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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Random Shit and Vore Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 08:12:42 No. 54522
Talk about anything and post anything. Memes, other fetishes, discussions on games and trends, you can do and say anything you want, as long as it isn't illegal it's allowed. I want to fuck this bird.
Does anyone else take a video like this and think of it in a more vorish situation? When I saw this I made up a scenario in my head where when she says arrested she means they were added to her diet and this is the aftermath of her keeping fit after pushing a criminal with the sentences of dog chow. The video is because she burNice personut their phone and got the idea to make their final post for them or just steal their account as well as making a cute video in her uniform to show off her handy work and how criminals make good gains and energy for a cute doggo girl.
>>54541 Burped out was censored
>be me 21 yo >haven't had good luck in dating so far >I'm not bad-looking, but never can't get past talking stage >parents tell me love comes in the least expected moment >one day going out with my friend >accidentally joined Pride event at a place, where we usually eat >I have nothing against homos, or trans, but I fucking hate Prides >tried to ignore all weirdos there and enjoy our food >spotted group of girls sitting in a circle, one of them is pretty cute >came up to her and told her she looked cute >asked for her IG and chatted few days later >went on a date with her and found out it she likes to play videogames, loves anime and watch TV shows like The Boys >she doesn't wear makeup, she has beautiful natural face features >from what she told me it looks like she was socially awkward and was very introverted person and she is trying to change that now >found out she doesn't like Pride that much herself, she was there for her friends >never thought I would say this, but I probably found the love of my life on the fucking Pride >love Is really weird guys, you can't outsmart it
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>>54645 If I had to feed people to her to be with her I would. She is too cute and the idea of going on a date with her, her being all cute and happy, knowing that many people have been turned into her food, would be exciting. I could also tell her about my vore fetish and she would probably find it cute and may end up teasing me about it. If she was a yokai that didn't eat many people or has never eaten anyone, she might start doing it for me if she knew I was into it, and with how supernatural yokai are we could work together to get her to eat people whole, it should be rather easy since she is a bird yokai and birds tend to eat prey whole. I get the feeling it would start with my telling her only to eat assholes and scum bags, but as time goes on my morals would change so much I would tell her to eat random people on the streets.

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>>54756 Even outside of Vore, she is wife material. Cute, sweet, kind, can cook and catch fish, strong, can fly, is protective, and provides free eggs. Her ability and lack of remorse about eating people is just a bonus on top of her charm, also I wouldn't need to worry about her getting fat since Yokai like Rumia eats people regularly and never gets fat, so I doubt a few people a week will be doing much to her waistline, other than making her assets bigger and helping her produce richer eggs. Her victim's sacrifice will help make a great breakfast for us.
What is the NTR equivalent to vore? I was thinking it would be something like muted melody since it has the themes of missed chance, a girl being stolen away for good and the depressing themes you would see in an NTR of what could have been. However, I feel it's missing something to be real NTR. I like tragic shit so I understand why people like NTR but I feel that it really only works if there is some doubt, like maybe she didn't want it at first or later on it was caused by a misunderstanding. So considering that I think angry Vore fits best, like a girl being tricked by a guy into believing her love is a bad person or cheated so she eats him and fucks the other guy. However, I haven't seen anything like it and this is only my opinion. I would be interested in seeing what everyone else thinks and what works you can find that you think is vore NTR.
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>>54769 >I like tragic shit so I understand why people like NTR No, you don't. NTR is MORE than just the cheating aspect. The purpose behind NTR is to break the cuckold by stealing everything beloved from him, and laughing as he does absolutely nothing to fight it because you broke his spirit. If the cuckold fights back or even reclaims his beloved, it isn't NTR. It's rape at that point. In addition, you can ONLY cuck a male character because of a simple thing called biology'. The original term "cuckold" was in reference to when guy failed to propegate his seed and was left to raise another man's child. That doesn't work with women because one guy can impregnate an almost unlimited amount of women, and the child is still her's at the end of the day. Now if you're going to bring up example of people getting off being cucked themselves, that's something ENTIRELY different. It isn't NTR (In the proper tense), it's just another form of submissive play.
>>54772 I never said he would fight back or reclaim his beloved, I said it should be tragic. There should be some resistance or it would be dull, like losing someone because you never took the chance or a misunderstanding that leads to NTR. Yes, you can have it be just a girl falling for another guy, but having no resistance at all would be boring, and when I say resistance I don't mean they didn't want it or something but that they have doubts or may second guess themselves and then they end up loving it. From what I've seen a lot of NTR isn't just a girl wanting to fuck guys, but instead evolves into that, AKA she gets addicted to it. Because knowing that it could have been different makes it more fucked up and compelling. NTR translates to cuckold, but the reasoning for it in a story can be vast (the character doesn't need to be a cuck but is getting cucked), which is why someone who likes tragic shit can also enjoy it. Anyway, from what you've said I would be interested in knowing what you think NTR in Vore would be like and if you have any examples. After all, that was the reason for my post.
>>54787 In retrospect, I think I may have come off a bit too strong in my initial post. >There should be some resistance or it would be dull, like losing someone because you never took the chance or a misunderstanding that leads to NTR. That may count as cheating or betrayal, but that isn't NTR. The point of NTR is to cause the cuckold to suffer. For example, Twin Milf, a doujin classic about a married mother cheating on her absent husband with her sister and her sister's lover, doesn't fall under NTR, just basic infidelity. My Dear Centaur Senpai is attempted NTR, but still isn't NTR and instead just regular old rape because the centaur girl goes crawling back to the human boy she initially loved. And then there's Kyuuketsuki Ni Okasaremakutta Konyakusha Ga Ageku Ni Jishin Mo Kyuuketsuki-Ka Shite Semeru Gawa Ni Naru Hanashi (That's a mouthful) that satisfies almost ALL the conditions for NTR, except that the cuckold is still fighting it out in the end to reclaim his wife. As I said in my initial post, the purpose behind NTR and the people that get off to it, are looking for the cuckold to suffer and to fade in irrelevancy (Often times with suicide being the result) as everything is taken away from him. One example of a regular-ass anime (Not hentai) that would deinfately qualify as NTR is Super Dimension Century Orguss. As Kei steals Mimsy away from her fiance Sley, and Sley does absolutely nothing to stop it (Much more reclaim his love) and is eventually goes out like a bitch (Twice) and immediately forgotten. Another example of NTR would be the manga Anatolia Story, where the cucking actually happens very early on as the fem-protag decides to abandon her home and BF and runs back into the arms of her bishie prince (Despite the fact that the story didn't even NEED that cuck shit in the first place as a dynastic soap opera develops later on between the Egyptian and Hittite prince(s)). And if you actually go through those series, you'll feel this gutch-wrenching pain as you see these characters make these decisions. That is if you're male. If you're a woman, I cannot help you since you ladies get off on this shit even more than cucks do. >NTR translates to cuckold, but the reasoning for it in a story can be vast (the character doesn't need to be a cuck but is getting cucked), which is why someone who likes tragic shit can also enjoy it. It doesn't count as NTR at that point. It may in the "literal translation" sense, but you have to understand that there are three types of NTR if you're going to play that game: <Netori: Literally just cheating/rape <Netorase: Harems and cuckqueens fall under this category <Netorare: THIS is what "true" NTR is And netorare is about mind-breaking the male in the relationship over the fact that he lost his lover. >Anyway, from what you've said I would be interested in knowing what you think NTR in Vore would be like and if you have any examples. After all, that was the reason for my post. I cannot think of any stories as an example (Probably also because I filter nearly all NTR tags), but how NTR would work in vore is that in addition to also stealing the guy's lover, you also deny him the possibility of being digested. In a metaphorical sense, you're not really performing NTR on the victim if they're eaten (With whatever oriface) because they then "become" a part of whoever digests them, and the whole point of NTR is to deny the cuck any possibility of pleasure or even providing a benefit in some way.
To make something a spoiler you put ** before and after the text Test For Bold you use ''' the same way Test
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>>54834 There are quite a few options. Here is a list of them.
Does anyone else feel like they're desensitised when it comes to horror? Seeing the Mexicans over on >>>/hisparefugio/ talked about the Crossed comic series and the thinking about the "basic" concept of this very board and the content that it caters to, I feel like there's really nothing "scary" anymore. I even noticed this years ago when I was even playing horror vidya like Amnesia and The Suffering. And the only recent content I can really attest to receiving chills over is the original Silent Hill released on the PS1. Yes, I have played Resident Evil and similar horror games from that era. They're not scary.

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How many people do you think she had to eat to get that nice ass. It has to be quite a few who met their end in her digestive juices.
>>55014 That's actually from the manga?
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One thing I hate about this fetish is that I can't stop seeing art and wishing they did vore. MerryTail is a great example because I see his stuff and wish he would do sequences where a whole person is shoved up the girl's ass, his asses are some of the best I've seen and he draws frequently.
>>55014 Yes, but sadly she regurgitates him. However, it's a lot better than the anime, which removes the scene in both adaptations. It is said she has devoured people in the past which is why I like Holo because she seems cute with a bit of an attitude, but she is a being that can and has eaten people. You would need balls to talk back to her let alone be with her for more than a few hours, either that or you want to die.
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>>55069 here's the full scene if you want to see it, but it's a bit of a spoiler.
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>>55165 What I find worse is normal H-artists creating one masterpiece that blows 99,5% of the shit on Eka's straight out of the water and then never making vore artwork ever again.
>>55487 Or the ones that make straight up vore, but don't bother on making detailed belly bulges or just straight up DON'T give them belly bulges, like the characters just eat them but their bellies stay flat like they have a black hole that compressed everything or a pocket dimensions in their stomach, makes no fucking sense and it feels like a waste of potential. One example is hataraki aki, dude's got insane talent and has been tapping on vore a lot lately, but yeah, no swallowing scenes, more unbirth than anything and WAY too round bellies, and not only that but they don't make the animation stay a bit longer to appreciate the ending result like, you get to the belly part, half a second, the animation starts again or sudden digestion with no time to appreciate the belly.
>>55506 Or how about artists who do vore, but will also post non-vore content of characters and never draw them in vore. Especially if the character is underutilized in vore. I find this happens to many trendy characters or when artists do one of those art trends. It's just frustrating because most of the time these characters are one of their favourites, yet for some god knows reason they won't draw them in vore at all.
there is one thing I can't fucking stand and it's any of these guys trying to upload their fetish shit to youtube and twitch like emmadook or paramouth. Vore is fucking porn, stop trying to put it in those spaces your weird fuck no one wants to see it there. Especially the odds of kids interacting with this shit just increases and tbh I really don't like any form of porn being in especially normie spaces for that exact reason.
>>55672 You know how emmydook and paramouth identify. Exposing sexual material to children is the entire reason they're doing it.
>>55672 I mean YouTube is kinda fucked in general They made a whole "YouTube kids" app but then still censor the shit out of anything on the main website It's not about kids, it's about advertisers (corps) I mean Emmydook is a gross person anyway but like, YouTube/google is the one that wants it both ways, letting kids on their platform freely and then making everyone else cater to them even with the ability to mark videos as sensitive
For those who watch Hololive, do you think Bijou shits out gems stones or marble instead of shit?
>>55760 no idea, but that would be cool
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did you know you can draw in here? scroll up and click the paint brush icon

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