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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Draw request thread 6 Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 10:54:50 No. 20340
For anyone who wants to make some requests, and those nice enough to fulfill them. There are no limits to how many times a character can be asked for or drawn. Previous thread https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/13027.html
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Anchor any deliveries here. Image made by Banesoon. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Banesoon
Requesting breast vore with this busty Halfling barmaid letting some drunken adventurers spend the night in her breasts via breast vore like an inn room after paying her a huge sum of gold. Could have her struggling to serve drinks due to her colossal breasts sloshing around and constantly leaking. Also a plus if she accidentally absorbs/turns them into milk towards the end of her shift so she's stuck with her larger chest permanently.
>>20344 Meant to say via the nipples, sorry.
>>20346 They are zip files, so if it says downloading ios then cancel it and retry the download.
Requesting Cell absorbing Surge the Tenrec while dressed as Android 18 in her Cell Saga outfit.
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requesting konata playing video games on the couch while her vore filled belly makes gurgling/ rumbling noises and in the next panel it shows her with large tits and a small pudge on her belly. (the boob size should be about the same size like on the third image)
Requesting a continuation of the Wendy ass worship image with her spreading her ass cheeks and sitting down on the guy, sucking him up her ass with him willingly going in.
im stealing 2 ideas that i liked from the previse thread 1. Requesting thicc Rosemary from high guardian spice trying to make people watch her show by eating the main character from another show similar to hers. Instead of getting her prey she is eaten by the other main character and they treat her like she's not there and only annoyed by having to dump her remains. after Rosemary's death she and her show fade into obscurity and/or all the cast of her show get eaten by other side characters in similar shows but we only see them being dumped. 2. Requesting Ken Ashcorps OC eating a woman and both of them getting off to the prey woman's struggles
>>20354 one more idea that i couldn't fin the images in with the first 2: Yoko in Rac0r's "Beach Party" alt ending getting what she deserves and digests all the prey in her gut and gets vary plump (a fatter ass, thicker thighs, and bigger boobs), because they dose Tefa get to eat all her prey and digest them and Yoko doesn't image 2 is the the normal aftermath
>>20355 *couldn't fit the images in
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>>20116 >>20342 request from the last thread I went with barbara because I found out that there is literally no vore art of her (I only found one).
I wish I could see a comic or picture of a female wolf and the seven little goats. But she won and ate the 7th. But like complains 6 is a ton and now she has to force in the 7th and is just so full and complaining.
>>20357 Not OR but I want to say this looks great. The way you implied weight gain is nice and she looks great in this.
>>20357 OR here. That’s pretty spot-on with the style and really nicely done! Thank you so much!
>>20357 I'm not the requester but I love this redhead girl. I also agree with the idea of going with pred who doesn't have much art, it's always nice seeing characters with almost no vore or no vore getting something especially when they are as cute and hot as she is.

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requesting imperfect Cell absorbing Skyfire
I have some ideas that I think would be fun to see and that I haven't seen too often. the ideas have no characters so you can make your own or use any character you want. A slime devours a girl and then after its meal is gone it gains her memory and shape and uses this to take over her life and hide the fact that she is a slime girl. With the potential that she would eat more people due to slime instincts but because she has the same memories and feelings as the original prey she is attached to people her prey liked and could even feel bad knowing she isn't who she thinks she is. It takes over the girl's life but can't help but feel out of place and undeserving of this life because she took it away from the original and wonders what the people she cares for would think if they knew. A girl uses time travel to go back two weeks to prevent her life from going to shit and succeeds but then realises her timeline is still fucked so she eats the version of her from the better world taking her place and leaving her old world behind. A clone of a girl eats the original and then takes her place with no one ever knowing that the original was turned to fat however it isn't a perfect clone. Well, the original is sweet the clone pretends to be sweet but is sadistic and requires more food to live due to a fault in the process making her body use more energy and for her to have issues with her emotions and empathy.
>>19690 >>20255 Two in one bump
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so an idea that i head wen looking at this that im requesting, A dentist or doctor is examining a patient's throat or mouth only to send them self down to the patience belly (and if doctor it might be them having their patient to eat them because they're severely underweight), i would rather it be a doctor because i like the idea of a doctor feeding themselves to a malnourished/severely underweight patient more. and i thought of this because that setting looks rather clinical and the blond woman looks like mercy from overwatch.

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Requesting Tracy Walker from isle of dogs eating larger prey in her school uniform. We see her on top of her stomach, walking around with a gut no bigger than her head with some gains. Finally, she stretches showing off her now flat belly with a nice view of her navel, well her hips stand out and her legs create a silhouette in her skirt showing an outline of her legs on the skirt and hips and her chest is a lot bigger.
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Requesting Sombra In her summer skin, (without the see-through bit covering her ass) giving someone a teleporter and then teleporting them into her gut. The prey says they'll make her regret it well she is lying on a beach bed smug. In the next scene, she has digested her prey and only has some remains left making her gut soft and she says "what was I going to regret" to her stomach. In the last part, the view is of her back or side and she makes a face like the last reference image with her ass looking rounder than ever before and she ends it by saying "yeah, I regret nothing. If anything this has just made my day" I picked her summer skin because I like her hair better full, and the suit makes her body stand out more, with her ass looking nice even if blocked a bit.
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Requesting Basil from Omori (the blonde one) being shy and flustered after having eaten Aubrey (the pink haired one) and burping up her bow/hairband with the aftermath having him with a bigger butt and an Aubrey tattoo on it. Dialogue implying reformation would be a huge plus.
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Requesting Gebura from Lobotomy Corporation (red haired woman) churning up some of her employees who she deemed to be too weak for her Disciplinary Team and the digested employees going straight to her ass with her looking somewhat annoyed. Can have her pose be similar to the one with the woman squatting and having her jumpsuit unzipped to air out her breasts, but with Gebura having a much bigger stomach due to having multiple employees in her gut.
>>19181 >>19008 Bumping these from the last thread
Requesting Vicky tormenting Timmy after swallowing him, I thought it'd be a neat idea for her to be a cruel endo pred.
>>12050 I was going through the old stuff and saw this gem and thought of an idea to add to this. I have tried to continue the idea based on the original but with more time spent on digestion to get a good view of her with her softened gut. It's been said by others but I don't expect this to be made, It's way too big, the original is amazing on its own, and I'm perfectly fine with that. I made this because I love the original image and just wanted to add to it and have a nice digestion conclusion, I also thought it's best to add it here for others to see and potentially interest new users to look at the old stuff as well as for the small chance of a continuation. The idea Requesting a sequel to the last Warabi image where she is going to let her pet Bear out but she is hungry and debates the idea of leaving her in there. She makes her mind up when she notices the cub scratching at her stomach sad that its mom is stuck in Warabi's gut, seeing this makes her realise she can replace her pet with her cub and proceeds to digest the bear over the next few days. Day 1 the gut is a water bed, still big but she now sinks inwards from the lack of solidness and any details of the bear are gone well the cub is pressing into a doughy wall, sad and in denial of its mother's death. Day 2 Warabi Can now stand with her belly around her size, she can also walk for a bit but gets tired too quickly and then has to rest on her gut, she is gasping for breath from all the effort but knows she needs to move well she has this weight so she doesn't get too fat. Day 3 Warabi's belly is now the size of the cub and she makes a joke about it saying something like "look, you and your mother are about the same size now, it just shows how good my stomach is and you should never forget that", her efforts paid off as she gained no unwanted fat, only getting bigger in the place she wanted but sadly not as much as she desired for her chest however she can't get lazy now due to her cub sized gut indicating there still some work left. It could end there or she could then go for a jog to finally lose the last bit of fat with her mid-jog sweating in gym clothes and her belly only slightly fatter than normal, sticking out by 2 or 3 inches and potentially she could have gained the last boost to her assets and finally the chest fat she desired.
>>19245 Bumping Ollie because she's cute and I want to see her digest people and gain no weight. I love it when the pred doesn't eat for any other reason apart from enjoyment and having Ollie eat someone but gain nothing is hot. She put them through hell hoping for some gains but gets nothing meaning they died for no reason a life wasted.
Clefairy eating pika hut for taking her spot as mascot
Requesting Kiyoko (kitsune woman) from Corruption of Champions 2 gulping down Etheryn (elf girl) with Ryn’s fat ass and feet hanging out of Kiyoko’s mouth like the piranha plant image before being forced down with the rest of her. Would also love it if there was an internal shot of Etheryn’s flustered and squished face entering Kiyoko’s wet stomach. Also maybe Kiyoko teasing her by opening up her kimono to let her big breasts and belly hang freely and rocking her back and forth like the Lucoa gif (doesn’t have to be animated). Whether it’s endo or not is up to you.
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>>20403 >>20469 Started on both of these
>>20478 OR of the Gebura request here. Lovin the big belly you've given her in the wip. Many thanks for this!
>>20406 Bump
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>>20379 Can we have spooky vore and digest specimen 9 after she finds out it’s still alive
Can we have Lilith From tboi vore and digest azazel from tboi Right after being unlocked and starving
>>20379 Bump
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>>20469 >>20342 Here ya go. Getting to finishing the second one
>>20502 Sorry for the late response, but many thanks for this sweet Kiyoko pred delivery.
Bumping a request from last thread Could someone draw a sequel to this comic where young Asriel eats more monsters bigger than him and getting even thiccer and fatter? Maybe by luring some perverted monsters with his new gains?
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>>20403 >>20342 Second request finished
Requesting Cell absorbing Imp Midna.
>>20518 not OR but love this character really nice seeing more vore of them good work
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I'd love to see Korrina enjoying herself inside of an Arbok, Masturbating or just relaxing within~
>>20518 Gebura OR here. Thanks again for the fine Gebura gut and buns!
>>20502 >>20518 Both of these are great, the first has a good swallowing sequence well the second has an amazing ass.
>>17918 bumping Maika and these ideas. One thing I would like to see is weight gain and her skirt not covering her ass anymore.
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Requesting Lilynette from Overlord getting her reward and taking Count Naeura Son with her. When she has some alone time with the boy she teases him making him get embarrassed by doing suggestive things like revealing her chest and grabbing her hips and then after she had enough she eats him. She enjoys her meal and when nothing but some flab is left she writes a letter to the count about his son disappearing and takes the boy's clothes and puts them where she put the rest of her meals clothing and has a massive collection of clothes from boys around his age.
>>20530 I'll see what I can do after getting some other request done. Had fun with the albedo drawing so wouldnt mind doing more OL vore.
>>20538 I love the albedo drawing you made so if you decide to do this I'll look forward to seeing what you make. Also, the Albedo drawing you made was colored in, it's on the color thread. >>20533
>>20541 Oh that's nice. I appreciate that someone liked coloring my stuff.
Kobo eats Altare after he annoys her too much. Kobo as a chibi is annoyed she snaps and eats Altare. Then a shot of a non-chibi Kobo is on a bell, it turns back to chibi and then a smug happy Kobo is enjoying her meal and she is on her gut. There would be a few scenes of it shrinking over time and finally a non-chibi Kobo now a little taller and sexier striking a sexy pose saying something about Altare being better food them brother.
Requesting a pretty curvy Wriggle Nightbug in a skirt seeing some dumb kid eat a bug and getting angry. I didn't know what images to use so I grab a bunch of ones I liked and put them together. In her anger Wriggle eats the kid only to scare them and then let them out but overconfident due to adrenalin she wants to make the kid suffer more and so she mocks them asking how it feels to be eaten alive just like the bug they ate. The kid starts to cry and Wriggle loves hearing them cry and gets even more carried away calling them cry baby, useless, unloved, weak, and that they are better off as bug food. She gets so carried away that by the time she had her fun the belly is gone still and seems less solid. Wriggle asks the boy to stop messing with her and pokes her gut in hopes of a response but when her hands sink into her gut she goes into full panic mode because she fucked up big time and is now terrified that Reimu will punish her. Wriggle would be thinking of everything that went wrong and if she left any evidence when Reimu walks out of the dark looking angry and terrified Wriggle start to cry and says sorry. The next day Wriggle is tied up and hanging upside down, her skirt flopping down revealing her panties in the middle of the human village and showing how much she gained and She is embarrassed and crying.
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Requesting this pumpkin themed Kanna from Blaster Master Zero 2 having her gut and breasts painted to look like jack-o-lanterns with them sloshing around after stuffing some folks inside them. Bonus if she's in the old Jack-o pose to show off her gut, breasts and butt either from the front or back.
>>20630 who is the girl with the big belly on the right side middle?
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>>20632 I'm pretty sure it's Fubuki from one punch man.
Can someone draw an image of clefairy digesting pikachu for stealing its role as the mascot https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ErvQQyhWjeU
>>19690 Bump
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Requesting some femdom Plumeria vore from Pokemon (Ultra) Sun & Moon with one of the 2 main characters stashed on her pompous stomach as she belches out their things. A whole sequence's not needed btw; just included it to make the idea clear.
What about someone do the 2nd and 3rd place (so they won’t be so down)
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Requesting Tewi after eating someone on her belly. She's angry at them for making fun of her for being flat. She is then seen after digesting them and her boobs are massive. Bumping this as well because any Tewi would be great. >>18175
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Requesting anal vore with Queen Charlie from Don't Starve stuffing her normal, shorter self up her ass like the left refs. Can have Queen Charlie looking smug while her normal counterpart looks traumatized before Queen Charlie closes her asscheeks together and seals her in.
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>>20766 OR here. That's a pretty cutely done pumpkin Kanna and nice work on the painted belly as well! Much obliged and Happy Halloween!
>>20766 She looks great in this, plus you did the belly with the jack-o pose perfectly. It has a nice view of her ass and legs with a great belly. I would love to see more jack-o poses with bellies like this.
>>20766 This is the second time I've seen a Jack-o pose done well in vore, the first time was an edit on the edit thread. Great job with this.
Requesting La+ Darkness eating Towa to keep her to herself, a fan sees her and sees the bulge of Towa's face. La+ begs them not to tell anyone and tells them she will do anything for them if they don't tell on her. La+ belly is half her size and it swishes back and forward as the guy rails La+ ass from behind holding her horns for stability. At the climax, the guy thrust squishes the belly and a crunch sound comes from La+ gut. The two censored pics are references for La+ getting grabbed by the horns well being railed and sex with a belly.
>>20522 Bump
>>20766 Damn nice Kanna anon. You nailed the squishyness of her gut perfectly
>>20358 That would be interesting to see but probably won’t happen.
>>20358 Would be fun to see but probably won’t happen. There has been some fun ones but nothing exciting haha
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Requesting Rumia in this costume going trick or treating and when a house doesn't give her candy she breaks in and eats the people inside as she believes that if they have no treats then she gets to "trick them". She spends the rest of Halloween in the house of the people she ate and is digesting her prey well she eats the candy she got that night.
Reposting this request since it hit the end of the previous thread: Requesting a drawing of a woman sitting in bed, bored and on her phone, as her boyfriend lotions her active belly, the dynamic being if he does anything less than what pleases her, he'll end up in her womb like her two or three ex's are.
Someone do a mad dummy gijinka voreing mad mew mew
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Requesting mad mew mew being a cruel pred and enjoying digesting someone with a smug/cocky grin.
Bit of a weird request, but I want to see this cute, blonde shortstack gal with a bra of holding on getting the jump on someone or multiple people by pulling up her bra from underneath to expose her underboob and doing cleavage vore with her pulling the bra back down after to hide the fact she absorbed folks into her boobs, making them even bigger. Could also have a cutaway to the void where her huge, prey-filled boobs are while in the normal world she looks smugly content.
Requesting Tanya Degurechaff vore. She uses her stomach to torture information out of soldiers. When she has the information she uses her stomach to dispose of them to save up on rations. I've been requesting this on the 4 chan hentai alternative board and have had no luck so far.
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Can someone make vore art of her?
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>>20843 Did some reverse image searching and found her name to be Honey and picked up a few more references of her to help.
Since https://aryion.com/g4/user/VToons doesn’t do requests (and since I’m broke) can someone request her to do this character
>>20928 Commissions for her are this https://aryion.com/g4/userpage.commission.php?id=VToons So if anyone has the money I’ll be very thankful
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>>20685 Here ya go. Did while in the midst of doing ekas requests
>>21008 >>20342 Forgot to anchor whoops
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>>21008 Yo anon mind if I digitalize your delivery? (nice job btw!)
I thought of a possible way to continue the Wendy Belserion idea right after she digested her old body. If you do this then feel free to cut any parts of this to make it easier. After eating her old body Wendy Belserion could admire her bigger hips and with her old skirt not fitting she needs a bigger skirt. Then Ezra could find the new Wendy and already know that she is Irene, she got separated from Wendy after Irene took over her body. Erza is angry asking where the real Wendy is and Wendy Belserion pulls an evil grin and tells Erza that she reunited Wendy with her body by eating her and now Wendy is ass fat. This would make Erza even angrier and disgusted, and would cause her to attack but easily gets overpowered and the fight ends with Erza unable to stand with Wendy Belserion sitting on her face and taunting her daughter telling her she makes a great chair for her new ass. Wendy Belserion would then get the idea to take Erza's skirt as her reward standing on Ezra well putting it on to keep her pinned, but even with her new assets, she can't wear it because her hips aren't wide enough so she has to cut her fun with her daughter short and eats her like she did Wendy ending the meal with a satisfied burp and tells Erza that she'll reunite her with wendy. The sequence ends with Wendy Belserion with a slightly bigger chest and even bigger hips wearing Erza skirt with a confident look.
>>21008 Not the original requester but great job on this and that belly looks great.
>>21008 Original requester here wow that's good. Thank you so much anon! >>21018 Nice job too anon!
>>20522 Bumping this!
>>21018 Thanks for the compliment and yeah I dont mind. Looks better digitized(even though I have no idea how to do it to my own stuff)
>>21019 I'll see what I can do since I did the request last time. Probably will shorten it unless I do muti page
>>21032 I'll be very grateful if you do it. I loved the original Wendy pic you, so having you do more would be great.
Requesting This Galvanic Mechamorph Oc Absorbing these two girls in the same way as seen in the References.
>>21073 1. Wrong thread. 2. This board is about vore, so it's better to go to a place for non-vore colouring but if you want you could still try the colouring thread, just don't be surprised if no one does it since it's not vore. >>20379 >>20494 >>20498 >>21055 If it's only been two to three days since the request or last bump, then it doesn't need another bump. bumping should be used when an idea you like is berried under replies, and it has been a while since it was made. If anything bumping too soon may make people less likely to do the idea because you're shoving it in their faces, as well as it comes off as too desperate and impatient. Just give it some time and if it's been a few weeks and you still want someone to do a request then you can try bumping it, but don't just spam bump. If you are not the same guy that made the post you bumped then it's probably best to say seconding this idea to indicate that you also want to see the idea especially if it's only been 2 days.
>>21087 If that is the case then all I will say is you are better off asking the colour thread which can be found here. https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/14317.html You'll have a better chance there and it's better to keep the threads clean.
>>20928 Bump for this to be made
>>21090 didn't you understand what anon >>21085 said?
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Requesting Rami from Monster Girl Quest at the top left getting the jump on Goddess Ilias at the top right and swallowing her whole and getting pretty thick from digesting her afterward and maybe burping up some feathers.
>>21031 >even though I have no idea how to do it to my own stuff If you're interested, I did it with Firealpaca (which is free) via an "extract lines" option it had. If you wanna ensure you get your lineart mostly clean, you can also toy with the brightness/contrast of the pic
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The characters are from Isekai Ojisan, a show about a 35-year-old man who was Isekai 17 years ago and has now come back to our world and lives with his nephew with his powers and PTSD he got from the other world. I've got two ideas for this, and I hope one of them is interesting enough as the show is a gem but only has one image. My first idea is a sequel to the first images where she wakes up with a hangover and is wondering where Yousuke (she calls him orc face ) is. She would get her answer when burps up his glasses and she starts to cry. It then ends with him turning off his power to show others his memory and then telling his nephew that was how came back to his original world. Yousuke believes the elf wanted to eat him well the nephew feels bad for the elf because he knows she made a mistake. My second idea was when the elf girl gets drugged by an Aphrodisiac and blocks Yousuke's memories, what we don't see is that she eats Yousuke as that's her kink. When the effect wears off she realises what she did too late, but she somehow revives Yousuke, and due to her erasing Yousuke's memories he never knew. It ends with Yousuk saying to Takaoka and Fujimiya that he can't remember what happened next but the elf had somehow become curvy when he woke up. This is the scene of the elf girl getting drugged by an aphrodisiac. The clip cuts off when she puts her necklaces on him that block his memories so I added a clip of that part to the post. https://youtu.be/pSS_ychhFk8
>>21091 Oh sorry didn’t see it at first
>>21113 Thanks
Requesting Fubuki from One Punch Man in this outfit with a nice vore belly and the straps of the outfit eating into her big gut.
>>19649 >>20255 Double bump from last thread
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Can somebody make a vore of these people
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>>20342 An old Kerillian request from the last thread that I started at the time but didn't finish. Idk if anon is still around but here you go.
Requesting this human/garchomp hybrid Cynthia from Pokémon devouring this version of Mars by grabbing her with her big, toothy mouth wide open and stuffing a frightened Mars down her throat.
>>21195 Getting on that today
Requesting mt lady about to eat a criminal after finding out that he broke out of prison and was on death row, they say she can't do this and she responds "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime" and then dropping him into her mouth swallowing him.
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>>21195 Starting
>>21215 >>21238 OR here. Oh nice! Lookin' good with that mawshot so far.
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Requesting a sequel to this where the pacifier opens up and the tiny get's swallowed. The pred then goes to sleep hugging a blanket well the tiny becomes baby fat. Or the tiny could grow to the pred's size and the pred digest her larger meal in her sleep.
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>>21195 >>20342 Here ya go. Fucked up on one of the words due to the ink scraping but how it's close to what you wanted.
>>21275 OR here. It's fine with the dialogue and turned out looking fairly good. Thank you!
>>21276 No problem
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>>11390 >>10730 Bumping Cayna from in the land of leadale. There were two ideas for her already and I also have an idea but really anything with her would be great to see. My idea is based on episode 3 where she instead of hitting her son eats him and puts up her isolation barrier up, thinking he was some random prevent she decides to just digest the creep. When she comes out of her barrier she then finds out from her other kids that she digested her son and gets depressed again going back into her barrier. The two videos are the English and Japanese versions of the part. The first one is subbed the second one is dubbed.
>>21296 I'm not the OR for this but this looks great! It's also nice seeing more niche overlord characters.
>>20522 Bump I still wanna see this
>>21296 Pretty good. Was planning to do it but you did a better job
>>21188 Bump
>>21298 seconding Cayna as a pred with the original idea. >>10730 I would love to see her eat someone from the influence of alcohol because drunk preds are amazing and need more love. I also think the idea of her having a hangover and puking out a mix of prey and alcohol into a bucket is a unique scenario, it would also be perfect to show off her hips as she leans over her sick bucket getting a nice shot of her ass and \any gains she got well being an angle that keeps us from seeing the contents of the bucket.
>>21296 Sorry for not responding sooner but thank you for making this. You did a great job at capturing her prevented side and her big sis vibe.
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Requesting Clemintime from Overlord eating the swords of darkness and her being a bitch to them and enjoying herself letting out a burp and rubbing her active and large gut with sadistic glee. When Ainz meets her she tells him he's an hour too late to save them and Clemintime tries to make him angry by playing with her gut or gains well describing their pain, her pleasure or what she did to them. For a bonus scene when Ainz beats her he lets her live as he finds out something interesting about her like her getting XP or skills from digesting her prey and keeps her as a tool. Since Ainz has no attachment to the swords of darkness and she is more valuable alive he treats her well and it confuses Clemintime because she thought he would have killed her.
>>21122 Sauce of pic ?
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>>21414 >>20342 Here ya go. Funny enough I was planning to do some clementine vore. Probably will do more to get used to her hair and expressions.
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>>21414 >>20342 Workin' on this as well. Got a rough sketch done for tonight so far and will slowly chip away at it. >>21439 Nicely done. Also same here. Clementine was always a pred I considered doing at some point because of how sadistic she is and this just gives me the excuse to try out drawing her.
>>21446 Cool cant wait to see the final product.
>>21439 >>21446 I want to thank both of you for doing this request. I didn't think Clemintime would get anything because of the two overlord requests done recently. So I'm glad I get to see two great requests being done for her. >>21439 I've always liked your sequence and this one is no exception. I love the way you do each part and the wide range of unique shots, posing, and ways of showing events well sticking to the concept, and adding your own style to the request. I always like seeing people make requests with the suggestion of dialogue just because your dialogue is great when given creative liberties and can enhance a scene as it has here. I love all 3 parts, I like the belly slap and the ripple wave it causes, as well as the belly grab with the hand sinking into the pudge. The final part is also great because it fits well for an unexpected outcome with Ainz's dialogue and thought being a nice touch and how it confirms Cleminitems hope of more food. >>21446 This is some insane detail in so little time, the armour the body and the face look like they are going to be amazing when finished. I love her wild and sadistic expression, it works well with her when she has done such a cruel act and I love how the belly looks already with those bulges and the belly shape so I know the final result will be great. It's nice being able to see the sketch, even more so when we get to see her hips because of it, and those hips are great. Even if it's a sketch I'm already liking the posing, and positioning and I can't wait to see the outcome. Thank you both for all of the efforts you put into this and all requests you have done before this.
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Draw vore of her
>>21457 Thanks. Usually I dont think my sequences are usually up to par yet but I'm glad you enjoy them. Trying to get better ar them and different poses.
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>>21414 >>20342 Posting an update to show I'm still working on this. Got the roughs done. Gonna start refining/lining and hopefully have done later today or tomorrow. If you have any suggestions for dialogue, let me know. Last panel is just probably Ainz telling Demiurge to experiment with her appetite/skill absorbing with the usual Sasuga Ainz-sama response.
>>21507 It looks great! Thank you for posting updates and posting the roughs. I said it in my last post, but I really enjoy seeing the process, and it looks incredible. I loved the middle part as the comedic way Ainz beats her after what I assume is her showing off her handy work is a great addition and adds that extra charm to this. For the text, it would be nice to see Clemintime go through stages of confidence and mocking, to fear, and then submission and joy. I have two suggestions, they are not text but more a direction for the text to go in based on certain parts you have made. Suggestion 1 is that Clementine tries to make Ainz angry, by saying her prey suffered and she enjoyed it, talking about the gains mockingly and with sadistic glee. Suggestion 2 is that in the end part, we see Clementine's thoughts and fear, as she doesn't know what will happen to her and is panicking in her head. After being fed, she is thinking how happy she is with the outcome and finds it funny that her prey said she would pay when Ainz came as if he would revenge them, but instead he's making her happier than ever before. If any of this conflicts with what you planned or is too difficult or vague to make work, then don't worry and do what you think is best. What you've done already is more than I could ever ask for.
>>21507 can't wait for the final result !
Requesting Buro accidentally eating someone after tripping over. Their twice her size and she can't move or let them out and is forced to wait and digest her prey. At first it looks like she cares about her prey but then it becomes clear she is less concerned about her prey situation and more concert about how boring it will be stuck in one spot.
>>21585 muse dash in general is fucking fantastic for pred material yet there isn't fuck all with any of the characters
>>21439 >>21507 I'm not OR but I love these so much. Seeing best girl Clem is a blessing, but getting to see her twice in a short time, with the requests showing off her sadistic personality and the comedic yet cruel world of Overlord makes it even better. The best bit about vore with characters from any media is when we get to not just see their body but their personality too, it's what makes them who they are and these two requests are Clem. >>21439 If you do end up doing more I think it could be fun to see a continuation of this piece with each bit of vore with her as pred being food she got working at Nazarick, and then you could have her be involved in some scenes from the show like the Hamsuke vs Erya fight. Instead of Hamsuke, we get Clem who beats and eats Erya and all the elves with a comedic ending involving Clem teasing Hamsuke about if she keeps doing better than her she may be able to convince Ainz that Hamsuke would be more useful as food for her.
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Requesting Jahy playing with her friend and then a man thinking they are both kids tries to kidnap jahy or her friend. When he does Jahy uses her powers to become big and eat the guy. Her friend and a few kids call her a hero and praise her and the man in her stomach is yelling in rage, that is until she would turn back to her smaller form and he gets crushed by the sudden tightness. Not needed but it would be nice to see at the end both her big and small form after digesting. She could have great gains for both, gains only for big form or she has gains but her small form has a bit of belly chub with those gains making her a little annoyed. As for gains bigger breast and hips for big and small would just be hips because small wide hip jahy is great or for bad gains belly and cheeks fat.
Requesting macro/micro vore with the Pixie from the Shin Megami Tensei series having much bigger prey in her belly and instead of saying “Time to get styled on punk!” can have her say “Time to get gurgled on punk!” in a similar cocky pose. Also would love to see some post-digestion where she gets an absolute dump truck of an ass that she smugly flaunts and teasingly asking Demi-fiend if he likes her new assets. Who she’s eating can be any number of female demons you want.
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Requesting jack the ripper from fate tricking a kid into going into an old unused alleyway with her so she can get a free snack. I made an image to make the idea a little easier to follow but here is a written version of the scenario as well. Jack has tricked a kid into an old alley and the kid is confused, so as the kid turns to face Jack to ask her why they came here, Jack leaps at the kid. Jack is on the floor with a gut enjoying her meal as the kid cries, then as it becomes night Jack lets out a satisfied sigh as the kid makes painful moans just wanting it to end. Jack walks back to her master at night and when she gets back she has no gut left, only gains.
Bumping a bunch of requests from the last thread. I put the name of the characters and where they come from next to each one. Kotoko eats Saki (In/Spectre) >>13071 Nitori eating willing prey (Touhou) >>13122 Lady Riju eats Link (Zelda BOTW) >>13151 Fubuki eats Kids (Hololive) >>13274 Daphnie eats Subaru (Re:Zero) >>13321 Roderika eats Jellyfish or tarnished (Elden Ring) >>13786 Osakabehim in her summer form eating 5 stair servant (Fate) >>14493 Illyasviel in her summer form eating Lily Kiara (Fate) >>16407 Paul Bunyan eats Kingprotea (Fate) >>19697
Mao Asakura cock-voring the entire Futa Club
I don't know if this is too much with it being another Senko request and a continuation but I want to request a continuation of the Senko beach sequence. Sacred of the noise and the disappearance of their children the parents fear what might happen but can't leave as they hope it could lead to finding the children so they follow the noise and find nothing. The husband tells his wife to go back to the car and phone the police. as she gets in the car she looks at the rearview mirror and notices a figure with glowing eyes in the back. Senko then rests a little in the back of the car with a massive gut. There are two directions this could then go, both are pretty bleak and tragic. The first is that Senko goes home to Kuroto Nakano and pampers him as well as lets him rest on her belly like a noisy water bed. The next day Kuroto Nakano gets a phone call and finds out he got time off after an incident involving his boss where he had become a suspect in the disappearance of his family. At first, Kuroto is shocked and sad after hearing something so tragic, even if his boss wasn't the nicest he didn't expect to ever hear this. But Senko helps him forget it letting him rest on her belly again and covering his face with her fluffy tail until he sleeps, we then see Senko smile to herself happy that her plan worked better than expected. The second is that the father defeated goes back to the car to see the door wide open and his wife nowhere. At a nearby shrine, Senko hums to herself happy after a nice day at the beach and the great breakfast, lunch and tea. Her prey is still alive and sobs, not because of pain but because she what happened to her children and can hear the one who took them hum. A few months later the dad is depressed in bed when he gets a knock on his door. He opens his door and finds Senko and she says "It's been too long, I know your hurting but I'm here to pamper you" Kuroto Nakan cries and asks her to help him forget and she says she will happily help him forget. Senko is a god-like being so I could see her going with drastic measures to get what she wants, she's probably seen many families die in her life and she would outlive them all, so one family dying for her to get some good pampering with a decent meal is worth more since she'll live thousands of years and never lose those memories compared to those 70 or so they would have. I could see her digest a family just so she can pamper you better even if it makes you sad but the end result is worth it, right?
>>21625 i like this idea, it should ether be her having a large belly or balls >>21638 I like the second idea slightly more, but I think she should hide around the car and reunite her prey with her husband than the seen of her walking to a shrine with her big belly crying and than have a finisher similar to the first idea
>>21507 This is looking really good. I wish clementine and the other characters got more love in vore, but normally it's just shalltear and albedo which isn't bad but there are some pretty good characters who get almost nothing, like clementine for example. clementine is probably the best human character for vore and I really like the idea of clementine becoming an asset to ainz and getting a good life. Even after tuning the party ainz grew fond of into a bowel movement, having ainz keep her feels like something he would do.
>>21653 >>21590 >>21518 >>21525 Thanks and glad you like it. Been rather busy this week so haven't had much time to work on the Clementine drawing, but hopefully will this weekend. Also been sketching out some other request(s) simultaneously that caught my attention as well. Whether I finish those ones is up in the air but I'll try to get the Clementine one done at least.
>>21654 It's great to hear that you are still working on this but don't overwork yourself. No matter how long it takes it will be worth it to see teh end result so take all the time you need. It's also nice to hear that your working on other requests and it will be interesting to see which ones you picked when that time comes.
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I am requesting the prey from muted melody eating the pred by either oral or anal vore. One idea I had was that the pred picks her up and then trips and somehow the prey eats the pred well falling. Extra points if she is stuck at an angle that causes her skirt to flip.
>>21019 Starting on part 2. Looks like this one might be a two parter. But this is a rough draft for now.
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>>21690 Forgot the pic
>>21690 >>21691 This looks like it's going to be great. Thank you for using my idea to carry this on and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Wendy Belserion and her cruelty.
>>21188 Bump
>>20928 Can someone commission this please
bumping Index as a pred. I think the idea of her causally eating and digesting Misaka and getting gains that stand out in her robes would be nice to see but either would be great. >>10431 >>15713
>>21691 From the preview it looks like this will be a good addition to the first one you did.
>>21654 >>21691 The two requests being worked on look like their going to be good, but like what anon said >>21658 don't overwork yourself. I think it's best for artists to be able to enjoy their work as much as those who requested it. So do it at the pace you want to do it at or the pace you find most comfortable. >>21654 It's great to hear that you are working on multiple requests. It would be interesting to see what other requests you are working on. If you have any pictures to post then it would be great to see, however, it is entirely up to you whether you post them or not and I understand if you don't want to show them yet.
No idea if furshit's allowed here, but requesting Cell absorbing Miranda from Wakfu.
Requesting SCP-5094, aka Miss J, personally demonstrating what vore is after being asked with her teaching stuff like how to keep prey down and digest them, what to do if you're swallowed by a pred, stomach rubbing techniques to help soothe your stomach after they've stopped squirming, etc.
Requesting Asuka eating Shinji, they are from Evangelion. If anyone can think of anything that Asuka could say or do that would hurt Shinji and would help make her feel more like a bitch or an awful person then please add them as that would be great. I want the idea to make Asuka out to be a monster and by the end, for Shinji to wish he would die faster and even enjoy the pain because it makes him forget just how bad Asuka made him feel. The worse Shinji is treated and the more pleasure Asuka gets from his suffering the better. My idea is that Asuka eats Shinji ignoring his begs for help and casually walks around with her gut mostly to let Shinji know his place as food. Everyone around her knows what she has done but they either don't care or aren't stupid enough to stop her, with no intervention she would churn up Shinji and work hard to make sure he adds to her looks. Throughout this idea, she would mock and belittle Shinji, Asuka's goal being to break his spirit before her gut breaks him and by the end, she does break him which would give her immense satisfaction. she would mention how no one will help him because they know he isn't worth the effort, she also tells Shinji that after he is gone she will joke with everyone about how she churned him up making him into the butt of the joke after he becomes fat on her butt. Just before he died she could tell him that she never liked him and only got close to him for two reasons, one being that she wanted to have a meal nearby at all times and the second is because she loved one of his friends. She then tells him she had been dating his friend for a few weeks now so she felt it was best to finally eat the waste of space and give her body some extra appeal for her boyfriend to enjoy even hinting that his friend already knows she was going to do this. This could be what breaks him as he believes the world would be better off without him. If you go with the idea she has a boyfriend then it could end with her after turning Shinji into ass and tit fat having sex.
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Requesting Rumia eating some village boys who were looking up her skirt. If they like her body that much then they can be a part of it.
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>>21815 I'm not the OR but I love this. Pixi and fairy preds are always a treat to see and you do some amazing smaller pred art with satisfying-looking bellies. Also, it's nice to see your art on Eka and the support that people are giving you.
>>21815 OR here. Thank you so much for this! Love seeing smug, smaller preds since they’re pretty underrated.
>>21815 That face she makes well shoving her ass into the guy's face is bliss. Great stuff, the pred oozes personality and I love it.
>>19354 Bumping this and seconding any The devil is a part-timer request. The show was very popular yet never really got any vore and even after season 2 it got nothing, so I would love to see any of the girls from this show chowing down on some prey.

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Llenn from GGO robs some guys and when she finds out they have nothing good she gets pissed and eats them to compensate for the lack of loot and then sleeps them off in the shade of a large rock. If you do a weight gain part then can Llenn still be sleeping and drooling well giggling in her sleep, she would be on her stomach that flat or slightly flabby and her ass has some decent gain.
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Sage from Sonic Frontiers angry that Sonic won't leave thinks of a way to encourage him to leave well punishing him for his stubbornness. Seeing Amy in her digital form Sage realise that she could process Amy's data and parts into herself, it would be the perfect punishment for Sonic and would improve her AI and Specs. (I don't know how it works in-game, but what I'm thinking is that the digital characters have parts that make them. So when Sage eats them she is wiping useless data and then implementing the useful data into herself. Then finally taking the wiped parts and finding a place she can put them into herself. If she was to burp out anything it would be parts she doesn't want or can't use). Sage gets the jump on Amy and swallows her leaving Sage with a gut slightly bigger than herself. Sage then tells Sonic that she is converting Amy's data into herself, she then explains that once she reaches 100% conversion Amy would cease to exist, as all her data will be reused for Sage and the process can't be reverted once she merges. Sonic would tell her he'll leave if she lets Amy go but Sage is now past the point of letting Amy go and tells him Amy's death will be his punishment for not doing so earlier. Sonic would fight back but it would be futile and Sage breaks down Amy, she wipes data and takes data that could help improve herself. She also takes any parts like Amy's hard drive, RAM or anything that is useful from Amy and then adds it to herself as upgrades to improve performance. Because she is implementing the data and parts into herself, this means as Amy loses her emotions Sage increases her range of emotions (She could learn to be smug), when Amy loses her senses Sage's senses would enhance, and When Sage's storage increases Amy starts losing her memory.
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Requesting Chronoa from Dragonball Xenoverse 1&2 getting mocked for being a short brat by a smug Towa (sorta looking down at her like Goku is to Frieza, but with a smug grin) before Chronoa transforms into her much thicker adult form from Dragonball Heroes and then looming over Towa while licking her lips after getting a good foot in height on her and gobbling her up to add Towa to her already fantastic tits.
>>21899 Forgot to include what she looks like at her smaller size.
>>21899 Havent done pure DB vore but might try this. Still doing Wendy Part 2.
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>>21899 Starting
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Can someone draw the Royal Hypno-Flower from PVZGW2 voreing Captain Smasher from the same game
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Requesting Tenma with a massive gut, or Tenma is focused fed people by Pippa and then accidentally eating and digesting Pippa. An image of Tenma with a massive gut out of breath would be more than enough, the idea is there if you want to do a sequence. Pippa force feeds Tenma multiple people and Tenma not happy is screaming "YOU PSYCHO!" and "YOU CRAZY WOMAN!". An out-of-breath and tired Tenam is resting on the floor, her is gut filled with people bigger than herself, she asks Pippa "w-why you do this to me Pippa?", Pippa says "Because it's my fetish", Tenma Responds with "YOU FILTHY WOMAN!!!". Tenma is asleep and her gut is softening (I feel every word for soft has been used at this point in other requests), Pippa treats the belly as a bed. Pippa ends up sliding into the sleeping Tenma mouth, joining the sloshing mass. Pippa can't scream for help or wake Tenma as the people before her are liquified and with a very small air pocket, Pippa is barely able to keep her face out of the liquid to prevent herself from drowning. Pippa's fate would get sealed when Tenma lets out a burp causing the air pocket to disappear and Pippa to drown before she digests like the rest. Tenma wakes up refreshed and still annoyed at Pippa, but she decides to forgive Pippa as she likes how good she looks saying "MY GOD I'M SEXY!" (I wanted Tenma to have broken English but didn't know how). Clips of Tenma yelling at Pippa, and her chat, as well as her dealing with Pippa's shit. https://youtu.be/BNna3y6LQKg https://youtu.be/335AW-l9Dk8 https://youtu.be/pf17gxL5Zeg
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>>21924 Inked it in case the pencil is too hard to see
>>21924 >>21925 OR here. Just got up and this turned out pretty awesome! Many thanks for the delivery!
>>21927 No problem. I might do her kohai next time.
>>21924 >>21925 It's always great to see the best DBZ girl in more vore. I love Chrona and I really like the idea of her re-eating her prey over and over until she has had her fill.
Requesting Tsukuyomi Komoe form a certain magical index as a pred. A delinquent is bullying a student, so Tsukuyomi intervenes with the delinquent saying what are you going to do pipsqueak? Tsukuyomi after dealing with the delinquent is in class teaching students about the digestive system, how humans have found a way to eat people whole, and the laws around eating people. When a student asks if she will let the delinquent out Tsukuyomi says that she normally would, but she is planning on using them for class tomorrow about how to deal with and help with digestion. The next day comes and her gut has reduced in size, she starts her lesson for the day telling them techniques for rubbing guts if they are the pred or an observer and then gets them to use what she taught them on her gut. That night she is getting drunk and has some smoke in her pyjamas, she is happy that she was able to get some good demonstration of digestion out of her meal and also glad she can wear her pyjamas again with them being a bit tight around the chest. She is 4 foot 5 inches, the last image is a size comparison between her and one of the tallest characters who is 6 foot 7 inches and her prey would probably be around 5 foot 4 to 8 inches
>>21941 Seconding this idea but I also want to add to the idea. What i was thinking is that the bully is bullying two friends when she eats one and then Tsukuyomi intervenes and eats the bully and as a result one of the kids who got bullied. So then the one asking Tsukuyomi if she will let them out is the friend who is hoping that Komoe will let them out. So when he finds out she plans to digest both of them because she really doesn't care that his friend was in the bully. The guy would be upset but can't do anything about it.
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>>21785 Here you go The first and possibly the only vore pic of miss J (As far as I can tell)
>>21967 Oh, wow! Thank you for this! That’s a really damn nice Miss J and congrats on being the first to give her a nice gut.

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Requesting slime girl eating a human girl who was adventuring with a guy. Two adventures enter a cave, they get separated and the girl adventure meets the slime girl. The slime girl's level is stronger than the girls so she easily overpowers and consumes the girl. Well digesting she feels someone a lot stronger getting closer so she quickly digests her prey and changes her appearance to look like her. the guy comes in glad to see his friend safe and the slime leaves with him and starts her new life pretending to be the girl she ate.
>>21967 She looks great! I love the fact that you kept the paper astatic as well as the nice extra belly on the chalkboard.
>>21967 Sweetly done anon, defo one of my favorite pieces from this thread so far.
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Requesting either all 3 girls getting some prey or the blonde one eats the other two. They can be normal or they can be the ghost versions of them from the Luigi mansion video. They are the OCs of Sayman who can be found here Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@SaymanArt/featured Twitter https://twitter.com/saymanart Here are the videos that the images are from. Cuties at cafe https://youtu.be/oZPtDaQiZPE Cassidy Christmas! Cute Animation https://youtu.be/nrvzRt8cS0s Luigi's Mansion Party Spooky Dance | Song by Qumu https://youtu.be/hLgWKgUkbH4
After becoming the World Champion Ash is exhausted and to have a small break he goes into the forest on his own not noticing that he was followed by a girl in an Eevee costume. When he's pretty deep in he tries to relax when an Eevee kid challenges him to a battle, and Ash ignores her and walks right past the girl. She follows him angrily, she gets in front of him walks backwards and looks at him, she has tears in her eyes and she is about to cry when Ash trips falling into the girl. She has eaten Ash and when she understands her situation she slimes. Ash would ask to be let out and The Eevee kid says "so now you talk" ash tries to reason with her but soon realises his life is in the hands of a younger girl who he had just recently brought to the edge of tears. When he gets his situation he changes his tone but the Eevee kid isn't having it telling him "I may have let you out but know how much of a jerk you are I think it's better to leave you in there. A world champion who is a jerk to little girls deserves to be food for one" Ash starts to beg and the girl ignores him saying "My dad always said you are what you eat and I ate you so I'm now the world champion.". After digesting Ash The Eevee kid would walk home, and no one would ever know what happened to ash especially since no one ever believed her story that she ate him.
Requesting any girl shooting a portal gun into her stomach and one onto the floor then she pushes someone into it and closes the portal behind them, or she shoots the portal under their feet and they fall into her stomach. If you want a character suggestion then Blondy from popopoka Works or Misaki Shokuhou from railgun because I like their designs but pick anyone you want.
>>21925 A nice sequence. You got to love some time shenanigans especially if it involves infinite vore. >>21967 What a lovely gut and an interesting character. If she is completely 2d I have to wonder if her prey becomes 2d too or if her belly becomes 3rd dimensional.
>>21913 Bump
Requesting Synergrace from Enter the Gungeon (blue gal) slurping down the Gorgun boss and using her magic to rapidly reduce the Gorgun into tit, thigh and ass fat.
Requesting a pic of the schoolgirl from this animation; My idea is she swallowed one of the other schoolgirls and is sitting at her desk, the prey is struggling with a hand imprint on her belly, and she blushes as she embarrassedly tries to shush them
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>>7565 Requesting a sequel to the first Jahy where little Jahy is trying to move but can't because of her gut, her efforts make her tired and she starts to cry. It takes her a week to digest her meal and when she finally can move her boss tells her she won't be paid for the week she wasn't in meaning Jahy saved no money from her big meal.
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Requesting snip (the pink one) from snipperclip eating clip (the yellow one). She eats him as the puzzle requires an odd shape that looks like their default shape but with a small gut so she eats clip and when he digests to the right size she finishes the puzzle.
>>21898 seconding this because sage is a pred I would love to see and I really like the idea of her tuning the data that makes Amy into herself. It sounds like a unique type of digestion with some great potential for an amazing character who I would love to see get tons of vore.
bump & seconding >>20702 >>19008
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>>20342 requesting doe walking around with a vore filled stomach and talking about how deers arent normally preds but she enjoys the experience.
>>22140 Seconding this and I also want to suggest that she talks a bit about how digestion works and how the small intestine absorbs food into the bloodstream moving it around to feed the body. She is a science teacher so I think it would be great to see her talk about facts and make some light science jokes.
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Requesting Juno digesting Haru out of jealousy to keep her away from Legoshi
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Requesting Chocolate Bonbon Cookie from Cookie Run having gulped down Black Pearl Cookie despite their size difference either orally or anally. Chocolate Bonbon Cookie would be mildly upset at her dress being ruined and Black Pearl Cookie would be furious at being eaten as she gets inevitably added to Bonbon's already massive rear. Also a nice bonus if a stacked Black Pearl Cookie is looming over Chocolate Bonbon Cookie thinking she'll be an easy snack before she herself gets eaten.
Requesting a follow-up to this image. I imagine the scenario would be Kris trying desperately to escape from Queens stomach while she just drunkenly teases him thinking that Kris actually likes it inside her. Maybe complementing Kris on they're massaging skills while in reality it's Kris banging and kicking on her stomach walls. A bonus idea would be the Fun Gang encountering Queen during her final fight and in the middle of it she burps up Kris's clothes
>>21654 >>21691 I'm not the one who requested these but I was wondering how progress on them is going?
https://youtu.be/v91ZNkt6fO4 Requesting an alternative ending to this video where he is either eaten by the Mawile and digested or that when told he could have just battled the Mawile he realises he has no pokemon just empty balls and it cuts to a very well-fed Mawile far away digesting the guy's pokemon that he accidentally fed to the Mawile. If you go with the second idea then an addition could be that the Mawile feeling bad for eating the guy's pokemon lets him catch her. However, she will not stay in the ball similar to ashes Pikachu refuses to be in the ball as she does not want her idiot trainer to throw her ball into the waiting mouth of another pokemon like an idiot.
>>22197 Still working on it and deciding if to do two pages or not. Plus doing request from ekas I got to do.
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>>22205 I may not be the requester but this is some really good stuff and it's a nice 3 in one pic and you made them incredibly cute. Chibi preds are so cute and rare and I love the red hair girl but all 3 are nice in their own way.
>>22205 Thank you, you did an amazing job and they all look amazing in their Santa outfits with their bellies. I really like how you showed their personality in this with the shocked face and ribbon break on the blond one being really cute and fitting for her.
>>22205 These Santa girls are both cute and sexy. I love Sayman animations and I'm happy to see his OCs stuffed with prey. I also think the bows are a nice touch to add to the theme.
>>22200 It's nice to know that you are still working on it. I really liked the first wendy pic you did and I've been looking forward to seeing how you would use the new request to make this wendy part. This may sound dumb but if you are still wondering how many pages you will do then I suggest maybe making some scenes chibi-like to add some flare as well as hopefully saving on time. It would definitely be interesting to see two pages especially if it means more teasing and voreplay from Wendy, but that isn't my choice since I'm not the requester and you as the artist get the final say. Whatever you pick I look forward to the result and seeing more of possessed Wendy.
>>22252 Funny enough was considering adding some chibi's to the comic.
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Starting now
>>22267 nice
There’s a couple vore of the other mother games but not the first, I was thinking Ana voreing Ninten
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>>22275 These examples didn’t load
>>22267 I'm loving her face and from what you've shown so far it's looking amazing.
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>>20342 >>21019 Done. Had some fun with it and took more time than my other drawings. Also if anyone can you can combine the pics together if possible.
>>22282 Thank you for this and I'm really happy that you chose my idea to carry this on. You did an amazing job and made Wendy Belsrion the perfect uncaring and cruel predator she should be.
(16.80 MB 6144x4355 Wendy B.png)

>>22282 An amazing two-parter, Wendy being my favourite character from fairy tail I really like the stuff you have done for her. I'm planning on colouring this in and hopefully, it will take only a week or two. Here is a combined version of the image.
>>22276 the site only allows 5 image in one post, that's why they didn't load
>>22285 Cool thank for that
(2.42 MB 720x852 Jamming booba.mp4)

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Requesting this dancing girl jamming out with a big vore gut hanging out and her shirt completely unbuttoned or ripNice personpen because of it. Whether its a still image with motion lines or a gif is up to you.
>>22288 Dunno why it said nice person in my request, probably some site thing that changes certain words.
Requesting the Kirlia from Drunk Oka videos eating her father Gardevoir as she has become tired of him and his wired hobby. In Drunk Oka's videos, Kirlia starts out worried and slowly becomes more unhinged going to extremes to stop her father well she also became more feminine looking as the videos have gone on. My idea is for the conclusion to be that she thinks to stop her father she must give him his wish of becoming a woman and to do that she eats him, after digestion, she would think more clearly and realise she digested her father and would regret it. I've gotten most videos I could find with the Kirlia in I put the name of the video next to them and in the order form when they came out. I'm adding these to give more context to the idea for those who have not seen Drunk Oka videos. It's not necessary to watch them but you may like to see his work, his art is great and his videos are short and enjoyable. [pokemon] blind date (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/ckuHKH7jwl8 [pokemon] live streaming [ENG CC] https://youtu.be/6q6vcItkRow [pokemon] father (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/8aCHb9cltl8 [pokemon] Squid Game (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/YxMJiCWH-Ow [pokemon] Wish (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/k3aLoP6F4MQ [Pokemon] idol https://youtu.be/LSOlgPLgmuI https://youtu.be/7vP0jqvCANo [Pokemon] Secret (ENG CC) [pokemon] Able Restaurant (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/Amo7LBnbChk [Pokemon] Part-time jobs (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/ItUehIJUTFs [Pokemon] Mother Ditto (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/mL4j_1gTdDI [Pokemon] Kirlia's Training (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/hV1eSU38fHk [Pokemon] Mecha Gardevoir (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/c0QlE7E3jo4 [Pokemon] Halloween Lookbook (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/Vcu1CtZw3bY [Pokemon] New face2 (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/Xir0tXuHVDc I've separated this one as if you don't like the Gardivor idea then you could also have Kirila eat the Alcremie that was served as a dish, the crabby and farfetch'd or all of them with her resting on the floor with a large gut filled with the pokemon and the broth. If she eats them all then she could comment on how she had a great duck and carb dinner with a nice cake as dessert.
[Expand Post] [pokemon] Cooking Festival (ENG CC) https://youtu.be/gvZyJRbmDas
>>22282 This Wendy Irene idea is probably one of my favourite ideas for a pred. I love Wendy but the idea of Irene becoming Wendy after digesting her is nice and the art you've made really sold it. So seeing a continuation is better than anything I could ever wish for and you did an incredible job at making her into this perfect pred. I really want to see more of Wendy Irene and hope that this could start a trend one day with either Wendy or similar characters to Wendy losing their body to more vorish characters who can make their new body go from cute to hot, that is after they have eaten the person who originally owned the body. The idea is incredibly hot as poor Wendy dies as food for her own body and Irene gets a new petite form to play well she slowly makes it sexier to suit her and uses this cute form to dominate others.
Requesting Gotou Hitori from Bocchi eating a guy. My idea is that she is in an empty classroom and has unzipped her jacket like in image 1, she hasn't noticed that her top is see-through or that a guy just walked in. When she does she panics and freaks out (like in image 2) and starts overthinking the situation, she comes up with the irrational and absurd idea that he will tell others about this and that everyone will think she is a whore and she will have to become a prostitute and her parents will kick her out the house believing she is a whore. She would then come to the even more Irrational and absurd conclusion, that she needs to eat the guy to stop him from "ruining her life". Hitori now has a massive gut, she calms down due to the dopamine she got from making her belly happy, by being full and that she has taken care of the situation, she then lets out a satisfied burp (like image 3). For two seconds she would be happy, then she realises her station, that she just ate a classmate and her gut is currently digesting him alive. She thinks about letting him out but knows it wouldn't be easy and that if he is let out then she could end up going to jail for this. Hitori sneaks into an unused room where she can finish the job, she is upset as she burps cries and constantly apologises to the poor dead guy, it has been some time since she ate him seen by how her gut has reduced in size a little and the ball of flesh has no human details anymore being a soft ball that one of her arms sinks into. The final part is of Hitori sitting in the same unused room staring at her nonexistent belly and massive boobs that broke her jack zipper, she lets out a sad, pathetic laugh as she finds it a little funny how this started due to a guy seeing her bra and now she will have to walk how with everyone seeing her see-through top and now massive tits and bra. Hitori is depressed however her gut is satisfied letting out a satisfied moan indicated by a heart shape as it really enjoyed the meal it digested, her hips and ass are also a lot bigger. This is a very big request and I get it if it's way too much, so I tried to make the request as appealing as possible with enough detail in hopes that the idea is good enough that someone would want to do the full request. If you end up wanting to do this entire idea, even if it's rushed, or a quick sketch or you slowly work on this and it takes a year, no matter what if you do the full thing it would make me incredibly happy, I would really appetite it, and you would be a godsend to me. I love this character and hoped that the anime would help her to get some vore, but sadly she hasn't gotten much and I don't think she will get that much at this point. If you want to shorten it then that's okay but if possible could there be the scene where she has her gut in class and is panicking and then the scene with her in the unused room with a soft but large gut and she is sad?
>>21913 Bump
>>19690 Greetings, I come from the edit thread
>>22384 >>22385 This is incredible! I was happy to see my request was done but I was not expecting an animation which was an amazing surprise. Thank you so much for taking my request and putting in so much effort. I love everything about this and I'm glad you chose my request and made it into an animation.
>>22320 Would you mind the prey being a girl instead?
>>22385 damn, this is really cute Mawile is always been one of the cuter vorish pokemon and it's nice seeing one this smug and cute in vore let alone in an animation. i also love that little smug face at the end and how her second mouth smiled a bit as it just added to the cuteness.
>>22387 I don't mind, if you want a female prey then go ahead, the prey can be any gender.
Requesting Nitori pred where she has a body and attitude like the images well having a bored expression. It would have 2 or 3 parts. 1 she has just eaten someone, they are squirming, begging to be let out or in pain and she is looking bored or unfazed. 2 she is working, having a serious expression well she gets to work on a project her gut is small and bouncy with the prey dead. 3 she has finished her project and is finally smiling due to being proud of her project being finished where she has finished her meal and her boobs go up a cup as well as her having more distinct hips. She has to eat to live but inventing is something she does because she enjoys doing it. Food is a necessity and if she could go without it she would just because it means more inventing time. She could eat a human because she a yokai or she could do it because bigger meals mean less time eating as they last for days. She and the prey would have a similar attitude to the pred and prey from muted melody with the idea being the same cruel treatment of a random person who had a life. Sweet prey having a great day or going to confess to someone when Nitori is looking for her lunch for a lunch break. She uncaringly eats the sweet prey sending them to their doom just because she was hungry and eats people so then she does other things well the prey suffers a grizzly end weeping. The last file is muted melody which was made by Kronguss.
>>22384 Mawile is the best poke girl. I'm not the OR but I do want to say great work, it's nice seeing a request get animated and you did a great job with this. If you do more animations I look forward to them but only do what you want to do. I'm saying this in case someone thinks they can just start demanding animations, it's unlikely to happen but I think it's important to say in case someone tries spamming for an animation to be done.
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Requesting Binah from Library of Ruina having devoured several groups of guests while in a bunny girl outfit and laying on top of her massive stomach like Sarvente. Also a plus if she gets some massive hyper thighs/ass like Alex has at the top right after she ate and digested the Ender Dragon as a result of digesting all the guests.
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Rin Kokonoe from Kodomo no Jikan eats a teacher who was going to report Daisuke Aoki who is the teacher she is in love with and tries to seduce. Rin tries to tell the teacher Daisuke did nothing wrong and that she was the aggressor but the teacher does not believe Rin is incapable of understanding that she is being taken advantage of not getting that Rin is telling her that it's the opposite way around. In a desperate attempt to stop the teacher, Rin would eat the teacher and after a burp, Rin calls the teacher an idiot and tells them that she is doing this for Daisuke. The teacher tells Rin that she was going to report Daisuke for Rin's own good but then Rin screams one last time that she was the one flirting with him and that he keeps rejecting her to her disappointment which baffles the teacher and they finally understand the situation but its way to late and they are now Rin's food and will be digested. Rin wouldn't care that she is digesting the teacher and is just thinking of how she could use this to seduce Daisuke and if she will get a big butt or boobs.
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Requesting aqua in this Christmas sweater after eating Megumin, she is drunk telling Kazuma merry Christmas with Mehumins hat on her belly. Aqua ends up falling asleep on Kazuma knocking him out and by the time she wakes up she has a pudgy belly on top of Kazuma's face. A bonus pic that would be nice to see would be where she sits up and then falls ass first onto Kazuma's face and then goes back to sleep with Kazuma's head under her ass or in her ass.
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>>22495 Started

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Requesting Elvine from the obscure game Gragyriss, Captor of Princesses having swallowed the other princesses in the dragon's possession with their discarded clothing and undergarments nearby while the dragon is away terrorizing a nearby settlement. When the dragon gets back she could be laying on her side seductively with a huge, post-digestion gut and telling Gragyriss that he doesn't need any other princesses but her (and maybe getting a boost her own abilities in the process of gurgling the other princesses). The dragon's expression can be whatever you want it to be. Be it surprised, impressed, flustered at how thick she's gotten from digesting the other princesses or whatever else.
>>22508 It's looking like this is going to be a playful comic. So far, this has a fun feeling, and it's great. Both characters are very expressive, the details are great, and it feels as if you are having a lot of fun with this one.
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>>22516 Did this while sleepy. Hope its close to what you wanted >>20342
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>>22527 OR here. Binah reading while waiting for her meals to digest on top of her massive gut is a nice touch. Thank you very much for the bun Binah!
Not the guy who asked for this but I do love Aqua and she looks lovely here.
>>22519 Thank you for doing this and doing it so fast, The belly looks great pressed on Kazuma and I like how you did the part where she lies down boobs and belly on Kazuma well having a few gulps of her booze to send to and mix with the gooey Megumin remains. Everything is great and the only thing I would say that could be different would be the first parts belly. It could be a little bigger, the shape is great since there is probably so much booze inside. even so, it's still great as it is and I love it.
>>22536 Yeah I was half asleep when I did this and without my glasses so I didnt notice the smaller belly till to late. Otherwise glad you liked it.
Since there seems to be more of a Christmas theme, here's a Christmas themed request. Requesting jack the ripper from FGO wanting a Christmas outfit, but like always, she never gets one. She would see another servant in their Christmas outfit and decide if she won't be given one, then she will take one for herself. Jack eats the servant, and then that servant is left in Jack's digestive juices, and jack goes to drink hot chocolate. After she digested the servant, Jack would burp out their costume and wear it. The acid damage makes the outfit skimpy as the skirt cape and midsection are gone revealing her ass, belly and back, but jack loves it. An alternate ending I thought of after seeing a design of her in a ribbon costume would be that the outfit is too damaged to be worn, making jack sad. But then, seeing a present warped with a cute ribbon, she gets an idea. Jack would then reveal her Christmas costume, which is her with no clothes and just wrapped in a ribbon ending with a fat thighed jack covering herself with only the ribbon, happy to have a Christmas outfit this year.
>>22519 >>22527 These are nice to see. It's nice to see oneass vore and on where the prey is already digesting.
>>22572 Not oneass vore it was suppose to be One mass vore. I typed too quick and forgot to check.
(9.03 MB 4657x5452 apitop-848298-Polka_Mania.png)

Requesting a scene after this where Polka digest her prey and is embarrassed because her skirt is too small and everyone can see her panties, well she also she has a belly with a bit of a skull shape as the skull and a tiny bit of the prey is all that's left.
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You may want to watch the first video for context. Requesting the demon lord from the first video to transport the people she vaporised into her gut instead of vaporising them, she then sits on her throne with a massive belly and sleeps. When she wakes up, her food is digested, so she gets up and walks around her castle to wake her body up. She is happy with the results, but then she remembers that she is still wearing the magic dress and gets embarrassed because her dumb men must have seen her naked body. The demon lord would think of getting rid of the dress when one of her most intelligent men asks why she is naked. Knowing what that means, this then gives her an idea, she should educate her men and then eat those who can still see she is naked since it would mean they are either too stupid or traitors, but before she does that, she has to take care of a traitor, so she licks her lips ready for dessert. I made the images spoilers, in case you want to watch the video first. https://youtu.be/XG5lNcyvksA I'm also adding this video because it's got the same demon lord and is pretty funny, 1:22 to 1:30 is amazing, or my sense of humour is terrible. https://youtu.be/7UdtvP9HvTs
>>22399 Ultra bump for 3-4 ideas
requesting etorofu from kancolle getting a fat ass after eating someone. her prey pissed her off saying she has no sex appeal being flat and small so she ate them and got a big ass making her happy.
>>>/v/751809 >Is false equivalence, they need food whether in nature or captivity, they sometimes eat their partners even before mating in both places. If they have enough food, they'll just ignore the male after mating; the male would try to escape regardless and make it out alive. >Basically don't count on spiders being rational, and keep them well fed Sounds like a neat idea that someone should get on.
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requesting one of the pacman ghost girls with a large stuffed belly and the other girls telling her how lucky she was to finally getting pacman. (artist gets to choose which girl was the lucky pred)
requesting for Irina Shidou to devour Rias Gremory , Akeno Himejima and mio naruse and Irina ends up with a large stuffed belly and wants other girls to leave her man alone
I'm requesting Remilia Scarlet in her throne room with Sakuya and a trespasser that was caught. She asks the man why he trespassed, and he tells her that his brother and sister were sent to the mansion as an offering. Remilia with a wicked grin tells him that she and her sister, Flan found them to be delicious with tea and cake. This would make him lose his will, and as an act of mercy, Remilia says she can help him join his sister, as she was the one to eat her, and the guy excepts her offer. Remilia is on her throne, resting and enjoying her meal. She is telling him that soon he will be with his sister as fat on her body, energy to use and shit to fertilise her garden where the two will meet their brother, and then she lets out a burp. You don't have to do digestion if that is too much or you don't want to, but It would be a great addition. For digestion, Flan finds out and gets annoyed that Remilia ate a human without her. Remilia tries to act mature telling Flan she's too immature to deal with these types of matters, and then says she can have the next one if she's a good girl. Flan would get more annoyed knowing Remilia is just trying to make her out as a naive child to boost her own ego, as well as the fact that Remilia keeps sticking out her chest and hips, obviously showing off how her recent meal has helped her body.
>>7734 >>19828 bumping this. I'm more on the side of the blond one eating the pup. She cute would look great with a belly full of the pup and could let out cute burps and it would be nice seeing her get both entertainment and a meal from it. Then she goes back to school the next day as if it never happened but now with a little chubby gut of puppy fat and possibly burping in blind girl's face with her breath stinking of a wet dead dog. But Blind girl would also be great as she would never know that her gut digested her pet and the gut could make happy sounds enjoying being full of live prey treating her pet like any other meal because it's a gut a doesn't discriminate.
>>22693 No one's gonna draw your depraved cripple torture fetish you colossal fucking faggot. Go push a quadriplegic down a flight of stairs and never post on my board again.
>>22693 +1, hot idea
>>21688 Seconding this.
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Requesting an older Nazz from Ed, Edd n' Eddy swallowing several miscellaneous girls and stuffing them into her cheeks like jawbreakers from the show before gulping them down. Once they're in her gut, can have them punch from within with the Ed, Edd n' Eddy Sumo sound effect in subtitles while Nazz lets out a cartoonish burp like the elf image in response.
>>22705 Your board? I'm sorry, but how is this your board? I can tell you this isn't your board because; 1 You ain't Joemama (Mod); 2 The guy who owns the board most likely doesn't care about some shitposting; 3 if this is your board, then why am I still here? Also, a fetish is a fetish, but telling someone to push a quadriplegic down a flight of stairs is pretty bad. You shouldn't coerce someone into doing acts that can hurt real people if anything that makes you worse than me. Why would I push a quadriplegic down a flight of stairs? I'm not a sadist, I'm just into vore, and I'm not a monster. I just want a fictional' blind girl to suffer as her "friend" either eats the blind girl's pet to turn them into a cute pudgy belly or feeds the blind girl her own pet becoming full and never knowing she ate her pet.
https://youtu.be/n1uGnIdBFOA Requesting the girls in this video with bellies full of prey when dancing and then backstage getting changed after digestion with one girl unable to fit into her clothes ripping either her pants, skirt or panties trying to bend over or put them on. I've never watched the show and have only seen this one clip of them dancing and some art when looking for it. The show is called Gargantia and I think the girls look great.
>>22282 I some how missed this post so I want to say this is an amazing continuation, I also want to throw out an idea. With the art that your doing where characters from fairy tail eat Lucy, I was thinking you could have Lucy get eaten by the evil Wendy, where she unaware gets eaten when alone. Then an uncaring Wendy digest, burps and acts either smug, or bored after eating Lucy, ending with Wendy having bigger hips and Lucy absorbed by the imposters bowels. Then that leads to Lucy getting eaten by normal Wendy, where she wakes up from a dream of the events involving evil Wendy, she goes into the guild and seeing Wendy gets a bit panicked stumbling into Wendy and she accidentally eats Lucy who fell into her. Where the first Wendy was dominant this one is sad not wanting to eat her friend. It ends with a crying Wendy with a soft belly and some nice gains to the unwilling pred, she is now full of guilt and wondering how she will tell people what happened and how she will live with herself. This may be a hard to read as it's late and I'm doing this on my phone due to internet problems on my PC. I'll re read this tomorrow and if it's that bad I'll rewrite it.
I want to see a grown-up Lillie from pokemon Sun and Moon, pregnant with twins and belching loudly after eating Lana and Mallow, in a similar vain to this story: https://aryion.com/g4/view/765462
>>19354 (13027) Bumping
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Requesting this space squirrel girl drawn by Vanripper for Mittsie's new album floating in space with a huge belly like the other refs.
Requesting a vore version of Rukoruko's ending from Magical Girl Riru, where she digests and absorbs both Riru & Yae inside her belly to gain their magic and become voluptuously huge and thicc. Bonus if Rukoruko tests the enhanced power of her magical farts right after (she is a skunk girl after all), but the odor ends up being too much for her and falls unconscious
>>22399 Let's do this!
>>21913 >>22276 Double bump
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>>22320 If someone ends up doing this bocchi idea I found a pretty good reference image for the zipper braking. I agree with the guy who made the request that the girl needs something because there is still zero results on eka.
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>>21585 >>20342 Well not exactly the same, wanted to try something new.
>>22928 This is cute, I may not be the requester but Buro is a girl I would have requested if she hadn't already been requested. The facial expressions are some of your best and it does well to tell a story without any dialogue. The coloring is nice matching the vibrant colors of the game with them being very pleasing with great shading and lighting.
>>22928 Thank you for making this, it may not be the same, but I prefer what you did as it's better than my idea and my idea was a bit too long. Seeing her in an act trying her best to entertain the audience is fun and having her trip and eat one of the audience members is better than some random guy. I imagine her being embarrassed for the mistake and sad for eating a fan and/or ruining the act, with the audience thinking this is part of the show. It also fits her better as she seems like a kind and playful character who would only eat someone if it was a mistake and would be panicking trying to let her prey out if she didn't knock herself out. It's a cute idea, and it has already been said, but the colouring is excellent as it fits the style of the game with great lighting and shine, and the expressions are perfect as they match the tone of the idea of it being a genuine mistake mid-act. Finally, the belly is perfect, as always, and I like how she is knocked out, which could be bad for the prey if Buro doesn't wake up fast enough, as she may unwillingly digest him. Again thank you for this, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas, a happy new year and that you get to enjoy the holidays.
>>22928 great stuff, and it's nice seeing some accidental vore.
>>22543 Seconding this, but I also want to throw out an idea for Jack. Jack wants to get her master a present and ask around for ideas, which results in her eating someone. It could be her master, a servant, or some random person, and her reason could be anything, from her finding out it's his fetish, he likes her ass and eating someone is the best way to make it bigger, or maybe she is tricked into thinking that's what her master wants. The last scenario could have the one who ticked jack having this plan to frame Jack and become their master favourite, but the plan backfires as they then become the meal, not realising jack would just eat them and not look for someone else to eat as they didn't say she couldn't eat them.
I believe alfa995 and there OC’s should tickle your fancy: https://alfa995.newgrounds.com/
>>2214 >>2238 >>2300 Someone accidentally linked this idea in the edit thread due to deleting one of the numbers, it reminded me of this idea so and so I'm bumping and seconding this idea.
Requesting the green haired receptionist girl from Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask leaning on her desk with a content expression looking normal from the front before cutting to the back showing her ass and a gargantuan squirming mass vore belly stuffed under her desk from having eaten several townsfolk who came to see the mayor. A plus if it all goes to her ass later and the reason she's doing it being that the world is going to end from the moon crashing into the world, so she may as well indulge herself.
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I'm requesting Alice Margatroid from Touhou. A kid on a dare enters an old cottage, and it turns out it belongs to Alice. Before she punishes the kid, she says to them that they should be careful where they go as there are many hungry yokai and even hungry humans, as she smugly licks her lips. She is burping after just eating the kid with a very active gut, with Alice clearly enjoying the feeling with a possible mocking comment about how they will add nicely to her. Alice leaves to go to the human village to buy food. As she shops, the shopkeeper questions why she isn't buying as much this week, and Alice responds with, "I've already eaten enough for a few days today after a lucky catch", as she pats her small round belly. I put together multiple great images of Alice in a few collections. There are 4, Alice Lewd, Alice Thick, Alice Ass and Alice. I was hoping that some of these may inspire people to draw her even outside the request thread. I don't mind if you don't use the idea, and if any of the images of Alice give you an idea, then feel free to draw what you want. Any Alice vore would be great, and I will cherish any vore with Alice as pred. Also, Merry Christmas as it's early in the morning where I am.
>>22399 Bump good idea
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Requesting Illya from fate being underestimated by a man twice her size as he doesn't believe she can eat someone his size so they make a bet where if Illya can eat him she can claim his life, she makes sure he is okay with this and ask if he wants to back out before it's too late but he doesn't back out as he believes this is an easy win. She eats the man and mocks him for being a kid's meal and soon-to-be fat on a little girl's ass, he wants to back out but Illya isn't having it as she won the bet and so his life is forfeited and she treats him cruelly. The next day she is in class and it's a side view of her as she is smug with her new plumper ass squishing on the chair her thinking the guy was a dumbass for really thinking the wager was a good idea even after she warned him multiple times. The last image is different parts of a conversation with the Illya character AI that this idea is based on.
Requesting Tanya from Tany the evil in a dire situation where there's no food, it's the middle of winter, and she just finished a mission. She is hungry and close to death when she finds a small crevice to hide in. When she enters, she is greeted by two soldiers shivering in their sleep. She doesn't know if their enemies or her allies, but she doesn't care as right now, the only thing she cares about is survival, so well they sleep she devours them. As it gets darker and colder, she falls asleep as she slowly digests the two men. When she wakes, it's morning, and the storm has calmed down. She finds the helmets of the two men, which indicate that they were her allies, but Tany doesn't care as they are now both food. Her belly is a softball of flab that will help her survive the journey back as it keeps her warm and acts as a source of energy for her body to burn. She would make it home and get rewarded a badge for her work with no trace of that night on her as she digested it all on the way back home. I got the idea after seeing a story of Tanya where I believed this was going to be the outcome with her eating a soldier for survival. It wasn't, but it gave me this idea as she was someone I could see doing this so she could survive another day. It's a perfect scenario for vore, as what else could she eat?
Requesting Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagann. Quite simply, I feel she doesn’t get enough art as a pred (I mean, she does look tasty, so I’m not surprised), but it would be nice to see some more of her gurgling some girls. I’d personally like to see her eat another space babe, specifically Zero Two or Samus Aran. A big belly full of hot girl suits Yoko perfectly. I’d imagine she’d taunt and tease her food as it digests.
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I'm requesting Nyanners being taunted by mousey or Silvervale who is jiggling their chest and squeezing their boobs as they vocally mock Nyanners for her lack of a chest, and Nyanners is visibly pissed. As the taunter is laughing their ass off, Nyanners has had enough and sneaks up behind them. The next part has Nyanners licking the last bit of taste from her fingers and smacking her belly. She either has a look of extreme satisfaction or burping with the text being either her laughing at how a hot big-chested voluptuous fox is a meal for a cute little flat kitty or her telling Ironmouse that she should have been more careful who she mocks with the name ironMOUSE because you never know when a big bad kitty cat may mistake her for a tasty rodent if hangry. The final part is Nyanners playing with her boobs and smug as fuck, wondering how she will explain this to management. She thinks of a few ideas, like saying she is 3, vtuber for the price of 1 or that their better off as cat tits and ass, but she decides she'll leave the explaining to future Nyanners I put two prey as options as I think both would be good to see with their own benefits as prey. Silvervale seems like a good one for the massive tits idea, she is one of the lewdest and most likely to make jokes about Nyanners lack of a chest, so it's funny for the big titty anime girl to become boobs for the flat cat. On the other hand, Ironmosue has mouse in her name, and Nyanners already said she would vore her, seen in the video. https://youtu.be/PrrVQZw55uE I found a link to a 3d model of her that may help if you draw this. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/nyanners-b04f848a093145309ecb4b8aa3e92d68
Lets have a gjinka-fied mad dummy digesting mad mew mew
Let’s give this a vorish twist shall we?
Requesting this idea where a girl gets kidnapped either by a lab or an organised crime group. They feed the girl her friends for either a test or to dispose of evidence depending on the group, and from then on she is treated like a trash can being forced to eat people over the years. After a few years, she is loyal to the people that kidnapped her. She was sad and scared and hated herself for digesting her friends, and after so much time, she is now a ruthless predator who eats anyone she is asked to by those she was kidnapped by. A third option I just thought of as I was writing this is that a girl becomes some rich kid's gift to use any way they want, and they use her as a toy feeding her because they like watching her belly digest people and hugging the belly when soft. A few years go by, and she becomes the kid's servant and is free to walk around. She now enjoys spending time with her master as they feed her people.
Requesting Three Houses' Best Girl, letting out a raunchy belch after eating a student or 2
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Requesting basically any vore with the girls (or 'girls', in the case of someone like Bill or Dorothy) from Black Souls as pred. I unfortunately can't find any decent images focused on the full cast from 1, but oh well, any of the 'gals from 2 would work nicely too. Fine with anything when it comes to specifics, same-size, macro-micro, small pred in the case of someone like Leaf (the green-haired fairy) or whatever else.
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My request is for Jo'on from Touhou to eat someone and then digest them. You can create a scenario or use one of the ideas I've made in the other two paragraphs. A guy asks Jo'on to eat them, and she is disgusted and creeNice personut, calling the guy a disgusting and wired pervert and walking away. The guy offers her all his money if she eats him, and in an instant, she comes back and is eager to accept his request, even pointing to her open mouth with her tongue sticking out and telling the guy to hop on in like the tasty snack he is. After eating him, she is counting the money she got with a smug face telling him he was tasty and a great meal well, thinking about how awful he tasted and that she may need to wash her mouth out after he digested. It ends with her chugging down some liquid and making a face as if she has eaten something vile, her prey is mush at this point, and she stops acting as if she loved it. Some guy tries to steal from Jo'on sister Shion and as they run Jo'on grabs their shoulder and gives them a solid punch in the face knocking them out cold her saying no one but she can screw with her sister. She eats the guy and burps out all the shit he stole, and Shion is about to say thanks when Jo'on pushes her over and sits on her back, telling Shion that she is keeping the shit he stole, including what he stole from her. She could have a change of heart seeing it's Shion stuffed toy the guy stole and giving it back to Shion, pretending she only doing it because it's worthless and not because she felt bad, or she could double down and sell it.
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>>23507 Starting
Let’s make some “contributions” to the lesser known students in yan sim

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>>23564 Here’s some more
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>>23564 >>23565 And to top it all off
>>23563 Not the requester, but it's looking good.
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>>23507 >>20342 Done, hope the burp is close to what you wanted. Still newbie with those.
Requesting Akai Haato, also known as Haachama. Hololive introduces their new talent, and she is a spider girl. As she introduces herself in her debut and tells chat how this was her dream, a shadowy figure of Haachama with red eyes is behind her. It cuts to black with only a few Onomatopoeia of chomps and crunches and the spider girl screaming. Then we see Hachama picking her teeth and patting her belly, and the spider girl is begging for help and calling for the staff of Hololive, but no one comes to save her. Haachama would take over the stream and say RIH (Rest In Haachama). She moves the camera to show us her belly, which has become a pot belly, and her hands are rubbing her belly. The only sounds it makes are a few gurgles and a squelch where she rubs and presses in her belly full of spider meat. You can see her thighs and chest have gone up in size, but you can't see her eyes as it only goes up to her nose, and she is smiling (the last picture is what I imagine this would look like only with a belly and facing forward).
>>23575 Again I'm not the OR but this looks great, it's a good image to start the new year with.
>>23575 Holy hell, that's fantastic! Thank you so much!
Bumping Roderika because she is cute and would be a great pred >>13786
OKAY two words: Dexter's Mom. The thiccest fucking piece of ass in cartoon history has almost no vore art and that's a cardinal sin. Anyone wanna fix that?
>>23640 Funny you mention that since I was working on this bikini pic for that exact reason. Though if you have anything more specific in mind for her, let me know. Still also have some other requests here that I put off last year due to wanting to finish personal art I put off that I feel the need to do.
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>>23640 >>23653 >>20342 Took the time to spruce and finish it up. Hope you enjoy it. Now I'll try to slowly chip away at some of those other requests from last year.
>>23653 >>23664 I'm not the one who requested this but this is some good stuff and it's great seeing some western cartoon preds.
I believe alfa995 and there OC’s should tickle your fancy: https://alfa995.newgrounds.com/
>>23664 Not the OR, and I'm also not someone who likes cartoon milf preds, however, it may not be my cuppa tea, but it's still some good art. I hope we get to see more and that you enjoyed any request you deiced to take.
Requesting this trainer, a girl named Emily asked if she had seen the world champion, Ash, so with a smug face, she says "Ash? I haven't seen him since lunch. " She is either grabbing her belly and squeezing it or she is patting the belly with ripples on the soft belly. Ash is already a goner since he's very soft and gooey.
Requesting for Azula(The last airbender) to eat and digest Aang and absorb his powers
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I'm begging for some Acerola vore that isn't from... you know... that guy
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>>23903 Great image, I wasn't the one who requested this but Konata is a great pred that isn't used enough.
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I am requesting for Jaidenanimation to eat Alpharad. Someone did some art of her based on a scene in a recent video of hers where a piranha plant eats her. After seeing the picture, I watched the video, and there was a scene where Jaiden animates Alpharad feeding her pizza when she is blindfolded, and he's not looking, and the part gave me this idea. My idea is that as Alpharad feeds Jaiden, he isn't paying attention and puts his hand in her mouth. She wouldn't notice because she is blindfolded, and when Alpharad realises he's being eaten, he tries to tell Jaiden to stop, but she swallows his head and it muffles his pleas. With Jaiden still blindfolded and Alpharad unable to call out, he would be swallowed by her, well Jaiden is unaware of what she did. She would assume Alpharad went to the toilet or to get more pizza, and as she waits, she would be tired and fall into a food coma where she digests Alpharad. The video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYnaQS3ezzM
>>23903 >>23664 Not the OR of either of these however it doesn't mean I can't praise them as both of these are great. Seeing Konata as pred with some really good expression and art is a blessing. She needs more art so even though i'm not OR i'm happy you did this. Another rare pred that looks nice. I'm more into anime style but I can appreciate a nice drawing of a rare pred.
>>23903 Hey, im the guy who requested this and wanted to say thank you for drawing this, and to agree with >>23908 and >>23929 konata definitely needs more vore art.
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Requesting Adiane the Elegant (woman with eyepatch & scorpion tail) from Gurren Lagann doing some tail vore with her sucking up Kiyoh (blonde girl), Kinon (girl with glasses) and Kiyal (purple haired girl) Bachika up her scorpion tail like she is with Yoko all at once and immediately absorbing all three girls directly into her ass, tits and thighs, kinda like the gifs but up to you whether its a still image or animated.
Requesting something involving this girl as the pred instead of the prey.
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>>23954 Never done tail vore but had been interested to try. Plus wanted to do some material on her. Heres the starting draft
>>24002 OR here. Looking real good with the pose, tail bulging and Adiane’s expression so far!
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>>24003 More progress
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>>23954 >>20342 Done. Almost had trouble with her hair of all things but got used to it. First time doing tail vore.
>>24065 OR again. Thank you so much for this! Adiane turned out looking great and its fine if its your first time since it turned out well.
>>24066 No problem. Was glad to tackle another underrated and underuitilized character for pred.
>>24065 For your first time, it's some great tail vore.
>>22069 seconding this or requesting Jahy eating her landlord. Jahy has eaten her landlord, and she gets cocky because she thinks she doesn't have to pay rent. She would either lose her apartment and become homeless for not paying the new landlord, has to pay more rent to the new landlord, or the landlord's sister becomes the new landlord, and Jahy's life becomes a lot better.
Requesting this cute, busty redhead bellydancer doing her dance with a guy in her gut with an obvious erection bulge poking out.

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Can I get a continuation of the first pic where he gets the medicine, but his girlfriend is just a mass of half-digested meat? As Jasmine said, his girlfriend joined her thighs and some other places. Jasmine is grateful for the help and is being her sweet and kind self to the now-single guy. She would give him a half-assed apology since she isn't sorry for digesting her prey and even thinks she deserved it. She then tells him that technically parts of her are made from his girlfriend, with Jasmine using the saying, you are what you eat, hinting at the idea that she could make it up to him by being his girlfriend. She has a cute face and personality, and her new gains give her a sexiness she didn't have before. If you want to do something from the guy's perspective, I think it would be fun if he isn't on the same page as her. Jasmine doesn't care that she digested her prey, but the guy would be upset. He's angry at himself for not stopping his girlfriend from being digested, but he's even more angry at Jasmine. His anger at Jasmine isn't just because she ate and then digested his girlfriend. It's also because she has shown no remorse, has taken pleasure in digesting his girlfriend and acts as if his girlfriend's death isn't important by making light of the situation. To add salt to the wound, she gave an insincere apology, then suggested that she becomes his girlfriend as if he should be okay with the outcome and go out with his girlfriend's killer. I found the image on eka in this post here, https://aryion.com/g4/view/857401
>>24065 I think I found your pixiv, you do good work
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Guess I'll put this Space Bunny in for an idea! Was thinking maybe her midswallow with a tiny anon struggling in her throat as she's feeling the bulge in her throat.
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>>24263 Very nice! All the angles and cute expressions she makes while dancing are a nice touch. Many thanks for giving the cute redhead a nice gut!
>>23293 Bump for Yoko pred
>>24263 This is some really nice art of a cute belly dancer. I'm not the OR but you did a great job with her hips because damn they're nice. The last two things I want to say are I love the cute chibi version at the start as well as the smug feeling she gives off.
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Requesting a character who can go from their normal size to giant eating someone in their giant form and then shrinking to have a belly bulge. Here are two characters I could think of for this idea. Paul Bunyan from fate is questioned by her master about where one of his 5 start servants went. She avoids the question by pretending she doesn't know and does the Not-So-Innocent Whistle trope. Her master then demands her to shrink, and she reluctantly does so and her belly is huge. It's either soft and full of 5 stars summon soup, or it has bones bulging out. MT Lady is in her large form and is doing a lot of hero work without any breaks. The people think she just helping out because she wants to, but the truth is that earlier that day she accidentally ate a human, and if she shrinks people will see her human-sized gut, and she can't just throw them up. So she helps out as an excuse to stay big and let her gut do its work. When it gets dark she uses the opportunity to find a private place to shrink and see how bad it is revealing that her belly is a small ball of digested human. The sudden fullness makes her burp, but she is just glad it was one person this time and they seemed to be going to her tits and ass.
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Requesting Pantagruel from Isekai Quartet movie. A random guy suddenly appears in the world that Pantagruel lives in, so she goes and greets him. They talk, and she brings up that she's getting hungry, so the guy asks if golems get hungry. She examples that she can eat as she uses food as power like any human, and then mentions she can eat almost anything no matter what it's made of or its size, but she enjoys cooked food. The guy seeing an opportunity to live out a fantasy, asks her to eat him, and after some begging, she fulfils his request. After eating him, she is no longer hungry, but now she has to walk home with a massive gut. After getting his fill, he asks Pantagruel to let him out, but she can't hear him, and he assumes she let him out before it's too late. However, Pantagruel believes that the guy wanted to be digested. As she is walking, she's thinking about why he would desire to die like this and eventually assumes he must have thought this through so she could keep to her word. This means that with no way to tell her to stop and her believing this is what he wanted, the guy would die by digestion as she walks home, with Pantagruel never realising he didn't want to die like this. When she is home, she tells vera about her encounter, and digestion is complete. I don't know if this makes it harder or easier, but to anyone interested and who wants to do this, could it be in the chibi style of Isekia Quartet? If you haven't watched it, you can use the site I've liked to watch it and most anime. It's got some ads but shouldn't have any redirects like most anime sites tend to have and I've been using it for years with no problems. https://www.wcofun.net/isekai-quartet-movie-another-world-english-subbed
Requesting luna from Hololive in her underwear sleeping on a couch after eating young Mio, and then after digesting she is mad because she can't get her clothes to fit. If possible, could there be 3 scenes. One of her sleeping on the couch with Mio alive, the second Mio is dead, and the angle gives a good view of luna's ass, and finally, Luna's failing to get dressed as she tries to get her skirt on but can't because her ass is too fat.
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>>24390 Image of young Mio
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Requesting Ms. Bellum from Powerpuff girls after having gulped down all 3 of these older Powerpuff Girls and grinding against a stripper pole as they thrash around in her belly. Also a plus if Ms. Bellum is wearing one of their outfits that are too small for her very curvy (and soon to be curvier) frame.
>>23528 Seconding, the second idea, but it splits off at the end with two endings. Ending A being, she's kind to her sister and gives back her doll, acting cute and flustered. Ending B being she is a bitch, selling her sister's doll, and then with the money, she buys an expensive swimsuit to show off her curves well using her sister as a chair.
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I saw this on Twitter and want more! https://twitter.com/Allithemeal/status/1616289128915820544?t=QkHm2q6N4pP6Lk1qSacZew&s=19 Perhaps an post vore scene of her disposing of her meal. Ke just alittle weight gain
>>24212 Enjoy
Requesting doctorloops’ Mona (blue dress) eating the other three nurses so she can have sex with the patients all she wants and probably laying her big, post-digestion belly on the guy as she fucks him.
>>24484 Thank you based anon!
>>24484 This has some great details, and it's nice having some size difference vore. I really like the shading on this, and I don't know if it's because it's in pencil, but the shading makes certain parts have a nice thickness. For example, the cheeks and tongue look pleasantly round, and the shading makes it so satisfying to look at.
>>24484 Some incredible art and I hope you decided to do more requests.
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Requesting that Ramlethal Valentine eats a burger after eating Johnny so she can wash his taste out of her mouth. It's not necessary, but I would love it if there's a second part where Ramlethal meets May, and she is looking for Johnny. So Ramlethal burps in May's face, and then with her toothy grin, she describes how Johhny looks and then reveals that she ate him and that May should get a good whiff of her burp, as that is the last smell she'll ever get of Johhny now that he's gone.
I'm requesting a sequence where Sothis from Fire Emblem eats a curvy girl who tried to flirt with Byleth. A year or two after Byleth declares his love for Sothis, he runs into a very curvey woman who tries to flirt with him and doesn't take no for an answer. Sothis would get mad at the woman and can tell that even though Byleth refuses her, he finds her attractive. That night when Bylth sleeps, Sothis finds a way to create a physical form and hunts the woman down. She finds the woman alone and strikes, engulfing her head. She would play with her meal and struggle with her prey's ass as it's incredibly wide, but she gets it down in the end. She pushes the feet in, gulps one last time and then enjoys the moment before heading back. Throughout the night, she would digest her meal and crease her belly as it shrinks, and when the woman is all gone, she admires her newly gained chest and ass as she has become an even more curvy shortstack, similar to the last two pics, but not as fat as the last one. Throughout the meal, Sothis would enjoy herself, being smug and calling her prey a juice piece of meat. For a bonus part, she could sleep next to Byleth, and when he wakes up, he is shocked to see Sothis in physical form fast asleep next to him but that she is also a lot more curvier than he remembered her being.
>>24593 I second this
Requesting an old arcade cabinet game over screen counting down with a smug futa I-No from Guilty Gear having done same size cock vore on the defeated player character (can be any Guilty Gear character you want) with them squirming in vain inside I-No’s balls as the timer counts down to their slimy doom and an insert coin message to continue like this: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6403317
>>24549 >>24593 Interested to do both of these. Also really weird feeling to see my Wendy drawing as a reference. Not bad just not used to it happening
>>24633 I'm glad you like my Sothis idea, and if you do it, I will look forward to seeing what you do. It's a great drawing and a perfect reference for posing and showing how big the ass would be compared to the body. The ass is nice and round, as well as the centre of attention in that panel, with Wendy clearly enjoying it, which is similar to what I would want Sothis doing as she enjoyed turning someone she was jealous of into the exact thing she desired, curves. Overall it's a great reference for an ass and gives off a feeling of smugness from Wendy.
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I don't think there is any vore art of her. Well I have an idea to help change that. So Pandora eats Pyra, mythra, and Nia to power herself up and thicken herself up for Zeke After digesting the three, their face appear on their thigh, and vore crystals appear on the other thigh Bonus:(Her saying she would reawaken them again later, with the three annoyingly agreeing. Mythra could be pissed she has to be thigh fat, Nia grumbles about getting revenge when she gets back, and pyra's just glad she hasn't forgotten anything)
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I don't care for the new Adams family show or poppy playtime. But, I love this animation and think some vore based on this would be great. A cute red hair girl getting scared and being smug in a gothic l0lita outfit is fantastic, and I think the only way it could be any better is if she had some vore with her in the same dress, scared after eating prey and then being smug after she has done digesting her prey. Or even better, a sequence where she goes through each dance move slowly becoming more confident and smug with her belly shrinking until she ends it rubbing her flat belly. https://youtu.be/G0V4cKopbHY
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Requesting Wuya from Xiaolin Showdown having devoured Jack Spicer and all of the Xiaolin Dragons (save for Raimundo) and lounging on her throne either normally or wreathed in green Heylin flames as they're all digested and converted into sentient ass fat.
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>>24549 Starting on this then will get to Sothis
>>24778 She is looking good chewing her burger with a gut.
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Requesting this chimera either eating the girl or strutting around with her in his gut
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Can someone draw this girl, inside of a stomach? or womb? fully naked and looking exhausted/pissed trying to get out?
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>>20342 >>24549 Done. Moslty was focusing on getting used to their designs.
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>>24829 OR here. Damn, you really nailed it with this along with the cool space background/debris to boot! Thank you very much for the super stuffed space squirrel!
>>24825 If your goal was to focus on nailing their designs, I can tell you that you definitely nailed it. Thank you, I was the guy who requested this, and I'm happy you took my request. I'm probably not the first guy to say this, but how you make your drawings into comic strips or manga pages seems like a fun way to make a vore comic that goes well with how you draw characters.
>>24825 >>24829 What a great day having two great pieces posted hours apart. the squirrel girl is very cute and Ramlethal Valentine is a treat to see.
>>21922 bumping this
>>24825 I guess May will never see Johnny again. Great stuff I love seeing your art and I'm a fan of guilty gear so this I is one of my favourite pieces.
>>21507 I absolutely love this pic of Clem. I want to ask if the creator is planning on doing more or leaving it as it is. Personally, I love it even if it's unfinished, sketches are great and if it means more art in less time then I think I prefer sketches. I'm not the best at coloring but I may color this if the creator says he's done.
Requesting this AI art I found be turned into a short same size sequence. The hooded knight woman having a bloated and busy gut from eating the smaller girl. Weight gain would be very appreciated!
Requesting a hypnotised female pred eating their best friend or lover unwillingly and waking up when it's too late either sad or not even realising what they did.
can we get some vore based on these
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Reheated pasta pred idea
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Requesting this girl eat someone and then being cocky. She is then annoyed after digestion when her ass is too big for her pants. I don't know who this is but I like this image of her and would like to see her in some vore.
There’s a shocking lack of tabbes vore and r34 in general. Let’s fix that shall we
>>25043 How about some shgurr vore as well to round it all out
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Requesting the scholar elf from Baalbuddy's elf type explanation comic going into detail about Vore Elves, such as how they look similar to most elf types but what seperates them is their insatiable gluttony, ability to devour multiple creatures at once with any oriface and maybe some made up social hierarchy where an alpha pred is at the top. Also a plus if the scholar elf explains how powerful their digestive acids are after getting eaten by one of said Vore Elves and saying she's already melting away as she speaks while in their belly. As for what the Vore Elves look like, they can be any combination of the other references or up to you.
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I guess I'll put space bun in for another request This time showing off her womb tattoo to presumably a tiny viewer and taunting them about being "abducted"
>>23492 Bump
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>>21122 Bumping this and requesting Mabel Rayveil from the same show gurgling up some adventure who did a request to defeat a monster but it turns out it was just her making an ice monster. She eats them so they can't tell anyone there is no monster so it doesn't stop her peaceful life in the woods.
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>>24777 Draft
>>25260 Not the requester but that draft's looking pretty fantastic already
>>25260 OR here. Loving that smug grin as she shoves Raimundo's face into her squirming gut so far!
>>20496 Bump
Requesting same size anal vore with a fat assed Hifumi Togo from Persona 5 pinning Joker/Ren Amamiya against a wall with her ass and stuffing him up said ass with her telling him that she has him trapped in her pincer attack and that he should just admit defeat gracefully (or something like that) A plus if she's just keeping him as a living buttplug for a while with some shogi print panties or striped shimapan's over his face.
>>21638 Just throwing out my opinion, but I think the Senko sequence is great and doesn't really need a continuation. Making the parents into prey may sound good, but I think the idea that they lost the children and Senko got away with it is the best outcome making the disappearance something they will never know or find out with all the evidence gone in Senko's gut. But if this was to be continued, I think the first idea would be pretty interesting as it has a fun conclusion with Senko ruining a guy's life and turning his family into a beach day meal just because she wanted Kuroto to have time off. It also keeps it a mystery for the man as he will never know what happened to his family, with the addition that now everyone thinks he killed them. With no evidence to prove his innocents, he'll be forever known as the guy who killed his family and dumped them into the sea. However, the truth is they did get dumped, but in a different way and into a smaller body of water by the true killer when she decides to use the bathroom.
Requesting Poppy from Pokémon. She sees a tasty trainer and challenges them to a duel with her putting her elite four titles on the line, and if she wins she gets to gobble them up. The trainer either thinks she is just playing around, or she meant to gobble up in a different way, and so he excepts her offer and thinks the worst outcome is he'll be beaten by a kid, and the best outcome is he'll become an elite four-member. After the duel, the trainer loses, Poppy could mock their weak team, then the trainer goes to leave, but poppy reminds them of the deal and the trainer laugh and thinks it is still a joke, and It's only when Poppy knocks them down and starts swallowing them feet first that they realise how serious she was. They would scream, but no one helps them with the spectators even calling Poppy cute well she eats her prey. With her prey in her gut, she would rest and digest with people wanting to get pictures of her and her belly and laughing at the trainer's misfortune. They could say things like they were better off as food for the cutest member of the elite four, that this is the biggest achievement of his life or after digestion, they say that they're glad the pain in the ass trainer became Poppy pudge and that she had done a great service for everyone. I was hoping this would be a short request but I couldn't think of a way to shorten the idea of her winning her prey in a battle with very causal observers. hopefully this isn't too long or can be shorten down as I would love to see Poppy winning the rights to someone life after a Pokémon battle where she is smug and people praise her.
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I come to request a smaller pred downing this big squid here, it can be a little two framer sketch or let your mind take the wheel to make a sequence with the smaller pred doing a bit of belching up drenched clothes with a squid ghost floating off and gained nearly all the big squids thickness/body mass. >Remember to have fun with it anon, and bonus points of you go for a CRK pred or maybe a skinny pandaren/panda pred.
Requesting Crimson from Total Drama Island having eaten/digested several of the other female contestants and belching.
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I wanna see this cutie engorged with ruffians, belching out a column of dragon's breath
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Surprised not many “artworks” of Blanca the possibility’s are (literally) endless!
I think Uzi needs more pred vore art There is this one person that draws these two, but they only ever draw N as a pred. And I think Uzi's edgy personality would make perfect PRED material
>>22055 Hmm... I'll see what I can do
>>23927 If you liked my first piece with the piranha plant. You could just comm me for this version. Lol
>>25763 Amen to that.
Requesting Mirage from Bloodstorm with a big squirming belly she canonically is a pred and i'm surprised there aren't any images of her
>>25779 I would commission, but I've never been comfortable with casing for commissions as I feel I'll mess up, and I don't like how you have to give away some personal info with PayPal. But I will say your art is great! I'm not a big feral guy, but your Jaiden piece was amazing, and you drew her in a cute way. Your art is what made me watch the video and then request the idea.
>>25813 same guy >>25779 I've just now realized that you may have meant a comment after looking at your page on eka. I didn't realize you took suggestions until now. This may be odd, but I like the anonymous element here. I tend not to ask for requests or suggestions from artists on eka, in case my ideas are wired and people may not like them or be uncomfortable. I'm not a big fan of direct requests/suggestions because it feels as if I'm pushing my idea onto people, but here it's more like I'm putting my idea out, and an artist can pick it if they like it or ignore it if they are not interested.
>>25814 (That artist here) Yeah. I can respect not wanting to push your ideas onto people. And the anonymity is nice aswell, hence why I don't have an account here. Lol I did mean commission tho, not comment. I dont take requests usually anymore. Since the commissions are so popular. But tbh, if I find the time I might just do yours, since it is still a good idea. No promises tho. Lol
something something milf pred feeling herself up while laying on a bed after eating the neighbor's son
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I wanna request vore art of Adeleine and Ribbon from Kirby because god dammit, they're pure serotonin and they deserve some big squirmy bellies (I also wanted to request art of Keke, that one catgirl enemy that rides a broom, but I couldn't find a good reference for her)
>>21188 Bump
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Requesting that after Nazurin has failed to flirt with the guy, she panics, and without thinking, she eats him. She then has to get back to work and is sad that the guy she had a crush on is being reduced to a soup by her gut. She can't let him out because it isn't her break yet, and she also knows he won't last. If she lets him out, she will lose her job, and there is no way he'll want to be with her after what she did. I would also appreciate it if there is a part where she is on her break and knows he's at the point of no return, so she comforts herself by hugging her gut as she wants to be close to her crush, knowing this will be her last chance to be with him. Her belly has reduced in size, and Nazrin is tearing up a little, saying her goodbyes to the guy.
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>>25838 Here Is My Nazurin. I Would Be Happy To Complete Requests More Often If You Wouldn't Mind Giving Me A Follow. I'm @Stark2nite On Twitter And StarkPassenger On Other Platforms.
>>25807 Bump
>>25841 Thank you, Nazurin looks really cute and this was incredibly fast. I just followed your Twitter and saw your art, the stuff you made so far looks good and I look forward to seeing what else you do.
I am requesting Lafanpan from handyman Saitou in another world to eat a human who refused to pay her after she helped them. Even though she is tiny, she can still fly with a human in her, so she gets back to work collecting coins as her stomach does its job. At night she offers a gold coin to the moon goddess so she won't shrink, and as she does this, her belly is now her size or smaller with some new curves added to the tiny fairy. The next day she's smug since she sees the gains and meals worth around 40 gold coins, so she mockingly says that she is glad he didn't pay because turning the asshole into fat was worth way more than the one gold coin she asked for. For context, she needs money to prevent herself from shrinking, so not getting paid for her services is the equivalent of not giving her what she needs to live after she helped them. If they don't pay, they're risking her life, and in that case, why should she not take their life and covert it into something more useful like fairy fat for a cute smug fairy? I also love seeing smug tiny fairy girls somehow turning people way bigger than themselves into a tiny bit of fat. The idea of someone so small that they could be a snack to the prey, but they turn the tables, humiliating the prey by being a smug asshole, and with the embarrassment of being food to a fairy and not even making her fat, it all adds to the humiliation. Just a big wobbly tummy, and then all that mass is gone, only give her a bit of a bubble butt.
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Requesting the girl from this video in her baller outfit after eating someone and a second digestion or weight gain part where she has her back to us like in the second image either smiling or burping (maybe she starts off smiling then burps). https://youtu.be/-SVgFqkemwc
Requesting this cute redhead lovingly hugging her big stomach after gulping down someone and causing the bit of clothing holding her gut back in the gif to snap. A plus if she’s checking out her big freckled ass cheeks in a mirror after her meal added to it.
Yuuko sees Mio yaoi and this cause her to eat Yuuko. The next day Mio panties don't fit anymore. Blue hair Mio Brown hair Yuuko
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Requesting Umbrella Renoir from skull girls. Anything with her would be great as I haven't seen any art with her and love her design. The best idea I can come up with is that after feeding Hungern a skull girl, she wonders why Hungern like eating people, and so to answer her question, Hungern transfers their food into Umbrella with some sort of magic. Umbrella would suddenly burp as the mass of a skull girl is transferred into her gut and enjoys being full. She thanks Hungern for giving up his meal and says she loves it and them. It ends on a sweet note, expert for the poor prey that has gone from being Hungern meal to now being soon-to-be Umbrella chub. It's a bit confusing but Hungern is the umbrella and Umbrella is the human.
>>25727 pmuB
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>>26090 OR here. This was certainly an unexpected surprise and we’ll done to boot! Very obliged for giving Chocolate Bonbon Cookie a nice, big fish feast!
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