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Vide-oh Games thread Robot 08/16/2020 (Sun) 22:22:55 No. 1253 >>1255 >>1384
Let's talk about vidya. What have you been playing? I discovered that I'm a philistine fag who only plays the most casual shit possible (on-rail shooters, flash games, rhythm games, arcade games). Been playing Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and I surprisingly didn't find a moment in which I dropped the game, may be one of the first I finish in a long time. I was also emulating Rock Band but sadly I got to a point where the FPS drop and I can't find myself going back to it after that. Can't emulate Guitar Hero 2 PS2 as well due to sound delay making it unplayable.
>>1253 (OP) >Epic Battle Fantasy Holy shit it's been a while since I've heard that name. I was still a kid when the first one came out. I had a lot of good times with flash games back in the day. Shame that flash is going to be unsupported by one of the most popular browsers pretty soon, not too long till all of them drop support at this point.
I got sucked back into TF2 unfortunately but the past month I've been mostly trading. I've made enough refined to get a key and it's kind of exciting, this is the most I've ever had in my backpack. While it's going to take a long while to get to afford the more expensive things, like taunts, it's nice being able to afford cheaper stuff I want, mainly cosmetics, and knowing I'll eventually be able to afford the more expensive things. I doubt I'll get an unusual but I hope that maybe it will happen someday. It feels nice to have effort return something I care about for once. It takes a long time though so I wonder if maybe I'm doing something wrong. Either way, it's kind of fun somehow.
Muse dash is pretty fun but you better get the patch as well because the default only has chink music. Some of them are catchy. Recently finished Steins;Gate vn which is great and better than the anime in every way. Steins;gate 0, on the other hand is complete fucking dogshit, one of them being branching focus when I only care about Okabe. The girls being rather more obnoxious than endearing like the original.
Toribash. The competitive aspect is something I really want, and imagining the ways to most effectively do dumb shit with the model is fun. Although having to move around like a fish out of water is very frustrating in the beginning, eventually if you give it enough thought you start to become good.
>>1269 That's not videogame fun.
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>>1269 I have also been getting back into TF2 as of late. Sad that the serbs where I live are dead and have to use american ones, giving me ping over 200s
>>1285 If you happen to find some faggot with aimbot rambling nonsense, it's probably me.
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>>1289 I was jesting on the fact that there are two games that use TF2 as their abbreviations.
>>1285 Titanfall2 was a good game. Shame EA sabotaged it and went on to make Battle Royale game number 53 with it's assets.
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Currently replaying Shadow of Chernobyl on Master difficulty. Definitely reminded me how fun this game was back when I was 14. >www.hooktube.com/watch?v=WDCNlqMgnvo
>>1299 >hooktube Stop that
>>1299 Check the symbols at the top of hookertube.
>recently started playing Terraria for the first time >going very well at first >enjoying the comfy mining and building >after a while, get randomly attacked by Eye of Cthulhu boss at my base >almost defeat it but get killed instead because I wasn't prepared >put mining and base-building on hold to make preparations for the next random boss invasion >made some better gear and set up a 'boss arena' of sorts near my base >decide to go back to exploring >get attacked again by random Bee Queen boss in underground jungle >get it to half health but in danger of dying >use my magic mirror to retreat to base >Bee Queen follows me to base and kills me >realize that too much of my playtime has become dominated by battle preparations when all I really wanted to do was explore and build So long story short, I dropped Terraria for now and decided to get back into Path of Exile. At least in PoE I expect to be attacked by hoards of monsters.
>>1308 Once you kill Eye of Cthulu and the Slime King you won't get random boss encounters until hardmode iirc. You just fucked up somehow with Queen Bee though, that isn't a random encounter, you have to set it off by destroying a big ass larva thing in one of the hives in the jungle. I'd say give it another try, it's pretty enjoyable up until very late game where it's more tedious and the rewards aren't always worth it because some of the shit you'll have by then will most likely outclass everything except Moonlord items.
>>1309 I see. I'll give it another go soon. I think I'm all set to kill the eye, it just hasn't reappeared for me yet. Thanks for the info anon.
>>1318 Pro tip give items to the guide to discover new recipes. I'll give you a free one. Get lenses and give em to the guide. It'll show you a recipe for a Eye of Cthulu summoning device and tell you the crafting location.
>>1319 I found out about the guide a little while ago. However, there seems to be so many items in the game, it can be difficult to know where to start. At any rate, I managed to kill the Eye, and I have the materials to summon the Slime King so I'll get him next. After that I can return to building a massive base with an actual theme, rather that a dull-looking rectangular safe-house. Thanks for the advice anon.
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Been playing Mainly Submarine simulators for a Month, although i recently got burned out of Silent Hunter III and Dangerous waters got too slow for my Taste, Enigma:Rising Tide is the one that despite being Arcadey keeps me going back over and over, i also played Opposing Force like a Week ago, and finished it in a single day, i currently got Stung with the Boardgame autismo shit again so im preparing another of my Solo Campaigns with some OSR Rulesets i got laying around, im also tempted to Beat the Hitman games again, but beating Hitman 2:Silent Assasin for the 4th Time sounds like a Pain in the ass and if i hear YAME YAME! i swear to fuck im gonna vomit
>>1302 juden hands?
>>1309 I think goblin raids are pre hardmode
>>1325 Stick to making things with the materials at hand. If you find a bunch of X ore, see what furniture and such you can build. Dont worry about planning too much, let your materials make the theme for you. Give a bottle to the guide to see what potions you can make. For boss encounters stacking up on buffs and having decent enough armor (gold and up) should be good. Iirc you need at least gold armor and 150 health to challenge the dungeon guardian. You could also build a boss arena for each biome. Man I remember grinding for the megashark, good times. I remember the underground music for each biome to be pretty sweet too. I should play again
>>1285 I heard titanfall 2 was pretty good, never tried it though
>>1380 That's not a boss battle though and it isn't hard even with shit equipment. Also can't you skip it entirely by hanging around away from your village or simply exiting the game? >>1381 Just a heads up the most recent update changed some things for the gayer (in my opinion), like adding NPC happiness for discounts and all the tedious relationship shit that comes with it. As in if NPCs don't like each other then if you house them too close to one another they'll be butthurt, or if you house them in the wrong biome they'll cry about that too.
>>1253 (OP) Started playing PSO2 ever since it came out on steam. Pretty fun so far but since I'm not a die hard MMO junkie there's a lot of stuff I don't know how to parce just yet. Mostly having to do with the market place and the actual value of certain weapons and items.
>>1382 At least try the campaign, it's fun.
>>1383 Yah i noticed, i jumped on a public server for a bit to check things out and quite a few things feel more "normalized". The newer music is hit or miss with me like they forgot the " feel" or the electronic music of before, the new title theme is good though. And the new characters seem to be annoying women like that wolfgirl that says " yass" and other dumb things.
>>1384 I've been enjoying playing it very casually. Too many weird systems for me to get obsessed in deep dive into it.
>>1455 I myself have been getting a bit more into the game recently (truth be told I'm playing it right now). I'm trying to catch up to the current endgame territory so that I can play at my own pace later on as content comes out more slowly. I spend a decent amount of time at the casino though. It's a nice break from all of the grind that comes with playing an MMO.
>>1461 I mostly just enjoy fighting bosses. Everything else up to that is kind of lame. The quest system boggles my mind and inventory management is cancer. So I just stopped bothering with the gathering stuff and just pick up rare weapons and do 1-2 missions a day. If the combat and boss fights weren't as enjoyable as they are I'd probably have already uninstalled it by now. Despite the issues with the game it's refreshing to find something that I can enjoy logging into briefly once every day or two to get a quick souls-like boss rush done. I haven't really found a game I could enjoy casually like this in years. It's usually full blown autism fixation on my part or bust.
>>1453 It really is a mixed bag, they do all this retarded shit like the whole torch luck autism fiasco that only got fixed with a lame boss fight after too many people bitched, but then they also do stuff like make flails fun to use again.
>>1469 Actually it wasn't even a boss fight, you just dodge some dumb fireballs for a minute.
>>1372 no the female one
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I'm waiting for Starbase. It looks good so far but it's still in closed alpha (only few select people can play).
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>played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines many times >never actually beaten it >decide to marathon it and beat it once and for all >Play as Nosferatu >beat more than half of the game in one Day >beat the other half today >get to the ending around 1-2 hours ago as of the writting of this post >Tfw Ming Xiao >Tfw the Sheriff >Tfw the Sheriff in the Flying form >Tfw All endings are bad unless you side with the Anarcs and DONT open the Coffin, so literally the Endings are railroaded towards wether you did what the snowflake Developers wanted you to do or not >Tfw a Good RPG with a Nice story gets completely obliterated because Troika decided to be a Faggot and make a Trash ending Im glad they Went bankrupt, i can't believe the Mad Lads who made Arcanum (a much much MUCH better Crpg and one of my Favourites) made this, it almost feels like an insult, like the Entire game is a big fucking Joke and the Punchline comes at the End, and the Joke is you, i don't even know what i am feeling right now, i think this is what "Betrayal" is called, but i never felt it to such intensity, i would have expected this form a Flambuoyant Trans-Faggot Indie dev, not from fucking Troika, mind you people excuse this fucking mess by sayin "Muh Time constraints" but Deus Ex also had them and they didn't fuck the Ending by adding 2 Retarded Unplayable bossfights and a Dissapointing Ending, neither did Arcanum, who also suffered from the same shit, and didn' have that bullshit either, they could have done Thousands of fucking things to fix it, if there wasn't time for a fucking Ending they could have done it Slideshow style like Fallout, or cut the fucking Retarded Bossfights (like, you know, don't give Ming Xiao the ability to fucking CLONE itself, and spend those 10-30 Minutes of coding that Cloning ability into making a fucking Ending), what a Goddamn mess, its fucking 5:40 in the morning and i don't think im in the mood to sleep at all, what a big fucking dissapointment, and fucking faggots will call these Overt Insult a "Flawed Masterpiece" fucking Clowns... On the Bright side though, this is just more Fire for the Fuel, more incentives to finish my homebrews and play Solo Tabletop stuff and not touch a single fucking Videogame ever again beyond Tiberian Sun and Dangerous Waters

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