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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Dragon's Symphony Edition Anonymous 10/08/2021 (Fri) 03:47:33 Id: d1dcf8 No. 83192
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Kotaku: "Sega Changes PSO2 Name To Something Less Borderline Racist" https://archive.is/XwXUd >Guilty Gear Strive censors mention of Taiwan and other countries https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Factorio developer attacked by SJWs after he refuses to denounce man whose programming advice he linked and denounces cancel culture https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/20/attempts-to-cancel-factorio-dev-backfire-players-and-positive-reviews-swell/ https://archive.fo/S9SyH >Voice Actress Ai Kayano's lines removed from Azur Lane and Arknights after Chinese people object to her visiting Yasukuni Shrine https://nichegamer.com/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well.
[Expand Post]http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: http://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>>436653 I don't want to lose my ability to play vidya during chaos either, but I'd still do it if it were my call. Some shit's bigger than me and my comfort, and besides it's not as though the west's industry has made much for value anyway.
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Benis Quest
>another thread OP about a dead japanese guy Man, nips are dropping like flies lately.
>>83196 To be fair, this guy was 90 during a pandemic that's actually deadly to japanese people. Though even a cold can kill japanese.
>>83196 The coof was the purger of boomers. Unfortunately, that includes the nip boomers who are innocent.
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Arigato, baker,
>>83198 No one is innocent
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U.S. troops rotating into Taiwan for training -sources WT probably butthurted as usual https://archive.is/mPB8L
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Why does NiggerERA hate this poor man so much that even in death they celebrate?
>>83206 They're the souls climbing the spider's thread, pulling people back to their pit.
>>83206 They lack any inner voice (soul) to tell them whats wrong.
>>83205 They have been doing that for over a year. >>83206 Because he was a proud nationalist who denied Japan's war crimes.
>>83206 Who knows why do niggers do the things they do?
>>83210 Because they have no restraint on their violent urges and a limited ability to comprehend consequences, so when they get the urge to, say, use another nigger dying as an excuse to burn down an entire city and loot the stores for free shit, they do it without hesitation because they only focus on the benefits and think they won't be punished. Hence "I DINDU NUFFIN". If the leftists who control our governments didn't punish attempts to discipline these monkeys with throwing you into prison deathtraps full of them, they'd have learned the hard way by now and settled down. But alas.
>>83209 >Because he was a proud nationalist who denied Japan's war crimes. Nearly every old nip does this and even fucking Miyazaki who is considered left leaning still downplays a fuck ton and still hates Western Taiwan and Korea.
>>83206 He was "homophobic" apparently. Even though all he said was that gays shouldn't talk about gay sex in public. Also, he was very patriotic. He didn't think it was wrong for Japan to side with Nazi Germany during WW2. Mind you. JK Rowling (Harry Potter author) was a huge sjw for years. She was one of the biggest mouthpieces for the Left™. But despite her years of pushing lefty agendas, they still threw her under the bus once they found out she was "transphobic". I'm just bringing this up because RetardEra will even sacrifice lifelong lefties for committing One transgression. So you can imagine the hatred and disdain they have towards boomers who don't like homosexuality.
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>>83201 >No one is innocent What about Pope Innocent?
>>83206 Didn't believe in the Nanking/comfort womyn meme, also didn't think highly of faggots. Oh, something midi soundtracks in DQ games even though they're symphonic versions. The same faggots always love to lump that in next his "transgressions"
>>83213 >once we got rid of everybody that didn’t comply, we had full compliance
>>83213 >just fire your employees! >sure you just lost a huge chunk of your workforce, but now look at that vaccination rate! Just to clarify their stated position, are they firing unvaccinated fags due to the danger the virus is to said unvaccinated fags or due to the danger of the unvaccinated spreading it? Because if it is the latter, I thought the shot didn't prevent people from getting sick and spreading it still. >>83214 (checked) I really hate people trying to judge others for shit that happened a lifetime ago. Doubly so when they go looking at their actions with modern perspectives that are completely unrealistic/unreasonable for the time.
you might not be aware of this, but cinemassacre/avgn is still somehow going. if you have been following either for any amount of time over the last few years, you would know that james lost all passion for his projects, however, and is just doing it for the paycheck. there is a pretty big controversy with him right now, supposedly all of his recent monster madness reviews were plagiarizing all of their content, with one video being taken from some article, word for word. james literally cannot be arsed to do anything but read what's given to him, at this point this is probably the end of james and his "career", if you want to call it that, what's left of his fanbase are already tired and fractured as is, he's likely gonna start only getting negative attention now, like with DSP or wings of redemption. don't think this is big enough for it's own thread, but I might as well make a little post about it here, AVGN used to be a big part of early internet vidya culture over a decade ago and someone might care
video didn't go thru, I'm guessing something is broken again
>>83220 Sure you uploaded it to begin with?
>>83218 >I thought the shot didn't prevent people from getting sick and spreading it still. Thats true. The only thing the clot shot does is increases your chance of dying, maim you, and gives you nano-machines and it makes you infertile.
Meant to make this one earlier, but the last one hung around at 600 for most of the day and near the end of it I had to take care of family related problems. The OP was edited last time with a link to Operation Download and Conquer: >>>/t/5546 As well as linking to the rest of the site's boards and merging Our Life Our Hometown under Operation Trajan
>>83219 Archives?
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>>83218 >are they firing unvaccinated fags due to the danger the virus is to said unvaccinated fags or due to the danger of the unvaccinated spreading it? Neither. They're firing them for non-compliance. Most people don't question the logic, with a simple "virus bad, vaccine good" mentality. Some still think the hospitals will be over-run, despite hospitalizations being down to under 5%, mostly for the follow-up pneumonia. Some are still dumb enough to believe that the virus can be contained. Some are afraid of the virus mutating into a more deadly strain, despite that being completely the opposite direction of the evolutionary landscape for this type of virus. There are several real reasons why they want vaccinations for everyone. Namely because if everyone is vaccinated, then there are no control groups for potential litigation down the road. Yes, they are guaranteed immunity from prosecution, but if shit hits the fan too hard - accountability will demand action... and the further you are from the event when problems crop up, the more weight that present day problems caused by the vaccines will outweight risks that have long since passed. Secondarily, when the virus inevitably does evolve to become no more deadly than the common cold, they can claim the virus was defeated by vaccination - thanks to the guidance of your wise and benevolent medical/tech/gov't overlords - and dumb people will believe them.
>>83225 >Some are still dumb enough to believe that the virus can be contained. Unless they plan instituting a mass purge of all mammalian wildlife then there ain't no fucking way.
>>83224 video: Did James Rolfe Plagiarize His 28 Days Later review? https://youtu.be/w4zK1jiOx-U video: James Rolfe apologizes for the plagiarism https://youtu.be/WNSWNLmiAzc article: The Cinemassacre Monster Plagiarism Scandal https://archive.is/H9wDv
>>83226 Why contain it?
>>83227 >>83219 Maybe he did it on purpose so he can finally let AVGN die and go on to other things that he would actually enjoy.
>>83224 https://archive.md/oHoPV https://archive.vn/WoIbI https://archive.md/XIGlw Honestly, I'm just browsing the kiwi farms thread, it's surreal to think that James is now well on his way to being a lolcow. It makes me think back to how he broke off his relations with bootsy and the guitar guy It seems James is also going thru a mid life crisis and is playing guitar for a "video game themed band" called "Rex Viper". Weird that he supposedly doesn't enjoy video games/movies anymore, but he decided to do this >>83221 it's a fitting 10mb webm, can't really be arsed to look for source atm, but it definitely isn't going thru
>>83231 >Weird that he supposedly doesn't enjoy video games/movies anymore, but he decided to do this He probably enjoys them but he never intended it to become a fulltime job and because it has it's sucked all the fun out of everything.
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>>83220 >>83221 >>83231 So I've been looking into these odd mini-outages and it doesn't seem to be us. Server looks good, software looks good apart from an unrelated bug that Codexx fixed in the captcha bypass. It seems that the routing fuckery that took out Cuckbook and others has had knock-on effects around the web. If you're connecting to 8chan and some of your packets get routed through one of the unstable routes it results in failed captchas, failed uploads, and failed websockets. I'm keeping an eye on it, but I think we just have to ride it out.
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>>83231 >James is also going thru a mid life crisis and is playing guitar for a "video game themed band" called "Rex Viper" It's so fucking surreal. I still can't believe this is him. James Rolfe playing guitar: https://youtu.be/B_F44xxCGtM
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Test upload webm.
>>83219 >cinemassacre/avgn is still somehow going And, why should I care when I never watched them in the first place?
>>83233 I wonder if it's that planned blackout that qoomers are all aglow about? Twitter's currently being forced by the courts to reinstate "The Don". My odds are on the website downing itself not too long after reinstating it and then claiming to the press "oops, an employee went rogue!" >>83234 You think that's weird... If you know about Joel on Vinesauce, then you haven't heard his vocals on a Scythelord song yet.
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>>83237 I doubt its anything that big, but I could always be wrong. I myself was having uploads fail last night which got me sniffing around. No DDoS, traffic normal, server resources normal. But running some Traceroutes revealed odd packet drops that just seemed to come and go. It could still be something we could mitigate by tailoring server responses but that requires a bit of brain surgery that really isn't worth the trouble or the slowdown other anons would experience if this turns out to be temporary.
>>83233 Can't wait for the internet to suffer major outages from a cyber attack while China attacks Taiwan.
>>83219 Heard about this, but didn't know how much he ripped. Who cares anyway, his shit hasn't been watchable in over a decade.
>>83240 People like e-drama
>>83237 >Twitter's currently being forced by the courts to reinstate "The Don". Wait, that lawsuit for permabanning Trump is actually doing something?
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Wait, they made another RE movie? And having "people" doing damage control before it even out.
>>83241 I'm not saying I don't, but I can't even care because of how shit his content has been. Hell I was never that big a fan even when AVGN was "good"
>>83237 >Twitter's currently being forced by the courts to reinstate "The Don" Not "currently". The lawsuit still hasn't been brought to courts and the case hasn't been decided yet. He's suing Twitter to unban him, and he's also suing Youtube/Google to unban him as well. It'd be interesting to see how this plays out. Although private companies can normally ban whoever they want, the First Amendment is very protective when it comes to political speech. If you ban a politician (especially a former president. especially a potential candidate for the 2024 presidency) to prevent his political speech, the courts may view this as an infringement of his free speech. If Twitter or Youtube lawyers try to say it's to prevent him from spreading "insurrectionist" speech, their argument doesn't hold water. Trump's second impeachment was to decide if Jan 6 was an insurrection he caused, and he was cleared of any wrongdoing. The bogus charges of him being a "traitor" didn't stick. So they're banning him over a proven hoax.
>>83219 Also >early internet vidya culture If you're a faggot millennial/gen-z nigger who didn't start using the internet until 2007.
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>>83239 (checked) >while More likely a massive cyber attack wave would start about a few days before war starts. They would cripple telecommunications as a whole (as they'll definitely hit carriers hardest) and exploit the resulting civilian frustration caused by it. It's the only real advanced warning you'll probably get.
>>83247 yes nigger?
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>>83247 Those are some big nipples.
>>83247 Damn, her areolas are bigger than her face
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>>83247 uf indeed
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>>83247 Does she have a puffy vulva to match those puffy nipples??
Saw in passing about corona virus causing diabetes for some reason or other, so obviously the "vaccine" is most likely the cause. I tried to search for it myself, but I ended up with no results.
>>83255 Video games?
>>83199 You have to go back. >>83205 Isn't America's military too much of a shitfest right now? If so, how will they prep against China if they turn them into retards? >>83212 >Nearly every old nip does this and even fucking Miyazaki who is considered left leaning still downplays a fuck ton It kind of makes sense, because Japan finds being guilt tripping to be stupid and they aren't wrong. Japan never really did kill that many as historians claim.
Twitch, Blizztard/Activision, Soyny all in a great big dumpster fire. It's music to my ears. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=XZctTNwrjHA
>>436842 >How come halfchan has more self-awareness when it comes to global events than this board does? Probably because they have a bigger user base which means more eye's on the news cycle. Why what's the Global Homo up to this time and what does your meme archive about Mukbang shit have to do with anything?
BRAKING NEWS: crossposter faggot using tor being a faggot as usual!!!!!!111
>>436842 Time to go back TORpedo.
>>436842 Why should we care about a shithole infested with astroturfing, normalfaggotry, and glowniggers? What makes you think anyone there has anything insightful to say when they all post like passive aggressive twitter faggots?
436842 you ain't getting this (You), cuckchan slut.
No time to die spoilers >Black Felix Leiter dies the most humiliating emasculating death in the movie >Spectre gets destroyed by new Russian villain Lyutsifer Safin ( Yes bad guy name Lucifer satan ) >Blofeld anti-climactic dies by nanomachines >James bond dies stopping nanomachine bombs after getting positioned by nanomachines >black girl that looks like a man becomes the new 007 <The thing that no one wants to admit is that most people want things to happen to them. We tell each other lies about the fight for free will and independence, but we don't really want that. <We want to be told how to live. People want oblivion and a few of us are born to build it for them, so here I am, their Invisible God, sneaking under their skin... We both eradicate people to make the world a better place. I just want it to be a little tidier. „ <Lyutsifer Safin to Bond about his motives >Lyutsifer Safin (Russian: Люцифер Сафин) is the main antagonist of the 2021 film No Time to Die, the fifth installment of the rebooted James Bond series. He was also mentioned briefly in the previous installment Spectre. >He is a sinister and elusive bioterrorist motivated to take down SPECTRE for the deaths of his family at the orders of Ernst Stavro Blofeld. >He is also the man responsible for a deadly bioweapon called Heracles Virus, a mysterious new virus that toxifies the DNA with biohazardous nanobots, which he intends to globally release and infect millions. >As of currently, Safin is the only villain in the entire 007 franchise to successfully kill James Bond (albeit indirectly), something that the others villains in the past (including Blofeld) have failed to do. https://archive.ph/mJkzy Making anti-white propaganda isn’t enough. Hollywood attacking masculinity it’s self. Black Felix Leiter Didn’t even get a heroic death.
>>83264 It's literally just FOXDIE then?
>>83264 Those maniacs really went and made black (NOT)Bond.
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Also you can spot niggerpill in the torpedo's link.
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>>83264 Already watched it a few days ago. After giving it some time to really digest and formulate my opinion on it, I decided that it's the worst Daniel Craig bond film. Worse than Quantum of Solace. Both are unwatchable messes, but at least Quantum didn't make a Diversity™ nigress become 007 and browbeat me about toxic masculinity.
>>83269 I hope you pirated that shit instead of paying them for it.
>>83270 Of course I did. They didn't get a single cent from me.
>>83269 >and browbeat me about toxic masculinity. You know what drives me up the wall? How the actresses for action movies nowadays are all fridges with a dyke haircut. You want a "strong female character" at least have the decency of casting a hot fitness model or bodybuilder or something instead of a midget with no feminine qualities, no muscle and no charisma.
>>83259 >Global Homo >posts cat boys Looks like they got to you.
>>83264 >>83266 I can't wait for the next Bond 007 movie to fail massively. At least maybe the series then will be allowed to rest in peace and not get further and further pozed.
>>83272 Having healthy and attractive women in your entertainment is a no no, anon. Women might strive to better themselves like men do and we can't have that.
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>>83269 >>83272 >didn't make a Diversity™ nigress become 007 and browbeat me about toxic masculinity. What got me was Felix Leiter died a humiliating death because he stood up against global homo and disobey CIA orders. Almost like they made Felix Leiter a jab at Larry elder.
>>83272 This. Let's have Freya act as a Russian Secret Service operative, and let's beat the next 007 movie.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show
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>>83255 >corona virus causing diabetes Maybe corn syrup is a secret ingredient
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LOL Rocket League is dead now. Serves them right for selling out to the Commies. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ZW_su9Wxiwk
>>83281 >a video from a year ago >wojacks Whoopdie fucking do, anon.
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>>83282 It's news to me, I dropped it the moment word got out that they were even considering selling out to Epic Chinks. Shame too because that shit was fun.
>>83283 rocket league might be one of the few actually innovative games of yesteryear, gameplay wise atleast. But tryhards and "competetive" sucked fun out of it
>>83284 >But tryhards and "competetive" sucked fun out of it How so?
>>83284 >yesteryear
>>83284 I never saw a good reason to hate on Rocket League. I always just felt neutral towards it. It's not like the gaming industry produces many arcadey sports games. So I welcome any alternatives like this "soccer game with cars" instead the boring annual FIFAs and Maddens.
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>>83284 >But tryhards and "competetive" sucked fun out of it Git gud
>>83285 Some of the matches played had people getting way serious in playing. Turning a relaxing match into no fun allowed fight to death, ending too fast. >>83287 True call. arcadey sports games in general are seemingly gone from vidya space. Have you not played it? Maybe not neutral, more like "I'm glad it exists and fun"
>>83284 Reject chink league, embrace molcar (at the 45 second mark) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=w8rYkghO6oE
>>83245 >private companies People seem to be using that word a lot about companies with stock codes. Look up the stock ticker TWTR. It's not public if a ticker symbol's easy to get the value of it's share.
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>>83273 Homo? I don't know what you're talking about. This is a board is for Family Women.
>>83243 What damage control? Ive ignored It since they revealed the cast and made jill a negress, Also they didnt give jill her cute beret or wesker his glases.
>>83292 Yes yes, and my father works at Nintendo.
>>83291 Also I wouldn't consider it "private" if it is integrated into the state apparatus. Sure, Tencent gets a profit for its shareholders, but it being so deeply intertwined with the Chinese government effectively makes it part of it. If you accept contracts from the government and cooperate with them beyond what you are forced at gunpoint to do for them (such as paying taxes), you are part of it. So something like Lockheed Martin is part of the government, whereas some fag having a cop buy some lumber from him is not. Doesn't matter that either side can drop the other at any time they want: neither of them doing it is what counts in the end.
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89 Characters & Not a Single Black Character: The Anti-Blackness of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate https://archive.is/Ll5fl https://archive.is/62u1b This is an old ResetERA thread but regained notoriety once the DLC completed with Sora being the final character. The original author of the thread even edited the post for a final word. Thankfully most on Twitter were mocking it.
>>83296 Donkey Kong is in Smash though
>>83296 >89 characters And aproximately the 25% of them are swordfighters
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>>83264 I guess he finally slit his wrists
>>83296 Aren't you able to choose nigger squids and nigger villagers?
>>83297 Dont compare a cool gorilla to a fucking nigger, you cunt.
>>83301 He's not a gorilla he's a donkey
>>83300 >blacks are considered extensions of white characters, emblematic of privilege
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>>83303 >White character woth the melanin expansion pack
For anyone who still cares about the Vic Mignogna case, according to Rekieta his appeal decision was on Thursday night. He didn't stream anything about it as he's sick but maybe we'll finally know if Vic won or lost.
>>83305 With*
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>>83297 Donkey Kong is white
>>83296 Isn't Dark Link in Ultimate?
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>>83284 nigger it's literally hobosoccer on wheels >>83296 Mr. Game and Watch is black, RacistERA BTFO
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>>83309 also mister gym and witch
>>83296 >video game (((Journalists))) <umm sources? >'just trust me bro, Nintendo is basically the 4th Reich'
>>83312 You don't understand, Marina and Twintelle are hot, therefore attractive to white males, so they don't count.
>>83313 The Horror
>>83297 Donkey Kong have a family he supports, a job and money. He can't be black.
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>>83297 What the fuck has Donkey Kong done to you to insult him so? But lets consider the following. >No black characters outside of alternate costumes. >Super Smash Bros Ultimate outsold the entire SFII series combined. The numbers do not lie. Games sell more when they are not included in them.
>>83314 We joke, but that's probably what some retard on Twitter believes
>>83316 >The numbers do not lie. Games sell more when they are not included in them. That's not true. Deathloop sold millions upon millions of copies and Arkane definitely isn't on life support after yet another bomb.
>>83318 Deathloop has you play AS the black guy, though; you don't have to LOOK at the nigger as you go through it. Big difference.
>>83319 You still play as one and there is the other one that hunts you down.
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>>83296 Firey but mostly peaceful protest on NOJ/NOA HQ when?
>>83319 GTA San Andreas and V lets you play as a nigger though. Granted, every normalfag was going to buy them because it's GTA, but still.
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>>83321 I imagine them trying to loot NoA and then reggie showing up and beating them up like in an anime while his theme plays in the background.
Why did 8chan and all of these bunkers fail?
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>>83324 You can only split the same community up so many times before it's basically dead anon. This is what, the 3rd incarnation of 8/v/ currently?
At Heritage, Pokémon Cards Are the New Bitcoin <The collectors are younger, the payouts are bigger, the collectibles are … nerdier. Dallas-based Heritage Auctions has entered a wild new era. >Since the start of the pandemic, the pop culture collectibles market has been growing at a staggering pace. Sports memorabilia, comic books, movie artifacts, and all manner of ephemera are fetching astronomical prices. >In December 2010, Heritage sold a copy of 1939’s Detective Comics number 27 in 7.0 condition—impressive shape for an eighty-year-old comic book—featuring the first appearance of Batman, for just under half a million dollars. >It was a princely sum for a book with a cover price of ten cents, and last November the same copy sold again for even more—three times more. >The video games category, which barely existed as a market just a few years ago, is now in the midst of an exponential price boom that mirrors cryptocurrency’s: A copy of Nintendo’s 1998 game Super Mario 64, sealed in its original box and graded in 9.4 condition, sold in September 2020 for $5,520. >In January, Heritage sold a copy of that same game for $38,400. In July, it sold another copy, in slightly better condition, for $1.56 million. >On a pleasant, early summer Sunday afternoon, a crowd of two hundred gathered around a stage in a corner of the Grand Ballroom at the Embassy Suites hotel and convention center in Frisco. <They were there for Collect-A-Con, and they were about to watch four men open a box. >Across the ballroom, dealers from around the Metroplex had set up tables in labyrinthine rows to display pop culture treasures. Some women in cosplay outfits and families wandered the convention, but men who appeared to be in their late twenties to early forties made up the bulk of the crowd. >Need a copy of Amazing Spider-Man number 252 in mint condition, or a Dirk Nowitzki rookie card, or a pair of limited-edition Miles Morales Nike Air Jordans? Collect-A-Con was the place. >The box on the stage in the corner of the room held 36 unopened 1999 Pokémon Unlimited Edition “booster packs,” each of which contained eleven random trading cards. The packs had been auctioned off in advance by Dallas-based Heritage Auctions, each going for about $880. >Every pack contained ten ordinary cards and one rare card. That card could be incredibly valuable: a dozen of the packs in each factory-sealed box contained a premium “holo” card, a hard-to-come-by character printed with a shiny foil overlay (material that was cutting-edge in 1999). Depending on which set it’s from and which Pokémon character it depicts, a holo can sell for thousands or more. At an auction in January, a card from the game’s first edition, which depicted the golden dragon Charizard and was graded in perfect 10.0 condition, sold for $300,000. >The most expensive cards from the “Unlimited” edition wouldn’t fetch quite that much, but a lucky buyer could still find himself with a card that would buy him, say, a mid-range sedan. >Or the pack could turn out to be a mere pile of cardboard, worth just a few dollars. “That’s the fun of it,” one of the four men on stage, Joe Maddalena, told me later. >Maddalena is a lifelong collector: when he was twelve years old, he organized the first-ever baseball card show in his home state of Rhode Island. When we met, he had a few days’ stubble, and he was wearing chunky glasses and a polo shirt with the Heritage Auctions logo—he’d recently joined the company as executive vice president. https://archive.ph/Um6Y9
>>83299 Interesting enough he was voicing against casting a black James Bond and woman James Bond after this one. Apparently he even thought the director was gay.
>>83324 8chan died because Cloudflare pulled service after the beaner blaster shot up a texas walmart, fatchan folded because the sad ozzie cunt running it didn't want to trouble his host or some shit, and i forget why original zchan collapsed. Anywhere else probably doesn't matter.
>>83328 I was talking about here as well
'Far Cry 6' Is Creatively and Morally Bankrupt <This isn’t a review of ‘Far Cry 6’ because, honestly, I can’t play this shit anymore. I just can’t do it. > I had made it to a major outpost in the Western expanse of Yara, a Caribbean island that’s a thinly veiled stand-in for Cuba, when I was confronted by a new set of systems and upgrade paths. >Icons flickered on the UI calling me in half a dozen different directions. I needed to collect loot and crafting materials to upgrade the camp to make it easier to collect loot and crafting materials, I could also send lieutenants on errands to gather loot, I could spend time learning about cockfights, pet a cute wheel-chair bound dachshund and unlock a new quest line, or push the main story forward. >It felt like an exhausting chore list. I needed gasoline and metal to construct the buildings. Constructing these buildings would unlock new systems including a cantina where I could trade in fish and animal meat to gain temporary buffs. >If I wanted to make the most of the fish meat, I would first need to use more gasoline and metal to construct the fishing hut to find the best spots. I closed the game. >Over the weekend, I attempted to go back a few times but I never made it past this camp and its list of activities. It’s not worse than past games, it’s very much the same. That’s the problem. >It was fun when I did the first time in Far Cry 3, which came out in 2012. It was a little better but the same when I did it in Far Cry Primal. It was entirely boring and unnecessary when I did it in Far Cry 5. >The fact that Far Cry 6 thinks it can essentially deliver the exact same game a decade later is just depressing. >After a decade of iterations on the same theme, the Far Cry franchise is creatively and morally bankrupt. I’d say the franchise needs an Assassin’s Creed Odyssey-style reboot, but it feels as if there’s little worth saving. >Open world games are supposed to invite the possibility of exploration and discovery. In Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, the game’s various systems collide in fun and surprising ways. >In Ubisoft’s open world sandboxes, and Far Cry 6 is no exception, the fun feels prescribed. If you’ve played an Assassin’s Creed, Ghost Recon, or Far Cry in the last ten years you know how Far Cry 6 will play out. You’ll climb a tower near an outpost, mark various targets within, then kill them. >Then there’s the game’s setting and story. Far Cry has always been self-aware exploitation. A hero jumps into a world they know little about and attempts to save it from a scene-chewing villain. >The games are overtly political and weirdly crass. It’s always been an odd mix of tones, but the balance feels especially bad in Far Cry 6. >The basic setup is that dictator Anton Castillo (played by Giancarlo Esposito) is using slave labor to produce tobacco using a poison gas that turns the tobacco into a cancer treatment. His plan is to use the revolutionary cancer treatment to force the world to recognize the economic importance of Yara. >It’s a fine setup for a video game that wants to play with themes of revolution of colonization, but any coherent message that might be percolating here is quickly undone. >The game’s opening movie is explicit. There are conquistadors, human bondage, and images of colonial oppression. Far Cry 6’s opening hour sets a grim tone as the player watches their friends get murdered by Castillo’s soldiers before fleeing a city in the dead of night. >Then you wash up on a bright beach and recruit a futbol jersey-wearing crocodile named Guapo to your revolutionary cause. >To be fair, I didn’t see enough of the game to know it sticks the landing. But there’s little reason to see it through (Ubisoft, after all, recently equated street protests with terrorists in the marketing for a Tom Clancy mobile game). >I have pushed myself through several Far Cry games now because it always felt as if there were something there, just under the surface that I couldn’t quite reach. >Fighting religious extremists in Montana is an appealing concept that Ubisoft didn’t pull off. So too with all its other Far Cry games. With their big maps, sprawling story, and big themes the series tricks the player into thinking there’s something interesting going on. https://archive.ph/qnHVC
>>83326 >At [auction house], [item] sells for high prices This is a new attempt at the "retro games are selling for millions" scam.
>>83328 >8chan died because Cloudflare pulled service after the beaner blaster shot up a texas walmart The basketball america the news media and journalists stopped talking about when they found out he black?
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>>83329 As long as the site's still up, we're still breathing; we may not be any more important than fuckin' 420chan but we still exist, nigga. That having been said, it was mostly 8chan getting the plug pulled combined with no forethought as to a bunker or rallying point; i only learned about jewboy's fruity rumpus asshole factory because i had /a/'s bunker bookmarked like a year or two beforehand and someone namedropped it there.
>>83332 El Paso, 2019; Patrick Wood Crusius. I hate to be the one to say it but that's a real fuckin' kohlface. Dunno why the media didn't go apeshit with this one, maybe because half the people he shot were illegals.
>>83296 >89 Characters & Not a Single Black Character DK jokes aside, do they actually know of any games with original black protagonists? The only ones to come to mind are Urban Chaos (A forgotten title barely anyone knows about), Marlow Briggs (A forgotten GoW clone that is worth checking out), Martian Gothic: Unification (A RE clone that no one remembers), Contra 4 (So, at most, an alternate skin), GTA:SA (The most likely suspect if any, but they're still be mad as the game is "racist"), L4D (Obvious reasons there), Superstar Dance Club #1 Hits!!! (Briefly forgot that gyarus are not niggers), and Streets of Rage 2. And, that's excluding series like Spawn, Shadowman, and Blade because those characters are from other media.
>>83326 Man I really should have kept collecting Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon cards since I was a kid. I still have some but they're not in perfect condition.
>>83334 >maybe because half the people he shot were illegals. Latinos are now the new face of white supremacy in America. Journalists, Jews and white liberals hate them now. Simpkin the basketball American Texas shooter also targeted Latinos and media ignores him.
>>83333 Its this place and the webring stumbling along like a zombie. What does this place offer over 4chan? Don't say board creation because no one uses it.
>>83338 >What does this place offer over 4chan? Non-cucked vols and board creation
>>83338 Not having the 4chan audience.
>>83323 Reggie retired from Nintendo. Now Bowser's in charge
>>83338 BOARD CREATION YOU STUPID FAGGOT but also 32 meg upload size, sound webms, nobody saying 'based' or 'i kneel'; i'm a lot more pragmatic than some so i'm painfully well aware that we're not special compared to places like kohlchan, but board creation is the big one along with the idea that if you don't like how a board is being run you can make your own, although that seldom gets taken advantage of.
>>437008 >I wonder whatever happened to vch? You're posting on it.
>>437008 vch was owned by king kike and he didn't want to keep paying for upkeep so as soon as 8kun was moderately operational he shut it down to move everyone there. I assume it was just cloudflare shitting itself over a website that wasn't nearly as popular and infiltrated as 4chan eventually became, moot being the ultimate manifold cuckold that he is.
>>437008 >glasses-wearing faggots Just steal their glasses and now they won't be able to shoot up the place as they can no longer aim.
>>83330 >usual suspects media is angry they're slowly losing power and influence over gaming industry
>>437008 >I repeatedly told people to remove /pol/ <Opinion disregarded
>>437017 Oneangrygamer died a while ago.
gamer benis
>>437017 >Is the site's mgmt gone? Where have you been?
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>>83338 Well I can tell you what 4chan offers over this place
>>437022 the turkroach was a nigger that people wanted gone for years and he only got the boot once he went into maximum overnig and caused a lot of trouble for the admin to sort through, came onto /pol/ for answers, then got banned and had his name filtered; imkikey got the boot justly, long overdue some would say, and the only regret is they didnt close /pol/ entirely and force people to make a new board with less drag from turk-approved volfags
>>83352 >turkroach So /intl/ still lurks here. Good to know you're still seething after all these years. I was hoping you all would have gotten arrested for your cp by now. Hopefully some horrible death will befall all you scumbags before this is over. Ron was a cunt using /intl/ imbecility to purge the site so he and Jim could do their Q grift. You got used, dumbshit. You made the Dud a celebrity and now here you are on another 8chan still seething. JUST.
>>437022 Kampfy, is it really you?
>>83353 >only greasy freech niggers can be aware of the hate generated by the faggot that people had been demanding on /site/ for years to be removed >cringe >(1) hi /dup/
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>>83355 >the deadring is not totally meaningless at this point Good joke
Seems to be a lot of goons in this thread.
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>>83331 >>83326 Meanwhile: in 1971.
>>83341 Yeah, but he has to protect the legacy of his friend iwata.
>>83359 I'm talking about fraud and market manipulation, not bidding wars. This is the same shit the exact same company pulled with retro games. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=rvLFEh7V18A
>>437053 Good luck with your one gun against their many.
>>83254 Puffy vulva is a sign of hepatitis.
>>437017 >>437025 Billy seemingly got forced out around fall 2020 if I remember right. He deleted all his social media accounts that were not already banned and vanished off the internet after selling the site to those assholes who hated him and his audience. He hasn't appeared since so I'm assuming part of the agreement in selling included not speaking out anymore at least under the usual accounts, so who knows where he is now. A bunch of people said he was losing money on the site so he sold it, but just as many think it was his "Traitors to America" list (a list of companies selling out to BLM + riots shit) which got a lot of negative SJW attention to his website. The list was also deleted quickly after he left. Fags on KiA said it was due to him losing his mind and snapping all the time in the comments/replies leading him into a crazy death spiral. Moving on to present day, the new people who bought it and are now running it promised to not be shitters and then of course hired people who openly gloated in articles there about Billy getting the boot from his own site. It is trash now as you have seen, so don't bother with it anymore.
>>83364 And now there's nowhere else to go besides here. By the way, it's funny that guys here bitch about imkampfy but there's apparently mods who delete posts and ban arbitrarily still. Totally not hypocrisy there.
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>>83364 I'm just glad he's gone. His obsession with talking about muh fags everywhere was so fucking annoying.
>>83366 Between the pic you posted and what's going on with Western Hemispherian media these days, can you blame him?
>>83367 Yeah, I can. He had a job to do he got increasingly bad at. Also that pic makes me wanna commission this loli or support the artist.
>>83368 >>83366 People like you and the one hosting those “dance lessons” need to have their face smashed in.
>>83219 Also of notice: some of his (now raging former) fans pointed out how him, or some of the fat jews in his "production" team, keeps slipping in anti-white, anti-male and pro-jewish propaganda in quick remarks spread through some of his new videos. Can anyone confirm that?
>>83247 All these years alter and Danielle is STILL best GG girl
>>83371 I wanna bully the potato.
>>83372 >>83371 I want to fuck the fit one.
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>>83296 There's not a single family friendly game where a black character is the hero. Not a single one. The only one most people know is CJ from GTA San Andreas and he's a mass murdering psychopath. Blacks don't make video game and no one who's black wants to make a black protagonist as a happy go lucky kid friendly type because all of them, ALL OF THEM, want to be seen as "cool" and manly at all times, including the women. There's no black Mario-type because they'd be offended of being portrayed as "white". It's their own fucking fault. And you know what? No one cares if a character is black, most people like Sonic or some shit, race is a reality no one wants to fucking care about because it's depressing how much these trivial non-gamer bitches want to push it everywhere for status, power and complainer social credit point bullshit. Bunch of pieces of shit.
>>83374 What about Donkey Kong Country 2
>>83375 Why would you call diddy a nigger you double nigger?
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>>83233 >>83238 >It seems that the routing fuckery that took out Cuckbook and others has had knock-on effects around the web My theory is that the millions of boomers, spics and pajeets that use CloudFlare's DNS ( and visit FB/IG/WP every day accidentally did a DDoS attack by clicking on refresh multiple times to check if their favorite platforms were back already. This unintended flood on CloudFlare's networks caused the sites using it to behave erratically and maybe bork some setting in CloudFlare's end. Speaking of bugs, I found that sometimes inline replies show a non-existing "/undefined/" board along with the post links. That link only seems to appear when I open a reply. >>83290 >they managed to make a video game about a 5min show about hamster-cars who do nothing but eat and cry all day wew >>83325 6th: 8chan > vch > Fatchan (Mark) > 8kun > Fatchan (pastanigger) > 8moe And this is without counting 4chan (the "original") and the other splits (zzz, smug, plw, etc).
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>>83358 Lesbians?
>>83378 It's different because it's incest.
>>83379 >female-on-female is not lesbian
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>>83378 They're not lesbians, it's purely platonic breast sucking.
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>>83376 No reason :^)
>>83378 Its 2d so its ok.
I feel defeated and kinda blackpilled, are there any good news? Reposting because I quoted by mistake.
>>83384 The world keeps spinning, same as ever.
>>83384 EA losing fifa?
>>83384 We're gonna have our own TV series?
>>83386 That's amusing. Why did they lost fifa? >>83385 >>437132 I kinda feel like were just stagnant in a purgatory where everything is crap but not crappy enouth to spark a respose. >>83387 I wish I could have as much fun as most anon have like the SUV episode. It just enrages me because it's like the tranny who shows his dick to children and know he won't be prosecuted.
>>83388 >it's like the tranny who shows his dick to children and know he won't be prosecuted. It's a lot different. One is a criminal offense, the other is a trainwreck in the making everyone will laugh at.
>>83388 >Why did they lost fifa? Check the thread, i didnt look too much into it but i did have my chuckle.
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>>83384 niggerpill's mom still considers him a complete failure of a human, so that is a start ...i guess you could consider that fact that valve is going to provide spare parts(at a prize) for stuff like broken joystiks on their hands-held console is good news for some
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>>83381 Ijiranaide, Vivitoro-san!
>>83384 No matter how hard (((the media))) is trying to make it look bad, China and USA won't have a war over Taiwan. Their current deals are too profitable for both powers to ruin them with a war over a piece of land. If anything, the "war" will continue to be battled in the market, with both countries putting and lifting restrictions, taxes and similar stuff to each other as usual.
>>437068 That is pretty much exactly what the quoted portion says. They took your hobbies and pastimes from you, did you think they wouldn't take your arguments too?
>>83387 >there is a chance that my posts will appear on TV
>>83396 There is also a non-zero chance of a reference to butthole spam or backpack cucking appearing on TV.
>>83394 I actually wanted a war because it would be fun. Anyway, when is the chinese buble going to burst? it has been more than 10 years.
Would it be wise to build a nuclear fallout shelter? Just in case China or Russia ever decide to nuke the USA. I feel like thanks to biden's incompetence, we keep getting closer to world war 3.
>>83396 >>83397 Wasn't there also a movie being filmed? One that isn't directly tied to GG but still "womxn gets harrassed by evil wh*te m*les"?
>>83384 Stay strong, Anon. (((They))) want you to feel hopeless and defeated so you'll be easier cattle. I live in this shit-hole prison colony where every day (((They))) are trying to beat people down mentally and physically but I keep strong because I know if I keep on keeping on, it just pisses (((Them))) off more and more.
>>83399 >Would it be wise to build a nuclear fallout shelter? Just find some abandoned mines in the mountains and hide out there for a month. All you're really avoiding is just the blast, and the radiation is a non-issue as nukes are not designed to operate like that.
>>83384 >are there any good news? Why yes! China will be over soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vue2vtx00no
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>>83384 1d1000 = 828
>>83384 The Left lives in a card house that they are frantically trying to keep from imploding on themselves. No one respects Biden, he's not even in the real White House. Wokeshit is not profitable so it will be phased out soon, why pay for a shitty experience when older, superior content is cheaper or free? Never take the gene therapy poison. The old men will soon die because there is not enough baby blood to go around for their immortality rituals.
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>>83403 With all these constant failures going on in China and now that it's turning out even more so that Chinese media investment was nothing more than smoke and mirrors in terms of worth, how fucked is China from now on? I mean they were fucked before but how much worse is it gonna get?
>>83406 >I mean they were fucked before but how much worse is it gonna get? Much worse, communist countries tend to last until most of the population still lives, or at least is considered technically alive.
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>>83404 >Permanently throw away one video game you own
>>83326 Serious question: who is jewing whom here? In order to participate in these rich people scams you have to be rich already. This is not companies selling overpriced products that easily break to the masses, this is the rich selling limited commodities to other rich people, so the wealth exchange stays at the top. When retards bet on things like beanie babies those toys were still affordable per item, the idiots just bought them in huge quantities, expecting that the individual price would go up. However, these scams already have a very high price per item. I don't see some random asshole paying a million for one sealed NES cartridge.
>>83398 Trust me, a war between the countries that control the majority of the supply and production of the goods used by most of the world isn't as fun as it sounds, specially if you are from one of the many countries whose industries depend on China and/or USA.
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>>83404 That image is cringeworthy.
>>437174 Taiwan numba wan
>>83404 Odd, I've never seen anyone mention burpees with bodyweight routines.
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>>83384 Stay strong anon. Anything bringing you down? Stop caring and keep moving forward, any unnecessary baggage will only weigh you down. Anything else bothering you? Just follow 1st pic related to the best of your ability and you will be sure to come out on top in the end. I believe in you anon and I'm proud of you for making it this far. Were all gonna make it brah.
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>>83414 Contrarianism is not the path. Deciding for oneself is. If to defy helps you eventually decide your own path to carve through these fools, then use it as your training wheels. But always train your mind to be sharp and unfooled, immovable against the tactics of others. Don't fall into contrarianism for it's own sake. Every action you must take is against their goals, and if you have to infiltrate them, you may have to conform to some degree in order to gain the most beneficial position to destroy your enemies. Be a chameleon, a snake, the poison in the well, the killer in silence, planter of germinating seeds, the stagehand that moves the stage. And take em down. There's more then one path to resistance.
>>437191 dude your skin is brown LMAO
>>437155 >>437174 >>437181 And even the lowest nigger is above you.
Are we having a spergout again?
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>>83355 >imkampfy unironically expecting sympathy here It's been a while. As the cool kids would say: drown yourself in semen, learningchode.
>>83418 yep.
Does anyone know how to add Newgrounds properly to img grabber? It doesn't show any results when I search for any artist? I'm trying to download a gallery without having to go through every image.
>>83418 What happened? Did i miss a spergout?
>>83422 Just one of /b/'s avatarfags and 35514a accusing others of being chinks.
>>83423 >35514a accusing others of being chinks. Oh yeah that guy, hes a faggot, ive come across him on other threads and he thinks anyone that disagrees with him is chinese, i wonder if hes a gook or something like that.
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Oh it's THAT guy who copypastes posts, he sure is persistent.
This anime season has to be the worst one in fucking ages, Jesus christ.
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People don't actually post their waifus as avatars, do they? That would be just asking to get your waifu raped, no one would be that stupid, right?
>>83366 >kids pole too! Good God.
>>83427 What makes it so bad? >>83428 I require the context of this image.
>>83427 The new idol show looks okay, there's also Yuuki Yuuna and Taishou Otome Otogibanashi it's cute.
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>>83284 Git gud faggot. You cunts are insufferable. "Waaaaahhhhhh someone else enjoys something and is good at it waaaaaahhhhhh." That's what you sound like.
>>83427 Is it? I've been slacking this season, so I wouldn't know. I haven't been watching any new episodes that aired in the past 3 days. Right now I just finished downloading like 12 episodes that I need to watch today. After this post, I'll be busy for the rest of day. So uhh.. later, guys.
>>83427 I tried that "vampire who dies from anything" anime. Wasn't very funny at all. At least there's that isekai restaurant S2 where nothing really happens but at least the food looks good. So yeah, quite an underwhelming season at a glance so far, at least based on the pitch for each anime. I've only checked out that one episode for the vampire show and dropped it immediately.
>>83364 Billy did nothing wrong. I miss OAG tbh
>>83435 Billy was an alarmist, insufferable faggot that didnt double check his information.
>>83434 I remotely enjoyed Heike Monogatari so far, if you are down for depressing historical shit.
>>83435 I miss him too. Hell, reading oag was a damn guilty pleasure, but at least he kept tabs on shit in the industry.
>>83436 Billy was alarmist only if you're an ethics cuck.
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>>83426 hes easily discernible from his toga(yandere chick from boku no pico academia) avatar-fagging on an unrelated note: what if a tall tophat(pic) but on the sides above the ribbon there is a high refresh(60fps minimum) color e-ink display(other pic) around the hat?
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benis in bagina
>>83427 I tried the "old man assassin gets isekai'd". I liked the fanservice and the action scene but I don't expect much out of it besides some fun action scenes.
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>>83231 So we went from Bella, the psycho glownigger bitch manipulating CWC into allegedly doing his mom to angry video game nigger not really giving a shit anymore and trying new things. If any place is surreal and bizarre, it's fucking Kiwifarm.
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>>83396 remember to post pictures so they always show up in the video preview
Hey do you guys know a mimigabro?
>>83444 Thanks lad.
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>>83442 It pains me that Baki's side manga where Retsu gets Isekai'd isn't going to have an anime adaption. The whole thing is surreal since the author does the same realism approach to analyzing shit like Retsu being outmatched by a Lizardman and he can't do any of the supernatural martial arts yet so his extremely rigid and practiced chinese assassination martial arts that focus on killing regular men are actually nearly useless, putting Retsu in interesting situations where he can't just dominate the opponent. It's actually one of the best Isekai out right now, barely even started, and probably will never get an animation.
>>83449 isnt that just ride-on king?
Question: are there any female leftist feminist that use he/him pronouns? It just occurred to me that I can't think of a single "known" femoid (as in has an actual vagina) use he/him pronouns. I guess they wouldn't, wanting to erase masculinity and all that stuff. >>83449 >Baki sidestory Oh boy, more unnecessary political commentary in my fighting manga, yaaaayyy. >>83444 Is that one any good? Art seems decent.
How many OG 8chan anons are still here? Anyone ever tried to estimate?
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>>83452 No. And who gives a shit, alphabet agencies and kikes aside?
>>83452 That would be literally impossible for anyone who's not a fed tracing IP addresses to prove. Even then the addresses change all the time.
>>437320 I have no clue what a mimigabro is.
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>>83451 In my opinion it makes the manga better because the damn thing is such a fucking shitpost that it wraps around and becomes fucking hilarious. for example Black Man becomes gigachad strong simply to fuck fat white bitch and blast a pirate into a wall multiple times for being Che fucking Guevara, and black man is so offended that someone dare think he is not a free man that he breaks into the biggest maximum security prison and lives there to prove them wrong. And he gets his ass beat by a dude who shadowboxes imaginary giant mantises in his fucking soundproof basement, who makes a child watch and said child is never seen again. It's 4D chess political commentary by a punch drunk retard I just can't hate the sprit because god damn he is trying. He might be a retard but I can't hate him.
>>83455 It's uh one of those little critters from Cave Story
>>83456 Uh-huh. Well, at least you're getting something out of it.
>>83441 >Soundless webm > Less then 3 MB Sure does feel like Cuckchan in here.
>>83448 truly spiffing, although i meant(and seeing you lovely rendition, realize that i didn't get it across as well as i though) that the side of the cylinder(as in all around) would be a screen in it entirety, still 10/10 concept image though, i would install TempleOS on it without hesitation.
>>83457 Gee, thanks at least that narrows it down to someone who like undertale and cave story.
>>83237 Is that the Red Vox guy?
>>83452 is 2013-2014 8/pol/ considered OG? if so then yes, if not then i guess im just another newfag.
>>83462 No thats vinny, the italian new yorker one, joel is the swedish shitposter.
>>83452 A couple years ago I remember there was a strawpoll and the majority of this thread has been here since 2014. I suspect that's still pretty true. I don't think there's a large number of people here who didn't use 8chan before, so the number of "OG 8chan anons" would be roughly similar to the total number of users. The issue is more that we've lost a number of anons to attrition, particularly when 8ch went down and earlier during the persistent DDOS in the first year or so.
>>83452 I wish I knew where everyone went, I really fucking miss the 8chan agdg. The 4chan one is filled with a billion ideaguys and nodevs drowning the devs. I wonder if they all went to various discord servers maybe?
>>83466 they're probably working on gaem
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>>83452 I migrated from 4chon to 8chins, does that count? t. 4chon newfag
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>>83468 Fun fact: 4chon was gonna be the next GamerGate hub, but the admin banned it due to pressure.
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>>83459 I want to feel shota butts.
>>83470 Where did that pressure came from?
>>83473 I don't remember it 20/20 but apparently he couldn't handle the load nor the attention from all the GamerGate refugees.
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>>83452 Anon, we don't have tracking beacons on us, nor do we have some magical form of telepathic communication. Could be three or four, could also be infinite.
>>83472 no, shota butt
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So when is anime becoming real?
>>83470 If you're feeling nostalgic and want to read the threads from the brief stay on 4chon, they're up on the thread repository. (They were originally backed up locally but were uploaded.) Just search for the ones labeled 4chon: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md
Just a reminder that nobody actually remembers Gawker yet Gamergate is still talked about. >>83213 >Fire everyone that isn't vaccinated >Numbers rise from 40% vacinated to 99% >"See! The numbers rose!" That might be the dumbest shit I've ever heard
>>83231 James was never a video game guy, the AVGN is just an obvious parody of Mike if you've ever watched his streams or on James and Mike mondays. It sucks to see him just stop caring like this though.
>>83471 please tell me that image comes from a doujin and the subject in question is female
>>83480 James was a video games guy, he truly did own that big collection you saw in the earlier videos and he was talking mostly about his own experiences with video games like Castlevania. AVGN died when the video games he reviewed stop being about his own experiences and were just him fucking around to make a paycheck.
Governor of California signs bill kinda mandating CRT in schools starting in 2030 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/newsom-signs-ab101-requiring-ethnic-studies-all-california-students https://archive.vn/UnBd7
>>83452 I am assuming 90%? As for GG anons probably I don't know 50%?
>>83469 truly magnificent, thank you.
>>437365 No one cares. Kike.
>>83342 >nobody saying 'based' That's why this site is based?
>>83428 Some do it on purpose though, like Acid.
>>83483 That's not the only thing he is mandating in schools.
>>83456 You got that far? I dropped it when the niggerdick scene happened.
>>83452 I arrived here today. What is this place? Where am I? Who are you? Who am I?
>>83490 >why? because vaccines work! <COVID "vaccines" do not prevent infection or transmission <many who were 2x - 3x jabbed still wound up hospitalized or dead from COVID Yet reality is ignored so the big pharma cash in can continue indefinitely.
>>83482 He owned it because of fan donations and Mike running out to buy up most of the stock from a blockbuster that was shutting down. He played video games but his passion was always movies.
>>83494 He did that video as a kid explaining the difference between the Genesis and the SNES, it's obvious he had a passion for video games as well, it just wasn't as strong as his passion for movies, which he tried making some home movies for (one of which ended up being the Angry Nintendo Nerd, which became AVGN) but they all sucked for the most part and his one chance at moving away from video game shit and doing something he loves (directing) was dashed against the rocks when he made the AVGN movie which was full of cuckoldry and garbage, making an all-around terrible movie. I swear it's even worse than some of Doug's shit.
>>83391 >niggerpill's mom still considers him a complete failure of a human, so that is a start How would you know that? Do you know Niggerpill IRL? Why haven't you taken one for the team so we don't have to deal with him anymore?
>>83497 no, it's just my assumption from pondering if the kind of guy that he constantly shows himself to be is the kind of guy whose mother would tell her friends that he is "an accomplished little man", and the answer that come in my mind is not only a "no", but "couldn't be further from reality", also im a spaniard, and i have gathered from his spergouts that he is either brazilian or turkish, so im not even physically close, sorry.
So AVGN lived long enough to become the villain?
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>>437417 >shitpost that's not from tor for once I'm shocked really.
>>83500 Tor users can sometimes have a regular ID when using the clearnet site instead of the onion. Onion has been fucky for the last couple days, and that's a (1), so it could be a tor user anyways.
>>83499 Read up on the Cheetahmen 2 scam he endorsed briefly
>>83498 Depends on whether you believe the theory of him being ex-/pol/ shitBO ImKampfy or Luciano making his own nemesis.
>>83296 I found the niggeress they could have used for a black representative in Smash: Mavis "Teaches Typing" Beacon Make her a "joke" inclusion, that could be the black counter to Wii Fit Trainer.
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>>83504 >not shasta bootylicious from vigilante 8 on the n64
>>83504 She'd make a fashionable Mii costume.
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Remember when the federal mandate on vaccine mandates was instigated by the POTUS? It turns out it's currently all smoke and mirrors as no mandate has been sent to congress nor were there any legal challenges on it. Meaning it was just a press statements and any company that went along with it could potentially be held liable for any damages from this. https://archive.fo/Red0C
>>83507 I don't think the phrase clown world does this reality justice anymore.
>>83507 >Biden isn't actually mandating vaccines I wonder if they're ever going to actually tell Biden that.
>>83509 Biden can barely remember his own name, what's the point? Just have his tard wrangler tell him mid speech over his earpiece.
>>83330 >far cry was terrible and derivative for YEARS but apparently this is the one to get mad about because I guess ubisoft's ad spend didn't pay off your review this time >meanwhile ubisoft has actually released games with the exact same map twice a few times now because their audience slurps their own shit off cocks and is stupid enough to buy it >even FC2 was mainly annoying chores >saying it is "morally" bankrupt when you don't even understand what that means because you want to have a cool title imagine being so basic that you think you're making a difference by shitting out content like this. This article is literally creatively and morally bankrupt, in that it's a shallow, unoriginal take that is years late and willfully ignorant of the rich history ubisoft has for buying out reviews
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>>83511 >but apparently this is the one to get mad about They got way madder about FarCry 5 too, because they got the red carpet treatment to come check it out and the entire time were lead to believe it'd be a polemic against Trumps America. They were practically leaking soy into their boy panties in anticipation of a game that would let them kill evil drumphers - and then it turned out to be a giant ruse cruise, and the evil cult turned out to be a pretty diverse and progressive organization while the "evil magapedes" ended up just being a bunch of pretty chill middle-americans.
>>83511 >>meanwhile ubisoft has actually released games with the exact same map twice a few times Sauce?
>>83513 Only one i know of is primal and 4 sharing a map, dunno if there are more.
>>83410 >global supply disruption forcing people to adapt or die That sounds pretty fun to me
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>>83513 https://archive.vn/91cAu >Far Cry 4’s map was reused in Primal, and Ubisoft should have embraced it >The guys over at GamePressure noticed that they were walking through familiar territory, and decided to dissect the game’s map, and compare it to the one from Far Cry 4. What they found wasn’t that maps were similar, but that they’re virtually identical
>>83404 >throw away physical games >learn language in Meme-o-longo >10 reps of an exercise anyone who isn't a fag faggot can do Kill yourself faggot
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>>83516 >Get in at the right time and do a mostly competent job >sells well >try again >sells well again >try again >keeps selling >ok, they're still buying it. Let's go full take the piss and just release Skyrim again >sells again Capitalism
>>83518 Capitalism is the good with the bad. Anything else is just the bad with the worse.
>>83404 > 1 lesson > 10 push ups > read 10 pages > Shave and clip your nails > 10 sit ups > Go out Who is this shit made for? >>83518 You forgot GTA V to. The consumer is a retarded creature
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>>83507 But they put it in the budget though.
>>83522 oh, they said they're going to spend money on something? well clearly that means that they will spend that money on the thing they said they're going to spend it on. don't look behind the curtain.
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>>83386 >>83390 >EA losing fifa?
>>437483 spotted the trannie.
>>83523 They're fining companies up to $70,000 if they don't comply, accordingto the bill. OF COURSE they're gonna do it. That's both money and obedience they gain. They want to force the vaccine down everyone's throat, and they're gonna make sure it happens.
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>>83527 Does that include Acid? What about the Coco anon?
>>83528 >Does that include Acid? Yes, Acid is a fucking retard.
>>83529 You're a tornigger though. Your opinion is invalid.
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>>83531 But I like the Coco anon. Occasionally he brings me new Cocos.
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>>83533 capeshit is so cringe.
>>83533 The fuck is this?
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>>83219 >kiwifarmers still trying to cancel people for being popular because they think they shouldn't be I'm going to keep making you losers fucking kill yourselves.
>>83537 It's over, GaymerGays
Toshihiro Nagoshi has left SEGA Yakuza series will be taken over by Masayoshi Yokoyama's team. https://archive.is/tx66H
>>83483 >Governor of California signs bill kinda mandating CRT in schools starting in 2030 >In 230 >This is after hispanic voters kept Texas red and won Florida for trump in the landslide when white Suburban voters turn on trump in both states Democrats and BLM truly fear a Hispanics.
>>83537 Nothing really wrong with wanting to invest in infrastructure. China's infrastructure isn't shit because they invest in it, it's shit because the chinks have had fucking each other over bred into their blood for innumerable generations to the point where they sell their neighbors cardboard labeled as concrete.
>>83539 That dental work is unnerving. Fucker is almost boogie2988 tier.
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>>83537 please happen. PLEASE please happen. I so want to watch our black, feminist, transsexual baby suit wearing military get incinerated.
>>83480 >>83502 >>83499 >So AVGN lived long enough to become the villain? James Rolfe was always a faggot that backstab his best friend in the AVGN movie. Mike matei was the true mastermind running things behind the scene.
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I'm back y'all. After watching 15 episodes of anime, I'm now fully caught up with this anime season. According to my list, I liked around 17 anime shows this season. But truthfully, there's only one I would consider AOTS material: The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat
>>83546 I only read the mango
>>83546 Wouldn't this fit better on smug/a/ or /animu/?
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>>83546 >isekai anything >AOTS I guess this season is THAT shitty. In other news, Rockstar to remove 3 older games from digital store because remastered edition coming soon. https://archive.is/8i5ZK
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>>83481 Is from a manga about a female pedo. That ass belongs to a 5yo girl she's in love with (pic related). Here's a link: https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/oneesan_wa_joshi_shougakusei_ni_kyoumi_ga_arimasu/chapter_39
>>83541 >Nothing really wrong with wanting to invest in infrastructure. But, that's not his job, nor the responsibility of the federal government. That's the issue. The infrastructure across the country is the responsibility of each state's government, each having to deal with their own issues. The infrastructure in California's various climates is going to be far different from Florida's swamp lands, which is far different from Nevada's deserts, which is far different from Colorado's mountains, and so on. It's the unique advantage that the U.S. has over other nations when it comes to governing, every territory is suppose to be autonomous enough that they do not have to rely on the federal government to solve their problems, nor seek approval on how to govern their land. However, a lot of retards do not like this style of government because it means that they're responsible for every level of society, so they've been pushing more and more power onto the federal government, including powers that the feds are not constitutionally allowed to have.
>>83543 Keep in mind, Biden is a liar. If he says that his butt has been wiped, that means it isn't true.
>>83546 >Rui Tsukiyo Wait a minute, isn't this the Healing Rapeman author?
From >>>/co/18364 It's the trailer for the show Murder Drones, a post-apocalyptic show where humanity dies out and gets replaced with robots but also left behind murderous machines named after the title of the show.
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>>83551 Cute
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>>83554 among other things yeah; its almost like writing is a shitload easier than drawing
>>83555 I want to like it but the VA is too quirky xD and overproduced
>>83555 >have interesting visual style >have interesting backing soundtrack >have interesting premise <ruin it with godawful VA <ruin it even harder with dogshit dialog Why is writing humor apparently so difficult? Or do people really like "quirky" characters? Who started this shit? >>83557 Man really likes his harems and big ass titties. S-rank Egil Sama anime when, I want to see people on twitter asshurt that some masculine man is buying up all the premium slave girl pussy and converting them into his lovers through the power of dick
>>83552 >However, a lot of retards do not like this style of government because it means that they're responsible for every level of society, so they've been pushing more and more power onto the federal government, including powers that the feds are not constitutionally allowed to have. Laziness and passing the buck. Has there ever been a society not brought down by these two factors? >>83559 >Why is writing humor apparently so difficult? Or do people really like "quirky" characters? Who started this shit? For at least a full 20 years, the normalfag highlights of humor were Seth Macfarland/Matt Groening shows, quippy capeshit, theater plays led by surly and sarcastic female leads who are "moods" or "literally me", and generally subversive/nihilistic shows like Reddit and Memey. Normalfags who make up the majority of the would-be writers entering this industry, and to whom are catered by executives who have seen the financial successes pull your strings. It's a self-perpetuating problem.
>>83559 not even that, it was the slave princess that crawled all over his cock and then made the others want it by proxy; good boy swordlord was perfectly happy to be chaste until her cocklust could no longer be controlled
>>83559 >Why is writing humor apparently so difficult? Or do people really like "quirky" characters? Who started this shit? A quick theory that I can think of is that's a by-product of modern media being centered around "deconstruction". Due to the fact that everything is based around people "knowing" story tropes, they treat no single part of the story with any part of seriousness as "everyone" is self-aware. To put it another way, it's TBBT concept of writing. And, everyone knows that, when you take all the references out of the show, there is nothing actually funny about TBBT.
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>>83556 Yeah, it's cute and funny.
>>83561 Look man if benis goes into bagina in anime it's obviously rape and problematic and objectifying women. >>83560 But you know at least those shows, movies and theater plays had some form of wit or charm to their humor. If your sense of humor is developed from stuff like Hot Fuzz, for example, you'd think you've be able to write better comedy. Shit it's been so long since I've watched capeshit but I vaguely remember the Avengers' humor not being too shabby either(putting aside LOL SCHWARMA shit). >>83562 >"everyone" is self-aware. This is something that always bothered me, is that rarely anyone, is the straight man in comedy. Everyone's a well adjusting, quipping machine machine who has to be the funny guy in every show so you end up with entire casts of seemingly insufferable characters desperate to be funny when you show off trailers like that.
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>>83539 Sega may as well be dead. >>83555 I want to murder everyone who wrote and acted in this. >>83559 >Who started this shit? You know who.
>>83559 >Why is writing humor apparently so difficult? Humor is notoriously hard to write in games, because good humor often relies on precise timing to accentuate the punchline - but the pacing of games is typically entirely in the hands of the player. This limits humorous scenarios to cutscenes, one liners, and scripted scenarios. Which is serviceable, but you often end up with poor pacing that is balanced too heavily in favor of the slow pace (in terms of comedy delivery) of gameplay vs. small segregated islands of comedic delivery. You can try to bridge the gap with wacky scenarios and one-liners, but those get old quick.
>>83559 The VA for the chick reminds me of the god awful flash animations and other amateur productions in the early 2000's that also had really unnatural sounding voice actors. Pretty much had the same reaction where i was starting to get into it but was quickly pulled out by terrible sounding dialogue and bad delivery.
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>>83563 My favorite combo. nice digits
>>437566 have you ever wondered why nobody likes you? it's because you're a spic.
Just came to share more on Back 4 Blood. If anyone remembers the beta/demo test period was hated because the game doesn't have versus mode and a lot of other missing stuff when compared to l4d2, they tried to leverage the "we made l4d" to help b4b sell, also has a retarded card system. Well now they have added Denuvo and possibly Easy Anti-Cheat as well to the mix, and the steam forums are the same old you can expect of pro-denuvo police, "don't buy the game then", and the other general stuff you'd expect to see. I'm expecting a shitshow come the 12th when it releases, either that or it gets completely forgotten like Evolve did (yes they made that as well).
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>>83557 Of all the stories that Rui Tsukiyo has made, he proudly considers his The World's Finest Assassin isekai to be his most well-written work. >buying up all the premium slave girl pussy and converting them into his lovers through the power of dick you should check out "Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo". Dude buys slaves and (unlike your average haremshit MC) he actually fucks his harem. His girls faithfully love him too. I hear this is getting an anime adaptation next year. I just hope it's as pornographic as the manga.
>>83570 I love the passive aggressive >I'll be here enjoying the game.
>>83570 Why would a game without a versus mode need anti-cheat exactly? Also why would a live service game need denuvo? I don't understand.
>>83571 Oops. The second part of my post was meant for >>83559
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>>83569 quickly post the number one killer of south americans to scare him off: communism
>>83573 >Also why would a live service game need denuvo? WHAT ARE YOU A PIRATE, HUH? PIRATE FUCKING SCUM BABY CRYING THAT YOU CAN'T PIRATE A GAME, HUH? That's the response to every time Denuvo's slapped onto a game and anyone dares point it out, some people are just shiteating bootlickers who just have to defend it no matter what. And then it turns out oh look, with Denuvo the game runs like dogshit and this has been proven time and time again over the past however many years with multiple games, but don't worry guys Denuvo has ZERO(0) impact on performance, it's just there to stop those meanie pirates from pirating our shitty games which still end up getting cracked in a heartbeat anyways. >>83571 I think I've read that previously but honestly the uh, plot and backstory of Egil right up my alley for me to bother with anything else.
Lewd gyarus
>>83576 Uh ackhshully I've had zero issue with Denuvo on computer I don't know maybe it's just a you problem. (This and other generic response you see in the steam forums on games with denuvo)
>>83570 Did they remove the zombies calling you a nigger?
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>>83563 I read it all the way up to the most recent update, it's such a good series!
>>83576 It happened again recently with Resident Evil 8, to the point that even the faggots at Eurogamer couldn't weasel around it https://archive.is/CTSSO
>>83581 After all these years pointing out how awful Denuvo is, it's unbelievable that companies are still spending money on this.
>>83579 It wouldn't surprise me if they did remove it. On another note, all the zombies in b4b might be bald for who knows what reason.
>>83582 At best, denuvo slows down the cracking process, which is probably why companies still waste money on it. Week one purchases being the most important and all.
>>83581 It's apparently pretty easy for them to pretend afresh each time the impact of anti-piracy systems on games is demonstrated that this is some new discovery or some one-game effect or that it's just particular systems and particular complainers with the problem. It fits right in with their astroturfing. >>83582 It's probably presented to them flatly by Denuvo's developers to publishers as a economics give-and-take. Spend X money on Denuvo and you'll wrestle larger number Y money back from pirates (pirated copies are lost sales, after all) before they're able to bypass it. I wouldn't be surprised if publishers didn't even bother to verify those numbers after the fact, or even exactly how they'd do that.
>>83576 Devs just want to be paid. Plain and simple. DRM and Denuvo are just deterrents to deter pirates from easily obtaining "free" versions of their games online. Denuvo works because most people would rather just give up and buy the game, instead of trying to deal with the headache of cracking Denuvo-protected games. Devs then get paid enough to work on their next game.
>>83583 The fixed it pretty fast, it was an issue of two different sound clips coincidentally playing at the right time. >>83585 I imagine they get at least a few thousand extra sales from it not being able to be easily pirated week 1, but at the same time it's basically impossible to prove and even then I wouldn't be surprised that overall amount of pirates has gone down in general since people seem to just have forgotten how to pirate stuff now they can't just get it off pirate bay (although you still can)
>>83436 Don't be a cuck. Billy was based.
>>83452 Hard to believe there are many given we have tumblr tale 2 sticked.
>>83482 Nope. Those were mostly all Mike's games.
>>83384 If it's culture stuff you're blackpilled about and not genric "muh covid, muh guvmint" IRL shit, KotakuInAction over on leddit has yearly victory threads where they recap all the good shit that happened that year, so you could check those out.
>>83504 Aunt Jemima would be better.
>>83586 You aren't wrong, but I think for most developers, big decisions that impact money or sales (such as do we include anti-piracy measure) at least involve and are probably in reality made mostly by their publishers.
Reminder that Trump isn't coming back to office. By the way, anyone remember the "Ralph Shill"? Did he quit sometime after the 8chan shutdown or has he morphed into a new personality like niggerpill?
>>83452 OG here. I've been posting on 8chan since early 2015 and stayed with it up until Cloudflare kicked the site off the net. And then throughout 2020 and the first half of 2021, I then spent my time shitposting on... a certain website whose name I won't mention because I know you guys extremely hate that site. Anyways, I got permabanned there and wasn't allowed to post there anymore. So I came back to 8chan.moe because I have nowhere else to go now.
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>>83587 Capcom's claims were just that they optimized their DRM, with Denuvo denying any involvement whatsoever. Reminder that they accidently left people a way to patch out Denuvo in DMC 5, and people were seeing 20+ fps increases https://archive.is/jQuKh
>>83586 >>83593 I remember some breakdown a while back (years) and in most if not all cases Denuvo since it was aimed at denuvo but still applied to other situations. It was broken down into 3 groups, those that'll buy the game, those that want to pirate it to try it out first since there's no demos, and those who'll just pirate it regardless or ignore it completely for reasons. For sake of ease of reference they'll be Groups A B and C respectively. Group A is the one that generates revenue and anything that decreases the size of this group by any sizable margin is bad. Group B is the one that wants to try the game to see if they like it, if it'll even run on their machine, or to see how buggy it is. They are essentially potential buyers of the game and due to a lack of effort on the sellers part in providing ways for them to test the game then they can only pirate. Group C is the one that'll never buy the game for whatever reason, it could simply be they'll just never or they won't because it has X (in this case Denuvo). It's generally the smallest group by a large to very large margin. Attempts to make this group smaller or to spite them have always backfired horribly resulting in lost sales and in a few cases a death spiral. It's also most of the time an effort of futility. Overall DRM is incredibly pointless, because they can't prove they have lost sales because of piracy, and the evidence ends up pointing to the opposite. One example I can remember where piracy helped the game's sales was ironically Minecraft. People who can't afford the game even if they want to buy it and end up pirating it fit in group B relatively near the border to group C. Also even if they can't buy the game they'll spread word of it if it's actually good/fun.
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>>83537 Not even "Build back better" anymore, it's just "better better" now.
>>437622 Globohomo is real and is cancer, faggot.
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Austrias retarded Chancellor is finally about to get fugged. https://archive.fo/B3GcN Didn't read what that english article mentions but the basic gist is >caught paying off several large newspapers to manipulate polls and keep favourable public image >blackmailed all other news sites into not investigating the ÖVP, lest they lose all government funds >Only (digital) press investigating is a small outlet by rogue ex-Greens politician Peter Pilz whose site is under constant DDoS attacks right now >SMS and Whatsapp logs leaked detailing large scale corruption in general, openly talking about riling up the general population of certain states against unfavourable Landeshauptmänner (Governors basically) >Close friend, Disco Owner Martin Ho hosted drug parties and got a free pass to ignore the punitive Corona measures >KRIPO basically Detectives Office Chief Holzer part of Kurz' crew, tried to have an unfavourable book written by aforementioned ex-Greens politician pulled on no legal grounds and is in the position to sabotage investigations against the Government said investigations were already sabotaged. ÖVP was already tipped off before a police raid last year >Cops raided 2 ministries last week due to active investigations and will probably go for ÖVP houses next >Opposition parties are pissed off - socialist SPÖ, left-leaning economist NEOS and far-right FPÖ all willing to form 4-party coalition if the Greens stop being retarded >Said Greens somehow found their balls again for the first time in over two decades and openly stated they will approve the No-confidence vote scheduled for this Tuesday. >ÖVP coping hard for days, top politicians all redoubled their support for Kurz and intend to go down with the sinking ship
>>437651 >(and only about one kind of globohomo that you personally dislike) And which kind was that?
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>>83600 >No-confidence vote Let it all crumble.
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>>83595 Cuckchan or reddit? Did you know anyone left with you? After seeing someone say niggerpill was on their /tv/ doomposting, I did some skimming of their archives and found this: https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/image/zRi_Gopane20u0WTpCqNiA/ There used to be someone who did 3D models of that FROG Soldier and Mileena in the drawthreads on old 8chan. I miss that guy. >>83600 That's nuts. I wonder if the TIME article about the 2020 US Election was just the tip of the iceberg after seeing this and South Korea's government fuckery
>>83600 I forget, what was the deal with Kurz exactly? >>83546 Isekais are shit >>83541 China's infrastructure is shit because it's the only sector that is quasi private so all the chinks invest in it and the companies surrounding it are trying to dupe as many folks as possible. >>83504 Still buttmad no Garcian Smith in smash
>>83591 Didn't our erstwhile ledditor "allies" get purged with the rest of the bad goyim and move sites?
Accelerationist fags thinking they'll survive the upcoming societal collapse.
>>83604 >I forget, what was the deal with Kurz exactly? He crash landed on a fucked planet full of corruption and crime and decided the only way to move forward is to kill everyone and have them fear him, because he would keep getting visions of alternative futures where kindness kind of gets him somewhere but would then be corrupted(presumably by chaos) in that the kindness gets him killed which in turn has everything end up worse than it originally was. Example: >Kurz is about to kill a very young gangster, considers sparing him >Future vision 1 is Dynamic Duo. Young gangster grows to become a force for hope under Kurz's teaching while Kurz strikes from the shadow, protecting him and doing what needs to be done where legally/morally muddy. >Future vision 2 has the gangster mortally stab Kurz, Kurz is out of commission for a fairly long while gangster's reputation skyrockets his status meaning Kurz sparing a guy lead to a feared and very respected gang leader being born in addition to criminals fearing Kurz less and his "job" getting that much harder Kurz had a hard life.
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>>83605 Kotaku In Action got split in two. You're probably thinking of r/the_donald fatpeoplehate, coontown, etc
What is with all this Indian shit that's been cropping up more online, lately? We're only just now catching up with "China bad." Is it even going to be in my lifetime by the time people figure out that castes and rape are bad too?
And are people going to start talking about how all this Covid school-from-home Zoom shit is obviously the American economy steering more towards work-from-home jobs by the time they're grown, that aren't going to be in enough need to be accessible by most of them because we'll still be paying Indians to do it anyway. Honestly, is India going Iraq-Kuwait on us? Are they TRYING to fuck up our economy?
>>437705 That statement wasn't even remotely political.
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>>83570 >Denuvo >In an always online game
>>83559 >Why is writing humor apparently so difficult? Because people have to work within the confines of what (((they))) decide that people are allowed to find funny.
>Reddit campaigning against "disinformation" while reposting fake statistics and treating doctored videos like they're real Someone kill that fucking site already. It's just a breeding grounds for retardation.
>>83614 Reddit is literally a chink hive mind. As soon as you say something that goes against the hive you are killed or in reddit case, downvoted into oblivion because the hive is terrified of thinking for itself.
>>83615 That sales marketing lead was on the money about Reddit making the world a worse place. "User growth at all costs" means saying whatever you think will get people to like you and say what you say, regardless of truth, regardless of relevance or authenticity. Reddit could be right about some things and it wouldn't matter because they've established themselves as something you would have to be pants-on-head retarded to see any validity in. It's the progenitor for groupthink fetish in the 21st century. Back when SARS was first a media circus, people were smart enough to see the "China" part and not to trust it. What happened by the time nuSARS rolled around? Fucking Reddit. What happened by the time halfchan became an echo chamber of one-word responses? Fucking Reddit. Redditors will say anything to get you to believe what they tell you, or just to listen to them at all, because they're worthless. Right now they're over there thinking they've championed a resistance movement against China just because Haiti said something, when they're really SO FUCKING RETARDED that it took them THIS long. I don't doubt that the people on halfchan who would say people "tried" to DDoS Reddit were just Redditors doing what Redditors do, crossposting a bunch of bullshit with a bunch of gaslighting in their holster if someone said anything about it. It's a fucking web cult.
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>>83605 The Kia crowd became split in tw;: the "keep it about TV and video games" crowd, and the "this is all the fault of Democrats" crowd. One side wanted the subreddit to be nothing but gaming and entertainment topics, while the other wanted to go full on politics and other "risky topics that could get it banned. The mods were firmly in the "just video games" camp, and this made the the MAGA crowd fuirious at the faggot mods and made their own sub: KotakuInAction2. it was full of political threads, as well as video games, with a good dose of "fuck kia1 cuck mods" posts. It got soft-nuked by the reddit admins fairly quick and went private invite-only. I think it might be open again now, but they moved to kotakuinaction.win so they wouldn't be bound by reddit's rules anymore and could let loose. Except now they feel betrayed by their own kia2 mods for making new rules, and are waging full war against them now, and kia2 is now tearing itself apart. Which is ironic.
>>83616 Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter should be purged from the internet in their entirety. All three have fostered a generation of retards who let others do the thinking for them. All three are a fucking cult.
>>83618 See, Twitter's something that can at least be provisioned for a use. You can be a passive participator just looking up videos or something, and it's good for that. Where it becomes a cult is all the reposting and screencapping, and that's fucking Reddit. Getting rid of Reddit and its practices would make other sites 10x better overnight. Redditor mass exodus when
>>83570 >don't buy the game then When selling your brand spankin' new game, when has that EVER led to it being a financial success?
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>>437736 >(((Luciano))) posts get deleted as they should >some faggot whines about jannies
Blizzard Entertainment Remove Flirting and Inappropriate Jokes from World of Warcraft Player Characters https://nichegamer.com/world-of-warcraft-removed-flirting-jokes/ https://archive.is/Rrh3Z >Now, Blizzard Entertainment are removing certain player character dialogue that is triggered when using flirting or telling jokes in Patch 9.1.5. As expected, lines with sexual innuendo have been removed. >Flirting that could be deemed “too direct” have been removed, along with jokes that may be deemed mocking a real-life race or culture. Some lines that have been removed also seem to avoid mocking those who have had abusive fathers, references to real-life rappers, and even a line from the female human disagreeing with stereotypes (“Why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking?”)
>>83573 >Why would a game without a versus mode need anti-cheat exactly? Also why would a live service game need denuvo? I don't understand. Honest question: when was the LAST time any of you actually bought a PC game physically? EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TITLE requires an internet connection and/or a Steam account. Even simple compilations of emulated games.
>>83622 Stop resposting the same fucking news every thread.
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>>83310 >Mr. Game and Watch is black, RacistERA BTFO But Mr. Game & Watch actually has a job. >>83330 >game has been terrible for years >only call it out now that they're salty about some race/gender issue >>83384 There are protests about this covid shit worldwide anon. You won't see it because it's being actively supressed as part of Operation Lockdown, but there are literally millions of people that agree with you, and they're outside right now. Frankly, there is a specific number, a percentage of the population, that if they resist what is happening then what is happening cannot happen without shit getting absolutely real and the jews in charge pulling the mask off, and they know they do not have the numbers. Civil disobedience, non-compliance, and parallel structures are your best bet, but that last one requires being active in your community which I know is hard for anons.
>>83615 > Reddit is literally a chink hive mind. As soon as you say something that goes against the hive you are killed or in reddit case, downvoted into oblivion because the hive is terrified of thinking for itself. There are actual spies forcing the narrative. https://archive.is/bLwQe The group is run out of Whitehall and funded by business deals with Russia. https://files.catbox.moe/r3g82p.txt and, of course, by George Soros They happen to control the CIA's biggest contractor in San Francisco which explains all of the commies in tech and how they got so powerful so quickly
>>83626 That reminds me of how, on one forum that I still go to, there have been loads of bot-made threads flooding the catalog at least once a week.
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Translation of speech from Chinese regulator describing upcoming censorship of games Someone on KIA translated this 9 days ago but I don't remember it being posted in this thread: reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/py4506/china_held_a_meeting_yesterday_to_rollout_the/
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>>83585 >I wouldn't be surprised if publishers didn't even bother to verify those numbers after the fact, or even exactly how they'd do that. That's not all of it. Publishers are also beholden to shareholders, and shareholders will often demand action be taken even if it's completely pointless. So if shareholders are mad about piracy but the company doesn't do anything because a pirated copy isn't a lost sale, then guess who wins? Shareholders. Do the company finds some "solution" to the problem so they don't get sued for not stopping the problem that doesn't exist in the first place and spending lots of money to do it.
>>83629 This is wrong though. Bow Kid isn't the protagonist and she isn't in the base game. Her playability is locked behind later dlc.
>>83631 Just like slavery, she isn't free.
>>83628 I think it was mentioned but not the entire thing posted. I read the entire thing, and how the fuck is a game going to be even capable of complying. In gambling section #6 and part of #3 (explore/exploring) rules out the entire RPG genre and Open World genre. Also holy fuck the corruption and blatant cheating the 50/60 cent army will be doing thanks to the "we get in-game purchases 100% free". Last note it also contradicts itself a fuckload.
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>>83633 >Also holy fuck the corruption and blatant cheating the 50/60 cent army will be doing thanks to the "we get in-game purchases 100% free". I'll laugh if they end up being segregated to Chinese servers.
>>437761 Neos are dangerously retarded tried to privatize the fucking water supply for example. SPÖ and FPÖ depends on current leadership. Former could easily unshit itself if the former Minister of Defense Doskozil seizes power and latter needs someone to tardwrangle Kickl whenever he tries to enact sone retarded surveillance law or gives the Viennese police horses for riot suppression when they could get 1-2 armored cars with water cannons for the same price.
>>83551 Uh, the girl is a cartoon, so the proper term is roricon.
>>83628 >Don't be silly and think we don't know about games. >many experts here know more in games than you, don't you think you can escape out review Since fucking when politicians know anything about shit they tried to make laws about? devs' personal agenda is forbidden no forcing player to spend money for lootboxes >gun waifus is bad RIP GF >boat waifu is bad RIP boat sluts jpeg, all twenty of them >no BL shit >gay to "best friend" >no more /u/ bait on the cover >no more femboy >Saber is always a man, damn those japanese >no more copy pasting from the wailo, especially wikipedia >superior 5000 years history if you really need to ctrl+v something >no become god story cuz you can't become Pooh IRL, peasants >no more superior thousand fold katanas >well no more JP shit in general really <we experts here know japanese, so don't you dare we don't understand that >no evil WW2 >no JP and Kraut uniform cuz that makes out shitty uniform looks bad >no Nobunaga no Yabou cuz the guy just gone and rekt'd a weakened government totally unlike the current one >no Civ6 cuz it allows players to destroy barbarians >no Parajew map painting cuz history is perfectly clean without any genocide >Cthulu get a special mention here for some reason NO RESKIN or REMAKE of OLD GAMES NO ASSET FLIPPING a western games into chink made games Weird, they really emphasized they really really know about video gaems for some reason.
>>437778 you fags keep saying this but IT's always "dude trust me."
>>83601 Birry was palticuralry fixated on the da gayz.
>>437778 No way fag. Otherwise lolicon would be translated as pedophile in the majority of cases, rather than a minority. And the Japs already have another word for pedo, that unlike lolicon, which only boomed in usage along with the growth of Japanese animation, isn't a hybrid portmanteau/loan word combining two foreign words, lolita and complex.
>>83638 No dude, trust me. Not that lying pedonigger torfaggot. >>83621 You mean (((Lucario)))? >>83637 Because the rich chinks in the government that make the rules regularly engage in what they want to be considered vices.
>>83628 Yeeeesh. I'm ok with the ban on LGBT content, but that long list just keeps on going and going and going.
>>83637 The funny thing is that most of their own history can't be used because of the reasons they said the others can't. Imperialism because of Nobunaga, but wasn't china also imperialistic a lot in the past? The God/Deity part has long been bypassed in multiple ways because it's a pretty loose term, example: guy can blow up a planet/solar system/galaxy is obviously a cultivator and not a god.
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>>83555 The robot designs would've been better without the mouths, even if they'd end up looking like Snoy's Astro Bot. Also, where's all the robots without faces? There's no arm robots?
>>83643 Leftards always try (and fail) to erase the past and revision history.
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>>83628 >Culture of irl weapon turning into anime girl Sounds almost too precise, because the only "gun girl" game I know is Girls Frontline, and it's a game from Hong Kong.
>>83646 That's a nice tummy on that tommy.
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>>83647 Tommy doesn't get much art compared to Springfield or WA2000, but yes she has a nice body. Shame Girl's Frontline is a gacha game.
>>83646 Weapon could also mean sword. Probably also a ban on sword girls too.
>>83649 Was there a Gacha about that? I remember some anon talking about shota swords, but that's about it.
>>83573 THe game actually hqas a versus mode from what I've seen. No one plays it, but it does have one.
>>83650 Xenoblade comes to mind, just being for consoles. It sounds like the bugmen are basically declaring war on waifus.
>nigger pill haven’t spammed gg threads in awhile >realizing he probably too busy trying to cancel Dave Chappell along with Cuckchan /tv/ and /a/ >Marvel comics probably to make an anti-Dave chappel strawman like red skull new black friend based on Larry elder Along with Nicki minaj. How many famous black became white supremacists this year?
>>83653 MCU Shuri is against the jab so I guess count her too.
>>83654 Who?

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>>83653 Im out of the loop on Dave, what did he do to piss of cuck/tv/ and /a/ of all places? >>83646 Girls as guns is a cute concept, its a shame Girls Frontline is gachashit. I tried it out once on the advise that it was "not as bad as the others" and "not predatory". All I can say is if that shits true, Id hate to see how bad the other gachas are.
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>>83652 >Declaring war on waifus while a real war is brewing around Taiwan
>>83628 >3. C'thulhu myth: Human can't win over the god You're goddamn right about that! Ftaghn!
>>83514 >>83628 >>83642 I like boys as well as girls and I'm sad to see it going this way. I think agenda driven shit, representation, etc. is gross and irritating and I'm long past done with the antics of the west, but when you get to the point of banning a character like Venti, who is the wind god, which is perhaps the most appropriate situation to have a sexually ambiguous embodiment of youth and vitality, that's a bit sad. Anyway, as noted, a pretty long list. It's really boring that they're just trying to do this straight laced "China strong!!" thing. Their media is already insipid and unadventurous, it can't really get much worse. How many more Romance of 3 Kingdoms renditions can they do? >>83559 Common across all of Liam's work and beyond. I hate just about all Western voice actors. They all seem to fail to achieve appropriate tone, either sounding bored and out of it or just overacted, and always as if they're holding back from really playing the role. Liam also has an issue where he lacks a feel for pacing and blows his load early, adding way too much plot scope too soon so I have basically no hope for a good outcome. >>83513 >>83514 Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon (at least at the time Blood Dragon just seemed like a fun shitpost) FC4 & Primal, I think 5 had the game on Mars too. It's only fun/funny once. After that, you're cashing out.
>>83656 >>83654 >Im out of the loop on Dave, what did he do to piss of cuck/tv/ and /a/ of all places? He made fun of trannies again and turn BLM on the LGBT community by saying you can kill nigger and won’t get fired but you will get fired for making a gay joke online years ago.
>>83656 >Im out of the loop on Dave, what did he do to piss of cuck/tv/ and /a/ of all places? For ""transphobia"". His new Netflix standup special made some tranny jokes.
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>>83655 Letitia Wright
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>>83660 >>83661 Thanks anons. >Cuckchan cares about tranny feelings now What kind of hell has that place become in our absence?
>>83656 >I tried it out once on the advise that it was "not as bad as the others" and "not predatory". All I can say is if that shits true, Id hate to see how bad the other gachas are. It's also what I heard about the game. It had a higher 5-star rate on production than the other game's "SSR pulls" and main campaign can be played without restrictions beyond farmable ressources. But it still had a grind wall. I dropped the game after I hit it, and I just hope I can see Thompson in another non-gacha game. A Jagged Alliance type of game would be just right.
>>83662 Oh. No seriously, who?
>>83663 >Cuckchan cares about tranny feelings now legit?
>>83663 >What kind of hell has that place become in our absence? /tv/ always been the biggest leftists shithole on Cuckchan thanks to all the red letter media fans coming from reddit. /tv/ probably more leftists than /co/mblr, /a/ and /lgbt/. They almost reset era and twitter levels of faggoty.
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>>83664 >>83656 Sorry I can't help you two. I'm a f2p on arknights, so... yeah. At least I'm having fun. Haven't tried any other gachas, they're so time consuming. Goblin Slayer Spas-12 is pretty cool
>>83664 >main campaign can be played without restrictions beyond farmable ressources.But it still had a grind wall The thing that stuck out to me is how much they try to subtly push you towards the cash shop to mitigate that too, they have frequent sales and your cute-as-a-button animated Assistant will get visibly excited if you enter the cash shop and then look sad and disappointed if you leave without buying anything. I also noticed if I didn't play for a few days she would get mad and castigate you for being gone for so long, gotta keep those engagement metrics up goy! Make sure you log in every day or the cute girl will be sad! Apps that try to emotionally manipulate users like that are fucking disgusting.
I played a lot of Girls Frontline when it was new, and its honestly quite good. You can progress almost as fast as paypigs (other than total whales) just being totally f2p. I spent maybe 50 bucks on it total over the course of a year, just to have more teams to play with. But then the english fanbase whined that "we aren't catching up in content fast enough!" and the devs listened and started to do blitz-fast overlapping events that made the pace so high that you HAD to play multiple hours a day or miss out on a ton of stuff. I quit playing because shit was like work, or some kind of MMORPG grind. That was about 2 years ago and they've finally dropped it back down to the original, much more sensible pace of content so I'm playing it a little bit again. Still fun.
>>83670 >I spent maybe 50 bucks OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE ANON
>>83664 I think GF had a nuCOM clone game and a second game coming soon but they're either bad or just over all very average IIRC. ask the gacha thread if you really want to know more, I guess
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This concept art for GFL is pretty cool. I like it. >>83670 >I spent maybe 50 bucks Come on man...
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>>83504 >So, like, heh heh, if you press a with your pinky <Huh, huh, brown pinky >Yeah, totally, so anyway, if you press s twice with your other middle finger, you'll spell ass.
>>83673 >>83672 Spread out over a year, I don't feel bad about it. I've bought regular games for more than that that I still haven't played. You can earn their free currency to unlock stuff, but I was autistically into team formations and wanted all the team slots open to play with quickly. Other than that I never felt the need to spend a dime. Contrast this with FGO, which I tried for a week and realized that I wasn't going to get shit out of it without spending money on it and put it in the trash.
What blockbuster? China spurns Hollywood's advances <Regulators freeze out U.S. blockbusters as Chinese audiences become harder to woo >The highly anticipated "Black Widow" and "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" have not secured release dates in mainland China even though they have already made splashes overseas and "Shang-Chi" was made with China in mind. The upcoming "Eternals" has not received a slot either. <Instead, Chinese moviegoers flocked over this week's National Day holiday to see homegrown fare, including <The Battle at Lake Changjin," an epic about the Chinese army in the Korean War. >Hollywood has spent years cultivating Chinese audiences, but with censorship tightening and regulation unpredictable, studios are finding it increasingly difficult to get their biggest blockbusters in to the market -- and starting to rethink their strategy. >In 2020, China's box office surpassed America's as the largest in the world, partially thanks to its earlier reopening from the pandemic. >Ticket sales totaled $3.1 billion, compared to $2.1 billion in the U.S., according to Maoyan Entertainment, a Chinese ticket service and film data platform. <Outside North America, there's no other market that is really close to China," said (((Rosen))). >India has the population, but it's going to be very difficult to get folks in India to do anything like they do in China. They really have to continue to count on China, but just with a lesser part of the equation." >India makes more films than any other place in the world, but ticket prices are low and tastes vary by region, making it harder for blockbusters to thrive, Rosen said. China's middle class is both much larger and more receptive to Hollywood films. <But if Hollywood still needs China, it is an open question whether China needs Hollywood. >In the first half of 2021, China's box office reached roughly $3.9 billion, according to the tracking app Dengta, and although the highest-grossing films used to be Hollywood blockbusters, domestic films have taken the crown for the past six years. >Hi, Mom," a heartwarming Chinese movie about a woman going back in time in an attempt to make her mother's life better, has the highest box office of 2021 worldwide so far, at $822 million. >Patriotic Chinese blockbusters have generated much revenue as well. "The Battle at Lake Changjin" raked in $203.2 million over the National Day weekend in China, according to Box Office Mojo. >Imported films accounted for 38% of China’s total box office in 2018, 36% in 2019 and only 16% in 2020, additionally hit by COVID-19, according to Maoyan Entertainment. >Montgomery of Global Connects said China is definitely not crossed off the list but may be shifting out of focus for Hollywood. >U.S. companies and Hollywood are very short-term, they're always looking for a quick boost of money, but if they've been looking long-term, the signs were already there," said Montgomery. "The boom years of 2015 and 2016 were already gone, and the Chinese [government] was cracking down on these things. ... Now it's even more cloudy." https://archive.ph/zhMKk
>>83670 >I played a lot of Girls Frontline when it was new, and its honestly quite good. You can progress almost as fast as paypigs (other than total whales) just being totally f2p. I spent maybe 50 bucks on it total over the course of a year, just to have more teams to play with. But then the english fanbase whined that "we aren't catching up in content fast enough!" and the devs listened and started to do blitz-fast overlapping events that made the pace so high that you HAD to play multiple hours a day or miss out on a ton of stuff. I quit playing because shit was like work, or some kind of MMORPG grind. That was about 2 years ago and they've finally dropped it back down to the original, much more sensible pace of content so I'm playing it a little bit again. Still fun. >Still fun. Sure thing Chang, personally I don't play android games unless it's stuff off github and f-droid made by people who just want to make fun games for the sake of fun as apposed to whale hunting.
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>>83678 ...Whoops, I thought from the thumb nail she had a bra on and didn't bother to look much at the full image....
Ex-Trump speechwriter warns Xi that US will shed blood to ‘ensure Rainbow Flag of Diversity’ flies over Taiwan >Darren Beattie, a former White House speechwriter for 45th President Donald Trump, warned China on Thursday that the US would be prepared to shed blood to ensure that the “Rainbow Flag of Diversity” flies over Taiwan. >Beattie – a prominent critic of US foreign policy since his departure from the White House – posted the warning to Chinese President Xi Jinping on Twitter. >Make no mistake Xi, Americans are prepared to spend whatever blood and treasure it takes to ensure that the Rainbow Flag of Diversity, and not the Chinese flag, will fly over Taiwan,” Beattie declared, adding that the “Globalist American Empire” would do so under the guise of “freedom >who happen to sit on the board of a company that does a lot of defense contracts,” but portray their anti-Chinese rhetoric as a selfless act of patriotism. >Beattie worked as a speechwriter for the White House between 2017 and 2018. In 2020, he was nominated by Trump to serve as a board member of the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. >Meanwhile, it was revealed by The Wall Street Journal on Thursday that US troops had been deployed in Taiwan for at least a year, where they had been training Taiwanese military forces – seemingly in preparation for a conflict with mainland China. >Many former members of the Trump administration have pushed for confrontation with China over Taiwan, including former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. >Pompeo and Bannon were among the 28 former Trump administration officials who were sanctioned by China in January after being accused of having “seriously violated China’s sovereignty” and pushing the US government into a confrontation with the state. https://archive.ph/jxnPX Americans looking forward to being drafted to fight for faggots, trannies and feminism against China, Middle East and Russia Anti-LGBT and traditional family ways?
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>>437851 >korean
>>437842 >>83679 You know, neon nipples and genitalia are something furfags are hated for, and considered garish, yet the chocolate octogirl is given a free pass. Why is that? Videogames? >Deleted Reposting with spoiler for anon, because videogames.
>>83676 Good. Hollywood deserves it for bending over backwards to please a bunch of fucking commies and bugmen. Those jews need to rethink their approach to film making if the only way to succeed is to depend on a nation of backstabbers. >>83670 >I spent maybe 50 bucks on it total over the course of a year Why do I have the feeling you are underplaying that number anon. >>437851 Is that a tranny?
>>83672 >I think GF had a nuCOM clone game and a second game coming soon but they're either bad or just over all very average IIRC. The XCOM Clone is GF2. I don't think it's out yet.
I can't comprehend the appeal of gacha, and even here it garners a fanbase, I feel sad for you lot.
>>83685 Slot machines but you can win titty jpegs.
>>83685 You know what they say about apples. There's a bad one in every bunch.
>>83685 After a year playing GF, I don't understand why gacha games have a fanbase either. I'm just here for the gun girls.
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Had to retype my whole post because I forgot to copy it.... >>83384 I live in Pennsylvanian and people don't give a fuck about lock downs anymore. Some individuals still wear masks, they're mostly the elderly which is fine and if you ask most people if they're in favor of vaccine passports they're typically against them even those who themselves are vaxx'd. >>83653 >How many famous black became white supremacists this year? Well apparently this octopus >>>83314 >>> 436966 and all the horny 16yr boys who fap to her are basically members of Atomwaffen now according to those posts. >>43783 Indeed, good concept but shit execution. I loved my cute Italian bolt action and meme pistols but I'm not burning half my left spam for a fucking jpeg and a few seconds of Korean animations. Also fuck China. >>83504 I remember having to use that program at school for 20/30 minutes everyday. When I was young I envied it but now I'm glad I know how to type correctly as apposed to some retard millennial who just keyboard and pecks at one key at a time. Mavis Beacon is good stuff. >>83682 >Reposting with spoiler for anon, because videogames. Yeah, had a retard moment there and forgot spoilers existed for a second... Well it's too late now, here's the SFW version.
>>83683 >Is that a tyranny? Are you retarded?
>>83689 >all the horny 16yr boys who fap to her are basically members of Atomwaffen now according to those posts. Imagine being called racist because you thought the black chick was cute. It probably happened.
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>>83685 Bad taste. I'm really surprised they took over gaming so much. Even people you wouldn't expect play them. It's really unfortunate. I guess because it's light and casual and has hot girls people like it, but there's really no excuse because it's the modern equivalent of those Chinese browser games that they used to run ads for all the time 10 years ago. I guess because the gameplay in gacha games is closer to what you expect, people tolerate how bad and exploitive it is. >>437851 Every time I see Jinny she comes off as an asshole. Can't stand her.
>>83682 >You know, neon nipples and genitalia are something furfags are hated for, and considered garish, yet the chocolate octogirl is given a free pass. Why is that? Videogames? Simple, Squids and Octopussy's aren't mammals they're mollusks. Therefore it's not furry art. It's all simple science anon, it's okay to wanna fuck a squid. >>83691 Well I make a attractive black female character in dark souls once on my brothers Soyny gaystation and he thought that was weird. But he also thinks it's weird for me to condemn the rape of Berlin. I don't think my family understands my political leanings in general, they probably think I'm a weirdo since I'm not a polarized partisan puritan dipshit which just further reinforces my beliefs that it's good for the Federal Government to be stuck in grid lock and unable to pass laws because Americans vote on cultural tribal differences and not on the basis of reality, sound logic, or for the sake of freedoms™. >>83676 >ITT: Chinks still butthurt over shit that happened decades ago >>83674 That's unironically a good idea for teaching teenagers how to type correctly. In general edgy adult typing games should be given to teens.
>>83339 Well, board creation, at any rate.
>>83692 I just don't get it, I tried one once on an a android emu and I didn't get why people play them, they try to make you spend money at every turn and the gameplay is barebones and unfun in every single one I see, how can you justify spending 50 dollarydos in one and not just buy a real game for that price? How can you justify raging over DLC's and microtransactions and then casually mention you spend money on slot machines which don't even have the chance of winning you back your money? I see it everywhere now 30 bucks here 50 there, hundreds of hours spent looking at jpegs and then the same people go make fun of star citizen spenders, at least they have a sorta tech demo now. I just don't get it, it reminds me of my mother playing a puzzle game where the game gives you pieces you can always connect and then she struggles with it, just why. The reason I'm making this comparison is that they both leave me scratching my head and make me feel sad for others. sorry mom
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>>437851 Some Peruvian (probably chinese) girl asked me out back in HS and I rejected her because I had self confidence issues. Just fuck my life with a cactus.
>>83695 >it reminds me of my mother playing a puzzle game where the game gives you pieces you can always connect and then she struggles with it, just why. Are you talking about Candy Crush? It's the algorithm behind it. The games are rigged on purpose to make it impossible to go through until you spend money on anything, the wall is then removed.
>>437851 >huge round basketball face Gooks have to be the least cute of slants.
>>83698 Wait until you find the jawbones.
>>83698 There's a reason Grandad used to call them "Spoonfaced gooks"
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>>83697 No, it's just some game from the play store, the game works like this, I know I've played it for a bit, it starts with 2 pieces that can connect, you connect them and leaves open 4 entries if we imagine they are both 2 middle top pieces, the game then gives you 4 pieces, each of which can assuredly connect with one possible entry english asn't my native language I'm sorry if it's hard to understand and so forth, at some point you have like 2 dozen possible connections if we're in the middle of this small puzzle, I guess that's when it gets tricky for her but it's all a matter of trial and error since the game never gives you a piece lets say at the start which you have to leave towards the end, no it always gives you pieces that can connect with the already established puzzle so it boils down to trial and error even if the pieces all look sorta the same but she stills struggles with it and asks for my help now and again and when I complete the thing in less then 5 minutes and explain it to her it's all really simple because of what I pointed out she just says I'm good at puzzles and I just shake my head and answer "thanks" mom while "I'm nuclear" plays in my head.
>>83692 >Every time I see Jinny she comes off as an asshole. Can't stand her. She is. She had sex with one of her fans for $40,000.
>>83685 >and even here it garners a fanbase, I feel sad for you lot. Who is this you that you speak of. I've never played or played for gachashit my entire life.
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>>83690 >tyranny Eh, far too many of the random streamer whores you inbred niggers randomly post here end up being trannies or something equally disgusting. >>83695 Some games are just too good at catching whales. Add in how the market is flooded with this trash, so fags already vulnerable to this shit are going to end up trying one that looks vaguely interesting or has some hook they like. Then once hooked, a lack of self control and giving in to addictive behavior means they are going to dump money on shit that likely doesn't deserve a dime. The epic vs apple court case let slip how 70% of the apple store revenue comes from just 10% of their userbase. Most of which comes from free games with in app purchases.
>>83703 Are you retarded?
>>83703 (you) know who I'm speaking of, one anon on here casually mentioned spending 50 bucks and you see discussion of gachas every now and again on here with people mentioning more or less the same come on now don't play dumb with me.
>>83680 That could be a way to get rid of all the SJW cancer around US. Draft them to "play the ultimate fight for diversity" and let them die en masse. Then play it out that "diversity just doesn't work" and return back to decent values, with all the faggots dead.
>>83706 >ha ha I posted under a different IP and said something contrariwise to your collective beliefs therefore you now have no collective beliefs I have successfully fractured your user base I win now Fuck off. We’re never going to fall for your generalizations.
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>>83708 Seriously, are you retarded? There's a self-admitted gachanigger here, and there's gacha threads regularly. That's who the fuck he's referring to you subhuman braindead niggerfaggot.
As long as they don't spend a dime on it why should I care if someone plays some free mobile game where you collect characters?
>>83710 Because your attention and data are just as valuable as money. Even pirating shitty games is better a company than you playing something else. Because as long as you're pirating their product they have your attention, which means a competitor doesn't. There's a reason these products are free, it's because you're the product.
>>83711 That sort of things goes double for any game with player to player interaction.
>>83709 >there's gacha threads regularly where? i looked at /v/'s catalog and didn't see a single one. >There's a self-admitted gachanigger here since you said "a nigger" instead of "niggers", it sounds like one anon at most. 1 anon is in the minority and a drop in the bucket, considering that this site has hundreds of anons. To say that most of us here are gachafags is untrue libel.
>>83713 >where? i looked at /v/'s catalog and didn't see a single one. There's the Granblue Fantasy one in the catalog.
>>83713 >To say that most of us here are gachafags is untrue libel. Which is why that's not what's being referred to, you illiterate mongrel. What's being refferred to are the gachfags in particular. >where? i looked at /v/'s catalog and didn't see a single one. 110% confirmed blind gorilla monkey. >>191653 >>377201 One of them even has "gacha" in the subject field. Which means you didn't even search the word gacha in the in the catalog. BECAUSE YOU'RE A LYING SLIMY DISINGENUOUS KIKE. Now kill yourself.
>>83635 >>83600 Update on that >Kurz resigned and joined the Parliament giving him political immunity for now, can be taken away >Foreign Minister Schallenberg offered to the President as replacement Chancellor >Greens Leader Koglers first reaction was sucking ÖVP cock on Twitter >General population seething in online forums and social media >Viennese far-left assembling to protest in front of government buildings to play music and maybe flip trash cans >President expected to fenceshit again, accept the Chancellor and crawl back in his office to continue smoking joints all day Heres a source I didn't bother reading myself https://archive.fo/MoJz3
>>83715 Granblue Fantasy is a gacha? News to me. I just thought it was a VN where you fucked Astolfo or something. I'm so out of the loop when it comes to gachashit, and I plan to keep it that way.
>>83680 No, the faggots, trannies, castrators, and blacks will be in the baby suit military this time, not us. They're going to try and fight Russia, Iran, Pakistan, and China at the same time. They'll hope that the poo-in-the-loos might help them get over the line.
>>83717 Keep pretending, yid. No one's buying it.
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>>83719 >hating gachashit and gachaniggers makes you a "kike" now Oy vey
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>>83685 Anon please! Read on classic conditioning and dopaminergic reward loops. The shiny colors and smiling, fertile age girls are enticing. But the real marvel is the reward program: it's finely crafted to keep you always on the edge of a really meaningful reward. I've never played gachashit mind you, but I did PUBG a few months ago. I know this because I'm a shrink, and I can tell these fuckers have spent time, talent and money finetuning each reward step and randomized interval to keep the audience hooked. The botom line is dopamine and classic conditioning. Oh and if you play gacha, you should kill yourself. >>83686 Yes, a slot machine would be a crude version.
>>83720 >Uh, there's no gachashitter here, I swear. Direct your hate against us (((them))) elsewhere >I fucking swear I didn't know gachashit is gachashit, I even checked the catalog but didn't search for gachashit >No, you're the lying kike Keep projecting Gachastein. No one's buying it.
>>83667 Wait 4/a/ became leftist? I knew sjweeb types flooded it back in 2016 but I didn't think it became full on ResetERA.
>>83720 It's Nulist just ignore.
>>83686 But I can just look up the titty jpegs instead and not pay anything, and still have the free time to go play some vidya or practice any of my hobbies.
>>83724 Nulist never uses tor and he's a (1) right now. >>83725 And you could just look at the titty jpegs for VNs without reading through them, but that's not nearly as psychologically rewarding.
>>83725 Anon >>83726 beat me to it. There is something in randomization of rewards that makes it extremely addictive. It doesn't work the same way if the reward is not random. Something to do with cerebral wiring.
>>83724 >I'm obsessed And wrong. How embarrassing.
>>83702 What proof do you have of this?
>>83702 I too would like to see the proof That's a real whore
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>>83686 >Slot machines but you can win titty jpegs. Yeah, so basically it's like one of those vending machines you used to see in filthy truck-stop bathrooms?
>>83723 >Wait 4/a/ became leftist? Cuckchan's community is full of left leaning commies. Even their /pol/ board is full of black demoralization threads created by obvious leftwingers. But iirc, 4/a/'s moderation was totalitarian but apolitical. Those authoritarian jannies will quickly ban any off-topic threads not related to anime. Especially political threads. All they wanted you to talk about in /a/ is anime and manga ONLY. Nothing else. Trying to start a political discussion there (even a pro-leftist discussion) will often result in a ban.
>>83732 So what you're saying is, there was never any difference between 4/a/ and 8/a/?
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>>83628 Just ban video games in China at this rate if they're going to be this specific with all that crap. I'm glad at least companies catering to chinks are getting fucked hard for all their efforts. Perhaps they could even die for good this time since China's money (or lack thereof) will make them sink especially in Activision blizzard's case.
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Much to the shock of no one: <Sir Lenny Henry On Being A Black Hobbit In The Lord Of The Rings >Sir Lenny Henry appeared on BBC Radio 4's Saturday Live show today, talking about his life, his career, getting writing advice from Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman, and his appearance in the Lord Of The Rings series being made for Amazon Prime Video https://archive.ph/AqIEf >>83734 I can only hope.
>>83733 Smug these days is just a different flavor of cakekikes moderation style. Off-topic in the off-topic thread is fine except when it's an opinion the mods don't like, then it's bannable off-topic.
>>83735 It's not even The Lord of the Rings. It's a prequel set in like the second age. So no returning character. The rest of the cast is also full of mutts & nigs.
>>83721 >Anon please! Read on classic conditioning and dopaminergic reward loops. The shiny colors and smiling, fertile age girls are enticing. But the real marvel is the reward program: it's finely crafted to keep you always on the edge of a really meaningful reward. >I've never played gachashit mind you, but I did PUBG a few months ago. >I know this because I'm a shrink, and I can tell these fuckers have spent time, talent and money finetuning each reward step and randomized interval to keep the audience hooked. The botom line is dopamine and classic conditioning. The design of these games inherently takes advantage of addicts and is for lack of a better term the closest thing I can call distinctly "evil" - they only exist to take advantage of the weak-willed and do not contribute in any significant way to the design or understanding of games as a medium. There is no actual win condition, because the only way you play is by getting strung along endlessly. The recent lawsuits involving EA and the addictive nature of lootboxes makes me hope more large-scale companies who subsist off of the same principle face the same legal punishments because unlike literal gambling, these "games" are marketed as games, which they fundamentally fail at being.
>>83738 natural burglars
>>83740 Burglar is a fucking god-tier dog whistle for nigger hobbits. Like joggers was.
>>83709 >can’t read K, bye.
>>83685 The only redeeming quality about gachashit is the fan art and porn they generate, which I refuse to believe wasn't intentional, the character designs from those games blatantly pander to various fetishes.
>>83743 nobody can beat the dick
>>83742 Stop projecting.
>>83744 I can't even beat my own dick. That would be gay.
>>83735 >the Hobbit film trilogy is shit >every LotR game is shit >the LotR tv show will be shit Tolkien is spinning in his grave
>>83738 Noggits?
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>>83650 There's Touken Ranbu, the /cb/ equivalent of Girls Frontline with swords instead of guns. Even if the "no humanized weapons" rule doesn't apply to it the "no good Japanese things", "no homobait" and "no femboys" rules will make sure it stays banned. >>83685 Hey, don't put me with the paypigs. I know about gachashit only because I fap to porn of the characters.
>>83745 >ban evasion K, bye.
>>83750 I was tor from the beginning. You have no power here.
>>83739 >evil It's definitely psychopathy, anon. I think it's not precisely evil but all the same, it's revulsive. The worst part is, that it works. Wreaking the psyche of vulnerable people (even if they are normies) simply generates too much cash. I'm sorry to break this to you but it's unveliebably prevalent in the Western world (this system of discovering weak spots in basic human psychology and exploting them relentlessly) and it seems that we don't have enough strength as a society to stop them. As the saying goes, every day apocalypse becomes less of a tragedy and more of a hope.
>>83749 Man Japanese people really like White skin
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>>83726 Someone let something slip in here.
>>83551 >loli pantsu So they do still exist.
>>83753 Like every other ethnic group that doesn't have naturally dark skin, paleness was a sign of nobility that did not toil away in the fields, and thus attractive.
>>83743 IIRC, the character designer for Girls Frontline's G41 rifle wanted to make, and I quote, "a fucknugget".
>>83748 Dindunuggits
>>83754 That's not listanon, that's someone parodying him, because he doesn't repost the cap, those mocking him do. Honestly, the contents of that post are confusing, coming from any party. I'm the autist that made most of the posts in pic related.
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>>83757 and what a glorious fucknugget she is
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>>83551 Gonna check it out. Thanks, anon.
>>83571 >that third pic Fan translated magazine page or did some publisher run by mad lads actually license the novel?
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>>83667 >talking shit about about /tv/ Leftypol's been raiding it for years, but it's still one of the most anti-leftist boards on the site. It's occasionarly very funny, such as when the new star wars movies and the new buck breaking documentary were relased .
>>83667 Don't forget /leftypol/ raids
>>83710 Look at this gacha character, he probably wants to get laid.
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>>83753 Is an universal truth that white men are the best bottoms. >>83755 >>83761 Read it. It's a nice mango.
>>438019 >>438020 That opinion is not allowed
>>83767 It's joke.
>>83768 for you
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>>83766 >nice mango >yurishit. pedoshit
>>83766 Don't see what that has to do with anything
>>83770 Cartoons aren't pedophilia. Pedos hate cartoons.
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>>83765 Looks like a manly version of Alex from YIIKES
>>83747 >every LotR game is shit I thought all the games produced under the EA-WB partnership we well received.
>>83751 Then stop replying to a conversation of which you're not a part.
>>83775 This isn't a private chat, you mentally challenged cunt.
>>83747 >every LotR game is shit I enjoyed Return of the King.
>>83776 >still incapable of replying to anything actually being said Thanks for maintaining the 100.00% record of tor posts being utterly worthless.
>>83778 Clearniggers never learn.
>>83765 Isn't that the protag of YIIK, that Indie "anti" RPG that was made for "adults".
>>83779 >does it again K, bye. >>83780 >anti-RPG We could probably come up with a game which is thematically opposite of every RPG trope and gameplay mechanic and have it be better than any RPG in the last ten years.
>>83774 They were, anon is just being a contrarian.
>>83766 Extremely tempting, but I rather snag the raw to practice my reading comprehension. Maybe use the scanlation to see if whoever's translating it has good intentions. I assume it's still ongoing.
>>83774 do you honestly think EA games are good.
>>83781 >K, bye. You didn't leave last time, you're not leaving this time. Remember, you're here forever.
>>83374 So what you're saying is that we need to make a game where a cute little loli niglet is the protagonist so we can spite the gangster nogs and the soyim? Sounds like a plan.
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>>83764 Was leftypol always as cancerous as they are now?
>>83787 Not entirely certain to the depths of their degeneracy as in >which kind of brain tumor do I prefer but yes, they are and always will be cancer.
>>83674 You forgot to edit the left side of the box.
>>438087 >Being gay or trans is OK, after all, who is someone else to tell you what is or isn't OK? This is such a ridiculous strawman. Faggots don't think faggotry is morally permissible because of some appeal to moral relativism. I've literally never hear anyone phrase it in that way, and you've only done it here because it allows you to follow up with your own moral relativism. Engage with the actual arguments retard. Even better, you should be steelmanning those arguments and tearing them down all the same.
>>83790 >torpedo literally defending queers and lying about their beliefs, as though we'll believe him
>>83791 I did neither of those things, and no one has to believe you because they can literally just read my post. Develop some basic reading comprehension retard.
>>83688 >I don't understand why gacha games have a fanbase either >I'm just here for the gun girls mystery solved anon
>>438102 Make him.
>>438102 If you really thought tor posting was worthless then you would simply filter tor. Stop being obnoxious and trying to start shit and derail.
How many besides the resident shotacon and at least one TORfag is an unironic, unapologetic gaymergay. #NotYourShield and all.
>>83796 I don't know what any of the pound symbol shields mean but I would absolutely hold hands with a cuteboi anon.
>>83796 I never once used the hashtags because I never once had a twitter, so I guess I'm not a true goofygoober.
>>83796 not me i like big fat titties sometimes with a little extra down below
>>83796 There is a tranny that pops up randomly as well.
>>83800 What if the drunk tranny isn't gay though?
>>83796 Is the shotacon single?
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>>83801 >What if the drunk tranny isn't gay
>>83802 You're too old for him.
>>83804 Dammit, I'll be single forever.
>>83735 They're taking the noggits to Isengard! So while hobbits smoke tobacco on pipes, black hobbits smoke orcish crack on dirty wooden spoons? And most certainly Frodo couldn't take the ring to Mordor because black hobbits keep stealing it. >>83789 I actually had that pic downloaded eons ago, but yes if only i knew how to edit images like a pr0 i probably done it.
>>83735 That's retarded.
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>>83796 >resident shotacons Fixed.
>>83792 You're the one who lacks reading comprehension. That other anon was making a point about how homos have this double standard. They don't want people judging their gay lifestyles as okay or not. They don't want to be prosecuted for being gay. But then these fags will hunt down and cancel people they don't like. Trying to get them fired or boycotted to ruin their target's life.
>>83624 Was it reposed? I posted it because I actually didn't see it posted in any thread.
Can someone remind me why >we allow literal homosexuals within >our consumer revolt?
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>>83812 why is will smith always the size of a fairy?
>>83811 Because mods refuse to block Tor nodes :^)
>>83814 Too-shay
>>83813 Thought she was taking a shit going by the thumbnail.
>>83809 Except faggots do want people to judge their lifestyle as okay, that's the entire point you fucking retard. Literally no one goes through life bitching about how they shouldn't have to adhere to moral standards, or if they do they're literally fucking brain dead. "Live and let live" doesn't translate into "don't make moral assertions about my actions". Live and let live is itself a moral assertion. You're creating this bizarre nihilistic lolbertarian faggot strawman while in reality fags literally wave flags around and won't shut the fuck up about how it's "okay" to be gay and how "proud" they are of their "sexual identity". This is what happens when you build strawmen and mischaracterize your opponents, you make yourself sound like a fucking retard. Or maybe more specifically the act of mischaracterizing your opponent and strawmanning them makes you a fucking retard. >You're the one who lacks reading comprehension. You can't even comprehend the sentences you're writing let alone mine.
>>83813 Theres your answer.
>>83817 >Except faggots do want people to judge their lifestyle as okay No, they don't. They want you to worship them for being gay. Tell any legit faggot that you accept their lifestyle, but do not approve of it; and watch as they trip all of themselves to attack you any way they can.
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>>83735 >>83747 >the LotR tv show will be shit I could get behind a LotR tv show if it was an anthology series where each episode focused on aspects/events of Middle Earth's history. But no, GOTTA PUSH OUR POLITICAL AGENDA!!!
>>83819 How would one accept a lifestyle without approving of it exactly? Are you merely accepting the existence of the degeneracy? That doesn't really amount to finding it morally permissible.
>>83821 It's the based centrist perspective of "well I don't agree with this but more people from side A than side B like it so its law."
>>83821 >How would one accept a lifestyle without approving of it exactly? The same way I accept that there are people out there with terrible taste and watch trash like Family Guy and The Big Bang Theory, however that does not mean that they need to seek me approval to live their life the way they want to live it.
>>83817 >You're creating this bizarre nihilistic lolbertarian faggot strawman Yikes, reddit. Don't spout your buzzwords at me. I just gave you a concise answer about homos having a double standard. Fags don't want to be judged or prosecuted, but then are so quick to judge and prosecute people they don't like.
>>83822 Then that's clearly at odds with what the faggots want, which is for people to assert their lifestyle morally permissible. >>83823 That's fair, but I struggle to imagine a large portion of faggots being bothered by that position. But I know this thread is filled with a lot of hyperbolic Qniggers. >>83824 Everyone wants to be judged. It's nonsensical to claim otherwise. We ought to seek to eradicate contradictions in our world view and find moral purity. To do anything else is to fall into the chaos of moral relativism. What people don't want is to be persecuted unjustly, not to be fucking absolved from judgment in its entirety.
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>>83735 Ayo, now we finna get da real Lawd o da Rings! Crackas trynna hide it but Tolkien wuz a black brotha and his real name was Jeshaun Raylon Rakeem Tokyem!
>>83823 >>83821 To put it another way, it's the Leddit mindset. You have a bunch of people out there that do not feel vindicated about their life or have a sense of guilt for whatever reason, so they go seeking approval, NOT acceptance, about their choices in life. And, when theu find people who express the slightest disapproval of their actions, they lash out.
Why are you arguing about fags anyway?
>>83826 Morals are relative to an extent, you gigantic faggot.
>>83826 >Everyone wants to be judged. Not true. Otherwise, things like stage fright wouldn't exist. Many introverts just want to go unnoticed by others. When they go to parties, they are the wallflowers who want to blend in and not stick out. Not doing anything to attract attention because they feel uncomfortable when they're in the spotlight and being judged. I'm sure trannies want to go unnoticed instead every passerby looking at them in disgust and horror.
>>83792 No one will ever believe you. >>83830 Truth is objective, therefore morality is objective. There are always objectively best behaviors in any given scenario.
>>83366 That business is already pretty much defunct, and mentions of it in the local papers are being scrubbed from their websites. You can still read some of them through Google Caches. Apparently this was their grand opening, and in less than 48 hours the business has entirely imploded. Either this was the dumbest misreading of the market by a leftie shithead that I've ever seen (apparently she was from Indianapolis), or it could be a Potemkin narrative. Props set up just long enough to get the story and the rage inducing links - then disappear overnight.
>>83832 Just because an action creates a better outcome doesn't mean I have a moral obligation to do it. Your moral code is up to you and you alone.
>>83832 >Truth is objective What is 2 + 2?
>>83834 There are morally neutral actions in certain scenarios. Morality can both be objective and granular.
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>>83835 Five! But only for very high values of two.
>>83628 >>83658 KEK! Humans never win over the God. Chinks' micropenis syndrome at it's best.
>>83833 >or it could be a Potemkin narrative. As in the battleship Potemkin? The Russian navy vessel the suffered a mutiny during the first decade of the 20th century, went sailing around a couple ports for the purposes of inspiring a Socialist uprising across the rest of the country, but ultimately ended in a compromise with the czar that changed nothing on either side.
>>83834 >doesn't mean Yes. It does. >your moral code Morality isn't subjective. That we can externally define actions as 'better', or 'best', or 'worse' intrinsically shows the objectivity of moral choices. >>83835 4. Are you missing the point?
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>>83837 *Four
So how many of you enjoy looking at hot 3DPD guys but don't actually wanna have sex with them or watch them have sex with other men?
>>83842 That’s not my lived experience.
>>83841 >Yes. It does. No it fucking doesn't. Get over yourself. >That we can externally define actions as 'better', or 'best', or 'worse' intrinsically shows the objectivity of moral choices. That has nothing to do with morals, you anal-blasted queer.
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>>83837 4+5 is a doozy
>>83846 Those are great for setting up t-spins though.
>>83825 The fucking Death Note music in this video got me And that archive, look at all the reddit faggots coming to her defense
>>83825 Who fuck is Jenny and why should I care?
>>83850 Just some random twitch e-celeb. I have absolutely no idea why retards are talking about her here.
>>83850 867-5309
>>83852 only boomers get this reference
>>83851 It's just funny seeing a whore get exposed but the thread should be on /b/
>>83854 I mean, technically she does play video games, so...
>>83855 You're a fucking retard.
>>83856 No U.
>>83856 No, but apparently you are. >>83851 It started from some fag posting about how she recently started streaming again and how he was sad he didn't have a Korean girlfriend to do stuff with.
>>83858 That wasn't a question, it was an observation.
>>83859 But you should know all it takes is one person mentioning someone to get people talking about them.
>>438229 The Church is not legitimate.
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>>83858 >No, but apparently you are. >No U >>83857 I'm psychic.
I hate torniggers.
>>438229 >implying the church would try to burn the secular society for being "heretic" again if they had the chance Destroy them while they are weak before they regain their strength and try to destroy you.
>>438229 replace 'X' with 'not paying indulgences'.
>>83863 Then just use blocklists filters like a good twitternigger anon.
>>83864 You mean wouldn't?
>>83864 Except, much of that shit never happened. And, if it did, the instigator of it had his reputation raked through the coals. Even the infamous "Spanish Inquisition" killed less than one person a year during it's entire campaign.
>>83865 But indulgences are like, ancient history man. That's old news, just like the artificially inflated reports of Catholic pedo priests. Please ignore how the French Catholic church has been doing an internal audit for past 3 or 4 years finding hundreds of pedo priests going back a few decades that have sexually abused thousands of kids.
>>83868 >Even the infamous "Spanish Inquisition" killed less than one person a year during it's entire campaign. Well of course. Heretics aren't people.
>>83843 gamergays
>>83866 torniggers
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>>83867 Yes. >>83868 >Except, much of that shit never happened That's what they always said to get your sympathy before tying you to a rock and throwing you to the sea, but dammed be their idols if I let myself to be tricked by their masks again.
>>83873 Shut the fuck up anthony fantano
What the Hell is even going on in this thread anymore?
>>83873 Wait, you were personally thrown into the sea with a rock by the Spanish Inquisition?
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>>83877 Yes. Twice because I was dumb enough to try to return to my home for my stuff before leaving for good.
>>83875 You were defending the Spanish Inquisition as if all institutions back then didn't have massive corruption issues. Most of them still do.
>>83680 Shed all lgbt abomination's blood, and burn them alive.
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>>83551 >Dozens of facebook comments It's always amazing.
>>83881 Huh?
>>83882 Dozens of people posting using their Facebook profiles to use the integrated Facebook comment section on Mangakakalot to talk about a loli yuri manga with an unashamed woman constantly lusting after a precocious, but not sexually so, 6 year old girl. One of the primary factors being all the shit she manages to get away with that if a man were to do it, he'd be put on a watch list. >>83551 >That ass belongs to a 5yo girl It says 6.
>>83735 Still looks exactly like a orc though.
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>>83885 Not 700 yet, though I could use some material for the new OP. Like basing it on Fight Knight's crazy ex and "psychic birds"?
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>>83886 As long as it's VIDEOGAMES, go crazy.
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>>83887 Make it Undertale/Deltarune related just to piss on the faggot who had a meltdown and spammed wojaks in the previous thread because people were talking about Deltarune.
>>83888 >A new loli Coco You are a saint.
One to go.
>>83890 i assume its less loli and more flat but
>>83886 >>83889 Do all three. >>83888 I love you anon.
Hotline Miami is in the news again https://archive.is/gpu5b
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>>83885 >BAKER? the president of ArmsTech?
>>83894 Dog is a fucktard.
>>83892 >Two more new ones Lovely. >i assume its less loli and more flat but Coco is a loli-ish character, but her boobs are too big in canon. At least, using Tawna as a standard for bimbo proportions.
>>83894 >“A couple of the books that he’s been reading are 10 times worse than ‘Dungeon and Dragons.’ Wew. Boomers gonna boomer.
>>83889 Well, if you can give any better related images on the subject, I might just be crazy enough to do that and save the Fight Knight Ex thing for the one after.
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>>83837 The absolute irony of this "five square" shit is they will argue relative truth instead of objective truth. Then you say something like >if four squares make five squares, then relatively could not four cells make a larger organism which is considered human life? >therefore abortion is murder when viewed relatively And then watch them argue that their truth is objective with the rage of absolutely irreconcilable cognitive dissonance.
is undertale the homestuck of video games?
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>>83899 make it about ralsei smoking a fatty

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>>83899 Here's something from Deltarune. >>83901 Yes, and not just in a metaphorical way. Toby and the games have ties with the homosuck fanbase.
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5 minutes in paint
>>83904 Not formatted properly, I've got pretty much what I need to submit the next one. What do you other guys say?
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>>83906 I don't care. I just like shitposting.
>>83735 >black hobbit >Not Kevin hart Kevin Hart been black Listed by Amazon for gay and tranny jokes?
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>>83843 Gamergate loves gachimuchi

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