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Anonymous 04/20/2021 (Tue) 08:48:18 No. 2446
how do i draw all sorts o objects from any angle? especially this car, with its wheel turned in showing its wider face; it looks deceptively simple, compared to the smaller angled ones like the back wheel?
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You have to learn perspective and how objects shift which isn't the easiest thing. If you find yourself "just guessing" or drawing and hoping it looks good, you need to either study or practice more.
>>2447 haha your file caps, how Does object shift? you mean rotation? not sure what to study, as there is no general solutions it seems.
I hate perspective so much I make basic shapes in Maya and then trace over it. It's cheating but I don't care.
>>2449 same here. but i also hate maya
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>>2447 how do i draw a specific wheel like this though how do i choose the vanishing point for this
>>2448 Read "Perspective Made Easy" in the art books collection. >>2446 All objects can fit inside a cube or rectangular prism, do you know how to find the vanishing points of a cube or rectangulas prism? If so, you can find the vanishing point for everything. >>2449 It's not cheating unless it costs you more time in the end, how long would it take you to set up this for example? Maybe it's better than the "hard" way.
>>2455 i defo have that book and it's not easy >VP of cube i know how to, but that doesnt work for cylinder aka the wheel >cheating if costs more time ...it does cost more time. where do i get the models too? 3d modelling isnt v easy too what the hell does that mean again
>>2458 >i know how to, but that doesnt work for cylinder aka the wheel Yes, it doesn't directly. However, the wheel can fit inside a cube. If you can find the cube that fits your wheel, find the perspective that fits that cube, than "carve" the wheel out of the cube, you will have a wheel with perspective.
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>>2460 ok new question then... can i find/draw the curves used to draw the objects like these? maybe based on the VP or perspectivity, object's view or angles etx tldr using perspective x object's properties to draw curves in perspective/forming the lines required
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>>2462 Yes, if you want to know more, read Andrew Loomis "Figure drawing for all it's worth", he briefly covers perspective in the first 30 pages in regards to putting people in perspective, but the principles apply to everything. It's fucking hard and it takes practice, so get ready to git gud at perspective.
>>2466 ok i know this page, but the concept doesnt seem to apply to the case i posted >>2466
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>>2466 nice dubs
>>2473 what ugly menace
>>2446 Who's this autistic dipshit? I actually answered some of his questions, before realizing he's created three new threads on the same topic, while there's already a QTDDTOT-Thread.
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