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Shotas with glasses Anon 09/25/2024 (Wed) 21:09:32 No. 18124
Those four-eyed cuties deserve some love too!
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I have to say that it is very rare to have two shotas with glasses on the same picture
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>>18222 Came here to post him.
>>18279 Sadly there isn't that much content, which is strange considering Japan is one of the countries with the highest percentage of total population that use them.
>>18291 >cute short hair>glasses>bottomless but with shoes/socks and shirt>perfect sized willy and raphe drawn visible on his little pouch>great pose that shows everything and at the same time is natural looking ✅ Nearly a perfect pic! Got any more by this artist anon?
>>18302 Sadly no, the artist doesn't seem to draw that often, last pic posted was from February. Here's their baraag https://baraag.net/deck/@Delirium_
Uploadan bespectacled boys. >>18303 Thanks. I hope he starts drawing again soon. He's a great artist.
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I would appreciate the sauce of this random pic I got from 4chan
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>>18433 Alright if all you do is spam single pictures all day every day then you could at least give sauce.
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>>18457 Sorry I can't remember de sauce of that pic in particular all I remember is that I got it from Twitter some time ago, and that sometimes the artist uploaded the censored version on Pixiv. This time I'll give you two pics at the same time, hope it helps :D
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>>18458 Damn it. You don't even remember the artist?
(684.99 KB 2896x4096 Ftv9NEaaYAAMdYV.jpg)

>>18465 You should have tried harder anon, reverse searching one of the images on Google gave me the exact Tweet. I'll spoon feed you this time... https://x.com/KarasuNaruko https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/23564213
>>18467 Jokes on you because I did find it last night. I should have just linked it in the thread but forgot/slash got busy.
>>18469 Ignore that slash.
>>18469 Congratulations on getting bussy anon.
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>>18529 Artist name? Or source?
>>18534 Thanks man
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