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Star Wars TTRPG: Saga edition thread Anonymous 02/18/2023 (Sat) 02:07:22 Id: 841add No. 608
Thread theme Saga edition I don't think my players ever realised, because I already made the threads before we started a group, but every RPG I GM I make a thread for, and since yesterday we started SWSE then today I am creating this thread.
>but you aren't the GM this time I KNOW! And thats a reason to celebrate!
So campaign starts on a star destoyer on the command deck. A lieutenant is briefing a new imperial agent named... idk something though. And he is being sent to a planet that is independant but thinking of declaring for the republic in this civil war, and so our hero is sent to turn that around by any means necesarry. He heads to the shuttle bay and meets his companions on this mission. Some other guy with a big gun, and my guy! Who is a complete and total psychopath (and also a secret force user).
>>610 Jake Steel! Orphan/stormtrooper/secret agent/batshit crazy asshole/murderhobo. Jake is just happy to be given a chance to impress his boss and maybe get a promotion. Raised by a gangster on a slum planet he has no morals and cares only for impressing his boss whoever that may be. And so our quest for ambition begins.
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You know I was thinking about making the Star wars thread just so we could have a place to put the stories in. But now you did it for me thankfully. I dont even know where the fuck to begin with this session though. I am not even sure if I should bother trying to come up with like a coherent story because this shit is going off the rails fucking immediately.
>>614 Heh nice pic. Yeah I like having a place to write whats happening. Back in the day I would keep a journal and show players at the end of a campaign. If you dont want to I will at some point. Hell only reason I didnt write up the others is you did first >but then why didnt you write up vtm campa- Okay fine im lazy you caught me.
Having grown up as junior member of the Flensers on the hive city of Adumbria, I have always had a healthy appreciation for authority, and staying on its good side, so when my CO (Lieutenant shawl) told me I was seconded to some Imperial agents special operation as a bodyguard, I of course smiled, saluted, and very nearly shook his hand. Then I had the pleasure of sitting in a shuttle and playing solitaire for 2 hours with a rather taciturn and heavily muscled man with a shockingly large repeating blaster. Missing PT and having downtime? Now this was the life. The only way it could have been better was if I had a beer. Sadly the officer in question did eventually turn up and off we went to a rather grimy industrial planet. Since I was now on a spy mission I wasn't allowed to wear my uniform (Which was easily the 7th best perk of joining the Empire) and since my civilian clothes had long since been lost all I had was a bathrobe on. Luckily my new CO took little notice and after telling us both his name set off to meet his contact. I guess he wasnt given any scrip for a taxi or other expenses because once we were let off from the shuttle (nearly a kilometer from the edge of the city in a dingy swamp) we had to hoof it all the way into the city and find a hotel. I was looking forward to raiding the bar but only seconds after entering some concierge began questioning my fellow trooper (I think he took issue with the heavy blaster but damned if I was going to give him a chance to blow our cover only a few hours into the mission) so informed him he was on break and to not speak to us. (As a kid I had access to a hivers education which meant looted books that were earmarked to be burned for being hopelessly out of date, including one about some hokey religion I quite enjoyed and even practised some.) And with him gone I walked behind the counter and grabbed the skeleton key, an old trick I used to use when I needed a room. So then we found the room for our COs contact and I opened it up and cleared it of hostiles. Sadly there was no ambush and only one pudgy man running to fat drinking at a minibar which I of courae immediately helped myself to as well. Then the officers began discussing some boring claptrap about the mission while I watched traffic from the window and drank. This mission was starting to look up. Ten minutes later they had finished and we were back in the hallway. I asked of we had a safehouse and apparently it had not come up. This rather irked me as I was looking forward to some shut eye after all the marching about. So O suggested we borrow an empty room. Before someone could tell me no I began knocking on doors and announcing myself as room service. On the second door we tried we got bo answer and so I of course used the hotels main key and let us in. Where there was another minibar! But only a single bed. My new squadmates seemed nice enough but there was no way I was going to be sharing a room. so I asked the officer to please go downstairs and disable the security for this room and the one next door, and once he left asked my fellow trooper to face the wall and count to 20. Then pulled out my laser sword (an old invention according to my books and the devil itself to build but apparently essential in the hokey religions meditation practices. In truth I mainly used it for locks) broke into the next room, murdered the shrieking guest (some slut) and informed my CO that this room was now mine and to please leave me alone. Annoyingly they got upset at the dead body and started asking me questions. I hate questions. Then they asked me to get rid of the body (thus ruining a perfectly good meat pillow and my plans for the evening, though I did snag her panties before dismembering and flushing her down the toilet). No sooner had I finished this and returned from the bathroom to find them both freaking out because apparently she was an acquintence of some random asshole who was somehow connected to our mission. I was never going to get my nap at this rate I suspected.
So it turns out that our mission here is an assassination of some low level ganger. Has the imperium never heard of paying someone 20 credits? What a waste of my talent, but hey a jobs a job. So the officer says we call the guy and tell him his girls a whore then ambush him when he gets in the room. Worked like charm too, no sooner did he enter than I throttled the life from his weak bones. The boys were kinda shocked and a little upset because I did it from 6 feet away. My patience is growing thin. So then the officer says he has a new mission, impersonate this guy and go to a gang meeting. Yeah thats gonna work. *sigh* Well hes the boss. So we get to this guys lift with the boss wearing his clothes. And the driver had a 100 questions. So I got put of the car and walked around to the drivers side door, opened it, stabbed him through the eye with my knife, and dumped him on the street. Then asked the boss where am I driving them too. He didnt know. Thats why we were using the guys car it turns out. So then we drove around and found some more of his gang and asked them where the meeting is. They also questioned my authority. So I vented some rage. The boss cleaned it up and we kept driving. Eventually we found some guys who were more helpful and made it to the meeting. The old fat man running the meeting was very anti imperial. So the boss said he as to die too. Before I could kill him right there the boss says naw we gotta make it look like an accident. Well shit okay. So then we find his restraunt. Dude eats there every day. So we make a plan and execute it. With him dead we finally went back to the hotel and the boss let me sleep. What a fucking day.
Also when I am on Tradera I occasionally see the star wars miniatures on sale and I am tempted to buy a small squad of C.I.S. droids. Droidekas are fucking cool and the other bots are also pretty neat.
>>636 I had a full set back in the day. Never got to play with them more than once though. When we played the rpg my buddy made a droid character so I brought the CIS droids for him to use, but he had a necron he used instead. It worked.
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>>637 >Using Necrons as proxies for star wars droids. If it works it works.
>>639 Yeeeaaahhhhh.... Except for the part where his character was always talking about how all biological life should be exterminated...
>>640 If anything that makes it work even better.
>>641 >>640 >>639 Fair enough.
But on the topic of droids, have you ever played a droid character?
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>>679 >filename Ratchet: Deadlocked How do droids compare to anything else? If I'm remembering correctly, can't they modify their processor and such? Seems like a cool mechanic.
>>680 they seem fine, their progression might get fucking bizarre depending on what you have on hand.
>>766 checked Jake is a genuine true blue American hero. He never did nuffin. He was on his way to church.

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