Requesting Gotou Hitori from Bocchi eating a guy. My idea is that she is in an empty classroom and has unzipped her jacket like in image 1, she hasn't noticed that her top is see-through or that a guy just walked in. When she does she panics and freaks out (like in image 2) and starts overthinking the situation, she comes up with the irrational and absurd idea that he will tell others about this and that everyone will think she is a whore and she will have to become a prostitute and her parents will kick her out the house believing she is a whore. She would then come to the even more Irrational and absurd conclusion, that she needs to eat the guy to stop him from "ruining her life".
Hitori now has a massive gut, she calms down due to the dopamine she got from making her belly happy, by being full and that she has taken care of the situation, she then lets out a satisfied burp (like image 3). For two seconds she would be happy, then she realises her station, that she just ate a classmate and her gut is currently digesting him alive. She thinks about letting him out but knows it wouldn't be easy and that if he is let out then she could end up going to jail for this.
Hitori sneaks into an unused room where she can finish the job, she is upset as she burps cries and constantly apologises to the poor dead guy, it has been some time since she ate him seen by how her gut has reduced in size a little and the ball of flesh has no human details anymore being a soft ball that one of her arms sinks into. The final part is of Hitori sitting in the same unused room staring at her nonexistent belly and massive boobs that broke her jack zipper, she lets out a sad, pathetic laugh as she finds it a little funny how this started due to a guy seeing her bra and now she will have to walk how with everyone seeing her see-through top and now massive tits and bra. Hitori is depressed however her gut is satisfied letting out a satisfied moan indicated by a heart shape as it really enjoyed the meal it digested, her hips and ass are also a lot bigger.
This is a very big request and I get it if it's way too much, so I tried to make the request as appealing as possible with enough detail in hopes that the idea is good enough that someone would want to do the full request. If you end up wanting to do this entire idea, even if it's rushed, or a quick sketch or you slowly work on this and it takes a year, no matter what if you do the full thing it would make me incredibly happy, I would really appetite it, and you would be a godsend to me. I love this character and hoped that the anime would help her to get some vore, but sadly she hasn't gotten much and I don't think she will get that much at this point. If you want to shorten it then that's okay but if possible could there be the scene where she has her gut in class and is panicking and then the scene with her in the unused room with a soft but large gut and she is sad?