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Robot Archives Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 15:33:26 No. 4
>>6 Is Tom still working on his project or did he give up all together?
>>128 Last I checked he was still updating the github.
https://archive.fo/9sXEG Made an archive of this one right here in case we have another Hanako-poster incident where good posts get deleted by Trigger-Happy incompetent Gvols
>>602 just repost it geez
>>603 still, this place has no archive (that i know of), better safe than Sorry
>>604 that's a feature
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Does anybody remember that time on 8ch.net/r9k/ that some guy from "manhood academy" came to spam his shitty website? Does anyone have the archive for that? I found these pics I had saved, the whole thread was quite fun if I remember correctly.
>>629 >>629 I don't have that thread, but there's an archive of manhood academy bitchute (It doesn't exist anymore). https://www.bitchute.com/channel/synaris/ https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/uNnSYVAxhT8C/ File related is the guys ebook.

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