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Comfy fantasies thread Robot 07/27/2020 (Mon) 00:44:07 No. 746 >>758
A thread for posting about any of the comfy fantasies you have.
Is lucid dreaming the ultimate way to fantasize?
>>747 yes
>>749 Teach me.
>>750 intend to have more and/or clearer dreams eat no sweets (chocolate bars, soft drinks, etc) ie avoid 90% of the stuff in your foodstore no movies, video games, tv, music you can beat about the bush like me for years or you can be hardcore and sit in a chair for 30 mins every day until you can do it at night instead of sleeping
>>752 ah yes dream diary ofc forgot about that one
>>752 >eat no sweets (chocolate bars, soft drinks, etc) >no movies, video games, tv, music This is wrong as hell t. dreams of vidya and sweets
>>755 Literally proved him right.
>>752 >intend How do you intend to dream a certain way? Premeditation? I fantasize about my waifu before bed every night but she never appeared in my dream, let alone being able to influence it however I want. >sweet Why does food have anything to do with this? I can sleep like a log eating whatever I want. >no entertainment Because it can influence your dream?
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>>746 (OP) i never posted in the Original Thread because aside from Attaining Gnosis and ascending to Pleroma to live hapily ever After with Mommy Taihou i don't really have any Fantasy, however like i mentioned in the Waifu Thread,i really have developed a Parallel Love of the Sea and Sailing, i got a soft spot for the 877 Paltus/636 Varshavyanka, i really wish i was a Sailor and just fuck off from Civilization with my Boat, or be a Sub Captain, although having to contend with a Crew of Normgroids would most likely sour my Mood >>747 >>749 >>752 >>753 >>755 >>756 >>757 one of the things being Psychically Deaf has taught me is to not get Dragged by "Astral Fetishism", what i mean by this is getting too Focused on the "Powers" and "Benefits" these abilities give you, there is a reason why Hermetism and Gnosticism barely Mention Meditative Practices, and there's certainly a reason why Alchemy and Astrology were developed as an Afterthought and not mentioned in the Traditional teachings at all (Wich does not make them any less important, but it does tell us about their Purpose), the only references to Meditative practices are found in Buddhism and Hinduism (Im talking about the Non-cuckolded Early brands of Buddhism and Hinduism, IE:The Vedas the Baghavad gita and all that jazz, not the fucking hippies allright) and they are Cited as a Means to an end, New Age faggots get obssesed over this, you have imbeciles like Ophiel or Atkinson talking for Hours on the Qabbalah or Tarot, then at the same time they fall for the Biggest memes, and say retarded shit like "women are more Astrally Sensitive" and talk about how Esoteric wisdom is meant to help Humanity in the most stupid Humanistic, Collectivistic and Equalitarian sense, fuck them all to Hell and Back, what i am trying to convey here, is that Snowflake powers like Astral projection or Clairvoyancy are there as a Means to an End, they are there so you can Check on your own how the World and the things that are in it Work,
>>758 >ascending to Pleroma to live hapily ever After with Mommy Taihou Pleroma is every fantasy so dream on, baby
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>>759 >Dream on Baby what can i say anon, i just Love my Sweet Mommy Taihou, even if that Love is conveyed by Excessive Masturbation, even if that Love manifests in the form of Weird "Fetishes", even if i am, like i said before, a useless shithead, im shure You if you are whom i think you are and Tulpanon would understand
>>760 Doesn't cumming drain the literal life force in man? Maybe is that why you feel so tired/down all the time and can't access those "astral" experiences you mention? Asking as a complete ignorant on these topics, but I have seen that idea (abstinence being needed to perform "magick") posted more than once on imageboards.
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>>761 Perhaps in regular Men, not me though, Masturbating and Thinking about Taihou in general actually "Energizes" me while at the same time helps me Focus on what matters (Specially important since because of my own Cowardice i always get overwhelmed by Circumstances and Adversity), and it also allows me to set free a bit of the burning passion i feel most of the Day, my Shyness and shortfalls are mine and mine alone and are not related to any particular Habit, in terms of Magick Tantrism (And other Initiatic Chains before that, Orgies were originally meant as using Eros as a Liberating Force for Initiatic Purposes, we all know what they have become now though) has proven that Eros can be used (And Has been used) for Magick and Initiatic Practices, whomever told you Sex=Bad in terms of Esotericism is either a Moralistic Theosofist, or someone who simply Hasn't heard about Tantra
>>758 Why did you answer to my post?>>757
>>761 >>762 If memory serves, the bulk of the recent stigma around masturbation comes from the nofap crowd. They believe that releasing semen robs your body of vital nutrients, which makes some sense as your body needs to use it's resources to produce more semen to replace what was lost through ejaculation. However, the nofappers often take it a bit too far, suggesting that you never ever masturbate, in hopes of gaining some kind of superpower. And that if you do release, you should only ever do so into a roastie who will pop out a kid, then rob you blind with child support. They basically take an exaggerated view on the traditional Catholic stance on sex. However, in my experience, different people handle masturbation in different ways. I think that most of the nofappers are people who never knew how to relieve themselves in a healthy or responsible way, so they see masturbation as categorically harmful. However, I have had good and bad experiences fapping. Over the years I have found that if I fap to 3D I either feel shameful and exhausted, or just neutral. On the other hand, if I fap to 2D I either feel neutral or relieved and generally pleased. Of course, now that I have my tulpa, the dynamics have shifted a bit, though I wont go into detail. Regardless, I think it often comes down to what your masturbate to and how often, which seems to vary from person to person. So it's up to the individual to find the "correct formula" so to speak.
>>765 Not jerking off is probably objectively good for your mental health and physical to an extent. The problem with the "everything in moderation" argument is that it's a meaningless statement. It's like when normalfags say just be yourself or something. A technically true piece of "advise" that is completely worthless. Everyone knows that if you do anything "in moderation" it's probably fine and potentially even healthy for you. But if someone was living their life as a well adjusted adult and all of their vices were only indulged in moderation then they wouldn't be here or on any internet forum discussing this autistic shit. They're be a productive happy human living a fulfilling life instead. I jerk off as much as I want because I have no intention of leaving my home or interacting with other people let alone women. But if I wanted to suddenly become a normalnigger and get a wife the first thing I would do is stop consuming porn of any kind and stop jerking off. These weird calculus of finding the perfect method and content to consume that may or may not be bad for you isn't realistic. For 99% of people bad habits should just be flat out excluded from their lives in their entirety.
>>761 >Doesn't cumming drain the literal life force in man? yes
>>766 >as a well adjusted adult and all of their vices were only indulged in moderation then they wouldn't be here or on any internet forum discussing this autistic shit. They're be a productive happy human living a fulfilling life instead. I thought the "being a robot is a bad thing" crowd fucked off a while ago. So fuck off.
>>768 I didn't say being robot was a bad thing. I said most robots by nature aren't going to be well adjusted adults. You're either projecting or being presumptuous. What is or is not "bad" is not so easily defined, but I'm certainly not going around trying to shame robots. It's really the opposite, I'm trying to make sure the self-help no fap niggers don't think they have grounds to come in here and lecture people. It's why I went out of my way to establish that the objective of no fap is to become a normalnigger, and I don't want self-righteous normalniggers shitting the place up.
>comfy fantasy thread >screeching about muh life force You insufferable niggers, grow a pair and stop eating like a new born deer.
>>770 Milk is good for you and you should stop wasting your penis milk.
>>769 I agree with most of what you said but this >a productive happy human living a fulfilling life instead. Is not what a normalnigger is. At least not the vast majority of them which I see outside. They may claim to be this way but it's largely a facade. As for the whole well-adjusted thing, I can understand that but the way you phrased this here made it seem that you were claiming that being a robot inherently leads to living a terrible life which I disagree with.
>>772 It's a weird semantic game. Most normalniggers live horrible miserable lives, worse than most robots even I'd say. So I wasn't really claiming that all normalniggers are well adjusted happy people, but that basically all well adjusted happy people are normalniggers. >the way you phrased this here made it seem that you were claiming that being a robot inherently leads to living a terrible life which I disagree with. I mean yes and no. Being kind of a degenerate loser is sort of a cornerstone of being a robot. It's a very nuanced thing that's hard to pin down. I'm personally incredibly content in my lifestyle, but it's very clearly not a "good" life. I have no social interaction, virtually never leave my property, and spend most of my days on the computer. I wouldn't call that a "terrible" life, but it's clearly not anything someone would aspire towards. I enjoy myself quite a bit but would never describe myself as happy. Maybe the hidden truth here is that happiness isn't real.
>>771 it's more like sour cream than milk
Hey mod can you move these unrelated shit to some other thread appropriate for it? I just want to learn lucid, i don't care about this stupid shit. Stay in your thread, schizo.
>>773 > I'm personally incredibly content in my lifestyle, but it's very clearly not a "good" life. I have no social interaction, virtually never leave my property, and spend most of my days on the computer. I wouldn't call that a "terrible" life, but it's clearly not anything someone would aspire towards. If you're content with it then what's the problem? The idea of a one size fits all "good life" to aspire to is bullshit anyway and so if you've found your own way to be content while maintaining morality, then what makes your life worse than a well-adjusted normalfags? Perhaps in the collectivist/utilitarian sense, your life may be seen as "worse" since you are not providing much to society but in the more individual sense, I see no problems in living as you do (not going outside and all that) nor do I see it as "worse" than any "well adjusted" normalfag's life as long as it makes you a content person(again though maintaining morality is important even when living a more self-centered life, "living your own way" isn't an excuse to be a fucking degenerate normalnigger). Maybe I'm biased though since I myself am relatively content with the way I'm living. At least for me, it is a "good" way of living life, perhaps not for you or for another anon but that's why we're different people.
>>776 >The idea of a one size fits all "good life" to aspire to is bullshit anyway and so if you've found your own way to be content while maintaining morality, then what makes your life worse than a well-adjusted normalfags? This is not true. There is absolutely a specific lifestyle that is provably more productive for society than other lifestyles. I might not personally care about being a productive member of society but morality is dependent on caring about the state of society. The most I could say for my lifestyle is that it's in a neutral moral state. A well adjusted man who builds a family is putting objectively more good into the world than I am. > but in the more individual sense, I see no problems in living as you do Individualism is a moral evil by nature. There is not such thing as morally good individualism, as morality is dependent on collectivism. >as long as it makes you a content person Enjoying something doesn't make it good. This is the fundamental problem with individualism. It enables you to justify virtually any behavior no matter how dire the consequences on society as long as you can't directly perceive the damage it causes. You're not murdering someone by being a sexual deviant for example, but you're essentially a murderer by proxy because of the increase in suicide rates caused by you enabling a culture of degeneracy. Hyperbolic, but I think it makes sense. You can either be counter-productive, net negative on society, unproductive, neutral, or a productive net positive on society. The overwhelming majority of people are net negatives on society. I don't think there's anything wrong with being an unproductive neutral member of society, but it's certainly not "good".
>>775 Looks like you can't move individual posts between thread on lynxchan unlike jschan, you can only merge an entire thread with a destination thread. So I'll just ask that people take their derailed discussions to a new thread or the FTDDTOT thread. nu-zchan can't come fast enough I'll just lock this thread for a bit so people move their off-topic discussions elsewhere.
>>778 Unlocked
>>763 it was a Blanket reply, i was replying more to the entire discussion on Lucid Dreaming than a specific string of posts, i guess i should have clarified that, either way don't think too much about it
>>775 >I just want to learn lucid, YT is full of videos on the subject
>>787 By your logic all hobby boards should be axed.
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>>766 >Not jerking off is probably objectively good for your mental health and physical to an extent. It is. I don't agree with the puritanical views of the nofap crowd, but I do agree that excessive porn consumption is very damaging to the brain, so less masturbation is indeed better. >The problem with the "everything in moderation" argument is that it's a meaningless statement. It's like when normalfags say just be yourself or something. A technically true piece of "advise" that is completely worthless. I would respectfully disagree. "Just be yourself" is worthless advice due to it's impracticality. If a person is a social outcast, like a robot for example, then being themselves in any given situation will expose that person as being different from the collective, abnormal. This inevitably leads to ridicule or even violence aimed towards the abnormal individual. So 'just be yourself' is simply something parroted between normalfags who are only ever their plain, dull selves, thus giving the 'advice' no real merit. "Everything in moderation, even moderation" on the other hand can have practical uses in a person's life, unless their a normalfag of course. The reason it does not seem like valid advice is because it can be difficult to implement. This is due to the fact that human nature is based very much on consciously forming and then subconsciously maintaining habits. Attempting to moderate one's own behavior is seldom achieved because it requires a conscious effort, therefore normalfags shy away from it. However, for anyone of even mild ability, the trick is to make moderated lifestyle changes by consciously forming them into habits, which will then be subconsciously maintained by one's own human nature. For example, I used to masturbate almost daily, and would often edge myself for anywhere from 2-7 hours at a time. I couldn't even accurately estimate how much of my life has been wasted on fapping. Now I masturbate 2-3 times per week, for about 1-3 hours each time. I was able to achieve this by consciously restructuring my existing habits. I limited my porn access, filled my time with other activities, and when the urge to fap did creep up on me, I made a conscious effort to fight it off. Now fapping less often is a habit. Therefore, I have effectively moderated a part of my life. >>772 >>773 >it seem that you were claiming that being a robot inherently leads to living a terrible life which I disagree with. I don't think that was his intention. However, I would say there is some truth to that statement. After all, the path to becoming a robot is paved with rejection, neglect, and hardship. It's a proverbial trial-by-fire, those who come out on the other side are more aware of and in tune with the suffering of this world. So becoming a robot is a necessarily terrible process, although existing as a robot is not strictly tragic, but still difficult. It has its ups and downs, basically. >>775 >>778 I'm sorry for derailing this thread. I honestly didn't think my post >>765 would spark this much debate, though I do admittedly enjoy the conversation. In the spirit of trying to put this thread back on track, I often envision a comfy life in a fantastical countryside where I make a modest living by fishing in the nearby lakes and selling most of what I catch. I often envision it as something similar to The Shire. Just a warm and cozy hamlet where the locals prefer peace and quiet. A place where the neighbors are friendly but respect the privacy of others, though with a few eccentric folk here and there. A place where you can get by for several weeks on a single day's labor, allowing for plenty of time to laze or pursue personal hobbies. It's funny because I've always viewed robots/hikikomoris as being the real-world embodiment of hobbits, seeing as both prefer peace and quiet, and often cherish the comforts of home.
>>789 why repeat what's already been said
>>791 You aren't going to get the same advice from a jewtube video. Those things are meant for a large audience, whereas a post in response to a question will be directed towards an individual. It's one step away from asking someone irl for advice, which of course we don't do because we don't like talking to normalfaggots. The ideal would be to discuss hobbies with robots irl but this is the best we have because we're too autistic to interact irl. That being said if you're knowingly repeating advice you've seen elsewhere then it's probably better to just post the source rather than reprase it if you're going to say the same thing. But just because someone has said the same thing elsewhere doesn't mean the discussion is useless. And regardless, that doesn't justify offtopic clutter that belongs in the FTDDTOT.
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