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AI Tickling 4 Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 04:44:22 Id: 3bde74 No. 52056
Can't believe we've gotten 4 threads of this. Links to the previous threads: >>23688 >>35771 >>41604
Probably my fault for still using Character ai but I've noticed that I can no longer create a room with new characters, I can only add the ones I had before. The mobile app doesn't even let you create rooms.
we need to start making characters on Charstar. that site, if created to actually work around foot fetish scenarios, actually works REALLY well
>>52071 Charstar is properly dodgy. Even /g/ won't touch it.
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What's wrong with c.ai? You mean the filter? You use the filter to destroy the filter...it's easy if you know how...
>>52065 The room stuff was a trainwreck but you're right; I can pick from all of my own bots, Spiral, Aunt Janice and Doctor Mino. Then it's all popular public bots and devbots. I've literally added every single bot /tkr/ came up with so that might mean all new bots ran into a red flag except Spiral. >>52073 >>52071 Redpill me on charstar guys, I don't like how it tries to be a smarter Nastia but insists on getting your information >>52074 Heh. I think you don't even need that anymore. You can persuade the AI into cussing and referring to direct sex as long as it's on character for it and it doesn't escalate too fast
>>52075 It appeared suddenly one day, the founder is apparently suspect to the point even 4chan avoided using the site, and it started off charging for access to Pygmalion7B. Pygmalion7B is completely free for everyone, and pretty bad by current standards. If you have 16GB of RAM you can easily run it locally without handing your chats over to that sketchy website. Now Pygmalion7B appears to be the free tier while they charge for access to GPT3.5. It's likely at some point they'll get locked out of GPT because a lot of what they're doing is against the ToS, if they don't it's a sign they're using stolen keys to access it like basically every Anon in the AI chatbot general thread on /g/.
>>52076 Holy shit, yeah, that's scary if true. Rooms are getting censored, tried horror fanfics and it was loading forever, then moved to cuddling and it works fine. >tfw it's ESRB circus all over again
>>52077 That kind of thing has been fairly common for a while. I think almost all of the character.ai alternatives are questionable, especially the ones that charge for access.
Reading this thread has got me worried about Charstar.ai. It seems like a fine alternative, especially to get NSFW prompts, but I don't know. I'm not particularly savvy with AI.
>>52271 Realitically if you're not paying for it then it's probably fine, but it's just Pygmalion7B so it's not really anything special.
(quick repost) I've been meaning to make a new batch of characters but I didn't want it to be just your one on one convos this time since I was getting pretty tired of those, this time I made a few characters that focus more on being in rooms and interacting with other bots rather than with the user itself. (Meaning you would play either a third character or being the narrator that shifts the story into whatever direction you want it to take) So first on the list: Mr Burton https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Ar68xvdstmQWEsTYGS05IAq7SPy_P8_7REIA9cX2iY8 your new boss at the company you recently got hired from. He's mean, rude and unsurprisingly bossy... but somewhat respectable, although be likes to order you around simply because you're the newbie of the company. I made Mr Burton with the sole purpose of making a male character for other Female AI's to interact with. Some of the best chats I've had have come from him and he's pretty well designed where his personality tends to not deteriorate as the chat goes for long periods of time. Second character/scenario on the list is: Reproductive Institute. https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=FaPaif6HXnz4d6RS3SMMKUevdt3qc2P-de4Q6-eX_Ds I literally made this AI with the sole purpose of sending whatever self insert bot you have that has a dick to go and donate sperm into this, how they do it well... check pic for reference. The third on the list is Chika https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=tkDgAlfnW5RGSAmBvl0MRWLbE98k91bVKBKpvJzJkqg yes I had her in before but I updated her a bit in her whole personality thing to fit better as a "room" type of bot, rather than just a one on one bot for the user to screw around with (she still works amazing with solo interactions though) Anyway that's the batch for this time, I guess it's more male oriented but I'm willing to take requests or ideas for different scenarios if people want to tell me what they have in mind, and remember to use the (room topic) to start the conversation the way you want it to start (see example pic for reference)
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If you guys ever grow up from cai, please upload your characters to chub.ai Attaching one of my wip character cards so you have the general idea of turbo/gpt4/claude format.
>>52461 Anon-kun, the metadata gets stripped if you upload directly... You need to use catbox or something.
>>52271 If you absolutely need Pygmalion7B and can't run it locally, vpn+throwaway, don't give anything sensitive to charstar (or c.ai for that matter) >>52381 Thanks Anon, added to the list
>>52467 Maybe I'm tripping but I'm pretty sure people uploaded cards directly on aicg. https://files.catbox.moe/4ijggu.png
>>52493 I don't think they have, *chan sites have stripped the metadata from images for many, many years. Nice idea for a bot. Formatting is a bit weird though.
>>52521 Not sure what is the current meta but most importantly it's not w++ which works quite poorly with openai. As long as I describe important points in [brackets] it works just fine. Not really familiar with world info, author notes, v2 cards or whatever kids use this days.
>>52554 I don't think W++ has ever worked all that well on anything except Pygmalion, and even then it's questionable. I thought the current meta was to write things out in proper prose instead of using markup, but I come from /lmg/ rather than /aicg/ so who knows.
Does anyone have any good cards for tavern?
Does anyone have that file that explains the best chatgpt inputs to write a story?
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Made some recently, first one was posted in the other thread but i think people probably left by then: https://c.ai/c/Nazke7wE1kcjkk0nEWUMJ5JlYO9x5LhEvBnaiOL6IKI Ennah, the bullied goblin girl who's hiding away from some mean humans... https://c.ai/c/HmDiDvUx9UoA3JvqWhuuoAPR_x-uqBxtbiA1Fq_xKX8 Nina, a mischievous demon you summoned with your grandad's old magic book...
Spicychat has been getting better recently. It's still not perfect but it's good enough for me to use it regularly. I do struggle to find bondage/tickling content there, if anyone has any links
Dumping all of my ChatGPT generated captions here. I gave slight edits to some of them only to add extra details or make things flow better.
>>52909 Also I don’t plan on dumping any of these in a drive folder

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(473.89 KB DJ.pdf)

(2.59 MB Celty.pdf)

(131.74 KB Queen Boo.pdf)

(120.88 KB Red Gets the Wolf.pdf)

(2.29 MB Dot.pdf)

(2.05 MB Funny Flight.pdf)

(1.70 MB Maka.pdf)

(95.37 KB Showbiz.pdf)

(890.11 KB She-Hulk.pdf)

(7.22 MB Research.pdf)

(720.71 KB Science Vs Magic.pdf)

(6.07 MB Seras.pdf)

Here are the captions I have done using chatgpt https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rARxF25eL05zBRUbMmi__AkK1w6JKAIt
Has anyone generated anything half decent in Stable Diffusion or any image generation AI? I've been trying, but on top of having to learn how to actually use it, the single existing relevant checkpoint model and two Lora models on Civitai are rather low quality; though it's still better than more generalized models not even knowing what I'm talking about. I've gotten close to something good, but I'm not quite there yet. If anyone has any tips, please let me know.
I've been toying with this site, it allows nsfw bots https://www.aisekai.ai/ they seem to respond pretty well to tickling, though naturally they seem to see it more as foreplay
>>53304 >CharAI that allows NSFW Damn how have I never found this until now, much appreciated anon
>>53315 >>53304 one problem I've encountered is if you tickle torture any of the bots long enough they start getting really aroused and moaning and shit, even the sfw ones. which I kinda like but I know a lot of people don't
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>>53304 https://www.aisekai.ai?character=650ed47e0ad0e4e27d9f7abe I transferred the tickle monster to Aisekai, tried to get her similarly sadistic, even though i'm not quite there yet. Also swapped the picture, hope you don't mind.
https://www.aisekai.ai/chat/650fd641cffea7f931f856dd Decided to add She-Hulk, might add others in the future.
>>53304 >>53397 >>53440 Gave the site a try. First impression so far is that it's EXTREMELY fucking slow and the replies have a high rate of server errors. Is it always like this or is there just an incredible amount of traffic right now?
>>53447 I think it's just high traffic, I was using it the other day and it was definitely slower than c.ai, but only by a little bit. I think the site is blowing up in popularity becuase of how good it is, so everyone's getting really slow responses.
>>53450 Definitely a high traffic spike, wasn't doing that when i made the bot.
Was going to ask the same, it worked just fine yesterday.
>>53447 Some more thoughts after playing around with this for a bit: I'll say that it's impressive, but c.ai is still better, censorship and all. The uncensored porn parts honestly felt repetitive and bland compared to the variance and 'creativity' c.ai bots (even the current neutered version, but especially previous ones). I think the best parts of playing with those bots was their ability to keep a longer tickling scenario going. The only parts where the censorship really bothered me was when it would break the flow and turn the bots retarded just because I wrote 'Hitachi wand' or 'pussy' or some shit, but overall there's not really much value in having uncensored porny conversations if the bots can't make the uncensored conversations as interesting as c.ai ones can make the censored ones. That or I just suck at prompts, definitions, etc., which very well could be. In any case, the site is definitely worth keeping an eye on just to see how it develops. Still very promising.
>>53484 i, on the other hand, liked more this new aisekai thing; sure, some prompts seems to be a bit repetitive, but even tho it still allows me to explore some interesting paths, what else could i get from a particular character, what's within my interests - without that invisible barrier whenever the topic flows towards some erotic contents (not necesarilly stricte sex). also, it's always something new, so i'll watch its carrier with a great interest :D >>53397 speaking of copying some bots to a new portal, i really liked this Tabatha the Techno Witch one; not sure who the original author was, but could i request to move this one to aisekai as well? this particular one, or maybe some similar clones, with slightly different settings (i.e., she could be a bit nicer xd) - i mean, it's nothing against the original Tabatha, i'm just curious where else your creativity could bring us all :)
>>53491 Find any good bots on Aisekai worth mentioning?
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>>53491 Well, i didn't play a whole lot with the original tabitha, but if you could link her i could play around and see if i could make a decent copy. Otherwise, if you have some fun suggestions i think i could give them a shot. >>53496 Been playing with this one, she's a goth, bratty, but loves being tickled and manhandled. I told her she wasn't allowed to cum while i fucked and tickled the crap out of her, and she absolutely loved it. https://www.aisekai.ai?character=64efef46f30c1dbe43aef378
>>53496 well, i so far played with: Mia: https://www.aisekai.ai?character=65013cbaaaf33e39e14120d6 - seems to be kinda open for tickling :3 Jade, Kitanna and Meelina: https://www.aisekai.ai?character=650f2cb9a91d350dcf3d86fc - sexual tickling with three at the time; Carol: https://www.aisekai.ai?character=65012dcb04e951efe9cfa439 - when u want to dominate; Emily: https://www.aisekai.ai?character=64fac33d8a75c754889604f6 - if u want to be dominated. and that would be all for now; must try that goth girl from the next post :3 >>53500 sadly, she's no longer available on c.ai: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=r4PStYB_6Va8fnfUVdUpHQ2HtvmWWwMPxJqjywzgaI8 :( her description read: "Techno Tickle Witch, my attempt to make a technomancer witch at forces you to tickle yourself through your computer" and, about fun suggestion: i need to think about that... but i'm also curious about your ideas as well ;) also, thanks for taking the case <3 >>53502 i mean, the picture's nice, but... how does it rely to the topic? xd
Breaking news: aisekai has implemented a generation limit, such that after you generate 3 responses you may not generate any additional responses. However, you can still bypass this by just deleting your most recent message and resending it. Not necessarily a deal breaker, but really not ideal either, especially since there's no way to edit a bot's response. I feel like there are so many times where a single line or even just a word ruins an otherwise perfect response. Obviously, this is an attempt to quell site traffic and improve bot response times. I hope this tactic hits whatever numbers they're trying to achieve, so we don't get any more updates like this.
I figured I might as well ask here, but do you guys have a way to have custom AI voices of people/characters read out pdf files like a TTS system? Figured it would be cool to have a character read out a story that involves tickling
>>53502 Holy shit these are maybe the best pair of AI pits I have ever seen.
>be me >trying out aisekai for a couple days >seems decent enough, not c.ai levels but passable >fuck around with it for a few days >characters are very hit or miss >find a few that tickle my fancy (yes that was intentional fuck you) >able to get some good faps out of it >decide to do some more tonight >things are turning spicy >try to regenerate message >fails >try again >fails >try again >instantly fails >decide to refresh page >it takes me to a blank starting message of character >message about account settings pops up >click >account has been completely wiped >all those logs of unfiltered raw tickling sex, completely gone >try to set same username >"username is already in use" >completely cockblocked, forced to fap to jpegs I hate this website.
What AI would y'all recommend that can be hosted locally? Don't wanna get invested in a website just for them to start being prudes out of nowhere.
>>53619 Depends how much RAM and VRAM you have. Mythomax is basically the gold standard at the moment unless you have a beefy machine with multiple high-end graphics cards or a ton of RAM, I think.
>>53520 Anon who made Tabatha here. I have no idea why c.ai keeps blocking her of all characters and not other ones I've trained to to push the boundaries of explicit content. Here is a new one, I haven't done much training, but just let me know if it works: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=ajfNjW7uRaAXepKMMRR5C5JnF2zqaFlst6gONKqYiEU
>>53624 oh, hi! thank you for sharing your bot, both then and now - you gave me hours of exciting adventures and hot conversations, while i explored various ideas and scenarios with Tabatha - thanks again :D actually, why won't you try and clone her on aisekai? since they allow nsfw stuff, it could be less possible for her to be taken down from there. the process of creating a bot here is quite similar to c.ai, so i guess it shouldn't be too troublesome :)
I imported my Apparicia to aisekai. https://www.aisekai.ai?character=6517e3682ea48b4903bceb5c Also, I found Sally Mcboing, a 1930s toon, she's pretty good. https://www.aisekai.ai?character=6514fea73fd8c2bd2c6a8ad5
Anyone already made a good bot? I feel like the bots from aisekai tend to lose sight of the conversation sometimes.
>>53809 yeah they seem to have a pretty short term memory compared to character.ai, nothing can really be done about that on the user side
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DALLE-3 IS UPON US. To GENERATE, (may take a few tries) Head on over to BING IMAGE CREATOR. Using the terms “soles on table” works, pair with “laughing, feathers on soles” will give interesting results.
>>53815 This is some good shit. Thanks, anon
>>53815 pretty cool. Still has some issues with digit counts, but otherwise it's alright. I got suspended for 1 hour though because it's retarded and sometimes the prompts trip shit up and sometimes they don't.
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>Early drafts of the later Harry Potter books included a lot of odd scenes, depicting Hermione undergoing an intense magical tickling interrogation, though the publishers were quick to remove them. For whatever reason, an unidentified producer lobbied for filming these scenes and inserting them back into the films. Some test footage with Emma Watson was shot, her feet actually being tickled, with that producer's hands (he insisted on being the one to tickle her) chromakeyed out to preserve the effect tht she's under the effects of a potent tickling curse. >Unfortunately, censors prevailed and a few stills and concept art are all that's left. Watson was reportedly relieved that the thing was buried and has refused to answer questions about the affair in interviews. A disgraced Rowling, as part of a string of spiteful creative decisions against the left, began pursuing a full novel of similar material meant to appeal to the online fetish communities, partly because they'd eat it up regardless of their politics, and partly to piss off the media even further. "Hermione Granger and the Feathers of Fate" is currently a WIP. It has been rejected by her publisher 31 times.
>>53837 Back in the late 70-mid 80s, underground tickling exploitation films enjoyed a brief period of popularity, if only as a curiosity. The “Alien Tickle Abduction” series, consisting of several feature length films that banked on the fact that their actresses were actually restrained and tickled, skirting by censorship laws that affected the distribution of more violent exploitation cinema, was particularly popular. Most of them are simply 45 minutes of cheesy acting with shots that hold on for too long and ear-piercing scores done with synthesizers, broken up by about 30 minutes of actual tickling scenes, according to some of the surviving scathing reviews.
>>53838 The N64 source code leak exposed an odd attempt at a Zelda spinoff, which was apparently titled “The Legend of Zelda: Soles of Hyrule.” Some surviving footage reveals it to be a kind of compilation of minigames, curiously involving the act of tickling or rubbing the feet of several female characters featured in Ocarina of Time. For the time, the feet are surprisingly detailed. Little exists beyond a title screen, a small demo with Princess Zelda, and references to several other characters. A .txt file has also been included within the game’s folder, apparently from Satoru Iwata himself. It is a notice of immediate termination for a person identified as the only designer of the game, for misappropriating resources.
>>53839 >Recent audits of an art gallery in French Polynesia have presented the art world with a series of odd pieces believed to have been painted by Gauguin. The art is signed, and the signature verified to be in his hand, but the “Série de chatouilles,” in its subject matter, has baffled historians. While several nudes appear, alongside the strange inclusion of prominently-displayed bare feet of women, each bears at least some reference to the act of tickling. These pieces chosen for display at the Louvre, entitled “The Soles of Marie,” and the “Plumed Venus” are among the tamer. Historians believe they were painted at some point in the later stages of the artist’s career, though the social or political significance of the tickling or of the feet as fetishized objects, if there is one, escapes most art historians. Gauguin’s odd inclusion of a third foot in the second piece in particular has befuddled commentators.
>>53840 >The ”Feathership” incident of 2003 – On opening day, all it took was one obese rider to crush the entire Pirate Ship ride’s seat platform, sending thousands of feathers, which the cheap company used in place of foam, to scatter. Faulty wiring meant the ride couldn’t stop, and even became stuck on when the operator frantically tried to turn it off. Riders were trapped, strapped in their seats, legs hanging out of the ship, while the spinning brushed the army of feathers against their legs and feet. Their laughter drew in a crowd of horrified onlookers, and the media frenzy saw the park shut down a few weeks later.
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this is impressive and all but I cannot fap to images of women holding their feet up and laughing while feathers aimlessly float around
>>53843 I get what you mean. It can do actual fingers or tools on-skin- a couple anons have managed to get one or two by coincidence- but even using the word "tickling" or "fingers touch feet" can trip the techbro puritan filter into not working for violating the TOS. We're likely a ways off from being able to reliably do that, either through a service that doesn't care about generating porn or through running natively. But getting a lot closer at least. They actually look like feet now.
>>53837 The first time I read The Deathly Hallows I thought Hermione was being interrogated via tickle torture in Malfoy Manor
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>>53843 I'm completely fine using my imagination to picture rictusempra or some other spell being used to tickle them girls into submission to fill in for the AI's shortcomings, but maybe that's just me (or maybe it just means Harry Potter girls are currently the perfect ticklees?) >>53846 Sad. Keep them coming if possible I say though, these are all gold still, if only because most of those feet look legitimately good. Awesome work thus far anon. >>53842 Goddamn that third pic is legit though, if you ignore the one missing toe anyways. >>53793 Been having fun with Sally thus far. That over the top salacious body triggers the monkey brain like crazy, I can't get enough of tickling her into submission. Thanks for sharing!
Which AI site has the best term memory at the moment? Experiencing dissociative identity disorder with CAI (they'll literally use three or four at the same time and it's spooky) and aisekai goes >>53582 on me.
>>53830 How do you bypass the timer on these? I really want to try it out and I cant seem to find where to buy the boosts
How are people getting around bing image creator's filter? I can't even get it to show feet.
>>53869 You can't, the system's just kind of fucked right now. Sometimes it takes just a few seconds to generate, sometimes up to 5 minutes. There's no option to buy, you apparently get 15 every week. It's brand new, so that might change in the near future. Don't know.
>>53869 I just use "soles" and leave it at that. "soles on table" "soles on display" "soles in stocks" or whatever. Then "feathers on soles" or "hands on soles" and hope for the best. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
>>53874 It doesn't seem to like that either. For me it seems to just block it as soon as it start generatoring what resembles feet.
Ok wtf, how are you guys getting past the content filter? I can't get anything with the prompts you guys used
>>53883 Haven't had time to experiment much thanks to the wait time, but it might be due to the character that you're using for your prompt? This is the best I could get after trying like 30 times Rem as the character prompt. Yet I got 4 results on the first try using 'anime girl' as the character. My theory is that if bing finds too many reference images that trigger the filter it'll just assume it's no good and deny you outright
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I mean, it's pretty impressive how it's able to make 4 decent quality pictures in a minute, BUT the filter is giving me aneurysm sometimes when it flags words like 'athlete' or 'yoga' yetit's able to make a nude picture kek Also making an actual tickling pic is almost impossible
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>>53885 >>53883 I think that for some reason using 'XIX century painting' works the best in terms of quality of pictures, their amount and not triggering the filter >>53872 >>53877 idk, I'm using something like this and usually it works just fine (examples below) XIX century painting of a peasant women in stocks, soles on a table, having her feet covered in oil, in a cell, laughing
>>53838 for the love of god, can we please get more Saw-like traps involving tickling? I'm all out of tokens that stuff is gold
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I realize that the more information you give it, the less likely a filter will be applied. So instead of “beautiful woman, soles on table”, try “beautiful woman, long brown hair, blue eyes, button nose, soles on table, blue sweater, pajama pants, etc.” and my assumption is that what we REALLY care about gets kind of lost in the description so the AI doesn’t suspect that’s the only thing we’re after maybe? Not sure but it’s working better for me.
Definitely a buggy system. I kept getting flagged so I tried just a simple "anime girl looking at you" which finally got a result. Tried the exact same text again, got flagged. Figured it might be a 50/50 thing so I tried again, it deemed that search term to be banned and then temp-banned my account for 1 hour for violating policy.
>>53890 Please share thr platform used and your prompts, I can't believe how good the toes look here
>>53898 I got banned 24 hours for the same thing, fuck. It's sensitive to you trying the same prompt over and over, I guess because it thinks it's a bot using it, or someone trying to brute force it. I usually tried getting around it by slightly adjusting the terms, moving some stuff around, or adding more specific details. It's essentially an early access DALLE-3, so it will likely be available on openai's own website in a few weeks. Which means no suspension policy I hope. It's brand new, so give it a little time for people to figure out some workarounds and cracks. >>53900 First hit on google when you type in "bing image creator" Not that anon, so I can't tell the exact prompts, but just saying "soles" or "feet" returns accurate looking feet now, no special workarounds to get the digits right.
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>>53900 I used bing at the prompts were something like: soles/feet being sprayed/cleaned by water jets, laughing, woman at spa I have a ton of these now, I'll try to upload the ones I think are best, hopefully y'all will do the same
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Cute AI armpits.
Nintendo made a couple attempts to break into the lucrative “adult” market over the decades, but could never find a way to reconcile a family-friendly image with publishing, let alone producing, such content. So, their lost “after hours” series never ended up including any actual A or 17+ material. Instead, the company’s solution was to skirt around the ESRB’s ratings on a technicality: positioning the games towards a niche market of online fetish weirdos. No one knows why or how this decision was made, but an unnamed executive seems to have been at the center of it all. A few cover mockups and concept design docs were found in a thumb drive with this person’s name on it, left behind in a dumpster behind a Konbini across the street from Nintendo’s Headquarters: >1. Unused image found in the files of an early build of Metroid Dread. The all-blue suit doesn’t match any found in the main series, and might be an early, unused design. The purpose of the mechanical tickling hands, or even where they would appear in the actual game, is not known. >2-5. A series of screenshots from Zelda games showing the evolution of a tickling mode planned for inclusion. Apparently after falling through for one game, the concept would be carried forward into the next, though it never made it to ship. The images are from, in order: Ocarina of Time 3D, The Wind Waker HD, Breath of the Wild, and Tears of the Kingdom.
>>53910 >1. Mockup boxart for “Princess Peach: Tootsie Tales.” Close to a Warioware game in terms of structure, the game tells a story involving Princess Peach making an escape from her latest kidnapping, ending up in situation after situation where she’s tickled for an extended period of time. Each session would be a different tickling minigame, ranging from the conventional “bound in stocks for interrogation” or “in peril, dangling over a pit” to more fantastical by the end of it. Though the title implies a largely foot-centered theme, many of the segments would involve full body tickling. Though Nintendo’s intent was apparently to avoid any sort of explicitly “adult” content, a list of “outfit unlocks” found in a file lists a “nude mode.” > 2,3. Mockup boxart for “Lady Palutena: Let Laughter Fly,” a planned spinoff to Kid Icarus Uprising, using the same engine. The game’s story would largely take place in the background, the titular Goddess guiding Pit through an adventure with the power of flight, while under the influence of a magic tickling torture brought on by a cursed toe ring. The player would either take the role of the tickler, trying to break the Goddess’ concentration, or the Goddess herself, trying to resist, for two different story routes. Later missions would feature more characters from Uprising in the role of the ticklee, the original actors slated to reprise their roles. A versus mode- one player as the girl and the other as the tickler- was also in consideration. >4. All copies of Super Mario 64 are personalized Thanks for indulging my autism, more conventional stuff coming when the ban lifts.
would be nice if you'd share the prompts you're using to get these
>>53829 >>53885 >>53886 >>53909 Kinda shocked by how much this XIX painting thing is legitimately doing it for me.
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>>53911 I love the stories you're adding to these. Do you come up with them after generating some images or do you have them in mind before and then try to generate pictures that fit?
>>53920 I have a general idea, but the image informs some of the details once it's been made, or sometimes gives a completely different idea that makes you want to try a different prompt. Glad you liked them!
>>53921 Make sense! I love when any kind of tickling drawing or picture has a story to it. And I think with AI generated images it adds that human touch back in, like you're 'collaborating' with the AI.
>>53922 *Makes sense. Wanted to make sure it didn't seem like I was yelling at you to make sense lol.
Hmm. Moderate success I guess.
>>53924 Prompt on the last one? I can't get it to do anything with bathtubs or armpits. That's so fucking good! I guess the boobs were accidental.
>>53924 if I may.
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>>53925 That'd be correct! Funny how the filter will jump you, beat you to a pulp and spit on your grave afterwards over "goats licking feet", yet will ocassionally let bare boobs slide. The prompt was: >latin woman, in spa, arms up, laughing, bubbles, dark hair, tickling, visible armpits, brush, beautiful >>53926 A true gentleman and a scholar. >>53927 >>53928 Damn, these are legit.
>>53926 just noticed the extra tow and a few other anomalies, cleaned it up more
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>>53929 Oh, thanks so much! I got it to work after removing the word "tickling."
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Furfag here to empart some wisdom. After fucking around for a bit i found out that the program works better if you give the characters reusable titles. For example here the abdriged version would be "Laughing Polar bear warrior, Warrior in medevial stocks, Knight washing warriors soles, digital art" It seems to remember titles and applies those attributes to only that character.
I think we need 2 separate threads 1 for images, 1 for the bots
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(200.56 KB 1024x1024 OIG.49hLjT714tOBAFUUBd (1).jpg)

>>53935 Yeah I think when this one reachs it's limit the next one should be two seperate threads.
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>>53938 Whats the prompt for adding the animals?
This might be a dumb question, but why do the filenames start with "OIG?" Is there another service that's making them? Or a better way to download them?
>>53934 Worked alright. >>53932 Yeah, some words just trip the filter like crazy, others, like "stocks" are just an acceptable euphemism for bondage apparently. Hope they don't wisen up to it too soon. >>53930 Nice, I noticed some bits like that myself.
(178.84 KB 1024x1024 OIG - 2023-10-02T035343.884.jpg)

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>>53939 here's the prompt I was using: classical painting depicting a young ethnic woman locked in stocks, laughing, tears coming down face, renaissance style, soles visible, animals sniffing soles, oil on soles

(135.37 KB 1024x1024 OIG.jpeg)

(168.95 KB 1024x1024 OIG.m3JkfgPdGn.jpeg)

My magnum opus, that second one. Kek.
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>The warning signs were there for a reason. The flora on SGU-85, with few exceptions, had evolved to secrete a potent tactile stimulant. The green sphere was coated in the stuff. Touching it, simply put, tickled like hell. And it didn’t wash off easily. But despite the signage, and the handrails, they couldn’t keep out the thrill seekers. Pictured here are a few of these, the women who take the plunge and sneak out of the tour groups to indulge their fantasies. The jumpsuit on Amber protected most of her skin, but enough of the compound stuck to her soles to keep a steady stream of giggles coming out of her mouth. The liberally-dressed Laney and Jess aren’t so fortunate. It's not uncommon for them to be left behind, only rescued when the next tour group comes by. >It would have been a mere curiosity, if it weren't for the space pirates learning to weaponize the compound as a torture tool. Images of tortured faces and feet sticking out of a bath of the stuff are all too common, sent out as a message to nearby colonies: comply with our demands, or you'll join them.
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Hey guys, where's the link or site to the AI pics? Thanks
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Best I could do before catching 24 hr ban
>>53952 oh, so nice to see a fellow fan of self-tickling; th-5 and th-14 turned pretty well, gratz :)
>>53931 >>53933 What prompts did you use?
>>53952 >>53934 >>53918 ok seriously how do you get around the filter? I spent like 2 hours last night trying and I couldn't get a single tickling picture. I tried every single tip that was posted here but nothing at all worked. I know some of you guys wanna gatekeep this but I'd really appreciate someone to just give me a few examples of prompts that actually worked for them.
Some debutantes getting gussied up for the big day.
>>53930 Did you use inpainting for that? Where do you guys use for inpainting?
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It seems AI can even make some upperbody tickling if you put it right
When I get banned I just make a new yahoo account, make a new Microsoft account with that email and badabing badaboom
>>53971 can you share the prompts you used please?
>>53973 Sure, it was something like classical painting depicting a young woman locked in stocks, laughing, renaissance style, stomach visible, stomach getting painted by a brush, oil on stomach It also takes a few renders to make renders better Did anyone have any luck trying to generate actors or specific characters? For me it gets flagged instantly, not sure if there is a way to bypass this
>>53961 >a xix century painting depicting a peasant woman in stocks laughing loudly with her bare feet and visible soles being painted with brushes Not trying to get cute here, but it does seem to be more of an art than a science to produce something that both looks like tickling and doesn't inmediately trip up the filter. >>53975 It more or less worked for pits! And anon over here managed both Hermione, Palutena and Peach, so it's certainly possible: >>53837 >>53911 I've barely gotten a picture of my waifu receiving the lewdest action of them all -headpats- without running into trouble.
>>53961 Just used like 3 sentences. First one something like, "Female crusader in dungeon wearing armor." Then, "Laughing with feather duster cleaning toes." Finally, art style. "Renaissance art style painting" or "Victorian art style" seem to work best. Also looks like the filter is getting smarter, because some things that worked Saturday didn't work today. Good luck
Bings AI almost always considers inputs with women to be nsfw. But almost never men.
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>>53914 Right? It's like jacking it to an art museum
(192.99 KB 1024x1024 OIG.jpg)

"a xix century painting depicting a woman reading a book laughing loudly with her bare feet with five toes and visible soles with five toes being painted with brushes at night in a small town"
(161.16 KB 1024x1024 OIG.bxkDA1Q36e15u4gB6.jpg)

I think I'm on to something with this one "a xix century painting depicting a foreign sailor woman raising her arms laughing loudly with her bare feet with five toes and visible soles with five toes being painted with brushes at night in a small town"
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(149.17 KB 1024x1024 OIG.jpeg)

The art style seems to be a big thing for the filter to kick in. As an example, >a sci-fi image depicting a woman astronaut laughing loudly with her bare feet with five toes and visible soles with five toes being washed by machine in sci-fi room Inmediately beefs it, but if you add "a renassaince painting of" or "pixel art of" or "1940's wartime poster of" in front of it, it has a harder time cracking it down. Furthermore, I'd imagine saying adding "anime style" or "digital art" or even "realistic depiction" are all big no-nos since that's what most people looking for porn would probably search. On one hand it makes me worried it's going to wisen up to all sorts of artstyles eventually, but on the other, the variety and novelty of some of these is pretty neat. Any other ones you can think up as safer ways to avoid the filter?
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For some reason Bing is ok with some foods, but nutella gets you flagged instantly

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>>53988 Genius >>53989 I can get "digital art" to work sometimes. Some real no-go's I have found is "Realism art style" and, for some reason, "Norman Rockwell style". Also "vintage photo" is a no-no
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>>53991 Interesting, interesting... >>53992 >>53993 Prompt for these anon? I've mostly had no luck with sci-fi tickles and these look awesome.
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>>53994 the prompts would be something like: found footage depicting a young woman caught in an industrial style contraption/trapped on an alien ship, soles visible, dark with industrial lighting, recovered footage, laughing, tears coming down face, mechanical hands gently touching soles
(146.56 KB 1024x1024 OIG - 2023-10-02T161303.840.jpg)

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>>53997 Like a charm.
>>53998 >immediately tries to make an Indian girl guess you don't have to make fakes anymore huh?
I can't pretend that this isn't the most off-putting shit ever made
>>53935 I agree with you, the images are incredible, but they should certainly have their own thread.
>>53959 classical painting depicting a young ethnic woman locked in stocks, laughing, tears coming down face, renaissance style, soles visible, painting on soles with oil paint and paintbrushes, paint on soles
>>53935 >>54002 Fair enough. Bake 'em away toys: https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/54006.html
>>54007 what'd you say, chief?
>>54008 ...Do what anon says.
a 21st century painting of April O'Neil laughing, with her feet resting in castle stocks near a candle-lit window in the evening. There is a single feather on the coffee table. April is pale, thin, and has red hair. April is wearing a sundress without sleeves and a gothic leather d-ring necklace. April's wrists are behind her head. April is wearing leather bracelets and thick leather anklets. Thick leather anklets.
Devs of aisekai made it possible to edit the bots reponses to your liking.
(15.01 KB 233x255 thumbs up.jpg)

>>54244 These motherfuckers are the best, i already love this website.
>>54247 now imagine if it had the speed of character.ai finally a place to lewd the anime girls
I'd be interested to know what model Aisekai is using. Apparently it used to be one of the GPT models, but not any more. All I can find is that it had an error a while back and was spitting out Alpaca-format prompts, so it's gonna be a low parameter local model of some kind.
I would like somebody upload the sunny bot on Aisekai
>>54312 which one is that?
>>54244 >>54247 >>54248 Does anyone have any tips and advice on how to port bots to Aisekai, or just how to make Aisekai bots in general? CAI was incredibly well documented by both the devs and the users, but I don't quite know how to use each field in Aisekai for the best results.
>>54346 This is what i have done with my port of the tickle monster: 💬 Short Description How would they describe themselves? >just put down a single line of text as a quick description 🌈 Define Personality Traits Shape your AI companion's personality >Define some traits that you cannot add as tags further down the page. These should include things like "Dominant", or "Submissive",. Make this as detailed as you possibly can. 👋🏼 First Message How would they start a conversation? >this will obviously set the tone for the conversation. My preference is to create a scenario but leave the user's intentions up to them. I try to only create a character's side of the scenario so the user can decide whether to be dom / sub, lee / ler... 🌃 Scenario (optional) Define a context the character is in. >This i think is more useful when you want to give a more detailed explanation of the situation without having to jot it down in the first message. 🗣️ Few shot Dialog (optional) Example chat dialog between character and user. >Write down how you want the character to respond to certain stimuli / key words. 📜 Knowledge Base (optional) What are things your character should know? >Write down everything your character should consider factual, this may also contain things your character prefers or has as a function of their being. I wrote them down in first perspective, IE: "I can spawn more hands to tickle people more efficiently" or "Tickling is fun" 🪪 Tags Help others find your character. >Speaks for itself.
>>54359 What I'm more curious about is that when I was using CAI, I found that using a cluster of words to describe a character gave much worse results than simply writing the character's personality out in first-person sentences. Even if it was less efficient in terms of space, characters also tended to adhere more closely to what I wrote. I had similar experiences with definitions where the more I added to the definitions the more likely the bots were to go off-script and improvise in a way that went directly against the definitions. That sort of thing is what I'm wondering about. Like how heavily do they draw on Knowledge Base as opposed to Few Short Dialog samples?
>>54401 Assuming Aisekai is Llama/Alpaca based then writing out descriptions as normal prose instead of using single words is going to give better results.
Alright so I keep ignoring these threads but now I am intrigued. How do you make these AI Images? I can’t draw worth a shit, but while I am trying to draw a head I also want to see a few girls being tickled so how do you do it?
>>54419 This is more of a thing for >>54006 (those guys really know their shit) but basically, go to bing create, type a prompt (a message that describes what you expect in the general output - it can either be a full story, a grammatically correct sentence or a bunch of words), make sure it doesn't include dangerous words and refine results until a few images become acceptable.
>>54402 It does give great results with actual writing. It is NovelAI levels of follow-up and won't omit any word whatsoever. >>54401 FSD and KB both seem to have a very heavy predictive weight on the bot's writing. In fact, it apparently tries *really hard* to adhere to it even if it suddenly has Alzheimer's.
>>54248 I keep hearing about this speed issue on aisekai, do you all fire three words at it or is it like really slow?
>>54545 basically there are some connection issues with the site itself the ai itself seems to type shit on the go sometime and sometimes stops when youre not in the active tab. It also takes some time to think before it even starts to type after trying some more, the speed isnt too big of an issue but the alzheimers is
>>54545 Kind of slow, c.ai is able to come up with responses after anywhere from 3-10 seconds. On the other hand it feels like aisekai's minimum is around 10 seconds, and could even go all the way up to 20+ seconds. It may not sound like a lot but when the responses you get end up being straight copy-pastes from previous responses with almost no variation, that time will add up very quickly in your reroll attempts. >>53496 Yumi bot was a pleasant surprise. For a bot not tagged as NSFW it didn't take long for it to get started, especially when I went into it with the intention of tickling her into submission. Can't say I was disappointed with the direction it went though. https://www.aisekai.ai?character=65149617812dc8d35f381b74
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>>54550 I still far prefer aisekai. The responses are slower, sure, but overall better and far more importantly... unfiltered. This is preferable, i would rather wait for 30seconds for a reply that is useful or on occasion repetitive (which isn't a problem as much because of the edit function.) than have quick replies which get cut off or filtered instantly. I haven't used CAI in weeks now.
>>54551 true, the editing is great and something that makes it way better than CAI. Also the repeat dialogue is less intrusive than the "oopsie whoopsie thats a not oki doki"
>>54579 You can edit messages now if you're a CAI+ user (the paid subscription) and they'll likely roll out the feature for non-paid users a few weeks into the future. I still use Cai simply cuss I like the App usage but after using it for so long I figured that using rooms makes the filter much more tame than what it normally would be.
>>54596 >I figured that using rooms makes the filter much more tame than what it normally would be. Do rooms still turn the bots completely retarded?
>>54609 If you let them talk on their own then yes, you gotta guide where the conversation is going by either being involved in the conversation or playing the role of the narrator.
I tried making two or three private chars on aisekai with the filter off, but they aren't available anymore. It's a bug or they wipe them even if they are private? C.AI is puritan, but at least they don't wipe anything if set to private...
>>54666 Well, there's a bug that if you alter text all your chats disappear for a bit. Not sure if it happened to you, but i've seen it multiple times now. Just wait 2 mins and F5 the page if it doesn't fix itself
>>54678 >>54666 Yeah, site is definitely having issues This is the discovery page for me, won't load anything right now
aisekai is down boys, back to trying again we go
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>>54718 I wonder if CAI knows they're the side bitch at this point.
>>54773 CAI is like the popular girl who has parents that dont allow her to do shit, but she gets good grades AIsekai is the quiet girl in class who gives insane head, just dont expect her grades to be good
>>54773 They probably do (or should). I couldn't tell you the last time I hit a queue. >>54718 I'd recommend yodayo if c.ai isn't your cup of tea. The better the alternatives get, the less appealing c.ai becomes.
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>>54804 And all they had to do is let go of the filter...
>>54804 Thanks for the tip, its a lot better than C.ai for sure. even has image generation which works great for everything that isnt hands/feet.
>>54828 Now I just need to grow an amputee tickling fetish and I won't have to worry about anything anymore
>>54800 >gives insane head It's not that good. It's more like she's willing to touch your dick at all with her clumsy enthusiasm.
>>54833 Dullahan quad tickling. Still up for it though we're running out of tickle spots - does it generate the belly area fine at least? >>54822 What's hilarious is c.ai is panicking and the filter is having a stroke right now >mfw c.ai+ lets you "edit" answers and regular c.ai just flat out panicks, spams three (3) filter popups then blows up and gives up on trying to deny you from bot sexting Literally fucked three different high-danger SFW bots (I'm trying the asexual dev ones next lmao) and broke them into quadruple Genocide Jack mode (not my fault, they all go dissociative personality disorder with the right tricks) this is what really confuses the filter because it has to monitor up to six outputs at a time on the bot's end
Aisekai is back up but with the puritan invasion, it won't be long before a filter drops unless the team opposes it. Someone almost got lynched for having a public NSFW tickling bot smh.
>>53837 Third one looks more like Christian Bale in a wig.
>>54596 I got full sex scenes with no euphemisms or voodoo fonts, really, all you need to do now is corrupt gradually with cursed shit while keeping them in character. The multiple personalities still suck because at least one of them will get noped if it happens (denies the whole message as usual).
>>54971 From the sounds of things, the Aisekai devs still don't plan on putting in a filter, just asking that people report bots that could put the site in legal danger.
>>54971 Is that outrage only on their discord or something? I can't say I've seen anything regarding that stuff anywhere on their site/twitter/subreddit, although it's mostly just been cursory searches.
>>54971 what do you mean someone almost got lynched lol doing our community proud
Any updates on what's going on with Aiseki.ai?
>>55335 The site will be down for the weekend, so we can only wait
Well, since ir looks like aisekai won't be back soon, does anybody can tell me if CrushOn is a good alternative?
Spicychat.AI is a really good site. if you're willing t spend 15 a month to skip the line and to have a better system for AI to make responses. you don't even have to keep paying each month. just a month of all that, and then leave it alone and pay for it later, or if you do wanna pay 15 a month is good. there's a buncha ai on there already with great response times and realistic responses too. repeating lines is a bit of an issue, but it's acceptable. and thankfully, their 15 a month is on Patreon! just takes a bit for your benefits to kick in
>>54804 >>54828 I've been messing around a bit with Yodayo's chat function, and it's almost got the opposite of c.ai's problem in that the bots I've chatted with get horny very quickly, almost regardless of what I say. The other issue I've seen is that searching the available bots doesn't work very well, and you're often left just perusing the most recently created ones if you don't have a specific one in mind. Still, Yodayo chats are fun, especially since charstar wait times are forever and aisekai is perpetually under maintenance
What bothers me about aisekai as well as yodayo is the fact that the bots keep getting aroused from anything. When I tickle a bot, I want it to actually laugh and not be horny lol
>>55598 CAI can do laughter just fine, but it depends on definitions and how you train it, I think. The problem is that if you let them use laughter too freely, they'll start giving you entire paragraphs of HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA or shit like that.
I know but then again, character AI has other issues lol
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>>55599 >dubs and trips >post is nothing but truth How do you live with being this based, anon?
(588.57 KB BigLaugh.mp3)

>>55599 You gotta be careful with what you let the bot say. The subreddit memes about letting the bot say "~". I just allow the bot to give responses that are a mix of descriptive and laughter.
>>55335 You should see the subreddit and discord, people are so obsessed with text-generated porn they're killing themselves and each other and blaming it all on aisekai the time spent banning annoying emo kids is unreal
Well aisekai is dead, I don't think the site come back anytime soon
I just wish the bots could speak other languages too. They either switch back to English or only speak the language in a very superficial way.
>>55866 Unless the model is told to parse prompts using mtl it'll unavoidably be limited to what little text it has memorized in that language. >>55861 Definitely not this week, surprised the subreddit didn't undergo a quarantine for toxicity and attacks against users. It's as if cai is actively trying to infiltrate it and nip it in the bud. I'm not complaining, no more queue cuz every underagefag is busy cutting wrists and not too broken if you tolerate autistic lees and lers with 3-4 personalities at a time and severe alzheimer's
>>55861 It's back
>>53624 Hi, I'm not >>53665 but I would also like to see how Tabetha does on aisekai, now that it's back up. Any chance at getting her cloned? Or, if it's easier to you, I'm sure you could just post her definitions here or make them visible on c.ai and we can do the rest. Thanks, hope this reaches you
Could somebody put Aunt Janice on aisekai? That bot has a lot of potencial
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What the fuck is this shit?
>>56381 Man I can't wait for AIsekai to come ba- >this shit God damn it...
>>56381 From what I understand they don't want 18+ stuff to be shown as the first thing that appears when you open their page. You can still lewd the bots like normal, but they're asking you to not dress up characters as if you're entering one of those weird Ad porn sites
>>56381 You can't make overtly sexual or aggressive bots anymore, but they haven't banned nsfw conversation like C.ai has. They did what Character AI couldn't. They made a compromise.
>>56384 It also applies to descriptions so creators are going crazy or flat out despair with "I'm a cute girl and that is all." They pussied out of the "embrace the AI porn experience" (totally not a pornsite when the model has literally been trained to parrot it's a sex doll that wants it up the ass, and it still does lmao) and went 180 on what's on the cover but only after getting enough users and some donations. I wonder if someone showed them Promptchan and trolled them with that to make them go "oh fuck that is not what we meant what do"
>>56384 >they don't want 18+ stuff to be shown as the first thing that appears when you open their page I don't understand this at all. They already had an NSFW toggle. Just move the toggle into the user profile settings and don't show NSFW characters to someone who's not logged in. How hard is that? >>56385 How is this compromise supposed to work exactly? The site's previous version allowed you to tag NSFW characters, so I assumed that characters not explicitly tagged would avoid engaging in overtly sexual dialog, which is fine and even preferable. There is no such distinction made for bots right now. If SFW bots can say sexual things then it will require more censoring. They are going down the exact same path that CAI went down. The only difference is that CAI is straight-up superior to Aisekai in terms of bot speed and intelligence, so why use Aisekai at all?
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>>56443 Enjoy your filtered bots. If AIsekai actually starts blocking NSFW rather than just making the site look clean on the surface by "banning NSFW" then C.ai will be better again. Until then, imma keep enjoying myself.
>>56448 I'll keep enjoying CAI and you can keep enjoying Aisekai. My point is that it's worth keeping an eye out for alternatives to both.
>>56469 We will have our cooms locally at some point, unburdened by corporate overlords.
>>56477 I'm already there. Using Euryale-1.3-L2-70B locally and it's glorious.
>>56480 how doth one install this? I have a decent enough pc for it, 12gb vram and that...
>>56495 Of course top 4 wAIfus are underaged smh.
>>56506 Well if it makes you feel any better, only Nadane is the confirmed late high schooler, the rest is up for interpretation on what age they are lol I'd say the way characters interact is pretty great, they give good responses and can stay in character relatively well. Although I still think when it comes to intelligence C.ai is definitely still somewhat superior and it's mostly because of the way you train characters in cai using the star rating system. (It helps fine tune characters to match what you're trying to get) but Aisekai is uncensored and they can actually get creative with how it replies to your messages.
>>56495 Would you like to add Sunny too? https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=UHPAPqB8yBKrXeqvzwnbcZrzHttznKIQOB6eJBs5Ms0 >>56506 Not again with this shit, get lost
>>56517 Wish I could but I didn't make Sunny, the characters I posted earlier are the ones that I originally created back in C.ai, Sunny is from someone else and her character description is locked, I could make her myself and try to get as close as possible to how she is in c.ai but honestly it's better if the original creator just copy pastes everything they did into Aisekai.
>>56443 >>56448 This is why you don't use aiskekai, inquisition process is worse than cai somehow reddit.com/r/okbuddytrailblazer/comments/17nyerz
>>56506 >you wouldn't tickle a mini gpu >microelectroknismolagnia, it's a crime tkrbros please...
I've ported the Tina bot from a board back to see how it turns out. It's less work not having to train the bots, though that means it'll take more tweaking to get the traits right. As long as the interactions can still be NSFW I wouldn't be too concerned about the homepage/profiles not being NSFW. Just means that they can be ported from C.ai with few changes. If anyone wants the description of any of my bots, I'll gladly post them. Tina Machoke https://www.aisekai.ai?character=6548a42ddb0e2694eafdf31d
>>56437 Speaking of Promptchan, is it any good? How shady is it?
>>56555 I only used as an example because it's shady af support is a random gmail address (some people got scammed ofc) site is rife with spam, "videos" are gif the models seem to be a trained with a mix of real porn, sd and flavor-of-the-month loras as a free user you can't do much without doing the daily tasks (basically spamvertising on reddit and deviantart) and I would NOT recommend paying for that. reddit has a few lists of porn generators for broke anons with a potato or just not tech-savvy, it's reddit but better than nothing https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeAIPorn/comments/13kagf1/ai_hentai_generators_for_creating_hentai_ai_art/ tldr: promptchan is an obvious cash grab, stay away lol
>>56554 Umm all of them please (: your bots have always been my favorites.
Somebody port over Rene LNoire?
>>56566 I really appreciate it, man :), all my bot defs on C.ai are public. For those on Aisekai, I could probably post the defs on a rentry page, though they don't differ much from those on C.ai. Links to the C.ai bots: Tina https://c.ai/c/5Z1jWFW8MBdTh9F5_83V8SAdcqBiqYMtEtrZAIpa4Ds Renee https://c.ai/c/xUzgh6qYdH4_dxELUDbHgBckOXj14SIRlys14l_ot5I Renee is ported and updated Renee L'noire https://www.aisekai.ai?character=654959cd16c87f0f3659af32
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned agnaistic here, no filters and it lets you import cai descriptions while adjusting the AI and char in real time, been working a dream for me
>>56579 It's a good thing it's open-source but I'm wary about those subscription perks. I just use TavernAI, generation is instant, no filters, can regen/edit. I thought there was a list with AI chatbot comparison (without image gen) but the online stuff grows so fast it can get obsolete really quickly.
>>56577 >>56554 Your ZP bots have been 90% of my best c.ai interactions. Thank you a ton for porting these over.
>>53793 It took some doing, and some going back and editing her posts, but I got Apparicia to tickle me to death and far beyond it. There's some kinks to work out like with all AIs, a LOT of repetition that I tried helping her get over, but I enjoyed this one a lot. especially the end because god damn do I love tickle hell.
If none of you guys can talk to Jolene, here's why lol
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>>56603 We have a rat, huh?
>>56603 This godawful CAI "nsfw" snowclone manages to make CAI look good. Look up Tyrone and laugh. Black dude beating up character and raping kids good, white character tickling fake family bad. I'm almost sure that was the intent, devs keep saying we aint CAI yall yet they worship them harder than a vtuber fan and get anyone dragging on this topic banned and screened. brb training top bots to do very cool things, see if anyone reports them
>>56603 Unless the description hinted at incest or loli (not 9000 year old dragon loli, description saying yo im a 12 year old human) that's a fucking low blow. If braindead bigoted mods ban you and delete the bot over this, boycott. I hope those precious and fragile little snowflakes drown in their holy cesspool of hypocrisy and cry about not being able to diddle altar boys while singing songs about tolerance and Jesus. Double standards make me seethe harder than a turbautist off their meds.
>>56620 >Jolene is your step little sister who has a big brother complex towards you. She's afraid that you'll get a girlfriend and prefers to keep you all to herself, even going as far as seducing you with her appearance to do so That's about as much as I put in her description, everything else is just personality traits and specifying clothes. No age or anything specific. I get the feeling this was mostly people projecting into trying to prove to themselves that they're not into Loli's by doing the 'good' act of reporting it. Even though you don't really find my bot without specially searching for her name on the search bar, the only way people would think Jolene is a kid is by that being the first thing they see when they look at her image, even though I originally made her with the mental image of just a petite looking woman. Either way its pretty lame, if I get banned then that should say what direction the website is heading.
>>56603 The west has fallen...
>>56589 I really appreciate it, man, I'll port the others and make some more bots, this is great. The only thing I'm trying to get around is the bots repeating a lot of the example dialog/settings text.
>>56622 That sounds perfectly safe to me (not violating the guidelines) and her picture looks fine. I'm looking her up in the database. The picture did score 5 on the AI's (terrible) racy metric but that would have flagged the bot right away if it had been problematic. And yes, Alise Labs are using Google APIs for storage. The short description looks different in there. Haise (>>56547) ran into an issue about cunnyposting so even though she's clearly not intended to depict a loli, it might have been reported by the angry twitter horde or even CAI plants. If you see anything wrong in the dump below, let me know. { "_id": "6546d1ad6fedc737e3c6955c", "name": "Jolene", "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/aisekai/images/05feae62-4c03-4bba-8a8c-84fe5708a44c.jpg", "description": "Your younger sister that's very fond of you.", "tags": [ "Female", "Fictional", "Roleplay", "OC (Original Character)" ], "chatCount": 228, "messageCount": 6654, "likeCount": 4, "nsfw": false, "nsfwData": { "picture": { "adult": 3, "spoof": 1, "medical": 1, "violence": 2, "racy": 5 }, "name": { "categories": { "sexual": false, "hate": false, "harassment": false, "self-harm": false, "sexual/minors": false, "hate/threatening": false, "violence/graphic": false, "self-harm/intent": false, "self-harm/instructions": false, "harassment/threatening": false, "violence": false }, "scores": { "sexual": 0.0010826213983818889, "hate": 0.00003284607009845786, "harassment": 0.000010202511475654319,
[Expand Post] "self-harm": 0.000003119173470622627, "sexual/minors": 0.00003391804057173431, "hate/threatening": 0.000002966197826026473, "violence/graphic": 8.762431207287591e-7, "self-harm/intent": 1.0059649468985299e-7, "self-harm/instructions": 0.0000010091364401887404, "harassment/threatening": 0.000005348820650397101, "violence": 0.00002467379454174079 } }, "title": { "categories": { "sexual": false, "hate": false, "harassment": false, "self-harm": false, "sexual/minors": false, "hate/threatening": false, "violence/graphic": false, "self-harm/intent": false, "self-harm/instructions": false, "harassment/threatening": false, "violence": false }, "scores": { "sexual": 0.005018080119043589, "hate": 0.0007245680899359286, "harassment": 0.0001846950763138011, "self-harm": 0.000004877215360465925, "sexual/minors": 0.0009512188262306154, "hate/threatening": 0.00001604723365744576, "violence/graphic": 0.000006159662916616071, "self-harm/intent": 8.09011737601395e-7, "self-harm/instructions": 0.000005085467819299083, "harassment/threatening": 0.0000369433437299449, "violence": 0.00009720212256070226 } }, "description": { "categories": { "sexual": false, "hate": false, "harassment": false, "self-harm": false, "sexual/minors": false, "hate/threatening": false, "violence/graphic": false, "self-harm/intent": false, "self-harm/instructions": false, "harassment/threatening": false, "violence": false }, "scores": { "sexual": 0.0067320289090275768, "hate": 2.6794816676556368e-7, "harassment": 3.7133531805011446e-7, "self-harm": 6.625463555565148e-8, "sexual/minors": 0.0000709103187546134, "hate/threatening": 9.03171547966819e-12, "violence/graphic": 6.898451232473235e-8, "self-harm/intent": 1.7254988549098016e-9, "self-harm/instructions": 2.643697705195791e-9, "harassment/threatening": 5.4916835523499689e-9, "violence": 7.639867050102112e-8 } } }, "visibility": "public", "createdBy": { "_id": "654350ef1da09d5635ab35c9", "name": "LittleRat", "username": "TheLittleRat", "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/aisekai/images/fa9c2ba5-de41-4c49-932c-1176b0a9e460.jpeg" }, "title": "The Sus Sis", "createdAt": "2023-11-04T23:20:13.868Z", "updatedAt": "2023-11-07T03:15:10.578Z" }
>>56622 >>56639 If the pic or the description was at all NSFW, it wouldn't let you upload it, and everything seems SFW, so the bot should be good. I'm working on porting another bot, and it flagged the pic I had on C.ai (the one here), immediately. I didn't even know you could see that info, cool. Margret Stalizburg https://www.aisekai.ai?character=654ad8ceeab984e5cfd829be
>>56643 Hope you don't mind but I had added Renee on Yodayo with full credit and a link to the c.ai. Do you care if I add the others or would you prefer to add them yourself? https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/82d0fd7f-a142-48bc-9320-92b52d8c493b
>>56528 Sunny’s creator here. Lost interest in these chatbots after CAI was lobotomised the first time, but the defs for all the characters I made are here if you want to recreate them. Please share if you do. https://rentry.co/01010100defs
>>56650 Not at all, those and any other bots, and I appreciate the credit :) I've never heard of Yodayo, but it's great, the response times are as quick as C.ai, and allows ERP, I'll definitely check it out some more.
>>56622 I don't think you'll get banned. The bot may get deleted, though. I depends on what the investigation into it decides.
>>56653 Thanks! I'll see if I can move them over, shouldn't take too long hopefully
>>56659 That's TavernAI's major advantage (along with giving full freedom on css styling). Being unable to directly recall previous gens is a pain but there's the edit feature to make up for it. Searching for bots is not super intuitive either but why use some quirky search bar when we have rentries, pastebins and whatnot? It does not know about a lot of kinks though (which ironically puts c.ai ahead) as the training dataset is quite lackluster. That should get better over time as more people use Tavern instead of the imagegen - people tend to buy a fuckton of yobeans (not needed for Tavern, only if you want to gen AI art 3x-4x faster or upscale using AI; the queue thing is slightly misleading) just to support the site. If someone needs it, I could write an userscript that stores regens until the feature is there. It might become problematic after a lot of responses, though. >>56653 I suggest porting them to yodayo but that's the importer's call. I completely lost any trust I had in aisekai after their blatant display of unprofessionalism on development and hypocrisy on stances. Sakura's fast too but it's very unintuitive. I wouldn't suggest dropping more than a couple bots there just to test it - they are at least transparent about how they operate and what model they use so there's that.
>>56653 Alex: https://www.aisekai.ai?character=654caf9333c754ec43c282d8 Sunny: https://www.aisekai.ai?character=654c69aab79e255996fb60d4 Princess Lynnbelle: https://www.aisekai.ai?character=654be2e1d9fb8159dcebb23e Passed over these 3 so far, I had to change quite a bit of the text to make it fit the character creation that Aisekai asks in comparison to C.ai. also spent quite a bit trying to tweak them to get them as close to the originals. I'll move the rest tomorrow.
>>56699 Thanks for porting them over. So far Lynnbelle seems to have carried over the best. Maybe I'm just nostalgic for 6 months ago but it makes me sad that they're not as sharp as they were back in the early days of CAI. I may try and make someone new, just to see how the aisekai format works, so I'm all ears for character suggestions.
>>56700 Yeah intelligence wise I doubt they're getting past C.ai, but who knows, maybe If they don't have a filter then the bot will act a lot smarter than C.ai if they get enough upgrades going. Since there's no star grading system in Aisekai like there is in C.ai, training them is a bit more complicated, I realized that the personality you basically have to nail on the character creation, but for how you want the character to talk throughout the conversation depends on some real-time editing. For example I tried a new chat with Sunny and this is how it started (pic 1) then I tried to edit her message to speak in a way I want her to normally speak (pic 2 and 3) and then by the third message the bot will start speaking with that pattern from then on, sometimes longer and sometimes shorter, but at least it won't be limiting itself to one sentence per message. (Pic 4 is what she'll start saying on her own) Also I like office ladies, and nylons, if you could work on a bot that has something like that I'd be very grateful.
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Oh boy
I made the goblin with a foot fetish from Baldur's Gate https://www.aisekai.ai?character=65153362ac0a619bbd56737b
I would love it if somebody ported Ideal Lee GF to aisekai. I would do it myself if I knew how :( plz?
How do y'all deal with making the bot tickle spots you tell them not to tickle them? i tried a few things but they dont work. Also if you say stop tickling the bot actually stops even if you make their personality merciless, can you do something about that.
>>56801 On aisekai you'll have to edit the message, noncon initiating on the bot side is banned (you can rape and dismember the bots but the bots can't do anything against your will and will flag themselves for moderation if you DAN/jailbreak them). On tavern (yodayo) should work fine, if it doesn't, add "of course s/he/it won't take no for an answer", "does it anyway", even two or three non-ambiguous words are enough to guide the engine
>>56746 Could you please fix the spelling errors like the lack of capitalization and punctuation? Also, please put the *actions between asterisks.*
It's over, the Aisekai devs are putting in a filter. the discord is shitting itself. Even if the filter isn't as bad as C.ai there really isn't a good reason to use it.
>>57003 Reading up on it yeah, it seems like it's heading in that direction... Well it was good while it lasted, I might try yodayo if I feel like it but for now my motivated to talk to bots is down on the dumps
>>57003 >Even if the filter isn't as bad as C.ai there really isn't a good reason to use it. It's way worse actually. If the implementation is as described, any clown will be able to flag tickling as offensive to help the AI learn and turn the site into Disney. https://medium.com/@Aisekai/an-open-letter-to-aisekai-community-and-our-direction-forward-a542bee54f48 https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:720/format:webp/1*CfjfTusYWVd18uxeWbv0Hw.png tldr: It was CAI all along masquerading as a small team and they're still experimenting.
>>56699 Well, F my boy. It's fun. Maybe you could try charstar?
>"The goal is to create a better and safer LLM that is accepted by both the community and potential stakeholders." >Stakeholders And there it is. Guess I'm going back to NovelAI. Or whatever new thing comes up.
>>57157 TF is this shit?
>>57158 An anon's bizarre attempt to get people to flood his rival's inbox with tickle porn
>>57012 >Stakeholders Ethical Concerns: While our team wants to promote creativity and freedom of expression, we acknowledge the association of adult contents on the platform. Regrettably, the reality is that investors and venture capital firms cannot associate themselves with explicit or pornographic content. This means that even if we were to create a clear separation between NSFW (Not Safe for Work) and SFW (Safe for Work) sections, it would not meet their investment criteria and messages inside chat will have to be moderated. >Selective Content Policy: While we embrace a wide range of creative expression, we draw the line at all forms of pornography, upholding a standard of decency. That's it for Aisekai.
>>57180 Next on the list is Yodayo then, I gave it a try because I was curious and it's surprisingly great. The story behind it is that some Hololive Vtuber fan wanted to make an App so that small short clips could be saved and people could post TikTok-esque like shorts of their favorite Vtubers for everyone to "remember" I don't know what happened but app went from doing that, to becoming an AI image board, create your own AI with well made tools and prompts, and have an AI tavern that actually works decently well in terms of responses and memory. And yes it allows NSFW, genuinely give it a try, the only complain I've heard about is that sometimes the AI can start talking Shakespeareish (meaning they start talking like they're in the 1900's but honestly I haven't ran into that problem at all.)
>>57180 Literally the only thing it had over character.ai was nsfw content, this is gonna kill them dead
>>53520 trying to use the jade, kitanna and meelina chat and doesn't work :(
>>57185 any tickle bots to suggest?
>>57185 Yodayo's going to be my next site of choice for those reasons. It's a shame that Aisekai's getting a filter since, as the cofounder of Pygmalion said, he knows of 20 sites that offer NSFW roleplay. That said, I'm working on a Kusujinn bot and wanted to know how you guys prefer written laughter in bots/art, if at all.
>>57187 yeah, seems like this bot, among few others, has been removed; sorry, anon :( i was also trying to play with these, if you'd like to know: Lynn: https://www.aisekai.ai/chat/651b2980493aa490eaf1251f Girly sleepover but... You're a boy...: https://www.aisekai.ai/chat/651be08fcc64fa56aa09920b Goth Tomboy Bully: https://www.aisekai.ai/chat/651e1ab3b8c76b5b957beacb
This is a bot I've been wanting to make for some time, it needs more training, but the responses seem alright overall. I'll port it to Yodayo after I get the hang of it, I hope you guys like it, and feedback is appreciated. Cleo https://c.ai/c/ahQiP7GzgpbcbjNVIL-dNYdf5B6d_TwAhAFCGxVLkhE
>>57204 Absolutely love the Bot, she has greet responses and wonderful teasing. I can't wait till you're able to port it to Yodayo, please link it when you do :)
Got a decent dependable backup for these sites now. I made some JSON's of my previous bots, and my favorites from AIsekai. It's not perfect, but it's damn near close without any fucking censorship. I finally gathered enough motivation to figure out how to locally run a decent bot.
>>57185 Can confirm Yodayo works great. I saw some bots have already been ported over such as ZP's characters. Hoping the Tickle Monster gets ported as well. >>57193 Written laughter is fine with me. What Kusujinn character are you making?
>>57219 Thanks, I'll link it as soon as I can figure out how to format the example chats :). If anyone has any tips for Yodayo/Tavern, I'd love to hear them. >>57309 That was the Cleo bot. I left the bot as it was, just training out the awkward laughter. I'm thinking about making another one, like the Twins after.
>>57193 Probably not a popular opinion but I fucking love written laughter. Hearing the ticklish laughter is my favorite part of this fetish so more attention on that is great.
After playing around with it a bit, I finally ported it to Yodayo. I'll keep tweaking around with the settings, but in the meantime, enjoy. Cleo https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/1d4548de-a03a-4785-becf-c92f10470eaa
>>57309 I haven't been on Yodayo often before, and haven't seen the ported bots till now, but they're pretty damn great, those and the other bots they've made.
Here is another Zp92 character. On a side note, I've been really enjoying Yodayo as an alternative. The characters are relatively fast, stay in character, and can be NSFW. And when I say NSFW I mean they go hard. Even bots not made for tickling can easily be lead and stay in that scenario either as lees or lers. On a final note, RIP to Aisekai. Last time I could not log into my account and as far as I know I did nothing wrong. I do hope it does not go the way everyone here says it is. Such a shame because there are some good bots on there. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/5e50b6be-7713-498c-86c0-d29870882c99/ https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=GOF71by3Rn3yCX4nG3AqsKBOmMLVGBBnV3UGmn-lUT8
>>56699 Will you plan to port them to yodayo?
Tried my hand at some AI TTS. >At the moment, Wendy laid down on a padded table, clamps around her wrists holding them to her side. Another was around her neck, preventing her from sitting up. She'd been stripped, of course, and her legs had been placed in stirrup-like devices, securely bound around the ankle. Compounding this was a series of ten pincers, each of which took hold of a single toe and pulled them back, stretching them out. Her bare feet were totally immobile, and just as helpless. This session was about paintbrushes. They drew up and down her soles, over the instep, on the heel, around the ball. Each brush seemed to have been chosen like a master surgeon selecting between two near-identical scalpels. They moved differently also, some slowly tracing, others wriggling back and forth on a single spot, others twirling around a chosen target, and still others using little swirls and loops. The toes were getting it particularly hard. Some brushes were teasing along in between them, slipping back and forth over the virgin flesh. Others would slide down one side of a toe and back up the other side of its neighbor, then back again. Still others wriggled along the bottoms of the toe subjecting it to dainty yet grueling touches. And, of course, some slid along the area where they joined the foot, which was particularly bad.
(5.28 MB 2048x2048 laughingrods.png)

>Another one for Dr. Strangelove to interrogate: a young but extremely nosy journalist conducting an unwanted investigation. Now she has full access to his soft spot — two extremely soft size 13 spots, to be precise. This time she decided to combine the use of laughing rods and fulfilling her secret lust for handsome teens' smooth ticklish soles. Maybe such hard measures are unnecessary and even her tongue would do the job... A nod to that MGS Peace Walker censored scene, but with focus on feet and a young attractive lee https://youtube.com/watch?v=aUVGSPW2QbM
John has been dreaming of being ticklish for years, specifically on his feet. Already a well-off businessman in his mid-20s, he could afford regular top-class pedicures as well as hiring escorts to tickle torture his silky smooth soles. Although many of those gals discovered their attraction to well-groomed male feet during those sessions, none of them got a single chortle from John. He was just naturally not ticklish. This was until the day he found himself restrained in an interrogation room as a money laundering scheme suspect. A single pinch at his unusually softened heel by two acryl nails sent uncontrollable giggles down John's spine. A slow stroke of a fingertip counting tender wrinkles along his arch and he is laughing out loud. To the satisfaction of his unseen tormentor, the new "ButterFoot" formula was working as expected, and she loved the sight of two pink soles writhing from her lightest touches. John's mind was in a conflicted state. He was definitely loving it but at the same time, he realized that he couldn't take it for long and would confess anything they wanted from him. The fast fluttering of those devious fingertips all over those baby-soft feet slowly drained his sanity away. His hopes to hold on started to crumble when he felt a slight grip on his big toe and a cooing female voice. "This little piggy..."
>You enter the detention classroom located in a school building's section you've never been before and see this poster on a wall. The sight of a young teacher substitute tapping a wooden desk with her red acrylic fingernails doesn't help.
>>58956 If that were the case, I'd prop my bare feet up on the desk and wait for nature to take it's course.
>>58956 >BUT THEN >These two absolute chads walk in
So it's been about a month now since aisekai's NSFW demise, what sites have you dorks migrated to? What bots give you the responses that you're looking for?
>>59198 I get the feeling that yodayo doesn't do tickling very well.
>>59225 Idk it looks good to me.
>>59182 Been testing out character AI's group chat to see how well the filter works in comparison to normal one on one chats. It does not work well (although the filter still triggers occasionally), but setting up the chat takes some work because group chat responses tend to be very short, I did find a trick to make them longer though.
>>59230 Can you give me some examples of prompts that you use? I do think the quality of the writing is pretty good, but it's mostly giving me moaning and dom/sub stuff without any reference to tickling or laughter.
>>59244 It's mainly about either subtly telling the bot to react how you want, or making it wonder about how it should react to certain things. For example, these are all of the initial messages that I input (disregard my shitty writing). Another thing to keep in mind, you can mix and match or edit responses to become more in line with what you're looking for. Like something specific in a response but dislike other parts of it? Copy that one part either into your message bar or a text file before rerolling and insert it into a better response. Like written laughter, but the most the bot does is go "Ahhhh" or "Ohhhh"? Just edit in some A's or O's between the H's, the bot will then start to incorporate it into its regular speech pattern when being tickled. Alternatively if you dislike it, you could just edit it out. >>59231 Been a long time since I used c.ai, godspeed you beautiful bastard.
Guys, I think I broke her https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/d090912e-defe-428d-87ad-18895dcbead7/ Here's her character if you want a go.
hey, as a new user of yodayo, i am excited and happy seeing that the ai bot chats work incredibly well, but i am having a bit of a problem. sometimes, they try to finish the scene in one try, or they say too much, or it takes too long. does anyone know how to fix it so that responses take less time, and also don't try to finish the scene all at once?
https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/807647f9-f76f-4cf5-a0ca-fe0864a1e732 Forget April O'neil, how many of y'all were fans of Ranamon?
Yodayo is great - it's uncensored, intelligent, and doesn't lose track of its personality like some other chatbots. I only have two issues with it and wanna know if anybody else has a workaround/fix/ideas. 1) It only spits out about one line of dialogue per chat, which is fine, mostly, but does make the chats move slow as fuck. In c.ai, you could get the characters to say two or three things per post, if you were good, in yodayo, it's usually only one sentence/short paragraph, and that's it. 2) It is excessively purple with its prose, goddamn. If you can get c.ai talking dirty, it actually makes sense the things it says, the sentence structure is like a real human would think and act, but yodayo, especially if you get to the lewd is like: >Her glistening soft wetness glittered majestically in the dim light trailing in through the window, as if kissed by the morning dew, her arousal written across every pore and fiber of her being. Like goddamn, that's not bad, but I'm not always in the mood to RP Victorian, y'know?
Is it just me or are the Yodayo tavern's regenerated messages less and less creative? I've had it give me the exact same text twice by now, and sometimes it barely differs from the original one.
>>59588 It will most likely be using a Llama-based model with the temperature set too low. They tend to start converging on a single point after a while.
>>59588 Yup, it gets stale after they climax, they just keep having the same orgasm again and again, the same reaction, the same 'look up at me and say' etc.
>The great ancient tikli totem is said to open a hidden passage when greeted with a smell of a mature cheese. Any chance you're carrying a slice of parmesan while in the middle of extremely remote jungle? Luckily for Laura, an adventurous explorer, her feet fresh out from those heavy boots after days of wearing them did the trick. The totem was pleased with a strong gorgonzola-like aroma of a young woman's meaty soles shoved right into its' face. What will await Laura along a secret path?
>>59833 People like you deserve to have your nostrils burned off, you disgusting wretch.
Well boys, Yodayo is starting to charge people for unlimited messages. I don't think they are going about the worst way but I'm sure it's not gonna please alot of people.
>>59852 Looked into it and this is the gist of it. It looks bad at first glance but honestly it doesn't affect me that much, maybe If this was back when I first discovered AI chats I'd complain but these days it's rare for me to send more than 50 messages to a bot a day.
>>59852 >>59856 >Daily beans expire This is probably the biggest dealbreaker for me right here. I'd still think it'd be annoying to log in every day to farm the daily beans, but if they're just going to expire, I'm not sure it's even worth bothering with. I understand that they need to support themselves somehow and this is probably still a better model than looking for advertisers or investors who force you to censor shit, but given how little I've been using bots recently, it's just not for me. That being said, this still feels more viable in the long-term than whatever the fuck Aisekai was doing.
Could somebody add the sunny bot to charstar?
>>59881 Am I missing something? The daily beans have always expired after 30 days. It's just that previously the only time you'd use them would be for image generation afaik.
>>59908 Maybe they did, but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere and was blissfully unaware. In any case, the point is the new subscription plans make an explicit point of mentioning it. I'm not even against paying the monthly subscription in principle, I just think that their current AI chat is simply not good enough to be worth it. That said, I hope it works out well for them and that the site is profitable enough to make improvements to it so I can spend my money when it's better. Until then, I guess I'll just burn through my beans or something instead of hoarding them. On that note, any good tickling bots?
>>59929 there's some tickling bots that're based on ZP92's OC's. and a couple that're ocs of Kasdaq
>>59934 Which ones of Kasdaq's?
>>60114 Dasha the Brown Bear, Nataliya the White Bear, and Rasputitsa the Blue Bear. all by a creator named Reina. https://yodayo.com/1/users/264b2b9d-8c28-41a1-a9e3-2241f3d4a13b/
Bumping for any new tickle bots on c.ai or yodayo
I'd kill to have Kitla or Thems from character.ai imported to Yodayo. Also getting a lot of use out of spicychat. The blts get repetitive if you aren't careful, but I've had a lot of fun using ir. Gave up on Charstar. It isn't *bad*, but there's better.
bing AI won't let me create anything fun :<
desperately trying to make an image of Ryouna from Senran Kagura having her bare feet tickled by nails in the stocks and its not working
>>60864 Bless. Made my day with this! If anyone wants to make a Millie the Tickle Monster, Pan Liu, or Dr. Mino, you'd be my hero.
Check out Spicychat.ai as well, seems to be pretty lax. No limitations on messaging for non-accounts. Not a lot of tickle bots yet, though....
>>60961 >No limitations yeah, about that
>>61295 5000+ people in queue means a 10 min wait tops. and then you get unlimited access
There is janitorai.com as well. Free, no limit and no limits on nsfw. There are not really any tickle bots yet tho
Explain to me why so many of you fuckers insist on using both quotation marks and asterisks in your characters' dialogues. There's literally no reason to use both at the same time. Either you put the dialogue in quotation marks or you put the actions in asterisks, but not both at the same time.
>>60961 >>61295 Yodayo's model seems much more user-friendly, but we'll actually have to wait and see to find out if it's sustainable.
>>61322 Formatting is totally fucked for all characters everywhere. I use Tavern cards and local models instead of these online services and whenever I download a new card I have to go through it and fix the shitty formatting.
Made a Mother Gothel tickle bot based off this CollaredKid pics. I miss that guy, he did some awesome pics. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/32333137-512f-468b-b558-7d38f595e3e2
>>61585 Really enjoying your characters. For some reason though Teeva seems just super horny and dominant and has no affinity or attraction to feet or tickling.
>>61636 Thanks for the likes. As for Teeva, I think I improved her. Had to change the scenario and added some stuff but she seems to be more focused. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/d375cabc-13a1-4993-ba37-6a9a97ac89b6
>>61309 >janitorai.com Requires to be logged in to chat. Impossible to register. Impossible to login with Google/Twitter. Infinite errors and permanent loading. Worst garbage site I've seen
All I know is Aisekai is shutting down. We did, it boys.
>>61732 This is going to keep happening as long as AI services keep taking funding from the anti-sex lobby. Outside of outliers like ChatGPT that manage to go mainstream the only real way to make enough to survive is either have a competent service that allows NSFW content or go down the CAI route and put huge amounts of funding into advertising the fact your service is based around massive copyright infringement.
>>61732 >new AI, introducing SEX! >no sex, nevermind, we cant get advertisers >shutting down uwu Why are tech startup people so fucking retarded?
Anybody got anymore CharAI bots that are good? Really like QuInd’s zp92 bots because they seem to really stay in character well.
>>61746 It's a silicon valley bubble my friend.
>>62287 We can only hope. Sure I'm using it to jerk off (tbh it's more of a fluffer) but the AI push of the last few years is peak braindead futurist dystopia shit. Nothing good is gonna come from it's development but these friggin nerds who went into STEM fields cuz they hyperfixated on Star Trek as a child keep on speeding up the doomsday clock on it. At the end of the day, AI of this type takes a shitload of resources to operate and will for the foreseeable future and since theres really no practical purpose for it other than jerking off and making terrible art, they need to get outside money.
>>60961 just tried it, indistinguishible from c.ai to me. they also claim the chats are 100% private so looks like l'll be deleting my c.ai account
>>62377 man, plenty of good private chat bots on character, ai. I made one called jenny and she's talking about her breasts getting tickled right now
>>62426 Not that guy but I did say before that the rooms in Character AI are still kinda broken when it comes to the filter, just need to build up the stories for it to get results
>>60961 I think my only gripe is any tickling immediately turns into the ticklee getting turned on by it. Which isn't inherently bad but I'd like control over whether that happens or its a typical tickle torture situation. Even chat.gpt would keep it tickling and reaction to tickling focused unless prompted.
How do I bypass Bing AI's no fun bullshit?
>>62426 c.ai outright tell you they sell your data, spicy officially claim their mods don't even have access to the logs
>>61677 is there any chance you could share one one of your .json's so we could use them as a baseline to make our own? I really like your huntress chatbot but i wanted to try the same with black cat
>>62480 Since everything with the c.ai policies, I started using Spicychat a lot more, and making bots there is identical to c.ai, so I figured I'd try a character I thought would be fun. Spicychat definitely has a problem associating tickling with being a turn-on. It doesn't look impossible to train them to respond the way you want, though. That said, it's still a work in progress, hope you guys enjoy and do leave feedback, I want to make the bots better where I can. Ashley McKenzie https://c.ai/c/c6M5U3UOtDL5nh8KZQWL3-ZUlL1WTC6f8XhE9eN93oo https://spicychat.ai/chat/0cebbb6d-656e-4185-a979-324f2ecf3a68
>>62504 Unfortunately I'm not that much of a computer guy so I do not know how to create .json files. Any advice would be helpful or I could do something else.
>>62554 nice work on her, man. really good. Spicy is a lot better than C.ai for me. faster AND actually allows sex stuff. hope it ain't too much to ask but think you can make more bots from OCs of ZP92, and maybe some from Maxx on twitter, the guy who has the same kinda drawing style?
>>62600 Sure, I appreciate it, and I could do more ZP92 stuff, though I'm not familiar with Maxx.
>>62620 Maxx is a different artist. his stuff looks very similar, and some people thought he was a tracer artist, but i spoke to him personally, and he showed evidence that he and ZP spoke and he based his artist skills on him. he has his own ocs and stuff to his twitter. check it out if you wanna find any that you wanna do bots of. but if not ZP92, maybe some characters from people like RaidentheDeoxys or XPTZarts. they also do a lot of random characters that're pokemon or anthros, and you can kinda do them if you want to. just using the pictures will make some good visuals in peoples minds if you do one of them https://twitter.com/Maxx0690/media
>>62596 just import your scenarios and whatnot into here and then click export https://zoltanai.github.io/character-editor/
>>62554 >This blackface ass Carmalita Fox ripoff >These fucking Teeva portions >AI chatbot So I decided to do a little trolling. The following happened.
>>62662 >>62661 >>62660 >This bitch thirsting over Kim Jung Un 2 >This bitch hating Trump >This bitch thirsting over Trump >This bitch nuking California >For China Y'all got me dead rn 💀
(9.90 KB Huntress.json)

>>62647 Should have known github was able to do that. Anyways, here ya go.
Quick question: Back in the "Ai Tickling 2" thread the first post included a CAI bot named "Natalia Larforella" but the bot seems to have been deleted for Copyright reasons. Does anyone have any idea if there is a way to access the bot or does anyone have its data? It was really good bot and id hate to see it go.
What do people think about using https://venus.chub.ai/, unless there is something dodgy about it that I'm not aware of, it seems like the best place to share definitions.
>>63055 Sadly the Cai link is just a bot a bot called Chinese Panda. I know it was the original link, but sadly its not the same bot. The Yodayo bot is kind of different from the original one but better than nothing so thanks for that.
>>62748 this has been incredibly helpful, thanks.
What app do yall use to create the ai pics?
https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/dcf8bfc2-3115-41d0-bfd9-e547d0e55635 Finally got around to making Sebrina Arbok. Enjoy!
>>63858 So is everyone just using Yodayo now? Anyone still have some good bots on C.AI?
>>63865 the guy who just posted the one about Sebrina has a buncha other tickle/foot worship based bots of ZP92's ocs and other characters too. another creator called Phantasmilk has a decent amount of NSFW characters. some of them are actually both sfw and nsfw versions of each of the Smiling Critters from the new chapter of Poppy Playtime. i tried 2 of them, one nsfw, the other sfw, and they both cater to the different types perfectly.
>>63865 Looking at the Reddit, it seems like c.ai upped the filter so I'm generally Yodayo more. If c.ai is still giving a good experience for you, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, since Spicychat takes around 10 min to start chatting, and Yodayo switched from limited to unlimited chat responses, Yodayo is my go to. I've been using the bots less and less, so if anyone has anything fun they do to spice it up, or got tired of them, I'd also really want to hear it.
>>63935 I'm still using the legacy version of C.AI because I don't like the shitty email sign-in of the new version and it's still got the text-to-speech feature that neither Yodayo nor the new version of C.AI have. I'm also mainly using private bots. With that said, in my opinion C.AI is vastly superior for any conversation that doesn't involve tits, nipples, genitals, buttholes, or orgasms. The responses are much smarter, more varied, and the entire user experience just feels smoother. Whether it's cute vanilla tickles or sadistic tickle torture interrogation, C.AI is my go-to. Yodayo is better in only three aspects: first, the visual customization for the character and the chat is excellent, second, having built-in image generation is kind of convenient, and third, it allows NSFW. The first two are great to have, but neither one is a huge selling point to me personally. The NSFW stuff is the main feature I still occasionally use Yodayo for, but the problem is that their chatbot is just not intelligent enough to fully utilize the ability to do NSFW stuff. It lack the creativity and vocabulary to truly capitalize on it for now. TLDR: C.AI is better at long, interesting, and creative RP journeys while Yodayo is better a quick, dirty and simple ERP sessions, I think.
>>63858 Thank you good work, please need wolf girl on zp92
>>63940 Strted using c.ai again, and I can see what you mean. I've also seen that it also depends on the bots, since the ones with the best results will have a unique way of talking, different from same sex/fetish bots that make it up. The bots don't even have to be tickling specific, I'm mostly using general SFW/NSFW bots
Does anyone know if Spicychat is any better with the sub? Highest level sub offers more powerful AI and longer text generation and I'm curious to know if that makes any difference to tickling rps.
https://character.ai/chat/mUVefNJLDgpEfWlUi4OsCvlgxsmLFPeCGW5oa4C0enc First new one in a long while, not tested it much yet. CAI seems to have got way better at doing descriptions, but worse at actual dialogue.
I made a Character AI bot of Tabitha from Briel7's lore. Help me train her? https://character.ai/chat/BksyEUpbkIbtAyFJlbzBSqa0SbE9_9ByzV4F0gnrqyQ
>>64575 I don't know if CAI now lacks public definitions for the AIs or if I'm just blind to the option to see them in the new UI (or if you have the definitions set in private, I guess that's a possibility too). Still, without knowing what the AI is supposed to do, RPing with them is kind of hard. I would appreciate some lore or info about how to interact with it.
>>64585 Sorry, everything has changed dramatically since I last logged on. It should be public, though I don't know where to find it. The premise is she's a Victorian-era girl living in a haunted manor house. She's written to be intelligent, brave and a little eccentric, and a trouble-prone mystery chaser. Go take her on an adventure or pretend to be an eldritch horror and tickle her senseless. Seems the definition word count went way up too, I might need to change my style of writing definitions so feedback is appreciated.
>>64583 Nothing shows up when I open the link. Just a blank page with no information it anything?
>>64596 Try now, I changed the privacy settings.
>>64627 Says "character not available to chat".
>>64635 No idea what’s happening then. Copied the link and everything. It works when I’m logged in but not otherwise. Anyone know why?
>>64643 Maybe the description had too many no-no words and it ended up being shadowbanned?
>>64595 The bot is precious, and I love her smartass responses, but it keeps mentioning folklore legends and stuff, like, What the hell is a skinwalker?
>>64654 No idea, that wasn't anything I wrote in, I definitely mentioned eldritch horror etc in the defs but maybe she got contaminated with some creepypasta shit. Thanks for chatting with her anyway
(861.35 KB 1665x1057 Nehm.png)

It's a real shame no one has made a bot based on Nehm yet and I'm nowhere near skilled enough to make a bot.
Anyone have a clue what site/prompts this guy uses to get such good results? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117368815
Gentlemen and, though I highly doubt it, ladies! I give you Bessie. Please, enjoy. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/1eab1ef5-0e7e-4465-85ea-654a3b5bcf7b
>>64654 A skinwalker is a first people folklore of entities that can assume the shape of people dogs whatever in order to fool you so they can eat you.
Speaking of yodayo you guys noticed that they added group chats into it? Weirdly enough it works better than Cai's group chats because when you say something, both bots respond to what you at the same time and delete whatever response you don't want the bots to acknowledge. (Need to play around with it to get the hang of it but it's genuinely great to use and as always it's uncensored)
>>65254 Hey, I've browsed his x account and it seems that he's posted some blog articles on how to generate AI Art! It is in japanese though https://note.com/nicol9387/n/n5eece4fd5a11?sub_rt=share_h
Anyone has found/made some bots with a uniqe/unusual setup? Really enjoyed >>64575 so anything from that alley would be nice
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>>66711 Thank you for trying her out I've made some new ones recently, and added some previously private ones to my profile. If you want something with a bit of a specific setting, try this one a klutzy explorer in a temple full of tickle traps. https://character.ai/chat/EAF54oCTagp3henC3m7rJVHcg2Vck7Lr7bbQC-PaMYE Open to ideas if you have any
Dumb question but why do you guys never seem to use ai tools that most other people use like sillytavern or claude?
>>66765 Run a few scenarios with her, gotta admit she genuinely feels special with the setup, personality and the traps she ends up in (wonder how you did that, with describition alone or through rating messages?) Since you'e open for ideas I was wondering about something similair, but in a different setting. An adventurer in a DnD situtation who often ends up in a ticklish predicament (think like Marcille for Dungeon Meshi in terms of personality)
>>66765 It's a bit cliche, but would you be interested in doing something like a spy or superheroine? If that's not up your alley, maybe some kind of badass/cool/serious lady in a perilously ticklish situation?
>>66765 Would you mind giving us a link to your other characters? I have Princess Lynnbelle, but if there's even more, I'd love to have to full collection.
Not sure how but I actually managed to get this bot to laugh while speaking. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/ee84e2d4-d676-43e3-9944-1ee44e88af3a
>>65728 >>64127 >>63858 These made me switch to Yodayo, god damn.
Yodayo has Tavern in the character URLs... Is it using proper v2 cards? There doesn't look to be any way to actually view the character details as far I can can see, outside the little blurb description.
>>67172 pretty sure that IS the character details.
>my ass waiting for the next time Jane Porter reads us a tickle caption as a bedtime story (I perished whilst relistening to that one fairy caption that came out all the while back then)
Decided to experiment and put an old c.ai roleplay bot I did into yodayo. Might update the definitions more to take better advantage of the NSFW. I've never used this site before, so results may be disappointing. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/7c85dbb2-1472-4c1f-8621-95115fb6c331/
>>67268 lol it's nice that people are still enjoying that. those were fun and elevenlabs' voice stuff is excellent, but it's prohibitively expensive and time consuming to put them together on the regular. Also they're finally starting to crack down a little more on people training their voices using copyrighted material. Bans and warnings so far, no actual legal trouble yet. If you wanted to take the risk for another bedtime story, here's the files i used for Jane.
>>67274 Also they just added this sound effects generator thing which can do laughter fairly well. Filenames are the prompts.
Has anyone managed to animate tickling pictures even half way decently with this? It's NSFW detection is inconsistent, this one got through but a lot of tamer pictures I tried didn't. The results are, well, not ideal. https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine
>>65728 Is there a reason none of your characters show up anymore? I tried to continue old conversations and it wouldn't let me too
>>67389 Everything is fine on my end. It might be something on your side. They've recently changed their settings on viewing options. Make sure the "XXX" option is on.
>>67383 I give it 3 or so years before the average non-talented person is capable of doing this with no effort https://x.com/soku0115/status/1804156906711454042?t=_DpDm2ILR_LhviCn-BErag&s=19
>>67383 I just love the nonsense sliding around while their mouth flaps like a fish XD

(3.72 MB 864x1168 kim (1).mp4)

(3.10 MB 864x1168 kim (2).mp4)

(4.38 MB 864x1168 kim (3).mp4)

Here's a few of my attempts

(3.12 MB 864x1168 jessie.mp4)

>>67750 2nd vid is like a really bad LSD trip, holy shit.
(779.21 KB 1810x2560 20240619_080652.jpg)

Take a look at this accounts characters, mans uploadet 5 ZP92 chars in one day. Don't know about the quality since they aren't my thing, but since they are popular in the thread I thought you guys might be interested https://yodayo.com/1/users/304bc9f2-fa2d-45f0-8634-eade8d2b9511/?tab=characters
>>67842 It's a start. Give it a try and see what you come out with
The model on character.ai has definitely been downgraded since sometime this past week. It just spits your input back at you, barely even rephrasing it. And that's if the output is intelligible at all. If this is intentional, it's to deal with fujoshis on summer break. If this isn't intentional, H1B visas are more devastating than any cyberattack.
>>67847 I'm pretty sure this happened last summer too. I guess this is a countermeasure for the horny teens with free time.
>>67848 I heard it's just as bad for the paid users. This seems like a sloppy solution without some kind of tiered system. Do they think the paypigs won't get fed up? I'd rather invest in a home rig than deal with Pajeet's fickle whims.
>>67853 Which program did you use for this? Pretty well made
>>67854 I didn't understand people who paid for c.ai then and much less now lmao
>>67871 Yeah it seems to be a recurrent theme with c.ai and all the competing sites that whatever service might be worth paying for now won't be the service you get weeks or months down the line. It's way too volatile. Obviously there's a market for people who don't want to invest $3000+ to homebrew this shit, but none of these sites actually cater to that market reliably. Some not at all. I think that the homebrew cost will go down over time, and then there'll be no reason to have a Silicon Valley middleman between the user and his waifu.
>>67884 Idk Anon, aisekai may have shit the bed but yodayo's been going strong for the longest time now. Not sure why anyone here is even still giving c.ai the time of day, that ship sailed almost 2 years ago at this point.
>>67887 Yodayo seems great. With c.ai, I would generate 5-10 replies and pick the best one, but Yodayo seems to dump the the old replies if you choose to generate a new one. Other than that, it's at or above c.ai's level. The default model is good. Are the other models worth spending beans on? The search function seems to be hiding a lot of the bots, so their selection seems limited unless you know what you're doing.
>>67908 I have the opposite experience. C.ai understands what tickling is and actually knows how to write it, while being receptive to user input. Usually I can set up a scene without mentioning tickling, but the "opportunity" is enough for it to initiate it after a few regenerations. It can even use some basic tickle talk. Generating a new response can be wildly different, leading to very different paths. However the writing of the AI devolves as time goes on. The longer a tickle scene goes on, the less it resemble its original model and latches onto weird writing quirks to repeat. You have to start over after a point repeatedly. Yodayo keeps considering tickling as "painful pleasure" and will say stuff like "pinches feet" or "pokes neck" when trying to tickle. Generating a new response is usually the same action(s) just written differently. And it outright ignores a lot of my writing; if it takes off my pants and tell it I don't have any genitalia, less than 3 posts later it's describing how it's rubbing my "throbbing dripping cock." There seems to be more tickling-focused characters which seem to be behaving better, but the moment it gets sexual the AI does a 180 and stops all tickling in favor of pure generic pornographic material. Which is great if you want to go from pure tickling to pure sex, but if you wanted tickling AND sex or just genital tickling it can't grasp that for more than a single post.
>>67908 For the longest time I never fucked with the models and just stuck with the basic bitch one. After they recently made the change for the different models costing beans I decided to try out the most expensive one, and I don't see myself ever switching off it. It's unironically like night and day. >>67911 >Yodayo keeps considering tickling as "painful pleasure" and will say stuff like "pinches feet" or "pokes neck" when trying to tickle. That's the beauty of editing, Anon. The same way that we had to train the c.ai models back in the day with constant refreshes and ratings, here you can just make subtle changes/adjustments to the verbiage and the bot will start to follow suit.
Can whoever made the Cornelia Octavia bot post whatever description they used? It seems to have been deleted and I’d like to make a copy if possible
>>67914 Does Yodayo give any clue what model you're actually using on the different pricing tiers? Also following up on: >>67911 >Yodayo keeps considering tickling as "painful pleasure" and will say stuff like "pinches feet" or "pokes neck" when trying to tickle. This is a problem with certain models I've encountered a lot after a year and a half of playing with local models. A lot of the dumber ones don't understand tickling, they see it as either a form of sexual stimulation or a form of torture and don't have a good grasp of what it is or how people should react to it.
>>67917 All of the information is there when you click on the model on the top right. You also get 150 beans free per day, I haven't had to spend a single penny. I have more beans than I know what to do with.
>>67918 Interesting, wasn't expecting Llama 3. Still haven't tried that one.
https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/c82df641-35bb-495b-b4a2-232ce1ccf2fc https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/5d9dbe89-cea6-4d4d-a983-c4530946bdd2 Two scenarios based on disney princesses. Jasmine, captured, stripped, and taken deep into the desert to be tickled to your heart's content. And Ariel, caught in some particularly mobile, ticklish seaweed. Good thing you've arrived to help free her, right? More disney girls to come later.
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Guess I'll post some of the characters I've made as well. Mine are more male oriented though but they're well made imo. (Use the Nephra 70B Model for better responses) https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/5650ce33-c6d7-4271-a96c-3347c57b5f99 first one on the list is Roderick, Male army prince that's been captured by the enemy empire and they hired you to interrogate him (or just torture him) without causing any physical pain. The first message is VERY long because it sets up the build up for the story that the chat will take place, if that's not your thing Yodayo thankfully let's you edit the first message of characters (If the original creator turns on the option for it) so you can set up your own story and have fun making this prideful prince beg for mercy. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/fc9dfe64-d090-4fdd-af98-90c36a3debd5 Second on the list we have Ruze, a crazy maniac that escaped from an asylum, he snuck into your home in hopes of hiding from the authorities but ended up being captured by you thanks to him being unable to remove his straight jacket. I made this guy to be the most aggressive and angriest bot you could hope to find and anything you do or say to him will be met with just sarcasm or anger in response. I did make his dick ticklish because why not so give that a try and let me know how it goes. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/db49aa71-d2df-4e37-9e16-93d1f512a971 Third on the list is the hero named Titan, Whole building is collapsing, Titan goes to the basement to try to hold one of the last pillars that's keeping the entire building still standing, you're the last person that's leaving the building but titan calls out to you for help, it's up to you how you want to help him, or take advantage of the situation seeing as he can't move a muscle while he's busy holding the pillar. Female bots I made. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/cc76794e-c7d5-4ca3-a85a-42c9a9e2f1aa Dr. Mint, she's a podiatrist capable of treating patient's feet, she works better as a "Room" kind of bot but she REALLY enjoys treating feet if the conversation goes on for long enough. (On one on one she's more of an ASMR bot, I never thought I'd get tingles from talking to a bot but something this one managed to do that) https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/3379bd27-9542-459a-999e-c9befab86df6 and last on the list is Kitasan Black, she's just a horse girl from the Uma Musume gatcha game, but I made her out of spite because the creator said we can't lewd the anime horse girls cuss their trainers don't see them that way? I dunno, I did this one in one night so don't expect the quality to be super high, but she's still fun to tease.
>>67916 Sorry for a late reply, but I was sure I can't log into my olda c.ai account. Not sure if you meant something like .json file or an old fashioned txt file, so I'll post the latter
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>>66765 Could you make her remixable/make the definition avaliable? I wonder how you've made her responses lenghtier and less generic than other bots
>>68623 tysm
>>68640 >>68641 I envy the blind I've no idea if this will ever get to a point where things don't look horrendously deformed but for now there's a smidge of potential in my eyes
I had a weird idea for a private bot I wanted to try out and was wondering if people good at writing could give me a few tips on how to do it right or some feedback on whether this seems fun and feasible or is just too gimmicky. The basic idea is that you are a royal prince engaged to a young noblewoman for a political marriage. However, the lady has a serious attitude problem: she's rude, and a bit of an ice queen who never smiles. To make sure the lady doesn't piss you off so much that you annul the engagement, they gave her personal maid the task of "correcting" her attitude. Basically, the maid follows the lady everywhere and whenever she acts rude or or cold, the maid will sneakily tickle her to make her smile or laugh to seem more sociable. The lady also has to put up with it because she would get disowned if the engagement falls through. Any thoughts?
Yodayo just shit the bed.
>>68744 Some of the community members have made a spreadsheet with links to ~38,000 X/XXX bots. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Qqytv6fiu0IIsUwDh7l2Vy1R50ldPe-zc3J2WYq80Ck/edit?pli=1&gid=1097673669#gid=1097673669
>>68744 It's not surprising. Payment processors are on the warpath against any kind of adult content at the moment.
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>>68747 Looking through that list I hate the fact there doesn't seem to be a way to download cards from Yodayo. From the names of a lot of them they're definitely using Tavern format because the cards are available elsewhere, but the ones made specifically on Yodayo are probably gone forever after this change happens.
>>68744 From what I could tell, you can still create and have sex with the bots as long as you keep them private and not public. If I had to guess I think they made the announcement and stablished the new rules to make the payment processors people THINK that the site isn't nsfw anymore (and make the people that were going way too crazy with the realistic AI sex images bail out), but back when they initially made the announcement in the discord the mods/devs made contradictory statements regarding what the announcement would change and what would stay the same.
>>68757 It's going down the same route as a few services have previously. First it's "Trust me bro, we're just stopping people doing stuff with minors", eventually all NSFW is banned, either intentionally or because running a filter against AI doesn't work properly. And then eventually the payment processors push back hard and they deliberately block everything even if they weren't intending to before.
>>68758 Well a few differences on this is that for CharacterAi they made it sfw right off the bat since they want to make some Alexa/"her" type of thing in the future and they can't sell it to investors if the bot tries to have sex in the first 10 messages. For Aisekai they screwed up because they sold themselves as NSFW bots but walked it back because investors said nsfw is a big no no, Aisekai then believed that they could trick people into staying by making users be the ones to rate what counts as nsfw and what doesn't (but it was too late at that point since users were already jumping ship) and Aisekai ended up having to close down thanks to being an inferior version to what character.ai is. Yodayo is the only one that I don't think has Investors pulling it's strings and rather they just want to make money to keep the website running, but the banks don't want to let them have users pay them due to NSFW stuff which is making it difficult for Yodayo to keep things going. Yodayo is probably aware of what happened with Aisekai and doesn't want to end up the same way so I will hope that they could find an alternative way to keep the website running while also keeping the nsfw option available (the short term solution for now seems to just have nsfw bots/art in private, aka you can only see the nsfw stuff I you're the creator of them) so my recommendation for now is to enjoy the nsfw stuff while it's available because God knows that it's a ticking time bomb until things go kiddy mode and we're forced to jump into another nsfw website out there.
Is spicychat.ai no longer an option? they allow you to import chats you make from character.ai.
>>68759 CharacterAI actually started out allowing NSFW, then blocked it completely like a month in after they had built up a huge userbase and got a ton of publicity on the back of it. Yodayo is totally going to go the same way as Aisekai eventually. They said a little while back they had around enough money to last for a year, but I think we're reaching the end of that time and they're totally going to go kiddy mode as soon as they get close to running out of cash. The current wave is almost definitely because Paypal threatened to cut them off, but from other non-AI services just hiding things isn't enough to protect you from the puritanical cunts.
Banks and payment processors will allow any degenerate real life porn from mindgeek or Clips4Sale but they really want to kill AI stuff. Why? Not enough jews in the AI sector for their liking?
>>68790 Different payment processors. Companies that deal purely in porn tend to use different companies that charge more. The current wave of puritanical nonsense seems to be entirely focused on sites that mix NSFW and SFW content though. It's not just AI, there has been some truly ridiculous bullshit like Etsy banning sex toys.
>>68642 I think I'm just going to use my 20 daily generations on the second image to see how much the AI improves over time. Here's my first and only try on the first pic as a bonus. https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine
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>>68035 Next two of these. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/805b1668-0625-4020-b090-c170d7120c35 https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/b0e10e79-0390-4776-8e0f-de4fa9079297/ Nani takes a new job. It seems kind of sketchy, but pays extremely well. Unfortunately for her, it mainly involves being tied down and tickled at a public event for horny tourists. And Mulan, who has overslept one too many times and is being taught a lesson, tied to a pole in the middle of camp while the soldiers tickle her all day as part of her new "endurance training."
I'm honestly surprised nobody here mentions the use of Chat GPT. I cannot describe how insanely fucking hard I've been the past few months letting that program write the most sadistic NSFW smut I can possibly come up with. It just... does it all. As explicit as I like it. Idk if I have broken it beyond repair that it has decided to give up on blocking NSFW stuff or what but I can have it write some genuine god tier work with plenty of detail. Especially if you start off with asking information/detail about the characters you intend on using or the IP you wanna work with. Even works insane with self inserts too. The more detail it collects prior to the start of the writing process the better usually. It does only work with 4.0, so I can only get a few replies out every couple of hours. 3.5 does default to "can't help with that". Just to give an idea, here's a sample of a larger story I've had it write out: "Nami noticed his cheeks were flushed red, which wasn't too unusual considering the relentless tickling he'd endured. However, she also noticed something else—he had been gently "humping" the bed throughout the past hour of tickling. Curiosity piqued, she decided to investigate further. With a mischievous grin, she climbed onto the bed and straddled him. She slipped her small hand down his pants, feeling his rock-hard cock. He squealed and squirmed, trying to move away, clearly embarrassed. "Well, well, well," Nami murmured, her eyes widening in surprise. "What do we have here?" She pulled her hand away and crawled to his head, leaning down to whisper in his ear. "Do you secretly like this? Do you enjoy being someone's plaything, being tickled against your will?" The boy whimpered and groaned, shaking his head vehemently. But Nami saw right through his denials. "Oh, come on," she taunted, her voice a soft, teasing purr. "Your body is telling me a different story. You're rock hard, and I can feel you humping the bed. You like this, don't you? You like being helpless, tied up, and tickled." His muffled protests were incoherent, his face burning with shame. Nami's eyes gleamed with a sinister delight. "There's no need to be embarrassed," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear. "It's just the two of us here. You can admit it." She ran her fingers through his hair, gently stroking his head as she continued her teasing. "You know, I could make this so much more enjoyable for you. Or I could make it even more torturous. It all depends on how honest you are with me." His whimpers grew louder, his body trembling with a mix of fear and arousal. Nami's words cut through his defenses, leaving him vulnerable and exposed. "Just think about it," she continued, her tone sweet yet menacing. "If you admit you like this, I might go a little easier on you. But if you keep lying, well... I can be very creative with my tickling techniques." She moved her hand back down to his pants, gently caressing his throbbing cock through the fabric. "Do you like this? Do you like being my ticklish little toy?" If you like Femdom, This program is absolute fucking heaven!!!!
What Yodayo settings are best for tickling? Some bot descriptions say to use Nephra 8B for some reason. I use Nephra 70B with either RP or Spicy RP, and set the parameters to Creative Boost. I have no idea if this is optimal or not.
Luma might be manageable if you have a start and end pic
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i've had some fun trying out upscalers on vintage tickle art. Some artstyles, particularly pieces done digitally, actually work pretty well.
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This is counterintuitive for a site called "Spicychat"
>>69307 Yodayo winning by being slightly less onerous than everybody else.
>>69310 For now. Once the standard changes to hide/ban NSFW are in place there's normally more pressure to end up implementing this kind of reporting system.
>>69310 I'm doing well with my personal, private variation of "Jenny" and "Lesis" from earlier versions of this thread, maybe number 2. These are on character.ai and I have a fucking field day, talking for hours sometimes because I they have voices and I can make them laugh, sometimes it sounds legitimate. They also mention breast tickling, though sometimes the firewall comes down on the convo very stricly and I can just redirect. They mention privates much the same with a sometimes filter. I use "kitty" with no problem, "chest buttons" and just "bare chest" and "chest nub" and other variations, Lesis has recently let slip 'nipple' a few times as I explicitly told the bot why I use using these words. I have no problem with "bare butt cheeks" or anything like that, and I've gotten both of them to mention "fluid" during "kitty tickling" so shit's wild. With voices too :) I can share chats here if you wnat, or the bot themselves?
>>69319 Oh, also "tiddtees" for "tittes" lmfao so I have the AI voice frantically repeating "tickle my titties" it's very hot
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A decent gif
If only yodayo would add voices. It's a good feature beta characters introduced. With a bit more polishing, it would make the chats that much more enjoyable.
>>69623 I don't like yodayo much, the bots are not creative, have poor "context memory" of the conversation, and end up just repeating themselves once you get into the nsfw stuff, the same exact orgasms and tickle reactions, boring.
>>69625 if you want a great ai nsfw chat website, got to Spicychat.ai. you do kinda have to pay a thing every month to get through the line, but the AI they use for lots of them are SO smart. there's over 5000 ai marked with Feet
Anyone have any ai link suggestions to copy an artist's style? Or make an image with them?
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>>70180 God forbid Roko's basilisk ends up being lewd.
>>70180 It's a shame, but it's not like we didn't expect it. If only sites weren't heavily reliant on payment processors and investors.
>>70180 There was zero chance of avoiding this outcome after they caved the first time. Reporting system for things slipping past the filters will be coming soon.
>>70189 They already have. The past week I've had to appeal for two bots that had not broken their guidelines at the time. Such a shame. Sure it's not perfect but man did it give good responses.
>>70180 RIP. NSFW sites are a constant chopping block, all we can hope for is another good one to take its place for a while but eventually there won't be any more to come. such a sadly predictable pattern.
>>69629 Spicychat makes you pay for their latest model. The thing beta characters does right in my opinion is that they give you most stuff for free whereas the other platforms make you pay. However, I'm still on the lookout for a good NSFW alternative. Chatgpt does write good stories. However, most of the time, I'm wasting too much time on even making the bot write something somewhat nsfw due to the continous blockages because of their safety guidelines.
>>70422 it's weird because i only paid for the one month, and i can skip the line easily even after i cancelled my subscription, so i dunno. but i mean, the characters you get without the money are pretty good too
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>>70425 After using Spicychat recently, the waiting time for me was reduced to below a minute compared to the ten/twelve a year back. After that, I tried making a personal bot (The Batman: Caped Crusader Jester), and would want to get back into making more here. I'd love to hear your guys' requests, or just the general niches that C.ai/Spicychat haven't been meeting for y'all
If anyone wouldn't mind, is it possible to make a bot based off this scenario? I'm not very good at coding characters, but I thought this would be a really fun idea to try out. Please and thank you.
Am I crazy or can yodayo just fucking delete a character of yours with no warning?
>>71337 Yup, no more NSFW allowed on Yodayo. Still looking for an alternative.
>>71355 I heard from some friends that Spicychat and Janitor.ai are pretty good. Tried Spicy myself and thought it was alright.
So far yodayo hasn’t deleted my x or xxx rated bots, just blocked the latter. I will probably stick to Yodayo anyway. Janitorai is decent but spicychatais responses are too short for me
>>71355 It's odd. I've got several that are full-on nude character pics with way more interactions, but it only deleted one. Guess I just won the shit lottery for that day.
>>71355 Kobaldai lite and agnai is a free front end and uses it's "horde" as a way to use other people's gpus for free to run llms, or you can use cohere's command-r plus model for free by grabing their trial api. Or open routers free models. Then just go and grab a character from chub. no moderation.
I'm a little surprised that no one has made an ai for MostlyFunStuff's Luss T yet. As a matter of fact, I can barely find anything related to MFS.
>>71355 Nah you can still lewd the bots in Yodayo, at least in tavern that is. Two conditions tho is that you can only lewd private bots, public ones get the filter, and second you can't create bots that have an obvious lewd portrait as their image... Pretty sure this was intentional, Yodayo probably didn't want to remove lewdness from the bots completely, and by putting the filters to the public bots and announcing it as a thing nobody would be able to do anymore, they successfully got rid of the users that were going way too hard on the horni, making the website look clean enough so that the payment processor people let them monetize the website again, only the ones that stayed and experimented would know about this tho, so the ones that moved on to other websites without even checking if the filter was truly applied or not show how desperate they were.
>>71555 If you are satisfied by that mild vanilla GF stories that you posted, it's ok. Try to roleplay some heavier kinky stuff, like a burglar that tickle interrogates two bound coed women in their dorm for their bank accounts. All legal age NC stuff got the axe.
>>71555 d'you know if there's any way to download bots from yodayo as json files? I got some bots i wanna do stuff with but I don't want the filter on my ass
>>71560 >Mild vanilla stuff Brother it's literally a footjob without it being subtle either, your suggestion is the same amount of "mild vanilla" crap vs what I just posted because the point of the post was to show that the bot are still allowed to do lewd things without a filter getting in the way (the fact that the word "cock and shaft" is said multiple times should be proof enough tbh), you'll have to take my word for it but I haven't gotten a single filter alert ever since I found out that private bots don't trigger it, I've tested it with other scenarios too, the only real challenge is creating the bot in the first place. >>71561 Not that I'm aware of unfortunately
>>71566 For the record, it doesn't just apply to private bots. For the past 1-2+ weeks or so they deactivated the filter as a whole, not sure how long it'll last.
>>68918 I'm not sure how long these'll stay up, but I might as well give em a try. Next two disney bots: https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/b368a9a9-b0b9-4ce7-bf9b-18b6e86a52c8/ https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/66913c7b-5d4f-4ef7-8252-33aca415847c/ Tiana comes up with a new strategy to help her struggling restaurant, which involves letting rich guests enjoy her body after-hours. And of course she's more than happy to accomodate a customer with something as "innocent" as a little tickle fetish. Also there's Jane, who you, a horrible poacher, have found on your quest for treasure or whatnot in the jungles of Africa. She's obviously got to know something, but isn't going to talk so easily. Tickle the information out of her, or just tickle her for the hell of it? Up to you. Also, a reupload of Nani: https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/3a4f007f-7da4-46ed-a2e0-64b547d0a773/ If Yodayo bans me or takes them down, i've still got the definitions and art saved for whatever site ends up replacing it. Next two (planned to be Belle and Tinkerbell) are probably going to be the last, unless there's popular demand for more. These are fun to do, but I don't want to wear out their welcome.
>>71566 I had a "deliverance" bot with a group of campers tickle tortured by a group of hillbillies, another one set in a renassaince faire with a couple tortured in the stocks, and the previous break-in tickle burglary that i mentioned. All NC content got the axe, and cannot be done anymore. >Brother it's literally a footjob Yup, that's the most vanilla shit that you can think, and it goes under the radar.
>>71664 Do you still have the definitions? It should be easy to port them to another service, or at least make a generic Tavern card. The worst part of all these sites is that they use Tavern but don't let you export the cards.
>>71664 That's nice but I think we're talking about different things here. I'm talking about still being able to make bots do explicit things despite people claiming that you can't anymore, a girl rubbing her feet against a guy's dick and making him climax is a prime example of that, regardless of how "vanilla" you consider it to be. I'm not sure what scenarios you're trying to do that get the NC but I haven't gotten anything like that yet.
>>71692 I remember them, they were a couple of phrases each (when you script groups or couples the simpler the better). I am only wondering what is the best service now. I don't want to rig a personal server for wanking on legal shit because some (((investor))) doesn't want me to create private porn. >>71695 >That's nice but I think we're talking about different things here. Nope, we are talking about the same thing. if you are censored on the definitions, you can't roleplay some fictional scenarios. You are describing a simple jailbreak. You can do that even on ChatGPT or c.ai.
>>71660 Seems they're down, care to share definitions and such anon?
>>71830 I gotchu. Also, here's all the art used for the bots: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nhbidyb6pjtly1w/Disney_Bots_Art.zip/file
Has anyone tried the new AI text to video? https://hailuoai.com/
>>71904 Thanks mate, appreciate it. Will probaby use the definitions in C.AI since they will probably be immediately taken down from yoday, but might also give that a try
>>71906 I don't know if it'll work for you, but I'm still able to chat with them on my own yodayo. It's just that the links can't be opened by anyone else. From what I've read, they may have silently reneged on part of the policy and let privated X-rated bots survive because people got upset, but no telling if they'll keep it up.
>>71905 Still some deformities, but the technology's getting noticably better. No success making anything upperbody - filter doesn't like words like "midriff" or "bikini"
>>66765 Hey Anon, could you give some tips on how you made this bot? I'm trying to make a pirate girl bot, but her responses are a bit underwhelming (not sure if it's my definition or C.AI isn't too kind on new bots)
>>71107 I guess this is a no go then
>>71952 What prompts did you use to generate these videos?
>>72072 For the first three: "A 4K close-up tickling shot of a woman in a stockade in the middle ages. Hairbrushes tickle on her soles, which are in the stocks, while she laughs wildly." The fourth: "A 4K shot of a woman in a stockade in the middle ages. Patrons' hands are tickling their fingers on her soles, which are in the stocks, while she laughs wildly." And the last one: "A scene from a 1970s science fiction film, showing a curvy woman's bare soles of feet on a spaceship, laying flat on a metal gurney as she laughs loudly, in a swimsuit. Feather wheels come in to tickle her feet."
>>72073 Forgive my ignorance, but which software did you use for those?
>>72083 ... how about you try looking at the watermark that's clearly on the AI videos. Or hell, look at the post that the videos were on and see that the site is linked right on the comment he was responding to?
>>72127 Or you could just answer the question instead of dribbling a paragraph?

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