kept gangsta culture unironically like the first 2.
>>213398 >>213430 What the fuck is wrong with you and what is up with your obession with posting these ugly ass bitches? It was okay the first time but seeing them over and over and over again is starting to make me feel sick. FUCK OFF ALREADY.
>>671934 Acid's the only one that stood with us compared to the rest.
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>>213199 >>213201 >>213204 >>213206 >>213287 I once recommended MiA to a Dragon Ball Super loving normalfag woman, was that a mistake? Is she gonna think I'm some kind of pedo now?
>>213441 Yes. Yes. Granted though, women are incredible degenerates. Female mangaka themselves make the most vile gorey dark content imaginable so it's not impossible she'll end up liking it.
>>213441 Why the fuck would you interact with normalfags let alone recommend them shit. Btw on that note, I was 20 chapters behind in MIA so I caught up earlier today and realized just how fucking formulaic Akihito Tsukushi's storytelling is. He only knows like three plot devices and keeps inserting them on every single chapter a dnauseam. I also have a hard time following what's happening on any given panel sometimes because the muddy default Paint Tool SAI brushes he and his assistants use just blend together. The art can range from great to lazy in just about 3 pages of difference. Don't get me started on how around Ch. 55 or so, they had to reintroduce the Mitty subplot for no fucking reason at all. I don't even know why I bother reading this degenerate crap.
>>213441 I watched the whole first season of MiA with my family, both siblings and parents as well as some family friends who happened to stop by. Nobody ever said anything, gave me weird looks, slighted me afterwards, or treated me any different after seeing, >Riko is nake in rope bondage >Riko talking about how she examined Reg's penis and asshole, including sticking things up his butt, while he was unconscious >Kiyui saying penis >Hablog pulling Reg's pants open and saying Reg's balls didn't look mechanical >Marluk being a crossdressing shota >Reg popping a boner in the pond> >Reg seeing Nanachi change the unconscious Riko's clothes> >Nanachi saying the way Reg touches her is lewd If you attach an entertaining story to your fetish shit, and never make the fetish shit the primary focus for long, you can absolutely get normalfags to just look the other way for the sake of being able to enjoy the rest of the story. The MiA had good production values, was a fun story, albeit often dark, and never lingered too long on the shotacon and lolicon fanservice. This is more than enough to hook a normalfag. It's only the moral busybodies that need to go on social media to vilify an author for having some kind of wrongthink in a story, and only a minority of pro-active normalfags supporting those busybodies on social media as well as bots, and only when the work in question is something the normalfag doesn't already like.
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>>213444 Now with this in mind, I am astounded that Marluk's Daily Life played in US threatres along with the movie, as that's entirely cute crossdressing shota fanservice. I have to wonder if any entry tier weebs saw that and thought "what the fuck am I watching? How the hell did I get into this?" and had a change of heart about Made in Abyss as a whole.
>>213441 think
All this MiA discussion could easily have gone straight to our /a/ board.
>>213426 Looks alright to me. A bit bland and could definitely use some polish but it might be good.
>>213447 90% of discussion in these threads could easily have been split up among dozens of dead boards where a tiny fraction of people would see and interact with it. This discussion has been had hundreds of times.
>>213449 Then it should go to those boards instead of here.
>>213425 This place needs new blood so just bully them when they need it. >>213431 Poor guy. He really got fucked. Hope he can bounce back somewhere else. >>213437 Saints Row 2 was a fluke that they will never recapture the magic of.
>>213450 You do it then. Ganbare onii-san!
>>213443 >that nasty ass image scat fetishist detected opinion discarded >>213445 Yeah MiA creeps me out quite often but that feeling is one of the things that draws me into the show, im a bit of a glutton for punishment in that regard. I would prewatch any kind of anime content before recommending it to family, but I'm sure my frens are made of tougher stuff. I wanted to get my 10 y/o niece into Jojo but I didn't want her getting any weird ideas because of the masturbating joylne in the first episode of part 6, I'm not gonna turn her into a coomer because of some dumb japanese cartoon. >>213446 I did. If she likes it then she'll like it, if she doens't then she won't. I just didn't want her thinking im some kind of potential child rapist after she watches it. >>213447 >>213450 I literally do not see any kind of /a/ board with the exception of that beaner infested /av/ there. If we had an /a/ or even better an /animu/ I would have went there already.
>>213453 >coomer Assimilate or perish.
>>213445 >I have to wonder if any entry tier weebs saw that and thought "what the fuck am I watching? How the hell did I get into this?" and had a change of heart about Made in Abyss as a whole. Chances are they wouldn't have lasted much to begin with and those ones were probably shonen babies from the start.
>>213453 >coomer
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>>213454 >>213456 My bad. Mark please don't ban me if I will offer you Khazar Milkers as an apology!
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>>213444 >I watched the whole first season of MiA with my family Why do normalfags with normal lives post here.
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>>213458 What the fuck is with the neck? Is she half-giraffe or something?
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>>213459 69a347's mom is a shotacon.
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Slow news day other than Pigfarms getting protested by troons. Here, some funny shit. >Exclusive: Inside Ukraine’s Secret Effort to Train Pilots for U.S. Jets or How Ukrainian Conman Trains Future Pilots Via VR Googles and Computer Games >Around the room, five Ukrainian pilots underwent training on the simulators. Were it not for all the uniformed personnel, the scene could have been mistaken for a gamer convention. Each station had a realistic throttle, flight stick and VR goggles linked up to a computer tower that gave off a technicolor glow. None of the gear was classified, and most of the components came from a niche of the gaming community that builds flight simulators for fun. >The pilots themselves each wore a ski mask under their virtual reality goggles to protect their identities, and it was the pilots who were the primary reason for the secrecy. Ukraine’s air force does not have many pilots, and some have been killed in the war over the last few months. It normally takes years to train a pilot, costing the military millions of dollars in jet fuel alone. “They are more valuable than generals,” Gorgan says. Even before the Russian invasion, the identities of active fighter pilots were a closely guarded secret in Ukraine, and all of them lived with the risk of assassination. >Each pilot undergoing training to pilot an A-10 are paid in the thousands of dollars for 6 months now. >Thousands of Dollars >A-10 https://archive.is/UvoXZ Hahahaha, "VR training" to pilot aircraft they don't have while getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for this "Training Program" and staying safe behind the frontlines, for six months.
>>213457 Good job. I'm sure if you do this for a few more years, the site population will boom and /a/ will become active.
>>213459 >You're a normalfag if you don't have much economic choice in your living situation and have to live in your parents basement Every day anons get more detached from what is and isn't normal.
>>213464 You are a normalfag for interacting with your family in such a way. Shut the fuck up retard, living in the basement is no excuse for normalfaggot behavior. Stop existing.
>>213462 >How Ukrainian Conman Trains Future Pilots Via VR Googles and Computer Games Why not just strap the pilots in for a Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator setup or the arcade version of Ace Combat at that point?
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The thread hit 500 posts so that means we get a new thread BAKER I FINISHED MY BREAD.
>>213194 Is Len'en heresy?
>>213467 >500 Way too early my friend.
>>213465 >You are a normalfag for interacting with your family Yet this very thread celebrated an anon having twins by adding it to the Watch Out For #GamerGate list. >>213467 Now you're just doing this on purpose. Never stop.
>>213466 Would be too obvious, they had to make it undescriptive for those retards at the Times to report their daily dose of Ukraine propaganda. People taking a guess that it's DCS that they're using. Six months "training" and getting paid playing VR, what a cushy gig.
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>>672050 reminder child abuse = persona 1 song
>>213473 It's an obscure 2hu clone series starting in the early 2010s were the Nipponese author deliberately omitted the seggs of all characters, yet for some reason fanfic authors assign them anti-semitic binary seggses.
>>213472 >Six months "training" and getting paid playing VR, what a cushy gig. You just described the space program my middle school had. But, there was a lot of calculations and homework that went along with it.
>>213475 The fuck does that have to do with Nelliel?
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>>213477 Ah fuck, I confused the Skellington grills from both series.
>>672068 Fst people should be tarred and feathered for our amusement.
Hey, Mark hasn't been online for a few days... oh no, oh god, not mark too.
>>213480 He´s busy working at THQ
>>213465 >You have to act like a mentally ill twat to even your loved ones or you can't be in the cool kids club. Tranny levels of mental illness, but the other anon is a retard for semi-blogposting.
>>213482 You can share your interests with your family. But you shouldn't share your loli/shota fetish shows with them.
(35.62 KB 540x465 1615430246558.jpg)

>>213483 It's a fetish show? Well damn. Thank god I never watched it, is it boku no pico tier?
>>213484 No that's straight up porn.
>>213482 >You have to act like a mentally ill twat to even your loved ones or you can't be in the cool kids club. I never said that, I am a firm believer of self-isolation but I digress. What bothers me about that anon is his blogposting. I loathe blogposters. >>213484 Not quite but definitely very risque, I would say almost Kodomo no Jikan levels of risque. Reg even has sex with Faputa, the manga has a yuri sex scene and Riko gets almost tentacle raped see >>213287
Have any of you ever watched Boku no Pico with your family?
>>213480 He's too busy playing vidya.
I have listed all the microtransactions for 2 popular games based on how its monetized and purchasable and whats for non-paying players TF2 <ONE-TIME PURCHASE the game is f2p has a "upgrade to premium account" purchase for accessing chat and medic callouts (gameplay affected) <MICROTRANSACTIONS has microts for cosmetics and weapons weapons can be acquired for free via random drops fairly regularly, cosmetics very rarely <GAMBLING has lootboxes and crates and cases with chance-based drop for special cosmetics and weapons(gameplay unaffected) which can't be obtained otherwise has clout and e-status attached with these items <PAY 2 UNLOCK ABILITY TO GAMBLE has MvM Tour Pass that unlocks chance-based drop for even more special cosmetics and weapons, but have a win condition on difficult MvM match. <SCRAPS FOR NON-PAYING PLAYERS Non-payers can trade these items but is severely time consuming non-payyers get regular weapon drop but rarely cosmetics. HALO INFINITE <ONE-TIME PURCHASE singleplayer is full price, multiplayer is f2p <STANDARD MICROTS has microts for cosmetics, skins, and badges that's unavailable otherwise limited time cosmetics that's unavailable otherwise <PAY 2 "FREE" STUFF has season pass every few months that nets you "free" skins and cosmetics at every level-up (still has to grind) <PAY 2 UNLOCK ABILITY TO PURCHASE special cosmetics available for purchase only for season pass players <PAY 2 NOT PLAY has XP booster/levels up, so you can gain rewards without playing/grinding for levels <SCRAPS FOR NON-PAYYERS no reward or drop for non-payers no gambling or lootboxes (good thing I guess) I have to search sites and videos (which only say which shit is worth to buy) and compile a list because there's no place that mentions all these stuff. Is there any stuff missing?
>>213486 >Reg even has sex with Faputa, the manga has a yuri sex scene I don't recall this. All I remember was Faputa stabbing reg in the bellybutton because she's autistic and yandere.
>>213489 PCgamingWiki makes a note of all DLC and such content for games.
>>213488 >10 hours >in 2 weeks >busy
>>213492 I did think of pcgw keeping track of these things but it only mentions basic info on whether its cosmetic, dlc, lootbox under microtransactions, not in-depth stuff.
>>213431 >got screwed over because his lawyer procrastinated and notery'd the wrong way in his own fucking state Hope Ty Beard never gets hired again. >>213495 New threads are only made at 700, newfaggot.
>>213406 Honestly a lot of the examples in this video actually look better without the makeup. Makeup makes you look fake, it makes you look like a liar. Because it is lying. Now, some of these women are legitimately ugly, and the makeup helps to hide that, but many of them would look attractive regardless, and they would actually look like real people. But instead they make themselves look like uncanny clowns, and broadcast to the world that they are liars, trying to trick you into thinking they look different than they really do. They're playing characters even when not in a movie, and that makes them very unlikable. Makeup is made to hide that you are ugly on the outside, but not only does it frequently not accomplish that goal, it also just reveals that you are also ugly on the inside. >>213435 That's the opposite of what's happening. It's the SJW cartoons that are getting purged. WB, which includes HBO, got bought by Discovery Channel, and apparently the new boss isn't fucking around. He cancelled several finished films, the most notable of which was Batgirl, for being "irredeemable." He realized the SJW shit was hurting their brand enough that the amount of money they could recoup by releasing it would not make up for the future lost sales. These cartoons are likely being removed for the same reason.
>>213494 >>213492 I found a site called microtransaction.zone with microtransactions listed more detailed info, i can look into that
>>213496 NEW BREAD NAO!!
(188.02 KB 797x1000 nigger go home.jpg)

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>>672154 You are the 3D.
>>672154 You are a bitch.
>>213501 Are you sure about that?
>>213503 You have meat on your bones, dontcha?
>>213504 >Not being a skellington
>>213480 > Hey, Mark hasn't been online for a few days... Mark ate too many cakes, got diabeetus, has been in the bathroom pissing for four days straight
(68.00 KB 480x360 oink.webm)

>>213493 I've also put in 40 hours into xenoblade 3
>>213497 >It's the SJW cartoons that are getting purged. What's pozzed about Mao Mao?
>>213511 >Mao >Not pozzed [raughs]
(16.79 KB 613x419 oh hey mark.png)

(332.06 KB 1109x689 deliciouscake.jpg)

>>213510 Hi Mr. Mann, would you like some d ru g s? https://archive.ph/WA9KH
>>213488 Good god his taste is shit, rate my taste. The SDK game I was playing was openfortress. It would be pretty decent for the 5 people willing to play it for a game night. It was coded by a tranny btw
>>213510 Console or emulated?
(530.96 KB 542x1117 fresh language.png)

wtf is going on itt
(617.42 KB 1120x1400 90930890_p0.jpg)

>>213519 (checked and milked) Here's some juicy anime milkers, you earned it.
(521.88 KB 526x800 galko swimsuit.png)

>>213520 nice titties bro
>>213520 Have some gunt bro
>>213294 They were: 1) Looking for dirt on Trump 2) Looking for what he had on Hillary's campaign due to the lawsuit concerning the fake Russia Dossier 3) Related to 1, to find any excuse to arrrest Trump, then walk him in cuffs in front of cameras before the mid-terms, even if the charges don't stick In any case, it backfired spectularly and pretty much re-engerized his base, and got normalfags to realize if they are willing to do this to an ex-President, they are willing to do this to the average Joe with their new IRS armed agents.
>>213523 At this time I just see him getting Kennedied.
>>213524 Basically, they can't. If Trump gets minecrafted for any reason, the populace will know if was the Feds, regardless of who or what they blame, and the Cold Civil War goes hot.
>>213524 way too big, they'll just poison his tea 5 years from now and say he died peacefully while sleeping on the floor.
>>213525 >>213526 They knew a lot of things yet they did it anyway. They might be getting bold or they are stupid, but they are about to do something drastic. Besides, they got away with live on television election fraud, so they might feel like they can do anything. I just see people just realizing that the left is "right" in a few points and start copying their tactics, and I won't shred a tear for them.
>>213496 >New threads are only made at 700, newfaggot.
lewd plain schoolgirls
(51.89 KB 610x689 uwu.jpg)

>>213529 Fun fact: In Japan, sex with a gang of niggers younger than 13 is only considered statutory rape, not child abuse like in Western countries. :-)
(317.35 KB 1933x1072 a6f41d33ff7dc278.jpg)

>>213531 Well it's also a felony to have children in your home without their parent's permission.
>>213488 This is some serious shit taste, LMAO.
>>672329 I thought this was scat porn at first.
>>213536 Isn't it?
(62.44 KB 480x680 FYimLM4WIAAjdQX.jpg)

>>213534 I played some NIGGer man miles morales a bit and the game absolutely bored me to tears, boring gameplay, unskippable cutscenes, forced walking sections, playing as a normalfag socializing with other normalfags, a MC and a game who would NOT shut the fuck up. I don't know whats up with western games and them being so fucking slow and mentally draining to play.
>>213538 >I don't know whats up with western games and them being so fucking slow and mentally draining to play. Their entire goal is to turn your brain off so you passively absorb their propaganda, while the goal of an actual video game is to turn your brain on so you actively overcome mental challenges.
>>213538 You even paid 60 dollars to Soyny for it. That's the biggest sin here.
>>213540 He didn't actually admit that. Maybe he played it while visiting someone else who was dumb enough to buy it. When the game first came out I was staying at my brother's place and he was dumb enough to buy it, and recommended I play it since he knows I'm a massive autist for Spider-Man. I turned him down when I saw walk-and-talk sections where you're forced to play as The Amazing Nigger-Man, and as Mary Jane, who is a reporter now because apparently Insomniac got her confused with Lois Lane (or Vicki Vale, or Iris West, or any number of more generic love interests). However, maybe Anon made the mistake of being just a tiny bit more optimistic than me. That's not as bad as actually paying for it. But yeah I bet he paid for it and just doesn't wanna admit it.
>>213541 >>213540 Is Niggerman not out for PC like Soyderman?
>>213544 No, that comes later Also a reminder that Sony now has a Playstation PC page and is about to release a Sony PC client. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/pc-games/
>>213545 Does this mean we'll soon be able to simply pirate every playstation game to run natively on PC without even needing playstation hardware or emulation? Because that's all I care about. Fuck Sony.
>>213545 >25 years worth of great Playstation titles to choose from >Absolutely none of them make it into the lineup >You only get the most cancerous current year AAA shit I'd rather use a cheese grater as an onahole, thanks.
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(606.31 KB 708x2163 Rapewig 2.jpg)

>>213545 >No Bloodborne Stopped reading right there.
>>213548 I'm willing to bet the rights on that one are a lot more complicated. Sony doesn't own Fronsoft like the own these other studios.
>>672409 >Pretending to be cuckchan
(3.82 MB 800x450 manfrog root.webm)

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>>672409 oh shit nigga, this you? as for the question, well it's because its fun also these two pics are one of the few good things from that thread on half/v/
>>213552 sexy rock
>>672409 Because people are still upset we exist, see https://archive.ph/poONE#669577
>>672409 It's a watercooler thread. Was that really not apparent at first glance?
(107.82 KB 566x356 halfchan get out.png)

>>672409 I want to have sex with you.
(36.05 KB 324x334 shantae blush.jpg)

>>213546 Sony is only interested in pushing out their modern progressive drivel, and they cannot do that if they put out the games people actually want; like SOCOM, Sly Cooper, The Getaway, Ico, Siren and White Knight Chronicles.
(95.19 KB 434x550 windows aqua.jpg)

>>213440 Mark too. >>672409 The ride never ends.
>>212984 >I don't get it. Nice dubs tho. New She-Hulk show implies that, because women deal with more day-to-day shit than men (cited examples in show are catcalling, mansplaining), they are naturally good at controlling their anger level and can control their Hulk state as they please. Then again, I never read the comics so maybe this is how the comics justifies She-Hulk's lucidness over Banner Hulk.
>>213562 >woman's superpower is being emotional <stunning and brave they really will swallow any shit that gets put out even if it contradicts their earlier programming, won't they?
>>213562 >catcalling and mansplaining so she's bragging about being attractive and intelligent.
>>213382 >An innocent young boy is vengefully returned to his mother by a financially, bitter grandmother >a financially, bitter grandmother There is no reason for a BR Portuguee to English translation to be this bad. >>213395 >whereas that girl from the video looks like a stocky midget which you'd come to expect from someone with a deformity caused by a lack of growth hormones. Saw a video of a girl with a similar story. She was very small, not completely flat, but the only real deformity was about the face, where parts of it had tried to age out of normal child neoteny and other parts had stuck there. Even so, she wasn't a total loss, about average, probably having a lot to do with her mum and sisters were reasonably good looking. I think with her it was some other brain cancer, and it was the chemo that nuked her pituitary, growy-bits, whatever. She bemoaned that she kept attracting creepy guys that wanted to vote Dems. I don't think she's ever gonna get around that issue, being that she's got the body of a sexually precocious ten year old. >>213390 Their dialogue seems skinwalker-ish to me, but I'm from NY and talk similarly to them, with the caveat that I swear like a sailor. Their dialogue seems like they've clipped out all of the naturally occuring vulgarity and then inserted even more elsewhere, which fucks their cadence all up and seems unnatural. >>213414 Is this what happens when you bang a leftist woman and she aborts your only child? >>213460 The weight of her enormous mommy milkies pulled her shoulders down, but the artist didn't unpin her height so she's got this weird neck stretching. Pretty sure that's how human anatomy works.
(260.79 KB 448x396 nicedesune.png)

>>213565 >Is this what happens when you bang a leftist woman and she aborts your only child? You turn into the Penguin?
>>672409 >>672412 >>672425 This random event was...something https://archive.ph/2XzO0
Sooooooooooo... Alexander Dugin's daughter was just killed in a car bombing that reeks of CIA involvement. Potential Franz Ferdinand moment.
>>213562 >Then again, I never read the comics so maybe this is how the comics justifies She-Hulk's lucidness over Banner Hulk Nope, in the comics she got a blood transfusion from the Hulk so she has a watered down version of his powers, this is how she's able to retain her intelligence but as a downside she's a lot weaker than the Hulk. >>213570 >Alexander Dugin's daughter was just killed in a car bombing Who?
(402.03 KB 469x498 carmack.png)

>>213343 >>213399 If done right then this could be used to rally actual women against trannies.
>>213571 >Who? Arguably Putin's most influential advisor.
>>213573 Oh, now it makes sense.
(81.41 KB 347x384 Carlos.jpg)

>>213570 >that reeks of CIA involvement. Can't be. The assassination actually succeeded.
(66.30 KB 655x495 Jerry Nadler is a retard.jpg)

>>213562 >they are naturally good at controlling their anger Is this why the single largest killer of infants and children is their own mother? >>213568 Oh shit, is that what happened to Jerry Nadler? I love this shot, because you can look at the waist-high sign and think, "ah, he's not THAT short, it's a perspective trick!" and then realize the reception desk is a ways behind him, and that standing in front of it he'd barely be able to see over the top. >>213570 This might be fun. >>213575 DAMN IT CA-- aw shit, you my nigga for once.
>>213570 jewkraine practically admits it was them and the bomb was for him, except he mysteriously didn't use that car to get home.
>>213576 >This might be fun. We're going to see a lot more tranny propaganda and communist protests in the west. Russia knows how to harm a civilization.
(340.94 KB 1920x1080 Aloy Burch.jpg)

>>213540 I forgot to mention the game wasn't mine, I was playing on my brothers 500$ router (PS5) and I wasn't really impressed with it at all. Also tried out Horizon Zero Fun and good fucking GOD ALMIGHTY that was one of the most boring ass games with the longest and most dragged out intro section I have ever played in my entire life. It was more soul crushingly painfully boring than an actual 9/5 job, it was again, mentally draining to play. Both those games also tend to have an over abundance of mechanics and needless button combinations for simple redundant shit that shouldn't really require any special button input fuckery, that was the most annoying part of those games to me. >>213570 This world is boring and depressing as fuck, ain't shit gonna happen. Niggas have been screeching about civil war for years now an all thats come out of it was billions of dollars of BLM nigger induced property damage and massive amounts of butthurt.
>>213571 >in the comics she got a blood transfusion from the Hulk so she has a watered down version of his powers Woke reboot time: In All New She-Hulk #1 the blood transfusion mixed with 'female DNA' magically makes her stronger than the Hulk! Super stronk! Stunning! Brave! etc...
(176.80 KB 456x596 1472098142327.png)

>>672519 Thanks, I can't wait to be Mark Mann.
>>213562 >Then again, I never read the comics so maybe this is how the comics justifies She-Hulk's lucidness over Banner Hulk. >>213571 >Nope, in the comics she got a blood transfusion from the Hulk so she has a watered down version of his powers, this is how she's able to retain her intelligence but as a downside she's a lot weaker than the Hulk. I'm not sure if they ever offered that as an explanation in earlier stories (I haven't read them) but later on they explained that Bruce Banner had multiple personality disorder to begin with, and his transformation just combined with that to result in his transformed form being a different personality. I think they also say it's why he is able to transform back and forth. She-Hulk and others can't transform back and forth. They become hulks full-time but retain their personalities.
>>213577 >He got some kind of premonition shit not to drive the car and instead chose a different car and got his daughter to drive the one that blew up. It's super fucking fishy.
(41.44 KB 250x250 1374034825090.jpg)

BAKER? I want a cookie.
>>213584 Sounds like someone leaked him info that he was gonna get bombed and decided to sacrifice his daughter for both pity points and as a way to double down on the war efforts.
>>213586 Think tucker carlson except he runs the news empire.
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>>213585 >BAKER?
(24.06 KB 400x264 cookies♪.jpg)

(1.88 MB 2013x7955 futatrap protag.jpg)

>>213591 snigger
>>213592 tranny bussy 🤔
(1.25 MB 1444x2222 Chocomint.png)

>>213592 I was desperate for bread fucking images. If I could find a decent bread monstergirl, I'd have posted her.
>>672569 There's one up right now, dude, weed, lmao.
>>213594 What kind of theme are you going for, anon? I might have a monster girl image or two that would fit the theme.
>>213591 That's grotesque, why would you fuck a caterpillar like that?
(52.77 KB 1412x1336 Lolipillar.png)

>>213597 >Not fucking caterpillars
>>672569 >>672575 You weedfags are becoming rapidly as annoying as the pedofags were.
>>213545 >let bot nets buy up all your consoles so the majority of PS5s are sitting in a warehouse somewhere >way less people actually own a PS5 and so less people buy software >have to port your console exclusives to PC to break even I bet they don't learn a damn thing and nip the botnets in the future.
>>213549 So Bloodborne might be a no man's land of sorts? Probably for the best. I still wish From would make a spiritual successor to BB that they own completely like how they did for Demon's Souls with Dark Souls and for Tenchu with Sekiro. No Elden Ring doesn't count.
>>213601 I would love a new Tenchu. Sekiro is not it. The closest I've found is Aragami but it leans into the magic shit too much for my liking.
>>672605 I wouldn't be surprised if at this point it's not just random people coming around spamming because it's weak and easy "trolling"
>>213601 I'd rather they put souls shit to rest for a few years at least. >>213602 >I would love a new Tenchu. Sekiro is not it I agree.
>>213599 Weedfags were always annoying, Quentin was right.
>>672609 Yeah, but those girls are just mildly unattractive. They're not Rosie O'Donnel or Peebee.
(100.96 KB 889x284 confirmed for pedo.png)

(1.04 MB 1742x1012 QUENTIN_SCHOOL_ISSHYGDDT.png)

>>213605 As annoying as they are, it's better to have weedfags around than lolcows like quentin
(395.69 KB 1350x1038 Shisha.png)

>>213607 weedfags attract lolcows like quentin.
>>213601 OK why did my post get deleted?
(1.94 MB 1250x2325 @tasuyaishida9.PNG)

>>213611 >Stonetoss-"Huh?"-.png
(100.02 KB 1000x1000 stonetoss fit.png)

>>213611 Fuck, he sure went full cyrcle.
>>213614 No, this is still TERF territory. Wait for it, he'll start blaming grooming on the patriarchy soon enough, if he hasn't already.
(68.35 KB 1500x500 heh.jpg)

>>213615 So he would still vote Hillary even if she is part of the problem that is causing this?
(2.17 MB 1250x2325 Let'sa Go Luigi.png)

>>213618 But it's not time for his daily pegging.
>>213611 oh, black manta is reddit and... gimp suits?
(59.69 KB 798x598 sketch luigi sniff.png)

>>213618 >wife isnt daisy >child isnt baby rosalina >entire roster of villains unchanged come ON >>213620 so, reddit and reddit
>>213611 The mom is cute.
>>213621 It's being worked on
>>213613 where's the amogus?
>>213624 that's pre-amongus
(216.20 KB 754x693 sadder_laundry_loli (2).png)

>>212975 >>213016 >>213383 >tfw no wolficus gf
(147.19 KB 706x388 correction.jpg)

>>671934 Elaborate
>>213611 Would you?
>>213611 >There's books about gay sex and oral sex in the elementary/middle school libraries, this is an outrage! <If only you knew how bad things really are
>>213623 You should have Luigi put on his hat when he leaves the house. Have it sitting on one of the shelves in the first panels or something before that.
>>213627 I was just going through all Yaminabe's works. He makes some nice perverted lolis. Haven't seen any cheeky 💢 fembrats 💢 though.
>>213629 That's a man in costume.
NEW COMIC Sony man Sony man! coping harder than a Pokéfan!
>>213630 Oh no! Slippery slope! Degeneracy! Where's our Lord and Saviour Adolf Hitler?!
>>213635 You don't need hitler, you just need jesus :^)
(295.63 KB 1206x1336 fa32bb0292679503.png)

>>213636 Same thing, really.
(1.39 MB 400x400 best_character.webm)

>>213623 I look forward to it's completion. I also agree with the other anon that he needs the hat when he leaves. >>213634 Now I want some official gamer rope merch. >>213635
>>213618 Wait a minute, is this from Sinfest?!
Wait the guy who made sinfest isn't having the groomer's shit?
>>213641 He's been making comica against trabny shit for a while
>>213517 emulated, I no longer have a switch.
(199.48 KB 641x590 Fern_Pondering.png)

I wonder which side I'll suffer the most in the end cause it looks like even though feminist are against this shit due to female privilege's being in danger due to troons receiving the benefit or the alphabet community being pedophiles trying to play the victim to justify their sick fetishes. Either way regardless who wins I hope it wounds the other so hard that the victor would die easily from a killing blow. Speaking from a socio-cultural standpoint just to clarify.
>>213638 >best_character.webm Is this accidental pro-Hitler propaganda, or intentional pro-Hitler propaganda disguised as anti-Hitler propaganda?
>>213633 Prove it. My lowerheadcanon trumps any stupid LGBTFP faggotry so long as there's visual ambiguity. Just look at pics related.
>>213647 At best, the point of the video is that bad people do good things and good people do bad things.
>>213640 >Molestro
>>213648 Can't find this artist work anywhere on exhentai or rule 34, got a popular tag this type of work goes by? Saucenao ain't helping much.
>>213651 Artist is Sukkanen Fordic. I believe I pulled all the art of twitter or tumbler or something ages ago. I'll dump everything I have on /h/.
>>672759 I know who you are, and I know you're a faggot, but the numbers on the end of those filenames tell me you have more. Though I doubt you'll actually dump them all anywhere, out of spite.
>>213654 those filenames were just a joke but I hear instagram has plenty of picture of little girls that you'd be interested in.
>>213648 >draw a loli, call it a cuntboy Very clever, I like this. And you can't complain about it being pedophilia, or else you get dogpiled by trannies. I'm surprised more people aren't doing this just to push the limits and see what happens.
>>213648 >>213656 >I'm going to lay out some rape scenarios >Nevermind the size difference, this totally isn't implying B is a loli, I swear! This fucking artist, lmao. https://nitter.net/sugarsukka/status/1560997496016363523#m
>>213657 And he's a cuck. Wew. I may have derailed a bit too much.
>>672774 thats like saying trannies will go extinct. coddling their cognitive dissonance may bolster their numbers but theres no getting rid of them entirely.
(3.86 MB 1280x720 Obligatory Bailey.webm)

>>213659 99+% of them get over it by the time they hit twenty, if you don't entertain their bullshit. The remaining fraction of 1% are niggers like Big Dick Levine and Bailey Jay, who will do it because it advantages their careers.
>>213660 >>213659 As long as greedy doctors exists, you can't get rid of trannies, plastic surgery, or abortion.
>>213661 So get rid of both.
>>213662 You can't destroy greed.
>>213663 I can try.
So after the stabbing of the Satanic Verses author everything went silent. I guess it's easier to let one guy die than defend freedom from sand savages?
>>213661 Another option I can think of would be to get more Yanivs, CWCs, etc. into the public eye. But obviously the mainstream media (except controlled opposition like Fox) wouldn't show it, nor would popular people on social media, so there'd have to be some other way. Or you could false flag. Pretend to be a tranny, find some popular users who aren't so rabidly pro-tranny that they'd know something's up, and act as creepy as possible toward them until they feel compelled to speak out. But even that wouldn't work because the second a popular tranny even suggests there's people false flagging (even without proof), the jig is up.
>>213665 >I guess it's easier to let one guy die than defend freedom from sand savages? You ask that after seeing how easy it is to bully normalfaggots with the threat of violence?
(242.15 KB 1280x720 cuny.jpg)

Mmmh, realistic depictions of Democrat supporting children...
(875.47 KB 500x400 Homer Drool.gif)

>>213668 >#cunyrising
>>213668 >>213669 If you wanna shitpost about cunny, I made a thread. >>>/b/422659 I'm not sure how much longer this flagrant derailing can go before a mass nuking.
>>213667 I know, it's just infurating and exausting.
>>213666 >get more Yanivs, CWCs, etc. into the public eye. Aren't there a couple of troons that flew into tranny rage and tried to murder people with axes? Yeah, Hector "Stefani" Gutierrez in Vegas, whacked his brother-in-law on his sister's say so, because she's a cheating whore who shacked up with a man other than her husband for a while and was worried she'd lose control of her kids if she didn't reconcile. So, you know, convince your troon brother to hack him up with a hatchet while you hold his arms behind him. And "Evie" Amati, can't find >her real name, in Sydney, Ausfailia. Communist, got rejected by a woman on a Tinder date, so grabbed a fire axe and attacked three random assholes at a 7-11. Then got sent to a women's prison, started de-transing, got into a bunch of fights and sent to a men's prison. I'm sure >she will be very popular on the cell block, won't even have to remember to dilate.
700th for BAKER!!
>Sinfest went full fucking circle Big Lulz. Can the next thread theme be this?
>>213670 /gg/ has been 75% shitposting and 25% whining about negative developments in the gaming industry and infallible nippon for years now. No point in changing that.
>>213675 Fuck off reddit spacing herdnigger.
>>213674 >the next thread theme be this? Or lost media being found. Someone found the American sailor moon cartoon pilot made by DIC. It’s the one with a cripple sailor scout Nick named wheels because she in a wheel chair.
>>213674 >>213677 It's Vivian's birthday tomorrow. Let that be the theme.
(612.87 KB 1445x1886 GP viv jobber.png)

>>213678 you used to make sexy viv wheres the sexy viv GP
>>213678 >that gay :w: thing that was hotwheels' avatar before becoming a furfag
>>213680 That was from before faggots coopted it, though. Back then it was just a silly thing from 2ch.
>>213681 >implying hotwheels wasn't always a niggerfaggot since his wizardchan days and people weren't too blinded with hero-worship and drunk on having an actually-active alternative to cuckchan to notice it
>>213682 Shit. You're right.
>>213678 She's growing up so fast she'll be a huge titty milf next time we blink.
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>>213678 What about dragon ball z? I work as an EMT and I picked up a Mexican that broke his arm doing back flips over him being so excited by the dragon ball super superhero end credit scene today. When we got there Mexicans were having a dance party at the movie theater parking lot blasting head cha la and rock the dragon. There was even a taco truck there because of a Mexican church pre-ordered tickets.
Is anyone else baking a thread for Vivian's birthday? I could bake but I don't know if someone else has some special images planned.
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New Bread New Bread New Bread >>672867 >>672867 >>672867 >>672867 >>672867 New Bread New Bread New Bread

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