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DAILY REMINDER roboto 01/16/2021 (Sat) 16:54:20 No. 2287 >>2288
8chan died in 2016. Fuck anyone who defends it, for they are part of the problem. Fucking newfags. Nigger dick.
>>2287 (OP) *Also, endchan is pretty shitty, and has been for some time now. Quite frankly there doesn't seem to be anywhere left that either isn't corrupt or full of retarded users or some disgusting mix of both desu~. READ A BOOK.
>site with legitimate culture exists >it either dies earlier than it should or it gets overrun with normals and/or brainlet shitposting It fucking sucks. I used to lurk 8/r9k/ for hours whereas I can hardly stand being on 4/r9k/ for more than approximately one hour. There are more feels than being an aspie, having romantic troubles, porn, and being poor or having a shitty job. Those are common themes but 8/r9k/ at least tended to go deeper into subjects and it offered interesting commentary. 4/r9k/ is mostly 'yeah ur right originali ravioli' where 8/r9k/ is usually a well-structured paragraph. A lot of tryhards from different sides of the spectrum existed in both but the old 8/r9k/ mod was kinda too strict and not only filtered shitposts but legitimate discussions he didn't like.
>>2289 Good thing /r9k/ is still alive and well.
>>2290 This may be a unpopular opinion but i didn't like 8/r9k/ that much. Personally i think /v9k/ even though it was slow it was still better because it did a better job at being a worthy successor to 4/r9k/ and managed to recapture that 2012-2016 golden age of the board and was overall just comfier tbh.
>>2305 You guys are like /b/tards but too new to know it
Joshua Moon is a FAGGOT!

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