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Animu (JRPG, Manga, VN etc.) Thread Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 19:04:16 No. 20
Post about any animu related content you've consumed recently be it a VN a JRPG or an actual anime. I'm still on break from Tokyo Xanadu but I'll be playing it all the way through to the end whenever I find the time. And as to start discussion: what JRPGs or anime would you anons say are your favorite and why? I would like to know since I know some of these media can really solidify themselves in the hearts of those who consume them and so I'd like to see what kind of things you robots enjoyed experiencing. I myself got into games due to a JRPG. The first video game I played as a child was Final Fantasy 8 and it's still my favorite vidya to this day.
all these new animes are horribly anthropomorphic i.e. not waifus
>>23 >anthro That word gives me shudders after the horror fest that Beastars was for me. Seeing some politically motivated slut promoting bullshit get touted as a masterpiece was awful. At first I thought I would give it a chance in spite of the furshit and surprise surprise 2nd episode and the heroine is a slut.
ahhh there sure were better times back in the day they looked more like dolls (inb4 iron maiden), rather than some monkey shit tho this kind of stile is already too gay for me, i like the most rough/coarse drawing possible with least possible details (kind of like in Bubblegum crisis or in general 80s)
>>26 not all files were added
>>26 *rosenmaiden
>>26 I can't really give my opinion on which is better since I don't really mind either art style but it seems that over time we've been shifting more from "beautiful" to "cute" when it comes to anime art styles over time. I can't say I know entirely why but my best guess is that it is likely much more financially viable to create these cute girls rather than beautiful ones. Beauty is very much born in the details, in long beautiful hair, glimmering eyes, and other such things, these things seem like they would be rather difficult to translate into animation. Compare that to cuteness which is born in simplicity and is almost as, if not more appealing to otaku than beauty, however with significantly less detail needed to achieve its goal. Cuteness is all about simple round shapes which would seem to translate into animation much more efficiently. A prime example of this is pokemon's recent switch from sharp details to more round simple animation.
Princess Connect is really fun and the only anime from this season I'm watching. I really like the characters and the humor, I think it might be helping me find out what I'm really into while before lots of stuff was just mildly entertaining. I tried out BNA too but I can't be bothered to watch the second episode, it's just not the kind of thing I'm into. >>55 I thought that was because Japan really likes cute stuff.
>>222 Of course that's how it is now but I was trying to describe why I think the switch happened in the first place. Now it's just due to the current moe/cute obsession but the trend had to start somewhere for some reason.
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>>222 Pic related 3 reminds me of a style I really like when it comes to 2D media. I really enjoy it when 2D shit gets mixed with realistic lighting or realistic backgrounds. Stuff like Starbound or pic related for example. Trinity Seven is an example of an anime that sorta does this as well. Octopath Traveler had a similar aesthetic but they looked more like 2d cardboard cutouts placed in a 3d environment rather than simply 2D + realistic shading, the game also looks overly filtered in my opinion.
I recently watched the original Gits and Gits: Innocence. Excellent movies but I am surprised Innocence isn't talked about more. The gritty and otherworldly feel to the whole film still has me thinking about it. It makes me wish we got a gits series in the style of Innocence.
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Recently I fully completed Persona 4 after putting off the true ending for about 2 years. Being someone who plays a lot of VNs I appreciated the social sim aspect of the game quite a bit. The game almost felt like a mix between a VN and a JRPG (except not a shitty RPG maker game like most other attempts at this fusion) both of which are some of my favorite vidya genres. The game also had an amazing OST which I still listen to outside of the game. I would play some more JRPGs right about now but my controller broke so I'm going to have to order a new one before I can play another JRPG. Onto something else I noticed a theme in this game that I see in a lot of media, that is the theme of friendship and relying on others. I won't fault the game for pushing this theme, as it's executed very well, but it honestly makes me wonder why there aren't any games or anime that I know of which have a theme of self-reliance and self-development. I'm not asking for every story to be about being primarily reliant on one's self but the current state of media seems to be completely oversaturated with this friendship rely on your bonds to help you grow shit. Why can't we have stories about someone who, through their own will, decides to push forward and grow?
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I know I posted about it on /comfy/ already but Aoi Bungaku's first four episodes were ok, but then again I don't watch anime at all. Would like to know of anything similar to it, was kinda sad that it ended where it did but at least I got to watch it.
>>1077 Haibane Renmei?
>>1079 Looks neat but due to issues I had with the church of satan I can't watch it. I associate feathers with animal sacrifices so even if it's about angels I'm fucked about it. Sorry robot.
>>1133 I'm sorry what the fuck
>>1134 Third world problems
I've been playing some game called Caligula Effect (Social Sim JRPG) for the past 2 days or so and this one character really gets on my fucking nerves. He's probably the most accurate portrayal of a failed normalfaggot that I've seen in any story and the nigger just grinds my gears. He goes on and on about "normies" but in the end, his hate is just thinly veiled jealousy of the people he rails on. That's just how the nip otaku are with their "riajuu" though. Their hate of them spawns not from legitimate criticisms of their character or the way they act but out of jealousy of their success. The otaku who use the term there are a shining example of what people try to paint us as and having to do a social link with a nigger like that is mildly infuriating.
>>1209 Forgot to add that currently his motivation to stop being a hikki and to graduate for being an outcast is some woman which is even more telling of how much of a nigger this faggot is.
>>1209 Look like shit, have better taste dude.
>>1213 It's a minor character so I can deal with it. As long as the stories fine and the gameplay's fun I've got enough free time for it. Especially with corona out and about right now.
>>1214 Is it at least an eroge? Otherwise shit taste dude.
.>>1217 >is it an eroge Nah but like I said I'm willing to play anything I've got the free time for and find enjoyable enough (Anything I'd consider 6/10 or above is enjoyable). Coincidentally I just finished the game and I'd probably give it something like a decent 6 to a light 7. The gameplay was pretty fun and the overarching plot was relatively engaging. Though I may have gripes with the personality of the characters I can't really call them 1 dimensional or poorly written. The characters are fleshed out pretty well it's just that there are a few (very) unlikeable (still fleshed out) characters. Usually, they're on the (spoilers are actual spoilers) villain's side which you get to have social links with as well. As of now, I'd probably call it a decent game, I just wish that you got to call the antagonists out on their mentally ill bullshit rather than having to suck up to them for that social link level. Seriously though there's this wannabe tranny on the villain's side which made me want to blow my brains out every time I had to talk to him. At least his listed mental illness in the character profile was Transvestism so I hold out hope that the creators of the game are aware of how disgusting trannies are. I just skipped most of his dialogue since I could give less of a fuck about the character and was just shooting for the true ending. If not for that listing of tranny being a mental illness I probably would have enjoyed the game less.
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>>1220 >>1217 Talking about eroges, anyone here knows about Era games? i recently about a month ago actually tried out EraTohoK, its Romance of the Three Kingdoms but on Gensokyo (Touhou) and with Heavy Eroge content (some people say its actually a Trainer game disguised as a Romance of the Three Kingdoms knockoff), good shit, not a fan of sexual Ultraviolence but then again you Can make the "Good guy" choices and be Monogamous while refusing to Rape Anything, i don't play it that much though, its more like something i play when im burned out from the Subsims i usually play
>>1221 >Gensokyo >any men at all Man, that ain't Touhou. ZUN only draws cute (?) girls.
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>>1222 The villages have men and this guy exists.
>>1223 >man >wear choker
>>1133 Just watch it snowflake.
>>1225 Male, taste in fashion aside.
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>>1222 like >>1223 said, Gensokyo is actually a pretty fucked up place to Live in from what i've heard from Touhou-experienced fags at /hgg/ if it really bothers you though, you can play as a futanari >>1223 >>1225 he looks awfully reminiscent of col.Raikov at least for meif he is anything like him then he is into some Funky shit, besides >choker >not wearing a doggie collar to make it clear to anyone who sees you to whom you belong to
>>1077 Kino's travel

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