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Is this allowed? Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 05:04:26 Id: 22c6f0 No. 8747
>>>/hisparefugio/92345 A post in hispanic board literally talking about rape toddlers? The board is full of that material (not just lolicon but people also depicting how they would fuck/rape children even babys) and when you writte your claim to the BO you get called slurs by the BO/volunteers themselves and stalked (post history checked and they make fun on your previous post) and obviously they don't do anything about it. Also that thread is full of toddler material but I don't claim especifically the 2d but the description and apology to rape children in the posts. The board is full with loli discusion, even books on how to attrack/have committing voter fraud for Democrats have been shared. https://8chan.moe/hisparefugio/res/91055.html#92345
>>8747 Seems someone is butthurt. AWTranny is that you? You still mad because lolis are allowed on that board?
More pedo threads and posts >>>/hisparefugio/91847 >>>/hisparefugio/90453 >>>/hisparefugio/92361 >>>/hisparefugio/65823 >>>/hisparefugio/66761 Also the word pedro stands for pedofile in hispachan slang >>8749 I'm just asking for the globals opinion so we can make it clear if depicting and talking about raping children is allowed, don't care about lolicon in general.
>>8747 >Spoilering the cartoon, then scribbling over it anyways. OP, you're a retard. Cartoon toddlercon is perfectly legal in amerishartland, if in bad taste.
>>8747 El gringo descubrió el chon
>The board is full with loli discusion, even books on how to attrack/have committing voter fraud for Democrats have been shared Lmao none o f the 5 books about this have been purchased
>>8747 Read the fucking rules OP
>>8768 You huge retarded faggot Of course I specified the problem was the description of raping a baby, not the picture itself. Did you read the post?
>>8777 >Of course I specified the problem was the description of raping a baby, not the picture itself. You huge retarded faggot. Of course I specified the problem was your treatment of the picture, not your issue with lewd descriptions of toddlers. Did you read the post?
>>8779 I did it because I don't know if this /site/ allows nsfw even spoiled and what was relevant was the text so I posted translated to english. Let's be in peace now
>>8781 Global Rule 6: Do not post NSFW material on SFW marked boards unless it is spoilered.
>>8747 By default it is assumed that everything written here is a fantasy or lie, and action is only taken when the user directly or indirectly provides details that make it appear that he/she has actually been involved in illicit activities. In the case you propose, that text is in bad taste for many, but it seems to be just a fantasy. If the user started writing that he/she fulfilled or wants to fulfill that fantasy and uploaded "proof" (specific names, data that only someone who committed the act would know, docs, photos, audio or videos) of it, then the mods can assume that the user is being serious serious and ban him/her for discussing about illegal activities. This applies to all things considered illegal in the United States, including threats of death or harm to specific individuals or groups. Saying "kill yourself, faggot" or "death to faggots" are considered too generic insults to be taken seriously, but if the insults conclude with details such as the victim's name, method of execution or weapons and a possible date of the crime (e.g. I'm going to kill ABC who lives in XYZ with my shotgun as soon as I get the chance), then the user will be assumed to be serious and their posts will be banned and potentially reported to the authorities. In short, don't post like you seriously plan to commit a crime (or already committed it).
>>8768 It really isn't but the server is located on Eastern Europe so what the american law says is irrelevant. As long as you don't pile exabytes of loli porn like the ex /delicious/ board owner I highly doubt american goverment would try to do anything, If you live in latinamerica then nobody would care whatsoever. >>8783 I was about to post this but I forgot. I want to stress this part: >don't post like you seriously plan to commit a crime Because I've seen people doing exactly that on /hisparefugio/ and /mex/ and after days and even weeks nobody globally report that. So If you browse those boards tell their mods to stop jerking off and actually check those incidents.
>>8786 The owner is located in America. So thats the law that matters here.
>>8789 Not really. The only law that do matters is the webhost's national law, which is moldovan law. If your country penalizes loli or piracy then the best they can do is block the site and put in trial to single posters but not 8moe as a whole. For the record, loli is considered CP according to mexican law but since Mexico is a lawless shithole full of Marks, nobody really cares.
>>8786 >I've seen people doing exactly that on /hisparefugio/ and /mex/ If you think you have seen a post that violates the global rules, use the "Global Report" option to report it to the global staff.
>>8791 Yes really.
>>8799 The reason why we gor loli porn boards is because the webhost is located in moldova; that content is fine according to Moldovan law, whatever the american or mexican law says is irrelevant because they cannot enforce it on a foreign country.
>>8791 In reality, the law in Mexico is subdivided in each federative entity. Each state into which the country is divided manages its own internal laws based on a juridical body. Therefore, what may be legal in one state may not be legal in another.
>>8805 Didn't know about that, it's similar to american law then. I did check the wikipedia article which shows the legal status or fictional underage erotica across different nations and it said it's illegal in Mexico but didn't check the addendum for details.
>>8800 Loli is federally legal in America. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have it.
>>8814 I might be wrong, but from what I've read what the american law punishes is "obcenity" nevertheless I don't totally understand what it means.
>>8818 It's an intentionally vague definition where a court can decide whether something is bad or not. That's what's so pernicious about it. That said, most obscenity laws have not help up in court after appeals.
>>8807 You can see it in the laws on piracy, cybercrimes, and the age of sexual consent. I share a link to wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent

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