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Meta Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 15:26:59 No. 3
Opening up the board for an under the radar grand opening today. Keep in mind that many of the posts here are almost 4 years old, and have been imported from an old lynxchan test instance that was being used as a bunker. I've enabled r9k/"Unique Posts" mode for now, might disable it if it causes problems in edge cases, let me know. It shouldn't apply to images and should still let you upload files without any text attached the post. If you're unfamiliar with /r9k/ I suggest you look through some of the threads and get a feel for what the board is about. It should not be conflated with what you might know from cuckchan's /r9k/. The rules and guidelines are already pretty refined and condensed, but may still be tweaked as things come up. There are some legacy threads and posts that are kind of lazy or may break rules, but will be grandfathered in. But generally it's ideal that OP's have more effort put into them. Rules 1. You must be a male virgin to post on this board. 2. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted. 3. Posts made with the intention of derailing a rule abiding thread will be deleted. 4. Check the catalog for similar topics before posting a new thread. Repetitive or otherwise unnecessary threads may be deleted or merged. 5. Keep blogposts in a FTDDTOT thread unless they're interesting enough to stand on their own and generate real discussion. 6. Keep meta discussion and feedback in the meta thread. 7. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, or signatures unless necessary for a specific thread. This rule will also encompass particularly unorthodox styles of writing that makes you clearly identifiable between threads. 8. No fedposting, no /r9gay/ posting 9. No roastie worship, including "vtubers" Contact zxcvbrobot9k@protonmail.com
Edited last time by robot on 07/06/2024 (Sat) 17:57:25.
The consensus seems to be to switch. Maybe we should wait a bit more to see if there are any other anons who want to chime in but for now, it's probably safe to start planning a switch to zzzchan.
>>2162 nigger what is that
Fuck no we ain't switch shit nigger. I can guarantee with you that zchan v2 will die soon. Stay here for at least a year more before considering.
>>2164 >2 years Have you even been paying attention? 2 months from now Lynxchan to JSChan porting (and vice versa) could very well be possible meaning that the ultimate deadline for a guaranteed switch is late November to early December. What is being discussed is whether we should switch before those 2 to 3 months. Also >ain't
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Should we start switching? Most of the anons around here seem to support moving to zzzchan.
>>2170 When the conversion software is done, sure. But so far, staying here is the best option.
>>2170 With zzzchan getting its tor onion address update sometime in the near future (I hope) I think I will land on the decision to migrate sooner rather than later. Expecting significant and timely developments on the channel changer software that will work seamlessly on jschan when it's predominantly being designed for lynxchan is unrealistic. I believe it's probably a better idea to make the jump and whatever migration features do end up getting developed down the road will hopefully help with the potential migration to a new site, or back here, in the worst case scenario where zzzchan bites the bullet. Depending so much on codexx to do work for what is a pretty specific scenario to /r9k/ is just a bit awkward. There's no guarantees of anything. Things that might be technically possible for codexx to develop doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen within a set timeframe, or ever. At the end of the day if everything goes to shit people can call me retarded and we'll keep trucking along in shambles. I make routine backups of the board and will do so on zzzchan so my hope is that if things do go to shit, channel changer will have a more robust feature set so that migrating those backups seamlessly back here or to another site will be more realistic. I suggest other anons also make their own backups. https://gitgud.io/Codexx/channel_changer
>>2180 Wasn't logged in so capcode didn't work.
>>2180 Might as well switch this or next week if we're not waiting for codexx. No need to delay it at that point.
>>2185 Yes I'll likely be opening up zzzchan /r9k/ tomorrow. I could do it at any moment but I like to take board decisions nice and slow and sleep on things.
>>2186 I won't be posting on /r9k/ if we switch to zzzchan. That place is filled with failed normalfags and a bunch of incompetent admins, plus being the hottest spot in the webring. Fuck that, why are you so autistic about moving anyway?
>>2187 I've explained extensively why I think this is the best decision for the board. You're free to continue posting here if you'd like. I'm autistic about /r9k/ having some degree of activity beyond what we see now and future growth. I'm not interested in it progressively dying when I have the option to more likely than not bring more activity to the board by having its presence be on zzzchan and the webring. Concern over normalfags invading the board is just going to fall on deaf ears with me. If you don't have enough confidence in me as a board owner to deal with normalfags then you should probably start an alternative /r9k/ yourself, perhaps even directly fork this board using codexx's program. I wouldn't mind.
>>2189 Kill yourself retard, you never learn your mistakes.
I'm the owner here. I just want to clear any rumors that might pop up later. I don't mind you leaving for zzzchant, at all. I did enjoy the esoteric waifu posters tho, even tho I don't read your (r9k) wall posts. But I do find your extensive faith in this codexx program highly offending. You had no issues while being here. You had your board restored after it was wiped once or twice as if it was nothing. You had some assumptions like me being stephenlynx and yet you never asked me anything, never contacted in any way. But overall I think such scripts are good to have as it makes things flexible.
>>2191 >But I do find your extensive faith in this codexx program highly offending. I'm not sure what "extensive faith" is supposed to mean in this context. The fact I'm planning to open up zzzchan soon is because I don't want to depend on the whims of Codexx and when/how he decides to develop a side project. So this comment is kind of odd. What exactly are you offended by? >You had your board restored after it was wiped once or twice as if it was nothing. I'm not sure what you're talking about. If this /r9k/ was wiped and restored it went completely unnoticed by me. I've had the proper captcha settings enabled since day one so I don't know how it could have been wiped by spam at any point. >You had some assumptions like me being stephenlynx Considering this is where stephenlynx posts updates about the software and I believe points to this site as its test instance it was a pretty easy mistake to make, and more or less irrelevant to anything that matters either way. >never contacted in any way. Why would I contact you, if you are in fact the admin? Is there a specific problem you see in this thread that you could personally solve?
>>2190 Even if there are normalfagson zzzchan as you say, what does that have to do with us? They might check the place out for a week or two, get lambasted or banned, and then fuck off, just as they did on zchan. There's no reason to limit the growth of the board by staying here when we could just go on zzzchan tighten up with our rules and hostility and reap the benefits of being on the webring. It's also pretty clear that you have no real argument for staying here if your only response is an instult.
>>2193 If so why don't we go back to 8chan since it allows board creation and has a fuckton of anons and we don't have to worry about normalfags polluting the board since mod can just magically delete them all? :^)
>>2194 Because I think Acid's a fucking faggot and the site doesn't offer any more discoverability than being on zzzchan or the webring already does. I might even go as far as saying the webring offers more discoverability, at least for the kind of poster I think /r9k/ values. But if it weren't for the fact I don't want to moderate a board on a site owned by Acid, 8moe certainly wouldn't be a bad pick. The issues people take with 8moe aren't that it's too active, it's about as dead as anywhere else on the webring right now, perhaps even more dead than some webring boards at certain points of the week. 8moe is a great choice for anyone able to tolerate Acid and the taint of Marks asshole. Unfortunately I haven't found the courage to be one of those lucky few.
>>2187 This BO has shown good judgement so far, I see no reason to believe that he couldn't handle the increased responsibility that comes with more newfags to the board. If it's truly unbearable we could easily move back here or stay but hide the board so I don't think that it isn't worth taking the risk. At the very least if it's a failed venture then all it amounts to is a lot of useless arguments left over in the meta thread here and a few intruders following us back that can be easily removed the board.
i like webring. lynx is fairly active so i dont see a problem with allying with them. they get more lynxfags and we get more ringfags
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This is sufficient evidence to get the fuck out of here.
>>2196 I don't see how Acid's "personal preference" can somehow affect how he handles the board, which I think is pretty good. Mark is, well he is Mark but he's got nothing to do with /r9k/. And Codexx is the one making the program for you and the dude got good reputation around the webring. I don't see how moving to zzzchan is any better than moving to moe.
>>2200 Hot!
>>2201 >I don't see how Acid's "personal preference" can somehow affect how he handles the board It doesn't. But I had core issues with Acid's demeanor long before he exposed to the world his sexual degeneracy. Him being a literal cuckold is just the icing on the cake. Like I said, there isn't really much argument against using 8moe besides my own personal dislike for the people involved in it. That's my own autism and it is what it is. Codexx seems like a great guy and I don't have an issue with him. There is no legitimate reason on paper why /r9k/ shouldn't migrate to 8moe. In fact it would be a much better and easier choice as the board could be migrated in its entirety with all the threads. But from what I gathered most people back when fatchan went down had absolutely no interest in migrating to 8moe, me included. If someone else wants to fork and migrate /r9k/ to 8moe they're free to do so. But with how 8moe is now I don't have any desire to moderate /r9k/ on it.
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I've opened up zzzchan /r9k/, also it has an onion now just in time https://zzzchan.xyz/r9k http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/r9k/index.html Sturgeon might make some little site news announcement for it later or something. Hopefully we can have some more fun times going ahead and everything works out. Take it easy, robots.
>>2209 how do you make a board on there anyway?
>>2213 how long did it take sturgeon to approve you?
>>2214 I couldn't say how long or what the application process is like. I was in contact with Sturgeon about /r9k/ on zzzchan since before it went live. /r9k/ has existed as a board there for months, it was just locked and unindexed.
>>2215 oh ok
zzzchan timing out for anyone else?
>>2234 Yes
Opening up the board for an under the radar grand opening today. Keep in mind that many of the posts here are almost 4 years old, and have been imported from an old lynxchan test instance that was being used as a bunker. I've enabled r9k/"Unique Posts" mode for now, might disable it if it causes problems in edge cases, let me know. It shouldn't apply to images and should still let you upload files without any text attached the post. If you're unfamiliar with /r9k/ I suggest you look through some of the threads and get a feel for what the board is about. It should not be conflated with what you might know from cuckchan's /r9k/. The rules and guidelines are already pretty refined and condensed, but may still be tweaked as things come up. There are some legacy threads and posts that are kind of lazy or may break rules, but will be grandfathered in. But generally it's ideal that OP's have more effort put into them.
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Made an attempt at a gondola spoiler, 1000 hours in gimp.

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