/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Change my mind /vore1/ Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:09:08 No. 61699
Put your popular/unpopular opinions of this place in this thread, i'll start. The only reason why the loli/shota threads haven't disappeared yet is because joemama4621 has an obsession with children drawn in compromising situations and makes a new one every time it gets bumplocked. Also nobody really knows why the monmusu thread is even pinned, it gets a post every two months or so.
Put this in general chat.
Eka's portal is cancer. Most of the staff is mentally ill, and they have power complexes where they expect people to kiss their ass or jump through hoops to get anything done. If it wasn't for the fact that there is no way in fucking hell I'll associate my twitter handle (which has a phone number on file) with vore artists, I'd have no use for the site and would prefer image boards like this.
>>61701 >"Put this in general chat." where's that
>>61708 agreed
Someone help this guy find general chat.
>>61699 >Put your popular/unpopular opinions of this place in this thread, i'll start. 1) There's nothing wrong with loli/shota and if I were running things there would be no containment threads. >Also nobody really knows why the monmusu thread is even pinned, it gets a post every two months or so. 2) None of the pinned threads need to be there. The containment threads that do exist (much to my aforementioned disagreement) can be mixed in with the rest of the board and found via the catalog. "NO MORE REAL ANIMALS"/"STOP BEGGING IN THE SHARING THREADS" can/already are in red text at the top of the page. >>61708 3) These aren't opinions these are facts. 4) Inanimate object vore is not real vore 5) Cock vore, anal vore, and unbirth are not real vore
>>61733 I ain't gonna tell you... Thought that was implied...
>>61699 >The only reason why the loli/shota threads haven't disappeared yet is because joemama4621 has an obsession with children drawn in compromising situations and makes a new one every time it gets bumplocked. You're wrong for a very simple reason: Loli and shota have NOTHING to do with one's personal tastes. In the case with shota, no one cares about little boys being molested so that's posted everywhere by default. In the case of loli, it's a statement that you approve of "free speech". The very rerason you're posting on 8moe instead of 8kunt is entirely due to the fact that the site administration (Primarily Acid and Mark) drew the line at Pigfarmer and Codemonkey declaring that loli would no longer be allowed. Because there is nothing illegal (At least in the United States) about drawing images of anything and everything. >>61736 >5) Cock vore, anal vore, and unbirth are not real vore Why?
90% of RP characters are either OP power fantasies or generic white people.
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>>61738 >>61736 Being attracted to features associated with children regardless of the meidum is bad, actually
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>>61733 >>61732 is probably talking about the general thread in vore1 but because >>61737 is being a dick about it, we are just going to bump this thread instead
>>61801 >Tell me how I know you are a Nice personfile without telling me
>>61801 >Being attracted to features associated with cannibalism regardless of the meidum is bad, actually >Yeah man I get it that they aren't real and all but I still personally think that the fact that you kill NPCs obviously stylized to look like real people on a regular basis and on top of all that try to pass it as as completely normal human behavior says a lot about you as a person. >Oh, "furry isn't zoophilia, it's just a drawing"? Haha okay whatever you say bro. On a completely unrelated not, can you explain to me what specifically about this character you find sexually attractive? Why do I want to know? Oh no reason just curious haha just go ahead and answer. Yeah, nice and loud, right into this microphone. No don't worry I'm not recording your answer haha just answer the fucking question you sick son of a bitch It must be rather sad coming to the realization that you spent the best years of your life ridiculing people to the point that they would rather love a drawing, even if it's of a deadly demonic nightmare creature from beyond the stars, than put up with your bitchy attitude.
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>>61850 >fails to answer the question >resorts to deflection and pulls a false equivalence argument out of their ass I can at least admit my fantasy is degenerate. However, voreaphilia (which is not the same fetish as cannibalism) is impossible to act on.
>>61808 At least get a new trick, you degens always pull this shit
>>61708 You let Twitter have your phone number? Is that a new thing or something? Like, new-new? Because my account is only maybe a year old, which I made with a throwaway email, just so I could look at smut and porn, since Twitter stupidly made it so that you’d need an account to do anything, even look at update posts about video patches and whatever else. And I never had to enter in a phone number, I don’t think.
>>61801 Eh fuck it, I'll bite, might regret this. For me, I don't like loli art in general, though there is some loli vore art I do enjoy. I don't have any shame in it because I acknowledge it's not how I see people in real life. What I like about some loli vore art is less the physical features and more the dynamics. Like, I've always enjoyed the dynamic in general of "looks and acts cutesy/innocent, but has a dominating personality in private". This has been something I've always liked in vore art in general, and I like it with loli vore art. I'm also going to make it clear that I'm someone that never thought they'd like loli art. Like, for a while I was ashamed of myself for liking it, but once I accepted that it doesn't reflect how I see people in real life, that was when I realized that, to me at least, loli art wasn't as bad as I previously thought since the arguments against it make the assumption that one isn't able to separate fiction from reality. But hey, that's my take, and that said, my only post in this thread.
>>61858 >>fails to answer the question There was no question proposed or presented in your post. >pulls a false equivalence Okay, tell me, how is the argument a "false equivalence"? With the exception of Canada, can you find me a single country that allows cannibalism, bestiality, and/or murder?
>>61859 Oh I get it, you are scared of under age people that's why you want to fuck them!
>>61801 I get it, you beat your dick to loli vore and you're feeling guilty, you don't have to take it out on the rest of us. >>61865 Same, I like shortstack pred and smaller pred/larger prey for a similar reason. I don't like loli outside of extreme juxtaposition in dynamics like it's huge boob and huge ass variants.The thought of someone so small stuffing themselves to the brink with food or another person is hot.
>>61901 It's so strange seeing people actually make the distinction between loli and short-stack. Loli is based on age, and short-stack describes a person's height and weight. I always think it's funny when someone tries to say "no they're both umbrella terms!" Like bruh, just say you like what you like without trying to hide it, literally no one actually gives a shit but highschooler twitter users and their autistic 35 year old followers.
This flood of hugboxy vore fans need ground up into dog food. They'll exclude you for not being "nice", but what's the goddamn point of it when they can't even define what "nice" is anyway? The majority of them are ABDL or some other "kiddy" or autistic, and I mean this literally by their own admission (not as an insult). You can't change my mind, I just wanted to vent.
>>61858 > Impossible to act on* * unless you're lucky enough to be small enough to be snake chow and locate or raise a snake for the purpose
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>>61919 >It's so strange seeing people actually make the distinction between loli and short-stack. Anyone with a brain knows the difference. Retards, such as those going on about "Muh morals", don't. Need look no further than Australia as an example of where this leads IRL. Where it is illegal to photograph a woman in the nude, regardless of how advanced in her years she is, if she is below a certain height and/or below a certain cupsize because that image will be deemed, by the law, as "Democrat activismography". >Loli is based on age No, it's not. The existence of lolibabas disprove the whole "It's about the age" moral argument absolute retards attempt to argue. >Like bruh, just say you like what you like without trying to hide it That people like cute things? >>61925 Or if you're into hard vore.
He makes good fucking art but he's also into shit. When confronted about it he just says "Well actually it's a natural part of the digestion process, i don't know why people are so mad about it" FIRST OF ALL: (not in this tweet) He makes that statement while being on the fantasy cannibalism forum while also drawing bellies that AREN'T EVEN PHISICALLY POSSIBLE FOR THE ANIMALS THAT HE DRAWS and also sometimes draws them being eaten by THE ASS and/or THE PUSSY. SECOND OF ALL: SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGGOT I'M TRYING TO POLISH THE BANISTER NOT LEARN ABOUT FUCKING ANATOMY, every fucking time i see shit it's an instant boner killer.
>>61938 I'm into scat, but Shoelace is mentally ill, so fuck the motherfucker anyway.
>>61940 >Shoelace is mentally ill No fucking way, are you serious? Wich one of his mental illnesses???
>>61947 Claims to be a "system", made up of Shoe and Lacey, implying two people share one real world body.
>>61949 You do realize that can be a LARP, right?
>>61950 Let's say it is. Okay. Then they're still mentally ill for thinking that's appropriate social behavior. Heads, they're genuinely convinced they're two people in one body and mentally ill. Tails, they're LARPing and exhibiting antisocial behavior... and mentally ill.
>>61736 Agree with no. 5), as normal people see vorarephiles as freaks, I see people who enjoy cock/anal/unbirth vore as freaks, lol.
>>61947 I think they claimed they were a couple with one handling the art and the other managing.
I'll do you one: I HATE no internal views, without internal views its just a girl with big belly. Vore without internal views is just inflation !
>>61973 Clearly you've not put up with their shit or you'd know better.
>>61736 >>61962 I do agree with no. 5, but its literally all just personal preference type shit If you are just in for it for the belly and you don't really care about swallowing and shit, then 90% of av+ub is pretty much interchangeable with ov. In the end of the day, you're just whacking off to some fantasy of a girl with a comically large belly Cv is a bit more complicated imo. Its probably just gays or girls who actually like it, and unlike ov+av+ub, there's absolutely no emphasis on the belly. Not for me, but idc enough to hate it We're all freaks regardless. Might as well try to play nice
>>61993 >>61962 >>61736 Unbirth is my favourite type of vore. Honestly, I like it better than oral or anal because I feel there's more likely to be a sense of permanence since most unbirth art doesn't seem to hint at digestion, which makes sense cause there's nothing there to digest you and the art that still incorporates digestion with unbirth make no sense to me. I also like that it's more directly connect to the errogenous zone, and that it my mind connects to someone's endless struggles and torment in a woman's belly being essentially endless pleasure to her.
>>61736 Just because you don't like inanimate, cock, anal, or unbirth doesn't make it not vore. Definitely an unpopular, uneducated, and honestly absolutely shit opinion
>>61699 <I can't actually believe I've made a really active thread only on my third attempt lol
>>61976 Stop jerking off only to circle bellies then. An artistically defined bulge can more than make up for no internals.
Here's my opinion There is zero point in trying to make this board into a "fun interactive community where people can discuss interesting topics and have productive and meaningful conversations". Nobody actually gives a fuck about your opinion or mine. All of us here are anonymous posters who may as well be bots. Whenever any of the active threads start devolving into people spouting their bullshit takes it undermines the essential purpose of this board. This is a place for people to leech vore content that they can't find or are too poor/lazy to find anywhere else. That is all it has to be and nothing else. This kind of thread is useless clutter on the front page. Please don't make it anymore.
mates im so fucked. i always hated being into vore and AV, literally since i was like 8-9 ive been into it, i didn't even get a chance to develop normally. i even tried jacking it to "normal" porn to no avail. side note has anyone EVER told anyone IRL about their vore fetish? i got close to one time after a bottle of wine but im so glad i shut my mouth and dint turn into another Anal Vore party copy pasta
>>62175 Okay, how can you say it's something sexual when you cite being into since you were Democrat supporting? You don't make sexual connections before that.
>>62386 LOL what the censor 😂 SINCE YOU WERE that age
>>62386 Probably kphoria shit or something like that
The highest quality vore is always funking snake, tail and monster vore and I funking hate it. Then you also have the asian guys who only make giantess micro where vore is bearly apart of it which is better then the snake, tail and monster vore, but still socks to see the never do same size or focuse on vore.
>>62175 nah bro its a curse u either turn it to an adventage by turning off ur dick ( never masturbating again u only get ur wife pregnant and thats it ) and that works i tried it and became someone not intrested in sex at all after a while but u can get back to it easily whenever u want and when u do u get back haaard to me its something ill take to the grave like no one can help u with it if its a problem and i doubt someone is gonna do vore for u if u told them so theres no reason to say
>>62447 i feel u mate btw ive been away from the community for about 10 years now can anyone tell me why theres no real vore around? i remeber makayla and zera stuff was always around what happend
>>62748 moralfags
>>62749 chill man and if u got better realistic options plz let us know or stfu
actually nvm that stfu i got irritated sry
>>62749 oh fak i thoght u ment me seems im a fag too just not the moral one im double sry now
i dont know if u understod what happend but my stupidity is rly the best comedy sometimes is there somewhere vore community went after everything got nuked or did it just die?
>>62755 Depends on what you're interested in. I can only say as much for the furry side of vore, where in a lot of us older contentfags are dropping out of the community, filtered by age I think, and the newer artists don't want to post on gallery sites, only twitter and discord. So then you get the community fractured into even smaller discord servers where maybe occasionally the people "in the know" will meet up from across different servers in VRchat. It's a pain...I've taken some steps in bullying newer artists in my server to update their gallery sites though.
The vast majority of live-action vore videos are utter dogshit.
I don't find it hot when the prey dies permanently. I prefer when it's non-fatal or there's reformation.
>>62821 I personally think the weight of permanence feels much hotter. but I tend to treat all vore as permanent, until the artist wants to draw them again. lol The artist DweetTea? They don't ever and have never, outright ever said they do perma, but if you pay close attention to their characters, they replace them periodically, and have never shown anyone again after they're digested. Like if it's just not even acknowledged, and even their audience seems to not notice it either, that' just makes it that much better, haha
>>62820 Paramouth Pictures really set the fucking bar, because holyshit, before them, it was kinda half way decent looking whores just pointing the camera at their mouth, while the horny camera man can't stop trying to frame her feet.
>>62772 I legitimately miss when the furry vore community was as tightknit as it was. You really only see that among's Eka's user, because they're the only ones who have really stayed from that original community for so long. All the old heads just know each other, because you REALLY had to put yourself out there to know anyone. And then you have all these new LITERALLY CHI-LDREN entering the fandom, and then going all ethnic cleansing on anything they want to hate on, not realizing that the entire fandom was created by and for US, They all came in treating it like fucking highschool, and furry, fandom, vore, all of the internet, is all fucked up because of them. I hate them with a passion.
>>62827 I actually agree with you. Recently the kids have found easier access to NSFW, both them and the minority of them that found view (or other fetishes) just came in and started just being annoying as fuck. And if they only used more than 2 neurons for their fucking brain they would realise that if they don't like it then they should GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR COMMUNITY
i agree with u 2 that beeing said i wanna drop a bomb on both of u guys when i said where did the vore stuff go i ment like real vore u know like zera and old fashioned fish funnelings
like is there a new community for that or that just died?
>>62827 like wise i hate these kind of ppl like u do problem is i dont know how to hate them even more if that community is dead because of them i remeber times where zera and makayla stuff where allover the place now i cant find shit and ive been away from this for about 8 years maybe more needeles to say i didnt save them back then
>>62826 I've got bad news for you anon. All the internal shots are made by a dude. You've been jacking it to a man's internals.
>>62897 Thanks to puppy crushing freaks, there are new laws that make videos like that carry a stiff legal consequence in the USA, so you'll probably be seeing a lot less of them and/or a lot more Asians doing them.
>>62941 Post any of that shit here and I will personally hunt you down and rape you to death.
My dude, take you fucking meds, all I was doing was answering the question.
>>62941 thanks for answering man but i got one more question when u said puppy crushing like u ment it litterily? like im into girls eating mice at this point i would beleave that theres ppl who would be into that,,,sry if it wasnt a thing and i sounded super weird but is it rly a thing???????
>>62925 savage if i were him i would have some serius mental problems after realizing that
Oh look another thread that devolved into retards spouting their retard opinions again. Who could have possibly predicted this. lol. lmao.
>>62986 Yes, that's a real thing and a real law. See congressional record at: https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/2293
>>62864 >Recently the kids have found easier access to NSFW What are you talking about? My decent into porn was just typing into Goolag "Naked women". By the time I entered high school, I was already desensitized to shitting dick nipples and seeing drawings BBQing each other. That's not to mention that "educational material" lists it all right there without any censorship applied because it's "educational". >>62986 >when u said puppy crushing like u ment it litterily? I take it that you don't know about how rampant illegal material was on 4/b/ back in the old days.
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>>62175 >Anal Vore party copy pasta I need to know.
damn i thoght my vore fetish was the second worst shit u can get into after u know what thanks for answering man
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>>63057 Don't disown him. You're just perpetuating a cycle where people can't be open and honest about what they're feeling. Instead, be like "oh, that's fine then" and then move on with life. Turn into something that people can just say and it's not a big fucking deal. It's because people are ashamed and feel like it's a big fucking deal that we end up with stories like this.
>>63057 >Like seriously, first of all, WHY WOULD YOU COME OUT ABOUT YOUR FETISHES TO YOUR FAMILY Because then you cannot be your "true whole self" since you're controlling how you act out your sexual urges. And that's a "bad thing" because it's evidence that society is "wrong" and needs to be remade to be more "accepting". You're not witnessing anything new as these autists have always existed. The only difference is that it was previously hidden behind hundreds of paragraphs of pseudo-intellectual nonsense two centuries ago: https://infogalactic.com/info/Discourse_on_Inequality >>63058 >It's because people are ashamed and feel like it's a big fucking deal that we end up with stories like this. No, it's not. Reread the screencap. The autist made it a big deal all on his own because he tied his IDENTITY' (His very existence) to anal vore. THAT'S where the problem stems. No one really gives a shit what specific orientation of squiggles on a sheet of paper gives a person a stiffy. The problem becomes that's your only personality trait and you don't ever shut the fuck up about it. THAT'S the reason why the internet hates furfags. THAT'S the reason why /pol/ stopped being fun. THAT'S the reason why "boys clubs" hate women ever getting involved. And THAT'S the reason why everyone hates anything claiming to be "LGBT". Because that's your ENTIRE existence, you're going to make sure that everyone knows about it, and anyone who complains needs to be removed because they're the person causing the "real" problems.
>>62987 I definitely felt a little sick when someone on here told me that for the first time. But luckily I don't think I've ever actually nutted to a Paramouth video.
>>63032 This has to be a joke right?
>>63066 I'm >>63058 , and I'm not reading a schizo post from someone who clearly has jumped the shark.
>>63070 >I'm not reading a schizo post Yet you're going to argue that "society" is the problem?
>>63071 > durhur read my schizo post No.
>>63068 Almost certainly, but you can never be sure...
>>63058 Last time i checked, when we broke that "cycle where people can't be open and honest about what they're feeling" homosexuals and trannies started to feel the freedom to molest children and try to force them to mutilate their genitals, with furries also feeling the freedom to be able to fuck animals without their consent [ANIMALS CAN'T CONSENT, THAT'S A BIOLOGICAL FACT.]. And countless other horrors trying to be normalised around the globe. We have gotten to a point that you can be open about liking fucking VORE and rub it all in the faces of normal peole and THEY'll have to tolerate it because if they don't the liberfags will cry that they're being fascist. This is going to be probably the most unpopular opinion on this forum, but bullying was what made people think twice before saying they liked children, liked animals, were gay, had a mental illness and thought they were a gender they really weren't, you get it. Bullying made people repress their fucked up thoughts and forced them to act like civilized human beings who actually contributed something to society, and if you were too fragile you would just kill yourself and make society stronger. The point is that i'm trying to make is that it's NOT ok to be into vore and you should be fucking ashamed of it, but not just vore, any other fetish/kink is also in that list. Are you in the bed with a consenting partner? You can do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't hurt you or them (optional) Are you in a public discord server full of normal people, in the street walking by, in the work, on a random forum about videogames, or any other public place you can imagine? DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR FUCKING FETISHES AND STAY ON TOPIC, WE DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HOW YOU WOULD LOVE TO BE EATEN ALIVE/EAT SOMEONE/SOMETHING ALIVE.
>>63118 get some help.
>>63118 > Here's another schizpost then, read it! No.
>>63141 >>63148 >>63072 >>63070 Imagine coming to a discussion thread just to try and shut it down when you don't like the responses your getting! If you don't want to engage, then leave faggots
>>63153 > read the schizoposts or else I'll cry No.
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>>63118 >ANIMALS CAN'T CONSENT, THAT'S A BIOLOGICAL FACT Our friends over on >>>/zoo/ would disagree with you. >And countless other horrors trying to be normalised around the globe. Actually, no, it's the reverse. Many of these "horrors" have always existed in human societies since the dawn of time. However religion, civilization, and progress tended to result in those "horrors" being extremely discouraged if not outlawed because it was seen as causing social distrust or indications of one being no better than an animal. Even in societies that were outright sexual degenerates like the Romans and the Japanese, they still adhered to the decency of keeping those activities behind closed doors. >>63141 >>63148 >>63154 Like OMG, why are ya-all so triggered just because people say stuff you don't like? :^)
>>63154 If you don't like my post then you are free to just ignore it and get the fuck out of here, you can also mute this thread so it doesn't hurt your feelings (optional) I'm the guy that posted the "schizopost" and also created this thread, you on the other hand, WOW, we can see your tears rolling down your cheeks, also your faggotry was so forseeable that fucking ChatGPT predicted you.
>>63032 my man u messed up rly bad like i would admit murder and wont say i have a vore fetish its just a rule for me and i advise u to go by it after u change ur name and live else where unless i got a million bucks to spare so maybe ill tell the bitch ill get from the other half of the planet right before i kill her after i cum sry for my dark jokes and rly its not the end of the world i messed up too before i hope u take the jokes from a fello vore guy like if we were brothers (tho u wont be ever my brother cuz if u were i would have killed u) but rly bro u messed up dont do that again dont be soft and never think about that comming out party again thats a gay consept just open anal vore for 5 mins wank and move on go to the gym or learn an instrument or something its just sex ur family shouldnt be involved about that and surely its not fair to ask them to support u thro ur degenracy manup and be degenrate on your own leave them out of it get ur self assurance from ur own self thats what having a dick dictates
>>63156 >Our friends over on >>>/zoo/ would disagree with you. "our" friends? What do you mean with "our" firends? You mean mentally fucked up people that try giving the world the worst shitty fucking arguments for raping animals? Here's some REAL evidence so you get a little educated :3 REASONS WHY ANIMALS CAN'T CONSENT: 1- Lack of Language: Animals cannot use human language to verbally communicate agreement or refusal in a clear, mutually understood manner. 2- Limited Cognitive Capacity: Animals do not have the complex reasoning abilities required to fully understand actions, consequences, or the concept of consent itself. 3- Instinct-Driven Behavior: Their actions are primarily guided by instincts and conditioned responses rather than deliberate, informed choices. 4- Inability to Understand Human Contexts: Animals cannot comprehend human social, cultural, or situational nuances that influence consent. 5- Non-Shared Decision-Making Framework: There is no mutual framework between humans and animals for making informed decisions about interactions. 6- Physical Signals Are Ambiguous: While animals can exhibit behaviors that humans might interpret as positive or negative, these signals are not intentionally communicated as consent or refusal. Sources: Marc Bekoff, (2007). The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy — and Why They Matter. Bekoff explores animal cognition and ethics, highlighting their emotional capacities but not consent as humans understand it. Francione, G. L. (2008). Animals as Persons: Essays on the Abolition of Animal Exploitation. Discusses the limits of animal autonomy and the implications of human interaction. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2005). Ethics of Science and Technology: Explorations of the Frontiers of Science and Ethics. Analyzes ethics around non-human beings and consent frameworks.
>>63157 > I'll post another schizopost, they'll definitely read that No.
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>>63161 >What do you mean with "our" firends? If 8moe was an apartment building, they're just five doors down. >Animals cannot use human language Why does the language matter? If that's the justification, then one can argue that anyone who doesn't speak your own native language is not "human", which has been the precedent in some past societies dating back millennia. That's even where we get the word "Barbarian" from. >Animals do not have the complex reasoning abilities required to fully understand actions, consequences, or the concept of consent itself. What is the standard and the proof for this? >Their actions are primarily guided by instincts and conditioned responses rather than deliberate, informed choices. The same can be said for humans. In fact, that's been Socialism's biggest argument since it existed in it's proto-form with Rousseau and his theory of "The social contract". >Animals cannot comprehend human social, cultural, or situational nuances that influence consent. The same can be said for people who travel between something as small as a state. Hell, Canada has the same heritage and is a neighbor of the U.S., yet there are many aspects of their society, culture, and situational nuances are absolutely alien to those of us living in America. >There is no mutual framework between humans and animals for making informed decisions about interactions. Again, what is the standard and the proof for this? >While animals can exhibit behaviors that humans might interpret as positive or negative, these signals are not intentionally communicated as consent or refusal. The same can be said for women, you know. To be quite blunt, all of your points rely upon fallacious arguments that have been used and rejected by people for the past 500 years when it comes to the different human races intermingling with each other.
>>63165 >If 8moe was an apartment building, they're just five doors down. Still doesn't make them your friends. The just "live" in the same building. >Why does the language matter? So both parties know they are consenting to each other. Communication is important
>>63171 >Communication is important There's other methods of communication other than language. If an animal is backing you into a corner and humping you, it's pretty clear what the animal wants. Not to mention that we know why animals act the way they do.
>>63172 Yes there is other forms of communication but that doesn't answer the question about the animal giving consent to your sexual acts. I can only think of 1 scenario in which the animal is consenting to it.
Jesus, we got a sweaty schizo posting about trans people arguing with a dude that wants to raw dog his labrador
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>>63164 Cope.
>>63316 And you are still here reading said "schizopost" while also complaining and saying you're not reading it lmao
>>63171 He wants to fuck animals but also knows it's morally AND legally bad, so he forces himself to think animals can consent, there is no rational way of changing his mind.
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>>63766 >>63769 literally you're this picture now, goddamn troll better or don't troll at all
>>63827 >Posting soyjack
I have no problem with people reposting other peoples content under two stipulations: 1. They credit the original artist. 2. They do not try to pass off someone else's work as their own. For example vore.writer on Instagram writes stories to accompany pictures. At first they credited the original artist then at some point they decided that the images they found were their own and stopped crediting trying to pretend they made the art.
>>64133 Oh yeah that guy. What's crazy is I have asked them before to credit the orginial artist and they just straight up blocked me. Something not quite right about them
>>63827 That's some insane projection right there
The fact that any of you fags, read, post, or even come to this website shows that you have a fucked up mentality.
>>63154 the inability for the left to have a civil conversation is truly something deserving of a study
>>61699 Most of us got into vore because we got highly subjected to it as children without realising
>>61699 I need to know. Do i speak for everyone when i say that i hate it when walls of text appear in sharing threads? Seriously, i'm trying to clean the frying pan handle, not read what someone has to think about a drawing or ppl arguing

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