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AI Tickling 4 Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 04:44:22 Id: 3bde74 No. 52056
Can't believe we've gotten 4 threads of this. Links to the previous threads: >>23688 >>35771 >>41604
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New Cartoon
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>>80136 What model did you use for these?
>>80208 The AI model I used was FeetGen The actual person model I used as reference was a couple of screenshots from some Charlee Chase videos
Feetgen's amazing. The closest so far in terms of replicating style and not making it a grotesque mess, while also making the tickling look, maybe not good, but getting there. Protip: use stuff like "official art" or "studio name/artist name style" or name the actual work and you can get stuff that more closely replicates a distinct style that deviates from "traditional" anime.
>>80225 How did you make the third image? Was it generated in one go, or you just joined three spearate images? (btw, do the coins on feetgen regenerate daily?)
What chat sites do you guys have found to work best with reactions to tickling?
Any advices and links for characters for a newfag in chatbot stuff? Tried zp92 Sebrina recently, and good gods it was wonderful.
>>80234 It's one go. The "western" style puts out stuff in comic panels pretty often by default, though I think there's a negative prompt now that can probably turn it off. No daily regen, just a subscription and refill options. Personally I haven't had trouble with running out, on the middle tier at least, but there are probably people that'd go way harder with it than me.
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>>80258 My two go-tos for spicy chat bots are JanitorAI and Spicy hay They're both free, without daily limits, and allow NSFW chats, with JanitorAI being my preferred site. This creator makes great foot fetish/tickling bots, and gives a shout out/inks to a lot of other similar creators: https://janitorai.com/profiles/bfa0846f-1b97-4d2f-8cb4-6dd2a39156c3_profile-of-vivvzie There are also a few creators I've seen from C.AI on here, like https://janitorai.com/profiles/8385930b-3ce2-4a59-9246-72a05b7d633f_profile-of-01010100 https://janitorai.com/profiles/c3517493-c90e-48ff-b445-74c35298ea10_profile-of-mr-brando I'm also thinking posting some bots, but I've just been working on getting bots to work, and have a few hidden ones I've been making for myself. https://janitorai.com/characters/89333f0e-adff-4e51-8896-ebc1d5931117_character-cleo https://janitorai.com/characters/c2ae76af-d9a2-49d4-9289-0324dfccf667_character-elisabeth-knismo If there's ever a bot that you feel should be on there, for sure leave a request, since I, and other bot creators would be glad to. That said, I could use some tips from other creators on how to make better bots, since I've been using default templates, and feel that my bots are a bit bland, and need scenarios in the intro to be more interesting.
>>80353 Maybe codricor and master 417 ocs like helena,eria,ale etc?
https://janitorai.com/profiles/70ec9adf-0529-43e3-9b4f-7750c31feedf_profile-of-mysticsyn-1 Just turned some of my bots to public. Haven’t used JanitorAi for a while and these are some of the first bots I made.
By any chance could somebody add the Sunny ticklish bot of c.ai to janitor?
>>80411 Copied her over, not yet tested on janitor though. https://janitorai.com/characters/9328c949-a21c-4b00-8ef5-160c57dd40ac_character-sunny Will bring the others over later but working on a new one atm
>>80372 Damn, you opened the floodgates. Checked in and you made so many good ones
>>80515 You are the best anon
>>80550 As of now pretty much every bot I have on Janitor is public. I still have like 50 or something on moescape.ai that I will port over at some point. Over time if there was an artwork I really liked and I had an idea in mind I just made a bot. Most of my janitorai bots are old and I made them when the site wasn’t nearly as good as it is now.
>>80561 Thanks kindly. I will consider some requests for new characters or specific ports from cai if anyone's got them. Is there some way to fix the issue of chat messages getting cut off before they finish? I prefer c.ai's more concise messages but maybe there's a setting I can change to get it more like that length
>>80565 Here's one that I've been spending a huge amount of time with https://share.character.ai/Wv9R/tg0z1vsx As far as I know I don't think there's a way to shorten down the replies, which really sucks because sometimes it'll take 2 minutes just to get back to you
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>>80565 You probably want to set Max New Tokens as high as it will go in the settings. Unfortunately JanitorAI is using some relatively dumb local models as its backend and isn't exposing all the settings, so we're a bit limited as to what we can do with it.
>>80565 i got some better results by just deleting entire paragraphs that ramble with the edit feature, cutting down the messages severely and then giving them full stars, it takes a few times and is not fully consistent but i got the bot down significantly doing that
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This was a request I did. F/M tickling isn't my thing, but I did a short piece.
Is there a reason the defs on janitor are hidden? Just curious why as I’m seeing it more and more
>>81243 Mostly people make it private so others can't copy paste their bot onto another website, just a way to prevent people stealing it.
>>81243 All these sites based on Venus apart from Chub.ai have a weird culture around creating bots. The sites prefer things to be privated because then they can't be taken and used on other sites, but they're also the only places online where the bot creators themselves treat their Tavern cards as a trade secret or something. Most of them probably don't even know what Tavern cards are.
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>>79546 Anon I have a few questions. Do you put prompts for shorter 'chapters' and stich them together while having the base plotline in your head or do you write the key moments as one prompt, telling Grok to start with the first chapter and adding next parts like "now write the next part, accoring to the script" or something like that? If you have any general tips on how to make the prompts better, I'd be more than grateful (mine seem to get rather generic and repetitive, but I suppose that's the downside of AI writing, rather than doing it myself)
Could the autor of the bot of aunt Janice put it in janitor?😋
Whoever put those Madoka characters on Spicychat is doing God's work. Would love to see more bots ported on that site.
>>81481 Links?

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