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Possible Robot Exclusive Game Night Robot 08/07/2020 (Fri) 09:39:22 No. 970
We had one of these on zchan before it got nuked and since we're probably gonna be here a while I was thinking we could continue the brainstorming of this "might be" event. If you have any ideas for games you'd like to play feel free to post them. Recently I was thinking that Terraria could work well for this. Terraria can run on a potato and pirated Terraria multiplayer is as easy as setting up a LAN sim so it fits the bill when it comes to ease of access. The game also has all the fun comfiness of a sandbox game like Minecraft but with the added bonus of having actual goals to fulfill other than beating a singular boss. Servers are 8 people but I doubt that'll be a problem for a board like this.
Minor correction. As of, there is a maximum of 16 players allowed in a world which should cover this board completely since I doubt everyone would all be playing at the same time anyway.
why not just some good ol cs16
>>972 As in Counter-Strike? If so I don't know if that would work too well. Competitive play means that those with less experience and less skill would have less fun. Cooperative PvE experiences like Terraria, Minecraft, or some sort of MMO lend themselves better to things like a game night in a place like this, where there's no guarantee that we're all similarly skilled at FPS games.
>>973 >Competitive nah I'm a noob plus it's a private game not on steam or anything there's also minetest which is comfier than minecraft
>>974 >minetest Ive heard of this, how is it more comfier than Minecraft? >>971 Theres always tloader, its still 1.3 iirc, but thats probably not necessary as you've said. >>973 There's always el dewritos for free halo mp. Its essentially dead since everyone moved on to pc halo (imagine stopping a free, community made and moddable version of a game so you can play the new product). I never played halo much but the pace of the game makes everything easier to learn. Although 4 man or so halo might not be fun. Theres always monster hunter
>>1067 >tloader It would be fun to do calamity or some other mods with robots but if there are any robots who haven't played Terraria I wouldn't want to soil the 1st playthrough Vanilla experience. >mh I played mhw all the way through and enjoyed it so I wouldn't be opposed to playing an older game.
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How about making a radio night? How hard would it be to do so?
If you guys have throwaway steam accounts for Spacewar there's a shit ton of games to play including Terraria. As for Minecraft and such, we'd probably need to use some shitty free server provider like aternos since there's no way anybody here is paying for a server. Don't take my word for it though since I have no experience with server hosting outside of playing with my IRL friend back in the day (through methods unsafe for public servers). That's just the only way I know of safely playing MC with strangers. Another alternative is Minetest. >>1067 >MonHun If you're the one who mentioned that last thread would you care to elaborate on how exactly we'd do MonHun again and which game we'd be playing?
>>1194 Sure, i can't play currently due to irl things though. Copypasta on /geimu/ https://prolikewoah.com/geimu/res/10858.html The short ver: The most user friendly version is the psp ones. Psp emulator (ppsspp) can run on pretty much any toaster. There are two main games on the psp freedom unite (2nd gen) and P3rd hd version (3rd gen). MHP3rd hd ver has the better graphics and a decent amount of content, as well as button prompts for various things (when it comes to gathering materials). Freedom unite has older psp graphics, less intuitive gathering spots (and no button prompts to help you see them), but more content. Content means monsters to fight. P3rd is jap only, but there's a decent enough translation patch out there, i forget what its called, the thread should have it. Most people start out with p3rd, but I don't mind either option. Connecting online: You gotta enable it in the ppsspp options, you could rng your mac address but i dont think it matters. The geimu thread mentions an ad hoc server, we could use that or connect via zerotier or radmin (wireless lan). Whatever the case you put in the ip of the site or the host into the ad hoc server address bar. PORTS You should open the ports mentioned in the thread tutorial if we're connecting online, but for wireless lan its not necessary. When in game just play the first few quests, then hop into the online guild hall. The person with the most quests done in solo can select the hunts the group is going to do since they get more options. Solo hunting is recommended for materials. CONNECTION ISSUES the guide mentions come connection issues and how to resolve them (sometimes a computer reset helps too), but I find the best way to get everyone into the hunt (sometimes you can see players in the guild hall but when the hunt starts they dc) is to slow down the game when at the loading screen. In graphics options for ppsspp there's a custom speed option. Set this to less than 100%, i use 20% and deselect the disabled box. Bind the speed toggle to a button and when loading into a hunt hold the button down until you load into the game. Everyone should load on fine. The thread op explains it better of course but thats the gist of it.
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>>1075 Thats true, spent all my time playing on vanilla years ago. it was nice. Tloader vanilla could work. i personally dont like the newer npcs or some of the music, but I haven't played much of it. World was alright, better controls with dual analog, but the game was a bit to easy to mash through, except for some monster combos. I only pirated the base game, i heard iceborne dropped the ball and made the game more mmo like. Its about stunlocking the monsters and then spamming dps moves at it
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hop in
>>1626 This is minetest correct?
>>1627 yes
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>>1626 Comfy game.
>>1626 Btw it's just the default game. I ran it like a year ago and I had some mods added for animals and such. Idk if those are needed. I'm not that hot with the game atm.
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>>1639 Playing gave me a headache.
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>>1642 Is this handmade?
>>1644 I built it, so yes.
>>1642 Lack of a sprint ability is a bit annoying but I've been enjoying myself.
3 people playing, come NOW
Is there anyway to make a backup for the current world? Griefers can easily come around and destroy everything and there'd be nothing we could do to stop it.
>>1663 I won't do it again. From what I see of other servers, you can't destroy the blocks because they will just reappear.
>>1665 Having a backup regardless is good.
Ultimate autism time So the white box is a rough outline of the town hall, something spacious probably made from silver sandstone or something. The red line is a balcony and a bridge connecting it to the fountain. There are staircases going from the balcony to the first floor. The blue X marks where an initial ladder will be, leading to a small room with storage before the initial drop into the mine.
>>1663 Yes but that's not how it's done. There a protect something I need to add. among other things, maybe >>1665 yes it's this
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/r9k/ town hall
now with lightning mob_horse mobs mobs_animal snowdrift
cartonball here, I'll be taking a short break. I don't have the patience needed to do what I want and I don't want to burn myself out entirely. >>971
You guys still playing? I might be able to sneak in a bit of time to play with Internet pals
>>1984 On and off. I haven't seen anyone else playing in a while, though.
Do you see animals like chickens, cows, etc? Idk if it's just on my end.
>>1990 I've seen cats, rabbits, cows, sheep, and a single chicken.
>>1984 I've been doing a lot of irl shit so I haven't been getting on. I have some time now so I'll be on sometimes.
>>2211 What the fuck is your problem? Get the fuck out retard.
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new address

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