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Meta Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 15:26:59 No. 3 >>13
Opening up the board for an under the radar grand opening today. Keep in mind that many of the posts here are almost 4 years old, and have been imported from an old lynxchan test instance that was being used as a bunker. I've enabled r9k/"Unique Posts" mode for now, might disable it if it causes problems in edge cases, let me know. It shouldn't apply to images and should still let you upload files without any text attached the post. If you're unfamiliar with /r9k/ I suggest you look through some of the threads and get a feel for what the board is about. It should not be conflated with what you might know from cuckchan's /r9k/. The rules and guidelines are already pretty refined and condensed, but may still be tweaked as things come up. There are some legacy threads and posts that are kind of lazy or may break rules, but will be grandfathered in. But generally it's ideal that OP's have more effort put into them. Rules 1. You must be a male virgin to post on this board. 2. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted. 3. Posts made with the intention of derailing a rule abiding thread will be deleted. 4. Check the catalog for similar topics before posting a new thread. Repetitive or otherwise unnecessary threads may be deleted or merged. 5. Keep blogposts in a FTDDTOT thread unless they're interesting enough to stand on their own and generate real discussion. 6. Keep meta discussion and feedback in the meta thread. 7. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, or signatures unless necessary for a specific thread. This rule will also encompass particularly unorthodox styles of writing that makes you clearly identifiable between threads. 8. No fedposting, no /r9gay/ posting 9. No roastie worship, including "vtubers" Contact zxcvbrobot9k@protonmail.com
Edited last time by robot on 07/06/2024 (Sat) 17:57:25.
Welcome back robots. While I'll admit my confidence in balkanchan as a long term home isn't all that high, we've been pushed into a corner. Also we could use some more banners if anyone is up for making some since the .gif ones I made are too large for this site, the limit is 50kb. At least we now have a proper board, though keep in mind if something better pops up I may choose to convert this into a bunker and migrate elsewhere, that is if robots are in agreement. Remember to archive everything you can whenever you can, these are trying times.
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>>5 Sorry that I nuked everything, I didn't sleep that night and got frustrated over other things as well. I still have the 9chan /r9k/ though, since it didn't allow me to delete board.
>>7 No worries, it's been quite a bit tiring for me as well.
>>5 btw if you don't like the url you can use www.lynxchan.net now
>>3 (OP) If you don't mind I'm gonna post a few threads about some broad topics to get some conversation going.
>>13 Of course, recreate as many threads from the archives as you'd like. Just try to keep it under 10 threads per hour. I'll lower the threads per hour after a few days once people have remade their favorite threads.
>>17 (10) I know absolutely nothing about /animu/'s culture or website so it would be kind of awkward trying to push the board into that space not knowing what their style is like and what they'd be receptive to. If you have some sort of evidence they'd be interested in hosting it then it can be considered, but otherwise I'm sure site admins are probably getting a little fed up with feeling pressured into hosting random fractured communities that could pose a risk to their original boards, not that I necessarily think /r9k/ does pose a risk to anyone but some do. I know this is how I felt when /v/ invaded fatchan and arguably ended up getting it shut down with their presence.
Captcha's will likely be on indefinitely as I don't have the mod tools to deal with dolphin's spam on LynxChan's software.
>>54 it's been taken care of you can remove it
>>19 I don't know if they'd like us there but there is a general anti-3dpd sentiment there and so I think that'd we probably fit in there relatively well considering our boards mo. We should wait and see how things pan out though. If everyone really wants a webring bunker perhaps we could ask. If the negotiations are succsesful though we should make an announcement and then wait a few days to actually create and migrate to the board. Its best to make sure everyone is up to speed and all that y'know.
>>76 Well I can always send them a quick email just to see. But balkan/lynx chan seems alright, I actually didn't realize that this was ran by Stephen Lynx himself which makes it quite a bit more trustworthy and long term than I otherwise would have expected. It might be possible to ask him to get the board onto the webring, I don't know his stance on that. My main issues at the moment are that LynxChan is honestly just not as streamlined and easy to use as vichan or JsChan. Being on the webring would be great but being back on JsChan would be amazing. I've considered trying to install it and run a hidden service instance of it myself but as I've said before I know zilch about doing such things, and have been lazy about tinkering with it so far. JsChan running on my own machine over tor sounds like a nice setup though. But I don't know if robots would care for a tor only imageboard. I'll likely never get around to experimenting with it so it doesn't matter either way.
>>77 I'm liking this place enough but if we do somehow end up on animu temporarily we'd probably need to add some rules to make sure we don't get infested by unsavory folk. Especially since I think there might be a faggot board there, I'm not entirely sure.
>>87 There's a no homo rule already in place. You'll have to be a little more specific.
>>88 I just mean something similar to what he had on fatchan when /v/ came. Just some sort of on the top "get the fuck out if you are X" so that lazy faggots who don't want to read the rules stay out.
>>89 Fatchan was sort of /r9k/'s home turf being essentially the only active board and being there for quite some time, so putting up a big fuck you to the /v/eddit migrants was tasteful. It'd be quite a bit different if we were to migrate to a new site and immediately put up a big disclaimer that the original posting base of that site should get the fuck out of our board and leave us alone. Optics aside people that don't conform to the boards culture no matter where we are as long as I'm BO will likely just have their posts deleted. My vision for /r9k/ is specific and unwavering.
>>90 Yeah, maybe a fuck you would be a bit distasteful. I think a more subtle disclaimer could work though, perhaps a simple bold and capped "read rules before posting". Maybe the anons on /animu/ are smart enough to not need that but I don't know the place well enough to trust that they are. But again this is only hypothetical. For now this place is fine. I just hope we get everyone back on from fatchan. Its not uncommon for robots to take a week or more off imageboards so those threads on julay and anon cafe are the only way for robots to know where to find us right now. If the thread on julay get's deleted during whatever the fuck is going to happen during the rebirth of julay we should try and remake it to be sure that any stray robots who see it know where we are.
>>65 FYI next week will enable automatic backups which would allow easy recovery after spam wipes
I noticed lynxchan isnt on the webring. I dont mind, but why isn't it? Iirc didnt the early bunker boards use lynxchan?
>>171 there's a thread on >>>/qa/ about it
Board creation isn't open but I've made a thread on antareschan's /misc/ board to be used as an emergency bunker. http://antares.oss:15000/misc/res/98.html http://l2sv2h6eoxdu6y6s.onion/misc/res/98.html#98 In case some robots haven't heard about antareschan or OpenNIC here's some of the guides and basic information. Antareschan hidden service: http://l2sv2h6eoxdu6y6s.onion/ Simple addons to access OpenNIC domains: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/b-dns/ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/blockchain-dns/hlnmiaddfabbklljanmdilbngnookdgn or Guide to Accessing OpenNIC Domains: nameserver list: https://servers.opennic.org/ On Linux: sudo editor /etc/resolv.conf Write, edit, or add: nameserver &ltip address from list > On Windows and Mac: https://wiki.opennic.org/setup/windows https://wiki.opennic.org/setup/macos After making changes, you can check which server is resolving domains. If it's the same as the one you picked on the server, you're good to go. http://www.whatsmydnsserver.com/ If you still can't access an OpenNIC-exclusive domain, you may need to either flush your DNS cache or wait a while.
Julay /v/ down and looking for a place. If they come here we need to be ready for whatever bullshit gets brought here. Hopefully that does not happen.
>>193 Well fuck me there's already a /v/. fuck
>>193 >>195 Oh fuck it's happening all over again. /r9k/ just can't get a fucking break man. At least we're a little more organized for where to go in case of another shutdown. I'd prioritize antareschan's /misc/ thread since I quite like the board, otherwise anon.cafe's /cafe/ board.
>>199 what do you think is going to happen
>>200 I'm mostly just feigning concern in jest. I very much doubt /v/ will migrate to balkanchan. They'll just run off back to cakekike and suffer through his retardation as they've always done.
>>199 >>200 I checked on it and so far it looks relatively dead to me. Lets keep calm until we get to a point where there's cause for concern. We're still in the green.
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>>199 I made it
>>201 >They'll just run off back to cakekike and suffer through his retardation as they've always done. The fucked up thing is that they've killed two boards when not controlled by him. Three if you count 8kun/v/. Anyone who harbors them is at risk.
>>211 Damn, just like in my middle age fiction novel.
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There are definitely more than one unironic post from the dolphin himself. The question remains which ones?
>>211 >they've killed two boards Besides julay/v/ which one did they kill? Fat/v/ was fine and dandy, but it got shut down over a ded /pol/ board and the owner of the site gave up immediately after that. This double captcha is getting annoying.
>>218 told you to remove it
>>215 If he doesn't act like a retard, we simply won't know. But he will start shilling his gay imageboard soon I guess.
>>221 If we haven't noticed him yet then that means that he may have calmed down a bit concerning this place. As long as he doesn't cause trouble again it's fine really, though I don't forgive him for the shit he pulled on us before I don't feel like hunting for him and restarting the drama will do us any good. It's best for a board like ours to just avoid that shit. though I am quite sure I know exactly which posts are his I won't point them out since they are harmless
>>211 >The fucked up thing is that they've killed two boards when not controlled by him. Uh, sweetie, it was a BO from PLW the one who "killed" julay. Actually no, it was the shit moderation from julay that destroyed itself because they decided to not remove CP because the new /v/ BO allowed lolicon Get your facts right
>>227 >sweetie I don't disagree with what you said but Jesus man, this term isn't even funny when said ironically.
BO, is your cafe account's name truly "robot"? Don't want to fuck things up like bigguy and give ownership to the dolphin if cafe's admin responds
>>231 It is
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>>232 Welp, sent an e-mail, don't hope for everything to go as it should go though. These times are a bitch
If we were to move would there be a way to keep the threads we have here? I feel like the biggest downside to moving means losing all of the current threads we've got going on.
>>246 There aren't many posts or threads here yet so it's not that big of a concern. I believe there are tools for migrating threads and posts but I've never bothered to look into them yet.
Just confirming that my account on zchan.cc is "robot". Someone's made a new jschan board and I'm seeing if he's up for hosting /r9k/.
>>292 thanks for the info, sending emails now
https://zchan.cc/r9k/index.html /r9k/ on zchan.cc has been created! It would be premature to declare it the new official /r9k/ home, but unless something goes haywire I much prefer the mod tools and interface of jschan. So barring any major issues and if everything goes well using zchan.cc as the main board and this as a bunker would be an ideal outcome. As we've seen happen before it doesn't take much for shit to go sideways so try not to get your hopes up and be ready for anything, but we can pray things turn out well in the end.
>>295 I know you said it wasn't neccesary but I feel like there's good content on a few of the threads here and it'd be a shame to lose some of that in a switch. If there's a convenient way of porting those threads over it would be in everyone's best interest to have them transfered, I believe. Taking this action (if it is possible) would also hasten the process of conversion for obvious reasons, meaning you could moderate on your preffered platform much more quickly. 2nd edit due to my shit formatting
>>298 If someone can link me to the github I can look into it. No promises though.
>>300 Looks like it only works on vichan and lyxnchan based boards.
>>301 I'm gonna stay here for a day or two. Also should I go full autist and rip a thread and its files and repost it or is that just retarded, I'm thinking the latter
>>302 People copying entire threads over doesn't bother me, but keep in mind that currently 10 PPH will trigger the captcha. Right now it's smart to just wait and see for sure though. Zchan is a bit of an unknown since the admin has no identity or contact information. I get that constant migrations and unknowns are a real bitch, but at least now we're in a much better position in case either goes down or ends up being a mess for one reason or another. It'll take some time but eventually things should settle down and we can just get back to comfy posting in peace.
>>295 It'll be a bummer to migrate since we have some good posts here, but I don't really mind. Plus having this as backup bunker is a good idea with the current situation. I'll probably move over in a few days. Was gonna say press you though, you said its a bit of an unknown >>303, but do we know anything about who is hosting Zchan at all or is it all just completely something out of the blue ether?
>>306 Well son of a bitch, and here I thought it might've been some based tribesman shitpositing out of Africa.
What's up with all the newfaggotry on zchan and why are all of the posts shitty?
>>308 You gonna point out specific examples or just make vague statements like some drama tranny?
>>305 I don't know anything about him no. While that's mildly concerning you also can't really expect every admin to have a well established identity in the anonymous imageboard community. I was made aware of zchan by a post on the antares camp, but it looks like the ni/gg/ers on 8chan.moe have been talking about it for a day or two. Jschan plus the admin transferring /v/ to spaghetti made it very appealing to me immediately. I could go on and on about how much easier it is to mod on jschan but it feels a little rude to essentially shit talk lynxchan on the official instance of it. I absolutely do appreciate having this bunker. People can use whichever they please for now and continue conversations here. We're in the wait and see phase for probably a couple weeks.
>>309 >>309 Some of them are gone now but there was >2 shit posts >1 post about the robot by a newfag who hasn't been on /r9k/ since cuckchan. >A dumbfuck in the meta asking a retarded question. It's best to actually read the posts on the board before calling people drama trannies nigger. When you're on /r9k/ there's a certain expectation of the people here and so I don't feel the need to explain why the nigger in the meta is a retard or why we don't need a post saying 'hola'.
>>312 >2 shitposts vague statement >1 post about the robot by a newfag who hasn't been on /r9k/ since cuckchan. slightly less vague, but still vague >A dumbfuck in the meta asking a retarded question vague statement Not reading the rest of your post, you clearly are a drama tranny, fuck you nigger, haven't your kind done enough to shit the webring up over the past month?
>>313 How about you read the catalog instead of asking me to spoonfeed you dipshit.
>>310 I see. Yeah you're right though. I can't expect to know; I'm just a bit paranoid these days if you know what I mean. The best I got trolling through some posts was that he was just another anon, but better anonymous than one of the usual suspects trying to make a new site to draw people in. And yeah I see the appeal of jschan over lynx if its easier for folks to work with.
>>314 I have. Trouble is, you're making vague statements and I can't figure out what exactly your problem is, which is what leads me to believe you're a drama nigger tranny. You're already trying to push some D&C bullshit about "newfags" on a site that is less than a week old and that pretty much only a handful of people who have been using the webring even know about. "They're shitposting :^( some guy in a meta thread posted something I think is retarded, no I will not define what I think is retarded" what a fucking joke, nobody here is stupid enough to take that alone as a reason to avoid the site.
>>316 And as I said I have certain expectations of robots. I'm 100% sure that every other robot understood exactly what it is that I meant with every one of my statements. If I were at literally any other board, I would have explained what it is that I meant, but I'm not on 'any other board' I'm on /r9k/. Just like how on /v/ you don't have to explain why games are a good thing on /r9k/ you don't have to explain why a nigger putting his dick on someone is retarded. So again I'm not gonna spoonfeed you shit just because you're either too much of a retard, too much of a lazy asshat, or too much of a newfag to understand basic robot concepts and why certain things clearly mark newfag presence. >on a site that is less than a week old I was talking about /r9k/ specifically which is in fact not a week old. >nobody here is stupid enough to take that alone as a reason to avoid the site. Strawman bullshit. Nobody ever said to avoid the website nigger.
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zchan's down. Where do we go if this place got wakaboomboom bamblam? And don't tell me to relax.
>>343 this place isn't going anywhere fegit
>>343 It says where to go in the OP.
Is zchan being down right now anything to worry about or is it just server issues?
>>346 Probably just a server issue or ddos. I don't think it's anything to worry about but can't know for certain.
>>345 That's a thread.
>>348 That's the only place left to go.
>>349 There are julay/meta/ and anon.cafe/shelter/ threads as well, but admin is too much of a retard to post them.
>>350 Suck my dick faggot. I added them.
Looks like it's a ddos. https://www.minds.com/zchan/ The alternative domain is zchan.pro apparently, but that doesn't appear to be working either. Looks like it'll just be a waiting game for a bit.
>>352 .pro is working it seems
>>353 Mostly working, drops out here and there.
>>354 Both are down. If this is the dolphin nigger then I will honestly begin praying for his death.
Hey can you index the board back on the board list? Whenever i type out the r9k url it always leads me to the /lynx/ board.
>>357 add www
Here's what I can gather about the status of zchan. It's getting ddosed pretty hard, the admin is trying a new server setup but would have to take days to transfer all of the old media files. He's also uncertain whether or not the new server setup would even fix anything or be able to handle the ddos.
he could have put another vps with dos protection in front of it - it's what josh did before
>>361 Can't catch a break can we. I guess that goes for /v/ as well but I don't care much nor particularly like those people.
>>359 Don't laugh at me.
Zchan.cc seems to be back up and running with cloudflare protection now. I think we're good for now.
>>365 >cloudfare Who woulda thunk
>>365 Also I still can't connect
Down again on my side
>>369 It's gone forever.
>>369 >no update on minds acc >ad did say he would give up if have to deal with too much work
>>370 Is it? There's still no update on it.
>>371 Fuuuuuuuuuuuck
>>372 >>373 It’s back up again, but given how much Tom liked to boast and the actual result, i wouldn't give too much hope on this one either. We should look for a new home again in case this site goes whack all of a sudden. Checking lists of imageboards and find one that barely has any users in it would be my first idea.
Tom isn't running zchan and the zchan admin isn't boasting anything. He's been very realistic with the expectations he's set for the website. As for alternatives to this one there's essentially just endchan, which I'm not completely averse to unless someone is privy to drama I've forgotten or haven't heard of.
Zchan is working again, at least for now
I claimed /r9k/ on endchan.net as another bunker board. https://endchan.net/r9k/ Endchan is running an ancient version of lynxchan with significantly shittier moderation tools, but the site is more active and has more visibility to new users than lynxchan.net does. I'm more or less indifferent to which one people use or prioritize in the event we need to use a bunker. Endchan has been a pretty long lasting site with hidden services and multiple domains, so it seems pretty sturdy. I've also made a new contact email since cock.li is always blocking me out of logging in. zxcvbrobot9k@protonmail.com
>>380 >more active and has more visibility to new users and that's a good thing?
Welcome back robots, hows zchan?
>>382 who tf r u?
It appears the zchan site admin isn't interested in running the site anymore. I suggest everyone move over to lynxchan.net more permanently if they want to continue posting, or endchan. I don't know if either are effective long term solutions but they're the only sites /r9k/ has to go to now. Lynxchan is isolated which prevents normalfags from invading, but I doubt StephenLynx would bother going to bat if the site was attacked severely by anyone. Whereas endchan has strong infrastructure and seems more capable of withstanding any dolphin attacks. >>381 >and that's a good thing? Yes and no. Mostly the benefit to endchan seems to be that it's a long lasting site with redundant domains and onion addresses. Sort of sounds like I'm shilling it but I'm just thinking out loud. Having /r9k/ get obliterated every few months is starting to get on my nerves. Though this was something I kind of anticipated when moving to a site with an unknown admin. If no robots know /r9k/ exists it's not going to be a very fun board to post on, and lynxchan is a completely unknown test instance. It's only known to particularly well involved posters and retards like dolphin. There's a chance the zchan admin could give the site to someone well known and competent, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Zchan admin just deleted my account. Guess that's over with.
>>386 lmao did zchan fagmin transfer the site the dolphin?
>>385 What the fuck is up with all of these pussies making imageboards? It would've been better for us if he never made zchan at all at this point. We would've had a nice catalog built up by now if not for the faggot admin biting off more than he can chew. FUUUUUUCK
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>>394 oh god
>>395 That faggot was just feigning shit to make him feel all coll and self-important. Just ignore the retarded fucker.
Would you all (including BO) mind if I updated the waifu and hobbies thread to what we had on zchan?
Maybe also port over some threads here too?
>>397 >>398 Go ahead
>>394 I think it's important that over the next few days people express ideas surrounding the longevity of this board and the host sites ability to withstand attacks. Ultimately it's down to the posters where they want to be, but personally I'm getting pretty fed up with restocking the catalog every 2 months and starting from scratch. It's clear there are people out there with the resources to cripple sites, even 8moe allegedly had their vanwatech protections pushed near to their limits. I don't know how invested in lynxchan.net stephenlynx is or how much shit he's willing to put up with if someone decides they want to fuck with this board. Please keep things like this in mind and brain storm some thoughts if you're especially concerned about this board.
>>400 This time the site I'm porting from is an archive so thumbnails only.
>>384 >StephenLynx He's just a BO.
>>410 I thought he ran the site. I don't know anything about anything I guess.
>>406 On the web archive some of the media is stored in there. I think most of it should be at least. https://web.archive.org/web/20200712015648/https://zchan.pro/r9k/catalog.html
>>419 Trying to save the images whole just leads to infinite loading so for the sake of swiftness I'll begrudgingly stick to thumbnails.
I'm done with the "update" ones. I'm going to take a break for a bit before porting some threads over.
>>501 Alright, I'm lowering the PPH captcha trigger again for now.
On second thought I'm keeping captcha's for all posts on for awhile since basically every known imageboard is being relentlessly attacked right now, just to be safe.
>>503 Things sure are getting wild. Hopefully this all blows over soon enough.
>>401 I have some idea about endchan. Endchan is okay but has many problems. I lurked there for some time and most of the activity comes /bbg/ which is a bunker for tiktok anons and from some sort of avatarfag boards called /imouto/, /ausneets/ and /rapport/. They mostly stick to their own places and won't bother coming to other boards. There's a less active /kc/ and other boards are more or less country specific. Other than that, the place is mostly dead. Few things to worry about there are the full blown natsoc /pol/ and with the election coming things might heat up. There's also the occasional porn links and CP links that get posted by bots.
>>505 Sorry, I mean endchan doesn't have much problems, apart from the site architecture like you said.
>>505 Thanks that's a useful run down of the site. Probably good to just digest all the happenings going on and chill the fuck out for a few days before trying to push in any direction. Obviously this board has a sizeable amount of our content already which is nice, especially with the help of robots copying threads over manually which I'm sure is quite a bit of work.
>>507 Yep. Imo this place is cool instead of having to start all over and it's also obscure just enough.
>>508 It's a similar risk to zchan though. Little to nothing known about the guy running the site, no insurance that they'll fight attackers if they appear in droves. Having some established threads is nice but investing another few months of threads and posts only to have one dedicated autist take it all away sounds like a bad time. I'd rather just stay here for simplicity as well but it kind of feels like the lazy route that might bite us in the ass. There are 4 year old posts on endchan's /r9k/, to put things into perspective.
>>509 delist the board from the front page, that would save us a lot of trouble.
>>510 I doubt anyone is discovering this place by browsing the front page of lynxchan. Plus lynxchan has some fucky URL shit so some anons needed to see it on the front page to get here because they didn't know you have to put www. in front of it. Problem is the people that have attacked us and similar boards in the past are very likely well aware of this boards existence, in fact I know they are. Hiding has become less of an effective strategy.
>>511 i meant delist from endchan. its already done
>>512 Oh right. I did that yesterday. I don't know if I would leave it unlisted permanently if it became the main board. I know people are concerned about normalniggers coming in but I might expand the rules a bit to counter-act that. /r9k/ has a serious discoverability problem that was only solved by being on the webring and essentially latching onto zchan /v/'s popularity. Without either of those user stagnation and bleed out seems kind of inevitable. It's all a bit of a balancing act.
>entire fucking webring is under attack now Who did the zchan admin piss off to cause this? Is it just mark and his cake cultists trying to get everyone to move to acidchan?
>>514 >entire webring did you pull that shit from your ass?
>>515 >tvch got it >PLW got it >zchan kill Three of the four most populated sites getting spammed, and smug recently had their registrar threaten to fuck them. Those tiny dead boards aren't worth spamming ||yet||, you'd have to be a fool to not see this is coordinated attack on the whole ring.
>>517 Anon.cafe got some spam as well.
>>517 Fuck man I've got to get used to the other spoilers again.
>>518 Oh yeah, probably because /fascist/ is there now and somewhat popular for a webring board, forgot about that.
>>517 Who the fuck is doing this, I don´t get it, why does it bother so much that some autists have fucked off from mainstream internet and are just doing their thing?
>>523 Either dolphin or fed or trannies. ABC threatened 9ch owner a while ago over jew complaint.
>>524 Imagine sucking up taxpayer money to take imageboard threats seriously.
>>525 where else do you find people openly declare their hatred of jew? We are their only threats.
I might start porting a few threads in a few hours. I'll make sure to tell you (BO) when I do.
Dolphin is spamming smug and prolikewoah again. It has to be him, he ddosed zchan.
>>526 stormfront? 90% of internet basically
>>526 How many people on imageboards say shit like "gas all jews" and how many of them do anything? Compare that to Twitter or Facebook where there's a legitimate problem with crime on there and shit but they have the money to make the alphabet soup look the other way. Those places you have prostitutes and drug dealers and shit working openly with names attached to their profiles, and I'm sure there are plenty of manifestos posted there too. For example, Christchurch was streamed on Facebook yet the blame is put solely on 8chan. And the other one, the one that happened right before cloudflare cucked 8chan, the manifesto was posted on Instagram and the guy didn't have anything to do with 8chan unless I'm remembering wrong yet all the news articles for the next week were about the evil alt-right dark web site 8chan, making it out as if the entire site was just /pol/. Anyways the point is that it's a waste of time to take a bunch of ostracized virgins saying "gas the kikes 1488" as a legitimate threat to anyone, at least if your goal is to stop criminal activity which it isn't their goal so who cares.
>>526 >hatred of jew I don't recall seeing this on pol.
BO can you clean up all of the shit on the threads real quick?
>>560 They should all be gone. Some nigger testing out his spam scripts. Thankfully Lyxnchan 2.4 has PPH captcha triggers otherwise it would have probably nuked the entire board and bump locked every thread.
>>553 Do you think he imagines himself as some epic hacker who is pwning nerds? If he is indeed trying to bring us down, it just proves we STILL live rent free in his head.
>>562 >>562 Hes kinda nut yeah.
Dolphin should really just give up on imageboards and move on with his life. Who knows. Maybe getting his head out of this hole might make him a less shitty happier person. Also a nigger is lightly spamming again.
I see the reports but It's not my expertise to manage your board. Unless it's blatant spam/flood etc.
>>572 don't be rude to BO-sama, he's just one guy, i don't know who made the Global reports (i only did regular reports), but it is very likely that the spammer could be a famous bad actor that could fuck over other boards, thanks for your time anyways
>>580 >could be a famous bad actor Bane?
>>580 It never occurred to me this could come off rude.
>>572 I can't control whether or not people global report, so I'm not sure what the implication here is. I can't even moderate or dismiss reports when they're global.
I made the global reports. I figured since dolphin is as much of a problem to other sites as he is then it would be a good idea to get him banned off the site instead of just the board.
>>584 Gvols probably aren't well versed enough to understand or care to decipher whether or not a poster is dolphin. Especially now that he's not just spamming gibberish but spamming random posts from a what looks like a cuckchan pastebin or something.
I hope we can recover from all this bullshit soon. I'm honestly tired. Lynxchan is okay but maybe we can get back to anon cafe for a webring board. Of course after all of this bullshit passes, since asking them during all this would be a bit untactful. Its obvious now though that whether or not we're there is irelevant to the appearance of bad actors. I honestly think that this situation exposes a weakness of the webring. People don't want to restock a catalog and move around every few weeks. Webring boards are too weak and fleeting and people will get tired of this bullshit.
>>586 You're right, but I'm used to it by now and it doesn't bother me that much to be honest. Shit's all going to end eventually anyway, nothing good lasts forever, it's just trying to make it through the miserable in between stage where you're trying to figure out what the next good thing will be that I'm not looking forward to because I'm borderline tech illiterate and often am slow on the uptake when something new pops up.
>>586 >weakness of the webring More like weakness of site owner.
>>586 I wouldn't call it a weakness of the webring the addon or the concept, but it's the weakness of relying on someone else to host a website for you. The webring works well for boards like /a/ who have competent admins that know how to run their own sites and do minor development on their software. They can stay connected to other imageboards without the fear of their site going down because of something posted on /v/ or /pol/. The problem is a lot of BO's aren't technologically competent enough or willing to invest into running full blown websites, like myself. In which case the value proposition of centralized infinity imageboards increases. This doesn't really validate Mark and Acid's retarded anti-webring autism, or at least it only half validates it. Essentially boards that can self-host absolutely should, and those that can't should probably opt for something like 8moe or Endchan where it's quite a bit less likely to just randomly shut down. Endchan is a long-standing seemingly trust worthy site, probably even more so than 8moe considering how long it's been up. The issue with Endchan is that it's running ancient lynxchan software and is bugged out the fucking ass, being borderline unusable. If it were to update to the latest lynxchan version then it would without a doubt probably be the best site for /r9k/ to be hosted on, but there's not really any indication the site will update anytime soon. I've sort of stopped caring about being on the webring as much as I care about the longevity and durability of the website, for /r9k/ specifically at least since we've kind of been fucked out of the webring for awhile anyways. The thought of just using 8moe of course always manages to cross my mind when yet another instance of /r9k/ gets obliterated from the internet. But then I remember how much of an insufferable faggot Mark and Acid are and blackpill myself on the whole ordeal. That Codexx guy they have seems alright though. At this point I don't know if I'd even trust anon.cafe to stay up for a few years. Apparently a zchan /v/ mod is planning on making another zchan but I'm not very confident in that either. These are my thoughts after thinking about the boards situation over the last few days and monitoring the general discussions across the boards after zchan's shutdown.
As long as we stay out of the spotlight everything would be fine, like unindex from board list or the likes.
BO was it you or a gvol who deleted my hanakoposts?
>>593 if you see ongoing automated spamming you should refrain from posting until it's dealt with
>>596 Damn that sucks. I wanted to get back into things a little quicker to help everyone settle in a little better. It's always a bit slow after switches.
>>598 . . . it's over for now
There's no point in unindexing from boards list at endchan. I can still see threads at overboard, but not much to worry about because the place is quite dead except for the women worshipping boards and country based boards that don't give a shit about other boards there.
>>600 you mean degenerate boards with prostitutes
>>593 I'm not concerned about spotlights or being unindexed on any site. Hiding from normalniggers is a complete non-issue, I can just ban retards. What's on my mind is which sites are going to stay up for a long stretch of time and is going to go to bat to keep the site running in the face of all the various attacks being done on imageboards. >>600 Endchan isn't a viable solution unless it updates to lynxchan 2.4+
>>606 Why dont they update?
>>607 have to redo the front end
>>607 Because They Don't Want To Pay To Have Their Custom Data Mining Addons Updated.
>>601 btw their pol is not better, when i said them that white women are whores of babylon they banned me
>>611 its just funny how in current year every board is a butthurt community, back in the day (pre-facebook) it was only boards like /a/ boards were extremely liberal
>>611 >white women are whores of babylon Got a source or book/pdf on this? Sounds interesting.
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>>610 More info on this? I know they've initially been a part of ACF and helped setting up other ACF boards but noped out when things got hot. >>611 >>612 All boards there look like individual echochambers to me.
>>618 overboards were a mistake literally it came from forums like phpbb (it had an overboard by default, just so people wont post on dead threads but instead post only on """"active"""" threads which in turn turns it in a slow forum) overboard is just global /b/ in fact it isn't even needed because threads are bumped by default, ironically theres already this feature their pol as i said is more degenerate than usual, they simply scream `kike` on anything that is posted and the owner is some kind of retard as far as i know (i dont post on any pol)
>>620 turns it into a slow chat i mean
>>593 I just noticed this post even though I accidentally replied to it earlier. I might have deleted some innocent posts by accident while dealing with the spam. You can check the logs here to see if it was me or a gvol that deleted a post (it was probably me). https://www.lynxchan.net/logs.js?boardUri=r9k I'll be more careful in the future. I won't be setting the PPH captcha triggers very high anymore so if spammers do decide to show up when the captcha is disabled it should be a very small number of posts I need to deal with.
>>627 don't be too hard on yourself
I miss zchan, curse that fagmin.
>zchan stressed out and die >webring constantly under attack >tor only IB still comfy as ever
Pastanigger got back to me in emails and is still alive. So the zchan revival is becoming more and more of a reality. It seems like everywhere I "move" /r9k/ to the site ends up dying though. Makes me wish I had just applied for BO position back in december on anon.cafe so we would have just been posting and building a user base for the last 7 months instead of hobbling around like retards.
>>682 I like being a rarefusegee since it reminds me of my heritage, nigger. I also despite captcha, so the sooner we move the better.
>>696 The captcha being on has nothing to with the site we're on, at least not between lynxchan.net and a jschan site.
>>682 >zchan revival Can we really trust the BO of zchan to not fuck us over again? I wouldn't mind moving if we have proof that we wouldn't be getting niggered again but, the way things look, the BO seems to be quite flimsy and so we might see history repeat itself. Also, would our catalog be restored in the process of zchan's revival? > Makes me wish I had just applied for BO position back in december on anon.cafe No use crying over spilt milk but that scenario would have been nice. I still hate that stupid nigger of a BO "BigGuy" for putting us in this godawful situation. On another note, thank fuck he didn't accept your offer to take fatchan /r9k/ or who knows where the fuck we'd be right now.
>>698 >Can we really trust the BO of zchan to not fuck us over again? As far as I'm aware the BO of zchan's /v/ hasn't done anything wrong. The admin of zchan is not the same admin of the new site. The admin of the new site is going to be one of the /v/ volunteers called Sturgeon. Whether or not people should trust this new site to be long lasting is another story. He's definitely more trustworthy than the random admin of zchan that had no established identity and constantly made oddball decisions, but that isn't saying much. I'll probably send Sturgeon an email today or tomorrow and touch base. >Also, would our catalog be restored in the process of zchan's revival? I doubt it. As I said this isn't a literal zchan revival, just a spiritual one. It's not being ran by the same admin with access to the old database. If people would rather stay here because they're tired of restarting the catalog over and over again I don't mind.
>>701 It will be dead in 2 months max as always, these sites are run by novices without a strong mindset.
Reminder to make an account on web.archive.org, go to the link below, check everything and hit enter. It saves everything for you. https://web.archive.org/save/
>>703 archive is is better - it allows you to save it as zip easily
>>711 Can you save the whole site with just one click?
Can we have a rule against advertising or modify a rule (like 4) to include advertising?
>>717 I've always deleted obnoxious advertisements anyways, but I could add a specificity to rule 4 to cover it.
>>718 Why did you delete my 3dchan waifu post? I thought it was kind of cool.
>>719 Not him but try adding context to your posts before dropping links. Without context to distinguish it's just another link and is therefore a low quality post.
>>719 I had written up this long post about how it technically might have been fine if more context was provided but it was getting convoluted and didn't think anyone would care. I don't really want to investigate every random link someone posts so you should probably go into detail about what you're linking, why it's relevant to the thread, and why anons might be interested in it instead of just dropping random hyper links with no context. You can post it again as long as you provide some sort of explanation for what it is so Robots know it's not just a shill post.
I don't go on any imageboards so can I politely ask for an update on the new zchan BO?
>>796 any other*
>>796 There's no set date as far as I understand. The original estimation was around august 1st but it'll probably take longer than that.
Why would we even want to go to the new zchan? What advantages does it have over lynxchan? Honestly, I'm ok with this site. Even better, I don't see anything webring related, which is a plus, considering that we have always been collateral damage in the sperg outs of people over the webring.
>>828 There are minor conveniences on jschan, but there's not really any reason to besides discoverability and being on a mainline imageboard so the board can see more activity. I explained the threat assessment here >>589. The "advantage" of not being on the webring is for you I assume the idea that we'll fly under the radar of spergs. But the same sperg that has been ddosing and spamming various webring boards has already deployed his spam bot here. It is a fair argument to say that not being on a site with any other major board does keep us somewhat protected from the collateral damage though. The problem I'm trying to address is longevity, which is why I took a lot of time looking at endchan despite all of its shortcomings. When looking at the various boards and trying to decide which ones you trust you ultimately have to just sort of take a gamble. Lynxchan has been up and stable for a good long while, but also as I understand it hasn't suffered from any severe coordinated attacks on it. Who's to say the admin would go to bat for the site if someone went out of their way to fuck with it? Tom said he would, then he didn't. The zchan admin went through all the effort of setting up cloudflare and that minds account, then he just bailed. The exact same thing can and maybe will happen with the new zchan site. The only difference is that the people making this site seem particularly invested in the boards themselves, rather than just the act of hosting an imageboard in general as a pass time or project. But I'm willing to admit that is basically nothing to go on. At the very least the new jschan site can function as a proper good bunker for this board if people would rather stay here, since I'd feel like killing myself if we ended up having to bunker on endchan with the state of its software. I'm not going to force my hand like I sort of did with the move to zchan. The difference between then and now is that lynxchan has been updated so it's easier to moderate with the addition of PPH captcha triggers. Now the only thing lacking in lynxchan is being able to move individual posts to other threads.
>>829 >Now the only thing lacking in lynxchan is being able to move individual posts to other threads. >copy post >delete it >repost in other thread
Another bunker on 8chan.moe has been created. https://8chan.moe/r9k/
>>840 This board wasn't created by me and isn't being ran by me, just so people know. I have no intention of ever moderating a board on a site owned by Acid.
>>841 Feel free to stay there if all else fails, I'm a robot too.
>>845 >implying markchan will be the only chan left rly made me thing
>>857 You faggots said the same shit with all the previous boards, and look what happened. I bet you remember that post where I said I will be there to rub it in your face when zchan dies.
What constitutes bans for you? I know tyrone rarely banned and preffered to delete but I've never heard from you at what point you'd take that action. I suppose you understand why I'm asking this.
>>866 I operate under the assumption that everyone is fully capable of IP hopping and that bans are basically just a form of warning someone to stop posting like a retard. The inconvenience of having to IP hop is an adequate punishment for posting like an idiot. But to answer your question generally if someones post history is comprised of low effort posts and then they proceed to break a rule or make a post worthy of deletion I'll probably give them a day ban. Sometimes newfag anons have wondered in and posted retarded wojaks but their posts are otherwise in good faith so it's better for them to just get called faggots than be banned or even have their posts deleted. I should probably test out the actual warning feature and see how that works though. It might be a more reasonable solution. But in the case you're referring to the posts were terribly formatted, terribly written, low effort, and contained cuckchan wojak shit. It was pretty offensive.
When new zchan comes up I think we should try and wait a few weeks to get a feel for the board before we consider moving. If we do move though I guess I'll take care of porting over the relevant threads again so that we don't have to completely restock a catalog.
>>897 That's more than reasonable. If people would rather stay here the new zchan site can just be a bunker or unlisted, and I believe in jschan you can even lock boards entirely. Would be nice if there were a tool to migrate boards to a jschan site but right now the tools available are limited to lynx and vichan. Manually migrating threads sounds back breaking and honestly not really worth the hassle, but I'm not going to stop anyone if they really want to do it.
>>897 We should wait for a few months at least, to see if the new site is resilient enough.
>>865 So you take sadistic pleasure in seeing us bounced around from site to site?
Nu-zchan is up and running. https://zzzchan.xyz/index.html I've left /r9k/ unlocked but unlisted for now. I'm not really sure how I should approach essentially artificially preventing people from using it as a main board while we wait to see how things turn out. https://zzzchan.xyz/r9k/index.html Hit me with any thoughts or concerns, either here or through my email zxcvbrobot9k@protonmail.com
>>975 I'm fucking sick of captcha but something tells me the site won't last for longer than a month.
>>977 Sick of what captcha? There is no captcha here. I put a captcha on the zchan board since the idea was that /r9k/ wouldn't actually migrate there for at least a couple weeks.
>>978 1 captcha for 1 post 3 captchas for 1 thread, force fail you twice. I use tor.
>>979 I don't experience 1 captcha per post here on tor. Just when the node changes and you need a new bypass.
>>980 I change nodes a few times per day and rarely do I make a post, so I have do captcha every single time.
Do you have to delete everything with the word dolphin in it?
>>1007 PTSD
>>1007 I deleted it because I suspected that BO was asleep and didn't want the spying dolphin to use my post as some plot of the BOs sleep schedule. It seems I failed at deleting it soon enough for nobody to have seen it. Ah well, I'm probably just being paranoid. All this moving around and spam fuckery probably has me seeing shit where there is none.
>>1010 >didn't want the spying dolphin to use my post as some plot of the BOs sleep schedule. Great job idiot now he has that idea
>>1032 It was either explain myself or have it look like the BO was being tryannical and at the moment sabotaging someones image wasn't something I was interested in doing.
>>1032 what can he do?
>>1032 As if he hadn't already thought of doing that multiple times over, the faggot has spammed and shit up dozens of sites.
>>1038 Yo Luke, didn't you say once that you're a COMPUTER GINEUS? How come there is no mass spam ever since we moved here?
>>1043 If we move to zzzchan he'll be shitting the bed even more because that faggot knows that his script kiddie bullshit isn't enough to crack cuckflare. I hope it causes him to go mental enough to commit suicide.
Also BO wake the fuck up already
BO's been offline for a while now. Odd.
>>1032 Figuring out when I sleep for a few days is pretty pointless. My sleep "schedule" changes by 12 hours every week or so.
Appealed ban for an Anon. If you get banned for spam you're probably sharing a Tor node or VPN IP with an actual spammer. Otherwise it might have been a mistake by me, hard to tell since I can't see the deleted post history of a user, just their existing post history. I keep 99% of my bans only a few days long for this reason. In other news zchan is switching over to vanwatech from cloudflare so it should be a little bit more usable for some people. I've indexed the board but am leaving captcha's on.
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>>1129 >If you get banned for spam you're probably sharing a Tor node or VPN IP with an actual spammer. yeah i suspected that, Thanks BO-Sama, sorry for any inconveniences i may have caused
Mergeif it's possible/Delete the shit FTDDTOTT?
>>1492 You mean all of them?
You guys have any idea where the other robots might have went? I find it a bit surprising that they didn't come back (as least it feels that way). I cant imagine them going anywhere else. Theres no other r9k on the webring the last I checked
>>1693 They probably got burned out from being bounced around sites and the retarded webring drama that was hitting hard a little while ago. I abandoned the internet entirely for a couple of weeks there because the webring was completely insufferable, I imagine some others did the same and just never came back. Maybe a couple went back to cuckchan hoping that there would be anything worth looking at in the sea of piss, I don't know.
>>1693 Lynxchan is a pretty isolated site with no real path for discoverability.
>>1696 That's true, it isnt on the webring for whatever reason
>>1696 >>1703 We have a board on zzzchan but it's still not on the webring. Whenever they do get on the webring we could try and switch.
>>1706 I've sort of been waiting on zzzchan to move off of cloudflare or get a .onion address so it's more tor friendly, but I could always open it up regardless of those issues. With this new tool preserving threads and content is significantly easier so concerns about sites poofing out of existence and losing our catalog of content are a bit less bothersome. https://gitgud.io/Codexx/channel_changer
BO deal with this faggot spam.
zzzchan is on the webring. Now what? Do we start discussing a possible move or hold off another month?
>>1789 Yep, I just checked, they show up on smug, julay, tvch and anon cafe's lists, what's the DDoS mitigation service's deal though? Are they still on cuckflare or did they switch to vanwa?
>>1804 PLW has some gay drama going on with zzzchan it seems. Supposedly one of the board moderators on PLW is a huge nigger.
>>1789 When will we be able to import content from one site to the next with ease no matter the IB software? Until then we should just stay here.
>>1808 when you have a working script to scrap posts and files and repost them on the other site
8chan just got shitfaced for a while by de ruskie. I'll say we keep staying here out of the spotlight for at least a year more before going back to snoozechan. That place is getting a lot of heat lately, dunno how long it will last.
>>1826 the admin of sleepychan explained yesterday that his website was specifically built to avoid being traced, reported and deplatformed, and following vanwa's cucking of fedchan he's not going to switch to their service but rather make his own cdn and ddos mitigation. I'm willing to say that honestly this is looking to be the safest option in the JSchan trilogy
anyone know if lynxchan will support tor again? I just tried to access it through tor with no success >>1805 whats zzzchan? first ive heard of it. is that the zchan revival? when i tried zchan.cc after hearing its not dead i got a 404
>>1931 https://zzzchan.xyz/r9k/index.html I've had problem accessing lynxchan.net over tor as well.
>>1953 Look at this nerd, hes too new to have experienced the tor blockade of yesterday or 2 days ago
>>1981 >things that never happened >the post
Why are we on permanent captcha?
>>2029 PPH captcha triggers. I turn it back off when I notice it's been triggered
>>1707 Nobody's worked on this for a month. How long can we expect this to take to support Lynxchan to JSchan, if at all?
>>2047 I asked Codexx and he said the earliest it might be possible to migrate lynxchan.net's /r9k/ to zzzchan would be the end of November. I wasn't necessarily planning on waiting until migrating the posts was possible to migrate over to zzzchan, but I suppose it is something I can consider. We don't have that large of a catalog built up that it would make much of a difference if the board started from scratch, but it would be convenient to maintain the current posts. Otherwise I could begin opening up the board on zzzchan as it's been awhile and it'll likely bring more activity to the board. At the very least we can be more confident knowing that we can back up the board and if at some point months down the line the site does go down the channel changer software should be developed enough that porting the posts to another site should be possible and hopefully easy to implement. Personally I'm leaning towards just moving over to zzzchan sooner rather than later and taking the hit to the post catalog. I think it'll be good for the health of the board, 2 months is quite awhile to wait on Codexx to have time to baby sit and help move /r9k/'s posts over. But I'm all ears for other opinions.
I don't get it, what's the problem with this board? Why do we have to migrate still? I'm tired of moving around, this place is ok, can we really know that place isn't full of niggers? Nor that we will have to deal with outside niggers too?
>>2066 The main issue is discoverability. I know some people don't care and that constantly switching sites is annoying, and it is, but having all of /r9k/ be the some handful of posters on an isolated site basically no one knows about among a community of imageboards that is already quite niche and hidden doesn't make for very good activity. And I don't just mean raw PPH, I mean new interesting threads and conversations. I agree that people fixate too much on PPH and tend to overvalue it. But you can also go too far in the other direction. And the idea that moving to zzzchan or really any site in the webring communities is going to result in some massive influx of normalniggers is just kind of silly. Maybe I'm forcing my ideas of what might be best for the board on anons that fundamentally disagree with me, it's why I ask for feedback. Though I feel like I have some what of an obligation to produce activity and keep the board healthy. I agree that good posts begets activity more than anything else, but that's only true if people are around to see the posts in the first place. And I don't believe lynxchan.net facilitates that kind of environment. So we don't have to do anything. In fact it's much easier for me not to bother with any of this and leave /r9k/ as it is now. It all depends on what peoples visions are for the boards future and if they align with each others views. I only moderate /r9k/ because I think it brings some people enjoyment, and I want to make decisions that enhance or at least maintain that enjoyment. Perhaps me migrating the board causes more problems than it would solve, that was certainly true for the original zchan move.
>>2066 As it stands getting on the webring is in everyones best interests here. Though we would be fine staying here, moving to zzzchan would allow new and returning robots to find this place thus livening conversation a bit and improving the health of the board. The only good reason for not moving is the inconvenience but that point becomes moot whenever codexx starts to support Lynxchan to JSchan. As for normalniggers there are likely just as many as there were on zchan and we were able to get them to fuck off over there so I don't see why we couldn't now.
Leave a note you're here.
>>2067 Switching is inevitable. The question is whether we do it before or after Codexx supports Lynxchan to JSchan. After the development, we stand to lose nothing from a switch meaning that there would be no reason to not leave if we do get to that point. It's only when we consider switching beforehand that the choice becomes more complicated and difficult to answer.
>>2059 >>2067 Personally I wouldn't mind waiting but it might be better to rip off the bandaid and get the move over with. I think whatever we end up doing I'll be fine with, youve been a good BO and I trust you're acting in the board's best interests.
>>2076 I'll have to think about it a bit more. We could switch now at some slight inconvenience or switch later at no inconvenience. I myself would be fine with switching now but I don't know if that's the case for everyone else. Hopefully, some other anons chime in so we can get a solid idea on the consensus.
>>2067 I appreciate the concern for the board, BO. Personally, I'm largely indifferent to whether we move now (and lose the catalogue) or wait untill we can migrate; we've lost it multiple times in the past months so it doesn't really bother me. We have enough activity to get things going eventually again anyhow. I suppose I'm inclined to moving in general overall though because we could potentially gather up some robots who were lost on the migration and maybe pickup fresh blood if they aren't utter faggots. As far as an influx of posters who are blatantly misaligned with this board's culture and norms though, I'm not too worried since we have a number of perfectly defensive individuals willing to jump on any faggots who show up and start shitting up the board. Plus, it doesn't seem like most of the webring is too infested with normalfags anyhow. The only worry I do still have for the board is someone like (((Esther))) or whoever else scheming and plotting again to scrub us all off of the Internet, but that could just as well happen anytime here so it doesn't really matter where we're at in that regard.
>>2131 >but that could just as well happen anytime here wrong
>>2133 Please elaborate.
>>2134 you can't scrub my irrelevant website off the internet because there's no brand behind it and you can't take the data away either, at worst there may be 1 day downtime with no loss lol
>>2133 >>2135 Fair claim, but I don't see how this site is much different beyond having a bit of a smaller presence/reputation. I'll grant that I'm tech illiterate so I might be missing something but to my uneducated eye we've been seeing a bunch of smaller imageboards, if not completely kicked off the internet, then beaten down for months at a time for the past year now. It's not like fatchan had some widespread seedy reputation; all it took was a bit of slander conveniently timed after 8chan's controversy hit the public sphere and a cowardly, overly cautious ISP to drop it because muh bad pinwheel men. Guess I'm just being paranoid though.
>>2136 nothing prevented your fatchan to go on uninterrupted on the non gay networks if registrars feel like role playing as police in 2020
>>2137 Alright.
>>2137 What prevented fatchan from going on uninterrupted was a disinterested admin. This is something that can occur on any site given enough time and the happenstance of life.
>>2140 >doesn't even leave a db dump oh no no no
honestly this shit goes down every other day, and zzzchan has shown resilience and the fact the admin is interested in the project also you can post files as a tor user, we should've moved way earlier in my opinion.
>the resident shill is back hide your women
I feel now would be a decent time to move. As long as everyone else is up for it. >>2143 Moving earlier could have meant losing robots due to the tedium of moving.
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>>2145 I don't have a problem with moving.
>>2145 Would it be worth it to have zzzchan make an "r9k is back" announcement banner? Would the attention be good or bad do you think?
>>2154 Sounds a bit silly
>>2154 Not neccesary or a very good idea.
>>2154 I think it would attract some unnecessary attention to the board. People will come when they see we're there.
The consensus seems to be to switch. Maybe we should wait a bit more to see if there are any other anons who want to chime in but for now, it's probably safe to start planning a switch to zzzchan.
>>2162 nigger what is that
Fuck no we ain't switch shit nigger. I can guarantee with you that zchan v2 will die soon. Stay here for at least a year more before considering.
>>2164 >2 years Have you even been paying attention? 2 months from now Lynxchan to JSChan porting (and vice versa) could very well be possible meaning that the ultimate deadline for a guaranteed switch is late November to early December. What is being discussed is whether we should switch before those 2 to 3 months. Also >ain't
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Should we start switching? Most of the anons around here seem to support moving to zzzchan.
>>2170 When the conversion software is done, sure. But so far, staying here is the best option.
>>2170 With zzzchan getting its tor onion address update sometime in the near future (I hope) I think I will land on the decision to migrate sooner rather than later. Expecting significant and timely developments on the channel changer software that will work seamlessly on jschan when it's predominantly being designed for lynxchan is unrealistic. I believe it's probably a better idea to make the jump and whatever migration features do end up getting developed down the road will hopefully help with the potential migration to a new site, or back here, in the worst case scenario where zzzchan bites the bullet. Depending so much on codexx to do work for what is a pretty specific scenario to /r9k/ is just a bit awkward. There's no guarantees of anything. Things that might be technically possible for codexx to develop doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen within a set timeframe, or ever. At the end of the day if everything goes to shit people can call me retarded and we'll keep trucking along in shambles. I make routine backups of the board and will do so on zzzchan so my hope is that if things do go to shit, channel changer will have a more robust feature set so that migrating those backups seamlessly back here or to another site will be more realistic. I suggest other anons also make their own backups. https://gitgud.io/Codexx/channel_changer
>>2180 Wasn't logged in so capcode didn't work.
>>2180 Might as well switch this or next week if we're not waiting for codexx. No need to delay it at that point.
>>2185 Yes I'll likely be opening up zzzchan /r9k/ tomorrow. I could do it at any moment but I like to take board decisions nice and slow and sleep on things.
>>2186 I won't be posting on /r9k/ if we switch to zzzchan. That place is filled with failed normalfags and a bunch of incompetent admins, plus being the hottest spot in the webring. Fuck that, why are you so autistic about moving anyway?
>>2187 I've explained extensively why I think this is the best decision for the board. You're free to continue posting here if you'd like. I'm autistic about /r9k/ having some degree of activity beyond what we see now and future growth. I'm not interested in it progressively dying when I have the option to more likely than not bring more activity to the board by having its presence be on zzzchan and the webring. Concern over normalfags invading the board is just going to fall on deaf ears with me. If you don't have enough confidence in me as a board owner to deal with normalfags then you should probably start an alternative /r9k/ yourself, perhaps even directly fork this board using codexx's program. I wouldn't mind.
>>2189 Kill yourself retard, you never learn your mistakes.
I'm the owner here. I just want to clear any rumors that might pop up later. I don't mind you leaving for zzzchant, at all. I did enjoy the esoteric waifu posters tho, even tho I don't read your (r9k) wall posts. But I do find your extensive faith in this codexx program highly offending. You had no issues while being here. You had your board restored after it was wiped once or twice as if it was nothing. You had some assumptions like me being stephenlynx and yet you never asked me anything, never contacted in any way. But overall I think such scripts are good to have as it makes things flexible.
>>2191 >But I do find your extensive faith in this codexx program highly offending. I'm not sure what "extensive faith" is supposed to mean in this context. The fact I'm planning to open up zzzchan soon is because I don't want to depend on the whims of Codexx and when/how he decides to develop a side project. So this comment is kind of odd. What exactly are you offended by? >You had your board restored after it was wiped once or twice as if it was nothing. I'm not sure what you're talking about. If this /r9k/ was wiped and restored it went completely unnoticed by me. I've had the proper captcha settings enabled since day one so I don't know how it could have been wiped by spam at any point. >You had some assumptions like me being stephenlynx Considering this is where stephenlynx posts updates about the software and I believe points to this site as its test instance it was a pretty easy mistake to make, and more or less irrelevant to anything that matters either way. >never contacted in any way. Why would I contact you, if you are in fact the admin? Is there a specific problem you see in this thread that you could personally solve?
>>2190 Even if there are normalfagson zzzchan as you say, what does that have to do with us? They might check the place out for a week or two, get lambasted or banned, and then fuck off, just as they did on zchan. There's no reason to limit the growth of the board by staying here when we could just go on zzzchan tighten up with our rules and hostility and reap the benefits of being on the webring. It's also pretty clear that you have no real argument for staying here if your only response is an instult.
>>2193 If so why don't we go back to 8chan since it allows board creation and has a fuckton of anons and we don't have to worry about normalfags polluting the board since mod can just magically delete them all? :^)
>>2194 Because I think Acid's a fucking faggot and the site doesn't offer any more discoverability than being on zzzchan or the webring already does. I might even go as far as saying the webring offers more discoverability, at least for the kind of poster I think /r9k/ values. But if it weren't for the fact I don't want to moderate a board on a site owned by Acid, 8moe certainly wouldn't be a bad pick. The issues people take with 8moe aren't that it's too active, it's about as dead as anywhere else on the webring right now, perhaps even more dead than some webring boards at certain points of the week. 8moe is a great choice for anyone able to tolerate Acid and the taint of Marks asshole. Unfortunately I haven't found the courage to be one of those lucky few.
>>2187 This BO has shown good judgement so far, I see no reason to believe that he couldn't handle the increased responsibility that comes with more newfags to the board. If it's truly unbearable we could easily move back here or stay but hide the board so I don't think that it isn't worth taking the risk. At the very least if it's a failed venture then all it amounts to is a lot of useless arguments left over in the meta thread here and a few intruders following us back that can be easily removed the board.
i like webring. lynx is fairly active so i dont see a problem with allying with them. they get more lynxfags and we get more ringfags
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(658.00 KB 1259x822 stephenlynxinsertingaddon.png)

This is sufficient evidence to get the fuck out of here.
>>2196 I don't see how Acid's "personal preference" can somehow affect how he handles the board, which I think is pretty good. Mark is, well he is Mark but he's got nothing to do with /r9k/. And Codexx is the one making the program for you and the dude got good reputation around the webring. I don't see how moving to zzzchan is any better than moving to moe.
>>2200 Hot!
>>2201 >I don't see how Acid's "personal preference" can somehow affect how he handles the board It doesn't. But I had core issues with Acid's demeanor long before he exposed to the world his sexual degeneracy. Him being a literal cuckold is just the icing on the cake. Like I said, there isn't really much argument against using 8moe besides my own personal dislike for the people involved in it. That's my own autism and it is what it is. Codexx seems like a great guy and I don't have an issue with him. There is no legitimate reason on paper why /r9k/ shouldn't migrate to 8moe. In fact it would be a much better and easier choice as the board could be migrated in its entirety with all the threads. But from what I gathered most people back when fatchan went down had absolutely no interest in migrating to 8moe, me included. If someone else wants to fork and migrate /r9k/ to 8moe they're free to do so. But with how 8moe is now I don't have any desire to moderate /r9k/ on it.
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I've opened up zzzchan /r9k/, also it has an onion now just in time https://zzzchan.xyz/r9k http://crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd.onion/r9k/index.html Sturgeon might make some little site news announcement for it later or something. Hopefully we can have some more fun times going ahead and everything works out. Take it easy, robots.
>>2209 how do you make a board on there anyway?
>>2213 how long did it take sturgeon to approve you?
>>2214 I couldn't say how long or what the application process is like. I was in contact with Sturgeon about /r9k/ on zzzchan since before it went live. /r9k/ has existed as a board there for months, it was just locked and unindexed.
>>2215 oh ok
zzzchan timing out for anyone else?
>>2234 Yes
Opening up the board for an under the radar grand opening today. Keep in mind that many of the posts here are almost 4 years old, and have been imported from an old lynxchan test instance that was being used as a bunker. I've enabled r9k/"Unique Posts" mode for now, might disable it if it causes problems in edge cases, let me know. It shouldn't apply to images and should still let you upload files without any text attached the post. If you're unfamiliar with /r9k/ I suggest you look through some of the threads and get a feel for what the board is about. It should not be conflated with what you might know from cuckchan's /r9k/. The rules and guidelines are already pretty refined and condensed, but may still be tweaked as things come up. There are some legacy threads and posts that are kind of lazy or may break rules, but will be grandfathered in. But generally it's ideal that OP's have more effort put into them.
(1.11 KB 100x100 gondola_spoiler.png)

Made an attempt at a gondola spoiler, 1000 hours in gimp.

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