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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Unending Ride Edition Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 00:00:01 Id: 77cbd8 No. 228768
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!):
[Expand Post]• Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
DHS to Spend Almost $700,000 Investigating ‘Radicalization in Gaming’ https://archive.ph/i3uVk >The Department of Homeland Security has awarded a $699,763 grant to terrorism and security researchers to study the cross section of extremism and gaming. >“Over the past decade, video games have increasingly become focal points of social activity and identity creation for adolescents and young adults. Relationships made and fostered within game ecosystems routinely cross over into the real world and are impactful parts of local communities,” the grant announcement on the DHS website said. “Correspondingly, extremists have used video games and targeted video game communities for activities ranging from propaganda creation to terrorist mobilization and training.”
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why are you like this?
is this the end for gamergate?
Ok wut if I edited that guys ass to look like Kirby? THEN would it have been OK?
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>>228772 gamergays has only begun
>>228775 so many more years left to discuss ethics in chiId porn consumption.
>>228771 There were some people shitting up last thread that didn't seem like the usual obsessives like niggerpill, and some of it continued into this thread. Possibly we're getting raided from somewhere.
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DePauw University Prindle Institute for Ethics: "Dungeons & Dragons & Oppression" https://archive.ph/Zs5SJ
>>228777 Not everything is a plot by a shadowy enemy. >>228778 I leik videogames.
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>new bread >not caught up with old bread yet Sometimes you're just always running late.
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>>228777 >people trying to spell NIGGER and shitposting is a raid from somewhere anon...
>>228781 you have so much to look forward to.
>>228777 >Raided You wish there was more outside traffic. This is at least 50% homegrown autism, including myself.
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>>228782 The nigger spellers have failed at their task this will lead to dark times ...
N >>228785 Nevar give ap!
What in the blue fuck was that totally organic™ derail about ancient hebrew shit going in the last bread about?
>>228787 Looked organic to me. Nobody cared. Everyone outside the conversation was able to carry on the thread, so it's not really a derail when the thread is still 80% on rails.
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>>228787 Two jewish autists triying to outjew themselves, every GG thread needs a mandatory autistic fight to the death
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>>228770 Are we on Jack Thompson vidya scare 3.0, or 4.0 now?
>>228787 it certainly was much better than went down near the end of the thread, and >>228788 pointed out, quite self-contained between the two of them
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God fucking dammit we don't need 3 gs, two of you fight to the death til one remains
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hey acid, how's that small text thing i proposed to you going? https://archive.ph/OltF4#selection-51824.1-51825.1
>>697918 >Trust me. I know my faggotry. Poost benis an butte then, faggot. >>697840 >>228770 >FOR >WHAT >PURPSE To embezzle money of course. Did ya think our tax dollars were going to something of value? >>697876 You'll find a lot more genuine racism on Team Fortress 2 anon. t. TF2 player
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>>228773 >>228786 >>228789 >>228793 >>228794 >>228795 >>228796 >>228797 >>228798 >>228799 >>228801 >>me >GNIGGGEGGGEGR Finally, slur to surpass DOUBLE NIGGER
>luciano boogeyman again How stupid are the anons here to think that such arguments are made only by one specific person?
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>>228770 >$699,763 Why this amount? Why not just round it up to $700,000?
>>228808 They accounted for inflation :^)
>>228808 Scribe's fees was exactly $237.
https://archive.ph/wip/OyLVc https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/09/23/dead-island-2-developers-took-advice-from-diversity-council-in-order-to-avoid-stereotypes-that-could-be-deemed-hurtful/
>>228812 we spoke of this about two threads back, i think
>>228812 What possible fucking stereotypes would they have to worry about in a zombie game?
>no one talking about any of the known spammers and shitflingers >some random anon suddenly brings one of them up trying to start conversation about them I shouldn't even talk about it, I'm not gonna even give you a (you). >>228770 Oh how I dream to be paid to write about mongolian basketwaving culture, to try to explain to boomers things like loss, UOH or sneed broly squat suffocating george floyd
>>228813 Ah sorry then I've missed it.
>>228814 Even the mere mention of the word voodoo is probably offensive these days.
>>228806 >thinking anons think luciano is just one person The Luciano boogeyman is the placeholder for the bad actors who assume that role, no shit it isn't limited to just one faggot.
>>228770 Linked an archive of the wrong article, he's the Vice one: https://archive.ph/CdFt9 >>228808 Looks like a lot of the grant amounts are non-round numbers, I'm not familiar with the reason why: https://archive.ph/VFZKC
>>228806 Many anons here are hideously autistic and mildly schizophrenic.
>>228820 >calling other people autistic while being incapable of picking up on basic lingo and how it's utilized The fact you people get paid to do this and still struggle with it is hilarious.
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>>228770 >Get a shit government job tracking down white supremacist groups >They're all fucking spics and jews >No activity >I HAVE AN IDEA >Let's investigate "Radicalization in Gaming" >Spend almost 3/4 of a million in taxpayer money setting up a DHS Arcade Center >Sit around playing videogames, eating Doritos, and drinking Mt. Dew all day >DHS-kun, wtf are you doing? >Am deep under-cover >Write up reports on anyone better than you, using cheats, or stream sniping Sounds like a fucking dream job to me.
>>228821 Look, there is one of those people I was talking about. >paid Oh shit are you that autist that was calling people feds in a thread a week ago? Or are you just another autist?
>>228816 no problem, it happens
>>228824 Actually maybe it was over a week, I forget.
>>228824 >please help me discern identities in these threads Comical
>>228823 You know, as a perk, I bet they get to say nigger nigger nigger all they want, and Twitch can't even ban them because they're working with intelligence groups and you can just claim to be fishing for racist extremists.
>>228827 OH SHIT you must be! Hey, you still owe me a clock.
>>228822 can i get some ipa with that?
>>228806 I will coin a new term for those who are adjacent to that shitposter. If you see anyone resembling Luciano but isn't, call them this. Lucianoid
>>228829 >still trying desperately to treat this thread like his herdnigger IRC rooms Embarrassing
>>228823 >project's results: >we should subsidize denuvo for small and medium studios >microsoft buying up studios is actually a good thing, they can fliter the n word >we need more funding for discord nitro alts
>>228832 >you are x I love you GGfags. Always trying to label people or put them in boxes. Like you've puzzled them out. I guess thats what happens when you have like only 100 users in a thread and maybe 150 on a board. Draw one in MS paint please.
>>228834 >PLEASE go into detail for me so I can know how we keep getting identified You're losing your composure dude.
>>228834 >>228835 >haha I own u >hahaha no, I own u Ara vs Ara, fight for their shota, who will win.
>>228836 me, the shota
>>228835 How is someone supposed to ID you from an ms paint drawing? >>228836 Someone said every thread there must be a sperg fight. I nominate myself and this schitzo I'm talking with.
>>228838 >How is someone supposed to ID you from an ms paint drawing? I don't know I barely read half the words in your posts.
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>>228838 Fair enough, battle away! It was my turn two threads ago.
>>228839 You read them all you tsunny little scamp you. Else you would not reply. >>228840 Wish me luck!
>>228787 A butthurt, retarded autist arguing with an autist too retarded to stop engaging with the other, even more retarded, autist.
>>228841 I read some of every post. But when it's boring I usually just read some of the first sentence then respond. Not my fault you can't keep your banter interesting.
>>698645 You should AI upscale that be like 2000x2000
>>228843 Sorry. Are you that other fag but jumped IDs? Can you draw a clock?
>>228845 Yes I jump ID's. I can draw plenty of clocks. I am the one who proposed clock based captchas to filter herdnigger schizos like you faggot.
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What did Brandon mean by this?
>>228847 he meant that he has non-consensual sex with CIA agents, and is so out of touch with the average american's reality that he actually believes it's normal to do so, and even to brag about it.
>>228847 /ourcunny/
>>228846 How am I the schizo now? You started replying to me out of the blue so I just asked if you were that other anon, not really a stretch. Also you are being mean to me 4 like no reason. >>698652 Why does he fear that post? Its not even his asshole.
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>>228847 What he meant is he's going to declare Martial Law before or during the mid-term elections so it would be stopped before the Republicans takes over the Congress and the Senate. t. image related
>>228847 Why the fuck do they let him speak? Jesus christ what a fucking retard.
>>228850 Mark gets very uncomfortable when he gets sexualized iirc, he said he's scared of getting raped by an anon irl due to the voicemail threats being made about tying him up and used like meat. He didn't want to get a lawyer involved until there was someone to actually prosecute, I never knew you could sexually harass a fat man but here we are.
>>228847 I like how there's zero outrage from the audience and they just laugh along, probably as they're told to.
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>>228854 A couple of the teachers in the background definitely cringe.
>>228853 Please tell me this is a joke, lol. I remember the doxing from way back, I know they called the police and shit but I don't think anyone expected anything to happen but this is news to me.
>>228770 >journalists and the left more anti-video games than Jack Thompson I’m not shocked.
>>228812 >There already only 3 whites guy in the original dead island cast Dead island was diverse as the original saints row game. Fuck this political correct diversity. Give us good old fashion gangsta culture which use to be popular in games.
>>228858 >Left >Implying Thompson was right He was a cuckservative member of the monoparty.
>>698673 Mark is a retard
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>>228848 Joe Biden was raped by a glowie?
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>>228855 checked 😭
>>228812 >>228859 Mark, you should challenge Josh at boxing. I would pay for the mark to beat up josh during a live stream.
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>>228847 Bussi
Taco Taco Taco Taco Taco Taco Burrito!
>>228869 My naem iz Hennifer Hlopez!
>>228870 >! haahaha
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>>228847 Really activates my almonds.
>>228871 >not jajajajaja No real beaner!
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>>698685 Crea shitcoin honeypots y gana dinero gratis como los quien hacen scam, mejor que gaypal
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class
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>>228770 Reminder that, like the investigation into right wing terrorism, they need to deliver RESULTS. Brace for what's coming.
Incidentally, thank you listnigger #6. My CPU fan died and I had to spend all day to take it apart to blow out 2 pounds of dust. I was considering phoneposting the list, but you stepped in to help me. I really owe you one.
>>228877 I don't know how feds can turn off their consciences in order to frame innocent people to justify their funding. Is a paycheck really worth more than innocent lives? If they were Jewish, it'd make sense since genetic schizophrenia and cultural victim complex, but most of them are white.
>>228879 It's usually justified as simply goading people that would break the law anyway to them.
>>698693 Reported
>>228881 Reported
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>>228874 Biden has the same look in his eyes as chris chans mom.
>>228882 Reported
>>228884 Reported
>>228879 >I don't know how feds can turn off their consciences in order to frame innocent people >feds >conscience
>>228879 >Leftists >Having consciences at all

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>>228823 The funniest thing is how places like this and the webring are full of non whites and sexual minorities shitting on each other while calling out various derogatory slurs with the added bonuses of Jews hating on Israel more then any actual White or Arab supremacists could dream of.
>>228879 >npcs >conscious
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>>228883 >Biden has the same look in his eyes as chris chans mom. Are you suggesting that Biden didn't abuse Hunter as a child, but that Hunter is getting cracked out and sexually abusing Joe?
>>228883 Dementia
>>228879 >I don't know how feds can turn off their consciences in order to frame innocent people to justify their funding. Nigger, Vanderbuit Medical Clinic just took down their entire website because videos came out where the staff were having meetings in which they were basically counting the money from surgeries and post-op treatment of kids they duped into chopping their tits and dicks off. Then told conscientious objectors to fuck off, you have no place here. These people are literal monsters.
>>228892 Got vid?
>>228892 Post the video and turn this into a RAGE thread
>>228877 >Be FBI agent >Boss on your ass >"Got anything on gamer terrorism?" >"No, sir." >"IT'S BEEN 3 MONTHS, FRANK." >"THE CONGRESSMAN IS ON MY ASS!" >"YOU NEED TO START DELIVERING RESULTS!" >"MY CAREER... I MENA YOUR CAREER IS RIDING ON THIS!" >"THEY SPENT $700,000 ON THIS! DON'T GIVE ME NOTHING!" >Every week... nothing. >Screws are being turned hard. >Need to give something. >Anything. >"Sir! I got something!" >"Took 4 months of grooming some neckbeard using a nubile young agent, but it finally worked!" >He says he's gonna do it!" >"EXCELLENT, FRANK!" >"OPERATION JABBA IS GO!" >New York Times reporters are notifed >Neckbeard drives to Anita's home with 15 of his new "friends" >Arrives at her home. >Swat team pounce >All on NYT camera >News/social media goes ballistic >GAYMER TERROR PLOT FOILED >GamerGate wiki article updated to Terror campaign >GamerGate gets the Proud Boys designation. >Reddit nukes KotakuInAction. Reason: domestic terror >Twitter campaign deplatforms KotakuInAction.win. reason: Domestic terror >FBI gamer terror agency ditrector promoted >promotions/bonuses for all field officers >Judge: "Why is there only one accused? Where are the other 15?" >FBI: "We cannot disclose that due to national security reasons." >Judge: "Oh... uh... y'know that's fiiiiine." >Judge quietly assured they will be appointed state DA for playing along andn not rocking the boat >Acid & Mark shuts down 8ch.moe >They didn't want to, but the subpoenas have bankrupted them >Any site with a GamerGate forum gets purged. >No company will platform anything Gamergate related (ToS violation: inciting terrorism). >No owner wants to deasl with media inquiries/subpoenas >The ride ends. This is how it will happen. And any mention of Antifa, Chaz, BLM, and the numerous murders, attacks, domestic terror attacks, street violence, and social media sites giving them platforms to coordinate "fiery yet peaceful" protests will be disregarded, because that's different. It's coming. Be ready. FBI agents have already been pulled off posting on /leftypol/ abuse and posting on /leftypol/ trafficking and assigned to monitoring "gamer terrorism"... and they need to deliver SOMETHING. "Something" is coming. Expect it when you see it.
>>228895 i pay 10000$ for anyone to read this text
>>228897 record yourself you faggot
>>228898 Oh I thought you meant just for reading it, not dictating it. I was going to say I finished in the time it took you to write that reply.
>>228899 you have the scent of a redditor
>>228900 It's just the smell that a person with a cold has, don't worry about it.
>>228896 someone stream reading this and i'll watch
>>228895 >>Acid & Mark shuts down 8ch.moe >>They didn't want to, but the subpoenas have bankrupted them >>Any site with a GamerGate forum gets purged. >>No company will platform anything Gamergate related (ToS violation: inciting terrorism). Plenty of actual Nazi sites are still around. Gamergate sites won't be destroyed, even if it's pinned on GG. Instead, they'll be infiltrated, possibly forcibly taken over, and used as honeypots.
>>228791 Do you count (((joseph lieberman))) who was before Thompson, but still talked about violent vidya nonetheless? If so, it's 4.0
>>228900 Is that your ultimate gotcha? Call everyone you don't like a redditor?
>>228905 only a redditor would be this riled up when he is called upon
>>228906 Only a nigger can't capitalize :^)
>>228907 oof gottem
>>228907 i will never capitalize no matter what board i frequent
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>>228853 >I never knew you could sexually harass fat man
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>>228893 >>228894 Not on hand, they come from a Matt Walsh report, and I caught wind of it on a LotusShitters video. They should be on his Twitter, but I don't have an account. Normally I wouldn't give it much credit out of hand, but Vanderbilt did take down their website in response and officials in Tennessee are calling for investigations. I disabled some of the blocking elements and was able to poach one of the videos.
>>228913 tl;dr im not gonna watch some bitch talk for 2 minutes
>>228914 tldr: money money money dollar dollar, also apparently there are entire clinics that are funded solely on gynoplasty despite them being only a fraction of the surgeries they are doing
>>228914 >only top surgeries >ftm chest reconstruction can bring in $40k >routine hormone treatment can bring in several thousand dollars for lab visits and other procedures >this is some info from the internet for bottom surgeries >this has to be an underestimate, they're quoting around $20k for a vaginoplasty, but...this has to just be the surgeons, like maybe 10% of the cost if you've ever been to a hospital >ftm phalloplasties $20k-100k, there are some clinics supported just by those labor intensive operations
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>>228913 Here's the other one, regarding conscientious objections.
>>228915 >>228916 stop blackpilling
>>228770 This is just peak clown world.
>>698761 >the people you mean a minority
>>228920 The minority that voluntarily mutilated themselves to show their dependence to the system that is slowly sinking, yes.
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>>228815 > to try to explain to boomers Can't be done.
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>>228874 Man, Patton Oswalt has let himself go.
>>698764 >>228921 i love humanity
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>>228868 Getting Clone Wars flashback off this creature.
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>>228918 Is this bait?
>>228922 >this guy's dad can't understand what inference is >basic classical logic is beyond the grasp of this boomer The real horror were the people we met along the way.
>>228927 No this is srs bznz
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>>228912 >they started drawing the jewcy meme
>>228912 Some fat fuck drew this
(2.70 MB 320x240 Fat Asses.mp4)

>>228770 It's good to know that someday the DHS will be hard at work harassing people roleplaying as Hitler in Terraria or making golliwogs in RPG character creators the exact moment that a bunch of arabs bring down dozens of commercial jetliners in tandem with the very same stinger missiles that the US government has been passing out like candy in Ukraine. Tax money well spent.
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>>228932 Even the loli is kind of chunky.
>>228859 Tonight. You. >>228926
>>698693 Reported for 4chan
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>>228937 Reported for homosexuality.
NEW COMIC Group projects suck and every day these threads seem to get raided by more schizophrenics. hope things will get stable again soon
>>228940 Its a pretty shit time right now Bad actors are going around calling people whatever boogeyman they can think of to shit up the site, right now it's apparently someone being called "lowercase pedo" where apparently the only telltale sign of him is posting in lowercase letters, even if the posts have nothing to do with pedophilia
>>228941 Nice try at poisoning the well, lowercase pedo, but you're too recognizable, even when you try to blend in by suppressing your subhuman typing habits.
Case in point as you can see.
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>>228941 I wonder if it's the gigamaidens guy who is the pedo, he types in lowercase sometimes. Anyways, have some good 'ol Mannhole
>>228940 >>228941 >>228944 Luciano you're fucking obvious. You haven't and will never make a single mark on this board at all. What you're doing is literally nothing compared to the flame wars that go on here all fucking day.
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>>228946 Wait, I'm Luciano now?
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>>228770 I wonder if things keeping rhyming like in the past with people blaming societal ills on "new" media, Video Games, Loli, etc. It makes me wonder what was the equivalent of gamergate during those times?
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>>228941 The first guy you're referring to is harder to spot than Luciano. But you will know him when he tries to steer all board conversations to the topic of loli and he will aggressively push the stance that loli is cp. He will attempt to "debate" with bad faith arguments, but will break down when cornered and usually spam the thread once he's caught. Look for signs of someone trying to unnaturally shift the topic to that. Luciano, of course, is obvious. He has two modes: blackpilling (his niggerpill persona who's tactics are familiar and obvious) and his Luciano persona from back when he posted on OAG (where we got the name) where he pretends to be a hyper optimist and constantly talks about how we should "kill all x." We know these are the same people because he got caught forgetting to change his ID. If the person isn't doing these things, then they most likely aren't them. And yes, other bad actors are trying to muddy the waters by accusing everyone else of being these well known trolls. If you see someone throwing accusations around, look at the person they're accusing. If they haven't displayed the above traits, that person is likely a shit stirrer and should be ignored. Their post count might help you there too, though these people id hop all the time, so it's only so useful.
>>228948 History repeats itself and every age was shittier than the age that came before it. The internet just brings everything into hyperfocus. There's never really been an equivalent to loli in history since that shit is pretty uniquely Japanese, I guess you could say Nabokov's original novel loli? video games are just the newest version of Dungeons & Dragons/Rock & Roll/Jazz music will turn you into a violent psychopath
>>228950 >word filter You know what I mean, book by Vladimir Nabokov, film by Stanley Kubrick.
>>228949 Anyone who tries to fuck with the board is Luciano. The minutia of who they are doesn't matter because they're all as equally worthless as him. I'm surprised you don't get it. Plus, when you call them Luciano, they out themselves, like this. >>228947
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>>228952 I guess Luciano is pretty good if he can imitate my artstyle and make a comic for me.
>>228953 Its pretty fucking embarrassing if people are falsely witchhunting after known drawfags now. It'll be peak schizo hour when Mark gets accused himself of being luciano/niggerpill/lowercase pedo/whatever.
>>228950 >uniquely japanese Loli isn’t a Japanese word, it’s derived from loli and Loki on them but I don’t think you should associate them considering what they mean.
>>228954 It's just an attempt to change the language since Luciano made himself so easy to identify. If he's screaming his usual "X won, we must surrender/kill ourselves! It's over!" bullshit you know it's him. If he goes "We always win! Kill all leftards!" you also not it's him. If he's not doing those things, it's not. He's very identifiable. No need to overthink it.
>>228956 *you also know it's him
>>228940 This isn't even so bad it's funny, it's just bad and you should feel bad.
>>228955 >*lolicon
Blazblue creator Mori leaves ArcSystem. https://archive.ph/QloB3
>>228955 Loli is a Spanish name.
>>698839 No, I drew her myself, she has shown up in my comics too, like the new one posted in this thread.
video games.
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>>228955 >it’s derived from loli and Loki
>>228955 I meant loli as a concept, I know where the word originates from, Hell, I mentioned Nabokov in my post. >Loki The fuck does the Norse god of trickery have to do with loli?
>>698841 I said specifically trying to steer the conversation towards loli being the same as cp. Anons talk about loli in general all the time. But I'm glad to know I got under your skin. I always appreciate when you identify yourself so early. And given your posting history, it seems like you're either behind or at least participating in the false accusations trying to muddy the waters too.
>>698841 I think luciano is a confusion campaign meant to get anons to call each other him and waste time arguing. Niggerpill is clearly the same strategy.
>>228966 >he fuck does the Norse god of trickery have to do with loli? jailbait
>>228966 >The fuck does the Norse god of trickery have to do with loli? Well he did turn into a female horse once just to get fucked and impregnated. Maybe he's foal fooler too.
>>228779 Oppressing jews, women, shitskins and faggots is ethical.
>>228968 Luciano is definitely a real person. Now it's up in the air if he's got imitators or not. Some people have claimed to have done that, but again there's no need to overthink it. Whether or not it's the genune article or someone imitating him, it all amounts to the same thing. It's a very identifiable pattern of behavior. if someone uses that very specific and obvious behavior they get reported. It doesn't matter who's actually doing it. It's a very specific behavior saying very specific things that gets you a ban. If they aren't saying those things, there's no reason to ever call someone Luciano.
>>228960 A shame he can take the franchise with him.
>>228940 nice comic >>228952 >Anyone who tries to fuck with the board is Luciano. you are purposefully wrong >>228949 and you are completely right >>228955 >Loli isn’t a Japanese word, it’s derived from loli mhh... i see
>>228973 Speaking of very obvious behaviour >>228972 This guy waits for people to mention him, then he says ‘subtle’ stuff like this. Now that he’s been pointed out he’ll start sperging soon enough, just watch. It’s almost like ‘he’ is a subsapient computer program.
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>>228960 Dang, I was planning on getting into the series. I bet ArcSys going woke and the recent Bridget controversy was the straw that finally broke the camel's back for him.
>>228973 >there's no good reason* my dude, there are a few malicious reasons to call everyone and their mother luciano, among them attempting to muddy the water, as it has clearly been tried in this thread
>>228978 If you want me to put it a different way, if you are accusing someone of being Luciano who is not exhibiting the very obvious and clearly outlined behaviors of Luciano then you are, either, intentionally of unintentionally, being a shit stirrer who needs to be ignored.
>>228976 i wonder to which call-out post he will ip hop to respond with "keep being delusional", the worst part is that he fully believes it accomplishes something, hes concerningly deranged
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Gentle reminder to keep playing with the new Tor portal. https://redchannit.org Make a post and get a bypass to get away from the disclaimer popups.
>>228981 How about you play with my controller
>>228960 At least he's smart enough to bail and end his cluster fuck of a plotline fighting game. It's fun as hell but the plot's element's all over the damn place no thanks to bizarre terminology not helped by shitty localization of past games. I.E. Archenemy Weapons to Nox Nyctores.
>>228981 Hey, Acid, have you ever though about the fact that, if you were a user of this site rather than a creator, you would be banned from it?
>>228979 False accusations and reports should honestly be treated with similar consequences as actively shitting up the threads, at the very least some warnings for people to just report and ignore the shitstirrers instead of this awful shitflinging.
>>228979 >a shit stirrer who needs to be ignored indeed that's what im getting at, its just that putting "no good reason" is better than "no reason", because those with malicious intentions have a warped concept of what is a good reason to do things, also careful with 3b42d4, hes clearly the pedo nigger >>228982 it better not be the dollar store chinesium one
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>>228988 Niggerice
>>228989 (Subarashi)
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>>228989 >Nigger ice
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>>228988 Dude, Nice! >>228989 checked, CHAW'HAAAAW
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>>228983 That's more of a Codexx thing tbh, but I can make sure he sees it. FYI the official stance on the AI loli stuff is that if mods have to squint at the thumbnail to tell if it could be CP, or its otherwise realistic enough to trip the uncanney valley, then it gets axed. That's been the guideline on CGI for a very long time, and any mod who sees such content can use their own discretion and make the call know that we're not apt to override anybody on it. There's a couple faggots who think the AI generated stuff is some sort of gotcha against the site rules, but its been well accounted for already.
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>>228946 >>228952 >being this desperate News that destroy the companies that you worship hurt you again?
>>698896 I remember when he got banned for it when we had our Fatchan renaissance because he ignored Pastafag warning him and everyone laughed. >>228994 It'd be more accurate to show him regretfully abandoning Makoto. Mori doesn't own Blazblue's rights, so he can't stop it from being pozzed in the future.
>>228993 >That's more of a Codexx thing tbh, but I can make sure he sees it. thank you
>>228926 Where are the farts?
>>698903 Good thing we're not lawyers or judges. >Does any mod think it looks at a glance like it could be porn of an actual minor? <Delete. Simple and straightforward. >>698905 Deal with it.
>>698905 I don't think I've ever seen acid do anything admin-y on the site, which means that he's a top-tier fucking admin to me.
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>>698879 What an absolute downgrade compared to the original image.
>>228977 I suspect they made Guilty Gear woke to keep the only playerbase that cared about this game at all, even if it's the crazy woke one. Strive was a massive failure in Japan, but not in the west.
>>228980 >concerningly deranged Says the pedophile from (dead) /hebe/. Lolis are not cp. Never were. Never will be.
>>228999 >Deal with it. you tell em frosk.
>>698905 He's fine, could be better but compared to all the others I've seen, he has the least issues and is actually aligned with GG totally and completely.
I wonder if he’s trying unto bait people who haven’t read the whole threads, and are too lazy to, into responding.
>>698905 maybe the most normal functioning person that could run this site while not being autistic/retarded
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>>229008 I can barely understand what's going on here
>>229009 >Mori gets the news >Leaves company, leaving poor Makoto behind >Later finds about the pozzed Squirrel girl >Even sadder that he couldn't take his squirrel daughter with him and afraid of a future where Makoto would be just like the pozzed squirrel abomination.
>>229001 >compared to the original image pardon?
>>229008 >>229010 That was actually the better cover art, she looks nothing like the abomination inside.
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>>229011 It's a hideous AI redraw of a picture of Kuroko by Doyora.
>>698917 Anyone who uses tor. Whenever I want to say anything that the nigger mods may have an issue with, I use tor. It's a shame that it no longer comes up as 000000.
>>229012 >she looks nothing like the abomination inside That's still a fucking abomination.
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>>229002 >crazy woke fanbase Doesn't exist lol, it's either esg stock points or retarded gooks.
>>228868 Putos catalanes de mierda ojala se mueran todos. Que ardan con todos sus moros y su mierda.
>>228960 Does he retain copyright on anything of what he made?
>>229016 >it's either esg stock points or retarded gooks On one hand, you might be right since trannies don't play games if it's not to speedrun them, on the other, is ESG money really that profitable to the point one would pozz its own dead game and then inflate its sales, one way or another?
>>229016 Oh Bokuro Chan. What a crazy anime. And it's a shame the game got so commie. I actually liked the intro music.
>>229019 It depends if someone is actively investing in them like Soros with Netflix, otherwise they're just committing suicide like good little gooks.
>>229013 ah, good to know, you should have spoilered the pic though
>>229021 >otherwise they're just committing suicide like good little gooks Sounds more like they're unknowingly going to the slaughterhouse like little lambs because glow-in-the-dark ESG niggers told them to do it, but I see what you mean.
So, I've been hearing that the ESG funds are getting dry and their intend failed hard. Will Soros and others just ruin themselves trying to push their shitty message or are they going to twist the market once again and ruin another country for their retarded brainwashing?
>>229023 I wouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what other people on other sites think when Yoko Taro bothered to, Daisuke either doesn't have enough clout at the board or doesn't give a flying fuck.
>>229022 also apparently getty images, furaffinity and newgrounds have banned ai art https://archive.ph/YZjuE https://archive.ph/Jkne3 https://archive.ph/kdhh3
>>229024 given their ideology, they rather ruin the world
>>698946 With Fur Affinity it's pretty obvious (), but Flash is dead.
>>229028 >>698946 Oh, you're saying they can't legally copyright ai art.
>>698950 can the ai be copyrightable?
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Bottom text.
>>698954 yeah, that seems about right >>229031 and that's a gif because?
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>>229033 >>229031 What's wrong with water now?
>>229034 Putting chemicals in the rain turning the freaking villagers gay
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So apparently maybe a year ago Funimation had a slew of layoffs during their Crunchyroll merger. Katrina Leonoudakis admits she was one of them. She's the one that CONSTANTLY tries to defend batshit insane localization changes. If you guys want to any insight into localizer pay, here you go. https://archive.ph/gf3wu
>>229036 So are those good or bad news? Maybe having less cancer in already cancerous companies?
>>229036 >>229037 It's neutral news. Chances are they'll just be replaced with more niggers. At worst, they infest other companies (since I see this Karina bitch is ex-Sega).
So, if Russian men all leave the country not to be recruited how possible is to see the russian drafting women into their lines and have some equality in action?
>>228960 if he doesn't have the copyright then we are getting a new blazblue soon with niiggers and troons
>>229039 Russian airlines are not letting young men of draft age purchase tickets.
>>229041 They are doing the trip on road, it's a massive exodus. And even if they force them to be recruited I see them just giving up as soon as they are sent to the meatgrinder.
>>229041 >>229042 And just to make clear, even if they started to destroy Ucraine with an overwhelming force Russia already lost and Putin is done for good. Russia got humilliated and showed all the russian bear shit is just a forced meme.
>>229043 i wish they had nukes, big badabooms would be nice to witness
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A super typhoon is currently hitting northern parts of Luzon as I type this. We're under signal number 4 and flooding is imminent. Fuck our lives.
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>>228817 >who do you voodoo bitch part 2 never ever
Oh, for the italians. Later on tell us the results of your ellections. >>229046 Didn't the original group turned into zombies anyway? >>229044 Well, don't discard that because Putin might do some shit before being "suicided", but the russian equipment is so shit the bombs might just fall on themselves.
>>229042 yes and border patrol wont send them to a siberian work camp the average slav is too low iq to turn off their phone or to not literally tell everyone where they are going on social media its already been proven with the tiktok losers that got lmaoed by missile strikes
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>>229045 now that ive looked up what the fuck a luzon is id like to formally tell you to go fuck yourself you oceanigger, the south pacific is constantly awash in monsoons and tsunamis; move in-land and up a mountain already, jesus
>>229045 not gonna happen, the water is too big no need to worry putang
>>229047 i wonder if a messed up nuke have the possibility to cause worse disasters than if it exploded as intended
>>229044 >big badabooms would be nice to witness The moment one lauches a nuke, it's possible that everyone will press the shiny red button in retaliation. I don't want to know what could happen if Europe and the U.S get severely affected by nuclear war.
>>229043 3 more weeks! Putin is done!
>>228868 Catalonia will not cease to be an embarassment until they become independent, this is their latests weapon to make the rest of spain cringe to death. >>229047 >Didn't the original group turned into zombies anyway? I dont remember honestly. >but the russian equipment is so shit the bombs might just fall on themselves. Would be funny if they pulled a red alert 2 but instead of a psychic causing the nukes to blow up in the silos, it was coronel pablenko stealing t ejet fuel of the ICBMs to sell it off ot the black market.
>>229043 >>229047 Anon Russia while a shitshow is also fighting a corrupt shitshow whose industrial infrastructure has been bombed along with losing control of their grain and half of their farmlands in the south. Plus they don't have much gas due to Russia choking the lines, along with shady Ukrainian officials taking the money and running. I feel people are really up playing how strong Ukraine is.
>>229055 Not saying that Ukraine is strong, but it's making Russia look like a fool and... who knows? maybe making the rest of the world and specially a desperate Biden go to russia to deliver some "democracy"?
>>229056 Russia has Europe by it's balls with energy and gas.
>>229043 >if they started to destroy Ucraine with an overwhelming force Russia already lost If you destroy your enemies they win.
>>229057 Speaking of which, who's due to freeze to death this winter from lack of gas?
>>229057 At first, but now they are finding alternatives and already said "fuck climate change". And still there's more reason for it, to steal both the gas and the wheat. >>229058 They do if they already gave you a fatal wound and you are not aware of it, so even in death they defeated you.
>>229059 Germany for example, the most guilty in this fuckery. The mediterranean countries not so much.
>>229059 Western Europe >>229060 >At first, but now they are finding alternatives Nigger what alts? They fucked themselves and aren't doing well at all.
>>229062 Thermal plants and starting to build pipelines with Argelia.
>>229063 Which will take how long and how much? Look I'm not a fan of Russia at fucking all but I feel like your downplaying how much Europe fucked itself.
>>229064 Oh no, Europe is pretty fucked, at least the right parts of Europe that deserve to be fucked. I'm talking mostly to the long short run.
>>229063 >999 Nice trips >>229062 >what alts You know last year we had 2 nuclear plants shutdown thanks to the environmental party here in Sweden and the price of everything immediately started going up. I have no idea why they aren't turning on the plants again, we should have built more nuclear power plants if anything.
>>229057 How bad is it? I haven't heard much news about this yet.
>>229067 I mean im not freezing to death yet so right now it ain't too bad. Probably going to get worse but I am used to that by now.
>>229067 Germoney filled their natgas stockpile, I imagine other countries should likely be able to as well. Saw an article saying this won't be a thing for just one winter though, so euros had better invest in heat pumps and burn the natgas more efficiently for electricity in plants. It's something like 4x more energy efficient than a natgas furnace, but the price of electricity has always been higher than natural gas.
>>229022 >you should have spoilered the pic though Why? It's non-explicit.
>>229070 >a drawing of a girl lifting her skirt up to show her panties >non-explicit i mean, good for you for living in a nudist commune, but come the fuck on
>>228993 Submissive Slut.
>>228999 >Chink music Their language is like taking knives to your eardrums. It's just barely tolerable when sung by a girl here.
>>229071 How new are you? Learn how the rules work.
>>698946 >Legally, you are not the artist. Until you make one edit to image. This is like saying legally you are not the artist of any form of digital art because the tool you used to make it wasn't a real pencil. AI is just a tool. If you're the one using the tool, by writing in the prompts, you're the creator. Saying it's not the product of human is claiming the AI has sentience.
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>>699018 Is this your shitposty way of asking for more non-explicit lewds?
>>228945 >No nun outfit, so won't jerk off >Don't take his peepee ! Never change you beautiful, horny, yellow-skinned, buck-teeth, radiation poisoned, panty-sniffing, Japs.
>>699021 >explicit conduct >of any person That's a law to be enforced on the person engaging in sexually explicit conduct. A drawing is not a person and cannot legally engage in any kind of conduct. Also, that law looks like it makes bikinis illegal, so it's probably moot via non-enforcement of the section regarding the pubic area anyways. Just like the law against loli is moot.
>>229066 >here in Sweden Sorry anon I know how you feel about living in a cucked place I'm a leaf.
>>229013 >that pic I'd like to make like Hans Brinker and stick my finger in a dyke.
>>699021 >>229078 The requirement to spoil NSFW images on /v/ has nothing to do with the law.
>>699029 It's a law relating to obscenity, drawings depicting children have a higher penalty than baseline obscenity. As we have legally monetized porn online, I assume it is legal when solicited.
Rereading the law itself though, I have no idea what obscenity legally is and why all porn isn't illegal.
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>>229077 >No sound
>>229081 I know, I was just addressing that he's also saying porn is illegal on this site when it isn't.
>>229083 All porn IS legal, per the 1A, but SCOTUS judges have sticks up their ass about the fact that porn isn't "socially acceptable". So, back in the 70's, they came up with the "Miller Test" (Remember, these are the same justices that decided RvW, and everything attached to it) and declared that porn is "legal" only if it fails at least one of the following: <Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, <Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law, <Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. Is the porn satisfies all three "rules", then it is considered "illegal" and you can be arrested for it.
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>>699041 The age restriction is on the top of the page. Open your eyes and read.
What happened to kiwifarms? I'm looking at the comments from kebbals newest video, and it's a tranny circlejerk celebrating its death and recent exploit, is kiwi gone for good? https://yewtu.be/SvYj5fcG8Cs
>>229088 No it isn't? It's only on the global rules page. Acid might want to get that looked at. "You must be 18 to view or post on this site" ought to appear on the homepage.
>>229090 Nevermind. I forgot >Browsing this site constitutes your agreement to abide by the Global Rules Is at the bottom of every page.
>>229086 >>699041 I can only derive that you have to know what you're getting into via a disclaimer, but all otherwise legal hentai should be legal based on its artistic factor, as opposed to some hidden bedroom camera with no artistic factor. >>229091 Still wouldn't hurt, do you think a kid would read the fine print saying to read the rules? >>229089 It's a rollercoaster of lucas going "we beat kiwifarms! interview me about it!" and "please stop writing articles about kiwifarms, they're back online and my dox is still on there."
>>229092 >Still wouldn't hurt, do you think a kid would read the fine print saying to read the rules? I always lied to those sites that asked for my age or confirming that I was over 18. At the end of the day, the real issue of it all is that you have parents that don't want to take responsibility for their kids and think it's the governments job.
>>229093 Essentially yeah. It's just something you actually have to click to get past, but I'm sure both methods are legally sound.
>>229058 At this point, even if russia managed some kind of victory, it will be the winter war all over again,a pyrrhic victory untilke what they originally wanted that will show the world how weak russia actually is.
What is this anti porn crusade?
>>229057 does it even matter? Governs seems more than willing crippling their populations and use the timing to strenghen themselves,it only backfires i people go apeshit on them,but its a "rightfull crusade"
>>229096 The lowercase nigger was trying to use obscenity laws to prove loli is illegal since cp laws permit it if untraced/scanned.
>>229098 I bet he has real CP on his pc,many such cases
>>699058 He's not wrong from a legal standpoint, he had his own interests and knew how to move the chess pieces to his advantage, a group using psychological warfare is nothing new, it's how whites ripped mexican territory away from beaners by goading them into a state of pursuit by pissing them off, catching them off guard when they crossed the border, shot them, killed their troops, won the war and successfully annexed their land. You just hate jews because they don't share your interests, and that's understandable, the losing side always seethes.
>>229100 The Jewish hate for the white race is not only apparent in the first half of the bibble, you can also find it in the book "You Gentiles" by Maurice Samuel. Antelope Hill Publishing is actually selling copies of it now since it went "out of circulation" shortly after its release.
>>229083 It's a deliberately open-ended law definition that can't realistically be defined or applied in any meaningful capacity as its interpretation is dependent entirely upon what the judge, and in some cases jury, thinks. Its a "gotcha" that someone cobbled together as an excuse to get someone else fined/thrown in jail/ intimidated thats been left on the books to be a convenient tool to abuse people legally but will never be removed because people are anally retentive faggots. Any instance where obscenity could be implemented already has an existing law better defined, but those aren't used because its not a lawyer or judge's job to do the right thing but to find someone who is "guilty" and who isn't as dismissing cases left and right doesn't pay the bills. And every time someone is successfully tried and convicted in that manner it sets further precedent for it to be used in that way.
>>229102 The interesting thing is that it would normally be up to state laws that might define it better, but I think the internet is under federal law.
>>229016 >it's either esg stock points or retarded gooks. They have a new localization branch in California so probably the latter.
>>229100 >it's how whites ripped mexican territory away from beaners by goading them into a state of pursuit by pissing them off No, even the beaners on THIS site will tell you that the Mexican-American war was entirely Mexico's fault, and they deserved all the shit that happened to them when the U.S. army charged all the way to the Mexican capital. In fact, if you actually looked up the original terms of surrender, half' of what we now know as Mexico would have been American territory, but the American ambassador rolled that back severely to what we now have.
It must really hurt for people who larp as stronk independent badass sociopathic free individuals who don't need no society to finally admit that they're prey
>>229103 Thats also another issue, aside from the occasional * followed by "this also applies to the internet" most laws on the books still have not been properly updated or amended to regard how the Internet factors into it. And most honestly would need their own special "Internet" version of said law because of how easy it is to falsify information, impersonate others, blackmail, etc.
>>229105 You didn't actually say what the tacos did wrong. >actually looked up the original terms of surrender, half' of what we now know as Mexico would have been American territory, but the American ambassador rolled that back severely to what we now have. That's a really basic tactic to get what you want. Start out demanding far more than what you want so you seem reasonable when you compromise on it. A basic con.
>>229106 What you mean? They already admitted being prey for quite a while
>>229103 >but I think the internet is under federal law. Depends. For example, my posting something technically illegal in Michigan could not be prosecuted because the site I posted it on is hosted in Illinois which doesn't declare the posting as illegal, however the FBI could still go after me if I break a law that Congress had passed because that's a federal law that applies nationwide.
>>229107 delusional > 18 U.S. Code § 1466A - The circumstance referred to in subsections (a) and (b) is that...any visual depiction involved in the offense has been mailed, or has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer ../.. the term “visual depiction” includes ..., digital image or picture, computer image or picture, or computer generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means;
>>699081 >The U.S. could have had Cuba and Baja Cali. SO many problems in history could have been solved or prevented.
>>229111 Unrelated, reread the conversation.
>>229106 What are the chances Jewsh kills himself after his forum goes down permanently and he no longer has anything going for his life?
>>699081 Why would you take that one tip of mexico? seems really dumb, just leave that and take the rest.
>>229114 A lot of evidence stands to be lost forever
>>229106 I really feel no sympathy
>>229106 That's not a grave, that's the future they chose.
>>699080 >1. The plebiscite for the four Ukrainian oblasts will result in them voting to join Russia Its going to be horribly rigged and russia will annex them no matter what >3. Ukraine will ignore the result (they have already stated they're ignoring it; obviously, since they've been fighting a civil war over that since 2014) >civil war This isn't a civil war, its russia trying to take over Ukraine. >5. Russia will wait for Ukraine to attack that land. Ukriane is already on that land though, they dont own the entirety of the oblasts that that are trying to annex >6. Russia will retaliate by actually fighting the war correctly for once (cutting power/water/communications/transportation to the rest of Ukraine in a blitz aerial bombing campaign). And what exactly makes you think they are capable of doing something like that? Even if they could they cant make any modern fighter jets due to the sanctions placed upon them. >9. Any NATO/UN nation found to be attacking Russian soil gets its fuel cut off completely. You're saying that as though other nations are going to send their own soldiers into Ukraine. They are just going to keep sending military aid to the country as they have already done.
>>229119 >You're saying that as though other nations are going to send their own soldiers into Ukraine They've been doing that already.
>>229119 >>229120 And even if they sent any troops to Russia that threat is empty. They are already searching for alternative suppliers and there's also the incentive of taking russian gas like they took sandnigger oil.
>>229120 Those are volunteers, maybe some have been actual mercs, but there no real way to prove that unless somehow some goverment contracts show up.
>>229122 >Those are volunteers "volunteers" they've been sending men under the cover of volunteers >>229121 >They are already searching for alternative suppliers and there's also the incentive of taking russian gas like they took sandnigger oil. The alt suppliers you speak of aren't going to fill the void or do it in any reasonable time.
>>699104 >The fact that they curbstomped Ukraine in 72 hours at the start of the war They didn't, Ukraine successfully repelled them from Kyiv and destroyed most of the VDV. >completely destroyed their ability to field aircraft Ukraine still has an airforce though, they still have fighters in the sky. >Russia hasn't attacked power, water, or communications infrastructure? They already started doing that after the initial blitz failed to take kyiv. >russia has nukes They're not going to use them, if they did everyone else would be bombing the shit out of russia. >This is a joke, right? no, modern fighter jets require a bunch of material that russia simply cannot produce on their own. Sure they can probably smuggle some microchips through india and china but not nearly in the quantity that they need. If russia had complete air superiority then the kharkiv offensive wouldn't be nearly as successful as it was.
>>699104 Nigger why are you such a shill fur russia all the time?
>>229116 A price to pay for one less reddit tier tranny website
>>229126 That's retarded. This will only enable trannies & insane freaks to deplatform more sites.
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>>699080 Remember when Trump told the Europeans their dependence on Russian oil would doom them and they all sneered at him and laughed at him and edited the video clips of him telling them this with clown music? You don't see the Eurofags airing those clips anymore. Wonder why.
(30.12 KB 474x640 sacrebleu.jpg)

>>229128 Better question is why people would laugh at someone telling them being dependent in another country, Russia or not, for an essential ressource is retarded in the first place. My guess is "haha clown Drumpf said something again let's laugh at him".
>>229129 >Better question is why people would laugh at someone telling them being dependent in another country, Russia or not, for an essential ressource is retarded in the first place For the same reason why baizuo think they'll be in the palaces eating caviar rather than lined up against the wall and shot if their revolution is success, because they fancy themselves to be "so important" that they're never be disposed of.
(32.58 KB 720x1280 skele arrives.webp)

anyone else remember being happy? I sure as fuck don't. Also go fuck yourself Mark
>>229131 >webp
>>229132 pee on the web
>>229114 Unlikely If he's smart he'll milk as much money as he can out of them and create a new site for the time being
>>229132 >daring to use a format that was made within the last 25 years
>>699123 >>229132 I saved that file from here nigger
>>699123 Check the URL. If that isn't an option, copy the image to Paint, and save it that way,
>>229129 Despite >>229130 anon's broken English, he is correct in saying that Yurobeans should be mocked for being so arrogant and condescending they dismiss objective assessments. >>699118 Indeed, Fukuyama is delusional.
>>699118 >You have no idea who I am. Don't gas light nigger. You're always that same faggot going "shill", "run along now, shlomo", "ZOG" "for the white race" "we're done here", in most your long winded, autistic arguments. Relax, you're not in trouble but at least don't deny something when it's so obvious.
>>229138 >anon's broken English <Burger <Go back to read what I actually posted >"is success" <Not "is a success" >"they're" <Not "they'll" FUCK! But, then again, English class sucked when I entered high school, so there's my justification.
>>229036 >Funimation/Crunchyroll rapefugees Disgusting
Who here also ate eggs & bacon this morn
>>229142 I did, why?
>>229143 I'm gonna come over to your house & steal your milk
>>229144 What a homo you are, mate.
>>229144 But, that's gay, Anon.
>>229145 >>229146 Milk from a cow you fucking braindeads also get your mind out of the gutter
>>229140 >English class sucked when I entered high school Fair enough. At least you went back and corrected it :^)
>>229135 This but unironically
(124.59 KB 850x1201 01.jpg)

>>229147 Too late, you're gonna get man milk now.
(343.42 KB 1053x1500 1661366597371007 (1).jpg)

>>229150 no thanks but your mom will milk me
>>229147 You done fucked up.
>>229136 The format sucks.
>>229151 Don't act tough now and go milk the french man, you faggot.
>>229154 make me homo
>>699118 >do they https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH3I389mzKc 3 weeks ago. >Uh... no. They really didn't yes they did. https://tvmnews.mt/en/news/filmat-ir-russi-jisparaw-fuq-torri-tat-telekomunikazzjoni-fi-kiev/ >There's no smuggling involved. There is, because while yes india and china aren't sanctioning russia, taiwan is currently complying with sanctions and seeing as most of the worlds microchips come from there the only way for russia to get microchips is for china to buy and then sell the microchips to russia.
>>229154 >french I was about to ask how the fuck you knew, but you just guessed it from my post just before, right?
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>>229150 i don't care if its gay i''d fuck a trap
>>229159 so you'd fuck a snare or bear trap, even a land mine?
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>>229150 locon is vidya.
>>229161 fuck off you goddamn faggot if you're so obsessed with men why don't you actually become one?
>>229161 That's an oddly shaped vagina
>>229163 PUFFY VULVA
>>229162 I am a straight man, thats why I enjoy fucking both traps and real women.
>>229165 Trap aren't real. You can't fuck them.
>>229160 if there is a hole
>>229166 Traps are real. Real whores.
(86.15 KB 527x461 [stares at you in trap].png)

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>>229161 Feels somewhat nostalgic. Kaname was posted so much in the GG threads before, he was almost an unoffical mascot. >>229165 A sorceress is fine too.
>>229165 shut up you filthy fag >>229167 you have one, so does your mom. I'd much rather fuck your mom. >>229169 You fucking sorceress is as real as you fucking anything let alone a trap
>>229170 >you have one, so does your mom. I'd much rather fuck your mom. sure go ahead if you really think you can take it
>>229171 What's that supposed to mean? You think I can't?! I'll take your sister as well homo
(2.73 MB 2000x1617 gulp.png)

>>229172 Anon, 46c84f's mom and sisters are pegging maniacs, you can't take it.
>>229173 eugh >>229174 Welp I'm out if that's the case, hope you enjoy it up the ass anon.
This general should be banned lmao too many fucking homo's
>>229174 not sure about pegging its more likingto fist
(382.86 KB 1369x1069 shota pegging.jpg)

>>229174 >>229172 >Anon tries to seduce other anons mom and sister >gets his boypussy pegged by a MILF and her daughter instead.
>>229178 >boy pussy next you'll say feminine penis eat shit cock mongler
>>229177 Fuck, that's even worse.
>>699175 They look so soft and hydrated. Why are they so plump? What a plump pud.
>>229183 i fuck your mom
>>229165 So a faggot in denial.
(103.34 KB 300x264 1471141850723.png)

>>229184 I fuck you fucking my mom and make it a threeway.
>>229186 You wish double nerd Also fuck you Mark
>>229178 Why do homos enjoy emasculation of young boys so much?
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I always wonder who has the biggest dick in every new gamergate thread, imagine anons doing size comparisons and having a benis king be crowned every thread and seeing who the monthly big dick champion is
>>229189 I'd rather have anons posting their first vidya crush and judge each other's taste.
>>229187 >You wish He didn't deny you had intercourse with his mom, anon; he only added that he sodomized you while you did so. The only way you can refute his claim is if you deny you had intercourse with his mother, because his claim is implied by your claim; he couldn't sodomize you while you had intercourse with his mother unless you were actually having intercourse with his mother.
>>229188 Do you not enjoy the feeling of dominating lesser men? Do you not enjoy being on top anon?
>>229192 I only like women, like heterosexual men do, faggot.
>>229189 >>>/cb/ >>229190 Dunno about exact first but most vivid as far back as I can remember is Kelda in Overlord 2.
>>229194 This image isn't possible because the Overlord was a hero before he died.
>>699192 >Those are legitimate children you fucking retard Its a drawing anon.
>>229195 This is overlord 2, and she is one of his wives.
>>229115 Maybe the whole peninsula wouldn't have been annexed since it would have put the US on a border with British Honduras >>229188 Japs like drawing fucked up shit, it's what they do since Meiji took away the samurai's right to chop up peasants willy nilly.
>>229197 still impossible for them to know each other as kids.
>>229198 >Japs like drawing fucked up shit, it's what they do since Meiji took away the samurai's right to chop up peasants willy nilly. Westerners do it too all the time and not just drawings, i see it as a pattern that faggots in general love emasculating children.
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>>229194 Don't know about Overlord, but she's cute. Mine was Alicia Winston from Time Crisis 3.
>>229199 The Overlord of Overlord 2 is the son of the last game's Overlord. Dumbass.
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>>229203 Fug, meant for >>229190
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I am made mildly uncomfortable by these weirdos presumably from /cow/ fetishizing Mark as their new "trolling" tactic.
>>229205 Unironically I think KF getting got has brought them out of the woodwork. Making them bolder with their faggotry.
>>229205 What if it's not trolling at all? I say mark should offer himself for sex and see if they take up his proposal or reject it, that way you'll know who is being serious about it and who is just trying to mess with him.
>>229205 Well, it's nothing new and all Mark posters are just tsundere about Mark and want to be fucked by his uncut jew cock.
>>229190 You know thinking back on it I cant really remember who my first vidya crush was. Obviously I was horny for samus as a kid but thats not the same as a crush.
fuck faggots posting 3d cancer
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>>229190 Mine is more vintage. Second and third are Sakura from Street Fighter and also Rebecca from Resident evil. I have a flat tomboy fetish.
>>229211 Shes precius and must be protected from hunters, i remember when i played 2 and found the misty zombies i became incredibly upset because i thought that was a zombified rebecca.
>when your heavily butchered localized release is still too lewd for Valve
>>229211 good taste
>>229211 >I have a flat tomboy fetish. I don't know about "flat", but who doesn't have a tomboy fetish here?
>>229213 valve is run by furry fags
>>229213 What game?
>>229212 Later I learned Rebecca had some hate and couldn't understand why. >>229214 I was saddened when I learned that Katt wasn't in the Breath of Fire multitime unlike Nina. >>229213 Yet valve accept disgusting porn games that are just ugly, but feels too threatened about anime.
>>229217 Dungeon Travelers 2
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>>229218 >and couldn't understand why. Mikami doesnt like submissive women in his game about policemen fighting zombies and mutants, thats why the girls in RE tend to be so gun-ho.
>>229220 Not gonna click that shit. To be fair I don't like Visual Novels, but it also ruins the chance of making a good Artificial Academy or other crazy japanese games avariable to the public besides pirating and having to fuck up with your computer's registry. >>229221 But anon, you could have tomboy submissive wives with guns fighting zombies and mutants.
>>229220 Don't forget about this franchise
>>699242 she was also my crush when i was young
>>229190 >anons posting their first vidya crush
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This is my first vidya crush
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(992.64 KB 1046x1294 KoF best girl.png)

>First vidya waifu There can be only one girl, but there are two franchises.
>>229211 >I have a flat tomboy fetish. So you like men?
>>229230 how can it be gay if she has a vagina? Checkmate.
>>229213 Post some fucking archives.
>>229190 It was Link or Arthas, I'm not sure which was first.
>>229231 I know right? It's ludicrous to say it's gay to be turned on by Buck Angel. All the fags fucking her are just heterosexuals in denial.
(167.61 KB 343x215 bof2 katt battle.gif)

>>229211 >not even a gif i actually like the BoF2 innkeeper girl brushing her hair out of the way but ill be hard fucked if i can find a gif of it
>>229213 This shit's old news posted many threads ago, what's new now?
>>229236 I didn't post it as news, just as a reminder. Do you see me quoting some news article fuckface?
>>699298 no GG thread has to wait till 700
>>229237 There's no point considering the damage is done and it's long past relevance so why the reminder? We already know what Valve permits on their store is biased and inconsistent.
>>229239 Some people lurking here might not be aware of it.
This anon in this very /co/ thread brings some pretty good points. >>687114
>>229240 Alright, that's fair.
>>229234 That's a fallacy of division; liking women in general does not mean you'll like every women (especially if they purposefully make themselves unattractive). I don't have to choose between a tranny and a reverse tranny; that's a false dilemma.
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>>229190 Kinda obscure but earliest that comes to my mind would be Zanthia from The Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate.
>>229241 The only one I know is bone.
>>229240 Stop posting your disgusting guro art you faggot.
>>229246 But there's no guro in that image?
>>229247 I recognize the artist, and that faggot keeps posting his fetish around.
>>229243 >liking women in general does not mean you'll like every women This is a fallacy of strawmanning. I said liking Buck Angel isn't gay. I didn't say you have to like Buck Angel to be considered straight.
Not sure if it's been mentioned, an anon brought to attention multiple threads back that Pawoo went down for some reason, but it seems to be back.
>>229190 Honestly it's really hard to fucking say, because games didn't really have the graphics or the writing for me to form a vidya crush until the 16bit machines hit, which was about the same time I hit puberty. So my best guess would probably be Chun-Li for obvious reasons, and Alys Brangwyn. But I did jerk off to Tyris Flare's pixelated buttcrack quite a bit, as well as to Princess Rosella - though that had less to do with having a crush on her, and more to do with a certain scene involving a whale. Yuuko Asou as well, but only from promotional material. Didn't play Valis III until Genesis emulators were a thing. Also, a bit later, but Grace Nakamura from Gabriel Knight II - who is one of the rare examples of the 3D version being better looking than the 2D. >>229244 She's cute, but I didn't play Hand of Fate until the early 2000's, and by then we were swimming in vidya pussy. Good games though.
>>229249 My bad; I misinterpreted you. I thought you were a faggot trying to gaslight me that liking """"MtF"""" trannies is totally straight.
>>229252 No, I'm a shitposter. Take everything I say super seriously.
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>>699362 >sample
>>229190 I recall little of my youth anon. I used to play flash games online because I couldn't get proper vidya, so it might have been some flash girl. I also watched jewtube videos of games I couldn't play, like trailers, lore vids, and letsplays, alongside reading wikis so I probably had a basic waifu like cortana. I have no recollection of a vidya crush though. I started playing proper vidya in my early teenage years when I learnt that TF2 was free to play. The earliest crush on any fictional character I remember is Cheetara from that anime reboot soley because of her design, I didn't even watch every episode because it was airing on tv, though I'm sure I had earlier ones.
>>229255 Same really, before tf2 went f2p I only played flash games and a pirated halo custom edition.
(117.39 KB 324x1249 Aria_adventure_quest.png)

>>229255 >flash games HOLY FUCK ANON THATS IT How could I have forgotten? I used to have a massive crush on Aria, the pet store owner in adventure quest. I thought she was cute.
>>229255 Furry.
>>229258 kemono
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>>229190 First time I recall being aroused by a video game was the Super Metroid death animation. Honestly, that probably was formative in a lot of my fetishes thinking back on it.
>>229258 Man the things I'd do to that catgirl
an attempt was made
>>229263 An attempt to what? >>229261 Youre pretty much an avatarfag at this point.
>>229047 >Italian election Italy may be getting their first female Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni. Media go reeee saying she's 'anti-woke' and 'most right wing leader since Mussolini'. EU politicians not impressed. >>229156 >There's no smuggling involved. >There is >the only way for russia to get microchips is for china to buy and then sell the microchips to russia. <This is smuggling.
>>229265 EU politicians desperate
(368.71 KB 1280x720 Desperate.webm)

>>229266 Your turn?
>>229266 WE HAVE TOOLS. TOOLS! kek >if the wrong election result is achieved <
>>229268 Pretty sure I saw a nigel farage quip saying "glad we got out when we did" to lather it in.
>>229266 >the wrong election result So not even hiding the control & probable rigging huh?
>>229264 >An attempt to what? Looking at his ID, I assume it's related to the Tor portal
(60.73 KB 512x600 rita3.jpg)

>>229269 Be a shame if people started spamming EU social media accounts with pictures of tools, like spanners and screwdrivers. I just realized, the local Lidl supermarket had an Italian themed week during the last week. Lots of pasta and pizza and Italian breads and wines for sale. They timed that well. Also post Ritas.
>>229266 >EU politicians desperate I Still have my money on EU ether banking on Ukraine losing for they can justify a eu army or they so incompetent they will turn Ukraine into Vietnam 2 ice boogaloo.
>>229273 As a euro i can tell you that people dont care much about the EU and if anythign people a supportive mostly of NATO, since an EU army would be led by france.
>>229215 Tomboys are gay. Gayer than traps even.
>>229275 I'm gay
(298.93 KB 748x426 fighting_the_gays.jpg)

>>229266 >>229274 >Since an EU army would be led by France. Russia invading Ukraine saved France from humiliation and fresh French surrendering memes. France pulled out and lost Mali to starving Africans. The rest of the world didn’t even notice thanks to Ukraine. Most of French Africa had been lost to China at this point.
>>229278 USA hasn't won a major war since WW2 and their last successes were in Grenada in the 80s and Kuwait/Iraq in the 90s/2000s against a much smaller conventional force. Don't make me defend that nigger filled pompous shithole, I won't like it, but I will.
>>229275 I want to fuck a tomboy while she says boku to me.
>>229280 She's going to say doko when she sees ur pp
>>228847 The only times he sounds lucid is when he's talking about CIA agents, it's really funny.
>>229276 well good news that bridge can be gapped
>>699454 They did't really lose Afghanistan was never supposed to be "won", it's just oil free and the "War on Terror" objectives have all been accomplished.
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>>229275 If tomboys are gay, then I don't want to be straight.
>>699458 Nigger, the USA lost the Vietnam war which is even more embarassing as they were carpet bombing Rice farming gooks with napalm. Afghanistan was literally a stunt to steal oil, protect Israel, add more surveillance to the USA and train the USA military in counter guerrila fighting because they knew their next real enemy would be domestic. USA is a fucking police state where the average citizen is slaved to death with a fuckton of propaganda behind it. >>699461 >He actually thinks the goatfuckers started anything No hope
>>699464 So you hope the burgersfucks keep destabilizing the region so you get even more mudshits in your country? Good thinking faggot, it's no wonder you're so much better than everyone else! >>699466 Vietnam was very much a way to keep the war economy going, but it still was about winning, same with Kuwait. Both because they were supporting allies, same interests and ideology. Afghanistan/Iraq really were the first wars where the USA gave no fucks about optics of any kind. It was all about artificially creating an undending war to keep people on edge and optimized on their work, while fighting for Israels interests and training for a potential threat back home while keeping surveillance high. The amount of bullshit was so high that only boomers actually swallowed it up.
>>229067 '1 EUR = 0.96 USD'' levels of bad, with countries like Spain putting caps on electricity prices, Germany nationalizing gas companies and burgers and yuros trying to pact oil prices.
>>229190 Kind of generic, but Misty was probably my first vidya crush, though my feelings didn't get sexual and boner-inducing until Dawn from the d/p/p games
>>229024 I would love a whitepill right now. But I'll believe it when I see it. I dream of the day that the new Great Depression finally arrives, all the money dries up as the government falls apart, and the droves of terminally dependent bottom dwellers are suddenly left up shit creek without a paddle because there's no social services to leech off anymore. >>229026 >getty images, furaffinity and newgrounds have banned ai art Seems like a pointless and impotent move by those platforms. Whether anyone likes it or not, AI-generated media is here to stay and will only become better with time, even if it is "banned". Stable Diffusion is already very good at certain kinds of art and we're not anywhere close to the limits of this tech yet. Eventually it won't even be possible to tell if a given image is AI generated or not, it'll be indistinguishable from regular art. <these websites will just use AI to detect AI art Artists will just use the software to generate images, then trace over them in graphics programs. 100% impossible to detect. Or the programmers will just train their AI to avoid detection. If these sites won't allow this art, other platforms will fill that niche instead. And I expect that AI-generated and AI-assisted art will overtake traditional art in many places due to it being easier and quicker to produce.
>>229285 >alp You are gay.
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>>228948 Where do you guys stand on art from artists like this who are on (((Fur Affinity?)))
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Can you faggots calm down for a damn fucking second? I'm trying to concentrate here!
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>>229190 >first vidya crush
>>229089 >What happened to kiwifarms? Do you mean the site or the individuals? Because I always assumed they were molested as kids.
>>228928 >The real horror were the people we met along the way.
>>229258 The cats in that show looked like furry elves, yeah.
So we buttsandin for next OP rite?
>>229047 Ciao anon, ex-owner of /ita/ here, just woke up and it's pretty wacky. First election where finally nobody gave a shit (60-1~% down 8 points from the last one). The election results look really daunting to read since you've got both uninominali (winner takes all) and plurinominali (proportional, but winner still takes a shitload of seats) and votes can be disjointed for the Senate and Chamber of Deputies (respectively the upper and lower chambers of parliament), but all you really need to know is that the right wing, conservative coalition got something like 44% of the votes, which (thanks to a socialist law made by the mafiosi center left party, PD or "Democratic" "Party") just means that they'll get the remaining seats in the government to reach a supermajority. More importantly, this election has made and let me use this expression that cuckchan ruined in its objective meaning seethed a lot of people. Troons and LGBT are mad since FdI (Fratelli d'Italia, Meloni's party) is staunchly against gender theory and all the various micro laws used to normalize it (especially the part of removing Mother and Father form birth certificates in favor of Parent 1 and Parent 2). Commies are seething because they always hype up their own parties which always lose. Feminists and urbanite leftists are both mad at Meloni, but they're contractually obliged to duke it out since it's "DA FIRST FEMALE PRAIM MINISTA SLAY QUEEN YAS" and (((RAI))) has to acknowledge it, even though they really hate her. EU is an absolute shitshow, they fear that Italy will normalize relationships with Russia (which realistically won't really happen but these bureaucrats live in their own little bubble with black and white morality) which is why they've been kvetching and trying to influence elections from like, what, 2012 now? That nigger Obummer wanted to endorse PD more than once, afaik. Honestly, nothing will change, really. Italy's already on a downward spiral and although center-right sentiments have been steadily growing for the past ten years (the electoral map is like 98% blue) the sad reality is that it's a country based on red tape, welfare and corruption and a single majority government during an international crisis isn't gonna stop it. To put it in perspective, it's like claiming that a Republican/Democrat trifecta can solve all of America's social and political issues within a single mandate. >>229266 I know that EUrocrats are unelected officials but they really ought to put someone more charismatic or less braindead in charge. von der Leyen is such a cat lady it's almost unreal she believes that any party slightly right of center will immediately switch sides with Putler for more gibs. I mean, fucking Poland despite being talked down as some sort of misogynist land is almost entirely integrated in the Yuropzone, but because they're Catholic that's a no-no apparently. >>229272 >Also post Ritas. Always >Lidl Why are Germans so infatuated with it? Fucking Eurowalmarts. >>229297 Was still up on TOR a week ago but I think it's down forever Remember to always save on local drives
>>229301 >Fucking Eurowalmarts Not Euromarts. One job, anon.
>>229301 So the MSM keeps calling them far right, but do they actually have any policy's that make them far right apart from being anti gender theory or is that literally it? Which would obviously make them just conservative but that's the world we live in now.
>>229303 >Journalism >raking muck Seems on-brand for that job. Looks as if the only way newsmedia can get an audience is to generate shock.
>>229241 I read that whole thread just now and I understand why leftist poz isn't the only thing that killed Comics none of the comics creators want to inovate their artwork or do something that isn't superheros. /co/'s version of GamerGate just makes superheros instead of different stuff like manga so how are they saving comics?
>>229303 Technically speaking they're the descendant of post WW2 fascist parties (yes they were kept around) but in policy they're exactly the same as most other center-right parties. Anti-immigration, pro-capital and pro-traditional family. It's way too overblown an event to be honest. Probably the zaniest thing they're trying to do is create a naval blockade within the border but it's gonna be another WALL situation where the shit that is actually implemented is much milder but the psychological impact deters a lot of would be immigrants. >>229302 Sorry anon, I just woke up.
>>229291 But what about copyright? These AI can only generate such good art because they're pulling from a wealth of copyrighted images. Will they get sued into oblivion?
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>>229296 based i love kid too
>>229305 Decadence usually is caused by several factors even if some are bigger than others,people usually forget about this
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>>229289 >>229266 >work my third world ass off to steal some euro's job get an european remote job and get x2.5 my salary >now euro's crashing >contractually bond to work for a year or they'll buttfuck me please putin, don't fuck them too hard
>>229305 >/co/'s version of GamerGate just makes superheros instead of different stuff like manga so how are they saving comics? Because they aren't trying to save anything. They're grifters making mediocre garbage and claiming they're "with you fellow right-wings" so you buy their garbage, nevermind if they burn goodwill against indies with their dreck that's little better than the shit the reader is trying to get away from, they're scamming money from idealogues and a quick payday all they care about. It's sickening, how often people take selfish advantage of discontent like this, just like the e-celebs from back when GG was alive. It's even more irritating that people keep falling for it and never stop to think "is this fiction even good?" because it's so easy to get desperate and financially support anyone who seems to be a position to say things you can't publicly because I've fallen for it that way too
>>229311 It seems to be a prisoner's dilemma of who will fuck over other countries by halting energy exports first.
>>229307 1. All AI artwork is inherently "transformative" and thus no copyright can be applied (because it's fair use to transform something). 2. All AI artwork merely looks for algorithmic patterns in artwork to copy a "style." It doesn't copy and paste literal sections of existing art on its own, and thus copyright holders have absolutely no power to control what it creates.
>>229312 I've also been in that thread, I'm really sick of faggots defending comicfags in America not making different genres and making excuses on why these creators don't make non capeshit comics.
So, are the italian elections finished?
>>229316 Yes but she cucks on israel.
>>229316 Yup and the nationalist party won. Now the European Commission and the EU will use their powers to overturn it as they said already that they will do everything in their power to change the election results.
>>229317 Well, I guess you have to get what you can. >>229318 I just want the EU to break up already, so that might accelerate it.
>>229319 Well the overseas markets haven't been doing to well overnight. And next year will be another la nina so agriculture will be fucked again.
>>229314 you say that but it doesnt matter becuase oligarchies and big shots hate it, such freedom of creation will surely be attacked at some point
>>229318 DId she ever do something good before getting elected? Words and promises are ultimately empty afterall
>>229322 In most europoor countries, you can't really do anything until your party or coalition of parties has a majority. And once your party is a majority, the party leader becomes prime minister as well as well.
>>229322 According to >>229306 the bitch is another Trump situation, just with a weak naval blockade instead of a Fence-Wall.
>>229323 Speaking of which, Satan's dubs, how is Macarena is doing on Honland as of late. I knew from months ago that despite him still being the president of France, it's the right-wing nationalists that dominated their parliament.
>>229325 That's the last I heard of him, that people wanted him as president over le penis, but didn't want to give him a legislative majority because he sucks. I imagine they do quite well thanks to their nuclear capabilities, but the water shortage may or may not affect the power plant performance for domestic and eurozone energy exports.
>>229326 France have many rivers thanks to their geographical location, why the hell are they having water shortages?
>>229327 I was mostly thinking of germoney's drought since I never looked at a map exclusively of france. It does seem to be a problem for them too though. Needless to say, warmer water is also shittier for cooling performance, and requires a higher flow or reduced energy production.
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>>229292 >>229293 I didn't know what an Alp was when I posted that. Feel free to bully.
>>229292 Are you referring to the guy makes makes lots of hentai manga of Love Live, or is it another Alp that I'm not aware off?
So I was wondering. If they bastardized the 80s does that mean they are going to bastardize the 90s, grunge music and goth fashion?
>>229331 I think we're approaching the end of an 80 year cultural cycle, so you'll actually probably just have people calling pre-2000s music old and weird soon, and different values predominant in society.
>>229307 >These AI can only generate such good art because they're pulling from a wealth of copyrighted images The thing is, AI isn't copying images in a traditional sense. It looks at thousands of images and "learns" rules of composition/color/material by comparing them to learn where the patterns are. Then it can replicate those patterns to make something that fits the prompt that the end user gives it. If this is considered copyright infringement, then every artist in existence is committing copyright infringement all the time, because the media you've watched inspires and influences what you create in the future. >>229321 They'll definitely try, no doubt. And unfortunately our geriatric lawmakers won't know enough to realize how nonsensical such regulations would be. Definitely be on the lookout for anti-AI lobying soon. >>229318 >Now the European Commission and the EU will use their powers to overturn it I wish a nigga would. If they do something that blatant it'd be war, no way would the people of Italy allow a legitimate election to get "overturned" by some foreign body.
>>229332 To be fair, has anything be produced after the year 2000? Because I saw nothing new, at best a mixture of grudge with tecno and little more. >>229333 I've heard it was actually good, but as the creators talked too much I didn't bother.
>>229335 Gaiman's a hypocritical jew & intentionally made these kinds of casting decisions. So fuck him & his bastardization of his own characters.
>>229316 Yes, right wing premiership with supermajority (not enough to change the constitution but they may get the numbers by pleasing independence parties). >>229317 There is not a single party in Italy that doesn't do that (except maybe the commies but they usually just do edgy shit to steal votes from right wingers). It's kind of a catch-22 situation since FdI is the party that is closest in ties to fascist and neo-nazi movements in the country, although aside from individual members, their political views are mostly conservative. A lot of right wingers in Europe praise Israel exactly because it does that whole ethnostate thing right. >>229318 The EU did not say that. They're reaffirming to investors that even if Italy (or any country, really) were to elect a wrongthinking party in office, or if they were to coddle up to Russia, they have the means of keeping their political agenda in line - i.e. no more gibs for you, penalties, political isolation on certain issues etc. But they in no way have the ability to DIRECTLY enforce jack shit. All EU member state sign off to rules and regulation that they have to follow, except most of these are really kinda bullshit unless they're socdem led, so countries get creative and abide to the letter of the law but not the spirit. For instance, Hungary fenced themselves in within a few kilometers of their own border because technically this allows for the free passage of protected migrants on their soil, but trying to break in that fence turns them into criminals. >>229324 Italy is on the same boat on this, but unlike the Trump situation, the issue here is that immigration TO Italy and THROUGH Italy are two different beasts. Almost none of the refugees want to stay here since they get shit gibs, more often than not they're crammed in a limbo state and forced to either live on the skids or in dingy hotel rooms there was a huge problem back in 2014-5 where hotel hosts were granted a ton of Yurobucks to keep niggers on temporary accommodations, so naturally they claimed to have way more rooms than they actually had and even charged some of the "customers" for their rent. Most rapefugees just want safe passage to Germany and France, where they have families and get better gibs. The problem is that since the EU has declared untouchable all the NGOs that literally bus these people coast to coast without any sort of background check, it has become a way for work seeking adult young men from Africa and the Middle East to get in and out of the country, usually legally nonpunishably. Back when Northern League was in the governing coalition with M5S they tried their damnest to keep said NGO boats from disembarking without said background checks, which netted the then Minister of Interior Affairs a frivolous lawsuit that ended the program then and there. The idea is that the center right coalition wants Malta (which technically is the fist EU country closer to where these NGO "rescue" people) to keep said migrants till background checks are done (which they don't) or to immediately redistribute them to other EU countries (which they don't want - the French have literal border patrols there to throw niggers back into Italy, despite technically them being allowed safe passage). What Meloni promised was a military blockade, what's more likely to happen is that cops will just arrest vagrants on the spot, put them on buses and ferry them to the French border and let them sort it out. Would be kinda nutty if we went to retake Libya though. >>229327 Hottest summer in modern history, lack of proper planning by the institutions (as always, never bet on the govt to do anything right), Green faggots complaining about muh environment, it's a mix of things.
>>229337 In Spain they just go directly to Barcelona or are "helped" to cross the mountains to visit their french cousins.
A friend of mine just told me that there's a coup in China, and I'm not sure if he is bullshitting me or he was bullshitted.
>>229339 Xi Jinping is allegedly under house arrest.
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>>229325 >I knew from months ago that despite him still being the president of France, it's the right-wing nationalists that dominated their parliament. They didn't "dominate", the Presidential Majority still held most of the seats. What sapped their sentries though is that neither them or the NUPES (a giant leftist coalition made specifically to get the majority) didn't get enough seats to get ABSOLUTE majority (their main objective), which would give them the ability to do whatever they wanted. Meanwhile, the RN (far-right) accomplished their objective to get enough seats to get the ability to call for a motion of censure. As of how Macron is doing right now, everyone has his eyes on him and his PM, Elizabeth Borne, over the reforms for retirement, among other things. Some believe that if most of the deputies in the assembly reject the upcoming reforms, Borne could whip out the constitution, article 49, 3rd paragraph, a.k.a "the ol' reliable 49.3", to force its adoption, but at the risk that the opposition calls for a motion of censure, which the NUPES and the RN can call on their own. Considering how very sensitive the subject of retirement is in France, it pretty much means that a shit reform followed by recklessness could get the governement straight-up shut down before they even did anything major, new elections, and the risk of Macron having to deal with an assembly where his party is not the majority anymore, and/or a new PM who isn't from his party. I doubt Borne would be ballsy enough to risk getting removed if the reform gets rejected though (but she did want to resign after the general elections, which Macron refused). As of now, the government "still needs some time to fine-tune the reform", but it's around the corner. Also, the NUPES, from the Ecologists to the LFI, is a fucking joke at this point, from Sandrine Rousseau getting butthurt over a Twitter parody account having more followers than her, to several members getting accused left and right of violence and harassment against women, it's hilarious.
>>229338 Don't they stop them at the border with Morocco? At least I've watched several videos of border patrol expelling rapefugees like that. >>229339 Members of the Communist Party are trying to find a scapegoat for the economic recession and since he's not like Deng or that other guy who staid like three years they're okay with throwing his sorry ass to the wolves I guess. Waiting for the 20 minutes long laowhy video.
>>229342 >Don't they stop them at the border with Morocco? Those are the ones that try to cross via land in ceuta and melilla, but the ones that come on boats normally head north to go into france and germany, thats te reason why you dont see many niggers in spain, you mostly just see latin americans.
>>229342 >Don't they stop them at the border with Morocco? At least I've watched several videos of border patrol expelling rapefugees like that. There aren't enouth agents and the filthy moors use niggers, criminals and kids as weapons, sending them over the border or in plastic boats to be picked up by filthy commies. Remember that ship arrested by the italians a few years ago? it was spanish catalonian in particular, but you understand. >Members of the Communist Party are trying to find a scapegoat for the economic recession and since he's not like Deng or that other guy who staid like three years they're okay with throwing his sorry ass to the wolves I guess. Waiting for the 20 minutes long laowhy video. So, would that remove the only remaining ally of Russia out of the game? I hope that sparks civil war.
>>229339 >>229340 Anything concrete? All I've heard of is from Twatter posts?
>>229345 Just the same rumours and gossip, so it's probably bullshit, but a man can dream.
>>229330 I love this guy's doujin. They are pretty nice.
>>229345 i could dig the chink side of the net and see if they say something, if there is an increase on the amount of people talking badly of Xi then it should be true
>>229330 Why are the entire cast of Love Live, regardless of group, extremely fuckable?
>>229344 >the only remaining ally Belarus, Iran, Syria, the various -stans, Venezuela, Cuba and a bunch of African nations are still on their side. China is to Russia what Turkey is to EU, they'll be best of friends in the good times and cautious and neutral during bad times.
>>229347 One of his doujins got an hentai adaptation, but I forgot the tittle. >>229339 I prefer that the Japanese didn't instigate a war with the US so that they can purge the fuck out of the commies in China.
>>229331 They already do that. My younger brother thinks goths are back and that they love monster energy when all it is is egirls just cargo culting punk girls with black hair. >>229332 Already happening, young people are shocked by how edgy the 2000's were and flinch in pain when they hear words like "faggot". I also remember some guy telling me he refuses to watch Gurren Langan looked "old" and boring.
>>229351 Thanks, will check that later https://myanimelist.net/people/52166/Alp
>>229352 Im sure they are going to ruin goth girls.
>>229354 I think they already did when zoomers rediscovered them
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>>229355 I dont mean thots cargoculting like >>229352 said, im sure whatever is the worst we can think of, they will surpass it.
>>229333 >>229331 >>229331 Is "Sandman" Too Sophisticated for Netflix? >Media-streaming veteran Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) may have to learn some new tricks. The company is taking its sweet time analyzing whether or not Neil Gaiman's Sandman should be re-signed for a second season, and the reason behind this delay points to an important issue: Netflix doesn't know what to do with this type of thought-provoking material -- yet. https://archive.ph/D4VZ7 Netflix Not Renewing Sandman Season 2 Because Fans Watched It Wrong >Fans have been clamoring for the word that Netflix would be working on The Sandman Season 2, but the only problem is that Neil Gaiman has told fans that the series was watched the wrong way, leaving the streaming platform to basically put a hold on moving forward with another season. >Apparently, based on the data gathered, Neil Gaiman claimed that fans watched the show far too slowly which messed up the viewership hours for Netflix. Normally, when a series is vastly popular, it is measured over a 28-day period, and during that period, numbers are counted in hours viewed by audiences. However, those numbers were negatively affected by people slowly spacing out The Sandman. >We don’t blame people for wanting to take things slow with The Sandman, as there were so many themes to be explored on an episode-by-episode basis. Also, for those who had not previously read the comics and dissected everything happening, we would imagine that people watching the show were sometimes confused and wanted to take a breather to discuss everything that they had just seen. There is nothing wrong with that, and we think it’s a much better compliment that people were taking their time with the series and wanting to understand all the amazing writing in the show. Experts Urge Americans To Access Home Equity Before It's >Although this slow nature of people watching The Sandman may have been for the betterment of their understanding, it seemed to mess with the overall viewership of the show, meaning that it could be in trouble according to the initial viewership hour period that Netflix holds so dearly. >Take Stranger Things, for instance. The show catapulted into the #2 most viewed show in Netflix history based on that 28-day period, but that was because people were binge-watching the episodes so quickly in that period. >According to the above tweet from Neil Gaiman, everyone took their time with The Sandman, so the number of people that watched the show might have been thrown off, or not counted within that 28-day period. >Either way, the online community could go crazy for the series, resulting in Netflix bringing it back, which seems to be the case right now. >The Sandman did stay in the #1 spot for shows on Netflix for many weeks, and it has favorable ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. The series holds an 87% critic approval rating with an equally respectable 80% audience approval rating, so it’s not as if the numbers aren’t there to support another season happening on Netflix. >The issue might be that people are tweeting at Neil Gaiman and asking him what the delay is when they should be doing so to Netflix. >If enough people beg for The Sandman to be brought back on Netflix, then the streaming platform may have to listen and fast-track another season. For now, nothing can be done on Gaiman’s side of things, other than to tell people that it’s their fault for taking their time by watching his show too slowly. >We are not sure who is at fault here, but we would all certainly love to see more of Dream and his cohorts traversing the world with their Shakespearean way of speaking. https://archive.ph/EqfWx
>>229357 >"Am I out of touch?" >"No it's the fans who are wrong!"
>>229339 >>229340 Imagine believing something like that simply because one twitter account said so. What are you, Q-LARPers?
>>229359 If you've been paying attention to news out of China for the last few months, they've been in constant turmoil lately. New harsh lockdowns, bank runs, natural disasters. It all started with the bankruptcy of Evergrande and it seems to be snowballing into full on economic chaos. It's too early to tell at this point, but a coup would not be unexpected after everything that's happened recently.
>>229358 He kind of Kojima of American comics. That not a compliment.
>>229361 Kind of a hard comparison to make. Up his own ass? Most certainly. Rubbing elbows with hollywood "elites" & wanting to just make movies? I dunno about that. Other than the Sandman show on Netflix, his only other work adapted was Coraline. Don't know if he even had a producer role on that.
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>>229362 Did you miss American Gods where he turned Anasi into a woke blm advocate, and decided that faggot from that one off chapter where he got pegged by a genie should have an ongoing plotline with Mad Sweeney and Shadow's Wife? Or that the vaginal vore woman should have a longstanding ongoing plot? Good Omens got one too, which wasn't TOO bad I guess. Stardust got a movie year ago that was actually better than the middling novella it was based on. I think Neverware got a British tv adaptation too, though I'm not sure on that one.
>>229363 I forgot about American Gods & Good Omens. The latter is a lot less retarded than the former but still made Adam & Eve black.
>>229364 >still made Adam & Eve black I did not watch it apart from a few clips to be honest, so I never saw that. Also the stardust movie was supposed to be years ago plural. Like well over ten, I think.
>>229365 The voice of God is also a woman while God is apparently later voiced by Neil Gaiman. I remember that movie. Saw it as a kid. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=oBOKi5XmR30
>>229363 >Stardust got a movie year ago that was actually better than the middling novella it was based on. Do you mean 15 years ago? Or, is this another remake?
>>229367 No that's the one. I wasn't sure how specifically long ago it was. Just that it was over ten years at least. It's a fine movie. Nothing groundbreaking, but nothing offensive either. I found it enjoyable.
>>229368 Yeah, Stardust is a good film. As far as the rest of the guy's works, the only ones I've experienced was the Coraline film and Beowulf.
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>>229311 >please putin, don't fuck them too hard This isn't sex/rape, this is extreme anal masturbation gone wrong. >>229339 >>229340 >>229345 It's a bullshit rumor that pajeet """news""" sites turned into clickbait for retarded boomers who believe every thing they see on internet. The rumor started when various top officials were arrested for corruption at the order of Xi himself. Xinnie the Pooh is doing a purge to secure another term as head of China.
>>229370 One more term to stop the spread, as it were.
>Nu-call of duty modern warfare 2 plot >Mexican cartels helping Russia, Iran, and Syria for some reason >NATO and China join task invade Mexico to take out the Mexican cartels >Law and order crossover events Gimme Shelter >Russians and Chechen human traffickers bombed a NATO event at a hotel >The main gang leader is friends with Putin >Russians and Chechens are Allie’s with a Mexican pimp with cartel connections >Hardcore Russian nationals with ties to Putin like Latina booty I guess? America and NATO planning to invade Mexico in the future aren’t they?
>>229357 >Experts Urge Americans To Access Home Equity Before I Although this slow nature of people watching The Sandman may have been for the betterment of their understanding, it seemed to mess with the overall viewership of the show, meaning that it could be in trouble according to the initial viewership hour period that Netflix holds so dearly What the fuck does this even mean?
>>229350 >bunch of African nations are still on their side. Actually if you count the eastern block. There more African countries on China and Russia side than the west. Which makes the whole Putin is new Hitler narrative hilarious. Russia Allie’s are far more racially diverse.
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>>229372 >America and NATO planning to invade Mexico in the future aren’t they? I mean that might be slightly better for the mexicans but not by a lot. Maybe just give them back to the Spanish for lulz.
>>229375 I have a feeling Mexicans will end up looking more white than the average white person in America. Culturally they are becoming more than white america.
>>229375 Would breed/10
Call of Duty is betting big on AI. Will it pay off? >The writing is on the walls. Call of Duty is going through a change, and it may actually stick this time. >You can roughly map out the evolution of first-person shooters over the last 1.5 decades with the yearly Call of Duty releases. There was the era where everyone was super-into modern military shooters, followed by a few years when our boots lifted off the ground and started wallrunning or jetpacking. >When hero shooters hit big, Treyarch responded with Black Ops 3's unique characters and ultimates. That was fun for a bit, but then the clock reset and Activision thought, hey, maybe World War 2 would be fun again. It wasn't. >This brings us to our current era, the one I believe is on its way out the door: battle royale. Activision committed to battle royale early and captured a huge audience with its standalone, free-to-play Call of Duty: Warzone. >The most popular way to play CoD in 2022 is in a lobby with 149 other people, something I never imagined in 2007. But now almost three years in, I've noticed a waning interest in the same ol' battle royale and I think Activision has too. <Infinity Ward is bringing back battle royale in Warzone 2.0, but at the same time it's going big on its next bet: AI and PvPvE. If you haven't noticed, there are AI combatants all over Modern Warfare 2. In fact, literally every tentpole mode in Modern Warfare 2 is implementing AI in some way: <Multiplayer: AI grunts join the battle in the 20v20 Ground War modes <Warzone 2.0: AI are littered across the new Al Mazrah in strongholds protecting rare loot <Spec Ops: 2-player co-op missions against AI Raids: Destiny-style co-op missions with complex AI encounters and combat puzzles >We're getting our first taste of CoD's AI push during this weekend's Modern Warfare 2 beta. >In new mode Invasion, a take on Titanfall's Attrition mode, nameless grunts join a large-scale 20v20 team deathmatch where AI kills are worth fewer points than players. >I didn't expect much out of Invasion, but it's actually my favorite mode of the beta so far. Moment-to-moment it's still TDM, >but the extra bodies running around saturate the map such that it gives the illusion of a grand, almost Battlefield-scale conflict in a much smaller space. It's also just satisfying to mess up a whole gang of AI that go down in one or two bullets. >I'm very interested in how Modern Warfare 2 will tackle raids. Infinity Ward is deliberately drawing comparisons to Destiny 2 in its description of raids as "cooperative engagement requiring teamwork and strategic, puzzle-solving thinking in-between bouts of intense combat." >Destiny's raids are almost universally regarded as the best parts of those games, yet only a fraction of the people who play it ever see them because of level requirements. Infinity Ward seems to be expediting that process by simply making raid missions that anyone can play. <Beyond Warzone >I think the true test of Call of Duty's AI experiment will have to wait until Warzone 2.0, though. I'm skeptical that the nameless grunts wandering around the map in battle royale will add anything more than target practice. >Infinity Ward says AI enemies have a "variety of lethality levels" and "defend their territory like a CDL pro," but the grunts content streamers encountered during the live Warzone 2.0 reveal were pushovers. >I've yet to see any AI that truly threatens players in the way that, say, Hunt: Showdown's slug monsters, bug assassins, and aquatic tentacle freaks do. >If AI is little more than a distraction in battle royale, I hope it takes center stage in DMZ. My newfound love of extraction shooters may be coloring this a bit, but I get the sense DMZ is a big deal for Infinity Ward. >There's a growing interest in the format that splits the difference between high-risk survival shooters and battle royale. Many extraction shooters—characterized by the freedom to roam the map, fight players, complete objectives, and leave whenever you want—have been popping up lately. >The burgeoning genre has been dominated by stealthy cowboy shooter Hunt: Showdown and milsim Escape From Tarkov, but newer challengers include the diesel-punk shooter Marauders and The Cycle: Frontier. Battlefield 2042 even gave the extraction format a spin last year with Hazard Zone, though it didn't catch on there. >The Warzone 2.0 announcement blog post describes DMZ as a "passion project" inside Infinity Ward and contributing studios, language it doesn't use for Modern Warfare 2's two hundred other modes. >It's also the only mode with its own logo, completely separate from the Warzone branding. To make DMZ feel distinct from Warzone, Infinity Ward should really consider getting creative with AI. >Think bigger than grunts: one of Hunt's greatest strengths is how the unique behaviors of its monsters force you to change up your strategy (like the Human Torch-like Immolators who explode if you pierce their skin with anything sharp). >There should be environmental hazards and other things to do than run from place to place and shoot other players. Think too small with extraction shooters and you end up with Battlefield 2042's ill-fated Hazard Zone. >If Infinity Ward can do for extraction shooters what it did for battle royale, it could really be something special (and even beat Fortnite to the punch this time). >I can see this being the proper kickoff of a PvPvE trend where all the battle royale games slowly creep closer to Escape From Tarkov or Hunt. I hope it pays off, because I'm definitely done with shrinking circles. https://archive.ph/Zu9NT
>>229372 An open war with Mexican cartels (or with the Mexican government) would have a high risk of escalating in American territory, something feds want to avoid because they are scared of the idea of waging battles in their own territory since they would be at disadvantage (can't bomb your own citizens, enemies hide in plain sight, higher risk of being infiltrated by saboteurs, etc).
EA CEO believes CoD’s uncertain future is a “tremendous opportunity” for Battlefield >The CEO of EA thinks that the Battlefield franchise could challenge Activision’s Call of Duty in a big way in light of the Microsoft acquisition. >The Call of Duty and Battlefield franchises have – for the past decade or so – been like two sides of the same coin. However, the failed launch of the recent Battlefield 2042 meant that developer EA has been recalibrating how they move forward with the series. >In a recent Goldman Sachs event (transcribed by Seeking Alpha, via GameSpot), the company’s CEO Andrew Wilson spoke at length about what they have learned from their recent game and how the CoD becoming an exclusive title could impact Battlefield for the better. >While he did begin by admitting that the Battlefield team hasn’t exactly “delivered in the last two iterations of that in the way we should have,” Wilson went on to highlight the exciting future of the series. >In particular, how their clear vision and direction going forward could see them get the edge on the less than certain future of Call of Duty. >In a world where there may be questions over the future of Call of Duty and what platforms that might be on or might not be on, being platform agnostic and completely cross-platform with Battlefield, I think is a tremendous opportunity,” he said. >While he did begin by admitting that the Battlefield team hasn’t exactly “delivered in the last two iterations of that in the way we should have,” Wilson went on to highlight the exciting future of the series. In particular, how their clear vision and direction going forward could see them get the edge on the less than certain future of Call of Duty. <In a world where there may be questions over the future of Call of Duty and what platforms that might be on or might not be on, being platform agnostic and completely cross-platform with Battlefield, I think is a tremendous opportunity,” he said. CoD becoming an Xbox exclusive could be a big win for Battlefield >One of the biggest concerns following Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision/Blizzard is that the Call of Duty series will become an Xbox exclusive moving forward. >And while Xbox boss Phil Spencer has said publicly that the franchise will stay on PlayStation for “several more years”, the future of CoD is still very much so undecided. >There’s a lot of work that we’ve got to do there. But at its very core, this is an extraordinary IP. And what we’ve seen in the world of entertainment is, that great IP is resilient… >I think we have an extraordinary creative team involved in Battlefield now who have unbelievable ambitions to own the first-person shooter space.” https://archive.ph/hw732
>>229379 >An open war with Mexican cartels (or with the Mexican government) would have a high risk of escalating in American territory This assumption globalists are smart. I don’t think they are. Plus the white supremacy boogeyman failing harder than Islamic terrorism boogeyman. > something feds want to avoid because they are scared of the idea of waging battles in their own territory since they would be at disadvantage (can't bomb your own citizens, enemies hide in plain sight, higher risk of being infiltrated by saboteurs, etc). War against the cartel spilling over on American soil will help pass more spying laws on citizens.
It sure would be a shame if some of those popular japanese videogame companies got some (((foreign investment))) during these trying times when their stocks are cheap.
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>>229370 >Xinnie the Pooh is doing a purge to secure another term as head of China. Ah, so just normal Chinese politicking then. >>229373 Sounds like a mid-article ad was copy-pasted by mistake.
>>229379 >can't bomb your own citizens Boy, you're really stupid aren't you.
>>229372 >Mexican cartels helping Russia, Iran, and Syria for some reason Did they pull this from Germany requesting Mexico to invade the states during the Great War? >NATO and China join In what universe? >>229376 >I have a feeling Mexicans will end up looking more white than the average white person in America. You will never be white, Argentina. >>229381 >failing harder than Islamic terrorism boogeyman Except, the jihad is a real thing. Meanwhile, with spics, their only goal is to be declared the official heirs to the Spanish/Portuguese monarchy. >>229382 If you weren't aware, the Yen crashed last week because the Japanese government was busy selling their U.S. bonds because, thanks to all that's happened over the past year, countries are realizing that they cannot trust the dollar as a reserve currency,
>>229386 I am aware since the baseline steam deck launched at 60,000 yen, which would have been about $600 a few months ago.
>>229349 Spice Girls effect?
>>229388 Even Baby Spice?
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>>229385 >>can't bomb your own citizens >>can't bomb your own citizens >>can't bomb your own citizens >Boy, you're really stupid aren't you.
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>>229389 If you still like her when she's not with the rest of the Spice Girls, the effect is moot. >>229332 >you'll actually probably just have people calling pre-2000s music old and weird soon, and different values predominant in society. So before 9/11.
>>229386 >Mexican cartels helping Russia, Iran, and Syria for some reason >Did they pull this from Germany requesting Mexico to invade the states during the Great War? Latinos became a boogeyman to the white left. Don’t be shocked if CNN pushes this narrative one day like the Latinos the future of white supremacy articles. >NATO and China join >In what universe? I noticed the MW2 reboot beta has Chinese operatives listed as heroes. While middle easterners and South American operatives are also the bad guy characters. US, EU, Chineses and UK the good guy characters.
You guys should check out the re:IMAGINE thread for some real nigger behavior. TL;DR some faggot owner of a private server purposely got himself into legal trouble with Atlus so to settle his case he shut down his own server and leaked the other server to Atlus' lawyers
>>229393 It seems worse than that if I'm understanding this screencap correctly. The guy intentionally got into legal trouble with Atlus simply because a rivaling server made fun of him. To put this in perspective, it's like Acid sending the Feds to takedown Sleepy, after they already takedown 8moe, simply because Sleepy made fun of him for his hidden stash of Blacked Asuka hentai.
>>229394 Should have used XMR
>>229330 the monster girl encyclopedia's alp
TF2's economy is crashing after Valve patched some glitch unique to specific items. The reason they did this is because some anon on halfchan lied and told them that it could be used in item duplication.
>>229394 I mean if it has a github, surely someone made a torrent of it? >>229397 Good
>>229397 >The reason they did this is because some anon on halfchan lied and told them that it could be used in item duplication. Makes it sound like you can instantly give your hat the unusual effects
>>229397 Wait fags still play TF2?
>>229400 dont act too cocksure, i guarantee you tf2 has more players than this site does
>>229400 It's free and it still works, so yes.
>>229401 >i guarantee you tf2 has more players than this site does thats because tf2 didn't go from an FPS to a farmville clone and then tell everyone who didn't like it to fuck off.
>ayo we need summadat weeve n curly jew hair n shiet >MUFUGGA ONLY REAL NIGGAS CAN USE DAT SHIET The money is from bungie and its for actual hair strand behavior rather than hairstyles, something absolutely not needed in 99% of real games.
>>229404 ZH is several weeks behind everyone else on matters other than economic. I posted the original article, oh, last month, I think. ZH is also completely censored and jew-controlled now, so none of the economic information is going to be relevant or good or solve any of the problems, because they need Google AdSense funds, and all the comments are censored.
>>229405 I know both of that but my only other sources are here and jewtube videos.
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>>229404 >racist hair graphics
>>228852 You like calling everyone retarded, don't you?
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Can we make the next bread blazblue themed after Mori left Arc Systems?
>>229410 go for it
>>229406 For video games, I use here and the Opera GX news feed. For real news, I use ZH, Unz, Rantingly, and Justice Report, as well as communities.win.
>>229326 Wait, France has been super nuclear for deacades? And without issue? Why the hell aren't the being preached to the high heavens as the future of energy generation all around the first world?
>>229412 I don't think I've ever seen such a boomer article in my life. >>229413 Who knows, the aussies cancelled a deal with them over diesel electric submarines for american nuclear submarines. So really who the fuck knows what the frogs are up to.
>>229358 Read the whole post instead of having a kneejerk reaction to a clickbait title. He's not actually blaming fans, he's blaming how Netflix collects data on viewership.
>>229404 Old news.
>>229361 Kojima asked 'did you rike it'. This cunt appears to be saying 'you're an idiot for not riking it'.
>>229394 I can't even understand half of what these retards are trying to say.
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>>229413 >Wait, France has been super nuclear for decades? Have you not seen the 1998 Horrywood remake of Godzilla with Matthew Broderick + Jean Reno? Reno's character is basically French intelligence monitoring what's going on after all the French nuclear tests in the Pacific decades before. Also, apparently French nuclear power plants have crocodiles living in them.
>>229419 some pajeet was hated on server and leaked it to lawyers from atlus
>>229415 He is when you look at his twitter.
>>229301 >ex-owner of /ita/ here Do you mean the /ita/ board here? Looks pretty dead now. Where did they all go? >Honestly, nothing will change Is Italy not going to do a deal with Putin for gas supplies? >Lidl socks <not Aldi socks
>>229414 Yeah, Anglin seems to fellate china for some reason. He's certainly no white nationalist.
>>229413 Because since nuclear power would remove the reliance upon jewish control methods, it's being banned and shut down all over the Western world, obviously.
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>>229427 Subtle nose edit.
>>229427 inshallah brothers we attack israel at dawn
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>>229427 You what I find odd about trannies is that no one and not even feminist are pushing them as sexist as trans and crossdressing being the equivalent as blackface towards woman all that hard. The amount of in fighting about this would be a hell of a salt mine if we could push an operation about this but considering it's the GG threads that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
>>229430 You must not have heard very many TERFs then, the media demonizes and then memoryholes them.
>>229431 >You must not have heard very many TERFs then, the media demonizes and then memoryholes them. Huh, I forgot about them since I can't tell the difference between feminist anymore since I assumed at this point all feminist hate trannies.
>>229432 You're not wrong, it's just that all the non-TERF feminists decided to sit on the bench for mutilated crossdresser rights. At this point the middle east has a bigger feminist movement than western nations do.
>>229429 dawn is salat you fool we go the hour after dawn
>>229430 There has been a "civil war" of sorts between feminists and trannies, but the problem is that Feminism was never part of the establishment narrative - it was just used by the establishment to set up hierarchies of power and authority. Trannies are now the pet minority, so any feminists who don't agree with the new narrative find themselves shut out of the hierarchies of power and influence that pay their bills. Most are cowed into silence, while the rest who actually stand on principle are being slandered as bigots, terfs, and hate-filled radicals until they're irrelevant - then they're discarded. And the same thing will happen to trannies, once a new pet is chosen or shown to be effective tools. Pic unrelated. Janice Raymond was always maligned by the left, at least as far as I can remember
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>>228876 https://nitter.net/TheeRougarou/status/1574197757740724224 ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati
>>229435 I dread whatever's gonna replace trannies soon. I'm not sure if it's niggers since that's always been the case they need to fall back on them but even small pockets tend to rebel at the risk of social isolation not that it's much of a loss against them.
>>229437 >I dread whatever's gonna replace trannies soon. It's pretty obvious they're "grooming" pedophiles to be the next sacred cow minority, but that's going to take a lot more ground work than what they currently have laid - and the pushback from moving in that direction is doing more to collapse the whole house of cards than GamerGate or MAGA ever could. After all, the base they built it upon was women, specifically middle-class white women - and while the have the cat-moms on lockdown, they're losing the soccer moms in droves.
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>>229437 I mean if we're going by that slippery slope of degeneracy image, its going to be bestiality or necrophilia. I did see a news article considering composting corpses, so maybe it will just be dehumanization after death or something. Personally though, I think they're going for kleptomaniacs or criminals next. "Crimes are okay if they target the right people." >>229438 I assumed pedos and trannies were the same thing and forgot about that. Maybe they'll lower the voting age to 13 as well.
>>229427 I genuinely don't get it. Have American social and politic climates reached a point where they are so absurd that not even jokes and parodies are able to picture them correctly?
>>229440 Nah, Trannies were just the umbrella from which Pedos could defended until normalized to the point of promotion, the same way Feminism was used as an umbrella from which Trannies were defended until normalized.
>>229441 It's zero layers of irony, you don't get it because of how simple it is. Leftist protesters meet fed-right protesters, instead of fighting they just use social media to win/"lose."
>>229443 I still don't get it. Why is "the left" carrying a trans flag and nothing else that could represent them (democratic party, antifa stuff, commie symbols)? Why does everything look like "the right" won and "right wing platforms" control the city? Are the "right wing" guys undercover agents or security guards "protecting" the city?
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>>229444 >Are the "right wing" guys undercover agents I think the glasses and haircuts makes it very clear that they are glowniggers. They are posing for the social media to sell the narrative.
>>229444 you should check previous comics for the lore
>>229444 Maybe the town is supposed to represent the internet then or something, trannies going onto alt-tech sites and screenshotting evil racists, like it's the bad part of town.
them horsefuckers are really something, apparently the voices in this piece have been fandanglered with AI to sound like characters from the show, the music is just an arrangement by them, they do tend to have a knack for music https://u.smutty.horse/mjknpedjdfb.mp3
>>229445 So are both groups working together? The comic feels like it's part of a bigger story. >>229446 Can you give me a tl; dr? I don't want to read an unknown amount of comics just to understand a bad joke.
>>229436 Approvato I won't translate it from pizza into burger because it's funny
>>229448 >them horsefuckers are really something, apparently the voices in this piece have been fandanglered with AI to sound like characters from the show Bronies are most talented fandom of anything. They just the poster child talent going to waste on stupid shit. >the music is just an arrangement by them, they do tend to have a knack for music They still have a thriving music scene to this day. They probably profit from MLP music than Hasbro themselves. Hasbro hates Bronies so much they portrayed as fascist racist In the new mlp 3D movie.
>>229449 >The comic feels like it's part of a bigger story. That's because it is. It looks like everywhere is right wing because they're in right wing town right now. The trannies aren't working with the glowies, the glowies are just using the trannies as useful idiots while falseflagging.
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