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Loli-friendly service providers Anonymous 12/01/2020 (Tue) 16:34:43 No. 652
Hello /loli/, I was wondering if we could have a thread about loli friendly domain registrars, hosting providers, reverse proxy providers, etc. I only know about Cockbox/Flokinet (on their Romanian servers) and FranTech. It seems most providers shy away from it even when it is not illegal in their countries. For instance, most Russian and fmr. SU bulletproof domain registrars won't allow any loli, and in some cases no pornography at all, despite having no issue with carding, malware and assorted scammers.
(1.36 MB 1372x2000 80544894_p0.jpg)

I think regardless of the chosen companies is important to follow these notes: >loli sites only become a problem for the companies when they attract too much unwanted attention. Most of the time the companies aren't even aware of them >big companies value their public image a lot, and may terminate you without making questions or directly refuse to work with you >openly "pro-free speech" companies tend to avoid porn in general because it causes them economic problems (platforms with porn are harder to monetize and advertise with regular users) and damage their already fragile image (because retards equal free-speech with hate speech and attack these companies) >smaller "neutral" companies are more willing to work with lolis, but they may throw a buzz as soon as they get a report for CP. Is recommended to talk with them beforehand in order to make a good deal >in these cases the hosting providers that are willing to host loli demand you to add an entry barrier in exchange for ignoring fake reports >this barrier can be the usual "Log in to watch this content", the header hack used on 8moe or even simply hidding lewd lolis by default (like on Gelbooru and Lolibooru) >USA isn't an option anymore because most companies fear the DOST test, reports for CP (even if it's not CP) and social terrorists boicoting and doxing them >ironically, Japan isn't an option either because of their censorship and copyright laws >Russia is a horrible option for porn in general, since it's banned there and the gov may threat your hosting/domain/CDN company just for your site (it happened to 8moe) >a handful of European countries are fine with loli (Spain, Finland, Belgium, Moldova, I think Romania), but some companies still will refuse to help you >South American countries may be an option since loli is legal in most of them, but I don't know about a loli site with servers there >despite their past acts, CloudFlare still seems to be one of the best options for DDoS protection, CDN and similar stuff. They ignore Russian bullshit and only terminate people when their public image is in danger Vanwa and Epik value allowing freedom of politic content over porn, and will terminate you over it if it puts them at risk (Vanwa terminated Acid without notice over 3 loli lewds reported by Russia) In few words, loli/shota sites only are allowed to exist when their existence is unknown to normalfags. The moment Twittards start reeeing is when you need to start looking for a different name/host or make special deals with your current companies. ATF lost domains and hosts because Kiwitrannies spammed lots of fake reports, sadpanda also moved their servers to a different company because the previous one dropped ATF and they feared the same could happen to them, small imageboards like 9chan and 8moe lost their domains because shithead trolls mass reported them with fake shit, and lots of other sites are allowed to stay up and even use Cloudflare because they're good at being unnoticed and hide the "raunchier" stuff.
>>654 Is hiding between multiple domains like sadpanda the only viable option, then? Even that adds just another layer to be broken if/when it attracts too much attention.
>>664 I'm convinced that perfect solutions only exist in the short term, and I'm talking about life in general there. After all, even sites that everyone thought would take over the world have been left behind. The best thing to do is to find ways for sites to last as long as possible and accept when the time is up, pack-up, and move to the next one.
I wonder how possible it is to self host Loli content
The true long term solution would to go to a place free from any countries restrictions aka a darknet site. its a shame that darknets site in general aren't more popular as they fix a lot of issues with censorship. Bandwidth also might not be as much of an issues ether as dark nets like i2p make every user contribute to the bandwith of the new work. Unlike tor which just has a lot of leacher and not that many people actually running nodes. Biggest problem would be lack of user traffic, most people can't into technology. Don't have a good fix for that problem in the short term but I think that if the world keeps going the way it is then darknets will get more and more popular and not just for dodge stuff.
>>5071 Hosting a i2p site wouldn't put into trouble users that aren't savy enough to set up a vpn? I assume their IP would have to be public.
>>654 >gov may threat your hosting/domain/CDN company just for your site Wut
I wonder what developing African countries could in the future be a sanctuary for loli and shota stuff? Nigeria already hosts some sites that Western companies don't want to touch for example, last I checked the Dailystormer is or was one of them. >>5071 >Don't have a good fix for that problem in the short term Then think long term, educate your friends and family on how to use such services and use them safely and teach them why things like i2p, tor, and secure free and open source communication apps are important for privacy and security. I can't speak for the rest of the world but so much of North America is becoming increasingly dumbed down which is a shame. In a way I got lucky, sure I still went to a shit school but there were a few diamonds in that rough who helped me be less of a tech illiterate retard and then the rest was self taught, mostly because I got tired of Microsoft's bullshit forced updates which in turn forced me into an uncomfortable but necessary situation where to learn linix shit lest I go insane with Windows shitty drivers and resource hogging spyware. Then the rest simply came naturally but I'm a bitter autist. >>654 I like this image, what's the artists name?
>>652 bump. Been thinking about making a danbooru spinoff.
>>5971 So I did a quick whois look up on some loli sites to find out where they are hosted and by whom. lolibooru.moe is hosted in Moldova by Trabia SRL which I think is the same country and hosting provider as this place allthefallen.moe is actually hosted in the USA by FranTech Solutions. I guess just do a whois look up on a bunch of sites that host loli which haven't had any trouble and see who they use and where. Then its probably not a bad idea to ask the hosting providers what they are okay with. >>5071 yep this would fix a lot of problems. Would running a tor hidden service from home be practical or would the bandwidth limitations cripple the site, especially if you wanted to host lots of large image files.
>>5975 >allthefallen.moe is actually hosted in the USA Surprising.
>>5386 Yeah, in sub-Sahara they don't really care what you host. The only problem is that if a civil war happens /a religious group finds out, the server will be down forever. I guess you can avoid this by using a Botswana/whatever developing African country that's isn't going to collapse. T.African
>>5984 Probably a *** honeypot- Feds enjoy chasing and having intel from unsuspecting people's addresses. Wouldn't go into it without a proper VPN or else...
isnt gelbooru usa hosted?
>>5071 The problem with dark net is it’s almost impossible to find one that’s not crossing the line That’s honestly a bad part of taking down loli/nnjb sites. Anyone seeking that is now tempted to venture into spaces with legit rapists and cp. but maybe that funnel is by design for the van
Sorta on-topic... pixiv have decided to go full retard and have started blocking loli/shota and other images from being displayed in certain countries. Namely the UK and US at this point.
>>6245 Change your location settings to Japan. This works for the moment. Probably, won't work forever though.
>>6250 I honestly blame the Brits for this shit. It's a Japanese website operating in Japan. If the Brits don't like that maybe they could do the world a favor and fuck off into the sun.
>>6253 Yeah, my guess is that pixiv got fed up with being attacked by the bongs over cartoons so they implemented the block as a way to get them to fuck off.

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