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Magic sex enhancement/tentacle seedbed/fetish idea thread Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 23:37:41 No. 5615 >>5619 >>5658
Basically I want a discussion thread to talk about some ideas I had while reading a tentacle seedbed doujin. Discuss and post ideas and that match/loosely match the theme I'm about to outline. First posted this thread to /4/d/ https://boards.4chan.org/d/thread/11131196 (please bump it/effortpost)
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My PRIMARY fetish is /h/ tier pregnancy with tentacleand futanari as mere tertiaries but I had a recent fit of imagination with a novel futa idea brought on by Bonnouji Yura's recent 2 tentacle doujins that I want to discuss. <https://exhentai.org/g/3010152/7f01e3d4cd/ (mostly this one) <https://exhentai.org/g/2696907/8c8ff2615a/ I thought up an ideal doujin of most of my fetishes basically. I got to thinking about it and it seems like the few /d/ tastes I have are all heavily tempered by my /h/ inclinations. I'm considering commissioning Bonnouji Yura to extend this Tentacle Slayer Corps story with some of my ideas/fetishes, most of which I suspect he also holds. It basically amounts to the tentacles capturing more of the Corps and gaining more and more of their powers and using them to crossbreed itself into perfection. Eventually they would reach a critical mass and would use some of the magical girl's powers to up their intelligence and fuse together into a handsome, manly, tentacle monsterboy form with tons of sexual powers and and an alluring masculine voice that would make Kuon's very femininity throb and corrupt her. She'd begin to enjoy futa fucking other girls with the dick the tentacles would temporarily force her to grow and end the story as the enthusiastic Tentacle Queen. I generally only like futa of the temporary ball-less sort (because its kinda unfeminine otherwise), sometimes merely ultra-clit futa, but that sort of thing doesn't fit for these breeding purposes. So I thought up an AMAZING futa concept one day: A futanarization that cannot cum on it's own but instead connects the womb to the dick and uses the cum of the male to ejaculate with. The girl can only cum when the man/tentacles blasts into her. Fucking hot. The tentacles would use this to further boost crossbreeding efforts. I really don't like tentacle mouths sucking futanaris off (like in his previous work), I much prefer them shoving that thing into another girl. I'm even considering paying him to just ~consider~ all my ideas. Haven't had a doujin stoke the imagination like this in a while. I haven't ever even wanted to commission porn before. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Magical Girl Powers]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doujin tldr: Tentacle Slayer Corps with girls with unique magical powers. Powers their tentacle children can inherit and use to sexual ends. >Time Stop <-Rapid Pregnancy >Vital Bond (a power thats good for support and team work that synchronizes the vitality of teamates) <-Fertilization Orgasm (she can feel eggs being fertilized, author did this in his previous work. She can also feel her offspring's strength and it getting stronger, which thrills) >Aura Fist (fighting spirit aura ect) <-Masculine Essence (puts off an aura of alluring manliness) >Transformation (like I dunno she turns her arms into blades or something) <-Futanarization (no balls, it cums with the tentacle semen stored in the womb instead of making its own) >ESP <-Shared Orgasm (sense link, feels the tentacles pleasure as well and any girl futa/tentacle-fucked. Psychic powers also make the the tentacles more intelligent) >Confusion <-Synesthesia (sexual sense-crossing make her vagina taste the sex and find it delicious/make her tongue orgasm when eating delicious things. Nose orgasms from masculine odor. Lactating feels like ejaculation, nipples tastes their own milk. Ect ect) >Spirit Fusion (shes like a summoner that summons and fuses familars) <-Ideal Form (sexy ikemen monsterboy form where tentacles combine and fuse) >Siren Song (bard of the group, uses sonic attacks ect) <-Arousing Voice (tentacles speak in a otherworldly attractive voice, making one experience sexual arousal/ovulate >Heal <-Erotic Vitality (unending sexual stamina, healthiness. Hymen and vaginal tightness regeneration. >Thunderfist <-Electrostimulation (boosts orgasms to eltrocuting ultra-orgams. Tentacle babies send intermitent little pleasurable shocks, pairs well with Vital Bond) >Alchemy (support, makes potions and the like FMA style) <-Aphrodisiac Mist & Nectar >Hypnosis <-Amnesia (make a girl temporarily forget she was recently a tentacle seedbed so she walks unwittingly impregnated among her allies) >Dream Walker (she helps Corps members and the citizenry by using therapeutic good dreams on them) <-Fantasies Manifest (used to either <A. further sexytimes by giving girls dreams of making out with other girls they haven't yet, having loli harems of their own from the citizenry, or DPing her own daughter with tentacleman (who will not father human babies in reality), or <B. the sole vacation time they spend. Like painting with tentacleman, going on romantic dates with tentacleman, or playing videogames with tentacleman. Just so they don't get bored of the constant fucking ya know. >Teleport
[Expand Post]<-Tentacle Portals (portals in vagina/womb/around dick/around limbs. Teleports tentacle fetuses between mothers' wombs for more effective crossbreeding. Tentacles bite their own tails and infinitely insert into girls for fun. Portals summoning the futa dicks of the squad into pussies. Pseudo-amputee kinks.) >++Combined use of Transformation, Spirit Fusion, and Vital Bond <-Self Genesis (combined tentacles can melt into semen/a single spermatazoid and impregnate women with itself for: <A. a comfy place to sleep <B. sneaking into places <C. powering up <D. having fun psychically teasing/sweet talking it's mother <E. making it's mother futa-impregnate another girl, the act of birth is orgasmic for both. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Sexy Scenes/Artist requests]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Making out with tentacle tongue, orgasming from the otherworldly delicious flavor AND her tongue becoming an erogenous zone -Getting throatfucked by tentacle, which makes anything it contacts feel like a pussy and have taste buds -Tentacles making her drink her own milk, she loves it's magically boosted flavor and erogenous tongue and throat. Same with semen. -The tentacles shove their tongues into her nipples and cast a spell on her tits than make them taste their own milk and feel as intense as ejaculation -Tentacle nest growing Kuon-chan a futa dick but refusing to touch it, stoking her desire -Putting her to sleep and sealing her senses except touch, then shoving her dick into her terrified best friend exorcist. As she enjoys thrusting her hips imagining it to be a tentacle-mouth, her senses are unsealed revealing to her horror she is raping her best friend -She trys to deny it and pull out but the tentacles use Electrostimulation and Aphrodisiac on Kuon and she loses control and plows her crying friend. To her frustration she has no semen to cum. -Tentacles then cum into Kuon-chan's pussy and make her futa cock cum that same semen with her dick shoved into her friend. -Tentacles getting more intelligent until they eventually all fuse into one handsome masculine form. So handsome it makes Kuon's womb throb and heart quicken. -Tentacleman nibbling on her ear and teasing/speaking sweet nothings into it. Calling her his "Motherwife". -Tentacleman separates back into tentacles for fun. Any Tentacles he fathers combine into him, powering him up everytime. -He melts into a Semen-Slime via Transformation and with Spirit Fusion condenses into a single spermatazoid and using Self Genesis impregnates Corps women with himself in order to A. have a pleasant time doing it and sleeping in comfy mommywife womb B. magic/genecrafting himself C. playing around speaking psychically to her from within and generally pulsating with manly power D. getting himself futa ejaculated into another Motherwife, for fun or breeding purposes E. infiltration where he using Time Accel on himself at the opportune moment -Kuon impregnating her best friend with tentacleman -Tentacleman born as a tentacleswarm and then morphing into human form where he shivers in orgasm and rubs himself all over. Exciting the females watching him rub his abs and with the knowledge that they caused this in him. -Capturing a mother and daughter from the citizenry and giving Kuon an oyakodon fetish -Capturing Kuon's own mother and giving her an even stronger oyakodon fetish -Impregnating her own mother with tentacleman -ect ect imagine obvious uses of the listed powers to your hearts' content ------------------------------------------------------[My general "/h/ tier with a splash of /d/" tastes. For reference]------------------------------------------------------------------ Fetishes I hold and do not: -Pregnancy but not hyper preg. 4-6 months ideally. I prefer the breasts not be too large either. Artstyle dependent, some make ready-to-pop work. -Shapely pregnant bellies that aren't distended are a must. Nor balloon shaped. The bellies must accentuate the curves. -I don't like sexual birth in my pregnant content but do like tentacle seedbed birth. Endcard happy birth in a hospital is fine of course. -Paradoxically, I somewhat prefer ikemen dudes fucking girls over tentacles, which lack that inherent eroticism sometimes. A bit of a conundrum, the solution? Tentacle monsterboys that morph from a swarm/pit to a handsome tentacle bishie. I want some of this shit. -I like tentacles if they match a great many criteria but actually prefer normal sex most of the time, oddly enough -Loli good but toddlercon and borderline toddlercon bad. Lolis should have slight curves. No hips at all suck. Heavily artstyle dependent. -I oscillate between hankering for loli and hankering for long-legged babes with great curves. Equal preference. JK>JC>JD>>JS. JS CAN be made to work but it's artstyle dependent. -Thicc is ok but don't overdo it, same with Sticc, same with muscles. Lean and lithe is always welcome. -I don't like pregnant girls to put on weight of any kind outside of the bellies and especially not be subjected to body deformation, even breast expansion. A girl's given size/breast size is part of her aesthetic. Amenable somewhat, for lactation. -Preferably no pregnancy-browned nipples nor large areolae. Easily tolerated though. -No nipple fucking. Thin tentacles inserted to get the mammary glands working are ok. -Transparent suction-cup milking tentacles are very lame and unintimate. Much prefer milking to de done by entites suckling it, savoring it. -Inflation only if it's a subdued bulge. -Dislike anal-only but DP is ok, anal is only tolerable as a means to enhance vaginal sex. I prefer plug-and-forget tentacles that just eliminate waste, maybe vibrate and get to thrusting when vaginal is going on. Anal birth is a hard no of course. -Futa must be ball-less and temporary. Whether I want ejaculating futa or simple ultraclit futa is story and artstyle dependent. Tertiary fetish. -Futa must be buried in another girl, not getting sucked off by a tentacle or using a sextoy. -I don't think I like a girl to be futa and pregnant at the same time but amenable somewhat. I think I've just been burned by bad art doing it. It's amenable mostly because this idea under discussion could leverage it. Idk how I feel about it. -Corruption cannot be of the total mind control/hypnosis sort. Or of the infected sort. Simple corrupted-by-the-pleasure is much preferable. Convinced-into-enthusiastic-perversion is the best kind. I don't like too-extreme visual changes on the girl. -Tattoos are fine if they are the temporary magical sort but I for whatever reason am severely turned off by body writing. Tallys and whatnot. -Chiseled ikemen are preferable to ugly bastards. This includes monsters. Even tentacle nests shouldn't be pustulous masses. -If it would appeal to yumejoshi, I'd likely like it as well.
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>https://exhentai.org/g/2696907/8c8ff2615a/ This is his second greatest work but for my tastes, personally, it has a few problems. In order of severity they are: >Anal Birth (hate it) >Full-package futanari (will tolerate it/can roll with it but the alternative would be hotter) >Futanari being sucked off by a tentacle (it'd be preferable to have the girl ejaculate into nothing in reaction to vaginal orgasm. Even more preferable to have her fucking another girl) >Oviposition (meh, it can work, artsyle premitting. I just like the thought of fetilization and gestation more) >Anal focus of any kind (I barely like DP as it is and only like it as something that enhances vaginal sex. Plug-and-forget tentacles whose purpose is eliminating waste are best. Maybe ones that also vibrate to enhance vaginal sex) >Glass sunction cup milkings (feels unintimate, much prefer milking to de done by entites suckling it, savoring it)
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<Concerning Self Genesis: With these two pics I had an idea for another type: Sperm Battleground. Where the spermatazoids eat/fight each other for dominance before aggressively imprenating the egg. That'd be great for self genesis. The SG-sperm would be all superpowered and rip the others apart. The soon to be mother would feel all of this with Vital Bond of course. When futa-ejacuting the god sperm she'd experience a double orgasm from the sheer masculine power swimming through her dick.

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Have a slideshow and a dark elf animation. Warning that the former contains some anal birth and both have severe stomach distension. >>5615 (OP) >4chan link >please bump it/effortpost Welcome newfriend. This site generally despises cuckchan, and most English speakers here left cuckchan a decade ago because it had already been going to shit for years and the goobergate issue was just a spark for the powder keg of resentment against the site. Direct linking and shilling halfchan is highly frowned upon. You seem to be a dedicated autistic pervert, so I hope you enjoy this site's various extra features. ><https://exhentai.org/g/3010152/7f01e3d4cd/ (mostly this one) ><https://exhentai.org/g/2696907/8c8ff2615a/ Haven't read them. I'll read them soon. While I like tentacle sex, I've grown to dislike the usual depictions of rape and mindbreak over the years, and thus have been reading less tentacle porn due to the overlap. I much prefer consensual scenarios, or rape scenarios wherein the girl gives into the lewd and embraces the situation, but not in a mindbreaky "I love sex now, so I'm completely fucking retarded" way, or wherein the girl keeps up a more believable resistance throughout the story. I like characters with agency is what I'm really getting at. >I'm considering commissioning Bonnouji Yura You have the means to commission JP artists? Do you know Japanese? The few times I've commissioned art, some details are lost along the way even when speaking to someone in the same language. I could never commission a whole doujin. Too many details to fuck up. I stick with single art pieces to fulfill a particular niche desire, usually rare characters and uncommon but not bizarre fetishes, maybe with clothing alternates at best. >A futanarization that cannot cum on it's own but instead connects the womb to the dick and uses the cum of the male to ejaculate with. The girl can only cum when the man/tentacles blasts into her. Fucking hot. I like your creativity. /h/ is pretty much a dumping ground for most, even me, but ideally I want it to be a place where people actually discuss what they like and what makes their fetishes tick. >I'm even considering paying him to just ~consider~ all my ideas That's sounds kinda dumb. I know thinking with your dick is the point here, but don't think with it too hard. And double check the post formatting guide. You will be mocked for using the italics/bold formatting from other sites. >>5618 That sounds really fucking weird, but I do love me some visual depictions of egg fertilization.
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>>5619 Thanks for the effortpost. >Welcome newfriend. This site generally despises cuckchan I'm aware. I have my gripes with the place, but being that I pretty much stick to /a/ I generally have a perfectly fine time. The worst thing about it the /dbs/ shit. >I much prefer consensual scenarios, or rape scenarios wherein the girl gives into the lewd and embraces the situation Literally me, exactly what I'm going for. I also don't like tentacle seedbed shit where the girl stays permanently in the flesh wall. I like for her to go out for a bit, pick some flowers, read a book, then enthusiastically come back. Though moments of initial terror are diamonds inducing to be sure, pic related. >"I love sex now, so I'm completely fucking retarded" Lame, agreed. >I like characters with agency is what I'm really getting at. Okuva is great for this. Though he gets a little /d/ mor my tastes at times. >You have the means to commission JP artists? Do you know Japanese? No, but the folks on /h/'s skeb general appear to use Deep-L to great success. I was advised to simply build rapport with him on twitter first. >I could never commission a whole doujin. Too many details to fuck up. Not an issue in my case and what I intend for Bonnouji to do. I like HIS work the way HE does it and just want him to continue his Kuon story like I expect he naturally would, just after chewing on my ideas. Commissioning a doujin point-by-point I expect is a bad idea as I expect it gets in the way of the creative process. I want him to get hype over these ideas and want to send where his creative inspiration takes him. >I like your creativity. /h/ is pretty much a dumping ground for most, even me, but ideally I want it to be a place where people actually discuss what they like and what makes their fetishes tick. Thanks, and yeah that's what I'm looking more of two. I'd love input on the other ideas too. >And double check the post formatting guide. You will be mocked for using the italics/bold formatting from other sites. Thanks for the advice but I'm not following. Where did I err on formatting? 4chan doesn't even have italics/bold. >That sounds really fucking weird, but I do love me some visual depictions of egg fertilization. It's all a means for the girl to feel the masculine potency inside her through Vital Bond basically.
>>5619 Oh and btw: The one other chan I posted this to was Pregchan. They have a pure discussion board, /c/. I got 1 extremely good effortpost there (even better than yours). You might like to check it out. Fucking dead there though https://pregchan.com/c/res/3503.html
>>5621 >Where did I err on formatting? 4chan doesn't even have italics/bold. I thought your use of ~tilde~ for emphasis where italics would fit was an attempt at italic formatting from another site. I've seen tilde use that way elsewhere. >>5623 Here is pretty dead too, outside of /v/ and the latin boards. But I'd rather here than most other cancerous and/or dead places just for the site features. 5 files a post, 50MB a post, 32MB a file, no re-captcha, just regular captcha, somewhat effective and non-intrusive anti-spam measures, moderation that's mostly hands off, support for a large number of filetypes, advanced oekaki, post restoration for moderation mistakes and mitigation of saboteurs in moderation, et cetera.
>>5624 Ah I see. I just did it on my own initiative. If any site is "influencing" me in formatting it's the old gamefaqs >But I'd rather here... Yeah pretty good site. Well... if I ignore the deadness and massive amount of 404'd images
>>5625 (me) >Well... if I ignore the deadness and massive amount of 404'd images WAIT sorry. I though I was on 8kun for a moment. Durr.
>>5626 Yeah, the 8kunt rebranding was a massive failure. Site pretty much taken over by qboomers, including the site owner. Both /pol/ and /loli/ practically banned and then actually banned. This is the largest remaining site following the exodus from the corpse of the original 8chan.
>>5629 Yeah posting this on one of their smut boards didn't seem like an attractive prospect
<Concerning Electrostimulation/Vital Bond: This first picture is fucking great. The concept of the babies in her belly letting her wield the powers of other magical girls is hot. With unique halos/magic circles over her belly to show it. 10 tentacles in her belly. 10 halos. The girl wielding the electricity from the electric baby in her belly specifically is pretty hot. Accentuates an electrostimulation fetish nicely doesn't it? If it's not full electrocution to boost an orgasm; I'd like any ""casual"" electrifed state to always have SOME visible effect on the girl. Like the baby kicks and sends out pulse shocks and the girl therefore shivers, closes her eyes, and bites her lower lip. Or does a tiny soft yelp/moan. Imagine tentacles casting time accel from inside the womb instead. Man Blue Archive has been a godsend for the preggers scene. This fetal halo thing has been the hottest shit since womb tattoos. Good shit.
>>5616 >https://exhentai.org/g/3010152/7f01e3d4cd/ Solid, but not quite of particular interest to me. I'd glad she didn't already lose her will to resist after the first time skip, but I wish there had been more of the story in which she had given into and embraced the pleasure. This seems to just have a couple lines at the very end.
>>5646 I agree thats more my speed too
>>5615 (OP) Why did you shill post on loli when you're not posting loli? Liking loli too wouldn't make it okay to shill yaoi there, so why did you think hag posting would fly?
>>5658 Well the concept includes loli (oyakodaon and whatnot) and like I mentioned; Bonno has loli plans. My post here is essentially conceptual, meaning that it can be applied in a full loli manner. I don't see why it matters being how incredibly dead both of these places are. You the mod that deleted it, or perhaps you reported it? Not that I object, whatever.
>>5659 I just took over the board. Theoretical loli isn't really loli, and you ought not be posting a bunch of images that have no lolis in them whatsoever on the loli board.
>>5660 >Theoretical loli isn't really loli Would not a titilating concept that is diamonds inducing when loli is applied to it be just fine for the board? I had the good graces to post a loli image as the OP image my dude. If the board had any damn traffic I'd even agree with your purist autism but in this "we're so fucking dead" context why even bother? I'm clearly posting loli in this very thread anyway.
>>5661 >but in this "we're so fucking dead" context why even bother? Why bother coming to a dead board and complain about it's rules? It makes no difference that you included a single token loli image. You may as well have posted scat and gore for the rest of the post because it's still 80% not loli.
>>5662 To draw from the excellent tastes of lolifags who might be titilated by the concept of course. >You may as well have posted scat and gore for the rest of the post because it's still 80% not loli. So... may I repost that thread with 5 images of loli instead including that preggers Lana one? With your permission of course.
>>5663 Yeah. In fact, I'll restore it with the hags removed, if you really still want it.
>>5664 That's possible eh? Thanks. ...will you also be removing this thread >>>/loli/487 as well? Surely not right? I'd say that is topically just fine no?
>>5666 Every image in that post has a loli in it with a fair amount of focus on the loli to boot. Though two of those oppai lolis are pretty arguable, they at least can fall into a grey zone.
>>5667 Hmm. Well say someone makes a "age regression thread" and posts on image of an artist's girl, then his subsequent image of them aged down. Surely you wouldn't kick up a fuss then?
>>5666 >That's possible eh? This site has lots of good features like that. Post restoration allows for moderators and vols to fix mistakes, damage from rogue moderators to be quickly repaired, and mediation like this to have more easily achieved resolutions. Individual deletion of files from posts allows for posts that are only partially in violation of rules to be saved. Unfortunately, moderators cannot spoil individual files, either all files in a post or none, however users can spoil individual files. Neither can files individually removed from a post be restored. >>5668 No, those images would be part of a continuous set. The images you posted though were from a doujin that is complete in and of itself. A single image of the original character paired with the aged down version would be the most that is tolerable.
>>5669 All right bud if you insist. If I had spoilered those images would it have been fine? May I post them again?
>>5670 Just post one for the de-aging comparison if you want. Spoiler is unnecessary.
>>5670 >>5671 Nevermind that actually, I've already done it myself.
>>5671 Cool. Though let me ask again: would it have, in fact, been fine if I had originally spoilered those ones? For reference.
>>5673 I guess, so long as you didn't continue to post more after being given notice.
>>5674 Cool. The pic you restored back isn't an age down actually btw
>>5675 How?
>>5617 I lost interest on page 12 where there was instant loss rape. I prefer a work with more gradual pacing.
>>5681 Agreed. Part of why I made this thread really.
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<Shared Orgasm Sense link between girls is common enough, but what is much less common is the girl feeling the pleasures the dick is feeling inside her. And I've never seen a work where she feels the pleasures of the tentacle. You've got this monsterous thing painting unwanted pleasure on your body, and on top of that it forces it's own pleasures onto you too. Hot concept. I remember seeing good, more topical doujin pages that did the "feeling the boyfriend's dick" thing but I don't remember where they're from.
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New character from Kuon's universe. Nice. She uses those crests to manipulate objects. I guess the tentacles that inherit it could use that power to control the bodies of girls. Kind of like full-lucid mind control. Body control rather. If I were to include this in >>5616 I suppose it'd look something like: >Marionette (places crests on objects and enemies to move, control, and mangle them) Sex Doll (full-lucid body control, can force the girl to pseudo enthusiastically participate in sex in action but not in thought. Maybe "command" the girl to ovulate or produce milk)
>>5720 From /wsr/: Name: Umesaki Ayase Power: Physical Matter Manipulation Crest of the Umesaki family/clan is carved on her palm. With this she can freely manipulate anything she has touched. Basic fighting style is firing weapons Alternatively if she touches an opponent directly, she can twist or rupture them. A girl from an esteemed family, a pure blooded master demon slayer (or pure blooded mage slayer, depending on if it's 対魔+師 or 対魔師, but my guess is antidemon + master) She is prideful and looks down on tentacles as "lowly lifeforms that only have reproductive instinct" Body of a pure blooded demon slayer has very high suitability for becoming a seedbed, being able to give birth merely an hour after impregnation by tentacles. Her nipples and aureolas are rather big (it's bothering her) From a situation of "Well, this is going to be easy" >ufufu, let me put you out of your misery quickly I want her to get grabbed by the tentacles and make an embarrassed face. (With her power she places a talisman and prevents entry/penetration).
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<Here's another hot scene: Imagine a new Corps member's first impregnation with Self Genesis. She's a particularly weak willed younger one that kneels to the tentacles after simply SEEING some girls get fucked. She snuck into the nest and beheld the breeding but instead of trying to save the girls she just started masturbating, getting herself caught. After birthing tentacles once and getting her power, Vital Bond, stolen she coos at the tentacles constantly. Begging them for sex and for them to grow her a futa cock. >"Maaaaster. Pleeeease grow me a cock~ I want Kuon-chan and Ayase-chan to bear my cute tenty babies so bad~" >"Master let me goooo~ I won't run~ I want to ride B-chan's cock~ *pouts* Pretty please?" Tentaman has many powers and is very intelligent by this point. He is greatly amused by this new girl and decides to debut Self Genesis here after incorporating Vital Bond. He sets the whole swarm on new girl and fucks her wildly. As the tentacle fucking her cums the whole swarm melts into into semen, drives itself into her womb, compressing as into goes so her belly barely bulges, and combines all its power into a single sperm. And new girl can SENSE this sperm's power. >"Uooooooooh it's so maaaaaaanly~! The sheer masculinity in my pussy, oh god~ I can feel it swimming, I can sense it's power~ I-I'm cumming! I'm cumming from his very presence!" She starts masturbating furiously, shivering intensely. >"Yes yes yes yes. Please master impregnate my egg! Quite teeeeeasing me~ I want to birth you so fucking bad~" She rubs herself against the girls. Tentaman the starts psychically sweet talking her: >"Good girl, now go take in more of my semen from the others. I wish to do battle with their seed first." The girls all grow cocks at his command. She rides them all and consumes their magical girl boosted tenta-semen. As she does this she senses him do battle with and consume the other spermatazoids. >"OOOOOH it's a bloodbath in there! I can feel him conquering all the other sperm! He's so powerful, oh god I'm gonna come again~" As she last orgasms on Kuon's cock he finally impregnates her egg, which then gives her a x3 orgasm. She then falls asleep in Kuon's arms, suckling her breast. She spends the next day masturbating at the power in her belly. After waking up himself after a pleasant sleep, Tentaman uses Accel from inside her belly to rapidly advance the pregnancy, much to New girl's delight. After she births him in his very long tentacle body he reveals his Ikemen form before her eyes. He then rewards her with some lovey dovey handhold sex. After cumming a healthy amount of compressed cum into her womb he grows her a futa cock and invites her to DP the others with him, which she excitedly accepts. He then wipes all their memories with Hypnosis and sends them all back to the Corps, unknowingly pregnant. Save his new Secretary whom he sends back as a spy.
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Extremely good effortpost an anon made on the 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/d/thread/11131196#p11161476
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>>5772 >Direct linking cuckchan
>>5773 I half agree with the cuckchan sentiment: I completely abandoned /pol/ after the reddit tidalwave and use altchans for my fix. For /d/ whats the point in caring? This place is too dead chief.
>>5773 Who fuckin cares lol
Upcoming character for his next manga. The tentacles show her visions of them fucking her friends to mind break her into lifting her pussy seal. Also theres a tentacle monstergirl.
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Really excited for Bonnouji's next one. This time the tentacles make the girl halucinate giving birth to whittle down her mental defenses so that she eventually lifts the seal on her pussy willingly. Then the real thing feels good on another level.

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