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roboto 09/27/2020 (Sun) 09:11:03 No. 2283 >>2284
Fuck normalfags. Fuck YouTubers. I want them to stop bringing attention to shit I love. Fuck them. Why can't they stop destroying things. Everything they touch. Why. Oh why.
>>2283 (OP) Why so serious?
>>2284 This is another problem. I've grown to value sincerity because too many faggots are unable to be serious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGL1x40p46s
>>2285 *Or rather, have a greater sense of value for sincerity. I.e., not even pretending for fun anymore, because no one is able to do it the way it was done almost a decade ago. Fags react in an obviously hurt way (in a way very reminiscent of the normalfags I grew up with) instead of being able to joke around when something mildly upsetting happens, or being able to reflect sincere emotions if it gets serious, instead of pretending it doesn't hurt at all. Or just leaving instead of trying to save face, even when "anonymous".

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