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Chis-Chan Finally Finds a Boyfriend-Free girl Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 17:58:55 Id: 8c1fc8 No. 57194
The saga continues.....
>>376160 Being a tranny and genuinely believing you've been living in a fantasy world for years is probably the cause you're looking for.
>>376164 The emphasis is on "his age".
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>>376136 Issue #3. And now for something REALLY offensive.
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>>57203 Issue #2 concludes. I could be playing videogames. I could have been enjoying myself, instead I'm doing this shit. I hope you guys are appreciating this.
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>>57204 I missed a fucking page because the upload fucked up AND I pressed the wrong fucking button.
>>57204 Not really These are easy to get and I read them all years ago.
>>57204 >>57205 It's okay, anon. At least you aren't Chris-Chan.
>>375990 CWC is as best an e-celeb and at worst a walking abortion survivor. If shit like this gets stickied then we should have no problem discussing any other streaming faggot.
>>57208 Spotted the newfag.
>>57208 Chris is much more than any other streaming faggot. He is not a "content creator" or anything, just a fucking weirdo. And he was discovered by /v/ in the first place.
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>>57209 spotted the OP having made the thread as a (1) and then jumped IDs to squat in it to stroke his ego >>57210 Lemme tell you about Yahtzee Croshaw, the man responsible for the PC Master Race, who has put out games, books, and a number of videos where in he details his creation of a dozen games over a year and his various thoughts about game development. CWC is just a sad retard being guided by trolls on the internet, but Yahtzee is a man worthy of respect and praise, and HE never got a thread.
>>57211 Yahtzee is not only not as interesting, but he also never did anything like this. Especially not today.
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You know anons, I'm going through some bad shit myself, my life has taken a turn for the worse this year, everything I do to try and improve my situation gets twisted, malformed, corrupted into going bad, and because of that I live with a sense of impending doom every waking hour. I know comparing oneself to others can be really harmful and even get you a victim complex. But no matter what, whenever I'm reminded this person exists, I'm still grateful for not being him. Everything about his life seems to be so fucking unbearable and twisted that it makes me wanna puke. And I don't even hate the poor guy, its just that I think real life shouldn't be this fucked up; it's disgusting. It's almost like his mental health issues are the only thing that keeps him going on with his mockery of an existence.
>>57211 You are missing the point.
>>57211 >spotted the OP having made the thread as a (1) and then jumped IDs to squat in it to stroke his ego Sure thing, newfag. I'm sure you think I stickied it too. Go back to whatever shithole you came from.
>>57211 Get out here Yahtzee You were better as a fedora wearing edgelord
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>>57213 >It's almost like his mental health issues are the only thing that keeps him going on with his mockery of an existence. Insanity is a defense mechanism. Sometimes, insanity is the only rational option.

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>>57212 Well, no, not today, because Yahtee has the common human ability of learning, pattern recognition, and ability to change, all of which CWC lacks because he's some kind of colossal retard. Which is why he stopped doing his blogspot comic, because it sucked and was terrible, but he left it up to own his shame. >>57214 ill miss YOUR point boy dont you sass me >>57215 Yes, i do; why else would anybody defend a (1) and done OP and also why would it get stickied so fast, if not because it's an inside job? Flat denial of the obvious conclusion doesn't make it false, you fucking kike. >>57216 aha jokes on you dickweed im actually gabriel morton burly manservant and catamite of the glorious crowshaw may he game eternally
>>57213 Whenever it feels like things couldn't possibly get any worse, just remember that you're not Anthony Burch CWC.
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>>376135 Here's the original version of pic 1.
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>>57218 I find it hilarious that you think I'm cakekike. Also, you seem a tad butthurt about being called out as a newfag.
>>57218 >Yahtee has the common human ability of learning, pattern recognition, and ability to change, all of which CWC lacks because he's some kind of colossal retard. And that's precisely why we are talking about Chris today. >>57220 The hilarious part about Chris changing this page to the pearly gates is that he didn't realize it just makes it look like his love quest won't end until he dies.
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>>57218 You sure are an annoying faggot
>>57218 You will never be as important as a retarded insane manchild. Just accept it newfag.
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>>57221 Well, either jewboy or his pet shabbos goy since there's only two faggots actually running the board, they're virtually identical in terms of posting and personality, and someone had to sticky this for no good reason. I also can't help but notice that aside form the (1) OP there's (you) who showed up at the beginning in favor of the thread and the dumper who made like one post that wasn't dropping CWC comics. Very organic, all of that. >>57223 I'm making clear and salient points; you're the assravaged douchenozzle posting a retort macro without any counterpoints. Here, have some smug girls in reply. >>57224 Because i have the wherewithal to realize i'm shit on all aspects and thus never tried. I was also raised by parents who didn't comfort or support my childish retardation. >>57225 >
>>57226 >I was also raised by parents who didn't comfort or support my childish retardation. And yet you ended up a childish retard anyway. Sad.
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>>57226 >Very organic, all of that. Fucking lol. You're making me laugh harder than CWC raping his senile mother is. Keep the butthurt coming, goy.
>>57226 Look at this princess get all bent out of shape in a Chris-Chan thread of all things. KEK.
Someone called? I'll unsticky it in a few hours
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>>57194 Oh, how indecent.
>>57226 This is not my fight but I must ask you: do you actually think you're better or smarter than the /cow/ nigger by insisting on replying to him over and over and over and thus helping him shit up the entire thread? And now you roped me into this too so thanks.
>>57230 Knowing chris this will pick back up again in a week. Might as well just leave it up, plus it asshurts newfags.
>>57229 I'm just saying, if this shit's allowed AND stickied despite not being about video games but internet drama, than all bets are off and we should have fuckin' v-tuber threads and streamer threads a'plenty. Now, lemme tell you about how Yahtzee moved to america, got a dog, got married, the dog died for no explained reason and he unceremoniously got another, and had a baby. >>57232 >man who stands against replying just has to reply to make his feelings known At the very least you know where i'm coming from and why i'm replying.
>>57230 Leave it up, the thread is fun. >>57234 Butthurt newfag.
>>57234 To think Chris Chan is equivalent to any sort of e-celeb just shows what a ridiculously uninformed newfag you are.
>>57234 >Keeps going on about Yahtzee.
>>57236 I wonder where he blew in from?
>>57239 The gay community perhaps?
>>57240 Probably.
>>57234 >Chris-Chan isn't video game related Alright, off to make a Sonichu thread.
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>>376027 Who's ready for the Chris prison saga?
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What the fuck is this shite?
>>57243 Honestly, it hasn't been funny ever since he came back to the internet after the Gamestop saga was over. He's just gone from weird to actually schizophrenic. He needs to be put out of his misery.
I refuse to believe this.
>>57235 >retarded nigger who can only yell newfag like a scared parrot >>57236 I mean, that's fair; he's WORSE than e-celebs since they at least try to be good and personable where as CWC is just retarded and then Helldump-tier niggers drag him out every now and again to laugh at him to make themselves feel better. Still, he's not known for making video games nor for insightful critique on them nor for entertaining videos about them. He's only known for being an enormous sperglord in public and private and for making absolute trash without shame. >>57237 I can only repeat what i've said before: Yahtzee has made video games. He's an indie developer that's been around for over a decade. He's a man worthy of discussion.
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>>57243 >Who's ready for the Chris prison saga? I wonder if Chris is mentally prepared for the dimensional merger he will experience when he drops the soap?
>>376053 At least Chris has to be fed in prison, I thought he would be homeless after barb died.
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>>57242 Stay butthurt, newfag. >>57243 This wild ride isn't ending any time soon, is it? >>57244 Internet history in the making. >>57247 Pic related.
>>57248 If he goes to a female prison, he will be the one doing the raping.
>>57242 Didn't mean to reply to you.
>>57251 Anon, he is going to end up homeless within 3 years and some discuck trannied will take him in.
>>57251 Oh God. They add time for that. Hes gonna spend the rest of his life in solitary.
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>>57251 >If he goes to a female prison, he will be the one doing the raping. >Anon thinks the women's prison wont be full of bigger trannies. Anon get comfy the prison saga has just begun.
>>57255 >bigger trannies At least he will find his girlfriend there.
>>376082 Well, it is a Comprehensive History.
>>376099 Maybe Chris is an example of what not to do? Also, people, you included, need to accept the world has it's good & bad seemingly in equal amounts.
>>376110 What if he shoots a curse-ye-ha-me-ha at the judge prosecuting him?
>>57259 I'd pay good money to see that.
>>376114 I prefer pussy brothers. Brothers come out of the same pussy. Pussy brothers come in the same pussy.
>>376140 I have an improved one. Also they makes me think of multiple people.
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You guys remember Liquid Chris?
>>57211 Fuck off ben, the Norf didn score enuff facking goals
>>57263 He was kinda cute even
>>57213 Get a therapist, I got one (through govt autismbux programs) and my life has improved by said therapist helping me find the tools to help myself.
>chris chan is still alive
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>>376109 >With his track record he'll get off scot-free due to autism. So then why do I have 6 points on my driving record? Anyways I am waiting on for 5th so I could buy more liquor with my disability-bux.
>>57269 >So then why do I have 6 points on my driving record? You aren't on Chris-Chan's level. Don't foolishly think you can get away shit like assaulting gamestop employees and raping your elderly mother like the Autism Master can.
>>57247 Go to bed, Yahtzee
>>57270 >Chris transitioned successfully into a pumpable porker Stop this immediately. >>57269 >He can drive a car Anon you're not even on the level of other people in this fucking thread, don't even get me started
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>>57218 >aha jokes on you dickweed im actually gabriel morton
How demented is Barb really? I keep hearing people say she isn't barely cognizant and just lays around all day. Do we actually know this?
>>57273 >>He can drive a car that's not how insurance companies see it, I am blacklisted and stuck with using Progressive as my only option
Jewsh is apparently going to be on a livestream with Rekieta Law to discuss this shitshow in about four hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvGpsx6Wnqw
>>57276 I don't want to make this the Paralympics, but my vision is so bad that I would be putting myself and other people's lives at risk if I were to get behind the wheel, so I don't because it would be retarded. It's not a matter of insurance or a shitty record.
>>57275 To be honest, given everything we know about her, I’d imagine she’d do this even if she wasn’t dementia-addled. She was already doing weird shit with him long ago.
>sonic stuff is on sale >this shit happens What the fuck
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>>57194 I would like to have your attention to this. From now on, think about Chris-Chan whenever you see or eat delicious food. Thank you for reading this. Have a nice day.
>>376418 I would slaughter every person in a position of power who protects the homosexuals and tranny deviants from experiencing any form of consequence and never regret it. The world would finally be able to heal.
>>376424 Boogie was in the right in that situation
>>376424 Sterling went tranny a while ago, didn't he? He's probably more likely between the two, I haven't heard shit about Linkara since Channel Awesome imploded.
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It all started with this screen. This exact image is what led to an autistic tranny raping his own mother. Be careful not to gaze at it too deeply else you become a monster yourself.
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>>57284 >Sterling went tranny A man so obsessed with Final Fantasy IX he decided to permanently cosplay as Queen Brahne.
>>375993 I see people saying Barb has Dementia and Alzheimer's is this real or just a meme? This is the first I've heard of her memory problems.
>>57287 Yeah shes fucked. Get it?
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>>57287 She's 80. Here's one of the longest videos we have of Barb. Note how she's constantly dazed and seems to not fully understand the very simple questions Chris is asking her. This was three years ago, she's only briefly seen in other videos but it looks like she's gotten worse. In newer videos she no longer dyes her hair and displays no emotion on her face anymore, talking in a completely flat and monotone voice.
>>57283 >didn't shoot Hassle No he wasn't Unironically he probably would have gotten in less trouble if he shot him instead of firing "warning shots" into the air. Outside of the military there's legally no such thing as a warning shot. Upon viewing the video and the context surrounding it most courts would have sided with Boogie, but he had to fire into the air in a residential area which is incredibly dangerous and could have killed a random bystander. >>376424 >>376437 >>376443 Are you trying to IP hop? At least don't use the exact same wording and writing style.
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>>376027 >It's real
>>57281 Jokes on you, I'm listening to the leaked audio while eating a juicy steak and drinking been with no problem.
Show of hands, how long have you anons been following the Chris-Chan saga?
>Chris-chan arrested again >Identifies as trans-female >DEMANDS to go to a female prison >Prison denies his request >Huge media blitz about bigoted prisons
>>57294 California already allowed a man who raped his daughter to go to a female prison because he claimed he was a woman. I'm not sure what the political climate in Virginia so there's a chance they may do the same. If so, this incident and the backlash from it could be the catalyst that leads the government to allow MtF trannies across the country to go to female prisons. Chris is the bellwether of the 21st century after all.
>>57295 *if not
>>376470 Things have been pretty quiet since the blue arms incident, which was like eight years ago now. I don't know how anyone can keep checking in regularly.
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that after the rape his mom said it reminded her of her dad when she was 2? Barb confirmed molested? If so it could explain why she let this happen again.
>>57297 Same here, I only pay attention when he does something completely ridiculous. Never expected him to rape his mother, though. >>57298 I'm more bothered by the fact that he said he wouldn't even propose to her. How heartless.
>>376140 >referring to a person as they has been a thing since the English language existed. Yes, when the person or persons is unknown. You know this faggot and that he is a man.
>>57299 >Same here, I only pay attention when he does something completely ridiculous. Never expected him to rape his mother, though. I was waiting for his mom to die and for him to be homeless or get arrested or be found dead himself. Never expected this. But it seems like the /cow/tards and alogs are totally fine donating money to keep him housed. I'd love to see this mentally ill faggot out on the street. The real surprise is that he only started now. Would have expected him to try it years ago. The fact he withheld his urges for so long indicates he knew his mother was capable of saying no until her dementia progressed. This was premeditated.
>>57299 The first girl to fuck him without him paying, and he won't even consider marrying her. Yeah it's all kinds of twisted.
>>376485 >Are you implying anyone who points out leftism No. I'm a random tornigger making a comment on CWC's situation without replying to anyone. Did you reply to me by mistake?
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>>57295 >bellwether of the 21st century How so?
>>57301 >But it seems like the /cow/tards and alogs are totally fine donating money to keep him housed. I'd love to see this mentally ill faggot out on the street. The public is probably better off if they throw him into the looney bin. >>57302 His mother has loved him his whole life and he won't even marry her. So sad.
>>57304 >first notable brony >first notable let's player >first notable sonic autist with the possible exception of Ken Penders The list goes on and on.
>>57283 Negligent discharge is the best he can hope for No such thing as a warning shot
>>57307 >discharge heh
>>376011 I see that dorky and kind of autistic kid happy about winning a video game contest... and knowing what he becomes, my heart rips in half for him. He was not born a beast. At one point there was a human being named Christian Weston Chandler. After he is dead, we will remember his as one the darkest, most hellish tales of human misery and cruelty that man has ever witnessed.
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In the time it takes to read a page on the KF thread 10 more pages are added. I'm never getting to the end of that thread.
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So where does Chris-Chan's story go from here realistically? Is he going to end up a prison bitch, end up in a women's prison and creep on the inmates there, actually get some mental health help for once, get off with a slap on the wrist like usual (unlikely), or something else entirely? >>57311 I really hate reading fast threads. It's basically useless.
>>57290 >>57307 It's actually even worse than just a negligent discharge or shooting in a residential area. There is a lot of audio and footage of boogie threatening frank. Intent matters in a court room, and if the prosecution is any bit competent they will try to go for attempted murder.
>>57312 I only see three outcomes for Chris >goes to prison, is unable to record or post online >goes to an assisted living facility, is not allowed to record or post online >is separated from his mother but allowed to live on his own Most likely the second one.
>>57289 Does she say "I don't know where I am, right now." at 1:15? I have a grandmother with Dementia and she's not at the point where she doesn't know her location but she can't recognize herself in pictures, Dementia is a fucked disease, scares the shit out of me. This is fucking unsettling.
>>57315 Maybe you will be rape by one of your relatives when you become demented due to aging.
>>57313 >There is a lot of audio and footage of boogie threatening frank In context, he's threatening Frank to not show up at his house again. Frank proceeded to show up the very next day and started bashing his front door while shouting for him to come out. This is after he warned Frank he was going to shoot him if he didn't leave him alone. Boogie is a retard and him not shooting Hassle through the door is proof of it.
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Would you a female Sonichu?
>>57318 The artist drew this for Chris about an hour before the situation broke. He seems to regret it, hasn't taken the post down though.
>>57314 He should have been thrown into some kind of home to protect him ages ago. >>57316 Can't be raped by relatives if you never breed.
>>57319 I know and it's fucking hilarious.
>>57312 If this gets brought before a judge, the defense will probably try to argue insanity. Imagine a defense team going over decades worth of inane Internet shit to prove that Chris is not mentally fit to stand trial for raping his demented elderly mother. Or someone like Liquid-Chris getting called to testify on Chris' mental state. Kiwifarms, the cwcki getting subpoenaed etc would also be great >>57317 It depends on how castle doctrine is defined is boogie's state. Even if Frank was warned about not coming to his house, the video shows that Frank was not acting in a way that threatened boogie, his house, his gay ass dog, or his gay ass friend at the time. In most states that would make even shooting Frank pretty bad.
>>57315 Yeah that's exactly what she said.
So did Chris actually fuck her? Because the stuff in the OP only mentions fingering and licking. >>57315 >>57323 She says "I don't know any right now", he was asking her for some wisdom.
>>57322 >Or someone like Liquid-Chris getting called to testify on Chris' mental state. Or the pickle suit guy. I want this to happen so badly it hurts. >Kiwifarms, the cwcki getting subpoenaed etc would also be great I want to see Jewsh on the stand. What a riveting drama that would be.
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>>57194 >There is nothing wrong in being autistic This is your future, autistic freaks. You will end up as trannies that can only have sex by raping demented old hags.
>>57313 > if the prosecution is any bit competent they will try to go for attempted murder. Competence for a prosecutor isn't always throwing the book at someone as hard as possible. It certainly can be that the prosecutor will believe it's appropriate to do so in this circumstance, Boogie isn't sympathetic at all and this story did make the news, it would send a message to other jackass e-celebs if nothing else. However, it is possible that the prosecutor will care more about getting this case disposed of. They will likely charge the maximum viable offense and plea down to some kind of relatively big misdemeanor charge or a fairly mild felony. I think the point would more likely to prioritize taking away Boogie's rights to firearms than locking him up as long as possible. Those two aren't necessarily at odds, both could be accomplished simultaneously, but it really isn't necessary for the prosecutor to try to get Boogie the biggest sentence possible.
I really hope they livestream the trial, that shit would be hilarious.
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>>57315 >This is fucking unsettling. Here's something more unsettling, Barb from about ten months ago. The video is fucking creepy, she's obviously not fully there. >>57317 He should have called the police. >There's a man I don't know at my door filming my house and demanding I come out with a gun Armed cops would have been on the scene in minutes and he would have gotten arrested. >>57320 >He should have been thrown into some kind of home to protect him ages ago. He's in Virginia, the only thing the healthcare system there wants to do is prescribe pills. The kind of facility Chris needs doesn't really exist in that state, they're happy to let people like Chris rot away or shove them into prisons.
>>57329 Fucking hell, she's barely conscious
>>57328 This would make my year. We should make a petition. >>57329 >Here's something more unsettling, Barb from about ten months ago. The video is fucking creepy, she's obviously not fully there. How could he not want to marry this woman? This is housewife material if I've ever seen it.
>>57331 >How could he not want to marry this woman? This is housewife material if I've ever seen it. If Chris didn't go tranny, having a wedding ring on his finger and being a widower within a couple of years would probably bolster Chris' chances at finding a woman who is only partially defective.
>>57332 He isn't playing the meta right. I blame those damn dirty trolls for probably misleading him.
>>57327 You're right. I just want boogie to sit in jail for as long as possible for being a giant edgy moron. >>57328 >>57331 The Chris-Chan trial might finally top the Zimmerman trial.
Reminder, on the audio tape Chris makes it clear. SHE CAME FOR CWC
>>57329 Now it actually makes me kinda sad.
>>57334 >The Chris-Chan trial might finally top the Zimmerman trial. Make it happen. >>57335 Someone needs to drawfag this.
>>57315 I feel you anon. My grandmother is nearing 100 years of age. She doesn't recognize me anymore, and hasn't for years. She can barely recognize her own daughter.
>>57320 Hobos will do it then.
>>57338 Was awkward as fuck watching my grandpa routinely hit on my mom and aunt when he got dementia because he thought they were nurses.
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>>57340 >dementia You sure he hadn't just been waiting decades to finally have an excuse to hit on his qt daughters?
>>57342 Yeah. He was a womanizer and a brawler when he was younger and defaulted to that when he got dementia. Thought his sons and grandsons were trying to rob or fight him because he couldn't recognize us.
Did mark delete the post saying chris-chan should be culled?
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>>57345 There was a time when that post after something like this would have been considered pretty mild but with the way Feds have used shitposts and memes to push for convictions now I can understand him deleting it.
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Fuck dup.
>>376672 it was probably the resident huemonkey shtiting up the place again judging by his posting style.
>>57348 meant to reply to >>57346 My mistake huemonkey
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This is the room where it went down anons. God has abandoned us. God is dead. The past year and a half and this shit proves it. We live in a void of only suffering with only fleeting moments of happiness until our inevitable deaths Humanities existence in and of itself is contradictory and at this point might as well be a sin, a disease Meanwhile I still can't get a GF
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>>376048 >her Edmund Mcmillen, you little fucker.
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>>57350 >The rape bed has pony pillows. >MLP: Incest is magical. Anon no too much information. Shit is too weird and gross as it is.
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>>57350 >Meanwhile I still can't get a GF Just fuck your mom, anon. Chris-Chan, in his infinite wisdom, has shown you the way.
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Yes I am calling him he because he is a biological male, twittertards and tumblrinas can suck my dick, no wait neverminded, you all probably have herpes or some shit. >>57345 I agree, the most merciful way to end this saga is by putting this mentally tormented animal of a man down. No human being should have to live a horrible kind of life he did, he was abused to a point where his mind became irreversibly fucked and now he has to live with the fact that hes gotten so mentally ill, so far off his rocker, that he fucks his 80 year old mom like as its a normal part of a persons day. CHRIS CHAN SHOULD BE CULLED. HIS EXITENCE IS ONLY SUFFERING AT THIS POINT. BOTH FOR HIMSELF AND FOR OTHERS. >>57352 To think he went from this pure innocent kid to this. Autism could have been honed and used in much greater ways, many great inventors and genuises were theorized to be autistic, many things we have in our modern world that we often take for granted comes from autistic people who are passionate about what they do, but when raised the wrong way this shit happens, this poor innocent kid went from that, to that.
>>57354 >CHRIS CHAN SHOULD BE CULLED. Not at all, he should be studied. For science and shit.
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>>57350 r8 my oc
>>57356 I liked the first one better.
>>57354 The man is an autism bomb that is constantly exploding and setting off stronger and stronger electro retardation pulses over a prolonged time period. We should drop him in the middle of China as revenge for covid and just watch the commies die of fucking confusion.
>>57357 Well alright, sucks I saved over it already.
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>>57358 The chinks are as weak to his autism as we are.
>>57359 I saved it. It belongs to me now.
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>>57355 He should be kept in solitary confinement, after a THORUGUH baptism and exorcism. He is not just a threat to himself, to his country, to the internet, to society, but to humanity in general. The entire fucking internet knows what he did, hes basically Beelzebub incarnate now. >>57359 Here dude I got both of em for you.
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>>57360 >Bug eye asks about Chris-Chan. >Learns about Chris-Chan. >i am vomit That made me chuckle.
>>57362 aw cool, thanks :)
>>57362 >THORUGUH baptism THORUGUH baptisms are the cure for trannies.
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Mistakes into miracles?
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When Shadman is grossed out you know it is some seriously messed up shit.
>>57367 Many people are calling him out as a hypocrite because he did porn of Keemstar's daughter.
>>57367 Ain't this the same guy who drew porn of the 9yo daughter of some jewtuber biting on trump's cock?
>>57367 I remember hearing somewhere that he's an arab, anyone know if that's true? >>57368 Maybe the tweet is a joke? In any case, Chris and his mother are ugly.
>>57370 He's from Switzerland, but maybe he is an arab who immigrated there
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>>57367 He drew porn of fucking his own mother, but barbs too much?
>>57194 >>376027 >>376078 I have no words. I knew CWC's 9/11 would happen eventually, but I always expected it to involve just Barb kicking the bucket, or Chris getting into another altercation in public that would turn more violent than previous times and involve assaulting a cop or a child, or even Chris being set up by trolls to become sexually involved with a minor. I'd never expect it to involve incest with his own elderly mother, and him admitting to it. That retard really can't keep his damn mouth shut and has to turn his private life into a Truman Show. Then again, these retards never can keep anything private, that's how MadThad and Nick Bate ended up in prison too. Then again, if Chris ends up in a special needs home or minimal security prison and banned from internet use for some time, who knows. Might end up being the best thing to ever happen to him, maybe he finally gets his shit together. I won't miss his internet presence much since he stopped being funny and relevant long ago anyways.
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>>57360 Very nice.
>>57337 It was done years ago... https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Fkinglie.png I'm not putting that shit on this board!
>>57363 It's a joke account that says things like I am vomit and no bn (black niggers) to photos of bn's. Also things like Not allow to photos of race mixing.
>>57295 Then what stops every goon in prison from claiming to be "a woman".
>>57378 Criminals aren't smart, that's why they're in prison.
>>57376 Nice to know.
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https://archive.is/GyAem Who is this faggot and why are people citing him as a reliable source?
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>>376848 >Castrated Are you suggesting all women are futanari, Tor-kun?
>>57289 This is fucking depressing...
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This is a hell of a thing to wake up to guys. What the shit is even happening anymore?
>>57367 Shadman has been a pussy for years now. In fact he barely does porn (he may have completely stopped for all I know) and has tried to distance himself from his older content. He won’t even mention loli anymore as far as I’m aware. He is no longer someone who does audacious things or someone who can be used as a metric for extreme content.
>>57387 Let me guess, his money supply got threatened somehow. That's usually the prime reason people cuck out, because people are fucking cowards who can't handle monetary uncertainty.
>>57367 He drew porn of his own mom and IRL children, he sounds grossed out by Chris and Barb not the idea.
Who the fuck is Chis-Chan?
>>57390 Lurk moar newfag
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>>57390 Under 18s not allowed here Fetus Anon. Exist more.
>>57392 you will never be an old fag
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You know, there was always potential for this happening but, Chris finally getting active enablers of his shit is probably what caused this to actually happen. Much worse even in the face of the horrors caused by this they are STILL enabling him.
>>57395 You expected otherwise? The tranny community can't afford to let him suffer consequences like getting bullied or going to jail else they might be next, (((activists))) can gather clout by defending a charity-case like Chris from ebil trolls and transphobic authority (whom they seek to supplant or gain power over), troll-shielders like Foxdick Farms keep throwing money because they associate deeply with him and pity him, and sadists want him and everyone around him to continue to suffer so why would they let the ride end?
>>57264 No u
>>57396 I'm not surprised, that's the thing. When your entire identity is a tool for attaining social power, what the fuck do you think is going to happen.
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>>57194 Man, i'm late to the party and holy shit i'd never imagine Chris being that thirsty for boyfriend-free china. You'd that that Chris would have a shred of decency of taking care of his ailing mother, but no, he gotta have to commit the equivalent of past CWC era's version of the sex tape. At this point, any pity for him mustdry up since he literally committed the biggest taboo of the modern age in one go. Then again, his mother raised Chris into the way he is today so no sympathies for Barb. His father was the only one in the household who showed concern about Chris, and it was better for him to pass away a decade ago than to live today to see the sorry state of his family. >>57211 >Yahtzee Croshaw As relevant as Pigbald in the modern era. Big fucking deal, he made one meme that's still relevant today. Grats. Happy?
>>57295 Chris was the real anti-christ all this time and we didn't realize.
>>376011 Humans aren't just monsters from nature, they are molded into ones ususally by parental abuse. I can't even blame Chris-chan fully because in the end, was it even his fault?
>>57401 >Was it even his fault I don't mean him fucking his mom, I mean him becoming what he is today.
>>57402 To a degree yes, even in spite of your social mould you have an obligation to not be a shit human being.
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>>57402 Anon, everyone that has ever been on the internet has been trolled at some point. Most of us just laugh at it and that is the end of the story. Chris could not tell interactions on the internet from real life and let that shit control his existence. His reality is of his own making and the only person to blame for this is Chris.
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Poor dude
>>57386 The slow decline of western society, has been going for centuries now.
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>>57383 Basically a grifter tha used to harass gg back in the day by calling in bomb threats. Has a habit of making up shit too. I wouldn't believe him until an actual video surfaces
>>57409 So just the average Kiwinigger
>>57408 I had to look my name up. I am the only person in the US with my name and just more than a hundred people share my last name. Interesting.
>>57411 What country is the name from?
>>57406 Serves him right for using social media in the first place.
>>57412 I'm not certain I don't know my family history but the internet says its Anglo-Saxon from England the furthest dated work with it is about 1000 years old. When I looked it up years ago results said English and Polish but I can't find anything on Polish this time.
>>57414 >I'm not certain I don't know my family history Which means you live in the US. Now all we need is to find the unique first/last name combinations and find the last names shared only by 100 people and you are right in the intersection of those two sets. You just doxxxxxed yourself, kiddo.
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>>57415 Oh fug
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So just after he raped his demented mother he steals $750 fromher. Lets see that white night "its the internet's fault" sperg defend this.
>>57417 The internet definitely didn't help but it's obvious that Chris-chan crossed a line.
>>57417 I did not expect the ChrisChan saga to end with a car chase as Chris goes on the lam. At this point, will he go out in a blaze of glory as he has a shootout with the police over his right to fuck his mom? It's not any more out there than what's already happened.
>>57284 >I haven't heard shit about Linkara since Channel Awesome imploded. Hes angry at oneyNG and people are making fun of that.
>>57420 >Hes angry at oneyNG and people are making fun of that. For what? Did oneyNG make fun of him and he's asshurt about that?
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>>57419 >his right to fuck his mom
>>57404 Except nowadays meatspace is blending into reality and most of the retarded zoomers can't separate internet from real life either. We're going to have an epidemic of chris-chans.
>>377013 It's well documented that the feds have been fucking with people here to try and generate known individuals to exploit. Not that that discounts the possibility of someone being a true and honest megafaggot.
>>57406 Poor bastard got caught in the crossfire. His friends and family are probably giving him so much shit right now haha.
>>57425 Imagine having to call up your work, your friends, your extended family and explain that no, you aren't Chris Chan, the guy that raped him demented mother that's currently in national news. You're a different Chris Chan.
>>57417 Isn't Chris-chan on gibs right now? >>57418 >he doesn't know the amount of people willing to help (read: give money) Chris just so he can keep on giving more lols
>>57421 >Did oneyNG make fun of him and he's asshurt about that? Yes but not in a mean spirited way, he and his pal talk and reference channel awesome every now and then, or imitate their voices to have a laugh, the most famous one is probably trump talking about liking linkara's videos, linkara talking shit about trump and then getting beat up by his supporters while oug yelled "build the wall".
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>>57428 speaking of oneyplays
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>>57426 I stopped following the story last night, has it hit national news?
>>57427 I stand by what I said, the internet did not help. Giving money to people rarely does.
>>57432 Straight giving money to people doesn't work. It's why every charity organization that doesn't EXPLICITLY have workers doing specific work is cancer
>>57433 And why foreign help, government handouts and any kind of socialism is cancer as well.
>Chris Chan was trending yesterday in my third-world shithole that doesn't speak English. Even my mom mentioned him to me
>>57435 I noticed that, he went viral in Latin America. Do you have any idea why?
>>57436 No clue, I didn't know he was this famous
>>57436 He did?
>>57438 Yeah, he was trending in Chile and Argentina.
>>57435 >>57436 >>57438 >>57439 A fucking phenomenon
>>57434 Well it's more that why even if the people pushing for those things mean well, it always either devolves into a slush fund for bureaucratic fuckmunches or authoritarian hellscapes trying to resuscitate a failed state.
>>57441 Agreed, by now I feel like people are using those idea for the sake of getting more control.
>>57441 The road to hell is paved with good intentions
>>57417 Well well This is getting good.
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>>57445 >Chris is fucking two kids Jesus
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>>57445 what the hell
>>57445 >page 496 Goddamnit im never gonna finish that thread.
>>57449 >im never gonna finish that thread The thread in a nutshell is "just joined" accounts being moralfags and an0minous saying barb deserved to get molested
>>57450 Legend goes that A-Log himself is behind half the accounts.
>>57445 I refuse to use Kiwi but how does Joshua even know this? Does he have contacts with Chris?
>>57452 He broke his own rules and not only talked to Chris, he became his disappointed ersatz-daddy and set up a gofundme for him to go a brony-convention. He was the true autist all along.
typical gaymer.
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Past a certain point I just feel sad for a person. No matter how fucked up they are I just can't hate them. I just feel sorrow for the life they were given. Like the only thing that could be done is a bullet to the head, a melancholic funeral and hope he gets forgotten in the sands of time.
>>57455 >and hope he gets forgotten in the sands of time People will still talk about Chris a hundred years from now like we do about Jack the Ripper today.
>>57452 He is/was Chris' handler.
>>57445 He says it started on the 27 which we know is when the shit with blorb started. Three kids? Cole, christian, and Christine Yeah hes talking about fucking Barb.
>>57445 This was apparently a lie told by Chris and the woman he was actually referring to was his mother. He just lied about the age.
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https://kiwifarms.net/threads/everything-chris-told-me-about-his-girlfriend.96659/ This is the details. And yeah this is barb to a T. I was gonna pull greentext, but I would have to grab the whole thing. It's all so damning.
>>57458 >>57459 Sounds about right.
>>57460 Fucking lol.
What does this have to do with video games?
>>57464 Sonichu.
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>>57360 >Even people as morally bankrupt as the Chinese are fucking disgusted by Chris-Chan
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>>57461 And he talks about condoms and getting tested for STD's. Why's that matter? It confirms he wasn't just fingering his mother. He straight up was fucking her. Duck in china.
>>57468 Why would he be scared of catching a disease from Barb? Who is she fucking?
>>57469 Hes retarded. He assumes all women have the coochie aids maybe? Idk that part is weird.
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WHY DOESNT SOMEONE WHACK THIS PRICK ALREADY!? 🚦Seriously, all it takes is one piece of lead through his fucking dome. Why the fuck is this mother-raper still alive? Whether he goes to prison or not this autistic fuck deserves to suffocate on a dusty towel force-fed through his trachea. 🚥
>>57471 Did you mean to make a thread? Anyway someone merge this into the CWC thread or just delete his fedposting ass.
>>57464 Lurk more.
>>57469 Barb was a harlot and fucked a lot of men in her day. Remember that Chris has multiple step siblings.
Nah, this is more LOL material
>>57470 >Hes retarded. He assumes all women have the coochie aids Smart man.
>>57476 >>377271 I mean she was a drunken slut for most of her life. He isn't wrong. But for the record Chris got std tests annually his whole life. I don't think he understands... Well anything.
>>57435 >>57440 >Chris-Chan's complete mental and moral collapse could be the one thing that brings the world back together under a common interest What a fucking year.
>>57478 While certainly extreme, there's a lesson in there about isolation and abuse that is especially pertinent right now.
>>57387 I don't think he even draws anything anymore.
>>57350 Kill yourself, anti-natalist. Life is fine. Go to a therapist, your nilhistic pessimism is warping your view of reality.
>>57360 LMAO
>>57481 >Go to a therapist That's like saying go to jail.
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>>57453 Goddamn what a pathetic cunt
>>57484 He is butt buddies with Cucktires what did you expect?
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>>57445 That's not enough proof for me. It's a 2nd-hand source at best.
>>57483 How?
>>57451 Ok, I'm not a /cow/-tard, who is A-Log? As much of I headed before, he was some lol-cow who followed other lol-cows.
>>57459 Chris doing incest roleplay is only slightly better than him actually doing the real deal.
>>57489 >I'm newfag A chrischan troll. Learn your christory.
>>57490 There was no RP. He made up Fiona to coverup fucking Barb. Fiona = Barb
>>57486 >not Fingerblast 'Em all
>>57460 Source & archive please.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ay-NMiYIdGI So is the current shitshow what he meant by "putting this timeline into chaos"?
>>57495 you think he'll do something at that brony con null was trying to send him to?
>>57496 He's been banned from that. Funnily enough this is the second time he's been banned from a ponyfag con. The first time was also for unconsensual shit.
>>57497 Being banned from somewhere don't mean he can't do anything there.
>>57497 Wasn't one of the first cons he went to where he had a public breakdown and started praying to Mecca?
>>57496 If he does, I hope someone will film it.
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>>57499 If only Hardcore radical Islam would be the only salvation for him at this point.
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>>57501 I shouldn't laugh but you made my night.
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>>57194 Just when i think that abomination can't go any lower I am curious about Anthony LoGatto's reaction to this >>376106 >Will he finally go to jail? I sure hope so, imagine Chris-chan sharing a cell with Nick Bate kek. (I hope that disgusting freak is getting is ass beaten in jail every single day)
>>57504 If Alog isn't going around saying "I told you so" I would be very surprised.
>>57504 Throwing mentally deranged people into prisons seems odd. These people need medication and to be put into special retard facilities, maybe forced onto assembly lines to pay for their own housing and care.
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Chris-chan is like the collective shadow of all of humanity personified. Everyone has a part of him inside of them, just to different extent. He is like unbritled ID uncurated by the Superego. A monster inside of all of us. A modern rendition of Heart of Darkness.
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>>57506 He's been making tweets like these for hours on end
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>>377417 TOO SLOW!
>>57507 >special retard facilities Pretty sure they already tried that, but it received enough backlash due to the horrible conditions that those places were shut down.
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>>57460 (checked) >GamerGate and their hate campaign never ends Fucking kek >>57509 lel
>>57508 >ID uncurated by the Superego Pure pseudo-scientific nonsense spouted by known hack Sigmund Freud.
>>57511 And a couple decades later we have cities littered with tents and homeless people. Turns out "inhumane" psych wards are actually infinitely more humane than letting complete fucking literal retards fend for themselves out in the world.
>>57513 You fucks are always shitting on Freud for getting a shit ton of things wrong while he was one of the first to even establish psychology as an idea. Psychology has long moved on from him, but some things that he or Jung said are still holding accurate.
>>57515 Tell me about your mother
>>57516 That's one of things that Freud probably got wrong. Though perhaps I'm wrong seeing what the thread is about.
>>57517 So you want to fuck your mother?
>>57515 Why is founding jewish brain astrology supposed to be worthy of praise exactly? I'm struggling with this one.
>>57511 It's the same problem as nigger: Whatever word you use is going to become a pejorative because it gets associated with niggers. No matter how nice you make a psych ward, locking a bunch of nutjobs into the same room just doesn't turn out pretty. However, it still beats letting the nutjobs roam free to run people over and rape their dementia-ridden mothers at will. >>57515 If you want to establish how people think, look into phrenology. It's far more scientific than psychology and actually works.
>>57519 >Jewish brain astrology Psychology is the only other option of treating mental illnesses besides psychiatric drugs which are such a fucking young field of medicine that they often are more dangerous than helpful. He established a field that might have started esoteric but mostly dropped those elements in favor of actually psychiatricaly proven ideas. >>57520 >Phrenology Come the fuck on now.
>>57520 >it still beats letting the nutjobs roam free to run people over and rape their dementia-ridden mothers at will. But letting them roam free provides free entertainment.
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>>376057 I, uuuuh, have everything. I also have the full backup of ED, that is hella smaller than you would expect, about 30Gb turbodeflated, obviously excluding sql backups, forums and comments. I really hope ED makes a comeback someday.
>>57523 Go for it.
>>57515 >he was one of the first to even establish psychology as an idea. He screwed it over. If psychology didn't start out as pseudo-science maybe it could have evolved into something good.
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>>57525 It did though, it is a young discipline but it's largely moved away from its less scientific roots only holding that which is provable like the idea of subconscious/unconscious. >If psychology didn't start out as pseudo-science Reminder that medicine in its initial stages was pic related. >>377484 Both wrong and not an argument.
>>377484 psycho-analysis more specifically.
>all this redditor infighting about whether Chris is "trans" Sometimes I wonder if Chris really is the retarded one.
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>>377490 >>377492 >I don't like it so it's jewish Even if it was indeed Jewish, then that doesn't mean that it's untrue. If a Jew says "2+2=4" does that mean that he is lying? Also, I assume that by your screeching about Jews you are a National Socialist. Both Italian Fascism and National Socialism has inspirations taken from Marx even if Hitler tries to reform his ideas so that they are set against him, who was Jewish.
>>57528 Well see the issue is, chris chan likely is genuinely suffering from gender disphoria, but like the tampon guy it's inconvienent for people trying to use it as a political tool
>>57514 >>57520 Part of the problem was that people who were sane but quirky or people suffering from a temporary mental or emotional problem or people who's family's just wanted to unperson for whatever reason ended up there to with long term loonies.
>>57529 shhh... its time for bed-time reading
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>>57530 >chris chan likely is genuinely suffering from gender disphoria Nigger he thought he'd get sex if he became a lesbian, that's how this shit started, it was always about getting laid.
>>57530 >chris chan likely is genuinely suffering from gender disphoria No he isn't.
>>57528 >Sometimes I wonder if Chris really is the retarded one He's at least less retarded than the trannies bitching about whether or not he's really a trannie or bitching about "misgendering" him. He doesn't give a fuck about shit like that and just rapes his elderly mother because he understands that love is love, bigot.
>>57532 I might read that, but it's not like you posting a book that aligns with your ideas means anything to begin with if you can't prove it and provide arguments for your claims. It's already obvious that the author is biased towards your ideas from the very beginning, and you're throwing an entire fucking book at me in an internet discussion, expecting it to refute everything I'm sayinng without even giving any points to how it is relevant to discussion. It's like a fucking communist trying to prove that communism works and then just throwing Das Kapital at someone.
>>57536 well, if you want a well thought out argument you are basically asking for an essay. I cannot convey such an argument in a short response nor should I paraphrase a phd-level dissertation of the topic. There is no clever "gotcha" that would convince you. btw the source itself isn't inherently anti-semetic, macdonald identified as "philosemetic" and simply wanted to paint an accurate picture of their involvement in 20th century politics.
>>57537 I'm sorry but if you can't even give pointers or a counter-argument to what I said and have to rely on throwing a whole book of information at your opponent, then you don't seem to understand your arguments well enough to actually discuss. I argue economics, and I do sometimes share book titles or books but I can at the very least point to which parts of them are important, or just give arguments and use historical/economic literature as a supplement to my argument if someone wants to learn more.
>>57535 Well, Chris really is the retarded one by a long shot. There's nothing more retarded than raping your mother with dementia. But yes, their arguments are really dumb because Chris deserves no respect whatsoever. There should be no contention regarding whether Chris is a he, a she, or it, because he doesn't deserve any of that consideration. The only thing that should be occupying your thoughts when thinking of him is that he's an utterly detestable individual and an embarrassment to humanity. As for the tranny issue, I really don't mind calling you want to hear out of politeness, but to actually be thought of as a man or a woman requires more effort than a declaration.
Well at least Chris will get plenty of sex now after he goes to prison. >inb4 they send him to a women's prison
>>377542 Chris got banned from the con. All the donators to that fund are getting refunds.
>>57530 Anon almost no one actually has that condition. The massive amount of trannies are just attention seeking retards who do it for victim points, weird sex reasons or both. The people with the actual condition are way too rare to justify all the trannies we see. Also, gender reassignment surgery is actually extremely fucking harmful to them psychologically, though that fact has been buried by the global homo. You see even when you slice your dick like a hotdog and turn it inside out to make a fetid, misshapen nightmare hole you know deep down in your bones you’re still a man. Literally in your bones too since men and women have totally different bone structures as sexual dimorphism is a biological fact no matter how they try to hide it. And since they know deep down, no matter how many cultists tell them otherwise, that they’re still a man they grow depressed. A man no one but weird fetishists will want to fuck and despite what those fetishists claim they also think you’re a man deep down. That just happens to be what turns them on. No one really honestly believes they’re a real woman, least of all themselves. So they’re left in a ruined body they still hate, so they kill themselves. It’s far kinder to try and force them to see the truth rather than indulge their delusions. Tell me how many other mental health practices tell you that the healthy option when your mind clashes with reality is to indulge the delusion?
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>>57530 >genuinely suffering from gender disphoria
>>57532 I started reading this book and I have a few comments, most of which are not really connected to the discussion we had at hand so I'm saging. No non-continental power that has anything to do with Europe wants an unified Europe under any circumstances. The reasons why interventionism was popular and eventually won was not because of Jewish influence at least not completely because of it, I do not deny the fact that a Jew would be terrified of a government completely hostile to him and want to influence the country he lives in to fight against it, as would any person who was scared of a power hostile to it After all, I'm sure many people want something to be done with China, but because a united Europe is generally bad for USA as it constitutes a far more dangerous rival than a divided Europe is. It is the same reason for why UK fought against the Nazis even though they cucked out to them for a long time doing nothing when they kept consolidating power. It portrays Charles Lindbergh as far more innocent than it actually was, and although so far it didn't state it directly, it seemed to imply that Americans joining WW2 was not in their interest which is completely not true. Not only did they join only after the power in Europe started to become threateningly consolidated, they only joined after Japanese attacked them. Moving on to the Frankfurt School... honestly the problem I see with it rather than the fact that it was Jewish, is that it was made of mostly Germanised Jews. It's not the problem that they were Jewish, rather the problem was that they were culturally Krauts that followed Hegel. You can trace both Marxist thought as well as Nazi thought and most of collectivist thought back to Hegel. I don't get why people bitch about Frankfurt School but keep forgetting Hegel the Young Hegelians, of which Marx was a member off of. Hegel himself from what I know was not Jewish and yet he formulated the philosophy on which most of today's cancerous philosophies are decried to be "jewish". If I'm wrong then tell me, but it seems to me that the roots of Marxism as a philosophy are not Jewish but actually... German. Not only do the arguments laid out so far in the book do not convince me, they actually move me away from National Socialism with the knowledge I know Which I admit might be wrong and if it is, please correct me. Not only that but Freud's ideas were older than the Frankfurt school, and psychology has largely moved past Freud. National Socialism seems to me right now like a response of Germans to their own shitty philosophy.
I wonder if the people talking about "gender dysphoria" even have a clue what shit they are typing. You might think watching a 78 part documentary about some autist makes you an expert in anything. But it clearly doesn't. Are this people aware were they are posting? Seriously, why in the shit do people now give a shit about this retard? Because it seemed they started giving a shit when he went full tranny. Other than that why should "the internet" give a shit to what it did to some mong for uploading his stupid shit on the internet for everyone to see? Do you think he is the only person that their parents fucked their childhood and now are fucked in the head? I hate what most of the internet has become. Its the same as real fucking life.
>>57534 >>57533 Cry all you want he was cross dressing back then by choice, he constantly has depictions of a female version of himself, has had strong issues with even the concept of males since high school. It's BEST case scenario it's autogynaphilia. Don't for a moment think this excuses his actions, because guess what fuckers the tranny community has the "doing it to get laid" issue fucking rampant with the more fucked up ones.
>>57545 >Seriously, why in the shit do people now give a shit about this retard? Because it seemed they started giving a shit when he went full tranny. How new are you?
>>57542 >Tell me how many other mental health practices tell you that the healthy option when your mind clashes with reality is to indulge the delusion? That's literally the conclusion doctors came to a century ago when they first started experiencing an "epidemic" of insanity among the populace. After extensive studies and research in the field during the first couple decades of the 20th century, what psychologist discovered is that only HALF of the mental patients in institutions legitimately had a problem with the development of their brain. The OTHER half, however, were perfectly healthy, developed people no different than the average Joe on the street. No matter how much study they put into trying to find some obscure reason behind why the other half of the mental patients just decided to lose it, there was no physiological explanation behind it. Eventually, doctors just came to the simple conclusion that that half of mental patients, that were physically healthy and had no reason for existing in an insane asylum, were just people desperate for attention. And, the asylum was the perfect institution for fulfilling that hunger of attention. And, when the doctors were asked that, if they were able to magically stretch out their hand and heal all the person's mental problems on the spot, would they desire to cure them, the response was an instant decline of the offer because, "They (The patients) are happier this way."
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raughing outo raudo
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>>57530 >Well see the issue is, chris chan likely is genuinely suffering from gender disphoria Just like Chris you will never be a woman. Go dilate yourself loser.
>>57542 >>57548 Most people who claim to be transexuals are not necessarily attention seeking retards but are projecting self-hatred issues onto it. Obviously, the fact that psychologists and psychiatrists are supporting/bullied into supporting this bullcrap is fucking ridiculoous. I do not doubt that "gender dysphoria" might be a real thing. But it's definitely not this big of a phenomenon, simply because of the exerted social pressure and how much self-hatred issues people have today. It's just another thing that they project it on.
>>57550 Nigger did you miss the part where the tranny community wants to bury this shit because it exposes it as a sex thing, that would raise red flags around them being allowed around kids and shit because of them being fucked up degenerates and why they're rampantly running damage control? Or did you just read "disphoria" and have an autistic fit.
>>57551 >I do not doubt that "gender dysphoria" might be a real thing. It's probably an extreme case of an inferiority complex. Like those anorexic girls who starve themselves to death because they do not think they're "thin" enough. Except, it applies to an extremely autistic breakdown of how you want to be able to participate and engage in activities that are almost entirely exclusive to one of the sexes, but reality and life provide you with the paradox that you're the opposite sex and cannot actually engage in those activities or ever be fully recognized as being able to participate without becoming a pariah. This is just a statement from the outside looking in, but it seems like it could be extremely manageable had they received proper treatment from psychologists and psychiatrists. However, because of how politicized things are, daring to actually cure a patient is tantamount to career suicide. >>57552 >Nigger did you miss the part where the tranny community wants to bury this shit because it exposes it as a sex thing That's the one thing I don't get. I can understand fetishes surrounding shemales and transvestites, but where does the fetish come in for wanting to destroy genitals of your lover and have them parade around as an abomination?
>>57553 >Like those anorexic girls who starve themselves to death Anorexia does fuck up your brain in a geniuent manner though, doesn't it?
>>57551 >>57553 Dysphoria is probably not the right word for it. Dysmorphic disorder is probably more accurate.
Deliberating on trannies, Chris-chan as well as how ridiculously politisised the world has become with one retarded extreme fighting another retarded extreme on all sides, brough me a question. Has the internet made us this way? Or were we always that way but the internet allowed us to see it? I lean towards the second option of us always being stupid monkeys with big egos that now got another tool to show off those egos.
>>57556 The internet exacerbated things
>>57556 You answered your own question.
>>57556 Everyone has retarded thoughts and ideas now and then. Without the internet people just looked back at themselves later and realized they were being stupid, with it people instead find an environment where those seeds of stupid can grow into retarded sprouts along with an insane amounts of positive reinforcement for allowing those retarded sprouts to take root within your mind.
>>57556 Extreme is relative. Gommunism wasn't an extreme position in the USSR. Not liking niggers in the US wasn't extreme 100 years ago. Etc.
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Since I wrote this >>57306 I've been thinking, does Chris-Chan qualify as a great man according to the standards of the Great Man theory as Thomas Carlyle presented it? Can't the history of the internet and it's impact on the world basically be summed up in the biography of Christian Weston Chandler?
>>57561 Excuse me?!??! IT'S MA AM
>>57556 >The world suddenly made a lot more sense to me when I started viewing the Internet as a highly infectious and contagious disease and the strange people that now populate our world as its victims. End quote.
>>57560 Just change the word "extremist" to retarded.
>>377620 No I'm not and >Literally no argument. It's not jewish just because you don't like it anon.
>>377624 No, the problem is simply that they mistake "comfort" or perhaps "pleasure" for actual happiness. Seeking happiness is a good thing, but happiness is constructive, it is not short-term hedonistic pleasure. If you don't care about happines, then you might as well just not be alive.
>>57404 >>57401 Why does it have to be either or with everyone? Chris-chan was made because of a combination of his own shit decisions, the shitty society around him, his shitty parents, and the shit people he came into contact with.
>>377627 >Why would I put myself down just to be a part of the collective? Because there is a large difference between being confident and being able to notice when you fuck up and can correct your mistakes. Not even for the good of others but for your own. Also why aren't you going in Striner's footsteps then? >>377629 That being said perhaps I expect too much for a literal retard. >>57567 True, it's not really either or.
>>57544 Hegel is at the heart of almost all modern thought. After Kant smashed all the old foundations of Western Philosophy to pieces, Hegel came along and built the new foundation that everyone uses today, the vast majority of whom do so unknowingly. Everyone from Marx, to Darwin, to Nietzsche, to Cardinal Newman traced their line of thought to him. The only serious challenges to ideas that I know of are Kierkegaard's but the existentialists have since claimed Kierkegaard as one of their own and poisoned most interpretations of his work with their bullshit.
>>57569 That's a fair argument, but there is a difference between being inspired by someone and literally copying someone's methods to a tee and chosing them as a direct source of inspiration.
>>57556 First, the internet gave us the ability to be ourselves, without the restrictions of meatspace. Then, it gave normalfags a platform for attention, and allowed them to showcase their worst traits. Finally, now that this "new normal" is upon us and everyone has settled in to a world of extremes, we can see people for who they truly are. The ugliness included. In the beforetimes, Chris would be an unknown. He was already into MLP and such before /v/ found Sonichi. He may have become a crossdresser regardless. But he'd just be some Buffalo Bill sideshow freak. At worst, when Barb died, the coroner would catch the rape during the autopsy and he'd end up featured in the local papers. The only difference between Chris and a Florida Man headline is that Chris has received constant attention as the world's premiere lolcow for over a decade.
>>57569 Also didn't Nietzsche write "The Uses and Abuses of History for Life" specifically with the intent to criticise and shit on Hegelian philosophy? It seems to me that Nietzsche is thoroughly against the more systematic way of thought of Hegel. The connection between Darwin and Hegel is from what I know only theorised. Aren't you perhaps also overstating his importance a little bit? I'm not saying that he had no influence but while Marx was definitely influenced by Hegel, he was after all a Young Hegelian. Nietzsche by all intents and purposes hated Hegel while talking about Darwin is only theorising. Someone knowing of his ideas and maybe taking some useful things from them is not the same as literally copying the framework and trying to put a idealist framework into a materialist worldview like Marx did. Not all philosophers literally call themselves "The Young Hegelians" as well.
>>57569 >>57570 >>57572 I'm going to sleep, so if you're going to respond to this, I'm going to see it after I wake up.
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found this banger
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>>57515 All he did was say a few things that were obvious to everyone, like early life development being important, but in writing. Psychology would have come about regardless. He just poisoned the well. Heavily. And you're drinking from that well if you actually believe in shit like the categories Id, Ego, and Superego.
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>>377677 There is and it's called psychedelics.
>>57568 >when you fuck up and can correct your mistakes >Doesn't know what money is for
>>57578 Don't reply to garbage from (((alog)))
>>376011 >Watch some of the videos of Chris when they were young >they Paint your ceiling with a shotgun, you reddit-tier faggot.
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>>57581 >mfw the kiwi
>>57573 Kill yourself you goddamn jew.
>>57548 Wasn't the insanity epidemic over a century ago also caused by heavy usage of lead, mercury, radium and other harmful chemicals in everything, even for medical treatment and things like personal hygiene products?
>FoxDickFarms faggots unironically defending trannies and using Twitter pronoums >/cow/ards who crosspost on Nulls shithole either false flagging or accusing the natives here of defending trannies I want Kiwifag niggers to leave
>>57436 Sega is bigger there, every brown I knew was more of a Sonic kid.
>>57556 I truly believe that we become what we think about everyday. As a very simplified metaphor for the mind, imagine a very fertile field, and you are a farmer that in one hand has corn seeds, and in the other has Nightshade seeds, a deadly poison. If you plant both of them on the field, and take good care of both of them, then the field will return in equal abundance both corn and Nightshade. Just like the mind, the field doesn't care what you plant in them, it will simply return back all that you planted on it. As such you don't become a zoophile or a pedophile or a tranny, just because you once saw an naked child, or a sexy goat, as long as you don't let these thoughts fester in your mind. In the past you had priest, and people would come to them, to confess their sin, and the priest would tell them that it's degenerate, perish those thoughts or they will go to hell, families as well would beat their child if they did degenerate stuff, so in a way the society kept these thoughts in check. Even after priests fell out of style, you had early psychologist who would call you mentally ill, and tell you that if you don't perish those thoughts you will go to hell a mental institute. With the advent of the internet, there was no more priest or psychologist caste, instead all the people who might have had one or two degenerate thoughts could easily meet up and talk with other people who had the same degenerate thoughts creating sort of an echo chamber, that recently got even worse with private servers like Discord(though there were other private chatboards before Discord). So to go back to the field analogy, if in the past people would tell you not plant Nightshade, or to pull out the weeds that infest the field, now you can meet with farmers that only plant Nightshade, and encourage, maybe even blackmail you, to throw all the corn and plant only Nightshade. They might even say something like, how tomatoes are related to nightshade, and in the past people thought tomatoes were poisonous, yet people consume them now, so why shouldn't you also consume Nightshade? So to answer your question it's both, we always had these poisonous thoughts, it's just that the internet encouraged us to develop these thoughts instead of throwing them away.
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>>57574 This hurts me in many ways, anon.
>>57523 >ED If you mean Encyclopedia Dramatica... It´s dead, Jim
>>57590 Probably why he has a 30gig backup then.
>>57290 Only a leftist would attempt some dumb shit like a "warning shot" I hear them spouting that shit all the time with regards to shooting people. Doubly so if they were retarded enough to fire into the air, bullets come down fucktards.
>>57576 The ideas of ID and Superego are not new either by this logic and couldn't have poisoned the well. The idea that humans have a more wild and primal side and a civilised side was always there. Fucking Epic of Gilgamesh is a work that symbolicaly deals with that issue. >>57588 >I truly believe that we become what we think about everyday. As a very simplified metaphor for the mind, imagine a very fertile field, and you are a farmer that in one hand has corn seeds, and in the other has Nightshade seeds, a deadly poison. OCD kind of disproves that, as it is a mental illness that comes about literaly due to repression of such thoughts and the only way to fight it is to accept those thoughts and realise that they don't actually change you.
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>>57488 Shrinks are garbage and so is the field of psychology in general. >>57515 Sigismund Schlomo Freud was a Neurologist who created Psychoanalysis, he was hardly the man who was paving the way for psychology since those actually doing that in Germany were adults while he was merely a boy. Way to pat yourselves on the back though as usual Yid. >>57521 >he established No he didn't, he poisoned it fucking retard. He applied jewish thinking to all people, rather than acknowledging that a semite cannot know the psychology of gentiles. Freud was a cocaine fiend that unironically recommended it as a treatment for a variety of issues, literally the only thing he got right was that some people have a tendency to project, but we hardly needed a relatively new field to tell us this. >>57529 Inspiration from their tactics and group organization retard. Which was highly effective at spreading their beliefs in his country. Also a jew cannot into the inner workings of a White man's mind jack ass. Furthermore Marx's ideas are all inherently jewish as well. https://archive.is/PESQZ Carl Jung hated and repudiated Freud since you mentioned him earlier. Freud was a con-artist, a liar, a drug addict, and a unapologetically jewish with no care for the "Aryans" and he got almost everything wrong. https://archive.is/wxM1l https://archive.is/hESaF Kill yourself Freudian apologist. Go actually die playing in traffic or felate a shotgun. >>57544 Plenty of Americans aren't against the idea of a more united Europe because the Pan-European idea includes other Western countries too. No WW2 was not in our interest in any conceivable fashion get off the Kool-Aid retard, our government agitated constantly for war even when most were initially against it. When they couldn't provoke the Germans they provoked the Japanese into attacking as a way in. >oy vey goy marxism is german not jewish >ignore that these intellectuals are all jewish and hate traditional german culture with a passion Gas yourself you fucking kike. "Germanised" jews who wanted to destroy the German family, conception of honor, racially mix the Germans (but not themselves) out of existance, and much more! Imagine expecting anyone with half a brain to believe this.
>>57569 >Hegel is at the heart of almost all modern thought. This is just false. Analytic philosophy, which is still the ruling tradition in the Anglosphere, did not draw much from Hegel. Most people in the Anglosphere are subconscious Rawlsians when it comes to politics, not subconscious Hegelians.
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>>57594 >No he didn't, he poisoned it fucking retard. He applied jewish thinking to all people, rather than acknowledging that a semite cannot know the psychology of gentiles. By now you are just making shit up and making Jews to be a completely different fucking species than humanity. I can understand claiming racial differences, I can understand even claiming superiority and inferiority of some races. But this is so far beyond the point of ridiculous that it directly contradicts other shit you spew. How the fuck can the Jews even be able to manipulate anyone if they don't understand the psychology of other people? If our psychologies were so fucking different then no manipulation nor communication would be possible. By this point you might as well just claim that they are psychic. Your view of them is so far away from reality that it's laughable. >Freud was a cocaine fiend that unironically recommended it as a treatment for a variety of issues It's not like he was the only thinker of the time that used drugs, drug use was far more common in the past. Heroin was legal in USA before 1924 and readily sold in shops. >Inspiration from their tactics and group organization retard. Which was highly effective at spreading their beliefs in his country. As well as economy and group-think you fucking cretin. Nazism was a play on Marxism in itself, it was response both to Capitalism and Marxism. He did indeed try to give his own spin, respecting individuality a bit mor than the Marxist but in the end, economically and philosophicaly he fell into the same collectivist retardations that Marxists did. They are all following the same fucking collectivist line of thought with Hegelian framework, even if they try to change it. They are socialists both in name and in spirit. Mussolini was a straight up commie, he was even an editor of the newspaper of the Italian Socialist party (Avanti), and was thrown out later on. His ideas are incredibly Marxist in belief and they influenced National Socialism thought quite a fucking lot. Fascism is a direct fucking play on Marxism which inspired National Socialism, you have to be either blind or retarded to not see that they follow the same school of thought. >Also a jew cannot into the inner workings of a White man's mind jack ass. Then how do they manipulate you, if they can't understand the inner workings of a white man's mind you cretin? Your ideology literally contradicts itself in the simplest fucking things. >Carl Jung hated and repudiated Freud since you mentioned him earlier. Hated him so fucking much that he was working with him and then expanded on his ideas of the unconscious. Are you fucking retarded? They were both members of the same fucking society. A disagreement between them does not mean they weren't influenced by one another and that they hated each other. >Furthermore Marx's ideas are all inherently jewish as well. Marx literally applied Hegelian dialectic to a materialist worldview to create Communism. He was literally trying to find a way to apply it in practice. How the fuck is it Jewish when it literally has roots in German thought? >Plenty of Americans aren't against the idea of a more united Europe because the Pan-European idea includes other Western countries too. But its not politically profitable for USA you dumbass. No fucking country wants a rival that might threaten it in the future, whether that is now or long after that country would unify. Countries aren't just natural friends with each other, they compete with one another, and if there is a chance, then one will overtake another militarily or economicaly. >Gas yourself you fucking kike. "Germanised" jews who wanted to destroy the German family, conception of honor, racially mix the Germans (but not themselves) out of existance, and much more! Imagine expecting anyone with half a brain to believe this. Literally no fucking proof against what I said. It doesn't fucking matter what they say if they still follow a thought process born of thoroughly German ideas. Marx was a part of the Young Hegelian, was inspired by Hegel and used his dialectic to create communism. This isn't up for discussion, this is simply a fact that you can check. All other variations of Marxism are variations on that and Hegel to begin with. Take that kraut dick out of your mouth and actually look up the Young Hegelians, and what Dialectical Materialism means and how exactly it is in line with Hegelian dialectic which literally tells you to crash completely opposite ideas withe each other and resolve the conflict between them to create a solution. Exactly what Marx, Mussolini and Hitler were doing whether they wanted it, admitted to it or not. They took everything from his fucking means of thought to his view of history and tried to apply it in different manners with shitty consequences yet you fucks will still be screeching that it was a Jewish idea.
>>57588 Why throw away one's own identity just to create a facade for the collective?
>>57593 Nothing coming from psychology or psychiatry disproves anything. They are fake. Tranny abominations are to be killed for being what they are.
>>57598 Nothing coming from your mouth proves or disproves anything as I'm pretty sure you should be medically considered braindead tornigger.
>>57599 >tornigger. I take offense to that.
>>57600 Good.
None of this gay jew shit has anything to do with Chris-chan find a different thread kikes.
>>57602 This is a Jewish board.
The people who think Chris is going to prison for this are more retarded than Chris himself. He will get out of it due to autism, at most he will be put into some home for retards. Here is a question to ponder. His mother is way past gone mentally and Chris has no capacity of taking care of himself, so what will happen when it comes to light? So far he has been financed by health care and the internet, but if he attracts the attention of the authorities, do you think they will cut his gibsmedats?
Heard plenty about CWC over the years, but never sought it out. I just don't go for cringe stuff so much. I only feel mild amusement while some people die laughing over it. Others treat it like an addiction; like they have to occupy their mind laughing at pathetic people all day to avoid looking at their own life. There are no surprises from these people who are genuinely mentally ill. I heard about this and I thought "Yeah, that's probably something a retard would do." Genuine question though: Do you ever get burnt out on this? Does it ever lose any impact like after seeing gore for the hundredth fucking time? At this point you've been laughing at this fucking retard for years. How is the same joke still funny to you? Personally, I was bored of it in seconds yet here it is still going. I'm kind of impressed anyone could fixate on this one retard for this long.
>>57605 Personally I've been waiting for the whole thing to end for quite a few years now, at some point it stopped being all laughs and mostly became something akin to watching a wild animal suffering an agonizing death. It made me feel pity every time I heard about his latest antics but not enough to act on it beyond shaking my head. Maybe it's harder to understand some people's fascination when you weren't there from the start or the earlier years, but while I do agree that some are just there make themselves feel better, there's no denying that it's very natural for humans to find themselves enraptured by the misfortune of others. It's like watching a car accident, and Chris-chan's life is like a quintuple car wreck involving 2 school buses full of children that happened to occur in the middle of a railroad crossing with an incoming train.
>>57585 A case report of acute human molybdenum toxicity from a dietary molybdenum supplement--a new member of the "Lucor metallicum" family https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10649845/ THE CASE Acute molybdenum toxicity in a human subject in self-imposed molybdenum exposure A male health practitioner in his late thirties (the patient), apparently in full health, wanted to be even the healthier. His colleague suggested that he should try a molyb- denum supplement (Molybdenum Chelated, 100 µg molybdenum per tbl., Nutriwest Co., Douglas, WY) to cure his »allergy« to perfume of his patients. That far he had had a remarkably empty medical record and was outstanding in his educational cur- riculum. According to his wife’s testimony, he was »easy going, doesn’t get angry often, and it takes a lot to rattle him«. The patient consumed a HCl supplement for »indigestion«, and other non-noxious nutriceuticals (Table 1) before he started to take molybdenum on 1 July 1997. The manufacturer’s recommendation read: »One tablet per day, or as directed«. Instead, the patient followed the recommendation from his physician »Take as needed« and consumed an average of 7 to 8 tablets of molybde- num per day (700–800 µg). He did not start with 700 µg; he started with about 300 µg a day, and then gradually increased the intake over a period of 18 days. On day 7 he showed the first signs of anxiety and agitation. On day 14 he became mildly psychotic and experienced visual and auditory hallucinations. He also exhibited exces- sive craving for salt; so much so that he woke his spouse up at 2:00 a.m. to get him salt from a grocery store. On day 18 he could »smell the molybdenum all around him« and he abandoned molybdenum supplements. The smell was like the one of salt water, distinctive but mild. By the time the patient stopped taking molybdenum, he had already consumed a total cumulative dose of 13.5 mg of molybdenum. On day 19 he had severe psychosis with strong audio and visual hallucinations, insomnia, intense craving for salt, diarrhoea, and painful and cold extremities. On day 22 his hallucinations were accompanied by petit mal seizures and on day 24 he tried to take his life with a knife and, »chased by the devil«, he ran through a plate glass window and jumped headlong off a six-metre wall. The flight ended up with multiple body contusions and difficulties in movement. He struggled with an officer when the police picked him up, as he thought that they were trying to hurt him. Lucor molybdeni – acute molybdenum toxicity induces seizures and psychosis The emergency room physicians first thought he was drugged with phencyclidine (PCP), then believed that he had an episode of acute maniac-depressive psychosis. The medical staff of the hospital thought that his spouse was in a state of denial about the patient’s psychotic condition. There were no signs of skull fracture or haem- orrhage on nuclear magnetic resonance image. Yet, the patient was mentally incapa- ble of answering the most basic questions and some of his answers proved to be false on later examination. He was placed on heavy neuroleptics but continued to have fits, seizures, and hallucinations. The medical personnel in the local hospital did not rea- lise that acute molybdenum toxicity could have been at the root of the acute psychic disorder. Having in mind the patient’s dietary exposure to molybdenum, his wife insisted, unsuccessfully, that he should be treated for molybdenum poisoning. On 25 July and 16 August the patient’s blood molybdenum was 7.7 ng/ml and 1.7 ng/ml, respectively (normal 0.9–1.8 ng/ml; Mayo Med. Lab., Rochester, MI). After the blood molybdenum analysis arrived, the patient was diagnosed toxic encephalopathy and was given multiple medication to control his bizarre behaviour and petit mal seizures. On 16 August he had a severe psychosis with auditory and visual hallucinations, petit
[Expand Post]mal seizures, and later on, a grand mal seizure for 20 minutes when already in a hospital. He went into a short coma after large medication for his grand mal seizure. The condition continued the following day and the day after that the patient was reduced to a wheelchair and could barely see. Only after the patient was chelated with CaEDTA on 22 August 1997 did his fits, seizures, and psychosis stop within two hours. Few days after his psychotic signs, fits and seizures came under control, he developed an attitude of »he knows everything about everything«. He wanted to grow long hair to look like Jesus; he felt it was all right to have affairs with many women; he felt the chelation would do him harm; and he became fixated on things. The patient was a kind and loving man before he took molybdenum supplements and now he was a complete stranger to his spouse. The patient underwent chelation therapy for a total of 10 cures. After the fourth chelation treatment this odd behaviour stopped and did not repeat. The first long-lasting sequela to molybdenum poisoning was an immediate, severe depression, totally non-responsive to Zoloft ® and nortriptilyne. The patient’s sex drive was nil and six month later it was found that his blood testosterone was low and his depression appeared somewhat responsive to testosterone patch treatment. A year later he had persistent nightmares, severe fatigue, non-existent sex drive and other sexual difficulties (could have erection but could not feel ejaculation), and depression which needed treatment. Even much later the patient was experiencing depression. Occasionally, his spouse would have to help him pick clothes, as the decision was too difficult for him. And, occasionally, he would do just fine. Evident frontal cortical damage was confirmed by an extensive battery of neuropsy- chological tests and by the Spectral Emission Computer Tomographic Images (SPECT) (20). Milder impairment was registered in the descending degree in the parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and even basal ganglia. Prior to the poisoning, the patient excelled in schooling performance; he completed a seven-year college, never had to retake a class, and passed the State and National Boards exams straight away with high scores. Unfortunately, the current degree of his brain involvement is such that it is doubtful whether and when the patient would be able to resume his previously suc- cessful carrier. A year after the episode of acute molybdenum intoxication, the patient was diagnosed the following: toxic encephalopathy with executive system deficiencies, learning disability, major depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. I would like to stress that the results of Motivation/Personality analysis exclude the possibility of the patient’s possible malingering (»These results demonstrate that the patient has no serious pre-existing psychopathology and answered the questions in a manner that would relate good effort«).* He honestly gave his best, which is a fact of primary importance in any case possibly involving compensation.
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>>57535 >He's at least less retarded than the trannies bitching about whether or not he's really a trannie or bitching about "misgendering" him. He doesn't give a fuck about shit like that and just rapes his elderly mother because he understands that love is love, bigot.
>>57608 Quality edit, it's like the comic was made for this.
Found this, thought it was worth posting: >>57609 What comic is it, sorry, I'm not a habitual LOL thread poster.
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>>57606 I never thought CWC shit was that funny to begin with, i always felt pity for that retard, as for the joke lasting too much, i think only /cow/tards were that autistically obsessed about Chris-chan's life.
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They got him.
>>57613 Cue The Best Has Yet To Come.
>>57613 Holy shit
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>>57613 GUNTED
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>>57613 I guess in the end he got Chris Vanned
>>57613 what a wild month. holy fuck.
>>57618 vid of it >>57616
>>57616 >Ethan Ralph actually caught history on livestream I'll give him credit, but he is still a fat fucking retard.
>>57620 You aren't wrong.
>>57616 >>57613 THE PRISON SAGA BEGINS
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Traditionally, a saga is a prose narrative recorded in Iceland in the 12th and 13th centuries of historic or legendary figures and events of the heroic age of Norway and Iceland. Has anyone written a prose narrative of chris--chan's life?
>>57616 The cops look so weirded out. I'm sure they're just used to dealing with your average coked out jungle bunny. That said Chris must have had some coaching. He looks way too calm compared to how he usually deals with authority.
>>57627 >Coaching He's handled the cops multiple times now from stalking charges to fucking Gamestop pepper spray.
>>57626 I'm sure someone will eventually.
>>57626 The fuck do you think his comics are?
>>57628 >cops *jerkops
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I wonder how future generations will remember his trial.
>>57633 not, hopefully
>>57627 Absolute state of post modern society
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>>57627 Did they know?
>>57633 Reminder that Chris legally changed his last name to Sonichu and if this retarded shit goes to the supreme court it's going to literally be "Sonichu vs. The Commonwealth of Virginia"
>>57627 It's not Chris, it's Sonichu handling the jerkops.
>>57633 >This could easily end up in the Supreme Court I don't know who wrote this or how true it may be, but if this gets to the point of Chris being on CSPAN or some shit somebody has to stream it.
>>57636 Are you new? Do you not remember the Infinity Next fiasco?
>>57642 oh tranny farms ok i dont care
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>>376102 >He's not hovering the USA anymore I tell you that much. He isn't anywhere fucking else either as the state of the world shows.
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>>57643 >tranny farms my meme pay me
>>57644 >National Girlfriends Day >Respect for Parents Day God definitely has a sense of humor. I imagine he's laughing his ass of at this reprobate going to the slammer along with the rest of us.
>>57640 They might have had some briefing before heading out. Seems like they had some interaction with Ralph as well before all this went down too. Cops these days get all sorts of weird calls specially in a BLACKED shithole like Richmond. They're probably just happy just not being attacked by a hood monkey with a rusty knife.
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>>57644 Why do mutts 30000 celebration days? Is it so they buy merchandise approved by the institution that promoted and pushed that "celebration"?
>>57649 Random people make days holidays, you probably have a lot in your irrelevant shithole of residence as well.
>>57649 The average American has no idea that any of these "holidays" even exist.
>>57644 >national raspberry cream pie day >national girlfriends day >national sisters day
>>57613 >>57618 I don't even know how to feel about this any more. This is as surreal as the last two years combined. >>57650 Doesn't really count as a holiday if no one celebrates it.
>>57653 Well they decide to call it one, arbitrarily and without majority knowledge or support. It's whatever.
>>57649 If it's not a federal holiday it really isn't a holiday. People just declare random days holidays because unlike Europe there's no tradition yet. Everyone is just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.
>There once lived a man named Chris Chandler >A fat autist with no adequate wrangler >Nary a single woman of heterosexual lust >Would dare go near his greasy man-bust >So he aligned himself with the transexual lot >Hoping dykes would go where the others would not >But even they would not bed the loathsome fucker >So he chose instead to rape his own mother >Now the lawmen have come to take him away >Away to prison where he aught to stay >Thus concludes the current chapter in his sorry tale >One hopes it shall end with his demise in jail.
>>57653 >This is as surreal as the last two years combined Hol' up, he's not even in supreme court yet.
>>57658 U.S. prisons have a policy of housing prisoners according to their sex as assigned at birth therefore he he would most likely still be male prison. Farmer v. Brennan
>>57655 In Europe, every day is watch your daughter get raped in broad daylight by Mohammed day.
>>57659 >>57658 Chris is headed for a group home. There's no chance he spends any time in prison given all the shit he's spewing out.
>>57661 Suspended sentence while in group home til he pepper sprays another gamestop employee, and then prison saga.
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>>57660 9/11
>>57662 Actually weeda still illegal in virginia. He'll probably be caught smoking a joint at the group home and be thrown in prison. At least two felonies. So yeah federal pen.
>>57661 I'm hoping for an arc of the story where not even a group home dedicated to dealing with retards can't even handle Chris. There's only so many times a social worker can get pepper sprayed after telling him he's not allowed to drink his own cum before you just can't do it anymore. >>57664 He smokes pot? Since when?
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>>57664 So a KF troll will pose as a drug dealer and attempt to "smuggle" a small amount of illegal substances into Chris' holding pen?
>>57665 Since he hung out with some teenage trannies a few years ago. I doubt he routinely smokes it or had it in his possession at the time though as Chris is much too deeply retarded and tistic for a dealer or some shit.
>>57665 July 2016 omegacon. Then later in 2018 with the teen troon squad. Also hes posted shit to his instagram talking about smoking.
>>57666 That'd be a fucking riot to see. In developing news the incest troll's identity was revealed.
>>57669 Just the chick though right?
>>57616 >CHRIS-CHAN WASSUP? what a fucking bizarre world. Can they actually grab >her boobs like that legally though?
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Can't wait for the JCS video
>>57670 Seems so, there was a guy involved, they're calling her the "Incest Troll" and believe she pushed Chris into doing it, but there doesn't seem to be proof of that yet.
>>57656 >A fat autist with no adequate wrangler Jewsh was his wrangler but he ragequit after Chris stole 750 dollars from his mother (who he had been raping, the raping was apparently OK with Jewsh). He then proceeded to blow literally all of it in like two days on who knows what. >>57660 At least the muzzies are having fun. That's the important thing, after all. >>57661 If he actually walks due to the autism card this time, I'll eat my hat. >>57669 >In developing news the incest troll's identity was revealed. Even more entertainment. What a wonderful day.
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>>57633 >CWC creates such a retarded conundrum that he causes the justice system to tear itself apart
>>57616 Why does even this fat /cow/ fuck refer to Chris-chan as a 'she' and with 'her'???? How dense?
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>>57676 No that anons wrong. The law doesnt use he/she language. Its just all he/him. Not that it matters because the incest is a lesser charge then the rape anyways.
>>57677 Ethan Ralph being a retard isn't news, anon.
I've noticed retards and troons have been getting mad at people calling Chris Chan a He instead if the fact that HE RAPED HIS MOTHER!
>>57677 He's dating a tranny, that's why
>>57681 The only time to call Chris by his pronouns is if you want him to cooperate and that's where Ralph failed.
>>57681 Yeah first of all he's got a duck. Girls don't have those.
>>57675 Was Jewsh adequate?
>>57681 To be fair, Barb deserves worse.
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>>57683 >lawyers in court begrudgingly use Chris' preferred pronouns as they want him in a semi-cooperable state and don't want to get canceled by the mass media
>>57685 As adequate as Chris could've gotten without paying money.
>>57685 Honestly the pickleman did a better job
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>>57690 That face you make when you've been working there for years waiting for the day you'd finally be there making an arrest of CWC.
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why is this stickied again what happened
>>57692 Chris has been fucking his own mother since late June, just got arrested. Love quest completed, the dimensions have been merged and we live in a deranged cartoon. At least it's all pretty funny though.
>>57692 >Ethan Ralph spends all day trying to locate Chris to interview him on Killstream (after Ethan got engaged no less) >Finally catch up to him at a motel just as he's being arrested >Ethan Ralph has brief conversation live on stream with Chris as he's put into the cop car. DIMENSIONAL MERGE CONFIRMED HAPPENING
I told you it wouldn't even be a week til this got hot again, I told you to leave it stickied. I bet you feel so dumb right now.
A lot of people that never heard about the merge are going to be pissing themselves when anvils start falling on people's heads harmlessly and the like.
>>57696 I bet Kazu's going to be really happy.
>>57695 It really should have been left stickied with "CHRIS CHAN RAPED HIS MOTHER REPEATEDLY" edited to be the subject. It really should have been the subject from the beginning. >>57696 I'm not up to date on the dimensional merge and the last time I paid attention to Chris-Chan was when he pepper sprayed that guy at gamestop, but does the dimensional merge make anime real?
>>57698 Yeah
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>>57692 Got arrested. It's actually fucking over for Chris.
>>57698 The merge makes everything real. Every fucking god-awful hellish nightmare world and the most utopian paradises vying for control of the multiverse. Chris somehow thinks this would be a good thing.
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>>57693 >>57694 >>57700 I can't wait to hear about the shenanigans he does in jail. >>57703 oh dude check out this one I found
>>57701 It'd be kinda cool actually. Like ToonTown in Roger Rabbit but on acid.
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>>57704 I don't think we will hear about those, this really is the end. He is going to do big boy time in the slammer. This is the End of the Internet as we know it. Chris was one of the very last holdouts of the old internet. Freedom is dead. It's all over. All is lost, not even joking.
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>>57706 Chris has been a shadow of his former self for years. The only thing he's been part to since the Blue Arms Incident has been manufactured drama only obsessives care about. Hardly the whimsical autism of the early years.
>>57705 Yeah that's doubtlessly where he stole the idea from.
>>57705 You're underestimating what giant hacks most writers are historically. 90% of fiction are just variations on and then hell happened all over with demons an shit It'd suck.
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>>57706 It's the end of an era if he doesn't manage to weasel his way out of this. It'll take a miracle for him to pull it off, but I kind of want to see what would happen if he did manage to. It would likely embolden him to do even more extreme and entertaining things.
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>>57708 no, I think it's less that Chris lost his edge than the general radicalization of the internet and of everything drowned out even the legendary autism of Chris himself. Obviously an autist who apparently raped his enfeebled mother still has "edge" as wrong as that may sound.
>>57701 >storytelling logic becomes real >the good guys always win
>>57710 Sure but for every one of those stories there's an equal amount of all-powerful, unkillable self-insert power fantasies that singlehandedly destroy every last demon and kill satan himself. >>57708 True, nobody's given a shit about him since the gamestop macing shit. The dimensional merge and him going full schizo is funny but it's not really him doing anything. Actually given that this whole incident is one hell of a way to remind the rest of the internet that you exist.
>>57716 Yeah but they don't save our asses. Anon duke nukem and the emperor of mankind are gonna be high fiving doom guy in hell, but me and you just get raped to death by 1000 different flavors of demons, and then Cthulu happens.
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One hell of a woman.
>>57713 Is that today? I need higher quality
>>57718 Note that says gender, not sex. In the legal system these aren't the same thing.
>>57721 His face and the text gender female. That little half smile. He's mocking us
>>57722 He knows that the dimensional merge will save him.
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>>57718 Thats the face of a winner right there. Shes truly as smug as she can get. What are the police, the law and jail gonna do? Unbust those 6 months of nut she put into her(his) mom?
>>57724 You can't unrape her, and such. I'll be in your dreams.
>>57724 Truly Chad as fuck. Send him to a nursing home, I say. Old hags need love too. His octopus deception plan worked perfectly.
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>>57639 >"Sonichu vs. The Commonwealth of Virginia"
>>57724 >>57723 He's already won.
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>>57729 Euronymous had it coming even more than Barb.
>>57730 I unironically agree.
>>57730 100% true
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>>57728 Chris did not win. He was trying to warn us, but we turned away.
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>>57729 Varg is a cute. >>57730 Euronymous deserved to die.
>>57733 No. Anon was right. You can't unspooge snorlax crypt anon. He came in that decrepit pussy, which was his own mommas babymaker, at least 10 times. Its over anon. He won.
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>>57732 >>57730 >>57736 >Is Christian Weston Chandler engage degenerate, incestuous relations with his own mother? >Is Christianity to blame for his behavior? >Let's find out... STOP WATCHING PORN STOP NOT HAVING EUROPEAN BABIES I miss his youtube channel, he's a genuinely interesting guy
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>>57717 Just wait for the Chad Comet and his Zeon buddies to put Earth out of its misery with multiple simultaneous colony drops.
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KEK. Chris Chan has been denied bail. Off to jail with him.
>>57740 The county jail saga begins tonight.
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>>57649 Burger society is disconnected from any cultural history older than a few hundred years thus everyone has to grasp onto whatever little scrap of identity they can get. This is why there's a president larping as Irish despite being ~5 generations away from anyone who lived in Ireland or whatever stupid number it is. Then every retard group or subgroup needs to have its own special holiday.
>>57740 Who is even left to pay his bail? He's fucked up too badly on this one. He has nobody left to help him and it's all his fault.
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If someone would have told me 10 years ago that Chris would eventually go to jail for fucking his own mom. I probably would have told you I believe it
>>57745 It's the sort of thing that's obvious in hindsight, but you never quite believe that he'd actually do it.
>>57745 >>57746 Honestly I would have figured that it happened years ago. You don't reckon that Barb diddled him when he was a kid and that's what fucked him up?
>>57747 That's definitely a possibility, if not her then someone else. There is that story of him getting pinned to the floor by the staff at an elementary school and the principle putting him on his lap or something and saying "uncomfortable" things to him.
>>57747 Would explain his behavior today.
>>57747 If she had I think Bob would have cut her down alongside the internet honestly.
>>57744 There was speculation Ralph would have bailed him out to interview him on stream, not gonna lie I was hoping to see it despite Ralph being a retard and his stream being shit.
>>57633 I'm a coinflip at this point as to whether I even want there to be future generations.
>>57747 It's certainly possible, but I think if that was the case it would have been fairly apparent over the years. Barb certainly fucked Chris up, but she did by being a enabling, parasitic, co-dependent bitch
>>57753 (checked) I'm not sure if you've ever known anyone that's been diddled as a kid, but most people really bottle that shit up and show no discernible signs of it having been done until it finally comes out... Is what I was going to say, but now that I think about it Chris tells the internet fucking everything, I'm sure he'd recount a story of his mom doing some fucked up sex shit to him complete with showing us on one of his many dolls where he was touched.
>>57754 It's really over for him, isn't it?
>>57756 It was over for him before it started.
Why is the troglodyte still alive? Why not put it out of its misery?
>>57756 Consider this. DSP outlived Chris Chan.
>>57759 DSP also defrauded like ~300 grand out of 14 credit cards in unsecured debt that he just walked away from honking and snorting like a swaggering goosepig.
>>57760 It was kind of impressive. If he didn't waste all of it on WWE gacha shit, I actually would have been glad that he got away with it.
>>57757 I didn't expect it to end like this. I thought that Barbara would die and he'd at least be homeless for a while before expiring. What even is this shit?
>>57762 He is a motherfucker
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>>57707 Who would play Chris-Chan in the movie? Kevin Spacey is getting a bit too old for the role, despite his vast experience with sexual abuse.
>>57764 You'd need a full series, with a different actor per season. Every season ends the same way, a fat, unwashed, questionably man, lying in a bed of shit, with the covers over his head.
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Next comes chris salvation ark where he proves that having sex with your mom is cool as long as your trans Chris then will also get a couple gfs and have alot of fun Id honestly probably have sex with christina myself just for you know the expirence of getting to be part of a living legends life
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>>57766 >ark It's arc
>>57718 looks a bit like gaben
>>57768 more worried about fugging christiana chan tbh only issue is the smell
>>57770 If your trying to make up a feminine version of Chris' name, then know he accomplished that himself. He legally changed his name to Christine sonichu years ago.
>>57771 I'm way behind on the lore like at least a couple years. Reading through this thread it seems like things have gotten insanely worse. With just a little bit of encouragement I guess thats what can happen. I just never honestly pictured this kind of evil enterting the chris saga.
>>57772 Megan did. A log did. But yeah there's little you can do to make fun on him that he doesn't already do to himself.
>>57772 >I'm way behind on the lore like at least a couple years. The important thing to remember is that the Jesuits are probably behind all of it. Chris's fame was his shield, his detractors and trolls secretly his guardians - but it seems the forces of evil have found a way to defame and remove him so that the harvest may continue as planned and unnoticed. Don't be surprised if he "dies" in prison within a year of sentencing. The timetable is getting tight.
>>57616 >Historic arrest and Ralph and his butt buddies can't help but to bitch about fucking Josh Moon Anyway, thread theme I guess.
>>57768 No I think it really is ark, as in somebody better build an ark and they better make it flame retardant cause God's gonna use fire this time.
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>>57759 DSP is going to outlive everyone. Like the proverbial cockroach after the nuclear bomb.
>>57777 DSP is odd as he is able to be more self aware then 90% of his peers yet is still a moron.
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>>57776 Just give me a nuclear Holocaust already. At least I'll be comfy while dying of radiation poison. >>57778 DSP has been doing it for attention for quite some time now
>>57633 Source for that picture.
>>57781 Ain't that the truth.
>>57301 You don't know what an alog is. An alog would never give Chris money. They're people who hate him instead of just laughing at him. No anon, you are the alog. >>57309 At one point there was a human being named Christian Weston Chandler. No, the human was named Christopher. The Bear cursed him with autism, and thus changed his name to Christian. >>57322 Frankly, it's shocking that the defense never showed the court the cwcki in Chris's previous cases. It's shocking that nothing has ever been done to protect the only person in history who has truly been a victim of cyberbullying, to the degree that it has obviously broken his brain. He is the most gangstalked person in history, and it's all documented. All the things that crazy people say are happening to them are Chris's every day life, and they have been for over a decade, and the fact that society doesn't care and just lets it happen is the most compelling proof of their hypocrisy. >>57329 Josh and others have posited the idea that Barb may be faking or exaggerating it to get more money. It's not like she wasn't known to do fucked up and underhanded things in the past. >>57404 The trolling isn't what made Chris this way. He was raised wrong from the start, and decades of that then compounded with trannies deliberately trying to make him crazier. Clyde Cash, Liquid Chris, even Bluespike and The Man In the Pickle Suit, all of their antics rolled off him like water off a duck's back, but then the trannies started telling him everything he wrote was real, they started not just indulging his fantasies, but shaping them, and look where it got him. He is the perfect microcosm of society. The "trolling" that people care about doesn't matter, but people overlook the things that do matter. With any hope this will help turn more people against trannies and slow the slide at least a little bit. >>57417 Barb forced her to spoon him and massage her asshole, under threats of killing herself. The internet didn't do it, Barb did. There is a significant chance she was the one doing the raping, to her retarded son. Trannies who were interacting with him in real life also didn't help. >>57456 Chris Chan is by far the most well documented person in history. While I wish he could just be forgotten, his story sincerely has an incredible amount to teach us, if only because of the amount of detail we have. >>57547 He has a point that many people who clearly don't know anything about the situation are pretending they know anything only now. But this board features less of that, considering /v/ is the board that discovered him. >>57605 Chris Chan hasn't been funny since his dad died. Ever since people started messing with him in real life, and he paid thousands of dollars in protection money to some autists on the internet who told him that they were going to blow up Cwcville with a laser on the moon, he's just been sad. I mean that one event was pretty funny, but also very sad, and it only got worse since. This is no longer just some guy humping his PS3 or putting his magical medallion up his butt. This went too far when people started meeting him in real life so as to manipulate him even harder. A few met him back in the day but never actually manipulated him to do things by using their IRL connections. It was funny when he was so retarded that he thought a guy making parody videos of him was trying to steal his identity. But what's been happening the last few years is not at all the same.
>>57685 Chris raped his mom under Jewsh's watch. Guess.
>>57783 >Barb forced her to spoon him and massage her asshole, under threats of killing herself. Ah well thanks for that image.
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>>57783 >You don't know what an alog is. An alog would never give Chris money. They're people who hate him instead of just laughing at him. No anon, you are the alog.
>>57783 >Barb forced her to spoon him and massage her asshole, under threats of killing herself. Sauce on this?
>>57788 I'm sure it's on the CWCki
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>>57764 >Who would play Chris-Chan in the movie? Seth Rogan
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>>57639 Is there some way we can get Coldsteel in as his legal counsel? >"Your honor, my client would like to plead 'Nothing Personnel.'"
>>57639 Wait, did he actually get the name change filed out on his license or anything? Because otherwise I think Sonichu sounds like a pseudonym more than anything.
>>57730 Euronymous was commie closeted faggot piece of shit. He deserved to die. >>57738 Varg's channel getting shoah'd was a huge loss. Some of his videos were reuploaded by some other people and i think he had a channel on Bitchute.
Hi /tv/
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>>57623 Nice.
>>57792 The US generally is pretty open about renaming yourself however you please. Anything that'd be considered outright offensive may or may not be considered (say, Niggerkiller 1488), but anything beyond that is fair game. That's how you get ghetto names.
>>57729 I would fuck varg no homo
>>57798 >the website with toddlercon and zoophilia boards is obsessing over a guy fucking his mom I just realized why so many are obsessed over chris he makes them feel less shitty about themselves.
>>57799 2/10, made me reply.
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>>57508 I think that why I and so many other people hate him so much. He's this disgusting morally bankrupt creature of pure cringe and hedonism, literally unlikable to anything that breathes, yet if youre a millennial you can probably see yourself in him a little bit. I personally still hold on to a tiny bit of hope from my childhood that I'm actually some sort of chosen one and end up with superpowers or some shit. So every time I read "merging of dimensions" I want to die.
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>>57801 You may have a point, Paul Blart arrested Chris so the merge may be real.
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>>57802 Wait is paul blart a part of CWC's imaginary cannon lol?!
>>57803 No, the canon goes every fictional world that exists will smash together and I think 60% of the existing will will die, and everyone's OCs will be real too, or some crazy shit, but that motherfucker does look like Kevin James, don't he?
>>57616 At first I was annoyed by the faggot making the video but; >Sonichu mentioned >Josh mentioned >He had a fucking MLP figure on him >He believes the dimensional merge is happening All GOLD!
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>>57633 Chris Chan in the fucking (Virginia?) Supreme Court would be one of the funniest things imaginable.
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>>57639 LMAO
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>>57717 >Anon duke nukem and the emperor of mankind are gonna be high fiving doom guy in hell Awesome.
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>>57656 Very niceu!
>>57639 Some lawyer in 2030 is going to have cite Sonichu vs United States on the right of a daughter to rape her mother O SAY CAN YOU SEE... The US was a mistake
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Woah look at him go!
>>57758 To provide as an example.
CWC better come out of prison with a huge prison tattoo of Sonichu on his back
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>>57806 Lol, we should let the trannys know so get can make this fire rise even more
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>>57813 Wow, this really is' CWC 9/11.
Should we start a new thread? Is the bump-limit of this board 500 posts?
>>57816 Hol' up how does getting busted by the cops counts as cheating death twice?
>>57676 >>57679 Actually there's tremendous potential here. Can you imagine if the SCOTUS is forced to hard rule that only biological sex matters in the eyes of the law? Suddenly all the muh pronouns muh nonbinary shit the kikes are pushing gets nuked nationwide, everywhere. Chris's autism might literally save us from this plague.
>>57821 You guys are running with nothing. Everything used to be written with an assumed masculine sense. The law applies equally to men and women regardless. No SC needed.
What are the odds that Chris-chan will start drawing Sonichu comics again in prison and trade them to inmates for contraband?
>>57813 Who the fuck was searching him in 2004?
>>57824 Chris Chan is an actual name combination. I remember seeing there's several Chris Chans in the US.
>>57820 He died once as Christopher when the godbear burned away the innocence of childhood and returned again as Christian.
He's gonna get fucking killed in prison, is he? Also, is he going into a male or female jail?
>>57828 Virginia sends you to the prison of your birth sex whatever. Already been a prominent case.
>>57827 Is the reason all of this is happening because the godbear has forsaken Chris-Chan?
>>57828 I'm just trying to figure out which one he'd be more fucked at. You'd think female prison would be preferable since, you know, he'd be surrounded by chicks but female inmates are seriously fucking sadistic and violent. They'd probably do some really sick shit like shove sharpened toothbrushes up his asshole just to blow off steam. >inb4 huh huh >getting beaten up by a girl Chris is weak as fuck. He can barely lift soda cases and he considers pulling weeds hard work. A six year old girl could beat his ass.
>>57783 >All the things that crazy people say are happening to them are Chris's every day life, and they have been for over a decade, and the fact that society doesn't care and just lets it happen is the most compelling proof of their hypocrisy. Nobody likes to help ugly people, anon. You must have good genes in order for people to even care about you in the first place.
>>57830 It was Chris-Chan who abandoned the godbear. When Chris-Chan left the true and honest name the godbear gave him behind, he also left the godbear behind.
>>57828 >>57832 >Nobody likes to help ugly people, anon. You must have good genes in order for people to even care about you in the first place. Tell that to Danny Devito
>>57834 Davito had a specific talent. A quality that is at least some very specific way made his superior to other. What the fuck can you say about Chris?
>>57822 t. trembling with fear tranny.
>>57834 >A freakish deformed abomination was pushed by the jewish movie industry. As I said, nobody (that is, actual human beings) likes to help ugly people. Only other abominations do, to push their agenda.
If Chris gets into female prison I'm going to crime so hard and give out dick for ramen.
>>57705 >It'd be kinda cool actually. Like ToonTown in Roger Rabbit but on acid. No, it will be more like fleeing for your life from some autist's super-pregnant MLP OC who wants to anally vore you, only to walk straight into into a diaper orgy of care bears, or some other fucked up shit like that. >>57804 >No, the canon goes every fictional world that exists will smash together and I think 60% of the existing will will die They will be the lucky ones.
>>57194 Was all this just a ploy to divert people's attention from the death of Blizzard?
>>57840 Two things can happen at once niggerpill
>>57713 >>57718 >>57769 Yeah, he looks like crestfallen Gaben.
>>57633 >Virginia's incest statute doesn't apply to mother/daughter incest What about it's statute for RAPE?
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>>57824 Asian Americans I'd guess. >>57839 So Re;Creators but infinitely worse or better depending on QPU alignment.
>>57843 I assume he's being tried for both, so the former is still relevant.
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I kind of want to read his old Sonichu comics and just watch his old Captain's logs wishing for better times, this is just asinine. I'd even settle if he kept doing comics on the regular as they still all take place in the early 00s, but no we can't have nice things, he has to screw his mom. *stress sighs*
>>57841 t. Blizzard shill.
>>57821 Don't get your hopes up.
>>57835 He's got a unique dick
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Dumping some shit before this thread completely dies.
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yeah this is actually all i got left, wish there was more but there probably is out there.
>>57850 These AIs are getting out of hand.
This get posted? Ran into it on jewtube. I agree with his sentiments on Josh.
>>57851 >>57850 Reminder Chris-Chan most likely be put in women prison because (((America))) and will probably Raped multiple women which the guards will cover up cause transgenderism.
>>57853 >>57850 Chris-Chan going to become tranny George Floyd isn’t he?
>>57855 I'm pretty sure it was settled that Virginia charges based on birth sex and not gender. They could possibly still try to get him freed or something maybe.
>>57854 It sounds like you're implying the American prison system is somehow favorable to anyone. Compared to most of the western world the American prison system is fucking brutal and horrific. Even if he was put into a femoid prison his life would still probably be fucking miserable and he may get assaulted. American prisons are about the farthest possible thing you can get from progressivism, to the point where I think just about anyone should be able to agree that they should probably see some reform.
>>57857 >It sounds like you're implying the American prison system is somehow favorable to anyone. Sex offenders, trannies, and fags have more protections in prisons than kids do at school. American prisons were woke long before the American public schools.
>>57859 >Being protected from being murdered by your fellow prisoners seems like a pretty low bar to set for prisons to be "woke" >Child predators more protected than actual children >Not woke
>>57858 >Sex offenders, trannies, and fags have more protections in prisons than kids do at school That's the dumbest comparison I've heard in a long time. Of course pedos and other sex offenders get more protection in prison. It's fucking prison. If they need protective custody because of other inmates trying to rape them and shit they just jam them in solitary confinement cell for the duration of their sentence (not a fun time from what I've heard by the way). You can't keep kids under surveillance 24/7 and you can't just lock them up in a tiny room until they turn 18 because that'd be illegal and unethical.
Does Chris have any cats left or did they all die?
After reading back up on Barb herself I'm not at all surprised Chris eventually turned out the way he did. I can't feel bad for either of them, they're both terrible people getting what they deserve.
>>57824 Maybe people who read about him in Nintendo Power, when he submitted the first let's play ever. >>57849 He claims that he got it fixed, somehow. >>57854 >implying Chris Chan has the physical strength to commit actual classic rape and not the technicality kind that people are accusing him of now He'd be going to prison with actual criminals. Hardcore criminals, too, since females don't get sent to prison unless they did some serious shit. He'd be likely to get shanked. >>57861 >Protecting a pedophile in prison is a lot simpler than protecting children out in the world. Well it's a good thing the conversation never said anything about protecting children "out in the world," and was specifically about at school. >>57862 >ou can't keep kids under surveillance 24/7 and you can't just lock them up in a tiny room until they turn 18 because that'd be illegal and unethical. What do you think school is?
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>>57639 OH GOD Also are we doing a part 2 of this thread or is that, that.
Good for him
Reminder Virginia law doesn’t consider mother and daughter sexual relationships as incest Virginia law would be lucky to charge Chris-Chan with rape. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3eldxDUbXXeJ/
>>57868 I was watching the Rekieta Law stream about it and he pulled up the statute, and it clearly talked about father/mother and son/daughter. It didn't leave out daughter or mother. Don't have time to watch that nine minute video you're posting, but I don't get where people are getting the idea that mothers or daughters are exempt.
>>57869 >>57868 The whole issue comes from the incest law reading "his daughter or granddaughter, son or grandson, or father or mother" However, the Virginia legal code defines Gender as "A word used in the masculine includes the feminine and neuter." Meaning that the "his" in the law that defines incest is used in the traditonal English of male pronouns being the default. So no, Chris cannot use his tranny shit to get out of this.
>>57863 Yeah. What about the kittys? The kitty wittys? The witty kitty bitties? The witty bitty kitty fluffballs? The witty bitty kitties? I'm talking about those dammed kitties. What about those danmed cats?
>>57866 I might make a thread later if nobody else does.
>>57870 Yeah, even I was still taught this in school for grammar lessons.
do they need forensic evidence? or will chris just confess? can barb even testify / be deposed? an interesting outcome will be an evalution of barb's mental state, i.e. whether or not she's faking it for shekels or actually mentally gone.
>>57874 Most domestic abuse cases don't go anywhere because the victim doesn't care to press charges. Which is probably why they're trying to charge him on incest rather than rape.
>>57874 >>57875 It's normal to add charges after the initial arrest. They had enough for the arrest with just the insest. Rape etc probably depends on how lucid Barb is. Heck if it was consensual and if she's cognizant enough she might say Chris raped her to avoid an incest charge herself.
>>57874 >>57876 Will they use a rape kit on Barb?
>>57877 Barb could refuse the rape kit if she's mentally capable of doing so. If she is not or is deemed not capable, a social worker with power of attorney will be assigned who will more than likely approve the rape kit. From my understanding, the rape kit will be more of a formality. The more damning evidence will come from examining Barb's china for damage. Which given Chris' duck and his poor understanding of sex is probably pretty bad with Barb's age.
The warped world of Trans YouTube star and comic creator who considered herself a 'goddess' after her arrest for incest after 'raping her 79-year-old dementia sufferer mother' >Sunday on a felony incest count for allegedly raping her elderly mother who has dementia She gained notoriety over the years as 'Chris Chan' for her web comic, Sonichu and Rosechu, which was spread over 4chan >She now has 27,000 followers on Twitter and 50,000 subscribers on YouTube >Chandler has previously become controversial for cartoon porn she made and a video in which she held up a gun to the computer and threatened internet trolls In October 2011, she and her mother, Barbara, were arrested after Barbara hit a manager of a game center with her car >And in 2014 she was arrested for spraying a GameStop employee with mace after he reportedly told her to leave She faced a 180-day suspended jail sentence Her most recent arrest comes after audio emerged in which she reportedly tells a friend she has been regularly having sex with her mother >A transgender YouTube star and comic creator who considers herself a 'goddess' had been embroiled in a series of controversies before being arrested over the weekend for allegedly raping her elderly mother. >Christine Weston Chandler, 39, who is better known online as 'Chris Chan,' has gained fame as the founder of the Sonichu and Rosechu web comic books that take place in her CWCville. >The main character, Sonichu, is a mix of Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog that is modeled after her standing her ground against witches, evil cops and internet trolls, with its love interest, Rosechu. >The series gained notoriety among 4Chan users in the early 2000s, and Chandler has since garnered an internet following, with 27,000 followers on Twitter and 50,000 subscribers on YouTube. >I am Mrs. Christine W. Chandler Sonichu, Goddess of the Nations of CWCville, Comma and the Commodore Consoles, and the creator of Sonichu and Rosechu,' her twitter bio reads. >She has frequently featured her mother, Barbara Chandler, on her social media, and on Sunday she was booked into the Henrico County Jail in Virginia on a felony count of incest - which is punishable by up to 12 years in prison. >She was transferred on Monday to Greene County, where the sheriff's office issued a statement confirming her arrest. >Video recorded by alt-right podcaster Ethan Ralph purports to show Chandler being arrested at a motel in Richmond, Virginia, on Sunday https://archive.ph/mNcNn Journalists more upset about conservatives misgendering Chris-Chan than him raping his mom.
>>57870 >Chris cannot use his tranny shit to get out of this. Have you seen twitter and journalists damage controlling Chris-Chan? He probably will get Silicon Valley support and democrats support by becoming the tranny George Floyd.
>>57871 Around 2018-19 CWC threads on 8/cow/ were primarily concerned with Chris adopting random kittens which would then die or disappear after some time, this practice continued after the Idea Guys planted the whole Dimensional Merge into Chris' head. I didn't check on him after 8chan died as julayworld's /cow/ was a lolcow in itself and not terrible suitable for the sort of discussions that were going on in 8/cow/, though from glancing at the CWCki there's nothing to indicate he stopped s-surely he didn't practice on his cats before going for Barb, r-right?
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>>57881 >spoiler Jesus Christ come on man, I didn't need to be even more bummed out if this were a year ago I'd tell you "No." right now he probably did or at the very least was very neglectful to them, I hope he was neglectful to them at worst.

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