/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Video Sharing 5 Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 22:45:40 No. 46629 >>46633
Thread 4 is dead, long live thread 5! Old threads: https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/23995.html https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/15761.html https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/32389.html MOD NOTE ____ DO NOT BEG IN THIS THREAD YOU WILL BE WARNED ONCE THEN BANNED. DO. NOT. BEG. IN. THIS. THREAD
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 05/01/2024 (Wed) 06:44:18.
>>46629 (OP) Hi, do you perhaps have the video of the image you used?
>>46651 Thank you
I am once again, humbly asking for any bbw vore vids
No begging. Sharing only.
Does anyone get this? https://thisvid.com/videos/900087/ Some Sashacurves videos YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk5uaFJNa1JaUkdFalduWklWREJDTWtFeWRUWnlXSGxOVDBzeE5UUmZjRGhVVGs1dVlrOWlOekpvYTFwWGVrVlBUVnByTkFwb2RIUndjem92TDIxbFoyRXVibm92Wm1sc1pTOWxhMmRJYkZONVV5TmZhR1I1YXpSNmIzTjVVVXBaVVdsd1RYUTRUbkZtVm1WaVlsWmpSWEprVlhObkxWVk1UM2hEWlVWckNtaDBkSEJ6T2k4dmJXVm5ZUzV1ZWk5bWFXeGxMMlZ6VWpCSVVqVmFJM0ZVWm5KS1lrcHZlV05mWmxKUVVGWjVVbmRvVURKVFdVRXdkbFJDVDA0NE0waDZSbFEwZG1OeVdFa0thSFIwY0hNNkx5OXRaV2RoTG01NkwyWnBiR1V2Wm1nMGFIbEtlVW9qZFdKZmVqZHVPVGhNVlRkeWRuZFljVlkyV201Wk5YRlpTRmxxUmpod09FeFlOM1IyUzFKWVgweFZUUT09
Do not beg in this thread
>>46651 Can't view or download any of these. Any alternate uploads?
Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm nipping this in the bud before it even begins. You stupid fucking niggers since you can't read I'll put in big red letters for you in all beg messages DO. NOT. BEG. IN THIS. THREAD. Either post megas, drives, or individual videos.BUT DO. NOT. BEG. THIS IS A SHARING THREAD YOU ILLITERATE NIGGERS. POST THINGS YOU ALREADY HAVE AND IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT, FUCK OFF.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 05/01/2024 (Wed) 06:47:48.
(30.25 MB 1920x1080 Short Belly Clip.mp4)

>>46769 maybe if you were quicker to ban the people spoonfeeding the retards by posting decrypted base64 links and getting the uploads taken down within hours people would be sharing more
>>46791 Do you really think something that takes at most 3 copy and pastes is gonna stop someone from getting your link taken down? It won't.
(28.82 MB 1278x634 10766641.mp4)

>>46797 from experience on bbwchan, yeah it does, fuckhead
>>46805 Sauce?
>>46869 Inkiighost probably
I want to share my stuff, but I hate mega, where can I share it?
use google drive like i do
>>46935 Bunkrr, pixeldrain, noodleimage, erome, Google drive,
ill upload more vids when anything food is downloadable from my other sites
Could someone kindly share some Astrodomina videos, please? I have some videos of different artists in a google drive link which I can share in return.
>>47168 Like which ones, most of them are findable online anyway
>>47171 Kinda, you have to be lucky as many of the free download sites end of removing them relatively quickly. Still, because of these sites I manage to get a big collection of vore videos from her and other models like Nicole Oring.
>thread immediately devolves into begging again Sort it out janny
Does anyone have or know where the SBG (i think thats her name idk what it stands for) video is of her dressed up as Mrs Claus is? I really wanna see that again, hell i’ll fuckin buy it myself if i have to i just wanna know where it is, all the folders with it in were taken down i believe
>>47288 Its on her onlyfans she sends it through inbox. Swollenbellygirl
I have got Codi Vore, Reiinapop, Katelyn Brooks and a few others. It's all in a google drive link. I think the link was shared on this site a very long time ago but it still works. I managed to save the link.
>>47171 I have got Codi Vore, Reiinapop, Katelyn Brooks and a few others. It's all in a google drive link. I think the link was shared on this site a very long time ago but it still works. I managed to save the link. So, let's trade.
im trying to find some videos that have not been shard yet it may take time
https://mab.to/t/EQLmVuqvw5k/us3 It is not that hard to share something new.
>>47168 kindly shut the fuck up. It's a video sharing thread, not a trading thread. Post your shit before you beg
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>>47410 Yes don't click the perfectly safe link with preview and streamable video, I have shared plenty in these threads and it has never once been a "bad link" So stop trying to cause drama where it is unneeded.
Resharing a huge one from thread 3, hope this helps to get the share train back on the road. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9ERk9NbEpJVShSRU1PVkUpVEJzTmloRVJVeEZWRVVwVmtOT00xcFdRbTFaVnprellqQk9lR1I2WTNSbFdHUnlVa2QwZWxvelJsST0= Does anybody have some vids from chloecreations with jenna?
>>47418 So you use other people's links that are not expired as your contribution when requesting?
>>47418 You idiot. Don’t reshare old links. Don’t draw attention to the few that survive.
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https://mega.nz/folder/gqAigT5J#hetmHbWmBfEJfPQ_bPfS4Q hetmHbWmBfEJfPQ_bPfS4Q Above is my stash and key. Looking for Alice Warmheart, if anyone has it. She is quickly becoming my favorite model, particularly her new video. https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5621980/giantess-with-big-belly-suddenly-swallows-u-up
>>47418 That is my Stash that I shared in one of the earlier threads. Honestly surprised it has survived this long.
>>47428 Dude, link doesn't ask for a key. You may wanna fix that.
>>46727 these links dead already?
>>47449 Used to have one but doesn't anymore. Not sure why. Either way, if it goes down, it goes down. Take it while you can.
>>47449 >>47577 The key is included in the link after the #
This is by far the most useless series of threads ive ever seen. Literally the same two links with nothing new ever added. Like damn does nobody here ever buy anything to share?
>>47639 >"Useless thread" >Responds to complain instead of contribute
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvcGJNRFRBVEk= Same size Princess Diana vid, it was decent imo. Encryption key: 2rlIstsFDEtThCpKmgTpPLaaFCrk0zK-VoMAHyOy9JE Been looking for this video https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/60873/28761717/854x480p-big-belly-daphney-devours-doctor-secretary-over-weight-patients-vore-mp4 if anyone has it.
Someone still has a copy of "Tracy ate your girlfriend" from Tracy Jordan ?, it was in an old Anonfile here but it died.
here i bought this and i wish i didnt but you might like it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fEKTjruARe1E2xEwwDTZ8U3B3Ah937aF/view?usp=drive_link
>>47675 Sign in? Nope
>>47675 Needs access you gotta change it
>>47290 Is she still active or are her videos sent automatically? There’s some of her clips i want but i’m not gonna waste my money if she wont send them, i found one of hers anyway i’ll upload it later tonight
fixed it you can all access it now
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Goddess Clue is doing a big vore sale until Friday offering different vore clips on big discounts, like $2 a clip. I'm probably going to buy one of the packs and was curious if people were interested in purchasing the others and we all spread it around? Link here: https://x.com/thegoddessclue/status/1788977298609463338
>>47726 Don't bother with the same size stuff, I've got all of the clips and can try to add them to a mega drive or two over the coming days. They're all older ones and most have been shared here before.
btw why noone is using bunkrr? Just wondering, never used it for uploading myself, but got like terabytes from it
>>47739 Links???!!!!
>>47764 Sorry for misleading you. I meant porn in general.
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Does anyone know who this is or have her vids? Pretty sure most of her stuff has been nuked off everything and can’t find any of her videos anymore
>>48046 I think she used to be Sally Cinnamon on YouTubs before the channel got deleted.
>>48063 Fuck off tradenigger
>>48400 Anotha one
I'm looking for any MaryRoseLove videos other than these: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXdSbXhTYUZSRVRDTXhjVVkyTkRWbk5tUndPVmhhZW5wRlkwZGhSbEpu Preferably with same size and no ridiculous belching.
Lets keep sharing, new clip from Jem’s Treasure https://gofile.io/d/4WWpkn hopefully this works
Anyone knows who she is or where can I find her? https://thisvid.com/videos/found-you-gulped-you-burped-you-and-your-friends/ Also if anyone can share this video it will be a bonus? This vid is not accepting new user signups and I am not able to view this without account :(
>>48618 She’s lostkitty on manyvids
>>48563 Do you still have the mom vore one? I accidentally deleted mine thinking i had put it on my mega
>>48629 I think so, i’ll probably get it on here when i can be bothered
>>48816 Thank you Anon :)
What do you do with theese codes
Giantess, gummy, bbw, and a FUCK TON of burps https://thisvid.com/videos/copy-copy-copy/
Can anyone help me with who this is? https://thisvid.com/videos/visitor-devours-kids/
>>48981 Albelt010. She has a curvage
>>49011 I knew i’d seen her before, i think it’s ‘alebelly’ but yeah
>>48972 64bit decode
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>>49210 Either post your shit or don't. GTFO with your thinly veiled tradefaggery.
>>49210 Or alternatively, maybe traffic will pick once you upload all those vids of yours
All the Mega.nz links I've uploaded have been terminated - even with Base64 encryption. I shall just upload individual files as it works a bit easier. If anyone has any same-size disposal/graphic digestion stuff it would be much appreciated. One of my all time favourites from Nixlynka. YUhSMGNITTZMeShSRU1PVkUpOW5iMlpwYkdVdShSRU1PVkUpYVc4dlpDOTNOamh6T1c0PShSRU1PVkUp
Just to add to my previous post, 'Coomer.su' is a great place to find free vore stuff for those who haven't found out about this source yet. Search by post name for optimal results.
>>49244 So how do I get and download what I'm searching for on this site? They just look like browsable images
>>49244 Their download speed sucks. Also never found anything valuable there tbh
>>49313 Since its mainly an OF catalogue, its mainly photos and you do need to do a lot of fishing, but there are some obscure gems on there. It was just a suggestion for anons who may not be familiar with this site as I've found some good stuff on there from Kitsuneforeplay, Aliceeats, Peachvore...etc You download by clicking the video and opening them in a new tab, then either use a 3rd party downloader or click the download button on the video player.
>>49240 Thank you so much. this model has one of the best bodies and i´ve quietly hoped someone would upload it. Can I ask what her name is so I can look her up?
>>49389 You are welcome anon. Her name is Nixlynka. I have two more videos from her, 'From Husband to Vore Test Subject' and 'Sorry I Ate your Boyfriend'. I shall upload them both soon if you want them.
>>49410 Different Anon here but I would love to see those, Nixlynka is great
>>49232 I'm not him, but that's a good point. Here y'all go. I just nabbed this: YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVShSRU1PVkUpdWFXOHZaQzlwVDBKRmNYQT0=
>>49459 This folder was not found
>>49476 Works fine for me. I thought you were a pro at this. Check what it decodes to carefully...
>>49410 Yes please.
>>49459 Nice one, thanks for sharing with us
>>47738 any updates on that?
Apologies for the delay anons. The Nixlynka videos as requested. YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHKFJFTU9WRSlVdWFXOHZaQzlWVkdRMlQxWT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVShSRU1PVkUpdWFXOHZaQzloU0ZKVVUzYz0=
>>49545 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHKFJFTU9WRSlVdWFXOHZaQzlWVkdRMlQxWT0= > YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVShSRU1PVkUpdWFXOHZaQzloU0ZKVVUzYz0= where do you use base 64 , and 1x or 2x ? thank you
>>49476 You have to delete the (REMOVE) part after you decode it the first time.
>>48976 Does anyone know who is she?
>>49240 this is the hottest shit ive ever watched holy fuck
>>49240 how do i decode this to find the link?
>>49612 Agreed, faerylovely is hot as fuck. This is all I have of her: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXhlbHB1YUZOblNpTXdVMUZqYTJ4MlZYTnNjVkphWjB0dUxXUnJXa3RS YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXNjbXQ2YlVOSlRDTkZlazVPVlZodmFWcENNblpKVTBveGVFVkJjRlYz Someone else upload more
>>49622 google b64 dec
Just discovered Kay Dark for myself. Love the way she slowly lures the viewer into her "trap" in this clip. https://x-x-x.tube/videos/853127/kay-dark-anal-vore-congratulations/
>>50006 >Mid tier porn star You get what you pay for. Give that role to someone like Katelyn Brooks and it would've been phenom
problem with this is the vore happens with 2 minutes left in the film
Yo has anyone bought clips from curvage before? Is it a scam? I literally paid for a fucking clip and they didn’t even give it to me. Just took my money but then said there was a problem and i couldn’t have the clip wtf
i have sometime it bugs and they send an email with a link
Bravo and thank you to everyone who shares the vore, only we have to face the facts, "what is vore?" looked at the situation we find ourselves in, real videos are prohibited and are often of poor quality. Today sharing is all identical videos and no originality that doesn't even exist. What's the point of having 500GB of video of the same bitches who don't even know how to make a guy hard? Look at the bet there is here, you share crumbs of moldy bread, or pay for tricks that are a fucking scam. It's unfortunate to say that TikTok videos are more existing than paid whores. This forum is Dead; if the Moderators don't re-open a place for the good reasons that we knew at one time, then it's ruined, I'm 41 years old, I saw the long rise of vore on the net, has been since 2020 is the decline, as if the plague had eradicated our passion, or rather I would say the talent to keep vore alive. As proof, we all share the same videos every year for lack of anything new, and when there is one, you have to see how fast or tired you are, of the poor woman on fixed plan who drinks or eats..... I I don't often speak here, but it's really sad.
>>50263 You're sad about the lack of porn to jack to dude, if you want it so bad just buy it dawg
most of the paid tsuff doesnt have vore until the last 2 or 3 minutes nd it is quite lame trut me i have sepnt 500 bucks so far on these
Agreed, the thread seems to be dead
Fuck off and share more aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci93TkFtMEw0Yg== Decryption key:i767gNtFWPtdhYq8p2hk-w
>>50281 Thank you for your contribution! This is my first time doing this, hope this is right aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9kNWE0NjNmZS00NTAyLTQyOTUtYWM3Yy03MTc5M2ZmNjNiNDE=
>>50287 it says "This folder is not public"
>>50289 Sorry I'm too stupid to be good at this, I think it should be fine now
>>50290 still says it's not public. Maybe try reuploading?
>>50291 it's ok now
>>50290 >>50287 Thanks a lot guys
>"Vore video" >Look inside >Mid chick rubbing her stomach for 15 minutes Every fucking time
>>50361 Fr they're so shit. And that's not even talking about all the shit ton of "GTS" or "shrink" ones. There's barely quality irl content out there. And same size stuff? Almost nothing and most of them stuff clothes or put a big ass balloon or whatever under a large dress that doesn't move squirm or do anything.
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For those who were waiting for something different. I only know this proposal from comics. Video is the first time. I'm wrong? https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/133879/29311355/growing-into-giantess-devouring-the-entire-city-alice-in-wonderland-special-edition
>>50393 Fake torso? Yikes.
>>50401 It's hot man, don't be a pussy with the details.
>>50287 The delivery driver one is the best thing I've seen in a good while, thanks for sharin'
>>50401 il going to buy this on the 5th
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I always thought @bunny.butt2000 would do great vore videos. Does anyone know if she does vore content? She has a great belly and personality.
>>50393 looks promising!
Anyone has this? https://thisvid.com/videos/sexy-stepmom-vore-cum-in-belly/ The thumbnail looks super awesome. If u have please share. Heres something from my side: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmJHTk9RbWhEVVVzalZGbzRWek5WPGxvbD5iMDB3ZG5OVFpEaGFhRWhIWlZZdFRIUlNaMVpsY2tjM1R6Wk1UM2RETlhoSGVFSTRSUT09
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/260861/29298225/cradle-of-darkness They do some weird shit, but also occasionally come out with these gems
>>50692 Requires an encryption key
delete the <lol> nd the = and you dont need key
https://www.clips4sale.com/it/studio/85559/20055847/the-appetite Does anyone happen to have this old clip? i lost it Hope this adds some heat to the thread aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvenBwUWlSQVEjU0Q3TERtQ2NENm8xbHUtbmZOUWw2djFKWnFaWTFwdmxjRm9ibmxKVzZJNA==
>>50692 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmJHTk9RbWhEVVVzalZGbzRWek5WPGxvbD5iMDB3ZG5OVFpEaGFhRWhIWlZZdFRIUlNaMVpsY2tjM1R6Wk1UM2RETlhoSGVFSTRSUT09 got any more maria alive??? that was amazing
the maria alivw video is an edit there is no talking just a belly gurgle
>>50757 yeah her best video IMO, most of other I've seen are just plaint GTS shit
how do you decode, do you enter the string in base64 then use that to go to mega? It's not working for me, it just brings me to mega and asks me to log in.
>>50839 check for "lol" and "delete"
I'm the anon who uploaded Nix's videos earlier. I have Maria Alives entire same-size library and will upload as soon as I can.
>>50933 It will be great, thanks. *other anon
Lets keep sharing, here’s something i found recently. Babysitter vore.
>>50933 Base... Also can´t thank you enough for Nix´s. I really like her and the reason I like her is Oedipus complex. I had (and still have) a female friend who lived in my grandma´s town. She was the daughter of my mom´s friend and she basically was like my older cool sister. I like codivore for the same reason codivore is basically thiccer blonde Sarah (not her real name) and Nixlinka is basically even thiccer Latina (I guess???) Sarah.
>>50993 >Black woman
>>51221 Huh?
>>50569 Any update?
Anyone wanna share the new ludella's video?
(1.19 MB 828x1792 IMG_2766.png)

Anyone have this vid from her LF? I can give back whatever I’ve got saved but it’s mainly from this and past vid sharing threads
Does anyone have Simone Savage or Lanie Love's content?
>>51882 Do what you promise first, then ask for something. The vast majority of people on this thread are scamming and begging
>>51882 What’s the link to the vid?
>>51949 Ok so I’m a retard: it’s a cumflation vid but this post had a Vore caption Link: https://tinylf.com/b0VlQXoxMOxoM9Z
do any of you guys know how to make an account on this site called vk.com? it has a lot of good vore videos but apparently to befriend others you need a russian phone number to creat an account....any workarounds?
>>47726 Do you have the Godessclue ones with the female doll giantess ones?
>>51575 Want to push this as well.
>>52181 Doesn't need to be russian, just delete the +7 and use your country's number
Anyone got any mistressmaryjan? Or know of any deleted shit from her?
>>52557 Password?
>>52562 what kind of brain fungus do you have? all of them have the password in the link already
(159.59 KB 800x450 vault.jpg)

>>52557 Bruh you're just reposting other people's shit. Fuck off and post something new.
>>52557 You may have spent a fair amount of time creating these encrypted links, but the content is almost taken up by 99% of the old content of other links. In fact, you only need to publish new content
what a old garbage the only good thing are a few video's of the animated stuff the rest just fake vore shit i want to see girls realy swallowing objects like silicon toys and such so something that is harder to swallow not marbles and miniature things or fake swallowing where they pretend to do it but dont
>>52557 Found a couple clips I havent's seen before, thanks anyway
>>52583 real
>>52576 >>52583 I am reposting what I've already uploaded previously, plus a few newer things. It's literally everything I have before I delete it all. Sorry you ugly niggers won't upload anything for yourselves and are waiting here endlessly looking for other people to upload shit.
>>52557 Man, don't worry about your links, you made a nice job for keeping them updated. Thanks, man. Don't let these freeloaders assholes ruin your life.
>>52623 Thank you for the uploads and you freeloader bitches be graceful I know you don't paid anything in life and have your parents pay for everything this is porn nothing special so be happy what you get
>>52643 That's why I'm defending him. I understand people like them, imagine spending 100 dollars a month for uploading this content and those freecummers keep complaining because you didn't buy the video they wanted.
>>52645 >>52643 Ctrl + C and ctrl + v takes so much effort guys!!!!111!
>>52645 Did they forget this porn no one is gonna spend a lot money on it only once in a while that when they have extra money to spend they need to stop being greedy over porn it's sad cuz of them people might just stop posting they can't just be graceful they gotta beat there tic-tac
>>52782 More effort than you posting... Nothing? True! Sorry son, you can't coom to a new video today!
>>52623 >>52643 Same faggot fr
>>52800 It's genuinely insane how much of a faggot you losers are for me simply posting a bunch of links to videos that I've mostly previously uploaded. Is this why niggers prefer to trade? So they don't have to engage with the autistic tard who just expects handouts, sitting in his room jerking his cock all day?
>>52809 Tbf if you had just said "reposting links I've shared previously before I delete them", nobody would've cared. People are mad because a lot of anons just repost other people's old links pretending they're actually sharing new stuff to convince others to post their links
Gonna copy a post from the last thread because it rings true with most of the vids shared in this one. If normal porn videos played out like the majority of these "vore" videos: >Video starts >Filmed with a potato >Girl spends half an hour just talking about how good the sex is going to be >Can tell she's not actually into it at all >Finally starts taking her clothes off >Fade to black >Never actually see any sex >If you're lucky, you may get a few seconds of the girl talking about how good the sex was, but most of the time it just ends right as it's getting good >$30 on Clips4Sale
>>52832 bonus points for a pillow under her dress
Well since all we're doing is complaining: WVVoU01HTihkZWxldGUpSVRUWk1LR1JsYkdWMFpTbDVPVzVpTWxwd1lrKGRlbGV0ZSljb1pHVnNaWFJsS1ZWMVlWYzRkbHBET1hoaFZXeHBWRE5GUFE9PQ== Get this before the link goes down
>>49389 have your own tastes, but this was disappointing, you hyped up her body and she ended up being a 3/10 fatty
>>52981 She is 100 / 10
>>52981 Agreed
>>52984 im sorry you feel that way
>>52185 I loved Ludella in many various works for a long time, she's 10/10 hot as fuck, at one point my favourite pornstar, but her vore videos are kinda trash. her femdom/legscissor videos are way better. thanks to whoever uploaded kelly payne, hadn't come across her but she is actually pretty good at shooting and acting her videos as far as vore goes
I hate to be one to beg, but does anybody have any PuffyYuri/Phat_ass_phoebe Vore videos?
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>>53023 yeah I have almost all of them
>>53126 Willing to share them?
>>53137 only because you have good taste https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/20750.html#53153
HOLY shit thank you to the Nth degree, you’re a real one friendamundo
>>52907 Reiina has become such a fat pig and it's saddening
>into fetish all about eating and big bellies > cries when someone else into it likes eating and has a big belly
needed help finding a vore vixen video cuz i might buy it and share it for the help, as far as i can remember she only appeared in one or 2 vids. had a bunch of tattoos and wore the same outfit as mandy in this video https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/136151/26511353/bubble-bite-ft-mandy-hd-mp4-1080p-format
(30.25 MB 1920x1080 Short Belly Clip.mp4)

>>53205 bbw vore is god-tier
>>53205 i prefer women who can walk up a flight of stairs without it being a significant emotional event
>>53211 Hell yeah man give a fat, comfy gut any day >>53215 And you can absolutely do that just don’t bitch when others don’t share your same views
>>53215 I'm more worried about her health than that. >>53205 Factos >>53211 Pot-bellied / skinny girls with cinnamon rolls are better.
(8.64 MB 1080x1080 ChubbyCat666 Burps.mp4)

>>53225 I respect your opinion but I won't pretend to understand it
I know like 80% BBWs but i'm also posting here for those who do and don't check the other thread https://gofile.io/d/DAD64n https://gofile.io/d/uUwo0R https://gofile.io/d/Zb3BIZ Big women are best women
>>53231 This man knows what i'm talking about
anyone have the older daphney sugar rose vore vids
Disposal anon here, since it is post vore day I've decided to come back and buy a video for the thread. Unfortunately money is a bit tight so please don't suggest anything more than 20$ unless it looks really good.
>>53492 This looks great. Been looking for more of her stuff since I saw this video of hers https://spankbang.com/7u37c/video/bloated+mother+vore
>>53495 One of my all time favourite videos, I concur with anon. Quality pick.
Here is mother in law ate your wife. https://litter.catbox.moe/8ef14p.mp4 Might come back later this month with some more videos. I just got to find a good permanent file host so I could re upload the older videos i bought for yall.
>>53520 Thank you based disposal anon.
>>53507 you are a legend
Who here is also cursed to only enjoy a vore video if it has burping in it...
>>53588 Def not a curse imo but yeah it adds a lot
>>53588 Same tbdesu, I just can't enjoy videos without burping anymore
i love the vore vids with burping and a bloated belly me too
>>53624 Should we make a vore + burping videos thread? I have a good collection specifically of that
>>53647 Yes and please!
>>53647 Please do
>>53588 Nah, man. Big turn-off for me. I enjoy the vore, especially from a POV angle, but that's it. Start adding burping or excretion and I'm out.
Does anyone have alice shaw videos or the newest lalo and cortez vid?
>>53647 I have a pretty solid collection of vore + burp stuff if we do
>>53832 had no idea she was still active at all
Not asking for, trying to find out which video thus unbirthing one is ? It's locked to.me https://thisvid.com/videos/unbirth-6/ Any help?
Here is some stuff, I "believe" Most of it is new and has not been shared before. Enjoy.
And I forget to post the Link like a Dumbass, lol sorry https://mab.to/t/uPq77a4VBZO/us3
>>49240 Man this would be so fucking good if not for the obvious way she's just making mouth farting noises when her face isn't in frame
>>54271 Looks like Amber Adams (GirlOnTop880). Based on the length and the background, I think this is the video: https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5855972/swallowed-by-your-new-lover
>>54310 Worth buying it even though it's on ThisVid already? Grabbed these for now, called me a dick for buying already shared clips but they're fairly cheap. Hopefully something new for some of you aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9QSkJ6QkpSVCNSbjlfSlM2eEZpZlpTekJaajVnNTJn
>>54315 This chick without her glasses is hotter than I expected
>>54134 Re-up?
I've updated a previous collection with quite a few new items. Enjoy. Link: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMeU5RSVVGblF6aDZVbFphYVVab05qaGtTMnh2TjFoaVRWTjRXV2hsVW1WaFZYbG9SVlE1VTNSVFpERnRXbUZFVVhsNGIwVndhR2w2Vnpkb04zSmxXSE5IVWxOaVJYbzFVRXN5TW5ZeE5tMXhiRlpuYlhsTVVrZFlUeTFRV0hCVmJXTmhTVXRQWlRWNGFGSndNbWx2U1c5eVNGWTJNV0pGYUdjSw== Key: ZVRaNE5XZFpjVzUxZWswMFZVTT0= Sorry for the long link, just copy paste.
>>54641 Key doesn't work
>>54648 >ZVRaNE5XZFpjVzUxZWswMFZVTT0= decode it 2 times.
>>54649 Encode I mean
>>54641 Great work, thank you for your generosity in sharing bro
Still not working
>>54654 It is, he meant decode not encode
>>54641 Worked for me. Thanks for share
>>54641 thanks a lot mate, especially for Ruby Grey, she is a fucking goddess.
>>54641 This doesn't work for me. I decoded it twice and it says the PW is incorrect. I think it has to do with the absolutely ridiculous URL.
>>54732 It also says the data may have been either modified or corrupted. I don't know what it is but I entered the link I got so I'm not sure of it being the URL actually. Either way something is borked.
>>54732 >>54733 Works perfectly fine for me
>>54735 Hopefully someone reups it so that it works consistently instead of being pick and choosy. I'm poring over the decode to see if I missed something I'm supposed to delete (as has been done in other encoded stuff shared here) but there are none.
>>54736 There's nothing to delete but you have to decode both the link and the password twice
>>54737 Wait, you have to *decode the password?* THAT'S new to me. Ok, it works now. Thank you for pointing it out.
>>54665 It's me, sorry, I've got confused before.
wtf am i reading… christ
Found this on kemono, she has a lot of good burp content but this is the only vore I've seen from her: aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC8yTFhnUmg=
i know this sin not a video but you might like it i used Katelyn voice for this
>>55064 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvSjNsbFNMd0EjNkpGVzhCaVpCOWI3V3hSOEJ5M0l2SXNqbm9PYVlfTU9yd2JwZ1dFWGplVQ== yw
Yeah no fuck that. I already have a problem with people spamming cp on here, i ain't having it where somebody can have a file that says one thing, and it ends up being naked kids, and can't tell before you download it. Hell. No. You either post something with a preview or thumbnail or don't post. Why you mf's can't just use a burner email and make a new mega for this shit is beyond me. You're autistic enough to find almost decade old porn but can't take 5 minutes to make a seperate mega for it. Unbelievable.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 09/06/2024 (Fri) 14:52:09.
>>55240 Based janny Now can you do something about the begfags?
>>54947 This is so dope. How’d you do this?
(1.06 MB giant.mp3)

im using a special ai here i will vice you a nother one
here is another kateyln vore audio
>>53520 Link is down, can someone reupload please?
>>55419 Here you go (file name is how the video is listed on c4s, it annoys me to but makes life easy finding stuff back on the web) aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9WN0lhRnk=
>>55768 yuck
>>55768 Cheese pizza?
>>55785 No. BJ & farting
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Anyone know who this is?
Is Cambro a better site for sharing videos than Thisvid? seems to have less recycled videos. And also way better UI so i dont see diapers full of shit front page
has anybody managed to get this? https://www.cambro.tv/1236293/shrunken-boyfriend/
Hello, it's my first time sharing so, I hope I'm doing it right YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOU1Ta0V5UlVONVV5TTNRazVNTTFnd1dFUnFWMlo2VTNWblUxSmZkM2xS BTW, I was looking for some videos of this one https://www.xvideos.com/video.cvvtbf169e/giantess_craving I remember a lot of those published here and there some years ago but they all have disappeared.
So Mary Rose Love is pregnant and doing vore customs. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/170737/burps-by-maryroselove Strike while the iron is hot boys. She's probably one of the most attractive vore content creators out there and actually has good non stunted dialogue.
>>56068 MaryRoseLove already gave birth. Kelly Payne, however, is in her second trimester https://www.manyvids.com/Profile/369654/kelly-payne/Store/Videos
>>56067 Thanks for sharing
>>56075 Ah shit I didn't know that. Looks like she still did record some vore videos while pregnant so looking forward to seeing those shared hopefully. Kelly is another S tier vore actress, you know what to do lads. Gets those custom made while you can.
>>56067 >vore sharing thread >all giantess humiliation vids, sprinkled with foot fetish and maybe 2 minutes of vore in the entire folder fuck off
>>56087 Disappointing
>>56067 Thanks for sharing <3
>>56087 Agreed, the entire folder's contents seem to be made up of carefully chosen damn garbage
Thread is dying. Will - over the following week, upload a lot of stuff I've uploaded over the years past. Aiming to upload my entire Maria Alive collection tonight.
>>56188 That would be great!!! Haven't seen any Maria Alive in a while; miss her!
>>56067 Ignore the haters. Those were great! Thanks for sharing!
>>56192 Ignore the fans, that was shit, fuck you for sharing
>>56196 Ignore everyone i have no strong opinion on your sharing!
>>56238 listen to everyone, i have mixed opinions on your sharing
>>56263 Empty your mind; there are no opinions, there are no people, there is only oneness in the universe.
(45.90 KB 717x542 D7jYnO8UIAAt4L5.png)

>>56188 I can't wait.
>>56188 cool, love her
Just stumbled upon this shit https://vored.com/all-videos/ Anybody got any of these gold mines?
>>56188 Apologies for the delay anons, here is my MariaAlive collection. Absolutely goated creator. (1- Decode. 2- Delete all [REMOVE] 3- Decode each result again. 4- Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the final decoded text has no more [REMOVE]). I have about 100gb(ish) of mostly same-size vore content but my Internet speed is painfully slow so it will take time to upload a lot of this content. In the meantime, if anyone has any farting/disposal-orientated vore videos - particularly from BlackXRose, Princess Kristi, Alison Miller, or Reinnapops two most recent vore clips, a share would be much appreciated. Thank you and let's keep this thread going. VGx0U1JbUkVNT1ZFXVUxUFZrVmRNRll6VXpCRk1tTjZVbHRTUlUxUFZrVmRiMk5WTVVoVlJVcGhXa2QzTkdOSFJuW1JFTU9WRV1kVlVUMWJVa1ZOVDFaW1JFTU9WRV1GWFQwPQ== WVZ0U1JVMVBWa1ZkW1JFTU9WRV1TRkl3WTBoTk5reDVPWFJhVjJSb1RHMDFOa3d5V25aaVIxSnNZMms1YzF0U1JbUkVNT1ZFXVUxUFZrVmRaR3hXYjFKclJtW1JFTU9WRV1GWlVUMWJVa1ZOVDFaRlhUMFtSRU1PVkVdPQ==
For anyone confused the top code is the password you have to decode the bottom is the actual folder
>>56341 You need to decode both.
>>56340 >>54641 Updated my collection with one of the Reinnapop videos you requested and a few others.
Guys, any chance anyhone have saved "Swallowed soul" from Ruby Grey? I saw this clip on the forums, but the files have already been deleted.
Anyone else think Vore Vixens videos look kind of shit now? Generic concepts and less attractive and good actresses overall, i haven’t seen a video of theirs i’ve wanted to see in ages
only good vids seem to be from their og actresses like ( and also irene) raquel, mandy and such, idk why they are going so heavy on bbw or why scarlett, nikki, and others seem to have left. if it wasn't for the sheer amount of vids they make i doubt they would be top anymore
(465.89 KB 1290x724 IMG_5282.jpeg)

Does anybody have this video i can’t find it, it’s where starfire anal vores blackfire
>>57088 Learn how to read, illiterate nigger
>>57082 Dalvina is pretty. Though I do miss the Venom sisters and Riot Starter. Riot was my favorite, particularly for her dialogue.
issue is al the vids are the exact same act like a bitch you shrink 1 year of tease 1 min of post vore belly (if any) maybe a few burps and nude play if any video over and its not just them. majority of the vore vids now are just the same formula different people doing the same shit
agreed 100%
>>57106 Any way to download this one?
>>57199 Paste it where? It doesn't let me paste
>>57195 I use the video download helper browser extension
https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/46629.html#57088 help me find this video or DIE
>>57226 You don't need to post the whole link retarded newfag
>>57223 Is the video good? Not wasting my time on more giantess foot fetish bullshit
Found some gems in the archive in Sharing thread 1 a few days back, but now I see this whenever I go back there. Any idea on how to fix it?: Error 404 Not Found Not Found Guru Meditation: XID: 707958403 Varnish cache server
>>57235 It got deleted
Fuck. Well here's another one I found while I was exploring in there: https://mega.nz/folder/8AlR2QbI#if1GSE7s3q-hGiNrp7pXfg
>>57269 I love seeing that people have downloaded and are sharing the videos I've shared. That's really what it should be about instead of faggots sitting on their ass with their mountain of a collection and trading
>>57274 Likewise, I see a lot of the videos I've shared over the years. Ideally, everyone should be saving these videos and then sharing them with as many folk as possible, with those who buy clips, sharing them to the community.
>>57269 I love u
(1.09 MB 3024x4032 13-IMG_4969.jpeg)

>>57274 >>57277 Hello! My name is Mr. Clip Buyer and I too enjoy when people share my clips so they can be uploaded by a thousand thirdworlders to thisvid for their private video friend request collection. Please take my word for it that I have bought many clips. No I will not be sharing them here. Make sure to upload the clips that you have bought with your money too, fellow clip buyers!!! Please upload them please I beg of you please I am not a poorfag pretending ;) make sure that everyone has all the content all of the time!!! fuck gatekeeping!!
>>57458 You sound poor.
>>57462 and you sound like a buttmad thirdworlder with no english reading comprehension - you beggars and the dipshits who freely hand you clips so you can pretend you bought them yourself are 100% the reason why there is zero good vore content being produced right now - why would they when it ends up on thisvid the next day? kys
i've spent over 2 thousnad on clips most are horrible and the funny thing is you wont beable to tell from the previews until you watch it
>>57463 Lmao you're probably some whore who's pissed their shit tier "vore" videos aren't making any money. Perchance are you Reiina or her bf?
>Find video on PornHub >Advertised as full tour vore >Watch video >Girl lifts camera to her mouth, cuts to her swallowing nothing, and then she farts into the camera for a bit Why is EVERY SINGLE live-action "vore" video like this?
>>57458 >>57463 Stfu nigger I make more than you
>>57458 go share your fat videos elsewhere, here we talk about vore with women who to swallow
If it isn’t, then that’s immensely uncanny, she definitely has the same plastic fakeface
>>57678 Just listened to a random video from the channel. Same voice, same face. No way it isn't her.
>>57678 >>57675 What do you people see in a sentient mound of plastic
>>57690 tbh she's nothing special but if you find her vids for free why not
I'm sorry. New to the group. Where do I put these links given??? It looks like a bunch of random gibberish thank you
>>57681 not the same voice, lol. the youtube has a thick accent
any one have a good collection of daphney rose?
>>57720 >>57696 >>57681 >>57678 >>57675 Definitely looks and sounds like her Easy way to find out would be to comment "sweet maria" on one of her videos. If your comment gets blocked or deleted, it's her
>>57675 It's her. If you check the Instagram account in linked to in her Youtube profile, it shows the name as Maria.
>>57746 Don't do that. It's obviously her. It even gives her name as Maria in her Instagram account. She obviously wants to keep this gaming youtube channel separate from her porn stuff, so just respect that and don't do anything that might point her gaming fans in the direction of her porn.
>>57805 This tbh. This place is for sharing vore vids, not random other nonsense
Please does anyone have swollenbellygirl video besides the christmas one thats already been dumped here? I would happily buy them myself but i think she’s been inactive for a while and you have to message her to buy the clips. I’m gonna dump some stuff here so i’m not just another begfag.
>>57704 Google base64 decode and then figure it out from there
>>57859 don't be an ass. you don't want doing vore related content to be associated with being harassed in your personal life. nobody is going to produce any content if we get the reputation of harassment.
>>57859 Kill yourself
>>57859 Okay Anonymous Fetishist
my bad for not saving this but I lost which mega folder this video was in, if anyone can help a dumbass out and point it out I'd appreciate it: it's the vid of the two lesbians one blonde and one brunette kissing with full stomachs, then after they digest they take turn swallowing eachother.
Does anyone have an old vore video of Kate England wearing a green bra and panties? It was on pornhub and was just called "Giantess Adventure" before they purged everything. Obviously I didn't have it backed up and now there's no trace of it anywhere, I would buy it if I could.
>>57937 Bump
>>58372 original moron here, I found it. linking it for the other anon that is apparently looking for it. never done this so hopefully link works WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsclkyMXNNbHBUTlc1aU1qbHVZa2RWZFZreU9YUk1NbEo1KERFTEVURSlZU2hTUlUxUFZrVXBXRnBzVERKYWRtSkhVbXhqYmsxMlRVVkpOV0l3UmxKa01FNTJWa1pTYjFreVVrZFBWa0pWVmpGSmVsUnNhRWRWUmxwV1RVUTVlVnBZVG5aa1dFcHFXbGQwYkdWVU1IZE1XR2hUVVZSSk1GRlhOWGxpTUd4V1lraGtNbUpJU1hkVk1WcE9Xak5qYldSWVRuZFFXRTV2V1ZoS2NHSnRZejA9
>>58479 Source on the gorgeous boss vore video?
Anyone have Ripley Sweet Videos in their collections? Posted what I have before but curious.about others.
>>58479 holy i haven't seen these videos in years that's a throwback
I find it strange that one or two content creators (ie. Allison Miller) charge such high prices for their content. What is the deal with this? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/44837/29628143/i-made-a-gassy-vore-plan-with-my-side-thing-to-rid-myself-of-my-boring-boyfriend-whole-video
>>58699 The video is 52 minutes long. Generally, the more time and effort people put into something, the more they want to be paid.
hey all those links that require copy and paste . what are they for ? mega , thisvid , drive?
https://mab.to/t/obXr9jZ5NHp/us3 New Share a Dream Belly ASMR Vid.
Sarah uploaded her vore videos again and even made a new one. I thought she was trying to escape vore or something but now I'm just confused https://www.manyvids.com/Video/6016608/wanna-buy-some-cookies-4-k
>>58722 This looks like a spam URL... am I tripping?
>>58889 It's another file sharing website. The links usually only last a couple of days if you're using a free account. So if you want the video download it fast.
>>58889 Plus you have to stay on the page the whole time the file is downloading, otherwise the download could be interrupted and you'd have to start over. Depending on the size of the file it could take like 20 to 30 minutes to download, at least if you are using an unpaid account.
>>58722 She's my new favorite. That belly!
absolute hottest model on many vids. if you have stuff by her, i am willing to trade with you directly https://www.manyvids.com/Video/6049232/aunties-belly-blues-swallowed-whole
Someone have Cali logan Custom fantasies vore belly videos? Like Dinner: Party of 3?
>>57458 >>57463 Almost a month later and I was right, barely anyone shares anymore and there's barely any clips worth buying anyway. Probably because of the exact things I posted about. GG lol the era of sharing is over, mods on here should just allow a trading thread by now because at least the people with a few bucks to spare seem to understand that you can't just give all this shit away for free and expect creators to continue making quality content
Does anyone have any JessyAdam vore videos?
>>59174 We're not buying your shitty content, go shill elsewhere. Besides, Ai will soon be on par with you shitty porn "actresses" anyway. Most degens know that someone will eventually post shit one way or another. You clearly don't know how porn sharing forums work if you think a lul period means the overpriced slop on C4S and OF isn't being uploaded weekly.
>>59226 Agree with this, AI seems to be an inevitable trend in the future
(9.23 KB 674x123 GazAczvWwAA2UTZ.jpeg)

>>59226 >We're not buying your shitty content Thank you for proving my point, you beggar retard, none of you fuckers actually contribute to the thread which is why there has only been ONE fresh link this whole month - buyers like me are wising up and not sharing with poorfags ;^)
>>59282 Then why don't you share if your going to be such a faggot about it.
>>59282 Methinks you doth protest too much. Either that or you're trying to cope with buying absolute shit due to sunk cost fallacy.
>>58722 Begging for a reup
>>59325 Ask and you shall receive, some of us do actually share new stuff when they can. https://mab.to/t/wEADymyaS3d/us3 Added in some Discokitten. Kylee Nash. Lulublue and Goddess Clue videos too. Enjoy.
Just found Va Va Vore, their stuff is so good. It's got internals and stuff. I really want the belly stripper video and the vore girlfriends videos from them.
>>59395 oh and the room 4 rent one too
>>59329 thanks a lot mate
>>59329 Great upload, thank you sir
In the vast sea of garbage live action vore videos, there has to be one with an attractive female pred, full tour, and internals all the way through. That's all I want. Just one video like that. And when I say all the way through, I mean all the way through. I want to see internals of her mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, all of it.
>>59329 Can someone post this on a site that's actually usable and doesn't take 5 years to download
>>59397 >>59395 Sorry for begging, just saw the top post in this thread To make up for it, here is a rare gif
>>59532 >rare gif the absolute state of this thread
>>59534 It's what I have and afaik it's lost media
>>59329 Your a real one
>>59329 Shit it's down, can someone re-up, mine never fully downloaded
>>59566 Better yet. Stop using mab. Nobody wants to wait half a day for one file. Use mega. Use drive. Or don't post. If you don't wanna risk your main account, make an alt.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 10/31/2024 (Thu) 13:39:46.
No I don't care if it gets taken down, they all get taken down eventually. Upload it again. Use what works and what's easy to use. Stop reinventing the porn wheel
people like you said just need better internet i can download these fine an im on a hub lol
Does anyone have this video by SerenaGoddess https://www.clips4sale.com/clips/search/serenagoddess/category/0/storesPage/1/clipsPage/1 She released a preview for it on thisvid and someone else uploaded it to there before it got taken down immediately https://thisvid.com/videos/i-slowly-digest-you/
>>59588 TY for the reupload man
>>59588 Based
I’m honestly shocked no one talks about or uploads Katelyn Brooks anymore. She’s always been the best in the business and still is churning out high quality stuff. She’s really the only chick who actually gets all the ins and outs of the fetish, acts well, and is overall attractive.
>>59876 > Katelyn Brooks she sold a dream with her voice? because visually she is just average with rare videos where she really did it well; but in 20 years look at the mediocrity, there is not a woman passionate about vore who knew how to do it well and innovate, 20 years that we are bored, to say damn these women take us for pigeons with paid videos, or even poor youtubers do better without their knowledge .... "the best girl", that is to say to what extent you have been had. go on chaturbate and you will see what is a woman who works all year long on her art
>>60134 >>60380 >>60205 FUCK OFF BEGFAGS
I ran out of storage but here's a bunch of Miss Kole's videos since I haven't seen a ton of them up YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOU5lVEJvUlZscFNpTkdOa3B4TW01RE0zbHRiSEZaUWpKQlFXZHhObWRC
This was in the video sharing 2 thread but the archive can't open the mp4. Anyone know who she is? I think she was european
ive been looking to buy the full version but it appears to be taken down does anyone happen to have it ?
>>60503 Watching her slowly turn into a top tier chubby slampig over the years is so hot. Like she just kept snacking on people. I wish she did more tummy shots, and I really hope she doesn't become a hamplanet. I know she does size stuff but a same size video would make me lose gallons.
>>60534 Her name is Zoya
(9.83 KB 231x218 Dxt0UVbWkAEvSux.png)

>>59458 Same here anon, same here. :(
>>60647 Her clips4sale is gone rip
>>60503 Thanks anon. She is top fucking tier for being the only fucking vore girl that bothers to include internals.
i bought an endoscope vore on slips for sale cost me 20 bucks then the user deleted it has her other videos up but i cant even get a refund she if from Katelyn gulps both of her her clips i bought are gone
I'm the guy who made this post >>61043, just clarifying that I was talking more about attractive vore, but there's also some stuff with what you're looking for, and again it's Asian and behind a paywall on the same site. However, you can find a cut-together version on YouTube. I don't think I can post it here but you can find it by typing "Swallow goldfish&Digestion(endoscopy)"
>>53023 >>53126 >>53137 >>53154 any chance to get a re-up on this? I'm really down bad for big black girls somehow
>>61047 Seconded
>>60972 Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you look into Paramouth and Miss Kole, who mostly works with Paramouth, you will find that Leucan (aka mr_modicum) is who does the stomach and internals footage. They're mostly upfront about that, it isn't really "covered up" and is easy to find, I think it's even credited in some videos that the internals are Leucan. But most vore fans seem to not have read the credits or descriptions that say that.
>>61088 dude also throws a fit if you call him out on it. somehow he twists it into you being homophobic because you have a preference for not seeing a dude's body. Total nutcase.
>>61088 Yeah once I found that out, I was like "nah, I'm out" and at this point I can't even stand watching any Paramouth productions because the foley ("sound effects") and other add-on audio layers just kill the realism...which does sound ironic because we're imagining a situation in which a tiny person is being swallowed whole, but still....there's a line. It's tough because like 99% of the endoscopic footage on YT is of dudes and it's like...you almost wish it were easy to just say "f*** it" and try to enjoy it, but I personally can't bring myself to do that. But yeah....haven't been a fan of Paramouth since I discovered that little factoid, and all the awful foley just adds nails to the coffin.
>>61074 >>61047 Thirded. Yuri's fine AF and extremely underrated
i bought 3 paramouth pictures videos costing say 80 bucks and you only get like 2 mins of belly vore content most of it is talking or just maybe mouth endo and the last one they posted has some of the worst thing i have ever seen in my life
>>61088 Welp. Guess that's the end of that then.
>>61044 >>61043 What site?
>>61119 I don't like that they're all usually nonfatal.
Girls that lost a lot of weight always have such unique shapes https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5895849/part-1-prey-wiggling-in-my-belly-while-i-tease-her She's on coomer as well, has a few vore vids on there
>>61294 >She's on coomer as well, has a few vore vids on there Links?
So... sharing vore vids?
>>48046 I happen to have all of them, in high quality. I'll upload it and put the link here soon
>>61119 I remember he was charging $50 a minute for customs with Kole at one point. It's his market and he can price it out how he sees fit, especially if he sees customers willing to put that up. But that offer left me kind of put-off. Many other creators are willing to put in work for less and give a higher quality product. His are good, but not nearly what I'd want for that kind of payment.
>>48046 >>61376 Now, Im back. Here you go, along with some extra random stuff. This girls video are untitled 10, 11 and 12. I want to thank everyone who shared something by, doing the same. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaEwoUkVNT1ZFKW01NkwyWnZiR1JsY2k5NlRrVnNRV0ZoU2c9PQ== VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUga2V5OgoKQjVfb0VFYWdBSXlsRTh0MmZnWTY3Zw==
>>61681 That ain't even vore. That's just fat chicks burping If I wanted that I'd just look at the shitty YouTube videos
>>61691 Yep, cuz I wasnt replying to you but to the guy who specifically asked for a video.
>>52557 Can someone reupload these?
>>61706 I want to worship her gut so bad bros....
>>61681 Key isn't working
>>61897 You have to decode the Key as well
Here everyone enjoy first time sharing a video I got others to share https://mega.nz/file/qAcCiBTA#xddU6-PAuogYtBCwFswJva82Se8c8Zunatw5E72iRyY
>>61043 Where are the dudes with an stupidly high amount of money when you need them
>>59458 Does someone actually have videos like this? Do they even exist?
Is someone here willing to download same size vore videos, mostly Vore Vixens and Seductive Studio I share and then share it from his Google/Mega account? I ain't creating new account just for this shit, so I'll either put it on my personal disk for a short period of time or on a burner site, where files disappear by themselves after a while.
>>61952 I am, but I finally found my dream gf and decided to stop porn for good. So I'll share all my stash with vids I have. Just tell the best site for doing it. Mostly same size vore.
>>61964 Mega.
>>61963 >>61964 Here you go degenerates, mostly Same Size Vore. Some videos are shits that I thought were good by watching the preview. Enjoy. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOWxPRnBWZDBKbldpTmhSRGhYYlROaGIwTmhVRk01YW1KbVVHMHRXbmgz I can recommend Daphne Sugar Rose also, but her videos are too expensive. Maybe some of you folks can share them as well.
>>62008 Also, the link will be up for exactly one week available. Download it and share it instead of me, while it lasts.
does anyone have Nix Lynka's anal vore videos my files went to shit just now
>>62008 Thx mate. Is there a way to make the size for the Rachael Roper video smaller? It exceeds the free download limit and I have tried everything except paying to download it.
>>62008 Does Alena EVER get naked in her videos? Like good god woman. It's PORN
>>62158 there's one or two videos out there where she gets naked and they aren't even vore videos
>>62158 That's because she's trans.
>>62163 Meds
>>62152 Don't have time for that, sorry :/. Try VPN though, it should bypass your download limit. Can recommend Proton VPN.
>>62152 I ended up paying for it. It's like 5 USD for a month, you can download everything and then cancel the subscription.
(35.53 KB 680x659 671.jpeg)

>>62163 What. Alena is a troon?!
NGL, I thought that was really obvious given her appearance unless she's just got really odd proportions
(12.97 MB 854x480 bgap.webm)

If true about Alena, I suspect a lot of people are going to have a lot of regret incoming. Thought there were videos of Alena naked though, disproving that.
(92.43 KB 1170x744 s5eekpfpp6xb1.jpg)

>>62213 >>62224 Excuse me while I vomit. Buncha coomers probably gonna regret spending money on her content tho. Once your learn someone is a troon it kills the boner. Damn shame too, her content was pretty alright, that aside
# alena why are there "trans" tags on this site? ... https://fr.spankbang.com/5ltek-7a1b3w/playlist/alena+love#autoplay
>>62231 It's never mentioned by her or listed anywhere on any of her sites. But yeah, one anonymous guy posting shit to Spankbang with the trans tag is absolutely a nail in the coffin. Also, all of you weirdos need to go outside and like, interact with people. Someone says "trans" and these threads devolve into pure retardation because none of you have a single functional brain cell and get all worked up over the spooky pronouns
>>62233 I'm not attracted to men. Simple as.
>>62230 The proof is in the pudding!
>>62233 Whilst I agree that there is no proof of her being trans, It's less "Oh no, meh pronouns", and more people not wanting to jack it to someone they think may be trans.
>>62237 Can't you get it cut off or have an artificial one
(50.29 KB 640x480 IMG_2373.jpeg)

>>62213 I think she's just tall, her proportions are pretty feminine. I can't figure out what race she is, I guess part Indian part white?
>>62257 I always thought she was half Latina half white
Here's something in time for Thanksgiving YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOW5kVlo2UVVseVJDTnpiVE5tYjNwNVlXZHNkSFJXYkdKVVJEWlhWQzFC
>>60503 Can someone please reupload these ones. Didn't have the chance to look at em and absolutely adore Kole
I'll do a reup on the Kole videos later
Here's the Kole Link back up I accidentally messed up the folder YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTJUV050VkdJMFF5TTFjelp1UjBoRlQyVkhja1V4TFVGdE5VNXhNV1Zu
>>62379 Do you have newer videos from paramouth pictures?
>>62388 Can't you look up them on keemono, since their patreon uploader now works?
Does anyone want to share HayleeLove vids? Like https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5403159/pregnant-nerdy-vore-study-session https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5154403/hansel-vore-part-2 I don't know if we can post links other than mega or gofile but I found this mine of gold and those are some of the videos missing https://bunkr.site/a/X4hPxQCI
>>62420 But there are no links for videos in kemeno
>>62638 So i'm just dreaming this?
>>62642 How to get this? iam only seeing just the photo and description of the video
>>62724 Let me spoonfeed you because the links disappeared from kemono, but they still work for now WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0S0U1SlIwKE5JR0dFUilkRlVpazFOa3d5V25aaVIxSnNZMms1VjFvelFuTmFNWEJMVVZOT1UxUlZWbTVOYTFJMVlWUk9kV0l6UWpOVk1rWm1WR3N4U1ZsKE5JR0dFUil0U2xJPQ==
>>62839 >WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0S0U1SlIwKE5JR0dFUilkRlVpazFOa3d5V25aaVIxSnNZMms1VjFvelFuTmFNWEJMVVZOT1UxUlZWbTVOYTFJMVlWUk9kV0l6UWpOVk1rWm1WR3N4U1ZsKE5JR0dFUil0U2xJPQ== thanks for sharing; but here is another great example of a stupid video; 2 GB to show what? where are the details? the zoom of her mouth or her pussy? and what is she swallowing, wind?
now i using https://www.swisstransfer.com/en-ch to sharing 50 Go , just 30 days , ( not ilimited ( 250 sharing) , but free)
>>62866 Anyone willing to try this? never seen the site and it looks sketch
>>62868 >>62866 First of all its not even a download link its just the main website. Second of all, a quick search through the only place on the internet with semi stable information had somebody ask about this site: https://www.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/k1fpl6/has_any_of_you_guys_tried_this_service_is_it/ TLDR: no, don’t use a fucking site we haven’t previously agreed upon, its probably always going to be a worse site than mega. Even if somehow the site was better than mega’s zero access encryption we are all too lazy to learn something new. But also like. Its not better if prior experiences are to be believed
>>62507 Bump
>>62935 Guess they really did purge that fetish from the site.
>>62943 its super interesting, even codi vore their main star is blocked cuz of the vore name but the playlists with vore videos are still there so the vids still exist on the site but the tag vore has been removed
there's still vore on the site just google spankbang vore and click on playlist
>>62935 To be fair the waste of oxygen that is Codi Vore clogged up like 90% of the search anyway. Oh well, literally any other video site is better save for the piece of shit that is Thisvid. Bunkrr, Saint, Erome, Xmegadrive, Cambro Fetish porn is like a hydra. If you kill one site hosting it, 2 more will pop up.
>>62952 Never heard of Saint or erome?
This is a longshot but are there any same-size mass vore vids?
>>62952 Didnt know those sites have vore on them. Thisvid is trash but seems to be the only place that has anything decent. Anyone know other sites or discords? Anything on the darkweb?
I need to know , whats the best vr 360 giantes vore clip ever made by your opinion? I like giantess , post vore talk ect..
>>62965 Ludella Hahn did few years back, they are basically available in one of the folders shared here. Also DaphneSugarRose, didn't watch them though. Too expensive.
>>62952 how do you watch on cambro?
i have 4 mega account's full of these vore and giantess videos plus 400 gb on my ps3 i save every video on every site
>>63028 You have porn on your ps3
yes i have about 300 and some from the old pornhub
>>63031 will you post them or just brag?
Does anyone have Princess Diana's old videos on stufferdb they aren't loading on my end
i can post them and have a few Diana's video i will find then and post them tonight
>>62992 Just those two? No recent-ish ones?
i still have to check a dew other places
Why can't I find a single Astrodomina video? And why is every stupid video so expensive? Does anyone have any of her videos and is willing to share please?
>>63188 it's crazy how she released that banger couple for dinner one with a good prop belly and then never did that again
Does anyone have more videos of her? Her name on Instagram is Dedehpires and I don't know if she continues to make this content, I couldn't download the video but this is the link https://thisvid.com/videos/vore-in-the-shower/
Is it just me or is there such a lack of content right now? Like all good models who did this fetish have just stopNice personr rarely put anything out
>>63463 StopNice personr rarely put anything anything out, is what i was trying to say before i had a fucking spasm
>>63464 noticed it as well, i mean look at vore vixens its just raquel and very low quality lol its obvious she just made those vids by herself and they dont look good, clips4sale "top" is the just same 10 vids over and over from the same studios 10 min video =8 min body tease, a fake gulp, and bs otherewise its 2 min body tease, vore, and then just talking about digesting and rubbing body
>>63477 Fr, and like every single video is ‘hey random tiny man, how did you get here, wow you’re so small and i’m so big, k i’m gonna eat you now bye’ and then 2 minutes of belly rubbing, like ffs
>>63097 To my knowledge unfortunately so :(
just seems like live action vore videos are a dying breed. Must not be super profitable to put a lot of effort in a vid with a prop belly/editing etc for a more niche fetish when they can get the same results with just 1 swallow at the very end. It's a shame but what can ya do
>>63502 its gonna die, if vore vixen is any indication its going down, they are pivoting to sex or masturbating in the videos rather than just be pure vore like before, oh well ai will come and take it anyways
For what I've seen some Vore Vixens actress have split off and become Va Va Vore. Am I wrong?
>>63503 You're right about the pure vore sentiment! I often find myself editing the videos to cut out any of the unrelated content that I'm interested in. I think they're trying to do too much in their videos nowadays. Like - we don't need you to flex your creativity talents and think of "fresh" ways to keep things exciting....most of us (I think) are happy and content with some POV mawshots and being eaten. Optionally including some dialogue before/after to set the scene. It's like the classic Kit Kat - it's perfect the way it is, you don't have to start throwing funions and potato chips into it; kit kat fans will enjoy the same old kit kat each and every time. AI....you know what.....the potential for immersive VR using AI in the future is kind of exciting...especially if you can customize models, personalities, etc. How long that will take, who knows?
What do you idiots even want? I swear it's retards like you all that ruin this fetish. Go harass fatties if you like those cartoonish fake bellies. Oh no, they put a little backstory into this? It's not just the same fucking maw shot for 10 minutes? What ever will you do!
Bro I just want some of Daphne rose's more expensive videos
>>63532 Then buy them yourself you illiterate cheapskate.
>>63531 What we don’t want is zero effort garbage with micro lovers injecting their shitty humiliation fetish into vore content. Vore vixens is the shittiest vore content producer, and the biggest for the reasons listed above. The thing is micro lovers are such cucks they will accept this garbage and pay top dollar for it, so it makes all the money for them
Does sharing even happen in this thread anymore?
Nothing good out there currently to share
i hate asking but does anyone have any KokuhoRose video
Is anyone here friends with the user named Caper on thisvid? I really want to see the endoscope videos that he uploaded and buy them straight from the source. Fuckin' gatekeepers man
Can we just mute these retarded beggers holy fuck man
>>63775 thanks dude do you have this one let me know what I can rip for you in return
>>63771 Yeah, I know exactly where he got those videos from now thanks to the anon below. Some chink girl named LiLi on BiliBili makes them. Good stuff, if you're into that shit.
I'm into any girl belly or stomach endoscope but they are very hard to find
Anyone have access to this video? I'll share a vid in return if anyone has this https://www.cambro.tv/1389699/voreacious-giantess/
>>64109 dreamybellyasmr
we need to start sharing the private vid from thisvid
but only if their worth it a lot of them are meh or bad
>>64588 Thank you Santer Clas
>>64588 There is no decoding
>>64588 Probably the best drop in the whole thread, thank you! That pregnancy timelapse vore thing goes in my hall of fame
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp0TDBsNmEyc3pVVXRo
>>64650 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp0TDBsNmEyc3pVVXRo You posted your homepage, not the folder.
>>64650 It's not showing anything
>>64650 This takes you to the login page. Wrong link. Can you resend please?
Sorry, new to the whole mega sharing thing. Does this work? YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp0TDFwNVRqQlJZbXBa
>>64679 That is still the wrong link. If you are trying to link a folder or video select the drop down on the file, select share link, and then you get a link that looks kinda like this... https://mega.nz/folder/ Or this https://mega.nz/file/ The rest would be a unique url.
>>64680 So make sure the link you are posting has those things. And you can set mega links to have a separate decryption key if you wanna be more secure, kinda like a password.
>>64681 Hope this helps.
>>64679 After decrypting, the link has a /fm/ in it. I changed it to /folder/ and now it asks for a decryption key. Is there one?
>>64679 As the other guy said, just right click the folder and click on "share link"
Ok third time is the charm, lets try again. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTNjbFZvTUV0U1VTTjRTbHBMYXpKNVYzRm9WREJYYTBaZk4yaERZMVZu
>>64690 It works.
>>64690 Oh my god the motherload I love daphney
Glad I could finally get it right. If anyone has some of the newer nikki brooks with her belly prop, would love to see some of those. Have a great holiday
>>64690 wiow never before seen Daphney rose thank you, i didn't think they existed
>>64713 Thanks!
>>64713 yeah some realy good sutff here, thanks for sharing mate
>>64713 >>64690 For some reason links don't work for me. The loading bar just fills up but the folder doesn't appear.
>>64690 Same old shit that has been shared in these threads before - who the fuck are you fooling? (except a bunch of 3rdworlder begfags who are going to upload this shit immediately to thisvid for friend request farming)
>>64713 thanks for uploading some new stuff even if it is worthless giantess/shrinking garbage
>>64776 Some of it is, but there is some daphney stuff that hasn't been shared before since I got it during Black Friday.
>>64776 I'd never seen that DaphneyRose 48 min boss vore one before, your message applies to 98% of stuff shared here except for the one you're replying to. Actually does have stuff never shared before.
>>64782 Fuck off begfag
>>64797 Fuck you too what have you shared here fag
I've paid my dues, I'm the ludella poster from prev threads
Is there a better website for sharing shit besides thisvid? Any vid I upload gets taken down. Tired of using that shit website .
MEGA all the way. Use a burner email and encrypt the link password multiple times.
>>64962 *link and password
Only downside of mega is the 5gb upload/download limit per day
Feel free to remove if this is considered begging, but I'm the guy who shared the Mami Lina vids in the last thread. Was hoping to ask if anybody had any SexyMomof4 content at all. My comp unfortunately had a huge crash and I lost my collection of pregnant women doing same-size vore vids.
how do i use these codes on mega? where do i put them in? like this one: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOWpPV05uVVVSM1NTTmhXamhEVmtka05YRTVNVW93YmxOME1GZDBOM1Iz
>>65044 highly recommend two drives and using freesync
>>65067 Just Google Base64, paste the text, and decode. You might need to decide what it spits out a few times before it gives you a URL. Personally, I have no idea why people do it, let alone do it multiple times.
>>65279 *Decode

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