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Hobbies Robot 05/12/2020 (Tue) 00:08:29 No. 156
Any robots here partake in/ used to partake in some sort of hobby? I myself used to be big into origami and photorealistic art when I was younger, but since then I've stopped doing both altogether. It got to a point where it wasn't very challenging and it was more a question of how many dozens of hours I wanted to spend on a drawing rather than if I could do it or not. As for origami paper simply got too expensive once I got into the higher skill territory. I recently tried drawing something again and half-assed it after about a third the way through due to boredom. If you robots would like to see any of these feel free to ask. As of right now, it seems like games and anime are where it's at. As for gaming, I'm planning on getting back into Majora's Mask after recovering my save files from a dead PC.
Alright update on the drawing thing. I'm going to try my hand at digital art and try to make some sort of practice piece. Photoshop piracy isn't just a single file replacement anymore so I'm going to have to take some time with this
>>465 >Photoshop why would you want to use that Over-Bloated piece of junk with a shit UI, aren't there really any better alternatives, i know that Paint.net is Limited in comparison to both Gimp and Photoshop, but still i'd rather use that than any of those 2 Hot pieces of Garbage
I remember one anon here playing electric guitar as well, post some riffs dude.
Does anyone here play touhou?
>>468 I've been wanting to play them. You got a reccomendation for where and how to start?
>>468 I'm stuck on the fourth one
>>470 Do you play it in public?
>>470 Hey I asked you a question answer me.
>>459 At that point you may as well just pick up DOS and Amiga WRPGs. You will get the same experience with less self management. I'm looking for a hobby that doesn't consume anything. Like card tricks or Yo-yos. Something I can buy one and just improve upon over and over. I don't want it to be digital though.
>>472 No, why?
I like playing guitar. Sometimes I would cuddle my guitar in my sleep. I love my 6 string. You should play an instrument too robot, it's so much fun. I love the sound of an emotional bend, make me hit the table every time. Struck a chord right into my cock. God I love guitar. Fuck ukelele however, those fags can die. I like synth bend too, even if it's just digital
I decided to get into drawing last month and I'm completely demoralized by now for some reason. It's patience probably, or my lack of it, that is giving me these ideas. Sometimes it feels like I'm not improving in any shape or form, or that my previous drawings were better than the last ones. Yes I'm practising a new exercise with each drawing or at least do two if I don't think the previous one came out nicely, but results just don't feel right despite being a thing I could sink time into.
>>476 For drawing peoples' heads look up videos on the Loomis method if you haven't already, it really does help a lot. Do you ever have issues with deciding what to draw? I'll be at work and think of a bunch of shit I want to draw, then forget it all as soon as I walk through my door and all the inspiration just fucking dies while I'm trying to remember what I wanted to draw earlier in the day. Can't wait to get fired again so I can go back to being a NEET for a little while.
>>476 been there, done that, i ended up giving up because i realized i don't give half a shit about actual drawing, i just wanted to make OC renditions of my Waifu, this is the point where you will figure out if you really want to do it or not, that being said Drawing tutorials in general from actual Academies to Books are fucked beyond recognition and are either because of Conflicting information or because there's a parallel between Art and Sucking Dick, so you are probably better off with going balls to the wall on the Meatgrinder and do it till you get stuff right, wich while taking longer at the very least you won't be second guessing your ass about what approach you should take because every manual tells you something completely different and ashures you that the others are wrong
>>477 >Do you ever have issues with deciding what to draw? I mostly try with photos of musicians but since I was on a bad mood I wanted to try with serial killers, that was the best three quarter view picture I could find. >For drawing peoples' heads look up videos on the Loomis method if you haven't already I'm practising drawing by observation right now following the beginner books from /ic/, apparently loomis comes later since that is applied when you're imagining stuff and can properly apply what you see on paper >>478 >been there, done that, i ended up giving up because i realized i don't give half a shit about actual drawing I have my doubts, I've been pondering about getting into arts since I left highschool, but I knew that if I went there I wouldn't get a single good job. Now I dropped out of college four times and haven't made any progress in life, and I also know art schools seem to be complete post-modernist garbage filled with mind warfare, so it's not like I'm in any different position. I guess the quarantine gave me time and peace enough to try at it again, since I did made an attempt to get into drawfagging a year ago, which went unsuccessful.
>>476 >demoralized Why would you be? At least you're doing something. Some people don't even tap into the potential they may have, produce nothing and only consume, they don't use the talents they may have and just waste their lives without being anyhow efficient, they are not even doing what they truly want to do. You're not on that path, so just keep going.
>>476 Please tell me that image is 2nd hand and you weren't on cuckchan /pol/ in current fucking year
>>481 This, ban him.
>>481 As an aside, that file specifically is from last week
>>481 >>482 Would be shitty if he did lurk enough to save a picture from there, but his posts don't have the same lack of quality you'd see from an average cuckchan shitpost. I'd say calling him a massive faggot would be enough, as he actually contributed to the thread somewhat, better than 4 off-topic sage posts did.
If you save an image from cuckchan change the fucking filename so we don't have to deal with this derailing every god damn time, as long as you aren't making cuckchan tier posts then nobody will be the wiser.
>>484 Nah I should just stop posting here
>>204 made this last week
>>476 These things take time. Just keep trying and think of the big picture, like months or even a few years ahead. You may not improve every single day but every hour of practice adds up.
>>488 I think that anon is gone by now.
Just wrote some lines for my rap song Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Fuck nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Fuck all niggers.
>>490 Try writing a nigger novel
>>491 at first i Laughed, now i want to cry because he's absolutley Right, this Plane is dominated by niggers, niggers with White skin that pretend to be something other than a Materialistic Greedy Psychopathic Hypocritical nigger that believe themselves to be "progressive" and "Humanitarian" they will call the Ancients barbaric for wishind the blood of the Heretic and the Wicked to be spilled, ignoring that they themselves wish for the Blood of anyhting that doesn't follow their False Gods and worships their Greed and Wickedness, of nigger niggers that are incapable of Thought, Creation, and can only Mutilate destroy and Covet the things of Others, a nigger world ruled by hebrew niggers, puppetmaster of the Psychopathic masses, black hearted psychopaths, fucking sick fucks, they just Take and Take and Take, and don't really care, how can you cover in such a way?, how can you unironically Wish to Take something away from someone and to destroy it, not only that but to Revile on the fact that you have Destroyed and Stolen the Good, im not a pacifist, but Warriors of the Past, Knights, Samurai, the Ascetic Warrior in general, fought for Supra-Human Values, and for things beyond, he Destroyed not with the Satanic Drive to anihilate and Taint everything like this fucking Lunatic, Deranged psychopaths, they Destroyed because they knew that Creation is preceded by Destruction, they Uprooted the Evil to Build the Good on top of it, but these people are straight up Satanic, horrid fiends, they just wan't to Destroy Everything, and Consume, they want to Anihilate Everything Good pure and Holy so that once no Good remains, Evil becomes Good by necessity, these sick fucks, they make me want to Cry, they make me want to Vomit, this Plane is Hell, and im Trapped in it
Is guitar anon still here? Can you post some more of your playthrough?
I started making scale models of planes a few months ago, fucked up a few of them but overall I'm happy with the results. The last one that i made was a Dora, pic related, which came out decently enough. Right now I'm painting a garage kit of my waifu so I'm not making anything at the moment
>>494 print a jew and put it under the wheel.
It would be cool if someone here could play an instrument and make it a weekly thing to upload his play-through. Maybe we can make a band and produce OC.
>>494 Doesn't look panel lined to me. It really improves a kit when you do it. I'm also a model maker but I've gone heavily towards miniatures lately. Ended up buyign a 3D printer because everything is going to shit. Don't have to give companies money for models if I can print them myself.
>>497 I did not panel line it, looking at reference photos it does not look very realistic unless the aircraft is very weathered, i just used some oils for stains and tried to replicate faded paint by airbrushing slightly lighter base colors. But anyway how good are 3d printed miniatures? I'm thinking of buying a printer sooner or later.
godot shmup proto its not really "unfinished" but some kind of test ground for shmup with 3d graphics even a simple scene like that is hard to set up to look good/proper (or playable) the code exists only for moving ship but there are also 3 enemies, theres no code for them
I've gotten an interest in mycology recently. I find those organisms to be fascinating, especially how to they tend to find a little niche to thrive in. Currently I'm collecting one specimen of every new mushroom I find, I take a spore print, I try to determine the species (using 2, 3 books and an online mushroom identifier to cross reference), then I dry them and put them in a small mason jar, with their spore print. It's quite challenging but also it feels rewarding.

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