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Jewtube, Podcasts, Passive Entertainment Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 20:13:45 No. 29
Post any interesting jewtube channels or entertainment you think robots might enjoy watching or listening to. Please do your best to use things like invidio.us instead of direct linking jewtube videos wherever possible. >Vagrant Holiday https://www.invidio.us/channel/UCgNqlRGqHdxNRPR6ycynWhw Guy goes on vacations around europe without paying for hotels, bums it in bushes and abandoned buildings. Does some urban exploring as well.
is demoscene virgin related? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFYkrMnOwFQ
imho demoscene music is one of the few acceptable music forms
Commonfilth Radio and Nostalgia wound are good robot material as both of them cover the decadent climate of western civilization. https://invidio.us/watch?v=4Vv4PQEYsXY
>>328 Isn't commonfilth the guy who deliberately looks up the worst most degenerate porn he can find for """""research"""""?
If you guys want some unintentional comedy then look up "The Serial Killer Podcast", specifically the Toolbox Killers episode. It's made by some Norwegian and the way he talks makes half of his shows come off as ridiculous, especially when he's reading transcripts or quoting other people.
>>340 there was some popular game reviewer that just farted loudly and sometimes did nothing, usually he didn't actually play the game just said something retarded while it was in the background it was popular some years ago but i never watched it
>>341 Markiplier? Jesus dude
dnsl - Aloof trolling people in online games FUTO - Louis Rossmann's software development organization Redlyne - Explores dead games The Biggest Problem in the Universe - Dick Masterson's podcast

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