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Total commercialization of loli/shota-artists and community Anon 11/27/2024 (Wed) 17:21:07 No. 18725 >>18737 >>18738 >>18741 >>19186 >>19399
My text will seem provocative, even radical. But this is a cry from the heart. It worries me that in the last few years, most loli/shota artists have become driven solely by monetizing their talent. Love, sincerity and passion have long been pushed aside by them. This is extremely destructive to the unity of the loli/shota-community. Many of us have more than once encountered the sad and disappointing situation when you write to your favorite artist about some interesting characters, but do not receive any response. They evaluate characters not in terms of their attractiveness and uniqueness, but in terms of profit and popularity. So many cute loli and shota unfairly remain in the shadows, but artists, following the hype, are churning out Naruto, Killua, Hilda, Bridget, Pomni and Luz by the thousands! And when you sincerely try to convey this to them, they react aggressively. Almost everyone is familiar with cases when a modest and kind artist, having acquired money and fame, turned into a greedy and arrogant one. The transformation (more correctly, deformation) of many of them reached the point that they completely lost the habit of drawing for pleasure and inspiration, because it is free and will not bring in income. They may not paint for months if they don't have orders. Their motivation to draw has become unlearned to come from incentives other than financial ones. Terrifying! It sounds like a nightmarish dystopia, but, alas, this is a frequent reality and a sad example of degradation. When you don't have money (and many of us are from poor countries, including me), artists don't even look at you. And when you are rich like Croesus, they greet you with curtsies and run after you almost at a skip. Those of us who are poor have become poor relatives to the rich, who dissociate themselves from him in every possible way. We, like the little match girl from Hans Christian Andersen's sad fairy tale, can only admire from afar. Another shocking revelation is that some of them are not loli and shotalovers, but came to drawing because it is a lucrative topic. "Money doesn't smell." They declare with cynical frankness that they hate what they draw and those they draw to, but they tolerate it because of the big money. "You're a broke, balding, fat, sweaty, old jerk who stinks of cum!" - a true loli/shota-bro will never say such words towards his brother. An excellent marker that allows you to determine whether this or that artist is bro or not is AI. Bro ardently supports AI, knowing what great happiness AI brings to brothers. But the non-bro, who is in the community only for mercantile reasons, begins to writhe from the AI like a vampire from a holy crucifix. They start screaming about “capitalism and evil corporations depriving them of income,” although they themselves, like Scrooge, recently humiliated the poor man who was naive to turn to them. I do not want to say that artists should selflessly sacrifice for the sake of society and devote themselves to serving it, fulfilling everyone's dreams, never taking a penny, completely forgetting and rejecting their own interests. I want artists to be well-fed and live in abundance, without worrying about tomorrow. I’m just for balance, when sincere creativity and creativity for the sake of earning money are shared equally, without a bias in one direction or another. Twitter before Musk's arrival created a dangerous illusion among loli/shota artists that they were now in a legal field. They forgot how fragile their position is. They must remember who they are and that they are in the same boat with their poor bros. If this continues, we will turn into a disgrace like the furry-community, which has long been said to have become a club for the rich.
>>18725 (OP) Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
>>18725 (OP) Long story short?
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>>18725 (OP) >Many of us have more than once encountered the sad and disappointing situation when you write to your favorite artist about some interesting characters, but do not receive any response. Have you ever thought that some simply don't know/care about that particular niche character? >Almost everyone is familiar with cases when a modest and kind artist, having acquired money and fame, turned into a greedy and arrogant one. I think you're severely overestimating the amount of people that actually engage in some sort of meaningful way with an artist... especially the ones that draw shota/loli NSFW content >They may not paint for months if they don't have orders. This already happened (and continues to happen) even before monetization became popular >Another shocking revelation is that some of them are not loli and shotalovers, but came to drawing because it is a lucrative topic. "Money doesn't smell." They declare with cynical frankness that they hate what they draw and those they draw to, but they tolerate it because of the big money. "You're a broke, balding, fat, sweaty, old jerk who stinks of cum!" - a true loli/shota-bro will never say such words towards his brother. This is just simply dishonest, and makes no logic sense. Shota and loli is hated/feared by most normalfags in the internet. So if an artist already has a following it makes no logical sense, from the purely economic point of view, for an artist to take a risk at alienating most of their followers by simply trying to expand to a niche fanbase as loli/shota. In fact I argue the opposite is more likely to happen, and I've seen many examples of that already. >An excellent marker that allows you to determine whether this or that artist is bro or not is AI. Bro ardently supports AI, knowing what great happiness AI brings to brothers. But the non-bro, who is in the community only for mercantile reasons, begins to writhe from the AI like a vampire from a holy crucifix. Now I'm beginning to think you're just plain stupid... But maybe you just have some rose-tinted glasses outlook of the past. The fact is that nowadays we have a lot more shota/loli content (even ignoring AIslop and 3D renders) that we had before and most likely it is because of monetization.
>>18738 >>18737 Is it hard for you to read such a short text? Or are you from the TikTok generation, unable to concentrate on something that requires more than 10 seconds of attention? >>18741 >Have you ever thought that some simply don't know/care about that particular niche character? They don't say they don't know this character or that they're not interested in him. They don't respond to messages at all, considering it "beneath their dignity to honor a plebeian with an answer." >I think you're severely overestimating the amount of people that actually engage in some sort of meaningful way with an artist What do you mean by "meaningful interaction"? I knew people who communicated and became friends with artists when they were just starting out. But when the artists gained fame, they turned away from those who were with them at the beginning of their journey. >This is just simply dishonest, and makes no logic sense. Shota and loli is hated/feared by most normalfags in the internet. What do Normi ​​artists have to do with when I'm talking about Shota-Loli artists? Wake up, they are no longer marginalized, content with ten rare visitors in six months. Look how many subscribers TripleVexx and DevilTokyo have on Twitter. Hundreds of thousands! Drawing lolis and shotas has become very profitable. Try writing to them (TripleVexx and DevilTokyo). You won't get an answer from them. And they were rude to me and blacklisted me. Their pride is akin to Everest. Your "experience" of trying to contact them will be the best illustration of what I'm trying to convey by creating this thread. >Now I'm beginning to think you're just plain stupid... The fact that you are rude in response to a passage about AI gives you away as someone whose business plan was ruined by AI. I don't have a naive view of the past. Because it really was glorious. The community was small back then, but very friendly and sincere. I remember how artists were happy if at least one person noticed their drawing. You could contact them (the artists) without any difficulties. They were very responsive and welcoming, almost never refusing anyone. I sat on many imageboards and forums, now long forgotten.
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The most rotten type of artist: those who promise and then start ignoring. Even people who make paid orders also face this. If the artist does not keep the promise of a free drawing, then he will also cheat you out of money.
>>18747 Note that she expresses hatred (DNI MAP) towards pedosexuals while drawing shotacon. The most unmistakable marker of a pseudo-shotacon artist.
>>18745 >Wake up, they are no longer marginalized Nigger please... U might just have the stupid
>>18749 When did "marginals" start gaining hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter? Loli-shota artists used to be marginals, when they sat on forums with barely a hundred members. Even taking into account the spokes put in their wheels by "morality fighters", sholicon artists now have opportunities that their predecessors never dreamed of. >Nigger Not only are you greedy, you're also a racist.
Are there any real sholicons left on this board? I only see hucksters and trolls here.
>>18754 >hundreds of thousands of followers pics or it didn't happen
>>18755 Looks normal on the outside.
Artists are just human beings. They have their own life. They can draw whatever and interact with whoever they want. If you want to see more drawings of YOUR favorite characters, then learn to draw YOURSELF. Stop bothering people when all you can do is yapping and contribute nothing else.
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>>18761 Were you too lazy to google the nicknames I gave above as examples? Here are the screenshots. >>18763 That's the thing, this board seems normal from the outside, while in reality there are practically no adequate and active people left here. I even think that thematic threads with images being bumping by script. >>18765 Did you even read what I wrote? Or did you answer without reading? Because I'm conveying that the problem is not that they don't draw the characters I like, but that they've gone into pure commerce, become arrogant and rude, and that many of them aren't even sholikons. And you've presented everything in such a light, as if I'm selfishly and capriciously whining because they don't draw me what I want.
>>18768 Judging by the your own printscreen you seem rather annoying and more likely than not artist like them get nutjobs like you daily, so it is a rather normal response to just block these kind people. Secondly I don't see those guys drawing the ol' shit that you claim they are (at least not for TripleVexx) > I even think that thematic threads with images being bumping by script. I can only assume by that, that you yourself are not really posting anything of value, but rather are just posting bitchy rants about you not getting free gibs. >as if I'm selfishly and capriciously whining because they don't draw me what I want. But you are... You can try and rationalize your behavior all you want, but at the end of day you're just frustrated that you don't get free shit.
>>18769 I can tell from your hostile reaction that you are one of the pseudo-artists. Are you talking about this >>18747 screenshot? If so, are you deliberately not noticing how much time has passed since each of my messages? I waited patiently and respectfully, without reminding you of myself, for several months, although they promised to draw me in the coming days. And when I finally, carefully reminded you of myself, they did not answer me. For the sake of decency, I waited a couple of weeks and wrote again. And again I was ignored. I did not pester in private messages every day, I was patient like few others. But for you, pseudo-artists, such concepts as honor and loyalty to your word/promise do not exist. >free shit Which is what needed to be proven. Sholicon is shit for you, not love and passion. I will take a screenshot. You simply cannot find a better proof of my words that you draw only for money, and hate us, sholicons.
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A striking example of a pseudo-artist.
>>19004 You deserve to be blocked ya autistic fucking chimp
>>19014 Huckster, don't freak out. You don't have much time left to shamelessly profit off our community. More and more brothers are gaining freedom through AI.
>>19004 I couldn't help but notice that you said you would politely say goodbye and leave were the artist to refuse your request, only to press them further when they refused
>>19041 In the thread header I clearly voiced the idea that I do not consider those who draw only for money to be sholikons and artists. For me, they are like dirt from under my fingernails. Parasites who have attached themselves to the sholikon community. I call for their decisive boycott, cancellation and the harshest ostracism, letting them know that they have no place among us. He should be grateful that I responded to his shameless greed not with rude insults, but only with reproaches. "Pressing", haha. That's the point, I only gently pressed on his conscience, while they need to be CRUSHED like cockroaches.
>>19024 >>19050 Could you kindly fuck off? If you like AI so much, go chat with an AIbot, maybe it will stand your autistic behavior and won't call for the insignificant little shit you are
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>>19051 You're mad because I came to ruin the comfort of hucksters like you, conveying to the brothers that they are not the only ones who are tired and angry about what the sholicon community has become because of people like you. But no matter how mad you are, you will not be able to cancel, let alone delay, the inevitable. I see how the number of those who join the AI ​​is growing, sweeping away the privileged bastards like you, who have been reveling in their power for years. When I created the same topic in /delicious, the dealers, scared by HOW MANY people expressed their anger at the pseudo-artists, achieved the deletion of the thread that was inconvenient for them. I almost forgot about this piquant detail about this character (DenSekkusu) >>19004 : he sends the AI ​​to hell, he himself saves it in his bookmarks. Pathetic hypocrite and liar.
You are watching artists grow, and grow old as well Most young people vote left of center, most old people right of center. It's natural when you start making money and paying taxes and doing a business that your worldview changes. Also many artists work full time on the side (or will soon once they are done with college), so now they have two jobs, upping prices makes sense to make it more lucrative and to spend precious free time to get us all gooning material It's a cycle, it repeats itself consistently, there is no use to whine about it when upcoming artists "make it" and can use the effect of their own hard work to benefit themselves
>>19074 Age and political vector mean little. I have met both sympathetic and kind older artists and inexpressibly greedy young beginners who, without really having subscribers and a full gallery, were already rolling out a price list with exorbitant prices. It was especially disgusting when people positioning themselves as representatives of extreme left views, whose profiles are completely decorated with rainbow flags, hammers and sickles, preaching help to the poor and oppressed, harshly demanded impressive money from me, knowing full well that I do not have it, and what country I am from. It is clear why the left is failing all over the world, and the USA elected Trump. People are tired of the lies and duplicity of the left. The right is also crap, but at least not so hypocritical. What? Sholicon is a business? Not love, not passion, not the meaning of life, but a business? Do you even understand what a monstrous thing you just said? We value art, not cold, calculating business. Pseudo-artists accuse AI of having no soul, while in fact there is no soul in their drawings, created not out of passion, but for a fee. We do not need such "art". In addition to the spiritual aspect, there are other reasons why considering sholikon as a business is madness. Sholicon (its creation, storage, payment for it) is in the zone of criminal prosecution in many countries. There are fewer and fewer platforms where it can be monetized. Most of the audience is not rich, the number and reach there are not as big as furries. I remember the old days when the sholicon community was small and cozy. When there were no barriers between ordinary sholicons and artists. People drew not for the sake of earning money (they didn't even think about it then, considering it a threat to their own and others' safety, as well as blasphemy, because love is not for sale), but out of love for cute lolis and shotas, and also wanting to find those who would share your feelings. When each participant was remembered and known, and people began to worry if he disappeared for longer than a month. Then everyone was one of their own, and not one of faceless thousands. It was impossible to imagine then that creative sholicons would become a separate caste that would look down on their brothers and demand payment from them.
And one more important note. Probably many have noticed that most of the current sholicon-pseudo-artists/hucksters are from South America. The savvy South Americans saw in this a profitable way to make money on, as they call Europeans, Slavs and North Americans, gringos and pendejos. They hate us and sholicon, considering us perverts, but "money has no smell". Before, without knowing about it, I sympathized (knowing that South America is a poor region) with South American artists, thinking that sometimes, in addition to drawings for the soul, they draw paid orders, as a significant addition to their main work. But it turned out that they COMPLETELY turned sholicon into a business. Now I hate them as much as the greedy Western rich hucksters.
>>19112 >>19113 Because the entire world and its culture have gone to shit. Until we un-fuck the world, this will continue, just like everything else that has gone to shit. >People are tired of the lies and duplicity of the left. The right is also crap, but at least not so hypocritical. If the right would stop it's blatant hate for sex, nudity, "dirty words," fantasy, video games, cartoons/anime, and just overall FUN, the left wouldn't win (m)any elections in the first place. The right is now in power in multiple European countries, Japan, and soon to be the U.S. They would be wise to stop shaming people for having fun, or that rise to power will be very short-lived.
>>19117 That the world is heading for the abyss is an indisputable fact. But I will not regret it if it perishes. With a few exceptions, I no longer believe in humanity. The right, unlike the left, does not wear masks, immediately revealing its aggressive totalitarian essence, so the threat emanating from them is obvious. Whereas the left promises freedom, equality, brotherhood and justice, but in reality builds exactly the same tyranny as the right. Therefore, people, disappointedly waving their hands, went to the right, arguing that if there is a dictatorship, then without false decorations depicting happiness and freedom; if there is to be a death, then without deception and false hopes. Here the artists Honeyshot and JohnBlack was a striking example of such a lying leftists.
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I would like to especially note this Latin American scum (he is from Colombia). In his profile he writes about himself "Cuddly ✖️ Shy ✖️ Good boi ✖️ pats ur head ~ Summer Camp island ⭐️". But in personal communication he is extremely cold and aggressive, always throwing those who write to him in PM. I have heard complaints about this two-faced bastard from more than one person. With all my heart I wish him a painful death, one day falling into the clutches of one of the gangs that are actively in charge in his country. Yes, I do not take back my words. People like him are enemies to me on the level of the FBI and "morality fighters".
Nobody cares Ivan, go rape some orphans or something
>>19177 Post ethnic dk.
>>19178 And when were you authorized to speak on behalf of everyone? YOU personally don't care, not everyone. Secondly, I am a stranger to violence. And no, I am not one of those hypocritical pseudo-sholicons who distance themselves from pedosexuals by posting DNI MAPS in their profiles. It's just that reciprocity is important to me. And I also understand that my fantasies and reality are different; hentai doujinshi plots and scenes are extremely rare or impossible in life. Regarding my "reconquista" against pseudo-artists, I am not alone in my struggle. >>19179 I don't quite understand what you mean? If you're talking about my dislike for Latin American (pseudo)artists, then earlier in the thread I voiced the reasons why I have an extremely negative attitude towards them. They share first place with North Americans in my anti-rating
>>18725 (OP) Did you post this simply because Twitter was dying or because AI was growing?
>>19181 Not here of course but post your dick.
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Now I will tell you about the rarest case of a caring and sympathetic refusal. I take off my hat in respect. People like Mystic Hobo, I, hand on heart, call TRUE SHOLICONS. At such moments, it especially hurts me because I am poor and have no money, because I really want to thank such people with a generous donation as a sign of my appreciation. Appreciate and take care of people like Mystic Hobo. They are our last bastion. >>19186 Did you even read the text of the thread header? >>19191 Why should I do this? I am not a cute 2D shota-boy, but a grown sullen man.
>>19204 I would like to have a fellow shotacon (boy)friend to fap with. >grown sullen man Better.
>>19214 And horny aside how the fuck do you survive as a shotacon during wartime?
>>19214 Unfortunately, I am not the kind of person who is made for relationships. There are many people in the world who can become your partner. Whereas, due to the peculiarities of my personality/psychotype, I am not at all suited for constant communication and relationships. This is not feigned modesty, I just know myself well. >>19217 To protect myself, I do not live on Russian sites and use a VPN. Posting shotacon on Russian sites is akin to suicide. People are arrested even for completely innocent drawn images with lolis and shotas. They are even persecuted for erotica with adult characters: gazeta.ru/social/news/2024/12/03/24533684.shtml Russia is turning into some kind of Iran. And that is why, when I am rudely refused help in the outside world, it becomes so painful. Many of those who live in first world countries do not understand that for me paying is not only impossible due to lack of money, but also dangerous. I remember when the community was small and cautious, everything was different: everyone valued each other. To talk about money in those days was blasphemy and recklessness, such a person was looked upon as a suicide bomber who decided to voluntarily surrender himself into the clutches of the police.
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"Commodity-money relations" have a detrimental effect on the relationships between community members, introducing inequality. Some become superior to others. Many ideas and characters are rejected and forgotten, because creativity is on the rails of the mainstream. A barrier appears, ease of communication disappears. Someone who can draw begins to see you not as a fellow with whom he can discuss ideas and characters, but as a beggar. And someone who cannot draw, in turn, begins to be afraid to write to the one who draws, thinking that he will consider him insincere, wanting only to receive a drawing. The principle of asabiyya/commune is the only option if we want sholiсon not to disappear. You must remember that, unlike other communities, we walk under the sword of Damocles. You have forgotten the times when finding a fellow sholiсon on the Internet was considered an incredible rarity and happiness. You have forgotten that fear and loneliness. People are what matter, not money. Once the sword falls on our heads, you will understand what a mistake you made by trading your brothers for money and glory.
>>19258 Very well said. Much better written than anything I could've written and with a better temperament and mood than mine. My own assessment or preliminary diagnosis is that sholicon (that is, both shōtacon & lolicon) is veering toward extinction. Most of the sholicon resources I know of are gone (Little Angels Hentai, Flatchan, you name it), as are nearly every single personal artist website (save for Incognitymous) are likewise gone. Sholicon has been nearly universally banned everywhere. Sholicon can't even be marketed or profited from on Pixiv. Hell, if you have your country settings to USA on Pixiv, you're not even allowed to view Sholicon. France banned access to ATF entirely, then ATF disappears. Of all the world's worsening woes, the United Nations General Secretariat decides to waste time and money on an international universal ban on Sholicon. I'm also not encouraged by the fact that of the Sholicon artists I've had the displeasure of interacting with, the only one who wasn't an asshole was Funnibizness. Alas, he's disappeared. Which is something else I should mention, the disappearance of so very many Sholicon content creators. When two of the last places for Shōtacons, last places on Earth, that I could refer them to is here at 8ch.moe/sm and at Shotaworld, the situation is far beyond apocalyptic.
>>19256 > I remember when the community was small and cautious, everything was different: everyone valued each other. To talk about money in those days was blasphemy and recklessness, such a person was looked upon as a suicide bomber who decided to voluntarily surrender himself into the clutches of the police. Bullshit, shotacon became a thing only because of money, cause in Japan people could openly sell their artwork, almost all of the modern shotacon artist were influenced by the original shotacon artist from Japan, that surprise surprise, sold their work and made some buck and thus kept drawing and slowly the community grew. If not for them we would only have shitty comic book style shota content. Whether you like it or not, it is only because of money that the community grew so much, same thing happened during the renaissance, IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY.
>>19259 How happy and touched I am to finally see a response that understands and shares my fears and sadness. Before this, no one wrote here except for trolls, hucksters and just bots, as if confirming the now popular theory of the dead Internet. I too noticed an extremely disturbing trend that those who were sincere with us and understood us as a brother understands a brother are practically gone online. Their accounts have long been abandoned. Today's (pseudo)artists are filled with such off-the-scale arrogance that even the most odious of aristocrats would envy their narcissism. We are experiencing a catastrophe. >>19261 You are so mad with greed that you are talking complete nonsense. According to your insane logic, it turns out that people become sholicons not because they were born that way, but because of money. Unlike you, the profiteers who profit off of us, WE WERE BORN PEDOSEXUAL! WE LOVE LOLI AND SHOTA, not money! Your logic is akin to homophobic stereotypes that claim that gays are not born, but made. People drew sholicon because they were driven by FEELINGS, the DESIRE to visualize their fantasies about their favorite characters. You are simply bursting with greed and anger. You are so furious that people like me, old-timers, do not let you, profiteers, destroy the memory of the old days, when the community was built on the principles of solidarity. I remember how artists used to draw because they wanted to share their love with others and find a response. They were always open to communication and ideas. I remember the old days and old artists. And you can't take this memory away from me! You, a profiteer, cannot understand the ESSENCE OF ART. An artist paints not for money, but because he likes the process of painting itself!
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Well, this is just a COMBO huckster!
>Autismo: The Thread
>>19292 You never dealt with the crop/shinji fag did you.
Recently, an old friend of mine expressed himself wonderfully on this whole situation. For him, those who draw sholikon solely for money are like those Jews who traded the lives of their fellow tribesmen in the Warsaw Ghetto, knowing full well that they too would suffer the fate of those they betrayed and sold. He also added that he does not understand those who compare sholikon with regular hentai and regular art in general and claim that sholikon is created only for money. Sholikon, as he says, is in a gray area, comparable to the life of underground partisans. And partisans fight not for money and glory, but for their beliefs. Anticipating a possible political squabble: neither I nor my friend are anti-Semites, but at the same time we are not Judeophiles. >>19292 When you have nothing to say in response, you stoop to banal insults.
>>19295 Oh, I've dealt with him, this is just so condensed in a single thread, that's a good thing at least. >>19296 >What is shitposting?
>>19297 Do you have some kind of trauma related to autism? Do you want to talk about it? By attributing autism to me because I created and am bumping this thread, you are clearly showing how mad you are that someone has demonstrated your essence as leeches sucking on the sholicon community. Do you think I am a loner and can only toothlessly post appeals and warnings? I am with a group of those who are angry at pseudo-artists, punishing them by destroying their Twitters and Patreons. For example, Harmarist, Honeyshot and RISUKOYAMA (https://x.com/risukoyama) lost their accounts because of their arrogance. We are preparing a new wave of crushing attacks on those who betrayed their brothers.
>>19292 How do you know this is "autismo?"
>>19314 I suppose it could be dementia too, but I'm more inclined to think it is autism >>19313 Kys faggot
>>19317 You're beyond delusional and your posts don't contribute whatsoever to this thread. No one takes you seriously and I, for one, don't care an iota about your input on anything. You're not qualified to diagnose Autism spectrum or anything else. Yet you think "kill yourself, faggot" (on a niche yaoi subforum, no less) is some sort of original snapback that anyone would find serious. Absent taking it seriously, which no one will, it's not even funny. You're delusional because you continue posting (pointless garbage, mind you) thinking your input is welcome or in any way valued.
>>19319 Didn't ask Kys faggot
>>19123 >The right, unlike the left, does not wear masks, immediately revealing its aggressive totalitarian essence, so the threat emanating from them is obvious. Whereas the left promises freedom, equality, brotherhood and justice, but in reality builds exactly the same tyranny as the right. Pretty much, yeah.
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Another striking example of a pseudo-artist.
>>19319 He >>19328 is either some kind of troll shotahater, or, most likely, a profiteer who is furious that he and others like him have had their masks ripped off in this thread. This is how they, not being pedosexuals themselves, actually treat those who order drawings from them. They fawn, feign friendliness, but in reality they hate us with a vengeance. And when we write to them asking for help for free, thinking that they are our brothers, they, seeing no need for pretense, show their true colors. Therefore, the best we can do is simply ignore him. Let him rage in impotent anger at his exposure, his inadequacy serving as the best proof of the theses about pseudo-artists from the thread header.
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I am the kind of person who always gives a "credit of trust" to the person I start communicating with. Until the very end, I believe that the person will be adequate and will make peace. But here (screenshot), as almost always (it feels like all these pseudo-artists are churned out on a conveyor belt, they are so similar to each other), this is not the case. Not only did he not want to part peacefully, but he also blacklisted me, although at the end I openly hinted that I was ready to make peace and say goodbye without holding a grudge against each other. I was ready to admit that I was wrong, and he would turn out not to be a huckster, but our brother, and we simply misunderstood each other at first. But, alas, no, he really is a 100% huckster. Well, I wish his shitty loved ones to die in agony; I'm sick of bastards justifying their vileness by caring for their loved ones. If he thinks that my politeness, restraint and apologies are weakness, then let him pay dearly for it. I am one of those who try to solve everything in a good way, but, having exhausted all possibilities, become merciless like Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Well, as expected, this asshole, as expected, turned out to be another Latino who came to the community to make money on "stupid perverted gringos".
>>18725 (OP) Well, well, well, what do we have here.... The thread of an autistic guy who just wants free drawings using stupid excuses. Go learn to draw or get yourself a job mama's boy, and if you can't do either, there's always the trusty AI to bring your ideas to life.
>>19399 What kind of kindergarten-level rhetoric is this? You simply have absolutely nothing to counter with on the merits, so you resorted to such a banal method as reducing all the facts that are inconvenient for you to nonsense. For you, the main thing in the drawings is not their content, but whether they were paid for or not. Thus, you only confirm the problem that I voiced in this thread.
>>19413 Pick up a pencil.
>>19414 Are you all created with this "take a pencil" in a clone factory? Take a pencil? So that at my age (I'm already over 20), absolutely unable to draw and never having had a craving for drawing before, I can scribble something like a chimpanzee dragging a stick through the sand? A great way to mock people, stroking your ego, you came up with, right? This is the shit we want to finish with you, expelling your gang of swindlers from the community once and for all. Let me outline your near future, profiteer. Given the rapid development of neural networks, your drawings will soon be of no use to anyone, even for free. It will not be people who ask you, but you who will ask them to at least somehow appreciate your drawings. And therefore, the only way to remain interesting to people is to be sincere and create from the heart and for the soul, to see in those who write to you not freeloaders, but brothers. And only in this way you can be useful to them and even get donations from them. Why do I, having access to the capabilities of AI, continue to write to artists? I already voiced the reason above in the thread - revenge. Revenge for what they did to our community. I figure out those of them who are pseudo-artists, and then, after a while, having coordinated with dozens of people like me, avengers, we strike at their accounts (PayPal, Twitter/X, Patreon/Busti). If I were indifferent, I would peacefully enjoy myself with AI, but I am a passionary and a person who deeply hates lies. So I repay them for everything they have done.
No wonder people think all vatniks are insane
>>19416 How can I be a vatnik if I hate Putin and the war he unleashed? But I also despise the West. For their indecisiveness in helping Ukraine and the hypocrisy of the so-called left (I wrote about them in this thread). Trump won because people were tired of the cowardly Biden and the lying SJW. I told how the SJW (pseudo-artist Honeyshot, for example), who preach help to the poor and oppressed, refused me, rudely demanding money from me. If I were an American, I would vote for Trump. He had just come to power, and Putin was already shaking in his boots, and soyjaks were hysterical. The Russian opposition is very disappointed in the West. It believed that NATO would strike the Kremlin in the first weeks of the war, thereby saving not only Ukraine, but also freeing Russia from Putin and the vatniks.
(59.97 KB 1200x800 New Flag of Ukraine.png)

>>19417 Your country needs a new fucking flag.
>>19399 >autistic guy I can't tell that from "ADHD."
(230.87 KB 901x1173 2025-01-24_011853.jpg)

Today in the correspondence I found another example of a respectful and caring refusal. Why can't all people be such sweethearts? They are so insanely greedy and fixated only on money that they get so mad that someone asked for them for free, like a brother to a brother. Instead of politely and caringly refusing, avoiding sharp corners, they push the issue of money, they are so twisted with anger that they consider even a pauper like me as lost profit, blaming me for the fact that I can't pay. They see us not as brothers, but as profit, and they value not ideas/characters, but as profitability. >>19421 I am not Ukrainian, I am Russian and I live in Russia. And I do not need this unfortunate Ukraine, which the psychopath Putin has dug into with all his claws, sowing death and destruction. But a nuclear strike would look good in the place of the Kremlin. The Russian hinterland hates Moscow, which sucks the life out of the rest of the country. While Moscow grows rich, the provinces wither and become depopulated.
>Claims AI is better than real art >Stills begs for free shit to artist
>>19328 I didn't ask you. Now neck yourself, fucktard.
I want to emphasize a couple of important points. Unlike a real sholicon, pseudo-artists are always given away by the extremely limited pool of characters and the list of cartoons/anime presented in their drawings. A real sholicon is always happy to meet some new loli/shota character. Yes, not every character may appeal to him, but in general, you can tell from the person that he is not against discovering some new heroes. Well, and just talking to you, like brother to brother, he will only be glad. Well, here are a couple more "red markers" that indicate that you are dealing with a huckster: a pseudo-artist will never ask you to tell him about other characters if he did not find the one he was initially offered interesting, and he will also react aggressively if you yourself suggest someone else for him. The second point. Some people here have the impression that I am fixated on Evan. This is not true at all. I just did not talk about other characters. And there are many! For example, pseudo-artists met Nanachi and Nata with exactly the same coldness. Just remember: no matter what interesting, original and sexy characters you offer, a pseudo-artist/huckster is not interested in them, because the only thing that attracts him is money and only money. >>19428 In the thread I already explained >>19415 why, despite AI, I continue to write to artists.
>>19436 >Nanachi and Nata Nat *fixed*
>>19432 >No u >>19436 Kys faggot, you're a blight on this world, you sow only ruin wherever you go out of spite for being born as such a pathetic loser
>>19438 Mmm... this butthurt is delicious! I feel like Cartman, drinking in the tears of his enemies. Someone blew up your Twitter/Patreon that you've been so to nurture for years? Cry, huckster! Cry! For you, who have become a sarcoma for the sholicon community, it's all (retribution) just beginning. The trumpeters of apocalyptica are already sounding!
This is so autistic. Please continue, I find so little that amuses me these days.
>>19439 I'm not even an artist, but I despise piss poor fags that are jealous of the talent of other people. Keep coping thinking that anything you do actually matters.
>>19440 I suspect you're trying to put a good face on a bad game. When a person has butt hurt, but he's trying his best to show that he's calm, but from the outside it looks so strained and ridiculous that it looks worse than hysteria. >>19441 I've never envied talent. I've always admired and respected it. But my admiration and respect for talent should not be confused with servility. No one is irreplaceable. And if a talented person starts to be too proud of himself and considers others to be shit, he needs to be brought down to earth. Many, unfortunately, still profess the naive Pushkin maxim: "Genius and villainy are incompatible", considering talented people infallible. Whereas reality is expressed in the caustic phrase of the incomparable actress Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya: "Talent is like a pimple - it jumps up on any ass." With these words, she conveyed with her characteristic sarcastic elegance that talents, unfortunately, often go to very disgusting people and therefore one cannot respect a person only for talent. Well, I admit that you are not an artist. Then it is worse. You are a cuckold. Do you think that the profiteers will appreciate the fact that you defend them? You are nothing and nobody to them, a grain of sand in the sea. You are like that person from the meme who defends capital without having any capital himself; and no, I am not a communist, I think that both capitalism and communism are sort of shit. You are like the black manager from "Django Unchained", where he was a devoted servant of the plantation owners, mercilessly exploiting his fellows, being almost crueler than his master
>>19446 Ok honest question, you're poor but how do you manage GOOD SHOTA content then? Genning locally isn't cheap you know and I have to know how to do it myself.
>>19447 *manage to generate
>>19447 For generation with excellent quality and high speed, NVIDIA 2060S almost six years old and ComfyUI software shell are enough. I also used to think that generating locally is very difficult and expensive due to the cost of the computer components required for this. I assembled my computer from components from the secondary market (flea market), keeping within only 300 dollars (if you convert the amount in rubles to dollars). I saved up for four months, putting this amount aside from small side jobs. While, just a minute, a hand-made drawing of at least a somewhat acceptable level costs 80-100 dollars. And some (cynical scum OkYumir, for example) prices start at 200 dollars. Bastards do not understand that what is a throwaway amount for a North American and Western European, for second and third world countries is impressive money. Because of the profiteers, a destructive and humiliating segregation has arisen in the community, where everything is available only to those who can pay. I don't hold a grudge against the rich, it's not their fault that (pseudo)artists are so greedy. Moreover, they also become victims of profiteers. How many people were deceived out of money when a huckster (and not some one-day account, but one with a solid reputation), having collected an advance payment from a bunch of people, disappeared. And when a person, having paid a lot of money, discovered that the drawing was much worse than other works of this same pseudo-artist. Drawings can be unforgivably delayed for almost years, and for any reminders a person receives reproaches and even rudeness from the (pseudo)artist. Sometimes (pseudo)artists even publicly, yes, not in personal messages, but by posting correspondence publicly, ridiculed customers whose ideas seemed strange, funny or boring to them. There are many such stories in this video and in the comments below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YGgxv44F4k
It is not surprising that the author of the video claims that she is happy about the emergence of AI, although she used to be very loyal to artists. I am accused here of only complaining and destroying. But I am also engaged in "preaching" (proselytizing) about neural networks, opening up their capabilities to everyone, increasing the number of brothers liberated from the dictate of narrow-minded pseudo-artists. Literally (quoting the lines of a famous song): ''Arise, those who are branded by the curse, All the world's starving and enslaved! Our outraged minds are boiling, Ready to lead us into a deadly fight. We will destroy this world of violence Down to the foundations, and then We will build our new world. He who was nothing will become everything!'' Those who were previously a grain of sand for pseudo-artists now find their voice. And these voices merge into one, thundering like thunder over the heads of yesterday's tyrants.
>>19450 Really nice gens anon. I feel tempted to ask for your discord but I don't want my name to appear here haha... And even if not I don't know if we share the same chemistry other than liking shota
Man, drawing is not an easy task, it requires time and talent, people only draw for free when it's things they want to do, expecting all artists to draw you whatever you want for free is nonsense. If you really like art, then pay the artists who do it, if you're not going to do it, then be happy with what they post for free on their social media or websites. If that's not enough, there's still the option of learning to draw and doing it on your own, instead of begging for drawings via DM. When you see the time and dedication it takes to make a good drawing, you'll understand why they don't just accept any request from a random person via DM, and believe me, you're just one of many idiots who think artists are their employees, not counting the scammers and offended people who also write to them daily.
>>19452 Thank you. But I have no merit in these generations. All thanks to those people whose genius made all this possible. I am only a humble user of these incredible technologies. Unfortunately, I am not the kind of person who is suitable for communication and friendship. All because of my slowness and rare appearance online. But I can very happily in this thread tell you and everyone else in detail how to realize your fantasies with the help of neural networks. Believe me, it is really very, very simple. It is even easier than figuring out a video game of the Total War series. I can also generate some character for you, if you wanted it. But please keep in mind that neural networks are not yet absolutely omnipotent and I myself am far from being a luminary, but a newbie. >>19458 It seems that you read the thread diagonally and therefore did not understand the essence of the problem I raise. Because I have especially and repeatedly emphasized that I do not in any way imply that artists should draw everything for everyone. If I expected artists to unquestioningly draw everything I want, I would be no better than the profiteers I condemn. The point, as I have already said, is not in the refusals, but in how they are expressed and what they are based on. I have given examples. Regarding the fact that "drawing is work". One of my friends, an artist who does it from the heart and not for money, saw how one person asked "How can I get into drawing?", asked him the question: "Do you consider drawing work?" Having received the answer "Yes", he answered: "Then drawing is not for you." And he added: "Drawing is the image and meaning of life. I draw every day, for several hours. I draw even when I'm sick. Because I can't not draw. For me, drawing is almost a physical need, on the level of sleep and food. I get the same thrill from the process of drawing as a gamer gets from a game. If you consider drawing as work, a duty, a difficulty, and not as a passion, constant self-improvement, a search for new challenges and expression of thoughts that attract you, then you will quickly burn out and quit. Look for something, a business, in which your soul will sing." To be grateful only for the fact that they publish their drawings? This is exactly the same as if an artist were peremptorily ordered to draw something he does not like. There is a great Russian proverb: "It is impossible to love through force (Насильно мил не будешь). You can't be grateful for something that doesn't resonate in your heart and doesn't resonate with your dreams and experiences. Not to mention that such gratitude would be completely hypocritical and false. Respect the hundred thousandth drawing with Gwen, created only for the motivation of earning money and pleasing the masses? Respecting this is devaluing art, reducing it to a conveyor stamping. The artist publishes drawings primarily for himself, wanting to show himself to the world and find those who will not remain indifferent to his work. He does not run after people like an annoying traveling salesman, demanding respect only for the fact of publishing his drawings.
>>19467 That's good with me, I'm also slow and kind of asocial. At the very least we could release at least once and then move on with our lives.
>>19500 You can write to me on Pixiv, I visit it relatively often, unlike Discord, where I can go for weeks without visiting https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/86378952
>>19467 In fact, if you drawn for *yourself*, you're drawing for passion, but, if you're drawing *for others*, you're drawing *for work*, because is drawing that other people like, not what you like. So, if you expect to others to draw your shit, then pay the price. If instead of understand that, you send to the artist a long passive aggressive text about how they are not real artist for not drawing your shit for free, what do you expect? The time of people have a value.
>>19654 I wanted to tell you to read the thread carefully to understand what exactly it is that upsets me about the rejections, and not slander me with insinuations until I saw that you literally call loli and shota shit. After that, I have no choice but to give you a juicy kick in the ass, huckster, accompanied by a spit in the back of your head. Get out of here! A true pedosexual would never call loli and shota shit! You, hucksters, have become so brazen and out of touch with reality that you allow yourself to openly insult those and those on whom and how you make money. Look at the neural network-generated images attached to my posts. All of you, pseudo-artists, have six months left! However, I know what the reason is, that you, without even trying to pretend to be a pedosexual, rip off your mask and freak out in public. Because you can clearly see the imminent collapse of your business, built on exploiting the dreams of pedobears. Cry, worthless one. Soon the community will be finally free of you, parasites.
>>19742 yeah those look like shit >pedosexual LMAO
>>19177 Colombians are groomed because the bankers use their land as a base of operations. They are the most sour humans. Never trust anyone non-awoken colombians
>>19764 Wokeniggers are the most resented shits on this planet thoughbeit.
>>19746 >shit Well, that's what I'm talking about: for you, pseudo-artists, shotacon and lolicon are not a passion, but shit, and those who love loli and shota are "perverts" for you. Thank you for serving as proof of my theses. You hate us, pedosexuals, but you make money off of us. More precisely, you used to make money, because at the present time your earnings have come to an end. Very soon, you parasites will be forgotten; you will remain in the history of the community only as a tiny stinking spot. And now take a sip of urine and get lost. For me, a special kind of pleasure is reading the whining of pseudo-artists on Baraag about how neural networks "infringe" on them. >>19764 Thank you for enlightening me about the Colombians. Once upon a time I knew little about South America and treated it with benevolence and interest, but after I learned that Latin Americans occupied Sholikon to make money on it, I perceive this region with extreme hostility. Of course, there are true bros there too, but they are a minority and they themselves suffer from pseudo-artists.
>>19785 >loli Anon... Do hags now.
The paths to profit off either lolicon or shōtacon are very few now. I'm talking Subscribestar & Unifans, that and one other Japanese platform I'm not remembering the name of, and that's literally it. So either everyone flocks to those for-profit subscription platforms, or failing those platforms, Shōtacon will either cease to exist (it's already been banned from 99.99999%+ of the internet) or Shōtacon artists will produce content for free. Those who don't produce content for free don't love Shōtacon anyway and are merely Shekel seeking opportunists. By the way, a bit off topic but this thread has images of Nanachi. Has Nanachi's gender/sex been revealed yet? At least his/her sex before being transformed unto a usagi-like creature. After all these years, Made in Abyss and its creator should have revealed Nanachi's (former) gender by now. I haven't kept up with the show or the manga, but it's been many years since I looked into it. If Nanachi"s gender still hasn't been revealed, not only is that ridiculous, there's no insensitive in me returning to the series.

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