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hecatiafren 02/17/2023 (Fri) 22:06:41 No. 71381
hi, guys, hecatiafren here! some may remember me from a while back, even though i never posted much. i guess i just wanted to ask for opinions? or i guess venting out a bit? either way, i'll get to the point and see where it goes! i did leave the discord a while back because i was inactive, and feeling pretty anxious about the amount of people being there, really not used to bigger groups. another reason for that was the fact i've been feeling really meh about heca lately, even before i found the board. guess it's because i've started seeing her way more as someone i would love to be friends with rather than a romantic interest, so i haven't really considered her a waifu for a little while. she still means a lot to me, though, and i find her to be a huge comfort character for me. because of her, i met a lot of great friends and all that fun stuff, and i have generally good memories associated with her. been meaning to look for another waifu, and even experimented a bit with self-shipping and going the harem route. even though those are fun and i found them emotionally fulfilling to some extent, i really want to find a single girl to stick to for a longer time again, didn't have much luck so far. some things are for certain though, the almost 3 years i've had with heca have been really nice! also, i want to take this slowly because i know these kinds of things shouldn't be rushed. guess i'll take it slow for a while longer and see where it takes me, just thought i should post here about it to get it off my chest and see what other waifufrens can say about it. sorry if it seems a bit disjointed or out of place!
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i don't get your problem here. you've listed only good things about hecatia, how you cherish all your memories with her, and yet are still wondering if you should waifu her after having been with her for three years honestly it just sounds like you're bored
You got anxiety from the size of the server? I honestly think it's not as big as other servers and mostly everyone knows each other pretty well because of that, makes it a lot more comfy I wouldn't want to touch self-shippers with a 10 foot pole but if you're out of that community I'm pretty sure everyone would gladly welcome you back
>>71389 what is self-shipping? aren't we all self-shippers to a certain extent?
/wai/ server has 16 2d love has 11
>>71390 Self shippers are in general not serious nor commited to their loved one and also they tend to ship with multiple characters (so like poly not serious waifuists), due to this they tend to not be that different from people who use the word "waifu" as simply best girl or the anime girl they want to fuck.
>>71390 I am not a self-shipper and real waifuists are not self-shippers. I will not be put in the same category as actual casual fuckers who will drop their favorite character for 3D at the drop of a hat. Don't you imply that about anyone here.
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i ship >>71394 and >>71395
>>71390 >aren't we all self-shippers to a certain extent? Yes lol, that's the very definition of waifuist. I would never draw or commission cringy fanart where I am shipping my self-insert OC with my waifu, but I very much ship myself x her in my head
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>>71469 >I would never draw or commission cringy fanart where I am shipping my self-insert OC with my waifu,
>>71472 Kind of sad how an outsider like you posts more regularly than people who are supposed to share the ideals of the board
>>71476 what makes me an outsider?
>>71493 You know the answer already

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