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Progressing Monarchism? 06/23/2023 (Fri) 10:52:45 No. 6445
Hello Anons, I hope this court accepts the humble return of this long errant servant. So, I'm sure for anyone who has been around the scene, we have long endured the spiel of monarchism as "outdated", claiming hereditary rule as an artifact of a past age. In my time outside these spheres, I have had alot of time to think about such things, and I have to wonder, as insipid as such claims are to us, was there something hidden to be learnt from? To preface, as much maligned as it was by us, and indeed myself, the months have given me much room for thought and I must now call myself both a socialist and an absolutist. That being a story for another time, It brings me to what I wish to discuss, are there appealing avenues to further develop a vision for monarchy along new lines, because while of course we balk at the claims that a natural progress of society leaves monarchism, could we apply new possibilities and lessons to the monarchist idea itself?. I'm sure I've articulated this all very poorly but I hope my general idea is being conveyed.
>>6445 I did intend to post a thumbnail image but it wouldn't let me, something about Tor, forgive me ignorance because I don't really know how to work with that
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There isn't much to do here. If you plan on staying, I recommending finding things to do you'll be comfortable doing w/ 1 or 2 anons for the long-term or what will keep you long-term engaged here. What I do is store my stuff here and share what I read. Suggestions: 1. You could blogpost. 2. Make another /monarchy/ OC tan to commission or get drawings of in your own containment thread, like Grace. 3. Make /monarchy/ OC? 4. Make threads about any monarchy, history, idea, policy, constitution, current event, or book. 5. Treat /monarchy/ like a variety of boards with royal characteristics: so feel free to talk /v/, /ck/, /fit/, /a/, /tkr/, but in your own thread where you may reside long-term (b/c this is a small board & you might as well settle for the long-run if you want anything out of it). 6. Politics and debating is ok -- this is a political board after all -- but as for debate, it should depend on if the anon wants to debate: this is a very small politics board & once we find out your position, it gets old fast & there's no circulation of anons -- so debating should be like dueling (where you challenge the anon & they decide whether they will debate or not). So idk you should ask any anon if they want to debate, & challenge them to a duel b/c we're going to be the only anons here for a loooong time and I have little interest in doing debates tbh. That is, for debating their essential position or political ideology, but IDK if it is a regular conversation on a daily topic, feel free & no need to ask for a duel. 7. Help with icup8 on anon.cafe /icup/ board. Our board might play at /icup/ again this season. I plan to have more /monarchy/ board related art (since now we have a crown jewels) -- our icup board symbol could be replaced. Other boards like /leftypol/ & /pol/ have nice shields or symbols or icons for their boards. I plan on having a logo for /monarchy
>>6446 I just realized the name slot isn't what I thought it was, now I look like a fool, haven't used these in too long >>6449 Thanks for the advice Anon, I take it this place simply isn't the kind of board I'm used to on my frequent trips to /tg/ or such. I appreciate the effort to acclimatizing me given how these usually are. Guess I'll just blogpost here about my political journey that prompted the thread according to your recommendation

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