/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(2.91 MB 1800x2544 1581754306703_1.jpg)

Unbirth thread Anonymous 06/22/2021 (Tue) 23:15:07 No. 19
(952.37 KB 1275x1800 90993609_p0.jpg)

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(655.06 KB 819x4096 EgbvygfU8AIRp9B.jpg)

(60.30 KB 900x675 529523-28852-preview.jpg)

(837.50 KB 938x1308 Aesir-533934-Darkside35.png)

>>2115 source?
(725.90 KB 915x1161 Aesir-728919-11APOCA-LIPS.png)

(303.10 KB 1366x1308 Aesir-500084-Darkside35.png)

(578.08 KB 1248x744 Aesir-541453-KarynUnderwood.png)

(279.98 KB 697x1000 56.png)

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(874.80 KB 900x1379 Week201_lores.png)

>>9802 source?
>>6942 Source?
>>9816 Starcrossing on Eka (ignore the previous comment)
>>12017 tell me there is a part 2 & 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of the time, it isn't so much the actual art as it is the concept in the art
(105.11 KB 1280x905 foxgirl_ink_2.jpg)

(617.52 KB 1650x1500 Maiesen-428765-double.png)

(7.25 MB 13777x2894 NiceGuy18-371631-fe unbirth.jpg)

(346.97 KB 900x1143 SaintxTail-365133-Double_UnB.jpg)

(144.52 KB 1828x3877 Maiesen-426021-morph.png)

(53.29 KB 900x646 501595-72223-preview.jpg)

(6.39 MB 2550x3300 voreefdfxray.png)

(75.38 KB 959x1526 1633092779059.png)

(77.38 KB 649x1000 1633092845568.png)

(944.98 KB 3508x2480 1631465094214.png)

(125.20 KB 900x1097 609877-89169-1q5ctpd-preview.png)

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(1.97 MB 4093x2894 1597307870856.png)

(264.08 KB 2000x1569 1599433355866.gif)

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(2.23 MB 2400x2199 88414619_p2.png)

(433.40 KB 625x1080 1648918930934.png)

>>18381 wheres the third one from?
(1.38 MB 1913x2670 20180616-MouseCakes-28.png)

(2.00 MB 1913x2670 20180818-MouseCakes-34.png)

(1.70 MB 1913x2670 20180825-MouseCakes-35.png)

>>19559 Why does it jump from page #28 to #34? Seems a bit odd as none of the actual UB is shown from the outside is all. Was wondering if there was more. Add
>>19568 checked the comic and basically it looks like those are the only pages related to this UB, there is other vore but it really looks all over the place. Basically the in-between pages have nothing to do with this part
>>19568 >>19578 Yeah the comic is a fucking mess but it has some good ass and vore shots if you're into furfaggotry.
(5.76 MB 3218x2203 Iwa-855717-Eos+x+Alice+2.png)

(1.24 MB 2008x2520 1673231225158807.png)

(1.42 MB 2008x2520 1673231530781515.png)

(3.78 MB 2060x3662 Cheeems-858163-Self+project#1.png)

Anyone got any of Sizuru's stuff? They do a lot of good Pokemon unbirth but delete things after like a week.
(3.56 MB 1500x7500 helmxlyla.png)

>>16704 Sauce for the last one and first ones?
(129.42 KB 840x1200 FqW5aHQWwAA9WAq.png)

I remember from quite a long while ago (on some iteration or other of bbwchan) a comic where a demoness convinces two women to let her stay with them, ties one to a bed and hypnotizes the other to crawl into the tied woman's pussy. Does anyone have it?
>>34582 This is probably the first page of what you're seeking, too lazy to download them and post them https://aryion.com/g4/view/216489
>>34628 That's the spice, much obliged
(259.83 KB 1450x2048 F6OPPyzasAAX0nP.jpeg)

(261.22 KB 1450x2048 F6OPRamaYAArYW0.jpeg)

>>35428 I’m pretty sure this is anal vore
>>35428 Artist?
>>22962 i think i have ever seen this doujin in another version where someone changed this entire doujin into colored and realistic version that i assume is generated by AI but i cant seem to find it anymore. anyone can help?
>>35564 Holy shit dude, thanks so much for ALL of these! Absolute legend!!
who is the artist for the last image
Anyone know any good artists who make this kind of stuff frequently besides miing or acsmine
>>35568 has anyone got the latest doujin from this artist?
>>41149 Bump
>>41149 uploaded an alt version of the library unbirth scene here >>44660
urethra/bladder vore but close enough underrated tbh
>>48073 Where did you find that 2nd one ? The artist looks kinda familiar.
>>41133 who's this artist?
I'm looking for one particular comic with unbirth. Maybe is 3d/2d, language japanesse or chinese, color comics with male and female couple. Man going fist her but he can push more than two hands or head. He eat some pills or drink potion and he shrink only half his size and trying push into her. He pushed and in her belly/womb growthing into normal size. And in the and he pullet out of her pussy. i find this mabye 5 years ago but i cant find this now. can you help me?
(606.64 KB 4096x3570 GYqL9ClWkAA9O75.jfif)

(252.88 KB 1448x2048 GckZ67MaYAAwEtl.jpg)

(347.25 KB 1448x2048 GckZ67IaMAId0TI.jpg)

(311.34 KB 1448x2048 GckZ67FaMAQ8Zey.jpg)

(280.02 KB 1448x2048 GckZ67MaMAI3KnS.jpg)

(446.97 KB 1676x2048 GdZNwqob0AA7Q58.jpg)

>>62568 sauce or full?

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