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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Vorarephilic Experiences Anonymous 09/04/2021 (Sat) 17:12:19 No. 222
Feel free to share any experiences you had with friends, family, or strangers related to this fetish and others similar to it. Whether it be something simple like a one time casual conversation, or a deep and integral part of your relationship with this person, all stories are welcome on this thread.
I'll share some from when I was a kid and a few recent ones when I was a kid I would act out a lot of vore fantasies (I didn't know that's what they where at the time tho). my childhood friend and I would scatter toys all over the floor and walk around on all fours, putting them in our shirts pretending to swallow them. Sadly I haven't talked to them in years, but thinking back on it they where probably into vore too, we did this a lot, and especially with stuffed animals. I also liked to play with goldfish with another friend of mine and pretend we where monsters and they where our victims. I also remember a time in daycare when I was like 11 or 12 where I came in an chugged water from the fountain, and then layed down and listened to the sounds as I sloshed my belly around and being very intrigued, and even got a few friends to do it. My adult ones have sadly not been many with other people, but one time when I was getting head from one of my friends, they swallowed gummies and water for me a bunch and I came 4 times in 10 minutes. I've also regularly swallowed gummies whole and might even try something living sometime like a really small turtle frog
Hey this is reaaly Nice, thanks for moving My thread into here. I thought it would be forgotten
>>222 Kind of an odd one, but when I was much younger, I went to a museum where they housed dinosaur skeletons. Weirdly, my first thought at looking at the skeleton of a T-Rex was "I want to be inside it's stomach". Much younger than that, id wrap myself up in my blankets and "pretend" to be unable to escape. Thats where the kink for me stemmed from afaik.
Still annoyed at that guy from 8Kun who said he listened to airpods his gf ate. My coomer ass tried it and was extremely disappointed to find the post was just a creative writing exercise
>>316 how did you find out it was just a creative writing exercise exactly?
>>316 >Roses are red >Your mother's name is Ruth >Only a fool would believe something posted here is the truth
>>316 That's cause you're a fatass anon
I'm the op of the original thread, my is legit it's bassicly My vorephiliac experience with My now wife
>>346 do tell
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>>356 I'm too lazy to tell it again. The picture was an Old pic of Voreacious
>>316 how did you find out it was just writing though?
>>343 >>561 I'm 130 pounds soaking wet (lanklet tier) and I couldn't hear shit. I can't imagine the gf in the post was any thinner than me. They just aren't loud enough. This post was sponsored by Raycon
>>704 Tired of not being able to hear the insides of your GF's stomach? Well here's the solution. RAYCON EARBUDS with their ultra hyper mega deluxe sound you'll be able to hear even the tiniest and most quiet sound of her body.
lived with a girl from university who constantly joked about eating me she could eat anything and had an insane metabolism so she always looked perfect, one day i said if you get hungry ill buy you something while i run away, she said ill just catch you eat you then come back for the food, she bragged about how far she could run and how she thought id taste nice. my fantasy got a million times more potent living with her. on top of that i had a colossal crush on her. i also had a dream we found these rare glowing creatures on a boat , i turned around and when i turned back she pointed in her mouth it was glowing and they where all in there and she swallowed them i could see the light go down her throat she winked at me and led me away. all i could think was they could have been the last of there kind but she's eaten them all how... hot lol recently had a dream where i found this rare crab and she stared at me knowingly and stuck her tongue out towards it and opened her mouth i said i dare you then she gulped it alive wish she would do this with me also perfect wife material as she was hyper protective of me cant think of a week where she didn'tjoke about eating or eating me in some capacity
after an intense experience with a crush I went talking to women anonymously about it to see if it was possible to live a normal life with this or was it best kept secret, I've found more women are actually ok with it. I don't know if they realize the intensity of it though. until c4s banned it fish swallowing clips where everywhere i feel like that helped us, i swear that's how they made so much money.
This conversation with my biggest crush still gets my heart racing
>>3265 i would think about that for years
>>3265 Dude, you need to get on that, she's into it
>>3265 tap that ass, son
was anybody able to grab some stories from the previous board before it sank?
>>6126 looks like that is a no
>>6538 damn shame
OP Here. Share some more stories
>>6126 I screencapped most of it but can't be bothered to post
Nice story. Did she ever get pregnant and if so, did you feel even more attracted once her belly was bigger?
>>8710 That sounds amazing. You're really lucky. But the question is if you were shrunken and she did swallow you would you let her digest you?
OP here. Just to give you my honest congratulations. Thanks for sharing your experience
Btw i will give an update on My experience since i'm back. Me and My wife are now oficially married and She's expecting, in some days we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. One thing i wasn't expecting was the amount of vore teasing My woman is doing to me. I was expecting it but not this much. Op out
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>>8710 Dude holy shit I can't believe I found someone else who's had this fetish since birth. The few the proud, I suppose. Well for me, the fascination with bellies has always been around for as long as I can remember (which is longer than I care to admit really) but the first voreaphiliac fantasies were sparked by one of my mom's friends. "Jackie" (not real name) was already a hot piece even before she got pregnant- easily F or G-cup tits, red hair (might be the reason I like red hair come to think of it), and wide birthing hips. She only had a bit of pudge pre-pregancy- just enough for a few fat rolls, maybe 15 lbs. or so- but was generally pretty trim. Once she got knocked up though... A bit more background on her- she was a huge tease and had that gregarious, outgoing personality that I'm sure her husband and past boyfriends all loved. Naturally, a precocious 5 year old boy (i.e. me) was a prime target for being teased since I, like all children, had a low tolerance for banter. To say that Jackie wore pregnancy well would be an enormous understatement- she fucking glowed with the pregnancy hormones, never complained of morning sickness or stretchmarks or anything else. And her belly...fuck me I can still picture it when I close my eyes. Kinda looked like pic related but no tats and this girl's belly is tiny compared to Jackie's. I swear to God Jackie's belly must've been close to 60 inches around, and she was only about 5'4" (160cm) so it was positively fucking enormous even by adult standards, but as a five-year-old...I mean her stomach was quite literally bigger than I was, and thoughts of being inside it had already come to me, unbidden, before she even mentioned it. "Do you like my belly, anon?" she once said to me during one of the many times I stared, slack-jawed, at her gigantic third-trimester gut. Naturally, having been raised in a religious household by an extremely prudish mother, I panicked and shook my head "no"- even at the tender young age of 5, I knew that being honest about my desires would land me in a world of shit. Plus, I was embarrassed. "No! Aw, well maybe you'll like it if you get a closer look!" she said as she kinda grabbed me by the head and pulled me over and (firmly but not painfully) pressed my ear to her belly. The baby didn't kick or anything, but just the feeling of warmth emanating though her thin maternity shirt...I still jack off to the memory regularly. Apparently, my bluff was successful, because my typically-attentive mother never clued in to the fact that I was and am a sexual deviant. And the rest, as they say, is history- I had fantasies nearly every day for months about her just picking me up and swallowing me. Like I said- her belly was literally big enough to fit me inside it, so my fantasies were fucking vivid, and I swear that- had I been biologically capable of it at the time- I would've had the hardest boners of my life thinking about her. Sometimes I would envision Jackie giving me a private tour, but usually she would have her husband (leader of a bike gang- actually nice guy though) feed her two or three others (sometimes kids, sometimes adults) and then sit me on top of her belly for a minute before gulping me down to join the rest of her food. For whatever reason, I never really envisioned myself being digested or anything, and I still typically don't to this day. Maybe TMI but I grew up to be a switch, and it's totally possible that, without Jackie, I never would've developed the Prey side of this fetish for myself. Anyways, didn't mean to drag that out so much but I probably haven't though about that for a decade or so and, well, I guess the memories were a little more repressed than I thought! Sadly, that's about the extent of my vorephiliac experiences, as I have the 'tism (for real), but if I think of another forgotten memory I'll post it here.
>>8767 Amen
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My origin story: In the third grade, I had a pregnant teacher that was very far into her into her pregnancy, big belly and all. On this first day of class she reads pic related to us. (For those that don't know, it's about a monster teacher that would sometimes eat her students.) When the teacher was asked about belly, she said that she ate a naughty student. She also rubbed her belly while laughing devilishly Thanks for the fetish, Mrs. K.
5 years ago, a woman at work got pregnant. She was very attractive, and we were friendly to each other. Once we were in a room waiting for a job candidate to show up, just the 2 of us. I was checking the list of interview questions, when I looked up and I saw her looking at me really weirdly. I ask her casually what's up. She looks at me dead serious and calmly says 'I'm starving and and I am craving that I would eat you if I could'. She must have misinterpreted my expression because she added 'not what you are thinking, but I would actually send you in here for lunch', and pointed at her heavily pregnant belly where the stomach is. I think she might have been hungry for real as I heard her stomach growling once or twice, during the interview. I have no fucking idea what made her say that, but it killed me. I never mentioned it again and neither did she. She went on maternity leave a few days later but for weeks I could not think of anything else and jerked off to what she said every single day.
That's hot, did you not ask her please do? Do you think she was into vore?
I had a former friend with benefits who became aware of my vore fetish and she was able to get into it well, it helped she had big tits and a nice round belly. It was one day after going out to eat and we are getting into it and she shoots me a grin and tells me "the waitress I ate, I can't feel her moving around anymore. You really helped churn her up"
I had an experience in high school, and that is when I learned I liked vore. I was on on a lakeside holiday with some family friends that included this girl I liked. She was 14, 1 year younger than me at the time. We fished minnows for fun and were keeping them into a plastic cooler filled with water, the idea was to throw them back in later. I don't remember how the conversation got there someone dared her to eat one, and she did, swallowing it alive. Then she ate another and we were messing about on this pier and jumping in the water, and just for fun she would grab some when she felt like it and swallow them. In the end she ate them all. I was grossed out at the beginning, but then I looked at her stomach and thought of the fish inside, and that it was really hot. I don't know if she did it to show she was brave or just for fun, but she said she liked them. Later that evening we were having dinner with the families, and I kept looking down at her stomach and thinking that I wanted to be one of those fish. I thought I was crazy and felt like crap about it, until after a few years I discovered vore online and saw others had this fetish.
>>9439 Did you ever play with her belly?
>>10013 bump
>>9439 Duuude that's soo hot
>>9451 Absolutely; I'd often massage/rub her belly when making out, she would sometimes push me against the wall with it and in the rare case she was on top sometimes rub it or jostle it herself, gummy bears became a common accessory to our playtime.
>>9451 >>10318 Speaking of gummy bears, sometimes I would put my ear to her stomach and tell her about the activity inside like how much the bears were protesting, sometimes she would put my head to her stomach and she would describe how it felt to eat them. good times
>>10340 That's real Nice of her to do that. More women like that please
You guys, op here. I should clarify that You can tell an vore related experience with someone and or how you got into vore. OP out
the the anonymous poster above, what is it with lakes and girls swallowing minnows in the US? There are several videos on youtube where people go camping near a lake and start gulping live minnows for fun!
>>10701 Idk dude and this isnt the thread to talk about it
iif not this one then where? I didn't mean it in a bad way. I think it's super hot, but it's an odd thing to do. Where I come from, I cannot see any of my friends doing that at all
Bump, post your experiences
>>1914 Damn that's really hot, did things worked out with her?
My girlfriend and I both share a vore fetish. I introduced it a year or so into dating and she went along it with surprisingly well. She's mad thick with a huge ass and loved the idea of eating people and adding them as fat on her ass. She'll frequently tell me how "snacks" she's had through the day and started up an Eka's account of her own. Made an OC based of her and got a few commissions done, all in all it's been pretty fucking good. Could elaborate more if need be, felt like this thread could use a bit of a revival.
>>13944 Can we know what's her eka?
>>13945 Her personal Eka's is https://aryion.com/g4/user/bigbootyjudy4 It's mainly for her favourites. The comission pieces of her are on my Eka's https://aryion.com/g4/user/FairRiver.
>>13944 Yeah please.
>>13958 Vore was hinted at a couple months when we first started talking to each other. She loves sweets and would joked once about how she could turn things into sweets. I asked if she could use it on people and she said that she had. I'd bring it up from every now and again but once we eventually started dating I brought up same size vore which is more what I'm into. Pretty sure I showed her some Shryland, Lampton and Faggot art or something. She took to it relatively quickly and she loves the idea of being a bbw pred herself. Once we started getting commissions of her done she really started to like the fetish and loved the attention. She started browsing Eka's on her own, looking up artists to get commissions from and her sexting in regards to vore improved quite a fair bit.
>>14148 Howd your bring it up? I told one Fwb Years ago and she was cool with it, even making small bite motions at me from time to time (i dont think she got i was into soft vore) but I'm thinking of telling my current newish gf about it. She's definitely into kinks but idk how she'd feel about one that's purely fantasy
I'll share an experience I had last week. I went out for a lobster dinner with friends to celebrate a promotion. One of them was expecting and was about 7 months pregnant. After dinner girlfriend moans that she ate too much. The pregnant one leans back in her chair, rubs her belly, then cups it in both hands and says how funny it was she could still fit the whole lobster in there. And then added she could have chosen a bigger one from the tank, rubbing her belly. I was looking at the shell of the lobster on the plate - she ate the whole thing - and kept trying to imagine what it was like for that lobster which not long before was swimming in the tank.
IDK how the fuck that can turn you on, pregnant bellies are gross no way I fucking want to go into one and I'm sure no one else here would be so sick!! Seriously
>>15970 Stfu. Let the dude be attracted to whatever he likes
>>222 My current girlfriend and I both have the fetish. I was the one who actually introduced to it to her and she happened to be really into it as well thankfully.
>>16546 That's awesome Man, congrats. Did you two roleplayed?
>>16560 Somewhat. We have a hard time integrating it into our sex though to be honest. The far easier fetishes we integrate is her weight gain and also bloating, since her and I are into those as well.
>>10701 >the the anonymous poster above holy newfag...
>>16567 It's pretty difficult beyond incorporating dialogue during sex, like her threatening to swallow me and stuff while riding me. Or swallowing things whole while I watch. She'll do little things like intentionally swallow things whole and make vorish references, but yeah it's mostly all just foreplay stuff. It's more of a fantasy than a fetish since it's impossible, so beyond dirty talking and the above things I mentioned there's not much else to do that isn't just teasing.
>>16585 how about some vids of her swallowing some stuff whole? :P
>>16585 Anon, why are you impersonating me on a fucking vore imageboard.
>>16618 Holy fuck, that's just sad
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>>16618 The plot thickens
>>16618 I was just agreeing and saying I was in a similar situation, but, ok
Bros, I think my girlfriend might be into vore, even if she isn't aware of the fetish directly. We've been together since Freshman year of college and she's typically been submissive for the 2 years we've dated. Recently I've been teaching her how to be more dominant in bed and she's really enjoying it - but what is surprising is that she has started to tease me in ways that tickle the fucked up part of my brain that gets off on Vore. I haven't told her about this fetish of mine but she gets off on telling me that I'm her prey when she's being dominant and refers to me as food. Even when we are not in bed if she is hungry while being affectionate she will start licking me and telling me how good I taste and how much she wants to eat me alive so I'm fresher. I don't think she's hit the "swallowed whole" concept yet but I am slowly egging her on when she does it and might start probing to see if she finds the fantasy hot like I do. I know this sounds like a LARP but this is 100% true. The best part is that she is a dead ringer for Valentina Nappi (which there is picrel vore smut of). Similar face and the same body type/size. How do I subtly bring up vore and see if she has the fetish? I'm too much of a pussy to bring it up directly - It's been something I've fantasized about since I was born but I'm so ashamed I have never brought it up IRL unless as a joke (where everyone proceeds to t hen call it fucked up and trash vorefags).
>>18397 2 things 1:thanks for reviving my thread. 2: that's great dude, i get what you're experiencing but i think you should give little indirects that you like those things
>>18397 Two things: - Fuck you, you lucky bastard - Yeah, she totally found your stash, bro. Women don't just change their sexual interests on a dime like that, especially not in such a specific way. There's nothing to fear, clearly, so grow a fucking pair and dive down her throat already you gigantic faggot.
i introduced my girlfriend to it, and i think she likes it more than me now. she will swallow 10 little tiny figures whole at a time, those 1:200 scale ones, open mouth swallow gummy’s, etc. even when we’re not having sex or being horny, she tells me that she actually if she actually found anyone small and there was no way for them to go back to normal, that she would swallow them whole just because she thinks it’d be fun to feel people inside her stomach. i lucked the fuck out on this girl
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>>18440 >>18421 Gents, I probed her again last night when she brought up eating me and I introduced the concept of same size. Not autistically like "hey are you into F/M Same-Size tags?" but I was able to steer to conversation as we were getting flirty and handsy so that she was the one to 'come up with the idea' and say it out loud. I think it's better for her to naturally adopt the fetish rather than just showing her all the messed up porn i jerk off to and hoping she can force herself to be into it. I don't have a stash so there is no way she could know it's my fetish (unless i talk in my sleep). I might bring up giantess shit and see if she can connect the dots. Regardless, There now exists, in my girlfriend's mind, a sexualized mental image of swallowing me whole, same-size and laying in bed with a giant vore belly. It's so fucking hot just thinking about it. She got timid and changed the subject right after but I think with time she could start to roleplay it. I think i'll try asking her what she'd do once she ate me. If she brings up digestion i'll probably cum instantly. Have you ever had a love so intense you just want to squeeze her tight - but you couldn't possibly squeeze hard enough? That's what it feels like. I want to crush into her stomach, be dominated by her heartbeat, melt into her intestines and soak into her blood. It's not enough to feel her ass slap against my groin or be smothered under it. I need to be a fucking part of it's flesh and fat just to get these hormones to shut up. It's so fucked up but there is a possibility her emotions are manifesting themselves in these psycho fantasies too. I will keep you posted.
>>18753 Congrats on the progress and good luck going forward. I can definitely relate to that intense love. It's good to see other people have success and not just "dominant women don't exist" people. My girlfriend was already into some fucked up gore shit, so she took to vore pretty easily. It helps she knew my fetish before we dated back when we were friends, and she's pretty in tune with the weird shit on the internet and the cringe vore memes, so nothing really shocked her. We started off long distance, so she'd swallow things on webcam and talk about how it was me. Or if she dropped it between her tits, she'd tease and say "I almost got away" before popping it back into her mouth and swallowing it. I think hard vore appeals more to most women in my experience, but she definitely still gets off to the idea of swallowing me whole and digesting me alive.
>>222 No. I'm too much of a freak to find anyone.
I was at a wedding last weekend and the lunch went on for hours, and this girl, around 20 and very cute, ate so much that you could see her stomach very clearly bulging out. We crossed paths the morning after while we were leaving and her stomach was completely flat. It was nice to think of the food that was being digested inside her, pushed along her intenstines and on the way our of her ass (which was perfect)
>>18753 what was that conversation like?
>>19034 I mean that's just how the body works
biggest stomach i've seen in person was at a cafe in san diego where they did one of these breakfast challenges last summer. This family with 2 kids taking on the challenge, the older one fails, the daughter finishes the whole thing and gets her name on a plaque on the wall. When she got up from the table her stomach was massive. She was the skinny type so you could literally see her belly rounding out like a sphere where her stomach was, it was amazing to watch! Looked like some of those competitive eaters from japan.
>>21315 Holy fuck, how old would you say the daughter was?
16-17 or so, maybe slightly younger or older. that could be a reason why her stomach was protruding so much. and it was summer and she was dressed with beachwear that didnt cover her belly or it would not have been obvious if she wore a dress for example. but yeah it was impressive and even more so as she didnt seem to be self conscious about it or to care. i don't understand why when someone overeats it's the whole belly that rounds up, whereas the stomach is located under the ribcage and to the left so i'd think it should be the top of the belly that swells out. Does anyone know why that is?
>>21369 It's pushing other organs around to expand. So the bulge is not just the tummy.
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>Be me, teacher >Students allowed free time on computers on fridays >8th grade tard looks up vore on google images, sexually explicit >Remove and file report > "Anon, there is no way vore fetish you mention in report is real. Please don't send false reports" >March into office and show search history >She nearly vomits > "Please delete this" >Nuke PC HDD >Principal hears report >Guesses I recognized it as vore because I'm into it >Vaguely teases me about it >FF 3 years, final year of contract >Ask when he wanted field tip to break for lunch >"If you're hungry you could just eat one of the students" MFW
>>22510 If this is true then that's great. The guy was fucking with you, but it doesn't sound like he was a dick about it. I also find this funny because I knew a guy who was into vore (he never knew I was into it) and I'm pretty sure he looked it up online at school. This wasn't something unexpected at my school, the place I went had a lot of people who had a few problems. A similar situation I had was when I saw a kid look up porn at summer school, he was biting into his hand well jumping up and down, and then he just walked out of the room leaving it on for the teachers to find.
Does anyone know any other boards/websites or whatever that talks about vorarephilic experiences? If no, then continue this thread please.
Back when I was working a little side job while in college, there was a young millennial husband and wife affectionately working side-by-side at the front desk, a really pretty slightly tall blonde with a few extra pounds, maybe not even that, and a short skinny-but-with-a-little-muscle slightly nerdy bearded gamer husband. They both had some basic careers and met through co-incidentally renting the same apartment. This story takes place just a little after they married: at the time, they both took this job because it was a lot easier than their careers and they could work with each other, though the husband eventually moved onto an actually good job and his wife to the role of femdom housewife and visiting him often at work, even to this day. I would say some autistic stuff but luckily I didn't really interact with customers that much. I had a pretty high tolerance for weirdness and was raised on the wild-west internet, so I would occasionally show them some f*cked up videos like it was nothing such as "That's a Nice Grill animation" or I'd offhandedly mention stuff like "1 guy 1 screwdriver" when relevant like maybe if someone had a screwdriver and someone asked what they were gonna do with it (just as an example. I can't remember exactly how they were relevant in each of the moments). The husband was REALLY not interested in any of that but that wouldn't stop me because I'm a mischievous little creature sometimes ;) The wife on the other hand was really into it and would occasionally say the ways she's going to torture me which I thought was funny and enjoyed hearing but I playfully bantered that I didn't want any of those things to happen to me! I'm not directly masochistic but would have no problem in engaging in any of that kind of stuff though, if it made the other person happy. Despite all what I said about showing the husband weird videos he didn't want to see + me saying some really out-of-pocket stuff me and the him were great friends and would work out together and play video games together at his house. One day he says to me "what would ever happen to us if we had a disagreement?" As I said, he was pretty short. About the same height as his wife maybe and definitely 5-6 inches shorter than me. I said I'd eat him! He was actually not that taken-aback and he said his wife was into that kind of stuff (vore). Now her comments of torture would occasionally include comments about vore in such a way normal people might (maybe rightfully) mistake it for playful banter, as with her other random comments of how she was going to torture me. This was all maybe a year or two ago, we're extremely great friends and still I come over to his house when he's not busy with his new great job and I'm not busy with mine. Him and his wife, him and me, and me and his wife all have an unbreakable friendship but also with small unbreakable boundaries because they're married that I'm never interested in ever breaking those boundaries. Recently I made an app specifically for Lucario Hentai and posted it online as a joke and a lot of people cringed and a lot of people thought it was hilarious. It was deleted but among the reactions I got from the post, one was that a really nice gamer girl DM'd me saying I was pretty cool and we should be friends. We went on a really cool date in VR and were 100% compatible and had the same birthday, hobbies, political views, etc. But there was just one issue, I said she was like a soulmate and please forgive me for asking, if she's into vore or not (I am). She said no and that it made her uncomfortable and she wishes me the best in live but she wouldn't really want to take it any farther and I also wished her the best in life and we blocked each other for closure. I'll probably go to Woods Flock Furry-con or Nomadicon Furry-con and see if I can find a girl or femboy into vore there since furries are a lot more tolerant of that kind of stuff and I'm never interested in online dating because I think a lot of people there are into hookups and/or all the good ones are taken first. I've pretty much never heard people in real life with good reviews for online dating. Anyway thank you for your time in reading my little story. For reference, I'm male, early 20's and got into vore at a really young age, maybe 4. It was just something I kind of weirdly dreamed about. Also I had a lonely upbringing and was not very social. Even to this day, I don't have any social media accounts except the throwaway account I used for the Lucario app.
>>23853 jesus christ this was a read
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>>23853 If there's anyone equally f*cked up, here's the link to the post if anyone wanted to message/chat, even if just to say hi. https://www.reddit.com/r/vitahacks/comments/rkggsr/random_lucario_h_link_in_first_comment/ Yes I'm aware it's terrible Reddit but it's pretty much THE place for posting homebrew Playstation Vita apps and I only have like 4-5 posts on there and then the replies to comments in said posts because I had a tiny side project I was probably going to update one more time then ghost Reddit. Also I'm really good at coding, the whole Lucario app + cover art + icon altogether took only about half an hour to make. But yeah if you have similar interests (like you probably might if you use this board) and wanted to privately chat in any way that you might not want to publicly, that would be where to message me unless we carry over the conversation to over text messaging.
>>23853 >>23897 Have you tried posting on >>>/cb/?
>>23898 I never posted there, I just like to look
>>23898 not really sure how common the overlap is for femboys and vore, but for furries I know for sure there's a huge overlap especially for dragon furries which was why I was going to try going that route. I feel like if I post on /cb/ I might weird them out
I returned to work after 6 months working from a different country, and was looking forward to seeing again a collegue who I had vore fantasies on many times, as she gives me pred vibes even though she is really sweet and shy. Anyway, turns out she is now 6 months pregant, so I get to see her with a big belly every day. I cannot look at her and not think about being cramped in there or about the food that she's digesting. Especially when she stretches or leans back at her office desk. Fuck, I don't know if I'm happy about this or not, but probably not as she's driving me nuts at the moment and some days I find it hard to concentrate on what's on my screen, rather than on her stomach next to my desk. Useless and frustrating fetish to have.
>>24376 As has been said here before, try and enjoy her pregnancy while it lasts. Fresh, IRL fap fuel is something to appreciate, not complain about (even if it's bittersweet having to watch from afar and not RP hungry preggo mama vore every night) If you're feeling particularly devilish, you could try to fatten her up by tempting her pregnant appetite with various treats (you'd know her culinary preferences better than I, but chocolate's nearly always a winner). Any number of excuses work here, from "I'm learning how to cook and want feedback." to "I can't stop myself from breaking my diet, could you help make sure I don't eat all this by myself?" Individual results may vary, and your overall success depends entirely on how much rapport you have with her, but if you're REALLY bold, you could even try to get her to let you cop a feel of her big belly (best results will be in the 8th or 9th month, obviously). HR will obliterate your ass in they find out, of course, so use best judgement here, and best of luck no matter what you decide (even if you take the coward's way and just admire her growing gut from afar).
>>24376 enjoy it man, i am jealous, i would love to have someone like that to work next to. just lunch with her and have fun looking at her swallowing her food maybe if youre lucky you can hear her stomach rumble when shes hungry
>>24376 This is very hot. The few times in my life when I would have let vore happen for real, if it was possible, and be swallowed and digested for real, it was with a pregnant woman. There is little discussion of pregnant bellies in relation to vore. I find this odd, it seems quite rare for what should be an obvious association.
I fucked up... I think I really fucked up. I occasionaly go to a local oyster bar. I don't like them but they have good beer. A few months ago I visited wiht 2 female friends. Only one of them orders a large tray of oysters, so I had a lot of fun seeing her drizzling lemon and slurping them from the shell and swallowing them down one by one. The other friend starts teasing her saying how those oysters were free to enjoy the ocean only yesterday and now where in her stomach in a pool of acid, and after some banter she turns to me and says 'hey don't you think that's a horrible way to go', pointing down at her stomach, and leaves to go to the bathroom. We were alone and I was turned on as fuck by this conversation, and a bit drunk, I said to her that I was sorry our friend said that and that I could think of worse places to go, so she giggled and I added like an idiot you can count me in if you are sill hungry. She is hot so I really wouldn't mind. I didn't think of this again, except that yesterday we were agian out at the same place, and she lookes at me every time she slurps an osyer, and swallows really obviusly and in a suggestive way. This is not exciting any more, I'm totally paranoid that she knew about vore and I let out like an idiot and she might tell other friends now. I'm trying to pretend I don't notice her, but it's difficult and I don't know what to do now. Don't mix alcohol with conversations that converge on fetishes. What the fuck
>>24878 Marry her. In all seriousness, if she’s teasing you, there’s at least a decent chance she likes you. Don’t miss your shot, man.
>>24878 God Almighty. Assuming this isn't completely fabricated, you must seriously look like you were carved from marble to have ANY chicks (let alone hot ones) interested in your mega-autistic ass. Flirt back you fucking retard. Put it to you this way: Women don't expend an OUNCE of effort (especially not sexual effort) on m en they aren't interested in. Pussy is a seller's market, mmkay? Women know that they can do literally nothing and they'll still have men fawning over them. Don't blow this, you dumb mongoloid. Text/Talk to her about how you noticed that she was swallowing kinda funny last night and you wanted to check that her throat's okay. Play it by ear, of course, but guide the conversation towards wanting to fuck (sounds like it shouldn't be hard) and then, once you have her alone, *lightly* have some fingers-in-mouth play and run with it from there. Fucking hell. I must be the only uggo on this board if sperglords like this dense motherfucker can "accidentally" get girls to indulge their vore fetish and yet I can't do so deliberately.
>>24913 deliberately? What did yuo do.
>>24913 I appreciate the honest opinion. But the issue here is not that I don't get a flirt r a sexual innuendo. The issue here is that in after seeing a hot girl downling a large plate of osyters, I said to this girl, who is part of a group of friends and who I have never been intimate with, that I would not have minded being one of those fucking osyters that she just swallowed and to be bathed inside her fucking stomach acids. I didn't say it this was, but that was the meaning. Maybe we are all too immersed in this fetish, but if I had said that I wouldn't have minded if she sat on my face and to bury my tongue insider her asshole, well that pushes it but is still in the realm of normality. But most people don't know about vore, so go figure what the fuck of an idea she might get once she hears a fiends something that basically means 'hey i wouldn't mind if you digested me, have a nice day see you soon'. This is seriously fuked up for most people So yes, i take your point and next time i see her i might play along and flirt, but i would MUCH rather that i kept any allusion to vore out of the fucking conversation. And out of curiosity, how did you try and deliberately get someone to indulge in your fetish?
(12.34 MB 1280x720 furry con gas attack.mp4)

>>25054 >But most people don't know about vore I wouldn't be surprised if more people know about that you would think. Especially with how you have things like furries being a part of the public consciousness, or countries like West Taiwan trying to use "torture porn" (BDSM pornos) as an example of "torture" in the West. The internet has fast-tracked a LOT of things.
>>25054 >be bathed inside her fucking stomach acids. I didn't say it this was, but that was the meaning Disagree. I think that, at worst, she took it more as a "Damn, this guy really wants to get licked or something... kinky." Granted, that's still kinda weird by normie standards, but ultimately pretty harmless. Words to the wise: NEVER underestimate female stupidity. And if she did take it how you meant it (read: vore), and is still showing interest and teasing you about it, then as I said in my first post, you're a Grade-A pussy for not shooting your shot already. Fuckin' a. Speaking of shot-shooting, because you and >>24916 asked, I'll tell a few of my undisclosed number of unsuccessful attempts to find a vore-friendly gf. 1) One of my earlier attempts was back in high school when I was underageb&. My first official gf and I had been fooling around for quite some time, and eventually I made the call to try dropping the V-bomb on her outright during pillowtalk at her house. Rookie mistake, I know, but hey I was young and dumb, alright? Anyways, she (naturally) started searching for it before I'd even finished my explanation, and the scrunched-up face she made when she saw whatever google had showed her kinda said it all. Naively thinking that having deep-seated gastric fetishes was a normal thing and that I just needed to push her into unlocking hers, I kept trying to salvage the situation by overexplaining the shit out of this bizarre fetish- making things worse- and she just kinda laid there in stunned silence the whole time. In her defense, we both came from relatively sheltered homes, so it was a huge fucking mistake to drop the V-bomb so bluntly and I hardly blame her for her reaction looking back on it. She wasn't exactly the Pred type anyways- sweet, very thoughtful- and she might've been willing to indulge me eventually had I not fucked up that relationship in other, unrelated ways. 2) Around the time I was finishing up college, I happened to wind up in a group project with this raging bitch and, well, one thing led to another and we wound up hatefucking each others' brains out for a while. Of all the girls I'd ever met, she was by far the best match for the stereotypical Pred personality, and since neither of us could stand the other, I figured that RPing vore and digestion would be right up her alley... Long story short, I thought wrong. No sooner did I broach the topic one day than she suddenly had a "family emergency", torching our hookup relationship via a series of scathing texts mocking me for being a vorarephiliac. Didn't fire up Eka's for quite a while after that one... 3) This one might be the most painful of all tbh. Couple years back, I landed me this chubby 7/10 with just the sort of easily-influenced personality that Architects like me love to see. The best part of feeding her was that she was one of those rare gals who "suffers" from Abdominal Obesity (aka Beer Gut Syndrome), meaning that almost every pound she gained went directly to her belly (if any went to her tits, I didn't notice, but since she started out at an F34, that's not saying much). I'd probably fattened her up about 20 lbs. or so (much to her chagrin) when I finally decided it was time to make my play. Naturally, I'd set the habit/expectation of grabbing, kissing, rubbing, and laying my head on her budding beer belly from Day 1, and I thought that that would've been enough conditioning, but it seems that I was again mistaken. No sooner did I mention how empty her belly sounded after putting my ear to it and subsequently volunteered to fill it up myself than she just cringed and lifted my head up and asked me point-blank if I was into being eaten. After a moment's pause to consider how badly this could go, I answered truthfully. She just sighed and got up, got dressed, and left without another word. She ignored my calls for a few days before eventually meeting me in person to explain that one of her past boyfriends had been a vorarephiliac too, and he'd tried to push much harder than even I had in the first story above. This led her to have a complex about "only attracting weirdos", as she candidly put it before hastily trying to rephrase once she saw how hurt I was. Needless to say, I left the restaurant that day a single man once more. Aaaaaand that's about as far down Memory Ln. as I'm willing to walk. Like I said, these are just some of my failed attempts, but the rest are either carbon-copies of these three or too casual to warrant mentioning. No, these were my three best, most sincere attempts at getting a Pred gf, and after three strikes like these, I've decided that I'm out. Done. Finito. My current squeeze hasn't the foggiest notion that I jack off to the idea of being swallowed and digested, and I aim to keep it that way.
>>25098 Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sorry to hear things went so wrong, it is bad luck really. I am totally paraoid about sharing info on vore with friends that I am not intimate with, but I would expect some degree of opennes and acceptance if I was in a relationship with someone. We don't choose our fetishes. I had relationships where my girlfriends shared some kinks with me, and vice versa, though I never discussed vore with anyone. When I was at uni I dates for 1 year or so a girl and I told her I liked pregnant or bloated bellies. I obviously did not drop the bomb out of the blue, it was part of a few conversations we had when we shily disclosed some secrets - the sort that start with 'promise you won't get upset' and such. She indulged it, and it made for some great sex. I still remember a few times when we went out and she deliberately had a big dinner, then she would ride on top of me arching her belly forward and letting me touch it. I count those times as the best sex I ever had. But I never felt like telling her about vore. I considered it, but just didn't get the vibes that she would be accepting. Still, it was vore, in a sense, the reason why we broke it off. Now, this girl had a great ass - and I am really into butts and anal play. Being into vore for a long time, I also associate asses with the idea of her shitting out what went into her stomach the day before. While I am not and have never been into scat, this aspect excites me. The catch is, she was fucking prudish when it came to her butt, beyond belief. Sex was for the pussy only, and I could not get near her asshole for any type of play, not with my toungue and not even with my fingers. For several months it was ok, then it became more and more frustrating. Imagine this girl riding you with a belly full of food, but you have to watch out and not get your hand too deep into her ass cheeks. Fucking ridiculous. I thought she would loosen up over time, but it remained a complete no go. It got so bad that I am embarassed to say, I once sabotaged the toilet flush so that I could see her poop after she went. Incomprehensibly, she did not seem to mind I was going to see it, when she asked me if i could fix the loo she just left the lid open. Go figure. As I said I am not into scat (nothing against it though) and that last thing with the toilet was borne out of deep frustration and was one of the things that made me realise I was breaking. We had a few other arguments. Once I got mad when I was licking her pussy, things were going really well and she was moaning like crazy, so I moved my hand towards her anus with the aim of fingering it, and she stopped and pushed my hand away, ruining the rest of the night. I become obsessed with the idea of her ass, but it was off-limites, and i was angry that she was too obstinate in not considering even mild anal play for who knows what fucking prudish nonsense. So yes, good to have a round bloated belly to play with, but i had to cut the relationship before going nuts. It still frustrates me to this day, it was like the best and the worst of things. I since had other relationships. No bellies rubbing against me, but more relaxed and open sex otherwise. I can live with this compromise.
This is the person from the lucario story again. Not revelant, just saying so you understand where my views would come from >>25098 As 25216 said, thanks for sharing your experience, I was interested to hear it as well. Not really sure how interested weirdo vore girls would be in architects if the rest of your dating profile was normal. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like if they saw that on a dating site they might look for something more autistic like an engineer or neet. Ex: they might pass you over as a normie. I just called up the blonde vore girl to confirm, she said the husband did indeed have an autist-tier job when they met, not NEET or engineering but similar. Personally I don't think it was a huge blunder to mention it in pillow talk like you did with GF #1. Girls be talking about like aliens and stuff during that time and I'm into it. Where you messed up is pushing her like where you said "... thinking that [...] I just needed to push her into unlocking hers, I kept trying to salvage the situation by overexplaining the shit out of this bizarre fetish". If you hadn't've done that - Ex: if you just apologized instead - I feel that after she was done making the weird faces, she might've slept on it and decided it was okay, especially since you got as far in terms of her liking you that you slept together. Maybe I'm overly hopeful or jaded idk. >>25216 I can't believe you cut a great relationship over not being able to give a girl anal?
>>25284 kindof but not as simple that. Imagine being with someone with great boobs, and she doesn't let you near them. How long do you think you can resist for? Aside from the attraction to her butt in the context of normal sex. I constantly desired for her to swallow me and digest me. Her ass has the added sexual dimension that comes from liking vore. Frustration builds up fast. A real shame, but I felt so frustrated by how unnecessary her prudishness was, that for a long time I could not even think of her while wanking without getting angry.
>>25319 I guess I see what you mean. I just feel slightly bad for her and hope you and her are both happy now.
Ex girlfriend. One time when we were cuddling in bed I, thinking with my dick, started borderline roleplaying with her as if i was a predator who was going to eat her. I even mentioned things like holding her in my stomach and digesting her. She must have been really horny or clueless because she didn't seem to give a fuck, never mentioned it, and never brought up anything of the sort or acted awkward. Later on she figured out by the way i stared at her belly after she ate a lot that I was into something like that, but she thought I was into pregnancy so she incorrectly teased me about it.
>>25434 Did her belly get big when she ate? If so, it's a nice thing to have in a relationship. Why did you break up, if you don't mind me asking?
>>25435 Yep, her belly got big when she ate. She told me it was because she had weak stomach muscles, and the stronger stomach muscles you have, the less you get that. We broke up because we moved away to different places, and didn't see a future together, among worse issues.
>>25522 It's not frequent in my experience, but i love to see girls like that, whose stomach rounds up when they eat. A chick I fancied years ago at uni had that. Every time we had lunch, you could see the stomach rounding out slightly. The best time was one summer when we met in the evening with friends, all after dinner. She wore a top that slightly exposed her belly, and you could see she ate as it was round. Only slightly, but still enough to know the stomach inside was full. I regret not having the initiative to ask her what was in there,,,,
>>25534 dont regret that. that would have been so awkward if you did.
>>25542 not sure it's too awkward, it's a bit like asking what did you have for dinner, but playfully 'hey what did you put in there tonight'. I have this fantasy that she would reply i had some pasta earlier, but later it will be you, in here. I would have been so happy to end up inside her stomach that night. I would still be glad to end up inside her belly any time, really. I remember some times, when we talked, looking at her lips, wishing I could just push myself inside and slide down her throat. If vore was possible I would have done something stupid, could not resist with her. She would have ended up at home lying in bed with a huge, bloated stomach, digesting me away, a long time ago.
>>222 I remember when I was a kid about 4 or 5 I laid down with my mother in her bed for cuddles but played around with her, she just had her undergarments on in the morning after waking up. My favorite thing was squeezing her soft tummy like a lump of dough in my little hands. I really liked listening to her squishy mom-belly gurgling and stuff, or slapping her boobies like they were bongo drums because I found it funny. One time I'd grabbed her jaw and opened it up so I could look into her mouth. Some time later I ended up looking at Kphoria stuff and she caught me once. I don't really think she thought anything of it at the time since it wasn't normal pornography and I was still young, thankfully. There was then this underlying feeling of wanting to be swallowed and digested by my own mother or older female cousin for a little bit before puberty hit. Then I started fantasizing about my hot math and science teachers doing it to me, or my crushes gulping me down before school ended, especially in high school. Loved the idea of some cute teen chick making me her meal, and never being seen or heard from again just like that. It really didn't help that around the time, women, especially mom, would tease little boys about "being so cute she could just eat you up". I got a lot of early boners from fantasies like that when puberty came along. I think I got giantess, vore, and feet fetishes from Mom that morning.
>>25327 I don't. There's a world of difference between not letting someone touch your breasts and not letting someone stick things up your asshole. If she wouldn't let him touch her ass at all, that would be a fitting comparison. But sticking things up assholes is not normal. It might one of the more common deviant sexual behaviors, but it's not something most people are into. >>25319 I don't begrudge you for not getting something you wanted out of the relationship, but you need a reality check if a girl not being into anal shit is "prudish beyond belief" to you. You need to recognize who the word one is. Getting mad at her because she "ruined" the night by denying you something she's been adamant that she doesn't want to do yet you keep trying to force on her? This is turbo levels of autism.
>>25567 not normal? you must be shitting me. On which planet do you live? Of all my male and female friends that i've known over the years, i can count one -(male)- who is not into some of anal play. Most girls I know don't want a dick up there because it hurts, but they were all willing to let me put a finger in there, or my face into their ass cheecks. And to be clear I don't begrudge that she wouldn't let me stick my dick inside, this is a boundary that i respect. But she would not let me even close to her asshole. Read what i said above, she stopped riding me because i grabbed her ass cheeks and of course the fingers, when you do that, go inside the crack and close to the anus. Come on! in my opinon being into a sexual relationhip implies trust, and with trust comes a certain level of willing to expose yourself and to explore things. There are things that i i'm not into, but i still do them at least occasionally because my partner digs them. Years ago my gf at the time had to insist for me to tongue her asshoe, which initially i thought was a disgusting idea. I'm glad i tried because unexpectedly it was amazing and this is what got me into it.
>>25594 I live in the real world bro and most people are not into anal. If you seriously don't know that you need to touch grass. Also, what the hell are you talking about? I've grabbed plenty of ass in my time, it is absolutely not a necessity to slip your fingers deep in someone's crack and near their anus. You're just obsessed. Trust is important, and that's where your autistic ass fucked up, by constantly trying to twist this chick into something she was adamant she didn't want to be. You couldn't let it go and that sabotaged your relationship.
>>25597 Look for stats online, just google how many men are into anal and let's see if it's as infrequent as you say. And anal refers to penetration, so if you include just touching and fingering, it will be a lot more of the population. Also, using the term 'obsessed' when referring to liking female asses, on a chan board dedicated to vore, seems to be out of touch - vore, as far as i can tell, it's quite a fringe fetish. Some might call it extreme, so compared to this, i'd be hesitant to call even coprophiliacs 'obsessed'
>>25608 You want me to search things for you now, when you can easily do it yourself? Just a casual Google search turns up that less than half of men in the US approve of anal (and this stat doesn’t separate out gay men or men in prison), and 1/4-1/3 of women. That’s just the US, that’s not taking the rest of the world into account, which undoubtably would skew these stats even lower. Anal is not normal. It’s common enough that normies have awareness of it, but it is not normal. Yes, I use the word obsessed, when you’re so fixated on anal play that you can’t possibly image how one can grab a handfull of ass without trending towards anal. It’s absurd. I’m not saying this to just be a dick about it. I just want you to have some self-awareness. Because when you insistently try to pressure someone to engage in something that is abnormal, and then whine about them for not doing so and blame them for ruining your relationship, I just get the vibe you’d be an unpleasant person for women to date.
>>25567 >>25594 >>25597 >>25608 >>25619 STFU and blogpost somewhere else. It was kinda tolerable when in the context of vore-related experiences and misadventures, but y'all need to stop now, mmkay? Post on-topic if you're going to post at all.
>>25619 you must be trolling. But in the 1% chance you are really this dense, try anal play if you find some chick that is into it. Then you will understand why it's so great and so many normies are obsessed with it (look at the numbers you posted). When you grow up, you might also see how important it is, and how good it feels, to be sexually intimate with someone enjoys exploration and shares the same tastes you do. >>25643 I agree with you, this is nonsene. But I suggest you contribute some stories then, instead of moaning
I discovered I liked Vore at a very young age, like I was 11 years old when I started getting boners and liked the idea of being in a nice warm belly but anyways there was this farm I use to live close to that had horses out all the time and there was one horse that I semi bonded with at least I liked me because I would bring food to it a lot and pat its head but when I got into early teens I’m going to admit I tried to get this horse to swallow me. It would let me out my hands in its mouth without biting and it would try to slide my arm or both arms as deep as I could before it just pulls back making my arms come back out. Sad to say that I moved away not long after and never got to see it again but I feel like if I kept trying I could have been in a horse belly
>>25649 wow, this is impressive committmen. i say it with no sarcasm, many times when kissing a woman i wished so hard that she would open her mouth and swallow, if it was possible i would have been digested years ago. do you feel you would have gone through with it, if the horse let you? and currently, do you have a preference for horses, or humans, or you don't care?
>>25649 Just imagine if someone saw you finally succeed in getting swallowed whole by it and tried to call for help but nothing they did could prevent the horse from digesting you
I definitely would have gone through with it if the horse let me go inside, I do like human female preds a lot but over time have gotten a sexual attraction to some horses mares and stallions alike I call myself fortunate that the horse let my my hands in his mouth and I almost melted in pleasure every time I did it though the horse would look at me and be like “ what you doin silly human” pretty sure the horse knew what I wanted and was intrigued. Is my guess why it kept letting me do it. Also would love to be in that scenario where the owner comes out and sees what’s going on but by the time they get there I’d be sliding down it’s long throat~
I used to have a crush on this one goth chick and she was really liked getting piercings. Well, she ended up getting one on her belly button and she would talk about how excited she was to get it. When she got it, she complained a lot about how much it was annoying her or hurt a bit. She would lift up her shirt and show me and said something along the lines, "Wanna touch it? Feel how weird it is." Me, a total loser who hasn't touched someone else's stomach with my hands, touches it. It's weird, but I was more forcused on the texture of it, it was really soft. Her belly, now really close to my face (I was sitting, she was kneeled in front of me) gurgled really loud and she seemed to get embarrassed. She said sorry and how much she was hungry. I guess I made a strange expression because she continued to say, "Don't worry I'm not going to eat you or anything. Not like you'd escape me if I tried." She teased me without knowing. I got such a big ass turn on. Nothing ever continued after that and we distanced ourselves.
>>25820 Oh man such a shame. Have you tried to contact her?
>>25831 She ended up being a total bitch so no
>>25852 Yikes, yeah that's better
When I was young - around 4 or 5 - I knew I liked bellies. I mostly attribute it to the curvy women I grew up with and the content of cartoons I would watch. I wanted to lay on a woman's stomach both for the feeling of closeness and to listen to the sounds they made. Whether it was someone I knew or a stranger, I began to have desires to lay on women with big stomachs. On rare occasions, a select few women would let me lay on their belly. I was so young that they would sometimes let me play pretend with them. Sometimes I would roleplay as a doctor and give them food to eat and try to pinpoint exactly when the food would enter their stomach by listening. This naturally piqued an interest in the food being swallowed and packing out a woman's stomach. Sometimes I would fantasize about finding women asleep, inspecting their mouths, and being swallowed either intentionally or by accident. When I was around 6, I wanted to lay on one of my aunt's stomach. She looked similar to the picture attached. Her stomach wasn't small but wasn't big enough to start sagging. It was perfectly round. I would try to get her to talk about her stomach if she was - for example - eating a watermelon and ask her if she would eat a whole watermelon instead of just a slice. She would never discuss it to a satisfying degree. One day, I decided I would just tell her about my desire to lay on her stomach. I told her I had a secret but didn't want her to be mad with me. She asked me what it was and I told her I wanted to lay on her stomach. She said it was OK and that she would let me when she took a nap later. When she went to lay down, she unzipped her pants and her whole belly came out. I distinctly remember the red line jeans leave on soft skin when they're first unzipped. Her belly was so round and smooth. I wanted to climb up further and ask to look into her mouth, but I was too nervous already to say anything. I just sat and imagined her silently dragging me to her mouth and telling me to get into her mouth. My own aunt. I loved how unnatural and gruesome the idea was. The whole situation had my heart racing. I laid on her and listened to her stomach for about twenty minutes while she slept. I think back to this, weirdly, as one of the nicest moments from my childhood. Come to think of it, I probably enjoyed the closeness because it helped me cope with loneliness I felt as a kid. Going to see her was always a comfort and I saw her as somewhat of a mother figure. She even once verbatim called herself "my mother in a way". I don't think it's a stretch to say I developed some abnormal attachment to her. This was the last time I laid on her bare skin. I would sometimes lay on her if we went on vacation, but never on her belly while uncovered. She even occasionally brought up laying on her stomach if I was sad, as though it should be a memory to cheer me up. I thought this was strange on her end. Once she fell asleep during Thanksgiving on the couch. I remember walking past her and her lips were parted while she snored, wide enough for something to fall inside. I watched her for a little bit and her round stomach heaving up and down. I began to imagine if I was small and crawling up her chest to her mouth and what it would be like if she breathed me into her gaping mouth and swallowed me. She inspired more fantasies for me than I can count. I imagined that after she swallowed me she would wake up and, instead of being mad for being a weirdo while she slept, she'd be happily satisfied. I always liked to imagine that she would insist she's my mother after swallowing me, as she's holding me in her stomach. It's like the weirder and more taboo the idea, the more appealing it was. tldr My aunt had a big belly and I wanted her to adopt me by swallowing me.
>>26016 I mean i think weirdly enough that's a pretty wholesome interaction and experience
>>26016 thanks for sharing, this is an interesting set of experiences
>>26068 I think it's weird, but maybe I shamed myself about it more than I should have. To each his own, I guess. I can say it's definitely still affected me even into my adult life. I asked one of my partners to roleplay as an aunt (specifically "an," not pretending to be the same one from my last post). She acted it out because she's cool and gets "weird." She had me look into her mouth as she engulfed my field of vision then made these gross swallowing sounds as she pushed her belly out. She mumbles "I just swallowed my nephew" in this monotone voice and gave me this dull stare as smacks her stomach. Something about it was so cruelly hot. One of the top 5 best ropers I've ever shot.
If you want to see some chicks swallowing fish go to Redneck Heaven and you could get lucky. They serve minnow shots. I was there with my GF and her family. I was hoping my GF would swallow a minnow. She didn't want to, but her younger sister had one (in sprite, not alcohol). She is only 15 and very shy, so I did not expect her to want to try or succedd, but down it went. For the rest of the day, the only thing I was able to think about was her and the fish flopping inside her stomach and then being digested, so I have no clue what the food was like or what we talked about lol
>>26376 did she feel it moving inside her stomach?
>>26770 I don't know. She didn't say and I didn't ask. I didn't want to say a thing. I was too worried I would let something out, so I did my best to act casual and indifferent. She did put her hand on her stomach a few times, but that was just a reaction I think.
>>26376 assuming this is not made up, my balls would have exploded right there. I know 15 is young but damn!!
>>26376 if you ever want to slit your wrists you can pop the razors out and drive them across your arms
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When I was in college, I met a girl through a group of friends. She was super dorky (neurodivergent?), but very sweet, almost to a fault. At some point, I was between girlfriends and had a one-night stand with her. Maybe I was hung up on my ex or we weren't compatible, but I didn't find the experience fulfilling and I ended up keeping my distance for a little bit. One night, she comes over with some friends to our dorm and we talk. Before long, we're the last people there. Everyone's gone to bed except us. I don't remember what prompted it, but she leaned in for a kiss and I redirected the conversation to a figure drawing class I was taking. I asked if I could draw her and specifically asked if I could draw her bare stomach. Whether it was because she was into me or she was a nice person, she agreed and posed while I sketched her with her belly fully exposed. After I finished the sketch, she just kept her belly out and asked if I wanted to touch it. I said yes and joined her on the couch. I asked her if I could lay on it too and she agreed. Her stomach was consistently loud and make the wildest sounds. Over the next few months, she and I would have these kind of "belly dates" where I'd invite her over, buy her snacks and just admire and listen to her belly. She enjoyed the attention and I enjoyed her massive stomach. On and off for years, she would stay in touch and send me snapchats of her belly and mouth. She's a bit awkward, but something about how silly and awkward she was made it hotter. I often imagined that her dopey-ness prevented her from having a gag reflex and she could just swallow anything. I found some of them recently (pic and video related) and don't really want to keep them anymore, so I chopped them up to share.
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>>27589 Video didn't upload first try. Trying again.
>>27589 That is awesome but if it didn't work out it was best to not force it
>>27589 >>27590 She seems really cute. Also seems like she knew just what you were into what with those maw shots. Did you have any specific fantasies about her?
>>27603 She sent me a couple of tailored snaps where she would pretend to find me and then swallow me and bemoan her stuffed belly. There were times when I was single where I considered driving out to see her, but we just never got around to it. She liked the idea of being in power. She said in all of her relationships, she was "the little" so it was a nice change of pace to swap roles. Off the top of my head, I remember a couple fantasies I had about her.There was one day where she was in a contest at the college with some friends and they had to eat pizza before the other team did. I was disappointed because I missed a prime opportunity to wolf down pizza and listen to her stomach. I liked to imagine that the reason I wasn't there was because she had already swallowed me unawares and was dreading eating the pizza because I was already down in her guts. Her roommate also had a pretty expensive pet fish. I teased her often about it and asked her plenty of times what it would take for her to swallow it. She never did, but it was always fun food for thought.
>>27590 >>27589 God I want to lick that bellybutton so bad.. Did you ever get to play with that navel or were you not really interested in that?
>>27634 Do you happen to still have any of those videos? Asking for a friend.
Just when lockdown was finishing, I went for a weekend trip to Schotland with a friend and her daughter. On one of the longest legs of the trip I had to stop the car because the daughter was feeling sick and the mother had her puke into a large zip lock bag, as those are what we had. Since a few hours before we had a very big lunch, there was a lot of vomit. While the mother was giving her wet wipes and water so that she could clean up and rinse her mouth, I walked alongside the road in the middle of nowhere to throw the bag in a bin, so I got a very clear view of all of her stomach's contents for a good 5 minutes. You will find this gross and I can't blame you. There was something hot about seeind that bag swelling with half-digested food just like it was inside her stomach. And I'm sure many here if you see her would volunteer to go into her belly and not think twice. I would have said as much. But I tell you, having had time to see it properly, and to smell it in the car, I don't think you's want to really go inside a stomach at all, no matter how hot the owner is. t certainly put me off the idea for a while, though now when I see her I find myself wondering again...
>>27867 Nice post, anon. Truly, a phenomenal contribution to this thread. Might I suggest that you follow up that opening act by slitting your own throat?
>>27898 I contributed more than you do, why don't you show us how good you are and post something yourself
>>27867 Dude. Why? You didn't need to post this, now you'll just gross out anyone who wants to share their experiences
>>27906 I've already posted several stories, faggot. Unfortunately, my vorearephiliac experiences are tragically limited by my ogre-esque appearance and the sexual trauma that comes from being molested as a child, leaving one unable to form healthy relationships at any point in his life. So, I say again, kill yourself. And delete your post, while you're about it.
>>27867 lol ignore te faggots being squirmish about stomach stuff on a chan vore forum. hey how old was she and was she attractive
>>27867 Imagine being that kid finally learning what this old dude was thinking about for 5 odd minutes staring at your vomit.
>>27988 Not a kid, she's 16. And imaging if the chicks anyone of us knows knew what type of fantasies we had about them on this forum.
>>28025 The least Nice person vorephile
I enjoyed reading some of the experiences people had. I was going to share one with my girlfriend, who is into vore play like me, but she's 17 (I'm 19) and it seems this board is full of prudish assholes. So I'll skip this time.
>>28064 I'd call you a faggot for caring what pearl-clutchers on a fucking vore board think of you, but you're an actual faggot for being such a snarky little cunt. Get cancer.
>>28064 >>28025 Christ please kill yourselves freaks
>>28064 Sounds more like you just don't have a girlfriend, fag
>>28025 you... need to stop >>28064 its ok if ur 19
Yo, can we please get back to the topic of this thread? Im tired of seeing you faggots slapping each others dicks when we should be beating our own. Now STFU and post some experiences.
Some stories of fails here are kinda sad tbh. when i was 18 i opened about my fetish to my gf at the time in a very dull way.. i basically just told her that i fantasize about being small and then being eaten by her. she didnt like it and never really played this out with me. sometimes i tried to get her to fulfill my needs though.. so i brought it up every few months.. and funny thing was that she was actually studying biology and tried to convince me that i wouldnt like it by giving me detailed descriptions of what would happen to me...and her descriptions drove me crazy since then i basically make a game out of it most of the time.. i dont try to be subtile about it or give them hints.. when the right moment comes i am just like : "what would you do to me if i was as small as a gummy bear?" or "what would you do if u were able to shrink other people down to the size of a gummy bear?" most girls react pretty confused to that question, but they also find it funny..and a big amount of them also answers with "i would eat them" or "i would eat you" and then i basically just go from there..answer and ask whatever seems fitting..until they actually realize im into that stuff with some i do this in person..with some through texting. and most of my experiences were quite good or even amazing. but of course it doesnt work out well with every girl. i didnt have on stand up and leave or run away or something like that though. they just wanted to keep on with our relationship as if this talk never happened since then i actually also do that online sometimes.. if you have a decent facebook or instagram profile, or when using other similar sites.. just write strangers. some are crazy enough to play along.. some will think you are absolutely crazy, but it doesnt matter on the internet. just avoid actual dating apps like tinder for stuff like this. people on there just wanna fuck. most dont want to write much. just meet up and fuck. after meeting up a few times u can bring it up there then for the people out there which are afraid of telling others about your fetish..just do it in some way. stop caring what others think of you too much. i get how it can be embarassing, especially in case the girl tells it to other people. which actually happened to me once too. but seemed like that guy didnt really tell it to many other people.. either out of respect, or because the topic in general is way too weird to bring it up with "normal" people. Talk about your fantasies or you will never get them fulfilled
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>>27679 Not into that, though I've probably done it indirectly. >>27589 Found some other pictures. She took the first one after I asked for a creepy "I only realize the pred is watching me look at her stomach when it is too late" kind of vibe.
>>28125 How can I find someone like this irl? >>28405 I cant even imagine anybody in my college or city for that matter being into bellies the same way I am.
>>28125 How can I find someone like this irl? >>28405 I cant even imagine anybody in my college or city for that matter being into bellies the same way I am.
>>28101 fuck off, faggot
>>28405 She looks amazing, thanks for sharing your experience. Reminds me of a friend I was into while in college. I was obsessed with her belly, liked to watch her eat, and sometimes in the summer if she wore a crop top, I could see it bulging after she ate. But I never mustered the courage to bring things forward as much as you did.
>>25649 I used to do similar with my lab when I was a dumbass tiny kid, trying to convince her to swallow me. She had that fucked up gene that made her constantly hungry so I figured digesting me would be mutually beneficial. In retrospect I admire her patience in not biting my hands off.
>>28556 But even as a kid you had to know her digesting you would be painful
>>28556 Never had that towards pets. The most I got to, was to get a fried to open her mouth wide and let me stare down her throat. I very much wanted to push myself inside and down to her stomach, but there is no way I could do that, obviously.
>>28409 She wasn't into it. She was just cool and wanted to make me happy. >>28432 She sounds hot. I had a couple lady friends before and after my friend in the previous pictures who liked to wear very tight clothes. One of them let me lay on her belly a couple times. Unremarkable quiet, but a nice little curve to it. >>28569 So many times I've wanted to do this with partners and friends. I dated a couple girls with really big mouths and pretty throats, which made it all the more painful that I couldn't be swallowed alive. There's just no good substitute for it.
>>28565 I was a kid, I didn't think that far ahead. Hell, even most adult vorarephiles don't think about that. I only knew she wanted to be full, I wanted to be in her stomach, seemed like a perfect match.
>>28580 >>28580 That's how it is for me too. When I was a teen, i thought of being eaten as being in a belly, very superficially. As I got older, I started thinking in more detail about what being pushed down a throat and being inside a stomach would be like. I was put off, but as time went by I got used to it and it ended up being part of the attraction. I am now in the position where I'm awaare of what it would be like and the implications. In 9/10 cases, it's enough to make me want to keep it a fantasy. But the occasional girl who really turns me on, then I would willingly go for it, with the acid, the suffocation inside, the digestion and all. The girl I mentioned in the post above, for example, when I see her belly that is full, or when she let me look down her throat... the draw was so strong.
Friend's sister (17) after a VERY big lunch last summer, fell asleep on the beach. I was chatting with my girlfriend, when she points to my left at the sleeping girl and says 'look at how big her belly is'. In fact, it was noticeably round. I said wow, my girlfriend said it' because when we sleep our muscles relax, so the stomach is more evident. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but it was very sexy. Soon enough my GF and another of the group went to a bar, I stayed there so I could enjoy the view. I wanted to bad to be in there and I'm sure it took her a while to digest all that food.
>>29416 That's hot!! Did you see her stomach get smaller as she digested or was it full all day? Did you hear it gurgle or make noise?
>>29416 Any follow-up on that? I'm curious to know if you ever got a peak at it again or had any other encounters with her gut. There's some quality content for the start of a story or a comic in here.
>>29446 Sadly not, we went home for the afternoon and in the evening she wore a dress, so I couldn't tell if she was still full. I tried, but the dress was loose and it never hugged her stomach. My guess is that at that point she will have digested. >>29461 I see her often as we are part of a group of close friends, but that time was the only time I got to see her gut bloated like that. She's very pretty, and also chill friendly, so after that time I find it difficult to see her in a non-voreish lens. I mentioned to a friend that if I could pick someone to eat me IRL, I would choose her for sure, among a few others.
>>29475 You wouldn't choose your girlfriend as your pred?
>>29475 How is best to reach you for more details about her? I like the setup and would like to turn this into a comic or a story.
>>29490 For some reason I don't see girls I'm with as preds, I tend to desire to be eaten by women I'm not together with. >>29742 There's not much more to it aside from what I said, I am hoping this happens again but it's unlikely. I am happy to answer any questions here, though
>>29799 Could you give an approximation of how she looked, like a comparison? Any details would help. Outfit, colors, weather, anything to help paint the picture. Ways you wished the encounter would have gone are also acceptable. It's a bit to write, which is why I suggested an email.
>>29803 English is not my first language so I don't do descriptions well, but I will try. She is naturally a brunette, but dyes her hair blonde (for 1 year or so now), It suits her. White. Very pretty. She's only slightly younger than me and I'd live to date her, but for the fact that I know the family so well and I also her sister is my GF lol. I was not going to post her name, but it’s a common one so her name is Chloe. I don't remember exactly what she was wearing at lunch, but it was beach attire, like a flowing dress. It was white with some pattern, but can’t recall what. We were meeting with other families and friends so it was a celebration of sorts, which is why we had a big lunch. Being the seaside, it was seafood – oysters, shrimps, calamari, sea bream and so on. There was a lot of it on the table (and then inside her stomach). I was aware how much she ate, but I didn’t think at all that it might show, so I didn’t notice her belly was bigger until my girlfriend told me to turn around and look. I recall she was lying on her side on the sunbed, in the shade of the umbrella. She was sleeping on her right side, facing us. I could not look properly when my GF was there as I was slightly turned the other way, whereas my GF was facing her. She had a red bikini on (this I remember VERY well, every stich of it), so her stomach was completely exposed. As soon as my GF left I turned my chair and took out a book to read, but really I couldn’t concentrate at all. All I could pay attention to was her. One thing that turned me on was watching her stomach moving with her breathing, and the other was knowing that in there she was packed full of fish, which were being slowly digested. I was and still am SO jealous of them. When I was sitting there, I wanted to badly to swap places with them and be inside that stomach. I was also wondering if she breathing moved the contents of the stomach around and trying to imagine what her breathing would feel like if you were inside. Also looking at her ribs was sexy, as her skinny torso contrasted with her full belly. Her belly didn’t look as if she was pregnant (obviously), but still one could see it rounding out quite a lot. Maybe it’s true that muscles relax during sleep, and the stomach can expand more. I have no idea and don’t really care, this was the closest thing I have ever been to witnessing predation of sorts. It reminded me of those documentaries where you see lions lying down in the shade after a big meal. And here I had a nice girl, who stuffed herself full of fish with no care for their lives, and where now melting inside her gut while she slept away under the sun. It looked natural and primal. You ask how I wish the encounter would have gone. Well, for one I wish I was one of those fish, or that I was inside that belly one way or another. I really do, and I know that once inside her it would not feel good at all, and the consequences. I don’t care. A regret is that I paid little or no attention to her while we were having lunch. Going back, I’d like to watch more closely when she ate the oysters for instance, as those are swallowed alive, or whole at least. I don’t know if she touched her stomach or made any comments over lunch about how full she was. I was mostly talking with others. A BIG regret was not snapping a photo, but I was so entranced by having her right in front of me that I could not think of anything else. It would also have been nice to hear stomach sounds while she was digesting, but I couldn’t – maybe in a quiet room but the beach was not quiet. Again, ashamed to admit but, despite not liking scat, I would in this case have loved to see She has a great butt so the thought of her pooping all that stuff out when she was done digesting turned me on too. I confess, the day after I kind of kept thinking, when she went to the bathroom every now and then, if that was when it was happening. I’m a bit ashamed of admitting this, but I would have liked to see what was left. I’m not into scat, so I’m ashamed of admitting this, but this time I felt that was hot too. I am hoping for an encore next summer, but chances non-existent. This is all I can remember – yes, memory is vivid but you can imagine I think of this a lot. My head spins writing about her with this level of detail. If there are specifics you want to know, feel free to ask. If you want to paste an email here, I can contact you there.
>>29806 nineofshades@gmail.com
>>29806 I don't really have anything to add except the consolation that we've all seen shit like this and been too dumb to take a commemorative picture before. Incidentally, are you French?
>>29806 Not sure many people have a desire to become poop when they see a nice ass. Still I don't think you should feel shame
>>8732 I found kphoria as a wee lad and he ruined my life xd, but I remember in high school this girl had a massive stomach one day when she walked into class (she wasn't pregnant or anything, I probably just didn't notice she was fat), and the thought that she ate a fellow student crossed my mind and that was my fap material for weeks
I had a friend who had this thin yet kinda busty alt gf, who grabbed his head and made him listen to her stomach growl. I dont remember the exact words but she said something like "Im going to raid your fridge later". I never been jealous before but I wish I was in his shoes at that moment.
this was a long time ago, but my first gf was from a region on the mediterranean where it's common to eat raw seafood (shrimps, mussels and squids), and she LOVED it. The best part was her family were fishermen for generations, we were often at sea and sometimes if she was hungry she wouild just grab some of the little fish that were pulled out in the nets, and swallow them. It was normal for her and something she always did. I don't know how many fish got to experience being inside her stomach, but loads over the years. I don't think the behaviour was unusual in that region, as no one seemed to mind. At the time i was not into vore, but when we broke up this memory is one of the things that for some reason became larger in my memories. Never figures out why because i dind't care at the time but maybe i really missed her and i couldn't be with her, and was jealous of those fish that were inside her and so close. Fucked up i know
>>30114 where is this place???
Sort of an unorthodox post, but I felt the need to share. I got into vore from a relatively young age, around tween-age? I got hooked on Pyxxyl’s art, and then it was was off to the races. I got super into roleplay for a bit, but now it just makes me feel dirty. To those who have SO’s who know about your fetish, how did you bring it up? And how do you handle it? This sounds really stupid, but over the years I’ve had lots of fantasies about vore with specific characters I liked (Samus Aran, Yoko Littner, Ryūko Matoi, Rias Gremory, Kaguya Shinomiya, Edelgard, etc.) But as I grew to think about them eating me, or me eating them, especially the latter, I began to view these characters as just objects for my pleasure. Obviously they’re not real, but now I’m in a real relationship with a woman I genuinely love, and I’m terrified of being consumed by that same lust. Even now, I feel the desire to swallow her whole, or having her fed to a different girl, and then after I come down from the ecstasy, I feel like a total monster. Has this happened to any of you? Has it destroyed your fictional crushes and even real relationships? Or if I accept it, will things get better?
>>30233 I don't share my vore fetish with anyone, even with my SO. Regular sex with her. I don't know why it's like this, but I don't believe sharing everything necessarily has to be a base of a good relationship. Vore is and has always been private. Having said that, it sounds like you might be projecting a sense of guilt with regards to fetishes, for example it's interesting that in relation to cosplays, you feel 'dirty', or a monster for liking vore. What helped me accept this is that we don't choose our fetishes, and this is actually a pretty harmless one. A woman I know (very hot and very clever as well) once was commenting when the subject of fetishes came out among a group of friends, that she thought vore can be in a sense intimate and cute, being in someone's belly and so on. The downside of the fetish to me is that it remains by necessity unfulfilled. With normal sex, one can take a break from porn and fuck someone for real. With vore, i feel i can only live it online, though there are a few girls i would like to fill their bellies, this isn't going to happen. So the problem to me is to rein the fetish in, not indulge too much in watching porn or it can become obsessive. But accepting that it's harmless, cute in some sense and either way that we don't have a choice in what we like, made it much, much easier to accept. I hope this helps.
>>30273 I definitely get part of that. The thing for me is that digestion is sort of a key part of the experience for me, and so I feel like I’m forced to reconcile with the “death” aspect of vore, plus the… inevitable place food goes after its digested. I find it kinky, but then it makes me feel like a genuine cannibal, or something. At the very least, I feel bad for being so sadistic, in regards to my (fantasized) lovers.
>>30314 Understandable, but again it's a fantasy so ok. You can also think, and it's true, that you'd would have many willing to volunteer. When I see an attractive woman, given the option I would love for her to swallow me, and to go through the whole digestion process. Including how it ends, and moreso if she has a nice backside. I don't see it as sadistic either. We are conditioned think of consumption in an entirely negative and disgusting light, but on the other hand it's a natural process, and I find that yes, when say someone is eaten, it's against their will and they end up being digested. At the same time there is something very intimate about a woman with a protruding belly, with stretched skin and visible veins, the prey cramped inside and becoming part of her while the belly slowly gets back to a normal size. Also knowing that she would not swallow something she didn't like adds to the nice aspects of eating and digestions. Sorry if I'm specific on sex, but I like women, though you can apply to men/animals/etc as well
>>30233 100%. I'm in a similar boat. I developed these fantasies when I was very little, like, single digits young. Didn't even understand what I was doing at the time, I just knew it felt good to touch myself to thoughts of being eaten by giant women and monsters. It wasn't until I was much older that I discovered people producing early giantess animations (I think VMNUnlimited were the first ones I stumbled on) that I even knew other people had these same fetish. For a long time I dismissed the macabre nature of the fetish as being purely fantasy. But if we can pull our coomer brains out of our own orgasmic delirium for a moment, we know that's pure cope. There's no way that pleasuring oneself to the thought of other's suffering and torturous death is anything but fucked up. I firmly believe it's not something we should embrace, it's something we should struggle against. I've gained a lot of sympathy for homosexuals recently in striving to overcome these fantasies and urges. It's difficult, but progress can be made. I will say this too, don't believe that it won't have an adverse effect on your relationships, it definitely will, and you are right to be afraid it will leak in and eventually damage the relationship. Speaking from personal experience, the more you give in to these fantasies, the more difficult it becomes to appreciate and even engage in normal intimacy with your partner. That will lead to resentment and conflict over time. Don't listen to these guys who tell you it's just fantasy so it's okay, or that you should try to drag your girlfriend into this world. We're ill here, all of us. If you can get out man, get out. Don't let others drag you back into the pit.
>>30345 >I've gained a lot of sympathy for homosexuals recently in striving to overcome these fantasies and urges. I'm very surprised to hear someone say this, I thought I was the only one thinking it. We don't have it as bad as them, because (straight) vore fetishists can still enjoy normal straight intimacy. I've met a gay person who said they were non-practicing, and it wouldn't have made sense to reply "oh, I have sexual fantasies about horrible death, i'm just like you!". They can talk about it openly, we can't, so it's weird to see someone else talking about it. Anyways, it's not all doom and gloom for us. Even if we suppress our sick death fantasies, we can still experience normal love, and we can get women pregnant. And caring for a pregnant (large stomach!!!!!) woman you love is a more reasonable thing you can enjoy without her thinking you belong in an asylum. While there's still some part of me that wants my weird fetishes to be fully understood by someone else, it might be better to write that part of my brain off as something broken that doesn't need to be fed. No pun intended.
>>30345 >>30345 I am the one above that posted that it's ok to have this fetish. I agree with parts of your post, in particular that indulging in this fetish can damage intimacy in a real relationship. From personal experience, when I see an attractive woman, my first thought is not towards her tits, legs, or pussy. However I disagree that it is somehting we should fight against. Partly because I think it's futile. And you make the example of gay people - do you think it's right that they struggle against homosexuality? I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all. The problem is that vore is a fetish with no realistic outlet other than masturbation or porn. And as far as i can tell, overindulging even in normal porn can decrease libido towards regular vanilla sex. if anyone has ideas on how, in practical terms, one limit the pull that vore has on our phsyche, it will be good to hear.
>>30361 It's as simple as cutting yourself off from the source. You've gotta drop porn. The less you indulge, the less the fantasies infest your mind, the more you adjust to be attracted to normalcy. I don't know that they ever go away entirely, but they lessen their grip on your psyche. They become more like dull background radiation than intrusive, domineering urges. Cutting porn off cold turkey can be really, really difficult, and the longer one has been in this world the harder it is to pull yourself out. You're likely to stumble and relapse over and over (hell, that's why I'm posting here now), but over time one can see progress. The most important thing is to not give up, even if you fall back dramatically. The goal is to, overtime, slowly fall upwards. Something I've found helpful is trying to limit the type of porn I give in to, limiting the senses being stimulated. First I cut out videos, since they stimulate everything. Then I cut out audio, which I would often listen to independently or while reading erotica. Then I cut out images/comics. At this point, I don't even really read much erotica anymore. The last powerful grip on me is a more recent phenomenon, the rise of these erotic roleplay AI chatbots.
>>30366 Thank you, I appreciate you taking time to suggest this. Makes sense, I will give it a serious try.
>>30366 I guess I'll put my ten cents here. I don't like to share my sexual orientation on 8chan of all places cause lets be the honest, the userbase is quite bigoted but I'm gay who also has a vore fetish. Vore is something I've been surpressing ever since I found out I was into it. It really effected me mentally where I was ashamed and self-hateful about it. When my partner found out about my fetish I had a really hard time telling him that I have fantasies about swallowing him whole. He told me afterwards that I shouldn't be ashamed of something that is just fantasy. Nowadays he tries to integrate some vore scenarios into our foreplay but even then I still don't feel 100% comfortable because of how ashamed I was about my fetish. The truth of the matter is, everyone has a fetish or a kink they are ashamed about. And vore is one of those things. As long as you keep it within the realms of fantasy you shouldn't feel ashamed about yourself for enjoying it.
>>30366 >the rise of these erotic roleplay AI chatbots. Yeah, those things are fucked up. But there's a good window of opportunity to quit them, right now. If you have an active slack workspace, you can delete it, and there's currently no way to bring it back. Or if you have a proxy key, you can delete all references to your key and the email you got it from and lock yourself out. If you have a turbo trial account, ignore for a few months until the credit expires. If you paid money to openai... wtf you doing? lol. If you really need a paid account gone just spam lorem ipsum until you're out of money, or use it to help you write code or something. Stop visiting aicg or wherever you get your info from, and you won't learn about the next thing if/when that comes. Now is a really good time to get off this train. >>30372 >userbase is quite bigoted You're on a porn board, you're fine. I'd rather not become self hateful about it, I'd rather think of vore as something that isn't part of my identity, just a malfunction in the brain I can ignore.
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>>30345 >I've gained a lot of sympathy for homosexuals >>30353 >I'm very surprised to hear someone say this, I thought I was the only one thinking it. We don't have it as bad as them I'm sorry, but what plane of reality do you live on? Do you not realize that, three days from now, the entire Western world is going to be starting "Fag Pride Month"? How can you be "suffering" when you have every government worth a damn reaffirming that there's "nothing wrong" about you? The only "suffering" I see fags going through in this day and age is wanting to be left alone, and desiring that anyone pushing for "LGBTBBQ+ acceptance" needs to be sent to the gas chambers for trying to "normalize" it in the first place. >>30372 >I don't like to share my sexual orientation on 8chan of all places cause lets be the honest, the userbase is quite bigoted No, it's just that your a whiny bitch who takes things too personally and never actually stepped outside of your echo chamber. If you had, you'd know that /v/ is unironically the gayest board on the site. Even more than /cb/ and /sm/. >The truth of the matter is, everyone has a fetish or a kink they are ashamed about. No, a lot of people don't. >>30381 >You're on a porn board, you're fine. Welcome newfag, it's time that you became aware that nothing is beyond the reach of /pol/. >I'd rather not become self hateful about it, I'd rather think of vore as something that isn't part of my identity, just a malfunction in the brain I can ignore. It's fucking fiction! Why the Hell does it matter if it makes your dick hard? More importantly, why are your trying to philosophize about it?
>>30403 read the room dipshit
Yo what the fuck happened to my fucking thread?
>>30403 meds, now
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>>30403 I'm not in the mood for an argument I just wanted to share my experience.. that's about it.
>>30361 >>30366 I like all these theoretical conversatons about lack of normalcy of vore and how to cut it off. I actually don't think it's fucked up at all. I had the good fortune to be in proximity to some distended bellies. One, and ex that dumped me, got pregnant with the new guy she dumped me for, got back with me when he walked away, and then dumped me again but kept me as a spare for the 9 months when she wanted her pussy filled up. I fucking hated her but the sex was good and we ended up being friends despite everything (we still are). My current fiancee very occasionally when we have a party or go to a buffet dinner or thanksgivng, she likes to eat a lot. Like for 3. She has loose abdominal muscles so her stomach gets big, she literally looks pregnant like some of those female competitive eaters from china or japan. If any of you had the fortune of having 2 engoged female bellies a few inches from your face, to kiss, touch ot play, you would understood how fucking beautiful they are and why vore is so alluring. If you have a woman patting her distended stomach after a large dinner, talking about how packed she is, then i want to hear you tell me that the desire to be inside is not in part normal, or understandable at least. I suspect many don't know they like vore just because they don't know it's a think and are yet to stumble on it. It would be more common. Just look how common vore is on pregnancy fetish forums, when someone asks about other fetishes. Fuck the pregnant girl she knew of my vore fetish and never liked it until she got a big belly. Then even she said she finally understood the attraction and now is simpathetic for vore and likes it too, to an extent. So it's normal, it's not fucked up and it''s a fantasy so enjoy, If one day you get close to a big belly, you will understand all the phylosophysing her is bullshit.
i second that, i felt like shit about vore until i experienced a big belly. full stomachs are the best thing ever lol
>>30408 A couple of retards started posting about how it's bad, and you should feel bad, that you have a fetish for erotic cannibalism. >>30411 >I like all these theoretical conversatons about lack of normalcy of vore and how to cut it off. I get tired of it, rather quick, because it's no different that regular discussions about how any type of porn is "unnatural" and "creates unrealistic standards'', and keeps using "facts" that Feminists pulled out of their ass 60 years ago or misconstrues modern studies to say the exact opposite of what the actual results were. If you feel that ashamed about what you're doing, the solution is simple: stop it! Altogether, right now, and never look back. No need to waste everyone else's time with endless walls of text.
>>30433 When i said 'i like' i meant to be sarcastic, but I realise it didn't come across the way I meant. It's crazy to see people discussing what is normal and abnormal in 2023, when we should know that all sorts of people have all sorts of fetishes and talking about 'normal' makes little sense. To me, this variety makes them more interesting and life richer. >>30426 It's amazing. Having fallen asleep many times listening to digestions sounds in full and pregnant bellies, I would give anything to be digested inside one.
>>30434 >It's crazy to see people discussing what is normal and abnormal in 2023, when we should know that all sorts of people have all sorts of fetishes and talking about 'normal' makes little sense. That's because it's you don't understand the cycle and the dialect, dear comrade. There IS a legitimate political process and playbook to all of this, and it does all happen for a reason. If you want, I can lay it all out, but it'd probably be a better topic to discuss in the general thread: >>>/vore1/290 Or the offtopic thread: >>>/vore1/9904
>>30434 >I would give anything to be digested inside one. Jesus, this is sad. Enjoy jerking off to 2D images and failing in relationships for the rest of your life, I guess. >It's crazy to see people discussing what is normal and abnormal in 2023, when we should know that all sorts of people have all sorts of fetishes and talking about 'normal' makes little sense. To me, this variety makes them more interesting and life richer. Yes, jacking it to the thought of an agonizing death for yourself, or even better, the agonizing death of others, is truly enriching to life. So progressive of you. Keep huffing that copium, boys. For the few of you sane enough to have a shred of shame left, don't let these nutjobs drag you down forever. You can pull yourself out of this pit and lead a normal, happy, healthy life. You don't have to sit alone in a dark room, wanking to disturbing images on a computer screen for the rest of your life. You don't have to experience the awkward tension of pressuring women to engage in this fetish when they really don't want to but want to make you happy, nor the terror of hiding this dark fantasy inside yourself forever for fear of the very real rejection and abandonment that will follow if you reveal it to them or other friends and family. You can be attracted to women not as beautiful objects of destruction, but as people in of themselves, people with whom you can form real, lasting, meaningful relationships, that enrich one another. It's all within your grasp, you just have to work at it. Step one is getting off the copium of "tHeRe iS nO nOrMaL, iT's jUsT fAnTaSy!!1!" >>30381 >I'd rather not become self hateful about it, I'd rather think of vore as something that isn't part of my identity, just a malfunction in the brain I can ignore. This is the way.
>>30448 >You don't have to sit alone in a dark room, wanking to disturbing images on a computer screen for the rest of your life Projecting much? You're the only person here who sounds like he has a problem.
>>30448 I mean, regardless of any of that because obviously people with weird fetishes get in relationships all the time, why are you here?
>>30448 I mean, my wife thinks it's hot so not everyone is a miserable insecure fuck about it kek
>>30448 Dude, the fuck are you doing in here? No one will listen to your horrible take. Get your shitty all mighty moral high ground and get the fuck out of here retard
>>30545 Don't feed it. Get back to stories.
>>30545 I’m someone with this fetish, same as everyone else on this board, responding to and expressing solidarity with someone else who recognizes how disturbing and fucked up this fetish is. The lot of you are dogging me because you have to deny reason in order to live with yourselves. Some will listen to me. Even if only one, it was time well spent. As for the rest of you, carry on with your delusional take that pleasuring ourselves to something evil is totally normal and just a-okay. Cope and seethe.
It's only as serious as you let it be, so don't lol
>>30448 You should not assume that someone doesn't have a life because they have a fetish that YOU find disturbing. Case in point: far from failing in relationships, i'm happily married with children, to a beautiful wife. Did I chose this fetish? No, but I still manage to live a very successful functional life, at work and with the opposite sex. I keep it a fantasy, and take it for what it is: a strong attraction towards female bellies, and the idea of being eaten and of digestion, an attraction to their ass too, and it's a desire that is bound to remain unfulfilled. The pregnant friend I mentioned in my post. She was also beautiful. Baby was not mine, long story. I deliberately prepared whitebait sometimes, which are small white fish that are fried, and eaten whole. I loved seeing her 8-months stomach next to me, raising and falling with her breath while she was sleeping, knowing that those fish were swimming in the sea a few days before and now they were in there, whole. The memory gurgling sounds that occasionally I heard is still a major turn on. We all have to go at some point, so I'd rather go in there. Would have happily swapped placed with them. You think it's horrible? I think her 8 month belly was beautiful, and I'm sure many people here would have felt the same way I did about those fish. They would have ended up inside some fish stomach anyway, if they were in the wild. Heck i teased her once about the fish, and she stroked her belly and said it's beautiful, there are worse ways to go. I still can't agree more. I'm not sure why you are here, or why you pose yourself as some sort of knight, wanting to save us from perdition. We don't need to be saved. Or you need to make a more persuasive argument that one based on assumptions about our life. Do you do the same on gay forums?
hello anons, my vorarephilic experience was like many others with my partner (recently ex-girlfriend) Apart from my taste for vore, I also like bellies and navels, my relationship was quite serious and that's why I felt the need to tell my girlfriend about it, she took it very well and we even implemented that in our "games" I I could play with her belly and lie on her and listen to her gurgling, time later I plucked up the courage and confessed my vore fetish, which she also took very well, I usually bought her gummy bears to see how she swallowed them and then caressed her. her stomach, I came to make two drawings by hand where she swallowed me, whenever I was hungry she came up to me and told me how appetizing I looked and licked my face, I admit I loved being bathed in her saliva, unfortunately that will no longer come back to happen, despite my fantasies, she was the true love of my life, she barely left and I already miss her too much...
>>30617 I am the one that posted above about an ex that swallowed fish when at sea. So I can relate to how you feel somehow. If it can be of any consolation, it is likely that when you meet one or more nice girls, they will likewise be accepting of your fetish. So don't despair. On the other hand, the chances I have of meeting someone who will dawn a live fish when hungry as if it was nothing, are nil. Unless I go live is some fishing village like the one she's from and that isn't going to happen.
>>30565 Again, my wife thinks the idea of eating me whole is hot so.. I don't see the harm. Is it the only sexual thing we do? God no. Hardly ever actually, but she'll tease me about it and sometimes it leads to some roleplay involving it. I agree with not forcing it on anyone, but if your partner is more than willing to indulge, why not? It doesn't consume my life. We also binge cringe compilations and both think vore is cringe as fuck. We still do it. Just do what works for you as an individual. Sorry if you got fucked over somehow for having this fetish or couldn't control yourself and let it ruin a relationship.
LOL i like bellies a lot bot those of you saying you would like it inside one you have no idea what it would really be like you are basically trapped inside a sack full of vomit
>>30638 I really appreciate it, friend, if I lost her it was for other people's reasons, I know she still loves me and I try to keep fighting so that everything is like before
>>30656 I share that taste with you but I think that just as it seems strange to you that someone wants to be inside a stomach, to many people it may seem strange how it is that you like something insignificant like the belly
>>30658 i agree, and i too jerk off on vore. but there is a difference, a belly is a belly, as well as ass and tits. i am pointing out that i think the inside of a stomach would be a very unpleasant experience. itt would be cramped, full of acid, of vomit maybe, dark warm and with no air. he posters above (30448 and others) do not fully realise this when they say they would swap places with whats in their friends stomach. didn't mean no disrespect.
>>30684 Pretty sure most people have enough of a grasp on reality to know it wouldn't be pleasant. It doesn't take a fucking genius. That's why this is categorized as a fantasy, not a fetish. You can take and leave aspects of being inside of a stomach because it isn't real or possible, so you can imagine whatever you want.
>>30684 Not sure why you presume that I don't know what it would be like inside a stomach. I'm not 2 years old. And sorry if TMI here, but she was pregnant, and occasionally had nausea still in the third trimester, when we were having sex, and I got to hold up a bucket when she puked at night, copiously. So I know very well what's inside her belly 2 hours after she ate. It has to be said that presumably the stomach is not that full when she swallows you, and you get to suffocate pretty fast anywy. The attraction is towards being inside a belly and being digested. A comparison would be to say 'people have no idea when they say they like sex', because the pussy is full of bacteria, or the ass is where they poop from. Makes no sense whatsoever.
>>30725 I don't think a pussy kills you
>>30750 You make a good point. Though people go to great lenths to get laid, and this can include pregnancy, STDs,child support, financial obligations and often financial ruin. Sometimes as a consequence of a one night stand. So it's true it doesn't kill you, but I contend that our actions are not always driven by the severity of their consequences, but by instinct. Some will have serious cosequences, wildly disproportionate to the initial trigger. Vore clearly fits into this category, and to a less serious extent, regular sex can too.
to add to this discussion yes vore is gross when real. Before lockdown I was at a wedding and at the end of the night one of the bridesmaids swallowed one of the goldfish from the bows decorating the table, where me and the other younger guests were sitting. None of our parents where there so things got stupid lol. I could not believe it, her stomach was also round after all the food so it was very hot to see her gulping that fish alive and see it going down her throat and inside her belly. I got an instant hard on. But the day after when I saw her the belly was flat again, as she digested everything in the meantime. In the evening one of our friends joked asking her if the fish was there when she took a shit, and she said no, it was all normal. This to be frank grossed me out, a lot, and the fact that her stomach was flat again brought the fact that the fish was digested in there into stark reality. It felt uncomfortable to me, and very different from contemplating vore as just a fantasy. The night before I would have loved to be that fish, but the day after I changed my mind completely. I was put off vore for several months after that.
>>30907 Wow! I don't understand whast is it that you don't like. Digestion and what happens to the prey is one of the things I like most, including the idea of it becoming poop, as long as the pred is hot and has a nice ass. Just figure that fish spent the night inside a bloated female belly being digested and absorbed. How could that put you off vore. Do you mind describing this girl, age, hair, body type, what else happened that night. Without bulshit if possible
This is something that happened 5 years ago, during summer holidays. I was on a beach with a small group of friends from school, at some point we were messing about with nets catching small fish that were swimming in shallow water. We started doing dares, and one was to keep one of the fish in your mouth as long as you could. When a girl that was with us was holding fish in her mouth, I slapped her ass as a joke, she was startled and swallowed the fish. She tried to puke it out, but did not manage. She got really angry with me, I didn't intend for that to happen, but it was hot the rest of the day knowing that that fish was inside her tummy
how old was she? did she say if she felt it moving inside
We were in school, 14-15. She did not say anything so I don't know if she could feel it moving. She was angry and trying to get it out so I didn't ask
I am asking if someone here can advice on how to deal with having a very strong attraction towards a girl I have in class in college. I've known her for a few years and I have this very strong desire to be eaten by her. I love to see her eating and I like to see the food going down her throat and into her stomach. I also like her ass and I wish she would eat me and shit me our of there. It is interfering with my studies and it is not possible that when i see this girl at class or outside when we are out together with friends, all i can think of is her eating me, or try to imagine what she is digesting in her stomach. I apologise for my english, it's not my first language. I tried posting elsewhere but got no advice, so I would be thankful. It's difficult to dea with and someone here must have experience. Thank you!
>>31944 kill yourself
Quit being a faggot
>>31944 Don't pay attention to that useless piece of shit (31948). It looks like you are young. I have been into similar situations many times over the years, and I can tell you it can be hard. One clear thing you could try is to ask her out. Many people here or other vore forums posted that their partners let them indulge with their fetish. She might do the same. If not, you still get to touch her stomach or play with her ass, and you can fantasize. Another thing to do is to take the foot off the pedal a bit. What i mean is to try and limit the time you spend here or indulging the fetish. The more you dwell, the stronger it can become. I know it's very hard to do at your age. More importantly, I'm afraid you will have to learn to accept this, which is also hard to do. I had to put up with compulsions that are similar to the one you describe, at school, college and at the workplace. No matter how strong we wish it, we are not going to end up inside the stomach of one of these chicks. I worked several times alongside girls that I liked, and became pregnant. The hardest things to cope with was listening to them complain with other women about being always hungry, taking ages to digest meals, and hearing the occasional rumble coming from the stomach. On the other hand, seeing them with a large stomach made my imagination spin. I did get to enjoy the fantasies, the occasional belly rub, and seeing them eat over lunch and lean back on a chair with a full stomach and a very large belly. I actually had the feeling one might have been into vore, she gave me strong pred vibes LOL So learn to use your imagination. Also learn to appreciate what you have. But ask that girl out if you can.
Will you niggers ever stop acting like children? you should ALL kill yourselves Every day with some new bullshit i swear.
I leave for a couple of days my thread and when i come back there's a comment from the mod. What happened?
yes, what happened? this is one of my favorite threads, and I love reading about stories and the experiences of other people
>>32000 Back on track then. When I first met my girlfriend she was hardly 160 lbs. She was very skinny, but she's Hispanic too and most of her weight ends up on her hips which are just massively (but pleasantly) disproportionate to her frame. I would go down on her and see her ribs as she laid back, always wishing that she had a nice round belly to look up at. I told her about my fetish and she would do roleplays with me sometimes. I would ask her usually to mount me, stare at me and kiss my face and drool, and gulp down her saliva. The air and saliva would often create nice sounds as they traveled up and down her throat and squelched inside of her stomach. Often she would pretend to be my stepmom or some kind of taboo lady and tell me she was going to swallow me for calling her butt big or something. The scenarios were always missing that extra bit of credibility that chub provides to help suspend my belief though. When covid hit, she put on a little bit of weight and ever since then, she's gradually gotten bigger. After four years, she weighs between 190-200 lbs. Standing up, her belly looks nice and cute, but when I would go down on her it looked massive. I started to eat her out standing up once and felt her soft belly pressing down on my forehead. Needless to say I loved it. I would stare at her over her small ball of chub and seeing her look down at me -standing or sitting - was insanely hot. This part might be placebo, but I also feel like she salivates more. My face would get covered in spit and she would look equal parts beautiful and disgusting, and each the better of the two together. Drool would cover her face, she'd be heaving and gasping, mouth wide open, her stomach pushed out and belching from all of the air and spit being pushed through it her guts - I love all of it. She's a big fan of getting creampied too, so whenever possible, she asks me to finish inside of her. I like this because it's mutually fulfilling for both of us. She'll often encourage me seconds beforehand, reminding me I'm finishing inside her belly. The way she immediately connects it mentally to her belly is hot to me. It's like she has to remind me that my focus - everything - revolves around her belly. She's great.
>>32015 you are very lucky. Did you every try and convince her to swallow a goldfish or something like that? I had a girlfriend that did that, but she did not want to have sex.She did let me play with her stomach. It was nice but very frustrating, because she would make me horny as fuck and I had to finish in a fucking tissue every fucking time.
>>32032 How did you play with it? Did you play with the navel at all?
>>32032 Her condition for swallowing a goldfish is marriage. She likes animals too much. However, let's pull back from that. I think this board is allergic to discussing live animals.
I need to get this off my chest. It's pretty much my only real-life vore experience, and it's not a good one. For almost as long as I've had the fetish, I've written stories for it. I can't draw, so the only way I can vent my energy for it is through writing. I'm also very secretive about vore; even during the period when I was unhealthily obsessed with it, I never told anyone. Throughout highschool, I would even write stories on my school-issued computer. Nothing vore-related, though. I never got caught. Finally, in the latter half of my senior year, I was cocky enough and confident enough that I wouldn't get caught, that I wrote vore on my school computer. A couple days later, and what happens? I get called to the principal's office. You can tell where this story is going, but at the time, I didn't at all. I didn't usually get in trouble. Confused, I asked if I had simply forgotten to pay for my cap and gown or something. The principal looked at me weird and said "um... no..." and pulled out some papers from his printer. The second I recognized the font and first couple of words, I was fucking floored. I know that throwing around words like "unreality" and "whiplash" might sound extreme, but I felt my heart drop when I saw a physical copy (physical! In the real fucking world!) of my shitty vore story on the principal's desk. So goddamn surreal. The principal was really uncomfortable and asked me if it was mine. I didn't deny it. Then, he asked me if I was going to become... a writer??? I was almost surprised into laughing when that was the first thing he asked me. Me, being the idiotic and edgy little shit I was, said "don't ask." Turns out, the principal was only asking because of the violent nature of vore and was just making sure I wasn't going to become the next school shooter or whatever. Probably the worst part of this whole interaction, though, was that he idly mentioned that multiple front office members had also seen what I'd written. The knowledge that potentially an entire staff of adults saw my god-fucking-awful vore fic haunts me still. He nervously told me he was glad that that was "cleared up" (I mean, nothing was actually cleared up. It just made for damn sure I wasn't writing a single word on my school computer ever again) and proceeded to talk about my college plans to try and change the subject. Thankfully, because I was 18, he said he didn't tell my parents. I would have probably run off or done something even more stupid and drastic if my parents had found out; just knowing that that could've happened made me sick. Was I an idiot for writing that on a school computer, and did I bring it on myself? Yes. Am I overreacting? Probably. Do I still think about it and recoil years later? ...yeah. And I still have that fic, too, rotting forever unfinished in my google drive. I've never been able to fully read it or continue it since. If you got here, thanks for reading my little tirade, and even though this story is just another reason not to admit your fetish irl, you can find someone that will accept it. That just unfortunately wasn't the case here.
>>32052 Oddly I didn't play with her belly button much. I rarely do that with women even though the stomach is one part I obsess with. I mostly massaged her belly. She would arch her back so it would round up, and she let me listen to stomach sounds after she ate. The very few times she swallowed a fish I couldn't hear it inside, however. Just normal sounds of digestion. Sessions didn't last long, it was so frustrating. I got a hard one straight away, being young and horny and all, but she wouldn't let me have sex so it was all a bit pointless.
>>32078 always lock your microsoft word files m8 but its really fucked up if everyone reads it especially if they are the person whom you dont want them to read your wild fiction
>>32078 Kind of fucked on his part that he shared with the staff. The good news is though that people are pretty normalized to weird shit, especially when they have kids making weird shit. I had a couple similar situations. I used to draw fantasies of women on paper as a kid and my mother found them two or three times. She'd find them and ask about them, usually "why does this girl have a big belly?" and every time drop the subject when I became uncomfortable or tore them up. To this day, I can't tell if she was clueless or not, but she's never bugged me about it so it's just as well. When I was in middle school, I didn't draw anything vore-related, but I drew some voluptuous girls in the library in front of my friends. An aide walked by and I tried to conceal the papers, but she kept asking for me to show her them. I threw them out later when she wasn't near and thought it was over. The next day, I was called to the principal's office and he had photocopies of these drawings on his desk. Whole meeting was unproductive. I just shut down and didn't want to answer any questions. I couldn't tell what bothered me more - that the aide dug through the trash or that the principal made multiple photocopies, as though they were being distributed. Doesn't bother me anymore, and I think that's the best lesson to pull from this. If I stopped thinking about it so soon, then anyone else involved probably did too.
>>32078 >>32078 That's rough. Hard to think that there wasn't a deliberate element of sadism in them sharing the documents with others. I always tried to be super careful, especially at school or work. I let slip only a few times. Once, with a FWB, the first time I got her to undress, I caressed her stomach and blurted that I would love to be in there. She said nothing and it never came up again, but I think we were both so drunk that she dismissed it as me wanting to say something else and mixing my words up. Years later, she got pregnant and sexted me images of her body over the whole pregnancy. She had a perfectly round belly, big with no stretch marks, so I got to wank many times imagining that she had swallowed me. Second time I slipped was more recently, with a friend at work. We were at a bar, talking about food and shellfish. She says she likes oysters, I say imagine them being in the ocean and suddenly inside your stomach, who knows if they realise what's happened to them.She said she doesn't care if they are aware or not, they are useless and she's happy to digest them. I was not drunk. I did it before, when a woman makes me super horny, then I brough the conversation to vore via food, shellfish or discussing swallowing something as a bet. Once I was witness to someone else saying something suspicious, and it was amazing. I was in a lobster bar in San Diego downtown. This family is next to us, the daughter is visibly pregnant and with a crop top. Rare sight, as she must not have been older than 16, and it was evening. When she gets up, one of my female friends at the table says look at that perfect belly, she's beautiful! And another friend, also female, says that's one lucky lobster! I am not sure how I managed to keep my mouth shut. She was right though, I would have very happily swapped places with that lobster. Sadly, the view of her belly lasted very little, as they left the restaurant. Here too, I never had any conversation with the friend that said that, but I really wonder why she said it and if she was into vore. I am careful, but when very attracted to a girl, or her belly, or very drunk, it is possible to let thinks slip. It's true that a lot of people are more aware of weird kinks, or have them themselves. But I don't think vore is accepted yet, however, I think it's not as rare a fetish as many think.
>>32104 Hey, at least you put yourself out there! And nice with getting the pregnant pics. Even if she wouldn't be into straight-forward vore, she sounds like she'd at least be open to a lot of other belly-related kinks. And as for the whole lobster story--yeah, that's me. I do have another smaller story that's sort of vorish, but not really: a friend of mine was really getting into the Hannibal TV show at one point. She has a fun personality and it's normal for her to ask a lot of pointed questions, but one day, she looked around at a group of us and wondered aloud who of all of us she would eat if she had to (as cannabalism, not vore, of course. Still made me look up). And what do you know? She picks me. I brushed it off, but I swear, I was freaked out that she singled me out of the whole group for seemingly no reason. I highly doubt she has any kind of kink for it, though--she just likes to play edgy. >it's not as rare a fetish as many think Reading through this thread and hearing stories like yours makes me want to believe this so bad. Especially OP; god he's so fucking lucky for finding someone into it. But because of my own experience (notice how that's not plural), I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to do what you did with trying to bring it up/steer the conversation in that direction. Aside from that, it seems like everyone in this thread has only had vore-related experiences with people that weren't into it on their own beforehand. So... has literally anyone found someone else irl that just so happened to be into vore? I feel like this would only happen where people meet online first and then agree to see each other in person. I think about it a lot, despite knowing I'd never have the courage to really do it.
>>32128 I don't know anyone who is for sure, but I suspect that one of my friends at uni was into it somehow. I haven't seen her in a few years. Her name was Ilaria, and she was medium height, blonde hair and green eyes. Very pretty. She gave me 'pred vibes' for the whole time I knew her. One thing was her posture. She had a clearly arched lower back, which made her midriff arch forward. When she ate, you could see the stomach protruding. We had a conversation once where someone said you could swallow a snail to treat stomach ulcers (apparently some people think this, but it would be dangerous). Someone commented it was disgusting, but she said she's have no problem doing that. Shortly before I left uni I was a horny as fuck, on the phone chatting with her, and I mentioned if she would swallow me. I can't remember how I got to it, but her answer was 'yes but you are too long'. We also talked about swallowing goldfish, as a joke kind of thing, and I asked her if she'd feel guilty and she said no, she was brought up not feeling guilty about what she puts inside her stomach. She probably thought I was a weirdo LOL but I never saw her again, sadly. I liked her a lot. I would have given anything to fuck her, and even more to fill her stomach. But it was not to be. Thing is, but stringing together those and other conversations over the years, and seeing how she was content standing with her tummy pushed forward and a full stomach when she ate, I just got this feeling that she was into vore. I'm likely wrong, but still I didn't get these vibes from anyone else.
>>29416 Holy shit, I had something very similar happen to me just a few days ago. She's a brunette, originally from Ukraine and now living in the UK. Daughter of an aquaintance. One of the prettiest faces I've seen, ever. Instead of a beach it was someone's home, and she lied down on a porch. It's hot so she wore a crop top, and fuck me! her stomach was the largest I've seen!! She's skinny so you could literally see the stomach bloated with food. Amazing, just amazing!!
I'm jealous that others seem to be able to stumble so easy into full bellies or girls eating oysters and so on. I had only one experience. I liked vore a bit back then, but nothing major. One night was chilling with a small group of friends. A girl in the group was pregnant, close to term. She was sleeping on the couch while we were drinking beer and messing about. OnTV there's this David Attenborough documentary, and at some point they show the usual shots of lions resting under some tree, with hugely bloated stomachs. One of the girls in the group says that they look like our pregnant friend, maybe she's not pregnant she's just digesting a very large meal. The most crude of the group commented 'hopefully not or good luck using the toilet tomorrow'. I always liked the one that got pregnant, but after that time I fantasized a lot about her being a pred and eating me. It's a pity that she was sleeping as I would be curious how she would have answered.
One of the things that turns me on the most about vore is the taking of a life for trivial reasons, that a livig being going around minding their business is grabbed, pushed into a sack full of acid, and ends up as a turd. My sister had a boyrfriend that she loved a lot I think. I didn't like him, I thought he was a douche. I saw him making up with a girl in a club, told my sister who became mad and went to his house. I find out what happened from a common friend that was there. They had a massive argument, and he went off and locked himself in the bedroom and didn't want to talk to her. He has these fish that were very expensive, and tbh I think he cared most about those than he did about her or his friends. He was a complete dick. My friend said that my sis grabbed one of the fish, and told him to get out of the room or she would kill it. When he came out, she put the fish in her mouth and swallowed it in front of him. He went mad apparently. I asked her, and she confirmed. She also said she sent him the photo of the turd the day after. I have no inclination towards incest at all, so this does nothing for me. But I thought that it's a good one to share. She is normally not this nuts. But what a way to break up with someone!
>>33445 Holy shit thats fucking awesome. Do you have this photo anywhere? POST IT IF YOU DO THANKS!
>>33445 I think I remember reading about something like this on Wikipedia
>>33475 I don't have the photo, have never seen it. I'm also not keen on seeing my sister's turd. I understand why you want to see it, and I would as well if it was someone else, but for me it's weird. Sorry!
>>33475 Also trust me, my sister is hot but if you walked into the bathroom after she's taken a crap, you wouldn't want to be that fish
I enjoyed reading this thread and finding out about the experiences people had. I've been around a few years, so I had some myself. One of my favourites was with a friend that was pregnant, but that was a while back. But the most recent one was at thanksgiving last year, having dinner with a group of friends. One of the girls, the daughter of an ex, stuffed herself silly, and when she stood up her stomach was very big. It's normal to be bloaded, but it's the only time I ever saw something like that. She was very full, and she's lean so one could literally see the rounded up belly stickying out, pushing against her tight top. It was like a ball, she looked like 4 months pregnant and you could literally see the how inside her, the stomach was distended into a large sphere. People started commenting, teasing her a bit. She didn't mind and stood there joking about her belly, so I spent a lot of time looking at her for several hours over the rest of the night. it was also hot to know that, after she went home, the turkey was being digested while she was sleeping. I've never been jealous of a bird before, but I was that day. Still now, I'd love to swap places with it.
>>35116 was her belly still full the day after
>>35181 I saw her in the afternoon, her belly was flat again. Why do you ask?
i don't get why people post bump. Surely they can contribute some story
>>8765 I have a similar-ish story from my childhood actually. When I was a kid, not older than 5 or 7, I had a teacher called Ms. Fox. She was young, a redhead, and would always wear pencil skirts that wrapped firmly around her ass. She was my first gay crush long before i came out the closet. Anyway She got pregnant over the course of the school year, and lil me was infatuated. At that point I was obsessed with opening my mouth as wide as possible and trying to swallow things whole. I'd often stuff my plushies and teddies down my shirt to give me a gut. And pretend I had eaten them whole. So to see my teacher crush with a large round belly like that had me mesmerised. I'd constantly ask her how she managed to swallow something so big, and to feel her belly, of which she thankfully obliged. But as she got bigger and bigger, my crush turned into hunger. Every time I saw her walking around with her new figure, practically putting herself on display, my stomach would audibly gurgle and I'd drool. My dumb ass thought that's just what love was like. But no. Cut to her near the end of the term, she took maternity leave for a year to look after her baby. Which I was devastated to hear. But not long after, the vacant house next to mine finally had someone move in, and it was this young heavily pregnant blonde lady and her boyfriend, and it was asif my prayers were answered. My mom took us over to visit and introduce ourselves, and I could not take my eyes off her. I had never been so hungry. I spent the whole time trying to sit as close to her as possible, sizing her up to see if I could eat her. Unfortunately nothing came of it... But that's to be expected I visited her a few more times, but her and my mom started beefing so I couldn't go around anymore. I've basically been into vore since birth. But this memory from before I even knew what it was, still holds vivid to this day.
>>26016 you know, fuck it. this is really sad anon... im not making fun of you, i just really hope you are able to find some one who can truly love you. this is NOT me trying to insult you but i seriously hope your doing ok now, i dont know if you are, or if you will even read this. but good luck friend, your deserve it
>>36185 The IRL Female Prey thread is this way: https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/939.html
>>36197 Anon here. Found someone indeed. Thanks for reading!
>>36185 I have issues with pregnant women, but I view them as preds. The big belly makes me think they swallowed something or somoene, and it makes me feel like I want to be swallowed by them. It's difficult if I have to see them every day. it's happening now with somoene at work. Her desk is right next to mine, and she is about to go on parental leave. Her belly is huge, and as the office is quiet I sometimes can hear gurgling noises from the stomach, either before lunch, loud as from an empty stomach, or more muted ones after we ate, of food being digested. These are hot, not that frequent. I regret not being 2 inches tall, so that I can have her eat me and digest me. She is super friendly so I will miss her, but I am happy to take a break, the only thing I can think of while at work is her stomach.
>>36275 Reminds me of one time when I was 13, I went to the barber and it was just before lunch break. The one that took me on was a heavily pregnant woman that looked to be around 8 or 9 months along. While cutting my hair, her belly was at eye level to me, so anytime she'd do anything, I had it right up close. A few times, she accidentally bumped it against my face. Given that she still hadn't gone to lunch, I could hear it gurgling pretty loudly. The whole time she kept gossiping with her coworker that was eating and she was complaining about how lucky her coworker is because she gets to eat while the pregnant woman has to wait until she's done with me. Since I was too flustered to speak, and was just a shy kid in general, they didn't get a chance to find out that I speak their native language too, so they didn't think I could understand them. At one point, the woman that was cutting my hair joked that with her pregnancy cravings and having her coworker tempt her with food, that if she isn't done soon she might just eat me instead (a bit of a play on words. A loose translation would be "I'll give the kid a sweet cut and then I'll have something sweet to eat myself") In the end, I pay without saying a word, only nodding and muttering a thank you. Go home and jerk off. One of the hardest boners I've had in my entire life, and probably heavily influenced me towards this fetish.
>>36498 That was very hot indeed. Tell me, if she told her friend that she was going to take you at the back of the shop and swallow you there, in her language thinking you didnd't understand, would you have let her do it? Or would you have run away? I ask because most of the time I would not go through with the fantasy, but there have been a few instances with some girls that I found so attractive, some pregnant, that I would not have been able to say no.
>>36505 It's hard to imagine that happening outside the realm of this fetish since most normies don't really joke like that or go into that level of detail. Perhaps if she would have directly offered to show me something in the back, I would have been at least curious and maybe follow her, but again, that's not something realistic that would happen. I will say though, for the very few words I did speak that time, I made sure that it was all in english so that they wouldn't stop gossiping. In the end, though the experience was top notch, the haircut ended up being complete ass, since I kept asking for small corrections here and there to make it last longer. So idk if that answers your question, but perhaps there was some small part of my coombrained teenage brain that wanted to see if she'd go further, the hungrier she gets.
>>36265 im very happy too hear that!
>>36516 It's normally clear to me as well that vore lives mostly in the realm of fantasy, and I do have in mind what the consequences would be if I opted to go through with the fantasy, should it be possible. Still, there have been a few instances, not frequent, where my attraction towards a girl was so strong, that I would have gone for it. I had a crush for a girl that was at uni with me, for the longest time. Pretty, sweet face, very nice butt. Her posture was such that she had a pronounced arching of her spine, which was sexy and also pushed her stomach forward a bit. When she ate, you could see a slight rounding up. I liked her a lot, but it was not reciprocated. I fantasised about her swallowing me alive for the whole time we were at uni. Before it ended, we became friends, and she came to see me where I was doing my intern. We talk about stuff, and I don't remember how we got there, but before she went home she was talking I think about dentists, and stuff, and nex tthing she is there, with her mouth wide open, and me staring straight inside, at her teeth, tongue and down her throat. I don't remember details, aside from the throat and a few fillings, but good lord. Rarely I have been so drawn, the desire for me to just push myself in was so strong, had I had the option, that day I would have ended up insider her stomach to be digested, for sure.
i understand how you feel. I feel the same way towards a woman at work, she's 8 months pregnant, and when she stands talking to me, all i can think of is her opening her mouth an pushing me in. I would like nothing more and I wish i could make it happen for real.
Giving up your life, everything you have, all for suffocating and passing out after 5 minutes, in a sack full of acid, to get flushed down a toilet after 1 or 2 days? Sounds like a great deal LOL
>>36948 Asshole, this is a vore forum, and you don't seem to get the point. I mean, have you every been in close proximity to a woman's body at all? I have, many times. I spent a whole week vacationing with friends of which one was hot and heavily pregnant, so i got to view a very big belly in a bikini for an extended amount of time, saw her eating, digesting, sleeping, saw the taut skin and the veins visible on her perfect belly. By the end of the holiday I would have given anything to be curled up inside her stomach. I want to see anyone with a vore fetish being able to pass, if they could end up inside a belly like that at all. Seriously I am the only one that would really would go through with it, in rare cases and given the choice? There must be others who have seen people and felt an attraction was that strong!
>>36975 I get your feeling. I never had any interest of going beyond the fantasy, until I witnessed a girl I liked swallow a goldfish alive. In that moment, I would have loved to be in its place, and I still do.
I'd like to hear what is the biggest female stomach you've seen in person, bloated with food - and if you know, what was inside it
I won a restaurant that has all you an eat options on the menu, so I've seen a lot of bloated bellies, in particular in the summer when they come with summer clothing or in a bikini (I'm on the seaside). There are 2 that I recall now. One was a table with 4 friends, they were in their mid-20s and quite cute, but one of them was really pretty. She had the all-you-can eat sea option, and I've rarely seen someone with such a slight frame be able to pack so much fish inside her stomach. She ate way more than her friends, and it looked like a sort of internal joke. When they finished, and they stodd up, you could very clearly see her stomach protruding out a lot - it looks almost like a ball, and easily she could have passed as being several months pregnant. And they were joking about it. The second time was last summer, this family of 5 joins, the daughter, around 15-16, ate loads. I didn't notice her when she was eating as I was not serving that table, but when she got up in the end, my waitress made a comment to me, and good lord, she was fucking huge. You could see her belly was really stretched full, as she was wearing a bikini top and a beach skirt, so the stomach was exposed, and I could see it was round all the way, also where it joined the hip. I remember they came later in the evening because the mother lost something, and i could see her belly was still big. These are recent, but I could recall more probably.
>>39160 At the subway while i was waiting for it to arrive i saw a mid 30's woman with what i think was her son. This lady did have a rather thin face if you compare it to the potbelly she had, i don't think she was pregnant but she could easily pass as one. Like i swear her gut was a masterpiece. She basically got on the train and left after 2 stations and never saw her again
>>39235 Was it flabby, like fat, or firm, as it would be if she was stuffed with food?
>>39231 can you tell me more about the second girl? did she look pretty, what did she eat and was she rubbing her stomach or making comments
>>39243 I don't really know i didn't stare at her too much, mainly because i didn't want her to freak out. I think it was flabby. Too bad she didn't sat down because it would have been amazing to see her belly folding or being pushed out a bit more
>>39244 She was very cute, I could not pay too much attention but I didn't see her rubbing her stomach. She was skinny, so you could see the ribs a little, and it made a nice contrast with her bloated stomach just under. It was just sticking out like a balloon. When they came back later, while one of the staff was showing her mom the lost items box, she stood with her sis looking at the tanks where I kept lobsters and other seafood. It was hot to see her standing there, poking at the glass trying to get the attention of the fish in the tanks, and seeing her belly so bloated with fish that included several that were swimming in that same tank that morning. It's not unusual to see people with full bellies, but I noticed her just because her stomach stretched out so much. Initially I thought it might have been IBS or something, but the waitress told me she ate tons and more than anyone she every served. It must have taken ages for her stomach to digest everything, I would not have been surprised if she was still a bit full in the morning.
>>39284 fuck this is so hot, imagine her shitting them out the day after did you not wish you were one of those fish
I read somewhere that fish is digested almost completely, so maybe she didn't spend that much sitting on the toilet. In any case, yes, I would have been very happy to join those fish inside her.
Bros, i was in the subway train coming home after work and after a bit of stations passed a girl with an upset look on her face got in, dude her belly was like really pudgy, not exactly thin but it wasn't really fat either it looked really pudgy soft and probably a bit bloated, dude when i saw her i inmediatly wished she would swallow me whole without saying any word. She also had a belly button piercing wich Made it even hotter to look at her squishy looking belly
can you describe her a bit more? what she was doing and what she looked like. did it look like she ate too much?
>>40912 I think she was just bloated, she was wearing a really 2000s inspired outfit with the lowcut pants and all, she was on her phone most of the rude, she looked like she was probably 20/22 she was blonde like ashy blonde her hair was tied in a ponytail, her face was a 7,5 but the clothes and her belly and her upset look Made it seem a higher score
I visit the Ozarks every couple of years or so. There's a place where you can get minnow shots and usually there is nothing much to see, you have people shooting minnow, but few lookers and it's usually one fish or two at most. But this one time, this super cute girl sits at the table next to mine. Long blond hair and a top that left her midriff exposed, 18-20 years old. She apparently did some sort of bet with one of her friends, and she started eating minnows, one after the other. I could take a good look as other tables were paying attention and cheering as well. She used sprite, and put minnows by the multiples in shot glasses, and downed them all in one go. I must have seen dozens going down, and the nice thing was that her belly was exposed, so she would put her hand on it and I could see exactly where they were going. She didn't seem to be bothered at all, in fact, she seemed to enjoy eating them. I wanted to talk to her but I was with my family so I didn't feel like it.
I had a glorious moment back when I was dating my ex boyfriend who was an Asian femboy. We where both open about our kinks and fetishes. So I opened up and told him I'm into vore and he was fine with it. Infact he'd always tease me to get a reaction from me. One time before we we're going to bed my stomach made a very loud audible growl and he turned around and looked at me and said "I hope I don't end up in your stomach tonight" and it caught me by surprise but I replied "keep it up and see what happens" which transitioned into us making out.
Seriously, if you want to see some bellies full of food, go and visit buffets. I work at a hotel that offers a very nice buffet dinner, near London. it's great, with a lot of variety, if a bit expensive. I can't count the number of times I see good looking girls stuffing their stomachs until they can't fit anything inside anymore. At least, 2-3 times a week. In winter time, are covered up, but in the summer they come with crop tops and tight clothes, so it's not unusual to see the bloating that comes from eating a lot of food. One of the most memorable ones was this summer. This family comes in, and sits at a table that is well in view of my station - I was serving grilled fish, next to me was the meat station with roast lamb and beef wellington. This girl was like 18-19, long brown hair, fit, very hot, wearing a skirt and a short crop top that left all of her midsection exposed. I am not kidding, i very rarely had a guest coming to refill the plate as often as she did. She must have come 3-4 times, plus I don't know how many at the other stations. At the beginning, I only noticed her because of how pretty she was, but at some point I checked her belly, and it was obviously rounded up and by the time she came to pick up her last plate, it was one of the rounder, bigger stomachs I've seen since starting this job. It's not quite vore, but still, she packed inside there a lot of fish, including many oysters, which are swallowed alive, so I guess that counts, and if not it was still hot as fuck. One of the best parts was that she was either not conscious of this, or she didn't give a shit about people seeing her bloated stomach. At some point she was standing up talking with someone at her table, withher belly sticking forward in everybody's view. Without exaggeration, it looked like she could have been 4 months pregnant. Round and smooth, it was a glorious sight.
>>44696 Amazing. Fuck yes. Next time bring a camera.
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>>44696 Glad you posted this. I was struggling to come up with ideas until you mentioned restaurants. My first real job was at this small, high-end restaurant as a busboy. We closed at 10 every night but would usually start cleaning up around 9:30. One night, four customers come around a little after 9 and get a table, which most of the staff expressed disappointment over. To make matters worse, the party was fairly obnoxious. Maybe it was because they were the last table in the restaurant or because they came so late, but we ended up hanging on every drunken outburst they made, particularly one blonde woman at the table. The waiters would imitate her or scoff and roll their eyes every time she said something. She was in her early 30's and spoke with a tone that indicated she lived a very entitled life. They ended up staying about 45 minutes past closing, which staggered our cleanup. When they finally asked for the check, I went over to clear the table. The waitress asked everyone at the table how their food was. The blonde woman leaned back, pulling her belt loops forward and pushing her stomach out a bit. She looked down at her stomach and, in her ever-whiny tone, half-to-herself and half-to-us, said, "Ugh, I ate sooo much... My stomach is like making so much like gruh... GROGGLING noises! Like I'm SO full" as she placed both hands on her stomach. This comment put a "Ok, cool, can you get the fuck out?" face on the waitress. Me, however, I loved it. It was one of the few highlights I remember from that job. After I went home, my mind went places with that interaction. I just imagined how absolutely tumultuous her stomach must have been after the meal (each person had at least two plates if I recall correctly and plenty of wine). I imagined scenarios asking her after she left to lift up her shirt and let me listen to her stomach on my knees because she was such a drunk dummy obsessed with filling her stomach up. One of the waitresses at that same job was also in her late 30s. She was a bleach blonde and had a very "tired-with-life" exterior and sported probably the roundest stomach I'd ever seen on a skinny woman (basically the attached photo but blonde). She usually sighed when she spoke. Kind of like a human Eeyore, if I had to approximate her personality. One day, she and another coworker were taking pictures. Our other coworker was a little chunky so the waitress made a joke about how the both of them could show off their "baby bumps," so she lifted her shirt a little and pressed her stomach into the other coworker's stomach for a picture. I was behind them and didn't want to draw much attention to myself (running around them in a tight hall section just to get a front view) so I looked away and never saw this. I regret it because I always wanted an excuse to stare at her naked stomach, especially if she was drawing attention towards, which was something she never did. My last story of note happened much more recently. I was at a clam bar and was just passing the time ordering drinks for myself. I was waiting on my friends who were still rousing themselves from the night of drinking prior. The bartender was very sweet. A little heavy-set and not particularly my type, but she had a lot of personality and was fairly funny. At one point, she walks into the bar area and, I don't recall her responding to anyone in particular, just into the open air goes "Anyone here trying to get SUH-WALLOWED?" I don't know what, if anything, she was referencing other than the oysters, but it was such a bizarre comment that seemed to come from nowhere. Maybe there's a movie reference I'm not aware of? In any case, I loved the out-of-the-blue nature of her comment and I believe it opened up a new dimension of kink fantasy for me. I just imagined that all of the bar patrons were oysters and she was letting us know our fate before she would select one of us.
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>>44776 Duuude that's like one of the few and little perks of working in restaurants, sometimes you get lucky and experience hot things like these. Good job mate
>>44696 just imagine how much shit she must have pushed out her asshole the day after
bump for the love of all things horny
My first partner to find out about my vore fetish did so from reading my browser history. She had a panic attack and I had to talk her through the fact that, "no, I don't want to murder and cook you cannibal style". Once she calmed down, she felt really bad, and insisted on trying to incorporate it into our next bedroom session. She was massively in to degradation, so I decided I'd threaten to eat her if she didn't satisfy me enough otherwise, and it really must have clicked with her from then. It would become a regular thing where she would beg not to be eaten while servicing me, and once I inevitably decided I was going to anyway, she would completely flip, begging to be eaten, saying how she was nothing but a meal for me and that she deserved to be swallowed. I'd thought I was a switch biasing sub before that relationship, but thanks to her I'm almost entirely Dom and Pred now. A few years after we split, I met another lass in uni. She was very open at being deviant, much to the embarassment of her extremely vanilla boyfriend. She mentioned at one point that she'd sold pics in the past, and since I'd done some camboy work in the past we bonded over our work experiences. She'd mentioned doing giantess vore stuff before, swallowing or stamping gummies and the like, and how she used to tease a previous boyfriend when they went out for food, either by saying he'd make a better meal than what was served, or pointing out random women she thought looked tasty. While over at mine during one of these discussions, she pushed me on to my bed and complained that she'd been flirting with me constantly and I hadn't realised. I admitted that I'd hoped she was but dismissed the notion cuz of her boyfriend. Turns out they had an arrangement. Since he was basically asexual, and he knew how important it was for her to engage with her kinks, he'd given her permission to find that elsewhere, as long as he didn't know who so he wouldn't get jealous of them (Talking to him a few years later after their breakup, he confirmed this himself). For our first time, I mostly let her be dominant, stepping on me, demanding I service her feet and belly etc, but near the end she said she wanted to try the other side. To help psych myself up for domming, I usually do an inspection, get the lass to stand up and be stripped down, examining different parts of her body, complimenting the quality, maybe giving the occasional grab or bite, I have been sent near essay length messages from women trying to explain how much they enjoy this process and how it brings out their submissive side. It had a similar effect here, and while she would still make comments of how she'd dreamt about eating me or wanted to see me under her feet again, whenever we actually had a session she would be incredibly submissive. We took two breaks from this arrangement while I was in relationships, but even now we still communicate fairly regularly, and she's gone basically full prey. When she is still dominant, it's more about her pleasuring me while I'm tied down, taunting me by eating my exes or other friends of ours that we've both admitted attraction to, whereas we've had multiple long discussions of how I'd wear her down over the course of a night, before devouring her whole, and how she'd wiggle and squirm to make it as enjoyable as she can for me. She's been stuck on the far side of the planet cuz her student visa expired then Covid hit, but she's due to finally visit again in 3 weeks. If anything happens, I'll be sure to post a detailed follow-up here, if ye'd care for it
One short story, I have a friend and I had the idea to make a "girl" joke (would you still love me if) and I send her a message, "Would you still love me if one day I woke up and I was a slice of bread?", and she replied "Of course. Even I would eat you toasted", honestly I didn't expected that and for some reason it turned me on a bit
My story is kinda the opposite to everyone elses, where I was the pred in this situation. When I was like 14-16 and first getting into vore and belly stuff, I experimented with stuffing and bloating, which I quickly found I was pretty good at. This became something I did on a regular basis, and I always loved seeing how big my belly would get, and also making people react to it, as it's not every day you see a cute emo girl with a belly the size of a basketball just walking around. One day my younger brother invited some of his friends round for a sleepover, and in traditional big sister fashion I had to fuck with them as much as I could. I introduced myself when they first came round before I had bloated, so they'd remember me with a normal sized stomach. As the day went on I hid in my room, chugging as much soda as I could and eating as many snacks as I could, trying to get as big a belly as possible. It got to around 7pm, and they had started getting ready to sleep in the basement. My brother came up to get some snacks, and as I'd eaten them all, he had to go to the shops a few minutes away from our house to get some, but being the little dumbass he is, he didn't tell his friends. This is as far as I wanted to prank them, but of course I couldn't just stop there. After a few minutes, one of his friends came out, a small nervous kid who was almost certainly on the spectrum. Whilst on the quest to look for his friend, unaware of where he'd gone, he stumbles across me, my belly bloated outwards. I smile at him and he asks where my brother is, clearly somewhat freaked out by my stomach. This is where the fuckery begins. I giggle, trying my best not to burst out laughing, and I tell him with as straight a face I could pull, "I ate him". I pat my stomach and lick my lips. I didn't expect him to actually believe it, but of course he did. He went pale and darted back down into the basement. To this day I don't know how or why he believed me, but I am so glad he did. After nearly 5 minutes of struggling to breathe from laughter, I down into the basement to explain to him what actually happened, and that's pretty much where that story ends. I have a couple more stories like that, but this is the only time I used my devilish powers to make somebody believe I'd actually eaten somebody.
>>51868 >as it's not every day you see a cute emo girl with a belly the size of a basketball just walking around Comment not related to vore: What happened to most of the other emo/goth girls that seemed to be almost everywhere during the 90's and Aughts? From the stories I see other Anons post over on other boards, it seems like most of them have become trannies.
>>51875 We're still around, you just need to actually look for us now. If you're desperate to find one though, your best bet is to go to local alternative music gigs
>>51868 >>51899 I refuse to believe you're real. It would hurt too much to live in a world where naturally pred-inclined, emo, naturally gluttonous girls with a high stomach capacity exist and I've just been massively unlucky enough not to encounter one.
>>51868 How did they react when you told them you stuffed yourself for a prank, did they think that was weird?
>>51903 If it makes you feel better, you aren't the first person to have said that to me, and unfortunately probably won't be the last. Trust me though, I'm not actually that impressive irl apart from what you listed, those are probably my only positive traits. >>51907 Mixed reaction. Most of them found it weird but a couple thought it was awesome. To this day one of them still asks about it whenever I see him.
>>51909 It sounds like very much an alt older sister thing to do. Do you still do any stuffing or have you stopped? Was imagining yourself as a pred something you like, or is it just the belly aspect that got you into it?
>>51868 That absolutely would have awoken something in me But the question is Would you have eaten him if vore was real?....
>>51910 I still do it every now and then, and as a full-blown degenerate I was (and still am) 100% into both. >>51912 Absolutely, and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't imagined myself doing so lol.
God, I would pay some good money to see something like that!
>>51975 Ever thought of making vore content? Sounds like you have the belly and the attitude to become very popular in the community
had an ex, she was not emo but very very cute. she also had a belly fetish and like to eat until hher stomach became huge. she could literally look like she was pregnant. it helped that she was skinny so her stomach stood out. she knew i liked it and that i was into vore. she accepted it, but she never agreed to swallow a goldfish, which i really wanted her to do. still, good times
So when I was about 4 or 5, I remember my parents watching Men in Black 2 on the TV. The Serleena scene played where she went behind the bushes and ate the guy happened and when she walked back out with a nice big tummy something in me just couldn’t forget it. It just stayed in my mind and it was sort of scary at the time. Fast forward about a month or so and my parents had a family friend babysit me. My babysitter was a pretty 17 yo (or so) who I would have a crush on for a while until she moved to go live with her grandparents and help them, as her family life wasn’t that good. After my parents left we just played some games as normal until I asked her if she wanted to play something else. I don’t remember all the rules, but our new game consisted of her chasing after me, grabbing me, and pretending to swallow me down into her belly. I’d sit under a table next to her with blankets on me while she pretended that I was in her belly. Somehow, I would “get out” and make her burp me up and I would run away again. I also had a family friend who was my age, and she would hang out with me frequently. I’ll call her Sarah. Her parents were a very butch lesbian who you’d think is a regular rough mailman until she speaks, and a very ugly fat woman. Idk how Sarah turned out to be completely fine, but even today, the few pictures of her I see she’s very attractive. She didn’t like being at home so we hung out a lot, and I think she had a crush on me until she eventually moved before high school. She’d always want to give me a hug when she left, and sometimes insisted on giving me a kiss. I really do think it was just like her being family though, but the kissing even then seemed much. Anyways, we had a game that we played every now and then that she seemed to enjoy too. We would play as ourselves, except she was a giantess, and I would use a toy to represent myself. I don’t remember any specific adventures or stories, but I would be eaten by her quite a lot. We would travel to different places by putting me in her mouth and she would walk around. When it was time to sleep or rest she would often pretend to swallow the toy and then act like I was in her stomach. I wish she never did move, as this was probably the closest I ever got to getting a girl who was into this stuff. Other things heavily solidified vore in my mind in my early life such as other movies (Where the Wild Things Are), TV shows (way more than people would expect), and eventually finding some vore online trying to watch the Serleena scene. Things like Kphoria, Giantesses in the City, livinglovingdude, and more on YouTube led to me discovering that this is a thing that other people are into in life.
>>51984 >absolutely unfff. tbh I would also be lying if I said I hadn't fantasized about being digested by my sister either.
>>44696 The real mystery is how Anon manges to live in London with a server job wage. Jokes aside, what's the restaurant? I could come hang out and we can stare at bellies together lol.
>>51997 Meant for >>51975
>>51984 I've thought about it, but if I ever have kids, I don't want them to accidentally stumble across something like that. I might give it a go one day though.
>>52045 Vore is too niche to accidentally stumble across... If they do - they're probably into it XD
>>52045 It used to be really popular for people making stuffing content to not show their face, but that's fallen out of style over the years and as a result less people are comfortable making content like that.
>>52053 GoddessClue doesn't show her face, and she's one of the biggest vore models in the biz atm Everything's possible!
>>51975 God I wish I was your brother. I would have been digested a long time ago~
>>52050 That'd make it even worse lol. >>52053 >>52142 That's not that bad of an idea, but I'm still not sure. I love showing off my belly to people, but I usually like doing it to people who aren't into it if that makes sense, save for a select few who are into it. >>52154 Yeah, you definitely wouldn't have lasted long growing up with me as your sister.
>>52172 Are you taking applications? My big sister was a scrawny nerd bitch when we were kids. Any way you could go back in time and replace her?
All this talk about voracious sisters brought back memories My sister either has a vore fetish, or figured out I do and enjoys teasing me It all started when we were kids. She liked playing a game of her own creation with me, which she called "witch". It was a mix of tag and hide and seek, but whenever she found my hiding place or I locked myself in a room, she wouldn't try to get in, but stayed outside and described how she would cook and eat me, and what a delicious and filling meal I would make. She also liked randomly wrestling me to the ground, pinning me with her weight and nibbling on my ears. "What a yummy little sister you are! I could just eat you up... But I think you should gain a little more weight first. You are too scrawny to fill me up" She loved wearing crop tops around the house, had a navel piercing and would let me listen to her belly "Get used to it, soon you're going to listen to the noises from the inside" One time I remember very vividly, I was playing with dolls while she was watching Jaws on the TV. When she noticed me watching the shark devour someone, she pushed her belly out, slowly rubbing it, and mimed picking her teeth with a nail "Mmm, that was such a yummy person!" In another game we played, she would pretend to swallow my toys while stuffing them under her shirt, threatening to eat me if I didn't get her more "food" She got pregnant while we were still living together, and being petite, she got absolutely MASSIVE. At this point I was aware of my kink, and I was very awkward around her, which amused her to no end. Peak awkwardness was when she asked during family dinner whether I thought she looked hotter with a pregnant belly than she looked before. And very close to her due date, this happened: I returned home from uni, knowing that there was leftover cake in the fridge and planning to eat it. My sis was in the kitchen, cooking something, wearing a short satin robe. I looked everywhere, but cake was nowhere to be found. "Hey, sis have you seen the leftover cake? Do you know where it is?" She turns around, pulls at the belt of her robe, exposing her orb of a gut, and in a perfect imitation of Serleena, licks her fingers and pats her stomach "Where do YOU think it might be, little sis?" I melted
>>52174 Better yet, I could eat you both. More protein for me lol
>>52222 No way, let her find her own goth big sister to get eaten by >also yoooo quads
Yeah, pregnancy does that. I had a pregnant friend that made continues references to her belly thoughout he pregnancy, how she could eat loads becase it was already big, that she has no problems fitting all the food there and didn't understand other women that did, and commenting on how much longer it too her to digest stuff. It was torture
I had 2 big fantasies during school when I was younger, I like to think I have been pretty lucky as I have been in a few 'vore-like' experiences One fantasy I commonly think back to is there was a blonde, slightly smaller than average girl in most of my classes who I will call Laura. She was pretty skinny, quite noticeable in the arms and legs but looked bloated pretty much all the time. From the start to the end of the school day her pudgy belly stick out making it so believable that she could have someone tucked away in there. One year after summer a new guy joined our school called Charlie, within the year he started dating Laura. But when the next year came around he wasn't at our school anymore. I had it set in my head that she ate him during summer and her round belly on that skinny body was her churning him up throughout our last year at school. I think it was the September once we came back she came over to me and a friend at our desk and I have no clue why but she pushed herself right up to our desk to talk to my friend, her gut pushed over the desk and scrunched up the edge of my book. She was oblivious and I sat frozen unsure what to do while her stomach was on my desk, it was a solid 1-2 minutes until she let me use my book again and left. I remember praying for her gut to gurgle or wobble maybe a sign of life from Charlie. The other fantasy I may post later if it sounds good, it was this teacher who had this beautiful ball shaped gut and she chugged water like nothing else, sometimes I'd intentionally ask a question before she started drinking and I'd wait until she finished gulping for her to answer.
>>52245 Reminds me of this time at the beach with my friend, and this acquaintance of hers comes over to our table. Now, this lady is super pregnant, like, really far along. And she proceeds to stand right next to me, belly and all, chatting with my friend for a solid 10 minutes, with her stomach at my eye leve, not more than half a meter from my face. I kept imagining she swallowed someone just before seeing us, and hoping that I was going to be next.
>>52196 7/10, not bad could be better
so i write daiily to get this voe fetish out of my head and this si the last one i wrote 3 weeks ago.
i meant vore
This thread is one of the most pathetic and socially repulsive threads I've ever read.
>>52357 why would that be? I love to hear these experiences and wish to have similar ones at some point
I've got this one experience that's been stuck in my head for ages. There was this girl I had a huge crush on, and I've had vore fantasies about her for a really long time. We were at a party, had a big meal, and someone mentioned she looked bloated. We ended up drinking a lot, and I don't remember the conversation, but I challenged her to eat a fish from the tank. Probably a careless thing to ask, but I was extremely turned on by her belly. Others started cheering, and she said no. A few minutes passed, and I went to the bathroom because I couldn't hold it anymore. When I came back, the fish was gone, and it turned out she had swallowed it while I was away. Years of fantasies, and all I had was the memory of her belly knowing the fish was inside. Her best friend took a video, but she refused to share it with me or anyone else.
>>53269 >Happened while you were away Absolutely tragic, I'm sorry for you anon
>>39284 I love this. I'm always on the lookout for situations of this sort, but they are hard to come by. The only time I had something similar, was when I went for lunch with friends at a farm restaurant. I find pregnany very attractive, in large part because the belly makes me think of vore. This girl in our group was like 7-8 months pregnant, and she had, I remember, a larget-bone steak. Not sure how she fit it inside, but on the way out, we stop by a fence, there's this cow just behind, and while we chat there this girl starts saying how she loves cows and how cute they are and so on. I found the fact that she could like that animal so much, while she was digesting another one at the same time, really a turn on. No one seemed to notice the inconsistency.
>hot married exgf is a camwhore >lets me watch for free sometimes >usual dirty talk about her being a slutty kitty >suddenly it's hungry kitty >not just cumhungry but swallow me whole teasing >tell her I'd cum right down her throat >she giggles
For the pregnant lovers in here, I see there are few. I come from a seaside town where raw seafood is the norm. This includes small fish, like very small sardines. I won't say how we call them as I don't know the english name and I don't want to reveal which country it is. It's normal to eat them, though not everyone does. You normally chew but as they are tiny, you can just swallow them. I liked them a lot since I was young, but more recently I realised I might have a bit of a vore fetish, as I always had a special pleasure in eating them, and I never chewed them, always swallow them while they are still alive, and I like to do it with larger ones too. But I never figured out there was a fetish behind this, One year ago I got pregnant, so I stopped eating all raw seafood, as it can be bad for the baby. However, I craved it, including sushi especially. When I was 8 months pregnant, on a trip with a close girl friend, I gave in - partly because it was late in pregnancy, and also because my friend pointed out that I never got stomach sick from them, unlike what happens with oyesters or mussles from example. I really had a backlog, so I litterally stuffed my belly, sent down any little fish I could fish out of the water, including a couple of larger ones. MY stomach was very full. For those of you who like to know about digestion: it slows down during pregnancy, so it took me ages to digest, and my stomach felt full for the whole days and a little also the morning after. Look, do some research and you shoudl quite easily find places where consumption of raw seafood is the norm, and where eating small live fish is not uncommon either. My country is in Europe, FYI, but this practice is common only in a few seaside towns in the south
>>55343 Woah! Congrats and very nice! Ive always wondered about this, especially when swallowing a ton. When you had to let all that fish back out, were there any small fish bones?
>>55344 I don't specifically look as it's normal food here, but the poo looks normal. They are small, maybe 2 cm and thin so I'm not surprised I digest them completely. I remember once I saw some bones or white bits, I think it was when I tried to eat larger ones the first times, but I'm not sure as it was young and it was a long time ago. This time, when I was pregnant, I checked, just becasue of how long they sat inside my belly, and also because I wanted to see if they digested, but I didn't see anything. But I didn't rummage inside what came out, so who knows. I think that I prefer not to know
>>55343 Would you eat me if it was possible? The slow digestion sounds like the best way to go out~
>>55468 if I ever become so down bad I try to roleplay with some hairy ass man on 8chan Im just going to kill myself
>>55343 Strange question incoming but: Did feeling pregnancy movement from inside your midsection trigger the vore-liking part of your brain at all?
I am getting to know this niche only recently, so it's annoying to be told straightaway I'm a 'hairy ass man'. I normally don't care about snarky comments online, and I'm far from woke or a feminist, but as far as I know there are not many places to discuss this, it is frankly offputting. We have fetishes as well and we should be free to explore them and talk with others without having to be labeled this and that. It can be quite sensitive to open up. I was hesitant to post, and I see it was for good reason. I will be grateful if some of the girlies here can suggest other, more welcoming forums.
>>55504 Um I'm pretty sure they were talking about the guy asking you the question
>>55504 Sounds like they hit a nerve
>>55504 Eka's maybe? Btw eating small fish is common in my country too. Especially in the far south, never seen it irl sadly, nor have i tried it.
>>55504 Probably not talking about you, and most places don't really go for this kind of stuff so anonymous places like here would be your best bet. Just disregard any heckling.
>>55504 stop being a freak
seems you turned her away bunch of asshole losers go on wanking till the day you die
>>55623 >her
Are we allowed to talk about eating live things? I may have eaten things I'm not supposed to. Also, I've never seen anyone in the vore community talking about this, but you can find tiny freeze dried fish at Asian grocery stores. There's less risk of disease because they're already dead, and it feels less fake than swallowing gummy candy.
>>55674 I'd say it's perfectly fine, considering where we are
I once swallowed a few marbles as a teenager. Never saw them come out.
Debated about whether or not to share but here it is. I was in a nebulous on/off relationship with a girl in high school. She was a blonde, chubby, nerdy girl about 5'6 230-240ish lbs and we both shared similar interests. At the time I was about 15/16 and she was nearly 18. I was incredibly immature and horny, so I found myself doing and saying incredibly idiotic things to her which I regret. I had been attracted to vore/bellies/digestion since my early puberty. One day, this girl and I were chatting and she mentioned she was eating some kind of burrito from Taco Bell. We continued to talk and after a bit I asked her "still enjoying the burrito?" She replied, "it's all gone now!" I made some sort of weird comment after this, like "I wonder what it's like, being eaten by you" she responded with "Well, it's being attacked by my stomach juices, bombed by my liver, sucked apart by my intestines, and... that is as far as I will go." I tried to push her for more descriptions like this later, but she was weirded out and eventually we decided we could be friends but not in that way. Before we "broke up," on my birthday, she actually relented and drew a detailed description of her digestive process, using a strawberry as the example. Unfortunately, I was so ashamed of my fetish at this time that I scanned it quickly, but then ripped it up and set fire to it out in the fireplace at my parents'. I remember she drew the full digestive system inside of a stomach, and it was color coded like a textbook. We don't really talk anymore and I have moved on from this part of my life and matured. But I still think about this exchange sometimes.
>>56610 What an incredibly autistic read
>>56035 Hope you don't have to do an x-ray
I'm in an LTR with a short girl whose stomach bloats out a lot when she eats. She's not fat either, so there's a contrast between empty and full. She lets me kiss her belly and rub it. If we eat a large meal together we lift up our shirts and touch bellies while hugging. I'm into a lot more extreme vore stuff, but being with her feels a lot better than any of that. Hopefully this is my way out bros... I can turn this fetish into something productive, like rubbing her belly to soothe period cramps.
(Totally fictional, or is it?) In college, when I was first exploring my vore fetish, I did something that I still get horny thinking about even to this day. I had an English professor who loved me. We’ll call her Mrs. Mc Guinness. She was a real hardass, but she liked my writing, so she let me get away with a lot. I like writing, you see. Back then I hadn’t written any fetish content, but I had desires to write some sort of fantasy novel. They always had at least one pregnant character, so I guess it shouldn’t be too surprising where I ended up. Well, the ex boyfriend, Liam, that I first talked about vore with was in my English class with me. All during class I would pass notes to him. Sometimes I’d rub my tummy and lick my lips if I caught him peeking at me. He kept egging me on whenever I told him I was gonna swallow him or his pets whole, so I kept drawing little pictures of me with him inside my tummy and hearts all over it. I could tell it was getting to him because he was crossing his legs in class. This went on for a while, but one week, Mrs. Mc Guinness clearly had it, seeing as I wasn’t paying attention, because she asked if I could share my note with the class. I said “no.” She came closer and said “what do you mean you can’t?” I said “because you’re not going to be able to get it,” and then I crumpled it up and swallowed the paper. It was dry and scratched my throat so I nearly choked getting it down, but it made everyone laugh. Even Mrs. Mc Guinness laughed a bit but told me to meet her after class. Liam probably came in his pants haha. To be honest, even swallowing the paper had me feeling a bit horny, and I spent the rest of the class sneakily rubbing my tummy. After class, I went to her office to wait for her. I’d never been in there before. There were a ton of old Shakespeare books and antiques, but it what caught my eye was …the blue beta fish swimming in the bowl on the desk. It was a pretty small bowl, but bigger than your average betta fish tank, and I couldn’t stop staring at the little guy. I was pissed at the teacher for wasting my afternoon, and I wanted to get back at her. I lifted up my shirt a bit to show my bellybutton better, posed next to the fishtank, and sent a picture to Liam. I said something like “u think Mrs. Mc Guinness wants me to find a new home for her fish?” And even Liam said not to do it. But the later she was the more I stared at that little fishy and imagined what it’d be like to have his soft little fins tickling the inside of my throat. After fifteen minutes, I looked down the hall, grabbed the tank, raised it above my mouth and began gulping. Gluck, Gluck, Gluck. I could hear the sound as I drank the gross fish water, but my prize was getting closer to my lips with every swallow. It had to be like at least 64 ounces of water because it was hard swallowing it, but at last, the betta fish landed on my tongue. I remember feeling panicked the teacher would walk in but I took a quick pic of my mouth open with the fins hanging out before sending him down to my tummy with one last gulp. I practically ran out of there, and as I did, I could hear my stomach slosh back and forth with the fish water. I felt like such a monster. But at the same time, knowing the fish was in my tummy… fuck, I was so horny. I went straight to Liam’s dorm and went he opened up, I just leaned against the door, smushed my tummy against it and jiggled it so he could hear the sloshing, puffing a little smoke out. I won’t go into the sex, but let’s just say the betta fish got a lot of swimming in that day inside my belly. Every thrust I could hear a big wet slosh in my gut, and my hands were on it the whole time. Mrs. Mc Guinness never knew I had gone to her office. When she mentioned someone stealing her fish, I just rubbed my stomach and smiled at Liam from across the class.
>>57019 Yeah its fiction
>>51868 Just a quick update to this, I actually bumped into him again a few weeks ago for the first time in a couple years. We talked for a bit and gave me his snap, and I'm really considering bloating up again and sending a pic to him, just for lolz.
>>58873 Please update if you somehow find out that you actually did ultimately end up infecting his brain with this fetish
>>57019 I’ve read this before somewhere this is a copypaste
I dated a girl last year and I told her about this fetish and I'm not going to lie, every time we fucked, she would tell me how she planned on eating me and what she would do with me in her stomach and that she would have pleasure in shitting me out, it always felt like heaven and i'd always was able to pleasure her because of that. she'd even lick my face and that felt magical. fellas, find yourself a partner who takes part in your interests
>>51868 >>52222 God, you'd have a never-ending supply of "protein" if vore were real, just based on this thread
>>44696 Hottest story on here fr
>>58944 Congrats, you won the autists dream girlfriend. Just make sure she isn't an actual cannibal
(449.41 KB 2160x1920 Sam.jpg)

This was a snapchat slut I met a while back
>>36265 hey man, its been a long while. how have you and your lucky lady been?
>>56610 > She was a blonde, chubby, nerdy girl about 5'6 230-240ish lbs >230-240lbs >Chubby
I have some stories from college…okay, first
I've been lurking for years, now i feel confident enough to confess. I was always into vore, meet my gf at schools, i was 15 she was 17, a bit goth on the side, asexual and totally autistic, maybe that why she love me. She liked making me embarrassed and was always making jokes about eating things, or and a heavy eater too. We've been friend for 4 year before we finally date. When she found out i wash into vore she just said " I knew it !" With excitement, maybe she show my interest while she was eating or else but at least she welcomes it with fun, and not disgust. Forward years later, she still like to tease me with some vore, her massive ass and sometimes do Rp (once every 6 month or so), since she's asexual and I found vore more attractive that regular sex, we go along quite well. She even tease me about my most taboo thing, disposal, I don't know why but i just love disposal, mostly bones and yet she is not disgusted. We go along in life for now, soon we will live together and one thing haunt me a bit, I can't get enough of vore with her, when she does it it's like 20 times better then just regular vore stuff, and I feel myself always hungry for more, to the point where I'm upset against her sometimes because she don't want to/she's too lazy to do it (and she's in her right) and then I feel bad afterwards So I'm asking myself, what can I do against this urge ? I really love her and I don't want to ask her too much, but still I crave for more since it's so special
>>65558 You aren't alone with that, If my gf teases me about it or something brings it to mind then we carry on watching a tv or whatever, I can't carry on without caving into the urge. Not sure whether it's the fact I can't actually get vore that makes me want it more or if I'm just a addicted freak to it Unfortunately though she just doesn't have a belly, she is pretty chubby but it goes everywhere else but her belly, nor does she get bloated. I'm grateful I've found someone fine with vore but... not sure if it's becoming a deal breaker
I never told about my vore interests to any of my partners, so I didn't experience things like them playing or teasing me about it. My only 'vore' experience was an obsession I had with a girl that went to college with me. She was hot in a cute way - a bit like those lovely girls from Japan or Korea, but she is Italian. Blonde, thin body but her posture was such that her stomach was always arched forward - and her ass back. Very sexy. As she was a quiet and reserved type of person, it left room for a lot of fantasising on my part. Of all of the girls I ever met, she was the one that from the get go I wanted to be eaten by the most. I have no idea why. It became difficult to manage this desire for her. We went out with friends often, and even watchin her eat and swallow her food was arousing to me. I remember once we went to the lakeshore, we all had lunch and I could see afterward her stomach was rounder - she always got a bit of belly after she ate. So I spent the afternoon obsessing about the food that was being digested inside her stomach and wishing it was me inside there. Once we were wathing a movie, and I could hear every now and then rumbling noises coming from her stomach. I could not follow the movie at all, as all I was thinking of was her digestive tract. I even started liking the idea of her shitting her undigested food. She had a great booty. The image of her rounded belly is firmly impressed in my memory. If I could chose between having sex with her, or being swallowed alive, I would chose the latter without thinkng twice. Maybe because this was a relationship that never happened, and I could only fantasize about her, she remains the one I want to be vored by the most - moreso that other more attractive women I've since dated.
>>65563 just fucking controll yourself man. I have a massive pregnancy fetish and my wife knows it and dosnt mind having more kids. but my finances says No, I already have 2 kids, we can't afford another one at our current situation. It's all about self controll in the end. As much as I'd like to knock her up again, knowing she wouldnt even mind one bit, sends me off the edge. But I always let rational me take controll in the end. Regardless, I find Post Nut clarity to help quite a lot.
My second girlfriend in college (22 or so) was super eager to please me. I met her at a bar, and shortly after we had sex for the first time I trusted her enough to tell her I was very turned on by women eating small animals and since around second grade. She started teasing me in roleplay about eating me etc. She was a pescatarian and really empathetic of animals, so I was surprised when she showed up at my apartment with two bags of feeder goldfish, about 10 or 12 goldfish total from what I recall. She swallowed an entire bag of them, probably 6 or 8 goldfish while crying a little. She did not take it slow. I think the idea tore her up but she wanted to make that night special for me. When she saw how hard I got, she felt a lot better about it, and she actually rode my cock cowgirl style while swallowing one or two more, and she got a lot better performance out of me from it. We kept the final two survivors as pets which didn’t survive long. She later cheated on me and I broke up with her on principle. In between breakups she’d try to fuck me and offer to swallow frogs and mice but I never took her up on that, as much as it turned me on, I knew I couldn’t trust her as a partner. The big issue is she had some degree of untreatable mental health issues and ultimately ended up offing herself at her boyfriends home around 2017, and now I feel weird even thinking about that night.
>>65558 >>65563 You guys need to get it together and kick being addicted to it. Yeah there are times outside of the bedroom where my wife will tease me about eating me and shit, but it's not any different than caving to regular sexual desires. Time and place, and to not be a baby if she isn't in the mood. It's sounding like you need this itch scratched more than you care about your partner's feelings to be honest. That's pretty bad. >>65646 Seconding this. My wife plays along with my fetish very enthusiastically, as it compliments her own fetish nicely. But that doesn't mean I need to be so immersed to the point she actually cuts me up and eats me for it to be satisfying or enough. Just knowing she WOULD 100% eat me if I was shrunken down or she was giant sends me over the edge. Just have self control, you need that for anything in life.
>>65674 Guess you're right, I've been in a bit of a mess since the two last year, I love her, truly, and i want her to be happy but maybe I lost a bit of myself waiting always for more. I just need to find a way to get back on track.
>>65663 Call me a heartless bastard but if I was in your shoes I would have thought twice about her offer. I understand how difficult it can be to stay with the wrong partner, (especially a cheater,) since I've been through that too, but that being said, I would at least have tried to negotiate a FWB situation if it meant having a chance to see her do that just once. If you don't mind me asking, (since I know it can be weird to discuss people who have passed away), did she just do the thing with the goldfish, or was there other kinds of teasing she did during however long you guys were together?
>>65707 Oh, no I slept with her occasionally as a FWB thing for two or three years after we broke up, and she would frequently tease me like “If you don’t make me cum, I’m going to swallow you alive and digest you” and stuff like that. The thing I didn’t push was the mice/frogs, if she showed up with them to a hook up I would have unfortunately gone for it, and probably ended up with her as a girlfriend for a little while again, which I didn’t want because I had to talk her down from suicide several times. Not the only girl I dated that has fulfilled my fantasies, the first girl was 18 and black and would describe swallowing and digesting and disposing of puppies/parrots/other girls/white children in exquisite detail but wanted to save herself for marriage and only let me put it in (the butt) once. I regret how I treated her. If I had it to do over again I would have done drastically better. My current partner teases me about eating me or alternatively small animals and squid while I tongue her butt or fuck her but the digestion descriptions are short scale and she tends to make the narrative about hard vore, nibbling and taking bites out of me which is nice, but she’s also allergic to fish and I can’t really see her eating a live frog.
How do you manage to tell these girls about your fetish? I could never muster the courage.
>>65761 I usually try to assess their openness to different ideas, and if they seem relatively non-judgmental, at some point after I’ve been intimate with them once, I’ll admit to being turned on by some normie vore, like goldfish swallowing or such and then go from there. I’ve been too embarrassed to admit to liking vore disposal though for a long while.
>>65761 Well I'm married to someone I met online, with relatively the same interests. Someone whose been around the internet quite a bit, so I had a pretty good gage on how they'd handle it. Wasn't aware they'd get as into it as they did though. If I was with some normie girl, I don't think I'd ever tell them.
>>65761 I think my girlfriend (of multiple years now) actually guessed it when she was guessing what my "kink I'm embarassed" about is, but I said No because she mistakenly called it "Gore". She's really un-vanilla herself, added after that she read some yaoi manga that had (vore), and she was into it. I'll breach the conversation someday when I finally muster up past the embarrassment, even though I literally know she's down for it. I think she knows (subconsciously) for sure, given how much she knows I like listening to her tummy digesting after she eats, goading me into doing it.
>>65811 If she's un-vanilla and has come across that kind of shit before, just go for it I say. You don't have to try and push her to do it or incorporate it in any way, just admit it and leave all that to her. I did that when I was still in the best-friend stages with my current wife and it worked out fine for me. I understand if you don't want to rush it or take that chance though.
>>65847 You're right. Idk I just need to suck it up, because I know it'll go well. Even when I told her I was into pregnancy she thought that was cute and that it was way way more vanilla than all the stuff she's into (She's the kind that seems really sweet and innocent-minded on the outside until she speaks). Knowing people like you went for it with your lady even before being together, and that we're very open, close, and communicative together (over a few years of being together now), I think I feel emboldened to go for it soon. Thanks! (Daydreaming about her as a pred, picsrel are closest to how she'd be)

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