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Corona-chan appreciation thread Robot 05/08/2020 (Fri) 15:28:09 No. 114 >>115
Corona-chan is the biggest weapon we have against normalfaggotry currently. We should all be thankful for those times where it is completely acceptable to be a NEET and calmly sit at home while all of the normalfags are going fucking insane. It's just pleasant to see how the faggots are getting completely assblasted over their empty fucking relationships, and how stupid party-faggots are contracting the disease by their own stupidity. How is the quarantine treating you robots? Are you feeling alright?
>>114 (OP) >How is the quarantine treating you robots? I wish more people would die.
>>115 this >chinks and blacks still more than a billion
At this point I'm just tired and disappointed. I live in a post-soviet apartment block where the walls barely muffle any noises the neighbors make. Isolation only causes them to throw a lot more fits and arguments, it's just noise from all sides. It's not much fun being a NEET when you're locked in along with the cattle.
>How is the quarantine treating you robots? Only reason I noticed any difference is because toilet paper became rarer than plutonium, and the parks I usually go to while the wageslaves are usually pretending they're contributing anything noteworthy to society are always full of people now and I can't go for peaceful walks anymore without constantly hearing the screeches of disgusting nappy haired mutt children seriously why are they so fucking loud?. Guess I could try going three hours out of my way to some logging roads though, maybe I'll see a bear and shit my pants. >Are you feeling alright? Other than being constantly fucking furious, yeah, I'm ok.
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I don't know how i feel about conspiracies like this pandemic was all planned or bill gates adding techno jewery to the vaccine, but the neetbux are good. Waging finally paid off
>>184 I wish I was as smart as Bill Gates. Us average joe can only dream about the damage that he has inflicted upon the tech world and now other aspects of life. Like the fact that I cant fucking play my RPG maker game on linux because wine fucking sucks fucking shit and I would have to go back to Winblows to play that shit.
>>190 Doesn't linux suck ass for games period?
>>197 varies, some say it gets more fps than windows sometimes, you can also play almost any 2010 and older game with native directx 9, there's also the windows compatibility that never worked for older games so it may be fare to say that wine can run at least as much games as windows in my exp i usually only do cd game/ wine game.exe and it works but i haven't ran that many games
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One of the best years in my life.
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>>184 I don't have as much time nor the inclination to look into it as much as I used to (and once you know the game it's not worth it anyhow if you just use your imagination a little bit), but from the occasional jewtube video that I've watched talking about the shit, it seems highly likely. In opposition, folks like to tout about, 'Oh, why would the elites want this? They aren't making money!' and shit like that which is really besides the point. You know very well, especially now, that things will be dragged back into place in some way or another. The system ain't all collapsing here so there is at the least going to be changes and I don't see why elites, regardless of whether the business is all manufactured or the numbers are just being inflated, won't try to utilize it with some technological bullshit with this digital identity crap (e.g. ID2020). Hell, you even get politicians admitting that nowadays. It just all seems way too coincidental and it make one feel like Pynchon's Oedipa Maas seeing fucking plugged up post horns all over the place but you're never quite sure if you're actually on to something or its just all in your head.

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